Searching for records from 1879
There are 924 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abadie Johnabadie001joh1879-6/ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Adams Georgeadams-005geo18794 g. Syracuse StarsIntAssn Syracuse, NY
Adams Georgeadams-005geo18796/14-6/21 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Addy Bobaddy--001bob1879 Salt Lake CityIndependent Salt Lake City, UT
Ahearn Billahearn002cha1879 West Troy West Troy, NY
Aitkin J.aitkin001j--18796 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Aitkin J.aitkin001j--18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Alcott Nicholasalcott001nic18794/21-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Alcott Nicholasalcott001nic18797/28-8/29 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Allen Jackallen-003jac18795/1-7/17 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Allen Jackallen-003jac187933 g. BuffaloInt ,
Allen 187911 g. Syracuse StarsIndependent Syracuse, NY
Allison Dougalliso001dou18794/22-5/4 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Allison Dougalliso001dou18796/9-7/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Allison Dougalliso001dou18798/?1 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Anderson 1879+6/9+ New YorkIndependent New York, NY
Andrews andrew002---187912 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Angus Frankangus-001fra18796 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Angus Frankangus-001fra18794 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Annis Billannis-001bil187939 g. StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Anthes 1879+5/27+ MaldenIndependent Malden, MA
Anthony 187918 g. Providence NarragansettIndependent Providence, RI
Armstrong armstr008---18794 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Armstrong armstr022---18791 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Arnold Billyarnold001bil1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Arnold Billyarnold001bil18798/30-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Badger 1879+11/9+ New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Bailey Georgebailey001g--187915 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Baker Philbaker-002phi187935 g. HornellsvilleIntAssn Hornellsville, NY
Baker Philbaker-002phi18794/14-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Baker Georgebaker-007geo18795/13-5/24 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Balch E.E.balch-001e--1879 Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Balsey Georgebalsey001geo1879 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Bancroft Frankbancro001fra18794/21-10/14 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Bandle Frankbandle002fra187918 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Banker J.banker001j--1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bannon 1879+5/10+ New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Bannon 1879+5/28+ New York FlyawaysIndependent New York, NY
Barber 1879+8/29+ EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Bardee 1879+8/17+ Columbus MutesIndependent Columbus, OH
Barker barker001---18793 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Barnes Rossbarnes001ros187977 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Barnes barnes022---18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Barnie Billybarnie001bil18796/1 -7 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Barrett Johnbarret006joh18794/16-5/29 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Barrett 1879 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Barrett 1879+5/13+ Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Barrett 1879 New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Barry 187914 g. Providence NarragansettIndependent Providence, RI
Bartley bartle008---18791 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Bates 1879+5/27+ CampelloIndependent Campello, MA
Battin Joebattin001joe18794/21-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Battin Joebattin001joe18797/19-8/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Battin Joebattin001joe18798/12-9/6 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Battin Joebattin001joe1879+9/22+ BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Baxter A. E.1879 BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Beals Tommybeals-001tom18791 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Beals Tommybeals-001tom18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Becannon 1879-8/ 25 g. HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Becannon 18798/- CampelloIndependent Campello, MA
Beck beck--001---187914 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Behl Doug18795/30- FreeportIndependent Freeport, WI
Bellan Stevebellan001ste1879 HabanaCuban Habana,
Benjamin benjam002---18793 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Benner 1879+9/7+ Brooklyn NamelessIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Benners Ikebenner001ike18794/28-5/7 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Benners Ikebenner001ike1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bennett Charliebennet005cha18794/16-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Benton benton001---18794 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Benton benton001---187910 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Benton benton001---18798 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Bergh Johnbergh-001joh1879 BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Bergh Johnbergh-001joh1879+6/7-7/ Halifax AtlantasIndependent Halifax, NS
Bergh Johnbergh-001joh18797/- Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bertzhoff bertzh001---18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Bess 1879 Salt Lake CityIndependent Salt Lake City, UT
Bielaski Oscarbielas001osc18794/14-6/25 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Bigelow Conniebigelo001con187913 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Birchall Judbircha001jud1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Blackburn 1879 VanderbiltCollege ,
Blakiston Bobblakis001bob187917 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Blanfuss 187923 g. Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Blaufuss Henry1879 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Bliss Frankbliss-001fra1879 KalamazooIndependent Kalamazoo, MI
Blong Joeblong-001joe187913 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Bohn Charliebohn--001cha187917 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Bohn Williambohn--002wil1879 Council BluffIndependent Council Bluff, IA
Bohn 1879+7/29+ Cleveland Forest CityIndependent Cleveland, OH
Bohn 1879 Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Bolander boland003---187915 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Boleyn 1879+7/4+ Chicago DreadnaughtIndependent Chicago, IL
Bond 1879+11/9+ New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Booth Amosbooth-001amo18794/21-9/6 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Booth 1879+5/10+ Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Boyce Billboyce-001bil18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Boyd 1879 Knoxville Brown StockingsIndependent Knoxville, TN
Boyle Bigboyle-001big18791 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Boyle Harlowboyle-001har18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Bozeman 1879 Knoxville Brown StockingsIndependent Knoxville, TN
Brackett Georgebracke001geo1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Bradley Georgebradle002geo1879435 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Bradley Foghornbradle001fog187932 g. London TecumsehIndependent London, ON
Bradley Foghornbradle001fog1879 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Bradley Georgebradle002geo18796/16-7/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Brady Stevebrady-002ste18794/24-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Brady Stevebrady-002ste187935 g. SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Bree bree--001---18791 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Breen Peter1879 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Brennan 1879+11/9+ New Orleans EckfordIndependent New Orleans, LA
Bresnahan 18794/14- BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Bresnahan 187922 g. StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Brinkmeyer 1879+11/9+ New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Briody Fattybriody001fat18794/28-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Britt J.britt-001j--187911 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Brocksmith brocks001---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Brockway John1879 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brouthers Danbrouth001den1879-5/ LansingburgIndependent Lansingburg, NY
Brouthers Danbrouth001den18796/23-42 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Brown F.brown-008f--187913 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Brown Williambrown-031wil187912 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Brown G.1879 St. Louis GraysAmat St. Louis, MO
Brown N.brown-001n--18797 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Brown 1879+5/27+ MaldenIndependent Malden, MA
Brown 1879+6/7+ Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Brown 1879+7/4+ Chicago DreadnaughtIndependent Chicago, IL
Brown 1879+8/11+ WarrenIndependent Warren, PA
Browning Petebrowni001pet187930 g. Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Bryan bryan-008---18791 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Buckingham buckin001---18797 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Buckley Tombuckle001tom18794 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Buckley Tombuckle001tom18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Buffinton Charliebuffin001cha18793 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bunce Joshbunce-001jos1879+6/7-9/7+ Brooklyn NamelessIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Burke Mikeburke-002mik18795/1-28 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Burke Mikeburke-002mik187941 g. London TecumsehIntAssn London, ON
Burke Jamesburke-005jam1879 Providence NarragansettIndependent Providence, RI
Burke T.D.burke-001t--187914 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Burke burke-059---18795/14-5/21 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Burke 187918 g. Providence NarragansettIndependent Providence, RI
Burket 1879+7/29+ Findlay Nine SpotsIndependent Findlay, OH
Burlingame 187916 g. Providence NarragansettIndependent Providence, RI
Burns J.G.burns-001j--18794/28-5/14 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Burns J.G.burns-001j--18797 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Burns Tomburns-001tom18794/21-10/4 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Burns C. J.1879 PascoagsIndependent ,
Burns 1879+6/9+ New YorkIndependent New York, NY
Burt Frankburt--002fra1879+8/29+ EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Burton burton001---187915 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bushong Docbushon001doc18794/16-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Bushong Docbushon001doc1879no g. Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Cadogan J.cadoga001j--187913 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Calcord 1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Callahan 187924 g. Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Callahan Edcallah001ed-1879 NatickIndependent Natick, MA
Callahan 1879 BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Callahan 1879 Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Callahan 1879 Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Callahan 1879+5/28+5 g. New York FlyawaysIndependent New York, NY
Callahan 1879+5/27+ MaldenIndependent Malden, MA
Campbell 1879+7/29+ Findlay Nine SpotsIndependent Findlay, OH
Cannary J.W.cannar001j--1879+6/21+ BrocktonIndependent Brockton, MA
Cantillon Williamcantil001w--187918 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1879 JanesvilleIndependent Janesville, WI
Caperoon Johncapero001joh1879+6/27-8/28+ EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Carbine Johncarbin001joh1879 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Carey Tomcarey-001tom187980 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Carey Tomcarey-001tom18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Carey 1879+8/31+ Cincinnati MohawkIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Carpenter Hickcarpen001hic18795/1-1117 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Carr carr--001---18792 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Cliffcarrol002cli1879no g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Carroll Johncarrol007joh18798 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Johncarrol007joh18794 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Carroll Patcarrol001pat1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Carty 1879 Knoxville Red StockingsIndependent Knoxville, TN
Casey T.F.casey-001t--18794 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Caskin Edcaskin001ed-18795/1-482 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Cassidy Johncassid003joh18794/21-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Cassidy Johncassid003joh1879408 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Cerlin cerlin001---18791 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Chapman Jackchapma002jac1879 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Chapman Jackchapma002jac18795/?-10/14 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Chapman 1879 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Clapp Aaronclapp-001aar18795/1-36 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Clapp Aaronclapp-001aar18798/12-10/4 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Clare 1879+7/23+ OrangeIndependent Orange, NJ
Clark Harryclark-001har18794/21-7/8 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Clarke 1879+11/9+ New Orleans EckfordIndependent New Orleans, LA
Clarkson P.M.clarks001p--18798 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Cline John P.?1879+8/6+ Louisville Red StockingsIndependent Louisville, KY
Clinton Jimclinto001jim1879+5/10+ Jersey City BrownsIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Coffin coffin001---18792 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cogswell Edcogswe001ed-18798/12-10/4 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Cogswell Edcogswe001ed-18797/11-96 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Cohn cohn--001---18794 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Colcord 1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Collard 1879 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Collins Dancollin007dan1879+11/9+ New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Collins E.1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Collins collin002---18797/2 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Collins 1879+8/6+ Louisville Red StockingsIndependent Louisville, KY
Comiskey Charliecomisk001cha187912 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Commard 1879+8/31+ Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Compton 1879 Knoxville Red StockingsIndependent Knoxville, TN
Condon 1879 Knoxville Red StockingsIndependent Knoxville, TN
Connell Terryconnel002ter1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Connell Terryconnel002ter1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Connor Rogerconnor001rog18794/21-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Conrick conric001---18794 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Coon Williamcoon--001wil187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Coons 1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Corcoran Larrycorcor001lar18794/23-8/29 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Corcoran Larrycorcor001lar18799/13-9/19 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Corcoran 1879+7/4+24 g. StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Corey Fredcorey-001fre18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Corey Fredcorey-001fre18795/16-8/1 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Corey corey-001---18795/7-5/31 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Corkhill Johncorkhi001pop1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Corpstein Jackcorpst001jac187911 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Corpstein Jackcorpst001jac18791 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Corpstein P.corpst001p--18796 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Corrigan corrig003---18791 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Cox Frankcox---003fra1879 NatickIndependent Natick, MA
Cramer 1879+5/28+6 g. New York FlyawaysIndependent New York, NY
Cramer Edwardcramer001dic1879 EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Cramer 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Cramer 1879+5/13+ Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Cramer 1879+7/23+ OrangeIndependent Orange, NJ
Crane Samcrane-002sam18794/21-7/4 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Crane Samcrane-002sam18798/2-8/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Crane Samcrane-002sam1879 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Crane Danielcrane-001dan18792 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Crapp crapp-001---18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Craver Billcraver001bil1879 TroyIndependent Troy, NY
Crawford Georgecrawfo004geo187912 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Crawford S.crawfo001s--18792 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Crawford S.crawfo001s--18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Creamer Georgecreame001geo187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Creamer Georgecreame001geo187915 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Creamer Georgecreame001geo18799/26-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Creamer 1879+8/29+ EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Critchley Morriecritch001mor18794/21-10/3 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Croft Artcroft-001art187914 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Croft Artcroft-001art1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Crohen Croghan?1879+7/29+ Findlay Nine SpotsIndependent Findlay, OH
Crosby 18794/14- BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Crosley 1879+6/7+ Brooklyn NamelessIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Crotty Joseph?1879+8/6+19 g.  Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Crowley D.crowle002d--18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Cruse 1879+6/7+ Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim187919 g. Providence NarragansettAmat/s-p Providence, RI
Cullen Johncullen004joh18799 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cullen Johncullen004joh18794 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cummings Candycummin001can18794/21-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Cummings Arthurcummin001art1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Cummings 1879+8/31+ Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Curran Johncurren001pet1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Curran Johncurren001pet18796/19-6/26 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Curry Wescurry-001wes1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Curry Wescurry-001wes1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Cuthbert Nedcuthbe001ned1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Dailey Johndailey001joh18794/21-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Dailey Johndailey001joh18797/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Dallas Leondallas001leo187910 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Daly J.daly--002j--18791 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Daniels Artdaniel001art187913 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Daniels Artdaniel001art18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
David L. N.1879 San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Deagle Rendeagle001ren1879 Bay CityIndependent Bay City, MI
Deasley Patdeasle001pat1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Deasley Patdeasle001pat1879+9/25+ BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Decker Frankdecker002fra1879 St. Louis GraysAmat St. Louis, MO
Decker Frankdecker002fra18796/25-3 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Decker Frankdecker002fra1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Decker Frankdecker002fra1879 Denver BrownsIndependent Denver, CO
Dehlmire dehlmi002---1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer1879 St. Mary's CollegeCollege ,
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer18798 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer18794 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer18791 g. Mutual ,
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer18791 g. Haymakers ,
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer18791 g. Athletic ,
DePangher Mikedepang001mik18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Derby Georgederby-001geo18794/14-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Diddlebock Harrydiddle001har1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Dietrick Williamdietri005wil18791 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Dignan Stevedignan001ste1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Dignan Stevedignan001ste1879 StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Dinnen Mikedinnen001mik18794/21-7/5 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Dinnen Mikedinnen001mik18797/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18794/21-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18797/19 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18799 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18799/30 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dolan 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Donahue Jackdonahu001jac18794 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Donahue Jackdonahu001jac18793 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Donnelly donnel024---18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Dorgan Mikedorgan001mik1879 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Dorgan Mikedorgan001mik1879197 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer1879 BiddefordIndependent Biddeford, ME
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer18794/21-10/4 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Dorsey Jerrydorsey004jer187921 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Dorsey Jerrydorsey004jer18798/- LyonsIndependent Lyons, NY
Doscher Hermdosche001her187950 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Doscher Hermdosche001her18799/10 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Driscoll Dennydrisco001den18795/9-6/19 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Driscoll Dennydrisco001den18798/30-10/1 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Duane Jackduane-001jac18794 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Dunlap Freddunlap002fre18794/21-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Dunlap Freddunlap002fre18799/11 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Dunn dunn--015---18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Dunnigan Josephdunnig001jos18795/6-5/8 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Dunnigan Josephdunnig001jos18795/26-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Dwyer Dickdwyer-001ric1879 GloversvilleIndependent Gloversville, NY
Dyson Frederickdyson-001fre1879 Guelph Maple LeafsIndependent Guelph, ON
Eagan John1879 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Eckles eckles001---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Eden Charlieeden--001cha187981 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Eggler Daveeggler001dav187978 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Eisenhower 1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Eisenhower 1879 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Eisenminger Guy1879 Univ. of IowaCollege ,
Ellick Joeellick001joe18794/14-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Ellis ellis-031---18799 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Esterbrook Dudeesterb001dud1879 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Evans Jakeevans-001jak18795/1-472 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Evans Jake?1879 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Everett Charleseveret001cha18797/?-7/21 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Ewing Buckewing-001buc1879 Cincinnati MohawkIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Farrell Jackfarrel002jac18795/1-842 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Farrell James18796/9-8/2 New York FlyawaysIndependent New York, NY
Farrell Joefarrel001joe187912 g. New York FlyawaysIndependent New York, NY
Farrell Joefarrel001joe18795/7-5/13 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Farrell Joefarrel001joe18797/- Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Farrell Joefarrel001joe1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Farrell Joefarrel001joe1879 Brooklyn HudsonIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Farrell Joefarrel001joe1879 Sacramento Red StockingsIndependent Sacramento, CA
Farrell farrel039---187911 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Farrow Johnfarrow002joh1879 OrangeIndependent Orange, NJ
Farrow Johnfarrow002joh1879 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Fayerweather Georgefayerw001geo18794/21-8/? New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Fayerweather Georgefayerw001geo18798/?-9/8 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Ferguson Bobfergus001bob18794/21-5/28 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Ferguson Bobfergus001bob18799 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Ferguson Bobfergus001bob18798/11-30 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Finn J.finn--001j--18792 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Fisher Cherokeefisher001che1879 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Fisher Georgefisher006joh1879 San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fisler Wesfisler001wes1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge008joh187912 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Foley Curryfoley-001cur1879 Lowell Lowell, MA
Foley Curryfoley-001cur18795/13-115 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Follett M. W.1879?-8/ Lansingburg ResolutesIndependent Lansingburg, NY
Foran Jimforan-001jim18797 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Foran Jimforan-001jim18792 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Force Davyforce-001dav1879-8/20649 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Ford ford--001---18796 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Foster John1879 PetersboroughIndependent Petersborough, NH
Fountain Edward18795/1-5/24 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Foutz Davefoutz-001dav187941 g. Denver BearsS-Pro Denver, CO
Foutz David1879 BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Franklin frankl005---18791 g. Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
French Billfrench001bil187916 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Frodham frodha001---18795 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Fulmer Charlesfulmer001chi187976 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Furlong Billfurlon002wil187918 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Furlong Billfurlon002wil187938 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh18798/23 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Gaffney 1879 Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Galpin 1879 Brooklyn NassausIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Galpin 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Galvin Pudgalvin001pud187967 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Gardner Gidgardne001gid1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Gardner Gidgardne001gid18796/14-7/31 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Gardner Gidgardne001gid18798/23-12 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Gedney Countgedney001cou1879 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Geer Billygeer--001bil1879 ,
Gerhardt Joegerhar001joe187910/26-11/9 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Gifford Jimgiffor001jam18794/21-8/29 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Gill gill--020---1879 NatickIndependent Natick, MA
Gillean Thomasgillea001tho18795/1-29 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Gillespie Patrickgilles003pet18794/21-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Gillette C.H.gillet001c--18791 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Gilligan Barneygillig001bar1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Gilligan Barneygillig001bar1879-4/27519 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Gilmore Thomasgilmor016---1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Glasscock Jackglassc001jac18795/1-1693 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Gleason Billgleaso002bil187924 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Gleason Jackgleaso001jac187924 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Glenn Johnglenn-003joh18797/29-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Golden Mikegolden001mik187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Goldsmith Fredgoldsm002fre18794/21-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Goldsmith Fredgoldsm002fre1879-9/10216 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Goodman Jakegoodma001jak1879 Reading ActivesIndependent Reading, PA
Goodman Jakegoodma001jak187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Goodman Jakegoodma001jak1879+8/29+ EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Gordon Mike1879 Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Gore Georgegore--001geo18795/1-1310 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Gorman Thomasgorman004tho1879 St. Louis GraysAmat St. Louis, MO
Grady Jackgrady-000jac1879 LowellIndependent Lowell, MA
Grady grady-002---18795/8 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Graham Williamgraham004wil187914 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Green Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Green Jimgreen-001jim1879 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Green 1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Greeney greene002---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Griffin Thomasgriffi006tho1879 Rockford White StockingsIndependent Rockford, IL
Griffin J.griffi006j--18791 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Gross Emilgross-001emi1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Gross Emilgross-001emi18798/13-168g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh1879 MilwaukeeIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Gunkle Fredgunkle001fre18795/17 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Hack Johnhack--002joh187911 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Hall Alhall--001al-18795/1-5/13/80 TroyNational League Troy, NY
Hamilton Jimhamilt001jim18794 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hamilton Jimhamilt001jim18797 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hamilton Jimhamilt001jim18795 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Hankinson Frankhankin001fra1879198 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hanlon Nedhanlon001ned18794/21-10/11 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Hanlon hanlon001---18791 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harbridge Billharbri001bil18794 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Harbridge Billharbri001bil18798/6-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Harbridge Billharbri001bil18799/8-10/4 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Harrigan 1879 KalamazooIndependent Kalamazoo, MI
Harris harris001---18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Harrison harris002---18791 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hautz Charliehautz-001cha1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Hautz Charliehautz-001cha1879 Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Hautz Charliehautz-001cha187915 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Hawes Billhawes-001bil18795/1-38 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hawkes Thornyhawkes001tho18795/1-64 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Hayes Johnhayes-004joh1879 GreenwichIndependent Greenwich, CT
Hayes Johnhayes-004joh1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Hayes L.H.hayes-002---187917 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Hayes 1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Hayes 1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Hayes 1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Haynes Johnhaynes003joh18793 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Haynes T.haynes001t--18792 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Healey Tomhealey001tom18796/10-6/11 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Hecker Guyhecker001guy1879 WarrenIndependent Warren, OH
Heifer Frankheifer001fra18794/16-5/14 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Helfert P.H.helfer002---18792 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Hemenway Norman1879 NatickIndependent Natick, MA
Hengstebeck 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Henneberry Jackhenneb001jac187910 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Hennessey Johnhennes002joh187910 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Hewer Tedhewer-001ed-1879 Guelph Maple LeafsIndependent Guelph, ON
Hibbon L.O.hibbon002---18798 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Higham Dickhigham001dic18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Higham Dickhigham001dic18795/16-8/1 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Hinkle hinkle003---18794 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hoeber hoeber001---18793 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Hoffman Sonnyhoffma001son18795/10-5/13 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Hoggins Williamhoggin001wil1879 New York DelawareIndependent New York, NY
Hollinger William1879-7/ DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Hollingshead Hollyhollin001hol18794/14-6/16 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Hollins William1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Hope hope--001---18795 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hornung Joehornun001mik18795/1-1123 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Hotaling Petehotali001pet18795/1-616 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Houck Sadiehouck-001sad18792 g. Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Houck Sadiehouck-001sad18795/1-141 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Householder Charles W?1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Howard howard001---18791 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hungerford Olliehunger001oli1879 KalamazooIndependent Kalamazoo, MI
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art1879 Boston AetnasIndependent Boston, MA
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art18796/2-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Jackson jackso030---18791 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Jackson jackso020---18793 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
James F.W.james-002f--1879 Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Jandron Johnjandro001joh1879-81 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Johnson Ed1879 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Joyce C. E.18799/19 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Keating C.J.keatin001c--187914 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Keefe Timkeefe-002tim1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Keefe Timkeefe-002tim18796/14-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Keefe Timkeefe-002tim18797/31-10/1 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Keefe Timkeefe-002tim187910/4-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Keenan Jimkeenan001jim18794/21-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Kelley James18796/6 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Kelley Samuelkelley001sam1879no g. ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Kelley Samuelkelley001sam18795/30-12 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Kelley Samuelkelley001sam1879-6/ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kelly Johnkelly-012joh18796/7 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Kelly Kickkelly-001kic18795/1-8/7 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Kelly N.kelly-003n--187912 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Kemmler Rudykemmle001rud187920 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Kemmler Rudykemmle001rud18797/26-8/11 ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Kemmler Rudykemmle001rud1879 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Kennedy Dockenned001doc18795/1-49 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Kennedy Edkenned001ed-18794/21-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Kennedy Edkenned001ed-18797/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Kennedy Edkenned001ed-18798/19-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Kennedy kenned001---18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Kent Edkent--001ed-18794/28-8/5 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Kernan kernan001---187911 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Kernan kernan001---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Kessler Henrykessle001hen1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Knight Lonknight001lon18794/16-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak18795/28-6/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak18797/2-7/12 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil1879 PetersburgIndependent Petersburg, IL
Kylie kylie-001---18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Lacey Sidlacey-002sid187910 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Lamb Edlamb--001ed-187912 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Landis Doclandis001doc1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Landis Doclandis001doc1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Lansing Wellington1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Lapham Williamlapham002wil187923 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Larkin Terrylarkin001ter187966 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Larkin Patrick1879 West TroyIndependent West Troy, NY
Larkins Patricklarkin003---1879 CanandaiguaIndependent Canandaigua, NY
Latham Jumbolatham001jum18794/1-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Latham Jumbolatham001jum18799/12-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Latham Arlielatham002wal187937 g. StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Latham Arlielatham002wal18799/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Laughlin 1879 LowellIndependent Lowell, MA
Lauman Floydlauman001flo187918 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Lavin John?18794/26,5/7,5/13 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Lavin John?18795/19-7/7 New York FlyawaysIndependent New York, NY
Lavin John?18797/14 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Lavin John?18798/2-10/1 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Lawton lawton001---1879 Troy HaymakersIndependent Troy, NY
Lawton lawton001---1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Lawton Horatiolawton001hor1879 ElkosMission ,
Leary Jackleary-001jac18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Leary Jackleary-001jac18797/- RochesterIndependent Rochester, NY
Leary 18799/17 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Lee lee---001---18792 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Leonard Andyleonar002and18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Leonard Andyleonar002and18795/16-8/1 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Letchem letche002---18791 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Lewis Fredlewis-003fre18795/24-8/1 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Lewis Howard1879 Bridgeport AnchorIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Libby Stevelibby-001ste18795/10 BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Libby Stevelibby-001ste1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Libby Stevelibby-001ste18799/6-  -7/8 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Loftus Tomloftus002tom187924 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Loftus Tomloftus002tom1879+9/3+ SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, IL
Lomas lomas-001---1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Lucas lucas-001---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Luff Harryluff--001hen1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Lutz 1879 Philadelphia EckfordIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Lynch Jacklynch-001jac1879 St. John's(Fordham)College ,
Lynch Jacklynch-001jac18794/14-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Lynch Michaellynch-010mic1879 South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Mack Dennymack--001den18794/21-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Mack Dennymack--001den18797/19-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Mack Dennymack--001den18799/12-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Mack Dennymack--001den1879 New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Macullar Jimmymacull001jim18795/5-9/10 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Macullar Jimmymacull001jim18799/12-9/13 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Magendie H.A.magend001h--187915 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Magendie H.A.magend001h--18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Magner Johnmagner001joh18794/20-5/3 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Magner Johnmagner001joh18797/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Magner Johnmagner001joh18797/26-9/7 Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Mahn 1879 HarlemsIndependent ,
Mahn 1879 Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie, NY
Malloy malloy001---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Malone Fergymalone001fer18794/21-4/28 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Malone Fergymalone001fer1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Malone Fergymalone001fer18796/16 TrentonIndependent Trenton, NJ
Mann Fredmann--001fre1879 Palmer-Hardly AblesIndependent ,
Mann Fredmann--001fre1879 North BrookfieldIndependent North Brookfield,
Mann Fredmann--001fre18792 g. Jersey City BrownsIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Manning Jackmannin001jac18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Manning Jackmannin001jac18795/16-8/1 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Mansell Mikemansel001mik18795/1-9/10 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Mansell Mikemansel001mik1879 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Mansell Tommansel001tom18795/1-41 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Mansell Tommansel001tom18798/20-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Maskrey Leechmaskre001lee1879 Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Mason Charliemason-004cha1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Mason Charliemason-004cha18794 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Mason Charliemason-004cha1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Mast Almast--001al-187918 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Mathews Bobbymathew001bob1879296 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
McAllister W.mcalli001w--18793 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
McAuliffe J.mcauli001j--18793 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
McCaffery Harrymccaff001har187920 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
McCaffery Harrymccaff001har1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
McCarthy Richard1879 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
McCartney mccart006---1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
McClellan Billmcclel001bil18794/14-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil1879 West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
McCloskey W.mcclos001w--18798 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
McClure Halmcclur001hal1879 Penn StateCollege ,
McClure Halmcclur001hal18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
McClure Halmcclur001hal18795/16-8/1 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
McComb Archiemccomb001arc18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
McCormick Harrymccorm006har18795/1-9/10 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
McCracken mccrac001---18794 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim18799 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim18794 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McDonald 1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
McDonald mcdona002---187914 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
McDonald 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
McFarland 1879 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
McFarland 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
McGeary Mikemcgear001mik1879-6/26179 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
McGinnis G. W.?1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
McGinnis Jumbomcginn001jum1879no g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
McGlynn Edwardmcglyn001edw18795/7-6/20 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
McGrath mcgrat001---18795/12-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
McGuinness Johnmcguin001joh18794/21-6/24 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
McGuinness Johnmcguin001joh187912 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil18795/2-55 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
McKee Jamesmckee-002jam18795/1-7/7 Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
McKelvy Russmckelv001rus1879 Salt Lake CityIndependent Salt Lake City, UT
McKenna P.mckenn001p--18793 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McKenna P.mckenn001p--187913 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
McKinnon Alexmckinn001ale18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
McKinnon Alexmckinn001ale18795/16-6/14 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra1879 BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
McManus Patmcmanu001pat18795/22-2 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
McManus Patmcmanu001pat18797/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
McPhee Bidmcphee001bid1879-7/720 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
McPhee Bidmcphee001bid1879 Council BluffIndependent Council Bluff, IA
McQuade J.mcquad001j--18798 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
McQuade J.mcquad001j--18791 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McSorley Trickmcsorl001tri1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Meehan P.1879 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Meyerle Levimeyerl001lev18794/24-9/6 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Miller George18796/5-8/26 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Mills Georgemills-002geo1879?-7/7 Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18793 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Morgan Pidgeymorgan001pid1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Morris Edmorris002ed-18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Morrissey Johnmorris017joh18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Morrissey Johnmorris017joh18797/- RochesterIndependent Rochester, NY
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik187919 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik1879 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik1879 Chicago FranklinsIndependent Chicago, IL
Muldoon Mikemuldoo001mik18794/28-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Muldoon Mikemuldoo001mik187910/9-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Munson munson001---187914 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Murdock Joemurdoc002joe187912 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Murnane Timmurnan001tim18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Murnane Timmurnan001tim18795/16-7/14 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Mutrie Jimmutrie001jam18794/16-5/14 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Mutrie Jimmutrie001jam18799/6-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen18795/12-5/14 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen1879 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen1879+9/25+ BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Nava Sandynava--001san187911 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Neagle Jackneagle001jac18797/8-2 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Neal Charlesneal--004cha187913 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Nelson Candynelson001can1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Nelson Candynelson001can187928 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Newell Georgenewell001te-1879 St. Louis GraysAmat St. Louis, MO
Nichols Trickynichol001tri18794/16-9/29 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Nicol Hughnicol-001hug187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the187910 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
O'Brien Jackobrien002jac18793 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
O'Brien Williamobrien008wil187917 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
O'Connor Johnoconno001joh18794/28-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
O'Leary Danoleary002dan18794/21-8/27 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
O'Leary Danoleary002dan18799/3-13 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
O'Neil oneil-025---18795/5 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
O'Rourke Johnorourk001joh18795/1-153 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
O'Rourke orourk004---1879+5/30-9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Osterhout Charlieosterh001cha18796/23, 9/6 SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Paling Samuelpaulin003---1879 Woodstock ExcelsIndependent Woodstock, ON
Paulin Arthur1879 Harriston BrownsIndependent Harriston, ON
Paulin William1879 Harriston BrownsIndependent Harriston, ON
Pearce Dickeypearce001dic1879 St. Louis BrownsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Pearce Dickeypearce001dic1879 Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Pendegast pendeg001---18793 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Perrier Hipperrie001hyp18798 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Pfeffer Fredpfeffe001fre1879 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Pfeffer pfeffe001unk1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18797/19-8/11+  Fort SmithArkSt Fort Smith, AR
Phillips Billphilli001bil18795/1 -1038 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Phillips Horacephilli001hor18795/1-8/10 TroyNational League Troy, NY
Phillips Horacephilli001hor18798/15- BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Piercy Andypiercy001and18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Piercy Andypiercy001and187918 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Piggott Johnpiggot001joh18794/28-7/12 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Pike Lippike--001lip18794/21-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Pike Lippike--001lip18799/8-9/23 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Pike Lippike--001lip18799/25-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Poorman Tompoorma001tom1879+5/10+ Jersey City BrownsIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Powell Martinpowell001mar18794/21-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Powers Philpowers001phi18794/21-8/20 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Powers Philpowers001phi18799/3 -12 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Pratt Alpratt-001al-18795/20-31 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Preble Harrypreble001har187915 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Purcell Blondiepurcel001blo18795/1 -202 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Purroy Charlespurroy001cha18794/21-4/29 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Quinlan 1879 RochesterAmat Rochester, NY
Quinn Joseph1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Quinn Joseph1879no g.? ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar187916 g. London TecumsehInt London, ON
Radbourn Old Hossradbou001old187924 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Redman redman001---18791 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Redmond Billyredmon001bil187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Redon M. H.1879 New Orleans Lone StarIndependent New Orleans, LA
Reilley Charliereille001cha18795/1 -116 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Reilly Johnreilly004joh1879 Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Reipschlager Charliereipsc001cha18795/2-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Reis Lauriereis--001lau187922 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Remsen Jackremsen001jac18795/6-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Remsen Jackremsen001jac187942 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Resseguye 1879 KalamazooIndependent Kalamazoo, MI
Reynolds reynol001---1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Reynolds Thomas1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Reynolds Thomas1879 PhiladelphiaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Reynolds William1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Reynolds 1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Rice Jackrice--003jac187910 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Richardson Hardyrichar001har18795/1 -1331 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Richardson Arthurrichar001art1879 HamiltonIndependent Hamilton, ON
Richardson Herbert1879 HarvardCollege ,
Richardson Herbert1879 Boston BeaconsIndependent Boston, MA
Richmond Leerichmo001lee18796/2-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Richmond Leerichmo001lee18799/27 -243 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Richmond Johnrichmo002joh1879-9/1062 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Riley Billyriley-001bil1879-9/3043 g.  ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Riordan Danriorda001dan187912 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Ritter 1879 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Roarke Richard1879 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Robinson Charlierobins010cha1879 Providence NarragansettIndependent Providence, RI
Rocap Adamrocap-001ada18794/21-8/30 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Roche Josephroche-001jos18794/23-7/12 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Roche Josephroche-001jos18798/12-9/6 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Roche Josephroche-001jos1879no g. AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Rollinson Billrollin001bil1879 Brown Univ.College ,
Rollinson Billrollin001bil18796/2-7/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Roseman Jamesrosema001chi1879 IrontonIndependent ,
Roseman Jamesrosema001chi18794/28-7/2 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Roseman Jamesrosema001chi18797/8-8/4 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Ross Bob1879 Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Rourke Dickrourke001dic1879 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Rowe Jackrowe--001jac187922 g.  Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Rowe Jackrowe--001jac1879no g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Rowe Jackrowe--001jac18799/6 -6 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Rowe Daverowe--001dav187922 g. Rockford White StockingsNorthwestern League Rockford, IL
Rowen Edrowen-001ed-18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Rowen Edrowen-001ed-18797/- RochesterIndependent Rochester, NY
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim18793 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Russell russel001---18791 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Ruttedge rutted001---18791 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Ryan Johnnyryan--012joh18792 g. Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Salisbury Harrysalisb001har1879 Brown Univ.College ,
Salisbury Harrysalisb001har18798/28-10 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Sawhill Williamsawhil001wil1879 Mansfield AthleticIndependent Mansfield, OH
Say Lousay---001lou18794/21-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Say Lousay---001lou18799/8 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Scanlon Mikescanlo002mic18798/?-10/14 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Schafer Harryschafe001har18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Schafer Harryschafe001har18795/16-7/15 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Schenck Billschenc001bil1879 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Schenck Billschenc001bil18795/6-6/24 Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Schenck Billschenc001bil1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Schoeneck Jumboschoen001jum1879 CoronasIndependent Coronas, MI
Schofield John18796/5-6/7 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Sharkey T.sharke001t--18794 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sharkey T.sharke001t--18798 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Sharsig Billsharsi001bil1879 Philadelphia J.B. ShiebIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Shattuck Edwardshattu001edw1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Shattuck Edwardshattu001edw18796/5-6/11 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Shattuck Edwardshattu001edw18796/27-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Shealy Tom1879no g. Utica Pent UpsNational Association Utica, NY
Shepard W. L.18795/17 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18794/14+ BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh1879 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh1879+9/25+ BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Shott B. F.1879 Cincinnati StarsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Shoup Johnshoupe001joh18795/3-11 g. TroyNational League Troy, NY
Sidney sidney001---18792 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Simmons Joesimmon001joe18795/6-7/19 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Slater slater007---1879+5/30+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Slater slater007---1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Slater slater001---187916 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Sleeman Georgesleema001geo1879 Guelph Maple LeafsIndependent Guelph, ON
Smiley Billsmiley001bil18794/22-5/5 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Albany, NY
Smiley Billsmiley001bil18795/16-7/29 Capital City of Albany/Rochester Hop BittersNational Association Rochester, NY
Smiley Billsmiley001bil1879+9/25+ BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Smith Popsmith-001pop18794/21-9/5 SpringfieldNational Association Springfield, MA
Smith Williamsmith-061wil1879 Baltimore BluesIndependent Baltimore, MD
Smith Gussmith-003gus1879 Buffalo EssexIndependent Buffalo, NY
Smith Thomassmith-034tho1879 London TecumsehAmat London, ON
Smith Johnsmith-043joh187910 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Smith Franksmith-022fra18799 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Franksmith-022fra18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Smith Franksmith-022fra18794 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith George1879 Buffalo EssexIndependent Buffalo, NY
Smith Hughsmith-004hug18799 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Smith smith-240---18795 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Snow Charliesnow--002cha1879 New BedfordIndependent New Bedford, MA
Sommer Joesommer001joe1879 Louisville StarsIndependent Louisville, KY
Sornin sornin001---18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Spence Harryspence001har1879 EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Spence Harryspence001har1879-80 ,
Stambaugh Calvin1879-5/152 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Start start-001---18794 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Stedronsky Johnstedro001joh18799/26-9/30 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Stewart Charleystewar014cha18793 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Stockwell Lenstockw001len18795/17-2 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Stockwell Lenstockw001len18791 g. Davenport Brown StockingsNorthwestern League Davenport, IA
Stoddard stodda002---1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Stone Billystone-001bil18794/28-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Stoughton Elmerstough001ed-18794/24-6/28 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Stoughton Elmerstough001ed-1879 BrocktonIndependent Brockton, MA
Stovey Harrystovey001har18794/28-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Stricker Cubstrick001cub1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stricker Cubstrick001cub1879+9/12+ Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Strief Georgestrief001geo18795/1-71 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Stroud Jimstroud001jim187910 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-18795/1-7/? Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Sullivan Sleepersulliv001sle18795/1-24 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Sullivan Chubsulliv001chu18794/30-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Sullivan Jamessulliv015jam18794/21-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Sullivan Dennysulliv002den1879 Boston CollegeCollege ,
Sullivan Dennysulliv002den18797/2-8/12 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Sullivan Dennysulliv002den18798/25-5 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Sullivan Billsulliv001bil18794/21-9/23 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Sullivan Charliesulliv004cha18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Charliesulliv004cha18795 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Davesulliv006dav18795/1-6/2 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Sullivan Jimsulliv002jim18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Swanton Billyswanto001bil187913 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Swartwood Edswartw001ed-1879 DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Sweasy Charliesweasy001cha18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Sweasy Charliesweasy001cha1879 StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Sweasy Charliesweasy001cha18799/18 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Sweeney Billsweene001bil187917 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Billsweene001bil1879 San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Johnsweene004joh187914 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Johnsweene004joh18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Sweeney M.sweene001m--1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Sweeney M.sweene001m--1879 MaldenIndependent Malden, MA
Sweeney M.sweene001m--18798/21 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Sweeney Petesweene001pet18793 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Petesweene001pet18791 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Rooneysweene001roo1879 ClintonIndependent Clinton, MA
Swinton swinto001---18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Talbot talbot004---18792 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Taylor Live Oaktaylor001liv18798/11-9/15 TroyNational League Troy, NY
Taylor Billytaylor001bil187922 g. Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Taylor James1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Tennison tennis001---1879 New Orleans Robert E. LeesIndependent New Orleans, LA
Terry Adonisterry-001ado1879 Ludlow RacketIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Thayer thayer003---18792 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Thomas Williamthomas015wil18794/21-9/1 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Thompson thomps027---18791 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Tierney tierne003---18796/19-8/11 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Timlin 1879 Halifax ResoluteIndependent Halifax, NS
Tipper Jimtipper001jim18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Tipper Jimtipper001jim1879 StonehamIndependent Stoneham, MA
Tobin Billtobin-001bil18794/21-10/14 AlbanyNational Association Albany, NY
Towett 1879 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Tracy William1879 New Orleans Lone StarAmat New Orleans, LA
Tracy 1879 Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Traffley Billtraffl001bil187917 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Trask trask-001---18795 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Tremper trempe001---1879 Albany M. N. NolanIndependent Albany, NY
Tremper trempe001---1879 Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie, NY
Trott Samtrott-001sam18794/21-9/13 Washington NationalsNational Association Washington, DC
Troy Dashertroy--001das187931 g. Jersey CityIndependent Jersey City, NJ
Turbidy Jerryturbid001jer18794/21-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Turner Thomasturner007tho18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Tuttle Fredtuttle001fre18792 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Tyng Jimtyng--001jim18799/23-3 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Valentine Johnvalent003joh1879 Brooklyn NamelessIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Valentine Johnvalent003joh18798/9-8/29 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Valentine Johnvalent003joh1879 HudsonIndependent Hudson, NY
Van Burkalow Ikevanbur001ike1879+5/12+ DetroitIndependent Detroit, MI
Van Court Eugenevancou001eug18793 g. San Francisco RenoPacific League San Francisco, CA
Wade Benjamin18795/8 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Wadsworth Georgewadswo001geo1879-81 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Waitt Charliewaitt-001cha1879-7/ EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Walker Oscarwalker002osc1879106 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Walters 1879+9/12+ Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Warner warner001---18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Warren warren004---18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Waterman Fredwaterm002fre1879 Nb ,
Watson watson001---18792 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Weaver Samweaver001sam18794/16-5/24 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Welch Mickeywelch-003mic18794/22-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
White Billwhite-002bil1879-83 Brown Univ.College ,
White Billwhite-002bil18796/21 ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
White Charles1879 Trinity CollegeCollege ,
White Charles1879no g. AlleghenyNA Allegheny, PA
White white-073---18792 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Whiting Edwhitin001ed-1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Whiting Edwhitin001ed-1879 BaltimoreIndependent Baltimore, MD
Whitney Frankwhitne001fra18795/22 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Whitney Artwhitne002art18794/16-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Whitney Jimwhitne001jim187918 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Whitney Jimwhitne001jim18791 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Whitney Jimwhitne001jim18791 g. San Francisco KnickerbockersPacific League San Francisco, CA
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha187911 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha18791 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Wilbur Charles18795/6-6/14 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Wiley Joseph1879 Philadelphia AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Williams Arthurwillia004art1879 BrattleboroIndependent Brattleboro, VT
Williams A.willia004a--18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Williams A.willia004a--18792 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Williams A.willia004a--18797 g. San Francisco EaglesPacific League San Francisco, CA
Williams Johnwillia026joh187914 g. San Francisco AthleticsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Willigrod Juliuswillig001jul18798 g. Omaha Green StockingsNorthwestern League Omaha, NE
Willis willis018---18792 g. San Francisco MutualsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Wilson Harry1879 Dubuque Red StockingsNorthwestern League Dubuque, IA
Winchester Robertwinche001rob18794/22-10/11 HolyokeNational Association Holyoke, MA
Wingrove wingro001---18791 g. San Francisco StarPacific League San Francisco, CA
Wise Samwise--001sam1879 AkronIndependent Akron, OH
Witham C. B.18795/31 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Wood Georgewood--004geo18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Wood Georgewood--004geo18797/17-10/4 Worcester GraysNational Association Worcester, MA
Wood wood--001---18791 g. Oakland PioneersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Woodhead Redwoodhe001red18794/24-7/3 ManchesterNational Association Manchester, NH
Woodhead Redwoodhe001red1879-9/1034 g. SyracuseNational League Syracuse, NY
Wright Samwright004sam18794/28-10/4 New BedfordNational Association New Bedford, MA
Young Joseph18795/28-6 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,