Searching for records from 1903
There are 6372 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Abbott Fredabbott002har19034/25-77 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Abbott Spencerabbott001spe19035/29-6/28 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Abbott Spencerabbott001spe19037/7-8/27 FargoNorthern League ,
Abbott abbott001spe19035/21-6/6 FargoNorthern League ,
Abernathy Shieldsaberna000shi19039/1 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Abernathy Shieldsaberna000shi1903 Nashville Southern Association ,
Ables Harryables-001har1903 Southwestern UnivCollege ,
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19034/25-6/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19036/18-6/22 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19036/25-9/5 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Accorsini Leoaccors001leo1903no g. Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Adams Harryadams-005har19037/21-9/25 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Adams Rickadams-006har190341 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Adams Harryadams-006har19034/27-9/19 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Adams Joeadams-003jos1903+5/14+ Omaha-Cap.HillsIndependent ,
Adams Joeadams-003jos19038/25-9/3 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Adams Miltonadams-103---19035/8-6/13 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Adams Miltonadams-001cly1903 Anadarko ITIndependent ,
Adams Theodoreadams-001the19035/22-6/6 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Adams Theodoreadams-001the1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Adams Thomasadams-011tho19033 g. HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Adams adams-103---19035/8-6/13 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Adams adams-103---1903+8/25+ Anadarko ITIndependent ,
Adams adams-102---1903+6/16-6/17+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Adams adams-102---1903+6/30-7/14+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Adams adams-020---19036/7 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Adams adams-055---19038/8 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Adkins Merleadkins001mer19037/11-9/15 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Adrian Bertadrian001ber1903 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Agan Joeagan--001jos1903+7/26+ AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Agnew Peteagnew-001pet1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Ahearn Walterahearn001wal19035/9-7/21 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Ahearn Walterahearn001wal19038/1-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Ahlin Alviaahlin-001a--1903+6/1 Greeley NEIndependent ,
Ahlin Alviaahlin-001a--1903+6/17-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Ahlin Alviaahlin-001a--1903 Holdrege NEIndependent ,
Ahorn Dadahorn-001a--1903+7/8+ Oklahoma CityIndependent ,
Ahorn Dadahorn-001a--19037/15-8/29 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Akers Abeakers-001abe1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Akers Abeakers-001abe1903+7/20+ Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Akers Leeakers-001jak19035 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Akers Leeakers-001jak1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Akers Leeakers-001jak19039/15-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Akin Royakin--001roy1903+6/11+ Columbia TNIndependent ,
Akin Royakin--001roy19037/15-8/13 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Alberts Gusalbert001gus19036/23-8/24 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Alberts Cyalbert001fre19034/30-9/13 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Alberts Bobbyalbert002rob190371 g. Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Aldrich Robertaldric000rob19036/6-6/11 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Alexander Billalexan005wil19036/5-7/6 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Alexander Billalexan005wil19037/9-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Alexander Billalexan005wil19038/27-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Alhern alhern000---19036/11 GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Allemang Harryallema001har19035/13-7/5 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Allemang Harryallema001har19037/26-9/11 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Allen Georgeallen-003geo19035/2-7/29+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Allen Charlieallen-005cha1903 Bates CollegeCollege ,
Allen Charlieallen-005cha19036/16-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Allen Charlieallen-005cha19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Allen allen-061---19036/17-7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/Webb City,
Allen allen-098---19038/5 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Allis Hankallis-001han1903 Waterloo IAIndependent ,
Allis Hankallis-001han190340 g. Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League Sioux City,
Allotta allott001---1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Alloway Arthurallowa001art19035/1-7/11 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Alloway Arthurallowa001art19037/16-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Allyn Peterallyn-001pet1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Alpermann Whiteyalperm001cha1903116 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Altizer Davealtize001dav19034/22-5/30 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Altizer Davealtize001dav19036/5-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic19031 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic190313 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Amberger Georgeamberg000geo19036/25-8/19 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Ames Redames--002leo19035/9-8/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Ames Redames--002leo19032 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Amole Docamole-001doc19035/12-7/24 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Amole Docamole-001doc19038/8-9/25 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Anderson Johnanders010joh1903138 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Anderson Andyanders003and1903 Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Anderson Andyanders003art190310 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Anderson Andyanders003art19034/14-  Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Anderson Andyanders003art1903-10/4  Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1903no g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1903+6/6+80 g. Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Anderson Smylie1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Anderson Ollieanders001oll1903 UmpireNorthern League ,
Anderson Edward19038/6-8/24 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Anderson Goatanders003edw19034/30-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Anderson Willanders026wil19038/23 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Anderson anders105---19039/7,9/22 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Anderson anders124---19036/16 Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Andrews Docandrew001jay190376 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Andrews Docandrew001jay190325 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Andrews Georgeandrew006geo1903243 ab Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Andrews Georgeandrew006geo1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Andrews Charlesandrew001cha19037/20-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Andrews Charlesandrew001cha19038/24 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Andrews Glennandrew001gle190323 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Andrews Glennandrew001gle19038/15-8/17 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Andrews andrew041---19035/7-6/30 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Andrews andrew060---19038/31 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym1903 ,
Anklam Ernestanklam001ern19035/7-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Annis Billannis-001wil19035/20-91 g. Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Apperious Samuel1903 Georgetown Univ.College ,
Applegate Fredappleg002fre19034/30-6/22 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Applegate Fredappleg002fre19036/30-8/17 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Applegate Fredappleg002fre19038/23-9/16 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Archer Jimmyarcher001jam19036/10-7/4 FargoNorthern League ,
Arellanes Frankarella001fra1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Arellanes Frankarella001fra1903 San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Arick Jack1903 SoCa ,
Arlington Josepharling001jos19035/8-6/13 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Arlington Josepharling001jos1903+8/17+ St. AlbansNorthern New York League ,
Armbruster Charliearmbru001cha19035/7-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Armbruster Harryarmbru001har19034/30-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Armour Billarmour001wil1903 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Armstrong Louarmstr001lou19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Armstrong Jimmyarmstr002jim19038/8 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Arndt Harryarndt-001har19034/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Arnold Tomarnold002---19036/24-6/27 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Arthur Edarthur002sta1903no g. Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Arthur Edarthur002sta19035/11-7/18 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Arthur Johnarthur001joh1903 Kewanee ILIndependent ,
Arthur Johnarthur001joh1903+7/28-8/8+ Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Arthurs John190314 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Ashe Steveashe--001ste19035/25-6/2 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19035/4-8/18 NashuaNew England League ,
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19039/1-9/14 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Ashline ashlin000---19037/4 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Ashmore Jamesashmor001j--1903 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Ashmore Jamesashmor001j--1903 Washington StateCollege ,
Ashton Jackashton001joh1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Asmussen Tomasmuss001tho1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Spri,
Asmussen Tomasmuss001tho190312 g. Spalding/ElginIntSt ,
Aspinwall Claudeaspinw002---19035/10-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Aspinwall Willieaspinw001wil19035/9 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Aspinwall Willieaspinw001wil19037/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Atherton Charlieathert001cha19035/4-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Atkinson Newtatkins001new1903+6/16+ Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Atkinson Newtatkins001new190315 g. HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Atkinson atkins021---19036/19-6/21 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Attridge Raymondattrid000ray19035/4-5/8 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Attridge Raymondattrid000ray19037/9-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Atz Jakeatz---001joh19034/25-7/31 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Atz Jakeatz---001joh19038/11-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Aubrey Harryaubrey001har1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Aubrey Harryaubrey001har19036/5-6/19 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Auslet Jack1903 Thibodaux LAIndependent ,
Auslet Jack1903 Alexandria LAIndependent ,
Austin Jimmyaustin002jam1903no g. Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Austin Jimmyaustin002jam1903 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Austin Jimmyaustin002jam1903 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Babb Charliebabb--001cha19034/17-121 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo1903102 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo19037/12-8/9 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Bachman bachma003---19037/1-7/4 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Backof Alexbackof001ale19034/28-6/11 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Bacon Louisbacon-001jam19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Badel Frederick1903 Sharon PAIndependent ,
Bader Artbader-001art1903-04 StL.-Central HSHS ,
Badger Frankbadger001fra19035/4-5/26 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Badger Frankbadger001fra19036/10-6/20 UmpireCentral League ,
Baer Willbaer--001wil19035/21-6/12+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Baer Willbaer--001wil19036/19-  Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Baerwald Charlesbaerwa001cha19034/25-19 g. San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Baerwald Charlesbaerwa001cha19038/1-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Bagby 1903 Augusta GAIndependent ,
Bagley Jackbagley001joh1903+5/12+ Pottsville PAIndependent ,
Bailey Kingbailey001kin19034/29-8/10 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Bailey Kingbailey001kin1903+9/2-9/4+6 g. ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Bailey Harveybailey003har19034/23-8/1 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Bailey Harveybailey003har19038/6-9/19 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Bailey Georgebailey001ger1903 Springfield HSHighSchool ,
Bailey Georgebailey001ger1903 E. LongmeadowIndependent ,
Bailey Georgebailey001ger19035/16-6/7 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam19034/30-5/6 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Baker Erniebaker-002ear190322-9 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Baker L. G.1903 Northern New York League ,
Baker Johnbaker-001joh19036 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Baker Johnbaker-001joh19034/15-20 g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Baker Roybaker-003roy19035/10-9/5 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Baldwin O. H.baldwi001h--19035/2-5/26 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Balis balis-000---1903+6/17-6/18+ MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Ball Artball--003art1903 Sycamore ILIndependent ,
Ball Eugeneball--001eug19035/2-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Ball Harryball--003har19035/1- Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Ball Harryball--003har1903-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Ball Nealball--001cor19038/1-8/29 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Ball Nealball--001cor1903 Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Ball Walter1903 Chic.-UnionGiantsIndependent ,
Ballantyne Jimballen001jam1903+5/9-7/21+ Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Ballinger Martyballin002mar19035/3 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Bammert Josephbammer001joh1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1903 U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc19036/24-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Bankhead Cecilbankhe001cec19035/2-7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Neva/Webb City,
Bankhead Cecilbankhe001cec19037/19-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Bannon Jimmybannon001jam19034/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Bannon Tombannon001tho19035/7-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Bannon Georgebannon001geo19035/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Bannon Georgebannon001geo19034/30-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Bannon Billbannon001wil19035/8-7/29 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Bannon Billbannon001wil19038/3-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Bantz Erniebantz-001e--1903+6/5-7/24+ Fort Dodge IAIndependent ,
Barber Billybarber001wil1903 Ionia MIIndependent ,
Barber Davebarber001dav19035/11-9/19 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Barber Frankbarber001fra190326 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Barber Frankbarber001fra19035/2-8/15 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Barbour Louisbarbou001lou19035/2-8/26 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo1903108 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Barker Billybarker002bil19037/29-8/1 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Barker Billybarker002bil1903no g. Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Barker Harrybarker001har190334 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Barksdale G.1903 Winston-SalemIndependent ,
Barndollar Harrybarndo001har1903+6/21+ Coffeyville KSIndependent ,
Barnes Williambarnes001wil1903+9/2-9/10+18 g. PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh19035/3-9/25 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Barnett Billbarnet010---1903+5/3+ U. TennesseeCollege ,
Barnett Billbarnet021---19036/15-7/19 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Barnett Billbarnet010---1903+8/27-9/12 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Barngrover Charles1903 Larned KSIndependent ,
Barnsdorfer barnsd000---19036/14 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Barnstead Frederick1903-04 Dorchester HSSchool ,
Barnwell 1903 Yale Univ.College ,
Barnwell 1903 E. Douglas MAIndependent ,
Barnwell 1903 Paul SmithIndependent ,
Barrett Charleybarret002cha19034/25- Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Barrett Charleybarret002cha1903-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Barrington Edwardbarrin000edw19035/1-5/20 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Barrow Edbarrow001edw1903 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Barry Johnbarry-002joh1903 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Barry Jimmybarry-002jam19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Barry Jimmybarry-002jam1903-7/27 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Barry Thomasbarry-002tom19037/11-9/12 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Barry Thomasbarry-002tom1903 Bowdoin CollegeCollege ,
Barry Tombarry-001tho19035/2-8/9 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Barry Tombarry-001tho19038/14-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Barry Josephbarry-003jos1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Barry Josephbarry-003jos1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Barry barry-025---19038/11 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Barry barry-022---19038/31-9/1 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Barthel Charlesbarthe000cha19036/17 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Barthold Johnbartho001joh1903 Coatesville PAIndependent ,
Barthold Johnbartho001joh1903 Chester PAIndependent ,
Barthold Johnbartho001joh1903 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Barthold Johnbartho001joh1903 Harrisburg PA Independent ,
Barthold Johnbartho001joh1903postseason PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Bartholomew R. L.bartho000rl-19039/11-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bartis J. L.1903 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Bartley Billbartle001wil19034/25-8/27 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Bartley Billbartle001wil19038/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Bartley Billbartle001wil19039/15 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bartley Johnbartle001joh19034/25-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Barton Harrybarton001har1903+7/6-7/22+ Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Barton Jamesbarton001jam19035/1-5/29 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Barton Jamesbarton001jam19035/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Bartos Jackbartos001joh19035/20-39 g. Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Bartos Jackbartos001joh19039/17-9/20 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Bashore Forestbashor001for1903 Paulding OHIndependent ,
Bashore Forestbashor001for19037/16-8/24 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Bashore Forestbashor001for19038/28-9/6 DallasPlayoffs ,
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19035/10 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19035/27 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19036/9-6/22 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19036/25-7/21 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19038/21-9/2 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Bassett Frank19035/21-? Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Bassey Johnbassey001joh1903 StL.-White SealsIndependent ,
Bassey Johnbassey001joh1903+8/23-9/23 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Batch Emilbatch-001emi19035/8-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Bateman Fredbatema001fre1903 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Bateman Quaitbatema002h--19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Bateman Quaitbatema002h--19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Bates bates-037---1903+7/20-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Battam Larrybattam001lar19035/7-7/6 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Battam Larrybattam001lar19037/7-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Bauer Jacobbauer-001jac19035/2-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Baum Charlesbaum--002cha19033 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Baxter Moosebaxter001joh1903126 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Baxter Frankbaxter002fra19035/2-5/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Baxter Frankbaxter002fra19037/10 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bay Harrybay---001har1903 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Bayless Dickbayles001har19035/2-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Bayless Dickbayles001har1903 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Bayne Alvabayne-001alv1903 Dalton GAIndependent ,
Bayne Alvabayne-001alv19039/1-9/12 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Bean Joebean--001jos19034/30-9/25 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Beard Jimmybeard-001jam1903 Norristown PAIndependent ,
Beard Jimmybeard-001jam19036/20-8/15 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Beard Jimmybeard-001jam1903+8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Beaumont Frankbeaumo001fra1903 Woonsocket GymsIndependent ,
Beck Ervebeck--001erv19034/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Beckendorf Henrybecken001hen190370 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Becker Bobbecker001bob19034/30-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Becker Arthurbecker002art1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Beckley Jakebeckle001jac1903120 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Beebe Fredbeebe-001fre19036/13-7/3 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Beecher Harrybeeche000har19038/8-8/9 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Beedles Johnbeedle002joh190329 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Beedles Johnbeedle002joh1903 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Beeker Williambeeker001wil1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Behan Thomasbehan-000tom1903 Huntsville ALIndependent ,
Behan Thomasbehan-000tom1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Behan Thomasbehan-000tom19038/21-9/6+ HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Belden Irabelden002ira19034/28-9/13 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Belden Billybelden001wil19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Belt Frankbelt--001fra190383 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Belt Frankbelt--001fra1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Spri,
Belt Harrybelt--001hic19035/10-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Beltzer Orenbeltze001buc19036/15-6/29 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Beltzer Orenbeltze001buc19037/1 Arapahoe NEIndependent ,
Beltzer Orenbeltze001buc1903+7/26+ Grand Island NEIndependent ,
Bemiss Charlesbemis-001cha19035/21-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Bender Johnbender001joh19036/8-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Bender Charlesbender001cha1903 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Bender Johnbender002joh19035/20-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Bender Johnbender002joh1903 U. ND AgricultureCollege ,
Bender H.bender000h--19036/11-7/16+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Benke Williambenke-000wil1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Bennett Pugbennet001jus19034/17-9/18 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Bennett A. J.bennet001a--1903134 ab Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Bennett Davy1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Bennett bennet066---19038/5-8/11+ Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bennett bennet034---19037/22-8/8 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Benosh 1903 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Bentley William1903 Columbia SCIndependent ,
Berger Heinieberger001cha1903 Piqua OHIndependent ,
Berger Heinieberger001cha19037/19-9/19 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Berger Jamesberger001jam1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Berger Joseph1903 StL-IndepIndependent ,
Berger berger029---19038/6-8/7 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bergiere C. C.?bergie000---19037/23 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Bernard Curtbernar001cur19034/22-8/26 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Bernard Sambernar001sam19035/1- Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Bernard Sambernar001sam1903-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Bernhard Billbernha001wil190320 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Bero Archibaldbero--001arc19038/2 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Bero Archibaldbero--001arc19039/8-9/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Berry Joeberry-001jos19035/1- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Berry Joeberry-001jos1903-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod19035/8-6/13 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Berry Claudeberry-001cla19034/26-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Berry Claudeberry-001cla19039/18-9/19 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Berry Harryberry-002har1903133 ab Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Berry 1903+5/14-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob19037/11-8/12 UmpireWestern League ,
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob19039/5-9/15 UmpireWestern League ,
Berte Harryberte-001har1903113 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Berte Harryberte-001har19039/17-9/22 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Bess W. R.bess--002---19035/10-5/31 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Best Conradbest--001con19035/16 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Best Conradbest--001con19036/7-6/19 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Best Conradbest--001con1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Betts Fredbetts-001fre19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Betts Frank19034/25-4/27 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Betts Frank1903 UmpireTexas League ,
Betts Harrybetts-002har19039/22 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Bevan bevan-002---1903+6/18-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Bevier Frankbevier001fra19035/1-7/8 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Beville Montebevill001hen1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Beville Montebevill001hen1903 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Bevis Kidbevis-001e--19036/19-6/19 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Bevis Roybevis-001roy19035/3-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Bewer Josephbewer-001jos190352 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Biecher Edbieche001ed-19034/30-9/13 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Bigbie Georgebigbie001geo19035/1-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Billett Harry1903 York PAIndependent ,
Bilyeu Charles1903 AlbanyWillamette Valley Albany, OR
Bilyeu Charles1903 Albany CollegeCollege ,
Binnard Daniel19034/30-   ColfaxInland Empire ,
Bircher Bert1903+6/10-7/24 AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Bird Harrybird--001har1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Bird Harrybird--001har190325 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic19036/11-6/30 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Birmingham Joebirmin001jos1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Bishop Johnbishop001joh19035/9-5/18 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Bishop Charlesbishop002cha190331 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Bissell Wilbertbissel001wil1903 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Black Bobblack-002bob190363 g. Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Black Cyrusblack-001cyr19036/8-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Black Harryblack-001har1903 Worcester ,
Black Harryblack-001har1903+10/3+ Gloucester NJIndependent ,
Black Robertblack-003bob19035/21-7/26+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Blackburn Charlesblackb001cha19034/26-6/21 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Blackburn Charlesblackb001cha19036/30-8/29 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Blair Guyblair-001guy19035/20-33 g. Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Blair Walterblair-001wal1903-07 Bucknell Univ.College ,
Blair Walterblair-001wal19035/1-7/5 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Blair Walterblair-001wal1903 Coudersport PAIndependent ,
Blair 1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Blake Harryblake-001har19034/30-7/4 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Blake Harryblake-001har1903114 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Blake Billblake-001wil19034/30-5/5 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Blake Billblake-001wil1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Blake Billblake-001wil1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Blake Billblake-001wil1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Blake Frankblake-001wil19034/30-5/5 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Blake Frankblake-001wil1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Blakey Billblakey001wil19036/5-6/12 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Blakey Billblakey001wil19036/28-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Blanchard blanch019---19035/22-5/23 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Blankenbacker blanke005---19039/15 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Blankenship Cliffblanke001cli19034/22-8/26 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Blankenship Cliffblanke001cli1903+9/7+ Columbus GAIndependent ,
Blasingim Archblasin001a--19038/14-8/15 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Blewett Bobblewet001rob19034 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1903+5/30+22 g.  Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Blewett Bobblewet001rob19038/23 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Blincoe Bobblinco001rob1903129 ab Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Blincoe Bobblinco001rob1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Blincoe Bobblinco001rob1903-9/15 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Bliss Elmerbliss-001elm19035/10-9/18 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Bliss Elmerbliss-001elm19039/28 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Blough Albertblough000as-1903 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Blough J. A.1903 College of Medi. ,
Blough J. A.1903+5/16+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Blough J. A.19038/? Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Blount Iowerth19036/27-  Youngstown OHIndependent ,
Blue Bertblue--001bir1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Blumrich F.1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Boardman Georgeboardm001geo19035/1-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Boardman Georgeboardm001geo19036/26-7/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Boaz boaz--000---19039/25 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bockstahler John1903 Penn Yan NYIndependent ,
Boettiger Richardboetti001ric1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Boettiger Richardboetti001ric190377 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Boettiger Oscarboetti001osc19035/31-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Boettiger Oscarboetti001osc19037/7 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Bohannon Patrickbohann001pat19034/22-9/17 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Bohannon Blackburnbohann001l--1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Bohannon Lukebohann001l--1903-6/1 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Bohannon Lukebohann001l--1903+6/16+ Lexington KYIndependent ,
Bohannon Lukebohann001l--19036/27-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Bolen bolen-000---19038/15-8/21 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bolin Johnbolin-003joh19034/22 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Bolin Johnbolin-003joh1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Bolin Johnbolin-003joh19038/5-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Bolin Boylen?bolin-004---19035/3-5/4 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Bomar Charlesbomar-001cha1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Bomar Charles?bomar-001---19035/2-5/6 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Bond bond--010---19038/24-8/27 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Bone Georgebone--001geo19035/7-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Bonner Frankbonner001fra1903- 6/2548 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Bonner Frankbonner001fra1903 Worcester MAIndependent ,
Bonner Jackbonner001joh19035/2-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Bonner Joseph1903+10/4+ Drifton PAIndependent ,
Bonnett Frankbonnet001fra190335 g. Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Bonno Gusbonno-001gus1903 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Bonthrom Harry19035/20-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Booth George1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Booth 1903 Williamsport ,
Booth booth-006---19035/25-5/30 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Borchers Georgeborche001geo19034/16-8/13+ San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Bosler Edwinbosler001edw1903+6/10-6/15+ Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Bosler Edwinbosler001edw19036/29-8/8 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Bosler Edwinbosler001edw19038/9-9/13 UmpireCentral League ,
Bothwell Billybothwe001wil19036/21 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Bothwell Billybothwe001wil1903+7/12+ Olympia-ClerksIndependent ,
Bottenus Billybotten001wil19035/8-8/23 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam19035/2-7/31 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Bourdon Victorbourdo000vic19036/28-7/14 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Bourdon Victorbourdo000vic19037/21-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Bowcock Bennybowcoc001ben19035/28-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Bowcock Bennybowcoc001ben19039/18-9/28 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Bowden/Bord Ernest19037/31-8/19 ManchesterNew England League ,
Bowen Cybowen-001sut19035/2-6/28 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Bowen Cybowen-001sut19037/22 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Bowerman Frankbowerm001fra190364 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bowers Georgebowers001geo19035/4 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Bowers Rube1903 York-Penn ParkIndependent ,
Bowler Goldiebowler001p--19035/8-9/11 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Bowman Frankbowman001fra1903 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Bowman Frankbowman001fra19034/14-4/24+ Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Bowman Williambowman006wil1903 West Virginia UCollege ,
Bowman Williambowman006wil1903no g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Bowman Williambowman006wil19035/21-6/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Bowman M. H.1903 Yale Univ.College ,
Boyd Earlboyd--001ear1903 Zanesville OH ,
Boyd Earlboyd--001ear19037/19-7/30 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Boyd boyd--052---19037/30 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Boykin E. C.boykin000ec-19031 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Boylan Charlesboylan000cha1903+6/12-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Boylan Charlesboylan000cha1903+8/1-8/9+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Boyle Frankboyle-001fra1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Boyle Frankboyle-001fra1903 Webster CityIndependent ,
Boyle boyle-018---19038/19-8/22 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Boyson Walter1903 Rindge TechnicalHighSchool ,
Bradbury L.P.bradbu000lp-1903+6/4-6/14 PendletonInland Empire ,
Bradden bradde000---19036/20-6/21 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Bradish Jackbradis001---19038/14-9/1 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw1903+5/28-6/12+ Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw190350 g. Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland/SLC,
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw1903+7/30+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Bradley Jerome1903 GeorgetownCollege ,
Bradley Ernest1903 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
Bradley Jamesbradle001jam1903-9/926 g. Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Bradley Jamesbradle007jam19035/8-5/11 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Bradley Jamesbradle007jam19035/22-6/3 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Brady Georgebrady-001bil1903+6/27+ Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Brady Charlesbrady-003cha1903 UmpireHudson River League ,
Brady Charlesbrady-003cha1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Brady E.1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Brahic Edward1903+8/23+ Paducah-L.A.L.Amat ,
Brahic Louis1903+8/23+ Paducah-L.A.L.Amat ,
Brahm Edward1903+7/5+ Massillon OHIndependent ,
Braig F. C.1903 UmpireIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Braig F. C.19038/3-9/8 UmpireNorthern League ,
Brain Davebrain-001dav1903 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Brandon Edwardbrando001e--19035/3 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Brashear Roybrashe002roy1903-5/2320 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Brashear Roybrashe002roy19036/7-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor190398 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor190396 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Braun Silverbraun-005wil19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Braun William Robert?braun-003---19034 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Braxton Georgebraxto000geo19035/8 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Bray Billybray--002wil19035/25-6/27+ UmpireNorthern League ,
Bray Billybray--002wil19037/?-8/5 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Bray Billybray--002wil19038/6-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Breckbill 1903 Mt. Pleasant PAIndependent ,
Breed Frank1903 UmpireIndependent ,
Breen Jimmiebreen-002jam1903 Jamestown ,
Breen Jimmiebreen-002jam1903 Kane PAIndependent ,
Breen Jimmiebreen-002jam1903 Warren OHIndependent ,
Breitang A. J.1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Breitenstein Theodorebreite001the19034/25-9/19 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Breitenstein Billbreite001wil1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Breitenstein Billbreite001wil1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Brem Robinbrem--000rob1903+4/10+ Charlotte NCIndependent ,
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac19034/28-8/29 UmpireWestern League ,
Brennan Johnbrenna002joh19035/6-7/28 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Brennan Johnbrenna002joh19038/14-9/22 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Brennan Jackbrenna012joh19035/1-7/25 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Brennan Jackbrenna005joh1903+8/7+ Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Brennan John1903 Clev.-Euclid BeachIndependent ,
Brennan 19035/18-5/26 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Brennan brenna039---19035/26-6/10 FargoNorthern League ,
Brent brent-007---1903 Reading PAIndependent ,
Bressler Rubebressl001har1903+5/30-8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Brewington brewin000---19038/31-9/5 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Breyette Mikebreyet001mic19035/20-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Brice Charlesbrice-000cha1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Bridges Marvinbridge002mar1903-04 Cumberland Univ.College ,
Bridges Marvinbridge002mar19038/11-8/20 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Bridwell Albridwe001alb19035/24-6/7 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Bridwell Albridwe001alb19036/15-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Briggs Buttonsbriggs001her19034/30-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Brigham Frankbrigha000fra19036/3-6/5 FargoNorthern League ,
Brigham Frankbrigha000fra19037/8-7/10 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Brigham Frankbrigha000fra1903 St. Cloud MNIndependent ,
Brinker Charlesbrinke000cha1903 Lockport NYIndependent ,
Brinker Charlesbrinke000cha19035/30 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Brinker William1903-05+5/12+ U. of WashingtonCollege ,
Briseno Albertbrisen001alb19034/21-5/2 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Briseno Albertbrisen001alb1903 Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Bristow Georgebristo002geo1903116 g. Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Bristow Georgebristo002geo1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Bristow Shermanbristo001she19035/26 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Brittsan Williambritts001w--1903+7/4-8/20+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Broadhurst Williambroadh001wil19031 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Brockett Kingbrocke001lew1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil19034/14-5/16 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil1903+5/25-6/4+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha1903 Calumet ,
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha1903+9/2-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Brodahl Antonebrodah001---19035/10-6/14 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Brodahl Antonebrodah001---19036/21-7/5 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Broderick Mattbroder001mat19035/1-5/6 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Broderick Mattbroder001mat1903no g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Broderick Mattbroder001mat1903 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Broderick Williambroder001wil19037/27-7/31 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal19034/30-6/1 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal19036/11-8/11 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal19038/19-9/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Brophy Michaelbrophy000mic1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Broshard Frederick1903+7/4+ Geneva NYIndependent ,
Brouthers Danbrouth001den190316 g. Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Brouthers Artbrouth001art19034/26-5/17 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Brouthers Artbrouth001art19035/18-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Brown Tombrown-012tho19034/30-9/26 UmpireEastern League ,
Brown Bobbrown-027rob19034/14-5/2 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Brown Bobbrown-027rob1903+5/14-6/4+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Brown Bobbrown-027rob1903 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Brown Bobbrown-027rob19037/19-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam19035/8-8/15 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Brown Stubbrown-001stu19035/2-5/11 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Brown Stubbrown-001stu1903+8/4+ Balt.-AmericansIndependent ,
Brown Charliebrown-019cha1903 Muncie INIndependent ,
Brown Sambrown-003sam190390 g. Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Brown Mordecaibrown-001mor19034/19-26 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Brown Dickbrown-001ric190313 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Brown Dickbrown-001ric19035/20-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Brown Fredbrown-004fre19035/31-7/17 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Brown Fredbrown-004fre19039/22-9/24 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Brown Babebrown-004har1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Brown Babebrown-004har19038/15-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Brown Fredbrown-005fre190330 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Brown Rollobrown-003rol1903+8/30+42 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Brown Charlesbrown-030cha1903+7/19+ Walla Walla WAIndependent ,
Brown Fredbrown-009fre19038/14-9/7 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Brown H. G.brown-000hg-1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Brown John1903 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Brown Johnbrown-024joh19035/2-5/11 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Brown Johnbrown-024joh19037/22 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Brown R.brown-004r--19035/2-7/7+ Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Brown W. J.brown-167---19035/29-6/29+ FargoNorthern League ,
Brown 1903 WW-30thBattery ,
Brown 19035/31   Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Browne 190334 g. Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Bruce Loubruce-001lou19035/29-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Bruggeman Frankbrugge001fra19035/21-8/30 Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Bruner Willbruner003wil19034/30-5/18 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Bruner Willbruner003wil19036/15-   Rome RomansAlabama-Georgia League ,
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw1903+5/28-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw19036/28-9/5 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw19039/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Bryan Clarence1903 Jacksonville FLIndependent ,
Bryan Clarence1903 U. of FloridaCollege ,
Bryan Frankbryan-001fra1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Bryant bryant023---19038/9 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Bubser Georgebubser001geo1903no g. Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Buchanan Jimbuchan002jam19034/25-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Buchanan Frankbuchan001fra1903+7/4+ Nash.-Independen.Amat ,
Buchanan Frankbuchan001fra19038/22-8/24 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Buchanan Frankbuchan001fra1903+9/8+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Buchanan buchan004---19038/30-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Buckenberger Albucken001al-1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Buckley buckle021---19037/4 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Bucknam Nathanbuckna000nat1903 Bates CollegeCollege ,
Bucknam Nathanbuckna000nat19036/29-7/21 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Bucks Michaelbucks-001mic1903 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Bucks Michaelbucks-001mic19037/18-15 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Buckwalter Percybuckwa001per1903 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Buckwalter Percybuckwa001per1903 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Buechle Gusbuechl001---19034/17-5/15+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Buechle Gusbuechl001---19036/7 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Buechle Gusbuechl001---1903-7/7+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Buechle Gusbuechl001---1903+8/11+ Everett WAIndependent ,
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre190363 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha1903106 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Bufka Jackbufka-001joh1903+8/16+ Mt. Pleasant MIIndependent ,
Buhmaier 1903 Massillon OHIndependent ,
Bullard Ellersliebullar001---1903 Auburn Univ.College ,
Bullard Ellersliebullar001---19036/6-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Bullard Ellersliebullar001---1903 Oxford AL ,
Bunker bunker000---19036/11 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Bunker bunker000---19039/19 ManchesterNew England League ,
Bunny bunny-000---19035/21-5/5 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Bunton Johnbunton001joh19035/4 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Bunton Johnbunton001joh19036/4-7/12 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Bunton Johnbunton001joh19037/21-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Bunyan Johnbunyan001joh19035/20- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Bunyan Johnbunyan001joh1903 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Bunyan Johnbunyan001joh1903-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Burbage Thomasburbag001tho19035/11- Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Burbage Thomasburbag001tho1903 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Burbage Thomasburbag001tho1903-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Burch Alburch-001alb1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Burchell Fredburche001fre19034/17-6 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Burchell Fredburche001fre19036/6-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Burdick 19037/30-8/5+ UmpireNorthern League ,
Burg Peterburg--001pet19035/28-5/29 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Burg Peterburg--001pet19035/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Burke Eddieburke-002edd1903 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam1903115 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Burke Johnburke-004joh1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Burke Johnburke-004joh19036/11-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Burke Frankburke-002fra19035/9-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Burke James1903 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Burke Josephburke-003jos19035/31-6/6 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Burke Josephburke-003jos19036/15-8/6 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Burke Josephburke-003jos19038/10-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Burke burke-092---19039/8 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Burkett Jesseburket001jes1903 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Burleson Lutherburles002lut1903+5/15+ Trinity Univ.College ,
Burleson Lutherburles002lut1903no g. Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Burman Arthurburman001art19036/8-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Burnam Fredburnam001fre1903 Cotton States League ,
Burnam Fredburnam001fre1903+7/15+ Decatur ALIndependent ,
Burnam Fredburnam001fre1903no g. Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Burnam Fredburnam001fre19038/12-9/10 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Burnam Fredburnam001fre1903+9/2+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Burnam Fredburnam001fre19039/14-  Columbia TNIndependent ,
Burnett Herculesburnet003her1903+5/21+10 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Burnett Herculesburnet003her19037/10-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Burnett Dadburnet000dad19037/4-7/10 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Burnham Walterburnha002wal19034/30-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Burnham 1903 ,
Burns Billyburns-013wil19035/7-  Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Burns Jackburns-007joh190310 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Burns Jackburns-007joh1903111 g. San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Burns Jackburns-007joh19039/11-11 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Burns Jackburns-010joh19035/20-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Burns Geneburns-001eug19035/7-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Burns Jimburns-002jim19035/21-8/28+ FargoNorthern League ,
Burns Mikeburns-001mic19035/10-8/31 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Burns Biddy1903 Paulding OHIndependent ,
Burns Edwardburns-001edw1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Burns Johnburns-020joh19036/30 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Burns Johnburns-020joh19037/4-7/7 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Burns Johnburns-001joh1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Burns Johnburns-001joh1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Burr Bordenburr--000bor19036/- Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Burrell Frankburrel001bus19035/1-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Burrell Frankburrel001bus19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Burrell Leland1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Burrell Lennius1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Burrell burrel003---19035/21-5/24+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Burrill Eddie1903+7/17+ UmpireCentral League ,
Burroughs William1903 W. L. Waldrons NJIndependent ,
Burson Frankburson001fra19035/2-5/4 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Burson Frankburson001fra19035/19-6/15 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Burson Frankburson001fra19036/26-7/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Burtle Gusburtle000gus19034 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Burwell Earl1903+8/14-9/9+ Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Busch Henrybusch-001hen19034/27-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Bush Fred19037/5-9/3 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Bushey Alfredbushey001alf19035/11-9/11 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Bushey bushey000---19038/21-8/27 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Bussey Harrybussey001har19034/27-9/19 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Bussey Harveybussey002har19035/8-8/31 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Butler Ikebutler001isa190359 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Butler Johnbutler002joh19034/22-6/15 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Butler Johnbutler002joh19036/19-9/20 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Butler Willbutler004wil19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Butler Willbutler004wil19036/26-8/23 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Butler Peckbutler001o--1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Butler Peckbutler001o--19038/21-9/6+ HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Butman Edwardbutman001edw19035/7-6/1 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Butterfield butter002---1903 Ogden-WessleraIndependent ,
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh19035/8-5/26 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh190379 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Butterworth A. E.butter000ae-19035/8-5/18 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Butterworth A. E.butter000ae-1903+8/30+ Kansas City ACIndependent ,
Byers Billbyers-002jam19034/14-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Byers Billbyers-002jam190372 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Byers byers-010---19035/22-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Byrnes Jimbyrnes002jam1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Cable Frankcable-001fra19034/28-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Cadwalader Ralphcadwal001ral1903 Mason City IAIndependent ,
Cadwalader Ralphcadwal001ral190314 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Cadwalader Ralphcadwal001ral19037/21-8/25+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Caffyn Bencaffyn001ben190378 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Caffyn Bencaffyn001ben1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Cahill Johncahill001joh190337 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Calametti calame000---19032 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Caldwell Ralphcaldwe002ral1903-04 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav1903no g. Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav190319 g. Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav1903 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Calhoun H.C.calhou001h--1903 DeKalb NormalCollege ,
Calhoun H.C.calhou001h--190310 g.  Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Calhoun Jackcalhou002joh1903 ME ,
Calhoun Jackcalhou002joh19037/30-9/11 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Califf Evelyn1903 Oregon City ORIndependent ,
Calkins M. E.1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Callahan Jimmycallah002jam1903 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Callahan callah018---190323 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Callison callis004---1903+7/5-7/6 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Calloway Eugenecallow000eug19036/14-7/9 Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Calloway Eugenecallow000eug1903 Greensboro ALIndependent ,
Cameron Doncamero003don19036/2-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Cameron Frankcamero002fra19035/20-6/20 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Cameron Frankcamero002fra1903+6/27-7/1+ FargoNorthern League ,
Cameron Frankcamero002fra1903+7/13-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Cameron Jimmycamero001jam19036/9-6/10 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Cameron Louis1903 Columbus GAIndependent ,
Camnitz Howiecamnit001sam1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Camnitz Henry1903-09 Centre CollegeCollege ,
Campau Countcampau001cha19035/1-5/28 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Campau Countcampau001cha19037/14-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Campbell Billycampbe004wil19034/28-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Campbell Billcampbe001wil190336 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Campbell Billcampbe001wil19036/14-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Campbell Chestercampbe001che1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Campbell Jackcampbe005jac19039/4-9/7 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Campbell Thomascampbe002tho190315 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Campbell campbe092---1903+7/22-7/24 GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Campion John1903no g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Canavan Jimcanava001jim19035/23-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Canavan canava000---19038/8 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Canfield C. B.canfie001c--19034/27-5/15 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Cannell Wirtcannel001vir1903 Littleton NHIndependent ,
Cannon Georgecannon001elm19037/23 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Cantillon Joecantil001jos19039/1 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Carbiener Arthurcarbie001art19035/9-9/14 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Cardow Edwardcardow001edw19035/20-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Carey Georgecarey-002geo1903- 7/648 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Carey Georgecarey-002geo19038/6-8/23 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Carey Georgecarey-002geo19039/3-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob19034/27-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha19035/8-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Carisch Georgecarris001geo19034/19, 7/23 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Carisch Georgecarris001geo1903 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Carisch Fredcarisc001fre19034/14-8/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Carisch Fredcarisc001fre19038/31-5 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Carlisle Waltercarlis001wal190380 g. Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Carlisle Claude19035/21-9/16 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Carney Jackcarney002joh19035/1-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Carney Billcarney002wil190393 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Carolan E. J.19035/8-9/11 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Carpenter William19034/30-7/25 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Carpenter C. F.1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Carr Charliecarr--001cha1903135 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Carr Lewcarr--001lew19034/30-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Carr Hartcarr--001ham1903 PlattsburghNorthern New York League ,
Carr 1903 Harvard UnivCollege ,
Carr 1903 New London NHIndependent ,
Carr Johncarr--003joh1903109 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Carr Sidney1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Carrick Billcarric001wil19034/22-5/30 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Carrick Billcarric001wil190322 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra19035/2-5/30 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra19036/10-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra1903 RutlandVT ,
Carroll carrol050---19035/8-5/14 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Carter Nickcarter002con19035/9-7/23 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Carter Bobbycarter003rob19034/30-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Carter Charlescarter005cha19034/30-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Carter Charlescarter016---19036/21-7/19 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Carter Charlescarter005cha1903+7/28-8/5+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Carter Charlescarter005cha19032 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Carter Curtiscarter004cha19035/2-5/19 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob190356 g. MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob19038/-8/16+ UmpirePacific National League ,
Case Charliecase--001cha190335 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Case ColfaxInland Empire ,
Case Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Case Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Casey Jamescasey-002jam1903112 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea1903211 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Casey Patrickcasey-001pat1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Casey Patrickcasey-001pat1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Cassady Harrycassad001har190395 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how19036/3-7/24 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how19037/27-8/21+ Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how1903+8/30-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Cassidy Petecassid003pet19034/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Cassidy Bennycassid001ber19035/1-7/31 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Cassidy Bennycassid001ber19038/25-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Cassidy Joecassid001jos190355 g. Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Castle Benjamin1903 Sisterville WVIndependent ,
Castle Benjamin1903+10/18+ Clev.-West EndsIndependent ,
Castner Charlescastne001---1903+6/4+ Wasco WAIndependent ,
Castner Charlescastne001---1903+7/8+ Mt. Hood ORIndependent ,
Castro Loucastro001lou19034/30-5/31 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Castro Loucastro001lou19036/16-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Cates Elicates-002eli19035/14-9/25 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Catterson Tomcatter001tho1903-08 Villanova Univ.College ,
Catterson Tomcatter001tho1903+8/8+ Marlboro-RochdaleIndependent ,
Cavanaugh cavana016---19036/11 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Cavanaugh cavana018---1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Cavender Dredcavend001dre19035/5-5/26 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Cavender Dredcavend001dre19035/29-5/30 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Cavender Dredcavend001dre1903+6/27+260 ab Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Cermak Edcermak001edw19034/25-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Chace 1903 Cornell Univ.College ,
Chace 1903 Plattsburg NYIndependent ,
Chambers chambe009---1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Chandler Chuckchandl001cha19035/20-7/16 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Chapin Arthurchapin001a--1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Chapman Charleschapma001cha19035/2-7/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Chapman chapma019---19037/2-7/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Chappelle Williamchappe002wil1903 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Chappelle Williamchappe002wil19038/25-9/14 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Charnier Robertcharni001rob1903 Keokuk IAIndependent ,
Charnier Robertcharni001rob19036/-28 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Chase Chaunceychase-003cha1903 New Berlin WIIndependent ,
Chase Chaunceychase-003cha19038/7-8/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Chase Chaunceychase-003cha1903 New Berlin WIIndependent ,
Chatham Camilluschatha000cam1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Cheatum Gibcheatu001---1903+6/17+ Kingman KSIndependent ,
Chech Charliechech-001cha19034/22-9/13 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Cheek Harrycheek-001har19035/2-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Cherry Williamcherry000bil1903 FtWa-ShamrocksIndependent ,
Cherry Williamcherry000bil19036/29 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Cherry Williamcherry000bil19037/21-7/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Cherry Williamcherry000bil19038/31-9/1 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Cheshire cheshi000---19036/12-7/28 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Chiesman Guy1903-05+6/21 Olivet CollegeCollege ,
Chilcott Walter1903+5/12+ Pottsville PAIndependent ,
Childs Cupidchilds001cla19034/30-5/6 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Childs Cupidchilds001cla19035/19-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Childs Petechilds001geo19034/22-6/17 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Childs Petechilds001geo19036/26-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Childs Louischilds002lou19035/4-5/29 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea1903 Fortuna CAs-pro ,
Chinn Thomaschinn-001tho19034/30-9/10 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Christian Johnchrist003j--1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Christie christ034---1903+5/20+ Salt Lake UTIndependent ,
Christie christ034---1903+7/10+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha19035/8-9/5 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Clancy Billclancy002wil19035/26-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Clancy Billclancy002wil19037/20-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Clapp clapp-001---1903 N.C.&St.LouisIndependent ,
Clapp clapp-001---19035/22-6/11+ Columbia TNIndependent ,
Clapp clapp-001---1903+8/20+11 g. ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Clark Edclark-002ed-19037/30-8/12 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Clark Winclark-012wil19035/1-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Clark Royclark-002roy19035/7-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Clark Wilkieclark-001wil19034/27-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Clark Williamclark-016wil1903 ReadingIndependent ,
Clark Dadclark-002alf19034/14-83 g. Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Clark Dadclark-002alf19037/19-  Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Clark Dickclark-001ric19034/26-8/21 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Clark Gingerclark-006har19035/15-9/18 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Clark Georgeclark-002geo190313 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Clark Georgeclark-002geo19035/24-5/31 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Clark Georgeclark-002geo19036/7-6/21 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Clark Harryclark-004har19034/26-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Clark Harryclark-004har19039/11-9/28 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Clark Ned1903+6/25+ Cloudersport PAIndependent ,
Clark clark-066---19034/28-5/26 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Clark clark-066---19039/9-9/12 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Clark clark-066---19031 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Clark clark-066---19039/12 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Clark clark-137---1903+7/14-7/24 Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Clark 1903 Brown Univ.College ,
Clark 1903 Newport NHIndependent ,
Clarke Dadclarke001dad1903 Bottinenu NDIndependent ,
Clarke Joshclarke002jos19034/28-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Clarke Jayclarke001jay19035/11-9/11 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Clarke Jamesclarke002jam1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Clarke clarke018---19036/21-7/9+ Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Clay Billclay--002fre1903 York-Penn ParkIndependent ,
Clay Billclay--002fre19037/20-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Clay Waldoclay--001wal19035/14-9/18 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Claycomb 1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Clayton Harryclayto001har19035/13-5/21 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Clayton Harryclayto001har19035/23-8/26 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Clayton Harryclayto001har19038/28-9/15  Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Clayton 1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Claywell claywe000---19035/16-5/26 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Cleary Jamescleary001jam19038/19 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Clemens 1903 York PAIndependent ,
Clement Wallyclemen001wal19034/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Clements Billclemen004wil19035/3-6/25 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Clements Billclemen004wil19037/29-8/13 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Cleve Georgecleve-001geo19035/1-5/11 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Clifford Thomascliffo001tho1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Clifford James1903 Brown UnivCollege ,
Clifford James1903 Woonsocket RIIndependent ,
Cline Edward19034/30-9/11 UmpireCentral League ,
Clingman Billyclingm001wil19034/22-4/23 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Clingman Billyclingm001wil1903-7/1621 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Clingman Billyclingm001wil19037/28-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Closson Richardclosso001ric19035/21-8/15+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Clow clow--000---19036/3 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Clymer Billclymer001wil19034/22-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Clymer Otisclymer001oti1903+8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Clynes Johnclynes001jos1903 SF-PlayerLAmat ,
Clynes Johnclynes001jos19034/30-6/14 ColfaxInland Empire ,
Clynes Johnclynes001jos1903+6/23-7/9+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Coakley Andycoakle001and19035/9, 5/20 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Coakley Andycoakle001and1903 Lebanon NHIndependent ,
Coakley Andycoakle001and19036 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Coates Charlescoates000cha19035/6 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Coates Floyd1903+5/1+ Upper Iowa Univ.College ,
Coates Floyd1903 Mason City IAIndependent ,
Cockman Jimcockma001jam19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Cocreham cocreh001---19037/5 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Cody N.1903 UmpireMtSt ,
Cody N.19035/12-  UmpirePacific National League ,
Coffey Edwardcoffey001edw19034/30-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic19035/8-8/23 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha19034/22-4/28 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha19035/10-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Coker John19036/12-8/1 Rome RomansAlabama-Georgia League ,
Cole Archiecole--001arc1903+6/24-6/25 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Cole Charlescole--003cha19035/20-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Cole F. L.cole--000fl-1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Cole 1903 DepewCollege ,
Cole 1903 Grand Rapids ,
Coleman Bill1903no g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Coleman Georgecolema007geo1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Coleman Williamcolema005wil19035/12-6/24 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Coleman William?colema026---19034/27 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Coleman William?colema025---19038/14-8/16 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Coleman colema027---19036/24 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Coles Cadcoles-001cad1903-06 Clemson ColCollege ,
Colgan Harrycolgan001har19034/14-10/1 UmpirePacific National League ,
Collars Capcollar001cap1903+6/14+ Columbus CityIndependent ,
Collette Denniscollet000den19035/21-6/5 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Collette Denniscollet000den1903 White Bear MNIndependent ,
Collette Denniscollet000den1903 StillwaterIndependent ,
Collier/Collyer 1903+5/22-6/4+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19035/19-7/28 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19038/7-9/26 UmpireEastern League ,
Collins Chubcollin001chu1903 NashuaNew England League ,
Collins S. Charles19035/17-6/17 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Collins Edwardcollin002e--19034/25-7/17 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Collins Orthcollin077---19034/29-5/1 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Collins Orthcollin001ort1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Collins S. A.collin002e--1903 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Collins William1903 PeekskillHudson River League ,
Collins collin015---19035/31-8/16 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Collins collin008---1903 3rd US InfantryArmy ,
Collins collin008---19035/14-8/6+ Columbia TNIndependent ,
Collins collin008---19038/11-9/10 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Collopy Jimcollop001jam19035/8-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Combs Georgecoombs001geo19034/25-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Combs Georgecoombs001geo19038/29-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Companion Paulcompan001pau19035/2-9/13 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Conboy Edward1903 Penn Yan NYIndependent ,
Conboy Louisconboy001lou1903no g. Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Conboy Louisconboy001lou1903 Saugerties NYIndependent ,
Conboy Louisconboy001lou19039/2-9/18 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Condon William1903+9/5+ Helena MTIndependent ,
Cone B. F.cone--000bf-1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Conevery James1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil19034/28-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Conklin Charlesconkli002cha19037/20 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Conklin Charlesconkli002cha19037/23-7/30 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Conley conley023---19037/23 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Conlin Frankconlin001fra19035/2-6/30 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Conn Ollieconn--001oli1903 UmpireIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Conn Bertconn--001alb190389 g. Providence GraysEastern League ,
Connaughton Frankconnau001fra19034/30-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Connaughton Frankconnau001fra19037/20-9/23 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Connell Jerryconnel001jer19035/7-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Connell Jerryconnel001jer19039/14-9/18 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Connell connel033---19037 g. Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Connelly Florence1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Connelly Harryconnel001har19035/8 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Connelly Harryconnel001har19035/14-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Conners conner009---19035/12-5/22 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Connolly Francisconnol001fra19035/20-5/21 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Connolly Harry1903 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Connolly Patrickconnol001pat19037/30-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Connolly Williamconnol004wil19035/1-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Connor Rogerconnor001rog19035/11-9/11 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Connor Jimconnor001jim19034/30-9/23 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Connor Joeconnor002jos19035/8-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Connor Johnconnor001joh19035/7-6/30 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Connors Billconnor001wil190364 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Connors Edconnor002edw19034/22-5/30 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Connors Edconnor002edw19036/27-8/5 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Connors Edconnor002edw19039/3-9/17 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Connors Edconnor002edw19039/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Connors Billconnor002wil19035/1-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Connors connor002joh19036/26-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Conover Harlanconove001har19035/31-8/22 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Conrad Johnconrad002joh19034/25-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Conroy Patconroy001pat19035/21-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Converse Leroyconver001ler19036/9-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Converse Leroyconver001ler19038/21-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Coogan Dancoogan003dan19035/10-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Cook Dancook--003dan19036/25 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Cook Jimcook--002jam19037/2-7/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Cook Jimcook--002jam19037/15-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Cook George1903 Marysville KSIndependent ,
Cook Warren19035/29-6/30 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Cook C. A.cook--000ca-1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Cook Clarence1903+5/21+ Aberdeen WAIndependent ,
Cook Herbertcook--043---19035/17-7/26 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Cook Herbertcook--043---1903+7/12+ Olympia-ClerksIndependent ,
Cook Jamescook--007jam1903+7/10+39 g. Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Cooke Cabcook--002c--1903 FloridaIndependent ,
Cooley Duffcooley001duf1903138 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Cooley Melcooley001mel19035/2-5/28 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Cooley Melcooley001mel1903 Marysville KSIndependent ,
Cooley Williamcooley001wil19034/30-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Coombs George19034/25-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Cooney Jackcooney001joh19031 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Cooney Jackcooney001joh19031 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Cooney Jackcooney001joh19032 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Cooney Billcooney001wil1903-09 Princeton Univ.College ,
Cooney cooney016---19036/1-6/4 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Coons Perrycoons-001per19034/24-6/6 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Coons Perrycoons-001per19036/15-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Cooper Jimmycooper002jam19034/27-5/7 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Cooper Jimmycooper002jam1903100 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Cooper Georgecooper004geo190353 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Cooper Henrycooper001hen19036/23-7/14 NashuaNew England League ,
Cooper Frank1903 Lexington KY Independent ,
Cooper T. C.1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Cope Tommycope--001tho19035/2-7/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Cope Tommycope--001tho19037/20-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Copeland Tommycopela001tho1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Corbett Jackcorbet001jac1903 Wausau WIIndependent ,
Corbett Joecorbet001jos190379 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Corbett Tedcorbet001the19034/23-5/18 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Corbett Tedcorbet001the19035/25-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Corbett Tedcorbet001the19039/17-9/20 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Corbett John1903+5/8+ Creston IAIndependent ,
Corbett John1903 ShenandoahSouthwest Iowa League ,
Corbett John19036/29-8/22+ Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Corbin Harry1903-06 ,
Corcoran Philcorcor001phi19035/7-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Corcoran 1903 Dickinson CollegeCollege ,
Corcoran 1903 RochesterCatholic ,
Corcoran 1903 Ridgway PAIndependent ,
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra1903 ,
Corrigan Franciscorrig001f--1903 Lidgerwood NDs-pro ,
Corrigan Franciscorrig001f--1903+6/25+ Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Corrigan Franciscorrig001f--1903+8/12-8/21 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Corrigan Jackcorrig002joh1903 Lidgerwood NDs-pro ,
Corrigan Jackcorrig002joh19036/22-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Corrigan Johncorrig002f--19035/18-7/8 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Corrigan Hugh1903 Lidgerwood NDs-pro ,
Cosgrove Thomas1903 Princeton Univ.College ,
Costello Georgecostel000geo1903 Cornell UnivCollege ,
Costello Georgecostel000geo1903 Red Hook NY ,
Costello Georgecostel000geo1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Cote Henrycote--002hen19035/2-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Cotter William19035/1-5/18 UmpireNew England League ,
Cotter John1903 Towanda PAIndependent ,
Cottingham 19035/21-8/30 Dalton GAIndependent ,
Coughlin Johncoughl001joh19035/10 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Coughlin Johncoughl001joh19035/26-6/5 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Coughlin Johncoughl001joh19037/15-9/19 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Coughlin coughl006---19037/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Coughlin coughl004---19038/7 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Coulter Cycoulte001art19034/22-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Courneen Joecourne001jos190322 g. Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Courneen Joecourne001jos19035/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Courtney Erniecourtn001edw1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Courtney Erniecourtn001edw1903 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Courtney George?courtn013---19035/7-5/1 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Courtright Jimcourtr000jim1903 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Coveney Jackcovene001joh19035/1-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Coveney Jackcovene001joh19039/19-9/27 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Cowan Georgecowan-001geo19039/7-9/9 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Cox Bobcox---004rob19035/30-8/8 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Cox Chestycox---002eug1903no g. Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Cox Chestycox---002eug19035/2 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Cox Chestycox---002eug19036/19-35 g. Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Cox Chestycox---002eug19036/30-  Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Cox Chestycox---002eug1903 BrandonManitoba ,
Cox Chestycox---002eug1903+8/26-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Cox Jamescox---001jam1903 Bowdoin CollegeCollege ,
Cox Jamescox---001jam19036/24-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Cox Josephcox---001jos1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Cox L.cox---000l--1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Cox 1903 PendletonInland Empire ,
Coyle Frankcoyle-001fra19034/26- Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris/Waco,
Coyle Frankcoyle-001fra1903-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern19035/6-8/6 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern19038/13-9/19 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Cracraft Leechcracra000lee19033/17-  U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Cracraft Leechcracra000lee19039/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw1903 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw19035/2-7/30 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw19038/6-8/24 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw19039/11-9/12 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw19039/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw19039/25 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Craig Harry1903 Wilmerding PAIndependent ,
Crandall Doccranda002jam1903 Frankfort INIndependent ,
Crandall Newton1903 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Crane Johncrane-001joh19035/18 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Crangle Jamescrangl001jam1903 Dixon CollegeCollege ,
Crangle Jamescrangl001jam19035/9-5/25 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Crangle Jamescrangl001jam1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Crangle Jamescrangl001jam190313 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Crate Charlescrate-001cha19039/23 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Cravath Gavvycravat001cli1903 Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Cravens Jamescraven002jam19035/3-9/21 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Crawley Alcrawle001alg1903preseason KnoxvilleTn-Al ,
Creagan Davidcreaga002dav1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Creagh Johncreagh000joh1903+7/9+ Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Creagh Johncreagh000joh1903+8/3+ Greensboro ALIndependent ,
Creek Robertcreek-000bob1903 Hartford City INIndependent ,
Creek Robertcreek-000bob19037/25-8/30 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Creek Robertcreek-000bob1903+9/14+ Hartford City INIndependent ,
Creekman creekm000---19034 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Creighton creigh000---19035/22 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Creighton creigh000---19039/7-9/8 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Cribbins Harold1903 ,
Crippen Frankcrippe001fra19035/19-6/11+ Red Oak Blue IndiansSouthwest Iowa League ,
Crippen Frankcrippe001fra19036/26-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Crisham Patcrisha002pat19034/30-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Criss Harry19037/13-9/16 UmpireCentral League ,
Crist Charles1903+7/22+ Great Falls MTIndependent ,
Cristall Billcrista001wil19035/5-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan1903115 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Croco Cro Crocroco-000---1903+7/11-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Croft Harrycroft-001hen19035/8-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Crolius Fredcroliu001fre1903 ,
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1903 San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1903 Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1903 Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Cromley Lylecromle001lyl19038/28-9/7 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Cronin Jackcronin001joh190320 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Cronin Arthurcronin000art19037/24-8/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Cronin cronin021---19037/3 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Crooks Thomascrooks002tho19039/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Cross Lavecross-001laf1903137 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Cross Lemcross-001lem19035/2-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Cross Frankcross-001fra19035/2-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Cross Frankcross-001fra1903 UmpireCentral League ,
Crossin Leocrossi000leo1903 Fordham CollegeCollege ,
Crossin Leocrossi000leo19035/13 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Crotty Dancrotty001dan1903 UmpireOklahoma ,
Crotty Franciscrotty000fra1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Crotty Franciscrotty000fra1903+6/24-9/20 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Crowder Edwardcrowde001ned1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Crowe Harrycrowe-000har1903 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Crozier Dickcrozie001j--19035/25-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Crum Charlescrum--001cha19035/2-8/7 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Crum Charlescrum--001cha19038/8-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Crum Waltercrum--001wal19034/28-6/29 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Crum Waltercrum--001wal190351 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Cuddy Joseph1903 JC-West Side ACIndependent ,
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim19036/6-6/30 UmpireNew England League ,
Cullen 19038/31-9/12 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Culton A. B.culton001---19035/10-9/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Cummings Bobcummin000bob19036/14-  Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Cummings cummin027---19036/12- Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell1903 U. VirginiaCollege ,
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell19034/22-9/20 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Cuppy Georgecuppy-001geo1903+9/14+ Logansport INIndependent ,
Curley Waltercurley001doc1903 ,
Curley Edwardcurley000edd19039/11 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Curley Parkercurley001par1903 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Curley Parkercurley001par19035/16-6/13 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Curley curley003---19037/22 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Curren curren005---19038/14 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Currie Clarencecurrie001cla1903 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Currie Clarencecurrie001cla1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Curry Jackcurry-001joh1903 Sault Ste. MarieIndependent ,
Curry Jackcurry-001joh1903+9/22+ Flint-MillsIndependent ,
Curtan Johncurtan000jac1903 St. MarysCollege ,
Curtan Johncurtan000jac19036/19-6/23 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Curtis Joecurtis001jos19036/30-7/1 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Curtis Joecurtis001jos19038/7-8/22 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Curtis Paulcurtis002eug19035/1-6/6 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Curtis Paulcurtis001pau19036/16-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Curtis Doncurtis002don1903 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Curtis Cliffcurtis001cli19035/1-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Curtis Genecurtis002eug1903 Bethany CollegeCollege ,
Curtis Genecurtis002eug19035/25-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Curtis Genecurtis002eug19039/3-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Curtis Genecurtis002eug19039/21-9/26 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Curtis Clydecurtis004---19035/10-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Curtis Clydecurtis004---1903+7/7+ Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Curtis Harrycurtis001har19035/2-5/25 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Curvin Tommy1903 Peen Yan NYIndependent ,
Cusack Ed19035/2-6/2 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Cusack Ed1903 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Cusack Stephen19035/30-7/31 UmpireNorthern League ,
Cusack Stephen1903 UmpireCentral League ,
Cushman Harveycushma001har19034/30-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Cutter Wincutter002win1903 Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Cutter Wincutter002win1903 San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Dahlquist Williamdahlqu001wil19034/30-6/30 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Dahlquist Williamdahlqu001wil19037/28-8/3 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Dahlquist Williamdahlqu001wil1903+9/11+15 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Daily Condaily-001con1903 Hudson River League ,
Daley Eddiedaley-001edw19035/8-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Daley Con1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Daley Jamesdaley-002jam190354 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Daley daley-015---19035/22-5/25 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo19034/14-33 g. Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo1903 Boise IDIndependent ,
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo19037/4-7/15 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Dalton Williamdalton001wil19035/7-5/30 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Dalton Williamdalton001wil19036/3 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Daly Tomdaly--002tho190343 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Daly Tomdaly--002tho190380 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Daly Bertdaly--001alb19035/9-7/25 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Daly Bertdaly--001alb19038/7-9/5 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Dammann Billdamman001bil19034/14-49 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Danforth 1903+5/25+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Daniels Jessedaniel002jes19035/4-5/17 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Daniels daniel045---1903+4/10+ U. AlabamaCollege ,
Daniels daniel045---19036/12-7/16+ Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Daniels daniel045---1903 Anniston ALIndependent ,
Daniels daniel045---19038/20-9/8+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Daniels daniel037---19035/20-6/16 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Daniels daniel040---19035/5 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Daniels daniel040---19036/27 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--19035/9-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Darnell James1903 UmpireIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Darnell James19037/16-7/26 UmpireWestern League ,
Dashwood Walterdashwo001wal1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Dashwood Walterdashwo001wal1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Daub Dandaub--002dan19038/26-9/16 UmpireCentral League ,
Daum Augustusdaum--001aug19035/2-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Davidson Homerdavids001hom1903-07 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Davis Georgedavis-015geo1903 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Davis Iradavis-008j--19034/14-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Port/SLC,
Davis Elmerdavis-002elm1903108 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Davis Leftydavis-001alf1903104 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Davis Waltdavis-003wal190343 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Davis Waltdavis-003wal1903 Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Davis Bendavis-001ben1903-7/16 Fort DodgeIowa ,
Davis Bendavis-001ben1903 Webster CityIndependent ,
Davis Bendavis-001ben1903+8/1-8/2+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Davis Kilmer1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Davis Williamdavis-013wil19034/23-5/7 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Davis Williamdavis-013wil19036/27 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Davis Williamdavis-013wil19037/5 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Davis Williamdavis-013wil19037/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Davis C. D.davis-000cd-19035/21-6/3 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Davis Geralddavis-004ger19036/23-7/10 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Davis Geralddavis-004ger19037/20-8/7 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Davis Geralddavis-004ger19039/15-9/17 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Davis H. R.davis-000hr-1903 Univ. of MaineCollege ,
Davis H. R.davis-000hr-19035/8-5/19 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Davis Si1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Davis William1903 WissahickenIndependent ,
Davis William1903 Oxford PAIndependent ,
Davis davis-145---19037/22-7/23 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Davis 1903 Univ. of VermontCollege ,
Davis 1903 Burlington VTIndependent ,
Davis davis-013wil19035/20-5/22 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Davis davis-147---19037/31-8/11 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Daviscourt Nicholas1903+6/17-7/4 AlbanyOrSt ,
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev1903430 ab Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Day Billyday---002bil19036/12,9/5-9/7 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Day Billyday---002bil19036/13 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Day Henry1903 ,
Day day---018---19038/7 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Daye Henrydaye--001hen19034/25-6/2 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
De Pree James1903 Holland MIIndependent ,
Deakin Leroydeakin000ler19035/24-5/26 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Deal Snakedeal--002joh1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Dean Beachdean--001bea1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Dean Homer1903 Whatcom WAIndependent ,
Dean dean--002---19035/24-6/21 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
DeArmond Charliedearmo002cha19034/30-9/15 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
DeArmond Charliedearmo002cha19039/19-9/27 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Deaver Walterdeaver001wal19035/4 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Deaver Walterdeaver001wal19037/19-8/24 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
DeBaker Archiedebake001art1903+7/5+ Muskegon MIIndependent ,
Decker Albertdecker001alb1903 Piqua OHIndependent ,
Decker Albertdecker001alb19036/2-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
DeCosta Alonzodecost001a--1903 Gainsville FLIndependent ,
DeCosta Alonzodecost001a--1903+8/14-8/17+ Gadsden ALIndependent ,
DeCosta Alonzodecost001a--19038/24-9/12 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Deeder deeder000---1903+6/24-7/11+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Deehan Hughey19037/5-7/25 UmpireCentral League ,
Deering Johndeerin001joh190310 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Deering Johndeerin001joh19039 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Deering Jimmy1903 Red Oak Blue IndiansSouthwest Iowa League ,
DeForest defore000---19037/28 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
DeGroff Rubedegrof001edw190316 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
DeGroff Rubedegrof001edw1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Deininger Ottodeinin001ott19035/5-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Deisel Jacobdeisel001jac19035/8-19 g. San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Deisel Patdeisel001edw1903-9/192 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Deisel Henrydeisel001c--19034/14-137 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Deiters Charlesdeiter001cha19034/30-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam190390 g. Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos19034/30-6/19 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos19036/22-7/14,8/7 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos19038/24-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Delahanty Frankdelaha001fra19035/12-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic19035/8-7/6 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic19037/11-9/1 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Delaney Charles1903 GrFalls-MavericksIndependent ,
Delaney Thomasdelane001tho1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Delaney delane019---19036/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Dell William1903+5/12+ Butte High SchoolHighSchool ,
Deller Phildeller001phi190319 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Deller Phildeller001phi1903+8/25-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Delmas Deldelmas001ber1903201 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Demmitt Chas.1903-04 Rose-HulmanCollege ,
Demong Charlesdemong001cha1903 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Demong Charlesdemong001cha19036/18-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
DeMontreville Genedemont001eug1903 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
DeMontreville Genedemont001eug19036/22-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
DeMontreville Genedemont001eug19037/20-8/10 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
DeMontreville Leedemont002leo19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
DeMontreville Leedemont002leo1903-7/1 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
DeMontreville Leedemont002leo19037/10-9/26 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
DeMoss Charles1903+6/20+ Niles OHIndependent ,
Dendy St. Julian1903-04 Clemson ColCollege ,
Dennis Bertdennis002ber19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Dennis 1903-06 Univ. of IowaCollege ,
Denny 1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Densmore densmo002---19038/30 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Denton James1903+5/15-5/22+ U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Depew Owendepew-001o--19035/21-8/6 Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Depew Owendepew-001o--19038/8+ Clarinda Independent ,
Derby Williamderby-001---19035/4-9/7 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Derrick O.1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Derrick 1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Derwin Billyderwin001wil1903+5/12+ Reading PAIndependent ,
Derwin Billyderwin001wil19035/29-6/1 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Deskin Samdeskin001sam19038/11-8/13 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Desonia Ed19038/22-9/13 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Devereaux Williamdevere001wil1903163 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Devine devine010---19038/20 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Devlin Artdevlin001art19034/30-9/19 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Devoe Nickdevoe-001nic19035/8-9/17 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
DeWeese Arthur1903+6/17+ Kingman KSIndependent ,
Dewey Jamesdewey-001jam19035/18-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Dewey Jamesdewey-001jam1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Dexter Charliedexter002cha1903-9/27123 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Dickens Eddicken000ned1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Dickens Eddicken000ned1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Dickens Eddicken000ned19038/12-8/25 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Dickens Eddicken000ned1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Dickerson Emersondicker001eme1903 Ohio State U.College ,
Dickerson Emersondicker001eme1903 Big Rapids MIIndependent ,
Dickey Guydickey001guy1903113 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Diebold Charles1903+5/16+ Rochester PAIndependent ,
Diebold Charles1903+7/30+ Pittsburgh A. C.Independent ,
Diehl Erniediehl-001ern19035/31 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Diehl Harrydiehl-001har19034/30-9/11 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Diehlman diehlm000---19036/6 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Diggins Williamdiggin001wil19035/5-8/27 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Diggins diggin000---19037/21-7/24 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Dillard Patdillar002pat19034/30-9/24 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Dillard Miltondillar001mil19032+ g. PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Dillon Frankdillon001fra1903190 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Dillon Eddillon001edw1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Dillon Eddillon001edw19038/3-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Dillon Jackdillon002joh19035/2-9/25 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Disch Williamdisch-001wil19034/25-8/18 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Disch Georgedisch-001geo1903 Racine WIIndependent ,
Disch Georgedisch-001geo1903 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Dixon Clydedisch-001wil19038/28-8/29 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Doane 1903+6/22-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Doar Jamesdoar--000jam19036/5-9 g. Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh1903 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Doe Freddoe---002fre1903 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Doe Freddoe---002fre19039/4 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Doerr Williamdoerr-001wil19035/2-5/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Doerr Williamdoerr-001wil1903+7/16  Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Webb City,
Doherty Mikedohert001mic19035/8-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Doherty James1903 WilliamsportIndependent ,
Doherty James1903 WilmingtonIndependent ,
Doherty James190399 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Doherty Frankdohert001fra1903 FargoNorthern League ,
Dolan Johndolan-002joh19034/27-8/31 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat1903 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat1903 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Dolan Joedolan-001jos190391 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Dolan Joedolan-001jos19034/30-7/6 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Dolan 19036/29-7/25 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Doll Freddoll--001fre190314 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Doll Freddoll--001fre190339 g. Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Donahue Reddonahu001fra1903 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Donahue Reddonahu001fra1903 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho19036/27-8/30 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh19034/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Donahue Shedonahu002cha19034/14-140 g. Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Donahue Shedonahu002cha1903-10.4  Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Donahue Dennis1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Donahue Dennis1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Donahue Thomasdonahu002tho19035/27-6/11+ Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Donahue Thomasdonahu002tho19035/30-5/31 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Donahue Thomasdonahu003tho19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Donahue Matthewdonahu001mat190352 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Donahue Patdonahu003pat19035/10-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra1903115 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Donnelly Emdonnel001em-19035/7-5/30 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Donnelly Emdonnel001em-19036/6-6/13 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Donnelly Edwarddonnel004fra1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Donnelly Frankdonnel004fra1903-7/2033 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Donohoo August19036/12-7/3+ Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Donovan Tomdonova002tho1903114 g. Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Donovan Freddonova002fre1903108 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Donovan Billdonova004wil1903 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Donovan Mikedonova002mic19035/1-5/6 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Donovan Mikedonova002mic19037/7- Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Donovan Mikedonova002mic1903-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Donovan J. L.donova046---19036/7-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Donovan Jerrydonova001jer1903+7/6-8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Donovan Martindonova002mar19035/13-6/2 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Donovan Martindonova002mar19036/25-7/6 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Donovan Martindonova002mar19037/28-8/1 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Donovan Martindonova002mar19038/8-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Donovan 19035/7-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Donovan donova064---19035/24-5/25 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Donovan donova064---1903+6/8-6/9 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Donovan donova054---19039/15 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Doolin Mickeydoolan001mic19034/20-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Doran Frankdoran-001fra19035/5-5/7 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Doran Tomdoran-002tho19035/5-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Doran Jimmydoran-008---19036/1-6/4 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Doremus Conniedoremu001con1903 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Dorgan Williamdorgan001wil19039/3-9/11 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Dorman Johnnydorman001joh1903 GeorgetownCollege ,
Dorman Johnnydorman001joh1903-7/15 Fort DodgeIowa ,
Dorman Johnnydorman001joh1903 Webster CityIndependent ,
Dorman Johnnydorman001joh1903+8/11-8/19 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Dorn Peterdorn--001pet19038/17-9/4 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Dorner Gusdorner001aug1903 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Dorner Gusdorner001aug19037/28-9/18 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk19037/18- Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk1903-7/28 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Doscher Jackdosche001joh1903 Fordham Col.College ,
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19036/27 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19037/2 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19033 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19039/22-9/25 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Doskin doskin000---19038/11-8/13 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Doubles John1903 Kane PAIndependent ,
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat1903139 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Dougherty Tomdoughe001tho1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Dougherty Tomdoughe001tho1903 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Dougherty doughe003---1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Dougherty doughe011---1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Douglas Archibalddougla000hug1903 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Douglas Archibalddougla000hug19036/30-8/7+ Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Douglas Archibalddougla000hug1903+8/18-8/19+ DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Douglas Archibalddougla000hug19036/30-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Douglas Archibalddougla000hug1903+8/8-9/12 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Douglass Klondikedougla004wil1903105 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Doup Johndoup--001joh1903+10/4+ Loui.-RecciusIndependent ,
Dove dove--003---19038/1-8/17 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Dovey George1903 TaconyIndependent ,
Dovey George1903+10/12 Camden NJIndependent ,
Dowd Tommydowd--001tho19034/30-7/10 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Dowd Tommydowd--001tho19038/4-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Dowers Roydowers001roy1903 Baker City ORIndependent ,
Dowers Roydowers001roy19036/12-7/24 GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Dowie Joedowie-001joe19035/1-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Dowing P.dowing000p--1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Dowling Petedowlin001hen19034/14-52 g. Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Dowling Patrick1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Dowling Josephdowlin001jos19035/7-6/16 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Dowling dowlin012---19036/27 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Dowling dowlin013---19038/4 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Downer Frederick19039/7-9/12 UmpireNew York State League ,
Downey Jimdowney002jam19034/30-9/24 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Downey Tomdowney003tho19035/16-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Downey Thomasdowney002tho1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Downey Thomasdowney002tho19038/9-9/8 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Downey downey013---19037/7 NashuaNew England League ,
Downing Albert1903+5/19+ Lexington KYIndependent ,
Downs Reddowns-001jer19035/2-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh1903139 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Doyle Charlesdoyle-002cha1903197 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Doyle Charlesdoyle-001cha1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Doyle Charlesdoyle-001cha19038/15 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Doyle Slow Joedoyle-001jud1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Doyle Charles1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Doyle Williamdoyle-008wil19034/26-8/22 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Doyle doyle-001cha19038/15 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Drake Herbert1903+6/26+ Coudersport PAIndependent ,
Drennan Jackdrenna001kir19034/14-144 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Drennan Mike1903 Wissahickon PAIndependent ,
Dresser Bobdresse001rob1903 St. Albans ,
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw19035/7-8/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw19038/11-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Drew Henry1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Drew 1903 Charleston WV ,
Drill Lewdrill-001lew190351 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Drill Frankdrill-000fra1903no g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Drill Frankdrill-000fra19036/25-7/4 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via190321 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Driscoll Jimmiedrisco002jam19035/2-7/8 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Driscoll Jimmiedrisco002jam19037/14-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Driscoll Jimmydrisco004jam19035/23 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Driscoll Johndrisco007joh19036/19 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Drohan Jamesdrohan001jam190323 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Druhot Carldruhot001car1903+5/14-6/14 ColfaxInland Empire ,
Druhot Carldruhot001car19037/4 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
Drumm Ferddrumm-001fer1903 Zanesville OHProtAssn ,
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom19035/15-5/16 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Drury Bobdrury-001rob1903no g. Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Drury Bobdrury-001rob19034/25-6/18 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Drury Bobdrury-001rob190310 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Drury Bobdrury-001rob19037/26-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Duff Patduff--001pat1903 Manhattan CollegeCollege ,
Duff Patduff--001pat1903 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Duff Thomasduff--001tho1903 ManchesterNew England League ,
Duff Williamduff--000wil19036 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Duffy Hughduffy-001hug19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Duffy Johnduffy-003joh19034/27-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Dugan Tomdugan-001tho19034/25-5/23 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Dugan Tomdugan-001tho19035/31-8/30 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Dugan dugan-017---19037/16-7/23 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Duggan Danielduggan001dan1903 Holy CrossCollege ,
Duggan Danielduggan001dan19037/10-9/25 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Duggan Edduggan002ed-19039/1 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Duggan John1903-05 Franklin CollegeCollege ,
Duke Thomasduke--001tho19038/11-8/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Dunbar Harry1903-04 Indiana St NormalCollege ,
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19034/30-8/6 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Dungan Samdungan001sam19034/22-7/4 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Dungan Samdungan001sam19037/8-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Dunham Wileydunham001hen19035/6-5/16 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Dunham Wileydunham001hen19035/25-5/30 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Dunham Wileydunham001hen19036/14-7/18 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Dunham John1903 Oklahoma CityIndependent ,
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw1903 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw1903 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Dunlap Ernestdunlap001e--1903+4/9+ Southern Univ.College ,
Dunlap Ernestdunlap001e--19037/9-7/17 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Dunlap George1903+5/6+ Coe UniversityCollege ,
Dunlap Paul1903 Purdue Univ.College ,
Dunleavy Jackdunlea001joh19035/30-61 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Dunleavy Billdunlea001wil19034/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Dunn Jackdunn--005joh190378 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Dunn Bertdunn--003ber19036/6-8/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Dunn Bert?dunn--055---19035/3-5/26 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Dunn Williamdunn--001wil1903122 g. Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Dunn 1903+5/25+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra19035/5-5/15 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra19036/11- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra1903-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Duquette Georgeduquet001geo19035/12 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Duquette Georgeduquet001geo1903 BrandonManitoba ,
Duquette Georgeduquet001geo19037/25 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Duquette Georgeduquet001geo1903no g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Durall Artdurall001a--19035/20-6/15 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Durand Dandurand001h--19035/2-5/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Durand Dandurand001h--19035/29-6/19 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Durand Dandurand001h--19036/21-7/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Durand Dandurand001h--1903 Weir City BrownsIndependent ,
Durand Dandurand001h--19038/21 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Durand Dandurand001h--19039/13-9/15 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Durand Dandurand001h--19039/18-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Durfee 1903 Corning NYIndependent ,
Durham Jamesdurham003jam19034/23-9/1957 g. Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Durham Jamesdurham003jam1903 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Durham Bulldurham001lou19035/12-6/5 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Durham Bulldurham001lou19037/6-7/10 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Durkee Earldurkee001ear19034/28-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob19035/11-6/20 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob19037/4-9/10 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Durrett Ikedurret001isa19034/27-5/8 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Durrett Ikedurret001isa19031 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Durrett Ikedurret001isa1903+5/20+114 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Duvall Alfredduvall001alf190347 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Duvall Alfredduvall001alf1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Dwyer Eddiedwyer-020---19036/10-6/26 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Dwyer Eddie?dwyer-015---19038/2-16 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Dwyer Edward1903 Forsyth MTIndependent ,
Dwyer dwyer-020---190314 g. Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson/GR,
Dwyer dwyer-031---19036/16 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Dye Arthurdye---009---19035/10-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Dyer Billydyer--001wil1903 Woonsocket ,
Dyer Billydyer--001wil1903 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Dygert Jimmydygert001jam1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Dygert Jimmydygert001jam19036/16-7/9 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat19035/8-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha1903206 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Eager Bobbyeager-001rob190328 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Earl Howardearl--002how19035/8-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Earle Billyearle-001bil1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Easley Carleasley001---19035/10-7/5 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Easley Carleasley001---19037/12-7/26 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Easley Carleasley001---19038/2-9/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Eason Maleason-001mal19036/23-7/11 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Eason Maleason-001mal19037 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
East Claudeeast--002wal19035/2-6/2 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
East Waltereast--002wal19036/4-8/7 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
East Waltereast--002wal1903 Univ. of PittsburghCollege ,
Eastman Chriseastma001chr190351 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Easton DeWortheaston001dew19035/2-7/28  Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Eaton Georgeeaton-001geo19035/5-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Eaton eaton-006---19037/11-7/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Eaton eaton-006---1903 Muncie INIndependent ,
Eaton eaton-003---19036 g. Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-1903 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-19037/27-9/20 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Ebright Millsebrigh001a--1903 Baker Univ.College ,
Ebright Millsebrigh001a--19035/27-6/11 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Ebright Millsebrigh001a--190360 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springfield,
Ecklund Andrew1903 Helena MTIndependent ,
Eddington David1903 U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Edington 1903+5/7+ Univ. AlabamaCollege ,
Edmondson Bobedmond002rob19036/25-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Edmondson Otisedmond001oti1903+7/15-8/14 Decatur ALIndependent ,
Edmondson Otisedmond001oti19032+ g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Edmunds David1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Edmunds Robert19039/5 ManchesterNew England League ,
Edmundson Maysedmund001may1903preseason Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Edmundson Maysedmund001may1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Edwards Daveedward007dav1903+5/14-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Edwards Daveedward007dav19037/5-9/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Edwards Josephedward001gil1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Edwards Ralphedward003ral19038/14-9/9 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Edwards W. A.edward002w--19035/20-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Eells Harryeells-001har1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Eells Harryeells-001har19037/2-9/25 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Eells Harryeells-001har19035 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Eells Harryeells-001har19031 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Eels eels--000---19036/14 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Egan Jackegan--001rip1903 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Egan Jackegan--001rip19038/20-8 g. MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Egan Nedegan--001edw19035/20-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Egan Wishegan--001alo19034/22-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Egan Dickegan--001ric1903-08 Fordham CollegeCollege ,
Egan Dickegan--001ric19033 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Egan Dickegan--001ric19037/- Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Egan Dickegan--001ric19037/- Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Eggers Friedricheggers001fre1903 Concordia CollegeCollege ,
Eggers Friedricheggers001fre1903 FW-ShamrocksIndependent ,
Eggers Friedricheggers001fre19036/28-6/29  Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Eggers Friedricheggers001fre1903 Tell City INIndependent ,
Eggers Friedricheggers001fre1903+8/23+ Elkhart INIndependent ,
Eggert Charleseggert001cha19035/26-7/9 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Egner Rayegner-001ray1903+8/19+ Tren-YMCAIndependent ,
Ehle Georgeehle--001geo19035/10-6/7 Lebanon ILIndependent ,
Ehle Georgeehle--001geo1903+7/6  Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Ehle Georgeehle--001geo19038/22-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Ehman Fred1903 Canton OHAmat ,
Ehret Redehret-001phi19034/26-6/29 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Eichberger Charles1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Eichenbarger G. P.19035/21-9/16 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Eichler Harryeichle001har19035/1-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Eichler Harryeichle001har19035/30-6/3 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Eichler Harryeichle001har1903 Sidney OHIndependent ,
Eldridge Aaroneldrid000aar19035/30-6/7 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Eldridge Aaroneldrid000aar1903 UmpireTexas League ,
Eley Frankeley--001fra1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Ellinor Charles1903+8/1+ Hartford ARIndependent ,
Elliott Claudeelliot001cla19034/22-9/20 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Ellis Benellis-003ben19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Ellis Eliellis-001eli1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Elsdon 19036/4-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha19034/14-4/24+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha1903+5/13-8/16 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha190336 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Elston Charles1903 Zanesville OHIndependent ,
Ely Bonesely---001wil19034/14-4/26  San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Ely Bonesely---001wil1903?-11/29 Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Ely Jackely---001joh19034/28-5/10 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Ely Jackely---001joh19035/19-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Ely Frederick1903-06 ,
Embleton Thomas1903 MaloneNorthern New York League ,
Emminger emming000---19037/25-7/26 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Engel Georgeengel-002geo1903+4/11-7/11+ Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Engel Georgeengel-002geo1903+8/14-9/4+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Engel Georgeengel-002geo19039/20-10/3 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Engle Arthur19034/29 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Engle Arthur1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Erickson Edward1903 Delano MNIndependent ,
Erle Alberterle--002alb1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Erwin Josepherwin-001jos19036/6-6/7 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Erwin Josepherwin-001jos19036/8-8/26 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Erwin Josepherwin-001jos19038/29-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Erwin Joeerwin-001---19035/2-5/18 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Erwin Joeerwin-001---19036/17-7/1+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Essenter Joseph1903 Broo.-RidgewoodIndependent ,
Essick Billessick002wil19037/22-8/3  Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Essick Billessick002wil1903+8/16+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Essler Elmeressler001elm190365 g. Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Eubank Johneubank001joh190394 ab Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Eul Jacobeul---001jac190325 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Eul Jacobeul---001jac1903 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Eustace Frankeustac003fra19035/1-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Evans Royevans-001roy190315 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Evans Royevans-001roy1903-8/47 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Evans Royevans-001roy19038/16-8/28 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Evans Willevans-004wil19034/25-8/9 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Evans Willevans-004wil19038/10-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Evans Jamesevans-000wl-1903?-9/27 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Catskill,
Evans W. L.evans-000wl-1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Evans William1903 UmpirePa-Oh ,
Evans 1903 York PAIndependent ,
Everett Williameveret002wil190382 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Everhard everha002---19036/30-7/8 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Everhart Frankeverha001fra19037/23-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Everitt Billeveret001wil19034/28-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Evers Jackevers-001joh19035/2-5/13 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Evers Jackevers-001joh19035/29-7/14 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Evers Jackevers-001joh19037/31-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Evers Johnnyevers-002joh1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Everson Berteverso001a--1903no g. Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Everson Berteverso001a--1903 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Fabian Henry?fabian001hen19035/30 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Fagan Cottonfagan-000cot19034/27-4/30 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Fairbank Jimfairba001jam19035/12-9/12 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Fairbank Jimfairba001jam19039/18 -4 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Falkenberg Cyfalken001fre19034/21-10 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Falkenberg Cyfalken001fre19036/18-7/17 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Falkenberg Cyfalken001fre19037/20-7/27 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Falkenberg Cyfalken001fre19039/10-9/23 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Fallon Patrick1903 Hazleton PAIndependent ,
Fallon fallon006---1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Falls Josephfalls-001jos19036/25-9/1 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Fanning Leonardfannin002l--19035/3-5/28 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Fanning Leonardfannin002l--19037/-8/ La Junta COIndependent ,
Farley Andrewfarley001and190327 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Farley W.farley000w--1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Farley 1903 Hobart CollegeCollege ,
Farmer Alexfarmer001ale19034/30-6/3 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Farmer Alexfarmer001ale19037/15-8/1 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Farmer Alexfarmer001ale19038/8-8/15 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Farmer T.farmer000t--19033 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Farnham Benfarnha001ben19035/7-5/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Farrell Johnfarrel006joh1903 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Farrell Bernardfarrel001ber19035/4-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Farrell Bernardfarrel001ber19035/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Farrell Frank1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Farrell Charlesfarrel005---19035/19-7/12 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Farrell Jack1903 HelenaArSt ,
Farrell farrel049---19038/12-9/7 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Farris Albert1903 Kentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Faucett Paul1903 Murfreesboro TNIndependent ,
Faulkner Oliver1903+10/12 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Faust Henry1903 Kane PAIndependent ,
Fay Joefay---001jos1903+7/8+79 g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Fay Joefay---001jos19036/4-  PendletonInland Empire ,
Fay Edwardfay---001edw190393 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Fay Owenfay---000owe1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Feeley 19039/14-9/20 UmpireNew York State League ,
Feeney Jimfeeney002jam19035/3-5/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Feeney Jimfeeney002jam1903 StL-White SealsIndependent ,
Feeney Jimfeeney002jam19036/21-8/23 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Feeney Joefeeney000joe19036/10-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Feeney Joefeeney000joe19036/23 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Feeney Joefeeney000joe1903 Canton SDIndependent ,
Fehl Williamfehl--001---1903+5/27-7/2+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Felder Albertfelder001alb19034/26- Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Feldhaus Harryfeldha001har19035/6-5/16 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Feldhaus Harryfeldha001har19036/14-7/9 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Feldhaus Harryfeldha001har19037/11-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Felix Harryfelix-001har19034/29 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Felter George19037/3-7/14 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Fennell Matthias1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Fennell Matthias1903 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Fenske Fredrickfenske001fre19035/8 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Fenske Fredrickfenske001fre19038/8 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Ferguson Charliefergus002cha19034/25-9/9 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Ferguson Cecilfergus002geo19035/7-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Ferris Georgeferris001geo19034/14-146 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Ferry Cyferry-001alf19035/1-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw19035/8,6/2 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw19036/6-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Fetter fetter003---19034/17 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Fettes Carl1903 SLC-CherryRedsIndependent ,
Fettes Carl1903+6/26+ Ogden UTIndependent ,
Fettes Carl1903 AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Fetz H. Claude1903+4/+ U. NebraskaCollege ,
Fetz H. Claude1903 Marysville KSIndependent ,
Fetzer Willyfetzer001wil1903-05 Davidson CollegeCollege ,
Feye Georgefeye--001geo190316 g. Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Field field-002---19037/10-7/25 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Fields fields024---19035/18  Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Fifield Jackfifiel001jac19035/8-9/18 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Fillman Jackfillma001joh1903-5/131 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Fillman Jackfillma001joh1903+5/17-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Fillmore fillmo002---1903+7/15+ Winn.-MarlborosIndependent ,
Fillmore fillmo002---1903+8/11-8/30+ Winn.-MetsIndependent ,
Fillmore fillmo002---19038/? Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Fink Miltonfink--001mil19035/10-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Finn Mickeyfinn--001duk19034/27-9/20 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Finn Billyfinn--001wil19035/7-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Fischer Al.1903 Battle Creek MI ,
Fischman Williamfischm001wil1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Fischman Williamfischm001wil19035/7-6/27 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Fischman Williamfischm001wil19036/30-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Fish Lesliefish--002les1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Fisher Chaunceyfisher005cha1903 Joliet ILIndependent Joliet IL,
Fisher Ikefisher001ike19034/27-9/4 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Fisher Harryfisher004har19034/14-6/2+ Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Fisher Harryfisher004har19036/7 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Fisher Harryfisher004har1903+6/10+71 g. Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Fisher Harryfisher004har1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Fisher Tomfisher002tho19034/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Fisher Harryfisher006har19035/5-5/20 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Fisher Tomfisher001tho19036/13-7/28 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Fisher Tomfisher001tho190320 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Fisher C.fisher000c--1903+5/21-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Fisher Charlesfisher009cha1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Fisher E. F.fisher000ef-19035/11 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Fisher Walterfisher001bat1903+8/21-9/12 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Fisher fisher057---190311 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Fisher fisher061---19037/30 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Fiske S.S.fiske-001s--19035/8-7/7 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Fiske S.S.fiske-001s--1903 BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra19035/31-6/1 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge004joh190347 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Fitzhenry Johnfitzhe004---1903 Manhattan Col.College ,
Fitzhenry Johnfitzhe004---1903 Elmira-FatherMathewIndependent ,
Fitzhenry Johnfitzhe004---19037/11 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Fitzhenry Johnfitzhe004---19037/15-7/27 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil19035/7-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra19035/8-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Fitzpatrick W.fitzpa000w--19034/28-4/30 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat190340 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Flaherty flahar000---19035/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam19034/22-5/2 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam19037/29-8/6 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam19038/11-9/2 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam19039/13-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Flanagan Stephenflanag001ste1903?-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Flannery Jackflanne001joh19034/14-6/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Flannery Jackflanne001joh19036/19-7/29 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Flannery Jackflanne001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Flannery Jackflanne001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Flater Jackflater001joh19035/19-6/30 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Flater Jackflater001joh19037/14-9/19 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Fleming Tomflemin003tho19034/28-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Fleming Chuckflemin002cha190316 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Fleming Chuckflemin002cha1903 Waterloo IAIndependent ,
Flick Charlesflick-001cha1903no g. Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Flint Harryflint-000har19039/3-9/19 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Flint flint-003---19035/19 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Flood Timflood-001tim1903-9/2489 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Flood John1903 Zanesville OHProtAssn ,
Flournoy Jackflourn001joh19034/22-6/25 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Flournoy Jackflourn001joh19037/6-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Flynn Michael1903 Clev.-Independent ,
Flynn Mickeyflynn-006mic19036/13-6/27 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Flynn 1903 Holy CrossCollege ,
Flynn 1903 Claremont NHIndependent ,
Flynn flynn-025---19036/9 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Fogarty 19038/28-9/5 UmpireNew York State League ,
Fohl Leefohl--001leo19034/30-9/12 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Fohl Leefohl--001leo1903-9/274 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat19035/18 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat19036/13-7/17 UmpireNew England League ,
Foley Frankfoley-001fra1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Foley foley-026---19037/9-7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbCity,
Foley foley-026---19037/20 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Foote foote-003---1903 Escanaha MIIndependent ,
Foote foote-003---19036/22 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Ford Eddieford--001edw19035/10-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Ford Geneford--002eug19034/26-9/17 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Ford Henryford--001hen19035/2-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Ford ford--040---19037/14 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Ford Bud1903 Jacksonville FL ,
Ford Jamesford--004jam19034/25-5/6 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Ford Thomasford--003tom1903 Lockport NYIndependent ,
Ford Thomasford--003tom19035/27-6/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Ford Thomasford--003tom1903 Wellsville NYIndependent ,
Ford Timford--001new1903 Chat.-CusterIndependent ,
Ford Timford--001new1903+8/3 Decatur ,
Ford Timford--001new19039/9 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Forde Edforde-001---19035/20-5/23 UmpireNorthern League ,
Forde Edforde-001---19035/29 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Forde Edforde-001---19037/8+ TownerIndependent ,
Foreman Frankforema001fra19034/22-9/20 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Foreman Johnforema001bro19035/4-5/3 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Foreman Johnforema001bro19036/8-7/22 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Foren foren-002---19035/31-6/3 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Forkum Carl1903 Penn State UnivCollege ,
Forman Jamesforman000jim1903+4/9-4/22+ U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Forman Jamesforman000jim19036/12 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Forney Kidforney001j--1903 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Forshaw forsha001---1903+5/15-8/15+ Atla.-OlympicsIndependent ,
Forshaw forsha001---1903+7/23-8/1 Rome RomansAlabama-Georgia League ,
Forshaw forsha001---1903+9/12+ Atla.-AmateursIndependent ,
Foster Clarencefoster001cla19035/7-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Foster Williamfoster003wil19035/20-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Foster foster042---19038/3-8/12 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Foulks Jimmyfoulks001jam19035/20-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Foulter 1903 Brown Univ.College ,
Foulter 1903 Littleton NHIndependent ,
Fowler R. Frank19036/24-7/15 Cotton States League ,
Fox Georgefox---001pad19034/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Fox Billfox---006wil19034/22-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Fox Jimfox---001jam19034/30-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Fox Charleyfox---003geo19034/30-6/2 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Fox Charleyfox---003geo19036/9-8/11 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Fox Charleyfox---003geo19038/12-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Fox Johnfox---001joh19035/1-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Fox fox---001aug19035/10-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Fox Clarencefox---001cla19035/2-109 g. Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Fox Jackfox---004joh19035/11-6/2 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Fox Jackfox---004joh19037/9-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Fox fox---003geo190352 g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Foxen Billfoxen-001wil1903-07 St. Peter’s Col.College ,
Foxen Billfoxen-001wil1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Foxen Billfoxen-001wil19035/31-6/3 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Foxen Billfoxen-001wil19035/7-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Foxen Billfoxen-001wil19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Foxen Billfoxen-001wil19039/3 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Foy Leonfoy---002leo19035/1-130 g. Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Frakes William1903 Gallatin-ButchersIndependent ,
France Carlfrance002car19035/13 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
France france002car1903 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Francis Ikefranci002isa19034/30-7/2 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Francis Ikefranci002isa19037/10-7/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Francis Ikefranci002isa1903110 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Francks Buckfranck001cha19034/28-7/24 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Francks Buckfranck001cha190349 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Frank Charliefrank-003cha19034/27-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Frank Fredfrank-003fre19034/25-9/17 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Frank Eddiefrank-001edw19035/8-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Frank Eddiefrank-001edw190312/25 Roch.-NavalsIndoor ,
Frank Georgefrank-001geo1903+5/23+ Corpus ChristiRochCatholic ,
Frank Georgefrank-001geo19039/7-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Frank Georgefrank-001geo190312/25 Roch.-NavalsIndoor ,
Franklin R. S.frankl000rs-19035/9-5/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Franklin frankl010---1903 Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Franks Harryfranks007---1903+5/17-7/1+ Cherryvale KSIndependent ,
Franks J. D.1903no g. Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Franks Willfranks003wil19038/27 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Frantz Orvillefrantz002---1903 Harvard Univ.College ,
Frantz Walterfrantz001wal1903 Fairmount CollegeCollege ,
Frantz Walterfrantz001wal1903 Enid-EvangelistsIndependent ,
Frantz Walterfrantz001wal19038/18-9/18 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral19034/14-8/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral1903 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha19035/22-6/9 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha19037/8-7/12 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Frederick freder010---19031 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Freeman Buckfreema003joh1903141 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Freeman Edfreema001edw19035/29-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Freeman James1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Freeman Jerryfreema001fra190349 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Freeman Jerryfreema001fra19034/17-141 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Freeman Louisfreema001l--1903+6/24-7/28 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Freeman freema027---19035/23-6/14+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Freeman freema027---19036/25-8/21+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Freeman freema031---19039/18-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Freese Harryfreese001har19035/21-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Freese Harryfreese001har19036/23-8/21+  Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Fremer Tonyfremer001ant19035/21-6/20 Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Fremer Tonyfremer001ant19036/23-8/2+  Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
French Winfrench001win19034/26-6/24 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
French Winfrench001win19036/26-9/16 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
French Tomfrench000tom19036/3,8/15 FargoNorthern League ,
Frey Frankfrye--001t--1903preseason Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Frey Frankfrye--001t--19036/12-6/14 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Frey Frankfrye--001t--19037/15-7/26 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Frey Frankfrye--001t--19037/27-8/14 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Frey Frankfrye--001t--19038/20-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Frick Ernestfrick-001jam1903no g. Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Frick Ernestfrick-001jam19035/2-5/22+ Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Frick Ernestfrick-001jam1903 Ellsworth KSIndependent ,
Fricken Honfricke001ant19035/12-6/2 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Friel Billfriel-001wil190397 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Friend Dannyfriend002dan19035/2-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Friend Lentz1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha19034/30-6/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha19036/29-7/31 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Frisk Emilfrisk-001joh19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Fritz Charliefritz-001cha1903 Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Fritz Charliefritz-001cha1903 BrewtonInterstate League ,
Fritz Charliefritz-001cha19036/16-6/18 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Fritz Charliefritz-001cha1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Fritz Emilefritz-001emi1903 Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Fritz Emilefritz-001emi1903 BrewtonInterstate League ,
Fritz Emilefritz-001emi1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Fritz Emilefritz-001emi19037/16-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Frome Edwardfrom--002edw1903216 ab Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Frost Jackfrost-001joh1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Frye Frank1903 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Frye William1903 ,
Frysinger Jessefrysin001jes1903 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Fugler Pearlyfugler000pea1903 Mississippi StateCollege ,
Fuller Billyfuller002wil190379 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha19035/1-6/27 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha19037/6-8/8 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha19038/13-9/25 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Fuller Andrew1903 FargoNorthern League ,
Fuller fuller028---19035/4-5/6 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Fuller 1903 Memp.-ChickasawaIndependent ,
Fuller 19037/25-  HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Fulmer Windsor1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Fulmer Windsor19037/30- AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Funkhouser Jakefunkho001jak1903 Elkhart INIndependent ,
Furlong Johnfurlon001joh1903 Eastern MichiganCollege ,
Furlong Johnfurlon001joh19036/5-6/8 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Gabriel Johngabrie002joh1903no g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Gabriel Johngabrie002joh19035/8-5/19 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Gabriel Johngabrie002joh19035/24 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Gaetje 1903 Purdue Univ.College ,
Gaetje 1903 FtWa NationalsIndependent ,
Gage Roygage--000roy1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gaines Robertgaines000bob1903 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Gaines Robertgaines000bob1903 McCook NEIndependent ,
Galaski Joseph1903 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Gale gale--002---1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Gale gale--002---1903+6/5-7/15+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Galentine galent000---1903+6/24-7/6+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha19038/4 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha19038/20-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Gallagher Eddiegallag001edd19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Gallagher Martygallag001mar1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Gallagher Shorty?gallag034---19033 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Gallow gallow001---19035/10-5/24 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Gallow gallow001---19036/21 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Galpin galpin000---19035/11 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Gamble Neilgamble001mac1903 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Gamble Neilgamble001mac19036/13-7/31 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Gamble Neilgamble001mac1903+8/12+ Anniston ALIndependent ,
Gamble Neilgamble001mac1903-9/4 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Gamble Robertgamble002rob1903 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Gamble Robertgamble002rob19036/24-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Gamble Robertgamble002rob1903-9/4 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Ganier Jamesganier001jam1903 Waynesburg ColCollege ,
Ganier Jamesganier001jam19035/15-6/1 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Ganier Jamesganier001jam190334 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Ganley Bobganley002rob19034/22-6/18 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Ganley Bobganley002rob19036/24-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Gannon Billgannon002wil19034/14-98 g. Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Ganss Billygans--001bil1903 Warren OHIndependent ,
Ganss Billygans--001bil1903+5/17-9/25+ Kent OHIndependent ,
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos1903 Ionia MIIndependent ,
Ganzel Johnganzel001joh1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Gardner Jimgardne001jam19037/29 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Gardner Earlegardne001ear1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Gardner Luther1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gardner Luther19038/21 Clinton KYIndependent ,
Garrity Josephgarrit001jos1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Garry Jimgarry-001jim19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Garvan John1903 Hartford CityIndependent ,
Garvan Dick190310/19- 20th InfantryUSArmy ,
Garvey garvey009---19036/8-6/16+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir190338 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Garvin Leogarvin001lee19034/30-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Gass 19035/3-6/14 PendletonInland Empire ,
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel19035/7-6/14 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel19037/25-8/10 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Gaston Williamgaston003wil1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gastright Hankgastri001han19036/26-7/6 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Gates Eli1903 Missouri Valley League ,
Gatewood Henrygatewo001har1903 LidgerwoodIndependent ,
Gatewood Henrygatewo001har19037/1-7/31+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Gatewood Henrygatewo001har1903+8/28-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Gatins Frankgatins001fra19035/5-8/23 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Gay Clydegay---001cly19034/15-5/1  Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Gear Dalegear--001dal1903 Univ. KansasCollege ,
Gear Dalegear--001dal19035/16-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Gear gear--000---19038/5 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Geddes Robert1903-04 ,
Gehring Hankgehrin001hen19035/21-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Gehring Louisgehrin000lew19035/1-5/6 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Gehring Louisgehrin000lew19038/10-8/30 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Geier Philgeier-001phi19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Geiselman Robert1903+12/4+ Big DuluthIndependent ,
Gelb Louis19035/23,7/19-7/27 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Genins Frankgenins001c--19034/28-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
George Angusgeorge000ang19037/30 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
George Clarencegeorge001cla19037/15-8/17 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
George Curtis1903 Chat.-Ft.NegleyIndependent ,
Gerard Frank1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gerard gerard002---1903 Big DuluthIndependent ,
Gerard gerard002---19036/14-6/18 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Gerard gerard002---19039/1-9/2 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
German Harrygerman002har19034/23-8/8 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Gerrard G.1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gertenrich Lougerten001lou19031 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Gessler Docgessle001har19034/22-29 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Gessler Docgessle001har1903114 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Gettig Charliegettig002cha19035/2-7/1 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Gettig Charliegettig002cha19037/8-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Gettman Jakegettma001jac19034/30-8/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Geyer Johngeyer-001joh19035/1-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Geyer Johngeyer-001joh19035/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli19034/25-7/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli19038/10-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Gibbs Maxgibbs-001max19034/25-6/12 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Giblin Jamesgiblin001jam19035/23-6/1 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Gibson Norwoodgibson001nor19034/29-25 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Gibson Ralphgibson001ral19034/22-9/20 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Gibson Georgegibson002geo190332 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Gibson Georgegibson002geo19039/7-9/15 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Gifford Algiffor001---190359 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh19034/25-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Gilbert Billygilber002wil1903128 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Gilbert Rufus1903 Tecumseh RedsIndependent ,
Gilbert Gordongilber001gor1903preseason Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Gilbert Gordongilber001gor1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gilbert Gordongilber001gor1903+8/15-9/12 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Gilbert Joseph1903 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Giles Denison1903+4/18+ U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Giles Denison1903173 ab Augusta GAIndependent ,
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob19035/9-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Gill Warrengill--001war190374 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Gill Roy1903-05 Washburn CollegeCollege ,
Gilland John1903+4/18+ U. South CarolinaCollege ,
Gilleran Tommygiller001tho1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho19035/1- ManchesterNew England League ,
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho1903 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho1903-7/24 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Gilligan Thomas19037/18-7/27 UmpireNew England League ,
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo1903+4/26+ KS-AthleticsIndependent ,
Gilman 1903 DartmouthCollege ,
Gilman 1903 Newburyport MAIndependent ,
Gilmore C.gilmor001g--19038/6-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Gilreath Willgilrea002wil190361 ab Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Gilroy Thomasgilroy001tho19035/4- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Gilroy Thomasgilroy001tho1903 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Gilroy Thomasgilroy001tho1903 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Gilroy Thomasgilroy001tho1903-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Gimlin Frankgimlin001joh1903-7/5 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Gimlin Frankgimlin001joh1903+7/19+ Ogden-EaglesIndependent ,
Ging Billyging--001bil19035/11-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Ginley Patrickginley001pat19035/8-6/6 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Girard Alexandergirard000ale19035/17-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Girard Stephengirard001ste19035/10 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Gitzen Peter1903 Millvale PAIndependent ,
Glade Fredglade-001fre19034/28-9/13 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Glade Philglade-001phi19038/8-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Glade Arthurglade-000art1903+5/18+ Grand Island NEIndependent ,
Glade Arthurglade-000art1903+6/24-6/25+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Gladfelter Wilford1903-04-6/13 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Glassburner William1903 Niles OHIndependent ,
Glavin Eddieglavin001edw19035/9-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Glaze Ralphglaze-001dan1903-05 Dartmouth CollegeCollege ,
Glaze William1903+7/8+ Orangeburg SCIndependent ,
Glaze Herbert1903+7/8+ Orangeburg SCIndependent ,
Glazer glazer000---1903+7/14+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil1903106 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19036 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19035/19-7/7 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19038/19-9/19 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Gleason Williamgleaso004wil190338 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Gleason Frank1903 Helena MTIndependent ,
Gleason Jimmygleaso000jim19039/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Glendon Martinglendo001mar19035/2-8/16 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Glendon Martinglendo001mar1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Glendon Martinglendo001mar1903-9/253 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Glendon Dickglendo001ric19036/13-6/21 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Glendon Dickglendo001ric1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Glenn Edglenn-001edw19034/25-8/1 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Glenn Edglenn-001edw1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Glover glover005---1903+7/11+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Gnadinger Edgnadin001edw1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Gochnaur Johngochna001joh1903 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Godwin Johngodwin001joh1903113 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Goff Henry1903 Pacific Coast League ,
Goff Ora1903 Elkhart INIndependent ,
Gogan Edgogan-001ed-1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Gokey Eugenegokey-001eug19035/1-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Golden Tomgolden001tho1903 Pottsville PAIndependent ,
Golden Johngolden002joh19034/30-6/6 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Golden Johngolden002joh19036/16-6/18 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Golden Johngolden002joh19037/4-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Goldsby Waltgoldsb001wal19035/27-6/14 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Goldworthy goldwo000---19035/21-8/16+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Goldworthy goldwo000---1903postseason Sioux Falls SDIndependent ,
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh19034/30-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Gonzalez Valentin1903 HabanaCuban Winter League ,
Goodman Abraham1903+8/10+ Helena-JuniorsIndependent ,
Goodman Frank1903 Columbia Univ.College ,
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art19035/9-7/6 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art19037/18-9/15 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Goodwin goodwi013---19035/21-6/29,7/21 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Goodwin Clydegoodwi001cly19037/22-9/13 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Gordon Eddiegordon002a--19035/3-5/31 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Gordon Eddiegordon002a--19036/19 FargoNorthern League ,
Gordon Eddiegordon002a--1903 Portage la PairieManitoba ,
Gordon D. S.gordon000ds-19035/21-6/6 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Gordon gordon025---1903 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Gorman Grant19035/21-9/16 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gormully gormul001---19039/8-9/15 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Gorton Rogergorton001rog1903+5/12-8/16+ Holland MIIndependent ,
Gorton Lygorton001lym1903168 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Gouzzie Claudegouzzi001cla1903+6/20+ Niles OHIndependent ,
Gouzzie Claudegouzzi001cla19037/22 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Grady Mikegrady-002mic19034/22-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil19034/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Gragion Vincent1903+6/30+ St. Mary’sRochCath. ,
Graham Charliegraham002cha1903 Santa Clara Univ.College ,
Graham Charliegraham002cha1903178 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Graham Moonlightgraham001arc1903 U. of MarylandCollege ,
Graham Moonlightgraham001arc19035/1- NashuaNew England League ,
Graham Moonlightgraham001arc1903-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Graham Oscargraham001osc190386 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Graham Earlgraham001ear190362 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Graham Peachesgraham002geo1903117 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Graham Peachesgraham002geo19031 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Graham Harrygraham002har19036/7-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Grant Georgegrant-003geo19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Grant Georgegrant-003geo1903-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Grant Angusgrant-001ang19034/30-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Grant C. W.grant-000cw-19038/30-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Grant Benjamin1903no g. Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Grant Eddiegrant-001edw1903-05 Harvard UnivCollege ,
Grant Eddiegrant-001edw1903 Independent ,
Grant 19036/1-8/17 UmpireNorthern League ,
Granville Arthurgranvi001art19034/28-9/6 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Graves Frankgraves002fra19035/21-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Graves Frankgraves002fra1903+8/1-8/9+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Gray Chummygray--001chu19035/1-6/10 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Gray Chummygray--001chu19037/16-9/19 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Gray Clarencegray--001cla19037/30-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Gray Williamgray--001w--1903+6/9-9/4+ Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Gray Billy1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Gray Dollygray--003wil190351 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Gray Leonardgray--001leo19036/8-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Gray Willgray--002wil190317 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Gray 19035/11-9/8 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Green Dannygreen-001edw1903135 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Green Johnnygreen-001joh190348 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Green Earlgreen-001ear19035/2-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Green Charlesgreen-015---19035/10-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Green E. Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Green green-079---19038/19-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Green green-081---19038 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Greene A.V.greene001a--1903+7/20+ Rock RapidsIndependent ,
Greene Paddygreene001pat19034/30-6/22 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Greene Paddygreene001pat19037/11 -4 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Greene Paddygreene001pat19037/17 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Greene Paddygreene001pat19038/3-8/11 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Greene Ernestgreene001ern19036/16-9/11 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Greene Teddy1903 Webster City IAIndependent ,
Greenwell Jackgreenw003joh1903 Ogden-WesslersIndependent ,
Greer greer-001---1903+8/16+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Gregg Hunter1903 NashvilleKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Gregory James?gregor024---1903 Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Gregory James?gregor024---1903 Marshalltown IAIndependent ,
Gremminger Edgremmi001lor1903140 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19035/28 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19035/29-6/13 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19038/7-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Grieshaber Charlesgriesh000cha1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Griffin Sandygriffi001san19035/8-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste19034/30-5/8 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste19036/9-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Griffin C. C.19036/-  ColfaxInland Empire ,
Griffin J. G.griffi002j--1903 Niagara UnivCollege ,
Griffin J. G.griffi002j--19037/2-9/18 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Griffin T.griffi002j--19036/7-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Griffin griffi077---19037/19 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Griffin griffi075---19039/23-9/25 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Grim Johngrim--002joh19034/30-09/11 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Grim Jackgrim--001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Grim Jackgrim--001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Grimes Jamesgrimes003jam1903 Bozeman MTIndependent ,
Grimm Hubergrimm-000hub1903 Olym.-ClerksIndependent ,
Grimm Hubergrimm-000hub19039/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Grimshaw Myrongrimsh001myr19034/30-8/29 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Groeschow Williamgroesc001wil19035/1-5/27 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Groeschow Williamgroesc001wil19035/28-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Grogan Johngrogan004joh190336 g. Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Grogan 1903 Knox CollegeCollege ,
Gronninger Jamesgronin001jam1903-06 U. West VirginiaCollege ,
Gronninger Jamesgronin001jam1903+6/14-8/16+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Gross Harrygross-002har1903no g. Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Gross Harrygross-002har19036/9,8/10,8/20 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Gross Harrygross-002har19036/12 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Gross Harrygross-002har1903+9/1+ Spri.-GarnettIndependent ,
Grover grover012---19037/2-7/4 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Groves George1903 Jacksonville FLIndependent ,
Grubbs Frankgrubbs002fra19037/2-9/13 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Gruebner Louisgruebn001lou19034/27-6/23 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Gruebner Louisgruebn001lou190370 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Guernsey Louisguerns001lou19035/12-6/22 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Guese Whiteyguese-001the19034/26-9/17 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Guest Frankguest-001fra19035/2- Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Guest Frankguest-001fra1903-5/19 NashuaNew England League ,
Guest Frankguest-001fra1903 Chester PAIndependent ,
Guiheen Thomasguihee001tho19035/1-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Guiheen Thomasguihee001tho19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Gunion gunion000---19038/26-8/29 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Gunther Frankgunthe001fra1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Gustropski/Go J.19037/27-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Guyn Isaacguyn--001how19034/4- U. KentuckyCollege ,
Guyn Isaacguyn--001how19036/15- Rome RomansAlabama-Georgia League ,
Guyn 19037/4-7/27+ Jacksonville FLIndependent ,
Gygli Frank1903-10/18 Clev.-East EndsIndependent ,
Haas Clarence1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Haas A.1903 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Haas Bert1903 Sidney OHIndependent ,
Hackett Jimhacket001jam190399 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Hackett Tomhacket001tho1903-6/2 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hackett Tomhacket001tho1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Hadden Hardy1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Hading Louishading001lou19038/31-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Hadley Huberthadley001hub1903 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Hadley Huberthadley001hub1903 FargoNorthern League ,
Hadley Huberthadley001hub1903 FlintSoMich ,
Hafford Frankhaffor001fra19035/1-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Hagan Raymond1903 Atlantic CityIndependent ,
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf190357 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet1903 ,
Hahn Noodleshahn--001fra1903 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hahn Edhahn--003wil1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Hahn Frank1903 Wellsville NYIndependent ,
Haidt Louishaidt-001lou190312 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Haidt Louishaidt-001lou19036/1-6/3 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Halbert Benjaminhalber001f--19035/24-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Halbritter Louishalbri001lou1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Hale Edhale--001ed-1903no g. San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Hale Jesshale--001jes19035/8-7/16 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Hale Rayhale--001ray19034/25-7/2 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Hale Rayhale--001ray19037/19-9/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Hale Harryhale--000har19034/28 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Hall Russhall--011rob19034/14-8/16 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hall Russhall--011rob19039/10-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Hall Bobhall--004rob19035/7-8/27 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Hall Bobhall--004rob19038/31-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Hall Louishall--001lou19035/20-6/28 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Hall Rustyhall--001war190353 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Hall hall--080---19038/23-8/24 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Hall hall--081---1903+6/13+ HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Halla Johnhalla-001joh19035/1-8/6 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Halla Johnhalla-001joh19038/12-9/7 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Halligan Jockohallig001joc19034/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Hallman Billhallma002wil1903- 9/2763 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hallman Billhallma001wil190363 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Hamacher Williamhamach000wil19035/15-5/22 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Hamer Francishamer-000fra19035/2-5/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Hamilton Billyhamilt006wil19035/1-6/18 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Hamilton Sandyhamilt001ale19035/2-5/19 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Hamilton Sandyhamilt001ale1903+5/24-7/29+ Weir City KSIndependent ,
Hamilton Argushamilt001arg1903no g. Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Hamilton Argushamilt001arg19035/8-8/3 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Hamilton John19035/6-7/1 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Hamm 19035/28-6/3 UmpireCentral League ,
Hammond Johnhammon001joh19031 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Hand hand--006---19039/19 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Handiboe Williamhandib002wil190327 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Haney Jimhaney-003jam19035/23-8/6 Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha19035/1-5/12 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha19035/25-5/29 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha19036/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha1903 Youngstown OHIndependent ,
Hanford Charles1903+8/22+ Tren.-YMCAIndependent ,
Haniford hanifo000---19035/31-6/22 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Hankey Jackhankey001joh190398 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hanks Arthur1903+4/29-7/25+ York-Penn’sParkIndependent ,
Hanks Arthur1903+9/5+ Linder PAIndependent ,
Hanley Georgehanley002geo19034/14-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland/SLC,
Hanley Josephhanley000jos1903+5/26+2 g. Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Hanley Josephhanley000jos1903 Cando NDIndependent ,
Hanlon Billhanlon001wil19034/16-4/26 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hanlon Billhanlon001wil190319 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hanlon Billhanlon001wil19037/23-21 g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Hanna Williamhanna-003wil1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Hannafin Larryhannaf001law19035/9-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Hannafin John19036/6-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Hannifin Jackhannif002joh190363 g. Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat190376 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat190339 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat1903+8/2-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Hanover hanove000---19037/30 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Hanrahan Billyhanrah001wil190390 g. Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Hanrahan Jackhanrah001joh19031 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm19035/9-5/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm1903 Newport NHIndependent ,
Hanson Georgehanson001geo19034/14-5/31+ Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hanson Georgehanson001geo1903+7/26-10/3 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19035/9-6/16 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19036/18-7/11 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19037/23-7/28 NashuaNew England League ,
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19038/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Hardt hardt-001---19038/5-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav1903-5/93 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav19035/16-7/19 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav19039/7-9/24 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Hardy Ellishardy-001ell19034/25-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Hardy Harryhardy-001har1903 Dubois PAIndependent ,
Hardy Harryhardy-001har19039/17 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Hardy Jackhardy-001joh19034/19-74 g. Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hardy Jackhardy-001joh19037/23-8/3 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Hardy Jackhardy-001joh19038/29-5 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hardy Jackhardy-001joh19039/6-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Harkness harkne003---19031 g. Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Harley Dickharley001ric1903- 9/21104 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Harley Dickharley001hen19034/27 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Harley Dickharley001hen190316-12 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Harley Williamharley001wil1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Harlow Conharlow001con190322 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Harlow Conharlow001con19035/17-7/5 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Harlow Conharlow001con1903213 ab Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Harmon Iraharmon001ira19034/15-5/21+ Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Harmon Iraharmon001ira19036/6-6/12+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Harmon Iraharmon001ira19037/12-9/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Harmon Iraharmon001ira1903-10/3 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Harmon Walterharmon001wal19035/11-5/14 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Harmon Walterharmon001wal1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Catskill,
Harnish Nickharnis001nic19038/1-8/2  Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Harnson L. J.harnso000lj-1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Harper Jackharper003cha190319 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Harrington Joeharrin001joe19035/7-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Harrington Guyharrin001guy19035/2-6/15 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Harrington Guyharrin001guy19036/30 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Harrington Guyharrin001guy19037/8-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Harris Charlesharris002c--19035/22-7/25+ Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Harris Charlesharris002c--19038/17-9/8 UmpireNorthern League ,
Harris Ewingharris001ewi1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Harris F. G.harris000fg-19038/8-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Harris Joeharris007jos19036/8- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Harris Joeharris007jos1903 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Harris Joeharris007jos1903-9/9 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Harris John1903 Baylor Univ.College ,
Harris Joseph1903 Ionia MIIndependent ,
Harris harris114---19037/24 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Harrison Eldredharris000eld19035/16-5/26 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Harrison Johnharris012joh19038/19-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Hart Billhart--004wil19034/30-9/13 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19034/22-5/17 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19035/23-5/30 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19036/3-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Hart Thomashart--002tho19035/1-9/14 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Hart Eugenehart--001eug19035/19-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Hartley Chickhartle001wal1903+8/18-10/12 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Hartley Jameshartle001jam19037/29-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Hartman Fredhartma003fre19034/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Hartman Williamhartma001wil19034/28-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Hartzell Royhartze001roy19034/30-6/7 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Hartzell Royhartze001roy19036/22-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Harvey Leonharvey000leo1903no g. Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Harvey James1903 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Harvey harvey011---19038/24-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Haskell Jackhaskel001jac19034/22-7/15 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Haskell Jackhaskel001jac19038/4-9/20 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Haslem Williamhaslem001wil1903no g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Haslem Williamhaslem001wil1903 Warren OH ,
Haslem Williamhaslem001wil19036/16-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Hassett Christyhasset001chr19036/21-9/20 UmpireNew York State League ,
Hassett James190393 g. MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Hastings Charliehastin002cha19035/11-7/27 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Hastings Charliehastin002cha19038/14-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Hausen Billhausen001hom1903+5/10-6/29+ Ogden UTIndependent ,
Hausen Billhausen001hom190361 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hausen Billhausen001hom19039/24-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Havel Samhavel-001edw19035/1-9/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Haviland John1903+7/11-7/26+ Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-1903 Harvard Univ.College ,
Hawkins Buckhawkin001tho1903 Muncie INIndependent ,
Hawkins Buckhawkin001tho1903 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Hawkins Omar1903 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Hawkins Thomashawkin001tho1903 Muncie INIndependent ,
Hawkins Thomashawkin001tho19037/11-7/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Hawkins Thomashawkin001tho1903 Muncie INIndependent ,
Hawley Pinkhawley001eme1903 ,
Hawley hawley007---19038/24 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19034/30-6/6 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19036/9-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Hayes Geraldhayes-001ger19034/25-7/30 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Hayes Geraldhayes-001ger19038/2-8/30 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Hayes Thomashayes-002tom19035/1-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Hayes James19035/1-9/13 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hayes Jack19034/25-5/20,7/7 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Hayes William1903-05 DenverWest ,
Hays/Hayes 19036/10-6/12+ Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Haythorn Clarencehaytho001cla19034/25-5/13 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Haythorn Clarencehaytho001cla19037/11-7/28 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Hayward Williamhaywar001wil19035/7-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Hayworth Benhaywor001ben1903 Matthews INIndependent ,
Hayworth Benhaywor001ben19036/23-6/25 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Hazelton Dochazlet001wil19035/8-7/8 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Hazelton Dochazlet001wil1903 BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
Head Clairehead--002cla19031 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Head 1903-04 Cumberland ColCollege ,
Headon Walterheadon000wal19034/25-6/4 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Headon Walterheadon000wal19038/17-8/26 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Heaney Jamesheaney000jam1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Hearne Hughiehearne001hug1903- 7/226 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hearne Hughiehearne001hug19037/4-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Hecht Alhecht-001al-1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Heckert George1903 York-Penn's’ ParkIndependent ,
Heder 1903+5/28-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Heder 1903 Chemera ORIndependent ,
Hedges Alonzohedges001alo19037/15-9/10 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Heehan John19035/26-6/3 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Heffernan Jimmieheffer001jam1903 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Heffernan Jimmieheffer001jam1903 Greenfield MAIndependent ,
Heflin 19038/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Heidrick Emmetheidri001joh1903120 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Heileman Johnheilem001joh19034/25-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Heir Jacobheir--000jak19035/8-6/14  Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Heisman John1903 Clemson Univ.College ,
Heismann Creseheisma001chr19035/8-6/14 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Heismann Creseheisma001chr1903-7/19 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Helms Jameshelm--001jam1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Helmsdorfer Frederickhelmsd001fre19035/21-8/16+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo19035/2-6/9 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo19036/26-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo19037/20-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha1903105 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra190335 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra19035/19-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Henderson Harveyhender005har1903 Syracuse UnivCollege ,
Henderson Harveyhender005har19036/18-7/28 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Henderson Benhender003jam19035/1-8/24 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Hendley Johnnyhendle001joh190386 g. Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Hendricks Jackhendri002joh19034/14-8/ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Hendricks Jackhendri002joh1903-9/2832 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Hendrix Newthendri001new19035/14-  Decatur ALIndependent ,
Hendrix Newthendri001new1903+8/15+3 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Henebey/Heneby 19035/8-5/14 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Henley Weldonhenley001wel19034/23-30 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Henley henley005---19035/2-9/26 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Hennegar Joehenneg001jos1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Hennegar Joehenneg001jos19037/20-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Hennessey Joehennes001jos19034/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Henretty Lawrencehenret000lar1903 Georgetown UnivCollege ,
Henretty Lawrencehenret000lar1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Henry Georgehenry-002geo19035/9-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Henry Jackhenry-001joh19035/2-6/15 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Henry Jackhenry-001joh1903+8/29+35 g. Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Henry 1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Herbert Frankherber001fra19034/30-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Herbert Jackherber003joh1903110 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Herman Artherman001art19034/27-9/17 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Herr Eddieherr--002edw190322 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Herr Eddieherr--002edw190323 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Herr C. V.herr--000dut19035/2-5/19 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Hershey Frankhershe001fra19039/5-9/19 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Herwig Johnherwig001joh1903+5/12+ Reading PAIndependent ,
Herzog Fredherzog001fre19035/1-5/21 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Hess Tomhess--001tho19035/8-5/13 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Hess Tomhess--001tho190356 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Hess Harryhess--001har19035/11-7/5 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Hess hess--001art1903100 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hess hess--001art19039/16-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Hess Ottohess--001ott19034/30-9/12 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Hess hess--009---19037/10-7/25 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Hessler Georgehessle001geo19035/8-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Hesterfer Larryhester001law19035/1-9/4 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Hetling Gushetlin001aug1903 St.L.-White Seals ,
Hetling Gushetlin001aug19036/20-6/23 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Heubert heuber000---19035/8 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Heusser Ernieheusse000ern1903+5/3+ Salt Lake City UTIndependent ,
Heusser Ernieheusse000ern1903+8/30+ Eureka UTIndependent ,
Heydon Mikeheydon001mic19034/22-9/13 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Heyman Charlesheyman001c--1903 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Heyman Charlesheyman001c--1903+9/13+ Alliance OHIndependent ,
Hibbard hibbar000---1903+6/6+ Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hickey Mikehickey001mik19035/4-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Hickey Eddiehickey001edw19034/30-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Hickey Walterhickey001wal190398 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hickey Jackhickey002joh190310 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hickey Jackhickey002joh19035/3-38 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Hickey Williamhickey005wil1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Hickman Charliehickma004cha1903131 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hickman hickma008---190311 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Hicks Rowehicks-001row1903 Rich.-BrowniesTwinCity ,
Hier Jacob1903 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Higgins Charleshiggin002cha19036/13-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Higgins higgin027---19036/23-6/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Higgins higgin002cha1903 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Hilbert Charleshilber000---1903 York-Penn ParkIndependent ,
Hildebrand Georgehildeb002geo1903184 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Hill Beldenhill--003bel1903102 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hill Hughhill--001hug19035/1 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hill Hughhill--001hug19035/18-6/16,6/30 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Hill Hughhill--001hug19036/26, +7/22 Huntsville ALIndependent ,
Hill Hughhill--001hug19038/11-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Hill Hunterhill--001hun19034/25-6/27 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Hill Hunterhill--001hun19037/1-86 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Hill David19035/9-8/1 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Hill hill--066---19037/8 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1903+8/4-8/1958 g. Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1903 Princeton Univ.College ,
Hillebrand Homerhilleb001hom19036/7-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hillebrand Homerhilleb001hom19033 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Hillebrand Clarence1903 Princeton Univ.College ,
Hiller Charles1903+4/30+ Weir City BrownsIndependent ,
Hilley Edhilley001edw19035/8-9/9 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Hilley Edhilley001edw19039/29 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Himes Jackhimes-001joh1903120 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hinchman Harryhinchm001har19035/8-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Hinchman Billhinchm001wil19038/5-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun1903105 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hines Rayhines-001ray19035/9-5/17 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Hines hines-034---19037/6-7/8 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Hines hines-040---19037/7 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Hinkle John19035/8-5/10 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Hinton Johnhinton001joh1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Hippert Arthurhipper001gar1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Hippert Arthurhipper001gar19035/22-6/12 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Hippert Arthurhipper001gar19036/15-6/29 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Hippert Arthurhipper001gar19037/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Hise Berthise--001ber19034/28-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Hisey 1903 Miles City MTIndependent ,
Hitchcroft hitchc002---19038/12-91/6 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Hitt Royhitt--001roy19033 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Hoag Martinhoag--001mar190315 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hoag Martinhoag--001mar1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Hobbs Frank1903 Shenandoah IAIndependent ,
Hobbs hobbs-009---19035/20 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Hobgood 1903+3/24-4/9+ Wake ForestCollege ,
Hodge Carsonhodge-001car19035/9-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Hodge Carsonhodge-001car19039/15-9/24 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Hodge Gerryhodge-001ger19035/10-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Hodson Georgehodson002geo190350 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Hoepple Ike1903 Bancroft BrownsIndependent ,
Hoepple Ike19038/-  Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Hoff Augiehoff--001aug19035/25-9/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Hoffer Billhoffer003wil19034/28-9/13 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har19035/1-5/11 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har1903 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Hoffman Dannyhoffma001dan19034/20 -74 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Hoffman Dannyhoffma001dan19037/11-7/17 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Hoffman Larryhoffma001law19035/7-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Hoffman Fredhoffma001fre190325 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes19034/25-5/5 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes19035/20-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Hofman Sollyhofman001art19037/28-3 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Hogan Wallacehogan-002wal1903145 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Hogan Harry1903 Notre Dame U. College ,
Hogan Harry1903 FtWa-NationalsIndependent ,
Hogan Jameshogan-004jam1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Hogan hogan-006---1903+5/28-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Hogan hogan-006---19037/19-8/23 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Hogg Billhogg--002wil19034/14-6/13 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Hogg Billhogg--002wil1903+6/28-7/4+12 g.  Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Hogg Billhogg--002wil19038/2-10/3 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo19034/22-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Hogsett Charleshogset001cha19037/14-7/15 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Hogue Bradley1903216 ab Augusta GAIndependent ,
Holcomb Walterholcom001wal1903 Oelwein IAIndependent ,
Holland Jackhollan004joh19034/16-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Holland Jackhollan004joh19038/30 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Holland Howardhollan001how1903 Columbia SCIndependent ,
Holliday Jameshollid001jam19038/9-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal19034 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal19034/14-75 g. Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal19037/5 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal1903-7/21 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal190397 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Hollis Harveyhollis001har1903no g. Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Hollis Harveyhollis001har1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Hollis Harveyhollis001har190341 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Holly Edholly-002edw19034/28-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Holmes Duckyholmes003jam190321 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Holmes Duckyholmes003jam190386 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Holmes Fredholmes001fre19036/6-7/8 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Holmes Fredholmes001fre19038/23 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Holmes Clarenceholmes001cla190325 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Holmes Jimholmes002jam19035/15-5/16 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Holmes Jimholmes002jam1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Holmes Scott1903 Illinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Holmes holmes038---19035/11-5/13 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Holmes 1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Holt Earl1903 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Holt Earl1903 Augusta GAIndependent ,
Holt holt--015---19036/25 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Holycross Pearl1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Homer Frank1903 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Hood Guy1903+6/11+ Linc.-BankersLincCity ,
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--19035/8-9/15 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Hooker Buckhooker001wil1903- 4/292 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hooker Buckhooker001wil19035/13- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Hooker Buckhooker001wil1903-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Hoon Kirbyhoon--001kir19037/23 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Hope Samhope--001sam19035/5-5/13 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Hope Samhope--001sam19036/5-8/13 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Hopke Billhopke-001wil19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Hopkins Leehopkin001leo1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hopkins Leehopkin001leo1903 Clinton ILIndependent ,
Hopkins Sishopkin002a--19034/29-6/3 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Hopkins Sishopkin002a--19036/11-8/13 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Hopkins hopkin025---1903+5/26-7/15 Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Hopkins hopkin025---1903+7/26+ UmpireIowa-South Dakota League ,
Hopkins hopkin025---19038/11+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Horn Williamhorn--003wil1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Horn Mt. Shastahorn--001mt-19031 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Horn Williamhorn--001cas19036/8-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Hornbuckle hornbu006---19037/23-8/1 Rome RomansAlabama-Georgia League ,
Hornshell hornsh000---19035/28 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Horrell William1903 Salina-InvinciblesIndependent ,
Horton Elmerhorton002elm19035/8-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Horton Harryhorton002har19036/20-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Hosington hosing000---19037/7 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Hosmer Wilsonhosmer002wil190329 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Houle Dennishoule-001den19036/22-9/12 UmpireConnecticut League ,
House Johnhouse-001joh19036/23-8/2+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Householder Edhouseh001edw19034/17-4/30 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Householder Edhouseh001edw1903+6/5-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Householder Edhouseh001edw19039/7-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre19034/14-8/16 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Howard Clintonhoward000cli1903+7/9+ Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Howard Erniehoward002ern1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Howard Benjaminhoward003ben19036/16-7/8+ Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Howard Earlhoward001ear19035/20-6/16 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Howard Earlhoward001ear1903+7/24-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Howard Lesliehoward001les1903 College  ,
Howard Lesliehoward001les19037/28-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Howard W.howard001w--190343 g. Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Howard howard001w--19036/11-8/3 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Howe howe--003---19038/26-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Howell Roberthowell001rob19034/22-4/24 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Howell Roberthowell001rob19035/2-5/29 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Howell Roberthowell001rob19036/3-7/10+ Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Howell Roberthowell001rob1903+7/31+ Wichita KSIndependent ,
Howell Harryhowell001hen1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Howell Harryhowell001hen19032 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Howell Frankhowell002f--19035/29-6/13 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Howells Billyhowell005wil19035/20-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Howie Williamhowie-001wil19035/1-6/3 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Howie Williamhowie-001wil19036/19 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Howie Williamhowie-001wil19039/5-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Hoy Billyhoy---001wil1903212 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Hoy Jimmiehoy---002jam19035/21-5/30+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Hoy Jimmiehoy---002jam19036/9-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Hubbard Joehubbar002joh19035/18-9/16 UmpireCentral League ,
Hubbard Arthur1903 Racine WIIndependent ,
Hubbard Arthur1903no g. Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Hubley 1903-05 Lafayette ColCollege ,
Hudson Ed1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Hudson I.hudson000i--19035/5-5/10 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Hudson Marvin19035/21-  Pulaski TNIndependent ,
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra19034/25-5/5 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra19031 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra1903+5/20-98 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Huff Georgehuff--002geo1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Huffman Tobehauffm001---19035/3, 5/25 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Huffman Tobehauffm001---19035/6-5/14 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Huffman Tobehauffm001---19037/-  Wichita KSIndependent ,
Huffman Tobehauffm001---1903 EldoradoIndependent ,
Hug Edhug---001edw19037/6 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hug Edhug---001edw19037/20-8/3 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Huggins Millerhuggin001mil19034/22-9/13 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Hughes Jayhughes008jam190360 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hughes Williamhughes008wil1903 Oklahoma City OKTerritory ,
Hughes Tomhughes004tho1903 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Hughes Jameshughes004jam1903+5/28+ Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Hughes Jameshughes004jam1903+7/27+ Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Hughes Jameshughes004jam1903 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Hughes Jameshughes004jam19038/24-  Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Hughes Edhughes004edw190334 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hughes Georgehughes003geo1903 Lombard CollegeCollege ,
Hughes Georgehughes003geo190393 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hughes Georgehughes003geo1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hughes Johnhughes001joh1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Hughes William1903 Elmira-FatherMathewIndependent ,
Hughes hughes049---19035/13 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Hughey Jimhughey001jim19034/26-9/18 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Hughley hughey001---1903+5/3+ Fort DouglasIndependent ,
Hughley hughey001---1903+6/21+ ProvoUTIndependent ,
Hule hule--001---1903 Cloquet Reserv.Independent ,
Hule hule--001---19037/31-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Hulen Billyhulen-001bil19034/14-120 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Huling Thomas1903+7/19-8/11+ Zanesville OHIndependent ,
Hull Burt1903 Univ. of IllinoisCollege ,
Hull Burt1903 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Hulsey Fredhulsey000fre19036/15-6/17 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud1903138 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hummel Johnhummel001joh1903-04 Bloomsburg U.College ,
Hummel Johnhummel001joh1903+7/22+ Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Humphrey Charleshumphr002cha1903 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Hunche Charleshunche001cha19034/25-7/30 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Hunche Charleshunche001cha19038/27-8/28 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Hunche Charleshunche001cha19038/29-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Hunt Harryhunt--001har1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Hunt hunt--023---19035/21-5/23 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Hunter Frederickhunter002fre1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Hupp Danhupp--002dan1903+6/21+ Waterloo IAIndependent ,
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo19034/14-5/30+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo1903+7/2+64 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo19033 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hurlburt Edhurlbu001edw190359 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Hurlburt Edhurlbu001edw1903 Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Hurlburt Frank1903 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Hurley Jerryhurley001jer19035/3-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Hurley Billhurley003wil190315 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Hurley Billhurley003wil19034/14-10/4 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Hurst Gushurst-010---1903 Hunt.-Erie MachinistsIndependent ,
Hurst Gushurst-010---19038/13-9/1 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Hurst Johnhurst-001joh19035/23- Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Huston Jackhuston001jac19034/14-8/30 UmpirePacific National League ,
Huston Harryhuston001har19036/22,7/19-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Huston Harryhuston001har19037/8-7/9 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Huston huston001har1903no g. Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Huston huston004---1903+8/25+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Hutchcroft Edwardhutchc001ed-19034/27-5/15 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Hutchcroft Edwardhutchc001ed-19037/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-19034/14-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-19038/23 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Hutchinson Ralphhutchi002ral1903+5/30-8/2+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Hutchinson Ralphhutchi002ral1903-05 Univ. TexasCollege ,
Hutchinson W. M.hutchi001w--19034/25-7/23 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Hutchinson W. M.hutchi001w--19037/30-8/7 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Hutchinson hutchi016---19036/26-7/1+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Hutter Amoshutter001amo19035/4-5/10 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Hutter Amoshutter001amo19035/20-5/30 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Hutter Amoshutter001amo19036/10-  Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Hutton Elmerhutton001---1903 ,
Hutton Willhutton001wil19035/30-6/1 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Hutton Willhutton001wil19036/28-7/4 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Hutton Slickhutton000sli19035/26 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Hutton W. A.1903 Medford ORIndependent ,
Hutton hutton007---19035/25 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Hycoop Williamhycoop000wil1903 Clark EngineIndependent ,
Hycoop Williamhycoop000wil1903+8/21+ Kalamazoo MIIndependent ,
Hynes Pathynes-001pat1903237 ab Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Hynes Pathynes-001pat19039/27 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Iba H. B.19036/-  UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Iburg Hamiburg-001her190352 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Ingalls Frankingall001fra1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Ingalls Frankingall001fra19031 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Iott Happyiott--001fre19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Iott Happyiott--001fre1903-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Iott Happyiott--001fre19039/16-9/18 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Irby Charles1903+5/28-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Irish Billy1903+7/29-8/16+ UmpireNorthern League ,
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art19034/30-8/? Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art1903 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh1903 Bowdoin CollegeCollege ,
Irwin Charlieirwin-001cha1903208 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Irwin Josephirwin-000jos1903+6/30-7/29 Pulaski TNIndependent ,
Irwin Josephirwin-000jos1903+8/23+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Irwin Williamirvin-001wil190322 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Irwin Williamirvin-001wil1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Irwin irwin-016---1903+6/17-6/18+ MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Isbell Frankisbell001---19038/16-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Isbell Johnisbell001war190312 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Isbell Johnisbell001war19038/21-8/25+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Ison James19037/19-7/29 Dalton GAIndependent ,
Ives ives--001geo1903107 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre190360 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jackman jackma001---19036/11 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Jackson Jimjackso002jam19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Jackson Charlesjackso005cha19035/22-8/20+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Jackson Herbertjackso001cha1903 Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Jackson Jamesjackso013jam1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Jackson Rollajackso002rol1903?-6/1 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Jackson Samjackso002sam19035/16-? Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Jacob Mikejacobs001mor19034/30-5/5 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Jacob Mikejacobs001mor19035/22-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Jacobs Louisjacobs001lou19038 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Jacobs Louisjacobs001lou19031 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Jacobs jacobs028---1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Jacobson Beanyjacobs001alb190322 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
James Williamjames-015wil1903 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
James james-033---1903 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Jamieson F. O.19035/6-5/31 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Jamieson F. O.1903+8/11-8/25+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Jansing Henryjansin001hen1903155 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Jarrott Ferdjarrot001fer19035/20-7/25+ AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Jarrott Ferdjarrot001fer1903+8/2-8/9+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Jarvis Rubejarvis000rub1903 Arkansas  City KSIndependent ,
Jarvis Rubejarvis000rub1903 El Reno OKIndependent ,
Jarvis Rubejarvis000rub1903 Wichita KSIndependent ,
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil19036/4-8/29 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Jeffries Charlesjeffri001cha1903 Lebanon PAIndependent ,
Jeffries jeffri005---1903+6/15-7/14+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Jenkins Fredjenkin002fre1903+6/18-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Jenkins K.1903 Natchez Indians ,
Jennings Hughiejennin001hug1903 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jennings Hughiejennin001hug19037/3-8/8 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Jensen Sijensen001erv19034/16 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Jensen Sijensen001erv19034/25 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Jensen Sijensen001erv1903+7/2+ Ogden UTIndependent ,
Jensen Sijensen001erv1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Jerger Joejerger001jos190328 g. Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Jess Edjess--001ed-1903no g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Jessup Clarencejessup001cla19035/2-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Jimerson Jacobjamiso001jac1903no g. Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb19036/5-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb190352 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Johnson Guyjohnso003guy1903 Kalamazoo ColCollege ,
Johnson Guyjohnso003guy1903no g. Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Johnson Haroldjohnso004har19035/8 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Johnson Haroldjohnso004har1903+5/15+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Johnson Haroldjohnso004har1903+8/6+ Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Johnson Haroldjohnso004har19032 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Johnson John1903 Urbana OHIndependent ,
Johnson Otisjohnso001oti19035/8-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Johnston Billjohnst004wil19035/11-7/4 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Johnston Billjohnst004wil19038/12-9/19 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Jones Alexjones-002ale1903-5/162 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Jones Alexjones-002ale19035/29-7/29 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Jones Alexjones-002ale19038/19-9/25 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Jones Budjones-131---19036/23-8/30 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Jones Charliejones-005cha19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Jones Jimjones-022jam19034/22-8/11 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Jones Jimjones-022jam19038/15-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Jones Cowboyjones-003alb19034/30-9/13 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Jones Oscarjones-002osc1903 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jones Oscarjones-002osc19031 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Jones Oscarjones-002osc19031 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Jones Davyjones-005dav1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Jones Evartsjones-002eva1903no g. Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Jones Rossjones-003ros1903no g. Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Jones Rossjones-003w--190344 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Jones Charlesjones-003w--1903 ,
Jones Tomjones-002tho19034/30-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Jones Alf1903+6/17-9/7+ KnoxvilleTn-Al ,
Jones D. W.1903no g. Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Jones F.jones-000f--19035/10 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Jones Jamesjones-031jam19035/11-5/18 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Jones Pauljones-013pau19037/8 Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Jones R.jones-008r--19035/4-6/23 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Jones Wallacejones-001wal1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Jones jones-201---19036/30-7/13 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Jones jones-190---19036/24 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Jope Harryjope--001hen19035/7-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Jordan Mikejordan001mik19037/29-8/22 UmpireNew England League ,
Jordan Charliejordan003cha1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Jordan Charliejordan003cha19036/22-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Jordan Theodorejordan000the19035/4 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Jordan Slatsjordan001cla19035/8-5/27 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Jordan Dutchjordan001ado1903 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Jordan Dutchjordan001ado19034/25-78 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jordan Timjordan002tim19032 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Jordan Timjordan002tim19035/1-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Josslyn Georgejossly001geo19035/2-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Josslyn Georgejossly001geo19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Joyce Michaeljoyce-002mic19035/1-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Joyce Michaeljoyce-002mic19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Joyner F. F.joyner000ff-19035/15-5/26 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Jude Frankjude--001fra1903 Carlisle IndianCollege ,
Julian Bertjulian000ber19035/22-6/10 FargoNorthern League ,
Jump T. A.19037/17-7/25 UmpireCentral League ,
Justice Edwardjustic001edw19036/19-6/30 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Justice Edwardjustic001edw19037/8 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Kahl Bobkahl--001rob19035/2-5/4+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Kahl Nickkahl--001nic19034/28-8/22 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic190377 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Kain Charleskain--001cha19034/30-8/3 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Kain kain--003---19034/30 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Kaiser Nicholas1903 Calumet MIIndependent ,
Kalahan Johnkalaha001joh19039/29 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Kane Ambrosekane--001amb19035/4-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Kane Billykane--002wil19034/14-7/19+ Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Kane Williamkane--003wil19035/1-9/1 ManchesterNew England League ,
Kane Harrykane--001har19035/3-9/7 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Kane Harrykane--001har19033 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Kane Jerrykane--001jer19034/14-4/27+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Kane Jerrykane--001jer1903+6/4-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Kane Jerrykane--001jer1903 Chemara ORIndependent ,
Kane Johnkane--002joh19035/2-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Kane Johnkane--004fra1903 Amherst Col.College ,
Kane Johnkane--004fra19037/5-7/22 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Kane Johnkane--004fra19038/9-9/11 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Kanzler Jaykanzle001jay19034/27-7/1 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Kanzler Jaykanzle001jay19037/8-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Kaphan Eliaskaphan001eli1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Kaphan Eliaskaphan001eli19037/9-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Karsten Henry1903 U. MichiganCollege ,
Katoll Jackkatoll001joh19035/7-8/11 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Kavanaugh Philkavana001phi1903 St.L.-KernsStLCity ,
Keady John1903 DartmouthCollege ,
Keady John1903 Fabyans NHIndependent ,
Keane Williamkeane-002wil1903 Fordham ColCollege ,
Keane Williamkeane-002wil1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Keane Williamkeane-002wil19036/20-6/22 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Keane Williamkeane-002wil19036/24-9/11 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Keane William1903+3/29+ Georgetown U.College ,
Kearney Johnkearne000jac19032 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Kearney Johnkearne000jac1903 Newberry MIIndependent ,
Keas Georgekeas--001geo19035/21-8/16 Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Keavin Jack1903 St. BonaventureCollege ,
Keavin Jack1903 Elmira-FatherMathewIndependent ,
Keefe Timkeefe-001tim19035/20-5/30 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Keefe John19035/1-9/19 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Keefe Patkeefe-001pat19036/26-7/5 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Keefe Patkeefe-001pat1903 BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
Keefe Bobbykeefe-001rob190338 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Keefe George1903 LancasterPaSt ,
Keeler Thomaskeeler002---1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid19034/28-8/4 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Keenan Joekeenan001jos19034/25-6/18 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Keenan Joekeenan001jos19037/19-7/26 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Keenan Joekeenan001jos19038/3-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Kehoe Jameskehoe-002jim1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Keister Billkeiste001wil1903-8/25100 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Keith Jameskeith-001buc19035/21-6/9 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Kelb Georgekelb--002geo19035/1-5/27 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Kelb Georgekelb--002geo1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Kelb Georgekelb--002geo19038/27-9/14 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Kelcher Charles1903 LebanonPaSt ,
Keliher William19035/19-6/8 UmpireNew England League ,
Kellackey Hughkellac001hug19034/30-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Kellackey Hughkellac001hug19037/20-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Kellar Frankkellar001fra190368 ab Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Kellar Frankkellar001fra1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Kellar Frankkellar001fra1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Kellar Frankkellar001fra1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Keller Jameskeller001jam1903+7/5-7/8+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Kelley Joekelley002jos1903 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Kelley Mikekelley002mic19034/22-9/4 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Kelley Johnkelley004joh19035/1-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Kelley Johnkelley004joh19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Kelley Johnkelley006wil19035/20-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Kelley H. A.1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Kelley W.kelley039---19035/7-7/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Kelley Williamkelley012wil19035/1-5/2 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Kelley kelley039---1903 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Kellum Winkellum001win19034/22-9/13 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Kelly Billykelly-004wil19034/14-43 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Kelly Billykelly-004wil1903+5/28-5/29+ Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Kelly Billykelly-004wil19036/7-  Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo1903 ,
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho19034/16-6/12+  Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho1903+7/15+  Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Kelly John19034/28-9/17 UmpireWestern League ,
Kelly Johnkelly-003joh19035/20-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Kelly Speedkelly-002rob1903-04 U. of ChicagoCollege ,
Kelly Speedkelly-002rob1903-04 Purdue Univ.College ,
Kelly Thomas19034/30-9/26 UmpireEastern League ,
Kelly Albertkelly-001alb190358 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Kelly H. O.19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Kelly H. O.19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Kelly Lewiskelly-000lew19035/27-6/10 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Kelly Matthewkelly-001mat19035 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Kelly W. J.kelly-000wj-19038/14-8/24 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Kelly kelly-047---1903 KnoxIndependent ,
Kelly kelly-047---1903+7/13-7/31+ FargoNorthern League ,
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil19034/28-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Kenefick Jameskenefi001jam19035/27-6/7 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Kenefick Jameskenefi001jam19037/7-8/22 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Kenna Edkenna-004edw19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Kenneally Williamkennea001wil1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Kenneally Williamkennea001wil1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Kenneally Williamkennea001wil1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Kenneally Williamkennea001wil1903 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Kennedy Brickyardkenned005wil1903 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Kennedy Brickyardkenned005wil1903-9/2323 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Kennedy Albertkenned002alb190338 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Kennedy Albertkenned002alb19036/8-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Kennedy Charleskenned001cha19035/7-9/12 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Kennedy Samkenned001sam19035/7-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh1903no g. Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh1903no g. Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh190398 ab Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Kennedy Shermankenned001she19035/30-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Kennedy Irakenned000ira19034/27-5/2 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Kennedy Irakenned000ira19035/13-6/12 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Kennedy Irakenned039---1903 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Kennedy Jameskenned006jam19037/27-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Kennedy Johnkenned011joh19035/2-6/16 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Kennedy Johnkenned002alb1903 Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Kennedy Louiskenned001lou190319 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Kennedy Robertkenned004rob19038/14-8/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Kennedy Tom1903 UmpireHudson River League ,
Kennedy kenned039---19035/31-6/18 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Kennedy kenned039---19036/22-7/6 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Kennedy kenned056---1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Kennefic J. F.kennef000jf-19035/11-5/19 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Kennefic J. F.kennef000jf-1903+6/27+ Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Kennelly Williamkennel002wil190316 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Kennelly Williamkennel002wil19035/20-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh19035/4 NashuaNew England League ,
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh19037/30-9/12 UmpireNew England League ,
Kernan G. J.kernan000gj-19035/21-5/30 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Kerr Aaron F.1903 Sharon PAIndependent ,
Kersten Otto1903 Forsyth MOIndependent ,
Kerwin Dankerwin001dan19034/22-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Kerwin Dankerwin001dan19039/27 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre19034/28-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Kieb Buck1903 Wellsville NYIndependent ,
Kieb Buck1903 Buff.-No.BuffalosIndependent ,
Kiefer Frank19036/16-9/12  UmpireCentral League ,
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Kiernan Peterkierna001pet1903+6/10-6/20+ Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Kihm Georgekihm--001geo19034/22-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw19035/5- Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw1903-6/10 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw19036/17-6/20 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw1903+7/16+ Pittston-BrothersIndependent ,
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw1903+8/20-9/22+ Wilkes-Barre PAIndependent ,
Kilcoyne John1903 Wilkes-Barre PAIndependent ,
Killeen Henrykillee002hen1903 Connecticut League ,
Killefer Redkillef001wad1903-07 not varsity U. of MichiganCollege ,
Killen Frankkillen002fra1903 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Killen Frankkillen002fra19036/6-9/15 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Killian Edkillia001edw190368 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Killian Edkillia001edw19038/25-9 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Killian Sidkillia001sid1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Killian Sidkillia001sid19037/12-8/3 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Killilay Edwardkillil001ed-19036/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Killilay Martinkillil001mar19035/18-9/26 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Killilay Edwardkillil001ed-1903 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Killilay Martinkillil001mar190358 g. Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Killilea Robertkillil001rob19031 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Kilroy Peterkilroy001orv1903+5/18+ St. Cloud MNIndependent ,
Kilroy Peterkilroy001orv19031 g. Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Kincey Edwardkincey000ted1903+6/22-7/9 Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
King Huskyking--002h--1903 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
King Huskyking--002h--1903189 ab Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
King Huskyking--002h--1903+10/13+ El Paso NMIndependent ,
King Howardking--002fra19035/20-5/27 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
King Frankking--002fra19035/20-  Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
King Frankking--002fra1903+7/31+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
King Victorking--001vic190348 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
King Frank1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
King Charles19035/1-7/28 UmpireNew England League ,
King king--081---1903+7/2-7/14 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WeirC,
Kinkead Ernest1903 Johnstown PAIndependent ,
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil190393 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Kinney James19035/10-6/21 UmpireCentral League ,
Kinskey Williamkinske000wil19038/19 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Kirmayer/eyer 19036/17-6/20 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Kirwan Williamkirwan001wil1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Kirwan Williamkirwan001wil19039/4-9/10 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Kisinger Rubekising001cha1903-9/2416 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Kisinger Rubekising001cha19035/8-7/12 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Kitson Frankkitson001fra190336 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Kittinger Charles1903 Akron OHIndependent ,
Kittridge Malachikittri001mal190332 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Kittridge Malachikittri001mal190360 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Kitzmiller kitzmi000---19036/8-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Klaus Frankklaus-001fra19035/21-8/15+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Klaus Frankklaus-001fra19039/7-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Kleeman Butseykleema001e--19038/13-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Kleinow Redkleino001joh19034/23-9/19 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Klem William19035/8-9/20 UmpireNew York State League ,
Kline Louiskline-001l--19035/20-6/6 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Kline Louiskline-001l--1903+8/8-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Kling Rudykling-001rud19034/30-6/17 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Kling Rudykling-001rud19032 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Kling Rudykling-001rud19038/5-8/8 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Kling Rudykling-001rud19038/15-8/21 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Kling Rudykling-001rud19039/11-9/14 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Klinkhammer Frankklinkh001fra190312 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Klinkhammer Frankklinkh001fra1903+8/2-8/5+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Klintworth Williamklintw001wil19039/1-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre19035/2-9/7 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Klock Williamklock-001wil19035/9-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Klock klock-002---19037/13 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus19034/14-9/29+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Knapp O.knapp-008---19035/7-9/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Knau Louisknau--001lou19035/1-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Knell Philknell-001phi1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Knell Philknell-001phi1903 Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul19034/27-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Knoll Punchknoll-001cha19034/27-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Knowlton Elmerknowlt002elm19036/10-6/11 FargoNorthern League ,
Knupple Williamknuppl001wil19038/6 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Koehler Benkoehle001ber19034/27-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Koelin koelin000---19037/17 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Kohlar Stevekohlar001ste1903115 g. Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Kohler Henry1903 StL.-Kerns ,
Kolar/Kohlar Steve19034/25-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Kossuch Fredkossuc001fre19039/5-9/13 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Kostal Joekostal001jos190318 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Kostal Joekostal001jos19033 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Kostal Joekostal001jos19039/7-9/13 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Kraft Davidkraft-001dav19035/2-6/10 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Kratty kratty000---19037/23 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Krause Harry1903+7/31+ Atlantic City NJIndependent ,
Krause Harry1903+8/29-9/3+ Brandywine PAIndependent ,
Krebs Edkrebs-001edw1903106 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Krebs Charles1903 Manhattan Col.College ,
Krebs Charles1903 U. VirginiaCollege ,
Krebs Charles1903 Dickinson CollegeCollege ,
Krebs krebs-001---1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Kreidy Williamkreidy001wil1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Krichell Paulkriche001pau1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Krichell Paul1903 Hudson River League ,
Krick 190311 g. Iowa-South Dakota League ,
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil19035/16-6/20 UmpireCentral League ,
Kroell Johnkroell001joh1903 Louisville COIndependent ,
Krueger Ottokruege002art190380 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Krug Henrykrug--001hen1903217 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Kruger Artkruger001art1903180 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Kruger kruger010---1903 Yankton CollegeCollege ,
Kruger kruger010---19035/21-5/30+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Kruger kruger010---1903+7/31+ Canton SDIndependent ,
Kubitz Harrykubitz001har1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Kubitz Harrykubitz001har19036/29-7/22 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Kubitz Harrykubitz001har1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam19034/30-7/7 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam19037/19-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Kuhn Albertkuhn--001alb190392 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha19034/30-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Kuhns Frederickkuhns-002fre19037/30 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Kuhns Frederickkuhns-002fre19038/14-9/8 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Kulms Arthur1903 Ludington MIIndependent ,
Kunkel Harrykunkel003har19036/15-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Kurtz Louiskurtz-001lou19038/8-8/26 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Kussel 19037/5-7/16 UmpireCentral League ,
LaBarge Grantlabarg001gra19034/30-5/4 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
LaBarge Grantlabarg001gra19036/21-6/25 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Labelle Hanklabell001hen19035/2-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
LaBelle Georgelabell001geo1903 Sault Ste. Marie ,
LaChance Georgelachan001geo1903141 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Ladd Hiladd--001art19035/7-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
LaFrance Harrylafran001har19035/18-5/28 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
LaFrance Harrylafran001har19036/6-6/28 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
LaFrance Harrylafran001har1903 Marysville KSIndependent ,
Lagger Johnlagger001joh19035/2-5/30 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Lagger Johnlagger001joh19036/1-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
LaGrave Paullagrav001pau19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Laird Johnlaird-001tom19031 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Lakaff Franklakaff001fra1903 Clinton ILIndependent ,
Lakaff Franklakaff001fra1903+8/2+ Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lakaff Franklakaff001fra1903 Clinton ILIndependent ,
Lake Fredlake--001fre19035/14-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Lally Danlally-001dan19034/22-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Lally Budlally-007---1903 no g. Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Lally Budlally-003bud1903 northern INIndependent ,
Lally Budlally-007---19038/5-9/11 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Lally Bud1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Lallyhan lallyh000---19035/14 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Lamb Bert1903 Salina-InvinciblesIndependent ,
Lambert Williamlamber002wil19035/20-7/27 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Lament C.lament000c--1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lamer Petelamer-001pie1903+4/26+ Hoboken NJIndependent ,
Lampkin lampki001doc19035/28-6/30+ Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Lampkin lampki001doc1903 El Paso TXIndependent ,
Lancaster lancas004---19038/18 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Landgraf Ernestlandgr001ern1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Landy Williamlandy-001wil19035/13-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Lane Edlane--001ed-1903 St. Albans Col.College ,
Lane Edlane--001ed-1903+5/4+10 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Lane Edlane--001ed-19036/-7/18 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Lane Edlane--001ed-19039 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Lane lane--024---19039/24-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Lang lang--014---190399 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Lang John1903 St. Joseph ,
Langdon Niglangdo001fra1903 Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Langdon Niglangdo001fra1903+8/16-9/7+ Pana ILIndependent ,
Langley Robertlangle001rob1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Langsford Boblangsf001bob190310 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Langsford Boblangsf001bob1903 MobileInterstate League ,
Langton Williamlangto001wil19035/4-9/9 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
LaPorte Franklaport002fra19035/2-8/13 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Larkin Teddylarkin001pie19035/7-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Larkin Teddylarkin001pie19039/13-9/25 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Larkin Patrick1903 Georgetown U.College ,
Larkin Patrick1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam1903 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam1903 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
LaRue Purl1903 FtWa-ShamrocksIndependent ,
LaRue Purl19035/22-5/26 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Latham Arlielatham002wal19035/3-8/2 UmpireEastern League ,
Latham Arlielatham002wal19038/21-9/20 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Latimer Tackslatime001cli19034/30-7/19 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Latimer Tackslatime001cli190321 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lattin Michael1903+9/5-9/26+ Balt.-IronsidesIndependent ,
Lauchner Franklauchn001fra19035/25-6/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Lauder Georgelauder001geo19036/10-6/20 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Lauder Billylauder001wil1903-9/26108 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Lauterborn Billlauter001wil19035/9-5/13 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Lauterborn Billlauter001wil19035/22-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw19034/27-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Laval William1903+4/14+ Furman ColCollege ,
Law Franklaw---001fra19035/10-7/19 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Law Franklaw---001fra1903 VancouverIndependent ,
Law Franklaw---001fra19038/23-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Law Jacklaw---001joh19034/25-9/19 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Lawler Jacklawler003joh19039 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Lawler Jacklawler003joh19034/14-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Lawler Johnlawler001joh19038/11-9/12 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh19034/30-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Lawlor Edlawlor001ed-19034/27-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic19034/30-8/10 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic19038/16-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Lawrence Andylawren001and19035/8-9/1 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Lawrence Andylawren001and19039/6-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Lawrence G.lawren002g--19038/26-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Lawrence J. C.19034/30-5/31+ ColfaxInland Empire ,
Lawson Billylawson001wil190393 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Lawtner Joelawtne001jos1903 St.L.-RawlingsIndependent ,
Lawtner Joelawtne001jos19035/2-6/19+ Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Lawtner Joelawtne001jos19036/27-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Lawton Allawton000al-19035/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Leach 1903+5/29-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho1903147 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Leahy Davidleahy-001dav19035/9-7/11 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Leahy Davidleahy-001dav19037/15-7/20 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Leahy leahy-011---19035/7-5/27 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Leary Frankleary-001fra19036/1-9/24 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Lease Johnlease-000joh1903+6/15+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Lease Johnlease-000joh1903+6/24-7/11+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Lease Roylease-000roy1903+6/15+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Lease Roylease-000roy1903+7/11+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Leatherby Sam1903+6/18+ Minden NEIndependent ,
LeCompte Williamlecomp001w--19039/6 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
LeCompte Williamlecomp001w--1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lee Georgelee---001geo19035/12-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Lee Jacklee---003joh190338 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Lee Jacklee---003joh19039/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Lee Wyattlee---001wya190375 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Lee Carter1903 AlbanyWillamette Valley Albany, OR
Lee Granvillelee---001gra1903+5/11-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Lee Granvillelee---001gra19038/21 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Lee lee---063---1903+8/31 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
LeGrande Billlegran001w--1903 NC School ,
LeGrande Billlegran001w--1903 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo19034/25-6/21 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo19037/31-9/20 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Leifield Leftyleifie001alb1903 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Leighton Jimleight001jam19035/27-6/15 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Leighton Jimleight001jam1903+7/4+ Tampa FLIndependent ,
Leighton Joeleight000joe190311 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Leighton Joeleight000joe1903+7/4+ Tampa FLIndependent ,
Leighton Joeleight000joe1903 Anniston ALIndependent ,
Leighton Joeleight000joe19038/20+ DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Leighton Joeleight000joe19038/21-9/3+ UmpireTennessee-Alabama League ,
Leighton leight007---19037/17-7/18 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Leith Billleith-001bil19035/2-5/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Leith Billleith-001bil19036/9- Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Leith Billleith-001bil1903-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Leitman Harryleitma001har1903 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Leitman Harryleitma001har1903 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Leitner Georgeleitne001geo19035/1-5/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Lemonius Harrylemoni000har19036/27-7/3 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Lempke Carllempke001car1903 CO Sch of MinesCollege ,
Lempke Carllempke001car19035/8-9/14 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Leonard Frankleonar001fra19034/22-6/? Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Leonard Johnleonar001joh19035/5-5/11 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Leonard Johnleonar001joh19035/14 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Leonard Charlesleonar006cha19036/2-6/6 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Leonard Johnleonar011joh19035/1-5/15 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Leonard Williamleonar003wil19035/19-6/15 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Leonard Williamleonar003wil19036/22-7/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Leopold Georgeleopol001geo1903 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Leopold Georgeleopol001geo1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Leopold Georgeleopol001geo1903+7/13-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
LePine Petelepine002lou19034/30-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
LeRoi Charlesleroi-001cha19035/8-9/23 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
LeRoy Louisleroy-001lou19035/3-9/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Leslie Fennerleslie001fen19034/25-8/23 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Leslie Fennerleslie001fen19038/28-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Leslie Harveyleslie000har19035/12-5/24 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Letcher Tomletche001tom19034/30-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Letherby Samleathe001---1903no g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Letherby Samleathe001---1903+6/17-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Letherby Samleathe001---1903+9/6+ Hooper NEIndependent ,
Levy Rubelevy--001reu1903+5/10-11/27+ UmpirePacific Coast League ,
Lewee Edlewee-001edw19034/22-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Lewinson Mort1903 UmpireWestern League ,
Lewis Earllewis-001ear1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Lewis Phillewis-001phi1903 Plattsburg NYIndependent ,
Lewis Phillewis-001phi1903 ElmiraSoTier ,
Lewis Carllewis-001car1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lewis Carllewis-001car19036/16-6/22 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Lewis Dudley19037/7-  UmpireKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lewis Gordon1903-05 Univ. WisconsinCollege ,
Lewis Gordon1903 Baraga MIIndependent ,
Liebhardt Glennliebha002gle190321 g. Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Liebhardt Glennliebha002gle1903 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Lilley John1903 Lehigh Univ.College ,
Lilley John1903no g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Lilley John19034/30-6/30 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Limric James1903+6/7+ Canton OHIndependent ,
Limric James1903+9/26+ East Akron OHIndependent ,
Lindberg/er Doc19035/25-5/31+ ColfaxInland Empire ,
Lindemann Boblindem002joh1903 York-Penn’s ParkIndependent ,
Lindemann Boblindem002joh1903 Williamsport ,
Lindemann Ernielindem001ern1903+5/10+ Hoboken NJIndependent ,
Linderbeck Albert1903+8/2+ Paulding OHIndependent ,
Lindley Howardlindle001how1903+4/30+ Weir City BrownsIndependent ,
Lindley Howardlindle001how19035/14-6/13 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Lindley Howardlindle001how19037/24-8/2 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Lindley F.lindle000f--19035/28+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Lindsay Johnlindsa002joh19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Lindsay Harrylindsa001ira190355 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Lindsey McVey19034/30-5/29 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Lindsey McVey19035/30-9/15 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Linehan Johnlineha000joh19037/17-7/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Lipe Perrylipe--001per1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom1903 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom1903 York-Penn ParkIndependent ,
Lippert Louislipper001lou19034/22-4/28 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Lippert Louislipper001lou190385 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lippert Louislipper001lou1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Lippert Louislipper001lou1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Lippert Louislipper001lou1903 Bellevue ILIndependent ,
Lister Petelister001mor190367 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Livingston Paddyliving001pat19036/9-6/15 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Livingston Paddyliving001pat1903 Kent OHIndependent ,
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac1903 Norristown ,
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19036/8-7/5 LebanonTriSt ,
Lizotte Abellizott001abe19034/28-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Lloyd Harrylloyd-002har1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lloyd Harrylloyd-002har1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lobert Hanslobert001joh19039/21-5 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob19034/26-8/24 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Lockmiller 19034/27-  Oklahoma CityIndependent ,
Loehner Frank1903 Bonner MTIndependent ,
Logan Tomlogan-001tho1903 YorkTriSt ,
Logan Davidlogan-001dav19037/8-7/11 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Logan Davidlogan-001dav1903 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Logan Franklogan-001f--19034/25-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos190387 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lohman Petelohman001geo190390 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Lohr Franklohr--001fra19035/21-8/30 Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Lohr Harry1903 Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Long Hermanlong--001her190322 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Long Hermanlong--001her190369 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Long Redlong--001nel19035/1-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Long Harrylong--003har19035/7-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Long Jameslong--001art1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Longley Harrylongle001har1903470 ab Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Longnecker longne001---1903+7/21+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Lord William1903+5/25-8/15 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Lothrop Manfred1903 No. Adams MAIndependent ,
Loucks Sylvesterloucks001syl190311 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Loucks Sylvesterloucks001syl190331 g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Loudenslager Charlielouden001cha19035/8-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Lougheed Bertloughe001ber19034/30-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Lougheed Bertloughe001ber19036/28-7/19 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Lougheed Bertloughe001ber1903 Everett WAIndependent ,
Love Jackson1903 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Love Jackson1903 Van Buren ARKIndependent ,
Love 1903 Vanderbilt UnivCollege ,
Lovell Clarencelovell001cla19034/30-6/11 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Lovell Clarencelovell001cla19038/1-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Lovell Clarencelovell001cla19038/3-8/10 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Lovett Johnlovett001joh19035/22-5/26 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Lovett Johnlovett001joh19035/20-6/30 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Lowe Bobbylowe--002rob1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Lowe Bobbylowe--002rob19037/28-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Lowe Earl1903 Dul.-UniversalIndependent ,
Lowell Georgelowell001geo19035/3-9/23 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Lowney Dennislowney001dan19034/27-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Loxson Robertnoxon-001---19035/1-5/28 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Luby Billluby--001wil19035/8-9/11 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil1903 Pres.-Sec.-Trea.Pacific National League ,
Lucas James1903 Zanesville OHProtAssn ,
Lucas Harry1903-04 ,
Lucas Harry1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Lucas lucas-023---1903 Groton SDIndependent ,
Lucas lucas-023---19037/24-8/3 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Luchia Fredlucia-001fre19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Lucid Conlucid-001con19034/25- Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Lucid Conlucid-001con1903-6/28 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Lucid Conlucid-001con19037/7-8/15 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Ludes Bernard1903 Salina-InvinciblesIndependent ,
Ludes Francis1903 Salina-InvinciblesIndependent ,
Ludwig Billludwig002wil19034/26-8/2 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Luettke Hermanluettk001her1903 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Lufkin Georgelufkin001geo1903 ,
Lufkin Georgelufkin001geo19037/2 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Luitich Baldoluitic001bal19035/31-8/27 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Luke George1903+8/9+ Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lumley Harrylumley001har19034/28-5/12 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Lumley Harrylumley001har1903109 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Lundbom Jacklundbo001joh19034/15-  Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Lundbom Jacklundbo001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Lundbom Jacklundbo001joh1903 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Lush Billylush--001wil1903119 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Lush Johnnylush--001joh1903 Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Luskey Charlieluskey001cha19035/9-9/24 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Lutcher 1903+8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Luyster Williamluyste001wil19037/23-9/25 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Lyman Boblyman-001rob19035/8-6/9 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen1903215 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic1903132 g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic19038/23 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Lynch Edlynch-002edw19034/25-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Lynch Bobbylynch-006rob1903 Notre DameCollege ,
Lynch Bobbylynch-006rob19036/22-7/18 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Lynch Bobbylynch-006rob19038/2-9/19 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Lynch Josephlynch-001jos19035/20-6/27+ Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Lynch Josephlynch-001jos1903+7/17-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Lynch Sunnylynch-000sun19034 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Lynch Sunnylynch-000sun1903 MobileInterstate League ,
Lynskey Christopherlynsky001chr1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Lynskey Christopherlynsky001chr1903 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Lyons Dennylyons-002den19034/25-8/3 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Lyons Walterlyons-001wal1903110 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Lyons Charleslyons-003cha1903no g. Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Lyons Charleslyons-003cha19035/2-5/30 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Lyons Charleslyons-001cha19035/22-5/26 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Lyons Charleslyons-001cha1903+7/19+ Kewanna INIndependent ,
Lyons Charleslyons-001cha190331 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lyons Charleslyons-001cha19035/22-5/26 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Lyons Charleslyons-001cha190331 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Lyons Ed1903 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Lyons Josephlyons-001jos19038/24-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Lyons lyons-046---19036/10-6/17 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Lytle Daniellytle-001dan19035/2-5/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Lytle Daniellytle-001dan19035/30-8/23 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Lytle Daniellytle-001dan19038/24-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Maag Charles1903 Canton OHAmat ,
MacDonald Malcolmmcdona001jam1903 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Mace Harrymace--002har19035/3-5/27 UmpireSouthern Association ,
MacGamwell Edmcgamw002edw19034/30-5/16 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
MacGamwell Edmcgamw002edw19036/24-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
MacHale Frank1903 York PAIndependent ,
Mack Reddymack--001red1903 Quincy IL ,
Mack Reddymack--001red19036/29-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Mack Eugenemack--001eug19036/24 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Mack Eugene?1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Mack William1903 Youngstown OHIndependent ,
Mack William1903 Elmira-FatherMichaelIndependent ,
Mack mack--028---19037/25 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Mackey Edmackey001a--1903 UmpireTexas League ,
Mackey John1903 Aberdeen WAIndependent ,
Mackey Robertmackey001rob19035/11-8/21+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Mackin John1903 Dollar Bay MIIndependent ,
Madden Walter1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Madden madden012---19037/17-7/28 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Madenspacher madens000---19038/12-8/15 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Madigan John1903 AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Madigan Patrickmadiga000smo19036/5-7/5 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Madison Artmadiso002art19034/30-5/30 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Madison Artmadiso002art19036/9-9/25 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Magee Billmagee-001wil19034/30-9/23 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Magee Sherrymagee-001she1903 Allentown PAIndependent ,
Magie Jakemagie-001jac19035/8-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Magoon Georgemagoon001geo190342 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Magoon Georgemagoon001geo190394 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Maguire maguir012---19035/8-5/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou19034/14-5/11 UmpirePacific National League ,
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou1903 UmpirePacific Coast League ,
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou19036/13-  UmpirePacific National League ,
Mahaffey Jackmahaff001joh1903 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Mahan Charlesmahan-002---19036/5-6/29 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Maher Tommaher-001tho19034/28-8/3 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Mahling Williammahlin001wil19034/25- Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Mahling Williammahlin001wil1903-5/22 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Mahling Williammahlin001wil19035/23-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Mahoney Edmahone001edw1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Mahoney Edmahone001edw1903+7/9-7/24+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Mahoney Edmahone001edw19038/-   VancouverIndependent ,
Mains Willardmains-001wil19035/11-9/19 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Maitland Edgar1903 Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh1903- 9/2032 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Malay Charliemalay-001cha19035/8-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Malay 19038/23-8/25 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Maley maley-000---19038/23-8/25 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Malone malone044---19037/16 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Maloney Curleymalone005jam19034/25-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Maloney Billymalone003wil19034/22-7/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Maloney Billymalone003wil19038/11-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Maloney Johnmalone002joh1903 FargoNorthern League ,
Maloney Williammalone005wil19035/1-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Maloney Williammalone005wil19035/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Manion Georgemanion001geo1903 Canada ,
Manion Georgemanion001geo19035/15-5/21 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Mann Eddie1903 Trinity CollegeCollege ,
Manner Harrymanner001har19035/7-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Manning Tommymannin001tho19035/9-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Manning Jack?19036/29-9/9 AddisonSoTier ,
Manuel Moxiemanuel001mar1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Marcan Artmarcan002art19035/5-5/25 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Marcan Artmarcan002art19035/28-6/25 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Marcan Artmarcan002art19036/29-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
March march-002---19036/4-6/9 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Marion marion006---19036/2 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Markley Georgemarkle001geo19034/30-6/25 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Markley Georgemarkle001geo19037/1-9/15 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Marnette John1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Maroney Jamesmarone001---19035/12-5/19 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Maroney Jamesmarone001---19036/3-6/17 NashuaNew England League ,
Maroney Jamesmarone001---19037/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Maroney marone009---19035/9-5/30 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Maroney marone012---19037/18-7/21 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Marquis George1903 Whitman CollegeCollege ,
Marquis George1903+5/15-5/30+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Marshall Docmarsha005wil19034/28-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Marshall Joemarsha001jos1903 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Marshall Joemarsha001jos19039/7-10 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Marshall Archiemarsha001arc19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Marshall George1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Marshall Otismarsha001oti19035/22-6/29 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Martell Docmartel001leo1903 Weymouth MAHighSchool ,
Martell Docmartel001leo1903-04 GeorgetownCollege ,
Martin Frankmartin001fra19034/22-5/2 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Martin Frankmartin001fra19035/6-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Martin Clintmartin002cli190368 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Martin Clintmartin002cli1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Martin Joemartin006jos19034/28-35 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Martin Joemartin006jos1903-8/3144 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Martin Davemartin001dav19034/27-5/3 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Martin Davemartin001dav19035/20-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Martin Carmelmartin002car1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Martin Harry1903 GraR-IndependentsIndependent ,
Martin J.1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Martin Jamesmartin030jam190314 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Martin Jamesmartin030jam1903 BrewtonInterstate League ,
Martin martin121---19035/8 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Martin martin124---1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Martin martin021---19037/12-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Martinke Felixmartin003fel190320 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Maryott Milesmaryot001mil19036/8-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Mason Nelmason-001nel19035/12-6/23 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Mason Nelmason-001nel1903+7/26+ Paulding OHIndependent ,
Mason Delmason-001ade19035/2-5/9 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Mason Delmason-001ade19035/22-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Mason Harrymason-002har1903 Buffalo Univ.College ,
Mason Harrymason-002har19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Massey Billmassey001bil19034/30-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Massing John1903preseason Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Mathewson Christymathew001chr190345 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Mathieu Stanislausmathie000sta19035/14-5/20 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Mathison Jimmymathis002jam19034/25-7/18 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Mathison Jimmymathis002jam19037/22-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Mattern Almatter001alo1903+9/16+ Caledonia NYIndependent ,
Matthews Samuelmatthe000tob1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Catskill,
Matthews Wilsonmatthe004wil19036/11-7/17 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Matthews Wilsonmatthe004wil19037/18-7/27 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Matthews Wilsonmatthe004wil19038/4-8/30 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Matthews Harrymatthe001har19034/27-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Matthews Thomasmatthe001tho1903 St. Albans CollegeCollege ,
Matthews Thomasmatthe001tho1903+8/27+5 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Matthews Tommymatthe002tom19033 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Matthews Thomasmatthe001tho1903 St. AlbansCollege ,
Matthews Thomasmatthe001tho19036/12-6/24 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Matthews Thomasmatthe001tho1903+8/17+ Gadsden ALIndependent ,
Matthews Thomasmatthe001tho19038/23-9/3 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Matthews Waltermatthe000tob1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Catskill,
Matthews matthe055---19035/2 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Mauch Almauch-001alb1903 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Mauch Patrick1903 Pt. WashingtonIndependent ,
Mauck Halmauck-001hal19035/4-5/19 UmpireCentral League ,
Mauck Halmauck-001hal1903 Princeton INIndependent ,
Maupin Harrymaupin001har19034/19-5/29+ Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Maupin Harrymaupin001har19036/9-10/4 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Maury Johnmaury-003---1903 AllentownIndependent ,
Maxwell Elwoodmaxwel001c--1903 York PAIndependent ,
Maxwell Ira1903 NashvilleSouthern Association ,
Maxwell 19034/30-  DaytonInland Empire ,
May Williammay---002wil1903 Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
McAfee Bertmcafee002ber1903+9/12+ Sprii-GarnettIndependent ,
McAleese Jackmcalee001joh19035/2-5/31 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
McAleese Jackmcalee001joh19036/18-9/12 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
McAleese Danmcalee001dan1903+7/13+ Sharon PAIndependent ,
McAleese Danmcalee001dan1903 Salamanca ,
McAleese Danmcalee001dan19039/5-  Sharon PAIndependent ,
McAllister Sportmcalli001lew1903 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
McAllister Sportmcalli001lew19039/11-9/23 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho19034/22-8/12 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho19038/21-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
McAndrews Mikemcandr001mic19035/8-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
McAuliffe Genemcauli002eug19037/23-8/26 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg1903 ,
McBride Georgemcbrid001geo19034/28-5/6 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
McBride Georgemcbrid001geo19035/9-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
McBride mcbrid017---19038/13-8/23+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
McBurney Johnmcburn000joh1903 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
McCabe Billmccabe005wil19035/23-9/27 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
McCabe William1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
McCabe William1903 Shamokin PAIndependent ,
McCabe Francis1903 Dartmouth ColCollege ,
McCabe Francis1903 Fabyans NHIndependent ,
McCafferty Charlesmccaff002cha19035/22-6/19+ Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
McCafferty Charlesmccaff002cha1903+7/11+15 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
McCafferty Charlesmccaff002cha1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
McCall Jerrymccall001jer1903 Grand Rapids MIIndependent ,
McCallister Jackmccall001jac1903 Kane PAIndependent ,
McCann Genemccann001hen19034/30-9/24 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
McCann Mikemccann001mic19034/25-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
McCann Williammccann000bil19035/9-5/29 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
McCann mccann014---19035/14-5/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
McCarten Jamesmccart001jam19035/13-7/5 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
McCarten Jamesmccart001jam1903+8/17+ BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
McCarter Danielmccart006dan19036/10-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
McCarter Danielmccart006dan1903+7/30+ Canton SDIndependent ,
McCarthy Jackmccart003joh1903108 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
McCarthy Jackmccart003joh190324 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac19034/30-9/17 UmpireWestern League ,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos19034/14-89 g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos1903+5/10+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos1903+6/11-8/20 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos1903-10/4 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos190317 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den1903 Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den19034/14-6/1  Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den1903 Boise IDIndependent ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den19037/23 Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den19037/26-8/6 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den19038/11 Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
McCarthy Dennismccart001den19038/14 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
McCarthy Archmccart001arc19035/1-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
McCarthy Charlesmccart012---1903 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
McCarthy T.mccart001t--19035/16-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
McCarthy Timothymccart001tim19038/8 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
McCarthy Tommccart005tom19039/1-9/7 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
McCarty Joe1903 Williams CollegeCollege ,
McCarty Joe1903 Corning NYIndependent ,
McCauley Patmccaul001pat19034/30-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
McCauley Patmccaul001pat19037/20-8/2 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
McCauley Patmccaul001pat1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
McCauley Albertmccaul007---1903 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
McCauley Albertmccaul007---1903 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
McCauley T. B.mccaul007---1903+5/14-6/19+ Decatur ALIndependent ,
McCauley T. B.mccaul007---1903 Huntsville ALIndependent ,
McCauley T. B.mccaul007---1903+9/1+ DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
McCausland Billymccaus001wil19035/31-6/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
McCay Bernardmccay-001ber1903no g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
McCay Bernardmccay-001ber1903no g. Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
McCay Bernardmccay-001ber19034/23-8/15+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McClelland Walter1903 Pawt-YMSInterCity ,
McClintock Howardmcclin001wil19034/27-5/9 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
McClintock Howardmcclin001wil19035/19-6/24 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1903 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
McCloskey Charlesmcclos002cha19036/27-7/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
McCloskey Charles19036/30-7/8 Providence GraysEastern League ,
McCloud Harrymcclou002har19035/5,5/18 ManchesterNew England League ,
McCloud Harrymcclou002har19036/3-7/25;8/15-9/11 UmpireNew England League ,
McCloud mcclou004---19039/12 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
McCombs Williammccomb001wil19036/2 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
McCombs Williammccomb001wil19038/7-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
McConnell Jackmcconn002joh19034/30-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
McConnell Ambymcconn001amb1903 Beloit CollegeCollege ,
McConnell Lantymcconn002lan19035/22-  Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
McConnell Georgemcconn001geo19035/6-9/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
McConnell 19035/26-5/27 FargoNorthern League ,
McCool 19035/25 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
McCord Johnmccord001joh19034/27-9/17 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
McCormack Mikemccorm003mic19035/8-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
McCormack Charles1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim1903no g. Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim19035/8-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
McCormick Barrymccorm002wil190361 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
McCormick Barrymccorm002wil190363 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
McCormick Harrymccorm004har19034/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
McCormick mccorm029---19039/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
McCrane John1903 Coatesville PAIndependent ,
McCredie Judgemccred001wal19037/3-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
McCredie Judgemccred001wal19034/17-  BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McCreery Tommccree001tho19034/22-7/10 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
McCreery Tommccree001tho190340 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McCreery Tommccree001tho1903-9/2720 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
McCullough Charlesmccull001cha19035/8-9/10 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
McCullum Hugh1903+6/21+ Dallas-Santa FeIndependent ,
McCune Hugh1903 Tren.-YMCAIndependent ,
McCusker 19038/14 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
McDermott Sandymcderm001san19035/1-5/27 UmpireSouthern Association ,
McDermott Tommcderm005tho19035/1-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
McDill Eddiemcdill001edw19035/2-6/19 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
McDill Eddiemcdill001edw19036/23-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha19034/24-6/27 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha19037/14-9/20 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
McDonald Patrick1903 Plattsburg NYIndependent ,
McDonald Angus1903 Hous.-CawthonsAmat ,
McDonald Angus19035/3-7/4 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
McDonald D.mcdona004cha19034/28-5/22 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
McDonald E. L.1903 Inland Empire ,
McDonald Ed1903+5/21-6/4+ Hous.-CawthonsAmat ,
McDonald Ed19034/25-6/21 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
McDonald Edward1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
McDonald Jimmcdona005ray19036/4-7/22 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
McDonald Joseph1903 Lebanon PAIndependent ,
McDonald Raymcdona004cha19034/28-5/22 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
McDonald Raymcdona005ray190341 g. Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
McDonnell mcdona057---19037/6-7/27 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
McDonough 1903+6/4+ PendletonInland Empire ,
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh19035/8-6/5 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh19036/22-9/18 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
McDowell Jamesmcdowe002jam1903 StL-Kirkwood ACIndependent ,
McElveen Pryormcelve001pry1903 KnoxvilleTn-Al ,
McEnaney Thomas19035/11-5/28 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
McEvoy John1903+9/19+ Rich.-SwansboroIndependent ,
McFall Fredmcfall001fre19035/3-6/3 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
McFall Fredmcfall001fre19036/11-6/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
McFall John1903 Charleston ColCollege ,
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan19035/4-6/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan19037/14-7/20 Providence GraysEastern League ,
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan190332 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
McFarlan Claudemcfarl002cla19035/16-6/28 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
McFarlan Claudemcfarl002cla19037/6-7/11 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
McFarlan Claudemcfarl002cla19037/12-9/14 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
McFarland Hermmcfarl001her1903103 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon1903115 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
McFarland Chappiemcfarl002cha190328 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
McFarland Roymcfarl001roy19031 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
McFarland Roymcfarl001roy1903 AlbanyWillamette Valley Albany, OR
McFarlin Johnmcfarl001j--1903 Jacksonv. StateCollege ,
McFarlin Johnmcfarl001j--19036/27-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
McFarren 19035/24-  ColfaxInland Empire ,
McFetridge Jackmcfetr001joh1903-9/2714 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McGaughean Tommy1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
McGaughey Carl1903 Butler CollegeCollege ,
McGaughey Carl19034/25-5/22 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
McGaughey Carl19036/29-7/1+ Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
McGaughey Carl1903+7/12-7/31+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
McGeary Williammcgear001wil19035/11-5/15 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
McGeehan Conniemcgeeh001cor19037/15-8/14 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
McGill Williemcgill005wil19034/23-7/12 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
McGill Williemcgill005wil19038/7-8/26 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
McGill Charlesmcgill002cha190320 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
McGill William1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
McGilligan Hughmcgill001hug19036 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
McGilligan Hughmcgill001hug1903+4/25-7/19+ Butte MinersPacific National League ,
McGilligan Hughmcgill001hug1903+8/2-8/4+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McGilligan Hughmcgill001hug1903 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
McGilligan Hughmcgill001hug190345 g. Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
McGilvray Billmcgilv001wil19036/27-7/8 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
McGilvray Billmcgilv001wil1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
McGilvray Billmcgilv001wil19038/19-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
McGinley Jimmcginl001jam19035/1-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
McGinley A.mcginl000a--19035/2-5/9+ Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
McGinnis Frank1903 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McGlynn Stoneymcglyn001uly1903 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
McGlynn Stoneymcglyn001uly1903 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
McGoughnea E.1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
McGrady Bennymcgrad002---1903 RochesterCatholic ,
McGrath 1903 DartmouthCollege ,
McGrath 1903 Claremont NHIndependent ,
McGraw Johnmcgraw003joh1903 New YorkNational League New York, NY
McGraw Bernardmcgraw009---19036/30-7/2 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
McGraw Johnmcgraw005joh19035/8-5/26 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
McGreevy Eugenemcgree001eug190344 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
McGregor Clydemcgraw009---1903 Wash. & JeffersonCollege ,
McGregor Clydemcgraw009---19037/4 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
McGrew Tedmcgrew001har19034/30-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
McGucken Eddiemcguck002---19034/30-6/7 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
McGucken Eddiemcguck002---1903+6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
McGucken Eddiemcguck002---1903 Walla Walla WAIndependent ,
McGuire Deaconmcguir006jam1903 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
McGuire Jimmcguir001jam19034/27-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
McGuire Williammcguir002wil19035/20-6/27+ FargoNorthern League ,
McGuire Williammcguir002wil19038/20-8/30+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
McGuire mcguir031---19035/17-5/18 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
McGuire 19035/21-5/22 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
McHale Bobmchale001bob19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
McHale Jimmchale001jam19034/14-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
McIntire Harrymcinti001joh19034/25-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
McIntyre Butchmcinty001cha19034/22-9/20 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
McIntyre Mattymcinty001mat19034/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
McKay Reevemckay-001ree19034/27-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
McKay Reevemckay-001ree19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
McKay Bernard1903 Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
McKay Bernard1903 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McKee Arthurmckee-001art19035/14-9/23 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
McKee Benny19036/17-  Youngstown OHIndependent ,
McKeen mckeen003---19035/4 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
McKenna Jamesmckenn001jam1903 LisbonIndependent ,
McKenna Jamesmckenn001jam19037/17 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
McKenna Jamesmckenn001jam1903 St. Cloud MNIndependent ,
McKenna Charlesmckenn001cha19035/1-8/14 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
McKenzie Johnmckenz001joh19035/21-8/16+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
McKernan Edmckern001edw1903 Sydney OHIndependent ,
McKernan Edmckern001edw19037/11-7/12 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam19034/14-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr1903+5/17-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr1903 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
McKinley Thomasmckinl001tho19034/30-9/11 g. Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
McLaughlin Michael1903 UmpireMiSt ,
McLaughlin Michael19036/29-9/8 UmpireNorthern League ,
McLaughlin Michael1903 UmpireCotton States League ,
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war1903- 5/213 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war19036/18 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war19036/29-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
McLaughlin Georgemclaug003geo1903210 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
McLaughlin Barneymclaug003ber19035/1-9/12 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
McLaughlin mclaug027---19039/14-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
McLaughlin 1903 UmpireNorthern League ,
McLaurin Ralphmclaur001ral1903 Columbia SCIndependent ,
McLean Larrymclean001joh19031 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
McLean Larrymclean001joh19036/13-9/11 NashuaNew England League ,
McLean Sammclean001fra19035/7-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
McLean 1903no g. Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
McLean 19038/1-8/5 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
McLean mclean013---19037/20-8/1 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
McLear Harrymclear001har19035/2-5/22 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
McLear Harrymclear001har19035/24-9/6 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
McLear Harrymclear001har19039/9-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
McLeavy 1903 Rich.-Eagles ,
McMahon Sadiemcmaho003joh19038/15 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
McMahon Danmcmaho002dan1903 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
McMahon Danmcmaho002dan19035/20-5/28 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
McMakin Johnmcmaki001joh19034/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19034/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19032 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McManus 19035/1- NashuaNew England League ,
McManus 1903-6/6 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
McMurray Hughmcmurr002hug19034/25-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
McMurray Hughmcmurr002hug1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
McNamara Billmcnama001wil19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
McNamara Thomas1903+7/11+ UmpireNew York State League ,
McNamara Thomas1903 UmpireIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
McNamara Thomas19038/5-9/4 UmpireCentral League ,
McNeal Harrymcneal001joh19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
McNeal Joshuamcneal000jos19037/27 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
McNeal Joshuamcneal000jos1903 HendersonvilleKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
McNeal Joshuamcneal000jos19038/10-8/28 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
McNeal Leonmcneal001ski19035/10-9/5 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har19034/28-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har19039/24-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
McNeil James190310 g. Sharon PAIndependent ,
McNeil Willmcneil003wil19038/4 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
McNeil Bernardmcneil001ber19035/6-6/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
McNeil Bernardmcneil001ber1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
McNeill Brick19036/- ColfaxInland Empire ,
McNichol Edmcnich001edw19038/25 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
McNichols Frankmcnich001fra19034/18-5/3+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McNichols Frankmcnich001fra19035/5-5/11+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
McNichols Frankmcnich001fra1903+5/20-9/17+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
McNutt Clydemcnutt001cly1903no g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra19034/27-5/9 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra19035/16-7/9 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra19037/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra19038/8-9/22 Providence GraysEastern League ,
McPherson Johnmcpher002joh19034/30-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
McPherson mcpher006---19035/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
McQuaid mcquai004---19036/22 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
McShane 19034/30-5/1 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
McShane mcshan001---1903+6/6-6/28+ Piqua OHIndependent ,
McShane mcshan001---1903 UrbanaIndependent ,
McShane mcshan001---1903 Wapakoneta OHIndependent ,
McShane mcshan001---19037/25-8/11 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
McSorley Jamesmcsorl001jam19035/9-9/19 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
McSurdy Daniel1903 Allentown PAIndependent ,
McTeer Iramcteer002---19034/30-5/12 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
McWright 1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Mead mead--003---19034/5 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Mead mead--003---1903+5/22+ DaytonInland Empire ,
Mead mead--003---19036/14-6/22 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Meade Edwardmeade-000pec19035/21-7/1+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Meade Edwardmeade-000pec1903+7/25-8/16+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Meadows meadow005---19037/17 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Meagher Josephmeaghe001jos19035/7-5/8 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Meagher Josephmeaghe001jos1903 BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
Meaney Patmeaney002pat1903219 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Medlenka Leonard1903 Hous.-CulmoreIndependent ,
Meehan 19037/17 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Meek Harrymeek--001her190368 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Meekin Jouettmeekin002jou19035/7-5/12 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Meekin Jouettmeekin002jou19035/13-7/2 UmpireCentral League ,
Meese 19034/30-  DaytonInland Empire ,
Mehl Billymehl--001wil190358 g. FargoNorthern League ,
Melcher Kidmelche001---1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Mellor Billmellor001wil19034/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Menefee Tommenefe001tho1903 UmpirePacific National League ,
Menefee Johnmenefe001joh1903- 9/722 g.  ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Mercer mercer008---19036/11-7/1+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm19034/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Merkle Horacemerkle001hor19035/29 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Merrick 19036//3-8/17 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Merrill Edmerril001---1903 Beloit CollegeCollege ,
Merrill Edmerril001---190311 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Merrill Garnettmerril002gar1903+8/14-8/21+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Merritt Billmerrit001bil19035/6-9/11 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo1903-5/269 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19036/18-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19037/20-7/29 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19038/3-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Merritt merrit009---19038/20-8/25+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Merryman Sidneymerrym001sid19035/1-9/14 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Mertens Johnmerten002joh190313 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Mertes Sammertes001sam1903138 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Mesmer Leomesmer001leo19034/28-7/1 UmpireWestern League ,
Mesmer Leomesmer001leo19037/18-8/1 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Messerly Jackmesser001joh1903105 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Messerly Jackmesser001joh19039 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Messerly Jackmesser001joh19034/14-7/3+ Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Messitt Tommessit001tom19034/28-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Metcalf Jamesmetcal002jam19035/21-8/30 Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Metcalf 1903 Yale Univ.College ,
Metcalf 1903 Cottage CityIndependent ,
Metz Edwardmetz--000edd1903+5/28-6/13 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Metz Edwardmetz--000edd1903 Canton SDIndependent ,
Meyer meyer-009---19037/22 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Meyers Arthurmeyers021---19035/3-5/11 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Meyers Arthurmeyers021---190313 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Meyers Arthurmeyers021---1903 Waterloo IAIndependent ,
Meyers George1903 ArkSt ,
Meyers meyers045---19037/7 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha190346 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Middleton 19035/28-5/30 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Miles William19035/2-5/16 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Miller Georgemiller005geo19035/1-9/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Miller Dustymiller004cha19034/25-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Miller Kohlymiller001koh19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Miller Roscoemiller001ros190315 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Miller Dustymiller001dak19034/28-7/7 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Miller Dustymiller001dak19037/10-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Miller Dan1903 College ,
Miller Dan1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Miller Charlesmiller032cha19034/16-4/24 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Miller Charlesmiller032cha19034/29-7/14+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland/SLC,
Miller Chrismiller002chr1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Miller Jimmiller016jam19034/30-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Miller Almiller005al-19034/26-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Miller Docmiller016jam19035/9 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Miller Docmiller004roy19035/29-9/11 ManchesterNew England League ,
Miller Ericmiller021---1903+8/24+ HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Miller Ericmiller021---1903 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Miller Harrymiller013har190379 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Miller F. C.miller002f--19038/9-9/11 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Miller Georgemiller001geo19037/25-9/15 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Miller H. F.1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Miller Jack19034/30-  ColfaxInland Empire ,
Miller Jack1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Miller Samuelmiller001sam19035/9-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Miller W. Glenmiller001dak19038/27-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Miller Waltermiller005wal19037/10-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Miller Williammiller005w--1903 Marysville KSIndependent ,
Miller Williammiller005w--19037/3-7/14 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Miller miller247---19037/7-7/11+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Miller miller248---19038/26-8/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Millerick Patmiller002pat19034/28-9/18 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Milligan Billymillig002wil19035/1-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Milligan millig010---19036/11- Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Mills Lynnmills-001lyn19034/24-5/6+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Mills Lynnmills-001lyn19035/29-6/14 ColfaxInland Empire ,
Mills Sammills-001lyn1903no g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Mills Williemills-004wil19034/30-6/15 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Mills Williemills-004wil19036/19-8/8 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Mills Williemills-004wil19038/12-9/25 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Millsap Arthurmillsa001art19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Milton Larrymilton001sam19035/7 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Milton Larrymilton001sam19035/17-7/19 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Milton Larrymilton001sam19037/29-9/14 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Milton milton007---19036/19 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Minahan Cottonminaha001edm1903 Manhattan Col.College ,
Minahan Cottonminaha001edm1903+8/17+ PlattsburghNorthern New York League ,
Minahan Cottonminaha001edm1903+9/7+ Elmira-FatherMathewIndependent ,
Minish Paul1903no g. Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Minor Charlesminor-002c--19034/30-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Miran Jackmiran-001joh19035/9-9/15 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Mitchell Fredmitche005fre190329 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Mitchell Mikemitche002mic19035/18-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Mitchell mitche053---19034/27-5/6 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Mitchell 19035/24 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Mitchell mitche067---19039/11-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Mock Homermock--001hom19034/24-5/2 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Mock Homermock--001hom19035/17-8/3 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Mock Homermock--001hom19038/24-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Modene 1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Moffett Frankmoffet001fra1903-04 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Moffett Frankmoffet001fra1903 KnoxvilleIndependent ,
Moffitt Elmermoffit001elm19034/30-9/13 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Mohler Kidmohler001kid19034/30-7/5 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Mohler Kidmohler001kid1903115 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19034/27-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Molina Jose1903-07 Cuba Ls ,
Monahan monaha009---19035/29 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Monroe W.19038/1-8/2 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Monroe monroe012---19036/23 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Montgomery Roymontgo001roy19034/25-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Montgomery Milton1903 Wilmerding PAIndependent ,
Mooney 19032 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Moore Wademoore-001wad19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Moore Carlmoore-007car1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Moore Carlmoore-007car1903 KeokukIowa ,
Moore Earlmoore-001ear190329 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Moore Edmoore-002ed-19036/8-7/16+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Moore Shefmoore-001s--1903 Corning NYIndependent ,
Moore Frederickmoore-001fre190310 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Moore J. F.19035/15 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Moore John1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Moore Paulmoore-001pau190315 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Moorhead Jamesmoorhe001jam19035/1-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Morales Charles19034/25-5/30 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Moran Augiemoran-002aug1903 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Moran Billmoran-001bil19034/22-6/10 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Moran Charliemoran-002cha19034/26-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Moran Charliemoran-002cha19039/9-10/4 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Moran Patmoran-002pat1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Moran Charlesmoran-003cha19034/29-98 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Moran Cliff19036/14-7/13 UmpireCentral League ,
Moren Lewmoren-001lew1903 Duquesne UnivCollege ,
Moren Lewmoren-001lew19039/21 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr19035/7-5/14 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr19035/18-5/20 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr19036/3-6/10 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Morgan Redmorgan003jam1903 Georgetown UnivCollege ,
Morgan Cymorgan003har19035/1-9/10 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Morgan Cymorgan003har19039/18-2 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Morgan Amosmorgan001amo19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Moriarty Edmoriar001edw19035/2-9/22 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Moriarty Georgemoriar003geo190345 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Moriarty Georgemoriar003geo1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Moriarty Georgemoriar003geo19039/27 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Morris Kidmorris010wil1903no g. Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Morris Waltermorris010joh19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Morris morris045---1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Morris Edmorris001ed-19036/11-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Morris Jackmorris001sam19035/10-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Morris S.morris010joh19035/11 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Morris Samuelmorris001ed-1903 ChemawnSchool ,
Morris Samuelmorris001ed-1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Morris Samuelmorris001ed-1903+8/5+6 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Morris Samuelmorris001sam19031 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Morris morris001ed-19032 g. Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Morris morris063---19038/17 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Morrison Billmorris008wil19034/28-9/13 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Morrison Johnmorris014joh19035/7-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Morrison Johnmorris015joh1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Morrison Johnmorris015joh1903no g. Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Morrissey Jackmorris016joh1903-7/627 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Morrissey Jackmorris016joh19037/12-8/9 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Morrissey Jackmorris016joh19038/19-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic19035/2-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Morrissey Dennis19035/7-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Morrow Williammorrow002wil1903 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
Morse Charlesmorse-001cha19035/8-9/16 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Morse Frankmorse-001fra1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Morse Frankmorse-001fra19038/10-9/2 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Morton Petemorton001pet19035/2-8/2 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Morton Petemorton001pet19038/27-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Moser Waltermoser-001wal1903+3/17+ Hickory NCIndependent ,
Moses Harry19035/28 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Moskiman Docmoskim001wil1903135 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha19034/27-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Mott Anson1903 Marysville KSIndependent ,
Moulder Banksmoulde001ban19037/9-7/11 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Mowrey Mikemowrey001har1903 York PAIndependent ,
Moyne Arthurmoyne-001---19035/10-5/24 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Moynihan Nealmoynih001nea19034/25- Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Moynihan Nealmoynih001nea1903-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris/Waco,
Mucklestone Milomuckle001mil1903 U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Mucklestone Milomuckle001mil190344 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Mueller Waltermuelle002wal19035/20-7/13 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Mueller Waltermuelle002wal19037/16-9/20 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Mulcahy 19039/15 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Mulhaupt 19039/16 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Mulholland mulhol000---19037/31 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr19036/26-8/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Mullane Tonymullan001ton19034/22-9/21 UmpireAmerican Association ,
Mullane Frankmullan001fra19035/20-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Mullane Tom19037/5-7/10 UmpireWestern League ,
Mullaney Dominicmullan002dom190368 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Mullaney Edmullan001edw19035/5-5/13 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Mullaney Edmullan001edw19035/30-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Mullaney Edmullan001edw19036/26-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Mullen Othomullen010---1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Mullen Jimmullin001jam1903-04 Manhattan ColCollege ,
Muller Maxmuller002max1903101 g. Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Muller Maxmuller002max1903 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Muller Maxmuller002max1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Muller W.muller001w--1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Mulligan Georgemullig000geo19035/8-5/14 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Mullin Johnmullin001joh19036/3-6/17 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Mullin Johnmullin001joh1903 Atlantic City NJIndependent ,
Mullin Arthurmullin001art19035/2-9/15 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Mulroy Dick19039/25-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Munch Gustave1903 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Munn 1903+6/16-6/17+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Munsell Henry1903-05 U. MichiganCollege ,
Murch Redmurch-001rob1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Murch Redmurch-001rob19031 g. Huntsville ALIndependent ,
Murch Simmymurch-001sim19035/1- Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Murch Simmymurch-001sim1903-8/15 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Murden D. H.1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Murdoch Wilburmurdoc001wil1903217 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Murdock 19036/21 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Murnane Timmurnan001tim1903 PresidentNew England League ,
Murphy Conniemurphy002con19035/1-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Murphy Conniemurphy002con19036/26- Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Murphy Conniemurphy002con1903-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal1903 Yale Univ.College ,
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal19037/13-7/29 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Murphy Thomasmurphy001cor19034/25-7/15 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan1903 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Murphy Edmurphy005edw1903-9/1924 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Murphy Davemurphy001dav19035/7-6/2 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra19035/13-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Murphy Johnmurphy015joh19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Murphy Johnmurphy015joh1903-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Murphy Johnmurphy015joh1903 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Murphy Guymurphy002guy19034/30-5/25 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Murphy Guymurphy002guy19036/1-7/18+ Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Murphy Howardmurphy001how1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Murphy Johnmurphy004joh1903+7/6-8/6+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Murphy E.19035/2-5/6 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Murphy 1903 HarvardCollege ,
Murphy 1903 New London NHIndependent ,
Murphy murphy112---19036/27-6/29 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Murphy 19036/8-6/10 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Murray Billymurray007wil19034/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Murray Jimmurray008jam19035/13-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Murray Jimmurray008jam19039/18-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Murray John1903 Corning NYIndependent ,
Murray Alexander1903 Newark OHIndependent ,
Murray Ernestmurray001ern1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Murray F. C./P. C.1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Murray James1903 PeekskillHudson River League ,
Murray James1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Murray Redmurray002joh1903-04 Lock Haven Univ.College ,
Murray murray066---19037/9-9/19 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Mutter William1903+8/9+ Calumet MIIndependent ,
Myatt Johnmyatt-002joh19034/25-7/8 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Myer myer--004---19037/7 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Myers Bertmyers-001ber19035/16-6/15 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Myers Bertmyers-001ber19037/1-9/7 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Myers Bademyers-002wil19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Myers Johnmeyers004joh19034/30-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Myers James1903 Waterloo IAIndependent ,
Mylett Tommymylett002tho19035/8-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi1903204 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef19035/3-6/14 PendletonInland Empire ,
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef1903+6/23-8/12+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Nagle Judgenagle-002wal1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Nagle nagle-004---1903 Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Nagle 1903 GoldsboroECar ,
Nallin Richard1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Nance Williamnance-001wil19034/22-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Nash John1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Nash John1903 Evanston WYIndependent ,
Nattress Billynattre001wil19034/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Neal Offaneal--002the190317 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Neal Offaneal--002the1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Needham Tomneedha001tho1903107 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Needham Georgeneedha001geo19035/8-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Nefzger William1903 Coquille ORIndependent ,
Nehr Edwardneher-001ed-19035/29-5/30 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Nehr Edwardneher-001ed-19036/1-7/24 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Nehr Edwardneher-001ed-19037/27-7/28 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Nehring Fred1903 Centralia WAIndependent ,
Neiman Fred1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Neitzer 19035/2-5/3 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Nelson Raynelson001ray19036/16-6/19 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Nelson Raynelson001ray19036/22-6/30 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Nelson Henrynelson001hen19036/3-6/20 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Nelson Clarence19038/29 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Nelson Williamnelson004wil19034/28-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Nelson 19037/3-8/2 UmpireCentral League ,
Neville Mikenevill001mic1903 StL-White SealsIndependent ,
Nevins Michaelnevins001mic1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Newberry Frank1903 Lafayette Col.College ,
Newell Hiram1903+5/19-5/31+ ColfaxInland Empire ,
Newell Hiram1903 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor19036/5-7/31 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Newick Iranewick001ira1903+6/17-7/25+ Lynn MAIndependent ,
Newick Iranewick001ira19037/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Newlin Ottonewlin001ott19034/23-9/15 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Newman Johnnevins001mic190392 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Spri,
Newman Johnnewman001joh1903 Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Newman newman025---19038/19 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Newmeyer Harrynewmey001har19035/1-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Newmeyer Harrynewmey001har19039/24-10/3 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Newnam Patnewnam001pat19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Newnham Alnewnha001alf1903+8/13+ Hornersville NYIndependent ,
Newnham Alnewnha001alf19039/3-9/9 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
News Tomnews--001tho19034/30-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Newton Docnewton001eus190358 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Newton Docnewton001eus19031 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Newton Albertnewton001alb19035/1-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Newton Albertnewton001alb1903 Lebanon PAIndependent ,
Neylon 19037/1-7/11 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Nicholls Simonnichol001sim19039/18-2 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Nichols Kidnichol006cha19035/2-9/13 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Nichols Artnichol001art1903 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Nichols Artnichol001art19037/14-7/19 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Nichols Waltnichol001w--19036/4-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Nichols Ernest1903+3/7 SF-RelianceIndependent ,
Nichols Ernest190325 g. Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Nichols Georgenichol001g--19037/13 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Nichols Iranichol032---19035/2-5/4+ Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Nichols Iranichol032---19036/22-7/11+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Nickell Alnickel001al-19034/28-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Nickell Alnickel001al-19036/10-6/15 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Nickens Harrynicken001har1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Nickens Harrynicken001har1903+5/20+ Nashv.-MaroonsIndependent ,
Nickens Harrynicken001har1903+6/10+ Columbia TNIndependent ,
Nickens Harrynicken001har19037/15-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Nicol Hughnicol-001hug19035/1-9/13 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Niel 19039/6 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Nihil nihil-000---19039/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Niland Tomniland001tom1903+8/15+ MilfordIndependent ,
Niles Harryniles-001her19035/8-9/20 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Nill Georgenill--001geo19034/28-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Nippert Bernardnipper001ben19035/1-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Nippert Bernardnipper001ben19035/30-6/4 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Nippert Bernardnipper001ben1903 Lima OHIndependent ,
Noble 1903 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Noble 1903 Idlewild NHIndependent ,
Noblett Bertnoblet001j--1903442 ab Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Noblit Georgenoblit001geo19035/1-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Nolan John1903 Massillon OHIndependent ,
Nolan Thomas1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Nolden Peternolden001pet19035/16-6/19 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Nolden Peternolden001pet1903+7/6-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Nolley Rufusnolley001ruf1903+8/20-9/8+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos19035/3-5/28  Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos19035/30-6/15 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Noonan Petenoonan001pet1903 Lebanon NHIndependent ,
Noone Williamnoone-000bil1903 Seton Hall UnivCollege ,
Noone Williamnoone-000bil19037/27 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Norcom Franknorcom001fra19034/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Nordyke Lounordyk001lou19034/14-9/29+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
North Samuelnorth-001sam1903 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
North Cuyler1903 Kalamazoo MIIndependent ,
Northcutt A. H.1903-05+5/23+ Univ. of MissouriCollege ,
Norwood Petenoone-000bil19038/11-9/12 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Novacek Jimnovace001jam1903119 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19035/7-9/12 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Nugent Jacknugent001joh19035/1-8/3 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Nystrom nystro000---1903+6/17-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
O'Banion obanio000---1903+6/24-7/16+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom19034/27-7/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom19039/2-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh19035/1-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
O'Brien Georgeobrien001geo19038/3-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh1903-9/2896 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet19034/22-6/26 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet19038/6-9/14 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
O'Brien Jamesobrien001tom19034/27-7/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
O'Brien Frederick1903 Manhattan Col.College ,
O'Brien Frederick1903 St. AlbansNorthern New York League ,
O'Brien Jack1903 Salt Lake-IndepIndependent ,
O'Brien Williamobrien007wil19035/4-5/10 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
O'Brien Dannoone-000bil19035/10-5/13 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
O'Brien Dannoone-000bil19036/10-6/27 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
O'Brien Danobrien005dan19036/30-7/6 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
O'Brien Frankobrien003fra1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
O'Brien Frankobrien003fra19032 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
O'Brien Frank1903 Milw.-SentinelIndependent ,
O'Brien Frank19039/10 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
O'Brien Hughobrien001h--1903 Cotton States League ,
O'Brien Hughobrien001h--19038/11-9/12 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
O'Brien Michael1903 LaconiaIndependent ,
O'Brien Mickey190311 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
O'Brien Thomasobrien003tho190333 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Brien Williamobrien007wil1903 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
O'Brien obrien109---19035/12-5/14 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh19035/2-5/8 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh19035/16-9/14 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh1903 UmpirePacific Coast League ,
O'Connell Henry1903 Watertown WIIndependent ,
O'Connell Henry1903 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Connell oconne026---19039/10 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
O'Connell 19039/8-9/16 UmpireCentral League ,
O'Connor Jackoconno006joh1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
O'Connor Mikeoconno003mik19034/25-7/21 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
O'Connor Royes1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
O'Connor Paddyoconno004pat19035/8-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
O'Connor Dan1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
O'Connor Jack1903 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Connor James19035/21-5/26 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
O'Connor Patrick190341 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Connor 19037/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
O'Connor oconno037---19037/7-7/20 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
O'Day Charlesoday--001cha190318 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Day Willie1903 AlbanyWillamette Valley Albany, OR
O'Dea Artieodea--001art19035/20-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
O'Gorman Eugene1903 Pottsville ,
O'Gorman Eugene1903 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
O'Hagan Halohagen001har19034/30-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
O'Halloran Joseph1903+5/9+ Reading PAIndependent ,
O'Hara Kidohara-001jam19036/22-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
O'Hara Billohara-002wil1903198 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
O'Hara Billohara-002wil19037 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
O'Hara Dennisohara-001den1903 Pittsburg CollegeCollege ,
O'Hara Dennisohara-001den1903 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
O'Hara Dennisohara-001den19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
O'Hara Dennisohara-001den1903-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
O'Hare Thomasohare-001tho19035/5-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
O'Leary Charleyoleary001cha19034/28-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
O'Leary Danieloleary001dan1903102 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Leary Frank1903 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
O'Leary George1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
O'Malley 19037/4-7/6 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
O'Neil Danoneill003dan19035/?-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har19035/6- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har19037/27 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
O'Neil Joseph19038/20-9/9 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
O'Neil oneil-028---19037/30-8/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh190375 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic190341 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
O'Neill Peachesoneill002phi19035/22-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
O'Neill Peachesoneill002phi19035/30-9/16 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
O'Neill Joseph1903+5/12+ Reading PAIndependent ,
O'Neill Johnoneill004wil19034/28-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
O'Neill oneill033---1903+6/25-7/16+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
O'Reilly Thomasoreill001tho19035/11-7/16 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
O'Rourke Jimorourk003jam19035/12-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
O'Rourke Jimmyorourk005jam1903 Yale UniversityCollege ,
O'Rourke Jimmyorourk005jam19037/1-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Odwell Fredodwell001fre19034/22-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Odwell 19035/9 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Ogden Kidogden-001lou1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Okey John1903preseason Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Okey John1903+6/21+ Webster IAIndependent ,
Oliver A.1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Oliver 1903 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Oliver 1903 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Ollre Cornelius1903 Orange TXIndependent ,
Olmsted Hankolmste001hen19034/28-9/1331 g. Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Olmsted Fredolmest001fre19035/20-8/3 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Olmsted Fredolmest001fre19036/5-7/25+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Olson John?olson-011---190321 g. Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Opfergelt Edward1903+4/6+ Notre DameCollege ,
Opfergelt Edward19036/22-  Hampton IAIndependent ,
Opfergelt Edward1903+7/1+ Mason City IAIndependent ,
Orbin Walterorbin-000wal1903 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Orbin Walterorbin-000wal19036/22-7/17 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Orbin Walterorbin-000wal19037/20-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Ortman ortman004---19036/17-6/20+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Orton 1903 U. VermontCollege ,
Orton 1903 Newport NHIndependent ,
Osborne Arch1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Osborne Robertosborn003rob190318 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Osment Josephosment001jos1903 Chat.-WhelandIndependent ,
Osment Josephosment001jos19036 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Osment Josephosment001jos19038/15-8/20 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Osment Josephosment001jos19038/21-  PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Ostdiek Harryostdie001hen19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Osteen Champosteen001jam1903112 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Osteen Champosteen001jam19039/18-10 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Ott Frank1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Otterson otters000---19035/7-5/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Outcalt Jimoutcal001jam19035/2-5/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Outcalt Jimoutcal001jam1903 Sisterville VAIndependent ,
Owen Benjamin1903 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Owen Frankowen--001fra1903 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Owens Redowens-003tho19034/22-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Owens Arthurowens-001art190362 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Owens Arthurowens-001art19039/19 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Owens Clarence19035/30-7/31 UmpireNorthern League ,
Owens Clarence1903 UmpireCentral League ,
Owens Clarence19038/19-9/17 UmpireWestern League ,
Owsley Clarenceowsley001---19036/15-7/9 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Oyler Andyoyler-001and19034/22-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-1903181 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Padden Dickpadden001ric190329 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Padron Luis1903 HabanaCuban Winter League ,
Page Georgepage--003geo19034/26-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Page Billypage--001wil19035/1-8/29 ManchesterNew England League ,
Page Johnpage--002joh19036/26- 7/1+ Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Page Johnpage--002joh1903+7/12+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Pagum Thomaspagum-000tho19035/6- Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Pagum Thomaspagum-000tho1903-6/23 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Pagum Thomaspagum-000tho19038/19-8/24 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Paige Alliepaige-002alb1903 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Paige Fred?1903 Corning NYIndependent ,
Painter Edwardpainte001edw19034/14-6/10+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Paisley 19038/2 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Palmer palmer023---1903+8/20-9/4+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Palomino Emiliopalomi000emi1903 San FranciscoCuban Winter League ,
Papenfuss Emilpapenf001emi1903 Wausau WIIndependent ,
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh19034/30-7/16 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh19037/24-7/27 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh1903+8/15+ Woonsocket RIIndependent ,
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh19039/3-9/25 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Pardee Alpardee001alb19034/30-9/25 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Parker Harleyparker001har1903 where? ,
Parker Jayparker002jay1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Parker Roy1903 U. of IllinoisCollege ,
Parker Ross1903 Roseburg ORIndependent ,
Parkins Charlesparkin003cha19035/1-8/7 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Parkinson J.parkin000j--19039/8-9/11 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Parm Charles19035/11-5/28 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Parrott Tomparrot002tho19034/14-6/30 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Parrott Tomparrot002tho19037/1-7/26 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Parrott Tomparrot002tho19038/5-8/31 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Parsons Williamparson007wil19035/1-? Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Parton parton000---19037/24 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Partridge Jimpartri001j--1903+6/27-7/12 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Partridge Williampartri001wil1903+6/30-8/11+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Partridge Ladupartri001lad19034/28-6/12 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Partridge Ladupartri001lad1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Partridge Ladupartri001lad19038/24-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra19035/9-6/10 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Pastor Tonypastor001hen19035/12-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Pastorius Jimpastor002jam19035/10-9/19 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Patience Johnpatien001joh190333 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Pattee Harrypattee001har1903 Brown Univ.College ,
Pattee Harrypattee001har1903 Newport NHIndependent ,
Patterson Vanpatter001van19035/8-6/11 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Patterson Vanpatter001van19036/22-  Warren OHIndependent ,
Patterson Hampatter001ham19035/7-5/28 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Patterson Hampatter001ham19036/5-8/1 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Patterson J.1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Patterson J.1903 Portland-All StarsIndependent ,
Patterson 1903 Richmond INIndependent ,
Patterson 19035/15-9/7 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Pattison Willpattis001w--1903 Dixon CollegeCollege ,
Pattison Willpattis001w--1903101 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Patton Owenpatton001owe1903+6/4-6/9 UmpirePacific National League ,
Paulig Augustpaulig001aug1903443 ab Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Paulig Augustpaulig001aug1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Payne Wood1903 Bristol TNIndependent ,
Payne Wood19038/31-  Knoxville TNIndependent ,
Payne Fredpayne-001fre19035/8-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Payne Josephpayne-001jos1903 Decatur ALIndependent ,
Payne Josephpayne-001jos1903+8/15-8/28+ HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Peacock John1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Pears Frankpears-002fra1903 Alton ILIndependent ,
Pears Frankpears-002fra19036/19-8/20 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Pearson Alexpearso001ale19035/2-5/6 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Pearson Alexpearso001ale1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Pearson Alexpearso001ale1903-8/64 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Pearson George1903 Sharon PAIndependent ,
Peartree Josephpeartr001j--19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Pease Charleypease-001cha1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Pease Charleypease-001cha1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Pease Charleypease-001cha19035/7-6/14 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Pease Walterpease-001wal1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Pease Walterpease-001wal1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Pease 19036/29 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Peeples Williampeeple001wil19034/14-8/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Peer Michaelpeer--001---1903no g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Peer Michaelpeer--001mic19034/26-5/17 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Peer Michaelpeer--001---19035/22-5/23 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Peer Michaelpeer--001mic19036/24-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Peer Michaelpeer--001---19038/31 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Peer Michaelpeer--001---19039/25-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Peitz Heiniepeitz-001hen1903105 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Peloquin Joseph1903 Holy Cross Univ.College ,
Pelty Barneypelty-001bar190339 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Pelty Barneypelty-001bar1903 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Pender Bobpender001rob19035/8-9/10 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Pendergraft 19036/8-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Pendleton Ikependle001isa190383 g. Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Pendleton Ikependle001isa19038/27-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Penland John19034/30-   PendletonInland Empire ,
Pennell Artpennel001art19035/9-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Pennell Artpennel001art19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Pennington Georgepennin002geo19035/2-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Penquite Johnpenqui000w--1903+7/15+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Peoples Williampeople001wil190375 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Percival Joseph1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Perham Bobperham002w--19034/14-5/22+ San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Perham Bobperham002w--1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Perkins Tateperkin013---19034/25-5/12 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Perkins Tateperkin013---19035/23-5/29 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Perkins Tateperkin013---19036/5-6/8 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Perkins Tateperkin013---19036/18-6/24 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Perkins Tateperkin013---19037/8,8/15-8/16 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Perkins Fredperkin001fre1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Perkins Rayperkin001ray19035/11-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Perrin Blonde1903+6/15-7/11 Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Perrine Bullperrin001fre1903 Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Perrine Johnperrin002joh19035/2-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Perry Red1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Perry 19036/17-6/20+ Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Perry 1903+6/24-6/29+ Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Perry 19037/31 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Persch Dutchpersch001abn19035/2-7/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Persch Dutchpersch001abn19037/19-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Persch Collypersch001col19036/16-6/23 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Persons Eddieperson001edw19035/5-7/7 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Persons Eddieperson001edw190356 ab Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Peters C. J.1903 UmpireSDak ,
Peters C. J.19037/- UmpireIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Petersen Roscoe1903 AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Peterson Dave1903+7/29+ Simpson KSIndependent ,
Peterson John19035/1- Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Peterson John1903 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Peterson John1903-5/19 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Peterson peters024---1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Peterson peters076---1903+6/12+ MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Peterson 1903 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Pettigrew Jim1903 Oklahoma City ,
Pettigrew Jim1903 Guthrie ,
Pettit Andrew1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo19035/1-9/25 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan19035/8-9/16 UmpireNew York State League ,
Pfiester Jackpfiest001joh19034/15-8/19 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Pfiester Jackpfiest001joh19039/8 -3 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Pfister pfiste000---19038/19-9/1 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Pfrom Christpfrom-001chr1903 Allentown PAIndependent ,
Phalen George1903 RochesterCatholic ,
Phalen George1903 Depew NYIndependent ,
Phalen George19037/14-7/23 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Phalen George1903 Wellsville NYIndependent ,
Phelan Jackphelan001jac19036/3-6/16 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Phelan Jackphelan001jac19037/12-7/29,8/12 UmpireSouth Texas League ,
Phelan Martin1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Philbrick Ralphphilbr001ral19035/10-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Phillips Billphilli005wil1903- 9/2221 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Phillips James1903no g. Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Phillips James1903 Pottsville PAIndependent ,
Phillips E. C.1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Phillips 19039/7-9/11 PulaskiAl-n ,
Phipps Harryphipps001har19035/10-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Phoenix Thomas1903+7/12-8/22+ OsceolaSouthwest Iowa League ,
Phoenix Thomas1903+7/16+ ShenandoahSouthwest Iowa League ,
Phyle Billphyle-002wil19034/22-6/26 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Phyle Billphyle-002wil19037/14-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil1903+8/15+ MilfordIndependent ,
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil1903 Lebanon NHIndependent ,
Pickard pickar002---19036/8-7/20+ McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Pickering Olliepicker001oli1903137 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Pickett Davepicket003dav19034/30-9/16 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Piepho Charlespiepho001c--1903+5/10+ Loui.-Frank GossIndependent ,
Piepho Charlespiepho001c--1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Pierce Elmerpierce001elm19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Pierce Thurstonpierce001thu1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Pilscher 19036/1-6/4 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Pinckney 1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Pinkerton J. G.pinker000jg-1903+6/9 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Pinnance Edpinnan001edw1903 Michigan StateCollege ,
Pinnance Edpinnan001edw1903 Mt. Clemens MIIndependent ,
Pinnance Edpinnan001edw19039/14-9/29 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Piper Frank1903 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Piper Frank1903 Kane PA ,
Piper Frank1903 Warren OH ,
Piper Frank1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Piper Georgepiper-000geo19035/1-5/5 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Pitcaithley pitcai000---19036/8- HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Plake Homerplake-001hom1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Plake Homerplake-001hom1903 AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Plake Homerplake-001hom19038/20-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Plank Iraplank-001ira19035/19-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Plass Forrestplass-001for1903 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Plass Forrestplass-001for1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw19034/25-8/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Plummer plumme006---1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Plummer plank-001ira1903 OklahomaCityOKIndep ,
Plummer plank-001ira19035/23-5/25 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Plummer plumme012---19036/9-6/15 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Pogson Georgepogson000geo19035/22,9/8-9/11 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Poindexter Deepoinde001dee19034/25-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Poland Phillip1903 ,
Polchow Loupolcho001lou19034/28-9/18 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Pollis George1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Pollock Jackpolloc001joh190370 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Pollock Jackpolloc001joh1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Springf,
Pollock Jackpolloc001joh1903+7/16+ ShenandoahSouthwest Iowa League ,
Pollock Jackpolloc001joh1903+7/27+ OsceolaSouthwest Iowa League ,
Pollock 1903+7/16-10/12 Camden NJIndependent ,
Polson 1903 ,
Poole Edpoole-001edw190325 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Poole Clarence1903 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Poor Jappoor--001jas1903 Wichita KSIndependent ,
Poorman Hoytpoorma000hoy1903 ,
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre19035/8-6/13 UmpireNew York State League ,
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre19036/15-7/13 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre19037/14-8/27 UmpireNew York State League ,
Popp Billpopp--001wil19035/4-6/28 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Popp Edpopp--000ed-19037/9-7/18 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Poppe poppe-001---1903+6/7+ Musk.-GiantsIndependent ,
Porter C.R.porter004c--1903 ,
Porter Charlesporter003c--19035/2-7/6 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbC,
Porter Charlesporter003c--19037/7-9/13+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Porter T. M.porter003c--1903113 g. Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbC,
Porter T. M.porter003c--1903 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Potts J. Frank1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Pounds Billpounds001jea19035/2 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Pounds Billpounds001jea19036/30 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Pounds Billpounds001jea19037/4-8/30 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Pounds Billpounds001jea1903 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Pounds Billpounds001jea1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Powe Frankpowe--000fra19036/12 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Powell Abnerpowell001abn19034/27-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Powell Jackpowell007joh1903 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Powell Albertpowell001b--19037/24-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Powell B. W.powell001b--190320 g. Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Powers Edward1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Powers Edward1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Powers J. A.1903+4/3+ U. SouthernCollege ,
Powers powers026---19035/9-5/14 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Pratt Paul1903-05 MT Sch of MinesCollege ,
Preble E. P.1903 PresidentInterstate League ,
Pregont Albert1903 Wausau WIIndependent ,
Pregont Del1903 Wausau WIIndependent ,
Prentice prenti005---19036/11-  Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Preston Waltpresto002wal19034/30-6/28 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Preston Waltpresto002wal19037/1-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Preston 19038/3-8/10 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Price Howardprice-001how19035/2-6/39 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Price Tedprice-001e--19034/30-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Printz 190354 g. Iowa-South Dakota League ,
Prout Billyprout-002wil19034/25-5/17 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Prout Billyprout-002wil19035/18-6/21 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Prout Billyprout-002wil19036/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Pulse Raymondpulse-001ray19035/1-5/19 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Pulse Raymondpulse-001ray1903+8/24+ Fortville INIndependent ,
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat19036/11-9/9 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Purcell Frederickpurcel001the1903 Lancaster OHIndependent ,
Purcell Frederickpurcel001the19034/18-5/15 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Purcell purcel014---19036/4 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Purceville 1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Purrington Edwardpurrin000edw19037/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Puttmann Ambroseputtma001amb19034/15-8/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Puttmann Ambroseputtma001amb19038/22-8/26 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Puttmann Ambroseputtma001amb19039/4-3 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Pylant Williampylant001w--19038/11-8/19 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Pylant Williampylant001w--19038/21-9/7 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Quan Jackquan--000tj-19035/11-6/3 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Queisser Walter1903+4/28+ Indiana Law SchoolCollege ,
Queisser Walter1903+6/14+ Indi.-ReservesIndependent ,
Queisser Arthur1903+5/16+ Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Quick Eddiequick-001edw19034/14-8/2+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland/SLC,
Quick Eddiequick-001edw19039/28 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Quiesser Arthur1903no g. Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Quiesser Arthur19035/10-5/20 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Quiesser Arthur1903+6/14-9/23+ Indi.-ReservesIndependent ,
Quiesser Arthur19037/26 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Quigg Frankquigg-001fra1903 UmpireMissouri Valley League ,
Quigley Frankquigle001fra19035/20-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Quigley Ernest1903-12 St. Mary's CollegeCollege ,
Quillin Leequille001leo19035/26-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Quinlan Larryquinla001law19034/30-5/27 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Quinlan Larryquinla001law19036/6-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Quinn Joequinn-003jos19034/28-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Quinn Jimmyquinn-000jim1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Quinn Bobbyquinn-005rob19037/26 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh19035/8-6/9 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra19034/30-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Quinn Tadquinn-001cla1903 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Quinn Tadquinn-001cla19035/26-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Quinn Jackquinn-007joh1903 ConnellsvillePaSt ,
Quinn M.quinn-000jim1903 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Quinn Thomasquinn-001tho1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Quinn quinn-005rob19037/26 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Quitman Fredquitma001fra1903preseason Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Quitman Fredquitma001fra1903+6/21+ Chic.-EdgarsIndependent ,
Quitman Fredquitma001fra19037/24-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--19035/3-6/15 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--19036/28-7/9 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--19037/10-8/30 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Radford J.radfor001j--1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Radford J.radfor001j--1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Raferty 1903 AmherstCollege ,
Raferty 1903 Greenfield MAIndependent ,
Rafter Jackrafter001joh19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Raftery Tomrafter001tho19039/2 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Ragan Arthurreagan001art19034/29-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Ragan Arthurreagan001art19035/22-6/8 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Ragan Arthurreagan001art19039/19-9/27 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Ragsdale Benjamin1903+6/23+ Durant ITIndependent ,
Raidy Joeraidy-001jos190398 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Railing Thomasrailin001tho19034/26-8/24 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Rainey Edwardrainey001e--19035/10-9/10 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Rainey 19035/10 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Ralph ralph-000---1903+7/15-7/22+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Ralph 19039/1 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Ramage William1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Ramey Johnramey-002joh1903 Pueblo- C. F. I.Independent ,
Ramio 19035/23 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Ramp Mark190311 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Ramsey Hankramsey001hen19035/23-9/27 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Ramsey George1903 Green Bay WIIndependent ,
Ranberger ranber000---19037/9-7/13 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Randall Newtrandal001new19035/20-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Randolph 19035/13-5/15 NashuaNew England League ,
Randolph randol003---19035/31-6/3 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Rankin J.rankin001j--1903+6/1+ Portl.-All StarsIndependent ,
Rankin C. R.19037 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Rankin Guy1903 Fort DodgeIowa ,
Ransick Edward1903 Charleston WVIndependent ,
Ransome Frederickransom001fra190316 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Ransome Frederickransom001fra1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Ranz Philranz--000---19036/2-6/8 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Rapp Charlesrapp--001cha19037/14-7/24 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Rapp Louisrapp--001lou19035/1-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Rapp Louisrapp--001lou19039/18-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Rapps Williamrapps-001wil19035/2-6/30+ Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Rapps Williamrapps-001wil19037/8-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Rathbun rathbu001---1903 Ionia MIIndependent ,
Raub Tommyraub--001tho19035/3-36 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Raub Johnraub--001---19035/10-8/9 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Ray Thomas1903 Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Rayburn Thomasraybur001---19037/17-8/17 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Raymer Fredraymer001fre19034/22-9/8 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Raymond Charlesraymon008---19035/21-6/20 Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Raymond Charlesraymon008---19036/24-8/7+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Raymond Bugsraymon001art1903 Appleton WIIndependent ,
Raymond Tealeyraymon002fra1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Raymond Tealeyraymon002fra190337 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Raymond Tealeyraymon002fra190327 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Rea rea---000---1903+5/24+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Rea rea---000---19037/5 Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Reading Charlesreadin001cha190390 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Reading Charlesreadin001cha1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Ream Georgeream--001geo19034/30-9/11  South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh190350 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Rebscher William1903 Kewanee ILIndependent ,
Reddick Wallacereddic001wal1903+6/28+ Mt. Pleasant MIIndependent ,
Redman redman002---19037/25-8/11 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Redman redman002---1903 Univ. of IllinoisCollege ,
Redmond Jamesredmon003jam19035/18-7/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Redmond Jamesredmon003jam19037/21-9/17 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Reed Georgereed--003geo19034/14-4/25+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Reed Rayreed--002ray1903+5/14-6/14 ColfaxInland Empire ,
Reed Edreed--004ed-19037/4 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Reed Edwardreed--001edw19035/1-5/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Reed Edwardreed--001edw19037/1-9/14 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Reed Thomasreed--001tho19035/28-7/10+8/28 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Reed Zeke1903 Helena MTIndependent ,
Reed reed--026---1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Reeve Ralph1903 Dartmouth ColCollege ,
Reeve Ralph1903 Somersworth NHIndependent ,
Reeves Billyreeves001wil190317 g. Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Reeves reeves010---19039/4 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Reeves reeves009---19035/10 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Reid Billreid--002wil1903 Warren OHIndependent ,
Reid Robertreid--001r--19035/2-5/28 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Reid Robertreid--001r--19036/15-  Humboldt NEIndependent ,
Reidy Billreidy-001wil19035 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Reidy Billreidy-001wil190315 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Reilley Thomasreille000tho19036/22-6/26 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Reilly Charliereilly003cha19034/14-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Reilly Joshreilly002wil19037 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Reilly Joshreilly002wil190312 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Reilly Joshreilly002wil190327 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Reilly Joshreilly002wil1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Reilly Tomreilly004tho1903 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Reisinger Philreisin001phi1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Reisling Docreisli001fra19034/22-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1903 Vallejo CA ,
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1903 Fortuna CAIndependent ,
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo19034/26- Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo1903-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Relf Clarencereid--001r--1903288 ab Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Relf Clarencerelf--001cha1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Relihan Artreliha001art19035/3-6/29 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Rementer Butchrement001wil1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Renwick Jamesrenwic001jam1903 Calumet ,
Reulbach Edreulba001edw1903 Notre Dame UnivCollege ,
Reulbach Edreulba001edw19036/9-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Reust Samreust-001sam1903 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Reust Samreust-001sam1903+9/10+ Frankfort KSIndependent ,
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes19035/4-6/2 ManchesterNew England League ,
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Reynolds Tommyreynol001tho19035/20-6/3 FargoNorthern League ,
Reynolds H. W.1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Reynolds John1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Rhea rhea--003---19036/8- HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Rhea rhea--003---1903+6/15-7/2+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Rhoads Bobrhoads001rob1903 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Rhodes Edgarrhodes004dus19036/8-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Rhoton Frank1903+5/19+ Knoxville TNIndependent ,
Riccius Williamricciu001wil19035/1-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Rice Laurence1903-07 Cornell Univ.College ,
Rice Laurence1903 Elmira-FatherMathewIndependent ,
Rice Arthurrice--001art190391 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Rice Lewrice--018---1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Rice Lewrice--018---1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Richardson Billrichar006wil19034/30-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Richardson Forrestrichar001w--19035/1-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Rickert Joericker001jos19034/30-6/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Rickert Joericker001jos19036/22-9/4 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Rickey Branchrickey001wes19036/19 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Rickey Branchrickey001wes1903+6/29-7/25+ Le Mars BlackbirdsIowa-South Dakota League ,
Rickey Orlarickey000ed-19036/19 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Riddlemoser Dorseyriddle002dor19035/11 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Rigler Charles1903 ,
Riley James19037/7 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra19038/31- UmpireIndependent ,
Riordan Johnriorda001joh19035/8-6/25 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Riordan Johnriorda001joh19036/26-7/11 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Riordan Jimmy1903 Christian Bros.College ,
Riordan Jimmy1903 Alton  ILIndependent ,
Rising Poprising001per19035/7-9/10 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Risley Dudrisley001dud19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Ritter Lewritter002lew1903 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Ritter Harveyritter002har1903 Brandywine PAIndependent ,
Roach Johnroach-003joh1903 ,
Roach Mikeroach-001mik19034/23-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Roach Skelroach-001rud1903 U. MichiganCollege ,
Roach Skelroach-001rud19036/6-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Roadnight Charlesroadni000cha1903+9/6+ Spokane ACIndependent ,
Robb Clayrobb--001cla19038/9-8/29 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Robb Clayrobb--001cla19038/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Robbins Vincerobbin001vin1903+6/14+ FW-ShamrocksIndependent ,
Robbins Vincerobbin001vin19036/28-7/12 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Robbins Craigrobbin000smi1903+6/22-7/9 Selma YMCAAlabama-Georgia League ,
Roberts Harryrobert003har19034/3-  U. AlabamaCollege ,
Roberts Harryrobert003har19036/12-7/28 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Roberts Harryrobert003har1903+8/14+ Gadsden ALIndependent ,
Roberts robert041---190329 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Robertshaw John1903no g. Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Robertson William1903 Piqua OHIndependent ,
Robertson robert054---190328 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Robinson Wilbertrobins001wil19034/30-9/12 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Robinson Rabbitrobins003wil1903 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Robinson John19038/12-8/19 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Robinson R.robins000r--19035/2-5/28 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Robinson robins050---19034/30-5/5 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Robinson robins050---19035/12-6/1 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Robinson robins061---19037/29-7/31 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Robinson robins024---19038/18-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Robinson 1903 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
Robitaille Chickrobita001jos19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Roche Cornelius19035/1-5/20 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Roche 1903+5/230 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Rochford Mikerochfo001mic19035/1-5/9 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Rochford Mikerochfo001mic19036/23-8/22 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Rochford Mikerochfo001mic19038/27-9/10 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Rochon Arthurrobert041---19035/10-6/14 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Rochon Arthurrochon001w--19036/21 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Rochon Walterrochon000wal19035/10+ Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Rochon Walterrochon000wal1903 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Rock Royrock--002roy1903 Manhattan Col.College ,
Rock Royrock--002roy19038/3-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Rockenfield Ikerocken001isa190319 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Rockenfield Ikerocken001isa19034/14-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
Rockenfield Ikerocken001isa19038/23 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Rockenfield Ikerocken001isa1903+9/23-10/4 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Rockford rockfo001---1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Roder Ernestroder-001ern1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Rodgers Chesterrodger001che1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Roe roe---002---1903 Dartmouth ColCollege ,
Roe roe---002---1903 Littleton NHIndependent ,
Roedel Billyroedel001wil19035/2-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Rogers Terryrogers001ter19035/7-7/9 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Rogers Fredrogers002fra19035/20-9/8 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Rogers Williamrogers001wil19035/7-9/9 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Rogers William1903 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Rohe Georgerohe--001geo19034/28-9/17 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Rohn Dickrohn--001ric19035/2-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Rollins Dillwynrollin001j--19035/26 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Romer 1903 AreataHumboldt ,
Ronesch Jerry1903+8/3+ Miles City MT ,
Root Johnroot--001joh19035/3-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Roper roper-006---19036/1-6/2 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Rose Charlesrose--004cha19035/20-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Rose Charlesrose--004cha1903 U. ND AgriculturalCollege ,
Ross Artross--001art1903198 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Ross Ernieross--001ern1903no g. Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Ross Ernieross--001ern19035/5- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Ross Ernieross--001ern1903-7/16 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Ross Ernieross--001ern19037/23-8/1 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Ross Frank1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Ross W. L.?1903 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Ross ross--034---19038/23 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Rossman Clauderossma001cla19035/8-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Rosson Lesterrosson001les19034/30-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Roth Andyroth--001and19035/7-5/9 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Roth Andyroth--001and19035/19-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Roth Frankroth--001fra19034/18-68 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Roth 19035/15 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob1903435 ab Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Rothermel rother002---1903+9/13+ Minersville PAIndependent ,
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac19034/22-9/21 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Rourke Billyrourke001wil19034/28-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Rowan Daverowan-001dav19035/10-5/28 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Rowan Daverowan-001dav1903 Corning NYIndependent ,
Rowan Daverowan-001dav1903 Seattle ,
Rowe 19034/6-  Davidson CollegeCollege ,
Rowe 1903+6/12+ Winston NCIndependent ,
Rowen rowen-000---19036/10-6/17 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Rowland Clarencerowlan001pan19035/1-6/30 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Royce A.B.royce-001a--1903 ,
Ruark Ted1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Ruby Jesseruby--001jes1903 Purdue UnivCollege ,
Ruby Jesseruby--001jes1903102 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Rudd Orlandorudd--001o--190396 g. Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Rudderham Johnrudder001joh19035/1-6/2;7/25-31 UmpireNew England League ,
Rudderham Frankrudder001fra19035/30-9/18 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Rudolph Johnrudolp001joh1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Rudolph Johnrudolp001joh19037/3 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Ruehr Fredruehr-001---19035/1-5/26 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Ruehr Fredruehr-001---1903+7/4+ Jacksonville FLIndependent ,
Ruff Paulruff--001pau19035/10-9/6 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Ruh Harry1903 Greensburg Reds ,
Ruhland Gus1903 Tampa FLIndependent ,
Rundell Leerundel001g--19034/25-5/3 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Rundell Leerundel001g--19035/10-6/1 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Rundell Leerundel001g--1903+6/19+ Cawthons TXIndependent ,
Rundell Leerundel001g--19037/12 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Runkel Louisrunkle001lou19034/28-5/14 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Runkel Louisrunkle001lou1903+6/26-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Rupert Clyde1903 AlbanyWillamette Valley Albany, OR
Ruphel A. C.19034/30-5/22+ ColfaxInland Empire ,
Rush H.19034 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Rush rush--006---1903+7/20-7/22+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Rushworth Georgerushwo000geo19035/7 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo1903 Vincennes AlicesKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo1903 Vincennes INIndependent ,
Russell Cyrussel002fra1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Russell Cyrussel002fra19031 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Russell Clyderussel001cly19035/6-9/20 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Russell Burtrussel000bur1903 Seattle ,
Russell Johnrussel006jac19036/2-9/15 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Russell Walter1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Rutherford Josephruther001jos1903 Steelton PA YMCAIndependent ,
Rutherford Josephruther001jos1903 Maritta PAIndependent ,
Rutherford Josephruther001jos19039/4-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Rutledge Lourutled001lou1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Rutledge Lourutled001lou1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam1903-9/24114 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Ryan Jackryan--004joh190367 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Ryan Raymond1903 Greensburg INIndependent ,
Ryan James19038/17-9/11 UmpireNew England League ,
Ryan Williamryan--006wil1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Ryan Williamryan--006wil1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Ryan ryan--070---19035/9-5/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Ryan 1903 OaklandCaSt ,
Rydeen rydeen001---1903+7/18-7/25+ Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Sabrie Edwinsabrie001edw1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Sager Jamessager-001jam19035/1 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Sager Jamessager-001jam19035/18-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Saillard Harrysailla001har1903+8/15-9/5+ HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Salisbury Sollysalisb001wil19035/25-5/30 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Salm Waltersalm--001wal1903 Wapakoneta OHIndependent ,
Salm Waltersalm--001wal1903 Finley OHIndependent ,
Salter salter003---19035/8-5/11 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Sample Guysample001guy190364 ab Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Sample Guysample001guy190344 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Sanchez sanche004---19033 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Sanchez sanche004---1903 Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Sanders Warsander001war19034/18-8 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Sanders Warsander001war19037/9-9/12 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Sanders Reuben19035/9-7/27+ SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Sanderson sander026---1903+6/13+ MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Sandherr Nelsonsandhe001nel19035/31 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Sandherr Nelsonsandhe001nel1903+8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Sanford Williamsanfor000wil19036/16-8/8+ Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Sanford sanfor012---19037/4 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Santleben Andysantla001---19035/17-5/20 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Sapp sapp--001---1903+5/19-6/1+ Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Sarsfield Williamsarsfi002---1903+8/13+ Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Sasse Waldosasse-003---1903 Kane PAIndependent ,
Saunders 1903 TuftsCollege ,
Saunders 1903 Littleton NHIndependent ,
Sawyer Sheepsawyer010---1903 Decatur ALIndependent ,
Sawyer Sheepsawyer010---1903+8/19-9/1+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Sayer Jamessayer-001jam19035/8-8/? Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Sayers Delsayers001del19036/19-6/24 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Scanlan Docscanla001wil1903 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Scanlan Docscanla001wil19035/9-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Scanlan Docscanla001wil19039/24 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Scanlon Jackscanla001joh19035/8-5/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Scannel Scanlon?scanne000---19035/2 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Schaefer Germanyschaef001her19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Schaefer Georgeschaef002geo19034/30-9/14 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Schafer schafe007---19036/2-6/3 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Schafstall Benschafs001ber19035/3-9/13 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Scharnweber Henryscharn001hen19035/20-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Schatzke Fredschatz001fre19035/12-8/26 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Schaub Bobschaub001rob19034/26-5/24 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Schaub Bobschaub001rob19035/30-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Schaub Louis19037/ Fort Dodge IAIndependent ,
Schaub Louis1903+9/5+ St.Joseph-RexIndependent ,
Schaub Louis?schaub008---19039/11 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Schaub schaub006---1903+7/14+ Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Schaub schaub006---1903+6/28-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra19034/30-6/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra19036/17-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Scheizel Adolph1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Schils Bertschils001alb19035/20-6/15 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Schils Bertschils001alb1903+6/20-7/18+ FargoNorthern League ,
Schils Bertschils001alb1903+8/2-9/8 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Schlafly Larryschlaf001har19034/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Schlei Admiralschlei001geo19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Schlitter Melchoirschitt001mel19037/24-8/30 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Schmaltz Ernieschmal001ern19035/7 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Schmeer Claudeschmee001cla190327 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen190341 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Schmidt Bossschmid001cha19035/1-5/14 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Schmidt Bossschmid001cha19035/25-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Schmidt schmid005---1903+8/-8/20+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Schnack August19035/23-9/27 Hudson MarinesHudson River League ,
Schneiberg Frank1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Schock Fredschock001fre190311 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Schock Fredschock001fre1903 Everett WAIndependent ,
Schoenfeld schoen006---19038/15-8/17 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Schofield Emmett1903 PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Schoonhoven Thomas190344 g. Quincy-ReservesIndependent ,
Schopp Grantschopp001gra19035/2-5/27 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Schopp Grantschopp001gra19036/8-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Schott Charlesschott000cha19038/1 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Schrall Joeschral001jos19034/30-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Schrant Johnschran001joh19035/4-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss1903 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Schriber E.1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Schriver Popschriv001wil19034/22-9/17 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Schroeder Henryschroe001h--19037/31-9/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Schubert Tony1903 Ionia MIIndependent ,
Schulte Frankschult001fra19035/8-9/20 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Schulte Henryschult001hen19037/16-8/14+ Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Schultz schult022---19039 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Schumann Hackschuma002car19035/6-6/2 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Schumann Hackschuma002car19037/2 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Schumann Hackschuma002car19037/6-7/17 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Schumann schuma010---19037/2 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Schuster Jackschust001---19038/3 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Schuster Jackschust001---19038/16-8/19 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Schwab Mattyschwab001mat1903 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Schwab Joseph1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha1903104 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha1903101 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Schwartz Billschwar003wil1903 East Akron OHIndependent ,
Schwartz Edwardschwar003edw19035/10-9/6 Hoquiam Perfect GentlemenSouthwest Washington League ,
Schwenck Rudyschwen001rud19037/4-7/24 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Schwenck Rudyschwen001rud1903+8/11-8/13+ Gadsden ALIndependent ,
Schwenck Rudyschwen001rud19038/20-9/11 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Scission John1903+8/5+ Amer. IndiansIndependent ,
Scoggins Arloscoggi001arl19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Scott Dickscott-001amo19034/30-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Scott Georgescott-004geo19035/1-9/18 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Scott Georgescott-004geo19039/21 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Scott Jesse/Arthur?scott-063---19035/21-5/22+ Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Scott Tomscott-002tom1903 LisbonIndependent ,
Scott Tomscott-002tom19037/21-7/24 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Scott scott-064---19036/12-7/24 Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Scudder Dan1903 Hornellsville NYIndependent ,
Scudder William1903+8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Sealts Frank1903+9/5+ Wapakoneta OHIndependent ,
Sears Merlesears-001mea1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Sears Merlesears-001mea1903 Elgin ,
Sears Harrysears-001har1903+8/4-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Seay Harryseay--001h--19035/3-5/27 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Sebring Jimmysebrin001jam1903124 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Sechrist Docsechri001doc1903 ,
Seethe seethe000---19036/27 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Seibert Johnseiber002joh1903 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Seibert Johnseiber002joh19034/30-8/9 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Seisler Davyseisle001dav19035/10-5/20 UmpireCentral League ,
Seisler Davyseisle001dav19035/25 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Selbach Kipselbac001alb1903140 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Selby Charlesselby-001cha19035/19,7/27-8/4 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Self Reed19034/25-5/15 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Selig G. W.selig-000gw-19037/30-8/1 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Sellers 19038/22 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Senior Thomas19034/30-5/5  UmpireCentral League ,
Sens John19038/1 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Sentell Paulsentel001leo1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Sentell Paulsentel001leo1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Senter Bertsenter001---1903 ,
Sequist Hugo1903 Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Sessions Perrysessio001per1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Sessions Perrysessio001per19035/20-9/8 Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Sewall W.1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Shackleton Joeshackl001jos19035/8-8/13 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Shafer Ed.1903 Hampton IAIndependent ,
Shafer Ed.1903 Fort Dodge IAIndependent ,
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha190335 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha19035/15-9/30+ Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Shaffer Theodoreshaffe001the1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Shaffer 19037/28-8/2 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Shamel C. D.shamel000cd-19035/22-5/26 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Shanks Luthershanks001lut1903+5/16-7/13 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbCity,
Shanks Luthershanks001lut1903+7/23-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Shannon Danshanno004dan19034/30-7/31 UmpireEastern League ,
Shannon Danshanno004dan19038/10-8/22 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Shannon Frankshanno002fra19034/30-6/13 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Shannon Frankshanno004dan19037/17-8/28 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Shannon Owenshanno001owe19034/30-8/31 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Shannon Owenshanno001owe19039/5-9 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac19037/7-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac1903 Worcester MAIndependent ,
Shaughnessy Shagshaugh001fra19037/21-8/18+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Shaumeyer Augustschaum001aug19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Shaver Clinton1903+4/13+ Furman CollegeCollege ,
Shaw Alshaw--001alf19034/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Shaw Frankshaw--001fra19036/3-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Shaw Hunkyshaw--001roy19034/30-5/ DaytonInland Empire ,
Shaw Hunkyshaw--001roy19035/28-6/14 ColfaxInland Empire ,
Shaw Hunkyshaw--001roy1903 North Yakima WWIndependent ,
Shaw Johnshaw--007joh19035/8-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Shaw 19034/28-5/16 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Shay Dannyshay--001dan1903193 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Shea Napshea--001joh19034/30-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Shea Dannyshea--001dan190390 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Shea Jim1903 Elmira NYIndependent ,
Shea Johnshea--001p--19035/7-? New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Shea Dennieshea--001den1903+4/26-8/2+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland/SLC,
Shea Peter19035/8-5/9 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Shea 1903 Elmira-FatherMathewIndependent ,
Shearon Johnshearo002joh19034/30-5/22 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Shearon Johnshearo002joh19036/2-6/30 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Shearon Johnshearo002joh19037/3-9/5 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19034/25-5/17 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19037/16-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19037/20-9/25 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho1903193 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Sheets Roysheets001roy19035/1-9/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Shelafo Georgeshelaf001---1903+8/1-8/2+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Sheldon,
Shelton Benshelto001ben19034/25-8/18 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Shepherd John1903 Vincennes AlicesKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Sheppard Georgesheppa001geo19035/20-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac19035/21-? Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac1903 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Sherman John1903 Vincennes AlicesKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Sherman John1903 Jackson RailroadersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Sherwood Raysherwo001---19035/10-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Shettsline Billshetts001bil1903 San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Shields Charlieshield002cha190349 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Shields Chester1903 Red Lion PAIndependent ,
Shields Chester1903 Coatesville PAIndependent ,
Shincel Hermanshince001her19035/1-5/23 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Shincel Hermanshince001her19035/29-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Shincup Morris1903+8/22+ Roch.-MeyerIndependent ,
Shinners Will1903 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Shipke Billshipke001wil19035/2-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Shipp Frank1903 Whitman GAIndependent ,
Shippicasse 1903 Holland MIIndependent ,
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo19034/30-5/11 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo19035/27-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Shock Joeshock-000joe19035/23,9/9-9/10 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Short Bobshort-001rob19035/15-6/26 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Short short-009---19036/16 Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
Shortel Harry1903 Buff.-Branch 20Independent ,
Shortell Edshorte001edw19035/8-9/20 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Shour Eugeneshour-001eug190354 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Shriver Calebshrive001cal1903 U. West VirginiaCollege ,
Shriver Calebshrive001cal19036/24-9/15 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Shriver shrive002---19036/21 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Shufelt William1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Shugart Frankshugar001fra19034/28-5/18 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Shugart Frankshugar001fra19035/20-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Shultz Eddieshultz001edw1903 Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Sickle Henrysickle001hen19035/18-5/19 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Sidorpski sidorp001---19036/30-7/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Siegle Johnnysiegle001joh19035/8-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Siercovich Louis19037/11 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Siever Edsiever001edw1903 St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Silva silva-001---1903+6/15+ Oakl.-HaywardsIndependent ,
Silvester 19038/17 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Silvia Joseph19037/24-9/5 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Simmons Hiram19036/3-6/6 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Simon Hanksimon-001hen19035/8-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Simons 19037/23-8/3 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Simonton Bensimont001ben19035/1-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Simonton Bensimont001ben19035/30-9/13 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Simonton Bensimont001ben1903 Urbana OHIndependent ,
Sintz H.1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Sitton Carlsitton001car1903+7/1-8/15 Augusta GAIndependent ,
Sitton Carlsitton001car19038/18-  Tampa FLIndependent ,
Sitton Henry1903-06+4/12+ Clemson Col.College ,
Sixsmith Johnsixsmi000joh19036/3-6/13 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Sixsmith Johnsixsmi000joh19037/3-7/15 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Sizemore Waltersizemo001wal19036/5 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Sizemore Waltersizemo001wal19036/10-7/7+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Skelley Tomskelle001---1903 Holy CrossCollege ,
Skelley Tomskelle001---1903 Claremont NHIndependent ,
Skidmore Jamesskidmo001jam1903 Fort Riley KSUSArmy ,
Skidmore Jamesskidmo001jam1903 Parsons KSIndependent ,
Skipper 19037/7-7/10 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Skopec Johnskopec001joh1903-9/116 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Slagle Waltslagle001wal190310 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Slagle Waltslagle001wal1903+5/17-10/4 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Slater Edslater001hen19035/8-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Slater Asa1903 Ottawa CollegeCollege ,
Slattery Jackslatte001joh19034/24-5/8 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Slattery Jackslatte001joh19034 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Slattery Jackslatte001joh190363 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Slattery Thomas1903 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Slavin Frank1903+6/1+ Portl-All StarsIndependent ,
Slear Walterslear-001wal19034/30-9/15 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Slette Ikeslette001isa19035/21-8/15+ Grand Forks ForkersNorthern League ,
Smeltz Fred1903 Ohio-IndepIndependent ,
Smink Billsmink-001wil190311 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Smink Billsmink-001wil19035/8-5/12 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Smink Billsmink-001wil19035/20-9/2 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Smiser Bookersmiser000boo1903 Mooney SchoolIndependent ,
Smiser Bookersmiser000boo1903+5/29-8/5 Columbia TNIndependent ,
Smiser Bookersmiser000boo1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Smiser Bookersmiser000boo1903+8/21-8/28+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Smith Germanysmith-013geo1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh19035/1-8/28 ManchesterNew England League ,
Smith Elmersmith-004elm19034/22-4/26 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Smith Elmersmith-004elm1903 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Smith Elmersmith-004elm19038/7-9/12 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Smith Judsmith-001jud1903198 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Smith Billysmith-011wil1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Smith Alecksmith-001ale190311 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Smith Harrysmith-018har190361 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Smith Billysmith-057wil19035/1-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Smith Georgesmith-012geo190393 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Smith Georgesmith-012geo19038/27-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Smith Franksmith-008fra19034/27-9/5 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Smith Stubsmith-001stu19035/25-5/17 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Smith Stubsmith-001stu19035/18-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Smith Joesmith-007jos1903+8/26+ Penn Park PAIndependent ,
Smith Joesmith-007jos1903+8/26+ York PAIndependent ,
Smith Edsmith-001rhe190323 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Smith Arthursmith-008art19035/9- Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Smith Arthursmith-008art1903-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Smith Edsmith-001ed-1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Smith Tomsmith-001tho19035/2-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Smith Arthursmith-007art19035/8-8/10 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Smith Arthursmith-007art19038/14-9/20 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Smith Carlossmith-006car1903162 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Smith Carlossmith-006car190331 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Smith Charliesmith-011cha19034/25-7/28 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Smith Cliff1903+9/7+ Columbus GAIndependent ,
Smith Dicksmith-018ric190363 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Smith Elmersmith-005elm19034/19-38 g. Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Smith Elmersmith-005elm19037/2-8/9 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Smith Franksmith-004fra190354 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Smith Franksmith-002f--1903 Holland MIIndependent ,
Smith Tomsmith-009tom1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Smith Arthursmith-012art19035/20-5/23 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Smith Augustsmith-001aug190313 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Smith Charlessmith-006cha190347 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Smith Charles1903 Oregon IAIndependent ,
Smith Charlie1903+5/30+ Sault Ste, MarieIndependent ,
Smith Dexter19036/10-  UmpirePacific National League ,
Smith Dick1903 Norristown PAIndependent ,
Smith Dick19035/1-5/5 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Smith Edsmith-005ed-19037/24-9/11 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Smith Fredsmith-010fre19035/1-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Smith Fred1903 UmpireHudson River League ,
Smith George1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Smith Georgesmith-020geo19035 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Smith H. G.19036/18-6/22 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Smith Harry1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Smith Herbertsmith-005her19035/11-9/13 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Smith James1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Smith James1903 UmpireHudson River League ,
Smith Johnsmith-024joh19035/7-9/3 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Smith Johnsmith-035joh19034 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Smith Lestersmith-003les1903 Eagle Lake TXIndependent ,
Smith Lestersmith-003les19037/4-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Smith Ottosmith-002ott19036/3-6/7 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Smith Ottosmith-002ott19037/11 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Smith Robert19034/28-5/22 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Smith Samuel19039/12-  Youngstown OHIndependent ,
Smith smith-371---19035/2   Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Smith smith-372---19039/11   Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Smith 19036/11 NashuaNew England League ,
Smith smith-301---19037/28-8/8 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Smith smith-329---1903 Whatcom WAIndependent ,
Smith smith-329---19038/4-8/15+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Smith smith-345---19039/6 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Smithson Herbertdonova043---19035/20-7/1+ FargoNorthern League ,
Smithson Herbertdonova043---1903 Portage la PairieManitobe ,
Smithson Herbertdonova043---1903 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Smithwick Presleysmithw001p--1903 Memp.-ChickasawaIndependent ,
Smithwick Presleysmithw001p--19037/25-  Huntsville TNIndependent ,
Smithwick Presleysmithw001p--19038/11-9/12 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom1903129 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Smythe Harry1903 U. New HampshireCollege ,
Snodgrass Walter1903+6/9+ Urbana OHIndependent ,
Snodgrass snodgr004---1903+5/1+9 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Snodgrass snodgr004---1903+8/4+ Dalton GAIndependent ,
Snodgrass snodgr001---19038/25-  PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Snoke George1903 Coatesville PAIndependent ,
Snoke George1903 Pottstown PAIndependent ,
Snooks Joesnooks001jos1903 Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Snooks Joesnooks001jos1903+8/30+ Fort Dodge IAIndependent ,
Snyder Scottsnyder001sco1903 WaterlooIowa ,
Snyder Scottsnyder001sco1903 Fort DodgeIowa ,
Snyder Vansnyder002c--1903 Red OakIndependent ,
Snyder O. H.1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Snyder William1903 Newark OHIndependent ,
Snyder William19039/3-9/14 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi19036/61 ab Whitinsville Independent ,
Soffel Gussoffel001aug19035/1-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Soffel Gussoffel001aug19039/21-9/23 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Solan Thomassolan-001tho19035/21-6/1 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Solbraa Percy1903 Clinton IAIndependent ,
Somers Byronsomers000byr1903 Chic.-GuthersIndependent ,
Somers Byronsomers000byr1903 FtWa-ShamrocksIndependent ,
Somers Byronsomers000byr1903 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Somers Arthur1903 Atlantic City NJIndependent ,
Somers Arthursomers000art19034/18 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Somers Arthursomers000art19034/30-6/14 ColfaxInland Empire ,
Somers Arthursomers000art19032 g. Roseberg ORIndependent ,
Somers Arthursomers000art1903+7/11+ EugeneWillamette Valley Eugene, OR
Sommers Petesommer002pet19036/10-6/18 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Sommers 19038/15-8/22 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Sorber Soxsorber001wal19036/16-7/26 UmpireSouthern Association ,
Sorber Soxsorber001wal1903+8/15-9/4+ DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Sorenson Walter1903 UtSt ,
Sorrell Quinton1903 Auburn Univ.College ,
Sorrell C. Vansorrel003---19036/12-6/17+ Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Sorrells Williamsorrel003wil19034/25-5/31 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Sorrells Williamsorrel003wil19038/6-8/31 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Souders Hollysouder001har19035/1-5/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Souders Hollysouder001har19036/12-6/27 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Souders Hollysouder001har19038/6 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Soxalexis soxale000---19038/23 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Soxalexis soxale000---19038/23 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Spangler Alvaspangl001alv19034/30-9/16 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Sparks Tullysparks001tho1903 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Sparks Tullysparks001tho19038/6 Anniston ALIndependent ,
Spates Frank1903 FrostburgIndependent ,
Speck Rossspeck-001ros19036/21-  Bartlesville OKIndependent ,
Speck Frankspeck-000fra19035/8-5/14,9/7 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Speckin Charles1903+7/15+ ShenandoahSouthwest Iowa League ,
Speer Georgespeer-001geo19034/22-9/16 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Speidell 1903+5/25-6/14 PendletonInland Empire ,
Spelliscy Williamspelli001wil1903 U. ND AgriculturalCollege ,
Spelliscy Williamspelli001wil19035/20-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Spencer Wirtspence001wir1903 UmpireTexas League ,
Spencer Ditspence001d--19036/26-6/27 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Spencer Frankspence001fra1903+8/12-9/29+ Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Spencer Collisspence001col1903 Cumberland UnivCollege ,
Spencer Collisspence001col1903+6/12+ Columbia TNIndependent ,
Spencer Collisspence001col1903 Dalton GAIndependent ,
Spencer Collisspence001col1903+8/14-8/21+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Spencer Harryspence001hen1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Spencer Harryspence001hen19031 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Spevy 1903 Dalton ,
Spies Harryspies-001hen1903184 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat19035/2-5/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat19035/28-7/24 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat19037/25-9/11 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat19039/18-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Spooner Georgespoone001geo19035/1-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Spooner Jamesspoone001jam19034/25-5/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Sporer Josephsporer001jos19034/24-5/17 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Spratt Jackspratt001wil19034/27-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Spring Jimmy1903 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Spring Jimmy1903 BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
Springs Fred1903 NCIndependent ,
St. John Roystjohn001roy19035/2-7/11 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
St. John Roystjohn001roy19037/26-9/8 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
St. Vrain Jimstvrai001jam19034/22-5/15 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
St. Vrain Jimstvrai001jam19036/4-8/16 Tacoma TigersPacific National League ,
St. Vrain Jimstvrai001jam190323 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Stackpole Cystackp001art19035/2-7/21 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Stafford Jamesstaffo001gen19034/30-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Stafford Robertstaffo003rob19034/27-9/20 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Stahl Chickstahl-001cha190377 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Stahl Jakestahl-001gar19036/6-40 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Stallings Georgestalli002geo19034/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Stallings stalli002---19036/10-6/18 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Stalter Everett1903 PeekskillHudson River League ,
Stanage Oscarstanag001osc1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Stankard Tomstanka001tho1903 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Stankard Tomstanka001tho1903 Lebanon NHIndependent ,
Stanley Mattstanle001mat1903120 g. Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Stanley Joestanle003jos190386 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Stanley stanle020---19035/14-5/23 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Staples Roy19031 g. Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Stark Williamstark-003wil19035/9-5/20 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Stark Williamstark-003wil19036/3 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Stark Claudestark-001cla190390 g. Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Starkel Constarke001con19037/12-9/6 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo19034/28-8/6 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo19039/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Starr A. L.starr-001a--19036/13-7/13 Talladega TigersAlabama-Georgia League ,
Stasanwald C.1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Stauffer Harrystauff001hen190356 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Stearns Danny19039/26 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Stebbins W.1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Steele Fredsteele001fre19035/21-5/22 Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Steele Fredsteele001fre19035/26-9/27 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Steele Carrollsteele002car1903 St. Albans CollegeCollege ,
Steele Carrollsteele002car1903+5/1+8 g. Montgomery Black SoxInterstate League ,
Steele Carrollsteele002car190335 ab Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Steele Carrollsteele002car19036/15-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Steele Carrollsteele002car1903+8/12+ Anniston ALIndependent ,
Steele Carrollsteele002car1903+8/20+3 g. DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Steele A. L.steele013---19035/24-8/9 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor19035/1-5/22 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor19035/26-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Steere 19038/14 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Steese steese001---1903+7/28-9/28+ Harr.-HalifaxIndependent ,
Steese steese001---1903 Harr.-Students ,
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic1903 San JoseCalifornia State League ,
Stein Edstein-001ed-1903 Detroit-AmatAmat ,
Stein stein-008---1903 Big Rapids MIIndependent ,
Steinberg Paulsteinb002pau1903 Holyoke MA ,
Steinberg Paulsteinb002pau1903 Franklin PA ,
Steinberg Paulsteinb002pau1903 Holyoke MA ,
Steinwender Williamsteinw001---1903 USMACollege ,
Steinwender Williamsteinw001---190333 g. Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Stephens W. R.1903 RadcliffeIndependent ,
Sterling Louissterli001lou19039/4 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Stetler Jay1903 Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Stevenson 19034/23-5/6+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Stevenson 1903+5/23-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Stevenson 1903+8/13+ Anniston ALIndependent ,
Stewart Acestewar001ace19034/30-5/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Stewart Acestewar001ace19035/20-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Stewart Joestewar003jos19034/26-9/10 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Stewart Harrystewar004har19037/1-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Stewart stewar082---19037/2-7/3 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Stickney Henrystickn001abr19034/27-6/6 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Stickney Henrystickn001abr1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Stickney Henrystickn001abr19037/8-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Stier 19039/22 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Stillman P. A.1903 RexburgIdahoSt ,
Stillwell Billy19035/1 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Stillwell Billy1903+5/20+ Wellsville OHIndependent ,
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc1903 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc19038/11-9/20 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Stinson Johnstinso001joh19035/3-7/10 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Stirlith Alexstirli000ale1903 Wilm.-AthleticsIndependent ,
Stocksdale Otisstocks002oti19036/7-9/17 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Stollenwerck Amasa1903+4/3+ Southern Univ.College ,
Stollenwerck Amasa1903+7/7-8/18+ Greensboro ALIndependent ,
Stoller 19039/4 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Stolworthy Walterstolwo000tom19036/3-7/21 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Stolworthy Walterstolwo000tom19038/3-8/13 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Stone Georgestone-003geo19034/20-2 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Stone Georgestone-003geo19036/7-9/17 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Stone Howardstone-001how1903 Circleville OHIndependent ,
Stone Howardstone-001how19037/3-7/15 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Stoner Herbstoner001her1903 Clinton IAIndependent ,
Stoner Herbstoner001her19035/8-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Stopher Edstophe000---1903+7/19-8/2 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Storey 1903 HarvardCollege ,
Storey 1903 New London NHIndependent ,
Storey 1903 Woonsocket GymsIndependent ,
Storke Alanstorke001ala1903-06 Amherst Col.College ,
Story story-004---19038/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Stouch Tomstouch001tom1903 U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Stouch Tomstouch001tom19036/12-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Stouch Tomstouch001tom19038/21-9/12 ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Stouch Tomstouch001tom1903no g. Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Stout Cy1903 ,
Stovall Jessestoval001jes19033/26-5 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Stovall Jessestoval001jes19034/14-8/20 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Stovall Jessestoval001jes19038/31-6 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Stovall Georgestoval001geo1903+5/28-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Stovall Georgestoval001geo1903+7/15+ Ogden UTIndependent ,
Stovall Georgestoval001geo1903 AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Strang Sammystrang001sam1903135 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Strarup Frankstraru000fra19037/11-7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbC,
Stratton Milostratt001mil19035/4-6/30 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
Strayer Thomas1903 Trenton NJIndependent ,
Street Gabbystreet001cha1903 Hopkinsville BrownsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Street Gabbystreet001cha19039/10-9/12 4 g. HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Streib Theodore1903+4/19+ PetalumaCalifornia State League ,
Streib Juliestreib001jul19034/28-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Streit Oscarstreit001osc19034/27-9/17 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Stricker Guy1903 ClarindaSouthwest Iowa League ,
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm19034/14-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm1903+9/23-10/4 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Strobel Charlesstrobe001cha1903 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Stroh Billystroh-001wil19035//9-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo19035/2- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo1903 Haverhill HustlersNew England League ,
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo1903-8/27 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo19039/1-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Strothers Constroth001joh1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Strub Charlesstrub-001cha1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Stubblefield Henrystubbl001hen19034/25-8/30 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Stucke Williamstucke001w--19035/2-6/22 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Stucke Williamstucke001w--19036/27-7/22+ Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Stucke Williamstucke001w--19035/2-6/22 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Stucke Williamstucke001w--19036/27-7/22+ Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Stultz Georgestultz002geo19035/6-9/19 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Stultz Henrystultz001hen1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Sturgis 1903 AmherstCollege ,
Sturgis 1903 Littleton NHIndependent ,
Stutsman Edstutsm001e--19036/16-6/18 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Sublet/t 1903 FurmanCollege ,
Sugden Joesugden001jos190379 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Suggs Georgesuggs-001geo19035/8 NashuaNew England League ,
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-19034/25-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-19036/26-8/27 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam1903 San FranciscoCalifornia State League ,
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic19035/7-6/27 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic19037/7-7/25 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic19037/30-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut19034/22-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Sullivan Johnsulliv004joh19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Sullivan M.J.sulliv000mj-1903 Amat ,
Sullivan M.J.sulliv000mj-19038/17-9/11 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Sullivan Thomassulliv050---1903 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Sullivan Dennysulliv001den19035/20-7/4+ Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Sullivan Dennysulliv001den19037/11-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Sullivan William19035/1-9/12 UmpireNew England League ,
Sullivan H. Thomas1903 WaterlooIAIndependent ,
Sullivan Johnsulliv003joh19038/19-9/12 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Sullivan Johnsulliv001joh190356 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Sullivan M. L.1903 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Sullivan sulliv108---19037/16 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Sump Billsump--001wil19035/8-6/5 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Sump Billsump--001wil19036/27-6/28 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Sump Billsump--001wil1903 Warren OHIndependent ,
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh190330 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Swacina Harryswacin001har19035/3-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Swaers Herbertswaers000ber19035/10-6/7 Lebanon ILIndependent ,
Swaers Herbertswaers000ber19038/26-9/27 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Swaim Arthurswaim-001art19035/21-8/15+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Swaim Newtswaim-000new19038/11-9/12 HuntsvilleTennessee-Alabama League ,
Swaim Newtswaim-000new1903 U. AlabamaCollege ,
Swalm Harryswalm-001har1903 Waterloo IAIndependent ,
Swalm Albert19036/16-6/19 FargoNorthern League ,
Swan Arthur1903 Helena MTIndependent ,
Swan Oscarswann-001o--19035/1-9/16 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Swander Pinkyswande002edw19035/1-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Swander Pinkyswande002edw19039/18-14 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Swartwood Edswartw001ed-19035/7-9/25 UmpireEastern League ,
Sweeney Alex.1903 Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Sweeney Edward1903 Poughkeepsie ColtsHudson River League ,
Sweeney Michaelsweene009mic1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Ossining,
Sweeney Patricksweene001pat19038/30-9/15 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Swift swift-007---19036/22 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Swiggert Robert1903 Northwestern U.College ,
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha19034/14-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Switzer Edswitze001j--19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Swope Walterswope-001wal19035/9-9/10 NashuaNew England League ,
Swormstedt Lensworms001leo19035/1-9/11 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Sylvester Louissylves001lou19035/5-8/8 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Symonds symond000---19037/28 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Symons Charlessymons000cy-1903no g. Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
Tackaberry Harrytackab001har19034/25-4/30 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Tackaberry Harrytackab001har1903+4/12+ Hous.-CawthonsAmat ,
Tackaberry Harrytackab001har19035/29- Fort Worth PanthersTexas League ,
Tackaberry Harrytackab001har1903-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob1903 St. LouisAmerican League ,
Taliafero Frederic1903 EugeneWillamette Valley Eugene, OR
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam19034/22-9/15 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Tann Jessetann--000jes1903+7/4+ Rock Springs WYIndependent ,
Tann Jessetann--000jes1903+9/6+ Park City UTIndependent ,
Tannehill Leetanneh002lee1903 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Tansey Eugenetansey001eug19035/8-9/12 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Tarleton Roberttarlet001rob1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Tarr Jamestarr--000jam19038/25-8/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Tate Harrytate--001har1903 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Tate Hughietate--001hug19038/5-9/16 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Tate Ray1903 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal19034/30-9/24 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Taylor Billytaylor002bil19034/27-4/29 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Taylor Billytaylor002bil19031 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Taylor Billytaylor002bil1903 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Taylor Billytaylor002bil1903 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut1903 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Taylor Roytaylor005r--19035/4- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Taylor Roytaylor005r--1903-6/20 NashuaNew England League ,
Taylor Richardtaylor001ric19037/1-8/1 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Taylor Slatstaylor002vir1903+4/7+ Yakima WAIndependent ,
Taylor Slatstaylor002vir19034/30-5/14 PendletonInland Empire ,
Taylor Slatstaylor002vir19036/2-  Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Taylor Slatstaylor002vir19036/4-  ColfaxInland Empire ,
Taylor Cynthy19035/15-7/18 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Taylor Earltaylor001ear19035/2-7/14 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbC,
Taylor Edtaylor001edg19038/8 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Taylor Edtaylor001edg19038/22 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Taylor Edtaylor001edg19038/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Taylor Emmetttaylor000emm19036/30 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Taylor Johntaylor107---1903 Flandreau IndianSchool ,
Taylor Johntaylor107---19037/21-8/30 Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Taylor Thomastaylor002tho1903no g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Taylor Thomastaylor002tho19035/8-7/31 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League ,
Taylor 19036/13-6/16 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Teabo Joe1903 Chernawa IndianSchool ,
Teabo Joe1903 SalemWillamette Valley Salem, OR
Teal Harryteal--002har1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Teal Harryteal--002har19037/15-7/31 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Teal Harveyteal--003har1903 Paulding OHIndependent ,
Teal Harveyteal--003har19035/1-5/13 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo1903 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Tebeau Altebeau002al-19035/-6/20 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Tebeau Altebeau002al-19036/21-6/24 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Teel Delbertteel--001d--19036/9-7/24 HoldredgeCentral Nebraska League ,
Terrell 19037/24-7/25 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Tevis Iveytevis-001iva19034/26-8/30 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Tevis Iveytevis-001iva19038/31 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Tevis Iveytevis-001iva19039/14 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Thackara Parrythacka001dav1903no g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Thackara Parrythacka001dav1903 Pottstown PAIndependent ,
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly19034/15-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly19039/9-4 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Thebo Tonythebo-001ant19034/25-8/24 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Thebo Tonythebo-001ant1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Theisen Josephtheise001jos19035/7-9/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Thiel Ottothiel-001ott19034/28-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Thielman Jakethielm001joh1903+4/25-7/3+ Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Thielman Jakethielm001joh190345 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Thielman Henrythielm001hen1903-5/159 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Thielman Henrythielm001hen19036/4-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Thiery Jackthiery001joh19034/30-8/21 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Thiery Jackthiery001joh19038/29-9/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Thomas Roythomas002roy1903 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Thomas Tomthomas005tho19035/2-5/28 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Thomas Tomthomas005tho19035/30-9/15 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Thomas Tomthomas005tho1903 Youngstown OHIndependent ,
Thomas Billthomas007wil1903 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Thomas Joethomas001tho19034/18-6/9 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Thomas Joethomas001tho19036/12-7/17+ Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Thomas Frostythomas001for19034/25-9/19 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Thomas Alphonsethomas002alp19035/11-7/1 Springfield PoniesConnecticut League ,
Thomas Irathomas001ira19035/7-9/11 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Thomas Irathomas001ira19039/12-9/25 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Thomas Jackthomas007joh19035/2-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Thomas thomas037---1903+7/31+ Ionia MIIndependent ,
Thomas Benjaminthomas001ben190312 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Thomas Benjaminthomas001ben1903 ,
Thomas Clifford1903 Clarksville VillagersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Thomas Dickthomas000re-19034/25-8/31 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Thomas G.thomas002g--19036/13-9/12 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Thomas James1903+4/30-8/1+ Ionia MIIndependent ,
Thomas Orththomas001ort19034/26-8/30 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Thomas Williamthomas002wil190357 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Thomas thomas110---19036/21-7/8 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Thompson Gusthomps007joh19034/14-8/16 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Thompson Gusthomps007joh19038/31-5 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Thompson Michael1903 Georgetown ColCollege ,
Thompson Jackthomps011joh19034/30-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Thompson thomps121---19035/13 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Thompson thomps121---1903 Knightstown INIndependent ,
Thompson Curleythomps000cur1903+5/28+ ColfaxInland Empire ,
Thompson Georgethomps008geo1903 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Thompson Georgethomps008geo19036/17-7/1+ Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Thompson Georgethomps008geo19037/13 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Thompson Georgethomps008geo1903+7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Webb City,
Thompson Charles19035/14 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Thompson Charles19036/20, 7/24 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Thompson M. J.1903 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Thoney Jackthoney001joh19035/9-7/7 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Thoney Jackthoney001joh190332 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Thornton Johnthornt003joh19034/28-7/26 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Thornton Johnthornt003joh19038/5-9/11 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Thornton Rossthornt001ros1903107 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Thornton Rossthornt001ros19039/15-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Thruman Hal19034/27-5/15+ Oklahoma CityIndependent ,
Thruman Hal19035/25 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Thruman Hal19036/4-6/19 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Thruman Hal1903+7/7+ Shawnee OKIndependent ,
Tibald Pattibald001pet19035/3-7/18 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Tibald Pattibald001pet19038/2-9/7 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Tieino J.1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Tieman Georgetieman001geo190392 g. South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Tierney 1903 Wilmington DEIndependent ,
Tift Raytift--001ray1903-07 Brown Univ.College ,
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh19035/7-9/10 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Tiley William1903 ShenandoahSouthwest Iowa League ,
Tilford Joetilfor001joe1903 UmpireTexas League ,
Tilford Jimmytilfor001jam1903 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Titus Stanleytitus-004---19036/11-6/14 Walla WallaInland Empire ,
Titus Stanleytitus-004---19036/28-8/16 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Titus Stanleytitus-004---19038/23-9/6 Aberdeen PippinsSouthwest Washington League ,
Titus Johntitus-001joh19035/1-6/6 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Titus Johntitus-001joh1903 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Tobey Williamtobey-000wh-1903 Brown Univ.College ,
Toft Jacktoft--001jam19034/30-9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Toman Jimmytoman-001jam1903172 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Torrence Cytorren001osc19035/2-7/8 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Torrence Cytorren001osc19039/13 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Torrence Williamtorren002wil19037/29-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Totman Clarence1903 Piqua OHIndependent ,
Touhey Josephtoohey001jos19037/8-7/18 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Touhey Josephtoohey001jos19037/25-9/26 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Towers Waltertowers001wal1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Towne Babetowne-001jay19034/28-9/17 Des Moines UndertakersWestern League ,
Townsend Cytownse002cha1903176 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Townsend Happytownse001joh190320 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Townsend Zobtownse000zob19036/8-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Townsend Zobtownse000zob1903+8/15+ Lincoln YMCAIndependent ,
Townsend Guy1903+7/15+ ShenandoahSouthwest Iowa League ,
Townsend Guy1903+7/26-7/27+ Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Tozer Billtozer-001wil19035/25-6/3 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Tozer Billtozer-001wil1903+6/26+ Salt Lake City UTIndependent ,
Tozer Billtozer-001wil1903+7/2-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Tracey 19035/21-5/22+ Council Bluffs Bluffers/Sheldon-Primghar HyphensIowa-South Dakota League Council Bluffs,
Tracy Ralph1903 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Traeger Charlestraege002cha19035/20-9/8 FargoNorthern League ,
Treadway Georgetreadw001geo19034/14-10/4 Seattle ChinooksPacific National League ,
Treadway Wixtreadw001win19035/21-8/11+ Sioux City SoosIowa-South Dakota League ,
Treat Parkertreat-001par19034/30-7/8 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Treat Parkertreat-001par19037/25-9/10 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Tree Burttree--001bur1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Treichler Veretreich001---1903 Jeff. Medical ColCollege ,
Trestrall 1903 KC-SchmelzersIndependent ,
Tribble Benjamin1903+7/24+ Columbia SCIndependent ,
Trimble trimbl002---19035/10-5/22 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
Tritton Roberttritto001rob19038/10-9/15 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Trobough Deltrobou001del1903+6/11+ AtlanticSouthwest Iowa League ,
Trobough B.1903+8/20+ Tobias NEIndependent ,
Troy Thadtroy--001tha1903no g. Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Troy Thadtroy--001tha1903+7/30+ Piqua OHIndependent ,
Troy Jamestroy--004jam19035/12-6/12 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Truby Harrytruby-002har190394 g. Bloomington BloomersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Trumbull Jonathantrumbu002---19038/6-9/3 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Tucker Fredtucker001f--1903 Sayer football ,
Tucker Davetucker001dav1903 Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Tucker Davetucker001dav1903 St. Cloud MNIndependent ,
Tuckey Tomtuckey002tho19035/7-9/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Tufts Henrytufts-001hen19034/25-6/25 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Tufts Henrytufts-001hen19036/30-8/26 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam1903+9/20+ Paterson NJIndependent ,
Turner Tuckturner002tuc19035/7-9/12 Norwich RedsConnecticut League ,
Turner Danielturner003dan19035/2-9/20 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Turner Terryturner001ter19034/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Turner turner067---19038/2 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Tuttle 1903 Paulding OHIndependent ,
Tyler 19036/18-6/27 UmpireConnecticut League ,
Uhl Heiny1903 Ogden UTIndependent ,
Uhl 19039/1 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League ,
Ulmer 19034/27 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Ulrich Fredulrich001fre19035/27-7/12 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Ulrich Fredulrich001fre19037/18-7/30 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Ulrich Fredulrich001fre19038/12-9/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Umstead 1903-05 Cornell UnivCollege ,
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob19034/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho19037/1-9/12 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Upp George1903no g. Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Urquhart Billurquha001wil19035/8-9/17 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Ury Lonury---001lou19034/26-8/25 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Ury Lonury---001lou19039/9-9/12 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Vail Bobvail--001rob1903 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Vail Bobvail--001rob19036/2- NashuaNew England League ,
Vail Bobvail--001rob1903-8/24 ManchesterNew England League ,
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre19035/1- NashuaNew England League ,
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre1903-9/12 Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Valentine Frederick19038/10-9/27 PeekskillHudson River League ,
Van Anda Edward1903-8/18 Piqua OHIndependent ,
Van Anda Edward1903 Paulding OHIndependent ,
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw1903205 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Van Dine Dowvandin001dow1903102 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Van Dulin 1903+7/26+ Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Van Leuwen William1903 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
Van Riper George190319 g. Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Van Vecheen Sam1903 Ossining/CatskillHudson River League Catskill,
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha19035/1-5/30 NashuaNew England League ,
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha1903 Woonsocket-GymsIndependent ,
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha19039/14-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Vanderberg 19038/19-8/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Vanderhill Anthonyvander001ant1903no g. Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Vanderhill Anthonyvander001ant19035/2-5/30 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada,
VanderWeg Joevander005---1903 Big Rapids MIIndependent ,
Varney Dikevarney001law19035/27 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Vasbinder Calvasbin001mos19034/23-8/8 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Vaughan William1903+6/9+ Normal AlumniIndependent ,
Vaughn Farmervaughn001far19034/27-9/20 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Veatch Philveach-001phi19038/12-8/27 UmpireCentral League ,
Veil Buckyveil--001fre19034/19-12 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Veley William1903+5/14-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Venable Charlesvenabl001cha1903no g. Pine Bluff LumbermenCotton States League ,
Verga Perryverga-001geo1903+7/16+ Camden NJIndependent ,
Verheyden Charley19036/21-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Verheyden Charley19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Vernuelle Leevernue001rob1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Verstay Kangarooversta001---1903 Grand Rapids MIIndependent ,
Vesennier 19038/2-8/7 Kansas City CowboysAmerican Association ,
Vetter Philvetter001phi1903 Loui.-GossIndependent ,
Vetter Georgevetter001geo1903 Loui.-GossIndependent ,
Viau Leeviau--001lee19035/2-9/25 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Vickers Rubevicker001har19035/23-6/30 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Vickers Rubevicker001har19035 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Vickers Rubevicker001har19037/25-9/12 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam190371 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Villeman Georgevillem001geo19035/3-9/17 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League ,
Vincent 19035/14 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Vinson Rubevinson001ern1903+8/18+ Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Viola Juan190319 g. AlmendaresCuban Winter League ,
Violet 1903 Jamestown NYIndependent ,
Viox Ronyviox--001hen19035/5-5/30 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Viox Ronyviox--001hen19036/19-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Vitter Harryvitter001har19034/28-5/10 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Vitter Harryvitter001har19038/3-8/31 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Vizard Jamesvizard001jam1903 Ionia MIIndependent ,
Vogeding Oscar1903+5/23+ Camden NJIndependent ,
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado19035/1-9/13 Milwaukee CreamsWestern League ,
Volz Jakevolz--001jac19034/28-7/16 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Volz Jakevolz--001jac19037/30-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen19035/2-6/3 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen19036/29-9/11 NashuaNew England League ,
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen19039/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League ,
Vorpagel Bobbyvorpag001rob19034/30-5/17 South Bend GreensCentral League ,
Vorpagel Bobbyvorpag001rob1903+7/10-8/9+ Ionia MIIndependent ,
Vowinkel Ripvowink001joh1903 New London WhalersConnecticut League ,
Vowinkel Ripvowink001joh19038/27-9/19 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Vyskocil Joseph1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Vyskocil Joseph1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo1903 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Wade Erniewade--002ern19035/1-9/8 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Wageman 1903 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Waggner Louis1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wagman 1903 HibblingIndependent ,
Wagman 19036/19-6/20 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Wagner Buttswagner001but19034/30-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Wagner Ivorwagner001ivo19034/24-9/20 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Wagner Heiniewagner001cha19034/30-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Wagner Don1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wagner Johnwagner001joh190347 g. Dubuque ShamrocksIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wagner Johnwagner001joh1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Spri,
Wagner wagner063---19035/28-6/5 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Wahler Carlwahler000car19038/7-8/23 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Wahler Valentinewahler000val19037/27-9/2 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Wakefield Ditwakefi001hen19036/17,94-9/8 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Wakefield Ditwakefi001hen1903+9/12+ Spri.-GarnettIndependent ,
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv19034/28-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Wales Frankwales-000fra1903no g. Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Wales Frankwales-000fra1903 Tiffin OHIndependent ,
Wales Frankwales-000fra19037/8 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Walker Tomwalker006tho19034/22-9/18 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
Walker Edwalker001edw1903-6/213 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Walker Edwalker001edw19037/11-9/9 Toledo Mud HensAmerican Association ,
Walker J.19032 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Wall Joewall--005jos19034/28-6/21 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Wall Joewall--005jos19037/14-7/18 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Wall Joewall--005jos19037/20-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Wallace 1903 Decatur ALIndependent ,
Wallace Arthur19036 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Wallace Arthur1903 MobileInterstate League ,
Wallace Arthur1903 Biloxi MSIndependent ,
Wallace C.1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wallace Harrywallac003har19039/2-9/9 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Wallace Robert1903 Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wallace wallac032---19037/1-7/2 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Wallace wallac047---1903-8/20 UmpireTennessee-Alabama League ,
Wallace wallac047---19038/21+2 g. PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Waller Redwaller001joh1903 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Waller Redwaller001joh19037/4-9/3 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Waller Redwaller001joh1903 Harrisburg PAIndependent ,
Waller Redwaller001joh1903 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Waller E. H.1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wallis W. H.wallis000wh-1903 St.Charles MOTrolley ,
Wallis W. H.wallis000wh-19035/2-5/3 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Walsh Josephwalsh-009jos1903 Seattle ,
Walsh Johnwalsh-006joh19036/22 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Walsh Edwalsh-002edw19035/7-7/30 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Walsh Edwalsh-002edw19038/1-9/26 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Walsh Edwalsh-002edw1903+10/1+ Wilkes-Barre PAIndependent ,
Walsh Petewalsh-001pet19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Walsh Petewalsh-001pet19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Walsh Mickeywalsh-008mic19038/21-8/24 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Walsh Mickey?walsh-072---19037/3 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Walsh Williamwalsh-001wil1903 Kingston ColonialsHudson River League ,
Walsh Williamwalsh-001wil1903 SaugertiesHudson River League ,
Walter walter042---19038/21-8/24 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Walters Jackwalter001joh19034/14-8/19 Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Walters Jackwalter001joh1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Walters Jackwalter001joh1903 StocktonCalifornia State League ,
Walters Roxeywalter001lou190389 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Walters Roxeywalter001lou1903 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Walters Roxeywalter001lou19039/8-9/10 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Walters Lewwalter001lew19034/30-6/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Walters Lewwalter001lew19032 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Walters Lewwalter002lew19037/15 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Walters Danielwalter003d--19037/21 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Walters Danielwalter003d--19033-9 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Walters Clydewalter001cly1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Walters Clydewalter001cly19038/21+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Walters Henrywalter001hen1903112 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wanek wanek-000---19036/16-7/16 GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Ward Piggyward--002fra19034/14-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Ward Rubeward--003joh19034/24-5/8 Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Ward Rubeward--003joh190359 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Ward Mylesward--001myl19035/2-5/16 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Ward William19035/1-5/9 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Ward 1903+5/8+ Creston IAIndependent ,
Ward 1903+7/11-8/8+ Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Ward 1903+8/21+ OsceolaSouthwest Iowa League ,
Warner Alwarner002al-19034/14-  UmpirePacific National League ,
Warner Bobbywarner002rob19035/21-8/13+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Warner Jackwarner002joh190389 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Warner Charles1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Warner Samwarner000sam19038/8-8/11+ Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Warner Samwarner000sam1903 Weir City KSIndependent ,
Warren Wallywarren002wal19035/1-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Warren warren025---19039/10 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Warrender Mumwarren002fra19035/1-5/29 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Anderson,
Warrender Mumwarren002fra19035/30-9/12 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Washburn Libewashbu001lib1903-7/178 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Washburn Libewashbu001lib19039/7 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Washer Buckwasher001wil19035/6-5/13 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Washer Buckwasher001wil1903 Homestead PAIndependent ,
Waterbury Frankwaterb001fra1903 Oakland HeesemanCalifornia State League ,
Waterbury Frankwaterb001fra1903+4/29+ San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Waterbury Frankwaterb001fra1903+4/29+ San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Waters Emmitt1903 Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Waters William1903 EurekaHumboldt ,
Watkins Billwatkin002bil19034/22-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Watson Scott1903 Reading YMCAIndependent ,
Watson Frank19035/17- Sault Ste. MarieIndependent ,
Watson Lanoswatson001lan19035/14-7/18 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Watson 1903 Williams Col.College ,
Watson 1903 Blakinton MAIndependent ,
Watt Georgewatt--001geo19034/25-9/18 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Wattrick Adolph1903+7/29+ Bellaire MIIndependent ,
Watts Alwatts-001al-19035/7- Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Watts Alwatts-001al-1903-5/21 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Watts Michael1903 Tiflin OHIndependent ,
Watts Michael1903 Findlay OHIndependent ,
Way Oscarway---001osc1903 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Weand Dickweand-001geo1903 Pottstown PAIndependent ,
Weaver Farmerweaver001far19034/14-8/20 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Weaver Farmerweaver001far1903-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Weaver Johnweaver003joh19035/8-9/12 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Weaver Artweaver001art190316 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Weaver Artweaver001art190316 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Weaver Fredweaver001fre1903108 g. Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Weaver weaver032---19037/11-7/23 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Weaver weaver036---1903+8/23-9/4+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Weaver weaver035---1903+8/14-9/10 PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Webber Peterwebber001pet19035/21-9/16 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Webber Fredwebber001fre19035/1- Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Webber Fredwebber001fre1903-5/27 Lowell TigersNew England League ,
Weber Charlieweber-003cha19034/25-8/10 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Weber Arthurweber-001art19034/25-8/30 Houston BuffaloesSouth Texas League ,
Webster Edwardwebste003edw19038/3-8/14 UmpireNew England League ,
Webster Edwardwebste001edw19034/28-9/17 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Weddige Alweddig001alb19035/1-9/12 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Weed Fredweed--001fre19034/14-128 g. San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Weed Fredweed--001fre1903+7/17+ Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Weed Fredweed--001fre1903+7/22-8/28+ Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake City,
Weeden Bertweeden001cha19035/7-5/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut League ,
Weeden Bertweeden001cha19035/15-6/1 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Weeden Bertweeden001cha1903 Claremont NHIndependent ,
Weeks Walterweeks-001w--19034/28-7/30 Kansas City Blue StockingsWestern League ,
Weeks Tom1903 ,
Weida William1903+5/3+ Cant.-HamptonIndependent ,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen19035/2-5/13 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen19035/18-6/4 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen19036/9 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen19036/22-8/2 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen19038/8=9/26 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Weigand Curtweigan001cur1903 York PAIndependent ,
Weigand Curtweigan001cur19036/24-6/29 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Weigand Billweigan002wil190341 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Weihl Jacob19039/4 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League New Bedford,
Weihrauch Henryweihra001hen1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Weikart Frankweiker001fra19034/25-9/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
Weiland 1903+8/13+ Emporia StateCollege ,
Weiland 1903 Lyons KSIndependent ,
Weimer Jakeweimer001jac19034/17-118 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou19035/7-8/31 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Weisbrod Raymondweisbr001j--19035/6-5/15 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Weisbrod Raymondweisbr001j--1903 Quincy ILIndependent ,
Weisbrod Raymondweisbr001j--19035/6-5/15 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Weisner Charlesweisne002cha1903+7/16-8/15 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Weisser Johnweisse000joh19037/30-7/31 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Welch Harrywelch-002har19035/16-9/17 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Welch Conradwelch-001con19038/11-9/7 DecaturTennessee-Alabama League ,
Welch Kelly19036/29-8/22+ Creston CyclonesSouthwest Iowa League ,
Welday Mikewelday001lyn19035/13 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Welday Mikewelday001lyn19035/22-8/2+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Weller Burns1903+9/16+ Mount Morris NYIndependent ,
Wells Owen19034/27-4/30 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Wells Parielwells-001par19034/26-5/6 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Wells wells-017---19035/7-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Wells wells-017---19037/26-8/9 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Wells wells-017---19038/16 Olympia SenatorsSouthwest Washington League ,
Welsh Robert19035/19 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Welsh 19039/10-9/12 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Welter Johnwelter002joh19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Welter Johnwelter002joh19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Welter Johnwelter002joh19039/13-9/16 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Wenig Fredwenig-001fre1903- 7/1754 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet/Spring,
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac19035/13-9/16 Wheeling StogiesCentral League ,
Werden Perrywerden001per19034/25-9/20 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association ,
West Tommy19034/30-5/28+ ColfaxInland Empire ,
West 19035/9 Newark SailorsEastern League ,
Westbrook Coley1903+9/7+ Colu.-Ft ValleyIndependent ,
Westlake Bobwestla001rob19034/25-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Westlake Bobwestla001rob1903 Chatham ,
Westlake Bobwestla004---19038/8-9/25 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Westlake Georgewestla002geo1903 UmpireTexas League ,
Westlake westla004---190312 g. Providence GraysEastern League ,
Weston Charles19036/16-7/31 UmpireNew York State League ,
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19034/29-8/25 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19039/5-9/17 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Whalen Jimmywhalen003wil190359 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Whalen Robertwhalen001rob19031 g. Oakland OaksPacific Coast League ,
Whealon Tomwhealo001tho19034/30-5/5 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Whealon Tomwhealo001tho19035/20-5/26 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Whealon Tomwhealo001tho19036/18-6/23 FargoNorthern League ,
Whealon Tomwhealo001tho1903 York NDIndependent ,
Wheatley J. Frank1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo1903198 g. Los Angeles AngelsPacific Coast League ,
Wheeler Edwheele003edw19034/22-9/21 St. Paul SaintsAmerican Association ,
Wheeler Charleswheele004cha19033 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Wheeler Charleswheele004cha1903 BrewtonInterstate League ,
Wheeler 19037/18-8/18 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Whisner Georgewhisne001geo1903 Jamestown NY ,
Whisner Georgewhisne001geo1903 Warren OHIndependent ,
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew19034/27-9/4 Montgomery Black SoxSouthern Association ,
Whitaker Johnwhitak001j--1903+9/6-9/8+ PulaskiTennessee-Alabama League ,
Whitcomb whitco005---1903+6/24+ GiltnerCentral Nebraska League ,
Whitcomb whitco005---19036/-7/24 Red CloudCentral Nebraska League ,
White Jackwhite-012joh19034/30-9/24 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
White Docwhite-001guy1903 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
White Roywhite-004roy1903+8/12-8/28+ Tampa FLIndependent ,
White Harvey1903+6/11+ Muskegon MIIndependent ,
White Harrywhite-007har19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
White Harrywhite-007har19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
White Robertwhite-010rob19034/27-9/19 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association ,
White Williamwhite-024wil19035/2-9/27 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
White Foley19034/29-5/10 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
White George1903 RoseburgWillamette Valley Roseburg, OR
White Harrywhite-009har19034/22-9/20 Louisville ColonelsAmerican Association ,
White Williamwhite-005w--19035/25-7/10 Crookston CrooksNorthern League ,
White Williamwhite-005w--1903+7/20-8/14+ FargoNorthern League ,
White William1903 U. of Pennsylv.College ,
White William1903no g. Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
White white-055---19035/30-7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbC,
White white-134---19037/7-7/11+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
White white-138---1903+6/13-7/24 MindenCentral Nebraska League ,
Whitfield 19034/30-6/4+ DaytonInland Empire ,
Whiting Jessewhitin002jes19035/1-9/12 ManchesterNew England League ,
Whiting Hobart19036/1-6/3 Brockton/New Bedford WhalersNew England League Brockton,
Whitmore whitmo004---19037/25-7/26 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Whitney H. M.?whitne012---1903+8/3-8/14+ Los AngelesPacific National League ,
Whitney Merlewhitne001mer1903 Addison NYIndependent ,
Whitney Merlewhitne001mer19039/2-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb19034/30-9/17 Denver GrizzliesWestern League ,
Wicker Bobwicker001rob19031 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Wicker Bobwicker001rob190332 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--19035/15-6/30 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam19034/23-2 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam19035/13-5/29 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam19036/11-7/17+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam1903+8/2-10/4 Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Salt Lake,
Wilbur Shanks1903-06 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Wilbur Shanks1903 St. AlbanVT ,
Wilder Percy1903 Benton Harbor MIIndependent ,
Wilder Percy190310 g. Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh19035/1- Lawrence ColtsNew England League ,
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh1903-9/12 Concord MarinesNew England League ,
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har19035/8-6/18 Albany SenatorsNew York State League ,
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har1903 York-PennParkIndependent ,
Wilhelm Irvinwilhel001irv190313 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Wilkes Josephwilkes001jos19036/26-9/8 Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Wilkins Joewilkin001jos1903+4/7-5/26+ Yakima WAIndependent ,
Wilkins Joewilkin001jos1903 PendeltonInland Empire ,
Wilkins Roywilkin001roy1903 Ft. Scott HSHighSchool ,
Wilkins Roywilkin001roy1903 Wichita KSIndependent ,
Wilkins Roywilkin001roy19038/11   Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac19036/30-7/1 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Wilkinson Georgewilkin003geo19034/30-7/30 Marion OilworkersCentral League ,
Wilkinson Georgewilkin003geo19038/1-9/16 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Wilkinson wilkin025---19036/12+ Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Willard Walterwillar001wal19035/14-7/16 Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Nevada/WebbC,
Williams Tomwillia004tom19034/22-9/11 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Williams Jimmywillia025jam1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Williams Popwillia008wal1903 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Williams Popwillia008wal1903 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Williams Popwillia008wal1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Williams Dalwillia001lev190343 g. Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Williams Clydewillia002s--1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Williams Clydewillia002s--190354 g. Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Williams Davewillia013dav19034/28-6/26 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Williams Davewillia013dav190352 g. Altoona PAIndependent ,
Williams Artwillia002art19035/8-9/20 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Williams Kidwillia003kid1903 Walla Walla WAIndependent ,
Williams Kidwillia003kid19034/30-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Williams Kidwillia003kid1903 Everett WAIndependent ,
Williams Nickwillia122---1903 Oakland RelianceCalifornia State League ,
Williams Nickwillia011ric19037/4-9/20 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Williams Ottowillia001ott190353 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Williams Ottowillia001ott190338 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Williams Alfred1903 Newburgh Taylor-madesHudson River League ,
Williams Clyde1903 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Williams Davidwillia011dav19039/13-9/14 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Williams Kid1903 Altoona PAIndependent ,
Williams Ski19034/30-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Williams Ski1903+6/21+ Walla Walla WAIndependent ,
Williams Ski19034/30-6/14 DaytonInland Empire ,
Williams willia308---19035/7-6/24 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Williams willia343---1903+5/8+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Williams willia067---1903+9/4-9/8 Superior LongshoremenNorthern League ,
Williamson Henry19038/5-8/7 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Williamson 19038/11 Winnipeg MaroonsNorthern League ,
Williford Emile1903 U. S. Army ,
Willig Louiewillig001lou1903+8/18+ Williamsport PAIndependent ,
Willingham 1903+7/5+ Dallas-SteersAmat ,
Willis Vicwillis001vic1903 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Willis Davidwillis024---19035/27-6/10+15 g. Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Joliet,
Willis Davidwillis024---1903 Joliet Standards/Springfield Foot TrackersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Springfield,
Willis Delawarewillis001del19034/30-9/14 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Willis Frankwillis001fra1903 St. Johns NBIndependent ,
Willis Frankwillis001fra19038/2-8/22 Syracuse StarsNew York State League ,
Willis Frankwillis001fra19039/7-9/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Willis 1903+7/12+ Chillicothe OHIndependent ,
Willis willis026---19039/6 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League ,
Wills Fredwills-001cha19035/15 Dallas GiantsTexas League ,
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal19034/22-5/7 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal19035/21-10/4 Butte MinersPacific National League ,
Wilmot Albertwilmot001alb19039/2 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Wilner Robert1903 Idaho ,
Wilner Robert1903+6/4+ PendletonInland Empire ,
Wilson Parkewilson001par190375 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Wilson Billwilson003bil19034/28-9/11 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Wilson Zekewilson002zek19034/27-9/19 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Wilson Garywilson010jam19035/1-9/12 NashuaNew England League ,
Wilson Garywilson010jam19039/14-9/20 Utica Pent-UpsNew York State League ,
Wilson Williswilson025wil19034/15-  Portland Green Gages/Salt Lake City EldersPacific National League Portland,
Wilson Howardwilson001how1903 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Wilson Artiewilson005art19035/2-9/27 Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Wilson wilson155---1903 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wilson C.1903 Owensboro DistillersKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wilson E. H.wilson000eh-19035/27-6/10 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Wilson Ernest1903 College ,
Wilson Ernest1903+10/1+ Eskr.-McFarlandIndependent ,
Wilson S. A.19036/30-7/13 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Wilson wilson051---1903+7/27-8/5+ Duluth CardinalsNorthern League ,
Wilson 1903+7/27+ St. Cloud MNIndependent ,
Wilson 19036/4 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Wilson wilson192---19036/8-7/24 McCookCentral Nebraska League ,
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew19035/25-9/26 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew1903 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Wiltse Hookswiltse001geo19035/8-9/20 Troy TrojansNew York State League ,
Wind Dolphwind--001ado19035/27-5/28+ Iola GaslightersMissouri Valley League ,
Wind Dolphwind--001ado19036/23-7/16 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Wind Dolphwind--001ado190328 g. Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wingert Frankwinger001fra19036/19-6/30 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Winham Lavewinham001laf1903 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Winham Lavewinham001laf19035/1-7/18 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Winham Lavewinham001laf19037/26-8/7 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Montreal,
Winham Lavewinham001laf1903-9/215 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Winham Lavewinham001laf1903 WaynesburgIndependent ,
Winter Georgewinter001geo1903 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Winters Georgewinter002geo19034/27-9/19 Atlanta CrackersSouthern Association ,
Winters Scott1903 Zanesville OHProtAssn ,
Wiseman Docwisema001jul19034/27-8/5 Nashville VolunteersSouthern Association ,
Wiseman Docwisema001jul19038/11-9/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo19035/18-7/4 Amsterdam-Gloversville-Johnstown HyphensNew York State League ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo1903+8/17+ BurlingtonNorthern New York League ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo19038/24 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo19039/3-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League ,
Withoff Alwithof001al-19038/21-9/5 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Witt Harveywitt--002har1903+6/23-7/26+ Cairo EgyptiansKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Witt Harveywitt--002har1903+9/4+ Paducah ChiefsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wittkow Anthonywittko001ant190318 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wohlschlager W.wohlsc000w--19037/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut League ,
Wohlschlager W.wohlsc000w--19038/10-9/3 Hartford SenatorsConnecticut League ,
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001wil19034/24-20 g. New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Wolfe Mauricewolfe-001mau19034/26-5/6 Columbus SenatorsAmerican Association ,
Wolfe Mauricewolfe-001mau19035/13-9/2 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League ,
Wolfe Orville1903 Mathews INIndependent ,
Wolfe Rolandwolfe-001rol19034/26-6/25 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Paris,
Wolfe Rolandwolfe-001rol19036/26-8/26 Paris Parasites/Waco SteersTexas League Waco,
Wolfe wolfe-023---19036/8-6/9 Anderson/Grand Rapids OrphansCentral League Grand Rapids,
Wolff Billwolfe-004wil19035/16-6/10 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Wolff G. A.19035/1-5/9 Fall River IndiansNew England League ,
Wolff Theobaldwolff-001the19036/24-7/13 Galveston Sand CrabsSouth Texas League ,
Wolverton Harrywolver001har1903123 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Womack Johnwomack001har19037/11-7/13 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Womble Louis1903+5/1+10 g. BrewtonInterstate League ,
Wood Bobwood--005rob19034/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican Association ,
Wood Carlwood--001car19035/2-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Wood Harrywood--001har19034/19-2 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Wood Harrywood--001har19035/29-6/6 Baltimore OriolesEastern League ,
Wood Harrywood--001har19036/23-7/5 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Wood 19036/19, 7/14 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Wood wood--001har19036/23-7/5 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association ,
Woodbury Roywoodbu001roy19035/3-9/5 Fort Scott GiantsMissouri Valley League ,
Woodbury Roywoodbu001roy19039/9-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic1903+7/5+ Alton IL BluesIndependent ,
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet19035/8-5/30 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet19036/25-7/14 Holyoke PaperweightsConnecticut League ,
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv19035/1-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansAmerican Association ,
Woods Waltwoods-002wal19035/2-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersEastern League ,
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra19035/2-6/19+ Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra1903+7/16  Nevada Lunatics/Webb City GoldbugsMissouri Valley League Webb City,
Woolridge C.1903 Clev.-semi-proIndependent ,
Wooten Lloydwooten000llo1903+4/2+ Trinity CollegeCollege ,
Wooten Lloydwooten000llo19036/12-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Wooten Lloydwooten000llo1903+8/14+ Anniston ALIndependent ,
Worsham Waddill1903+6/23+ Durant ITIndependent ,
Worth worth-005---19038/27 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Wray Samuel1903 Denton AC TXIndependent ,
Wright Patwright003pat19034/25-9/19 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association ,
Wright Luckywright007wil19035/10-5/22 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Wright Luckywright007wil19035/24-7/15 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Wright Luckywright007wil19037/16-7/30 Beaumont Oil GushersSouth Texas League ,
Wright Luckywright007wil19038/6-8/30 San Antonio BronchosSouth Texas League ,
Wright Luckywright015wil1903- 8/2751 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League ,
Wright Genewright001cla190315 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Wright Genewright001cla19038 g. St. LouisAmerican League St. Louis, MO
Wright Redwright001jos19034/30-7/15 Omaha IndiansWestern League ,
Wright Redwright001jos19037/22-9/17 Peoria DistillersWestern League ,
Wright Forrestwright001for1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Wright Forrestwright001for1903 Henderson Blue BirdsKentucky-Illinois-Tennessee League ,
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek19034/30-6/19 Montreal Royals/Worcester RiddlersEastern League Worcester,
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek19036/22-7/4 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association ,
Wyatt Hugh1903+7/6+ ColumbiaTennessee-Alabama League ,
Wyatt Hugh1903+8/6+ Hurstburg TNIndependent ,
Yager Charles1903-09 ,
Yale Adyale--001wil19035/7-9/12 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut League ,
Yancey Hoganyancey001hog1903 Transylvania U.College ,
Yancey Homeryancey000hom19036/-   Rome RomansAlabama-Georgia League ,
Yank yank--000---19036/29 Evansville River RatsCentral League ,
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo19034/22-9/21 Minneapolis MillersAmerican Association ,
Yeager Joeyeager002jos1903109 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Yeager Charlesyeager001cha1903 Greenville GraysCotton States League ,
Yeager Charlesyeager001cha1903 Vicksburg Hill BilliesCotton States League ,
Yeager Joseph1903-07 Fall RiverNE ,
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19034/17 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19035/5-9/26 Providence GraysEastern League ,
Yoedt John1903+7/30+ Pittsburgh A. C. Independent ,
Yohe J. Frank1903 Sharon PAIndependent ,
Young Williamyoung-009wil1903 Camden NJIndependent ,
Young Elmeryoung-001elm1903 Coatesville PAIndependent ,
Young Elmeryoung-001elm1903 Trenton NJIndependent ,
Young Cecilyoung-001cec1903+4/9+ U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Young Cecilyoung-001cec19037/11-8/1 Anniston InvinciblesAlabama-Georgia League ,
Young Deaconyoung-000dea1903 Delphos OHIndependent ,
Young Deaconyoung-000dea19037/19 Fort Wayne RailroadersCentral League ,
Young Harlanyoung-001har19036/16-7/5 Pittsburg Coal DiggersMissouri Valley League ,
Young Irvyoung-001irv190310 g. Sacramento SenatorsPacific Coast League ,
Young Irvyoung-001irv19032 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Young Thomasyoung-069---19035/10-6/14 Centralia MidgetsSouthwest Washington League ,
Youngman Henryyoungm001hen1903 Dayton VeteransCentral League ,
Yount Earnest1903+4/6-4/30+ Davidson ColCollege ,
Yount Earnest1903+6/12+ Winston NCIndependent ,
Zacher Elmerzacher001elm1903+5/12+ Reading PAIndependent ,
Zacher Elmerzacher001elm1903 Pottstown PAIndependent ,
Zacher Elmerzacher001elm1903 Buffalo Univ.College ,
Zackert Emil1903 St. Jo.-RexStJo-Sunday ,
Zalusky Jackzalusk001joh19034/14-8/16 Spokane IndiansPacific National League ,
Zalusky Jackzalusk001joh19039/2-9/29 New YorkAmerican League New York, NY
Zarbaugh G. R.1903+6/7+ BedfordSoIa ,
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav19034/14-8/19 San Francisco PiratesPacific National League ,
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav19038/27-50 g. San Francisco SealsPacific Coast League ,
Zehner Louiszehner001lou1903 Monroe Hill CitysCotton States League ,
Zehner Louiszehner001lou1903 Baton Rouge Red SticksCotton States League ,
Zeimer Guszeimer001gus19035/5-5/11 Rochester BronchosEastern League ,
Zeimer Guszeimer001gus19035/17-8/13 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Zeller Johnzeller001j--19035/10-5/25 Joplin MinersMissouri Valley League ,
Zeller Johnzeller001j--19036/7 Sedalia GoldbugsMissouri Valley League ,
Zeller Johnzeller001j--19036/23-7/12 Leavenworth White SoxMissouri Valley League ,
Zellers Harry19035/14-5/15 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha190380 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha1903+7/17-7/29+ Helena SenatorsPacific National League ,
Zieman Kid19036 g. MobileInterstate League ,
Zink Billzink--001wil19035/21-8/18+ Sioux Falls CanariesIowa-South Dakota League ,
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw1903 Natchez IndiansCotton States League ,
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha1903155 g. Seattle SiwashesPacific Coast League ,
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha190328 g. Portland BrownsPacific Coast League ,
Zoellers Joezoelle002jos19038/22-9/27 Springfield MidgetsMissouri Valley League ,
Zollers Harryzoelle001har19035/14-5/15 Schenectady Frog AlleysNew York State League ,
Zook Earlzook--001ear19034/26-8/25 Corsicana Oil CitysTexas League ,
Zurlage Augustzurlag001a--1903no g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Zurlage Augustzurlag001a--1903+8/15+ Cinc.-NorwoodIndependent ,