Baseball in St. Louis

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Clint Sodowsky

Born: July 13, 1972
First season: 1995
Last season: 1999
Debut: September,4, 1995
bbrefID: sodowcl01
MinorsID: sodows001cli
Goto for Clint Sodowsky
Years with Cardinals (NL): 1 (1999)
Acquired: Traded from the Arizona Diamondbacks 3/30/1999 for John Frascatore
Departed: Granted free agency 10/15/1999 and signed by the Kansas City Royals on 12/20/1999; released by Kansas City in spring training (3/15/2000) and signed by Cleveland 3/28/2000.

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Major League record for Clint Sodowsky

Batting stats
Year   Team              Pos            Age    G   AB    R    H   2B   3B   HR  RBI   BB    K   SB   CS     AVG    OBP    SLG
1997   Pit-N             P               24   44    2    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0.500  0.500  0.500
1998   Ari-N             P               25   45   10    2    3    1    0    0    0    0    2    0    0   0.300  0.300  0.400
1999   StL-N             P               26    3    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0   0.000  0.000  0.000
Totals (3 yrs)                                92   13    2    4    1    0    0    0    0    3    0    0   0.308  0.308  0.385

Pitching stats
Year   Team              Pos            Age    W    L     ERA    G   GS   CG   SH    S      IP     R   ER    H   HR   BB    K
1995   Det-A             P               22    2    2    5.01    6    6    0    0    0    23.1    15   13   24    4   18   14
1996   Det-A             P               23    1    3   11.84    7    7    0    0    0    24.1    34   32   40    5   20    9
1997   Pit-N             P               24    2    2    3.63   45    0    0    0    0    52.0    22   21   49    6   34   51
1998   Ari-N             P               25    3    6    5.68   45    6    0    0    0    77.2    56   49   86    5   39   42
1999   StL-N             P               26    0    1   15.63    3    1    0    0    0     6.1    11   11   15    1    6    2
Totals (5 yrs)                                 8   14    6.16  106   20    0    0    0   182.5   138  126  214   21  117  118

Minor league stats in Cardinals system
Played in Cardinals minor league system from 1999 to 1999

Batting stats
Year Team Pos Age G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB K SB CS AVG OBP SLG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999 MEM P 26 19 12 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0.083 0.083 0.083 Pitching stats
Year Team Pos Age W L ERA G GS CG SH S IP R H HR BB K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1999 MEM P 26 4 5 4.82 19 13 2 1 3 80.1 55 85 14 32 52