Searching for records from 1901
There are 4038 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw19015/2-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Abbott Fredabbott002har19015/2-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Abbott Jackabbott001jac19017/8 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Abbott Spencerabbott001spe19015/2-5/15 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Abbott Paine1901 Enlisted US Army 3/5/01 ,
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic1901 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19018/16-8/17 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19019/13-9/24 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Adams 1901 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Adams Georgeadams-085---19017/1-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Adams Rickadams-001reu19015/23-7/14 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Adams Rickadams-001reu19017/17-10/13 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1901 Beloit CollegeCollege ,
Agnew Peteagnew-001pet19015/3-5/14 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Agnew Peteagnew-001pet19015/21-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Agnew Peteagnew-001pet1901+8/9+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Agon Dickagon--000dic19017/1-7/22 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Ahorn Dadahorn-001a--1901 in SW ,
Alberts Cyalbert001fre19018/11-8/21 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Aldrich aldric002---19015/17 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Aldrich aldric002---19015/25 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Alexander Billalexan005wil19015/2-7/18 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Allard Albieallard001---19015/15-6/20 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Allemang Harryallema001har19015/6-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Allen Georgeallen-003geo19014/17-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Allen Georgeallen-003geo19017/9-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Allen Charlieallen-005cha19016/10-6/20 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Allen Charlieallen-005cha19015/15-6/8 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Allen Fredallen-002fre19015/11-7/1 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Allen allen-078---19018/17-8/28 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Alloway Arthurallowa001art19014/26-7/10 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Alloway Arthurallowa001art19017/21-9/15 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic19014/25-9/6 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Ambrose Burtonambros001---1901 Clarkson TechCollege ,
Ambrose Burtonambros001---19017/2-8/9 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Ambrose Burtonambros001---19018/19 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Ames Edames--001edw19014/26 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Ames Edames--001edw19015/1-5/30 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Ames Edames--001edw19016/4-6/20 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Ames Edames--001edw19018/3-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Amole Docamole-001doc19014/26-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Anderson Johnanders010joh1901138 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Anderson Andyanders003and19015/1-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Anderson Andyanders003art19015/4-8/2 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Anderson Andyanders003art19018/31-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1901 U. MinnesotaCollege ,
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1901 Albert LeaIndependent Albert Lea, MN
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Anderson Ernest1901 Atchison FranksIndependent Atchison, KS
Anderson Walteranders005wal19017/6-7/8 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Anderson anders048---19015/2-6/3 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Andrews Docandrew001jay19014/25-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Andrews Georgeandrew006geo19016 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Andrews andrew033---19017/12-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Anklam Ernestanklam001ern19015/30-5/31 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Annis Billannis-001wil19012 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Arlington Josepharling001jos1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Armbruster Charliearmbru001cha1901 West Point TACIndependent West Point,
Armour Billarmour001wil19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Armstrong Frankarmstr001fra19014/17-5/1 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Armstrong Louarmstr001lou19015/29-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Arnold Georgearnold001geo19015/12-6/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Arnold Georgearnold001geo19017/12 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Arthur Edarthur002sta19018 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Arthur Edarthur002sta19016/7-9/4 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Asbury Ernieasbury001ern190111 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Asbury Ernieasbury001ern19016 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Ashe Steveashe--001ste19015/7-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19014/15-6/22 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19016/24-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Ashton Jackashton001joh19015/2-9/5 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Atherton Charlieathert001cha19014/25-7/23 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Attridge Raymondattrid000ray1901+6/14+ BethelIndependent Bethel, KS
Atz Jakeatz---001joh19014/15-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Atz Jakeatz---001joh19017/9-8/13 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Atz Jakeatz---001joh19018/15-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Aubrey Harryaubrey001har19015/22-5/30 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Aubrey Harryaubrey001har19016/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Aubrey Harryaubrey001har19016/4-6/9 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Babb Charliebabb--001cha19014/25-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Backer backer000---19016/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Bacon Louisbacon-001jam19019/4-9/6 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Bacon Harrybacon-001har19016/5-8/16 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Badger Frankbadger001fra19015/2-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Baerwald Charlesbaerwa001cha19018 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Bailey Kingbailey001kin19015/3-9/24 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Bailey Harveybailey003har19014/26-6/27 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Bailey Harveybailey003har19016/30-9/21 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Bain bain--001---19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Baird Charles1901 Kansas State U.College ,
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Baker Bockbaker-002cha19014/28 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Baker Bockbaker-002cha19015/13 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Baker Bockbaker-002ear19016/14-9/24 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Baker Erniebaker-002ear19016/14-9/24 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Baker Charlesbaker-011cha19016/21-9/3 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Baker Georgebaker-012geo19015/25-6/2 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Baldwin Billybaldwi000bil1901 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Baldwin Billybaldwi000bil19017/2-8/23 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Ball Eugeneball--001eug1901 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Ballantyne Jimballen001jam19015/2-9/20 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Bammert Josephbammer001joh19015/2-8/23 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1901 U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc190167 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1901 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1901 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Bandelin Alexbandel001ale1901-0303 +5/7+ U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Bannon Jimmybannon001jam19014/25-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Bannon Tombannon001tho19014/26-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Bannon Tombannon001tho19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Bannon Georgebannon001geo19015/4-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Bannon Billbannon001wil19015/4-8/31 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Bantz Erniebantz-001e--1901no g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Barber Davebarber001dav19015/8-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Barber Frankbarber001fra19014/26-5/31 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Barber Frankbarber001fra1901 Big RapidsIndependent Big Rapids, MI
Barber Frankbarber001fra19017/28 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo19014/25-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Barndollar Harrybarndo001har1901 Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Barnes Fredbarnes001fre19014/25-5/10 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Barnes Fredbarnes001fre19015/18-6/2 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Barnes 19014 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh19016/10-7/22 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh19017/25-9/13 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Barnett Sidneybarnet003---19015/29-6/11 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Barnwell 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Barr William1901no g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Barr William1901no g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Barr barr--004---190113 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Barrett Charleybarret002cha19015/2-5/11 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Barrett Charleybarret002cha19015/22-6/5 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Barrett Jimmybarret003jam1901 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Barrett barret008jam19019/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Barrow Edbarrow001edw19014/25-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Barry Johnbarry-002joh1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Barry Johnbarry-002joh1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Barry Jimmybarry-002jam19015/15-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Barry Tombarry-001tho19017/18-8/17 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Barry barry-026---19017/18-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Barton Harrybarton001har1901 Muncie PAIndependent Muncie, PA
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19014/17-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19017/9-8/15 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Batch Emilbatch-001emi19016/17-6/25 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Bates Frankbates-002fra19015/3-5/11 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Bates Georgebates-001geo19015/2-5/5 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Bates Georgebates-001geo19015 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Bates Georgebates-001geo19011 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Bates bates-029---19016/12 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Battam Larrybattam001lar19017/11-8/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Bauer bauer-003---19015/16-5/17 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Baxendale Thomasbaxend001tho19015/15-6/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Bay Harrybay---001har19014/25-6/30 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Bay Harrybay---001har1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Bayless Dickbayles001har1901 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Beach Fredbeach-000fre19017/2 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Beall beall-011---1901 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Bean Joebean--001jos19014/25-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Bean bean--008---19015/13 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Beanfield/Betanfield 19016/11 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Beard Jimmybeard-001jam19015/13-6/10 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Beard Jimmybeard-001jam19016/14-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Beaumont Gingerbeaumo001cla1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Beaumont Frankbeaumo001fra19015/4-7/6 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Beaumont Frankbeaumo001fra19017/10-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Beck Ervebeck--001erv1901135 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Beck beck--034---19016/13 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Becker Williambecker001wil19018/4-8/21 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Becker Bobbecker001bob19014/29-5/25 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Becker Williambecker001wil190112 g. Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Beckley Jakebeckle001jac1901140 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha19015/2-7/2 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha19017/4-7/12 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha19017/14-8/5 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha19019/15 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Beecher Danbeeche006---1901 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Beecher Danbeeche006---1901 Willmar MNIndependent Willmar, MN
Beedles Johnbeedle002joh19015/3-9/5 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Belden Irabelden002ira1901120 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Belding Wallacebeldin000wal1901 Brown Univ.College ,
Belding Wallacebeldin000wal19017/2-8/28 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Bell Georgebell--002geo1901 Montgomery ALIndependent Montgomery, AL
Belt Frankbelt--001fra19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Bemis Harrybemis-001har19014/27-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Bender bender001---19017/6 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Bender Charlesbender001cha1901 Carlisle HSHS ,
Bender Johnbender002joh1901 Carlisle SchoolSchool ,
Bender Otto1901 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Bene Eugene1901 St.L.-RawlingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Bennett Pugbennet001jus1901 ,
Bennett Frankbennet003fra19018/15 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Bennett Arthurbennet001art19018/14-8/28 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Bennett Michael1901 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Bennett bennet047---19016/11-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Bennett bennet048---1901 OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Bensen/son 19017/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Bentley Patbentle004joh19017/1 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Bentley William1901 McCall SCIndependent McCall, SC
Benzinger Frankbenzin000fra19015/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Bergan Patbergen000pat1901 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Bergen Billbergen001wil1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Berkley A.berkle001---19014 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Berkley A.berkle001---19012 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Bernard Curtbernar001cur1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bernard Curtbernar001cur19017/5-7/12 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Bernard Curtbernar001cur19018/8-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Bernard Sambernar001sam19015/4-8/3 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Bernard Sambernar001sam19018/6-9/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Bernhard Billbernha001wil190132 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod19015/11-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob1901 ,
Berte Harryberte-001har19015/10-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Best Conradbest--001con19016/29-8/23 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Betts Fredbetts-001fre19015/31-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Betts 19017/23-7/26 UmpireSo ,
Bevans Frankbevans001fra1901preseason BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Bevans Frankbevans001fra19015/25-8/3 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Bevans Frankbevans001fra19018/9-8/10 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Bevans Frankbevans001fra19018/13-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Beville Montebevill001hen1901 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Beville Benbevill001cla1901 San BernardinoSoCal San Bernardino, CA
Beville Benbevill001cla1901April4 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Beville Benbevill001cla19015/24-6/2 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Beville Benbevill001cla19016/20-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Bevis Roybevis-001roy1901 ,
Beyers Christopherbayers001bur19015/29-7/28 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Biecher Edbieche001ed-19014/26-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou19014/25-5/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou19016/8-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Bigbie Georgebigbie001geo19014/15-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Bigbie Georgebigbie001geo19017/11-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Bigbie Frank1901 Rich.-WestEndIndependent Richmond, VA
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic19016/4-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Bishop Johnbishop001joh19014/15-7/4 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Bishop bishop019---19016/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Black Calblack-000cal19015/22-5/26 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Black Cyrusblack-001cyr1901 Kearney NEIndependent Kearney, NE
Black Harryblack-001har19015/13-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Black Robertblack-003bob1901 University of IowaCollege ,
Black Vern1901no g. Kearney NE Kearney, NE
Black black-030---19017/29 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo19015/5-7/26 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo19017/13 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo19018/3-9/16 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo19019/18 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Blackburn Charlesblackb003cha19015/13-5/16 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Blake Harryblake-001har19014/27 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Blake Harryblake-001har19015/14 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Blake Harryblake-001har19015/18 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Blake Harryblake-001har19016/9-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Blake Harryblake-001har19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Blake Harryblake-001har19019/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Blake blake-018---19017/1-7/2 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Blake blake-018---19017/5-7/6 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Blakey Billblakey001wil19017/21-7/31 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Blanchard Rossblanch000ros19018 g. Plattsburgh HSHighSchool ,
Blanchard Rossblanch000ros19017/2-8/1 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Blanchard Rossblanch000ros1901 Loon LakeIndependent Loon Lake,
Blanchard blanch017---19018/21-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Blanford Frank1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Blankenship Cliffblanke001cli1901no g. Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1901 Georgetown Univ.College ,
Blincoe Bobblinco001rob19014/26 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Bliss Elmerbliss-001elm19016/11-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Bliss Elmerbliss-001elm19017/23-9/6 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Blue Bertblue--001bir19015/18-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Bluth Fredbluth-001god190135 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Boardman Georgeboardm001geo19015/15-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Bodie Jackbodie-001joh1901106 g. Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Bohannon Patrickbohann001pat1901 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Boland Patrickboland001pat1901 Roch.-PastimesRochCity Rochester, NY
Bole Joeboles-001nic19015/4-6/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Bolger Petebolger001pet1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Bolger Petebolger001pet1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bolton Miltonbolton002---19018/10-8/28 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Bone Georgebone--001geo19015/4-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Bonner Frankbonner001fra19014/25-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Bonner Jackbonner001joh19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Bonthrom Harry19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Borchers Georgeborche001geo190121 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Bottenus Billybotten001wil190130 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam1901 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam19015/24-6/29 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam1901 EnidIndependent Enid, OK
Boush/Bush 19017/4-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Boush/Bush 19017/10-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Bowden F.W.bowden001f--19014/15-6/7 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Bowen Cybowen-001sut19014/25-9/12 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Bowerman Frankbowerm001fra190159 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bowman Frankbowman001fra1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Boyd Smith?1901-04 Univ. of AlabamaCollege ,
Boyd Smith?1901 Memp-ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Boyd 1901 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Boylan boylan002---19015 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Boylan boylan002---1901 LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Boyle Eddieboyle-002edd19015/15-6/3 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Boyle Frankboyle-001fra19015/7-9/7 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Bracken Jackbracke001joh1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Bradford Georgebradfo001geo19014/25-5/12 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw190124 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw190122 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Bradley Jerome1901 GeorgetownCollege ,
Bradley G.W.bradle001g--19015/30 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Bradley Johnbradle005joh19015/27-5/30 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Bradley bradle044---19016/1-6/7 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Brady Georgebrady-001geo19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Braggins Dickbraggi001ric19018/9-8/20 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Brain Davebrain-001dav1901120 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Brain Davebrain-001dav1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Brandt Williebrandt002wil19015/3-8/3 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Brandt Williebrandt002wil19018/17-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Bransfield Kittybransf001wil1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Brashear Roybrashe002roy190192 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor190192 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor1901 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Bratton Howardbratto001how19015/4 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bratton Howardbratto001how19015/30-6/13 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Braun Silverbraun-005wil19015/1-6/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Braun Silverbraun-005wil19017/31-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Breckenridge Edwinbrecke002edw1901 Amherst CollegeCollege ,
Breitenstein Theodorebreite001the190123 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Breitenstein Theodorebreite001the1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Breitenstein Billbreite001wil1901+8/11+ Greenville MSIndependent Greenville, MS
Brekke O.1901+7/8+ Hillsboro NDIndependent Hillsboro, ND
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac1901 UmpireWest ,
Brennan Jackbrenna005joh19015/3- Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Brennan Jackbrenna005joh19017/7-7/15 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Brennan brenna040---19016/1 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Breyette Mikebreyet001mic19019 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Bridgham Georgebridgm001geo19015/15-7/4 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Brierly Jimbrierl001jam19013 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Briggs Buttonsbriggs001her19015/25-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Briggs briggs009---19016/13 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Briseno Albertbrisen001alb1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Bristow Georgebristo001geo19014/25-5/6  Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Brittsan Williambritts001w--1901 FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil1901+2/20+ San BernardinoIndependent San Bernardino, CA
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil19013/31+29 g. Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha1901 Mitchell SDIndependent Mitchell, SD
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha19015/24-6/21+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha1901 Devil’s Lake NDIndependent Devil's Lake, ND
Broderick Mattbroder001mat19015/10-5/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Broderick Mattbroder001mat1901no g. ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Broderick Mattbroder001mat19015/30-6/27 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Brodie 19018/12-9/6 UmpireNYSt ,
Bronson 1901 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Bronson 1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Brooks Georgebrooks001geo19015/8-6/8 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Brooks Georgebrooks001geo19016/12-6/28 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Brophy Andybrophy001and1901 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Brown Tombrown-012tho190119 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Brown Tombrown-012tho190165 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brown Bobbrown-027rob19015/1-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam19014/25-6/5 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam19016/11-6/13 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam19016/14-9/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Brown Mordecaibrown-001mor19015/5-9/5 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Brown Dickbrown-001ric19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Brown Fredbrown-004fre19015/4-7 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Brown Fredbrown-004fre19016/8-9/6 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Brown Babebrown-004har1901 Louisv.-RecciusIndependent Louisville, KY
Brown Fredbrown-005fre1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Brown Georgebrown-002geo19015/15-9/2 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Brown Georgebrown-022geo1901 AthenaIndependent Athena, OR
Brown Jacobbrown-008jac19016/25-6/28 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Brown Rollobrown-003rol1901 AthenaIndependent Athena, OR
Brown 19016/4 HolyokeCtSt Holyoke, MA
Brown brown-077---19016/17-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Brown brown-226---19017/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Brown brown-231---19011 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Brown brown-242---19011 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Brown brown-230---19019/22 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Browne Georgebrowne001geo19014/25-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Browne Georgebrowne001geo1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Bruce Loubruce-001lou19014/25-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Bruce Jessebruce-001jes19015/4- Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Bruce Jessebruce-001jes1901-8/7 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Brumley Claude1901 Well.-1st WardIndependent Wellington,
Brumley Claude1901 Sumner CountyHSHighSchool ,
Bruner Willbruner003wil19015/6-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Bruner Willbruner003wil19017/2 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw19018/6-9/10 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Bryan Clarence1901 ,
Bryan Frankbryan-001fra19016/27 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Bryan Frankbryan-001fra19018/16-9/14 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Bubser Georgebubser001geo190113 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Bubser Georgebubser001geo19016/7 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Buckenberger Albucken001al-19014/25-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic190158 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Buckley Johnbuckle003joh19016/10-6/27 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat19015/7-6/15 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Buckley buckle023---19017/1-7/5 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Bucknam Nathanbuckna000nat19016/10-6/20 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre190170 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha1901 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Bufka Jackbufka-001joh1901 Manistee MIIndependent Manistee, MI
Bullard Ellersliebullar001---19018/12-  Oxford ALIndependent Oxford, AL
Bunyan Johnbunyan001joh19015/7-6/29 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Bunyan Johnbunyan001joh19017/29-8/14 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Burdette burdet006---19015/15 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Burgess burges011---19015/23 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Burke Eddieburke-002edd190112 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam190164 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam190142 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam190114 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Burke burke-046---19015/15-5/31 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Burkett Jesseburket001jes1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Burnham Walterburnha002wal19015/15-7/1 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Burnham Walterburnha002wal19017/2-7/8 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Burnham Walterburnha002wal19017/?-9/3 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Burns Tomburns-001tom19014/29-5/5 UmpireEast ,
Burns Tomburns-001tom19015/19-7/10 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Burns Henryburns-002hen19016/7 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Burns Billyburns-001wil19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Burns Billyburns-001wil1901 Durham NCIndependent Durham, NC
Burns Jackburns-007joh19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Burns Jackburns-007joh1901 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Burns Farmerburns-001jos19015/11-6/28 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Burns Farmerburns-010jam19017/6 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Burns Farmerburns-010jam19017/1-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Burns burns-067---1901 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Burrell Frankburrel001bus19015/15-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Burris Adburris002a--1901 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Burson Frankburson001fra1901 SoMN ,
Burt Dannyburt--001dan19015/2-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Burt Edburt--001ed-19015/22-6/10 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Burt Edburt--001ed-1901 Friar’s Point MSIndependent Friar’s Point, MS
Burton Harryburton007---1901+6/30+ Livingston MTIndependent Livingston, MT
Busch Henrybusch-001hen19017/9-9/22+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Bush Harry19015/13-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Bush Harry19015/13-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Bushey Alfredbushey001alf19015/16 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Busse Charleybusse-001car1901 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bussey Harrybussey001har19015/2-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Butler Frankbutler003fra19015/27-8/13 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Butler Dickbutler001dic19016/13-6/18 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Butler Ikebutler001isa190121 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Butler Ikebutler001isa1901+5/29+ Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Butler Ikebutler001isa19018/25-9/23 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Butler Johnbutler002joh19016/8-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Butler Johnbutler002joh19019/28 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Butler Ikebutler001isa19016/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Butler Ikebutler001isa19017/26-7/31 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Butman Edwardbutman001edw19018/20-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Byers Billbyers-002jam19015/6-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Byers Billbyers-002jam19017/13-8/21 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Byers Billbyers-002jam19018/24-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Bynum E.M.bynum-001e--19016/14 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Bynum E.M.bynum-001e--19016/14 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Byrnes byrnes014---19018/28 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Cain Fredcain--001fre190115 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Cain cain--011---19015/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav1901110 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Calhoun H.C.calhou001h--1901 Univ. of ChicagoCollege ,
Calhoun H.C.calhou001h--1901 DeCalb ILHighSchool ,
Califf Evelyn1901 Willamette Portland, OR
Calkins M.calkin001m--1901+6/4+ Kalamazoo-MWAIndependent Kalamazoo, MI
Callaghan callag002---19017/2 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Callahan Jimmycallah002jam1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Callahan Jackcallah026---190155 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Callahan callah052---19016/1 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Calloway Eugenecallow000eug1901 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Calloway Eugenecallow000eug1901+7/4+ Selma ALIndependent Selma, AL
Cameron Doncamero003don1901 U. Minnesota LawCollege ,
Cameron Frankcamero002fra1901 U. MinneasotaCollege ,
Cameron Jimmycamero001jam19015/15-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Camp Lewcamp--001lew19015/2-5/10 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Camp Lewcamp--001lew1901 UmpireIl-In-Ia ,
Campau Countcampau001cha19015/8-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Campbell Johncampbe007joh19015/8 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Campbell Mikecampbe004mik19014/26-5/6 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Canavan Jimcanava001jim19015/4-9/2 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cannell Winburn1901-03 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1901 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Carey Georgecarey-002geo19014/25-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Carey Willcarey-005wil1901 Alleghent Col.College ,
Carey Willcarey-005wil19016/20-7/20 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob19014/25-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha19015/8-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Carisch Fredcarisc001fre19011 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Carleton carlet004---19017/15-7/30 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Carlin Johncarlin002joh19016/23--9/2 UmpireNYSt ,
Carlson Morriscarlso000mor19015/2-5/4 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Carlton carlto004---19017/23-7/27 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Carman Georgecarman002---19016/13 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Carney Jackcarney002joh1901no g. Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Carney Billcarney002wil19014 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Carney Billcarney002wil1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Carney Patcarney001pat19014/26-4/27 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Carney Patcarney001pat19017/30-9/14 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Carney Patcarney001pat19019/20 -13 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Carney Georgecarney000geo19019/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Carpenter Guycarpen001guy1901 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Carpenter carpen007---19016/14-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Carpenter carpen013---19016/11-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Carr Charliecarr--001cha1901 Lehigh Univ.College ,
Carr Charliecarr--001cha19015/3-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Carr Lewcarr--001lew19015/20-6/30 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Carr Lewcarr--001lew19017/2-7/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Carr Lewcarr--001lew19018/28 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Carr Lewcarr--001lew19018/30-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Carr Willcarr--006wil1901-03 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Carr Hartcarr--001ham19017/8-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Carr 1901 Harvard UnivCollege ,
Carr carr--030---19015/9-5/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Carrick Billcarric001wil190142 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Carrigan Billcarrig001wil1901-03 Lewiston HSHighSchool ,
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra19015/2-7/24 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra1901 Webster CityIndependent Webster City,
Carroll carrol051---19017/18 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Carter Nickcarter002con1901+3/20+ U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Carter Nickcarter002con19015/1-10/13 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Carter Bobbycarter003rob190129 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Carter Bobbycarter003rob19016/29-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Carter Nickcarter002con1901+5/9+ Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Carter carter044---19019/5 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob1901+5/5+ UmpireWest ,
Case Charliecase--001cha19017/5 -3 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Case Charliecase--001cha19017/22-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Casey Jamescasey-002jam1901128 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea190140 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Cassady Harrycassad001har1901-04 Illinois WesleyanCollege ,
Cassiboine Williamcassib001wil1901+6/21+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Cassiboine Williamcassib001wil1901 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how1901+6/21+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how1901 Mason City IAIndependent Mason City, IA
Cassibone cassib001---19018/1 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Cassidy Petecassid003pet19014/26-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Cassidy Bennycassid001ber19015/15-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Cassidy Joecassid001jos1901-03 Villanova Univ.College ,
Cassidy Joecassid001jos1901 Ches.-HighlandIndependent Chester, PA
Castle Benjamin1901 ClevCity ,
Castleman 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Castleman 1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Castner Charlescastne001---1901 Hood River ORIndependent Hood River, OR
Castner John1901 Hood River ORIndependent Hood River, OR
Castro Loucastro001lou19015/14-5/15 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Castro Loucastro001lou19015/21-7/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Cates Elicates-002eli190117 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Cates Elicates-002eli1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Cates Elicates-002eli1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Cates Elicates-002eli19018/20-9/24 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Cavanaugh P.cavana001p--19019/2-9/5 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Cawley Charlescawley001cha19014/27-5/2 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Cermak Edcermak001edw19019/9 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Chapman Charleschapma001cha190165 g. Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Chappel 19017/5 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Charlton 19015/15-5/16 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Chase Halchase-002har1901-04+2/13+ 04 Santa Clara U.College ,
Chech Charliechech-001cha1901 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Chech Charliechech-001cha190134 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Cheek Harrycheek-001har1901+9/5+ Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Chellew Robertchelle001r--19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Cheney cheney004---1901 Clarkson TechCollege ,
Cheney cheney004---19017/2-7/11 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Childs Cupidchilds001cla1901 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Childs Cupidchilds001cla1901-7/863 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Childs Cupidchilds001cla19017/12-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Childs Petechilds001geo1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Childs Petechilds001geo1901 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha19014/28 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha19015/8 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha19015/7-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Clancy Billclancy002wil1901 Jamestown NYIndependent Jamestown, NY
Clancy clancy018---19017/30-8/13 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Clancy clancy014---19016/14-6/20 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Clark Edclark-002ed-19017/28-9/25 UmpireSo ,
Clark Winclark-012wil19014/15-6/18 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Clark Winclark-012wil19016/24-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Clark Winclark-012wil19017/9-8/16 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Clark Winclark-012wil19018/20-9/24 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Clark Wilkieclark-001wil19017/8-9/2 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Clark Williamclark-016wil19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Clark Bobbyclark-119---1901 Peoria-CityLeague Peoria, IL
Clark Bobbyclark-119---19018/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Clark Dadclark-002alf190140 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Clark clark-028---19015 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Clark clark-059---19015/10-6/9 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Clarke Dadclarke001dad19015/4 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Clarke Dadclarke001dad19018 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Clarke Williamclarke004wil1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Clarke Fredclarke002fre1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Clarke Harryclark-002n--19015/30-6/1 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Clarke 19014/15-7/6 UmpireVa-NC ,
Clarke clark-076---19016/27-7/3 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Clay Billclay--002fre1901 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Clay Waldoclay--001wal1901-03 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Clayton Harryclayto001har19017/9-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Clayton clayto004---19014/15-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Clayton Markclayto001mar19015/2-9/12 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Clements Jackclemen001jac19014/27-8/8 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Clements Billclemen004wil19015/4-7/12 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Clements Billclemen004wil19017/20 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Cline Edward19015/2-8/4 UmpireSo ,
Clingman Billyclingm001wil1901137 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Closson Richardclosso001ric19015/13-8/1 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Clymer Billclymer001wil19014/25-9/25 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Clynes Joseph1901 Oroville/MarysvilleNoCal Oroville, CA
Coakley Andycoakle001and1901-03 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Cochran Oracochra001ora19015/5-7/20 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Cockill Georgecockil002geo19015/24 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Cockman Jimcockma001jam1901121 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Coffman Billycoffma001wil19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Coffman Homercoffma001h--19014/26-6/17 g. Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic190156 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha19014/28-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Cole cole--013---19017/31 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Colgan Harrycolgan001har1901 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Collars Capcollar001cap19016/25-6/26 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19015/28-6/22 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19016/24-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19018/3-8/14 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Collins Jimmycollin003jam1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Collins collin084---19018/12 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Collopy Jimcollop001jam19015/8-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Colpoys Williamcolpoy001---19015/16-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Companion Paulcompan001pau1901+9/8+ St.L-RawlingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Conboy 19015/8-6/5 UmpireNYSt ,
Condon conlon002---19015/7-5/15 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil1901104 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil1901 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Conklin Milesconkli001mil19016/7-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Conklin Charlesconkli002cha19015/2-5/22 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Conley Alphonseconley002alp19015/2-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Conn Bertconn--001alb1901-5/85 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Conn Bertconn--001alb19016/6-8/11 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Conn Bertconn--001alb19018/16-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Connaughton Frankconnau001fra1901 ,
Connell Jerryconnel001jer19018/6-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Connelly Francis19015/15-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Connelly Thomasconnel002tho19016/18-6/21 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Connolly Francisconnol001fra19015/15-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Connor Rogerconnor001rog19015/6-7/17 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connor Rogerconnor001rog19017/18-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Connor Jimconnor001jim19014/26-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Connor Joeconnor002jos1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Connor Joeconnor002jos1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Connor Johnconnor007joh19016/1-6/6 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Connor connor043---19015/21 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Connors Billconnor001wil19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Connors Edconnor002edw19015/4-6/12 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Connors Edconnor002edw19016/14-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Connors Billconnor002wil19015/21-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Conover Harlanconove001har19017/17 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Conroy Widconroy003wil1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Conroy Patconroy001pat19015/15-8/30 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Conroy Barneyconroy009---19015/22- Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Conroy Barneyconroy009---1901-6/18 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Conroy Barneyconroy009---19016/24-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Conroy D.J.conroy001d--19015/15-8/1 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Conroy Joeconroy000joe19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Conwell Charlesconwel001cha190128 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Coogan Dancoogan003dan19015/15-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Coogan Dancoogan003dan19017/16-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Cook Harrycook--002har190113 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Cook Dancook--003dan1901 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Cook Dancook--003dan1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Cook Dancook--003dan19018/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Cook Bertcook--032---19015/2-5/4 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Cook Frankcook--002fra19017/1 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Cooley Duffcooley001duf19014/26-7/12 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Cooley Duffcooley001duf19017/27-63 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Coombs George1901 Independent ,
Cooney cooney001---1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Coons Perrycoons-001per190141 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Cooper Jimmycooper002jam1901+6/16+ CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Cooper Georgecooper004geo19014/30-5/5 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Cooper Georgecooper004geo19015/20-7/4 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Cooper Georgecooper004geo19017/12-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Cope Tommycope--001tho19015/2- Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Cope Tommycope--001tho1901-5/11 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Cope Tommycope--001tho190115 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Cope Tommycope--001tho190113 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Cope Tommycope--001tho1901 North Platte NEIndependent North Platte, NE
Copeland Tommycopela001tho19015/2-5/20 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Corbett Teddycorbet001edw19016/15-7/7 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Corbett Teddycorbet001edw19018/15-8/22 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Corbett Teddycorbet001edw19018/24-9/22 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Corbett Joecorbet001jos1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Corbett Tedcorbet001the19015/2-7/20 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Corbett Tedcorbet001the1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac19016/6-6/8 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Corcoran Tommycorcor002tho1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Corcoran Philcorcor001phi19015/6-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra19014/28-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Cosgrove Wallace1901-04 Princeton Univ.College ,
Costello Andycostel001and19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Costello Jamescostel001jam19015/4-5/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Costello costel011---19015/21-7/31 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Costigan Danielcostig001dan19017/26 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Cote Henrycote--002hen190165 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Cote cote--005---19015/31 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Cotter Danielcotter002dan19018/17 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Cotter Patcotter001pat19015/3 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Cotton cotton006---19014 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Coughlin Billcoughl001wil1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Coughlin Johncoughl001joh19015/15-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Coulter Cycoulte001art19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Courneen Joecourne001jos1901+7/25+ St. Mary’sRochCath St. Marys,
Courneen Joecourne001jos19019/7 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Courtemanche Frankcourte000fra19015/31-6/3 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo1901 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Courtney Erniecourtn001edw1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Courtney Philipcourtn000phi19015/6-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Courtney courtn016---19016/29 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Coveney Jackcovene001joh19015/15-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Cox Chestycox---002eug19018 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Cox Johncox---022---19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Cox Johncox---002joh19017/20-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern19015/8-9/6 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern19019/9-9/14 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Cracraft Leechcracra000lee1901+3/21 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Craig Edwardcraig-001edw1901+8/9+ SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
Cramer John1901 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Crane Johncrane-001joh1901 Hoboken NJIndependent Hoboken, NJ
Crane Johncrane-001joh19015/9-8/16 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Cranston Billcranst001wil1901 Georgetown UnivCollege ,
Cranston Billcranst001wil19017/9-8/13 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Cravens Jamescraven002jam1901+9/4+ Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Cravens Jamescraven002jam1901+9/11+ Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Crawford Jackcrawfo001joh1901 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Cree Birdiecree--001wil1901-03 California PA U.College ,
Cribbins Harold19015/2-9/25 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Criger Loucriger001lou1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Crippen Frankcrippe001fra1901no g. JolietI-I-I Joliet, IL
Crippen Frankcrippe001fra1901 DeKalb ILIndependent DeKalb, IL
Cripps cripps000---19019/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Crisham Patcrisha002pat19015/15-7/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Crisham Patcrisha002pat19017/29-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Criss Harry19017/21..8/15 UmpireWestA ,
Cristall Billcrista001wil19015/8-8/31 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan19014/15-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan19017/11-8/12 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan19018/19-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Croft Harrycroft-001hen19015/8-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Croft Harrycroft-001hen1901 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Crolius Fredcroliu001fre19014/19-49 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Croll Georgecroll-001geo1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cronin Jackcronin001joh190131 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Cronin cronin020---19017/19-7/20 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Cronin cronin019---19018/14-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac190140 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac1901 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Crosby Georgecrosby002geo19015/4-6/13 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Cross Lavecross-001laf1901100 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Cross Montecross-001mon1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Cross Lemcross-001lem19015/30-9/2 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Cross Frankcross-001fra19015/30-9/20 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Cross Adcross-001adr19015/8-5/24 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Cross Jamescross-001jam19015/16-6/22 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Crotty Dancrotty001dan19016/21-6/22 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha19015/2-5/12 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Crozier Dickcrozie001j--19015/2-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Culver Williamculver002wil19015/2-9/10 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Cummings Cycummin012---19017/3-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Cummings Cycummin012---1901 Maryland AC Maryland, MD
Cummings cummin025---1901 Syracuse UnivCollege ,
Cummings cummin025---19017/2-7/19 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell19013 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Cunningham Mikecunnin001mod1901-06 U. South CarolinaCollege ,
Cuppy Georgecuppy-001geo1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Curley Waltercurley001doc19015/3-5/30 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Curley Waltercurley001doc190112 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Curran Sammycurran001sim19015/4-8/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Curran Jackcurran001joh19016/28-7/5 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Curran Jackcurran001joh19017/11-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Curran curran008---19016/3 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Curran curran010---19015/7-5/12 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Currie Clarencecurrie001cla1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Curtis Johncurtis002joh19015/15-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Curtis Joecurtis001jos1901 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Curtis Joecurtis001jos1901-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Curtis Joecurtis001jos19018/1 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Curtis Paulcurtis001pau19012 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Curtis curtis009---19015/7- Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Curtis curtis009---1901 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Curtis Doncurtis002don19015/2-5/4 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Curtis Doncurtis002don19017/22-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Curtis Nevocurtis000nev19015/10 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Curtis curtis027---19017/6 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Cusisk Jackcusick001joh19015/4-5/15 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cusisk Jackcusick001joh19016/6-6/12 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Cusisk Jackcusick001joh19016/13-8/10 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Cusisk Jackcusick001joh19018/20-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dahlquist Williamdahlqu001wil19015/2-9/7 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Daley Eddiedaley-001edw19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo19015/2-7/11 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo19017/24 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Daly Tomdaly--002tho1901133 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Daly daly--004---19015/17- Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Daly daly--004---1901-6/15 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Dammann Billdamman001bil19014/27-5/11 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Dammann Billdamman001bil19015/20-5/31 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Dammann Billdamman001bil190128 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Damoth Samdamuth001sam19015/27-6/4 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Daniels Petedaniel003pet19015/3-9/18 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Daniels daniel016---19015/20-5/21 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Daniels daniel045---1901 U. AlabamaCollege ,
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--19014/15-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--19017/11-9/23 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Darby E. J.1901 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Dart dart--002---19015/31 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Daub Dandaub--002dan19015/3-5/11 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Daub Dandaub--002dan19016/26-7/20 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Davey Jackdavey-000jac1901 Ponca NEIndependent Punce, NE
Davis Harrydavis-006har1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Davis Georgedavis-015geo1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Davis Iradavis-008j--1901116 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Davis Elmerdavis-002elm1901 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Davis Leftydavis-001alf190125 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Davis Leftydavis-001alf190187 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Davis Popdavis-001pop1901+9/15+ Pittsburg KSIndependent Pittsburg, KS
Davis Charlesdavis-023cha19015/15-6/19 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Davis Earl1901+6/4+ Ottawa UniversityCollege ,
Davis Waltdavis-003wal19015/31-6/6 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Davis Waltdavis-003wal19018/21 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Davis davis-144---19014/17-4/18 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Davis davis-142---19015/25 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev1901 ,
Day Billday---001bil19015/15-5/30 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Day Eddieday---001edd1901 Read.-BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Day Eddieday---001edd1901 Chic.-UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Day Billyday---002bil1901+8/9+ SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
Day Charlesday---006cha19017/11-7/14 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Day day---010---19011 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Deady deady-000---19017/26-7/27 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Deal Snakedeal--002joh19015/13-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Deal Snakedeal--002joh1901+8/9+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Deal Johndeal--001---19014/15-4/16 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Dean Jimmydean--001jam19015/8-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Dean Jimmydean--001jam19017/12-8/4 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Dean Jimmydean--001jam19018/10-8/15 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Dean Jimmydean--001jam19018/19-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
DeBaker Archiedebake001art1901+6/9+ MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Deegan Billdeegan001wil19018/3, 8/9 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Deering Johndeerin001joh19015/4-9/6 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Deisel Jacobdeisel001jac19015/1-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Deisel Henrydeisel001c--19017/1-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Deisel deisel001---19014/15-6/22 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Deisel deisel001---19016/24-6/25 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19016/4-7/7 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19018/3-8/14 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho190118 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam19014/19-17 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Delaney delane004---19014/16-5/18 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
DeMontreville Genedemont001eug1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
DeMontreville Leedemont002leo19014/26-6/4 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer19015/4-8/3 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer19018/5-9/5 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Denzer Rogerdenzer001rog1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Depew Owendepew-001o--1901 Milford IAIndependent Milford, IA
DeRoehn Bertderoeh001alb19015/15-  Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
DeRoehn Bertderoeh001alb1901-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Derwin Billyderwin001wil19016/6-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Devereaux Williamdevere001wil1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Devlin Artdevlin001art19015/2-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Devlin Artdevlin001art19017/9-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Devlin devlin006---19016/20-6/22 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Dexter Charliedexter002cha1901 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dickerson Emersondicker001eme19017/21 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Dickson dickso002---1901+6/5+ Haddonfield NJIndependent Hackensack, NJ
Diggins Williamdiggin001wil1901no g. AA ,
Dillard Patdillar002pat1901114 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Dillard Leedillar001lee19016/27-6/29 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Dillon Frankdillon001fra190174 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Dillon Eddillon001edw1901no g. Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Dillon Jackdillon002joh1901 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Dillon Jackdillon002joh19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Dillon Tomdillon001tho19015/21-8/31 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Dinley dinley000---19016/8 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Disch Williamdisch-001wil1901+8/12+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Dithridge William1901 Zanesville OHIndependent Zanesville, OH
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw19014/25-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Dobbins Frank1901-02 Sacred Heart ColCollege ,
Dobbins dobbin002---19016/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Dobbs Loudobbs-001lou19015/4-6/17 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Doe Freddoe---002fre19015/15-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Doe Harrydoe---000har19015/30 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Doerr Williamdoerr-001wil1901+8/21+ KC-SchmeisersIndependent Kansas City, MO
Doherty Jackdohert001joh19016/18-6/25 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Doherty Mikedohert001mic19017/12-8/3 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Doherty James1901 Jamestown PAIndependent Jamestown, PA
Dolan Johndolan-002joh19015/3-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat1901 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Dolan Joedolan-001jos190110 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Dolan Joedolan-001jos1901-9/2898 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Dommel Georgedommel001geo19015/11-  Lititz PAIndependent Lititz, PA
Dommel Georgedommel001geo19016/8-6/13 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Dommel Williamdommel001wil19015/11-  Lititz PAIndependent Lititz, PA
Dommel Williamdommel001wil19016/8-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Dommel Williamdommel001wil19018/15-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Donahue Reddonahu001fra1901 Villanova Col.College ,
Donahue Reddonahu001fra1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Donahue Timdonahu001tim1901 Duluth Duluth, MN
Donahue Timdonahu001tim190187 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho1901 ,
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh190117 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Donahue Shedonahu002cha19015/17-8/13 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Donahue Thomasdonahu002tho1901 ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho1901 Villanova Col.College ,
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho19015/21 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Donahue donahu014---19014/25-5/8 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Donahue 1901 Villanova Univ.College ,
Donahue 19015/21 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra19015/25-7/2 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra19017/5-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra19017/13-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Donnelly donnel032---19015/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Donnelly donnel033---19017/24 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Donohoo August1901+4/27+ U. AlabamaCollege ,
Donohoo August1901 Sylacauga ALIndependent Sylacauga, AL
Donohoo August19018/12-  Oxford ALIndependent Oxford, AL
Donovan Patsydonova001pat1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Donovan Tomdonova002tho19015/8-6/20 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Donovan Tomdonova002tho19016/24-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Donovan Freddonova002fre19015/10-6/16 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Donovan Freddonova002fre19016/17-6/20 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Donovan Freddonova002fre19016/26-8/27 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Donovan Billdonova004wil1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Donovan donova052---19015/17 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Donovan donova023---19016/11-6/14 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Dooin Reddooin-001cha1901123 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Doran Frankdoran-001fra1901no g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Doran Tomdoran-002tho1901 Wilmington DEIndependent Wilmington, DE
Doremus Conniedoremu001con19017/25 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Dorman Johnnydorman001joh1901+8/12+ Fort DodgeIndependent Fort Dodge, IA
Dorn Peterdorn--001pet19016/25 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Dornan dornan001---19016/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Dorner Gusdorner001aug19015/5-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Dorrance Hugh1901-03 Co. L, 30thUS, Philippines ,
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk19015/4-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Dorsey Michaeldorsey001mic19015/15-6/3 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Doscher Jackdosche001joh1901 Fordham CollegeCollege ,
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19017/23 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat19019/14-11/2 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Douglass Klondikedougla004wil190151 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Doup Johndoup--001joh1901+9/21+ Loui.-GreenvilleIndependent Louisville, KY
Dowd Tommydowd--001tho1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Dowie Joedowie-001joe19015/2-7/6 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Dowie Joedowie-001joe19018/4-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Dowling Petedowlin001hen1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Downey Jimdowney002jam19015/8-8/16 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Downey Jimdowney002jam19018/19-9/11 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Downey downey001---19015/15-5/30 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Downing Albert1901 Frankfort KYIndependent Frankfort, KY
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh190175 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Doyle Charlesdoyle-002cha1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Doyle Charlesdoyle-001cha19014/25 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Doyle Charlesdoyle-001cha19017/1 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Doyle James1901+5/30+ AtchisonIndependent Atchison, KS
Doyle Slow Joedoyle-001jud1901 Clay Center HSHighSchool ,
Doyle Slow Joedoyle-001jud1901 Ellsworth KSIndependent Ellsworth, KS
Drake G.R.drake-000gr-1901 Middlebury Col.College ,
Drake G.R.drake-000gr-19017/2-8/28 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak1901 Harr.-SusquehannaIndependent Harrisburg, PA
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak19017/4-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak19018/15-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak19018/23-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Drennan Jackdrenna001kir1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Dresser Bobdresse001rob19017/4 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw19015/4-8/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw19018/15-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Drew drew--009---19015/26 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Drew drew--009---19017/15-7/16 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Drill Lewdrill-001lew1901 Georgetown Col.College ,
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via19015/17-8/27 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via1901 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Driscoll Condrisco001cor19015/28-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Driscoll Frankdrisco002joh19015/23-6/11 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Driscoll Williamdrisco001wil19015/21-6/28 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Drumm Ferddrumm-001fer1901 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom1901 Albert LeaIndependent Albert Lea, MN
Drury Bobdrury-001rob19014/? Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Drury Edward1901+5/19+ Cinc-NaviesAmat Cincinnati, OH
Ducey ducey-000---19015/17 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Duff Patduff--001pat1901 Manhattan Col.College ,
Duff Patduff--001pat19017/2-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Duff Thomasduff--001tho19015/17-5/22 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Duff Thomasduff--001tho19015/31-6/26 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Duff Thomasduff--001tho19017/29-9/6 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Duff duff--017---19014/16-4/19 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Duffy Hughduffy-001hug1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Duffy Johnduffy-003joh19016/3-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Duffy Frank1901 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Duffy duffy-036---19016/14 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan19015/1-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Duggan Danielduggan001dan1901 Holy CrossCollege ,
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19014/25-6/1 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Dundon Gusdundon001aug190191 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Dungan Samdungan001sam1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Dunham Wileydunham001hen19014/27-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw19014/27-9/7 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Dunleavy Jackdunlea001joh1901 Amherst CollegeCollege ,
Dunleavy Jackdunlea001joh19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Dunleavy Billdunlea001wil1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Dunleavy Billdunlea001wil1901 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Dunn Jackdunn--005joh190196 g. BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Dunn Jackdunn--005joh19012 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Dunn Bertdunn--005ber19015/2-5/29 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Dunn dunn--003---1901 Syracuse UnivCollege ,
Dunn dunn--003---1901 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Dunn dunn--011---19015/16-5/22 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra1901 Westbrook Sem.School ,
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra19016/7- AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra1901-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Dupee Frankdupee-001fra19018/24 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Duquette Georgeduquet001geo19017/16 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Durfee 1901-04 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob19015/6-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Durrett Ikedurret001isa19015/2-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Dwyer Dickdwyer-001ric1901 ,
Dwyer Frankdwyer-001fra1901 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Dwyer Johndwyer-005joh19017/12-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Dyer Billydyer--001wil1901 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Dyer Billydyer--001wil19017/12-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat19014/25-5/5 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat19015/12-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha19015/1-4 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha1901-5/305 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha1901114 g. Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Eagan eagan-018---19015/15 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Earl Howardearl--002how19015/8-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Earle Billyearle-001bil1901 AlmendaresCuban League Almendares,
Eason Maleason-001mal190127 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Eastman Chriseastma001chr1901 FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Easton DeWortheaston001dew19016/19-9/1 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Ebert Charlesebert-001cha19015/17-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-19015/2-7/27 UmpireSo ,
Ebright Millsebrigh001a--1901+9/4+ Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Eby Johneby---001joh19015/20 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Eby Johneby---001joh19018/1 Altoona MonarchsIndependent Altoona, PA
Eddy Jameseddy--002jam19016/10-9/6 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Edgar Georgeedgar-001geo19018/3-8/6 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Edwards Daveedward007dav1901+5/26+ Colfax WAIndependent Colfax, WA
Edwards Daveedward007dav19019/11-9/28 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Egan Ripegan--002joh19015/6-6/12 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Egan Ripegan--002joh19016/22-8/9 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Egan Nedegan--001edw1901 Litchfield MNIndependent Litchfield, MN
Ehret Redehret-001phi19015/12-9/1 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Eichler Harryeichle001har19014/26-5/8 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Elliott Claudeelliot001cla19015/2-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Elliott Edwin1901 Kingston ONIndependent Kingston, ON
Ellis Benellis-003ben19015/8-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Ellis Georgeellis-004geo19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Ely Bonesely---001wil1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Ely Bonesely---001wil1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Ely Jackely---001joh19015/9-5/25 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Ely Jackely---001joh19016/13 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Ely Jackely---001joh19018/16-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Engel Georgeengel-002geo19015/2-10/12 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Enroughty Darbydarby-001e--19014/29-6/1 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Enroughty Darbydarby-001e--1901 Rich.-FultonIndependent Richmond, VA
Enslow Clydeenslow001cly19014/25-5/2 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Enwright enwrig001---19015/13 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Ernst John1901-04 Lafayette CollegeCollege ,
Essick Billessick002wil1901-03 Knox CollegeCollege ,
Eubanks eubank003---1901+6/16-7/16+ Pocatello IDIndependent Pocatello, ID
Eustace Frankeustac003fra19015/8-7/17 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Eustace Frankeustac003fra19018/21 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Evans Royevans-001roy19013 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Evans Griffevans-001gri1901preseason Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Evans Griffevans-001gri19015/15-5/30 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Evans Willevans-004wil19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Evans Willevans-004wil19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Evans evans-007---19015/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Evans Charlesevans-006cha19016/5 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Evans Leroyevans-001ler19016 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Evans Leroyevans-001ler190138 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Everitt Billeveret001wil190167 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Evers Jackevers-001joh19015/2-9/6 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Everson Berteverso001a--19015/20-5/23 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Everson Berteverso001a--1901+8/9+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Ewing Bobewing-001geo190138 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Ewing E.ewing-001e--19011 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw190134 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Fagan Jamesfagan-001jam1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Fahey Johnfahey-001joh19015/15-5/23 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Farley Tomfarley001tho1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Farrell Johnfarrel006joh1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Farrell Johnfarrel002joh19015/28-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Faurot Leefaurot001lee19011 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Fay Joefay---001jos190134 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Featherstone George1901+6/21+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Featherstone George1901 Willmar SDIndependent Willmar, SD
Feeney feeney008---19017/26 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Fehl Williamfehl--001---1901no g. Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Felix Harryfelix-001har19014/26-9/20 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Fender fender000---1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Fender fender000---19017/13-7/20 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Fennell Roy1901-02 Pa State Univ.College ,
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra19015/21-5/26 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra19016/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra19018/17-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Ferguson Charliefergus002cha190145 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Ferguson J.A.fergus001j--1901 GallaudetCollege ,
Ferguson J.A.fergus001j--19015/13-5/15 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Ferrin Winferrin001win19011 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Ferrin Winferrin001win19014 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Ferris Hobeferris001alb1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Ferris Georgeferris001geo19016/16-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Ferry Cyferry-001alf19015/7-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw19015/13-6/12 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Fetz H. Claude1901 Neb. City ArgosIndependent Nebraska City, NE
Fetz H. Claude1901 Edgar NEIndependent Edgar, NE
Fifield Jackfifiel001jac19016/2-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Figgemeier Frankfiggem002fra19011 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Figgemeier Frankfiggem002fra19015/9-8/21 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Fillman Jackfillma001joh19014/15-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Fillman Jackfillma001joh19017/19 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Finley finley007---19019/12 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Finn Mickeyfinn--001duk19015/2-9/25 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Finn Billyfinn--001wil19015/4-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Finnigan Patrick1901 ChicCity ,
Fisher Ikefisher001ike19015/2-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Fisher Edfisher001edw19015/6-5/11 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Fisher Edfisher001edw19015/22-6/1 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Fisher Harryfisher004har19014/25-6/12 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Fisher Harryfisher004har19017/2-7/26 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Fisher Tomfisher002tho19015/2-5/23 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Fisher Tomfisher002tho19017/17-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Fisher Harryfisher006har19016/8-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Fisher Tomfisher001tho1901+5/12+ Loui.-GarrysLouiCity Louisville, KY
Fisher Tomfisher001tho19016/23-6/28 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Fisher Tomfisher001tho1901 Loui.-SchmidtLouiCity Louisville, KY
Fisher C.fisher000c--1901 Walla Walla WAIndependent Walla Walla, WA
Fisher fisher058---19016/17-6/30 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Fisher fisher013---19019/18-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Fiske 1901 Trinity CollegeCollege ,
Fiske S.S.fiske-001s--1901 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Fiske S.S.fiske-001s--19017/15-8/30 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Fitzgerald fitzge028---19018/13-8/16 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil19015/6-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra1901 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fitzpatrick Tomfitzpa001tho1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Flaherty Patflaher005pat19017/29-8/26 UmpireSo ,
Flaherty Patflaher005pat19019/2-9/21 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat19014/26-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat19017/26-8/13 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat19018/17-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Flaherty Jackflaher003joh19015/15-6/13 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam1901 Wyoming SeminarySchool ,
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam19016/17-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Flanagan John1901+7/28+ CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Flannery Jackflanne001joh1901106 g. Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Fleming Tomflemin003tho19014/26-6/15 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Fleming Tomflemin003tho190176 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Fleming Chuckflemin002cha19018/1-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Fleming P.J.flemin001p--1901 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Fleming P.J.flemin001p--19016/10-6/14 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Fleming P.J.flemin001p--19017/10-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Fleming flemin024---19019/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Flood Timflood-001tim1901117 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Flood John1901+6/16+ CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Flood flood-014---1901 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Flournoy Jackflourn001joh19014/26-8/14 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo19017/13-9/5 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo19019/6-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Fogarty fogart006---19018/8-8/9 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat19015/6-6/22 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Foley Charlesfoley-001cha1901 MeSt ,
Ford New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Ford ford--039---19011 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Foreman Frankforema001fra1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Foreman Frankforema001fra1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Foreman Johnforema001bro19014/16-6/4 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Forman Jamesforman000jim1901 U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Forney Kidforney001j--1901 Oxford KSIndependent Oxford, KS
Forney Kidforney001j--1901 wichita-FreemontIndependent Wichita, KS
Foster Reddyfoster026---19014/15-6/22 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Foster Reddyfoster001red19016/24-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Foster Reddyfoster001red19017/9-7/27 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Foster Clarencefoster001cla1901103 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Foster Clarencefoster001cla1901- 9/2712 g.  ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Foster Hifoster000hi-19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Fountain Jackfounta000jac19018 g. Plattsburgh HSHighSchool ,
Fountain Jackfounta000jac19017/13-7/23 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Fountain Jackfounta000jac1901 Loon LakeIndependent Loon Lake,
Foutz Frankfoutz-001fra19014/26-5/27 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Foutz Frankfoutz-001fra19016/5-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Fox Georgefox---001pad19014/25 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Fox Georgefox---001pad19015/7-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Fox Georgefox---001pad19016/4-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Fox Billfox---006wil19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Fox Jimfox---001jam19015/2-6/2 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Fox Jimfox---001jam1901 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Fox Charleyfox---003cha19015/2-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Fox Johnfox---001joh1901 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Fox Charleyfox---003cha19015/5-5/15 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Fox fox---019---19016/10-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Foy Leonfoy---002leo1901 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Foy Leonfoy---002leo1901 Rochester INIndependent Rochester, IN
France france004---19016/7-6/8 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
France france005---19018/23-8/25 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Francis Tomfranci001tho19015/4-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Francis Ikefranci002isa19014/25-5/7 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Francis Ikefranci002isa19015/13-7/2 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Francis Ikefranci002isa19017/8-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Francis Ikefranci002isa19017/25-8/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Francis Ikefranci002isa19018/26-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Francks Buckfranck001cha1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Frank Charliefrank-003cha19015/5-8/1 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Frank Fredfrank-003fre19015/2-9/22+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Franks Harryfranks007---19018/15-9/12+ Coffeyville KSIndependent Coffeyville, KS
Frantz Orvillefrantz002---1901 Harvard UnivCollege ,
Frantz Walterfrantz001wal1901 Enid BrownsIndependent Enid, OK
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral19015/1-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Fraser Chickfraser001cha19013 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Fraser Chickfraser001cha190143 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Fraser Chick?1901+8/18+ LakotaND Lakota, ND
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha1901 Jamestown NYIndependent Jamestown, NY
Freeland Lutefreela001lut19014 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Freeland Lutefreela001lut19016/1-9/24 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Freeman Buckfreema003joh1901129 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Freeman Harryfreema004har19018/27-9/4 UmpireSo ,
Freeman Chuckfreema000chu19017/11-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Freeman freema032---19013 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Fremer Tonyfremer001ant1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Fremer Tonyfremer001ant19017/11-8/28 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Fricken Honfricke001ant19014/25-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Fricken 19018/28-9/7 UmpireNYSt ,
Fricken fricke001---19019/4 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Friel Billfriel-001wil19015/3-106 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Friel friel-001---19015/13-5/18 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Friend Dannyfriend002dan19014/26-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha1901no g. Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Frisk Emilfrisk-001joh190123 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Frome Edwardfrom--002edw19015/10-8/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Frost Jackfrost-001joh19015/2-5/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Frost Jackfrost-001joh19017/9-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Frysinger Jessefrysin001jes19015/13-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Frysinger Jessefrysin001jes1901 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Fugler Pearlyfugler000pea1901+8/11+ Vicksburg MSIndependent Vicksburg, MS
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha19014/26-9/7 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Fulmer Windsor1901+7/11+ Schuyler NEIndependent Schuyler, NE
Gabriel Johngabrie002joh1901+5/1+ Emporia State U.College ,
Gabriel Johngabrie002joh1901 Emporia KSIndependent Emporia, KS
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh19017/4-9/2 UmpireEast ,
Gaffney Jamesgaffne001jam19015/15-7/12 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Gallagher Andygallag001and19015/7-9/6 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha19016/25-7/20 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha19018/9-8/10 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha19018/13 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Gallagher Martygallag001mar19015/7-6/22 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Gallagher Martygallag001mar19016/16-6/25? Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Gallagher Martygallag001mar19017/4-9/3 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Gallagher gallag035---19019/13 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Gamble Neilgamble001mac1901 Memp.-ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Gamble Robertgamble002rob1901 Memp.-ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Gamble Robertgamble002rob1901 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Gamble gamble002---19018 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Gamble gamble002---19016 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Gammons Daffgammon001joh19014/23-6/26 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Ganley Bobganley002rob19014/25-5/30 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Ganley Bobganley002rob19016/2-7/11 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Ganley Bobganley002rob19017/19-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Gannon Billgannon002wil19015/8-7/9 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Gannon Billgannon002wil19017/13-8/3 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Gannon Billgannon002wil19018/8-9/6 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Gannon Billgannon002wil19019/9-10/6 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Ganss Billygans--001bil19014/27-5/8 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Ganss Billygans--001bil1901+8/16+ Kent OHIndependent Kent, OH
Ganzel Charlieganzel002cha1901 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos1901 ?No ,
Ganzel Johnganzel001joh1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Gardner Jimgardne001jam19015/9-5/14 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Gardner Jimgardne001jam19016/26-9/6 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Garnett Willgarnet000wil19016/1 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Garoni Williegaroni001wil19018/6-8/22 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Garoni Williegaroni001wil1901 Rutherford FieldIndependent Rutherford Field,
Garrett garret013---19015/13-5/29 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Garry Jimgarry-001jim19016/17-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir190137 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Garvin Leogarvin001lee190128 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Gassney gassne000---19017/11 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel190163 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Gaston gaston007---19011 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Gatch Waltergatch-001geo19017/28-9/21 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Gates Josephgates-002geo19014/15-5/1 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Gates Josephgates-002geo19016/14-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Gates Josephgates-002geo19017/9-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Gatins Frankgatins001fra1901-7/1550 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Gatins Frankgatins001fra19017/19-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Gayle gayle-000---19015/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Gear Dalegear--001dal19014/23-9/21 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Gehring Hankgehrin001hen19015 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Geier Philgeier-001phi190150 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Geier Philgeier-001phi190111 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Genins Frankgenins001c--190195 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
George george012---19017/1 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Gertenrich Lougerten001lou19012 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Gettig Charliegettig002cha1901 ,
Gettig Charliegettig002cha19016/12-6/18 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Gettig Charliegettig002cha19016/26-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Gettig Charliegettig002cha19017/11-7/18 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Gettig Charliegettig002cha1901+8/16+ New Bern NCIndependent New Bern, NC
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom19015/2-6/17 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom19017/24-9/11 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Gettman Jakegettma001jac19014/25-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Geyer Joegeyer-002joe19019 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli19015/2-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Gibbons Charles1901 Georgetown Col.College ,
Gibbons gibbon006---19018/21-8/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Giblin Jamesgiblin001jam19015/4-5/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Gibson Norwoodgibson001nor190128 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Gibson Ralphgibson001ral19015/3-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Gierhardt Frank1901 Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Gierhart Frankgierha001fra190114 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Gifferny giffer000---19015/31 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Gifford Algiffor001al-19015/6-7/14 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Gifford Algiffor001al-19017/22-9/4 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh19015/2-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Gilbert Billygilber002wil1901127 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Gilbert Rufus1901 Kalamazoo HSHighSchool ,
Gildea Jackgildea001joh19015/20-6/18 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Gildea Petergildea001pet19015/16-7/19 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob19014/25-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Gill Warrengill--001war1901 EnidIndependent Enid, OK
Gill gill--013---19015/15-5/21 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Gillen Thomasgillen001tho19015/4-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Gilliam Frankgillia001fra19011 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw19014/15- Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw1901 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw1901-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw19017/9-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho19014/15-6/1 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho19016/5-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo1901 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Gilmartin J.gilmar001j--19019/4-9/6 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Gilmore (Corrigan) 1901 Devil’s Lake NDNDAmat Devil's Lake, ND
Gimlin Frankgimlin001joh190140 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Ging Billyging--001bil19017/13-9/5 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Girard Alexandergirard000ale1901 Hoquiam WA Hoquiam, WA
Girard Edwardgirard001edw19015/8-5/21 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Girard Edwardgirard001edw19017/24-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Glade Fredglade-001fre190138 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Glade Philglade-001phi19017 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Glade Philglade-001phi1901+6/30+ Grand Island NEIndependent Grand Island, NE
Glade Arthurglade-000art1901+6/30+ Grand Island NEIndependent Grand Island, NE
Glass 1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Glasscock Jackglassc001jac19016 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Glavin glavin000---19018/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Glaze Ralphglaze-001dan19011 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Glaze Ralphglaze-001dan1901 Cheyenne Indians-pro Cheyenne, WY
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil1901135 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19015/8-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19019/27 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Gleason Williamgleaso001wil1901 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Gleason Williamgleaso001wil19015/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gleason Williamgleaso004wil19017/1-7/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Glendon Martinglendo001mar19015/1-7/7 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Glendon Martinglendo001mar19017/11-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Glendon Dickglendo001ric19013 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Glendon Dickglendo001ric1901 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Glendon Dickglendo001ric1901 W. Superior WIIndependent ,
Glenn Edglenn-001edw19015/2-5/25 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Gnadinger Edgnadin001edw19014/26-5/31 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Gnadinger Edgnadin001edw19016/8-6/9 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Gnadinger Edgnadin001edw19016/19 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Gnadinger Edgnadin001edw19016/30 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Gnadinger Edgnadin001edw19018/16-9/22+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Gochnaur Johngochna001joh19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Gochnaur Johngochna001joh1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Gokey Eugenegokey-001eug19015/30-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Golden Tomgolden001tho19015/13-6/19 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Golden Frankgolden001fra19015/25-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Golden Johngolden002joh1901 Georgetown U.College ,
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh190194 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh19015/14-9/18 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Goodenough Billgooden001bil19015/8-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art19015/12-5/23 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Gordon Eddiegordon002a--190121 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Gordon L.gordon001l--19018/18-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Gorman Danielgorman001dan19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Gorton Rogergorton001rog19015/25 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Grady Mikegrady-002mic190194 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Grady Georgegrady-001geo19016/3-8/30 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil19014/25-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Gragion Vincent1901+8/24+ St. Mary’sRochCath. St. Marys,
Graham Charliegraham002cha190199 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Graham Georgegraham003geo1901 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Graham Moonlightgraham001arc19017/4 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Graham Oscargraham001osc190120 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Graham Oscargraham001osc19017/31-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Grant Georgegrant-003geo19018/19-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Grant Angusgrant-001ang19016/3-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Grant grant-023---19016/10-6/11 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Graves Patgraves000pat1901 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Gray Chummygray--001chu19014/27-6/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Gray Chummygray--001chu19016/27-7/10 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Gray Billygray--004bil1901 Brown UniversityCollege ,
Gray Billygray--004bil19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Gray Billygray--004bil1901+7/13-8/27+ CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Green Dannygreen-001edw1901133 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Green Earlgreen-001ear1901 EnidIndependent Enid, OK
Green William1901-02 Princeton Univ.College ,
Greene A.V.greene001a--1901+8/12+ Fort DodgeIndependent Fort Dodge, IA
Greene Paddygreene001pat1901 Villanova Col.College ,
Greene Paddygreene001pat19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Greenwald Docgreenw001doc19015/9-5/13 SalemSo Salem,
Greenwald Docgreenw001doc1901+8/14-8/28+ AshlandIndependent Ashland, OH
Greenwell Jackgreenw003joh19013 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Greer Williamgreer-001wil19015/4-5/17 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Gregory Jamesgregor001jam1901 Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Gremminger Edgremmi001lor19014/25-9/8 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19014/25-5/5 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19015/8-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Griffin Sandygriffi001san19015/8-9/7 UmpireNYSt ,
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste19014/30-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Griffin Jackgriffi003j--1901 Holy Cross Holy Cross,
Griffin Jackgriffi003j--19015/3-9/14 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Griffith griffi013---19016/8-6/11 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Grim Johngrim--002joh19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Grim Johngrim--002joh19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Grim Jackgrim--001joh190129 g. Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Grimes Jamesgrimes003jam1901+7/18+ Red Lodge MTIndependent Red Lodge, MT
Gronninger Jamesgronin001jam19018/6-8/12 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Grosart Georgegrossa001geo19016/17+ HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Grosart Georgegrossa001geo19016/7-6/15 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Grosart Georgegrossa001geo19016/26-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Gross Harrygross-002har1901 StL.-RawlingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Gross Harrygross-002har19019/4-  SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam19016/1-6/10 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Grube grube-001---19015/17-6/15 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Gruenwild 1901 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Guernsey Raymond1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Guernsey Raymond1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Guese Whiteyguese-001the19014/25-7/10 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Guest Frankguest-001fra1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Guiheen Thomasguihee001tho19015/17-7/6 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Guiheen W.guihee001w--1901 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Gunnett Olin1901 Frostburg MDIndependent Frostburg, MD
Gunther Frankgunthe001fra19015/8-5/10 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---19014/22- Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---1901 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---1901-6/28 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---19017/18 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Haas Bert1901+9/11+ Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Hackett Jimhacket001jam19016/7-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Haese haese-000---19018/8 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Hafford Frankhaffor001fra19015/22-6/29 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Hafford Frankhaffor001fra19017/2-8/6 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Hagan Charliehogan-016---19016/5-7/6 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Hagan Raymond1901 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf1901no g. Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet19015/2-5/10 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet19015/17-5/26 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet19016/4-6/17 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Haggerty 19015/30 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Hahn Noodleshahn--001fra1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hahn hahn--009---1901 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Haines Elmerhaines001elm19018/27-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Halbritter Louishalbri001lou19017/26-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Hale Edhale--001ed-19015/4 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Hale Edhale--001ed-19018/5-8/7 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Hale Edhale--001ed-190111 g. Vicksburg MSIndependent Vicksburg, MS
Hale Edhale--001ed-1901 Monroe LAIndependent Monroe, LA
Hale Jesshale--001jes19014/25-6/9 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Hale Jesshale--001jes19016/15-6/18 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Hale Jesshale--001jes19016/21-7/24 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Hale Jesshale--001jes19017/8-7/9 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Hale Jesshale--001jes19018/6-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Hale Rayhale--001ray190140 g. Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Hale hale--001---19011 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Hale hale--001---19017 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Haley Emmetthaley-001emm19015/15-6/8 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Haley Emmetthaley-001emm19016/26-9/4 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Hall Russhall--011rob1901115 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hall Oscarhall--001osc1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Hall Oscarhall--001osc19017/13-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Hall Bobhall--004rob19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Hall hall--069---19016/5 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Hall hall--066---19018/1 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Hall hall--068---19019/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Hallerman haller003---19016/22 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Halligan Jockohallig001joc19014/25-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Hallman Billhallma002wil19015 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hallman Billhallma002wil1901123 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hallman Billhallma001wil19014/25-139 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Halloway hollow002---19015/25-6/8 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Hallowell Wilmerhallow001wil19016/8-6/12 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hamilton Billyhamilt006wil1901-9/16102 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hamilton Argushamilt001arg19016 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Hamilton Argushamilt001arg19014 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Hammond Eddiehammon001edw1901 Dillon MTIndependent Dillon, MT
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--19015/2-9/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Haney Jimhaney-003jam19015/2-5/25 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha19015/2-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Hankey Jackhankey001joh19014/25-4/27 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Hankey Jackhankey001joh1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Hanks Arthur1901+4/19-8/3+ Chambersburg PAIndependent Chambersburg, PA
Hanley Georgehanley002geo19015/8-8/3 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Hanley Georgehanley002geo19018/4-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Hanley Markhanley001mar190112 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Hanley Markhanley001mar190120 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Hanlon Billhanlon001wil1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hanna Timhanna-001tim19015/31-7/4 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hanna Timhanna-001tim19017/19-7/21 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Hanna Timhanna-001tim19017/23-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Hanna Timhanna-001tim19019/4-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Hannafin Larryhannaf001law19016/27-7/15 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hannafin Larryhannaf001law19018/6-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat19016/4-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Hanrahan Billyhanrah001wil1901+6/24+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Hanrahan Harry1901+6/24+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm19015/15-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Hansford Frankhansfo001fra190126 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Hanson Georgehanson001geo190153 g. Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco190160 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco1901 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19017/23-8/17 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19018/19-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Hardy Harryhardy-001har1901 AltoonaIndependent Altoona, PA
Hargrove Billyhargro002wil19015/16-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Harkins Redharkin001red19019/10-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Harley Dickharley001ric1901133 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Harlow Conharlow001con19015/2-5/17 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Harlow Conharlow001con19015/22-8/7+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Harmon Iraharmon001ira190163 g. Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Harnish Nickharnis001nic19014/25-6/9 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Harnish Nickharnis001nic19019/6-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Harper Jackharper003cha190139 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Harrigan harrig006---19015/17 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Harrington Joeharrin001joe19015/4-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Harris Josephharris001f--19014/27-5/15 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Harris Josephharris001f--19015/19-5/27 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Harris Josephharris001f--19011 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Harris Williamharris010wil19015/8-6/30 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Harris Williamharris010wil19018/2-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Harrison Eldredharris000eld1901+6/30+ SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Harrison Eldredharris000eld1901 U. of MissouriCollege ,
Harrison Leoharris005leo19019/27 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Hart Billhart--004wil1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19014/25-6/1 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19016/6-8/24 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19019/2-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Hart hart--020---19015/4 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Hartley Chickhartle001wal1901 Roxborough PAIndependent Roxborough, PA
Hartley Chickhartle001wal1901 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Hartman Fredhartma003fre1901120 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Hartman Williamhartma001wil1901124 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hartman Henryhartma014---19015/1-5/9 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Hartman hartma020---1901 NYC-Murray HillIndependent New York, NY
Hartman hartma020---19016/11-6/21 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Hartwell Joshhartwe001---1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Hartzell Royhartze001roy1901+5/3-5/13+ Golden COIndependent Golden, CO
Hartzell Royhartze001roy1901+9/8+ Cheyenne WYIndependent Cheyenne, WY
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Harvey Leonharvey000leo1901 Coffeyville KSIndependent Coffeyville, KS
Hasechett hasech000---19017/23 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Haskell Jackhaskel001jac19014/26-9/28 MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Haskell haskel001---19015/4-5/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Haskell haskel001---19018/21-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Hassett Charleshasset002---19015/15-6/1 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Hassett Charleshasset002---190110 g. AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Hastings Charliehastin002cha19014/28-8/18 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Hastings Charliehastin002cha19018/23-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Hatch Harryhatch-002har1901 St. Albans HSHS ,
Hatch Harryhatch-002har19018/17 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Hatch Harryhatch-002har1901 Loon LakeIndependent Loon Lake,
Hauptman Harryhauptm001har19014/16-5/9 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Hausen Billhausen001hom190138 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Havey Andrewhavey-000and19016/21-6/26 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-1901-9/  SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Hawkins/Harkins 19016/26-9/6 UmpireNYSt ,
Hawley Pinkhawley001eme1901- 8/2030 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Hawley Marvinhawley001sco190111 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Hawley Marvinhawley001sco190124 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19014/26-51 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19017/13-7/19 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Hayes Geraldhayes-001ger1901 FargoIndependent Fargo, ND
Hayes Thomashayes-002tom1901 Lestershire NEIndependent Lestershire, NE
Hayes Johnhayes-010joh19015/14-5/15 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Haythorne 1901+8/18+ FargoND Fargo, ND
Hayward Williamhaywar001wil19015/15- BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Hayward Williamhaywar001wil1901-7/8 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Hayward Williamhaywar001wil19017/14-9/10 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Hayworth Benhaywor001ben19017/13-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Hazelton Dochazlet001wil19018/7 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Hearne Hughiehearne001hug19015/8-8/26 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Hearne Hughiehearne001hug19018/29-2 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hebble Harryhobble001h--190168 ab Rich.-Entre NousIndependent Richmond, VA
Hecht Alhecht-001al-1901 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Heck Edheck--004---1901 Fairbury NEIndependent Fairbury, NE
Heckert George1901 York-Penn's’ ParkIndependent York, PA
Heffernan Jimmieheffer001jam1901 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Heffernan Jimmieheffer001jam19017/11-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Heffner Edwardheffne001edw19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Heiberger Charlesheiber001cha19014/18-5/20 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Heidrick Emmetheidri001joh1901118 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Heileman Johnheilem001joh19017/8-7/21 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Heimerl Edwardheimer000edw19015/3, 5/26 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Heimerl Edwardheimer000edw1901 Whitinsville MAIndependent Whitinsville, MA
Heimerl Edwardheimer000edw19016/5 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Heine Billheine-001wil1901 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil19017/12-8/13 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil19018/16-9/9 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Heinz Peteheinz-001pet1901 Collyer KSIndependent Collyer, KS
Heinz Peteheinz-001pet1901 Gove KSIndependent Gove KS,
Heisman John1901 Clemson Univ.College ,
Heismann Creseheisma001chr19019/25 -3 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo19014/26-8/31 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha1901136 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra1901107 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Hempleman Frankhemple001fra19014/15-6/22 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Hempleman Frankhemple001fra19016/24-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Hempleman Frankhemple001fra19017/9-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Henderson Harveyhender005har1901 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Henderson Harveyhender005har19017/2-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Henley Weldonhenley001wel19017/27-7/31 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Henley Weldonhenley001wel19019/10-9/13 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Henley Weldonhenley001wel19019/18-9/23 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Hennegar Joehenneg001jos19014/15-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Hennegar Joehenneg001jos19017/9-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Hennessey hennes011---19018/3-8/4 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Henry Georgehenry-002geo19015/4-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw19014/26-9/9 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Henry Jackhenry-001joh19014 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Herbert Frankherber001fra19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Herbert Frankherber001fra19016/4-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Herbert Jackherber003joh19015/2-8/14 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Herbert herber005---19018/11 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Herman Artherman001art190134 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Herndon Josephherndo001jos19015/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hernon Tomhernon001tom190157 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Heron heron-000---19015/23-6/1 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Herring herrin010---19018/3-8/6 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Herring herrin010---19018/10-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Herron Curley1901 Enid BrownsIndependent Enid, OK
Herwig Johnherwig001joh19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Herz herz--000---19018/1-8/3 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Hess Tomhess--001tho19015/8-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hess Harryhess--001har1901 Bucknell CollegeCollege ,
Hess Harryhess--001har1901 local Independent ,
Hess hess--008---19011 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Hess hess--005---19016/14-6/17 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Hesse hesse-008---19016/11 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Hesterfer Larryhester001law19019/5 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Heydon Mikeheydon001mic19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Heyman Charlesheyman001c--1901+10/6+ Chic.-Nelson MorrisIndependent Chicago, IL
Hickey Mikehickey001mik19015/4-6/18 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hickey Mikehickey001mik19016/24-8/27 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Hickey Eddiehickey001edw19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Hickey Eddiehickey001edw19017/16-8/15 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Hickey Walterhickey001wal190143 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Hickey Benhickey001w--190113 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Hickey Jackhickey002joh1901 ,
Hickey Jackhickey002joh19017/14-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Hickey hickey024---190124 g. Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Hickey hickey023---19012 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Hickman Charliehickma004cha1901112 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hickman Eddiehickma000edd19015/4 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Hicks Rowehicks-001row1901 KinstonECar Kinston, NC
Higgins higgin007---19018/30 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
High Edhigh--001edw19014/15-6/13 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
High Edhigh--001edw19017/4-8/5 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Hilbert Charleshilber000---19016/11 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Hildebrand Georgehildeb002geo1901160 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hill Beldenhill--003bel19015/2-8/16 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Hill hill--037---19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Hill Eddiehill--002edw19015/8-6/16 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hill Eddiehill--002edw19016/27-7/9 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Hill Eddiehill--002edw19017/25-8/13 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Hill Hughhill--001hug19015/2-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Hill Hunterhill--001hun19015/2-7/8 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Hill hill--037---19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1901 Naval AcademyCollege ,
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1901 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1901 FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Hillebrand Homerhilleb001hom1901 FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Hilley Edhilley001edw19015/8-5/16 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Hilley Edhilley001edw19017/9-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Himes Jackhimes-001joh1901 Marston IAIndependent Marston, IA
Himmelstein himmel000---19017/30 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Hinchcliffe Charles1901 Well.-1st WardIndependent Wellington,
Hinchman hinchm004---19015/4-5/14 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun1901115 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Hinton Johnhinton001joh1901 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Hinton Johnhinton001joh19016/3-6/7 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hinton Johnhinton001joh19017/24-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Hirsch 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Hobbs hobbs-008---19017/26 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Hobgood 1901+4/4-4/30+ Wake ForestCollege ,
Hodge Carsonhodge-001car19015/4-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hodge G.M.hodge-001g--19015/1-6/26 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Hodge G.M.hodge-001g--19017/11-7/18 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Hodge G.M.hodge-001g--19018/11-8/15 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Hodson Georgehodson002geo19014/26-5/16 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Hodson Georgehodson002geo190141 g. Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hoff Augiehoff--001aug19018/13,9/21 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Hoff Augiehoff--001aug19018/17 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hoffer Billhoffer003wil1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hoffer Billhoffer003wil1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hoffer Billhoffer001wil190123 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har19014/15- Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har1901-5/1 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Hoffman Dannyhoffma001dan19015/11-5/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hoffman Fritz1901 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Hoffman Larryhoffma001law19013 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Hoffman Larryhoffma001law19017/4-7/9 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hoffman Larryhoffma001law19017/27-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes19015/2-5/19 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes19016/3-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Hoffter Charleshoffte000cha19018/6 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Hofman Sollyhofman001art19016/17-6/19 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Hogan Malachihogan-001har1901 Marion OHIndependent Marion, OH
Hogan Malachihogan-001har19018/13 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hogan Wallacehogan-002wal1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Holland Jackhollan004joh1901100 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Holland Jackhollan004joh1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Holland Howardhollan001how19017/29-8/21 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal190113 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal190161 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Hollis Harveyhollis001har1901 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Holly Edholly-002edw190181 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Hollywood hollyw001---1901 Fleishman’sIndependent ,
Hollywood hollyw001---19014/15-4/20 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Holmes Duckyholmes003jam1901131 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Holmes Fredholmes001fre190132 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Holmes Duckyholmes001how1901g. ? Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Holt holt--014---19017/10 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam1901124 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hood Guy1901-03+4/17+ U. NebraskaCollege ,
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--19014/25-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Hooker Buckhooker001wil19014/16-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Hooker Buckhooker001wil19017/10-8/14 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Hooker hooker009---19017/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Hooker hooker009---1901 Rich.-WestEndIndependent Richmond, VA
Hoover Charles19016/8-6/19 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Hopkins Leehopkin001leo19015/2-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Hopkins A.C.hopkin008---19018/6-8/16 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Hopper hopper005---1901 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Hopper hopper005---19016/20-7/4 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Horan Williamhoran-001wil19015/17-5/23 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hornung Joehornun001mik19014/25-9/22 UmpireWestA ,
Horton Elmerhorton002elm19014/29-6/4 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Horton Elmerhorton002elm19016/21-8/14 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Houlihan houlih003---19019/3 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Householder Edhouseh001edw1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Householder Edhouseh001edw1901 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Householder Williamhouseh002wil19015/2-6/15 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre19014/25-5/12 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre19015/18-5/24 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Howard howard026---19015/15-6/25 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Howe Tommyhowe--001tho19015/15-7/1 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Howell Roberthowell001rob1901+5/22+ JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Howell Roberthowell001rob1901 Winfield KSIndependent Winfield, KS
Howell Roberthowell001rob1901+8/11-8/14+ Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, AR
Howell Roberthowell001rob1901+9/11+ Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Howell Harryhowell001hen1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Howell howell014---19015/7-5/17 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Howells Billyhowell005wil19015/17 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Howlett J.A.howlet000ja-19015/7 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Hoy Billyhoy---001wil1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Hoy Jimmiehoy---002jam19015/2-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Hubbard R.B.hubbar000rb-19015/11-6/9 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Hudson hudson022---19018/15-8/16 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra19015/2-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Huffman Tobehauffm001---1901 Enid BrownsIndependent Enid, OK
Huggins Millerhuggin001mil190170 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Hughes Harryhughes004har19016/15-6/30 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Hughes Jayhughes008jam1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hughes Tomhughes004tho1901 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hughes Jameshughes004jam19015/31-7/11 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Hughes Joehughes001elm19017/21-8/30 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Hughes hughes018---19018/13-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Hughes hughes050---19012 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hughes hughes052---19017/12-7/29 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Hughey Jimhughey001jim19016/14-9/20 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Hughley hughey001---19011 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Hulen Billyhulen-001bil190176 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Huling Thomas1901+5/22-6/11+ Painesville OHIndependent Painesville, OH
Huling Thomas1901+6/15-9/8+ CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud1901124 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hummel hummel006---19017/9-7/10 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Hummelstein hummel003---19016/11-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Hunnewell hunnew001---19017/5-7/6 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Hunt John19014/26-8/22 UmpireEast ,
Hunt Harryhunt--001har1901no g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Hupp Danhupp--002dan1901 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo1901103 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Hurley Jerryhurley001jer19015/8-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Hurley Jerryhurley001jer19019/23-9 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hurley Billhurley003wil1901 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hurley Billhurley003wil190189 g. Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Husting Berthustin001ber1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Huston Jackhuston001jac1901no g. Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Huston Jackhuston001jac1901 BakersfieldIndependent Bakersfield, CA
Huston Harryhuston001har1901 Douglass KSIndependent Douglass, KS
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Hutchinson Ralphhutchi002ral1901 Dickinson CollegeCollege ,
Hutchinson Frankhutchi001fra1901 Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Hutchinson Frankhutchi001fra1901 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Hutchinson Fredhutchi001fre1901 Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Hutchinson hutchi013---19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Hutter Arthur1901 Canton-MarineIndependent Canton, OH
Hutter Arthur1901+6/24-9/3+ Painesville OHIndependent Painesville, OH
Hutter Arthur1901-10/6 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Hutton Elmerhutton001---19016/8-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Hutton Willhutton001wil19015/2-9/17 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Hycoop Williamhycoop000wil1901+7/6-9/21+ Kalamazoo-MWAKalaCity Kalamazoo, MI
Iburg Hamiburg-001her1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Irwin Charlieirwin-001cha1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Irwin Charlieirwin-001cha1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Irwin Thomasirwin-004tho19014/26-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Irwin Thomasirwin-004tho19016/7/-6/26 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Isbell Frankisbell001wil1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Ivers Tomivers-001tho19016/25-8/21 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre190133 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Jackson Jimjackso002jam19014/26-99 g. BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Jackson jackso074---19016/10 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Jacob Mikejacobs001mor19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Jacob Mikejacobs001mor19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Jameson/Jamison 19015/23-6/7 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Jamieson F. O.1901 Manson IAIndependent Manson, IA
Jamieson F. O.19018/2-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Jansa Frank1901+5/30+ Wahoo NBIndependent Wahoo, NE
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil19015/2-6/7 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil19016/23-7/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil1901+8/12+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Jason Philjason-001phi19016/11-6/27 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Jeffries Edjeffri001e--19016/8-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Jeffries Charlesjeffri001cha19016/8-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Jennings Hughiejennin001hug1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Jensen Sijensen001erv19011 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Jess Edjess--001ed-1901 Wausau WIIndependent Wausau, WI
Jessup Clarencejessup001cla19015/21-5/24 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre1901 UmpireWest ,
Jimerson Jacobjamiso001jac1901no g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
John 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
John 1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Johnson Youngyjohnso002you190136 g. LA/OaklandCalif Los Angeles, CA
Johnson johnso223---1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Johnson johnso223---1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Johnson johnso223---19018/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Johnston Billjohnst004wil19014/15-6/15 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim19015/24-5/28 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim19016/1-9/25 UmpireSo ,
Jones Alexjones-002ale1901 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Jones Alexjones-002ale19017/24-9/21 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha19011 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Jones Budjones-131---1901+7/2+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Jones Charliejones-005cha19015/2-10 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Jones Charliejones-005cha190191 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Jones Jimjones-022jam19015/8-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Jones Jimjones-022jam190121 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Jones Cowboyjones-003alb1901-6/2110 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Jones Cowboyjones-003alb190118 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Jones Oscarjones-002osc1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Jones Davyjones-005dav19016/16-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Jones Davyjones-005dav1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Jones Evartsjones-002eva1901 KC-BankCommerceIndependent Kansas City, MO
Jones Herbertjones-001her19015/15-7/22 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Jones Rossjones-003ros19017/27-7/29 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Jones Thomasjones-019tho19016/16-6/23 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Jones jones-151---19015/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Jope Harryjope--001hen19015/15- Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Jope Harryjope--001hen1901-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Jordan Theodorejordan000the1901 Kingston Kingston,
Jordan Hugo1901preseason Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Jordan Slatsjordan001cla19019/28 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Jordan Dutchjordan001ado19015/8-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Jordan H.O.jordan032---19015/18 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Jordan Timjordan002tim19018/10-6 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Jordan jordan021---19016/5- Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Jordan jordan021---1901-6/21 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Joss Addiejoss--001adr19014/27-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Joyce Michaeljoyce-002mic19017/1-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic19014 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic190167 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Kain Charleskain--001cha19014/15-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Kaiser Nicholas1901+12/16+ SSM-MaroonsIndependent ,
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo19015/4-6/19 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo19016/20-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Kane Ambrosekane--001amb19016/22-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Kane Billykane--002wil19014/25-7/1 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Kane Billykane--002wil19017/9-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Kane Williamkane--003wil19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Kane Harrykane--001har1901 StL-RawlingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Kane Harrykane--001har19015/6-5/11 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Kane Andrewkane--002and19015/22-6/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Kane Chickokane--042---19015/15-5/25 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Kane Jerrykane--001jer19015/4-7/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kane Jerrykane--001jer19017/5-7/10 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Kanzler Jaykanzle001jay19015/2-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Karns Billkarns-001wil19018/1-9/26 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Katoll Jackkatoll001joh190127 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Kauffman kauffm002---19016/13-6/14 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Kay Billkay---001wal1901 Roanoke CollegeCollege ,
Keane Williamkeane-002wil19016/15-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Kearney Jameskearne001jam19015/15-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Kearney kearne009---19016/13 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Kearns kearns015---19016/10-6/11 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Keating keatin010---19019/5-9/6 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo19015/2-7/16 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo19017/19-9/23 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Keefe John19015/8-8/23 UmpireNYSt ,
Keefe Patkeefe-001pat19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Keefe Bobbykeefe-001rob1901-06 Santa Clara U.College ,
Keefe Patkeefe-001pat19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Keeley Burtkeeley001bur19018/17-9/6 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Keely 1901+7/18+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid1901 ,
Keener Harrykeener001har19016/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Keister Billkeiste001wil1901115 g. BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Kelby Mattkelby-000mat19015/24-5/31 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Keller Jameskeller001jam1901 Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Kelley Joekelley002jos1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Kelley Mikekelley002mic19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Kelley Mikekelley002mic190152 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Kelley Johnkelley004joh19015/17-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Kelley Johnkelley004joh19018/20-9/21 UmpireEast ,
Kelley Billkelley006wil19015/4-5/11 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Kelley Eddiekelley000edd19016/3-6/6 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Kelley Johnkelley008joh19016/7-6/11 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Kelley Johnkelley001joh19015/17-7/24 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Kellner Albertkellne001alb19016/12-8/7 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Kellum Winkellum001win19014/26-6 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Kellum Winkellum001win19019/2-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Kelly Billykelly-004wil1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19014/15-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19017/9-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho19015/1-9/14 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Kelly Johnkelly-003joh19015/15-7/8 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Kelly Johnkelly-003joh19017/13-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Kelly Speedkelly-002rob1901-02 Goshen IN HSHighSchool ,
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil19014/15- Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil19017/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil19017/15-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Kenna Edkenna-004edw1901 U. West VirginiaCollege ,
Kenna Edkenna-004edw19016/29-9/18 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Kennedy Dockenned001doc19014/26-8/15 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Kennedy Brickyardkenned005wil190114 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Kennedy Albertkenned002alb19015/2-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Kennedy Charleskenned001cha19015/4-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Kennedy Samkenned001sam19015/20-5/23 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Kennedy Samkenned001sam19016/12-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Kennedy Williamkenned007wil1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh19015/8-5/16 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh19015/29-8/21 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh19018/24-8/29 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Kennedy Shermankenned001she19015/2-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Kennedy Johnkenned024---19018/19-8/31 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Kennedy Williamkenned007wil19015/28-6/8 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Kennedy Williamkenned007wil190120 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Kent Maurice1901-03 Marshalltown HSHighSchool ,
Kenyon kenyon002---19016/3-6/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh19015/15-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh1901 UmpireNE ,
Kern Alkern--001alv19016/10-9/24 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Kersten Otto1901 Minnea. SouthHighSchool ,
Kerwin Dankerwin001dan19014/25-6/24 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Kerwin Dankerwin001dan1901 Norristown PAIndependent Norristown, PA
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre1901-5/45 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre1901115 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Kidder kidder001---19015 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Kidder kidder001---19015 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho19015/9-84 g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho19018/9-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Kiernan Peterkierna001pet19015/4-7/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kiernan Peterkierna001pet19018/2-9/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Kiernan kierna002---19017/29 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Kihm Georgekihm--001geo19015/8-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw1901 Warrior Run PAIndependent Warrior Run, PA
Kilcoyne Edwardkilcoy001edw1901 Stafford PAIndependent Stafford, PA
Kilfeder Frederickkilfed001fre19017/4 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Killen Frankkillen002fra19017/1-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Killheffer Allenkillhe000all1901+4/30-5/5+ Frank.&MarshallCollege ,
Killheffer Allenkillhe000all19016/17-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Killheffer Allenkillhe000all1901 Frank.&MarshallCollege ,
Killilay Martinkillil001mar1901 Leav.-OriolesIndependent Leavenworth, KS
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh19017/6 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Kimerer Clemkimere001cle190111 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Kimerer Clemkimere001cle190120 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Kincheloe kinche000---19017/19 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
King Philip1901 Univ. WisconsinCollege ,
King Huskyking--002h--1901+7/4-7/158 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
King Frankking--002fra19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
King Victorking--001vic190113 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
King Victorking--001vic19016/7-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Kirwan Williamkirwan001wil1901 AustinIndependent Austin, PA
Kisinger Rubekising001cha19015/19 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Kitson Frankkitson001fra190147 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Kittridge Malachikittri001mal1901114 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Kleckner kleckn001---19016/8-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Kleinow Redkleino001joh190182 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Kleinow Redkleino001joh1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Kline kline-005---1901 Harr.-SusquehannaIndependent Harrisburg, PA
Kline kline-005---19016/11-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre19014/26-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre19016/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus190120 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus1901 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus19016/19-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Knau Louisknau--001lou19014/15-6/18 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Knau Louisknau--001lou19016/24-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Knau Louisknau--001lou19017/9-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Knau Louisknau--001lou19018/23-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Knell Philknell-001phi1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Knepper Charliekneppe002cha19019 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Knepper Charliekneppe002cha1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Knoblett knoble000---19015/12 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul19016/4-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Knoll Punchknoll-001cha19015/2-7/18 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Knoll Punchknoll-001cha19017/29-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Knorr knorr-006---19018/15 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Knox Dickknox--002ric190149 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Kostal Joekostal001jos19013 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Kostal Joekostal001jos190117 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Kramer kramer011---19016/10-6/11 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Kramer kramer003---19016/12-6/14 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Kranz Olafkranz-001---19015/5-8/2 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Krause Charliekrause001cha19015/2-5/18 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Krebs Edkrebs-001edw1901 Green BayWiSt Green Bay, WI
Kreig William1901 ,
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Krueger Ottokruege002art1901142 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Krug Henrykrug--001hen1901159 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Kruse Frederick1901+7/31+ AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam19015/4-8/3 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam19018/13-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kuhn Albertkuhn--001alb1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha19014/26-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Kuran Harrykuran-001har1901 Oroville CAIndependent Oroville, CA
Kuran Harrykuran-001har19015/1-5/15 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Kuran Harrykuran-001har19015/19-5/26 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Kyler kyler-001---19016/11 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Labelle Hanklabell001hen1901 Montr.-MascotsIndependent Montreal, QC
Labelle Hanklabell001hen19018/2-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
LaBelle Georgelabell001geo1901+7/1-9/21+ Kalamazoo-KofPKalaCity Kalamazoo, MI
LaChance Georgelachan001geo1901133 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Ladd Hiladd--001art19015/4-9/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ladue ladue-001---19018/28 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
LaFontaine Fredlafont002---19016/1-6/4 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
LaFontaine Fredlafont002---1901 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Lagger Johnlagger001joh1901+6/23+ AshlandIndependent Ashland, MN
Lahey lahey-002---19016/5-6/12 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Lajoie Naplajoie001nap1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Lake Fredlake--001fre19015/15-8/30 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Lally Danlally-001dan19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Lally Danlally-001dan19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Lally Budlally-003bud1901 Rich.-Entre NousIndependent Richmond, VA
Lambert Williamlamber002wil1901+6/23+ DuluthNo Duluth, MN
Lambeth Harveylambet002har19017/26-7/27 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Lambeth Harveylambet002har19018/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Lamer Petelamer-001pie19015/4-5/15 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Landgraf Ernestlandgr001ern19015/13-6/19 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Lang lang--014---19015/2-5/26 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Lang lang--014---1901 AltoonaIndependent Altoona, PA
Langton Williamlangto001wil1901no g. Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Lannigan Charles1901 UmpireEast ,
Lannigan Charles19017/15-8/10 UmpireNYSt ,
Larkin Teddylarkin001pie19015/4-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam19015/2-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Latchie latchi001lou19015/23 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Latham Arlielatham002wal19014/25-9/22 UmpireWestA ,
Latham Dicklatham001ric1901no g. Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Latimer Tackslatime001cli19011 g. BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Latimer Tackslatime001cli19015/16-6/28 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Latimer Tackslatime001cli190119 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Latimer Gregglatime001m--19015/17-6/27 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Latimer Gregglatime001m--19017/4-7/11 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lattomus lattom000---19017/3 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Lauder Billylauder001wil19012 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Laughlin laughl001---19016/5-7/4 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Lauterborn Billlauter001wil19017/22-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw19013 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw19016/22-9/15 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw19019/17-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Law Jacklaw---001joh1901105 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Law Jacklaw---001joh1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Law Jacklaw---001joh1901 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lawler Jacklawler003joh19015/4-9/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh19015/8-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Lawlor Tomlawlor001tho19018/31-9/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic19015/2-5/7 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic19017/13-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Lawrence Andylawren001and19017/29-8/16 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Lawson Allawson001al-1901 PresidentPaSt ,
Lawson Allawson001al-19015/13-6/19 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Lawson Billylawson001wil1901 Canada ,
Lawson Boblawson003rob19015/7-10 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lawson George1901 Muncie IN Muncie, IN
Lawton Allawton000al-19019/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Layne Franklayne-001fra1901 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho19017/15-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Leahy Danleahy-002dan19015/2-7/22 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Leary Frankleary-001fra19018/21-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Leatherby Sam1901+7/21+ Plainview NEIndependent Plainfield, NE
Leatherby Sam1901+8/18+ Stanton NEIndependent Stanton, NE
Lee Jacklee---003joh19015/8-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Lee Jacklee---003joh19017/15-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Lee Wyattlee---001wya19014/30-43 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
LeGrande Billlegran001w--19014/15-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
LeGrande Billlegran001w--19017/9-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Lehman Davidlehman001dav19015/13-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Lehman Davidlehman001dav19017/9-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo19015/2-6/28 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo19018/10-8/24 UmpireSo ,
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo19018/27-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Leighton Johnleight002joh19015/16-6/26 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Leighton Jimleight001jam1901 JacksonIndependent Jackson, TN
Leighton Jimleight001jam19018/12-9/25 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Leitner Georgeleitne001geo19015/17-6/5 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Leitner Georgeleitne001geo19016/29 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Leitner Georgeleitne001geo19012 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Lennon Patrick1901no g. Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Lent Walterlent--002---19015/15-6/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Leonard Frankleonar001fra19014/26-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Leonard Frankleonar001fra19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Leonard Johnleonar001---19014/16-4/29 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
LePine Petelepine002lou1901+8/8+ Woonsocket-GymsIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Leroy leroy-003---19017/6 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Leslie Fennerleslie001fen1901 Univ. of TexasCollege ,
Leslie leslie010---19016/8 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Letcher Tomletche001tom1901121 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Lewee Edlewee-001edw1901113 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Lewee Edlewee-001edw1901 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lewis Earllewis-001ear19015/13-5/30 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Lewis lewis-070---19016/24 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Lidders Christielidder001---19015/7-5/10 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Lincoln Fredlincol002fre19017/26-7/30 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Lindemann Boblindem002joh19016/5-8/31 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Lindemann Ernielindem001ern19018/20-9/6 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Lindsley J.W.lindsl001j--19016/6 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Lindsley J.W.lindsl001j--19016/7-7/13 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Linnehan Georgelinneh001geo19015/11-6/12 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Linnehan Georgelinneh001geo19016/24-7/5 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Lipe Perrylipe--001per19015/7-5/13 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Lipe Perrylipe--001per19019/13-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom19015/22 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom19014/17-6/15 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom19016/26-7/1 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom19017/10-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom19018/24-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Lippert Louislipper001lou190154 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Lippert Louislipper001lou1901 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Lippert Louislipper001lou1901 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Lippert Louislipper001lou19017/30-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Livingston Paddyliving001pat19019/2 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19016/26-7/19 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19017/23 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19017/26-8/16 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19018/19-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Lizotte Abellizott001abe19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Lizotte Abellizott001abe19016/4-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob19015/26-6/11 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob19016/17-7/2 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Locke Franklocke-001fra19015/4-6/1 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Locke Franklocke-001fra19016/5-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Loercher Charlesloerch001cha19015/11- Lititz PAIndependent Lititz, PA
Loercher Charlesloerch001cha19017/8-7/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Loercher Williamloetch001---19015/11-  Lititz PAIndependent Lititz, PA
Loercher Williamloetch001---19016/8-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Logan Tomlogan-001tho1901 U. of ChicagoCollege ,
Logan logan-004---19015/6-5/8 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Logue Edlogue-001edd19019 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Logue Edlogue-001edd1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Logue Edlogue-001edd190110 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Lohman Petelohman001geo1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Lohr Franklohr--001fra19015/2-6/15 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Loman Royloman-001roy1901+5/19+ AtchisonIndependent Atchison, KS
Long Hermanlong--001her1901138 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Long Redlong--001nel19015/16-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Longheed Herbertloughe002her190186 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Longley Harrylongle001har19015/2-7/14 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Loos Peteloos--001iva19015/2 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Lougheed Bertloughe001ber1901+9/29+36 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Lovely Bobbylovely001rob19017/1-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Lovett Johnlovett001joh1901 Nelsonville OHIndependent Nelsonville, OH
Lovett Johnlovett001joh19017/31 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Lowe Bobbylowe--002rob1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lowell Georgelowell001geo19014/-  StL-Glode-DemoIndependent St. Louis, MO
Lowney Dennislowney001dan19015/2-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Luby Billluby--001wil1901 Meriden HSSchool ,
Luby Billluby--001wil19015/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Luby Billluby--001wil19018/7-8/30 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil1901 Pres.-Sec.-Trea.PacNW ,
Luchia Fredlucia-001fre19015/4-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Lucid Conlucid-001con19016/3-7/1 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Ludwig Arthurludwig001art1901+9/17+ GraF-AkeleyIndependent Graton, MA
Lumley Harrylumley001har19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Lundbom Jacklundbo001joh19018/29-9/2 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Lush Billylush--001wil19014/25-9/18 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Lush Billylush--001wil19017 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Luskey Charlieluskey001cha19015/4-8/31 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Luther Fredluther001fre19017/6-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Lydecker lydeck000---1901 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Lydecker lydeck000---19017/1-8/9 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen19014/26-7/12 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen19018/2-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic19015/1-10/13 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Lynch Edlynch-002edw19015/2-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Lynch Mikelynch-004mic1901 Brown Univ.College ,
Lynch Mikelynch-004mic19017/12-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Lynch Bobbylynch-006rob1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Lynch James1901+5/24-6/21+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Lynch James1901 Willmer MNIndependent Willmar, MN
Lynch Josephlynch-001jos1901no g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lyon Bottlelyons-007---19015/7-5/15 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Lyons Walterlyons-001wal19018/22-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Mace Harrymace--002har19016/7-7/6 UmpireVa-NC ,
MacGamwell Edmcgamw002edw1901 Lockport NYIndependent Lockport, NY
MacGamwell Edmcgamw002edw19018/16-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
MacGamwell Williammcgamw001wil19015/20-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Mack 1901 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Mackin John1901 SSM-SoosIndependent ,
Macklin Samuelmackli000sam19015/15-5/17 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Madden Bunnymadden001tho1901-09 Villanova Col.College ,
Madere madere000---19015/28 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Madison Artmadiso002art19014/25-6/4 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Madison Artmadiso002art19016/9-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Madison Artmadiso002art19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Magee Billmagee-001wil19014/26-9/3 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Magie Jakemagie-001jac19015/8-6/30 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Magie Jakemagie-001jac19017/3-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Magoon Georgemagoon001geo1901127 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Maguire Jickomaguir000jic19016/20 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou19015/19-10/10 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Mahan Charlesmahan-002---1901no g. Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Mahan mahan-010---19015/26-6/2 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Maher maher-007---19018/4 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Mahler Henrymahler001---19016/8-6/14 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Mahoney 19019/5-9/11 UmpireSo ,
Mains Willardmains-001wil19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh19014/26-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Malay Charliemalay-001cha19014/30-5/17 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Malone A.W.malone000aw-19015/18-6/4 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Malone A.W.malone005---1901 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Maloney Curleymalone005jam19015/5-7/29 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Maloney Billymalone003wil1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Maloney Georgemalone002geo190120 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Manley manley001---19016/13 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Manner Harrymanner001har19014/15-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Manner Harrymanner001har19017/13-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Manning Jimmannin001jim1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Manning Tommymannin001tho19015/4-6/12 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Mareau 1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Margetts Nelsmarget001nel19019 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Margetts Nelsmarget001nel190113 g. Railway/LagoonInter-Mt ,
Margetts Nelsmarget001nel19017 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Markley Georgemarkle001geo1901 Tucson AZIndependent Tucson, AZ
Maroney Jamesmarone001---19018/1-8/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Maroney Williammarone001w--19017/12-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Maroney P.marone000p--19015/20, 6/6 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Marshall Joemarsha001jos19015/1-10/13 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Marshall Edmarsha002e--19015/1-5/5 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Marshall Edmarsha002e--19017/24-7/30 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Marshall Archiemarsha001arc19018/27-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Martin Williammartin022wil19014/15-6/18 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Martin Williammartin022wil19016/24-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Martin Williammartin022wil19017/9-7/29 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Martin Williammartin022wil19017/31-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Martin Frankmartin001fra19015/2-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Martin Clintmartin002cli19015/2-6/19 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Martin Clintmartin002cli19016/20-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Martin Heinemartin001hei19019 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Martin Heinemartin001hei19011 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Martin Heinemartin001hei19019 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Martin Heinemartin001hei1901 LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Mason Nelmason-001nel19014/25 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Mason Nelmason-001nel19018/6 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Massey Billmassey001bil19015/6-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Mathewson Christymathew001chr1901 Bucknell Univ.College ,
Mathewson Christymathew001chr190142 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Mattern Almatter001alo19016/22-7/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Mattern Almatter001alo19017/18-7/21 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Matthews Harrymatthe001har19015/4-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Matthews matthe050---19017/7 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Mauch Almauch-001alb19015/2-6/1 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Mauch Almauch-001alb19016/10-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Mauck Halmauck-001hal19015/2-6/4 UmpireSo ,
Mauck Halmauck-001hal19016/22-7/4 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Maupin Harrymaupin001har190147 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Maury Johnmaury-003---1901 Allentown KeystoneIndependent Allentown, PA
Maury Johnmaury-003---19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Maury Johnmaury-003---1901 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Maxwell Elwoodmaxwel001c--19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Mayers mayers002---19017/18 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Mayo mayo--008---19015/8-5/17 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Mayo mayo--008---19016/11-6/13 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
McAfee Bertmcafee002ber19015/17-9/+ SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
McAfee mcafee002---19015/9-7/13 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
McAleese Jackmcalee001joh19018/10 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
McAllister Sportmcalli001lew1901 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
McAllister J.J.H.mcalli000jjh19016/19-6/29 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho1901116 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
McAndrews Mikemcandr001mic1901 Morris Plains NJIndependent Morris Plains, NJ
McBain mcbain001---19016/10-6/12 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
McBride Jackmcbrid001jac1901+8/17+ Atlanta MaroonsIndependent Atlanta, GA
McBride Georgemcbrid001geo19019/12-3 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
McCabe William1901no g. Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
McCafferty Charlesmccaff002cha19015/2-8/3 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
McCall Johnmccall001joh1901+6/18+ CallaoIndependent Callao, MO
McCallister Jackmccall001jac19014/25-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
McCann Genemccann001hen19015/29-8/15 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
McCann Genemccann001hen1901+4/19+ BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McCann Josephmccann003jos1901 MD ,
McCann Mikemccann001mic19014/25-4/26 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McCann Mikemccann001mic19015/2-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
McCarthy Jackmccart003joh190186 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac19019 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac1901 SF/Oakl/SacramCalif San Francisco, CA
McCarthy Joemccart004jos19015/1-10/13 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
McCarthy Joemccart004jos1901 WoodlandNoCal Woodland, MI
McCarthy Dennismccart001den1901 Painesville OHIndependent Painesville, OH
McCarthy Dennismccart001den19017/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
McCarthy Jackmccart007jac19018/5 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
McCarthy Mikemccart054---19017/1-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
McCarthy mccart085---19017/1 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McCauley Patmccaul001pat19014/26-9/8 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
McCausland Billymccaus001wil190138 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
McClafferty Billmcclaf001---19019/5-9/6 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
McClain Nodemcclai000nod1901 Iola KSIndependent Iola, KS
McClintock Albert?1901 Jamestown NYIndependent Jamestown, NY
McClintock Howardmcclin001wil19017/26 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh190174 g. Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
McCloskey Charlesmcclos002cha19015/3-9/21 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
McCloud Harrymcclou002har19015/16-7/4 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
McConnell Jackmcconn002joh190188 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
McConnell George1901 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
McCord Johnmccord001joh19017/2-9/5 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
McCormack Mikemccorm003mic19015/4-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim19015/8-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim19017/12-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
McCormick Barrymccorm002wil1901115 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
McCormick Petermccorm001p--19014/26-4/27 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
McCracken mccrac003---19016/13 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
McCraney mccran000---19019/17-9/18 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
McCredie Judgemccred001wal1901118 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
McCreery Tommccree001tho1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McCullough Charlesmccull001cha19015/17-9/6 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
McDade Jimmymcdade001jam19014/16-6/14 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
McDade Jimmymcdade001jam1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
McDermott Sandymcderm001san19015/1-6/6 UmpirePacNW ,
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil19015/2-7/6 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil19017/11-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
McDevitt mcdevi002---1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
McDill Eddiemcdill001edw1901 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
McDill Eddiemcdill001edw1901 Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim19015/1-10/13 UmpirePacNW ,
McDonald Edwardmcdona003edw19016/26-7/6 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
McDonald Edwardmcdona003edw19018/7-8/18 UmpireNYSt ,
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha190137 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
McDonald Patrick1901-03 Wesleyan Univ.College ,
McDonald mcdona083---19015/24-6/15 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh19017/12-9/6 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
McDowell Jamesmcdowe002jam1901 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
McDyer A.1901 Holy CrossCollege ,
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1901 Villanova CollegeCollege ,
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber190129 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber19014/24-8 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
McFall Fredmcfall001fre19014/26-8/8 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
McFall Fredmcfall001fre19018/14-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan19015/11-7/30 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan19018/6-9/20 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
McFarlan Claudemcfarl002cla19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
McFarlan Claudemcfarl002cla19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McFarland Hermmcfarl001her1901132 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
McFarland Edmcfarl002edw1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon19014/27-7/16 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon19018/12-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
McFarland Chappiemcfarl002cha19017/12-9/6 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
McFarland mcfarl022---19017/19 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
McGeary Williammcgear001wil19015/16-6/14 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
McGee mcgee-015---19016/20-6/22 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
McGeehan Conniemcgeeh001cor1901-03 Holy Cross Col.College ,
McGiffen F.P.mcgiff001f--19015/6-5/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McGiffen F.P.mcgiff001f--19016/8-6/12 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
McGiffen F.P.mcgiff001f--19016/28-7/2 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
McGill Williemcgill005wil190133 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
McGill Charlesmcgill002cha19015/3-5/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
McGill Charlesmcgill002cha1901 JacksonIndependent Jackson, TN
McGill mcgill004---19015/14-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
McGilligan Hughmcgill001hug19015/2-5/12 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
McGinley Jimmcginl001jam19017/9-9/2 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
McGinnis mcginn009---19014/15-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
McGinnis mcginn009---19017/9-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
McGinnis mcginn004---19016/23-7/15 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
McGlynn Stoneymcglyn001uly19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
McGlynn Stoneymcglyn001uly1901 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
McGovern Terrymcgove002ter19018/28 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
McGovern Terrymcgove002ter19018/29 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
McGovern Terrymcgove002ter19018/30 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McGraw Johnmcgraw003joh1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
McGraw Lawrencemcgraw001law19016/20-9/8 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
McGreevy Eugenemcgree001eug19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
McGregor Chickmcgreg001---190140 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
McGrew Tedmcgrew001har19015/2-7/24 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
McGrew Tedmcgrew001har19017/30-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
McGuire Deaconmcguir006jam1901 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McGuire Jimmcguir001jam19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
McGuire Jimmcguir001jam19019/10-9/28 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
McGuire Frankmcguir001fra19015/2-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
McGuire Murray1901 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho19015/4-5/13 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McHale Bobmchale001bob1901105 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
McHale Bobmchale001bob1901 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
McHale Bobmchale001bob1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh19015/2-6/22 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
McInnes Johnmcinne001joh19015/4 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
McIntire Harrymcinti001joh19014/26-9/9 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
McIntyre Butchmcinty001cha19015/1-10/13 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
McIntyre Mattymcinty001mat19015/30-6/27 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
McIntyre Mattymcinty001mat19017/3-82 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
McKean Edmckean001edw1901 ,
McKeever Jimmymckeev001jam1901 UmpireIl-In-Ia ,
McKeever 19015/8-6/12 UmpireNYSt ,
McKenna Kitmckenn001kit19015/28-6/13 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
McKenna Kitmckenn001kit19016/20-6/24 LouisianaWestA Louisiana, MO
McKenna mckenn010---19016/14, 8/12 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
McKenzie 1901 Case TechCollege ,
McKenzie 19016/14-  CantonIndependent Canton, OH
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam19015/2-5/12 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam19015/17-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr190177 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
McKinley Edwardmckinl001edw19015/12-5/13 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
McKinney Bobmckinn001rob19017/23, 8/2 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
McKinney mckinn017---19018/8-8/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
McKoch mckoch000---19017/8 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
McLaughlin Michael1901 UmpireAA?? ,
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war1901 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war19016/10-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McLaughlin Georgemclaug003geo1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug003ber19015/15-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
McLaughlin 19014/25-9/22 UmpireWestA ,
McLean Larrymclean001joh19014/26-9 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
McLean Larrymclean001joh19018/21-9/14 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
McLean Sammclean001fra1901 Willimantic CTIndependent Willimantic, CT
McLean Sammclean001fra19017/23-9/6 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
McLean Sammclean001fra19016/6-6/13 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
McLean Sammclean001fra19017/16-7/24 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
McLevy Ralph1901 Rich.-WestEndIndependent Richmond, VA
McMackin Sammcmack001sam19014/27-5/23 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
McMackin Sammcmack001sam19015/17-5/23 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
McMackin Sammcmack001sam19015/26-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
McMahon mcmaho015---19015/21-5/30 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
McMahon mcmaho016---19016/20-6/22 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19014/26-7/12 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19017/29-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
McMullin mcmull012---19015/5 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
McNalley mcnall000---19017/1-7/2 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
McNally Thomasmcnall001tho19015/30-6/27 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
McNamara Billmcnama001wil1901 Palmyra NYIndependent Palmyra, NY
McNamara Billmcnama001wil19017/1-7/2 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
McNamara Billmcnama001wil19017/17-7/30 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McNamara Thomas19015/2-6/1 UmpireSo ,
McNeal Harrymcneal001joh19018/5-9/26 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har190136 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
McNeil mcneil018---1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
McNichols Frankmcnich001fra190124 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
McNulty mcnult004---19017/15 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
McNutt Clydemcnutt001cly1901 Twin City MIIndependent Twin City, MI
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra19014/29-9/7 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
McPherson Johnmcpher002joh19015/15-6/13 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
McPherson Johnmcpher002joh19017/12 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
McPherson Johnmcpher002joh19018/7-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
McPherson Williammcpher002wil19015/23 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
McPhilllips Matthew1901 Manhattan CollegeCollege ,
McPhilllips Matthew19017/8-7/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor190111 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor19017/20-8/11 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor19018/17-9/18 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam19015/8-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
McQuirk Thomas1901 ,
McRae mcrae-007---19015/5 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
McSharrog Hughmcshar001hug19015/23 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
McSharrog Hughmcshar001hug19018/11-8/14 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
McSorley Jamesmcsorl001jam19017/27-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
McTeer Iramcteer002---1901+4/8+ Furman Univ.College ,
McTeer Iramcteer002---1901+6/17+ AugustaIndependent Augusta, GA
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat1901102 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Meade Philmeade-001phi1901 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Meade Philmeade-001phi19014/15- Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Meade Philmeade-001phi1901-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Meade Philmeade-001phi19017/9-7/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Meader meader000---19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Meaney Patmeaney002pat19014/25-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Meekin Jouettmeekin002jou19015/1-6/24 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Mehl Billymehl--001wil19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Melcher Kidmelche001---1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Menefee Tommenefe001tho19015/1-8/1 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Menefee Tommenefe001tho1901 Baker CityIndependent Baker City, OR
Menefee Johnmenefe001joh190148 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Mercer Winmercer001geo190151 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm190114 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm190110 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Meredith Richardmeredi001ric19018/2 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Merritt Billmerrit001bil19015/15-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19015/9-9/2 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19019/6-4 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Mertes Sammertes001sam1901137 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Mertz Lewmertz-000lew19016/1-6/2 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Meserve Samuelmeserv001sam19018/14-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Messitt Tommessit001tom190164 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Method Montemethod001bel19017/20-8/28 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Metz Lewismetz--001lou19015/21-5/23 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Meyers Charlesmeyers003cha19015/2-6/22 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha19015/15-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Miles Eddiemiles-001edw19016/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Miles Eddiemiles-001edw1901 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Miles Eddiemiles-001edw19017/20-8/1 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Miller Georgemiller005geo19014/24-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Miller Dustymiller004cha19014/25-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Miller Kohlymiller001koh19014/25-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Miller Ralphmiller007ral19015/20-9/7 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Miller Roscoemiller001ros190138 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Miller Almiller003alb19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Miller Joemiller009joe19015/8-5/18 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Miller Joemiller009joe19015/29-9/23 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Miller Williammiller027wil19018/2 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Miller Dustymiller001dak1901120 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Miller Petemiller001pet1901no g. Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Miller Charlesmiller032cha19015/2-7/28 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Miller Charlesmiller032cha19018/7-8/9 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Miller Chrismiller002chr19015/2-5/13 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Miller Hank1901 AppletonWiSt Appleton, WI
Miller Jimmiller016jam19015/8-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Miller Jimmiller016jam19019/9-9/30 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Miller miller215---19016/4 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Miller 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Millerick Patmiller002pat19015/8-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Millett Mikemillet001mic19015/5-5/17 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Millett Mikemillet001mic19016/2 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Milligan Billymillig002wil19014/30-7 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Milligan millig009---19017/25-7/29 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mills Sammills-001sam19016/1-6/29 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Mills Williemills-004wil19015/8-7/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Mills Williemills-004wil19017/13-7/17 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Mills Williemills-004wil19018/2-8/14 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Mills Williemills-004wil19018/17-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Milton Larrymilton001sam19014 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Milton Larrymilton001sam19016/7-9/7 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Miran Jackmiran-001joh19015/7-6/26 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Miran Jackmiran-001joh19017/30-8/29 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mitchell Fredmitche005fre19014/27-20 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Mitchell mitche070---19016/23 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Mitchell mitche069---19017/2-7/9 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Mock Homermock--001hom19015/4-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Mohler Kidmohler001kid1901106 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Mohler Kidmohler001kid1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19015/8-5/11 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19015/12-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19017/22-9/23 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Montgomery Roymontgo001roy19015/2-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Montgomery montgo016---19017/20 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Moore Wademoore-001wad1901 Kansas St. UnivCollege ,
Moore Carlmoore-007car1901 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, AR
Moore Edwardmoore-001edw1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Moore Edwardmoore-001edw1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Moore Earlmoore-001ear190131 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Moore Edmoore-002ed-1901 Exeter NEIndependent Exeter, NE
Moore Shefmoore-001s--19015/15-7/6 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Moore moore-158---19016/29 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Moore moore-062---19017/11-9/24 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Moore moore-157---1901 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Moran Patmoran-002pat1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Moran Charlesmoran-003cha1901 Georgetown Col.College ,
Moran Charlesmoran-003cha19017/2-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Moran Johnmoran-001joh19015/16-6/27 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Moran Johnmoran-001joh19017/1-8/21 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Moran Markmoran-002mar19012 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Moran moran-038---19015/15-5/21 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Morgan Redmorgan003jam19017/2-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Morgan Cymorgan003har19016/2-6/9 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Morgan morgan059---19017/1 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Morgan morgan060---19017/16-7/20 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Moriarty Edmoriar001edw19018/13 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Moriarty Edmoriar001edw19018/21-9/5 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Moriarty Georgemoriar003geo19015/2-8/21 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Moriarty Georgemoriar003geo19018/27-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Moriarty moriar013---19016/3 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Moriarty moriar013---19016/5 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Morris Kidmorris010wil19015/2-5/19 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Morris Kidmorris010wil19016/6-6/20 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Morris morris103---19015/6-5/15 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Morris morris016---19015/24 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Morris morris104---19018/10 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Morrison Billmorris008wil19015 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Morrison Johnmorris014joh19014/26-5/3 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Morrison Johnmorris014joh19015/6-6/6 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Morrison Johnmorris014joh19016/8-7/2 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Morrison Johnmorris014joh19017/5-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic19014/15-7/4 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic19017/13 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic19017/22-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Morrow Williammorrow002wil190120 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Morrow Williammorrow002wil190127 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Morse Charlesmorse-001cha19014/27-5/20 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Morse Charlesmorse-001cha19016/11-7/4 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Morse Jake1901 SecretaryNE ,
Morton W. H.1901+6/6+ Kinston NCIndependent Kinston, NC
Morton W. H.19016/25 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Moser H.M.moser-001h--19014/28-5/19 OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Moses Henrymoses-000hen19017/9 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Moskiman Docmoskim001wil1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha19015/2-8/23 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Motz Frankmotz--001fra1901 Akron PoliceIndependent Akron, OH
Mulholland mulhol001---19016/19 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr19015/2-6/29 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr19017/11-8/16 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Mullane Tonymullan001ton19014/26-9/22 UmpireWestA ,
Mullane Frankmullan001fra1901+6/5-8/9+ CavalierND , ND
Mullane Frankmullan001fra1901+9/4+4 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Mullaney Dominicmullan002dom19014/25-6/20 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Mullaney Dominicmullan002dom19016/30-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Mullaney Edmullan001edw19015/15-8/29 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Mullen Jimmullin001jam1901 Manhattan ColCollege ,
Mullen Jimmullin001jam19017/2-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Muller Maxmuller002max19015/1-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic19015/10-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic19017/16-8/3 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Mullin Georgemullin001geo19014/27-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Mullin Johnmullin001joh19014/15-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Mullin Johnmullin001joh19017/10-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Mullins mullin018---19016/17 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Munley M.V.munley001m--1901 Villanova Col.College ,
Munley M.V.munley001m--19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Murdoch Wilburmurdoc001wil19015/17-6/30 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Murdoch Wilburmurdoc001wil19017/23-10/13 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Murnane Timmurnan001tim1901 PresidentNE ,
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal19015/13-5/21 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho19015/30-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan19015/11-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Murphy Edmurphy005edw190123 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Murphy Davemurphy001dav19015/4-6/12 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Murphy Davemurphy001dav19016/13-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra19015/21-7/1 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra19017/2-45 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra1901- 10/535 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Murphy Johnmurphy015joh19015/15-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Murphy murphy127---19017/20 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Murphy 19017/10-7/25 UmpireNYSt ,
Murray Billymurray007wil19014/26-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Murray Jimmurray008jam19014/15-6/18 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Murray Jimmurray008jam19016/24-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Murray Jimmurray008jam19017/9-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Murray murray033---19015/13-5/14 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Murray 19019/12-9/25 UmpireSo ,
Muthersbaugh Frankmutter000fh-19015/15 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Myers Bertmyers-001ber19014/26-6/5 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Myers Bertmyers-001ber19016/19-6/24 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Myers Bademyers-002wil19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Myles myles-000---19018/31 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mylett Tommymylett002tho1901no g. Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Mylett Tommymylett002tho1901+6/16+ CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Mylett Tommymylett002tho1901+6/24 Painesville OHIndependent Painesville, OH
Mylett Tommymylett002tho19016/26-7/28 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Mylett Tommymylett002tho19018/10-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi19015/8-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi19017/12-8/13 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi19018/16-8/17 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi19018/19-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Nadeau nadeau000---19018/3 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef19015/3-5/24 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef190128 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Nagle Judgenagle-002wal1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Nagle 1901 Utah ,
Nance Williamnance-001wil1901- 9/28122 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Nattress Billynattre001wil19014/25-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Needham Tomneedha001tho1901 DuBois PAIndependent Dubois, PA
Needham Tomneedha001tho19018/2-8/31 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Needham Tomneedha001tho19019/13-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Neef Georgeneef--000geo1901 KingstonCanada Kingston, ON
Nehl nehl--000---19018/1 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Nelson Raynelson001ray19015/6-8/16 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Nelson Henrynelson001hen19014/15-5/4 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Nelson Georgenelson002geo19015/15-7/16 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Nelson nelson042---19017/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Nelson nelson042---19018/24-8/29 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Nelson nelson043---19017/13 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Nelson nelson044---19018/22 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Nevers Harrynevers001har19016/18-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Neville Mikenevill001mic19015/25-5/26 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Neville Mikenevill001mic19015/30-6/5 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor1901 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor19016/22-8/26 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor19019/6-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Newman newman027---19018/16-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Newmeyer Harrynewmey001har190119 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Newmeyer Harrynewmey001har1901 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Newmeyer Harrynewmey001har1901 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
News Tomnews--001tho19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
News Tomnews--001tho19016/26-9/6 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Newton Docnewton001eus190120 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Newton Docnewton001eus190113 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Newton Albertnewton001alb1901 Lestershire NYIndependent Lestershire, NY
Newton J.L.newton002j--19015/8-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Nicholls Simonnichol001sim1901-03 U. of MarylandCollege ,
Nichols Kidnichol006cha1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Nichols Artnichol001art1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Nichols Joenichol005jos19015/13-6/14 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Nichols Billnichol001bil19018/1-9/2 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Nichols Waltnichol001w--1901 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Nicholson 19017/19 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Nicol Hughnicol-001hug19015/2-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Nicol Georgenicol-001geo1901 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Niland Tomniland001tom1901+7/27+ AttleboroIndependent Attleboro, MA
Niles Billniles-001bil19015/25-6/18 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Niles Billniles-001bil19017/1-7/12 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Niles Billniles-001bil19017/18-7/20 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Nill Georgenill--001geo19015/2-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Noblit Georgenoblit001geo19015/20-6/3 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Noblit Georgenoblit001geo1901+8/9+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Nolan Jacknolan-000jac19016/3 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Nolan nolan-020---19017/26-9/2 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Nolan nolan-033---19016/27 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Nolan nolan-033---19017/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos19016/23-7/30 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Noonan Williamnoonan001wil19015/2-8/13 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Noonan Williamnoonan001wil19018/29-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Nops Jerrynops--001jer1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Norcom Franknorcom001fra19015/2-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Nordyke Lounordyk001lou1901156 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Noyes Arthurnoyes-001art19015/8-5/9 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har1901 Whitinsville MAIndependent Whitinsville, MA
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19015/25-6/4 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19016/6 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19016/17-8/14 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19018/24-8/26 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19019/2-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
O'Brian Dennisobrian000den19018/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom19015/9-8/5 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh1901110 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
O'Brien Georgeobrien001geo19015/15-7/6 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh190111 g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh190192 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet19015/8-5/26 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet19016/5-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet19019/17-16 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
O'Brien Buckobrien005tho1901 Brockton Walkover Shoe Brockton, MA
O'Brien Frank1901 P.AndoverAcadHS ,
O'Brien Frank19018/1-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
O'Brien Jackobrien013joh19015/8-8/3 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
O'Brien Jamesobrien004jam19015/4-8/3 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Brien Jamesobrien004jam19018/6-9/6 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
O'Brien Boxerobrien069---19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
O'Brien Boxerobrien000box19017/4 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
O'Brien Boxerobrien000box19017/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
O'Brien Jack19017/11-8/25 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
O'Brien Patrick19018/20-8/23 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
O'Brien Thomas19015/4-5/18 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
O'Brien 19014/25-5/5 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
O'Brien 19017/17-8/19 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
O'Brien 19018/13 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
O'Brien 19015/5 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
O'Brien 19016/5-6/6 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh190184 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
O'Connell Andrew19015/2-5/7 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
O'Connell Andrew19015/9-5/26 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
O'Connell Jack1901 UmpireCalif ,
O'Connell Jack19016/13-10/13 UmpirePacNW ,
O'Connor Jackoconno006joh1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
O'Connor Paddyoconno004pat19018/14-9/6 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
O'Connor oconno040---19015/4-5/6 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
O'Connor oconno041---19015/22-6/3 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
O'Dea Artieodea--001art1901 ND ,
O'Dell Daniel19019/2-9/3 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Hagan Halohagen001har19014/25-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
O'Halloran Joseph1901+5/16+ Phila.-EnquirerIndependent Philadelphia, PA
O'Hara Kidohara-001jam1901 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
O'Hara ohara-018---19018/12 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
O'Hara ohara-018---19018/19 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
O'Hara ohara-018---19019/6-9/9 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
O'Leary Charleyoleary001cha1901115 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
O'Leary Danieloleary001dan19015/2-5/17 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
O'Leary Danieloleary001dan1901 Keokuk Keokuk, IA
O'Loughlin Francis19014/25-9/21 UmpireEast ,
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har19015/15-8/31 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
O'Neil James1901 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
O'Neil 19015/11-5/21 UmpireEast ,
O'Neil 19017/12-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh19015/8-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic1901 VillanovaCollege ,
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic19016/18-9/14 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic19018/1 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic19019/20-6 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
O'Neill Joseph19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
O'Reagan Frankoreaga001fra1901 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
O'Reilly Thomasoreill001tho1901 Worc.-CatholicAmat Worcester, MA
O'Reilly Thomasoreill001tho19017/9-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
O'Rourke Jimorourk003jam19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim19015/2-9/22 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
O'Rourke Jack19016/4 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
O'Rourke Jimmyorourk005jam1901 Yale UniversityCollege ,
O'Rourke Timothy190132 g. Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
O'Rourke 19016/27 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
O'Rourke 19017/30-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
O'Toole Patrick?19015/15-7/6 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Odegard Tonyodegar001---1901+8/12+ Minn.-Hamm BrewingIndependent Minneapolis, MN
Oden oden--000---19015/9 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Odwell Fredodwell001fre19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Oliver oliver004---19018/28 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Ollre Reginaldollre-001rox190103: +4/5-6/19+ Hous.-CawthonsIndependent Houston, TX
Ollre Cornelius190103: +4/5-6/19+ Hous.-CawthonsIndependent Houston, TX
Orbin Walterorbin-000wal1901 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Osteen Champosteen001jam19014/30- Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Osteen Champosteen001jam1901-6/19 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Ottman ottina001---19014/15-4/16 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Outcalt Jimoutcal001jam19015/12-6/11 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Owen Benjamin1901 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Owen Benjamin1901 Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Owen Frankowen--001fra19014/26-8 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Owens Redowens-003tho19015/4-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Owens Arthurowens-001art19015/5-6/15 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Owens Arthurowens-001art19018/1-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Owens owens-025---19017/4-7/31 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Owens owens-025---19018/6-8/9 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-1901152 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Pace Russpace--001c--190111 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Padden Dickpadden001ric1901123 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Page Georgepage--003geo1901 ? LAIndependent , LA
Page Billypage--001wil19015/22-6/26 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Page Johnpage--002joh1901 ND ,
Paige Alliepaige-002alb19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Paige Alliepaige-002alb19016/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Palmer Williampalmer003wil1901 Clarkson TechCollege ,
Palmer Williampalmer003wil19017/2-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh19014/27-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Pardee Alpardee001alb19014/25-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Parent Freddyparent001fre1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Parker Harleyparker001har1901 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Parker Harleyparker001har19015/20-5/30 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Parker Harleyparker001har19018/3-9/5 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Parker Jayparker002jay1901no g. Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Parker Jayparker002jay190137 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Parker Roy1901 U. of IllinoisCollege ,
Parker parker072---19015/15-6/10 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Parrott Tomparrot002tho19015/3-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Parsons Williamparson007wil19015/15-5/27 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Partridge Jimpartri001j--1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Partridge Williampartri001wil1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra190138 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Pastor Tonypastor001hen19016/27-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Pattee Harrypattee001har1901-06 Brown Univ.College ,
Pattee Harrypattee001har19016/22-6/28 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Pattee Harrypattee001har19017/2-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Patterson Roypatter001roy1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Pattison Willpattis001w--19016/24-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Payne Williampayne-001wil19016/5-8/3 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Payne Williampayne-001wil19018/12-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Pearson pearso014---19019/18 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Pease Charleypease-001cha1901no g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Pease Charleypease-001cha1901no g. Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Pease Walterpease-001wal19015/5-6/3 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Pease Walterpease-001wal19016/8-6/19 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Pease Walterpease-001wal19017/4-9/8 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Pechold Jamespechol000jam19015/30-6/1 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Peddicord 19015/23 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Peeples Williampeeple001wil19015/1-6/13 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Peeples Williampeeple001wil19016/16-10/12 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Peitz Heiniepeitz-001hen190182 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Peltz Robertpeltz-000rob19017/2 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Pender Bobpender001rob19015/2-9/22+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Pennington pennin001---19016/24-7/3 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Perdy Purdyperdy-001pur19016/13-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Perkins Fredperkin001fre1901 Norristown PAIndependent Norristown, PA
Perrine Johnperrin002joh1901 Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Perry perry-041---19016/22-6/28 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Persch Dutchpersch001abn1901+6/30+ Leavenworth KSIndependent Leavenworth, KS
Persons Eddieperson001edw19014/15-7/5 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Persons Eddieperson001edw19017/9-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Persse Earlpersse000ear1901 Potsdam NormalCollege ,
Persse Earlpersse000ear19017/1-8/1 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Persse Earlpersse000ear19018/12-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Peters Edpeters002ed-19018/?-9/25 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Peterson Dave1901-034/30-  Bethany CollegeCollege ,
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo19014/29-7/21 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo19017/26-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan19015/11-8/17 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Pfiester Jackpfiest001joh19015/12-7/23 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Pfiester Jackpfiest001joh19018/24-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Pfrom Christpfrom-001chr1901no g. ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Phelan Dickphelan001dic1901 New Orl.-CityLeag New Orleans, LA
Phelan Thomas19016/16-6/28 UmpireNYSt ,
Phelps Edphelps002edw19014/29-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Phillips Billphilli005wil190141 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Phillips philli058---19015/10-6/11 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Phillips philli057---19017/19-7/27 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Phillips philli057---19017/29-7/30 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Phyle Billphyle-002wil190125 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Pickering Olliepicker001oli1901137 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Pickett Davepicket003dav19015/8-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Piepho Charlespiepho001c--1901 Goss BrosLouiCity Louisville, KY
Pilcher Fredpilche001fre1901+7/9+ Jefferson CityMOIndependent Jefferson City, MO
Pingree Georgepingre001geo1901 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Pingree Georgepingre001geo19016/15-7/12 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Pingree Georgepingre001geo19017/22 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Pingree Georgepingre001geo19017/24-8/6 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Pingree Frankpingre000fra19018/23 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Piper Louispiper-002lou19015/11-5/19 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Plank Eddieplank-003edw1901 Gettysburg Col.College Gettysburg, PA
Plank Eddieplank-003edw1901 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Plank Eddieplank-003edw19015/13-33 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw19015/2-6/24 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw19017/20-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Plowman Tom1901 U. AlabamaCollege ,
Plunkett Tomplunke001emm19018/23 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Plunkett Tomplunke001emm19019/2 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Plunkett Tomplunke001emm19019/5 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Plymat Walterplymat001---1901+5/3+ U. Minn. LawCollege ,
Poland Alpoland001al-19016/28-9/2 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Polchow Loupolcho001lou190111 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Polchow Loupolcho001lou19016/21-9/7 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Pollard Johnpollar001joh19016/28-9/2 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Poole Edpoole-001edw190126 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Poole Timpoole-001tim1901 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Poor Jappoor--001jas19015/2-7/2 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Poor Jappoor--001jas19017/4-7/26 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Poorman Hoytpoorma000hoy1901+4/19-5/30+ Univ. KansasCollege ,
Poorman Hoytpoorma000hoy1901 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre1901+6/8+ UmpireWest ,
Popp Billpopp--001wil19015/1 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Popp Billpopp--001wil19015/22-9/20 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Poppe poppe-001---1901 Muskegon RedsIndependent Muskegon, MI
Post Lew?19015/19 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Pounds Billpounds001jea19015/9-6/22 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Pounds Billpounds001jea19016/28-9/5 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Powe Frankpowe--000fra1901+4/27+ U. AlabamaCollege ,
Powell Abnerpowell001abn19015/2-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Powell Jackpowell007joh1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Powers Docpowers002mic1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Powers Jamespowers002jam19015/16-6/12 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Pratt Georgepratt-002geo19016/24-6/29 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Pratt pratt-012---1901no g. Baltimore Baltimore, MD
Prentiss Georgeprenti002geo19015/9-9/6 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Prentiss Georgeprenti002geo19019/23 -2 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Preston Waltpresto002wal1901100 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Price Hughprice-001hug19015/4-5/13 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Price Hughprice-001hug19016/7-6/17 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Price Howardprice-001how1901 Enid BrownsIndependent Enid, OK
Price Tedprice-001e--19015/2-9/8 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Priest Johnpriest004joh19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Prouse Arthurprouse000art19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Prout Billyprout-002wil1901+8/15-10/14+ Wash. Ct. HouseIndependent Washington, DC
Pulse Raymondpulse-001ray19014/14-6/11+ DePaul CollegeCollege ,
Pulse Joe1901+6/11+ DePaul CollegeCollege ,
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat19016/15-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat19017/9-8/16 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat19018/28-8/29 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Purington Roycepuring001roy19017/4 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Purnell Lyttleton1901-04 Princeton Univ.College ,
Putnam Edputnam001ed-1901 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Queen queen-003---19015/4-5/17 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Quigg Frankquigg-001fra1901 Enid BrownsIndependent Enid, OK
Quigley Frankquigle001fra19015/2-8/6 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Quigley Arthurquigle002art1901 Clarkson TechCollege ,
Quigley Arthurquigle002art19017/2-7/9 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Quigley Arthurquigle002art1901+7/9-7/11+ PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Quinlan Larryquinla001law19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Quinn Joequinn-003jos1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Quinn Bobbyquinn-005rob1901 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh19015/8-7/16 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh1901 Lestershire NYIndependent Lestershire, NY
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh19018/14 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra19014/25-5/18 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra19015/22-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Quinn Johnquinn-015joh19018/15-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Quinn quinn-038---19018/17-8/21 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Quitman Fredquitma001fra1901+5/12+ Chic.-MaltSinewsIndependent Chicago, IL
Quitman Fredquitma001fra1901 AlgonaIndependent Algona, IA
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--1901106 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Raffert Billraffer001wil190118 g. Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Raffert Billraffer001wil1901 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Rafter Jackrafter001joh19015/8-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Ragan Arthurreagan001art19017/25-8/15 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Raidy Joeraidy-001jos19015/8-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Rainey Edwardrainey001e--19017/15 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Ramey Johnramey-002joh190111 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Ramsey Hankramsey001hen19018/16-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Rand H.J.rand--001h--190141 g. Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Randall Henryrandal001hen1901 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Randolph randol005---1901 Emporia CollegeCollege ,
Randolph randol005---1901 Pittsburg KSIndependent Pittsburg, KS
Ranz Philranz--000---1901 ,
Rapp Ottorapp--001ott19014/17- Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Rapp Ottorapp--001ott1901-5/27 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Rapp Charlesrapp--011---19014/28-5/8 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Rapp Louisrapp--001lou19015/20-6/15 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Rapp Louisrapp--001lou19016/22-7/3 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Rathbun rathbu001---19014/26 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Raub Tommyraub--001tho19015/23-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Rawson Harleyrawson001har190185 g. BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Ray Johnray---006joh1901 ,
Raymer Fredraymer001fre19014/24-120 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Reagan 1901 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Ream Georgeream--001geo190177 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh190129 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh1901 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh19017/9-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Reccius Philrecciu002phi19016/23-? Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Reddick Wallacereddic001wal1901 Ionia MIIndependent Ionia, MI
Redmond Johnredmon002j--1901-7/4 Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Redmond Johnredmon002j--1901 North Platte NEIndependent North Platte, NE
Reed Georgereed--003geo19015/3,7/1-7/11 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Reed Harryreed--001hen19012 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Reese Georgereese-002geo19015/9 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Reese Georgereese-002geo19015/17-5/19 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Reeves A.H.reeves002a--19016/29-7/2 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Reeves A.H.reeves002a--19018/22-9/6 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Reeves Billyreeves001wil1901 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Regan Georgeregan-001geo19015/15-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Regan Joeregan-001joe19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Regan Peteregan-001pet19015/15- Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Regan Peteregan-001pet1901-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Reid Billreid--002wil190129 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Reid Billreid--002wil1901 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Reid Billreid--002wil19017/16-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Reid reid--022---19012 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Reid reid--021---19019/18 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Reidy Billreidy-001wil190137 g. MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Reightnour 19015/17 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Reilly Charliereilly003cha1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Reilly Joshreilly002wil1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Reisling Docreisli001fra19015/4-9/5 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo19015/2-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Rementer rement000---19015/4-5/6 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Renner renner003---19014/15-5/8 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Rettger Georgerettge002geo190114 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Rettger Georgerettge002geo1901 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Reust Samreust-001sam19012 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Reust Samreust-001sam1901 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes19014/27-5/2 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes1901 Richmond INIndependent Richmond, IN
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes1901 JacksonIndependent Jackson, TN
Reynolds Tommyreynol001tho1901 Guelph Guelph, ON
Reynolds reynol049---1901+4/27+ Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Reynolds reynol050---19018/25 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Rhines Billyrhines001wil19014/28-5/9 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Rhines Billyrhines001wil19016/8-6/9 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Rhoads Bobrhoads001rob19015/4-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Rhodes Edgarrhodes004dus1901+4/20+ U. NebraskaCollege ,
Rice Billyrice--002w--1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Richards 1901 FargoNDAmat Fargo, ND
Richards richar060---19018/12 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Richardson Billrichar006wil19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Richardson Billrichar006wil19019/20-10/6 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Richardson S. W.1901 U. WisconsinCollege ,
Richardson L.F.richar013---19015/2-5/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Rickert Joericker001jos19014/26-9/14 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Rickert Joericker001jos190113 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Rickey rickey001---19018/15 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Riddlemoser Dorseyriddle002dor19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Riley riley-044---19017/2-8/9 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Riner riner-001---19016/13 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Ring Edwardring--001edw19015/15-5/31 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra19014/26-6/9 UmpireEast ,
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra1901 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Riordan Johnriorda001joh19015/17-5/20 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Risley Dudrisley001dud1901 Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Risley Dudrisley001dud19016/15-10/13 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Ritter Lewritter002lew19014/25-5/2 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Ritter Lewritter002lew19015/10-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Ritter Harveyritter002har1901 Pottstown PAIndependent Pottstown, PA
Ritter Harveyritter002har19015/17-6/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Ritter ritter017---19015/13-5/17 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Roach Mikeroach-001mik19014/26-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Roach Mikeroach-001mik19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Roach J.C.roach-003j--1901+7/15+ Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Roach Skelroach-001rud1901 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Roach roach-004---19015/3 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Roadnight Charlesroadni000cha1901+4/14-4/28+ Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Roadnight Charlesroadni000cha19015/8-5/12 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Robb Clayrobb--001cla19015/2-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Robbins Craigrobbin000smi1901 U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Roberts Harryrobert003har19018/13 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Robertson Fred1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Robertson Edwardrobert007edw1901 Cornell Univ.College ,
Robertson Edwardrobert007edw19016/26-8/4 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Robertson Edwardrobert007edw19018/9-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Robertson robert096---19017/10-7/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Robinson Wilbertrobins001wil1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Robinson Rabbitrobins003wil1901123 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Robinson R. H.1901 U. VermontCollege ,
Robinson 19017/26-7/27 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Robitaille Chickrobita001jos19015/9-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Robitaille Chickrobita001jos19018/20 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Rock Royrock--002roy19017/29 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Rock Royrock--002roy19019/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Rockenfield Ikerocken001isa19015/1-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Roe Joeroe---001jos1901 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Roe roe---002---1901 Dartmouth ColCollege ,
Roe roe---002---19017/2-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Roehr roehr-000---19016/5-6/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Rogers Terryrogers001ter19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Rogers Alrogers000al-19016/21-9/3 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Rohe Georgerohe--001geo190169 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Rohe Georgerohe--001geo19016/12 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Rohn Dickrohn--001ric19012 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Rollins Patrollin001hen19015/2-8/6 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Romney 19012 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Rose Charlesrose--004cha1901 FargoNDAmat Fargo, ND
Ross Artross--001art19015/8-9/6 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Ross Ernieross--001ern19015/15-8/30 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Ross ross--032---19016/5 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Rosson Lesterrosson001les19015/11-7/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Rosson Lesterrosson001les19017/29-8/3 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Rosson Lesterrosson001les19018/13-9/5 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Roth Andyroth--001and19015/2-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Roth Frankroth--001fra19015/2-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob19015/2-6/4 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob19016/18-8/18 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Rothermel Wilsonrother002wil19015/13-6/3 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Rothermel rother002---19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Rothermel rother002---1901+7/26+ PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Rothfuss Adamrothfu001ada19015/8-8/4 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac19014/25-6/3 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac19016/4-6/19 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Rounds rounds000---19011 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Rourke Billyrourke001wil19015/3-9/21 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Rudderham Frankrudder001fra19015/11-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Ruening C.ruenin001c--19016/4,8/17 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Ruening C.ruenin001c--19018/31-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Ruhland H.J.ruhlan002h--19015/9-5/24 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Ruhland H.J.ruhlan002h--19016/3-6/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Rump rump--000---19017/29 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Rundell Leerundel001g--1901 Waco TxIndependent Waco, TX
Runkel Louisrunkle001lou19016/13-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Rushmore W.R.rushmo000wr-19017/10 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Russell Paulrussel002pau19016/14-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Russell Paulrussel002pau19017/9-8/2 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Russell Paulrussel002pau19018/6-8/8 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Russell Paulrussel002pau19018/12 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Russell Cyrussel002fra1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Russell Cyrussel002fra1901 SF-MaxwellsPCL San Francisco, CA
Russell Robertrussel006rob19017/1-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Russell Burtrussel000bur19018/3 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Russell russel068---1901+7/12-8/29 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Rust Georgerust--002geo1901 Canada ,
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam1901108 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Ryan Jackryan--004joh190183 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Ryan Jamesryan--009jam19016/17-7/23 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Ryan Johnryan--023joh19015/16-5/17 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Ryan Josephryan--001jos190114 g. AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Ryan Michaelryan--001mic1901 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Ryan Raymond1901 Hayden IN HSHighSchool ,
Ryan Raymond1901 Newark OHIndependent Newark, OH
Ryan ryan--073---19016/6-6/28 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Ryder ryder-003---1901 MuskegonMuskCity Muskegon, MI
Sage Harrysage--001har19016/17-8/26 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Salene D. A.1901 Kearney NENebSt Kearney, NE
Salisbury Sollysalisb001wil190146 g. Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Sample Guysample001guy19015/3-7/30 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Sample Guysample001guy19018/5-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Samuels samuel007---19016/5-6/7 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Sanborn Jack19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Sanders Warsander001war19015/3-9/21 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Sandherr Nelsonsandhe001nel19015/13-5/30 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Sanford Jacksanfor002jac19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Sapp sapp--001---19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Sapp sapp--001---1901+6/29+ Harr.-SusquehannaIndependent Harrisburg, PA
Sarsfield Williamsarsfi002---1901 Ohio WesleyanCollege ,
Sawyer sawyer017---19018/10 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Sayer Jamessayer-001jam1901 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Sayers Delsayers001del19015/25 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Scanlan Docscanla001wil19017/1-8/28 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Scanlan Michaelscanlo001mic19016/27-6/28 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Scanlon Jackscanla001joh19018/13 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Scannell Jackscanne001joh19015/4-9/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Schaefer Germanyschaef001her1901117 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Schaefer Germanyschaef001her1901 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Schafstall Benschafs001ber1901 JacksonIndependent Jackson, TN
Schafstall Benschafs001ber19017/21-9/16 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Schaub Bobschaub001rob19014/25-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Schaub Louis1901 ClevelandIA s-proIndependent Cleveland, OH
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted19015/8-8/2 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted19018/3 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted19018/6-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra19015/8-5/20 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Schils Bertschils001alb1901 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Schlafly Larryschlaf001har19014/26-5/16 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Schlafly Larryschlaf001har19015/17-5/19 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Schlafly Larryschlaf001har19016/3-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Schlorf Frankschlor001fra19015/5-5/9 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Schlorf Frankschlor001fra1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Schlorf Frankschlor001fra19017/14-9/22 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Schmeer Claudeschmee001cla19017/20-7/21 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen190129 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen1901 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen190137 g. Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Schmidt Bossschmid001cha19018/31 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre1901- 6/84 g. BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre19017/2-8/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Schnable Eddieschnab001edd190122 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Schnable Eddieschnab001edd1901 LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Schneible schnei010---19019/5 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Schneider schnei001---19018/10 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Schrader Joeschrad001---19015/2-5/15 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Schrader schrad002---19017/12-7/13 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Schrall Joeschral001jos1901125 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Schrant Johnschran001joh1901+4/19-5/30+ Univ. of KansasCollege ,
Schrant Johnschran001joh1901 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss1901 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Schriner/Schre William19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Schriver Popschriv001wil1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Schroeder schroe010---19017/26 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Schultz Bertschult002ber19016/23 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Schuman Carlschuma001car19016/13 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Schuman Carlschuma001car19016/19-6/20 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha1901103 g. Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Schwern Georgeschwer000geo19017/24 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Scott Edscott-001edw190117 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Scott Dickscott-001amo19016/26-7/8 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Scott Dickscott-001amo19018/5 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Seagraves Jimmyseagra001cha19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Seare Walterseare-000wal190126 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Seare Walterseare-000wal1901 LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Searles Williamsearle001wil1901no g. Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Sears Merlesears-001mea19015/2-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Sebring Jimmysebrin001jam1901 Bucknell UnivCollege ,
Sebring Jimmysebrin001jam19015/17-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Sebring Jimmysebrin001jam19017/9-8/1 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Sechrist Charlessechri001cha19014/15-5/15 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Sechrist Docsechri001doc19015/3-6/10 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Sechrist Docsechri001doc19017/12-7/22 UmpireSo ,
Sechrist Docsechri001doc1901 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Sechrist Franksechri000fra19015/10-5/16 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Seifert Fredseifer001fre19015/15-5/30 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Seisler Davyseisle001dav190113 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Seisler Davyseisle001dav19016/8-9/8 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Selbach Kipselbac001alb1901125 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Selsor J.B.selsor001j--19018 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Setley Williamsetley001wil19017/17-7/22 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Setley Williamsetley001wil19017/23-7/24 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Sexton Franksexton001fra1901-02 U. MichiganCollege ,
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha19015/2-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Shanahan Timshanah001tim19015 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Shanahan Johnshanah001joh19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Shaner Bert1901-04 Lindsborg CollegeCollege ,
Shanks Luthershanks001lut1901+7/31+ AvaIndependent Ava, MO
Shannon Frankshanno002fra19014/26-7/28 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil190157 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Shannon Owenshanno001owe19015/2-5/15 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Shannon Owenshanno001owe19017/20-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Sharpe 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac19015/4-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Sharsig Billsharsi001bil1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Shaumeyer Augustschaum001aug19015/29-6/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Shaw Alshaw--001alf19014/25-6/4 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Shaw Alshaw--001alf19016/10-55 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Shay Dannyshay--001dan1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Shay Dannyshay--001dan190160 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Shay Dannyshay--001dan190168 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Shea Frankshea--002fra19015/15-9/2 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Shea Napshea--001joh19015/8-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Shea Dannyshea--001dan19015/8-5/22 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Shea Dannyshea--001dan1901+7/5+ AthenaIndependent Athena, WA
Shea Dannyshea--001dan190110/2-10/5 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Shea Johnshea--001p--19015/4-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Shearon Johnshearo002joh19014/25-9/20 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho1901132 g. Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Sheehan Jacksheeha005joh19015/11-5/16 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Sheets Roysheets001roy19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Shelafo Georgeshelaf001---1901 FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Shelton Benshelto001ben19015/1-7/11 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Shelton Benshelto001ben19017/17-8/28 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Shepherd shephe001---19017/26-8/24 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Shepherd 19014 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Sheppard Georgesheppa001geo1901+6/23+ Duluth MNIndependent Duluth, MN
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac1901139 g. MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Sherman Johnsherma001joh19014/15-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Sherman Johnsherma001joh19017/9-8/12 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Shields Charlieshield002cha19015/5-9/13 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Shields Charlieshield002cha19019/17-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Shields shield012---19016/8-6/14 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Shincel Hermanshince001her19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Shindle Billyshindl001wil19014/26-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Shinnick Timshinni002tim19015/8-5/30 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Shinnick Timshinni002tim19016/6-6/25 UmpireNYSt ,
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo19015/3-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Shoenberg shoenb000---19017/18 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Shook shook-004---19015/15-6/5 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Shooks shooks000---19016/15 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Shortell Edshorte001edw19015/8-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Shortell shorte001---19017/25 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Shugart Frankshugar001fra1901-9/27107 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Shultz Eddieshultz001edw1901 Read.-BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Shultz Eddieshultz001edw19015/13-6/15 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Shurtfift shurtl001---19011 g. OgdenInter-Mountain League Ogden, UT
Siegle Johnnysiegle001joh19015/8-6/23 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Siegle Johnnysiegle001joh19016/24-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Siever Edsiever001edw1901 DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Silva silva-007---19015/8-5/9 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Simmons Sleepysimmon001sle190114 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Simon Hanksimon-001hen19015/11-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Simon Mikesimon-003mic1901 Indiana Univ.College ,
Simons Jacksimons001joh1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Simonton Bensimont001ben19014/27 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Simonton Bensimont001ben19015/5 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Simonton Bensimont001ben1901+8/15+ Washington C. H.Independent Washington, DC
Skidmore Jamesskidmo001jam1901+5/11-8/17+ Fort Riley KSUSArmy ,
Skopec Johnskopec001joh19014/25-9 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Skopec Johnskopec001joh19017/24-9/21 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Slagle Waltslagle001---19014/15- Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Slagle Waltslagle001---1901-7/5 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Slagle Waltslagle001wal19017/9-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Slater Edslater001hen19014/25-5/4 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Slater Edslater001hen19015/6-7/13 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Slater Edslater001hen19017/17-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Slater Edslater001hen19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Slattery Jackslatte001joh19019/28 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Small small-003---19016/8 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Smink Billsmink-001wil19014/25-5/26 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Smink Billsmink-001wil19015/30-6/24 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Smink Billsmink-001wil19017/4-7/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Smink Billsmink-001wil1901 UmpireWestA ,
Smink Billsmink-001wil19018/18-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Smith Germanysmith-013geo19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Smith Germanysmith-013geo19016/30-8/28 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Smith Elmersmith-004elm1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Smith Elmersmith-004elm1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Smith Judsmith-001jud19015/6-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Smith Judsmith-001jud19017/25-8/31 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Smith Judsmith-001jud1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Smith Billysmith-011wil19015/2-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Smith Charlessmith-032cha19015/8-7/8 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Smith Alecksmith-001ale190126 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Smith Harrysmith-018har19017/11-11 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Smith Billysmith-057wil19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Smith Georgesmith-012geo19014/25-9/21 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Smith Georgesmith-012geo19019 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Smith Georgesmith-012geo1901 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Smith Franksmith-008fra19016/24-7/5 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Smith Franksmith-008fra19017/9-8/15 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Smith Melvillesmith-001mel19014/25-4/27 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Smith Stubsmith-001stu19014/15-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Smith Stubsmith-001stu19017/12-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Smith Joesmith-007jos1901 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Smith Joesmith-007jos1901 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Smith Edsmith-001rhe19015/19-6/17 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Smith Arthursmith-008art19015/16-8/9 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Smith Charlessmith-032cha19015/8-7/8 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Smith Edsmith-001ed-19012 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Smith Joesmith-007jos19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Smith Tomsmith-001tho1901 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
Smith W.smith-023w--19018/31 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Smith smith-322---19016/22 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Smith smith-327---19017/13 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Smith smith-325---19017/16-7/28 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Smith smith-318---19015/8-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Smith smith-324---19016/22 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Smith smith-316---19018/1 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Smithson smiths003---19015/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Smithwick Presleysmithw001p--1901 Memp.-ChickasawaIndependent Memphis, TN
Smoker smoker001---19016/12-6/19 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom19014/26-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Snodgrass Chappiesnodgr001amz19015/11-5/16 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Snooks Joesnooks001jos1901 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Snooks Joesnooks001jos1901 St.P.-Albert LeaIndependent St. Paul, MN
Snyder Popsnyder001pop1901 ,
Snyder snyder037---19016/10-6/18 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Snyder 1901+5/27-6/1+ UmpireVa-NC ,
Soffel Gussoffel001aug19014/15-7/5 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Soffel Gussoffel001aug1901 Pitts.-PACIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Soffel Gussoffel001aug1901 Pitts.-PACIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Sorber Soxsorber001wal19015/20-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Sorber Soxsorber001wal19017/9-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Souders Hollysouder001har19014/25-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Spade Bobspade-001rob1901 Kent OHIndependent Kent, OH
Sparger Billsparge001wil19015/16-6/8 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Sparger Billsparge001wil19016/12-6/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Sparger Billsparge001wil19016/27-7/31 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Sparks Tullysparks001tho1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Spates Frank1901 Frostburg MDIndependent Frostburg, MD
Spates William1901 Frostburg MDIndependent Frostburg, MD
Speaker Carl1901+8/28-9/21+ Otsego MIIndependent Otsego, MI
Speaks speaks002---19016/4 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Speer Georgespeer-001geo19014/25-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Spencer Ditspence001d--19017/22-9/25 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Spencer Frankspence001fra1901no g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Spencer spence006---19017 g. Park CityInter-Mountain League Park City, UT
Spencer spence006---1901 PCL-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Spencer spence044---19019/10 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Spies Harryspies-001hen1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat19015/4-7/2 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat19017/4-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Spooner Georgespoone001geo19015/15-9/2 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Sporer Josephsporer001jos1901+7/11+ MadisonIndependent Madison,
Sprague spragu008---19015/4-5/21 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Spratt Jackspratt001wil19015/2-7/6 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Spratt Jackspratt001wil19017/9-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Spratt Jackspratt001wil19018/26-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
St. John Roystjohn001roy19015/1-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
St. Vrain Jimstvrai001jam19016/8-10/12 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Stackpole Cystackp001art19015/16-7/5 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Stafford Jamesstaffo001gen19014/26-9/9 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Stafford Robertstaffo003rob19014/15-6/28 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Stafford Robertstaffo003rob19017/4-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Stahl Chickstahl-001cha1901131 g. BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Staley 1901+5/3-7/6 UmpireVa-NC ,
Staltz staltz000---19018/14-9/2 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada19015/4-5/23 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada19017/2-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Stankard Tomstanka001tho1901-02 Boston CollegeCollege ,
Stanley Mattstanle001mat1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Stanley Joestanle003jos19014/16-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Stanley Joestanle003jos19017/9-8/13 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Stanley Joestanle003jos19018/15-9/25 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Stark Williamstark-003wil1901 Lockport NYIndependent Lockport, NY
Stark Claudestark-001cla19014/25-5/8 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Stauffer Harrystauff001hen19015/4-9/6 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Stearns stearn002---19017/2-8/27 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Stecher Charlessteche001cha19015/30 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Steele Fredsteele001fre19015/10-5/22 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Steele Carrollsteele002car1901 Dadeville ALIndependent Dadeville, AL
Steele Elmersteele001elm1901 Fishkill NY DucksIndependent Fishkill, NY
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor190127 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor19015/7-8/20 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor19011 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Steen Joesteen-001jos19016/8-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Steen Clarence1901 Wahoo NEHighSchool ,
Steese steese001---19016/12 HarrisburgPennsylvania State League Harrisburg, PA
Steese steese001---19016/11-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic19016 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic1901 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic19016/7-7/22 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic19018/7 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Stein stein-008---19018/23 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Steinberg Paulsteinb002pau19015/13-6/15 Allentown PeanutsPennsylvania State League Allentown, PA
Steinberg Paulsteinb002pau19016/19 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Stetler Jay1901 Wmpt StoreIndependent ,
Stetson Frankstetso001fra19015/16-5/23 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Stevens Roy1901 Middlebury Col.College ,
Stevens Roy19017/5 exhibit only MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Stevens steven051---19017/1-7/5 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Stewart Acestewar001ace1901119 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Stewart Joestewar003jos19014/15-7/5 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Stewart Joestewar003jos19017/11-8/15 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Stewart Joestewar003jos19019/1-9/24 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Stewart stewar074---19017/4-7/6 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc19014/25-7/7 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Stinson A.stinso001a--19017/6 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Stocksdale Otisstocks002oti19016/6-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Stocksdale Otisstocks002oti19017/9-8/16 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Stolworthy Walterstolwo000tom19016/22-9/2 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Stolworthy Walterstolwo000tom1901-03 Tufts Univ.College ,
Stone Georgestone-003geo1901 Sallix IAIndependent Sallix, IA
Stone Georgestone-003geo19019/8-9/18 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Stoney Harrystoney001har190124 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Stopher Edstophe000---19015/12-6/2 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Stouch Tomstouch001tom1901 U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Stouch Tomstouch001tom19015/2-9/22+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Stovall Jessestoval001jes19015/2-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Stradley stradl003---19017/3 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Strang Sammystrang001sam1901135 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Strarup Frankstraru000fra1901no g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Streib Theodore1901+8/25+ Petaluma CAIndependent Petaluma, CA
Streib Juliestreib001jul1901146 g. Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Streit Oscarstreit001osc19014/25-6/1 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Streit Oscarstreit001osc19016/5-7/23 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Streit Oscarstreit001osc1901 Wash. CourthouseIndependent Washington, DC
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Stripp Frederick1901 Albion CollegeCollege ,
Stripp Frederick1901 CharlevoixIndependent Charlevoix,
Strobel Charlesstrobe001cha19014/24-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Stroh Billystroh-001wil1901 Potsdam NormalCollege ,
Stroh Billystroh-001wil19017/1-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo19015/16-7/4 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo19017/8-8/26 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Strong Alden1901 Wichita CountySchool ,
Strothers Constroth001joh19016/7-6/14 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Stultz Georgestultz002geo19015/3-6/12 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Stultz Henrystultz001hen19015/1-6/6 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Stultz Henrystultz001hen19016/8-7/14 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Stultz Henrystultz001hen19017/17-10/13 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Stutsman Edstutsm001e--1901 Goshen INIndependent Goshen, IN
Sugden Joesugden001jos190148 g. ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-1901 ,
Sullivan John19016/8 UmpirePaSt ,
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam1901 San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam190128 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Sullivan Billysulliv006wil1901 ChicagoAmerican League Chicago, IL
Sullivan Dicksulliv006ric1901+6/24+ Pelzer SCIndependent Pelzer, SC
Sullivan Dicksulliv006ric1901 Waynesville GAIndependent Waynesville, GA
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic19015/6-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut19014/28-5/16 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut19015/18-6/15 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut19016/16-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Sullivan Georgesulliv005geo19015/16-9/11 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Sullivan Danielsulliv008dan19015/15-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Sullivan Johnsulliv004joh190199 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Sullivan Jamessulliv009jam19015/9-5/15 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Sullivan Jamessulliv009jam19015/16-6/19 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Sullivan Thomassulliv050---19015/2-6/15 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Sullivan sulliv012---1901 BerlinCanada Berlin, ON
Sullivan sulliv121---19016/1 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Sullivan sulliv117---19016/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Sullivan sulliv013---19015/18-5/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Summers Olliesummer001oli1901no g. StatesvilleNC Statesville, NC
Summers Olliesummer001oli19015/21-5/31 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Summers Olliesummer001oli19016/4-6/30 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Summers Olliesummer001oli19017/4-7/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Surles W. B.1901+8/10+ Durham NCIndependent Durham, NC
Surles W. B.19018/16-  New Bern NCIndependent New Bern, NC
Sussman sussma000---19018/11 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil19015/9-6/5 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Suterfield Al.1901 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh19017/14-8/18 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh190111 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Swacina Harryswacin001har19015/2-6/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Swacina Harryswacin001har19016/27-6/30 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Swacina Harryswacin001har19017/7 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Swacina Harryswacin001har19017/15-9/11 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Swacina Harryswacin001har19019/15-9/25 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Swaers Herbertswaers000ber19014/5-10/13 Lebanon ILIndependent Lebanon, IL
Swaim Cyswaim-001cy-19012 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Swaim Arthurswaim-001art19015/9-9/7 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Swalm Harryswalm-001har19015/2-7/9 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Swander Pinkyswande002edw19014/15- Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Swander Pinkyswande002edw1901 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Swander Pinkyswande002edw1901-7/5 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Swander Pinkyswande002edw19017/9-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Sweeney Norcumsweene038---1901 Wilm.-YMCAIndependent Williamsport, PA
Sweeney Norcumsweene038---19017/20-8/10 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Sweeney sweene039---19018/4 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha1901 Los Angeles AngelsCalifornia League Los Angeles, CA
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha19015/22-10/13 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Swormstedt Lensworms001leo190132 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Swormstedt Lensworms001leo19019/29-3 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Synge synge-000---19018/5 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob19014/28-6/6 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob19016/13-7/19 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob19017/28-9/7 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam19015/8-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam19019/13-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Tann Jessetann--000jes1901+6/4+ Ft. Collins COIndependent Fort Collins, CO
Tannehill Leetanneh002lee1901116 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Tannehill Leetanneh002lee1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Tansey Eugenetansey001eug19017/8 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Tate Harrytate--001har19015/2-9/8 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Tate Hughietate--001hug19015/11-5/19 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal19015/8-9/7 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Taylor Billytaylor002bil19015/2-9/7 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Taylor Roytaylor005r--1901 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Taylor Roytaylor005r--19016/1- Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Taylor Roytaylor005r--19017/15 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Taylor Roytaylor005r--1901-8/31 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Taylor Dantaylor001dan190137 g.  SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Taylor Dantaylor001dan1901 Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Taylor Williamtaylor019wil19019/22-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Taylor taylor053---19015/22 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Taylor taylor094---19019/21 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo1901 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Tennant Thomas1901-06 No. Illinois Univ.College ,
Terry Adonisterry-001ado1901-8/312 g. MLB UmpireAmerican League ,
Thackara Parrythacka001dav19014/15-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Thackara Parrythacka001dav19017/9-8/16 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly19015/10-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Theisen Josephtheise001jos19015/4-6/10 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Theisen Josephtheise001jos19016/15-9/7 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Thiel Ottothiel-001ott1901120 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Thiel Ottothiel-001ott1901 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Thielman Jakethielm001joh19015/1-9/17 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Thielman Jakethielm001joh19019/18-10/12 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Thielman Henrythielm001hen19017/2-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Thielman Rudolphthielm001r--19015/1-6/6 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Thielman Rudolphthielm001r--19016/9-8/10 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Thiery Jackthiery001joh19011 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Thiery Jackthiery001joh19015/19-5/26 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Thiery Jackthiery001joh19015/28-9/8 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Thomas Roythomas002roy1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Thomas Tomthomas005tho190112 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Thomas Tomthomas005tho1901 Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Thomas Billthomas007wil19017/7 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Thomas Joethomas001tho1901 MarysvilleNoCa Marysville,
Thomas Joethomas001tho190113 g. Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Thomas Leftythomas022---19014/15-7/4 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Thomas thomas011---19016/12-7/5 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Thomas thomas101---19017/21 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Thompson Michael1901 Georgetown ColCollege ,
Thompson A.W.thomps000aw-19017/1-7/26 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Thompson Harrythomps007har1901 Fort ScottIndependent Fort Scott, KS
Thompson Jackthomps011joh19015/2-9/8 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Bloomington, IL
Thompson Johnthomps019joh1901 Spiceland ColCollege ,
Thompson Johnthomps019joh1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Thompson Johnthomps019joh19017/14 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Thompson Winthomps001win19016/10-7/27 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Thompson thomps121---1901no g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Thoney Jackthoney001joh19016/11-9/20 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Thorne Georgethorne002geo19016/19-6/28 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Thornton Johnthornt003joh19014/25-4/28 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Thornton Johnthornt003joh19015/9-9/22 Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Thornton Walterthornt002wal1901 Everett WAIndependent Everett, WA
Thornton Rossthornt001ros19016/25-7/2 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Thornton Rossthornt001ros19017/19-7/21 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Thruman Hal1901+4/20-4/22+ Univ. MissouriCollege ,
Thurston Manleythurst000man1901 Detroit A. C.Independent Detroit, MI
Thurston N.F.thurst002---19015/2-5/7 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Tibald Pattibald001pet19014/25-5/18 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Tibald Pattibald001pet19015/28 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Tibald Pattibald001pet19016/2-8/4 Rockford Red SoxIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rockford, IL
Tibald Pattibald001pet19018/27-9/22 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Grand Rapids, MI
Tibbetts Jamestibbet002jam19015/30-7/6 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Tierney Edtierne001edw19015/16 Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Tierney Edtierne001edw1901+5/16+ Lowell TigersNew England League Lowell, MA
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh19015/4-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Tilton tilton002---19016/15 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Tinker Joetinker001jos19015/1-10/12 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Titus Johntitus-001joh19015/24-5/30 PottsvillePennsylvania State League Pottsville, PA
Tobey Williamtobey-000wh-1901 Brown Univ.College ,
Tobey Williamtobey-000wh-19017/2-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Todd Charles1901 Georgia TechCollege ,
Toft Jacktoft--001jam19014/26-5/6 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Toft Jacktoft--001jam19015/10-9/21 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Toman Jimmytoman-001jam19015/3-9/18 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Torrence Cytorren001osc19015/2-5/30 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Towne Harrytowne-001har19016/15-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Towne Babetowne-001jay1901+8/12+ Fort DodgeIndependent Fort Dodge, IA
Townsend Cytownse002cha19015/8-7/10 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Townsend Cytownse002cha19017/15-8/17 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Townsend Cytownse002cha19018/26-9/7 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Townsend Happytownse001joh19014/19-19 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Townsend Zobtownse000zob1901-04 U. NebraskaCollege ,
Traeger Charlestraege002cha19014/15-6/24 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Treadway Wixtreadw001win19011 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Treichler Veretreich001---1901+4/30-5/5+ Franklin & MarshallCollege ,
Treichler Veretreich001---19016/13-6/17 LancasterPennsylvania State League Lancaster, PA
Treichler Veretreich001---19017/11-7/14 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Treichler Veretreich001---1901 Franklin & MarshallCollege ,
Trimbkle/Trin Ike19015/18 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Trosclair Octave1901 St. Mary's Col.College ,
Troy Thadtroy--001tha19015/4-5/23 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Troy troy--001---19016/8-6/15 EastonPennsylvania State League Easton, PA
Truby Harrytruby-002har19014/25-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Trumbull Jonathantrumbu002---19018/8 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Tucker Tommytucker003tho19016/18-9/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Tucker Fredtucker001f--19017/17-8/12 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Tucker Fredtucker001f--19019/6 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Tuckey Tomtuckey002tho19015/4-9/4 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Tull Hermantull--001h--19015/22 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Tullar tullar000---19012 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Turner Thomasturner006tho1901preseason Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Turner Thomasturner006tho19016/6-6/9 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Turner Tuckturner002tuc19014/26-7/19 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Turner Tuckturner002tuc19018/9-8/16 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Turner Jackturner004jac1901 Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Turner Danielturner003dan19014/25-5/25 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Turner Danielturner003dan19017/1-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Turner Terryturner001ter1901 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Turner Terryturner001ter1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Turner turner062---19018/14-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Uhler Emiluhler-001emi1901 ChicCity ,
Underwood Fredunderw002fre190119 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob19014/26-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho1901 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho19015/14-5/23 ConcordNE Concord, NH
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho19017/2-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Upchurch J. Sherwood1901+4/30=5/18+ UmpireVa-NC ,
Urquhart Billurquha001wil19014/28-9/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Ury Lonury---001lou1901 Joplin Joplin, MO
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre19015/2-7/13 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre19017/21-9/24 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw19014/25-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Van Dine Dowvandin001dow1901 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Van Dine Dowvandin001dow1901 Shawnee OKIndependent Shawnee, OK
Van Giesen Colbertvangie001col19017/7 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo1901 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha19018/5-3 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
VanderWeg Joevander005---1901+9/29+ Big RapidsIndependent Big Rapids, MI
Varco Albert1901-05 U. of MinnesotaCollege ,
Varney Dikevarney001law19017/2-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Vasbinder Calvasbin001mos19014/27-6/27 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Vaughn Farmervaughn001far1901 ,
Vaughn Jackvaughn000jac19016//3-6/5 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Veil Buckyveil--001fre1901no g. Newport NewsVa-NC Newport News, VA
Veitch Josephveitch001jos19015/2-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Venable Charlesvenabl001cha19016/4-7/6 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Venable Charlesvenabl001cha19017/16-8/17 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Verga Perryverga-001geo1901+8/9+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Verstay Kangarooversta001---1901+6/30+ Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Vetter Philvetter001phi1901 Loui.-EppingsIndependent Louisville, KY
Vetter Philvetter001phi19016/9 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Vetter Georgevetter001geo19016/9 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Vetter Georgevetter001geo1901+8/25+ Loui.-RecciusIndependent Louisville, KY
Viau Leeviau--001lee19015/8-9/7 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Vickers Rubevicker001har1901no g. Fort Wayne RailroadersWestern Association Fort Wayne, IN
Vickery vicker004---19018/20-8/24 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam19015/1-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Villeman Georgevillem001geo19015/9-9/5 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Vinson Rubevinson001ern1901 Ches.-HighlandIndependent Chester, PA
Violet Frankviolet001fra1901+6/16+ CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Viox Ronyviox--001hen19014/25-9/22 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Vizard Jamesvizard001jam1901 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Vizard Jamesvizard001jam1901 Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
Vizard Jamesvizard001jam1901 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Vogeding Oscar19016/10-6/15 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Vogeding Oscar1901+8/3+ Westville NJIndependent Westville, NJ
Vogeding Oscar1901+8/17+ Newbold NJIndependent Newbold, NJ
Vogeding Oscar1901+9/4-9/7 Salem NJIndependent Salem, NJ
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado19015/6-8/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado19018/17-8/26 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Volz Jakevolz--001jac19014/16-6/13 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Volz Jakevolz--001jac19016/25-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Volz Jakevolz--001jac19019/28 BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen19014/22-7/2 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen1901+8/1+ Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Vought Williamvought002wil19017/12 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Vought Williamvought002wil19017/25-9/9 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo1901 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Waddell 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Waddell 1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Wade Erniewade--002ern19015/4-5/30 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Wade Erniewade--002ern19018/30-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wadsworth Jameswadswo001joh190125 g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Wagner Buttswagner001but19014/26-6/18 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19015/8-5/30 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19016/14-7/18 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19017/23-8/9 CantonNorthern New York League Canton, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19018/12-8/23 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19018/27-9/7 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Wagner Ivorwagner001ivo19016/18-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Waitt Benjaminwaitt-000ben1901 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Waitt Benjaminwaitt-000ben19017/4-7/7 Lynn Live OaksNew England League Lynn, MA
Wakefield Ditwakefi001hen1901+8/9+ SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MO
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv1901 MilwaukeeAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv1901 WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Walker Tomwalker006tho19015/13-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Walker Edwalker001edw19019/17-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Walker walker078---19014/30-5/5 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Wall Joewall--005jos19015/8-5/14 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Wall Joewall--005jos19015/20-5/25 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Wall Joewall--005jos19017/16-7/19 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Wall Joewall--005jos19017/24-7/27 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Waverly, NY
Wall Joewall--005jos19019/22-4 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Wallace Bobbywallac002rho1901 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Wallace E. B.1901 CallumIndependent Callum, AL
Waller Redwaller001joh19015/22-9/5 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Walsh Johnwalsh-006joh1901 Notre DameCollege ,
Walsh Josephwalsh-007jos19016/3-6/27 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Walsh M.J.walsh-001m--1901 Georgetown U.College ,
Walsh M.J.walsh-001m--19017/2-8/30 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Walsh walsh-075---19018/1-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Walters Jackwalter001joh19014/26-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Walters Roxeywalter001lou1901no g. Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Walters Roxeywalter001lou1901+5/19+ Marshfield WIIndependent Marshfield, WI
Walters Roxeywalter001lou1901+8/7+ AshlandIndependent Ashland, WI
Walters Amos1901-02 Canton OH HSHighSchool ,
Walters Lewwalter001lew19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Walters walter036---1901 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Walton walton013---19017/13 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Walton walton014---19018/3 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Wanek wanek-000---1901+9/3-10/5+ Giltner NEIndependent Giltner, NE
Ward Piggyward--002fra19015/4-9/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Ward Rubeward--003joh19012 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Ward Rubeward--003joh1901 Wash Ct HouseIndependent Washington, DC
Ward 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Warner Alwarner002al-19014/25-8/18 UmpireEast ,
Warner Bobbywarner002rob1901 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Warner warner010---19014/15-4/27 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Warren Wallywarren002wal19014/15-7/6 Wilmington GiantsVirginia-North Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Warren Wallywarren002wal19017/9-8/17 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Warren warren028---19015/15 AugustaNew England League Augusta, ME
Warrender Mumwarren002fra1901111 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Washburn Libewashbu001lib1901 Brown Univ.College ,
Washburn Libewashbu001lib19017/2-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Washer Buckwasher001wil1901 Bucktel ColCollege ,
Waterbury Frankwaterb001fra1901 Oakland CommutersCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Watkins Billwatkin002bil19014/25-7/11 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
Watson Billwatson001bil19014/26-4/27 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Watt Horacewatt--000hor1901 Niagara UnivCollege ,
Watt Horacewatt--000hor19017/2-7/19 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Watt Horacewatt--000hor19018/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil19015/3-5/14 Memphis EgyptiansSouthern Association Memphis, TN
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil19015/28-6/20 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil19017/1-7/27 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil19019/6-9/22 UmpireSo ,
Weand Dickweand-001geo1901 Phil.-CosmopolitansIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Wear 1901 Yale Univ.College ,
Wear 1901 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Weaver Farmerweaver001far190124 g. LagoonInter-Mountain League Lagoon, UT
Weaver Johnweaver003joh19014/15- Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Weaver Johnweaver003joh1901 Richmond BluebirdsVirginia-North Carolina League Richmond, VA
Weaver Johnweaver003joh1901-7/4 Charlotte HornetsVirginia-North Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Weaver Johnweaver003joh19017/18-8/13 Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Weaver Artweaver001art19015/2-9/6 Cedar Rapids RabbittsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Cedar Rapids, IA
Weaver Artweaver001art19019/10-9/16 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Weaver Buckweaver025---19015/24-6/1 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Weaver Buckweaver025---19017/9-8/17 Charlotte HornetsNorth Carolina League Charlotte, NC
Weber Charlieweber-003cha1901 ,
Webster Edwardwebste001edw190137 g.  Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Weddige Alweddig001alb19014/20- Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Weddige Alweddig001alb1901-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Weddige Alweddig001alb19017/9-8/17 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Weed Fredweed--001fre19015/1-10/13 Portland WebfootsPacific Northwest League Portland, OR
Weeks Walterweeks-001w--1901 Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Weeks weeks-001---19014/18- Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Weeks weeks-001---1901-5/11 Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Weigand Curtweigan001cur1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Weigand Billweigan002wil19015/10-5/30 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Weihrauch Henryweihra001hen19015/2-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Weikart Frankweiker001fra19015/2-9/23 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Weimer Jakeweimer001jac190139 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou19015/4-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Welch Harrywelch-002har1901-02+4/10+ Creighton UnivCollege ,
Welch Herbertwelch-001her19015/15-7/20 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Welch welch-054---19011 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Welday Hector1901no g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Welday Mikewelday001lyn1901+6/30+ Leavenworth KSIndependent Leavenworth, KS
Wenig Fredwenig-001fre19018/22-9/8 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Wente wente-000---19016/4-6/23 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac19015/2-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Werden Perrywerden001per1901121 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Werden Perrywerden001per1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Werner Charleswerner001j--19015/10-6/18 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Werner Leo1901 UmpireWest ,
West Frankwest--002fra19015/27 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Indianapolis, IN
West Frankwest--002fra19016/14 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Westlake Bobwestla001rob19014/15-6/15 Portsmouth BrownsVirginia-North Carolina League Portsmouth, VA
Westlake Bobwestla001rob19017/4-9/22 New Orleans PelicansSouthern Association New Orleans, LA
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19012 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19018/21 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Whalen Jimmywhalen003wil190167 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Wharton wharto001---19016/11-6/15 MiddletownPennsylvania State League Middletown, PA
Wheatley J. Frank1901-03 Cornell Univ.College ,
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo1901 Middlebury ColCollege ,
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo19015/9-9/6 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Wheeler Edwheele003edw19014/25-9/22 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Wheeler Edwheele003edw19011 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Wheeler Johnwheele002joh19015/14-5/17 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Wheeler Perleywheele000per1901 Cornell UnivCollege ,
Wheeler Perleywheele000per19017/2 PlattsburghNorthern New York League Plattsburgh, NY
Wheeler wheele004---19016/13-6/21 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob1901 UmpireNE ,
Wheelock wheelo000---19016/29-7/13 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Wheelock wheelo000---19018/2 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew19015/3-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
White Willwhite-003bil19016/4-? Grand Rapids Woodworkers/Wheeling StogiesWestern Association Wheeling, WV
White Jackwhite-012joh19014/26-6/4 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
White H.white-001h--1901 Sacramento SenatorsCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
White Docwhite-001guy1901 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
White Roywhite-004roy1901 Richmond Col.College ,
White Gordonwhite-001gor1901 Smithland IAIndependent Smithland, IA
White Harvey1901 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
White white-041---19018/28-8/29 Ilion TypewritersNew York State League Ilion, NY
White white-116---19017/27-8/9 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
White white-112---19016/29 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
White white-048---1901+6/10-6/17+ Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Whiting Jessewhitin002jes1901 ChesterPennsylvania State League Chester, PA
Whiting Jessewhitin002jes19015/15-9/2 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Whiting 1901 Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Whitney whitne011---19018/10 NashuaNew England League Nashua, NH
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb190152 g. Colorado Springs MillionairesWestern League Colorado Springs, CO
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb1901 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Whittemore Buckwhitte000buc1901 Brown Univ.College  ,
Whittemore Buckwhitte000buc19017/2-8/29 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Wiche R.wiche-000r--19015/5-5/9 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Wicker Bobwicker001rob19014/25-7/11 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Wicker Bobwicker001rob19017/22-3 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1901+7/3+ Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1901+7/18+ SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1901+7/28+ Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Wiecke Fred190112 g. SLC-RailwayInter-Mt ,
Wiggins wiggin013---19016/28-7/1 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam190112 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam1901 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam1901 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Wilder wilder015---19017/29-7/31 ManchesterNew England League Manchester, NH
Wilder Widwilder000wid1901 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Wilder Widwilder000wid19017/5 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Wilder Widwilder000wid1901 Loon LakeIndependent Loon Lake,
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh19015/15-9/2 PortlandNew England League Portland, ME
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh19019/4-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har19014/30-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Wilhelm Irvinwilhel001irv19015/2-9/25 Birmingham BaronsSouthern Association Birmingham, AL
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac19015/3 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac19015/7- Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac1901 Davenport River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Davenport, IA
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac1901 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac1901-9/7 Decatur CommodoresIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Decatur, IL
Wilkinson Georgewilkin003geo19015/2-9/8 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Williams Tomwillia004tom19014/25-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Williams Jimmywillia025jam1901 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Williams Popwillia008wal19014/27-9/20 Toronto RoyalsEastern League Toronto, ON
Williams Dalwillia001lev1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Williams Dalwillia001lev19017/13-9/21 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Williams Clydewillia002s--1901 ,
Williams Davewillia013dav1901 Lestershire NYIndependent Lestershire, NY
Williams Davewillia013dav19019/5 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Williams Davidwillia025dav190133 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Williams willia001kid19017/14 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Willig Henrywillig001hen19015/11 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Willig Henrywillig001hen19017/10-8/10 Wilmington GiantsNorth Carolina League Wilmington, NC
Willis Vicwillis001vic1901 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Willis Delawarewillis001del1901 Lafayette CollegeCollege ,
Willis Delawarewillis001del1901+7/25+ BrownsonIndependent Brownson,
Willis Frankwillis001fra19015/20-9/2 BangorNew England League Bangor, ME
Willner Robertwillne001rob19015/1-7/10 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Willner Robertwillne001rob19017/18-9/29 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Willoughby John1901 Meriden MilerConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Wills Charleswills-001cha1901 College ,
Wills Charleswills-001cha1901 Matthews-GiantsIndependent Matthews, IN
Wills Charleswills-001cha19017/13-9/18 Indianapolis/Matthews HoosiersWestern Association Matthews, IN
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Wilner Robert19015/1-7/10 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Wilner Robert19017/18-9/29 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Wilson Parkewilson001par19014/25-8/6 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Wilson Parkewilson001par190173 g. San Francisco WaspsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Wilson Billwilson003bil190199 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Wilson Howardwilson001how1901 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wilson Georgewilson022geo19015/15 Evansville River RatsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Evansville, IN
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew1901 PhiladelphiaAmerican League Philadelphia, PA
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew1901 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Wiltse Hookswiltse001geo19015/13,6/4 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Winchell Fredwinche001fre1901-   Princeton Univ.College ,
Winger James1901 Well.-2nd WardIndependent Wellington,
Winham Lavewinham001laf1901+5/19-9/29+ Brooklyn EmpiresIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Winston Diceywinsto006---19015/25 Raleigh SenatorsVirginia-North Carolina League Raleigh, NC
Winter Georgewinter001geo1901 Gettsburg Col.College ,
Winter Georgewinter001geo19016/15-  BostonAmerican League Boston, MA
Winters Georgewinter002geo19019/6-9/22+ Selma ChristiansSouthern Association Selma, AL
Wise Nickwise--002nic19015/15-9/2 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Wiseman Docwisema001jul19015/2-9/25 Nashville Vols/VolunteersSouthern Association Nashville, TN
Wiseman wisema000---19015/8 Cortland/WaverlyNew York State League Cortland, NY
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo1901 Union CollegeCollege ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo19017/22-8/29 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Withoff Alwithof001al-19014/25-4/27 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Witman Abbottwitman001w--1901 Sec.-Trea./VPPaSt ,
Witt Harveywitt--002har1901 Hancock Hancock,
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil19016/14-6/27 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Wolf Chickenwolf--001chi1901 Loui.-RecciusLouisCity Louisville, KY
Wolf James1901 ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Wolf Leftywolf--000lef19015/7 Terre Haute HottentotsIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Terre Haute, IN
Wolf Walterwolf--004wal19015/2-5/4 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001wil190147 g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Wolfe Mauricewolfe-001mau19015/8-9/5 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Wolfe Orville1901 Winchester INIndependent Winchester, IN
Wolfe Williamwolfe-002wil19014/16- Norfolk SkippersVirginia-North Carolina League Norfolk, VA
Wolfe Williamwolfe-002wil1901 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia-North Carolina League Newport News, VA
Wolfe Williamwolfe-002wil1901-7/6 Tarboro TartarsVirginia-North Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Wolfe Williamwolfe-002wil19017/12-8/16 Tarboro TartarsNorth Carolina League Tarboro, NC
Wolfe Williamwolfe-002wil19018/23-9/25 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Wolff Billwolfe-004wil1901 Uxbridge MAIndependent Uxbridge, MA
Wolverton Harrywolver001har190193 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Wood Bobwood--005rob190198 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Wood Carlwood--001car19014/29-5/4 Spokane Blue StockingsPacific Northwest League Spokane, WA
Wood Carlwood--001car19016/8-6/10 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Wood Harrywood--001har1901 U. MarylandCollege ,
Wood Williamwood--005wil19015/2-7/13 Chattanooga LookoutsSouthern Association Chattanooga, TN
Woodbury Roywoodbu001roy19016/27-9/ Clifton KSIndependent Cliffton, KS
Woodbury Roywoodbu001roy19019/-  KC-FostersIndependent Kansas City, MO
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic19015/10-5/15 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic19015/17-5/24 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic19015/25-9/22 Toledo Swamp AngelsWestern Association Toledo, OH
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv19015/8-9/7 Binghamton BingoesNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Woods Georgewoods-001geo19015/23-5/30 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Woods Waltwoods-002wal19014/26-7/23 Syracuse Stars/Brockton B'sEastern League Syracuse, NY
Woods Waltwoods-002wal19017/25-9/14 Brockton B'sNew England League Brockton, MA
Woodworth C.F.woodwo002c--19015/21,23,8/7 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Woodworth woodwo002---19017/15-7/19 LewistonNew England League Lewiston, ME
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra1901no g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Wright Patwright003pat19014/25-9/22 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
Wright Luckywright007wil1901 CamdenIndependent Camden, TX
Wright Genewright001cla19014/26-9/20 Dayton Old SoldiersWestern Association Dayton, OH
Wright Genewright001cla190110/5 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Wright Redwright001jos19015/2-9/23 Little Rock TravelersSouthern Association Little Rock, AR
Wright Pat1901 Frankfort KYIndependent Frankfort, KY
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek19014/26-9/21 Worcester QuakersEastern League Worcester, MA
Wunech wunsch001---19011 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Yale Adyale--001wil19015/4-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Yancey Worth1901-03 Transylvania U.College ,
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo190139 g. ClevelandAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo190126 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Yeager Joeyeager002jos190141 g. DetroitAmerican League Detroit, MI
Yeager Tom1901 Kokomo INIndependent Kokomo, IN
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19015/1 BaltimoreAmerican League Baltimore, MD
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19015/3-4 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19015/30-9/18 Marion Glass BlowersWestern Association Marion, IN
York Billyyork--001wil19016/7-7/6 UmpireSo ,
Young Elmeryoung-001elm19016/11-6/15 ReadingPennsylvania State League Reading, PA
Young Charlesyoung-002cha19015/10-9/6 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Young Cecilyoung-001cec1901 Dadeville ALIndependent Dadeville, AL
Young Winyoung-001win19015/4-6/4 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Young young-089---19016/29 Haverhill HustlersNew England League Haverhill, MA
Zalusky Jackzalusk001joh19014/25-6/29 Louisville Colonels/Grand Rapids Furniture MakersWestern Association Louisville, KY
Zalusky Jackzalusk001joh19016/30-9/22 Grand RapidsWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Zalusky Joseph1901 Minn South HSHighSchool ,
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav190173 g. Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA
Zehner Louiszehner001lou19017/28 Shreveport GiantsSouthern Association Shreveport, LA
Zeigenbein/Zie Samzeigen001sam1901+7/17+ Jack.-ImperialsAmat Jackson,
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha19012 g. St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha19017/23-10/13 Seattle ClamdiggersPacific Northwest League Seattle, WA
Zietz Charleszietz-001cha19015 g. Salt Lake CityInter-Mountain League Salt Lake City, UT
Zink Billzink--001wil19015/2-7/5 Rock Island IslandersIllinois-Indiana-Iowa League Rock Island, IL
Zink Billzink--001wil1901+8/12+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw19014/25-9/22 Columbus SenatorsWestern Association Columbus, OH
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha19015/8-7/5 Troy Washerwomen/TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha19017/8-8/30 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Zurlage Augustzurlag001a--1901+5/19+ Cinc.-BellevueIndependent Cincinnati, OH