Searching for records from 1884
There are 2665 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbott Edwardabbott002edw18846/9 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Abbott Frankabbott003fra18845/3-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Aber Georgeaber--001geo18845/3-7/18 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Adams Henry1884 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Adams Perry1884 RaleighIndependent Raleigh, NC
Adams T.R.adams-001t--18845/21-6/7 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Adler 188410/10-10/11 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Agan Arthuragan--001art1884 Fayetteville BrownsIndependent Fayetteville,
Ake Johnake---001joh18845/12-7/15 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Albert 1884 Allentown ReservesIndependent Allentown, PA
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18845/1-6 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18846/16-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18848/8-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18845/1-9/17 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Alexander Ninalexan001nin1884 St. JosephIndependent St. Joseph, MO
Alexander Ninalexan001nin18846/7-9/3 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Alexander 1884 PottsvilleIndependent Pottsville, PA
Allen Myronallen-001myr18842 g. Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Allen Hezekiahallen-001hez18845/16 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Allen Jno.1884 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Allison Jamesalliso005jam1884 L.I.-SkelleysS.Pro ,
Allman Davidallman001dav18845/14-9/20 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Althouse Howell1884 PottsvilleIndependent Pottsville, PA
Alvord Billyalvord001bil1884 Amherst CollegeCollege ,
Alvord Billyalvord001bil18843/1-4/3111 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Alvord Billyalvord001bil1884-6/22 VincennesIndependent Vincennes, IN
Andrews Edandrew001ed-18845/1-774 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Andrews Wallyandrew002wal18845/22-14 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Andrus Fredandrus001fre18847/4 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym1884 U.of Toronto MedIndependent ,
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym18843/1-6/232 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym18846/16-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym188410/4 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Annis Billannis-001bil18845/1-8/8 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Annis Billannis-001bil18845/17-8/19 BostonMass Boston, MA
Annis Billannis-001bil1884 PortlandIndependent Portland, ME
App Ed1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Ardner Joeardner001joe18845/1-26 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Ardner Joeardner001joe18848/- SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Armbruster Danarmbru001dan18847 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Armstrong Samuel1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Arnold Jackarnold001jac18847 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Arundel Harryarunde001har1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Arundel Harryarunde001har1884+5/14-6/4 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Arundel Harryarunde001har1884+6/27+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Arundel Harryarunde001har18847/18 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Arundel Harryarunde001har1884 JanesvilleIndependent Janesville, WI
Arundel Harryarunde001har18848/1-8/29 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Arundel Harryarunde001har188410/10 ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Arundel Tugarunde001tug18845/1-6/12 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Arundel Tugarunde001tug18847/1-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Arundel Tugarunde001tug188415 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Atherton athert001---18846/6-6/21 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Atkinson Alatkins001al-18845/1-22 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Atkinson Alatkins001al-18847/22 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Atkinson Alatkins001al-18847/23-24 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Avery Williamavery-002wil1884 Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Avery Williamavery-002wil1884+6/4+ YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Avery Williamavery-002wil18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak18845/15-12 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Ayers Harryayers-001har18847/10-7/11 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Backer Georgebacker001geo1884 Mansfield RegularsIndependent Mansfield, PA
Bagley Edbagley001ed-18845/3-33 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bagley Genebegley001gen1884 Long Island StarsIndependent Long Island, NY
Bahret Frankbahret001fra18844/17-4/22 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Bailey William1884 Philadelphia SommerIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bailey William18846/9- PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Baker Georgebaker-007geo188480 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Baker Charliebaker-007cha18845/3-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Baker Charliebaker-007cha18848/1-8/27 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Baker Lewisbaker-001lew1884 Atlantic City August FlowersIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Baker Lewisbaker-001lew18845/2?-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Baker Normbaker-001nor18845/5-8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Baker Normbaker-001nor1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Baker Normbaker-001nor1884 Nashville Nashville, TN
Baker Williambaker-002w--1884 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Baker baker-001---1884+5/14-6/2+ YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Bakley Jerseybakely001jer1884 Philadelphia WhartonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bakley Jerseybakely001jer188446 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Baldwin Ladybaldwi001lad18845/2-9/6 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Baldwin Ladybaldwi001lad18849/30 -7 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Baldwin Kidbaldwi001kid18845/2-7/26 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Baldwin Kidbaldwi001kid18847/27-441 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Balsey Georgebalsey001geo1884+6/19-7/28+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Bancker Studsbancke001stu1884 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bandle Frankbandle002fra1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Barber Charliebarber001cha18844/17-8/10 CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Barber Charliebarber001cha1884 Camden MerrittsIndependent Camden, NJ
Barber Claybarber001cla1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Barclay Williambarcla001wil1884 TroyIndependent Troy, NY
Barker Albarker001al-1884 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Barklay Williambarkla001wil1884 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Barkley Sambarkle001sam18845/1-7/12537 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Barkley T.J.barkle001t--18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Barnes Billbarnes001bil18845/1-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Barnes Billbarnes001bil18849/27-10/13 St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Barnfather Jamesbarnfa001jam1884 Hamiton BaysidesIndependent Hamiton, ON
Barnie Billybarnie001bil1884218 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Barnitz J.C.barnit001j--1884+5/19+ LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Barrett Thomasbarret005tho18845/1-7/5 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Barrett Thomasbarret005tho18847/31-8/1 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Barrett Thomasbarret005tho18848/9-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Barrett Martybarret003mar18845/1-8/9 Boston BluesMass Boston, MA
Barrett Martybarret003mar18846/24-10/15 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Barry Jamesbarry-003jam18845/3-6/28 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Barry Matthewbarry-002mat18845/3-7/5 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Barry Matthewbarry-002mat18847/17-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Barry Matthewbarry-002mat18847/23-9/10 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Barth barth-002---18845/1-6/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Barton barton007---18845/10-5/17 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Bassett Charleybasset001cha18847/22-10/15917g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Bastian Charliebastia001cha18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Bastian Charliebastia001cha18848/18-28 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Bateman batema003---18845/10-5/24 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Bateman batema003---18846/28-7/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Bauer Albauer-001al-1884 Chillicothe LogansOhio State League Chillicothe, OH
Bauer Albauer-001al-18849/22-3 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Baxter Jamesbaxter004jam1884 RISt ,
Beach Jackbeach-001jac18845/1-6/12 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Beadle Davebeadle001dav1884 New York MonitorIndependent New York, NY
Beadle Davebeadle001dav18846/17 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Beadle Davebeadle001dav1884+9/16+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Beard Olliebeard-001oll1884 EdwardsvilleIndependent Edwardsville, IL
Beard Olliebeard-001oll18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Beard Olliebeard-001oll1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Beard beard-002---1884+5/12-5/16+ YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Beatty Walter1884 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Becannon Buckbecann001buc18845/3-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Becannon Buckbecann001buc188410/11 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Becannon Buckbecann001buc188410/15 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Beck Frankbeck--001fra18845/2-3 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Beck Frankbeck--001fra18847/22-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Beck Frankbeck--001fra1884-9/185 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Beck Jamesbeck--004jam1884+5/12-5/21+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Beck beck--012---18845/26+ ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Bedell Oscarbedell001osc18841 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bedell Oscarbedell001osc18842 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-1884+7/18+ Hart-FootGuardsCtMili ,
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-18849/6-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Beecher J.1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Beecher Jessebeeche001jes1884 Hart-FootGuardsCTMilitary ,
Beecher Jessebeeche001jes18845/30 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Beecher Jessebeeche001jes18846/7-9/25 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Behel Stevebehel-001ste18845/1-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Behel Stevebehel-001ste18849/27-9 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Bell Frankbell--001fra1884no g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Bell Frankbell--001fra1884 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Bell Johnbell--004joh18845/1-5/10 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Bell Johnbell--004joh18845/22-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Benners Ikebenner001ike18845/1-9/3 BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Bennett Eddiebennet001edd18848 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bennett Philbennet001phi18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bennett 1884 DanvilleIndependent Danville, VA
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra1884 Philadelphia BurlingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra18845/2 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra1884 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra18847/4-7/12 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Berry Charlieberry-003cha18844/30-8/27 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Berry John18845/24 exh. Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Bertwhistle Fredbertwh001fre18845/27 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Bertwhistle Fredbertwh001fre18846/5 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Betz Williambetz--001wil1884 Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Betz Williambetz--001wil18846/4-6/5+ YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Betz Williambetz--001wil18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Bickerton Johnbicker001joh18848/2 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Bickham Danbickha001dan1884-86 Princeton Univ.College ,
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Bigelow Conniebigelo001con18845 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bigelow Conniebigelo001con1884no g. Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Bignell Georgebignel001geo1884 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Bignell Georgebignel001geo1884 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Bignell Georgebignel001geo18849/27-10/5 MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Birkett 1884 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Bishop Frankbishop001fra18845/27-5/30 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Bitner Ed1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Bittmann Redbittma001red1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Bittmann Redbittma001red1884 AtlantaGeorgia State League Atlanta, GA
Black Bobblack-002bob18845/2-8/8 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Black Bobblack-002bob18848/19-10/19 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Blackmore Jim1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Blair Billblair-001bil18845/7-7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Blair Billblair-001bil1884+9/7+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Blaisdell Dickblaisd001dic18845/3-7/5 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Blaisdell Dickblaisd001dic18847/9-7/14 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Blakiston Bobblakis001bob188432 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Blakiston Bobblakis001bob18848/12-9/10 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Blakiston Bobblakis001bob1884- 10/156 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Blogg Wesblogg-001wes1884-6/ Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Blogg Wesblogg-001wes1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Boardman Albertboardm002alb18845/3-6/17 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Bohannon Josephbohann001jos18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Bohn Charliebohn--001cha1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Bollas 1884 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Bond Tommybond--001tom1884-8/1144 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Bond Tommybond--001tom18841 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Bongerz Philip1884 MichiganIndependent Michigan, MI
Bongerz Philip1884-90 UmpireCent ,
Bonney bonney001---18847/14-7/15 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Booth Amosbooth-001amo18845/- HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Booth Samuelbooth-001sam18846/28-7/9 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Booth Samuelbooth-001sam1884 New MilfordIndependent New Milford, CT
Bowen Edwardbowen-001edw18847/4-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Bowen Edwardbowen-001edw18847/31 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Bowers Williambowers002wil18845/21-5/30 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Bowers bowers003---1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Boyle Henryboyle-001hen18845/1-7/5 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Boyle Henryboyle-001hen18847/9-10/2291 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Boyle Williamboyle-001wil18845/5-8/ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Brackett Georgebracke001geo18845/1-8/17 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Bradford A.J.bradfo001a--1884 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Bradley Georgebradle002geo18847/4 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Bradley Foghornbradle001fog18846/7-7/9 UmpireEast ,
Bradley Albradle001al-18845/21 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Bradley Nickbradle002nic18845/1-5/12 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Bradley Nickbradle002nic18845/22-9/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Bradley M.J.bradle001m--18845/2-7/26 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Bradley M.J.bradle001m--18848/19-8/28 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Bradley Michaelbradle004mic18845/10-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Bradley bradle032---18846/3-6/16+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Brady Jacksonbrady-002jac1884 Hart.-MilitaryCTMilitary ,
Brady Jacksonbrady-002jac18846/24-8/2 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Brady T.brady-001t--1884 HillyerGuardIndependent ,
Brady T.brady-001t--18848/27 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Brady T.brady-001t--18849/10 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Brady J. E.1884no g. Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Breitenstein Alonzobreite001alo1884 Metropolitans ,
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18841 g. St. Louis Union ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18844/20-56 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Brennan Jamesbrenna007jam18847/10 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Brennan Jamesbrenna007jam1884 Lawrence CometsIndependent Lawrence, MA
Brennan John18845/1-54 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18845/3-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18847/31-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Bresnahan bresna001---18847/4 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18845/2-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18845/22-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18847/16-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Briggs Charliebriggs002cha18845/2-8/5 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Brigham C. Waldo18845/3-6/9 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Brigham Sinclairbrigha001sin1884 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Brill Frankbrill-001fra18846/23-8/8 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Broman Hughbroman001hug1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Brooks Henrybrooks002hen1884 Philadelphia WhartonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Brooks Henrybrooks002hen1884 Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Brooks Henrybrooks002hen1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Brosnan Timothybrosna001tim18845/2-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Brosnan Timothybrosna001tim18848/27-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Broughton Calbrough001cal188411 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Broughton Calbrough001cal18845/2-9/6 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Brouthers Jimbrouth001jam18845/1-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Brower C.D.brower001c--18845/1-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Brower C.D.brower001c--18848/21-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Brown Edbrown-002ed-1884-6/3042 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Brown Edbrown-002ed-18846/18-7/8 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Brown Edbrown-002ed-18847/10-7/23 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Brown Edbrown-002ed-1884-10/13 St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Brown Tombrown-012tho1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Brown Jimbrown-003jim18844/17-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Brown Jimbrown-003jim1884 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Brown Jimbrown-003jim1884 Altoona BrownsWIntSt Altoona, PA
Brown Joebrown-004joe18845/2-8/1 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Brown Joebrown-004joe18848/16-15 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Brown Dennisbrown-002den18845/7-5/16 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Brown G.brown-003g--18847/4 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Brown Jack18845/1-6/222 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Brown S.R.brown-002s--18846/4-8/15 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Brownlee T.P.brownl001t--18845/20-8/8 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Brucker brucke001---18845/29-5/30+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Bryan Willbryan-004wil18847/30-8/2 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Bryant C.bryant001c--18847/15-7/18 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Buchtel Joe1884 ,
Buckenberger Albucken001al-1884 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Buckenberger Albucken001al-18846/2-6/19 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Buckenberger Albucken001al-1884 Detroit CassIndependent Detroit, MI
Buckley Tombuckle001tom18848 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic1884 TroyAmat Troy, NY
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic1884 Pittsburgh AthleticsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic1884+5/15-6/25+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Buell buell-001---18846/21 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Buell buell-001---18849/4 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Buker Henrybuker-001hen18845/2-5/12 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Buker Henrybuker-001hen18846/11-30 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Bullas Simbullas001sim18845/2-13 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Bullas Simbullas001sim1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Burch Ernieburch-001ern18845/2-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Burch Ernieburch-001ern18848/15-32 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Burkalow Ike1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Burke Johnburke-011joh18845/3-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Burke Johnburke-010joh18845/3-10/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Burke Johnburke-011joh1884 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Burke Williamburke-002w--1884no g. Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Burke Danburke-001dan1884 WhitmanIndependent Whitman, MA
Burke James1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Burket Harlanburket001har1884 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Burnham burnha002---18845/31 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Burnham burnha002---1884+7/18+ Hart-FootGuardsCtMilitary ,
Burnham Frankburnha001fra1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Burnham Walterburnha002wal1884 PortlandIndependent Portland, ME
Burns Thomasburns-001oys18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Burns Thomasburns-001oys18848/18-2 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Burns Thomasburns-001oys188435 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Burns Dickburns-001dic188440 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Burns Dickburns-001dic18848/11-8/14 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Burns Johnburns-015joh18845/2-6/26 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Burns Johnburns-002pat1884 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Burns Johnburns-002pat18848/11-6 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Burns Johnburns-002pat18849/16 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Burns burns-033---18847/28-7/31 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Burrell George1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Butler Frankbutler001kid18845/20-71 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Butler Billbutler002bil18846/19-9 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Butler Billbutler002bil1884+10/13+ New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Butler Davidbutler002dav1884 DenverIndependent Denver, CO
Butler 1884-6/ Allentown ReservesIndependent Allentown, PA
Byers Josephbyers-001jos1884+5/19+ LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Cady Charliecady--001cha18846/7 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Cady Charliecady--001cha1884-6/19.8 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Cahill Johncahill006joh18845/31-59 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Cain Davidcain--001dav1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Cain Davidcain--001dav18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Calihan Willcaliha001wil1884 Rochester Ninth Ward StarsIndependent Rochester, NY
Call F.1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Callaghan Patcallag001pat18845/1-7/31 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Callaghan Robertcallag001rob1884 Port ,
Callahan Edcallah001ed-18847/19-8 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Callahan Abecallah001abe18842 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Campana Johncampan001joh18845/3-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Campau Countcampau001cha1884 Detroit CassIndependent Detroit, MI
Campbell Harrycampbe003j--1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Campbell J. C.1884 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Campion Williamcampio002wil18845/11-6/17 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Campion Williamcampio002wil1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Cannon Concannon001con18849 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1884 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1884 Green BayIndependent Green Bay, WI
Cantz Bartcantz-001bar18845/2?-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Cantz Bartcantz-001bar1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Cantz Bartcantz-001bar1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Caperoon Johncapero001joh1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Carbrey Phillipcarbre001phi18845/3-6/14 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Carfrey Edcarfre001ed-1884 Chester HaymakersIndependent Chester, PA
Carl Fredcarl--001fre1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Carl Fredcarl--001fre18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Carney Jackcarney002joh18845/3-7/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Carr Georgecarr--002geo18845/17-8/2 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Carr E.S.carr--001e--1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Carrigan Petercarrig001pet1884 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Carrigan Petercarrig001pet18845/17 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Carroll Patcarrol001pat1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Carroll Patcarrol001pat18845/10-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Carroll Patcarrol001pat1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Carroll Patcarrol001pat18845 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre18842 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre18845/1-461 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Carroll Frankcarrol004fra18848 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Johncarrol001scr1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Carroll Johncarrol001scr18847/14-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Carroll Johncarrol001scr18849/27-9 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Carroll carrol003---18844/17-4/21 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Carroll 1884 Allentown ReservesIndependent Allentown, PA
Carroll carrol014---1884+6/12-6/13+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Carroll carrol022---18847/12-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Cartwright Edcartwr001ed-18845/5-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob188449-51 g. Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob18849/7-5/19705 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Case Butlercase--001but18847/4-7/25+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Casey Denniscasey-002den18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Casey Denniscasey-002den18848/18-2 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Casey Denniscasey-002den188437 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Casey Bobcasey-001bob18845/2-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Casey Dancasey-002dan18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Casey Dancasey-002dan18848/18-2 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Caskin Charliecaskin001cha18846/18-6/28 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Caskin Charliecaskin001cha1884 DanversIndependent Danvers, MA
Cassidy cassid002---18847 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Caswell Clintoncaswel001cli18845/2 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Cates 1884+6/14+ MarionInSt Marion, IN
Cattanach Johncattan001joh18846/5 ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Cattanach Johncattan001joh18846/7 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Cattanach Johncattan001joh18842 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Cavanaugh Johncavana005joh1884 San AntonioSemi-pro San Antonio, TX
Chamberlain Edwardchambe001edw18845/3-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Chamberlain Edwardchambe001edw18848/1 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Chamberlain Ice Boxchambe001ice18848/8-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Chambers Oliverchambe001oli1884 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Chambers chambe015---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Chapman Edgarchapma001edg18845/2-6/21 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Chase 1884 Bowdoin Col.College ,
Chase 1884 PortlandIndependent Portland, ME
Chatfield Williamchatfi001wil1884-6/ Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Chatterton Jimchatte001jim1884 PortlandIndependent Portland, ME
Chatterton Jimchatte001jim1884 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Chatterton Jimchatte001jim18846/7-4 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Childs Samchilds001sam188410 g. Yale UniversityCollege ,
Childs Samchilds001sam1884 Hart-City GuardCtMili ,
Childs Samchilds001sam18847/15 PlainfieldIndependent Plainfield, CT
Childs Samchilds001sam18847/23 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Childs Robertchilds003rob1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Chute chute-001---18845/3 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Cisco (Sisco) J.1884 Philadelphia MutualIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Clapp Johnclapp-001joh18845/1-6/9 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Clark Harryclark-001har18845/1-5/14 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Clark Edclark-002ed-18845/- IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Clark Edclark-002ed-1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Clark Edclark-002ed-18848/-9/30 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Clark Charlesclark-001c--18845/5-5/20+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Clark Edclark-002ed-1884+9/5+ IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Clark Ralsaclark-002ral1884 JamestownIndependent Jamestown, NY
Clark Ralsaclark-002ral18847/21-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Clark Robert18845/22-9/ Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Clarke Byronclarke001byr1884 Chicago WhitesIndependent Chicago, IL
Clarke Artieclarke001art1884-85 Brown Univ.College ,
Clarkson Johnclarks001joh18845/1-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Clarkson Johnclarks001joh1884-7/12515 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Clayton Zachclayto001zac18845/8-6/13 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Clayton Zachclayto001zac18848/31 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Clayton Edwardclayto001edw1884 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Clem 1884 AtlantaGeorgia State League Atlanta, GA
Clements Jackclemen001jac1884 Philadelphia ArchersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Clements Jackclemen001jac18844/22-1141 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Cleveland Elmerclevel001elm18845/5-7/28+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Cleveland Elmerclevel001elm18848/29-29 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Cleveland Al1884 Pittsburgh AthleticsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Clifford Denniscliffo001den1884 AugustaIndependent Augusta, GA
Cline Monkcline-001mon188496 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Cockman Tommycockma001tho1884 Guelph BeaversWOntario Guelph, ON
Cohen J.B.cohen-001j--1884 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Coleman G.E.colema001g--1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Colgan Billycolgan001ed-18845/3-48 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Collins Chubcollin001chu18845/1-45 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Collins Chubcollin001chu18847/17-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Collins Chubcollin001chu188438 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Collins Denniscollin001den1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Collins Hubcollin001hub1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Collins Jamescollin007jam1884-9/30 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Collins John1884 UticaIndependent Utica, NY
Collins collin071---18845/2-5/3 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Comerford E.J.comerf001e--1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Condon W. D.1884 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Condon W. D.1884no g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Conley Edconley001ed-1884 WoonsocketIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Conley Edconley001ed-18847/20-10/9 ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Conn Edwardconn--001edw18848 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Connahan connah001---18845/14-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Connell Terryconnel002ter18845/1 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Connell Peterconnel001pet18845/2-6/26 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Connell Peterconnel001pet1884 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Connell Thomas18845/2-6/26 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Conner Johnconner002joh18845/2-6/24 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Conner Johnconner002joh1884 New York ActicIndependent New York, NY
Connolly John188414 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Connor Johnconnor004joh18845/2-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Connor Johnconnor004joh18847/26-12 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Connors Dennyconnor001den18849 g. London Ontariosemi-pro London, ON
Connors Dennyconnor001den188410/4 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Connors Joeconnor001joe18845/3-6 g. AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Connors Joeconnor001joe18846/26-6/28 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Connors Joeconnor001joe18848/19-8/27 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Connors connor002---18845/26 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Conway Jimconway001jim18845/5-15 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Conway Dickconway001dic1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Conway Dickconway001dic18847/19-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Conway Billconway001bil18847/28 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Conway Johnconway002joh18845/24-6/28 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Coogan Johncoogan001joh18845/1-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Cook Paulcook--003pau18845/2-8/4 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Cook Paulcook--003pau18849/13-3 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Cooley G.cooley001g--1884 Odessa StarsIndependent Odessa, KS
Cooney Frankcooney002fra18846/21 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Cooper cooper001---18847/5-8/20 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav18845/3-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18845/1-52 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Corcoran Mikecorcor001mik1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Corcoran Mikecorcor001mik18847/15 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Corey Fredcorey-001fre18845/10-6/9 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Coridan Philcorida001phi18844/26-6/226 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Coridan Philcorida001phi18846/6-7/12 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Coridan Philcorida001phi18847/16-2 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Cornell Thomascornel001tho18845/5-5/7 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Cornell 1884 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Corrigan Williamcorrig003wil18845/3-7/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Corrigan Williamcorrig003wil18847/23-8/27 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Cottrell Frankcottre001fra18846/7 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Coughlin Edcoughl001ed-18845/5-5/7+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Coughlin Edcoughl001ed-18845/15 BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Coughlin Edcoughl001ed-18845/30-7/4 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Coughlin Michaelcoughl001mic18845/3-7/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Covok Paul1884 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Cowles cowles001---18845/3-7/14 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Cowles cowles002---18845/21-5/24 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Cox Frankcox---003fra18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Cox Frankcox---003fra18848/13-27 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Cox Bobcox---004rob18845/5-7/10+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Cox Bobcox---004rob1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Craig craig-016---1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Craley craley001---18847/26 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Cramer Edwardcramer002edw18845/1-8/27 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Cramer William1884 Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Crane Edcrane-001ed-18844/17-115 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Crawford Georgecrawfo003geo18845/12-5/22 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Creamer Jamescreame001jam1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Creeden creede001---18849/6 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Creegan Markcreega001mar18844/17-9 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Creegan Markcreega001mar18845/16-5/29 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Creegan Markcreega001mar18846/18-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Creegan Markcreega001mar18848/11 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Creekbaum Lewiscreekb001lew1884 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Critchley Morriecritch001mor1884 McKeesportSemi-pro McKeesport, PA
Critchley Morriecritch001mor1884 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Croghan Jackcrogan001joh18845/5-5/9+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Cronin Dancronin002dan1884 UmpireMass ,
Cronin Dancronin002dan18847/8-2 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Crosby Georgecrosby001geo1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Crosby Georgecrosby001geo18845/22-3 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Crosby Georgecrosby001geo18847/22- ElginIndependent Elgin, IL
Cross Amoscross-001amo18845/5-8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Cross Clarencecross-001cla1884 St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Cross Clarencecross-001cla18845/5-29 g. AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Cross Joecross-001jos18845/10-5/29+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Crossley Williamcrossl001wil1884 Mansfield RegularsIndependent Mansfield, PA
Crothers Dougcrothe001dou18848/3-4 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Crotty Joecrotty001joe18845/2-7/5 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Crotty Joecrotty001joe1884-7/574 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Crowell Billycrowel001bil18847/31-8/2 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Crowell Billycrowel001bil1884 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Crowley Johncrowle002joh18845/1-48 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Crum R. H.1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim18845/2-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim18847/27-9/32 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Cuff Johncuff--001joh1884 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Cuff Johncuff--001joh18849/11-3 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Cullen Johncullen004joh18845/1-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Cullen Johncullen004joh18848/9-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Cullen Johncullen004joh18848/18-9 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Cullen Johncullen004joh18844/21-8/27 NashvilleSo Nashville, TN
Culp Georgeculp--001geo18845/2-5/26 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Cummings Arthurcummin001art1884no g. WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Cummings Georgecummin003geo1884 MarysvilleIndependent Marysville, CA
Cummings Georgecummin003geo18845/19-5/29 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Cummings Thomascummin002tho1884 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Cummins Georgecummin004---1884no g. Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Cunliffe Frankcunlif001fra1884 Philadelphia HardwareIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Cunliffe Frankcunlif001fra18847/23-8/23 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Cunningham J.1884+7/5+ Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Cunningham Jerrycunnin003jer1884no g. NW ,
Curry Wescurry-001wes18845/1- UmpireEast ,
Curry Wescurry-001wes18848/6-8/8 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Curry Wescurry-001wes1884-9/4 UmpireEast ,
Curry Jamescurry-002jam1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Curry Jamescurry-002jam1884+5/21-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Curtis Edcurtis001ed-1884 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Cushing E. L.1884 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Cushman Edcushma001ed-18845/1-8/24 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Cushman Edcushma001ed-1884106 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Cushman Charliecushma001cha18845/1- Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Cushman Charliecushma001cha1884 UmpireNW ,
Cushman Charliecushma001cha1884-8/4 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Cusick Andycusick001and18845/1-8/11 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Cusick Andycusick001and18848/21-59 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Dailey Johndailey001joh188423 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Daily Eddaily-001ed-18845/1-7/1 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Daily Eddaily-001ed-18847/9-9/24 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Daily Billdaily-001bil18843 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Daily Condaily-001con18845/21-9/20 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Daily daily-001---18847/2-7/9 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Daisy Georgedaisy-001geo18845/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Daly Clarence18845/1-6/227 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Daly J.daly--001j--18848 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Daly Tomdaly--002tho1884 Philadelphia KeystonesIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Daly Tomdaly--002tho18846/9-2 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Daly Tomdaly--002tho1884 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Daly Tomdaly--002tho18849/3-9/15 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Daniels Charliedaniel004cha18844/18 -4/26 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Daniels Charliedaniel004cha18845/21-5/31 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Daniels Lawdaniel002law18845/13-8/6 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Daniels Lawdaniel002law1884 HannibalIndependent Hannibal, MO
Daniels daniel018---18845/1-5/29 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Dannell James1884 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Darby darby-001---18845/29 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Darling Delldarlin001del18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Darrah Johndarrah001joh1884+5/12-7/15+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Darrah darrah002---1884+6/26-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Darrow Erwindarrow001ira1884 KentIndependent Kent, OH
Darrow Erwindarrow001ira1884-8/ SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Darrow Erwindarrow001ira18848/-9/30 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Davidson O.C.davids001o--18845/3-5/24 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Davis Daisydavis-001dai18845/6 -29 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Davis Jumbodavis-001jum18845/2-7/18 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Davis Jumbodavis-001jum18847/27-7 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Davis Charlesdavis-017cha18845/1-5/22 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Davis Georgedavis-019geo18846/21 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Davitt davitt001---18843 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Deagle Rendeagle001ren18845/24-6/4 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Deagle Rendeagle001ren18847/3-9/12 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Deagle Rendeagle001ren1884no g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Dealy Patdealy-001pat1884 Milkwauke ReservesIndependent Milkwauke, WI
Dealy Patdealy-001pat18845/28-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Dealy Patdealy-001pat188411 g. St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Dealy Patdealy-001pat18849/30-113 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Deardon Dickdeardo001dic1884-8/ WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Deasley Johndeasle001joh18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Deasley Johndeasle001joh18846/17-44 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Deasley Jamesdeasle001jam1884 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Deasley Jamesdeasle001jam18845/1-5/6 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Debelle K. H.1884 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Decker Harrydecker001har18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Decker Harrydecker001har18848/23-27 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Decker decker004---18845/3 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Dee Jimdee---001jim18847/30-8/16 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Deegan Jamesdeegan001jam18845/3-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Deems Williamdeems-001wil1884 East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Dehlman Hermandehlma001her18845/1-9/9 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Dehlmire dehlmi001---18846/2-6/5 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Deistel Josephdeiste001jos1884-9/30 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Delaney Billdelane001bil1884 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Delaney Danieldelane001dan188410/4 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Denham Stewartdenham001ste18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Denham Stewartdenham001ste18846/16-7/4 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Denhart H.denhar001h--1884+5/12-6/25+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Denny Jamesdenny-002jam1884+6/9-6/25+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Denny Jamesdenny-002jam1884 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
DePangher Mikedepang001mik1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
DePangher Mikedepang001mik18847/22- ElginIndependent Elgin, IL
DePangher Mikedepang001mik18848/8-9/11 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Derby Genederby-001gen18844/18- Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Derby Genederby-001gen18845/22-9/13 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Deshler 18849/4- WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Devaull Henrydevaul001hen18842 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Devaull Henrydevaul001hen18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Devaull Henrydevaul001hen18841 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Deveney Williamdevinn001pun18845/1-7/7 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Devine Jimdevine001jim18845/31 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Devine Jimdevine001jim18847/9 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Devine Jimdevine001jim18847/19-7/21 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Devinney Dan188482 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Devlin Charlesdevlin001cha1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Dickens 18843/1-5/178 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Diffenderfer Frankdiffen001fra1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Dillon Andydillon001and1884 GuelphIndependent Guelph, ON
Dinnen Mikedinnen001mik1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Dischler Daviddischl001dav1884 UticaAmateur Utica, NY
Dix Johndix---001joh18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Dodd dodd--002---18842 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom188454 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Dolan Tom1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Donahue Jackdonahu001jac18848 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Donahue Jimdonahu001jim18845/26-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Donahue Jimdonahu001jim18849/1-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Donald Jamesdonald001jam1884 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Donald Jamesdonald001jam18845/22-9/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Donald Jamesdonald001jam1884 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim18845/1-8/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim18848/11-40 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Donnelly Jamesdonnel004jam18845/30-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Donnelly Jamesdonnel005jam18845/2-6/5 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Donnelly Jamesdonnel005jam18845/30 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Donnelly Jimdonnel001jim18845/30-6/4 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Donnelly Jimdonnel001jim18847/5 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Donnelly Jimdonnel001jim18847/11-6 g.  Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Donovan Timothy18849/15-9/16 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha1884 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer188477 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer18848/27-9/25 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Dorsey Jerrydorsey004jer18845/1-5/31 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Dorsey Jerrydorsey004jer1884+6/18+ Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Dorsey Jerrydorsey004jer1884-9/30 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Dorsey Josephdorsey002jer18846/17-6/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Dorsey Josephdorsey002jer18847/9 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Dorsey Thomasdorsey003tho18845/7-5/20 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Dougherty Charliedoughe002cha1884 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Dougherty Charliedoughe002cha18844/17-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Dougherty Charliedoughe002cha1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Douthett Pizzarodouthe001piz1884+5/12-6/25+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Dow Clarencedow---001cla18849/22 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Dow L.S.dow---001l--18845/15-6/23 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Downey Jamesdowney003jam18846/16 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Downey Jamesdowney003jam188410/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Downing downin004---18846/14 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Doyle Johndoyle-004joh18845/1-7/14 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Doyle Johndoyle-004joh18847/26-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Doyle Connydoyle-001con18845/2-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Doyle Connydoyle-001con1884-9/1415 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw18845/10-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw18848/23-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Doyle F.W.doyle-001f--18845/1-7/13 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Doyle doyle-001---1884 Fayetteville BrownsIndependent Fayetteville,
Drake Lymandrake-001lym1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Drake Lymandrake-001lym1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Drake Lymandrake-001lym18845/6-6/19 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Drake Lymandrake-001lym18846/29-2 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Drew Davedrew--002dav1884 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Drew Davedrew--002dav18845/14-2 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Drew Davedrew--002dav1884- 6/913 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Drexler Freddrexle001fre1884 DenverIndependent Denver, CO
Driscoll Dennydrisco001den188413 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Driscoll drisco011---18848/16-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Drissel Mikedrisse001mik1884 St. Louis GothardsAmat St. Louis, MO
Duane duane-001---18846/28 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Duane duane-004---1884 Foot GuardConn-Milit. ,
Duane duane-004---18849/20 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Duffey duffey001---18848/23-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Duffly Peterduffly001pet18845/1-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Duffy duffy-012---18846/18 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Dufur W. H.1884no g. Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Dugan Billdugan-001bil18845/1-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Dugan Billdugan-001bil18848/5-12 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Dugan Eddugan-001ed-18845/2-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Dugan Eddugan-001ed-18848/5-10/15 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan1884 KeokukIndependent Keokuk, IA
Duncan T.L.duncan001t--1884-8/1 Chillicothe LogansOhio State League Chillicothe, OH
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18845/1-6/26 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18847/3 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18848/20-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18849/27-9 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste18841 g. StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Dunne Georgedunne-001geo18845/3-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Dunnigan Josephdunnig001jos1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Durham Levidurham001lev1884-6/ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Dutton Patrick18847/2-9/12 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Dwight Aldwight001al-1884 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Dwight Aldwight001al-18846/19-12 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Dwight Aldwight001al-18848/6-8/12 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Dwyer Dickdwyer-001ric1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Dwyer Johndwyer-003joh1884 KentonIndependent Kenton, OH
Dwyer/Dyer Williamdyer--002wil18845/1-8/17 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Dyer Jamesdyer--004jam18845/3-7/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Dyer Jamesdyer--004jam18847/17-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Dyer Jamesdyer--004jam18847/23-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Dyer dyer--005---18841 g. York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Dyer/Dwyer Williamdyer--002wil18845/1-8/17 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Dyler Johndyler-001joh188441 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Dyson Frederickdyson-001fre1884 Guelph BeaversWOntario Guelph, ON
Eagan 18848/9-8/11 Waterbury MonitorConn Waterbury, CT
Eakin eakin-001---18846/21 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Earle Billyearle-001bil1884 Philadelphia SommersetIndependent Philadelphia, PA
East Harryeast--001har1884 St. Louis StandardsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Easterday Henryeaster001hen18846/23-28 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Eastham eastha001---1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Eden Charlieeden--001cha18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Eden Charlieeden--001cha1884130 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Edwards Stephenedward001ste18845/24-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Edwards edward042---18848/1-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Ehret Redehret-001phi1884 El PasoIndependent El Paso, TX
Ellick Joeellick001joe1884101 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Ellis Ernestellis-001ern18845/3-7/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Ellis Williamellis-005wil1884+5/21-8/2+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Elmer E.18849/22- Hart.-Foot GuardsConn ,
Elmer F.18846/2-9/22 Hart.-Foot GuardsConn ,
Elmwood E.18849/8- Hart.-CapitolCityConn ,
Elwood Elmer1884 Cincinnati ArticsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Elwood Elmer1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Ely Bonesely---001wil18846/19 BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Ely Bonesely---001wil1884 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Emslie Bobemslie001bob188451 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Endler Charlesendler001cha18847/14-7/15 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
English 18848/25- Willimantic-CoECtMilitary ,
Erdler 18847/?- Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Erek Danereck-001dan18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Erek Danereck-001dan18846/2-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Ernest ernest002---18845/10-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Esterquest Tonyesterq001ant1884 Chicago BrandsIndependent Chicago, IL
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Evers Tomevers-001tom18844/17-109 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Ewing J.K.ewing-002j--1884+6/11-6/25+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Ewing 1884-6/ Allentown ReservesIndependent Allentown, PA
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18846/3-6/5 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18846/26 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha1884 TecumsehIndependent Tecumseh, MI
Faatz Jayfaatz-001jay18845/1-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Faatz Jayfaatz-001jay18848/22-29 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Fagan fagan-002---18845/10 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Falch Antonfalch-001ant18845/27-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Falch Antonfalch-001ant18849/30-10/10 MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Falvy Michaelfalvy-001mic1884 Boston CollegeCollege ,
Falvy Michaelfalvy-001mic18846/11-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Fanning Jackfannin001jac1884 OglethorpeGeorgia State League Oglethorpe, GA
Farley Lawrencefarley001tom1884+5/15-6/22 VincennesIndependent Vincennes, IN
Farley Lawrencefarley001tom18846/24-7/12 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Farmer Billfarmer002bil18845/9-5/16 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Farmer Billfarmer002bil1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Farrell Jackfarrel001jac18845/1-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Farrell Jackfarrel001jac18847/9-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Farrell Joefarrel001joe1884110 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Farrell Johnfarrel007joh18849/-end Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Farrington Jamesfarrin002jam1884 Atlantic City August FlowersIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Farrow Johnfarrow002joh1884-6/1416 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Farrow Johnfarrow002joh18849/ Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Farrow Johnfarrow003joh1884+5/12-6/25+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Farrow Johnfarrow003joh1884+8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Fay Johnfay---001joh1884 Meriden AthleticIndependent Meriden, CT
Fay Johnfay---001joh18847/14-9/20 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fay Johnfay---001joh18849/27 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Fay Andrewfay---001and18847/9 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Featherstone B.feathe001b--1884 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Fellis fellis001---18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Fennelly Frankfennel001fra18845/1-786 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Feore feore-001---18845/13 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Ferguson Bobfergus001bob1884138 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Ferguson Charliefergus003cha18845/1-183 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Fessenden Wallyfessen001wal18846/17 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Fieber Josephfieber001jos18841 g. HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Fields Jockofields001joc1884+9/16+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Finley James1884 UmpireCT ,
Finn Mikefinn--002mic18848 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Finn Edwardfinn--001edw18845/10-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Finney Tom1884 Washington NationalsIndependent Washington, DC
Firth Georgefirth-001geo1884 Pottsville AntharcitesIndependent Pottsville, PA
Firth Georgefirth-001geo1884 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Firth Johnfirth-002joh18848/15 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Fischer Johnfisher002j--1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Fischer Johnfisher002j--18847/17-8/7 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Fischer fische002---18848/7 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Fish Georgefish--001geo18845/3-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Fish Georgefish--001geo18847/31-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18845/2-7/17 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18847/28-8/2 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18848/9-8/15 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Fisher Georgefisher009geo18849/2-9/12 WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Fisher Harryfisher008har18845/2-5/3 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Fisher Harryfisher008har1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Fisher A.1884 Philadelphia MutualIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Fisher Charliefisher006cha1884 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Fisher Charliefisher006cha18846/7-7/7 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Fisher F.1884 Philadelphia MutualIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Fisher Mikefisher001mik18847 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fisher W.1884 Philadelphia MutualIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Fitts fitts-001---18846/28-7/5 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge008joh18845 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fitzgerald M.fitzge001m--18845/3-6/7 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Fitzgerald M.fitzge001m--1884 Mt. NemoIndependent Mt. Nemo,
Fitzgerald Thomasfitzge005tho18845/3-9/18 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fitzgerald Willfitzge004wil188410/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fitzgerald fitzge001---18847/11-7/17 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Fitzpatrick Johnfitzpa006joh18845/3-7/19 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fitzpatrick fitzpa011---18845/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi001joh1884 DanvilleIndependent Danville, VA
Fitzsimmons fitzsi001---1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Flaherty P.J.flaher002p--18845/3-7/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho1884 ShelbyvilleIndependent Shelbyville, IN
Flavin flavin001---18848/19-8/20 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Fleishman Joefleish001joe1884 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Fleishman Benfleish001ben1884 Philadelphia KeystonesAmat Philadelphia, PA
Fleming 18845/3-5/17 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Fletcher fletch002---18845/20-5/21 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Flood flood-002---1884 Philadelphia SomersetIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Flynn Charlesflynn-001cha18845/28- Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Flynn Jamesflynn-005jam1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Flynn Jockoflynn-001joc18845/3-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Flynn Joeflynn-001joe18844/18-9/17 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Flynn 18849/22 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Fogarty Jimfogart001jim18845/1-751 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Fogarty Johnfogart006joh18845/21-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Fogg Charlesfogg--001cha18849/20 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Foley Willfoley-002wil1884-5/2219 g.  Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Foley Willfoley-002wil18845/24-8/13 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Foley Johnfoley-002joh1884 BrattleboroIndependent Brattleboro, VT
Foley Johnfoley-002joh18845/3-8/4 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Foley Johnfoley-002joh1884 KeokukIndependent Keokuk, IA
Foley Johnfoley-002joh1884 HannibalIndependent Hannibal, MO
Foley Curry?18845/22-5/24 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Ford Edford--001ed-18845/5-6/12 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Ford Edford--001ed-18846/26 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Ford Edford--001ed-18848/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Ford Edford--001ed-188410/9-10/10 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Foreman Frankforema001fra18845/15-4 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Foreman Frankforema001fra1884 HaverhillIndependent Haverhill, MA
Foreman Frankforema001fra18846/28-9/10 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Forrest Williamforres003wil1884 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Forrest Williamforres003wil1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Forster Tomforste001tom18845/1-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Forster Tomforste001tom188435 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Foster Elmerfoster001elm18845/1-8/26 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Foster Robertfoster004rob1884 Philadelphia HillsdaleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Foster Robertfoster004rob18846/18-7/26 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra18845/27-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra1884 DefianceIndependent Defiance,
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra1884 Atlantic City August FlowersIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra1884+9/15-10/8+ WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Foutz Davefoutz-001dav18845/2-7/18 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Foutz Davefoutz-001dav18847/29-1135 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Fowler Budfowler004joh18845/3-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Fox Frankfox---003fra18847/24-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Fralinger Josephfralin001jos1884 Atlantic City August FlowersIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Frank George1884 UmpireNW ,
Franklin frankl003---18849/27 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Freleigh Charlesfrelei001cha18845/3-5/9 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Freleigh Charlesfrelei001cha18846/21 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Freleigh Charlesfrelei001cha18846/24-7/18 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Frey Williamfrey--002wil1884+5/7-7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Frey Williamfrey--002wil18848/- Pittsburgh AthleticsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Friel Patfriel-001pat18845/1-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Friel Patfriel-001pat18848/11-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Fries Petefries-001pet18845/16 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Fries Petefries-001pet18845/2-5/26 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Friss F.friss-001f--18846/14-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Fruin Johnfruin-001joh1884 Waterbury MonitorIndependent Waterbury, CT
Fruin Johnfruin-001joh18845/14-7/9 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fruin Johnfruin-001joh1884 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Fruin Johnfruin-001joh18848/15-8/16 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fry fry---001---1884 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Fulmer Charlesfulmer001chi1884-8/1632 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Fulmer Chrisfulmer001chr18845/2-8/1 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Fulmer Chrisfulmer001chr18848/4-48 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd18844/17-73 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh1884 UmpireMass ,
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh18848/9- MLB UmpireNational League ,
Galbraith Hughgalbra001hug1884 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Gallagher Billgallag001bil1884 Philadelphia ArchersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gallagher Billgallag001bil1884 Philadelphia NL ReservesIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gallagher Billgallag001bil18846/9-6/18 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Gallagher Billgallag001bil1884+6/29+ Philadelphia ArchersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gallagher Billgallag001bil1884 ClearfieldIndependent Clearfield, PA
Galligan Johngallig001joh18845/1-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Galvin Lougalvin001lou18845/1-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Galvin Lougalvin001lou188410/1-10/12 St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Ganley Johnganley001joh18845/3 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Ganzel Charlieganzel002cha18845/1-9/6 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Ganzel Charlieganzel002cha18849/27-786 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Gardner Alexgardne001ale18845/10 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Gardner gardne001---18845/3-6/2 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Gardner gardne019---18845/31-8/14 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Garson Davidgarson001---1884 Hamiton PrimroseIndependent Hamiton, ON
Garvin Williamgarvin001wil18845/3-5/31 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Garvin Williamgarvin001wil18848/9-8/27 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Gastfield Edgastfi001ed-18845/8-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gastfield Edgastfi001ed-18848/13-23 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Gates E.L.gates-002e--1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Gaunt Charlesgaunt-001cha18845/1-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Geary Wilsongeary-001wil18845/30 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Geer Billygeer--001bil1884- 5/10130 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Geer Billygeer--001bil18845/1-5/22 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Geer Harve1884 PottsvilleIndependent Pottsville, PA
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha1884 St. Mary's Univ.College ,
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha18845/1-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha18848/7-10/19 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Geiss Billgeiss-001bil18845/1-8/13 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
George Charlesgeorge003cha1884 RichmondIndependent Richmond, VA
George Charlesgeorge003cha18846/25-8/20 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Gerald J. F.1884no g. Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Gerstner Charles1884 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Gessner Charliegessne001cha18845/10-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Getzien Pretzelsgetzie001pre18845/2-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Getzien Pretzelsgetzie001pre18848/13-296 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Gibbs E.D.gibbs-001e--18845/2-5/17 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Gibson Albertgibson001alb1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Gifford Jimgiffor001jam1884 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Gilbert Harrygilber003har1884 Pottsville AlertIndependent Pottsville, PA
Gilbert Johngilber006joh1884 Pottsville AlertIndependent Pottsville, PA
Gilbert gilber015---18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob18845/-9/30 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Gillen Tomgillen001tom18844/18-29 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Gilligan John1884no g. Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Gilman Pitgilman001pit1884+5/7-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Gilman Pitgilman001pit18849/18-9/20 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Gladmon Buckgladmo001buc1884 Washington NationalsIndependent Washington, DC
Glasser Orieglasse001ori1884no g. MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Glenn Edglenn-001ed-18845/1-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Glenn Edglenn-001ed-18848/5-43 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Goff goff--003---18847/9-7/16 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Goldsby Waltgoldsb001wal18843/1-5/2427 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Goldsby Waltgoldsb001wal18845/28-22 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Goldsby Waltgoldsb001wal1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Goodman Jakegoodma001jak18845/22-9/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Goodman Jakegoodma001jak1884-10/1 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Gorman Thomasgorman004tho18846/10-7/25 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18848 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18845/2-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18849/3-9/6 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Gorman Jackgorman001jac1884-10/148 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Gould W.gould-001w--18845/1-5/10 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Gould W.gould-001w--1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Grady Jackgrady-000jac18845/1-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Grady Jackgrady-000jac1884 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Grady Johngrady-001joh18845/10-5/24 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Grady Johngrady-001joh18848/8-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Grady Patrickgrady-002pat1884+5/7-7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Graham Henry1884no g. Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Graham Henry1884 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Graham Berniegraham003ber18845/3-7/5 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Graham Berniegraham003ber18847/11-10/15 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Graham graham001---18845/3-6/2 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Graham 1884 DubuqueIndependent Dubuque, IA
Granville granvi001---18846/24-6/28 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Graul Charlesgraul-001cha18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Graul Charlesgraul-001cha1884+9/+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Graulich 1884+10/4+ Philadelphia MurphyIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Graves Frankgraves004fra18845/2-7/18 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Graves Frankgraves004fra18847/30-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Graves Frankgraves004fra1884 New OrleansIndependent New Orleans, LA
Gray gray--034---1884 East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Gray Jimgray--001jim188410/9 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Gray Williamgray--015wil1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Green Jimgreen-001jim1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Green Jimgreen-001jim1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Green Jimgreen-001jim18847/19-8/4 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Green Johngreen-009joh18845/26-7/3 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Green Edgreen-002ed-1884 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Green Edgreen-002ed-1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Green Edgreen-002ed-18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Greenwood Billgreenw001bil188492 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Greer Edgreer-001ed-1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Grether Bartgrethe001alb18845/1-5/30 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Grether Bartgrethe001alb18846/4-6/18 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Grether Bartgrethe001alb18846/30-7/12 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Griffin Thomasgriffi006tho18845/1-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Griffin Thomasgriffi006tho18849/27-10/11 MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Griffin Sandygriffi001san18845/26-16 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Griswold Charlesgriswo001cha18845/3-9/4 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Griswold Charlesgriswo001cha18849/17 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Gross Emilgross-001emi1884-7/1423 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Gross Emilgross-001emi1884 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Gross Emilgross-001emi1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Groth Andygroth-001and18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Growley growle001---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Gruber Henrygruber001hen18845/3-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh18845/2-7/12 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh18847/21-9/3 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Guest Thomasguest-002tho18845/14-9/20 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Guiney Benguiney001ben1884-6/282 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Guiney Benguiney001ben1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Gunkle Fredgunkle001fre1884 UmpireNW ,
Gunkle Fredgunkle001fre18847/5-7/10 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Gunning Tomgunnin001tom18845/1-7/19 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Gunning Tomgunnin001tom18847/26-146g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Gunson Joegunson001joe1884 Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Gunson Joegunson001joe18846/14-45 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Gussie 1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Gussman Henrygussma002hen18845/3 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Hackett Charliehacket001cha18845/1-113 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Hackett Walterhacket001wal18844/17-103 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Hadding Charleshaddin001cha1884 TriSt ,
Hade A. M.1884no g. Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Hagan Stephenhagan-002ste1884 Rock IslandIndependent Rock Island, IL
Hagan Stephenhagan-002ste18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Hagan Stephenhagan-002ste1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Hager Charleshager-002cha1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Hague Billhague-001bil18845/1-5/26 UmpireEast ,
Hague Billhague-001bil1884 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Halbriter Edhalbri001ed-18845/1-7/31 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Hale Edward1884 Dartmouth Col. College ,
Hall Elmerhall--001elm1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim18845/1-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim188446 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Halsey 18847 g. NewburgIndependent Newburg, NY
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha1884 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Hamill Johnhamill001joh18845/1-7/31 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Hamilton J.H.hamilt004j--18845/22-6/17 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Hammelstein P.1884 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hammerstein Georgehammer001geo18847/3-9/7 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Hanley Georgehanley001geo18848 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hanley Georgehanley001geo18841 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hanlon Richardhanlon002ric18845/17 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Hanna Johnhanna-003joh18845/1-5/15 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Hanna Johnhanna-003joh18845/23-10/15 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Hannerhan Thomas1884 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Hannum Elwood1884 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Hannum Elwood1884 many localIndependent ,
Hanrahan Williamhanrah002wil1884 Brooklyn PeerlessAmat Brooklyn, NY
Hanrahan Williamhanrah002wil1884 Boston WhitingAmat Boston, MA
Hardie Louhardie001lou18845/22-3 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hardie Louhardie001lou18846/19-7/17 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Hardie Louhardie001lou1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Hardie Louhardie001lou18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hargraves Thomashargra001tho1884 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Harkins Johnharkin002joh18845/2-139 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Harman Charles1884 New York DelawaresIndependent New York, NY
Harman Charles1884 Augusta ClinchsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
Harmon Jamesharmon002jam18845/2-5/20 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Harmon Jamesharmon002jam18846/27 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Harris Jamesharris004fra18844/17-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Harris Jamesharris004fra1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Harris Jamesharris004fra1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Harris Jamesharris004fra1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Harris Edwardharris003edw1884 Amherst CollegeCollege ,
Harris Edwardharris003edw18847/14-7/19 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Harris Jamesharris004fra18845/- HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Hart Frank1884 St. Louis Black StockingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Harter Georgeharter001geo18845/1-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Harter Georgeharter001geo18848/21-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Hasney Petehasney001pet1884 Augusta BrownsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
Hassett Christyhasset001chr18845/22-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Hassett Christyhasset001chr1884+9/16+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Hatch Orrin1884 DanversIndependent Danvers, MA
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18845/22-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18847/7-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Hatton William1884 Washington ManhattanIndependent Washington, DC
Hausman/Houseman 1884 WestminsterIndependent Westminster, MD
Hausman/Houseman 1884 RaleighNCst Raleigh, NC
Hautz Charliehoutz-001cha18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hautz Charliehautz-001cha1884-9/47 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Hawes Billhawes-001bil1884-10/1579 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Hawkes Thornyhawkes001tho1884-8/238 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Hayes John1884 San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Healey Tomhealey001tom18845/16-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Healey healey001---18845/3-5/30 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Heard C.C.heard-001c--1884 Augusta BrownsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
Heckman William1884 PottsvilleIndependent Pottsville, PA
Heifer Frankheifer001fra18845/23-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Heinzman Jackheinzm001jac18845/9-6/24 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Heinzman Jackheinzm001jac1884 AtlantaGeorgia State League Atlanta, GA
Heisler heisle001---18846/30 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Hellman Tonyhellma001ton188445 g. Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Hellman Tonyhellma001ton1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Hellman Tonyhellma001ton1884 NashvilleIndependent Nashville, TN
Henderson Billhender006wil18844/17-10/15 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Hendricks Johnhendri006joh18848/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Hendricks hendri005---1884 Chillicothe LogansOhio State League Chillicothe, OH
Hengel Edhengle001edw18844/20-8/22 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox18844/20-28 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox18847/22-8/27 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox18845/24-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Henke Lewishenke-001lew1884 AtlantaGeorgia State League Atlanta, GA
Henri Thomas1884no g. Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Henrich John18841 g. Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Henry Johnhenry-007joh18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Henry Johnhenry-007joh18848/13-9 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Hetcher hetche001---18847/15 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Hewer Tedhewer-001ed-1884 Guelph BeaversWOntario Guelph, ON
Hibbard Johnhibbar001joh1884 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Hibbard Johnhibbar001joh18847/31-8/2 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hibbon hibbon001---1884+6/11+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Hickman Erniehickma001ern18843/1-6/223 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Hickman Erniehickma001ern18846/7-7/29 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Hickman Levihickma001lev18845/1-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18844/18-5/? LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18845/22-9/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18849/?-10/1 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Hiland Johnhiland001joh18845/2-6/5 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Hiland Johnhiland001joh18847/?-10/1 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Hill Lewishill--002lew1884/1-4/195 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Hillery Jameshiller002jam1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Hillery Jameshiller002jam18848/3-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Hines Mikehines-001mik18847/26 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Hockett C. M.1884 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Hodge Harryhodge-002har18845/5+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Hodnett Charliehodnet001cha1884-7/318 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Hofer hofer-001---1884+5/26-7/25 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos18845/2-6/5 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Hofford Johnhoffor001joh1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Hofford Johnhoffor001joh18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Hogan Bobhogan-001edd1884no g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor18845/1-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor18849/27-11 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Hogan Williamhogan-003wil18845/3-6/21 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hogan Johnhogan-007joh18845/3-7/9 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hogan Johnhogan-007joh1884 North BrookfieldIndependent North Brookfield, MA
Hogan Stephen1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Hoggins Williamhoggin001wil1884 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Hoggins Williamhoggin001wil1884 Savannah DixiesGeorgia State League Savannah, GA
Holacher Charlesholach001cha1884 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Holdsworth Jimholdsw001jim1884-6/95 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Holland Jackhollan001joh18845/15-15 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Holland Jackhollan001joh188432 g. MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Holland Dennishollan001den18845/2-5/29 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Holland Willhollan007wil18845/2-6/5 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Holland Willhollan007wil18847/?-10/1 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Hollenbeck Charleshollen002cha18845/1-7/4 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Hollingshead Hollyhollin001hol1884?-8/1 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Holzberger Johnholzbe001joh1884 Long Island A'sIndependent Long Island, NY
Honan honan-001---188410/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hontz Charles1884 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hooper Mikehooper001mik1884-5/89 g. MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Hoover Williamhoover001bus18844/17-73 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Hoover William18845/1-6/5 UmpireEast ,
Hoover William18847/- UmpireNW ,
Hope Thomas1884 Cincinnati ArticsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Hope Thomas1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Horan Johnhoran-003joh18845/2-7/28 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Horan Patrickhoran-002joh18845/17-7/14 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Horan Patrickhoran-002joh1884no g. Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Horner Jackhorner002jac18845/8-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Horner Jackhorner002jac1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Householder Charliehouseh001cha18844/20-9/18 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Householder Charliehouseh002cha1884-10/1576 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Hovey Julius1884+8/16+ Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Howard E.C.howard002e--18845/12-7/21 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Howard E.C.howard002e--1884no g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Howe Shortyhowe--001sho1884+9/16+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Howes William1884 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-1884 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, MA
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-18845/2-5/10 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-18845/21-6/27 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-1884 Co. KCtMilitary ,
Hudson Nathudson001nat1884 Rock IslandIndependent Rock Island, IL
Hudson Nathudson001nat18848/7 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Hudson Vincehudson001vin1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Hudson 1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Huey Bishophuey--001bis1884-9/30 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Hughes Billhughes001bil18845/2-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Hughes Billhughes001bil18849/28-14 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Hughes Johnhughes012joh18845/2-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Hughes Mickeyhughes007mic1884+9/16+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Hull Elmerhull--000elm1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Humphrey humphr017---18846/7-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Humphries Johnhumphr004joh1884-10/1369 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Hungler Alhungle001al-18843/1-6/220 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Hunter Billhunter001bil18845/2-5/9 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Hunter Lemhunter001lem18845/1-7/22 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer18845/3-7/10 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer18848/1-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Hurst/Horst Jeffhurst-001jef18848/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil18846/10-2 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Hylan Jameshylan-001jam18845/3-5/10 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hyndman Williamhyndma001wil1884 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Hyndman Williamhyndma001wil18849/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Hyndman hyndma001---18847/2-7/19+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Hyndman 1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Imlay Chickimlay-001chi1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Incell Williamincell001wil18848 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha18848/18-9/1 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh1884105 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Irwin irwin-003---1884no g. HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Irwin irwin-003---18846/7-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Isaacson Charlesisaacs004cha18845/2-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Ives ives--001---18845/6 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Jacobs Alex?1884 Philadelphia WhartonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Jacobs jacobs020---1884 Philadelphia FoleyIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Jacobs jacobs020---18846/20 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Jacoby Harryjacoby001har18845/1-6/17 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Jacoby Harryjacoby001har18846/28-8/11 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Jamison Williamjamiso002wil18848/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Jamison Williamjamiso002wil1884 Union Pacific Omaha, NE
Jandron Johnjandro001joh18845/3-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Jandron Johnjandro001joh18847/31-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Jennings Andrew188428 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Jennings Alamazoojennin001ala1884 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Jennings Alamazoojennin001ala1884 UmpireNW ,
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre1884 Dayton Gem CitysIndependent Dayton, OH
Johnson Claudejohnso015cla1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Johnson Joe1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Johnson Leftyjohnso037wil18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Johnson Leftyjohnso001bil18846/27 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Johnson johnso121---18841 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Johnston Dickjohnst001dic18845/1-8/2 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Johnston Dickjohnst001dic18848/12-39 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Jones Henryjones-006hen18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Jones Henryjones-006hen18848/20-34 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Jones Billjones-003bil18845/9-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Jones Billjones-003bil1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Jones Billjones-003bil18847/17-7/23 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Jones Jackjones-008jac18845/21-6/11 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Jones Jackjones-008jac1884 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, CT
Jones Charliejones-019cha18846/16-6/17 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Jones Charliejones-019cha18846/28-9/26 BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Jones Frankjones-002fra18845/2-6/14 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Jones Frankjones-002fra18847/2-7/7 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Jones Rijones-009jac1884-8/2769 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Jones jones-112---18845/24-5/31 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Jones D.1884 Philadelphia MutualIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Jones D.W.jones-004d--18845/2-8/3 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Jones Henryjones-007hen1884 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Jones jones-002---18847/14-7/18 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Jones jones-140---18847/14 or 15 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Jordan Mikejordan001mik18845/3-5/30 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Jordan Mikejordan001mik1884 BiddefordIndependent Biddeford, ME
Jordan Williamjordan003wil18846/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Jordan William18849/24 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Josselyn Ralphjossel001ral18845/1-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Joy Popjoy---001pop18846/3-9/24 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Justi Charlesjusti-000cha1884 Chicago West EndsIndependent Chicago, IL
Justi Louis1884 Chicago West EndsIndependent Chicago, IL
Kalbfus Charliekalbfu001cha18844/18 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Kane Williamkane--005wil18845/-6/ HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Kane 1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Kappel Henrykappel001hei18845/5-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Kappel Henrykappel001hei188410/4+ Philadelphia SomersetIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kappel Joekappel001joe18845/26-4 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Kappel Joekappel001joe1884 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Kappel Joekappel001joe18847/14-9/28 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Kappel Joekappel001joe188410/4+ Philadelphia SomersetIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kavanaugh Charlescavana001cha1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Kavanaugh Charlescavana001cha1884-9/30 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Kearns Tomkearns001tom18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Kearns Tomkearns001tom1884-10/1421 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Keefe Mauricekeefe-001mau18845/23-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Keefe Mauricekeefe-001mau18848/14-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Keely keely-001---1884+7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Keenan Jimkeenan001jim188468 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Keenan Owenkeenan001onl1884+5/30-8/9 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Keener keener003---18847/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Keeney keeney001---1884 Westfield FiremenIndependent Westfield,
Keeney keeney001---18845/21-8/30 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Keeney W.keeney001w--18847/22-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Kelley P. W.1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IL
Kelley P. W.1884 NashvilleIndependent Nashville, TN
Kelley kelley004---18846/21 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Kelly E.kelly-004e--18845/31-6/7 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Kelly J.kelly-005j--18845/3-5/21 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Kelly J.kelly-005j--18845/30-8/16 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Kelly W.kelly-006w--18845/3-6/11 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Kelly Williamkelly-020wil18845/7-5/27+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Kelly Williamkelly-020wil18848/- Pittsburgh AthleticsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Kelly 18845/27-5/31 UmpireEast ,
Kelly kelly-087---18847/14-7/15 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Kennedy Dockenned001doc18849/29 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Kennedy Patrickkenned002pat18845/3-10/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kennedy Edkenned002ed-18845/17-8/1 CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Kennedy Johnkenned007joh18845/5-5/28+ UmpireIron&Oil ,
Kennedy Johnkenned007joh1884+6/9-6/13+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Kennedy Loukenned002lou18849 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Kennedy Tedkenned001ted1884 KeokukIndependent Keokuk, IA
Kent Edkent--001ed-18845/2-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Kent Edkent--001ed-18848/14 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Kerins Johnkerins001joh18845/1-521 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Kerwin kerwin001---18847/15 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Kessler Henrykessle001hen18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Kessler Henrykessle001hen1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil1884-8/767 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18848/14-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Kiley Johnkiley-001joh18845/1-14 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Kiley Johnkiley-001joh18846/14-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Kiley Johnkiley-001joh18847/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Kiley Johnkiley-001joh18848/9-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Kilroy Mattkilroy001mat1884 Augusta BrownsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
Kilroy Petekilroy001pet18845/23-9/11 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Kilroy Petekilroy001pet18849/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Kilroy 1884 Atlantic City August FlowersIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Kimber Samkimber001sam18845/1-41 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
King Edwardking--003edw1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
King Edwardking--003edw1884no g. SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
King Edwardking--003edw18847/4-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
King H.B.king--005h--1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
King H.B.king--005h--18848/20-9/13 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
King Robertking--006rob1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
King Samking--001sam18845/1-5/23 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Kingsley Dennis1884no g. RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Kinsler Williamkinsle001wil1884-88 Manhattan Col.College ,
Kinzer Johnkinzer001joh1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal188419 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal18847/5-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal1884-9/92 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Kirby Johnkirby-002joh18848/1-70 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Kirtland Almonkirtla001alm1884 UticaIndependent Utica, NY
Klages G.C.klages001g--1884 DenverIndependent Denver, CO
Kleim kleim-001---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Klein Johnklein-001joh1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Klink Walter1884 Pottsville AlertIndependent Pottsville, PA
Klusman Billyklusma001bil1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Klusman Billyklusma001bil1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Knauff knauff001---18845/10-5/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Knight Joeknight002jos18845/16-6 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Knight Joeknight002jos18847/15-7/31 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak18845/2-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak18847/10-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Knouff Edknouff001ed-18846/25-7/30 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Knouff Edknouff001ed-1884 WhartonIndependent Wharton,
Knouff Edknouff001ed-1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18845/2-87 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Knowlton Georgeknowlt001geo18846/28-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Koecker Clifford1884no g. Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Kolley Williamkelley006w--1884 Little Rock BrownsIndependent Little Rock, AR
Koons Harrykoons-001har18844/17-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Koons Harrykoons-001har1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Koons Harrykoons-001har18847/5 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Kreeger Frankkreege001fra18847/28 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Krehmeyer Charliekrehme001cha18843/1-6/225 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Krehmeyer Charliekrehme001cha18847/8-21 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18844/20-71 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Kriel kriel-001---1884-6/ Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Kruegger Frank1884 St. JosephIndependent St. Joseph, MO
Kugler Ed.kugler001ed-18848/- Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kurtz Dellkurtz-001del18846/28 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Laffen James1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Lalor Franklalor-001fra18848/19-8/27 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Lambert Stevelamber002ste18845/24-8/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Landis Doclandis001doc18845/1-5/12 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Landis Doclandis001doc18845/27-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Lane Chappylane--003cha188457 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Lane Williamlane--005wil18845/3-5/16 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Laney H.H.laney-002h--1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Lang Franklinlang--002fra18845/1-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Lang Charlie1884 AtlantaGeorgia State League Atlanta, GA
Larcom Arthurlarcom001art18847/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Larcom Charleslarcom001cha18847/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Larkin Terrylarkin001ter18846/14-7/24 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Larkin Terrylarkin001ter1884-10/1340 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Larkin Henrylarkin001hen18845/1-1103 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Larkins Patricklarkin003---1884 Rock IslandIndependent Rock Island, IL
Larkins Patricklarkin003---18845/29-7/16 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Larkins Patricklarkin003---1884+8/20+ CanandaiguaIndependent Canandaigua, NY
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam18845/30-8/27 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Latham Jumbolatham001jum1884-10/1177 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Latouche Paullatouc001pau1884 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Latouche Paullatouc001pau1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Lauer Chucklauer-001chu18847/17-13 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Lauer Chucklauer-001chu18848/- Pittsburgh AthleticsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Laughlin Benlaughl001ben18845/23-5/31 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Laverty Williamlavert001wil1884 Holy CrossCollege ,
Laverty Williamlavert001wil18845/17-7/5 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Laverty Williamlavert001wil18848/6-9/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Lavin Johnnylavin-001joh18845/1-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Lavin Johnnylavin-001joh18849/10-10/15 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Lawler John18845/1-8/2 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Lawlor Mikelawlor001mik1884- 7/232 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Lawrence St. E.1884 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Lawton Horatiolawton001hor1884no g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Lawton Horatiolawton001hor18848 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lawton lawton003---18847/5-8/14 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Lazelle lazell001---18846/7-7/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Leadley Bobleadle001rob1884 Detroit CassIndependent Detroit, MI
Leahey leahy-008---18845/3-6/6 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Leary Jackleary-001jac18848 g. AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Leary Jackleary-001jac18845/13-6/7 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Leary Jackleary-001jac1884-7/510 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Leary leary-006---18848/23-8/27 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Lecher Williamlecher001wil1884 Chillicothe LogansOhio State League Chillicothe, OH
Lecher Williamlecher001wil1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Lecrow lecrow001---18847/10 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Lee Tomlee---001tom1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Lee Tomlee---001tom18846/14-6 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Lee Tomlee---001tom1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Lee Tomlee---001tom1884-9/1621 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Lee Tomlee---001tom18849/30-10/5 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Lehan Jameslehan-001jam18844/26-4/29 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Lehan Jameslehan-001jam18845/24 HillyerGuardsCtMilitary ,
Lehan Jameslehan-001jam18845/31-7/26 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Leighton W.B.leight001w--1884 AtlantaGeorgia State League Atlanta, GA
Leitner Docleitne001doc1884-87 St. John's(Fordham)College ,
Lenhart Jameslenhar001s--18845/5-5/28+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Lenhart Jameslenhar001s--1884+6/16-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Leslie C.E.leslie002c--1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Levis Charlielevis-001cha18844/17-91 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Levy Rubelevy--001reu18848 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lewis Silverlewis-001sil18849 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lexterman Fredloxter001---18845/7-7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Lilly J.18847/24 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Linnehan Franklinneh001fra18845/1-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Linnehan Hughlinneh001hug18845/1-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Linnehan Hughlinneh001hug18848/23-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Linnen Matlinnen001mat1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Little Harrylittle001har18849/3 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Little Jameslittle007jam1884 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Litz Abelitz--002abr1884no g. Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Livenspise Harrylivens001har1884+5/26-6/13+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Livestzer livest001---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Locke Marshalllocke-001mar18847/5-7/20 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Lockshire W.locksh001w--18845/21-5/24 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Lockwood Horacelockwo002hor18846/3-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Lockwood Milolockwo001mil18844/17-5/26 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Lockwood Milolockwo001mil1884 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Lockwood Horacelockwo002hor1884 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Lockwood Horacelockwo002hor1884 BridgeportIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Lockwood W.1884 ,
Loftus Tomloftus002tom18845/1-7/5 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Loftus Tomloftus002tom18849/27-12 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Long Billylong--001bil1884 John L. WhitingsIndependent ,
Long Harrylong--005har18845/2-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Long Thomaslong--002---18845/2-7/5 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Long Thomaslong--002---1884 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Lord Charleslord--002cha1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Lord Charleslord--002cha1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Lord Charleslord--002cha18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Lord John1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Lotz Benjaminlotz--001ben1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Lotz Benjaminlotz--001ben18847/10-8/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Lotz Ben?1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Loughran Billloughl002---1884 Columbia Col.College ,
Loughran Billloughl002---18846/6-8/28 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Lovett Tomlovett001tom18845/3-9/24 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Lowe Dicklowe--001dic18846/26 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Lowery lowery002---18846/13-6/28 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil1884 Chippewa Fallss-pro Chippewa Falls, WI
Ludden ludden001---18845/17-7/23 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Ludden ludden001---18848/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Lufberry Josephlufber001jos18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Lufberry Josephlufber001jos18845/22-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Lufberry Josephlufber001jos18847/7-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Lutton Hamlutton001ham18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Lutton Hamlutton001ham1884+9/+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Lyman lyman-001---18844 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lynch Michaellynch-010mic1884 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lynch Thomaslynch-003tho1884 Washington Kendall GreensIndependent Washington, DC
Lynch Thomaslynch-003tho18848/5 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom18848/18-16 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom188413 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Lynch Johnlynch-008joh18845/3-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Lynch Johnlynch-008joh18848/5-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Lynch Johnlynch-008joh18848/5-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Lynch lynch-001---18845/21-7/2 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Lynn Georgelyon--002geo18846/18-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Lyons Dennylyons-002den1884 Covington KentonsIndependent Covington, KY
Lyons Dennylyons-002den1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Lyston Williamlyston001wil1884 ,
MacArthur Macmacart001mac18845/2-6/9 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
MacArthur Macmacart001mac18846/28-7/4 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Mack Dennymack--001den18845/17-7/24 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Mack Dennymack--001den1884 UmpireEast ,
Mack Conniemack--001con18845/3-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Mack Reddymack--001red1884 Cincinnati ReservesIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Mack Reddymack--001red18846/-8/ SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Mack Reddymack--001red18848/-9/30 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Mackey Williammackey004wil18845/21-7/18 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Mackey Williammackey004wil18847/23-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Macklin Frederickmackli001fre1884 TorontoWOntario Toronto, ON
Madden Frankmadden003fra18845/1-8/5 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Madison madiso001---18843 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Magner Johnmagner001joh18847/14 UmpireIndependent ,
Magner Williammagner001wil18845/14-9/10 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Maguire Tommaguir001tho18847 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mahr Georgemahr--001geo18845/3-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Mahr Georgemahr--001geo18847/31-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Maidhoff maidho001---18846/11 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Maidhoff maidho001---18846/20 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Maley/Maloy maloy-001---18845/17-5/24 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Malone Fergymalone001fer18844/17 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Malone malone010---18847/18-7/23 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Manlove Charliemanlov001cha18845/31-2 g. AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Manlove Charliemanlov001cha1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Manlove Charliemanlov001cha1884-6/173 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Manning Jimmannin001jim18845/1-5/2 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Manning Jimmannin001jim18845/15-219 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Mansell Mikemansel001mik1884-10/1576 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Mansell Johnmansel001joh18845/1-6/27 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Mapledoram Blake18844/17-40 g. MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Mappes Georgemappes001geo18845/1-8/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Mappes Georgemappes001geo1884 DallasTx Dallas, TX
Markley P.J.markle001p--18846/1- New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Marr Leftymarr--001lef1884 Cincinnati ReservesIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Marr Leftymarr--001lef18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Marr Leftymarr--001lef1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Marston Charles?1884+8/18+ WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Martin Jimmartin002jim1884+6/9+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Marton Lewmarton001---1884 DenverIndependent Denver, CO
Maskrey Frankmaskre000fra1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Mason Charliemason-004cha1884 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Masran Josephmasran001jos1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Massamore 18848/- Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Matteson C.V.mattes001cv-18846/13 St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Matthias Stevematthi001ste18844/20-6/27 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Matthias Stevematthi001ste18847/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Mauer Fredbrooks001hen1884 HonesdaleIndependent Honesdale, PA
Maul Almaul--001alb18846/20 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
May Josephmay---002jos18845/1-5/15 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Mays Almays--001al-18845/5-8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
McAleer Jimmymcalee001jam18845/5-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
McAlum mcalum001---1884+6/23+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
McAndless Duncanmcandl001dun18845/2-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
McAuliffe Jeremiahmcauli003---1884 Hamiton BaysidesWOntario Hamiton, ON
McCabe Johnmccabe001joh18846/3+5 g. Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
McCaffery Harrymccaff001har1884-9/287 g. MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
McCaffree mccaff005---18845/31-6/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
McCane 1884 New York DelawaresIndependent New York, NY
McCane 1884 Augusta ClinchsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
McCarthy P.A.mccart002p--18848/-9/30 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
McCarthy Tommymccart001tom1884 Emerson PianoIndependent ,
McCarthy Tommymccart001tom18847/10-93 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
McCarthy mccart003---1884 Meriden AthleticIndependent Meriden, CT
McCarthy mccart003---18846/2 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
McCarthy mccart036---18846/14-6/21 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim18846/21-8/24 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim18849/17-39 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
McCauley Almccaul001al-18846/21-17 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
McCauley Almccaul001al-1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18845/1-8/11 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18848/18-9/9 WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1884 El PasoIndependent El Paso, TX
McCord Tommccord001tom18848 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McCormick Harrymccorm006har18845/3-5/13 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
McCormick Harrymccorm006har18846/7-6/10 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer1884-10/19109 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
McCoy Artmccoy-001art1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
McCoy Artmccoy-001art1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
McCue Jamesmccue-001jam18845/30-7/10 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
McCue Jamesmccue-001jam18847/28-7/30 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
McCullough J.B.mccull002j--18845/5-5/10+ FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
McCullum Tommymccull001tho18845/5-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
McDermott John1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
McDermott 1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
McDermott 1884 Dayton Gem CitysIndependent Dayton, OH
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim18846/20-40 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
McDonald Patsymcdona002pat18845/1-6/14 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
McDonald Patsymcdona002pat18846/19-9/17 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
McDonough Johnmcdono004joh18845/2-6/23 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
McDonough Johnmcdono003joh18845/17-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
McElroy Jimmcelro001jim1884 St. Mary's Univ.College ,
McElroy Jimmcelro001jim18845/2-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
McElroy Jimmcelro001jim18845/26-8/21 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McElwain D.C.mcelwa002---18847/14-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
McFarland Chrismcfarl001chr18844/19-4/29 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
McFarland Phil1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
McGarr Chippymcgarr001chi18846/11-7/5 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
McGarr Chippymcgarr001chi18847/11-19 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
McGarvey Davidmcgarv001dav18845/1-5/7 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
McGeachey Jackmcgeac001jac18845/1-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
McGee Patrick18847/12 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
McGill Williammcgill006wil18845/2-6/7 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
McGill Williammcgill006wil18846/18-6/27 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
McGill Williammcgill006wil1884+9/16? Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
McGinley Dennismcginl001den18845/1-5/12 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
McGirr Jamesmcgirr001jam18845/3 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
McGirr Jamesmcgirr001jam18845/21-5/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
McGovern James1884 Savannah DixiesGeorgia State League Savannah, GA
McGovern James1884no g. AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
McGrath mcgrat008---18845/13-5/24 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
McGuinness Johnmcguin001joh188453 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
McGuire Deaconmcguir006jam18846/21-45 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil18845/7-7/10 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil18847/15-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil18848/21-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil18849/28 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
McIntyre Frankmcinty001fra18845/5-5/13 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
McIntyre Frankmcinty001fra18846/5-7/8 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
McKean Edmckean001edw18845/5-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
McKee Jamesmckee-002jam18846/16-6/? Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
McKee Thomasmckee-001tho1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
McKee Thomasmckee-001tho18847/18-8/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
McKee Thomasmckee-001tho1884+9/15-10/8+ WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
McKee Frankmckee-001fra18846/11-7/3 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
McKee Johnmckee-005joh1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
McKee Johnmckee-005joh1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
McKeever Jimmckeev001jim18844/17-7/11 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
McKenna Edmckenn001ed-18844/17-7/5 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
McKenna Edmckenn001ed-18845/1-6/21 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
McKeon Larrymckeon001lar18845/1-61 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
McKercher Daniel1884 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
McKinley Jamesmckinl001jam188410/4 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
McKinnon Alexmckinn001ale18845/1-386 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
McKnight Dennymcknig001den18845/1-5/15 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra18845/21-5/29 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra1884-8/1963 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18845/1-7/18 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18848/2-42 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
McLaughlin Jimmclaug001jim18845/30-7/15  BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
McLaughlin Jimmclaug001jim18849/10-4 g. Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Mclaughlin Joemclaug003joe18846 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McLaughlin Williammclaug002wil18845/3-5/18 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
McLaughlin Williammclaug002wil18846/23 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
McLeod mcleod002---18848/17 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
McMinimum Dennis18849/29-10/9 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
McMullen mcmull002---18848/23-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac1884 UmpireWest ,
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac18847/10-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
McQuaid Tommcquai001tom1884 Holy CrossCollege ,
McQuaid Tommcquai001tom18846/21 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
McQuaid Tommcquai001tom18847/9-8/18 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
McQuery Moxmcquer001mox18845/1-8/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
McQuery Moxmcquer001mox18848/20-35 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
McRemer mcreme001---18846/20 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
McSorley Trickmcsorl001tri18845/2-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
McSorley Trickmcsorl001tri188423 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
McSweeny mcswee001---18845/23-5/24 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
McTamany Jimmctama001jim18845/22-9/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
McVey Calmcvey-001cal1884 Hanford IrrigationCo Hanford, CA
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo1884 Chillicothe LogansOhio State League Chillicothe, OH
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo1884 RushvilleIndependent Rushville, IN
Meaney Richardmeaney001ric18845/2-8/7 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Meegan Petemeegan001pet18845/1-8/2 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Meegan Petemeegan001pet18848/12-22 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Meehan Johnmeehan001joh18845/29-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Meinke Frankmeinke001fra18845/1-92 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Meisel Chrismeisel001chr1884 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Meister Georgemeiste001geo18845/2-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Meister Georgemeiste001geo18848/15-10/15 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Meister Johnmeiste002joh1884 Philadelphia ReserveIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Meister Johnmeiste002joh18846/21-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Mellon Williammellon001wil18845/3-8/23 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Merrick C.H.merric001c--18845/21-9/24 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Merrill Edmerril001ed-1884-7/3155 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Merrill E. M.?18845/3-5/24 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Merritt Fredmerrit001fre1884 New York DelawaresIndependent New York, NY
Merritt Fredmerrit001fre1884 Augusta BrownsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
Messitt Jackmessit001jac188444 g. UticaNYSt Utica, NY
Metcalf Harrymetcal001har1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Meyerle Levimeyerl001lev1884-4/263 g. PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Meyers Loumeyers001lou18844/17-5/10 CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Middleton middle004---18848/- RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Milbee Jakemilbee001jos18845/26-6/7 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Miles Billymiles-002bil1884 North PlatteIndependent North Platte,
Miller Georgemiller008geo1884-7/226 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Miller Georgemiller005geo18845/1-971 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Miller Wallymiller008wal18845/8-5/31 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Miller Wallymiller008wal18846/18 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Miller Wallymiller008wal18846/23-8/2 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc18845/3-6/26 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc18847/11-7 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc188410/9 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Miller Henrymiller007hen18845/8-6/16 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Miller Henrymiller007hen18847/2-9/4 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Miller Joemiller005joe18845/1-105 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Miller Almiller007a--18845/8-5/9 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Miller Charles18848/29-8/30 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Miller Ed1884 TecumsehIndependent Tecumseh, MI
Miller Ed1884 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Miller Edmiller003ed-18847/18-8/2 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Miller Frederickmiller006fre18845/5-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Miller Joemiller004joe18845/15-7/5 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Miller Wickmiller022cha1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Miller miller045---1884 Hamiton PrimroseWOntario Hamiton, ON
Miller 1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Milligan Johnmillig001joc18845/1-618 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Milligan millig008---1884+7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Minor Pheronminor-001phe1884 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mitchell Bobbymitche001bob18845/2- HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Mitchell Bobbymitche001bob1884 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Mitchell Ferdymitche001fer18842 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mitchell Ferdymitche001fer18841 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mitchell A.1884 Philadelphia MutualIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Mitchell Charlesmitche008cha18845/2?-6/7? ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Mitchell Charlesmitche008cha1884 MiltonIndependent Milton, PA
Mitchell Charlesmitche008cha1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Moffet Joemoffet001joe18845/6-8/10 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Moffet Sammoffet001sam18845/15-67 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Mohr Harvey1884no g. Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Monroe Frankmonroe002fra18844/-7/ HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Monroe Frankmonroe002fra18847/18-7/20 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Monroe E.N.monroe001e--1884 BrattleboroIndependent Brattleboro, VT
Monroe E.N.monroe001e--18845/23-7/5 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Montgomery 18845/27 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo18845/3-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Mooney Martinmooney001mar18845 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18844/17-10/19 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Moore Jerrymoore-005jer18844/17-20 g. AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Moore Jerrymoore-005jer18846/6-8/2 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Moore Jerrymoore-005jer18849 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Moore moore-119---1884-6/23 Chillicothe LogansOhio State League Chillicothe, OH
Moran Eddiemoran-001edd18848 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Moran moran-021---18841 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Morgan Billmorgan002bil1884-7/2345 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Morgan Billmorgan001bil18845/1-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Morgan Billmorgan001bil18848/5-9/8 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Morgan Billmorgan001bil188410/8 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen18845/1-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen18846/18-14 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen18849/24-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Moriarty Johnmoriar001joh18845/17 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Moriarty Johnmoriar001joh18846/7-7/4 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Moriarty Johnmoriar001joh18847/23-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Moriarty moriar002---18846 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Morrill Johnmorril003joh18845/1- Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Morris Petemorris001p--1884 Milkwauke ReservesIndependent Milkwauke, WI
Morris Petemorris001p--18845/14 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Morris Petemorris001p--1884-5/19 Milkwauke ReservesIndependent Milkwauke, WI
Morris Petemorris001p--18846/17 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Morris Petemorris001p--1884 Milwaukee Maple LeafsIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Morris Edmorris002ed-18845/1-311 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Morris Jamesmorris021jam18845/2-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Morris Jamesmorris021jam18849/11 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Morris Edwardmorris004e--18845/10-5/20 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Morris Edwardmorris004e--18846/16 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Morris morris028---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Morrison Jonmorris002jon18845/2-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Morrison Jonmorris002jon18848/1-44 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Morrison Thomasmorris004tho1884 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Morrison Thomasmorris004tho18845/13-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Morrison morris084---1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Morrison 1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Morrison 1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Morrissey Tommorris003tom18845/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Morrissey Tommorris003tom18845/7-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Morrissey Tommorris003tom18849/27-10/12 MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Morrissey morris090---1884 Washington NationalsIndependent Washington, DC
Morrissey morris090---18849/4 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Morrley Patmorrle001pat1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Morrley Patmorrle001pat1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Morton Charliemorton002cha188454 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Morton Sammorton001sam1884 PresidentNW ,
Morton Sparrowmorton001spa1884 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Morton Sparrowmorton001spa18847/15-7/26 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Morton 1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Moses Edwardmoses-001edw18847/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Moses Felixmoses-001fel18848/5-10/15 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Moshier George1884 UticaIndependent Utica, NY
Mountjoy Billmountj001bil188434 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Moyer George1884 HoustonTx Houston, TX
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik1884-6/2113 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik18847/8-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Mulholland D.W.mulhol001d--1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Mulholland D.W.mulhol001d--18845/6 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Mullally E.J.mullal001e--1884 DallasTx Dallas, TX
Mullee Jimmullee001jam188410 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mullee Thomasmullee001tho18843 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mulligan Ed.mullig001ed-18845/2-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Mulligan Ed.mullig001ed-18848/27-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Mulligan Johnmullig001joh18846/14 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Mullin Henrymullin001hen18846/4-9/2436 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Munce Johnmunce-001joh18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Munce Johnmunce-001joh18845/26-8/2 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Munce Johnmunce-001joh18848/19-9/5 WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Mundinger Georgemundin001geo18845/9-5/20 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Mundinger Georgemundin001geo18846/6-6/25 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Munrose J.B.munros001j--18845/5-8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh18845/1-6/18 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh1884 Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh1884+8/22-9/15+ WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Murnane Timmurnan001tim1884-10/1976 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Murphy Williemurphy013wil18845/1-8/2 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Murphy Williemurphy013wil18848/6-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Murphy Conmurphy001con18845/1-8/12 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Murphy Conmurphy001con18848/18-8/28 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Murphy Conmurphy001con18849/11-3 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh18844/17-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh18847/2-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh1884-9/1214 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton18845/10-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton18849/6-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton188410/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton188410/15 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Murphy D.M.murphy002d--1884 Boston CollegeCollege ,
Murphy D.M.murphy002d--18846/11-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Murphy Edwardmurphy011edw18845/3-5/10 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Murphy Henrymurphy003hen18845/3-6/19 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Murphy Johnmurphy023joh1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Murphy Johnmurphy024joh18848/?-9/2? York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Murphy John1884 Fitchburgsemi-pro Fitchburg, MA
Murphy Johnmurphy024joh1884 Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Murphy Johnmurphy024joh18847/18-8/? York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Murphy Morganmurphy001mor1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Murphy Thomasmurphy010tho18846/4 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Murphy W.murphy003w--18849/2-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Murphy W.murphy003w--18845/22-7/10 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Murphy W.murphy003w--1884 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Murphy Williammurphy019wil18846/9 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Murphy murphy002---18848/16 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Murray Miahmurray001mia18845/17-8 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Murray Miahmurray001mia1884 BiddefordIndependent Biddeford, ME
Murray Miahmurray001mia1884 WoonsocketIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Murray Miahmurray001mia18848/13-8/30 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Murray Thomasmurray007tho18845/3-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Murray Thomasmurray007tho1884 DallasTx Dallas, TX
Murray Billymurray007wil18845/3-6/28 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Murray R. C.18843/231 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Murray murray001---18847/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Myers Henrymyers-004hen18845/1-7/7 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Myers Henrymyers-004hen1884-9/126 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Myers Georgemyers-002geo18845/2-424 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Myers Almyers-001al-18845/1-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Myers Almyers-001al-18849/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Myers Almyers-001al-18849/27-833 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Nash Billynash--001bil18845/1-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Nash Billynash--001bil18848/5-45  g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Nash Franknash--001fra18845/3-7/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Nash Franknash--001fra18847/17 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Nash Franknash--001fra18847/23-9/15 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Neihoff neihof001---1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Nellins George1884+8/16+ Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Nelson Billnelson001bil18845/1-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Nelson Billnelson001bil18849/3-9/10 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Nettleton Georgenettle001g--18847/3-8/4 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Nettleton F.nettle001f--18847/9 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Newman newman008---18847/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Nicholas Franknichol002fra1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Nichols Trickynichol001tri18845/2-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Nichols Alnichol003al-1884 Brooklyn FranklinsIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Nichols E. H.1884+7/15+ Boston BeaconsAmat Boston, MA
Noftsker Georgenoftsk001geo18844/17-5/2 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Noftsker Georgenoftsk001geo18845/9-5/23 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the18845/1-8/8 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the1884-10/912 g.  WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Noonan Richardnoonan001ric1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
North north-003---18845/1-5/10 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Nowell nowell003---18841 g. St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Nusz Williamnusz--001emo18844/26 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Nusz Williamnusz--001emo1884 HagerstownIndependent Hagerstown, MD
Nyce Frednyce--001fre1884 Port JervisIndependent Port Jervis, NY
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom1884103 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18849/6-9/20 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
O'Brien Billyobrien001bil18845/1-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
O'Brien Billyobrien001bil18849/27-12 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
O'Brien Darbyobrien002dar18848/19-8/20 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
O'Brien Jamesobrien010jam18845/2-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
O'Brien Johnobrien008joh18844/19-18 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
O'Brien 1884 KeokukIndependent Keokuk, IA
O'Brien obrien007---18845/1-5/9 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
O'Brien 18846/14 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
O'Brien obrien017---18845/10-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
O'Brien obrien054---1884+6/6-6/19+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
O'Brien obrien014---1884+7/28-8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
O'Connell Patoconne002pat1884 BiddefordIndependent Biddeford, MA
O'Connor M.oconno004m--18845/10-7/23 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
O'Connor Timothyoconno003tim18846/9-7/18 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
O'Connor Timothyoconno003tim1884 PortlandIndependent Portland, ME
O'Day Hankoday--001han18845/2-53 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
O'Donnell Johnodonne007joh1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
O'Donnell Johnodonne005joh18847/16 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
O'Donnell William1884 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
O'Donnell Williamodonne004wil1884+5/22-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
O'Leary Danoleary002dan1884-8/632 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
O'Neil Danoneill003dan18845/31 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
O'Neil Danoneill003dan18846/14-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
O'Neil Edoneil-002ed-18845/2-5/27 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
O'Neil Frank1884 DubuqueIndependent Dubuque, IA
O'Neil M. J.1884g. ? YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
O'Neill Tiponeill001nor1884 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim1884 Rochester Rochester, NY
O'Rourke Williamorourk002wil18845/1-5/13 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
O'Shea J.oshea-002j--18846/7-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
O'Toole Dickotoole001dic1884 BridgeportIndependent Bridgeport, CT
O'Toole Dickotoole001dic18848/9-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Oberbeck Henryoberbe001hen188433 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Oberbeck Henryoberbe001hen1884-10/1827 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Oberle oberle001---18845/1-5/24 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav188455 g. Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Olin Frankolin--001fra18845/1-7/17 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Olin Frankolin--001fra18847/4-48 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Orr Daveorr---002dav1884-10/2777 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Orth Dickorth--001dic1884 LeadvilleIndependent Leadville, CO
Osterhout Charlieosterh001cha18845/2-7/25 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Otterson Billyotters001bil1884-6/ Allegheny ReserveIndependent Allegheny, PA
Otterson Billyotters001bil1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Otterson Billyotters001bil18846/13-8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Oxley Henryoxley-001hen1884 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Oxley Henryoxley-001hen18847/30-10/10 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Oxley Georgeoxley-001geo18847/10-7/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Oyster oyster001---18845/3 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Page Joe1884 Big RapidsNoMich Big Rapids, MI
Parker Frankparker004fra18845/2-6/5 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Parker Frankparker004fra18847/?-10/1 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Parker C.M.parker004c--18845/22 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Parker C.N.parker003c--18845/6-5/22 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Parker Chadparker009cha18847/4-7/22+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Parker parker001---18845/13-7/4 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Parry Henry18845/3-7/19 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Parsons Charlieparson002cha1884 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Parsons Charlieparson002cha18845/19-5/26 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Parsons Charlieparson002cha1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Parsons Charlieparson002cha1884 Mansfield RegularsIndependent Mansfield, PA
Parsons parson004---1884+8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Patterson Georgepatter003geo18844/24-4/26 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Pattison George1884 ,
Patton Owenpatton001owe18845/2-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Patton Owenpatton001owe18848/21-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18844/19-8/7 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Peake peake-002---18845/2-5/14 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Pearce Dickeypearce001dic18845/1-8/9 UmpireEast ,
Pearson pearso001---18846/27-8/7 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Peckenpaugh Alpecken001a--1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Peckenpaugh Frankpecken001f--18845/-9/ SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Peltz Johnpeltz-001joh18845/1 -106 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Peoples Jimmypeople001jim18845/29 -344 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Perkins F.W.perkin001f--18845/3-5/10 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Perrier Hipperrie001hyp18848 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Peters Johnpeters008joh18846/11 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Peters Johnpeters008joh1884 Allentown ReserveIndependent Allentown, PA
Peters Johnpeters008joh18847/1-8/2 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Peters peters048---18845/3-7/2 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18845/3-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18844/17 -100 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Phelan Danphelan001dan18845/3-10/4 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Phelan Fintonphelan001fin18845/13 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Phillips Horacephilli001hor18845/1-8/2 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Phillips Horacephilli001hor1884-7/24 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Phillips Marrphilli003mar18845/1 -134 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Phillips Iraphilli001ira18845/5-5/16+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Phillips Iraphilli001ira1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Phinney Williamphinne001wil1884 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield,
Pickett Johnpicket001joh18845/2-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Pierce Graciepierce001gra1884-8/15 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Pierce Graciepierce001gra18841 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Pierce Georgepierce001mau1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Pierce Georgepierce001mau18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Pierce Georgepierce004geo18844/23-4/24 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Pierce pierce001---18846/14-6/24 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Piercy Andypiercy001and18846 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Pierson Davepierso002dav18845/3-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Pierson Dickpierso001dic18845/1-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Pierson Dickpierso001dic1884 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Pierson Johnpierso002joh1884 New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Pike Lippike--001lip1884 Long Island StarsIndependent Long Island, NY
Pinkney Georgepinkne001geo18845/2-8/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Pinkney Georgepinkne001geo18848/16 -1045 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho18845/3-5/15 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho1884 Philadelphia BurlingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho1884 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho1884 Philadelphia WhartonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Pollard Thomas?1884 JohnstownIron & Oil Association Johnstown, PA
Pollard pollar006---18846/28-7/5 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Pomeroy pomero001---18845/1-5/17 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Poorman Tompoorma001tom188494 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Pope Arthurpope--001art1884no g. Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Pope pope--013---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Pope pope--001---1884 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Porter Henryporter001hen18845/2-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Porter Henryporter001hen18848/2-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Porter Henryporter001hen18849/27 -203 g. MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Porter Matthewporter001mat18846/27 -3 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18845/2-8/1 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18848/4 -48 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Powell Jimpowell002jim18845/1-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Powell Jimpowell002jim18848/5 -41 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Power Charlespowers002cha18848/29 -2 g. MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Powers Patpowers001pat18845/1-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Price Charles1884 Wheeling Wheeling, WV
Price Jesseprice-001jes1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Price Jimprice-002jim18845/1-9/20 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Prince Walterprince001wal1884-8/451 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Prince W.J.prince001w--1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Proctor Jamesprocto003jam1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Provost C.provos001c--18845/10-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam188410/4 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha18844/11- Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha18845/22-9/13 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha1884-10/1 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha188410/15 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Pyne J.F.pyne--001j--18847/12 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Quinlan quinla009---18847/28 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Quinlan quinla008---18845/1-6/9 Boston BluesMass Boston, MA
Quinlan quinla008---1884 BraintreeIndependent Braintree, MA
Quinn Michaelquinn-001mic18845/5-8/8 YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Quinn Jackquinn-001jac18846/4 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Quinn Jackquinn-001jac18846/13-7/28 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Quinn Jackquinn-001jac1884 DubuqueIndependent Dubuque, IA
Quinn Joequinn-003jos18844/26-275 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Quinn Johnquinn-013joh18845/2-7/4 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Quinn Johnquinn-013joh18847/19-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Quinn William18847/19-55 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar18845/1-7/23 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar18847/28-8/1 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar18848/7-26 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau18845/21-5/31 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau1884 Rockville ShamrockIndependent Rockville, CT
Rafferty Jackraffer001joh18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Raine J.1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Rainey Johnrainey001joh18845/1-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Rainey Johnrainey001joh18848/21-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Ramsey Toadramsey001toa1884 ShelbyvilleIndependent Shelbyville, IN
Randall William18846/9-6/17 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Rauen Johnrauen-001joh1884 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Ray ray---001---1884+6/21+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Reardon Jimmyreardo002jam1884 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Reardon Jimmyreardo002jam1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Reccius Johnrecciu001joh18845/1-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Reccius Johnrecciu001joh18847/9-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Redigan Michaelrediga001mic18845/1-5/10 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Redigan Michaelrediga001mic18846/2 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Redigan Michaelrediga001mic18846/4-7/19 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Redigan Michaelrediga001mic18848/6-8/9 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Reed Edwardreed--003edw1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Reed Frankreed--002fra1884-9/30 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici18846/24-8/5 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Reeves Johnreeves003joh18845/12-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Reid Billyreid--001bil18845/2-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Reid Billyreid--001bil1884-10/1519 g.  PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Reidy Johnreidy-002joh1884 Buffalo TravelersIndependent Buffalo, NY
Reilley Charliereille001cha1884-4/263 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Reilley Charliereille001cha18845/26-5/30 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Reilley Charliereille001cha18846/14-6/16 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Reilley Charliereille001cha18847/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Reilley Charliereille001cha18848/2-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Reilly Jimreilly001joe18845/31 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Reilly Jimreilly001joe1884 Manhattanville-OlympicsIndependent ,
Reimer Charlesreimer001cha18845/5-6/5+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Reising Charliereisin001cha1884 KentonIndependent Kenton, OH
Reising Charliereisin001cha18847/19-7/20 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Reising Charliereisin001cha18848/- SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Remsen Jackremsen001jac188493 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Renia renia-001---18846/30 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Renner renner001---18847/12-7/16 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Rescott Horacerescot001hor18845/1-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Ressler ressle001---18845/29 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Reynolds reynol007---1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Rhue Johnrhue--001joh18845/2-9/ SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Rice Johnrice--002joh1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Richardson Arthurrichar001art1884 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Richardson Arthurrichar001art18845/21-6/21+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Richardson Harryrichar002har18845/2-6/5 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Richardson Harryrichar002har1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Richardson Dannyrichar002dan18845/22 -1131 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Richardson richar004---18847/10 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Richardson 1884+7/15+ Boston BeaconsIndependent Boston, MA
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr1884 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr18846/9-6/21 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr1884 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Riley Williamriley-008wil18845/5-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Riley Williamriley-008wil1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18846/13-7/21 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Roach Johnroach-003joh1884 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Roberts robert048---18845/9-7/2 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Robinson Charlierobins010cha18845/2-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Robinson Charlierobins010cha18848/2 -20 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Robinson Williamrobins001yan18844/17-900 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Robinson Wilbertrobins001wil1884 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Robinson robins023---18845/10 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Robinson robins023---18845/31-6/21 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Robinson Fredrobins002fre18844/17-4/19 CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Rocap Adamrocap-001ada1884+8/16+ Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Roche Williamroche-003wil18845/5-7/22 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Rockwell Billyrockwe001elm1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Roecker Cliffordroecke001cli18845/1-5/5 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Rogan rogan-002---18848/19-8/20 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Rollins Patrollin001hen18845/3-5/27? ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Rollins Patrollin001hen18848/?-9/? WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Rollinson Billrollin001bil18846/17 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Rollinson Billrollin001bil18847/14-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Romigh S.romigh001s--1884+6/6-6/19+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Romigh S.romigh001s--1884+8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Roof Charlesroof--001cha1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Ross Robertross--007rob18845/7-6/13+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Ross Robertross--007rob1884-7/274 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Ross Robertross--007rob1884 DenverIndependent Denver, CO
Ross Alexross--001ale18846/25-9/-13 g. WoodstockIndependent Woodstock, ON
Ross R.F.ross--001r--18845/12-7/19 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Rotes Billrhodes001bil1884 PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Roth H.C.roth--001h--1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Rourke Billyrourke001wil1884 ,
Rousseau rousse002---1884-9/30 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Rowley J. H.18847/17-8/7 UmpireEast ,
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim18845/30 -2 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim1884-9/30 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Rudderham Johnrudder001joh1884 BraintreeIndependent Braintree, MA
Rudderham Johnrudder001joh18849/18 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Ruhl Gus1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Rundlett 1884 ConcordIndependent Concord, NH
Runyan Clay18843/30-4/194 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Rush Georgerush--001geo1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Rush Williamrush--002wil18845/5-5/14 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Russell Jamesrussel009jam18845/3-6/28 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam18845/1-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam18848/30-9/25 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam18849/24-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Ryan Johnryan--011joh18844/19 -6 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Ryan Johnryan--011joh1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Ryan Johnryan--011joh1884 Rale.-SwiftfootsIndependent ,
Ryan Jamesryan--013jam18845/3-6/21 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Ryan Danielryan--006dan1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Ryan Daniel F.?1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Ryan Jamesryan--012jam18845/27-7/7 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Ryan Jamesryan--012jam18847/24 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Ryan John1884 ,
Ryan Johnryan--022joh18845/2- HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Ryan Johnryan--022joh1884 Dayton Gem CitysIndependent Dayton, OH
Ryder Tomryder-001tom18847/22-8/6 St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Ryn Dummyryn---001joh1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Ryn Dummyryn---001joh1884-9/303 g. Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Sage Harrysage--001har1884 Rock IslandIndependent Rock Island, IL
Sage Harrysage--001har1884 PuebloIndependent Pueblo, CO
Sales Edsales-001ed-18845/2?-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Sales Edsales-001ed-18846/16-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Sales Edsales-001ed-1884 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Salisbury Harrysalisb001har1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Santry Edwardsantry001edw1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Santry Edwardsantry001edw18848/7-8/12 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Saunders Arthursaunde001art18845/21-5/22 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Saunders Johnsaunde003joh18845/3-7/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Sawyer Willsawyer005wil18845/1-8/? Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Say Jimmysay---001jim18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Say Jimmysay---001jim188418 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Scanlon Mikescanlo002mic18844/17-114 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Scanlon Patscanlo001pat18847/4-7/11 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Scanlon Patscanlo001pat18847/23 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Scanlon Patscanlo001pat1884 AugustaIndependent Augusta, GA
Schappert Johnschapp001joh18845/2-5/19 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Scharf Nickscharf001nic18845/10-5/12 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Scharringhausen Gussherin001j--1884 JacksonvilleIndependent Jacksonville, IL
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted1884 new York HudsonsIndependent New York, NY
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted1884 New York AcmesIndependent New York, NY
Schenck Billschenc001bil18845/1-7/7 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Schenck Billschenc001bil18847/22-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Schenck Billschenc001bil188442 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Schenk John18845/26-6/23 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Schmelz Gusschmel001gus1884 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Schoeneck Jumboschoen001jum18844/20-106 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Schomberg Ottoschomb001ott1884 Milkwauke ReservesIndependent Milkwauke, WI
Schomberg Ottoschomb001ott18845/28-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Schriver Popschriv001wil1884 Long Island ACIndependent Long Island, NY
Schwartz Billschwar001bil1884-8/729 g. CincinnatiUnion Association Cincinnati, OH
Schwartz Billschwar001bil1884 GeorgetownIndependent Georgetown, KY
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Scott Miltscott-001mil1884-10/14340 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Scott scott-002---18847/16-8/5 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Scott 188410/4 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Seery Emmettseery-001emm18844/17-106 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Selee Frankselee-001fra1884 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Selee Frankselee-001fra1884 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Serad Billyserad-001bil18845/5-67 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Serad Billyserad-001bil188410/13 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Seward Georgeseward001geo1884-10/1987 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Seward Edseward001ed-1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Seward Edseward001ed-18846/14-7/12 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Sexton Tomsexton001tom18845/1-9/7 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Sexton Tomsexton001tom18849/27-10/12 MilwaukeeUnion Association Milwaukee, WI
Shade Benshade-001ben1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Shafer Taylorshafer001tay18845/5-  AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Shafer Taylorshafer001tay18849/?-9/?-3 g. BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Shaffer Frankshaffe002fra18844/24-5/3  AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Shallix Gusshalli001gus18844/- Cincinnati ReservesIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Shallix Gusshalli001gus18846/22-23 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Shannon Danshanno004dan18845/3-7/4 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Shannon Danshanno004dan18847/16-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Shannon J.H.shanno002j--18845/15 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Shannon shanno001---18845/2-8/14 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Shattuck Edwardshattu001edw1884 UticaAmat Utica, NY
Shaughnessy shaugh001---18845/2- IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Shaw Samuelshaw--004sam18845/3 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Shaw Charlesshaw--001cha18845/1-8/15 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Shaw Johnshaw--008joh18845/1-8/9 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Shay E.shay--001e--18846/10-7/24 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Shay E.shay--001e--18847/14 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Shay Patsyshay--001pat1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Shay shay--004---18846/2 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Sheahan Dansheeha003dan18844/19-7 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Sheahan Dansheeha003dan1884-8/232 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Sheahan Dansheeha003dan18848/27 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Sheehan Patricksheeha001pat18845/10-6/25 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Sheehan sheeha006---18847/16-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Sheppard/erd Alfredsheppa001alf1884 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18848 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18845/1-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Shields shield002---18845/7 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Shinehouse Charles1884 Pottsville Young MerrittIndependent Pottsville, PA
Shinehouse Roscoe1884 Pottsville AlertIndependent Pottsville, PA
Shinehouse shineh001---1884 Pottsville AlertIndependent Pottsville, PA
Shirk Lynnshirk-001lyn18845/17 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo1884 Philadelphia SomersetIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Shoup Johnshoupe001joh18845/28 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Shoup Johnshoupe001joh18846/-8/ SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Shreve Levshreve001lev1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Siegel Fredsiegel001joh1884 Philadelphia SommersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Siegel Fredsiegel001joh18846/9-6/24 PhiladelphiaUnion Association Philadelphia, PA
Siegel Johnsiegel002joh1884+6/13+ Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Siegel Johnsiegel002joh1884-9/303 g. Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Siffell Franksiffel001fra18846/14-7 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Silch Edsilch-001ed-1884 DallasIndependent Dallas, TX
Simmons Joesimmon001joe18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Simmons Joesimmon001joe1884-9/1218 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Simon Hanksimon-001hen1884 UticaAmat Utica, NY
Sixsmith Edsixsmi001ed-18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Sixsmith Edsixsmi001ed-18849/11 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Skelton Frankskelto001fra18845/1-8/1 Boston ReservesMassachusetts State Association Boston, MA
Skinner Alskinne001al-18847/12 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Skinner Alskinne001al-18847/16 Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Skinner skinne001---18844 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Skinner skinne003---18845/14 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Slade A. M.1884no g. Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Sladen Artsladen001art18848/22-8/25 BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Slattery Mikeslatte001mik18844/17-106 g. BostonUnion Association Boston, MA
Slaughter C.1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Smead smead-001---1884 Madison AdelbertsIndependent Madison,
Smead smead-001---18847/10 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Smiley Billsmiley001bil18845/1-6/21 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Smith Williamsmith-061wil1884 NobleviewIndependent Nobleview, IN
Smith Harrysmith-019har1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Smith Harrysmith-019har1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Smith Harrysmith-019har18845/16-5/21 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Smith Johnsmith-043joh18842 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Johnsmith-043joh18844 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Hughsmith-004hug18842 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Hughsmith-004hug18844 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Edgarsmith-002edg1884+9/11+ BridgeportIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Smith Germanysmith-013geo18844/17-5/31 AltoonaUnion Association Altoona, PA
Smith Germanysmith-013geo1884 Altoona BrownsIndependent Altoona, PA
Smith Germanysmith-013geo188472 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Smith Leosmith-007leo18845/1-9/20 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Smith Lewissmith-003l--1884 YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Smith Lewissmith-003l--18847/18-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Smith Billsmith-007bil18849/17 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Smith Edsmith-002ed-18844/18-5/22  BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Smith Edgarsmith-003edg188414 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Smith A.G.smith-003a--1884 Tama CityIndependent Tama City, IA
Smith Billy1884 New OrleansIndependent New Orleans, LA
Smith Ernestsmith-003ern18845/28 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Smith Ernestsmith-003ern18846/16-9/18 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Smith Franksmith-014fra18845/2-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Smith Franksmith-014fra18848/6-10/3 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Smith Georgesmith-029geo18845/1-5/5 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Smith Harrysmith-024har1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Smith Harrysmith-028har1884 Cleveland ReservesIndependent Cleveland, OH
Smith Harrysmith-028har18845/15-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Smith Harrysmith-028har1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Smith Harrysmith-019har1884 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Smith Johnsmith-054joh18845/2?-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Smith L.smith-005l--1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Smith Petersmith-006pet1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh18848/14-4 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Smith Skyrocketsmith-001sky18845/5+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Smith smith-002---18846/5 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Smith smith-127---18842 g. San Francisco OccidentalCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith smith-041---18845/14-5/24 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Smith smith-061---18847/16-7/18 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Sneed Johnsneed-002joh18845/1-27 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Snow Charlessnow--003cha18845/3-5/31 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Snow Charlessnow--003cha1884+7/18+ Foot GuardsCT-Military ,
Snow 18846/28 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Snyder Emanuelsnyder001red18845/1-8/12 Wilmington QuickstepsEastern League Wilmington, DE
Snyder Emanuelsnyder001red1884-9/1217 g. WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Snyder Hermansnyder004h--1884+5/30-7/21+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Soby Charlessoby--001cha18845/3-9/24 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Somers somers009---1884+5/22-7/19+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Souther Johnsouthe002joh18846/28-7/9 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Souther Johnsouthe002joh1884 New MilfordIndependent New Milford, CT
Souther Johnsouthe002joh1884 FitchburgIndependent Fitchburg, MA
Sowders Lensowder001len18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Speakman speakm001---1884 LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Spence Harryspence001har18845/1-5/19 Baltimore MonumentalsEastern League Baltimore, MD
Spence Harryspence001har18846/2-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Spill Frankspill-001fra18845/2-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Spillace spilla002---18841 g. San Francisco StarCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sprague spragu005---1884+7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Sproul Franksproul002fra18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Sproul E.B.sproul001e--1884+5/16-6/7+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Spry Danielspry--001dan1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
St. Lawrence Edwardstlawr001edw18845/16-7/10 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Stanley Joestanle001joe1884+4/21+ Philadelphia ArchersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stanley Joestanle001joe18844/24-6/18 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Stanley Joestanle001joe1884+6/30+ Philadelphia ArchersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stannard Frankstanna001fra18845/10-5/16 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Stapleton Edwardstaple002edw18845/2-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Stein Fredstein-001fre18847 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Steiner Simmonssteine001sim1884 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Steiner Simmonssteine001sim18847/14-7/15 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Stemmyer Billstemme001bil18845/5-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18845/5-8/9 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Stevens Franksteven002fra1884 LeadvilleIndependent Leadville, CO
Stevens steven028---1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Stevens steven028---1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Stimmel Georgestimme001geo18847/9-8/10 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Stine Harrystine-001har1884 Dayton Gem CitysIndependent Dayton, OH
Stine stine-002---18846/17-6/20 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Stockwell Lenstockw001len18845/1-7/25 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Stockwell Lenstockw001len18842 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Stoltz stoltz001---18847/14 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Stone Georgestone-005geo18845/1-8/12 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Stone Georgestone-005geo18848/19-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Stoner C. F.18848/- Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Stratton Edstratt001ed-18845/5-7/17 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Stratton Edstratt001ed-1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Straub Joestraub001joe18845/1-8/17 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Straub Joestraub001joe1884 OcontoIndependent Oconto, WI
Strauss Joestraus001joe18845/2-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Strauss Joestraus001joe18847/27-16 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Strick Charlesstrick001cha1884 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Strobb Joseph1884 Milwaukee BrewersNorthwestern League Milwaukee, WI
Strock strock001---18847/9-7/10 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Strueve Alstruev001al-18843/1-6/221 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Strueve Alstruev001al-18846/22-6/24 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Strueve Alstruev001al-18848/3 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Strueve Alstruev001al-1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Stuart Arthurstuart001art1884 Amherst Col.College ,
Stuart Arthurstuart001art1884 FitchburgIndependent Fitchburg, MA
Stuart Joe1884 Brooklyn AtlanticsEastern League Brooklyn, NY
Stump Albertstump-001alb18845/3-8/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Sturgeon Robertsturge003rob18845/1-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Succor succor001---18849/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Suck Tonysuck--001ton1884-10/1556 g. Chicago-PittsburghUnion Association Chicago, IL
Suck Tonysuck--001ton1884 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-188439 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-18847/3-7/5 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-18847/16-10/18 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Sullivan Jamessulliv015jam1884 ChathamIndependent Chatham,
Sullivan Patsulliv002pat18845/2-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Sullivan Patsulliv002pat18848/30-10/19 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Sullivan Davesulliv006dav188490 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Sullivan Jamessulliv014jam1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Sullivan Charliesulliv003cha18841 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Fleurysulliv001fle18845/3-10/15 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Sullivan Josephsulliv009jos1884 NashvilleIndependent Nashville, TN
Sullivan Mikesulliv001mik1884 WebsterIndependent Webster, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv001mik18845/17-7/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv001mik18847/17-7/19 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv001mik18847/23-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Sullivan T.J.sulliv002t--18845/24-7/23 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Sullivan Benjaminsulliv003ben1884 North PlatteIndependent North Platte,
Sullivan John1884 Providence Providence, RI
Sullivan P.1884 NashvilleIndependent Nashville, TN
Sullivan P.1884 Memphis RedsIndependent Memphis, TN
Sullivan Tomsulliv001tom1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Sullivan Tomsulliv001tom18849/27-4 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Sullivan Williamsulliv015wil18845/29 St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Sullivan Williamsulliv014wil18845/7-5/? YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Sullivan Williamsulliv014wil1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Sully B.1884 Seneca FallsEmpire Seneca Falls, NY
Sunday Artsunday001art1884 St. JosephIndependent St. Joseph, MO
Sutcliffe Elmersutcli001sy-188410/2-31 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Swan Andyswan--001and18845/1-6/24 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Swan Andyswan--001and18847/23-7/?5 g. WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Swan Andyswan--001and188410/10-10/13 RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Swanton Billyswanto001bil18848 g. San FranciscoCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweasy Charliesweasy001cha18846/4-6/5 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Sweeney Billsweene001bil18844/17-10/14 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Sweeney Petesweene001pet18846 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Bernardsweene001ber1884-9/30 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Sweeney Bryansweene001bry1884 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Sweeney Bryansweene001bry18845/27-5/31 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Sweeney Jerrysweene001jer18845/2-8/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Sweeney Jerrysweene001jer18848/22-10/16 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Sweeney sweene017---18847/11 WorcesterMassachusetts State Association Worcester, MA
Swift J.A.swift-001ja-1884+5/26-7/16+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Swift swift-001---18845/24 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Sylvester Lousylves002lou18844/18-82 g. CincinnatiIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Talcott talcot002---18848/13- RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Talley Lewistalley001lew18845/5-8/9 FranklinIron & Oil Association Franklin, PA
Tanner Georgetanner001geo18846/14 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Tate Edwardtate--001pop1884 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Tate Edwardtate--001pop1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Taylor Live Oaktaylor001liv1884-7/3041 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Taylor Live Oaktaylor001liv1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Taylor Billytaylor001bil188479 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Taylor Georgetaylor005geo18845/1-10/15 BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Taylor Charles1884 UticaIndependent Utica, NY
Taylor W. C.1884 Buffalo NiagaraIndependent Buffalo, NY
Taylor taylor043---18847/14-7/19 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Taylor taylor068---18848/20 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo1884 St. Louis ShamrockAmateur St. Louis, MO
Tenney Fredtenney002fre18844/28-36 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Tenney Fredtenney002fre18848/28 WilmingtonUnion Association Wilmington, DE
Terrien Edmundterrie001edm18845/3-5/29 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Terry Adonisterry-001ado18845/1-667 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Terry 1884 Yale Univ.College ,
Terry 1884 MetropolitansIndependent ,
Thomas Williamthomas015wil18845/10-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Thomas Williamthomas015wil18849/10-9/20 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Thomas A.J.thomas005a--18845/5-6/6+ YoungstownIron & Oil Association Youngstown, OH
Thompson Tugthomps001tug1884-7/424 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Thompson Tugthomps001tug1884 London OntarioIndependent London, ON
Thompson Samthomps002sam18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Thompson Andrewthomps007and18847/23-9/7 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Thompson Andrewthomps007and18849/27-10/13 St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Thompson 1884 BrooklynIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Thyne Jamesthyne-001jam1884 East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Tiernan Miketierna001mik18845/10-6/7 ChambersburgKeystone Association Chambersburg, PA
Tiernan Miketierna001mik18848/?-10/8 WilliamsportIndependent Williamsport, PA
Tierney Billtierne001bil18844/24 BaltimoreUnion Association Baltimore, MD
Till till--001---18845/31-7/26 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Tilley Johntilley001joh188417 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Tilley Johntilley001joh18847/7-9/? St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Tilley Johntilley001joh1884-10/139 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
Timblin 188410/3-10/9 MLB UmpireUnion Association ,
Tindall Roberttindal001rob18845/8 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Tinney Thomastinney000tho18844/28-6/24 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Tobin Billtobin-001bil18845/14-8/30 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Toffling Georgetoffli001geo18845/28-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Tomer F.K.tomer-001f--18845/7-7/16 East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Tomer F.K.tomer-001f--18848/?- Pittsburgh AthleticsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Tomney Philtomney001phi18845/20-6/17 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Tomney Philtomney001phi18847/1-9/18 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Tomney Philtomney001phi1884-10/1 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Toohey Edwardtoohey001edw18845/10-8/30 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Toole Stevetoole-001ste1884+5/12-6/25+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Toole toole-002---18848/1-8/7 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Toole toole-001---1884 SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra1884 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Toughey Teddietoughe001ted18845/1-5/2 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Towart Jacktowart001jac1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Toy Jimtoy---001jim1884+5/12-6/25+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Traffley Billtraffl001bil188453 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Trask Charlestrask-001cha18845/3-5/10 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Trask Charlestrask-001cha18847/5 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Tray Jimtray--001jim1884-6/ Allentown ReservesIndependent Allentown, PA
Tray Jimtray--001jim18846/17-8/13 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Tray Jimtray--001jim18849/6-6 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Trimble Williamtrimbl001wil1884 Meriden AthleticIndependent Meriden, CT
Trimble Williamtrimbl001wil18845/24-8/2 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Troy Pete1884 New York DelawaresIndependent New York, NY
Troy Pete1884 Augusta ClinchsGeorgia State League Augusta, GA
Trumbull Edtrumbu001ed-18845/10-7/28 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Trumbull Edtrumbu001ed-18848/9-8/13 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Trusty Sheppard1884 Philadelphia OrionsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Tucker Tommytucker003tho18845/1-8/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Turbidy Jerryturbid001jer18845/3-7/22 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Turbidy Jerryturbid001jer18847/27-8/13 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Turbidy Jerryturbid001jer18849/6 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Turner turner001---1884 Light GuardsMilitary ,
Turner turner001---18845/31-7/4 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Turner turner001---18847/26-10/4 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Tuthill Benjamintuthil001ben18845/1-9/7 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Twineham Arttwineh002art1884 St. JosephIndependent St. Joseph, MO
Tyler Roberttyler-002rob18845/3-6/3 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Tyler Roberttyler-002rob188410/4-10/6 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Tyng Jimtyng--001jim1884 Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Umbach Willumbach001wil18848/19-8/28 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Underwood 1884 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Updegrove J. D.1884-87 Lafayette Col.College ,
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen18847/11-7/22 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen1884 Mechanic.Independent ,
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen18848/23-9/20 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Valentine Johnvalent003joh18845/1-104 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Van Alstyne Hobartvanals001hob1884 SyracuseIndependent Syracuse, NY
Van Court Eugenevancou001eug18845/1-8/7 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Van Dyke Billvandyk001bil18845/1-8/5 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo1884 OaklandIndependent Oakland, CA
Van Lewen Joevanlew001---1884+5/15-5/22+ East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Van Lewen Joevanlew001---18849/1 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Van Sickles W.M.vansic001w--1884no g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Vaughn Johnvaughn001joh18848/15 HolyokeMassachusetts State Association Holyoke, MA
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18847/30-8/4 EvansvilleNorthwestern League Evansville, IN
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee1884 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18848/24-27 g. Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Vetter 1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Vincent George1884no g. Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Vincent George1884 VincennesIndependent Vincennes, IN
Vinton Billvinton001bil1884 Phillips AndoverSchool ,
Vinton Billvinton001bil18847/3-21 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Visner Joevisner001joe18845/3-8/4 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Visner Joevisner001joe1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Voegtle Philipvoetle001---1884 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, IL
Voelker W.J.voelke001w--18845/30-7/28+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Voltz Williamvoltz-001wil1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Voss Alexvoss--001ale18844/17-9/12 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Wade 1884+9/16+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Wadsworth Frankwadswo001fra1884 New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Wadsworth Georgewadswo001geo18846/11-8/15 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Wagner George18843/1-5/3025 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Waitt Charliewaitt-001cha1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Waitt Charliewaitt-001cha18847/?- LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Walker Oscarwalker002osc1884-9/499 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Walker Fleetwalker001fle18845/1-9/4 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Walker Clarencewalsh-002cla1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Walker Georgewalker002geo18847/5-7/14 Hamiton BaysidesIndependent Hamiton, ON
Walker Georgewalker002geo1884 StratfordIndependent Stratford, ON
Walker Weldaywalker001wel18847/15-8/6 ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Walker Waltwalker001wal18845/8 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Walker Waltwalker001wal18846/3-9/2 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Walker 1884 Columbus StarsGeorgia State League Columbus, GA
Wall Howardwall--002how1884 Washington WaverlysWashAmat Washington, DC
Walmsley Johnwalmsl001joh18845/2-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Walsh Mikewalsh-001mik18845/1-10/15 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Walsh Johnwalsh-059---18845/17-7/4 WalthamMassachusetts State Association Waltham, MA
Walsh Johnwalsh-059---1884 NewburgIndependent Newburg, NY
Walsh Johnwalsh-015joh18845/10-7/22 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Walsh Johnwalsh-015joh18848/21-9/3 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Walsh Mickeywalsh-005mic1884 PlainfieldIndependent Plainfield, CT
Walsh Mickeywalsh-005mic18845/16-10/6 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Walsh Jameswalsh-012jam1884 Rock IslandIndependent Rock Island, IL
Walsh Jameswalsh-012jam1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Wamsley John1884no g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Ward E.J.ward--003e--18845/1-5/9 Allentown DukesEastern League Allentown, PA
Ward E.J.ward--003e--1884 WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Ward Johnward--008joh18843/1-5/3025 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Ward Johnward--007joh1884 East Liberty Liberty StarsIron & Oil Association East Liberty, OH
Ward Johnward--007joh18845/23 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Ward ward--001---18846/14 HartfordConnecticut State League Hartford, CT
Warner Edwardwarner003edw18845/2-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Warner Edwardwarner003edw1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Washington L.1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Watkins Billwatkin002bil18845/2-7/18 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Watkins Billwatkin002bil18848/1-10/13 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Watson Arthurwatson004art18845/3-5/21 LawrenceMassachusetts State Association Lawrence, MA
Weakley G.H.weakle001g--1884 NashvilleIndependent Nashville, TN
Weber Harryweber-001har18847/22-7/31 IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Weber Harryweber-001har18847/25 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Weber Joeweber-001joe18847/22-7/31 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Weidel Augustweidel001aug18845/1-7/4 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Weidel Augustweidel001aug18847/9-9/19 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Weigand Georgeweigan001geo18845/1-9/18 Newark DomesticsEastern League Newark, NJ
Weihe Podgeweihe-001pod1884 Cincinnati ReservesIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Weihe Podgeweihe-001pod1884-9/2563 g. IndianapolisAmerican Association Indianapolis, IN
Weir Hughweir--001hug1884+5/12-6/25+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Weir Hughweir--001hug1884+8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Welch Curtwelch-001cur18845/1 -1068 g. ToledoAmerican Association Toledo, OH
Welsh welsh-008---1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Werden Perrywerden001per18844/24 -16 g. St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Werrick Joewerric001joe18845/1-7/8 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Werrick Joewerric001joe18848/19-8/20 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Werrick Joewerric001joe18848/21 St. Paul ApostlesNorthwestern League St. Paul, MN
Werrick Joewerric001joe18849/27-9 g. St. PaulUnion Association St. Paul, MN
West Buckwest--001buc18845/1-8/12 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
West Buckwest--001buc18848/24 -33 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
West Edward18846/4-8/26 UmpireEast ,
Wetzell Georgewetzel001sho1884 LancasterKeystone Association Lancaster, PA
Wetzell Georgewetzel001sho1884 Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Wetzell Georgewetzel001sho18847/?-10/1 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Wheat wheat-002---18846/4 WillimanticConnecticut State League Willimantic, CT
Wheeler Harrywheele002har18845/27-6/24 g. St. Louis ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Wheeler 1884+9/11+ BridgeportIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob1884 ConcordIndependent Concord, NH
White Warrenwhite-002war1884-6/274 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
White Billwhite-003bil18845/3 -74 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
White Billwhite-003bil18848/- SpringfieldOhio State League Springfield, OH
Whitehead Miltwhiteh001mil18844/20-10/19 St. Louis MaroonsUnion Association St. Louis, MO
Whiteley Guerdonwhitel001gue1884 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Whiteley Guerdonwhitel001gue18848/7 -8 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Whitfield Jameswhitfi003jam18845/1-5/28 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Whitney Artwhitne002art18845/1-8/12 Saginaw GreysNorthwestern League Saginaw, MI
Whitney Artwhitne002art1884-8/22802 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha1884 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Whitney Frankwhitne003fra1884 LowellIndependent Lowell, MA
Whitney Frankwhitne003fra18845/10 UmpireMass ,
Whitney Frankwhitne003fra18846/21 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Whitney Frankwhitne003fra1884 DanversIndependent Danvers, MA
Whitney Frankwhitne003fra18847/11 UmpireMass ,
Wier H.1884+6/6-6/19+ New BrightonIron & Oil Association New Brighton, PA
Wier H.1884+8/9 Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Wilcox wilcox008---1884+6/11+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Wilcox wilcox014---1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Wiley Josephwiley-002joh1884-5/ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Wiley Josephwiley-002joh18846/23 WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Wilkinson C.wilkin001c--1884 Meriden ElmsIndependent Meriden, CT
Wilkinson C.wilkin001c--18846/4-9/20 MeridenConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Willett James1884 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Williams Arthurwillia004art1884 LancasterIndependent Lancaster, PA
Williams Washwillia001was18845/1-7/21 Trenton TrentoniansEastern League Trenton, NJ
Williams Washwillia001was18847/30-8/4 Richmond VirginiasEastern League Richmond, VA
Williams Washwillia001was18848/5 -2 g. RichmondAmerican Association Richmond, VA
Williams Jimmywillia004jim18845/1-85 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Williams S.F.willia003s--18845/3-? WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Williams S.J.willia005s--1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Williams Solomon1884 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Williams willia247---18845/23-6/10 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Williams 1884 Philadelphia WhartonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Williams 1884 HendersonNCSt Henderson, NC
Wills wills-002---18845/14-7/25 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Wilson Charleswilson002cha1884 Hamiton ClippersIndependent Hamiton, ON
Wilson Jameswilson021jam18845/19 Harrisburg OlympicsEastern League Harrisburg, PA
Wilson John1884+7/2-8/1+ UmpireIron&Oil ,
Wilson Tugwilson001tug18845/9-7/21 BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Wilson wilson107---18846/21-7/18 SpringfieldMassachusetts State Association Springfield, MA
Wilson wilson104---1884 Westfield FiremenIndependent Westfield,
Wilson wilson104---18847/2-10/4 RockvilleConnecticut State League Rockville, CT
Winchester winche002---18845/3-6/1 New BritainConnecticut State League New Britain, CT
Winkleman Georgewinkle002geo1884 HamiltonOhio State League Hamilton, OH
Winslow Johnwinslo001joh1884 Beverly StarsIndependent Beverly, MA
Winslow Johnwinslo001joh18845/3-6/21 SalemMassachusetts State Association Salem, MA
Winternitz Ansilwinter001ans1884+7/28+ New Castle NeshannocksIron & Oil Association New Castle, PA
Wise Billwise--001bil18844/17-85 g. WashingtonUnion Association Washington, DC
Wolstenholme Abewolste001abe18845/5-7/10+ Oil CityIron & Oil Association Oil City, PA
Wood Petewood--001pet1884 U.of Toronto MedCollege ,
Wood Petewood--001pet1884 Hamiton ClippersIndependent Hamiton, ON
Wood Williamwood--012wil18845/2-8/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Wood Fredwood--001fre18845/14 -12 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Wood Fredwood--001fre188410/4 Hamiton ClippersIndependent Hamiton, ON
Wood Jeffwood--001jef1884 Hamiton ClippersIndependent Hamiton, ON
Woodbury Lymanwoodbu001lym18845/3 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Worrell M. E.1884 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Woulfe Jimmywoulfe001jim18845/16-7/23 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Wright Louwright001lou18846/7 WaterburyConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Wright Parry18847/20-7/22 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Wright Rastywright001ras18845/1-8/7 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Wright Rastywright001ras1884 Detroit CassIndependent Detroit, MI
Wylie Johnwylie-003joh18845/2-5/27 ChesterKeystone Association Chester, PA
Wyman Williswyman-002fra18845/3-6/7 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Wyman Williswyman-001fra18846/10 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Wyman Williswyman-002fra18846/13-6/21 LynnMassachusetts State Association Lynn, MA
Wyman Williswyman-001fra18846/24-8/9 Kansas CityUnion Association Kansas City, MO
Yaik Henryyaik--001hen1884 Detroit CassIndependent Detroit, MI
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen18845/2-5/22 StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen18846/19-6/30 MuskegonNorthwestern League Muskegon, MI
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen18847/? StillwaterNorthwestern League Stillwater, MN
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen18847/22 Terre HauteNorthwestern League Terre Haute, IN
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen1884 Pottsville AntharcitesIndependent Pottsville, PA
Yeager Edward1884 HoustonTx Houston, TX
Yeager yeager003---18845/20-5/29 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Yetzer Joeyetzer001---18847/26 Reading GoodwillIndependent Reading, PA
Yetzer Joeyetzer001---18847/28 Reading ActivesEastern League Reading, PA
Yewell Edyewell001ed-18845/12-8/7 WashingtonAmerican Association Washington, DC
Yott Williamyott--001wil18845/15-6/23 Minneapolis MillersNorthwestern League Minneapolis, MN
Yott Williamyott--001wil1884+7/22+ Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Young J.young-005j--1884 Hamiton PrimroseIndependent Hamiton, ON
Young Benyoung-002ben1884 UmpireNW ,
Young young-001---18848/31 Winona ClippersNorthwestern League Winona, MN
Zecher Williamzecher001wil1884+5/19+ LittlestownKeystone Association Littlestown, PA
Zecher Williamzecher001wil18849/15 Lancaster IronsidesEastern League Lancaster, PA
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi1884+5/5-6/5+ YorkKeystone Association York, PA
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi18847/18-9/19 York White RosesEastern League York, PA
Zell Harryzell--001har1884 Dayton Gem CitysOhio State League Dayton, OH
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha1884 IrontonOhio State League Ironton, OH
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha1884 Portsmouth RiversidesOhio State League Portsmouth, OH
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha18847/18-8 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Zimmer 1884 AkronIndependent Akron, OH