Searching for records from 1918
There are 128 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abernathy Shieldsaberna000shi1918-19to 5/13/1919 Medical CorpsWWI ,
Ashton Jackashton001joh1918 Southwestern UnivCollege ,
Bannwart Alexander1918 U. S. ArmyWWI ,
Bannwart Alexander1918 U. S. Navy ,
Barrett Charleybarret002cha1918 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Beckett Walter1918 Lt., MD OrdnanceWWI ,
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war1918 US Army Field Artillery ,
Bell Lynn1918 MI State NormalCollege ,
Berger Joel1918 1CL 164 Inf, 41 Div. Pvt. ,
Blanchette Ben19185/28-  Military ServiceWWI ,
Blanchfield Walter1918 Ft. Bayard NMWWI ,
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam1918 VeteranWWI ,
Bourke Andrew1918-19 Pvt., Army Air ServiceWWI ,
Boyle Frederick1918-22 U S Marines ,
Brinker William1918-19 U. WashingtonCollege ,
Burke Jack1918 Lt. Colonel, US Army Inf. Res.WWI ,
Burkett Oscar1918 Sgt., Co. B, 16th Inf., 37th Div.WWI ,
Cariss Walter1918 Capt., Medical CorpsWWI ,
Carr Hartcarr--001ham1918 Cayuga Lake Post 1107, VFW & Disab VetsWWI ,
Carr Hartcarr--001ham1918 Purple Heart ,
Clement Ray1918 12th FA RLPL Sgt.WWI ,
Cooper John1918-19 Capt., 318th Field HospitalWWI ,
Cornelius Reuben1918 WWI ,
Cracraft Leechcracra000lee1918 ,
Craig Robert1918 ,
Craven Garnett1918 SGt., Base Hospital 32WWI ,
Crittenden Richard1918 Cpl, HQ Co., 340th InfWWI ,
Croake Bud1918 entered service, Great LakesWWI ,
Dawson Herbert1918 Military ServiceWWI ,
Dawson Fred1918 Princeton Univ.College ,
Dort Charles1918 Pvt., ArmyWWI ,
Douglas Archibalddougla000hug1918 aviator, Northern Bombing GroupWWI ,
Dove Seth1918 WWI ,
Dudley Roy1918 USNR ,
Eaton Charles1918 131 MC BN, 36Div., Sgt. 1st ClassWWI ,
Edmiston Clifford1918 Pvt., 12 Railway EngineersWWI ,
Erwin Thomas1918-29 UmpireTx ,
Erwin William1918 6/15- Pvt. Student Army Trg. CorpsWWI ,
Erwin Edwin19187/9-  WWI ,
Fabrique Albert1918-195/13-2/12 US NavyWWI ,
Fack Fred1918-198/14-2/15 Pvt., Battery A.WWI ,
Fack Fred1918-19 48th Field Artil. ,
Fenlon John1918 FranceWWI ,
Ferrias Emanuel1918 Capt.; 3 citations for braveryWWI ,
Flanagan Sylvester1918 1st. Lt., DentalWWI ,
Gaarde Frederick1918 Major, Medical CorpsWWI ,
Gaffney Eugene1918 Pvt., 132 Machine Gun Bn., WWI ,
Geist Arthur19185/30 to Fort Riley, KSWWI ,
Gilbert Rufus1918 Rose PolyCollege ,
Gipe Alva1918 VancouverPCL ,
Glockner Roy1918 ,
Glockner Roy1918 drafted, AEFWWI ,
Gray Wilbur1918-12/227 g. MinneapolisAA ,
Green Eugene191825 g. SpringfieldEast ,
Greenough Leighton191838 g. CumberlandBlueRidge ,
Greenough Leighton1918+6/27+ WorcesterEast ,
Greenough Leighton1918 asst. phy. dir., Camp JacksonWWI ,
Grieve Thomas1918-19 Sgt., 5th Co., 151st MAWWI ,
Hall James1918 Capt. 6/12- Army-ArtilleryWWI ,
Hawker William1918 Army Signal CorpsWWI ,
Holmes Milan19188/23- U. S. MarinesWWI ,
Horton Harryhorton002har1918 U. S. ArmyWWI ,
Houston David1918-19 147th Field Art., Capt.WWI ,
Hydon Robert1918 U. S. NavyWWI ,
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art1918 RochesterIL ,
Jewell William1918 WWI ,
Jimerson Elliott1918-21 Haskell Indians ,
Johnson J. Raleigh1918 Battery F,. 136th Field Artillery; '15Youngstown (“CantonRepos”5/4/18) ,
Keupper Hubert1918 WWI ,
Killilay John1918-19 US Army Medical Dept. ,
Kilroy Peterkilroy001orv1918 ,
Klontz Olla1918+6/11+ Mulberry KSIndependent ,
LaFlambois Peter1918+8/3+ Ponca City OKIndependent ,
Lamb Bert1918 WWI ,
Larkin Patrick1918 Army MedicalWWI ,
Lattimore Ralph1918 Akron OHsemi-pro ,
Leach Samuel1918 Field ArtilleryWWI ,
Leber John1918 Clev.-Independent ,
Lodell Albert1918+6/27+ VancouverPacCoInt ,
Lowman Guy1918 Univ. WisconsinCollege ,
MacMurdo Merriwether1918 WWI ,
Major Burton19182/9- Hosp. 19-FranceWWI ,
Mallon Carl1918 WWI ,
Margetts Nelsmarget001nel1918-20 U. S. ArmyWWI ,
Martell Docmartel001leo1918 U. S. Medical CorpsWWI ,
McCabe Thomas1918 ,
McCrossin Thomas1918 WWI ,
Meniece Samuel19185/5-  DuluthIndependent ,
Miller Leroy1918 WWI ,
Moffett Frankmoffet001fra1918 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Moran Augiemoran-002aug1918 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Murtaugh Johnmurtau001jos1918 Judge AdvocateWWI ,
Needle George1918 WWI ,
Oriet William1918+8/4+ GrFa-All StarsIndependent ,
Painter Edwardpainte001edw1918 WWI ,
Pennybaker Ross1918 WWI ,
Porter Dale1918-19 WWI ,
Price Sunny1918-19 ,
Ramsey Everett1918 WWI ,
Robbins Craigrobbin000smi1918-19 Ambulance Serv.WWI ,
Rouse Thomas1918 WWI ,
Russell Leftyrussel002cha1918 Sparrow PointBethSteel ,
Ryan Raymond1918-20 ,
Sanders Reuben1918 Chemawa Indian ,
Schaub Frank1918 WWI ,
Schoonover Clay1918 WWI ,
Shimeall Ralph1918 ,
Sinex Lawrence1918 Oil City PaRRIndependent ,
Sommers Herbert1918 US ArmyWWI ,
Spaid Joseph1918 ProvidenceEast ,
Stewart Carlton1918 Can. Pioneer Reg.WWI ,
Stillwagon Bernard1918-19 51 EngineersWWII ,
Strain Charles1918 Army Air CorpsWWI ,
Streib Theodore1918+1/8-5/26+ Columbia SteelWinter ,
Supplee Bert1918 Co. K, 126th InfWWI ,
Swan Arthur1918 miner & sapperWWI ,
Te Roller Henry1918-30 Holland MIIndependent ,
Thornton Rossthornt001ros1918 ,
Ursella Reuben1918-19 U. S. ArmyWWI ,
Wall Joewall--005jos1918 BridgeportEast ,
Waring Henry19184/22-  PFC, Co. F, 37th Inf Reg ,
Weber Dudley1918 WWI ,
White Foley1918 WWI ,
Williams Nickwillia011ric1918 SpokanePC-Intern ,
Williams Nickwillia011ric1918 WWI Engr. CorpsArmy ,
Winger James19182/20-  Marine CorpsWWI ,
Woldring Ralph1918 Holland MIIndependent ,
Yerkes David1918 13th Tr. Co., Pvt., woundedWWI ,