Searching for player P15703
There are 1 matches found

Player ID P15703
Clarence Holmes
BBRefID minors: holmes001cla
Records: All records for P15703

NameYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location Record #
Holmes Clarence190325 g. Cedar Rapids RabbitsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League , R61576
Holmes Clarence190433 g. Cedar RapidsIl-In-Ia , R61577
Holmes Clarence19055/8-5/16 Cedar RapidsIl-In-Ia , R61578
Holmes Clarence19056/2 SpringfieldI-I-I , R61579
Holmes Clarence19057/14-8/8 Great BendKsSt , R61580
Holmes Clarence1905 La Crosse , R61581
Holmes Clarence1906 Univ. of KansasCollege , R61582
Holmes Clarence19066/27-7/2+ ShawneeSoCent , R61583
Holmes Clarence1907 Univ. of KansasCollege , R61584
Holmes Clarence1908 HutchinsonWestA , R61585