Searching for player P22639
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Player ID P22639
Alex McKinnon
BBRefID: mckinal01
BBRefID minors: mckinn001ale
Records: All records for P22639

NameYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location Record #
McKinnon Alex1874 Boston StarsIndependent Boston, MA R88354
McKinnon Alex187662 g. Syracuse StarsIndependent Syracuse, NY R88355
McKinnon Alex18774/23-10/6 Syracuse StarLeague Alliance Syracuse, NY R88356
McKinnon Alex18784/16-9/14 Syracuse StarsInternational Association Syracuse, NY R88357
McKinnon Alex18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY R88358
McKinnon Alex18795/16-6/14 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY R88359
McKinnon Alex188020 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA R88360
McKinnon Alex18845/1-386 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY R88361