Searching for records from 1887
There are 3612 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbott L.F.abbott001f--18874/30-5/31 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Adams Henry1887+7/26-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Adams Jimadams-001jim1887 Mo-Ks ,
Adams adams-039---18875/7 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Ahern Tomahern-000tom18874/2-3 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Aiken aiken-003---1887 Dartmouth U.College ,
Aiken aiken-003---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Ake Johnake---001joh18874/30-5/11 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18875/2-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Alberts H.S.albert001h--1887 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Alberts H.S.albert001h--1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18874/- CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18875/11 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18875/23-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18877/20 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18877/22-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18877/29 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha188710/3-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Aldrich B.G.aldric001b--1887 Cornell Univ.College ,
Aldrich B.G.aldric001b--1887 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Aldrich B.G.aldric001b--18877/7-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Aldrich aldric001---1887 MaloneNortheastern League Malone, NY
Alexander Ninalexan001nin18876/3-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Alexander Ninalexan001nin18878/9-8/18 UmpireWest ,
Alexander C.R.alexan002c--18875/2-6/6 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Alexander Danalexan001dan18875/6-5/22 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Alexander Danalexan001dan18875/30 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Alexander Danalexan001dan18876/23 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Alexander Danalexan001dan18878/10-9/2 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Alexander alexan009---18877/25-7/31 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Alexander alexan005---18877/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Allen Myronallen-001myr1887117 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Allen Edwardallen-004edw18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Allen Edwardallen-004edw18878/13-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Allen Boballen-001bob18875/3-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Allen Davidallen-006dav18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Allen Davidallen-006dav1887 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Allen Jamesallen-015jam18877/23 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Allen Jamesallen-015jam1887+8/8-8/27+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Allen Williamallen-014wil18875/2-6/15 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Allen Williamallen-014wil18876/25-7/13 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Allen Williamallen-014wil18877/20-7/23 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Allen Williamallen-014wil18877/28-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Allison Jamesalliso005jam1887 Long IslandS.Pro Long Island, NY
Allman Davidallman001dav18878/13-8/23 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Alloway allowa002---18876/1-6/6 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Alloway allowa002---1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Alvord Billyalvord001bil18874/30-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Ames ames--002---18877/2-7/7 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Ammerman Robertammerm001r--18879/3-9/5 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Anderson Jayanders002jay1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Anderson Jayanders002jay18879/?-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Anderson Malcolmanders001mal18874/2-38 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Anderson Varneyanders001var18875/3-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Anderson 188715 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Andrews Wallyandrew002wal18874/16-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Andrews 188715 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Andrus/Andress P. P.andrus000p--188718 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Annis Billannis-001bil18874/30-9/24 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Arata arata-001---18876/26 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Ardner Joeardner001joe18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Armstrong Jamesarmstr005---18875/7-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Armstrong armstr004---18878/2-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Artz 1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Arundel Tugarunde001tug188743 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Ash Frankash---001fra18875/4-5/5 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Atkinson Alatkins001al-1887- 8/1316 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Atkinson Alatkins001al-18879/6-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Atkinson W. C.18874/17-5/31 UmpireSo ,
Austin Frankaustin004fra1887 YoungstownIndependent Youngstown, OH
Austin John1887 Cincinnati BrownsNational Colored League Cincinnati, OH
Avery Williamavery-002wil18876/7-7/23 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Avery Williamavery-002wil18879/7-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Avery B.E.avery-000b--18876 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak18874/17-9/13 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Aylor Jamesaylor-001jam18875/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Ayrault E. F.1887 Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Backer Georgebacker001geo18875/9-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Backer Georgebacker001geo18876/8-7/28 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Backer Georgebacker001geo1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Bader Hermanbader-001her18874/23-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Bagley Edbagley001ed-18874/30-7/28 UmpireEast ,
Bagley Edbagley001ed-18878/8-8/30 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Bagley Edbagley001ed-18879/13 UmpireEast ,
Bagley Genebegley001gen18875/4-5/25 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Bagley Genebegley001gen1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Bailey Timothybailey003tim1887 Kansas City BeaconsIndependent Kansas City, MO
Bailey Williambailey006wil18875/4-8/11 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Bailey Williambailey006wil18878/29-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Bailor Davisbailor001dav1887?-7/9 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Bailor Davisbailor001dav18877/11-7/ JoplinSouthwestern League Joplin, MO
Bailor Davisbailor001dav18877/26-8/4 JoplinKansas State League Joplin, MO
Baker Georgebaker-007geo18874/18-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Baker Charliebaker-007cha18875/11-5/21 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Baker Lewisbaker-001lew18875/7-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Baker Lewisbaker-001lew18877/22-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Baker Normbaker-001nor18875/3-6/27 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Baker Normbaker-001nor18877/11-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Baker Williambaker-002w--18875/12-8/4 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Baker Groverbaker-001gro18875/11 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Baker baker-008---18875/3 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Baker 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Bakley Jerseybakely001jer18874/30-9/19 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Baldwin Markbaldwi001mar18875/2-9/30347 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Baldwin Walterbaldwi001wal18875/?-7/ WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Baldwin Walterbaldwi001wal18877/28-8/9 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Baldwin baldwi002---18875/5-5/6 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Bancroft Frankbancro001fra1887 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Bandle Frankbandle002fra18875/3-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Banning Jimbannin001jim18875/26 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Banning Jimbannin001jim1887-6/ Winona Winona, MN
Banning Jimbannin001jim1887+6/10-8/27 FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Barber Charliebarber001cha18874/30-5/23 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Barber Charliebarber001cha18876/4-6/16 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Barclay Williambarcla001wil1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Barnes Billbarnes001bil1887 Indianapolis ShamrocksIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Barnes Billbarnes001bil18875/3-5/18 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Barnes Dougbarnes001dou18875/2-8/18 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Barnes Johnbarnes003joh18874/30-10/13 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Barnes Hugh1887 Indianapolis ShamrocksIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Barnes Johnbarnes004joh18875/7 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Barnfather Jamesbarnfa001jam1887 WinonaIndependent Winona, MN
Barnfather Jamesbarnfa001jam1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, ON
Barnie Billybarnie001bil1887417 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Barning Williambarnin001wil18875/2-5/3 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Barr Bobbarr--001bob18877/19-8/12 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Barrett Tombarret002tom188713 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Barrett Martybarret003mar18876/25-7/30 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Barrett Martybarret000m--1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Barrett Harry1887no g. Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Barrett Harry1887 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Barrett T.barret000t--1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Barrett barret011---18877/10 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Barry Romeobarry-001rom1887 UmpireCalif ,
Bartell Dickbartel001dic188720 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Bartholomew bartho002---18877/16-9/5 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Bartleson Harry18875/28-10/7 Philadelphia LansdownePhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Bartlett bartle007---18877/7-8/15 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Barton B.L.barton001b--18874/30-5/7 UmpireNE ,
Bartson Charliebartso001cha18874/27-4/30 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Bartson Charliebartso001cha18876/4-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Bassett Williambasset001w--1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Bates Sambates-001sam1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Bates 1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Bates 18876 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Battin Joebattin001joe18874/30-7/14 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Battin Joebattin001joe18877/15-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Bauer Albauer-001al-18874/16-31 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Bauer Albauer-001al-18875/21-5/25 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Bauer Albauer-001al-1887 UmpireOhSt ,
Baumgartner Georgebaumga002geo18875/7-5/30 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18875/11-5/25 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18876/7-7/19 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18878/4-9/20 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18872 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Baxter Jamesbaxter004jam1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Baylor D. L.bailor001dav1887 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Beach beach-002---18876/11 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Beadle Davebeadle001dav18875/6 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Beall beall-002---18876/22-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Beard Olliebeard-001oll18875/2-9/26 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Beatin Edbeatin001ed-18875/9-7/11 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Beatin Edbeatin001ed-18878/2-2 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Becannon Buckbecann001buc1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Becannon Buckbecann001buc18875/28 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Becannon Buckbecann001buc18879/5-9/10 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Beck Frankbeck--001fra18877 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Beckley Jakebeckle001jac18874/23-6/7 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Beckley Jakebeckle001jac18876/8-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-18874/30-6/22 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-18876/28-41 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Beecher Jessebeeche001jes18875/9-5/20 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Behan Jamesbehan-001jam18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Behan Jamesbehan-001jam18876/7-9/2 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Behel Stevebehel-001ste18874/30-8/8 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Behel Stevebehel-001ste1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Behne Frankbehne-001fra1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Belding beldin002---18874 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Bell Johnbell--004joh18875/30-6/2 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Bell Charleybell--003---18875/6 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Bell Frankbell--003fra18876/20-8/25 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Bellman Jackbellma001jac18875/10-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Bendle bendle001---18875/19-5/23 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Bennett Eddiebennet001edd18874/2-47 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bennett W.F.bennet001w--18875/2-5/26 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Bent W.F.bent--001w--18875/10-5/30 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Bequette bequet001---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Berger Tunberger001tun18875/25-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Berger Tunberger001tun18877/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Berkery Martinberker002mar1887 HoustonIndependent Houston, TX
Berkery 18878/28-9/6 UmpireSo ,
Berry Charlieberry-003cha18875/6-5/20 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Bettis Danielbettis001dan1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Bettis Danielbettis001dan1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Betz Williambetz--001wil18876/7-7/18 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Betz Williambetz--001wil18878/20 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Betz Williambetz--001wil1887- 8/273 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Betz Williambetz--001wil18879/7-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Beury beury-001---18877/9-8/12 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Bickle bickle000---188710 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Bigelow Conniebigelo001con1887 San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bingham Isaacbingha001isa1887 HarvardCollege ,
Bingham Isaacbingha001isa18877/5-9/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Bings Jesse1887 Washington Capital CityNational Colored League Washington, DC
Bird bird--001---18877/7-8/10 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Bird bird--001---18877/25 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Birkmeyer Eugene1887 Galveston Island CitiesIndependent Galveston, TX
Bishop Frankbishop001fra18875/19 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Bishop Billbishop002bil18873 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Bishop Billbishop002bil18877/21-8/26 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Bishop Billbishop002bil18878/29-9/2 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Bishop A.W.bishop001a--18875/2-5/14 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Bittle Samuelbittle001sam18875/5-6/9 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Bittmann Redbittma001red18875/2-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Black Bobblack-002bob18874/18-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Black Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Black Shellblack-001she18875/2-5/5 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Black black-001---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Blackstock Georgeblacks001geo18875/7-5/26 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Blackstock Georgeblacks001geo18875/30-6/18 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Blackstock Georgeblacks001geo18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Blair Billblair-001bil18875/5-6/13 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Blair Billblair-001bil18876/29-9/26 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Blair Austinblair-002---18876 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Blakiston Bobblakis001bob18874/2-45 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Boggiano Joeboggia001joe1887 UmpireWest ,
Bogglano Joe1887 UmpireWest ,
Bohannon Josephbohann001jos18876/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Bohn Charliebohn--001cha18876/3-6/29 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Bohn Charliebohn--001cha18877/20-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Bonner Frankbonner001fra1887 ProvidenceIndependent Providence, RI
Booth Johnbooth-003joh18876/20 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Borchers Georgeborche001geo18874/2-4 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Borchers Georgeborche001geo188721 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Bouchard E.L.boucha001e--18875/3-5/8 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Bouche bouche011---18874 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Boulkrod E.1887no g. Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Boutrner boutrn000---188723 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Bowen bowen-015---1887 Glen FallsIndependent Glen Falls, NY
Bowen bowen-015---1887 BurlingtonNortheastern League Burlington, VT
Bowen S.S.bowen-001s--1887 LafayetteIntSt Lafayette, IN
Bowers Othobowers001o--18876/23-8/10 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Bowers Williambowers002---18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Bowlby bowlby001---18876/8-6/10 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Bowman W. G.?18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Boyd Benboyd--001ben18874/9-8/23+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Brackett Georgebracke001geo1887 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Bradley Georgebradle002geo18874/16-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Bradley Georgebradle002geo18879/19-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Bradley Nickbradle002nic18874/30-5/7 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Bradley Michaelbradle004mic18874/30-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Bradley Michaelbradle004mic18877/12-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Bradley Charlesbradle003cha1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Bradley Charlesbradle003cha1887 EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Bradley Charlesbradle003cha18878/15-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Bradley bradle010---18875/21-5/28 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Bradley bradle031---18876/23-8/25 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Brady Stevebrady-002ste18874/30-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Brady Stevebrady-002ste18878/29-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Brady Jacksonbrady-002jac18878/25-9/27 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brady Johnbrady-006joh18875/6 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Brady brady-023---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Brandon Johnbrando002joh18874/21-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Brannon branno007---18877/26 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Bray Billybray--002wil18875/30-8/27+ Grand ForksRedRivVal Grand Forks, ND
Bray bray--007---18876/25-8/5 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18874/17-6/7 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18876/13 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18876/24-7/7 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18877/17-7/19 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18878/-9/ DecaturIndependent Decatur, IL
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac1887 BloomingtonIndependent Bloomington, IL
Brennan Jamesbrenna007jam1887 NoEastern ,
Brennan John1887 UmpireNW ,
Brennan John18875/3-7/31 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brennan Billybrenna001w--18876/18-6/25 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Brennan Thomasbrenna003tho1887 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Brennan brenna005---18877/7-7/9 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Brenton O. S.1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau1887no g. Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18875/7-6/3 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18876/7-6/30 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18877/4 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18877/13-7/14 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Brewster 1887 ,
Bridendolph briden001---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18875/7-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18877/20 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18877/22-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Briggs Grantbriggs001gra18874/30-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Briggs R.briggs001r--18874/21-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Bright Georgebright001geo18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Bright Georgebright001geo1887-8/ EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Bright bright001---18875/28-15 g. CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Bright bright001---18877/1-7/30 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Bright bright001---1887 Philadelphia PattonAmat Philadelphia, PA
Brike Ed1887no g. Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Brill Frankbrill-001fra18874/30-6/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Brill Frankbrill-001fra18877/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Brill Frankbrill-001fra18877/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Brill John18875/30-12 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Brimblecomb H.B.brimbl001h--18874/23-5/7 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Brimblecomb H.B.brimbl001h--18875/25-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal18875/7-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Brodt brodt-001---188710/10-10/12 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Brooks Jamesbrooks002jam18875/10 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Brooks Williambrooks003---18875/7-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Brosnan Timothybrosna001tim18874/30-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Broughton Calbrough001cal18874/30-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Brouthers Jimbrouth001jam18875/2-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Brouthers Jimbrouth001jam18876/6-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Brouthers Jimbrouth001jam18878/9-8/19 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Brower Albrower001al-18874/16-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Brown Edbrown-002ed-188717 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Brown Williambrown-027wil18875/10-284 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Brown Jimbrown-003jim18874/21-4/27 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Brown Jimbrown-003jim18875/3-8/8 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Brown Joebrown-004joe18874/30-6/25 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Brown Joebrown-004joe18877/29-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Brown George1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Brown Robertbrown-035rob18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Brown Van18875/30-6/14+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Brown Walter18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Brown brown-140---18877/6 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Brown 18876/29 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Brownan T.1887no g. Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Bruley Josephbruley001jos18875/9-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Bryan Willbryan-004wil18875/3-6/7 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Bryant Georgebryant002geo1887 Boston Chickering PianoIndependent Boston, MA
Brynan Todbrynan001tod18875/6-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Buckenberger Albucken001al-18875/2-9/26 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Buckley Tombuckle001tom18874/2-8 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic18875/2-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Buckley Johnbuckle003joh1887no g. Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Buckley Johnbuckle003joh18875/28-6/2 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Bufford Jamesbuffor001jam18874 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Buhr 18874 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Buhr 18871 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Burbridge Georgeburbri002geo18874/16-4/24 UmpireSo ,
Burch Ernieburch-001ern18878/5-10/6 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Burdick Billburdic001bil18875/2-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Burke Johnburke-008joh18874/30-9/21 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Burke Danburke-001dan18874/29-7/11 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Burke Danburke-001dan1887 SanfordIndependent Sanford, ME
Burke Williamburke-007wil18875 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Burke Williamburke-007wil18873 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Burke Williamburke-007wil18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Burke Williamburke-007wil18877/20-8/9 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Burke Williamburke-007wil18879/3-9/9 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Burke Eddieburke-002edd18875/7-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Burke Eddieburke-002edd18876/7-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Burke A.P.burke-000a--18875 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Burke Joeburke-004joe1887no g. AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Burke Johnburke-009joh18875/2-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Burke Johnburke-009joh18877/13-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Burke Johnburke-009joh18879/8-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Burke Tom1887 Chicago FranklinsChic.-City Chicago, IL
Burke burke-063---18877/15-7/30 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Burke burke-017---18878/3-8/27 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Burke burke-026---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Burkhart burkha003---18878 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Burks Robertburks-001rob18874/16-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Burks Robertburks-001rob18878/11-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Burnett Herculesburnet003her18875/4-5/10 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Burnham Watchburnha001wal18874/28-5/30 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Burnham Watchburnha001wal18871 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Burnham Walterburnha002wal18874/29-7/10 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Burnham Walterburnha002wal18877/11-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Burnham L.G.burnha001l--18877/19-? BurlingtonNortheastern League Burlington, VT
Burns Jimburns-001jim18874/30-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Burns Thomasburns-001oys1887-9/161072 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Burns Dickburns-001dic18874/30-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Burns Dickburns-001dic18877/29-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Burns Johnburns-015joh18874/30-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Burns Johnburns-015joh18877/12-8/3 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Burns Henryburns-002hen18874/29-9/23 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Burns Charlesburns-006cha18875/12-5/16 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Burns burns-062---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Burns burns-026---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Burns 1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Burns 188722 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Burtis Henry1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Bushong 18877/2 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Butler Davidbutler002dav18875/8-5/18 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Butler Davidbutler002dav18878/14-9/1 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Butler Benjaminbutler001ben18875/6-5/19 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Butler butler002---18875/19 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Butler butler004---18875/24-7/9 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Byers Henry1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Byrnes Edward1887no g. Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Cady Charliecady--001cha18878/5-8/29 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Cahill Johncahill006joh18876/7-6/10 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Cahill Johncahill006joh1887-8/968 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Cahill Johncahill006joh188713 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Cahill Johncahill008joh18874/30 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Cahill Johncahill008joh18875/29-7/23 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Cahill Johncahill008joh1887 ClevelandIndependent Cleveland, OH
Cain Davidcain--001dav18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Cain Davidcain--001dav18877/8-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Cain Georgecain--002geo18875/9-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18877/28-9/10 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Cake Johncake--001jos18876/23-7/4 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Calhoun Charlescalhou002cha18875/7-7/18 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Calhoun Charlescalhou002cha18878/27-9/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Calhoun W. A.18875/2-5/11 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Calihan Willcaliha001wil1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Calihan Willcaliha001wil1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, ON
Calihan Tomcallah001tho18874/30-5/28 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Calihan Tomcallah001tho18876/14-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Callahan Edcallah001ed-18878/14-9/19 UmpireNE ,
Callahan P.callah001p--18876/6 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Callahan callah039---18875/13-5/18 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Callendar Williamcallen001wil18875/5 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Callendar Williamcallen001wil1887 DecaturIndependent Decatur, IL
Callihan 1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Callis J. Joseph1887 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Campana Johncampan001joh18874/20-7/21 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Campana Johncampan001joh18877/27-9/20 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Campau Countcampau001cha18874/16-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Campau Countcampau001cha18876/1-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Campbell Harrycampbe003j--18875/2-6/2 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Campbell Harrycampbe003j--18876/12 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Campbell Harrycampbe003j--18876/22-7/27 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Campbell Frank1887 Harvard Univ.College ,
Campbell Grant1887 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Campbell Joe1887 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Campbell Petercampbe001pet1887 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Campbell campbe063---18876/14 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Campbell campbe005---18873 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Campine Fredcampin001fre18877/7-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Campion Williamcampio002wil18874/30-7/30 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Campion Williamcampio002wil18878/9-8/13 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Campion Williamcampio002wil18878/29-9/5 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Canavan Jimcanava001jim18874/30-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Cannon Billiecannon005wil18876/18-9/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Cannon Billiecannon005wil18879/20-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Cannon Hughcannon001hug18875 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Cantillon Jamescantil001jam1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Cantz Bartcantz-001bar18875/22-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Carbine Johncarbin001joh188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Card Al1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Cardno Alexander18875/30-8/27+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Carey Rogercarey-001rog1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Carey Rogercarey-001rog18877/9 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Carey Rogercarey-001rog18877/28-7/30 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Carey carey-003---18875/4-5/14 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Carey carey-003---18875/23-6/27 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Carey 188715 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob18876/25-6/27 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Carl Fredcarl--001fre18874/16-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Carlin Phil18876/11-10/7 Philadelphia LansdownePhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Carney Jackcarney002joh18874/20-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Carr 18878/14-9/23 UmpireSo ,
Carroll Frankcarrol004fra18874/2-38 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Johncarrol001scr18875/3-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Carroll Johncarrol001scr188757 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Carroll H.carrol001h--18875/2-6/28 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Carroll Hal1887 Cincinnati BrownsNational Colored League Cincinnati, OH
Carroll 18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Carter carter028---18874/30-6/10 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Cartwright Edcartwr001ed-18874/17-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Casey Denniscasey-002den18875/3-8/5 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Casey Denniscasey-002den18878/17-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Casey Thomascasey-005tho18872 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Casey Tommycasey-001bil18878/17 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Cashen Joecashen001joe18876/17-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Cashen Joecashen001joe18877/8-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Caskin Edcaskin001ed-18874/30-5/17 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Cassady Johncassad001joh18877/8 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Cassidy E.P.cassid001e--18876/16-6/17 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Cassidy Georgecassid001geo18876/10 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Caswell caswel003---188728 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Cate Happycate--000hap18878 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Cato Harry1887 Trenton CubansIndependent Trenton, NJ
Cavanaugh J.D.cavana001j--188712 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Cavanaugh M.1887 Philadelphia FernwoodAmat Philadelphia, PA
Cavanaugh M.18875/30-10/1 Philadelphia LansdownePhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Cavanaugh cavana004---18877/23-7/30 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Cavanaugh cavana003---18878/9 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Cavanaugh 188715 g. Chicago DiamondsChicCity Chicago, IL
Cavanaugh 18874/2-7 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Caveney cavene000---18874 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Caveney cavene000---188716 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Chadwick Benjaminchadwi001ben18877/11-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Champlin Charles1887 FrederickIndependent Frederick, MD
Chapman Jackchapma002jac18874/30-9/30 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Chapman Frankchapma002fre18875/9-7/14 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Chapman Frankchapma002fre18877/22 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Chapman Frankchapma002fre18878/13-9/26 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Chapman John1887 Cincinnati BrownsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Chapman Joseph1887 Cincinnati BrownsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Chase Charleschase-002cha18878 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Chatfield Williamchatfi001wil1887 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Chatterton Jimchatte001jim18874/30-5/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Chatterton Jimchatte001jim188725 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Chester C. W.1887no g. Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Chidester S.W.chides001s--1887no g. Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Chidester S.W.chides001s--1887 Philadelphia HighlandsAmat Philadelphia, PA
Chidester S.W.chides001s--18878/13-8/23 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Childs Cupidchilds001cla18875/7-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Childs Cupidchilds001cla18877/8-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Childs Cupidchilds001cla18878/4-9/19 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Childs Lonnie18876/18-6/30 Philadelphia LansdownePhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Childs Robertchilds002rob18874/21-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Childs childs004---18878/13-8/16 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Chrisman H.B.chrism001h--18875/4-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Clare Danielclare-001dan18874/30-7/5 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Clare Danielclare-001dan18877/18-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Clark Edclark-002ed-18875/5-5/26 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Clark Edclark-002ed-18876/24-6/27 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Clark Edclark-002ed-1887 Cincinnati BaumgartnerIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Clark Edclark-002ed-1887 CrawfordsvilleIndependent Crawfordsville, IN
Clark Spiderclark-001spi18876/28-7/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Clark clark-009---18875/7-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Clarke Artieclarke001art1887-89 Williams Col.College ,
Clarke Dadclarke001dad18875/2-8/13 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Clarke Dadclarke001dad18878/24-10/11 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad18875/7-9/1 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Clayton Edwardclayto001edw1887 New YorkIndependent New York, NY
Clayton Edwardclayto001edw1887 New York AcmesIndependent New York, NY
Cleary cleary001---18879/3 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Clement Fredclemen001ed-1887- 9/175 g. Philadelphia KensingtonAmat Philadelphia, PA
Clements Monte18875 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Cleveland Elmerclevel001elm18874/30-9/17 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Cleveland clevel003---18875/4-6/9 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Cleveland clevel003---18876/23-7/4 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Cline Monkcline-001mon18874/30-8/27 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Cline Monkcline-001mon18879/16-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Cline Loncline-001lon1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Clinton Jimclinto001jim18874/16-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Clinton Jimclinto001jim18878/28-10/5 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Close Herman1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Cockman W.cockma000w--18875 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Cody Michaelcody--001mic18878/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Cole W.cole--003w--188715 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Coleman W. A.1887no g. LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Coleman Williamcolema003wil1887 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Coleman Williamcolema003wil1887 CarrolltonIndependent Carrollton, OH
Collins Chubcollin001chu18875/2-8/15 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Collins Michaelcollin007mic1887 Philadelphia ShibeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Collins Michaelcollin007mic18877/15-8/12 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Collins Billcollin001bil18878/1 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Collins Josephcollin001jos1887 Philadelphia HighlandsAmat Philadelphia, PA
Collins collin004---18875/24-7/26 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Collins collin065---1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Colliver Williamcolliv001wil18875/2-8/29 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Colliver Williamcolliv001wil18879/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Colta colta-001---18876/9 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Conahan Jamesconaha001jam1887 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Condon Johncondon002joh18876/7 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Condon Lafayette1887 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Conklin S.conkli000s--188719 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Conley Edconley001ed-1887 PawtucketIndependent Pawtucket, RI
Conley Alphonseconley002alp1887 DecaturIndependent Decatur, IL
Connell Peterconnel001pet18875/10-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Connell R.connel001r--18879/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Connolly John18875/3-5/12 UmpireInt ,
Connolly John188716 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Connolly John18872 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Connolly John18878/11-8/20 UmpireInt ,
Connor Jimconnor001jim18874/30 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Connor connor005---188716 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Connors Dennyconnor001den18875/5-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Connors John1887+6/7-7/14+ WahpetonRedRiver Wahpeton,
Conway Jimconway001jim18874/23-10/1 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Conway Dickconway001dic188732 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Conway Billconway001bil18875/18 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Conway Frankconway019---18876/10-6/18 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Conway Steveconway001ste1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Conway Steveconway001ste1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Coogan Johncoogan001joh18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Cook Michaelcook--004mic1887 West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
Cook Williamcook--005wil18874/30-5/26 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Cooke Richard1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Cooley G.cooley001g--1887 Smith CenterIndependent Smith Center, KS
Cooney Jimmycooney002jim18875/10-9/30 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Cooney Williamcooney002wil18871 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Cooney Jerry18879 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Cooper E. C.18875/30-8/27+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Cooper Frankcooper003fra188727 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Corall corall001---18877/1 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Corbett Jackcorbet001jac18874/30-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Corcoran Larrycorcor001lar18874/19-4/27 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Corcoran Larrycorcor001lar18873 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav18874/16-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18874/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Corcoran Williamcorcor001wil18875/3-7/5 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Corcoran corcor014---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Corcoran Tommycorcor002tho18874/30-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Corcoran corcor001---18878/23-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Corey Fredcorey-001fre18874/21-5/20 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Coridan Philcorida001phi1887 IntSt? ,
Cornell cornel003---1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Cornell cornel004---18879/1-9/8 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Corrigan R. F.1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Coughlin Michaelcoughl001mic18875/23-5/27 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Coughlin Roscoecoughl001ros18874/30-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Coughlin Davidcoughl001dav18874/30-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Coulter coulte002---18875/16-5/17 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Counts counts001---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Cox Frankcox---003fra18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Cox Frankcox---003fra18877/13-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Cox Frankcox---003fra18877/16-7/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Cox Bobcox---004rob18875/1-6/15 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Cox Bobcox---004rob1887 Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Coyle coyle-002---18879/10 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Coyne Thomascoyne-001tho1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Craig craig-009---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Cramer Edwardcramer002edw18875/3-5/17 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Cramer Edwardcramer002edw18875/30-6/9 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Cramer Edwardcramer002edw18876/7-6/11? Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Cramer Edwardcramer002edw18878/24-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Crane Samcrane-002sam18876/14-7/17 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Crane Samcrane-002sam18878/3-8/4 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Crane Samcrane-002sam18878/23-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Crane Edcrane-001ed-18875/2-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Creamer Davecreame002dav18874 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Creegan Markcreega001mar18875 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Creegan Markcreega001mar18875 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Creegan Markcreega001mar18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Creegan Markcreega001mar188726 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Creegan Josephcreega001jos18879/10-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Creegan creega001---18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Creely Guscreely001gus1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Creighton Edcreigh001ed-18875/21-6/6 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Creighton Edcreigh001ed-18877/4-7/24 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Creighton Edcreigh001ed-18879/4 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Crockett 18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Croghan Jackcrogan001joh18875/2-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Cronin cronin002---18875/12-5/20 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac18874/30-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Crosby Frederick18877 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Crosby Frederick18875 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cross Clarencecross-001cla18874/30-9/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Cross Clarencecross-001cla188716 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Cross Joecross-001jos18875/7-5/23 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Cross Joecross-001jos1887 Clevelands-pro Cleveland, OH
Cross Lavecross-001laf18874/23-1295 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Cross Bunniecross-001bun18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Crossley Williamcrossl001wil18875/9-6/3 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Crossley Williamcrossl001wil18876/8-9/24 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Crostic Charlescrosti001---18876/20-8/28 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Crothers Dougcrothe001dou18875/2-6/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Crothers Dougcrothe001dou18877/11-7/29 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Crothers Dougcrothe001dou18878/6-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Crotty Joecrotty001joe18874/16-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Crow 18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Crowell Billycrowel001bil18874/20-64 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Crowley Billcrowle001bil18874/30-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Crowley Johncrowle002joh18874/30-5/28 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim18874/29-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Cuff Johncuff--001joh18876/17-7/15 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Cuff Johncuff--001joh18878/10-8/11 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Cull Eddiecull--001edw18875/10 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Cull cull--002---1887 Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Cull cull--002---188719 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Cullen Johncullen004joh18875/7-6/29 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Cullen Johncullen004joh18877/11-8/10 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Cullen Johncullen004joh18878/15-9/1 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Cullen Johncullen004joh18879/16-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Cullinan cullin001---18877/29 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Cummings Thomascummin002tho18875/2-5/12 UmpireInt ,
Cummings Harrycummin001hug18875/9-5/18 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Cunliffe Frankcunlif001fra18875/7-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Cunliffe Frankcunlif001fra18878/6-9/22 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell1887 Moline BrownsIndependent Moline, IL
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell1887 PeoriaIndependent Peoria, IL
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell1887 Champaign ClippersIndependent Champaign, IL
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell18879/15-162 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Cunningham cunnin002---18875/4 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Curley M.curley001m--18875/1 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Curran John1887 Adams RenfrosIndependent Adams, MA
Curran P.1887 Adams RenfrosIndependent Adams, MA
Curran 18877/21-10/1 UmpireSo ,
Curren Petercurren002pet18874/17-7 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Currie Will18875/30-6/10+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Curry Wescurry-001wes18874/30-5/19 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Curry Wescurry-001wes18875/20-5/26 UmpireInt ,
Curry Wescurry-001wes1887 UmpireWest ,
Curry Wescurry-001wes188761 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Curry Jamescurry-002jam18875/2-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Curry curry-002---18876/15-6/22 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Curtiss Jimcurtis001jim18874/23-7/6 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Curtiss Jimcurtis001jim18877/7-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Cushman Edcushma001ed-18879/23-10/9 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Cushman Charliecushma001cha18874/30-9/30 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Cusisk Jimcusisk001jim18876 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Cusisk Jimcusisk001jim18871 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Cuthbert Nedcuthbe001ned1887 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Dailey Johndailey001joh18874/30-6/15 UmpireNW ,
Dailey Johndailey001joh18877/4-7/28 UmpireInt ,
Dailey Vincedailey001vin18875/7 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Daily Hughdaily-001hug188716 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Daily Billdaily-001bil18871 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Daily 1887 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Daisy Georgedaisy-001geo1887 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Dale Williamdale--001wil18875/3-9/2 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Daley daley-014---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Daley Billdaley-001bil18878/9-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Dallas Jamesdallas001jam18874/18-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Dallas Jamesdallas001jam18876/7-6/15 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Dallas Jamesdallas001jam18876/11-6/26 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Dallas Jamesdallas001jam18876/28-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Daly Tomdaly--002tho18874/30-910 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Daly Harrydaly--001har18875/21 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Daly Harrydaly--001har18875/26-6/4 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Daly Harrydaly--001har18876/18 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Daly Harrydaly--001har18877/1-7/11 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Daly Joedaly--001joe1887 PhiladelphiaAmat Philadelphia, PA
Daly Sundaly--001sun1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Daly 18877 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Daniels Charlesdaniel005cha18874/30-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Daniels Charlesdaniel005cha1887-6/2164 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Daniels Lawdaniel002law18874/25 -109 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Daniels J.E.daniel003j--18876/23-7/18 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Daniels Petedaniel003pet18874/23-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Daniels Petedaniel003pet18878/4-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Daniels Walterdaniel002w--18875/18-8/19 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Darby C.1887 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Darling Delldarlin001del1887169 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Darrah darrah001---1887Exhibition Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Darrah darrah001---1887 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Darrah Frank18874/21-4/24 UmpireWest ,
Darrow Erwindarrow001ira18877/4-8/15 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Darrow Erwindarrow001ira18878/19-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Davin Daviddavin-001dav18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Davis Daisydavis-001dai18875/4-6/22 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Davis Daisydavis-133---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Davis Daisydavis-001dai1887 Farmingtons-p Farmington, MA
Davis Ambrosedavis-001amb18875/6-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Davis Ambrosedavis-001amb1887 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Davis Roydavis-002roy18875/11-6/27 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Davis 18872 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Davis davis-007---18876/23-8/4 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Davis 18875/21-7/4 UmpirePaSt ,
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev1887 Dallas ClippersIndependent Dallas, TX
Dawson dawson002---18875/7-5/25 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Dayton dayton002---188719 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Deagle Rendeagle001ren18875/24-7/13 UmpireWest ,
Deal 18877/4-9/26 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Dean William18875/9-7/16 UmpirePaSt ,
Deardon Dickdeardo001dic18877/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Deasley Johndeasle001joh1887-9/2622 g.  CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Deasley Jamesdeasle001jam18875/2-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Deasley Jamesdeasle001jam18876/15-7/6 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Deasley Jamesdeasle001jam18878/2-8/15 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Deasley Jamesdeasle001jam1887 Philadelphia ShibeAmat Philadelphia, PA
Decker Harrydecker001har18875/2-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Decker Stewart18875/16-7/20 UmpirePaSt ,
Decker Georgedecker003geo1887 Los AngelesIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Dee Jimdee---001jim18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Dee Jimdee---001jim18877/9? Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Dee Jimdee---001jim18878/20-9/1 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Dee Jimdee---001jim18879/7-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Deegan Jamesdeegan001jam18876/4-7/22 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Deegan 18875/23-6/18 UmpireNW ,
Deistel Josephdeiste001jos18874/25-5/18 FIND ,
Deistel Josephdeiste001jos18876/6-6/25 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Delahanty Eddelaha001edw18875/2-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Delahanty M.delaha003---18877/1-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Delaney Billdelane001bil18875/7-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Delaney Billdelane001bil18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Delaney delane002---188725 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Demarais Freddemara001fre18875/11-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Demarais Freddemara001fre18877/13-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Demarest Frank1887 NyackIndependent Nyack, NY
Dennis C. W.1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
DePangher Mikedepang001mik18879 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Derby Genederby-001gen18875/15-8/13 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Devaull Henrydevaul001hen18877 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Deveney Williamdevinn001pun18875/7-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Deveney Williamdevinn001pun18876/7 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Devine Jimdevine001jim18875/19-7/21 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Devine Abedevine001abe18874/30-7/31 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Devine Josephdevine003jos18878/6 Philadelphia LansdownePhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Devinney Dan1887-8/142 g. Umpire ,
Devlin Charlesdevlin001cha18874/30-5/6 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Devlin Charlesdevlin001cha188713 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Devlin Charlesdevlin001cha18877/7-9/16 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim18876/4-7/20 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim18872 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim18879/13-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Dickerson Buttercupdicker001but18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Dillon Andydillon001and18875/4-6/9 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Dillon Andydillon001and18876/16-8/31 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Dillon Andydillon001and18879/6 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Dillon J.T.dillon001j--18875/2-8/30 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Dischler Daviddischl001dav18874/30-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Dismukes dismuk001---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Dismukes dismuk001---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Diven Frankdiven-001fra18875/3-6/14 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Diven Frankdiven-001fra18876/16 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Dix Johndix---001joh1887no g. Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Doan Frank1887no g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Dodd Edwarddodd--001edw18874/30-6/4 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Doe Freddoe---002fre18876/4-7/13 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Doherty dohert001---18877/12 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18874/23-9/20 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18871 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Donahue 18876/7 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Donald Jamesdonald001jam18874/30-6/16 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Donnelly Jimdonnel001jim1887 MedfordIndependent Medford, MA
Donnelly Jimdonnel001jim1887 RandolphIndependent Randolph, MA
Donnelly Jamesdonnel003jam18874/30-5/17 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Donnelly Jamesdonnel003jam18877/15-8/30 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Donoghue Alexanderdonohu001ale18875/7-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Donoghue Alexanderdonohu001ale18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Donohue Johndonohu002joh18874/2-43 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Donovan Jackdonova002jac18874/2-30 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Donovan Patsydonova001pat18874/30-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Donovan Patsydonova001pat18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Donovan Jackdonova003jac188716 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Donovan donova002---188716 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha1887 Los AngelesIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Dooley J.F.dooley001j--18875/11-6/27 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Dooley J.F.dooley001j--1887 WarsawIndependent Warsaw,
Dooley dooley005---18877/7 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Dooms Harrydooms-001har18874/24-6/5 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Dooms Harrydooms-001har18876/13-7/4 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Dooms Harrydooms-001har18878/4-9/30 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Doran Johndoran-002joh18874/30-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Doran Johndoran-001joh1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer18874/30-5/31 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer1887 MiddlefieldIndependent Middlefield, CT
Dorsey Thomasdorsey001f--18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Dorsey dorsey006---18876/28 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Doscher Hermdosche001her1887215 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Dougherty Charlesdoughe003cha18877/11-7/25 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Dougherty Charlesdoughe003cha18877/31-9/14 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Dougherty Johndoughe004joh18875/4-5/20 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Dougherty doughe009---1887 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Dougherty doughe009---18876/4-6/27 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Douthett Pizzarodouthe001piz18875/2-5/6 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Dowd dowd--002---18874/30-6/28 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Dowd dowd--002---18877/5-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18874/20 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Downey downey002---18874/30 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Downing 1887 EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom18875/13-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Doyle Connydoyle-001con18874/16-9/13 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Doyle Connydoyle-001con18879/16 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Doyle Connydoyle-001con18879/19-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw18874/30-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Doyle Michaeldoyle-003mic18874/30-8/10 LowellEast Lowell, MA
Doyle Michaeldoyle-003mic18878/20-9/9 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Doyle Daviddoyle-002dav1887 DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh18874/30-5/18 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Doyle doyle-011---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Doyle 188731 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Doyle doyle-043---1887 MaloneNortheastern League Malone, NY
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18874/23-5/9 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18875/18-6/18 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18877/11-8/9 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18878/10-8/31 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18879/1-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18879/21-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Dreisback dreisb001---18878/2 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Drew 1887?-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Drew 188719 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Drischel Benjamindrisch001ben18874/23-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Drischel Benjamindrisch001ben1887 EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Drischel Benjamindrisch001ben18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Drummond E.drummo001e--1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Dudley Josephdudley001jos18875/2-6/15 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Duffee Charlieduffee001cha18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Duffee Charlieduffee001cha18876/1-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Duffy Hughduffy-001hug18875/3-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Duffy Hughduffy-001hug18875/30-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Duffy Hughduffy-001hug18877/12-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Duffy Michaelduffy-002mic1887 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Dugan Billdugan-001bil18875/27-6/2 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Dugan Eddugan-001ed-18874/30-5/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Dugan Eddugan-001ed-18878/1 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Dugan Williamdugan-002wil18875/1-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Dugan Williamdugan-002wil18876/22-8/20 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18875/13-6/27 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18877/14-9/22 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Duke Martinduke--002mar18875/2-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Dundon Eddundon001ed-18875/3-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Dunlevy Hugh18877/12-7/14 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18874/30-6/18 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18877/9-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18877/27-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Dunn Georgedunn--002geo18875/3-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Dunn Johndunn--009joh18875/2-9/24 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Dunning Andydunnin001and18876/7-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Durmeyer Charlesdurmey001c--18875/3-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Duryea Jesseduryea001jes18875/18-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
DuShane Frankdushan002---1887no g. WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
DuShane Frankdushan002---18875/20-6/13 UmpireOhSt ,
DuShane Frankdushan002---1887 GalvestonSemi-pro Galveston, TX
Dushane dushan003---188714 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Dwight 18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Dwyer Dickdwyer-001ric18874/23-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Dwyer Frankdwyer-001fra1887 Hobart CollegeCollege ,
Dwyer John1887no g. Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Dwyer Thomasdwyer-004tho18875/16-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Dwyer Thomasdwyer-004tho18877/11-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Dwyer Thomasdwyer-005tho18876/25-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Dyer Jamesdyer--004jam18876/3 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Eagan Billeagan-001bil18874/16- CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Eagan Billeagan-001bil18878/17 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Eagan eagan-002---18876/4 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Earl Howardearl--002how18874/30-7/12 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Earle Billyearle-001bil18874/30-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
East Harryeast--001har1887 Simmons HardwareIndependent ,
Easterday Henryeaster001hen18874/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Easton Jackeaston001jac18876/2 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Easton Jackeaston001jac18876/11-8/6 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Easton Jackeaston001jac18878/23-9/23 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Eaton eaton-004---188721 g. WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Eaton eaton-004---18877/1 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Eaton eaton-004---18878/13-9/13 WatertownEast Watertown, NY
Eberle Guseberle001gus1887 Fort KnoxIndependent Fort Knox, KY
Eberling eberli003---18878/6 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Ebert Phil1887 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-18874/21-9/24 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Eccles eccles001---18875/25-5/28 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Eddinger Jerryedinge001jer1887 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Edwards 1887 Sacred HeartCollege ,
Edwards 18877/2-8/20 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Egan E.J.egan--000ej-188719 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Egan egan--001---18877/7-8/6 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Egan egan--007---18878/20/9/26? Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Ehler C.ehler-001---1887+5/7+ HarrisburgIndependent Harrisburg, PA
Ehler C.ehler-001---18876/23-7/30 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Ehler C.ehler-001---1887 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Ehler C.ehler-001---18878/27-  HarrisburgIndependent Harrisburg, PA
Ehler C.ehler-001---18879/10-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Ehler C.ehler-001---1887+9/24+ HarrisburgIndependent Harrisburg, PA
Ehret Redehret-001phi18874/23-7/16 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Ehret Redehret-001phi18877/23-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Eiler Gilberteiler-001gil18875/7-5/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Eiler Gilberteiler-001gil1887 MindenIndependent Minden, NE
Eisley C.eisley001c--18877/28-7/29 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Eisley F.eisley001f--18876/23-7/28 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Eldred Harryeldred001h--1887no g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Eldred Harryeldred001h--18876/14-6/17 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Eliff Harryeliff-001hen18875/3-6/15 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Eliff Harryeliff-001hen18876/28-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Eller Gus1887 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Ellick Joeellick001joe18874/23-5/7 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Ellis Ernestellis-001ern18875/10-6/28 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Ellis Ernestellis-001ern18877/13-8/20 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Ellis Jamesellis-003jam18875/16-7/14 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Ellis Jamesellis-003jam18877/28-8/4 Webb CityKansas State League Webb City, MO
Ellsworth Ezekielellswo001eze1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Ely Bonesely---001wil18875/4-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Emery Simsemery-001sim18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Emery emery-001---18876/28-8/22 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Emery emery-001---18878/24 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Emery emery-001---18878/26-9/13 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Emslie Bobemslie001bob18874/21-5/26 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Emslie Bobemslie001bob18876/30-9/26 UmpireInt ,
England Georgeenglan001geo18875/3-5/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
English William1887 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Erek Danereck-001dan18875/9-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Erek Danereck-001dan18878/7-9/13 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Ertelt Georgeertelt001geo18875/9-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Esterquest Tonyesterq001ant18876/27-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha18877/9-9/22 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Evans C.W.evans-002c--18875/10-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Evans C.W.evans-002c--18877/22-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Evans C.W.evans-002c--18877/29 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Evans Georgeevans-006geo1887 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Evans Johnevans-008joh18875/9-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Evans evans-001---18877/20 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Evatt Scottieevatt-001sco18874 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Ewald Fredewald-001fre188728 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Ewan 1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Ewing Johnewing-001joh1887 Cincinnati ShamrocksIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Ewing Johnewing-001joh18876/1-10/9 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Ewing ewing-006---18875/27-6/7 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18874/30-9/21 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Faatz Jayfaatz-001jay18875/2-9/28 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Fagan Billfagan-001bil18876/10-7/14 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Fagan Billfagan-001bil1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Fagan Billfagan-001bil18879/15-6 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Fahey Frankfahey-002fra1887 St. Louis Prickly AshIndependent St. Louis, MO
Fairhurst Johnfairhu001joh18875/5-5/21 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Fairhurst Johnfairhu001joh18876/23-9/17 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Fairhurst Johnfairhu001joh18879/22-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Fairhurst John?1887 Trinity CollegeCollege ,
Falvey Michael?1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Fanning Jackfannin001jac18874/30-9/22 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Fanning fannin002---18875/2-6/24 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Farley Lawrencefarley001tom1887 AltonIndependent Alton, IL
Farmer Billfarmer002bil18875/2-5/30 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Farmer Billfarmer002bil18876/18- West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
Farmer Billfarmer002bil18877/7-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Farmer Billfarmer002bil18877/25 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Farr Charlesfarr--001cha18875/4-6/6 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Farrell Jackfarrel001jac18874/30-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Farrell Joefarrel001joe18878/4-8/10 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Farrell Joefarrel001joe18878/12-8/15 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Farrell Dukefarrel002cha18876/30-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Farrell Dukefarrel002cha18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Farrell Jackfarrel008jac18872 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Farrell William1887 AltasIndependent Altas, IL
Farrell William1887 San Francisco EmersonsAmat San Francisco, CA
Farrell 18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Farrell farrel001---18878/30 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Farrell farrel001---18879/10 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Farrington Jamesfarrin002jam1887 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Farrow Johnfarrow003joh18874/30-5/7 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Fass Frederickfass--002fre18877/11-7/29 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Favour Frankfavour001fra1887+6/7-8/24+ WahpetonRedRiver Wahpeton,
Fellinger fellin002---18875/6 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Ferguson Bobfergus001bob188730 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Ferguson Bobfergus001bob1887627 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Ferson Alexferson001ale18875/3-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Fessenden Wallyfessen001wal18874/29-6/25 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Fessenden Wallyfessen001wal18878/27-10/11 UmpireNW ,
Field Jimfield-001jim18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Fields Jockofields001joc18875/31-321 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Fife Georgefife--000geo18875/11-5/29 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Figueria figuer001---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Findell Thomas1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Finke Ellis18875/30-7/14+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Finn Mikefinn--002mic18872 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Finn Edwardfinn--001edw18876/4-6/9 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Firle Michaelfirle-002mic18874/16-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Firle Michaelfirle-002mic18878/16-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Firth Johnfirth-002joh18874/30-7/15 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Firth Johnfirth-002joh1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Fischer fische006---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Fish Georgefish--001geo18875/30-7/7 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18876 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18874/2-5 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18872 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fisher Harryfisher008har18875/7-5/21 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Fisher Harryfisher008har18876/7-6/16 UmpireInt ,
Fisher Mikefisher001mik18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Fisher Mikefisher001mik18871 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Fisher Alfisher001al-1887 ChampaignIndependent Champaign, IL
Fisher Walterfisher007cha1887 CumberlandIndependent Cumberland, MD
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra1887 Rock CreekIndependent Rock Creek,
Fitzgerald Dennisfitzge002den18875/3-5/10 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Fitzgerald Dennisfitzge002den18876/17-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Fitzgerald Dennisfitzge002den18877/28-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Fitzgerald Jamesfitzge005jam18878/9-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge007joh18876/4-7/19 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge007joh18878/3-9/17 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge006joh18875/13-6/10 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Fitzgerald Warrenfitzge001war1887 Leadville UnionsIndependent Leadville, CO
Fitzpatrick Williamfitzpa005wil18874/21-6/24 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Fitzpatrick fitzpa012---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi001joh18875/9-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi001joh18877/19-8/17 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi001joh18878/27-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Fitzsimmons Orlandofitzsi001o--18874/23-6/15 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Fitzsimmons Orlandofitzsi001o--18876/29-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Fitzsimmons Orlandofitzsi001o--18878/5-9/6 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Fitzsimmons Orlandofitzsi001o--18879/14 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Fitzsimmons Orlandofitzsi001o--18879/16 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Fitzsimmons F.fitzsi001f--18877/27-8/4 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Fitzsimmons F.fitzsi001f--18878/23 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi002joh18875/10-5/28 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Flagg Henryflagg-001hen18876/10-7/1 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Flagg flagg-002---188727 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Flaherty Patflaher005pat18874/27-5/27 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho18875/3-9/26 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-18874/16-19 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-18876/14-7/6 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-18877/20-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Fleishman Joefleish001joe18875/5-7/9 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Fleming 1887 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Fleming 18875/21-9/17 Philadelphia TiogaPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Fletcher J.1887no g. Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Flint Russell188734 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Flood Thomasflood-001tho1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Flood Thomasflood-001tho1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Flood flood-010---18877/15-7/23 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Flood flood-005---18879/1-9/8 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Flynn Jamesflynn-005jam18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Flynn Jamesflynn-005jam1887 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Flynn Danielflynn-001dan18878 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Flynn Danielflynn-001dan18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Flynn Edflynn-001ed-18875/5-7 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Flynn Edflynn-001ed-18876/4-7/4 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Flynn P.flynn-001p--18876/20-6/29 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Flynn Wilsonflynn-005wil18877/11-7/14 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Flynn flynn-001---18875/12-5/27 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Fogarty Johnfogart002joh18875/21-6/9? Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Fogarty Johnfogart002joh1887 Decatur Decatur, IL
Fogarty fogart001---18879/6-9/8 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Fogel Horacefogel-001hor18877/11-70 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Fogg Charlesfogg--001cha18879/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Foley 188710 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Forbes J.forbes002---18875/9-5/12 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Force Davyforce-001dav18874/16-8/14 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Force Davyforce-001dav18878/20-9/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Ford Edford--001ed-1887no g. Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Ford Tomford--001tom18877/19-7/21 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Foreman Frankforema001fra18875/26-6/22 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Foreman Frankforema001fra18876/24-7/15 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Foreman D. A.18874/30-5/11 UmpireNW ,
Forest W. H.18878/1-9/1 UmpireNW ,
Forrest Williamforres003wil18875/5-5/12 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Forster Tomforste001tom18874/30-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Forsyth W.forsyt001w--18876/11-6/25 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Foster Elmerfoster001elm18874/30-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Foster Robertfoster002r--18874/30-10/13 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra18874/30-5/24 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra188720 g. CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra18878/24-10/5 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Fournier Henryfourni001hen1887 UticaIndependent Utica, NY
Fowler Budfowler004joh18875/3-6/29 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Fowler Budfowler004joh1887 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Fowler Budfowler004joh1887 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Fowler Budfowler004joh18878 g. MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Fox Orange1887 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Francis Jacob1887 UmpireInt ,
Franklin E.frankl001e--18875/6-5/21 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Franklin William1887 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Franklin 18874/16-23 g. CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Franks 18874 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Franks 18871 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Frawley frawle003---1887 Meriden ResolutesIndependent Meriden, CT
Frazee Leefrazee001lee1887-6/ WinonaIndependent Winona, MN
Frazee Leefrazee001lee1887+6/10-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Freeman Juliefreema001jul1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Freer Scottfreer-001sco18875/2-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Freeze Artfreeze001art18876/23 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Freeze Sethfreeze001set18876/23-7/30 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Freeze Johnfreeze001j--18876/23 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Frey Williamfrey--002wil18875/2-9/17 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Friel Patfriel-001pat18874/30-9/23 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Friss F.friss-001f--18875/23-5/31 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Fry fry---001---1887 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Fry fry---005---18878/2-8/6 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Frye Johnfrye--003joh1887+5/6-8/23+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Frye Johnfrye--003joh1887 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Fudger Frankfudger001fre1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Fuller Billyfuller002wil18875/3-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Fuller Harryfuller003har18874/17-5/26 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Fuller Harryfuller003har18876/6-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Fuller Shortyfuller001sho18874/17-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Fuller Andyfuller002and1887 EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Furlong Johnfurlon001---188715 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Furlong Billfurlon002wil1887 UmpireNW ,
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd18875/2-5/22 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd18876/15-7/4 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd18877/14-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh1887-10/8126 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Galahan galaha001---18879/7-9/10 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Gallagher Jamesgallag004jam18879/16-10/6 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Gallagher Frankgallag002fra18875/26-5/30 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Gallagher Frankgallag002fra1887 Philadelphia PattonAmat Philadelphia, PA
Gallagher gallag015---18875/21-5/24 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Gallagher 188711 g. Chicagi West EndsChicCity Chicagi, IL
Galligan Petegallag002jim1887+5/21-9/12+ Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Galligan Johngallig001joh18874/30-7/25 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Galligan Johngallig001joh18878/2-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Gamble Bobgamble001bob18875/11-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Gamble Bobgamble001bob18877/26-10/3 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Gant Henrygant--001---18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Ganzel Georgeganzel001geo18874/30 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Gardner Gidgardne001gid18874/30-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Gardner Gidgardne001gid18877/12-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Gardner Gidgardne001gid1887-5/2921 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Gardner Billgardne002bil1887 StowmanIndependent Stowman,
Gardner Billgardne002bil18878/9-9/6 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Garrett Al1887 Cincinnati BrownsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Garrett Frankgarret001fra18875/7 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Garvin Williamgarvin001wil18875/9-5/18 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Garvin Williamgarvin001wil18875/30-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Gastfield Edgastfi001ed-18874/30-10/6 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Gately Charlesgately001cha1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Gaule Mikegaule-001mik18875/7 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Gaunt Charlesgaunt-001cha1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Geer Billygeer--001bil18877/19 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Geer Billygeer--001bil1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, NY
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha18874/2-40 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Geiss Billgeiss-001bil18874/17-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Geiss Emilgeiss-001emi18877 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Geiss Emilgeiss-001emi18875/18-6/22 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Genins Frankgenins001c--18875/5-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Gentleman Williamgentle001wil1887 Troy FlyawaysIndependent Troy, NY
George Billgeorge001bil18875/11-22 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
George Wilbur/Willis1887 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
German Lesgerman001les1887 Aberdeen NonpareilIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Gessner Charliegessne001cha18875/21- Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gessner Charliegessne001cha18876/18-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Gessner Charliegessne001cha18878/16 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Gessner Charliegessne001cha1887-10/8 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Getty getty-001---1887 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Gibbs E.D.gibbs-001e--18876/17 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Gibbs Charlesgibbs-001cha1887no g. Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Gibbs 1887 EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Gibson Albertgibson001alb18876/10-7/8 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Gibson Albertgibson001alb18878/15 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Gibson Whiteygibson001whi18875/27-7/4 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Gibson Whiteygibson001whi1887 PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Gibson C. H.18875/23-8/20 GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Gifford Jimgiffor001jam18874/30-5/14 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Gifford Jimgiffor001jam18875/25-9/16 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Gilbert Walt18875/21-10/8 Philadelphia TiogaPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Gildea Jackgildea001joh1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Gilder John1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob18875/3-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob18878/25-324 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Gill Michaelgill--001mic18875/24-9/30 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Gill Jimgill--001jim18875/9-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Gill gill--001---18876/23-8/31 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Gill gill--009---18878/2-10/20 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Gill gill--024---18879/1-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Gill gill--019---18879/13 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Gill gill--011---18879/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Gill gill--001---18879/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Gillespie H.gilles001h--18875/7 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Gillespie gilles002---18875/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Gilman Pitgilman001pit18875/2-7/20 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Gilman Pitgilman001pit1887 BellevilleIndependent Belleville, ON
Gilman gilman002---18876/27 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Gladmon Buckgladmo001buc1887 WashingtonAmat Washington, DC
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil18874/16- CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil1887 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil18875/7-7/12 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil18877/23-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Gleason Larrygleaso013---1887 WalkervilleIndependent Walkerville, MT
Gleason gleaso001---18878/10 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob18874/23-5/8 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob1887 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Glenn Edglenn-001ed-18874/16-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Godar Johngodar-001joh18874/23-5/19 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Godar Johngodar-001joh188738 g. Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Goddard H.P.goddar001h--18875/4 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Godfrey godfre003---188712 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Golden Mikegolden002mik1887 DecaturIndependent Decatur, IL
Goldsby Waltgoldsb001wal18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Goldstein N. G.1887no g. Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Goodenough Billgooden001bil18874/28 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Goodfellow Mikegoodfe001mik18875/9-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Goodfellow Mikegoodfe001mik18876/13 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Goodfellow Mikegoodfe001mik18878/5-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Goodfellow Mikegoodfe001mik18875/25-7/28 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Goodryder Frankgoodry000---1887 MaloneNortheastern League Malone, NY
Goods John1887no g. St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Goodwin Forrestgoodwi002for1887 BangorS-pro Bangor, ME
Gordon Edwardgordon001edw18875/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Gordon Edwardgordon001edw18876/24-6/29 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18874/19-5/13 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18875/25-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Gough gough-001---18875/3-5/7 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Gourie J.1887+6/18-7/2+ Philadelphia PerseveranceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gourie Williamgourie001wil1887+6/18-7/2+ Philadelphia PerseveranceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Govern Kikigovern001sik1887 Trenton CubansIndependent Trenton, NJ
Govern Kikigovern001sik1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Grady Jackgrady-000jac18874/16-7/18 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Grady Jackgrady-000jac18879/1-9/17 UmpireNE ,
Grady Patrickgrady-002pat18877/1-7/5 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Grady Patrickgrady-002pat1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Graff Frank1887 Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Graff Johngraff-001joh18876/3-7/12 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Graff Johngraff-001joh18878/6-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Graham Billy1887 Meadville GraysIndependent Meadville, PA
Graham Jamesgraham001jam1887 Philadelphia HarrowgatesIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Grant Frankgrant-001fra18874/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Grant 1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Granville Michaelgranvi001mic18875/11-5/18 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Granville Michaelgranvi001mic18875/23 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Graul Charlesgraul-001cha1887 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Graulich Lewgrauli001wil18875/4-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Graulich Lewgrauli001wil1887 Philadelphia ShibeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Graulich Lewgrauli001wil18877/8-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Graulich 18874/11- Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Graves Frankgraves004fra18875/5-9/29 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Graves Shagowashgraves001sha1887+7/4+ Philadelphia Edu HomeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gray Jimgray--001jim18875/2-5/14 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Gray Jimgray--001jim18876/1-7/11 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Gray Williamgray--015wil18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Green Jimgreen-001jim18875/2-5/25 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Green Jimgreen-001jim18876/18-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Green Johngreen-009joh1887 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Green Edgreen-002ed-18875/5-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Green Edgreen-002ed-18878/23-9/2 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Green Edgreen-002ed-18879/12-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Green 18877/4-7/27 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Greene Robertgreene006rob18874/25 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Greenig Johngreeni001joh1887 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Greenig Johngreeni001joh18871 g. Exhibition IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Greenig Johngreeni001joh18876/25-6/28 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Greenwood Billgreenw001bil1887-10/15475 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Greer Edgreer-001ed-18873 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Greer Edgreer-001ed-1887-10/1091 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Grether Bartgrethe001alb18875/13-5/14 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Grether Bartgrethe001alb18877/22 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Griffin Sandygriffi001san18875/3-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Griffin Sandygriffi001san18877/23-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Griffin Mikegriffi001mik18874/16-1511 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Griffin Charlesgriffi005cha1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Griffin Charlesgriffi005cha18877/31-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Griffin Griffingriffi006---18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Griffin Johngriffi008joh1887 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Griffith Clarkgriffi003cla1887 BloomingtonIndependent Bloomington, IL
Griffith F.G.griffi001f--18875/11 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Gross Bengross-001ben18875/6-5/18 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Grover T.1887 ,
Gruber Henrygruber001hen18874/30-7/19 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Gruber Henrygruber001hen18877/28-151g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Grumbling Fredgrumbl001fre18875/2-9/1 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Gubbins gubbin001---188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh18875/6-7/20 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Guest Thomasguest-002tho18875/6-9/5 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Guinasso Louisguinas001lou1887 WhitmanIndependent Whitman, MA
Guinasso Louisguinas001lou18875/3-9/21 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Gulliver gulliv001---18875/12 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Gumbert Adgumber001ad-1887 PittsburghAmat Pittsburgh, PA
Gumbert Billygumber001bil18876/24-6/25 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Gumbert Billygumber001bil18877/11-7/23 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Gunshannon Johngunsha001joh1887 PittsfieldIndependent Pittsfield, MA
Gunson Joegunson001joe18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Gunson Joegunson001joe18876/9-6/11 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Gurnett Williamgurnet001wil18874/2-38 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Guste 1887 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Haber Johnhaber-001joh1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Haber Johnhaber-001joh18877/26-8/9 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Hackett Charliehacket001cha18874/30-? Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Hackett Walterhacket001wal18874/30-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Hadding Charleshaddin001cha18875/5 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Hadding Charleshaddin001cha18875/10-5/21 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Hadding Charleshaddin001cha18875/28-5/30 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Haddock Georgehaddoc001geo1887 EmporiaKansas State League Emporia, KS
Haddock Georgehaddoc001geo18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Haddock Georgehaddoc001geo18879/13-9/25 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Haffey Jimmyhaffy-001jam18877/9-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Hafner Frankhafner001fra18874/26-7/26 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Hagan Stephenhagan-002ste18874/23-9/30 UmpireWest ,
Hagan Stephenhagan-002ste18877/7 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Hagen George18877/13-7/16 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Hagen George18878/20 Philadelphia TiogaPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Haines haines001---18876/10 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Haldeman haldem002---18876/25-9/3 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Haley Johnhaley-006joh18875/5 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Haley 188713 g. Chicago StarsChicCity Chicago, IL
Haley 18879 g. Chicago AetnasChicCity Chicago, IL
Halfpenny halfpe001---18877/22 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Hall Charliehall--008cha18875/3-5/5 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Hall Charliehall--008cha18875/19-9/9 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Hall Josephhall--008---18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Halligan Jameshallig002jam1887 SanfordIndependent Sanford, ME
Hallman Billhallma002wil18875/7-7/13 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hallman Billhallma002wil18877/18-9/16 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Halloran Richardhallor001ric1887 New York MonitorsIndependent New York, NY
Hallstrom Charliehallst001cha188711 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Hallstrom Charliehallst001cha18877/9-9/22 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim18875/3-5/30 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim18876/9-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim18878/2-9/9 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Halpin Johnhalpin002joh188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Halsinger halsin001---18874/16-9/26 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha18874/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Hamilton Billyhamilt006wil18875/2-9/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Hamilton Roberthamilt006rob18874/30-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Hamilton Roberthamilt006rob18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Handiboe Jimhandib001jim18875/18-7/31 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Handiboe Jimhandib001jim18875/30? Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--18875/4-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Haney haney-002---18877/19 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Hanley Georgehanley001geo18874/2-47 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hanrahan hanrah003---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Hanrahan hanrah006---18879 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hansford hansfo001---18875/5 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Hanson hanson014---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Hantel hantel001---18876/25 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Hapf/Hopf 188717 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hardie Louhardie001lou18875/16-7/15 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Hardie Louhardie001lou188716 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harmon Jamesharmon002jam1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Harmon harmon001---18877/7 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Harper Georgeharper003joh18875/9-5/18 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Harper Georgeharper003joh18877/14-8/13 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Harrington Williamharrin005wil18875/16 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Harrington Jerryharrin001jer1887 CrestonIndependent Creston, IA
Harrington Joeharrin001joe1887no g. Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Harris Frankharris005fra18874/21-6/29 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Harris Hankharris001hen18874/2-11/19 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harris harris112---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Harris harris112---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Harris J.harris001j--18875/19-5/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Harris Jamesharris017jam18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Harris harris005---18877/7-7/11 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Harrison Abeharris001abr1887+5/6-8/23+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Harrison Garretharris006gar18875/5-6/6 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Harrison harris009---188717 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Harrison harris009---1887 EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Hart Billhart--004wil18873 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Hart Billhart--004wil18876/13-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Hart Jimhart--008jam18874/30-10/13 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hart Billyhart--002bil18875/11-6/30 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hart Billyhart--002bil18877/9-8/3 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Hart hart--002---18876/6-6/11 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Harter Georgeharter001geo18874/24-7/3 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Harting Jumbohartin001jum18874/23-7/27 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Harting Jumbohartin001jum18878/11-8/23 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Hartman Fredhartma003fre1887 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Hartman Georgehartma002---18874 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Hartman Georgehartma002---1887 CaroIndependent Caro, MI
Hartmeyer Jacobhartme001jac18877/2-7/12 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Hartmeyer Jacobhartme001jac18879/7-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Hartnett Pathartne001pat18874/29-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Hasney Petehasney001pet18875/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hasney Petehasney001pet18875/21-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Hasney Petehasney001pet18877/16-7/30 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Hasney Petehasney001pet18878/2-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Hassamaer Billhassam001bil18874/23-9/25 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hassett Christyhasset001chr18875/1-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Hassett Christyhasset001chr18875/27-7/7 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Hassett Christopher?1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Hatch Orrin18875/4 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Hatch Frankhatch-001fra18878/?-10/13 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil1887267 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hathaway hathaw004---18878/19 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hautz Charliehoutz-001cha18876/26-7/13 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Havens Perryhavens001per1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Hawes Billhawes-001bil18874/30-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Hawkes Thornyhawkes001tho18875/5-7/1 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Hawley H.hawley000h--188734 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Hawthorne hawtho001---1887 Brown Univ.College ,
Hawthorne hawtho001---18877/1 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18874/16-7/31 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18878 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Hayes Jackhayes-003jac18874/2-15 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hayes Jackhayes-003jac18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hayes Johnhayes-005joh18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Hayes Johnhayes-005joh18876/1-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Hayes Georgehayes-002geo18875/4-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Hayes Georgehayes-002geo18876/8-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Hayes hayes-003---18875/14 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Hayes hayes-019---18876/28-8/6 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Hayes hayes-025---18878/17 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Haywood haywoo001---18875/16-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Healey Tomhealey001tom18875/2-5/6 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Healey Johnhealey005joh18874/30-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Healey/Haley 18875/15-5/20 ProvidenceEast Providence, RI
Healy healy-001---18876/28-7/19 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Healy healy-001---18879/5-9/13 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Heberling W.heberl001w--18879/12-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Heck Georgeheck--001geo18875/18-6/8 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Heifer Frankheifer001fra18875/9 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Heifer Frankheifer001fra18876/7-6/8 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Helburn Hugo18879/22 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Helfer Charleshelfer001cha18874/30-5/11 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Helfer Charleshelfer001cha1887 Long IslandAmat Long Island, NY
Helfer helfer001---18875/18-5/27 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Hemp Duckyhemp--001duc18875/17-7/? WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Hemp Duckyhemp--001duc18877/26-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Hemp Duckyhemp--001duc18879/8-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Hemp Duckyhemp--001duc188710/6 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Hemphill Sydneyhemphi001syd18875/13 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Hendershott Williamhender011wil18875/3-5/12 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Hendricks Johnhendri006joh18875/10-5/19 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Hendricks Johnhendri006joh18877/26-9/1 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Hengel Edhengle001edw18874/23-5/6 UmpireWest ,
Hengel Edhengle001edw18875/9-11 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Hengel Edhengle001edw1887 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Hengel Edhengle001edw18877/6-8/6 UmpireWest ,
Hengel Edhengle001edw18878/10-9/10 UmpireNW ,
Hengel Edhengle001edw18879/29-10/11 UmpireNW ,
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox18875/3-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox18877/26-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hennegan henneg001---18875/2-6/28 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Hennessey Johnhennes001joh1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Henry Johnhenry-007joh18874/30-7/12 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Henry Johnhenry-007joh18878/6-8/17 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Henry Georgehenry-002geo18874/30-7/8 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Henry Georgehenry-002geo18877/15-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Henry Georgehenry-002geo18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Henshaw Arthur1887 Harvard Univ.College ,
Henshaw Arthur1887 Cincinnati Riverside RedsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Herbert herber003---18875/7 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Herkness J. P.1887no g. Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Heron Thomasheron-001tho18877 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Heron Thomasheron-001tho18871 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Herr Josephherr--001jos18874/16-11 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Herr Josephherr--001jos18875/17-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Hetterman Pathetter001pat18876/23-7/30 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Hetterman Pathetter001pat18878/2-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Heubel Georgeheubel001geo18875/9--6/10 UmpirePaSt ,
Heubel Georgeheubel001geo18876/11-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Hewer Jameshewer-001jam18875/17-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Hibbard Johnhibbar001joh1887 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Hickey 188719 g. Chicago Garden CityChicCity Chicago, IL
Hickey 188719 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18875/7-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Higgins J.higgin001n--18877/2-8/1 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Higgins Roberthiggin004rob18875/25-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Hiland Johnhiland001joh18872 g. Philadelphia KensingtonAmat Philadelphia, PA
Hiland Johnhiland001joh18875/14-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Hill Beldenhill--003bel18875/2-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Hill Beldenhill--003bel18879/26-10/6 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Hill hill--001---18878/28 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Hillery Jameshiller002jam18874/30-5/10 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Hillery Jameshiller002jam18876/27-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Hillock 188715 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha18875/3-5/27 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha18876/18- West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha18877/7-10/3 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Hines Mikehines-001mik18874/16-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun18875/4-5/15 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Hines C. W.1887 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Hines T. J.1887 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Hines hines-014---18875/3-5/10 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Hinkston F. J.1887 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Hinnan C.1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Hobright hobrig001---18875/2-6/15 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Hodge Tonyhodge-001ton1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18878/6-10/8 Philadelphia RailroadPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Hoeneman Gushoenem001a--18875/9-7/19 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Hoeneman Gushoenem001a--18878/4-9/20 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Hoffey hoffey001---18876/25-7/8 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Hoffman Charleshoffma004cha1887 Santa FeIndependent Santa Fe, NM
Hoffman Frankhoffma001fra18874/30-5/4 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Hoffman Frankhoffma001fra1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Hoffman Frankhoffma001fra1887 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Hoffman hoffma002---18878/23-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Hoffner hoffne001---18876/23-7/20 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos18875/3-7/14 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos18877/19-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Hofford Johnhoffor001joh18875/4-7/13 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Hofford Johnhoffor001joh18877/30-9/5 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor18875/12-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor188732 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Hogan Tomhogan-001edd18874/24-7/17 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Hogan Tomhogan-001edd18877/26 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hogan hogan-001---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Hoggins Williamhoggin001wil18874/30-5/21 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Holacher Charlesholach001cha18874/30-5/31 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Holacher Charles?18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Holcombe holcom003---18875/6-5/9 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Holland Jackhollan001joh18879 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Holland Willhollan007wil18875/11 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Holland 1887 Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Holland 1887no g. SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Hollander hollan003---18878/8 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Holleran holler001---18878/4-8/6 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Holliday Bughollid001bug18875/6-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Holliday Bughollid001bug188710/5-10/11 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Holliday Edwardhollid001edw1887 El PasoIndependent El Paso, TX
Holmes Benjamin1887+5/6-8/23+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Holzberger Johnholzbe001joh18875/7-6/17 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Holzberger Johnholzbe001joh18877/4-7/9 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Homer homer-002---1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Hooneman A. J.1887 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Hoover Williamhoover001bus18875/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hoover Williamhoover001bus18877/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hoover William18875/2-9/27 UmpireInt ,
Hoover Charliehoover001cha18874/23-5/24 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Hoover Charliehoover001cha18876/14-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Hoover Charliehoover001cha18879/29-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Horan 188715 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hordy J. H.1887no g. Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Horne horne-002---18877/9 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Horner Jackhorner002jac18875/3-9/24 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Horns James1887no g. Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Hotaling Petehotali001pet1887-9/15224 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Houck Sadiehouck-001sad18874/30-7/15 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Houck Sadiehouck-001sad1887-9/2310 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Householder Charliehouseh001cha18875/3-5/30 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Householder Charliehouseh002cha18875/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Householder Charliehouseh002cha18877/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Houseman Williamhousem001fra18874/24-5/7 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Hoverter Georgehovert001geo1887 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Hoverter Georgehovert001geo18876/23-8/13 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Hoverter Samhovert001---18876/23-7/29 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Howarth J.T.howart001j--18875/2 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Howe Shortyhowe--001sho18875/9-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Howe Shortyhowe--001sho18878/2-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hoy Billyhoy---001wil18874/30-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Hoyt Frankhoyt--002fra1887no g. Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Hoyt hoyt--007---1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Hubbard B.W.hubbar003---18873 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Hubbard Bartonhubbar001bar18875/2-5/4 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Hudson 1887 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Hughes Mickeyhughes007mic18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Hughes W.hughes002w--1887 SeattleIndependent Seattle, WA
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18875/18-7/3 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18877/8-7/24 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18877/27-7/28 UmpireWest ,
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18877/31-8/3 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18878/8-8/11 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18878/18-9/17 UmpireWest ,
Hughes Jameshughes013jam18879/21-9/24 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Hull Arthurhull--001art18874/30-7/17 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hull Arthurhull--001art18877/22-8/4 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Hull Arthurhull--001art18878/12-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Humber Johnhumber001joh1887 Philadelphia HarrowgatesAmat Philadelphia, PA
Humphries Johnhumphr004joh18875/2-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Humphries Danielhumphr002dan18875/2-5/22 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Humphries Danielhumphr002dan18875/26-7/15 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Humphries Danielhumphr002dan18878/4-9/17 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Hungerford Olliehunger001oli18875/2-7/23 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Hungler Alhungle001al-18874/18-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Hungler Alhungle001al-18875/21-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Hunt hunt--002---1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Hunt 18874/30-6/16 UmpireWest ,
Hunter Billhunter001bil1887 Arkansas CityKansas State League Arkansas City, KS
Hunter Billhunter001bil18878/28-9/1 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Hunter 18876 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hunting Willardhuntin001wil18875/24-6/14 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer1887 Boston Univ.College ,
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer18877 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer18871 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer188719 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hurley Michaelhurley001mic18874/23-6/20 UmpireWest ,
Hurley Michaelhurley001mic18876/23-7/9 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Hurley Johnhurley004joh18876/8-7/12 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Husted Billhusted001bil18875/13-7/1 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Huston Jackhuston001jac18874/30-7/16 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Huston Jackhuston001jac18878/15-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Huston Jackhuston001jac18879/24-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Hutchings A.H.hutchi001a--1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-18874/16-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-18876/10-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil18875/24-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Hutt Chris18875/21-10/8 Philadelphia HarrowgatesAmat Philadelphia, PA
Hutton 188713 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hycoop J.hycoop000j--1887no g. Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Hycoop J.hycoop000j--188727 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Hyndman Williamhyndma001jim18875/2-5/9 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Hyndman hyndma003---18879/7-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Ike Albertike---001alb18874/23-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Ike Albertike---001alb18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Incell Williamincell001wil18874/2-31 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha18874/30-5/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha18875/14-8/14 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha18878/19-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Inks Bertinks--001ber1887 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh18878 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Irwin Billirwin-001bil18875/3-9/1 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Irwin Billirwin-001bil18879/13-9/20 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Isaacson Charlesisaacs004cha18874/25-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Isaacson Charlesisaacs004cha18878/11-8/28 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Ivory Nickivory-001nic1887 LogansportInSt Logansport, IN
Jackson Bobjackso001bob18875/6-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Jackson Georgejackso003geo18875/10 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Jackson Andyjackso005and18875/6-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Jackson Henryjackso002hen18879/13-9/28 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Jackson Oscarjackso001osc18875/6-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Jackson Randolphjackso002ran18875/24-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Jackson Samjackso003sam18875/16-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Jackson 188719 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Jackson jackso002---188714 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Jackson jackso002---1887 Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Jacobs Alexjacobs001ale18875/2-6/29 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Jacobs Alexjacobs001ale18877/13-8/10 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Jacobs Alexjacobs001ale18878/16-9/26 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Jacoby Harryjacoby001har18875/2-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
James Lawrencejames-001law18875/13-5/21 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
James Lawrencejames-001law18876/3-6/16 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
James Lawrencejames-001law18876/30-7/4 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
James William1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Jantzen Dukejantze001a--18875/4-6/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Jantzen Dukejantze001a--18877/16-9/21 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Jenkins jenkin007---18878/23-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Jennings Andrew188711 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Jerald Jamesjerald001jam18876/15 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Jessie W.jessie001w--18875/7 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre18874/30-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Johns Al1887 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Johnson Spudjohnso001spu18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Johnson Leftyjohnso001bil18874/30-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Johnson Leftyjohnso001bil188711 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Johnson Harry1887-10/ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Johnson Dickjohnso003dic18875/2-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Johnson 1887no g. Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Johnson johnso146---1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Johnson 1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Johnstone johnst004---18876/24-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Jones Billjones-003bil1887 Fort EdwardsIndependent Fort Edwards,
Jones Billjones-003bil1887 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Jones Charliejones-019cha18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Jones Charliejones-019cha18877/11-8/18 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Jones Frankjones-002fra18874/30-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Jones Henryjones-007hen1887 CumberlandIndependent Cumberland, MD
Jones Henryjones-007hen1887 FrederickIndependent Frederick, MD
Jones Mikejones-002mik18875/2-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Jones Abe1887 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jones Claudejones-002cla1887 Wyandotte RedsIndependent Wyandotte,
Jones Davidjones-010dav18874/18-4/20 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Jones Josephjones-010jos18874/16- CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Jones Milesjones-001mil18875/3-7/4 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Jones Ralph1887+6/2-9/16 Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Jones S.18875/21-9/26 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Jones jones-009---188719 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Jones jones-170---1887 MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Jordan Mikejordan001mik18874/30-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Jordan Mikejordan001mik18877/12-7/13 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Jordan Mikejordan001mik18877/21-7/29 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Jordan Georgejordan004geo1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Jordan William F.jordan001w--188731 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Jordan William F.jordan001---18878/19-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Jordan 18875 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Jordan jordan022---1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Joyce Billjoyce-001bil18877/2-7/6 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Joyce Billjoyce-001bil18877/17-7/20 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Judd Frankjudd--001fra18875/24-6/17 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Jupiter jupite001---1887 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Justi Charlesjusti-000cha188720 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Justi Louis188717 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Kane 188716 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Kane Jerrykane--004jer18875/7-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Kane 18876/20-7/7 UmpireWest ,
Kappel Henrykappel001hei18875/7-5/16 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Kappel Henrykappel001hei18875/22-105 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Kappel Joekappel001joe18875/5-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Kappel Joekappel001joe18878/25-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Kearney T.kearne001t--18875/3-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Kearns Tomkearns001tom18875/2-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Keas Edkeas--001ed-18875/5-5/25 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Keating Bobkeatin001bob18878/27 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo18878/6-8/18 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Keefe Johnkeefe-001joh18875/3-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Keefe Johnkeefe-001joh1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid1887 LexingtonIndependent Lexington, KY
Keenan Jackkeenan001jac1887 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Keenan Jackkeenan001jac1887 Long IslandIndependent Long Island, NY
Keffer Frankkeffer001fra18875/17-7/1 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Keffer Frankkeffer001fra18878/10-9/5 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Keifer Adamkeifer001ada1887 Union CityIndependent Union City, IN
Keifer Adamkeifer001ada1887 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Keifer Adamkeifer001ada18876/1-6/17 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Keiger Alonzokeiger001---18875/7-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Keller keller001---18876/25 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Kelley James18874/30-5/24 UmpireEast ,
Kelley James18875/28-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Kelley Patrick1887 ,
Kellogg Natekellog001nat18874/30-7/14 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Kellogg Natekellog001nat18879/20-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Kelly Johnkelly-012joh18874/16-5/21 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Kelly Kickkelly-001kic18875/1-139 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Kelly Kickkelly-001kic18872 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Kelly Charliekelly-004cha18875/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Kelly Charliekelly-004cha18877/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Kelly Charleskelly-007cha18874/30 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Kelly Frank18875/30-6/10+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Kelly John1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Kelly M.J.kelly-003m--18876/4-6/20 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Kelly Martinkelly-002mar18875/11-5/30 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Kelly Patrickkelly-004pat18874/17-5/12 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Kelly Patrickkelly-004pat18875/14-5/30 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Kelly Patrickkelly-004pat18876/11-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Kelly Patrickkelly-004pat18879/10-10/1 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Kelly W. A.1887 Albany Albany, NY
Kelly kelly-004---18878/21 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Kelly kelly-049---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Kelsey kelsey002---18877/8-7/20 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Kemmler Rudykemmle001rud18874/30-8/14 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Kemmler Rudykemmle001rud18878/23-10/10 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Kendrick Williamkendri001wil18876/23-7/19 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Kendrick Williamkendri001wil18878/23-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Kennedy Dockenned001doc18874/30-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Kennedy Edkenned001ed-18874/29-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Kennedy Tedkenned001ted18874/30-7/23 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Kennedy Tedkenned001ted18878/3-10/1 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Kennedy Tom1887 ConcordIndependent Concord, VT
Kennedy kenned057---18876/25-7/15 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Kennedy kenned053---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Kenney Alexanderkenney001ale18876/14-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Kenney Bertkenney001ber18875/5-7/2 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Kenney Bertkenney001ber1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Kent Edkent--001ed-18876/7-8/6 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Kenyon Jackkenyon001jac18874/25-9/29 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Keogan Mattkeogan001mat18875/2-8/16 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Keogan Mattkeogan001mat188726 g. PeoriaCIntSt Peoria, IL
Kerment kermen001---18877/29 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Kerr H. H.18875/2-? CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Key W. M.key---001w--1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Keys William18875/30-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18874/21-7/6 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18877/11-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Kiley Johnkiley-001joh18875/10-7/26 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Kiley Johnkiley-001joh18877/27-8/10 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Killham 18877 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Kilroy M. J.?1887 Philadelphia RichmondIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kimber Samkimber001sam18874/30-5/24 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Kimber Samkimber001sam18877/4-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh1887 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
King Silverking--001sil1887347 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
King W. H.1887 Princeton Univ.College ,
King W. H.1887 Philadelphia HighlandsAmat Philadelphia, PA
King W. H.18878/20-9/21 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
King king--004---18875/10-5/11 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
King king--004---18875/16-5/18 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
King king--004---18875/21 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
King king--039---18876/4 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Kingsley Moseskingsl001mos18875/9-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Kingsley Moseskingsl001mos18877/24-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Kinkeide John1887 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Kinney kinney010---188717 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Kinslow Tomkinslo001tom18875/9-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Kinslow Tomkinslo001tom1887 Detroit Detroit, MI
Kinslow Tomkinslo001tom18872 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal18874/23-7/4 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal18877/20-10/9 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Kirby John18879 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Kirby John1887+8/24-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Kirkpatrick Matt18876/18-8/6 Philadelphia RailroadPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Kirkpatrick Matt18879/3-10/8 Philadelphia TiogaPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Kirtland Almonkirtla001alm18877/9-7/10 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Kitleman kitlem001---1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Kittredge Patrickkittri001---18875/28-5/29 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Kittridge Malachikittre000---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Kitty J. J.1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus18875/14-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Klose 188716 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Klusman Billyklusma001bil18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Klusman Billyklusma001bil18876/1-9/13 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Klusman Edklusma001ed-1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Knecht J. H.1887no g. LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Knell Philknell-001phi188717 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Knight Lonknight001lon18878/6-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Knight Lonknight001lon188743 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Knight Joeknight002jos18875/2-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Knight 1887- 9/2613 g. CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Knock knock-001---18876/25-7/26 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Knock knock-001---18878/23 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18874/30-9/15 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Knowlton Georgeknowlt001geo18875/10-7/4 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Knowlton Georgeknowlt001geo18878/13-8/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Knowlton Herbertknowlt001her188728 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Knox Dickknox--002ric1887 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Knox Dickknox--002ric1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, ON
Koons Harrykoons-001har18874/30-5/14 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Koons Harrykoons-001har18875/18-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Kotter Joseph1887 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Krehmeyer Charliekrehme001cha18874/23-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil1887-6/1525 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18877/16-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Krock Guskrock-001gus18874/30-10/6 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Krouse 1887 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Kulp 1887 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Kurtz Henrykurtz-002hen1887no g. AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Kurtz Henrykurtz-002hen18876/23-9/17 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Kurtz Henrykurtz-002hen18879/23-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Kurtz kurtz-003---18876/28-6/30 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Ladew Williamladew-001wil18875/3 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Ladew Williamladew-001wil18875/12-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Lally Danlally-001dan18874/30-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Lally Danlally-001dan18877/12-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Lally Danlally-001dan1887 RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Lambert Stevelamber002ste18875/4-6/14 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Lamp Henry1887 Wilmington Wilmington, NC
Land Gusland--001gus18876/4-8/5 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Lander Frank1887 RockvilleIndependent Rockville, IL
Landis Doclandis001doc18875/3 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Landis Doclandis001doc18876/25-10/1 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Landmann Michaellandma001m--1887 Brooklyn GreenpointIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Landry landry005---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Lang Franklinlang--002fra18874/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Lang M.A.lang--002m--18875/7-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Lang M.A.lang--002m--1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Lange Fredlange-001fre18874/2-13 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Lange Fredlange-001fre18874/23-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Lanser Henrylanser001hen18875/5-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Lanser Henrylanser001hen18879/10-9/21 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Larkins Patricklarkin003---1887 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam18874/30-9/19 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Lasch Johnlasch-001joh18875/13 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Latham Jumbolatham001jum18875/3-7/7 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Latham Jumbolatham001jum18878/12-8/31 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Latner George1887 NyackIndependent Nyack, NY
Latouche Paullatouc001pau1887no g. Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Laubenstein lauben001---18878/24 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Lauer Chucklauer-001chu18875/3-9/17 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Lauman Floydlauman001flo18874/21-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Lautenback lauten002---18875/3-5/30 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Lavin Johnnylavin-001joh18875/25-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Lavin Johnnylavin-001joh18876/8-7/29 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Lawler lawler002---18875/5-5/20 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Lawler lawler002---18878/9 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Lawler lawler007---18875/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Lawlor Mikelawlor001mik18875/11-5/17 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Lawlor Williamlawlor001wil18876/21-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Lawlor John18878/16-8/20 UmpireNW ,
Lawrence Edgarlawren001edg18877/27-8/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lawrence Howardlawren001h--18874/23-6/4 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Lawrence Howardlawren001h--18876/15-7/16 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Lawrence Howardlawren001h--188710 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Lawrence Jimmy18878/8-9/16 Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Lawson Allawson001al-1887 Frankforts-p Frankfort, IN
Lawson 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Lawton Horatiolawton001hor18874/2-46 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Laydon/Leyden laydon001---1887 Louisville Larry GattosIndependent Louisville, KY
Laydon/Leyden laydon001---18877/14 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Leahy leahy-002---18874/30-7/11 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Leahy leahy-003---18877/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Leary Jackleary-001jac18874/30-7/15 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Leary Jerry18878/21-10/3 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Lebson lebson001---18875/21 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle18875/8-6/4 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle18876/17-6/28 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle18877/4-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle18877/13-9/9 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lehane Mikelehane001mik18874/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Leighton W.B.leight001w--1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Leighton W.B.leight001w--18877/26-8/9 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Leighton Johnleight002joh18874/30-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Leighton Johnleight002joh18877/13-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Leighton leight005---18879/1-9/2 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Leitner Docleitne001doc18878/10-8 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Leland Frank1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Lemar 1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Lemons Franklemons002fra18875/3-8/18 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Leonard Frankleonar001fra18874/29-9/24 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Lersch Jacoblersch001jac18875/2-9/1 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Lettlers George1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Levis Charlielevis-001cha18874/30-5/18 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Levis Charlielevis-001cha18876/13-7/6 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Levis Charlielevis-001cha18878/13-9/7 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Levy Rubelevy--001reu18874/2-46 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Levy Davidlevy--001dav18871 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Levy Davidlevy--001dav18878 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lewis Fredlewis-003fre18874/30-9/22 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Lewis H.lewis-001h--18874/29-5/1 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Lewis Leon1887 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Lillie Jimlillie001jim18874/23-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lindsey James1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Linnehan Franklinneh001fra18875/10-5/18 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Linnehan Franklinneh001fra18875/21-5/23 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Linter linter001---18878/2 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Little Jameslittle007jam1887 BellevilleIndependent Belleville, ON
Lloyd Harrylloyd-019---1887no g. Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Lloyd Harrylloyd-019---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Lloyd Harrylloyd-019---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Lloyd lloyd-005---18875/25 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Loftus loftus007---18877/31 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Lohman Petelohman001geo1887 OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Lombard Jameslombar002jam188733 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Long Billylong--001bil1887 Boston Boston, MA
Long Thomaslong--002---18876/4-6/18 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Long long--055---1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Long Danlong--003dan188744 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Long Hermanlong--001her188731 g. Arkansas CityKansas State League Arkansas City, KS
Long Hermanlong--001her18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Long Jimlong--002jim18874/18-5/3 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Long Robertlong--008rob18875/9-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Long Robertlong--008rob18877/30-8/15 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Long Robertlong--008rob18878/18-9/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Long Robertlong--008rob18878/26 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Lord Williamlord--003wil1887 MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Lorrigan Edwardlorrig001edw18879 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Lorrigan Edwardlorrig001edw188720 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lotz Benjaminlotz--001ben18874/23 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lotz Benjaminlotz--001ben1887 WinfieldKansas State League Winfield, KS
Louis 18871 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Lovely Levilovely001lev18875/11-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Lovely Levilovely001lev18877/13-7/21 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Lovett Tomlovett001tom18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Lovett Tomlovett001tom18877/11-10/10 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Lovett Tomlovett001tom188714 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Loving J. G.1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Low 18876 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Lowe Bobbylowe--002rob18875/3-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Luby D.188718 g. Chicago PickettsChicCity Chicago, IL
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil18875/3-6/7 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Ludwig Williamludwig004wil18875/12 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Lufberry Josephlufber001jos18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Lund Willlund--001wil188711 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Lund Willlund--001wil1887 CaroIndependent Caro, MI
Lund Willlund--001wil18876/14 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Lunt lunt--001---18877/7 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Lutenberg Lukelutenb001luk18877 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Lutenberg Lukelutenb001luk18876/8-7/12 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Lux lux---001---18875/2 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Lynch Michaellynch-010mic1887+7/18-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Lynch Michaellynch-010mic188710/5-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom18875/2-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Lynch Johnlynch-008joh18875/12-5/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Lynch Thomas18874/30-9/24 UmpireNE ,
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen18874/30-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen18877/13-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Lynch lynch-014---18875/7-5/11 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Lynch 18879 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Lynch lynch-012---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18875/2-5/30 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18876/11-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18878/29 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18879/6-9/27 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18879/ -2 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Lyons Tobylyons-001tob18876/9-6/18 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Lyons lyons-002---188710 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Macaffrey Davidmacaff001dav1887 BangorNoEast? Bangor, ME
MacArthur Macmacart001mac18874/16-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
MacArthur Macmacart001mac18876/20-6/28 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Mack Dennymack--001den18875/7-6/1 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Mack Dennymack--001den1887?-7/9 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Mack Dennymack--001den18877/?-9/30 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Mack Dennymack--001den18875/14 New BritainConn New Britain, CT
Mack Conniemack--001con1887-8/29713 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Mackey Gusmackey001c--1887 Union CityIndependent Union City, MI
Mackey 18871 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Macklin Frederickmackli001fre1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, ON
Macon Edmacon-001ed-18874/21-5/20 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Macullar Jimmymacull001jim18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Madden Kidmadden001kid18875/6-37 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Madden madden009---18876/8-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Madden madden009---1887-8/ RocklandIndependent Rockland, ME
Madigan Frankmadiga001fra18875/13 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Madigan madiga002---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Madigan Williammadiga001ton18875/3-8/2 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Magner Johnmagner001joh18875/25 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Maguire Tommaguir001tho18873 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Maguire Jamesmaguir003jam18875/12 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Mahan mahan-001---18876/23-8/20 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Maher maher-006---1887 MilfordIndependent Milford, CT
Mahoney Danmahone003dan18875/2-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Mahoney Danmahone003dan18877/12-8/30 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Mahoney Michaelmahone002mic18874/29-9/21 UmpireNE ,
Mains Willardmains-001wil18875/9-9/19 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Male R.1887no g. Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Mallon Joemallon001joe18874/30-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Mallon Joemallon001joe18878/9-8/15 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Mallory Georgemallor002geo18875/2-7/21 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Mallory Georgemallor002geo18878/4-8/11 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Malloy J.H.malloy002j--18876/7-6/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Malloy malloy002---18878/17 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Malloy malloy002---18878/23-9/17 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Malone Fergymalone001fer18875/7-7/14 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Malone Fergymalone001fer18877/?-7/? Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Malone Fergymalone001fer18877/23-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Malone Williammalone008wil18875/10-5/12 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Malone Williammalone008wil1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Malone Williammalone008wil1887+8/23+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Malone Ockeymalone001ock18875/1-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Malone Thomas1887 IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Malone 1887 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Maloney H.malone002h--18875/16-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Maloney H.malone002h--18877/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Manion Budmanion001m--18874/20-7/31 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Manlove Charliemanlov001cha1887no g. Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Manlove Lincmanlov001abr18874/30-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Mannassau Almannas001al-188735 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Manning Jackmannin001jac18875/2-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Manning Jackmannin001jac18877/12-8/3 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Manning Timmannin001tim18874/23-6/13 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Manning Timmannin001tim18876/27-8/6 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Manning Jimmannin001jim18875/2-5/4 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Manning Jimmannin001jim18875/10-7/7 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Manning Jimmannin001jim18877/12-8/1 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Manning Jimmannin001jim18878/8-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Manning 18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Mansell Mikemansel001mik18875/2-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Mansell Tommansel001tom18874/26-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Mapledoram Blake18875/7-7/16 UmpirePaSt ,
Mapledoram Blake18878/2-8/17 UmpireIntern ,
Mappes Georgemappes001geo18875/10-7/17 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Mappes Georgemappes001geo1887 StocktonIndependent Stockton, KS
Marqu't marqut001---18877/16 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Marr Leftymarr--001lef18875/2-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Marsden Alfred18875/12-6/18 UmpireNE ,
Marshall Alvinmarsha001alv18875/7-5/26 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Marshall marsha002---18878/8 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Marshall 18876/9-6/21 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Martin K.J.martin002k--188718 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Martin K.J.martin002k--1887 Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Martin martin025---18876/25 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Martz Henrymartz-001hen1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Marzburger marzbu001---18875/7-5/9 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Maskrey Leechmaskre001lee18874/30-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Maskrey maskre001---18875/2 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Mason Charliemason-004cha1887 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Mason James1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Masran Josephmasran001jos18874/19-5/9 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Masran Josephmasran001jos18875/14-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Masran Josephmasran001jos18878/14-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Matthews George1887 Cincinnati BrownsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Matthews Samuelmatthe001sam18875/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Matthews Tommatthe001tom1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Matthias Stevematthi001ste18874/16-5/7 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Mattimore Mikemattim001mik18875/3-124 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Maul Almaul--001alb18874/16-6/6 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Maul Almaul--001alb1887250 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Maunsell 1887+7/14-8/26+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Maurer Georgemaurer003geo1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Mawson J. H.18874/16-8/27 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
May may---005---188710/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Mayers mayers001---18879/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Mayfield Fredmayfie001fre18875/9-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
McAdams Johnmcadam001joh18874/16-5/1 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
McAdams mcadam002---188719 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
McAleer Jimmymcalee001jam18874/16-10/9 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
McAleny mcalen001---18878/18 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
McAlleny Paulmcalen001red18875/17-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
McAndless Duncanmcandl001dun188719 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
McAuliffe Danielmcauli001dan18875/23 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
McAuliffe Danielmcauli001dan18876/25-7/15 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
McAuliffe mcauli007---18876/19 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
McCabe Johnmccabe001joh18874/30-7/8 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
McCabe D.?188711 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
McCaffrey Billmccaff004---18875/20 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
McCaffrey Sparrowmccaff001spa1887 Arkansas CityKansas State League Arkansas City, KS
McCallum Thomasmccall002tho18874/30-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
McCann Jackmccann001jac18875/2-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
McCann Johnmccann005joh18875/4-5/30 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
McCarthy Tommymccart001tom18876/27-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
McCarthy Frankmccart004fra18874/30-5/18 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
McCarthy Frankmccart004fra1887 Fergus FallsIndependent Fergus Falls,
McCarthy Frankmccart004fra1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
McCarthy Paulmccart001pau18875 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
McCarthy Paulmccart001pau18871 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
McCarthy Paulmccart001pau18871 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
McCarthy mccart001---18877/19 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
McCarty Johnmccart014joh18874/23-4/24 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
McCarty Johnmccart014joh18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
McCarty Johnmccart014joh18879/11-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim18875/5-8/17 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
McCauley Almccaul001al-18875/2-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
McClellan Billmcclel001bil18874/19-4/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
McClellan Billmcclel001bil1887136 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
McClellan mcclel001---18877/26-8/9 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
McClintock Robertmcclin002wil18874/21-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18875/6-5/11 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18875/19-6/8 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18876/18-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18877/30-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh18874/23-5/30 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1887 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
McCloskey mcclos010---18876/25 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
McClure Halmcclur001hal1887 UmpireCPa ,
McCord Tommccord001tom18874/2-43 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer18875/2-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
McCormick 18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
McCormick mccorm003---18879/13-9/15 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
McCoy Artmccoy-001art18876/23-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
McCoy Artmccoy-001art18879/9 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
McCracken Robertmccrac001rob18875/20-5/23 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
McCracken Robertmccrac001rob18875 g. Philadelphia KensingtonAmat Philadelphia, PA
McCracken mccrac004---1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
McCullum Tommymccull001tho1887no g. Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
McDermott Michaelmcderm003mic18875/5-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
McDermott Sandymcderm001san18875/2-5/? MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
McDermott Sandymcderm001san18876/- UmpireOhSt ,
McDermott Sandymcderm001san18876/28 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
McDermott Sandymcderm001san18878/4-8/10 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
McDermott Tommcderm005tho18874/30-7/27 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
McDermott Johnmcderm003joh18875/21 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
McDermott mcderm014---1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim18874/2-43 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
McDonald P.18875/14-6/3 UmpireInt ,
McDonald P.mcdona002p--18875/4-5/27 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
McDonald 1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
McDonald 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
McElhone Henrymcelho001hen18875/7 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
McElhone Henrymcelho001hen1887+7/2+ GloucesterIndependent Gloucester, NJ
McElroy Jimmcelro001jim1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale18875/7 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
McGarr Edward1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
McGee Horace1887 Cincinnati BrownsNational Colored League Cincinnati, OH
McGeehan mcgeeh003---18876/25-9/3 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
McGinley Dennismcginl001den1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
McGinn mcginn003---18875/2-5/4 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
McGinn 188729 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
McGinnis Jumbomcginn001jum1887-6/108 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
McGinnis Jumbomcginn001jum18879/14-9/18 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
McGlone Johnmcglon001joh18874/30-9/5 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
McGlone Johnmcglon001joh1887-8/1576 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
McGlynn mcglyn001---18876/25-7/30 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
McGovern Jackmcgove001jac18878/16 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
McGra Pat18875/2-8/20 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
McGra Pat1887 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
McGraw Patmcgra-001pat18875/2-8/20 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
McGraw Patmcgra-001pat1887 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
McGregor J.mcgreg001j--18875/26-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
McGruey John1887no g. PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
McGuinness mcguin002---18877/18 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18877/11-9/1 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
McGuirk Johnmcguir001joh18875/2-5/17 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
McGuirk Johnmcguir001joh18875/26-6/15 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil18874/29-9/21 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
McIntosh mcinto002---18876/28 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
McKay D.C.mckay-000d--188735 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
McKean Edmckean001edw18874/16-1654 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
McKee Johnmckee-005joh18875/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
McKee Johnmckee-005joh18877/18-8/6 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
McKeever Jimmckeev001jim18875/2-7/12 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
McKeever Jimmckeev001jim18877/19-10/5 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
McKenna Edwardmckenn001edw18875/12-5/13 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
McKenna mckenn004---18875/20-5/26 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
McKenzie/Kin Fred1887 2 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McKeon Larrymckeon001lar18874/27-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
McKeough Davemckeou001dav18875/7-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
McKeough Georgemckeou001geo18875/2-5/6 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
McKeough Georgemckeou001geo18876/24-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
McKim Theodoremckim-001the18875/25-7/24 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
McKinley Jamesmckinl001jam18875/3-6/30 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
McKinney J.E.mckinn001j--18875/2-6/25 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
McLanchan mclanc001---18876/2 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra18874/29-4/30 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18874/16-5/23 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar188750 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18879/6-9/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18879/27 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
McLaughlin Jimmclaug001jim18876/24-7/4 UmpireWest ,
McLaughlin Jimmclaug001jim18877/6-7/10 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
McLaughlin Tommclaug001tom18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
McLaughlin Williammclaug002wil18874/2-37 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McLaughlin mclaug001---18874/27-5/16 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
McLaughlin mclaug040---18876/2 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
McLaughlin 188725 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
McLean William18875/21-9/30 UmpireInt ,
McMahon Jackmcmaho001jac18876/15-6/20 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
McMahon Sadiemcmaho003joh1887 West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
McMaster mcmast001---18879/22 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
McMillan Georgemcmill001geo18874/30-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
McMillan Georgemcmill003geo1887 Univ. of MichiganCollege ,
McMillan Georgemcmill003geo18877/22-9/13 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
McMullin Jamesmcmull001geo18874/2-5 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McMullin Jamesmcmull001geo18877/2-7/10 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
McMullin Jamesmcmull001geo18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McNichol John1887 BellevilleIndependent Belleville, ON
McPhee 1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac1887 UmpireSo ,
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
McQuery Moxmcquer001mox18875/2-9/3 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
McQuery Moxmcquer001mox18879/10-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
McShannic Petemcshan001pet18875/7-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
McShannic Petemcshan001pet18878/4-8/11 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
McShannic Petemcshan001pet18878/30-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
McSorley Trickmcsorl001tri18874/21-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
McVey Calmcvey-001cal1887 San Diego HamiltonsIndependent San Diego, CA
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo18874/17-5/16 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo18876/2-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
McVey Carlmcvey-001car18875/2-7/14 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
McVey Carlmcvey-001car18877/21-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Meade Billymeade-001wil1887 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Meade Billymeade-001wil18877/8-7/19 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Meade Billymeade-001wil18878/- St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Meagher Tommeaghe001tom18874/2-23 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Meakim Georgemeakim001geo18875/13-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Meakim Georgemeakim001geo18876/7-8/22 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Meara Thomasmeara-001tho18874/30-5/14 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Meara Thomasmeara-001tho18875/18-6/16 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Mears 1887no g. Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Medart William1887- 5/242 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Meegan Petemeegan001pet18874/2-38 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Meehan Augustusmeehan001aug18876/6 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Meehan Augustusmeehan001aug18876/21-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Meehan 188718 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Meek Frankmeek--001dad18878/24-9/5 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Mehrie mehrie002---188712 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Meinke Frankmeinke001fra18874/30-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Meisel Chrismeisel001chr1887 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Meisel Chrismeisel001chr18877/9-7/23 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Meister Georgemeiste001geo18874/30-9/21 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Meister Johnmeiste002joh1887-6/2939 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Meister Johnmeiste002joh18879/3-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Melcher A.J.melche001a--1887 West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
Mellix mellix001---18876/23-7/30 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Mellon Williammellon001wil1887 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Merritt Fredmerrit001fre18876/10-6/26 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Merritt E. H.1887 Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Messitt Jackmessit001jac18874/23-9/25 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Metz Williammetz--001wil18876/25-9/12 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Metz metz--001---18877/20 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Meyers Loumeyers001lou18874/21-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Micklejohn Matthewmickle001mat1887+6/4+ Philadelphia Allen GraysIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Micklejohn Matthewmickle001mat18877/16-10/7 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Millard Frankmillar001fra1887 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Miller Georgemiller008geo18874/18-4/21 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Miller Wallymiller008wal18875/2-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc18875/14-7/2 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc1887 PawtucketIndependent Pawtucket, RI
Miller Joemiller005joe18874/30-10/6 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Miller Josephmiller012jos18875/25-6/15 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Miller Almiller005---18877/17-8/4 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Miller B.miller006b--18879/5 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Miller Bobmiller001bob18875/22-6/21 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Miller Charlesmiller021cha1887 WNYSt ,
Miller Charlesmiller021cha18879/19 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Miller D.miller005d--18876/3-6/17 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Miller D.miller005d--18876/22-6/30 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Miller Dustymiller004cha1887 Niagara Univ.College ,
Miller Dustymiller004cha1887no g. BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Miller Dustymiller004cha18877/11-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Miller Frankmiller009fra18875/16-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Miller Frankmiller001f--18875/2-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Miller miller010---188712 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Miller miller153---18878/6 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Millman Jackmillma001jac1887 West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
Millman Jackmillma001jac1887 Philadelphia ShibeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Mills Lynnmills-001lyn1887 Lake MillsIndependent Lake Mills, WI
Mills Lynnmills-001lyn18877/19-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Minton Charlesminton001cha18876/22-6/30 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Mitchell Charlesmitche008cha18875/2-7/17 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Mitchell Davidmitche003dav1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Mitchell Johnmitche019joh1887 Pa St CollegeCollege ,
Mitchell Johnmitche019joh18877/12-9/8 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Mitchell 18877/20-7/24 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Mitchell mitche011---18878/12-8/18 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Moffet Joemoffet001joe18875/2-6/28 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Moffet Sammoffet001sam188721 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Mold Georgemold--001geo18875/17-7/20 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Mold Georgemold--001geo18877/26-10/2 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Monet Vicmonet-001vic18874/2-7 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Monet Vicmonet-001vic18871 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Monroe Kidmonroe001dan18875/6-8/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Montel Hirammontel001hir18875/6-5/9 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Montel Hirammontel001hir18875/27-5/30 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Montgomery Heber18875/21-10/7 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo18874/30-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo18877/13-7/16 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo1887 FarmingtonIndependent Farmington, NH
Mooney Williammooney002wil1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Mooney Williammooney002wil1887 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Mooney Williammooney002wil18876/14-7/1 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18874/2-34 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18874 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Moore Jerrymoore-005jer18875/4-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Moore 1887 MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Moore W.moore-007w--18876/6-6/10 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Moore Waltermoore-003wal18875/7-5/14 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Moran Andrewmoran-001and18875/25-6/10 UmpireNE ,
Moreland Al. S.18874/30-5/19 UmpireNW ,
Morgan Billmorgan001bil18875/30-6/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Morgan 18871 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Morgan 18876 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen18874/30-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Moriarty Johnmoriar001joh18874/30-7/5 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Morkin Edmarkin001ed-1887 WinonaIndependent Winona, MN
Morkin Edmarkin001ed-18875/27-10/4 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Morris Williammorris014wil18876/26-7/11 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Morrison Jonmorris002jon1887-5/29 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Morrison Jonmorris002jon18876/18-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Morrison Thomasmorris004tho18875/1-5/9 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Morrison Thomasmorris004tho18875/13-6/21 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Morrison Thomasmorris004tho18876/28 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Morrison Hankmorris001han18875/28-7/28 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Morrison Mikemorris001mik18874/19-44 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Morrison J.W.morris006j--18875/2-6/20 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Morrison Jackmorris002jac18875/2-7/9 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Morrison Jackmorris002jac18878/6-8/30 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Morrison morris002---18878/19-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Morrison 188721 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Morrissey Tommorris003tom18874/30-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Morton Charliemorton002cha18874/20-4/29 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Morton Charliemorton002cha18875/28-7/23 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Morton Charliemorton002cha18878/11-9/17 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Morton Sammorton001sam1887 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Morton Sammorton001sam18877/21-10/13 Sec.-Trea.,Pres.NW ,
Morton morton002---18875/16 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Moses Edwardmoses-001edw18875/10-5/11 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Moses Charlesmoses-001cha18875/10-5/12 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Moshier George1887 UticaIndependent Utica, NY
Motz Williammotz--002wil1887 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Motz Frankmotz--001fra18877/21-9/2 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Mountjoy Billmountj001bil18874/29-5/9 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Mountjoy Billmountj001bil18876/2-7/15 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Mountjoy Billmountj001bil18879/8-9/22 UmpireInt ,
Muffler Joseph1887no g. Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Muldoon Mikemuldoo001mik18874/30-8/2 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Muldoon muldoo001---18879/5 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Mulholland Danmulhol001dan18875/2-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Mullane Tonymullan001ton1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Mullee Jimmullee001jam188733 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Mullen mullen001---1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Mullen Michaelmullen004mic1887 DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Mulligan Lukemullig004---1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Mullin Alex.18875/28 Philadelphia RailroadPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Mullin Jamesmullin007jam18875/7-5/17 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Mulvey 1887 ,
Mumby Waltermumby-002---188721 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Mundinger Georgemundin001geo1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh18877/12-16 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Murdock Joemurdoc002joe18877 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Murphy Williemurphy013wil1887 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Murphy Williemurphy013wil18877/8-8/6 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Murphy Williemurphy013wil1887+8/13-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Murphy Conmurphy001con18875/4-9/7 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Murphy Conmurphy001con18879/14-9/21 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Murphy Conmurphy001con18879/24-9/30 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh18875/25-7/4 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton1887 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton18877/28-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Murphy Joemurphy003joe18878/19 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Murphy Johnmurphy028joh1887 Evansville Evansville, IN
Murphy Morganmurphy001mor18875/10-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Murphy Morganmurphy001mor18877/14-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Murphy Morganmurphy001mor18879/7-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Murphy Patmurphy007pat18875/2-8/27 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Murphy Patmurphy007pat18879/2-86 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Murphy Clarencemurphy003cla18874/30-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Murphy Henrymurphy001hen18874/17-5/26 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Murphy Henrymurphy001hen1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Murphy Willmurphy018wil18874/30-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Murphy B.L.murphy001b--18875/7-5/12 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Murphy Dannymurphy013dan18874/30-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Murphy Dannymurphy013dan18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Murphy Henrymurphy005hen18874/29-9/24 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Murphy Johnmurphy009j--18875/2-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Murphy Larrymurphy001lar1887no g. St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Murphy Lawrencemurphy001law18879/17-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Murphy W.murphy002w--1887 Adams RenfrosIndependent Adams, MA
Murphy Williemurphy013wil18874/30-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Murphy murphy102---18876/23-9/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Murphy murphy063---18878/18-8/21 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Murray Miahmurray001mia18874/30-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Murray Thomasmurray007tho18875/3-5/10 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Murray Billymurray007wil18874/30-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Murray Charlesmurray005cha18875/4 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Murray Tommurray008tho1887 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Muzzey muzzey001---18875/24 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen18875/9-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen18878/9-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Myers Charlesmyers-002cha18875/2-5/5 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Myers George18875/21-9/21 GermantownPhilAmat Germantown, PA
Myers George1887 Philadelphia Quaker CityAmat Philadelphia, PA
Nagle Tomnagle-001tom18875/2-7/26 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Nagle Tomnagle-001tom18877/17 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Nagle Tomnagle-001tom18878/6-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Nash 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Naylor 18876/19-7/30 UmpireNW ,
Nellins George1887 UofPennsylvaniaCollege ,
Nellins George18878/20-9/21 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Nelson Billnelson001bil18874/23-5/14 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Nelson Johnnelson008joh18875/6-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Nettleton Georgenettle001g--1887 ,
Newbert Billynewber001bil18874/2-39 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Newton newton010---18875/24-5/27 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Nicholas Franknichol002fra18874/16-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Nicholas Franknichol002fra18878/19-10/2 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Nicholl Samnichol002sam18875/2-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Nichols Trickynichol001tri18875/9-5/27 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Nichols Trickynichol001tri18876/13-6/17 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Nichols Kidnichol006cha18876/13-9/30 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Nichols Frank1887 Westminster Westminster, MD
Nicholson J.M.nichol007j--18874/30-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18875/2-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18877/1-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Niehoff Johnniehof002joh18874/17-4/30 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Niehoff Johnniehof002joh18875/9-7/11 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Niehoff Johnniehof002joh18877/21-8/6 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Nightingale Johnnighti001joh1887 Richmond Richmond, VA
Niles Billniles-001bil1887 Logansport Logansport, IN
Nolan nolan-013---18878/6 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Noll Williamnoll--001wil18877 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Noll William?1887 Arkansas CityKansas State League Arkansas City, KS
Norwood C. H.1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Noyes 1887 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Noyes 1887 Boston BeaconsIndependent Boston, MA
Nulton Georgenulton001geo18875/2-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Nunan Jamesnunan-001jam1887 Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Nunan Jamesnunan-001jam1887 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Nunan Jamesnunan-001jam1887 San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Nusz Williamnusz--001emo1887 FrederickIndependent Frederick, MD
Nutter nutter002---18875/3 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Nyce Frednyce--001fre18875/10-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Nyce Frednyce--001fre18878/6 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Nyce Frednyce--001fre18879/6-9/25 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18874/30-8/27 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom188731 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
O'Brien Billyobrien001bil1887248 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
O'Brien Darbyobrien002dar18874/16-709 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
O'Brien Jamesobrien010jam18875/1-5/24? Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
O'Brien Jamesobrien010jam18875/14-7/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
O'Brien Jamesobrien010jam18877/15-7/20 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
O'Brien Jamesobrien010jam18878/9-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer18875/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer18877/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
O'Brien Georgeobrien005geo1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
O'Brien Joeobrien002joe18875/9-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
O'Brien Joeobrien002joe18878/1-8/2 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
O'Brien Peteobrien003pet188719 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
O'Brien Peteobrien003pet18878/2 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
O'Brien Frankobrien006fra18876/22-7/24 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
O'Brien Joeobrien002joe18878/12-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
O'Brien obrien065---18875/17-5/24 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
O'Connell Patoconne002pat18874/30-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
O'Connell I.J.oconne001i--1887 Meriden ResolutesIndependent Meriden, CT
O'Connell I.J.oconne001i--18876/13-9/5 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
O'Connell Johnoconne006joh1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
O'Connor Jackoconno006joh18874/20-332 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
O'Connor oconno023---18875/27 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
O'Connor oconno006---188725 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
O'Connor oconno026---1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
O'Day Hankoday--001han1887-10/3142 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
O'Day Harryoday--001har188718 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
O'Day Harryoday--001har18879 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
O'Donnell Thomasodonne004tho18876/16 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
O'Donnell Charles1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
O'Donnell odonne010---18878/2-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
O'Hearn ohearn006---188724 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
O'Leary Danieloleary004dan18874/23-7/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
O'Malley Charles18875/9-5/14 UmpireNE ,
O'Neil Charles1887+7/14-8/27+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
O'Neil Edoneil-001ed-1887 Philadelphia SomersetsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
O'Neill Tiponeill001nor18875/23-7/15 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
O'Neill Tiponeill001nor18878/4-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
O'Neill Fredoneill001fre18875/3-5/22 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
O'Neill Fredoneill001fre18876/5-8/26 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
O'Rourke Frankorourk001fra18875/25-6/3 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
O'Rourke Frankorourk001fra18876/4-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
O'Rourke Frankorourk001fra18878/15-9/6 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
O'Rourke Tomorourk001tom18875/11-22 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
O'Rourke J.orourk004j--18876/24-9/20 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
O'Rourke P.H.orourk001p--18876/20-7/23 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
O'Rourke T.W.orourk001t--18875/18-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
O'Rourke 188716 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
O'Rourke 1887-9/269 g. CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Oakes Fredoaks--001fre18875/18-5/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Oberlander Docoberla001doc18875/30 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Oberlander Docoberla001doc18876/13-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Oberlander Docoberla001doc1887postseason ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav18875/2-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav18876/18-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Olin Frankolin--001fra18875/30-5/31 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Olsen 18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Orelup Fredorelup001fre1887-90 Iowa StateCollege ,
Ormsbee Henryormsbe001hen18874/30-7/? Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Ortman 188720 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Osborne Philiposborn001phi18875/24-6/27 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Osborne Philiposborn001phi18877/4-8/5 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Osterhout Charlieosterh001cha18875/7-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Osterhout Charlieosterh001cha18876/7-9/1 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Osterhout Charlieosterh001cha1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, ON
Ostreicher 1887+7/14-8/24+ WahpetonRedRiver Wahpeton,
Otterson Billyotters001bil18875/2-8/30 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Otterson Billyotters001bil18879/4-10/10 BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Overdorf overdo001---18878/10 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Owens W. E.1887 Cincinnati BrownsNational Colored League Cincinnati, OH
Paasch William18877/2-8 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Palmer Joseph1887 FINDIndependent ,
Parego George1887+8/23-10/ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Parker Harryparker004har18878/3-8/6 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Parker Harryparker004har18878/24-8/31 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Parker H.18877/8 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Parker parker036---18874/16-5/1 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Parker parker054---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Parker parker066---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Parsons Charlieparson002cha18874 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Parsons Charlieparson002cha18875/2-9/5 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Patterson James1887no g. Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Patterson Johnpatter005joh18875/20-10/2 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Patton Owenpatton001owe18874/30-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Paulin Arthur1887 Manitoba C.P.R.Independent Manitoba, BC
Paulin Arthur1887+8/9-8/12+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Paulin William1887 WinnipegIndependent Winnipeg, MB
Payne E.payne-002---18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Payne James1887 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18874/30-6/3 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18876/11-7/16 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18877/25-8/31 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18879/8-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18879/20-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Pearce Dickeypearce001dic18874/30 UmpireInt ,
Pechiney Georgepechin001geo1887-6/2410 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Pechiney Georgepechin001geo1887 CrawfordsvilleIndependent Crawfordsville, IN
Peeples Williampeeple001wil18874/23-7/6 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Peeples Williampeeple001wil18877/7-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Peltz Johnpeltz-001joh18874/16-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Peltz Johnpeltz-001joh18876/1-10/9 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Pender Bobpender001rob1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Pendergrass Johnpender002joh18875/3-7/1 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Penn Frank1887 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Penn Harrypenn--001har1887 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Penno Danpenno-001dan18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Pepper pepper002---18876/25 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Peppers Harrisonpepper001har1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Perkins Ira1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Perrier Hipperrie001hyp18874/2-43 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Perry Ed1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Peters William1887 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Peters peters049---18875/19-5/24 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Peterson C.188716 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Peterson P.188717 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Petrie 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Pettee Patpettee001pat18874/30-7/26 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Pettee Patpettee001pat18877/27-8/25 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Pettiford Jackpettif002jac1887no g. Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Pettiford Jackpettif002jac1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Pettiford Jackpettif002jac18878/12-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18874/30-7/30 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18878/5-9/1 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18879/3 -75 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Pettit pettit006---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Pfister Joseph1887no g. Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Phalen E.phalen000e--188712 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18874/16-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Phelan Danphelan001dan18875/1-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Phelan Danphelan001dan18875/28-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Phelan Danphelan001dan18878/8-9/5 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Phelan Edphelan001ed-1887 EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Phelan George18875/21-9/21 Philadelphia WynnewoodPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Phelan J.phelan001j--18878/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Phifer Billpfeiff001---1887 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Philbin J.J.philbi001j--18875/20-10/2 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Phillips Marrphilli003mar18875/2-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Phillips Iraphilli001ira18874/21-9/29 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Phinney Williamphinne001wil18874/30-5/9 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Phinney Williamphinne001wil18876/13-7/27 UmpireNE ,
Phinney Williamphinne001wil1887 UmpireNoEast ,
Phue George1887 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Pickett Johnpicket001joh18874/30-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Pickett picket002---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Pierce Graciepierce001gra18875/2-9/17 UmpireInt ,
Piercy Andypiercy001and18872 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Piercy Andypiercy001and18872 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Pierson Davepierso002dav18877/- UmpireInt ,
Pike Lippike--001lip18877/18 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Pike Lippike--001lip18877/28 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Pike C.H.pike--002---18876/16-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Pike Charlespike--002cha18874/23-5/27 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Pinnell H.C.pinnel001h--18875/2-5/16 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Pipp Henrypipp--000h--188711 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Pipp pipp--000---18875 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Pitz Hermanpitz--001her18875/7-6/3 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Plummer Jamesplumme001jam18876/20-7/5 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Pluno 1887 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar18874/30-7/6 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar18877/13-8/11 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar1887 CrawfordsvilleIndependent Crawfordsville, IN
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar1887 NyackHudRiver Nyack, NY
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho18875/30-6/5 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho18876/27-7/15 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Pollard Thomaspollar002tho18875/21-3 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Pollard Thomaspollar002tho1887 Fort EdwardsIndependent Fort Edwards,
Pollard pollar002---18874/24-5/1 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Pope Arthurpope--001art18874/2-3 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre188731 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Porter Louisporter001lou18876/22-7/10 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Poth Georgepoth--001geo18875/2-5/9 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Poth Georgepoth--001geo18875/25-6/24 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Potter Georgepotter001geo18876/18-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Potter Georgepotter001geo18877/18-8/12 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18874/17-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Powell Jimpowell002jim18874/16-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Power Charlespowers002cha18875/3-6/24 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Power Charlespowers002cha18877/5-10/13 UmpireNW ,
Power Tompower-001tom18872 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Power Tompower-001tom188735 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Powers Philpowers001phi1887123 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Powers Patpowers001pat18874/3-9/30 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Powers 188734 g. CaliforniaCalif California, CA
Powers powers001---1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Pranter Fredprante001---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Prescott Williampresco001wil18875/21-6/17 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Price T.1887 Princeton Univ.College ,
Price T.1887 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Price Luther1887 Princeton Univ.College ,
Price Luther1887 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Price William1887 Princeton Univ.College ,
Price William1887 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Priest 1887 SkowheganAmat Skowhegan, ME
Prindiville prindi001---188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Pritchard George1887 Aberdeen NonpareilIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Proctor Jamesprocto003jam18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Proeser Georgeproese001geo18876/28-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Pujol Julespujol-001jul18874/17-9/13 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Punches S.W.punche000s--18877 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Purcell Joseph18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Purcell Joseph18873 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Purcell Joseph18875 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam18875/3-7/23 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, ON
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam18878/23-9/16 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Putnam Harryputnam001har18877/27-7/31 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha1887- 5/134 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha18875/19-10/9 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Quest Joequest-001joe1887- 6/429 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Quest Joequest-001joe18876/24-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Quick William18877/2-9/10 Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Quigley quigle009---188713 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Quinlan quinla008---1887 RocklandMe Rockland, ME
Quinn Jackquinn-001jac18874/30-7/20 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Quinn Joequinn-003jos18875/16-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Quinn William18872 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Quinn William18878/2-8/26 UmpireNW ,
Quinn Tomquinn-001tom18875/3-8/3 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Quinn Danielquinn-002dan18874/30-5/2 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Quinn Danielquinn-002dan18875/18-6/13 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Quinn Danielquinn-002dan18876/20 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Quinn P.quinn-002p--18875/14-6/13,7/4 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Quinn 18875/-9/28 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Quinn 1887 RocklandMeSt Rockland, ME
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau1887 Meriden ResolutesIndependent Meriden, CT
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau18877/16-9/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Quirk Jamesquirk-002jam1887 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Quitzow Vincyquitzo001vin18875 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Rademacher Johnrodema002joh18874/30-5/5 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Rademacher Johnrodema002joh1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Radford Frank1887 Philadelphia StoughtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Rafferty Jackraffer001joh18875/2-7/7 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Rafferty 18877/2-8/4 UmpireNE ,
Rainey Johnrainey001joh18875/2-8/20 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Rainey Johnrainey001joh18878/25 -17 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Ramsey Bud1887 Covington StarsIndependent Covington, KY
Ramsey Dick188710/3 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Ramsey ramsey002---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Randall randal003---18878/15 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Rankin George1887 Cincinnati BrownsNational Colored League Cincinnati, OH
Rathbone rathbo000---188710 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Ray Irvray---001irv18874/30-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Ray Irvray---001irv18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Ray Thomas1887 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Raymond Harryraymon002har18874/30-5/1 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Raymond Harryraymon002har18875/8-5/11 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Raymond 1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Raymond raymon002---18875/9-5/10 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Rea 188715 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Reagan reagan003---18878/23-8/26 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Reardon Jimmyreardo002jam18875/6-7/14 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Reardon Jimmyreardo002jam18877/20 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Reardon Jamesreardo001jam18874/30-5/23 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Reardon Jamesreardo001jam18876/11 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Reardon Jeremiahreardo001jer18875/1-7/23 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Reardon 188725 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Reccius Philrecciu002phi18878/25-9/21 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Reccius Frankrecciu001fra18874/30-6/9 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Redmond Lewredmon001lew18877 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Redmond A.18873 g. FINDPCL ,
Redmond 188716 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Redmond 1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Reed reed--040---18877/9 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Reed 1887 ClarionIndependent Clarion, PA
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici1887 Cincinnati ShamrocksIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici18874/16-8/2 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici18878/17-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Reese reese-001---18876/17 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Reeves Johnreeves003joh18874/24-7/4 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Reid Billyreid--001bil18874/30-5/7 UmpireInt ,
Reid reid--002---188721 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Reid 18878 g. Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Reidy Johnreidy-002joh18874/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Reilly Jimreilly001joe1887 NJACIndependent ,
Reilly Charliereilly003cha18874/15-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Reilly Charliereilly003cha18876/7-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Reilly James1887 NJACIndependent ,
Reilly James1887 New York ManhattanvilleIndependent New York, NY
Reilly Frank1887 New York AcmesIndependent New York, NY
Reilly Frank1887 OneidaIndependent Oneida, NY
Reilly Thomas1887 WestonElectLightAmat ,
Reinagle Johnreinag001joh18874/23-5/14 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Reinagle Johnreinag001joh18875/19-7/12 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Reinagle Johnreinag001joh1887 DecaturIndependent Decatur, IL
Reinagle Johnreinag001joh1887 BloomingtonIndependent Bloomington, IL
Reising Charliereisin001cha18874/21-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1887 AthleticsIndependent ,
Reiver reiver001---18878/6 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Remsen Jackremsen001jac18874/30-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Renfro Williamrenfro001wil18875/30-7/2 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Renner Louisrenner001lou18874/30-7/20 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Renner Louisrenner001lou18878/8 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Renner Louisrenner001lou18878/13-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Ress ress--000---188735 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Reust Samreust-001sam1887+7/1+ FrankfortIndependent Frankfort, KS
Reuts reuts-001---18878/8 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Reynolds Charliereynol006cha18874/25-7/6 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Reynolds Charliereynol006cha18877/7-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Reynolds Christyreynol003chr18875/2-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Rheims Frankrheims001fra188717 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Rhines Billyrhines001wil1887 RidgewayIndependent Ridgeway, PA
Rhodes Eugene18876/3 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Rhue Georgerhue--001geo18875/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Rhue 1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Rice rice--004---18878/19 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Richards Charles1887 UmpireWest ,
Richardson Arthurrichar001art18875/7-5/16 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Richardson richar007---18879 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Richmond Johnrichmo002joh18875/25-6/7 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Richter C.1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Rickerts ricker002---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Ricketts Philipricket001phi18874/18 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr18875/7-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr18877/23-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Ricks Napoleonricks-001nap18875/9-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Riddle Johnriddle005joh18875/21-10/1 Philadelphia WynnewoodPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Riley Williamriley-008wil18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Riley Williamriley-008wil18877/29 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Riley Williamriley-008wil18878/13-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Riley 1887+8/26+ DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Ringo Frankringo-001fra18874/23-9/20 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra1887 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, NC
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra18875/7-5/14 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Ripley 1887 Wilmington Wilmington, NC
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18874/19-4/22 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18875/11-5/30 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18876/23 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18877/6 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18877/19-9/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Roach Johnroach-003joh1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Roach Johnroach-003joh18875/14 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Roach Johnroach-003joh18876/21-6/28 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Roach Johnroach-003joh18878/18-9/24 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Roach Johnroach-005joh1887no g. HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Roberts Williamrobert018wil1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Roberts Calrobert001cal1887 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Roberts Calrobert001cal18876/1-7/14 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Roberts Carroll?1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Robertson Charleyrobert011cha18874/2-26 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Robinson Thomas1887 Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Robinson Fredrobins005fre18878/2-9/26 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Robinson Myersrobins001mye18874/23-6/3 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Robinson Myersrobins001mye18876/7-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Robinson 18877 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Roche Michael18874/30-9/ PresidentNW ,
Roche Williamroche-003wil18874/30-7/25 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Roche Williamroche-003wil18878/3-8/7 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Roche Danielroche-015---1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Roche 18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Rockwell Billyrockwe001elm1887 DavenportIndependent Davenport, IA
Rodman 1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Roecker Cliffordroecke001cli18874/30 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Roecker Cliffordroecke001cli18877/7 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Rogers Emmettrogers002emm18874/23-4/26 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Rogers Emmettrogers002emm1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Rogers Sid1887 Cincinnati BrownsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Rohrer Ulyssesrohrer002uly18874/21-8/10 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Roke roke--001---18877/11 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Rollins Patrollin001hen18874/30-7/5 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Rollins Patrollin001hen18877/11-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Ronan W.E.ronan-001w--18875/3-6/14 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Ronan W.E.ronan-001w--18876/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Ronezey roneze001---18875/27 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Rooks Georgerooks-001geo18874/30-10/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Roonan roonan001---18876/23 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Rorke Frank18875/21-10/7 Philadelphia PattonPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Rosbrugh H.E.rosbru001h--18875/13-5/18 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Rosbrugh H.E.rosbru001h--1887 NapponeeIndependent Napponee, OH
Roschie J. E.1887no g. Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Rose L. A.1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Ross Alexross--001ale1887 GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Rosseau Louisrossea001lou18875/29-6/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Rourke Billyrourke001wil18874/23-7/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Rourke Billyrourke001wil18877/16-8/3 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18874/30-6/8 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18876/15-9/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Routcliffe Philroutcl001phi18875/2-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Rowe Daverowe--001dav18874/23-9/25 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim1887-6/92 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim18876/29 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim1887 RidgewayMountain Ridgeway, PA
Roy Harveyroy---003---18875/11-5/12 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Rudderham Johnrudder000---1887 St. AlbansNortheastern League St. Albans, VT
Rundle rundle001---18876/28-7/8 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Rush rush--001---18875/17 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Russell J.russel003j--1887 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc18878/8 -8 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc1887 MarlboroIndependent Marlboro, MA
Ryan Jackryan--004jac18875/14-6/29 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Ryan Jackryan--004jac18879/30-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Ryan Jackryan--017joh18876/8-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Ryan Jackryan--004joh1887 DoverIndependent Dover, ME
Ryan Jackryan--004joh18872 g. BelfastMeSt Belfast, ME
Ryan Johnryan--020joh188742 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Ryan 18876/28-7/8 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Ryan 188714 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Ryder ryder-002---18877/6-9/5 MaloneNortheastern League Malone, NY
Ryn Dummyryn---001joh18875/16-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Sage Harrysage--001har18874/30-10/12 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Sales Edsales-001ed-18875/7-7/13 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Sales Edsales-001ed-18877/18-9/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Salisbury Harrysalisb001har18875/14-6/5 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Sanders Bensander002ben18876/11-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Sanders Bensander002ben18878/5-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Sanders W.sander001w--18878/8-9/19 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Santry Edwardsantry001edw188716 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Sauers J.sauers001j--18875/3 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Saunders 1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Sawhill Williamsawhil001wil1887 MiddletownIndependent Middletown, PA
Sawhill Williamsawhil001wil18875/3-5/27 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Saxenheimer Georgesaxenh001geo1887+6/18-7/2+ Philadelphia PerseveranceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Say Lousay---001lou18875/20-6/25 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Say Lousay---003---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Say Jimmysay---001jim18875/3-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Say Jimmysay---001jim1887-9/616 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Scanlan Mortscanla001mor188717 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Schappert Johnschapp001joh18875/26-5/30 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Schappert Johnschapp001joh1887 RidgewoodIndependent Ridgewood,
Scharringhausen Gussherin001j--1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Scharringhausen Gussherin001j--18877/26-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted1887 New York MetropolitansIndependent New York, NY
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted18875/16-9/16 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Schehr Jacob1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra18875/9-3 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra18876/12-10/13 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Schellhase Alschell001al-18875/3-9/29 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Schlehr Jacobschleh001jac1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Schlehr Jacobschleh001jac1887 Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie, NY
Schlief schlie002---18877/27 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Schneider Williamschnei005wil18874/28-5/5 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Schneider Williamschnei005wil18877/26-9/1 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Schnur Jakeschnur000jak188719 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Schnur Nicschnur000n--18877 g. Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Schoeneck Jumboschoen001jum18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Schomberg Ottoschomb001ott1887-7/14142 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Schriver Popschriv001wil18875/7-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Schriver Popschriv001wil18876/7-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Schroeder Louis18876/16-6/25 UmpireSo ,
Schultz Johnschult008joh18877/26-8/9 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Schwartz Billschwar001bil18875/2-8/1 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Schwartz Billschwar001bil1887 PeoriaIndependent Peoria, IL
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh18875/7-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh18877/18-8/4 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh18878/15-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Scott Miltscott-001mil18874/27-5/12 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Scott Miltscott-001mil18876/2-9/6 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Scott Frank1887 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Scott R.18876/31-? CanandaiguaCNYSt Canandaigua, NY
Scruton 1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Scudder Charliescudde001---18875/9-5/12 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Sears 18871 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Sears sears-003---1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Seering Fredseerin001fre1887 Philadelphia ShibeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Seering Fredseerin001fre18875/6-7/4 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Seering Fredseerin001fre18877/16-7/23 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Seering Fredseerin001fre18878/5-9/22 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Selden Williamseldon001wil18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Selden Williamseldon001wil1887 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Selden Williamseldon001wil1887-10/ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Selden Alexander1887no g. Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Selee Frankselee-001fra18874/30-10/13 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Selig 188719 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Sell J. W.18874/16-9/26 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Selna Charlesselna-001cha18879 g. StocktonPacific Coast League Stockton, CA
Serad Billyserad-001bil188722 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Seward Edseward001ed-1887-6/8175 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Sexton Tomsexton001tom18875/9-9/20 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Shafer Oratorshafer001ora18874/27-9/6 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Shafer Taylorshafer001tay18874/30-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Shaffer Johnshaffe001joh1887- 6/3013 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Shaffer Johnshaffe001joh18871 g. Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Shaffer Johnshaffe001joh1887 PhillipsburgMountain Phillipsburg, MT
Shanafer shanaf001---18875/2-5/3 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Shannon Danshanno004dan18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Shannon Danshanno004dan18877/14-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Shannon Jesseshanno001jes18876/23-9/5 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Shannon Josephshanno003jos18877/4-9/13 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Shannon shanno006---18875/30-6/19 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Sharp Pecksharp-001jim18879/22-10/10 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Sharpe Josephsharpe001jos18875/7-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Sharpe Josephsharpe001jos18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Shaughnessy Thomasshaugh001tho18874/26 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Shaughnessy shaugh002---188722 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Shaw Dupeeshaw--001dup18879/9-9/23 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Shaw Charlesshaw--001cha18874/30-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Shaw Johnshaw--008joh18874/30-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Shaw Samshaw--002sam18875/3-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Shay Elishay--001edw18874/30-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Shay Patrickshay--002pat18878/8-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Shay shay--003---18875/13-5/23 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Shea Josephshea--001jos18874/2-46 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Shea Mikeshea--001mik18874/20-4/26 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Shea Mikeshea--001mik18875/11-8/20 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
Shea Thomasshea--001tho18879/24 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Shea shea--027---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Sheehan Patricksheeha001pat18874/30-7/11 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Sheehan Patricksheeha001pat18877/12-8/31 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Sheldon 18872 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Shell Matthewshell-001mat18875/14-9/24 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Shenkel Williamshenke001wil18875/1-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Shepard sheppa001sam18875/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Sheppard 1887 NyackIndependent Nyack, NY
Sheppard/erd Alfredsheppa001alf18875/11-9/28 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18871 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac1887 UmpireCalif ,
Sherlock Jimmysherlo001jim1887 CrawfordsvilleIndependent Crawfordsville, IN
Sherman P.18875/21-8/27 Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Sherwin sherwi000---18874 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18876/2-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18878/9-9/17 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Shinnick Timshinni002tim18874/27-7/29 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Shoemaker 18876 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Shores Jamesshores001jam1887 Bloomington Bloomington,
Short Luke1887?-8/8 Arkansas CityKansas State League Arkansas City, KS
Shoup Johnshoupe001joh18875/7-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Shoup Johnshoupe001joh18876/7-8/22 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Showers A. B.18875/2-5/10 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Shreve Levshreve001lev18875/2-54 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Shugart Frankshugar001fra1887 DuboisIndependent Dubois, PA
Shumaker Johnshumak001joh18874/30 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Shutt Johnshutt-001joh18876/25-9/5 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Shutt Johnshutt-001joh18879/14 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Shutt Johnshutt-001joh18879/15-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Silch Edsilch-001ed-18874/21-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Simmons Joesimmon001joe18875/14-9/17 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Simmons J. R.1887 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Simmons J.R.simms-001j--18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Simmons simmon003---1887+6/25-7/19+ HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Simon Hanksimon-001hen18875/2-9/30 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Simon Hanksimon-001hen188710/7-3 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Simonin Georgesimoni001---18876/1 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Simonin Georgesimoni001---18878/30-10/4 UmpireSo ,
Simpleton E. J.1887 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Simpson James1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Simpson simpso001---1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Simpson simpso001---1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Sisler W.W.sisler001w--18876/17-6/27 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Sixsmith Edsixsmi001ed-18875/4-7/15 Utica Pent UpsInternational Association Utica, NY
Sixsmith Edsixsmi001ed-18877/26-8/17 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Sixsmith Edsixsmi001ed-1887-9/176 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Skinner Alskinne001al-18876/1-6/21 UmpireSo ,
Slattery Mikeslatte001mik18875/2-9/29 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Slosson William18875/23-8/20 Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Small Franksmall-002fra18874/29-9/24 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Smedley George18875/21-9/17 GermantownPhilAmat Germantown, PA
Smedley Philip18875/21-9/17 GermantownPhilAmat Germantown, PA
Smedley W.18876/4-8/20 GermantownPhilAmat Germantown, PA
Smiley smiley004---18877/27 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Smith George1887-7/312 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Smith Pacersmith-041cha1887no g. Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Smith Williamsmith-061wil1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Smith Williamsmith-061wil1887 ChampaignIndependent Champaign, IL
Smith Harrysmith-019har1887no g. Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Smith Harrysmith-019har1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Smith Johnsmith-043joh18874 g. San FranciscoPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Smith Johnsmith-043joh188740 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Hughsmith-004hug18875 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Smith Hughsmith-004hug188730 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Leosmith-007leo18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Smith Lewissmith-003l--18875/9-5/30 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Smith Edgarsmith-003edg18876/6-6/7 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Smith Ernestsmith-003ern18874/30-9/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Smith Harrysmith-024har1887 LansingIndependent Lansing, MI
Smith Harrysmith-028har18875/9-6/10 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Smith Johnsmith-014---1887 IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Smith Skyrocketsmith-001sky18874/21-10/2 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Smith Johnsmith-052joh18874/30-8/18 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Smith Billysmith-061wil18874/16-10/10 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Smith Fredsmith-016fre18874/16-10/8 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Smith James18871 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Smith James18872 g. OaklandPacific Coast League Oakland, CA
Smith Rexsmith-002rex18874/30-8/21 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Smith Babesmith-005b--18875/6-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Smith Ed18877/8-9/7 Philadelphia TiogaPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Smith Edsmith-014edw18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Smith Emilsmith-001emi1887 Buffalo ClippersIndependent Buffalo, NY
Smith F.18875/28-9/5 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Smith G.1887 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Smith George1887 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Smith J. A.1887no g. Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Smith Jamessmith-015---18875/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Smith Joseph18875/21-8/27 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Smith Judsmith-001jud1887no g. Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Smith Judsmith-001jud1887 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Smith L.J.smith-006l--1887 BurlingtonNortheastern League Burlington, VT
Smith M.A.smith-002m--18876/1 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Smith Nicholassmith-002nic18874/2-43 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith smith-029---1887 Vanderbilt U.College ,
Smith smith-029---18875/11 Nashville BluesSouthern League Nashville, TN
Smith smith-014---188729 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Smith smith-143---18877/7-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Smith smith-047---18877/1 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Smith smith-216---18877/1-9/17 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Smith smith-007---18877/14-8/22 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Smoot 18875/6 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Smurthwaite Bobsmurth001bob18875/2-6/29 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Smurthwaite Bobsmurth001bob18877/1-8/4 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Smurthwaite Bobsmurth001bob18878/9-8/26 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Sneed Johnsneed-002joh18874/16-6/2 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Sneed Johnsneed-002joh18876/15-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Snell 18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Snow snow--002---18876/30-7/4 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Snyder Benjaminsnyder003ben18876/2-9/15 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Snyder Benjaminsnyder003ben1887 Fall RiverIndependent Fall River, MA
Snyder Arthursnyder001a--1887 ChampaignIndependent Champaign, IL
Sommers Andysommer001pet18874/27-33 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Sommers Josephsommer001jos18874/16-5/28 SavannahSouthern League Savannah, GA
Sommers Josephsommer001jos18876/2-7/16 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Sommers Petesommer002pet1887preseason St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Sommers Petesommer002pet18878/7-9/24 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Sommers Petesommer002pet18875/4-5/5? Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Sowders Lensowder001len18874/30-9/26 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Sowders Billsowder001bil18874/30-10/10 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Sowders Johnsowder001joh18876/28 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Sowders Johnsowder001joh1887 ChampaignIndependent Champaign, IL
Spaulding Fredspauld001fre1887 MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Speck Johnspeck-001joh18875/2-5/11 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Speery speery001---1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Speidel Bernardspeide001ber18875/2-8/8 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Speidel Bernardspeide001ber18878/29-9/3 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Speidel Bernardspeide001ber18879/10-9/2? WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Spence Harryspence001har18874/29-7/9 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Spence spence004---18875/4-5/21 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Spill Frankspill-001fra18874/30-9/19 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Sprague Charliespragu001cha18875/2-7/29 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Sprague Charliespragu006---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Sprague Charliespragu001cha18879/17-3 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Sprague spragu003---188717 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Springer J.M.spring002j--188731 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Sproat Edsproat001ed-18874/27-10/1 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Stacey stacey002---18879/9-9/10 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Stafford Jamesstaffo001gen18875/1-5/24 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Stafford Jamesstaffo001gen18875/28-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Stafford Jamesstaffo006---188714 g. MaloneNortheastern League Malone, NY
Stagg Amos1887 Bergen PointIndependent Bergen Point, NJ
Stahr Frankstahr-001fra18876/18-10/8 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Stairs stairs001---18875/23-5/25 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Staley Harrystaley001har1887 DecaturIndependent Decatur, IL
Staley Harrystaley001har1887 BloomingtonIndependent Bloomington, IL
Staley staley002---1887 Philadelphia HighlandsAmat Philadelphia, PA
Staley staley002---18878/13-8/22 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Stallings Georgestalli002geo18875/22 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Stallings Georgestalli002geo18878/6-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Stalze Georgestalze001geo18874/30-7/29 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Stalze Georgestalze001geo18878/8-8/31 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Stalze Georgestalze001geo18879/5-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Stanard Williestanna001---18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Stanton M.1887 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Stanton M.1887 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Stapleton Edwardstaple002edw18875/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Stapleton 1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Stark Lee1887 Cincinnati BrownsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Starmand 1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Statzenberg statze001---18878/20-8/21 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Stearns Danstearn002dan18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Stearns Danstearn002dan188710/5-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Stecher F.18876/18 RiversideIndependent Riverside, NJ
Stecher Williamsteche001wil18876/18 RiversideIndependent Riverside, NJ
Steel Charlessteel-001cha1887 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Steele Landissteele001lan18875/2-5/28 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Steele steele016---18876/23 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Steen steen-002---18877/9 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Stein Fredstein-001fre18874/2-36 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Stein 1887 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Steiner Simmonssteine001sim18875/7-6/4 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Steiner Simmonssteine001sim18876/7-8/12 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Steiner Simmonssteine001sim18878/24-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Steinhelper steinh003---18876/28-7/16 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Steinhoff Russsteinh002rus1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Steinhoff Russsteinh002rus1887 Umpire ,
Stellberger Billstellb001bil18875/10 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Stellberger Billstellb001bil18875/30-6/11 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Stelne stelne000---188710 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Stenzel Jakestenze001jak18876/20-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18874/30-6/16 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18876/22-6/25 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18877/2-7/14 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18877/19-8/21 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Stephens Clarencestephe001cla1887 Cincinnati Riverside RedsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Stephens Benstephe001ben18876/27-8/4 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Sterling Robertsterli003rob1887 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Sterling Robertsterli003rob18877/1-9/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Stetson L.18875/30-6/2+ Grand ForksRedRiver Grand Forks, ND
Stevens Henrysteven001hen1887no g. Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Stevens Neal/Neil18875/21-9/17 Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stevenson 1887 Philadelphia ShibeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stewart James1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Stewart Josephstewar005---18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Stickney Richardstickn001ric1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Stickney Richardstickn001ric1887 Fort Smith IndiansSouthwestern League Fort Smith, AR
Stickney Willstickn001wil1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Stickney Robertstickn001rob1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Still Bobbystill-001bob18875/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Still Joe1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Stillberger W.1887no g. Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Stine Harrystine-001har18874/30-5/17 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Stine Harrystine-001har18876/2-7/16 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Stine Harrystine-001har18877/23-9/26 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Stine Harrystine-001har18878/26 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Stinson Charles1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Stivetts Jackstivet001jac18876/25-9/26 AshlandCentral Pennsylvania League Ashland, PA
Stockamp Williamstocka001wil18874/23-4/28 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Stockamp Williamstocka001wil1887 St. Louis Charter OaksIndependent St. Louis, MO
Stockwell Lenstockw001len18874/30-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Stoll S.stoll-001s--18877/15 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Stone Georgestone-005geo18875/9-8/27 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Stone stone-004---18878 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Stopps Charlesstopps001cha1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Stoutenburg Fredstoute002fre18874/30-7/14 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Stovey Georgestovey001geo18875/2-9/24 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Straub Joestraub001joe18875/3-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Straub Joestraub001joe18878/23-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Strauss Joestraus001joe18874/30-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Stricker Cubstrick001cub1887-9/29722 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Strickland D. H.1887-9/174 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Strief Georgestrief001geo18875/3-7/4 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY
Strief Georgestrief001geo18877/19-9/22 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Strike Johnstrike001joh18875/11-5/13 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Strike Johnstrike001joh1887-10/8 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Strothers Constroth001joh18874/30-5/7 Duluth FreezersNorthwestern League Duluth, MN
Strothers Constroth001joh18875/28-9/2 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Stroud Williamstroud001wil18874/30-? Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Struck Johnstruck001---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Strueve Alstruev001al-1887 Cincinnati ShamrocksIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Strueve Alstruev001al-18876/7-7/16 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Strunz W.V.strunz001w--1887 Adams RenfrosIndependent Adams, MA
Stuart Arthurstuart001art1887 Washington Washington, DC
Stuart Arthurstuart001art18876/13-8/17 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Stuart Arthurstuart001art1887 Rochester Rochester, NH
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18874/16-7/16 UmpireSo ,
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18878/13 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18878/17-9/8 UmpireSo ,
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18879/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18879/16-10/10 UmpireSo ,
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-1887-8/1714 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Sullivan Sleepersulliv001sle18875/9-5/30 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Sullivan Sleepersulliv001sle18876/7-9/13 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Sullivan Patsulliv002pat1887+8/13-8/26+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Sullivan Davesulliv006dav18875/17-9/4 UmpireNW ,
Sullivan Davesulliv006dav188714 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Sullivan Charliesulliv003cha18872 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Josephsulliv009jos18874/30-9/23 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv001mik18874/30-7/30 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Sullivan B.F.sulliv001b--18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Sullivan John18875/26 UmpireEast ,
Sullivan Tomsulliv001tom18874/23-10/2 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Sullivan Williamsulliv015wil1887 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Sullivan Martysulliv003mar18874/30-398 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Sullivan Williamsulliv009wil1887 Fall RiverIndependent Fall River, MA
Sullivan Williamsulliv009wil18877/2-9/2 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Sullivan Billsulliv002bil18879/4-9/17 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Sullivan Dave18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Sullivan P.J.sulliv000pj-188713 g. EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Sullivan 188710 g. Chicago DiamondsChicCity Chicago, IL
Sullivan sulliv005---18875/7 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
Sunday Artsunday001art18874/23-7/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Sunday Artsunday001art18878/11-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Sunn S.1887no g. Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Sutcliffe Elmersutcli001sy-18874/30-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Sutton 18875/5-6/23 UmpireInt ,
Swandell 1887 FlushingIndependent Flushing, NY
Swarback Billswarba001bil18877/9-7/12 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Swarback Billswarba001bil1887 FlushingIndependent Flushing, NY
Swartz swartz001---1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Swartzel Parkswartz001par18874/25-6/22 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Swartzel Parkswartz001par18876/28-9/24 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Sweeney Petesweene001pet18874/2-38 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Rooneysweene001roo18875/6-5/7 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Sweeney Rooneysweene001roo1887 Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Sweeney Charliesweene004cha1887-7/936 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Sweeney Tomsweene001tom18873 g. San Francisco DamianasPacific Coast League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Jerrysweene001jer18874/30-5/14 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Sweeney Jerrysweene001jer18875/23-6/21 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Sweeney Jamessweene008jam1887 NeillsvilleIndependent Neillsville,
Sweeney Jamessweene008jam18877/26 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Sweeney Jamessweene008jam1887 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Sweeney Jamessweene007jam18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Sweeney Jamessweene007jam18878/15-10/3 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Swift Albertswift-001alb18874/23-7/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Sworback Williamsworba000---1887 New York ReservesIndependent New York, NY
Sylvester Lousylves002lou18878/26-10/11 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Talbot John18876/7 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Taylor Live Oaktaylor001liv188744 g. San Francisco PioneersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18874/19-4/27 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18875/5 Mobile Swamp AngelsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18876/14-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18878/16 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18878/30-9/13 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18879/17 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18879/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Taylor H.C.taylor004h--18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal18876/11-7/19 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo18874/16-435 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Tebeau Patsytebeau001pat18874/21-9/17 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Tebeau Patsytebeau001pat18879/20-20 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Tebeau Altebeau002al-1887 Springfield IndiansSouthwestern League Springfield, MO
Tees R. Ellsworth1887 Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Telgau A.1887no g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Terrell Tomterrel001tom1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Terrien Edmundterrie001edm18874/30-9/17 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Terrill Winslowterril001win18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Thayer Edwardthayer001edw18874/29-9/23 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Thayer thayer004---18876/25-6/28 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Theissen T.theiss001t--18877/15 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Thing thing-000---18874 g. IoniaNorthern Michigan League Ionia, MI
Thomas Arthurthomas005art1887+5/6,-10/ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Thomas Jeromethomas007jer18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Thomas Fredthomas006fre18876/2-7/9 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Thomas J.thomas002jas18875/7-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Thomas Jerome1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Thompson F.W.thomps003f--1887no g. BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Thompson Marshall1887 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Thompson Williamthomps016wil18875/7-5/10 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Thompson 188711 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Thornton Charles1887 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Thorpe thorpe001---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Thorpe thorpe001---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Ticknor Johntickne001---18879/23-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Tiernan Miketierna001mik18874/30-1476 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Tischner tischn000---188712 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Titcomb Ledelltitcom001can18875/14-8/27 Jersey City SkeetersInternational Association Jersey City, NJ
Titcomb Ledelltitcom001can188738 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Tobias Johntobias002joh18878/17-9/8 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Toffling Georgetoffli001geo18874/29-9/24 Lowell MagiciansNew England League Lowell, MA
Tomlinson J.J.tomlin002j--18876/17 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Tomlison tomlis001---18876/23 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Tomney Philtomney001phi18875/3-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Tomney Philtomney001phi18878/23-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Toohey Edwardtoohey001edw18874/30-7/12 Lincoln Tree PlantersWestern League Lincoln, NE
Toohey Edwardtoohey001edw18879/17 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra1887 McKeesportAllegCo McKeesport, PA
Townsend Benjamintownse002ben18875/9-6/25 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Townsend Benjamintownse002ben18877/1-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Townsend Georgetownse002geo18875/9-6/15 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Townsend Georgetownse002geo18876/25-73 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Toy Jimtoy---001jim18874/20-109 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Toy 1887+9/3+ PalmyraIndependent Palmyra, NJ
Tracey tracey002---18875/5 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Tracy tracy-008---1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Traffley Billtraffl001bil18875/2-9/27 Toronto CanucksInternational Association Toronto, ON
Trask Charlestrask-001cha18874/30-9/19 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Tray Jimtray--001jim1887 HomerIndependent Homer, MI
Tray Jimtray--001jim18876/20-8/1 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Tray Edtray--001edw1887 HomerIndependent Homer, MI
Tray Edtray--001edw188728 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Treadway 1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Trott Samtrott-001sam1887-7/28116 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Troy Dashertroy--001das18874/30-7/20 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Troy Dashertroy--001das18877/25-9/16 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Truby Harrytruby-002har1887 DubuqueIndependent Dubuque, IA
Truby Harrytruby-002har1887 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
True Lontrue--001lon1887 Webb City StarsSouthwestern League Webb City, MO
Trusty Sheppard18874/11-5/6+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Trusty Sheppard1887 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Trusty Job1887 Philadelphia AdamsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Trusty Job1887 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Tucker Tommytucker003tho18874/16-1560 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Tuckerman Williamtucker006wil18875/2-6/22 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Tuckerman Williamtucker006wil18876/29-9/28 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam1887 Paterson BlossomsIndependent Paterson, NJ
Tureke 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Turley turley001---18876/24-7/1 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Turner turner044---18876/4-7/7 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Turner Frankturner002the1887 Amhearst Col.College ,
Turner Frankturner002the18877/6-7/25 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Turner Frankturner002the18877/27-9/21 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Turner Billyturner001bil18875/2-5/10 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Turner J.O.turner002j--18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Turner 18874/16- CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Turner 1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Turner 18875/28-24 g. CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Twineham Arttwineh002art1887 Bloomington Bloomington,
Tyng Jimtyng--001jim1887 Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Ukotter Josephukotte001jos18874/23-5/31 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Ukotter Josephukotte001jos18876/9-8/6+ WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Ukotter Josephukotte001jos1887 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Ukotter Josephukotte001jos1887+11/14+ AustinPost-season Austin, TX
Ulam ulam--001---18875/5-5/10 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Ullery Williamullery001wil1887 UmpireOhio ,
Umbach Willumbach001wil18879 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Unsworth unswor001---18877/2 ReadingPennsylvania State Association Reading, PA
Unsworth unswor001---18877/4 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Urquhart Henry18871 g. WaterlooCNYSt Waterloo, IA
Urquhart Henry1887-7/266 g. Seneca FallsCNYSt Seneca Falls, NY
Vaccero vaccer001---1887 Pine Bluff InfantsSouthwestern League Pine Bluff, AR
Vactor Johnvactor001joh18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen1887 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Vadeboncoeur Genevadeba000---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Vail 188716 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Valentine Johnvalent003joh1887-10/13184 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Vallee Howardvallee001how1887 Philadelphia Allen GraysIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Van Alstyne Hobartvanals001hob1887 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Van Court Eugenevancou001eug1887 UmpireCalif ,
Van Dyke Billvandyk001bil18874/30-10/11 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo18874/2-15 g. Oakland Greenhood & MoransCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo18876/27-126 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Van Zant Dickvanzan001dic18875/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Vance E.E.vance-000e--188731 g. Reed CityNorthern Michigan League Reed City, MI
Vaughn Farmervaughn001far18874/19-10/9 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Vaught J.C.vaught001j--18875/1 Springfield HorsemenEastern League Springfield, MA
Vaus vaus--001---18875/30 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18871 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18875/7-6/2 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18876/9-9/17 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Veach Harry1887no g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Viau Leeviau--001lee1887 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Viau Leeviau--001lee18874/30-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Virtue Jakevirtue001jak18875/2-5/12 Oswego StarchboxesInternational Association Oswego, NY
Virtue Jakevirtue001jak18875/20-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Virtue Jakevirtue001jak18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Virtue Jakevirtue001jak18872 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Visner Joevisner001joe18874/30-9/24 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Visner Frankvisner001fra1887no g. Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Visner Frankvisner001fra1887 Black River FallsIndependent Black River Falls, WI
Visner Frankvisner001fra1887+7/23-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Visner O.S.visner001o--18874/30-6/18 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Visner O.S.visner001o--18879/5 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Visner O.S.visner001o--18879/24-10/4 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Voegtle Philipvoetle001---1887 Coal CreeksIndependent ,
Vogel James H.vogel-001jak1887no g. Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Voorhees Carlvoorhe001car18875/7 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Voss Alexvoss--001ale18874/21-9/9 DenverWestern League Denver, CO
Walker Fleetwalker001fle18874/30-9/26 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Walker Georgewalker002geo18877/12-7/18 MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Walker Georgewalker002geo18877/19-8/19 MontpelierNortheastern League Montpelier, VT
Walker Georgewalker002geo18878/31-10/20 LaconiaIndependent Laconia, NH
Walker Weldaywalker001wel18875/11-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Walker Weldaywalker001wel18878/24-8/30 Akron AcornsOhio State League Akron, OH
Walker Con1887 FargoRedRivVal Fargo, ND
Walker Harrywalker001---1887 LaPorteIndependent LaPorte, IN
Walker R.A.walker002r--18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Walker 18877 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Wallace Billy1887 Augusta FlowersIndependent Augusta, GA
Walsh Johnwalsh-014joh18875/20-7/9 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Walsh Mickeywalsh-005mic18875/2-9/26 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Walsh Joewalsh-002joe18874/23-9/30 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Walsh G.E.walsh-002g--18875/24-6/14 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Walsh Joseph18875/6 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Walsh Joseph18876/8-6/10 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Ward Piggyward--002fra18875/7-5/17 JohnstownPennsylvania State Association Johnstown, PA
Ward Piggyward--002fra18877/15-10/4 Shamokin MaroonsCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Ward Thomasward--001t--18876/25-9/17 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA
Ware J.E.ware--001j--1887 Louisville Larry GatesIndependent Louisville, KY
Ware ware--001---18875/10-5/11 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Ware ware--002---1887 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Ware ware--002---18876/1-8/29 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Warner Edwardwarner003edw18875/3-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Warner Alwarner002al-18875/7-6/3 Scranton MinersPennsylvania State Association Scranton, PA
Warner Alwarner002al-18876/22-7/14 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Warner Alwarner002al-18877/19-8/6 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsInternational Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Warthman Thomaswartma001---1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Warthman Thomaswarthm001tho1887 Galveston Island CitiesSemi-pro Galveston, TX
Waters George1887 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Watson Arthurwatson004art18875/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Watson Walterwatson001mot18875/19-5/27 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Watts Docwatts-004---1887-88 Drake Univ.College ,
Watts 1887 RockfordIndependent Rockford, IL
Weaver Farmerweaver001far1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Weaver Farmerweaver001far18878/12-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Weaver S.D.weaver001s--18875/7-7/20 BradfordPennsylvania State Association Bradford, PA
Webber H.webber001h--1887no g. St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Webber Harrywebber002har1887 Cedar Rapids NewtonsIndependent Cedar Rapids, IA
Webber Peterwebber002pet18876/2-10/10 Birmingham IronmakersSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Weber weber-002---18875/3-7/1 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Webster A. G.?18878/22-9/3 UmpireWest ,
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18875/9-6/18 New Haven BluesEastern League New Haven, CT
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18876/24-6/29 Hartford Dark BluesEastern League Hartford, CT
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18878/31-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Weden Charles18874/30-6/7 UmpireNE ,
Wehrle Adolph1887 ,
Wehrle Williamwehrle002wil18874/21-9/24 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Weidensaul Charlesweiden002cha18876/24-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Weidensaul Harryweiden001har18876/24-9/20 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Weikart Frankweiker001fra1887 Hot Springs BluesSouthwestern League Hot Springs, AR
Weir Hughweir--001hug18875/5-7/30 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Weir Hughweir--001hug18878/26-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Weiss 188719 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Weissrock weissr001---18878/29 LaCrosse FreezersNorthwestern League LaCrosse, WI
Welch Patrickwelch-003pat18875/30-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
Welch Tubwelch-001tub18874/23-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Welch Tubwelch-001tub18877/26-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Welch Larrywelch-001lar18874/21-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Wells Frankwells-002fra18874/30-10/12 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Wells Jakewells-001jak18874/18-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Welsh Patrickwelsh-001pat18875/2-9/2 Zanesville KickapoosOhio State League Zanesville, OH
Welsh Patrickwelsh-001pat18879/5-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
Welsh 1887 Little Rock GiantsSouthwestern League Little Rock, AR
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac18878/13-9/9 Emporia RedsWestern League Emporia, KS
Werden Perrywerden001per18874/25-9/6 TopekaWestern League Topeka, KS
Werden Perrywerden001per18879/22-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Werrick Frank18875/30-8/27+ FargoRedRiver Fargo, ND
West Buckwest--001buc18875/3-7/26 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
West Buckwest--001buc18878/5-8/6 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
West Buckwest--001buc18878/7-9/26 Columbus BuckeyesOhio State League Columbus, OH
West Edward18878/2 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Westlake Bobwestla001rob18875/2-9/23 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Westlake Georgewestla002geo18875/2-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Wetzel W. S.?1887 Philadelphia ShibeIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Wetzel W. S.?18872 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Wetzell Georgewetzel001sho18875/7-6/7 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsPennsylvania State Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug18875/2 -358 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Weyman J. B.1887 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Whalen Johnwhalen003joh188719 g.  EvartNorthern Michigan League Evart, MI
Whalen Johnwhalen003joh18879/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Whartenby Alfredwharte001alf18875/20-6/18 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Wheeler Harrywheele002har18874/30-9/13 Waterbury Brass CitysEastern League Waterbury, CT
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob18875/19 -48 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Whelan Johnwhelan001joh18879/2-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Whelan 18875 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew188721 g. WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew18877/28-9/5 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Whitaker H.W.whitak001h--1887 PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Whitaker H.W.whitak001h--1887no g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Whitaker whitak001---18876/17-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
White Willwhite-019wil1887-88 ,
White Joewhite-001joe18874/23-7/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
White Joewhite-001joe18877/13-7/16 Kansas City CowboysWestern League Kansas City, MO
White M.white-003m--18875/6-5/10 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
White A. E.1887 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
White Davywhite-001dav1887 New York SlyvansIndependent New York, NY
White Davywhite-001dav18875/25-6/6 Danbury HattersEastern League Danbury, CT
White Elijah1887 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
White J.white-007j--18878/5-8/8 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
White R. W.1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
White Solwhite-001kin18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
White Solwhite-001kin1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
White Solwhite-001kin18877/1-9/26 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Whitehead Miltwhiteh001mil18874/23-7/4 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Whitehead Miltwhiteh001mil18877/7-9/25 Hastings HustlersWestern League Hastings, NE
Whiteley Guerdonwhitel001gue18874/30-10/13 Des Moines HawkeyesNorthwestern League Des Moines, IA
Whiting Edwhitin001ed-1887 OgdensburgIndependent Ogdensburg, NY
Whiting 1887 Philadelphia KensingtonAmat Philadelphia, PA
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha18875/3-5/9 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha18876/20-6/30 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Whyte Billywhyte-000bil1887+5/6-10/ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Widner Wild Billwidner001wil18876/8 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Widner Wild Billwidner001wil18878/27-10/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Wiedman Andrewweidma001and1887 KingstonIndependent Kingston, NY
Wiegraffe Fredwiegra001fre18874/18 Memphis BrownsSouthern League Memphis, TN
Wiegraffe Fredwiegra001fre18871 g. WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Wiegraffe Fredwiegra001fre18875/10-6/28 St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Wilcox J. H.1887no g. St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Wilcox wilcox007---18875/21 Lawrence/SalemNew England League Lawrence, MA
Wiley L.1887 WichitaKansas State League Wichita, KS
Wilkinson W. W.1887 Aberdeen NonpareilIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Williams Arthurwillia004art18874/29-6/1 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Williams Arthurwillia004art18876/13-7/2 UmpireNE ,
Williams Clarencewillia010cla1887+5/6-10/ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Williams Washwillia001was18875/2-7/25 Manchester FarmersNew England League Manchester, NH
Williams Jimmywillia004jim1887-7/15197 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Williams Charleswillia015cha18874/16-10/10 Charleston QuakersSouthern League Charleston, SC
Williams Edwardwillia013edw18875/9-7/4 Allentown Peanut EatersPennsylvania State Association Allentown, PA
Williams Edwardwillia013edw18877/27 Mahanoy CityCentral Pennsylvania League Mahanoy City, PA
Williams Edwardwillia013edw18878/6-8/19 Binghamton CricketsInternational Association Binghamton, NY
Williams Edwardwillia013edw18878/23-9/27 Scranton MinersInternational Association Scranton, PA
Williams Georgewillia008geo1887+5/6-8/23+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Williams Owenwillia001owe18874/30-10/9 Milwaukee Cream CitysNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Williams Charleswillia016cha18875/7 Boston ResolutesNational Colored Baseball League Boston, MA
Williams E. J.1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Williams Nelson1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Williams Percy1887 El PasoSW? El Paso, TX
Williams Ward1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Williams William18877/8 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Williams willia240---18878/20 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Williams willia231---18878/23-9/7 MinersvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Minersville, PA
Willis Charleswillis005cha18875/3-9/22 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Willis Charleswillis005cha18879/28-10/11 Eau ClaireNorthwestern League Eau Claire, WI
Willis S.willis001s--18875/9-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Willis 18875/9-5/16 New York GorhamsNational Colored Baseball League New York, NY
Wills Thomas18875/2-6/14 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal18874/30-10/11 St. Paul SaintsNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Wilson John18874/29-5/17 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Wilson John18875/19-6/23 UmpirePaSt ,
Wilson Tugwilson001tug18874/30-7/4 Bridgeport GiantsEastern League Bridgeport, CT
Wilson Tugwilson001tug18877/11-10/11 OshkoshNorthwestern League Oshkosh, WI
Wilson Williamwilson034wil18877/8 Lynn LionsNew England League Lynn, MA
Wilson Albinwilson002alb18874/30-5/17 Boston Blues/HaverhillNew England League Boston, MA
Wilson Bertwilson004ber18874/23-5/12 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Wilson Bertwilson004ber18877/26-7/28 Wichita BravesWestern League Wichita, KS
Wilson Billwilson003bil1887 What Cheer What Cheer, IA
Wilson C.C.wilson006c--188733 g. GreenvilleNorthern Michigan League Greenville, MI
Wilson Frankwilson006fra1887-90 Williams Col.College ,
Wilson Jimwilson007j--18875/9-5/19 Lord BaltimoresNational Colored Baseball League Baltimore, MD
Wilson Joseph1887 Washington Capital CityIndependent Washington, DC
Wilson Williamwilson035wil18875/6-5/19 Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Wilson wilson124---18877/6 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Wilson wilson009---18877/7-9/17 DanvilleCentral Pennsylvania League Danville, PA
Wilson 1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Winkelman Georgewinkel001geo18875/2-10/11 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Winkler M. I.18874/16-9/21 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Winston Michael18875/16-6/2 UmpireNE ,
Wise Nickwise--002nic18875/3-5/7 Salem FairiesNew England League Salem, MA
Wiseman Charles1887 Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Wiswell Edwiswel001ed-188727 g. Big RapidsNorthern Michigan League Big Rapids, MI
Woehrlin Oscarwoerli001joe1887 St. LouisIndependent St. Louis, MO
Wood Petewood--001pet18875/4-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Wood Williamwood--012wil18875/7-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Wood Williamwood--012wil18878/9-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Wood J. M.1887 WellingtonKansas State League Wellington, KS
Woodbury woodbu003---1887 RutlandNortheastern League Rutland, VT
Woods A. S.18875/?-5/21 Steubenville StubsOhio State League Steubenville, OH
Woods Williamwood--013wil18875/9-5/16 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Woods William1887 Philadelphia PythiansNational Colored Baseball League Philadelphia, PA
Woods woods-004---18875/9 Louisville Falls CityNational Colored Baseball League Louisville, KY
Woodworth 18872 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Wright Rastywright001ras18875/2-9/30 Hamilton HamsInternational Association Hamilton, ON
Wright J.E.wright004j--18875/24-5/25 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Wright J.E.wright004j--18876/30 WheelingOhio State League Wheeling, WV
Wright George1887 NoEast ,
Wright Hiramwright001bil18879/16 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Wright Patwright003pat1887 Newark Little GiantsInternational Association Newark, NJ
Wright wright017---18877/13 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Wrightson Robertwright009rob1887 Arkansas CityKansas State League Arkansas City, KS
Wylie L. L.1887no g. St. Joseph RedsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Yaik Henryyaik--001hen18875/17-9/28 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen1887 Philadelphia TiogaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen1887+6/11+ Philadelphia Young AmericansIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Yeagle Jackyeagle001joh18875/2-6/13 Sandusky Suds/Sands/MaroonsOhio State League Sandusky, OH
Yetter C.1887 WatertownIndependent Watertown, SD
Yingling Charlesyingli001cha18875/5-5/10 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
Yingling Charlesyingli001cha1887+8/26+ RochesterIndependent Rochester, NH
Yingling Joeyingli001joe18875/5-7/5 HaverhillNew England League Haverhill, MA
York Billy18878 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Young Benyoung-002ben1887-7/35 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Young Benyoung-002ben18877/7-10/2 UmpireWest ,
Young Georgeyoung-003geo18876/24-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Young H.B.young-002h--18876/18-7/23 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Young J.B.young-001jb-18876/24-9/26 Mount CarmelCentral Pennsylvania League Mount Carmel, PA
Young R.young-003r--18877/12-7/13 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Young 18876/26-7/7 LewistownPaSt Lewistown, PA
Young young-029---18877/8 Leavenworth SoldiersWestern League Leavenworth, KS
Zecher Williamzecher001wil18875/7-7/20 AltoonaPennsylvania State Association Altoona, PA
Zecher Williamzecher001wil18878/4-9/21 CantonOhio State League Canton, OH
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi18878 g. Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi18877/1-7/18 SunburyCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi18877/29-9/19 MansfieldOhio State League Mansfield, OH
Zell Harryzell--001har18875/3-7/19 Buffalo BisonsInternational Association Buffalo, NY
Zell Harryzell--001har18878/15-9/28 Kalamazoo KazoosOhio State League Kalamazoo, MI
Zepp 18877/2-10/3 Philadelphia TiogaPhilAmat Philadelphia, PA
Ziegler/Zei George J.?188713 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha18875/4-9/3 Rochester MaroonsInternational Association Rochester, NY
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha1887957 g. ClevelandAmerican Association Cleveland, OH
Zimmer 188718 g. ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Zimmerman George1887no g. Pittsburgh KeystonesNational Colored Baseball League Pittsburgh, PA
Zinn Frankzinn--001fra18875/10-7/16 Williamsport Lumber CitysPennsylvania State Association Williamsport, PA
Zinn Frankzinn--001fra18877/26-10/4 HazletonCentral Pennsylvania League Hazleton, PA