Searching for records from 1900
There are 3958 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw19004/19-8/10 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw19008/16-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Abbott Fredabbott002har190083 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Abbott Spencerabbott001spe190033 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Abbott Spencerabbott001spe1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19004/30-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic19007/30-8/18 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Adams Jimadams-001jim19007/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Adams Jimadams-001jim1900 UmpireVa ,
Adams adams-061---19005 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Adams J.J.adams-021---19005/1-6/26 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Adams adams-034---19002 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Adams 1900 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1900 Beloit CollegeCollege ,
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1900no g. Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1900 Chataugua NYIndependent Chataugua, NY
Adritz Jayadritz001jay1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Agnew Peteagnew-001pet1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
A'Heasy 19005/4-6/27 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
A'Heasy 19006/28 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Akers Abeakers-001abe1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Aldinger Docalding001alb1900 Bloomsburg Col.College ,
Aldinger Docalding001alb19005/23 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Aldinger Docalding001alb1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Alexander Billalexan005wil1900no g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Alexander Billalexan005wil1900no g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Allemang Harryallema001har1900 Ottumwa IAIndependent Ottumwa, IA
Allemang Harryallema001har1900 Massillon OHIndependent Massillon, OH
Allemang Harryallema001har19007/11-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Allemang Harryallema001har19008/6-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Allen Boballen-001bob19004/21-6/1 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Allen Georgeallen-003geo19004/30-6/22 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Allen Georgeallen-003geo19006/26-7/11 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Allen Georgeallen-003geo19007/17-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Allen Murrayallen-000mur19006/25-7/9+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Allen Charles1900 GreenvilleIndependent Greenville, PA
Allison Tomalliso000tom1900 U. North Carolina ,
Allison Tomalliso000tom19006/27-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Alloway Arthurallowa001art19004/28-9/19 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic19004/26-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Ambrose Burtonambros001---1900-6/14 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Ambrose Burtonambros001---1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Ames Edames--001edw19005/2-5/29 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Ames Edames--001edw19006/6-9/11 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Ames ames--003---19001 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Amole Docamole-001doc19004/19-9/15 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Anderson Johnanders010joh19004/21-9/17 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Anderson Andyanders003and19005/5-7/22 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Anderson Andyanders003and1900-9/2314 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Anderson Andyanders003art1900 Panerville OHIndependent Panerville, OH
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1900 U. MinnesotaCollege ,
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1900 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Anderson Smylie1900 Tulane UnivCollege ,
Anderson Smylie1900 Crystal Sprs MSIndependent Crystal Sprs, MS
Anderson Smylie1900 MemphisIndependent Memphis, TN
Anderson Steveanders011ste1900 Trinity Col. (Duke)College ,
Anderson Steveanders011ste19006/25-7/21+ Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Anderson Steveanders011ste1900+7/27+ Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Anderson anders030---19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Andrews Docandrew001jay19004/19-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Andrews Georgeandrew005geo19005/5-6/23 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Applegate Fredappleg002fre1900 Wmpt StoreIndependent ,
Arellanes Abearella001abe1900-12/260 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Armour Billarmour001wil19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Armstrong Frankarmstr001fra19004/30-7/7 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Armstrong Louarmstr001lou1900-9/2321 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Arndt Harryarndt-001har19007/21-7/23 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Arndt Harryarndt-001har1900+8/14+ South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Arnesen arnese001---19007 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Arnheim arnhei000---19006/26-  Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Arnheim arnhei000---1900+7/4-8/1+ Tarb.-JuniorsIndependent Tarboro, NC
Arthur Edarthur002sta19004/28-9/15 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Asbury Ernieasbury001ern1900+7/29+ SLC-Short Line RRIndependent ,
Ashe Steveashe--001ste19005/10-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19004/30-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19007/31-8/12 UmpireNYSt ,
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw19008/13-8/18 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Ashford Henryashfor001hen1900 U. No. CarolinaCollege ,
Ashton Jackashton001joh1900 Sterling ILIndependent Sterling, IL
Askew askew-004---19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Atchison Ernestatchis000ern1900 Wash.DC-YMCAIndependent Washington, DC
Atchison Ernestatchis000ern19007/13-7/27+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Atherton Charlieathert001cha19006/14-8/5 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Atz Jakeatz---001joh19005/11-5/20+ Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Atz Jakeatz---001joh1900 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Babb Charliebabb--001cha19004/28-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Babbit 1900 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo19004/1-12/2 Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Bacon Louisbacon-001jam19005/11-6/? Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Bacon Harrybacon-001har1900 Bowdoin CollegeCollege ,
Bacon W.H.bacon-000wh-1900+6/6+ Brown UniversityCollege ,
Bacon W.H.bacon-000wh-1900+7/2-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Bacon??? 190028 g. Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Badger Frankbadger001fra190095 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Baer Willbaer--001wil19005/5-6/25 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Baer Willbaer--001wil19007/4-8/9 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Baer Willbaer--001wil19008/28-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Bagley Jackbagley001joh19006/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Bagley Jackbagley001joh1900+7/7-7/11+ Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bagley Jackbagley001joh19008/22-8/30 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bailey Kingbailey001kin1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Bailey Harveybailey003har19004/19-5/21 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Bailey Harveybailey003har19006/2-9/16 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam190048 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam19007/25-9/1 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir19005/4 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Baker Bockbaker-002cha19004/24-5/9 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Baker Bockbaker-002cha19005/12-5/28 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Baker Bockbaker-002cha19005/30-7/15 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Baker Bockbaker-002cha19007/27-9/16 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Baker Fredbaker-003fre19005/11-6/4 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Baker baker-047---1900 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Baker baker-022---19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Balcolm Felix1900no g. Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Baldwin Billybaldwi000bil1900 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Ball Artball--003art19005/5-9/4 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Ball Neilball--001nei1900+5/6/-6/6+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Ballagh Dad19002 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Ballard 19006/25- Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Bammert Josephbammer001joh19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Bammert Josephbammer001joh190037 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1900 Hamline Univ.College  ,
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc19006/14-6/17 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1900 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc19008/14-9/14 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Banks banks-009---1900+7/18-7/27+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Bankston 1900+5/9-5/28+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Bannon Jimmybannon001jam19004/28-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Bannon Tombannon001tho19004/26-7/15 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Bannon Tombannon001tho19007/20-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Bannon Georgebannon001geo19004/27-5/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Bannon Georgebannon001geo1900-7/2827 g. Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Bannon Georgebannon001geo19007/30-9/18 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Barber Billybarber001wil1900no g. Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Barber Davebarber001dav19005/1- Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Barber Davebarber001dav1900-6/7 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Barber Davebarber001dav1900-9/860 g. Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Barber Frankbarber001fra1900+8/14+ Muskegon RedsIndependent Muskegon, MI
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo1900no g. Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo1900 Phil.-CrescentsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Barclay Sandybarcla001san19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Bare Charley190015 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Bare John190013 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Barnes Fredbarnes001fre19004/25-9/1 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh19005/15-6/8 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Barnie Billybarnie001bil19004/26-7/15 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Barnwell 1900 Yale Univ.College ,
Barrett Jimmybarret003jam19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Barrett Robertbarret004rob19005/24-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Barrett barret003---19005/11 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Barrow Edbarrow001edw19004/26-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Barry Johnbarry-002joh19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Barry Johnbarry-002joh19006/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Barry Jimmybarry-002jam19005/14-5/31 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Barry barry-002---19005/20-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Bartlett W.T.bartle000wt-1900 Maryville CollegeCollege ,
Bartlett W.T.bartle000wt-19006/27-8/1 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Bartlett W.T.bartle000wt-19008/-8/ Rome GAIndependent Rome, GA
Barton Harrybarton001har1900 MuncieIndependent Muncie, PA
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19005/11-6/9 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Bass Jimmybass--001jam19006/25-7/19+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Bates Frankbates-002fra19005/11-6/30 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Bates Frankbates-002fra19007/16-7/29 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Bates Frankbates-002fra19008/7-9/5 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Battam Larrybattam001lar19004/30- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Battam Larrybattam001lar1900 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Battam Larrybattam001lar1900-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Battam Larrybattam001lar19007/31-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Battise battis002---19001 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Battle Williambattle001wil1900 U. No. CarolinaCollege ,
Battle Williambattle001wil19006/25-7.17+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Baumert 19004/30- Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Bay Harrybay---001har19004/19-5/7 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Bay Harrybay---001har19005/14-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Bay Harrybay---001har19006/17-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Bay Harrybay---001har19008/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Bayer Burleybayer-001bur190070 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Bayer Burleybayer-001bur1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Beach Fredbeach-000fre1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Beadle Edwardbeadle001edw1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Beal Carlbeal--001car190029 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Beall A. B.1900 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Beam Erniebeam--001ern19005/18-6/6 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Beam Charlesbeam--002cha1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Bean Joebean--001jos19005/4-7/31 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Bean Joebean--001jos19008/3-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Beard Charlie19001 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Beaumont Benbeaumo001ben19004/30- Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Beaumont Benbeaumo001ben1900-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Beaumont Benbeaumo001ben19006/23-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Beaumont Gingerbeaumo001cla19004/19-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Beaumont Frankbeaumo001fra1900 North AdamsIndependent North Adams, MA
Beck Ervebeck--001erv19004/28-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Beck Harrybeck--013---1900+5/9-5/10+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Beck beck--002---19001 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Beck 19005/24-6/6 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Becker Bobbecker001bob19005/5-5/30 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Becker Arthurbecker002art1900 Evansv.-EvanCourier Evansville, IN
Beckley Jakebeckle001jac19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Beebe Arthurbeebe-001art1900 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Beebe Fredbeebe-001fre1900-01 Chic.-Hyde ParkHighSchool ,
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha1900 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha1900 MemphisIndependent Memphis, TN
Beeker Williambeeker001wil1900+5/17-6/6+ Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Behne Frankbehne-002fra19004/30-5/5 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Belden Irabelden002ira19004/28-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Belding Wallacebeldin000wal19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Bell Espy1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Belt Frankbelt--001fra19004/28-7/17 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Bemis Harrybemis-001har19004/30-5/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Bemis Harrybemis-001har19005/11-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Bender Johnbender001joh1900-04 Univ. NebraskaCollege ,
Bender bender001---1900 Rich.-JimplecoteIndependent Richmond, VA
Bender bender001---19006/11-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Bennett Pugbennet001jus19008/20-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Bennett Frankbennet003fra1900 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Bennett J.T.bennet000jt-1900 U. No. CarolinaCollege ,
Bennett J.T.bennet000jt-1900 Oak Ridge NCIndependent Oak Ridge, NC
Bennett J.T.bennet000jt-19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Bennett J.T.bennet000jt-1900+7/3= StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Bennett bennet041---19001 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Bentley Patbentle004joh19007/2-8/31 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Berg Philberg--001phi19005/30+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Bergen Billbergen001wil19004/28-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Berkshire W.H.berksh001w--19005/12-5/16 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Bernard Curtbernar001cur19005/11-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Bernard Curtbernar001cur19009/17-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bernhard Billbernha001wil19004/19-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Bernstein Harrybernst001har19006/28-7/5 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod1900no g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob19004/30- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob1900 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob1900-6/9 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob19006/11-6/30 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Berte Harryberte-001har19004/30-6/9 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Berte Harryberte-001har19006/12-6/21 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Berte Harryberte-001har19006/29-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Best Conradbest--001con1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Best Conradbest--001con1900 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Best Conradbest--001con19005/29-7/4 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Best Conradbest--001con1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Best Conradbest--001con19008/13-8/28+ Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Betts Fredbetts-001fre1900+5/12-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Beusse Carlton1900 AthensIndependent Athens, GA
Beusse Fred1900 AthensIndependent Athens, GA
Bevans Frankbevans001fra1900 Baltimore YMCAIndependent Baltimore, MD
Bevans Frankbevans001fra19005/30-7/4+ Baltimore WalbrooksSuburban Baltimore, MD
Bevans bevans004---19007/13-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Beville Montebevill001hen19004/28-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Beville Montebevill001hen19008/24-9/9 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Beville Montebevill001hen19009/10-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Beville Benbevill001cla1900+4/8-17 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Bevis Roybevis-001roy1900+7/18+ Winfield RedsIndependent Winfield, KS
Biecher Edbieche001ed-19004/28-7/18 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou19004/20-6/16 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou19006/18-8/9 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou19008/11-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Bigbie Georgebigbie001geo19005/1-5/3 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Bigbie Georgebigbie001geo19005/7-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Bigelow Arthurbigelo002---1900+5/25+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Bigelow Arthurbigelo002---19002 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Billings Williambillin001wil19005/22-19 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Bindloss Georgebindlo001geo1900 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Binga Billbinga-001wil1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic19005/11-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Birmingham Joebirmin001jos1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Birmingham Joebirmin001jos1900 Notre Dame UnivCollege ,
Bishop Johnbishop001joh19004/28-7/31 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Bishop bishop013---19007/10 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Bissell Wilbertbissel001wil1900preseason Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Bissell Wilbertbissel001wil19005/22-70 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Black Georgeblack-001geo19005/18-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo19005/6-7/4 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Blackwell Ross1900 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Blake Harryblake-001har19004/26-8/20 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Blanford Frank1900+6/4+ Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Blanford Frank1900+7/30+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Blankenship blanke008---1900+3/23-5/12+ Trinity Col. (Duke)College ,
Blankenship blanke008---1900 SelmaNCIndependent Selma, NC
Blankenship blanke008---19006/25-7/9+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1900 Georgetown U.Independent Georgetown,
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1900no g. Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1900 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1900 Idaho Falls SDIndependent Idaho Falls, SD
Bluth Fredbluth-001god1900+6/3+ OgdenIndependent Ogden, UT
Bodie Jackbodie-001joh19002 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Boever Joeboever002jos1900 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Boisseau boisse001---1900 Rich.-JimplecoteIndependent Richmond, VA
Boisseau boisse001---19006/11-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Boland Edwardboland002edw19002 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Boland Edwardboland002edw1900 UmpireCent ,
Bone Georgebone--001geo19005/10-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Bonner Frankbonner001fra19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Bonner Jackbonner001joh1900 Villanova Col.College ,
Bonner Jackbonner001joh1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Bopst Williambopst-001wil19005/23-6/13 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Borchers Georgeborche001geo190037 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Borchers Georgeborche001geo19009 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Bottenus Billybotten001wil19004/30-6/9 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Bottenus Billybotten001wil19008/1-9/18 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Boucher Joebouche001jos19005/29-6/2 UmpireVa ,
Boucher Joebouche001jos19006/4-6/6 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Boucher Joebouche001jos19006/7 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam1900 Ellsworth KSIndependent Ellsworth, KS
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam1900+8/2+ Concordia KSIndependent Concordia, KS
Bowen Cybowen-001sut19005/2-9/13 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Bowen Jackbowen-003jac190094 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Bowen Mickeybowen-001---19005/12-5/21,7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Bowen Mickeybowen-001---19005/22-6/10 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Bowerman Frankbowerm001fra19005/2-10/12 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Bowman Sumnerbowman001sum1900 ,
Bowman Billbowman001bil1900no g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Bowman Frankbowman001fra1900-12/252 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Bowman W.H.bowman001w--19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Boyd Frankboyd--002fra19004/30-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Boyd boyd--002---19005/10-5/14 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Boyers Charlesboyer-001cha19004/30-6/2 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad19005/11-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad19007/2-7/16 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Boyle Eddieboyle-001edd1900 AthensIndependent Athens, GA
Boyle Charlesboyle-001cha19005/1-6/9 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Bradford Georgebradfo001geo19005/10-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Bradford Georgebradfo001geo19007/10-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw19004/28-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw19008/24-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Bradley Jerome1900 GeorgetownCollege ,
Bradley Billbradle004wil19004/30-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Bradley G.W.bradle001g--1900 Asbury ParkIndependent Asbury Park, NJ
Brady Georgebrady-001geo190080 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Braggins Dickbraggi001ric19008/13-9/17 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Brain Davebrain-001dav19005/5-9/3 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Brain Davebrain-001dav19009/11-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Brandimore brandi001---19005/10-5/16 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Brandt Williebrandt002wil19004/27-5/1 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Brandt Williebrandt002wil19007/28-7/31 HagerstownCumbVal Hagerstown, MD
Bransfield Kittybransf001wil19004/26-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Brashear Roybrashe002roy19005/5-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor19004/29-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Bratton Howardbratto001how19006/5-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Bratton Howardbratto001how1900 AttleboroIndependent Attleboro, MA
Braun Silverbraun-005wil19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Breckenridge Edwinbrecke002edw1900 Amherst CollegeCollege ,
Breen Jimmiebreen-002jam19004/28-6/23 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Breitenstein Theodorebreite001the19004/21-10/07 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Breitenstein Theodorebreite001the19007/2-8/6 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brekke O.1900+5/25+ BuxtonIndependent Buxton, ND
Brem Robinbrem--000rob1900 Salisbury NCIndependent Salisbury, NC
Brem Robinbrem--000rob19007/2-7/5 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Brenig Frankbrenig000fra1900+7/6+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Brennan Mauricebrenna001mau19005/30 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Brennan J.C.brenna004j--19009/6 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Brennan J.C.brenna004j--19006/19 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Brennan J.C.brenna004j--19006/26-6/29 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Brennan Jackbrenna005joh19005/24 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Brennan Jackbrenna005joh1900+6/3+ Chic.-WhitingIndependent Chicago, IL
Brenner Alexbremme002---1900+5/6--5/25+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Breslin bresli002---19005/20-5/22 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog1900 Manistee MIIndependent Manistee, MI
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog19008/31 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Briggs Buttonsbriggs001her19005/10-5/24 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Briseno Albertbrisen001alb190015 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Brisifahon Roger1900 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Bristow Georgebristo002geo19005/5-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Brittan Albertbritta001alb19002 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Broad 190014 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha19005/29-5/30 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Brockwell Edbrockw000ed-19005/29-5/30 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Brockwell Edbrockw000ed-19006/25-7/10+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Broderick Mattbroder001mat19005/21-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Broderick Mattbroder001mat19007/10-7/21 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Broderick Mattbroder001mat19008/6-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal19005/1-7/23 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Brodie Jimbrodie001jim19007/20-9/8 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Brooks Georgebrooks001geo1900 U. of MarylandCollege ,
Brooks Georgebrooks001geo190046 g. Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Brooks Josephbrooks003j--1900 Rich.-JimplecoteIndependent Richmond, VA
Brooks Josephbrooks003j--19006/8-6/12 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Brophy Andybrophy001and1900+7/26+ Clear Fork KSIndependent Clearr Fork, KS
Brosier Frankbrosie000fra1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Brown Bobbrown-027rob19005/22-56 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam19006/28-9/6 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam19009/8-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Brown Johnbrown-018joh1900 ,
Brown Dickbrown-001ric1900 Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, IA
Brown Dickbrown-001ric190087 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Brown Dickbrown-001ric1900 Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Brown Johnbrown-103---1900+5/11-5/23+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Brown Johnbrown-103---1900+6/8 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Brown Fredbrown-004fre1900 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Brown Fredbrown-004fre19004/30-5/29 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Brown Fredbrown-004fre19004/30-5/29 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Brown W.A.brown-005w--19005/10-5/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Brown brown-029---19007/31 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Browne Georgebrowne001geo1900+5/14-7/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Browne Georgebrowne001geo19007/30-8/17 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Browne Georgebrowne001geo19008/22-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Brozier Frank1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Bruce Loubruce-001lou1900 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Bruce Loubruce-001lou19004/28-9/12 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Bruce bruce-001---1900+5/9+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Bruce bruce-001---1900+5/11-6/8 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Bruggeman Frankbrugge001fra1900 Rock RapidsIndependent Rock Rapids, IA
Bruggins R. R.1900no g. Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Brun brun--001---19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw19005/12-6/11 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw19006/25-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw19007/13-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Bryan H. T.19006/25-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Buckenberger Albucken001al-19004/26-9/23 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic19005/23-8/19 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat19004/28-6/16 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat19006/19-6/30 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat19006/28-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Buckley 19006/2 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Buckner Harrybuckne002har1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Buege Albertbuege-001alb19005/4-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Buege Albertbuege-001alb19007/12-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre19005/28-6/19 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre19007/21-9/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre19009/11-9/15 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha19004/20-5/19 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha19007/3-7/12 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Burbank Carlburban000car1900 Georgetown Col.College ,
Burbank Carlburban000car19007/10-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Burge Williamburge-001wil190013 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Burke Eddieburke-002edd19004/23 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Burke Eddieburke-002edd19004/27-5/2 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Burke Eddieburke-002edd19005/9-5/17 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Burke Eddieburke-002edd1900-9/2259 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Burke Eddieburke-002edd1900 UmpireMontSt ,
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam19004/21-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Burkett Jesseburket001jes19004/19-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Burnett 1900 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Burnham Walterburnha002wal19004/30-6/14 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Burnham Walterburnha002wal1900 BangorIndependent Bangor, ME
Burns Tomburns-001tom19004/26-9/23 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Burns Peteburns-001pet1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Burns Billyburns-013wil1900 Penn State Univ.College ,
Burns Billyburns-013wil1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Burns Billyburns-013wil19006/25-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Burns Jackburns-007joh19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Burns Jackburns-007joh19006/20-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Burns Farmerburns-010jam1900 Holy Ghost Col.College  ,
Burns Farmerburns-010jam19005/24-6/2 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Burns Farmerburns-010jam19006/11-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Burns Jackburns-010joh19006/3-6/7 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Burns Jackburns-010joh1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Burns James1900 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Burrell Harryburrel001har19005/6-6/22 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Burrell Frankburrel001bus1900 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Burrell Frankburrel001bus19005/11-9/8 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Burrell Leland1900-02 WilliamsCollege ,
Burris Adburris002a--1900 Galena KSIndependent Galena, KS
Burt Dannyburt--001dan190094 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Burt Dannyburt--001dan1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Burt Dannyburt--001dan1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Burton Harryburton007---19001 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Bushey Alfredbushey001alf19005/10-7/20 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Busse Charleybusse-001car19005/10-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bussey Harrybussey001har1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Bussey Harrybussey001har19006/14-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Bustillos 190013 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Butler Ikebutler001isa19005/1-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Butler J.W.butler000jw-19004/1- Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Butler butler003---19008/6-9/7 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Butt 1900 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh19004/26-5/14 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh19005/17-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Button C.190014 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Byers Billbyers-002jam19004/26-5/5 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Byers Billbyers-002jam19005/10- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Byers Billbyers-002jam1900 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Byers Billbyers-002jam1900-6/9 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Byers Billbyers-002jam19006/14-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Cadigan Jamescadiga001jam190036 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Cadigan Jamescadiga001jam1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Cadigan Jamescadiga001jam1900 Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Cahill 190013 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Cahill cahill003---19007/?-7/18+ Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Caldwell Garahcaldwe000gar1900+3/23-4/18+ Trinity Col. (DukeCollege ,
Caldwell Garahcaldwe000gar1900 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Caldwell Garahcaldwe000gar1900-7/ Newberry SCIndependent Newberry, SC
Caldwell Garahcaldwe000gar1900+7/23+ StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Caldwell Bert190011 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav19004/26-5/30 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav1900-9/866 g. Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Calkins M.calkin001m--1900+8/9+ Kala-Sam FolzIndependent Kalamazoo, MI
Callahan Jimmycallah002jam19004/21-10/12 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Callahan Jackcallah026---19005/10-5/19 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Callahan Johncallah006joh19005 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Callahan John1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Logansport, IN
Callahan Johncallah003---19004/30-5/4 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Callahan Johncallah003---19005/26 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Callahan Johncallah003---19004/30-5/4 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Callahan Johncallah003---19005/26 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Callahan P.S.callah002p--19005/11 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Callahan Williamcallah003wil19006/8 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Calloway Eugenecallow000eug1900+5/4+ So. U.-GreensboroCollege ,
Cameron C.W.camero001c--19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Cameron Doncamero003don1900 U. Minnesota LawCollege ,
Cameron Doncamero003don1900+6/19+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Camp Lewcamp--001lew19005/28-6/17 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Campau Countcampau001cha19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Campbell Thomascampbe005tho19004/28-6/16 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Campbell campbe019---1900+5/6-5/23+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Campbell 19001 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Campbell campbe009---19008/18-8/20 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Campbell campbe064---19005/4-5/5 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Campbell campbe060---19008/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Canavan Jimcanava001jim19005/10-9/6 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cantillon Joecantil001jos19004/19-9/17 UmpireAmer ,
Card Capcard--000cap19006/25-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Carey Georgecarey-002geo19004/19-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob19004/28-9/10 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha1900+5/14-7/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha19007/29-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Cargo cargo-001---19007/29 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Carney Billcarney002wil19004/28-6/12 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Carney Patcarney001pat1900 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Carney Patcarney001pat1900 HinsdaleIndependent Hinsdale, NH
Carney Patcarney001pat19009/13-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Carney carney012---19005/10-5/14 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Carr Charliecarr--001cha19005/16-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Carr Lewcarr--001lew1900 MoroviaIndependent Morovia, NY
Carr John1900 John HopkinsCollege ,
Carr Hartcarr--001ham1900 College ,
Carr Hartcarr--001ham1900 MoroviaIndependent Morovia, NY
Carr Hartcarr--001ham1900 Union SpringsIndependent Union Springs, NY
Carrick Billcarric001wil19004/19-10/12 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra1900-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra19007/31-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Carroll carrol004---19005/1 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Carsey Kidcarsey001wil19005/23-6/7 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Carsey Kidcarsey001wil19006/9-6/12 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Carsey Kidcarsey001wil190018 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Carter Kidcarter000kid1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Carter Nickcarter002con1900 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Carter Nickcarter002con19005 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Carter Bobbycarter003rob190060 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Carter Charlescarter005cha1900-9/2233 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Carter carter010---19004 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Carter 190015 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob19005/17-9/16 UmpireIntSt ,
Carver 1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Casey Jamescasey-002jam19004/21 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Casey Jamescasey-002jam19005/21-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea19005/5-5/25 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea1900+6/3+ OgdenIndependent Ogden, UT
Cassidy Petecassid003pet19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Cassidy Bennycassid001ber190019 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Cassidy Bennycassid001ber1900 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Cassidy Bennycassid001ber19008/9-8/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Castle Benjamin1900 ClevCity ,
Castro Loucastro001lou1900 Manhattan Col.College ,
Cates Elicates-002eli19004/26-6/8 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Cates Elicates-002eli19007/4-9/15 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Cattieau Fred.1900no g. Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Cavanaugh cavana012---190013 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Cavell Charlescavell001cha19005/11-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Cavell Jamescavell001j--19006/11-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Cavelle cavell002---19008/29 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Cecil Creed190014 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Chaffee Mark1900 45th InfantryPhillippines ,
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--1900 RamblersIndependent ,
Chamberlain Cychambe001cy-1900no g. Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Chambers Romechambe001rom19005/7 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Chambers Romechambe001rom19005/15 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Chance Frankchance001fra19004/22-9/29 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Chandler H.L.chandl003h--19004/30-6/21 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Chapewald Theodore1900no g. Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Chapewald Theodore1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Chappelle Williamchappe002wil1900 ,
Chech Charliechech-001cha1900 U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Chech Charliechech-001cha19006/21-7/15 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Chech Charliechech-001cha1900 AppletonIndependent Appleton, WI
Cheney cheney004---1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Chesbro Jackchesbr002joh19004/26-9/22 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Cheshire Johncheshi002joh19006/26-  Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Childs Cupidchilds001cla19004/19-10/02 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Childs Petechilds001geo19005/11-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea19004/21-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha19005/10-7/25 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha19008/1-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Clancy Billclancy002wil1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Clancy Billclancy002wil1900 Weston-MottIndependent ,
Clancy clancy018---1900 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Clark Willieclark-013wil19004/21-5/21 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Clark Vicclark-001vic1900 Princeton UnivCollege ,
Clark Vicclark-001vic19005/5 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Clark Vicclark-001vic1900no g. Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Clark Vicclark-001vic19006/28-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Clark Winclark-012wil19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Clark Wilkieclark-001wil19006/20-7/20 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Clark Wilkieclark-001wil19007/27-7/30 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Clark Williamclark-015wil19006/26 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Clark clark-019---19005/13 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Clark clark-053---19005/17 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Clark clark-005---19006/19 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Clark clark-035---19001 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Clarke Dadclarke001dad19005/16-5/25 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Clarke Dadclarke001dad19001 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Clarke Williamclarke004wil19004/19-10/12 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Clarke Williamclarke004wil1900-17 Princeton Univ.College ,
Clarke Fredclarke002fre19004/19-10/6 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Clarke Joshclarke002jos19004/26-5/8 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Clarke clarke009---19009/3 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad1900 UmpireMontSt ,
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad1900-9/2324 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Clausen Fritzclosso001ric1900 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Clausen Dickclosso001ric19006/16-7/12 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Clausen Dickclosso001ric19007/18-9/1 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Clay Billclay--002fre19004/30-5/5 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Clay Billclay--002fre19005/9-6/28 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Clayton Harryclayto001har1900+5/13-7/17 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Clayton Harryclayto001har19007/19-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Clayton G.E.clayto001g--19008/11-8/12 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Claytor Harryclayto002hen19008/11-8/12 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Claytor Harryclayto002hen19008/23 FargoIndependent Fargo, ND
Claytor Harryclayto002hen1900 BrainardIndependent Brainard, MN
Clements Jackclemen001jac19005/7-7/30 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Clements Jackclemen001jac19008/25-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Clements Jackclemen001jac190010/2-10/3 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Clements Billclemen004wil19005/24-9/7 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Clements Billclemen004wil19009/11 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Clevenger Zora1900-03 Univ. of IndianaCollege ,
Clifford Thomascliffo001tho190026 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Clifton clifto002---19004 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Clifton clifto002---1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Cline Edward19006/22-9/3 UmpireWest ,
Clingman Billyclingm001wil19004/19-7/23 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Clingman Billyclingm001wil19008/10-9/17 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Clinton Jamesclinto002jam19004/30-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Closson Richardclosso001ric190054 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Closson Richardclosso001ric1900 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Clute 19002 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Clymer Billclymer001wil1900 Wmpt StoreIndependent ,
Clymer Billclymer001wil19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Clymer Billclymer001wil19006/22-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Clynes Joseph1900 GridleyNoCal Gridley,
Coakley 19007/12-7/14 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Cobb Tycobb--001tyr1900 Royston GAIndependent Royston, GA
Cochran cochra007---19005/12 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Cochran cochra007---19005/28 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Cochran cochra011---19005 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Cockman Jimcockma001jam19004/28-5/21 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Cockman Jimcockma001jam19005/24-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Cockman Jimcockma001jam19007/10-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Cockman Jimcockma001jam19008/9-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Coffman Homercoffma001h--1900 GreenvilleIndependent Greenville, PA
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic19006/9-6/25 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha1900+8/14+ South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Colcolough Tomcolcol001tom19007/12-7/14 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Cole cole--002---19006/19-7/22 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Coleman Waltercolema005wal19005/22-6 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Coleman Waltercolema005wal1900-9/2325 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Coleman Percycolema001per19005/11-6/23 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Collars Capcollar001cap19007/26 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Collars Capcollar001cap19007/28-8/27 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Collier H.T.collie000ht-19007/12-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Collier Jim19009 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19007/19-7/27+ New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Colliflower Harrycollif001har19008/1-8/20 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Collins Chubcollin001chu1900 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Collins Jimmycollin003jam19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Collins collin017---1900+5/15+ Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Collopy Jimcollop001jam1900+5/18-9/8 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Comiskey Charliecomisk001cha19004/19- Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil19004/28-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Conklin Milesconkli001mil19005/10-7/1 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Conley Jamesconley004jam1900preseason MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Conley Jamesconley004jam19004/30-5/10 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Conley 1900 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Conn Ollieconn--001oli190015 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Conn Ollieconn--001oli1900 Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Conn Bertconn--001alb19004/30-5/30 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Conn Bertconn--001alb19006/11-10/11 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Connaughton Frankconnau001fra19005/12-9/8 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Connelly Florence1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Connelly John1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Connolly Thomas1900 UmpireNYSt ,
Connolly Johnconnol005joh19005/12-6/1 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Connolly Johnconnol005joh19006/25 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connor Rogerconnor001rog19005/10-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connor Jimconnor001jim19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Connor Dennis1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Connor Joeconnor002jos19005/10-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Connor Joeconnor002jos19009/24-10/3 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Connor connor038---19008/1 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Connors Billconnor001wil19004/28-6/26 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Connors Edconnor002edw19006/25-8/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Connors Edconnor002edw19008/14-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Connors Buckconnor000buc19005/10-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Connors Huckconnor003---19009/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Connors Huckconnor003---19009/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Conroy Benconroy001ben19004/30-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Conroy Widconroy003wil19004/21-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Conroy Patconroy001pat19005/1-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Conroy Patconroy001pat19006/7-8/10+ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Conroy Barneyconroy009---19005/1 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Conroy Barneyconroy009---19006/6-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Conroy T. P.1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Conwell Charlesconwel001cha19005/10-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Conwell Charlesconwel001cha19007/10-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Conwell Charlesconwel001cha19008/28-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Coogan Dancoogan003dan19005/1-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Coogan Dancoogan003dan1900-9/882 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Cook Dancook--003dan1900 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Cook Dancook--003dan1900 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Cook Jimcook--002jam1900-03 U. of IllinoisCollege ,
Cook 190014 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Cooke Fredcooke-001fre19004/28-7/10,8/27 UmpireIntSt ,
Cooley Duffcooley001duf19005/2-7/21 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Cooley Melcooley001mel1900no g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Cooney Jimmycooney002jim19005/11-9/3+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Coons Perrycoons-001per190030 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Coons Perrycoons-001per19007/22-9/2 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Coons Perrycoons-001per19009/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Cooper Jimmycooper002jam1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Cooper Georgecooper004geo19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Cooper Georgecooper004geo19007/12-8/3 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Cooper Georgecooper004geo19008/16-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Cooper Tomcooper003tho19003 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Cooper cooper057---1900 Piedmont SCIndependent Piedmont, SC
Cooper cooper057---19007/19-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Cooper cooper057---1900 Charleston SCIndependent Charleston, SC
Cope Tommycope--001tho19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Cope Tommycope--001tho19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Copeland Tommycopela001tho1900 Evansc.-EvanCourier Evansville, IN
Corbett Teddycorbet001edw1900+6/17+ Seat.-NationalsIndependent Seattle, WA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam19006/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam19006/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam19006/27 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam19006/30 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam19007/20 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Corbett Tedcorbet001the19005/3 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Corbett Tedcorbet001the1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Corbett Tedcorbet001the1900 Flandreau Flandreau, SD
Corbett Tedcorbet001the1900 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Corcoran Tommycorcor002tho19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Corcoran Philcorcor001phi19007/23-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Corcoran corcor012---19006/6-6/12 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra19004/30-5/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra19005/30-7/25+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra19008/7-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Costello Georgecostel000geo1900-02 Cornell UnivCollege ,
Cote Henrycote--002hen19005/5-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Coughlin Billcoughl001wil19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Coulter Cycoulte001art1900 Greensburg PAIndependent Greensburg, PA
Coulter Cycoulte001art19008/7-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Coursey Thomas1900+8/13+ MoroviaIndependent Morovia, NY
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo19005/9-6/2+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo19006/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo19007/10-7/21 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Courtney Erniecourtn001edw190085 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern19005/11-9/7 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Cracraft Leechcracra000lee1900+5/14+ U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Crall Moreycrall-001mau19005/10-6/9 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Crall Moreycrall-001mau19006/17-7/4 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Crane M.W.crane-000mw-1900+6/6+ Brown Univ.College ,
Crane M.W.crane-000mw-19006/25-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Crane crane-003---1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Cranston Billcranst001wil1900 NC ,
Crawford Samcrawfo001sam19004/19-9/3 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Crawley Alcrawle001alg19006/27-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Crawley Alcrawle001alg1900 Rome GAIndependent Rome, GA
Crawley crawle003---19006/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Creamer E. A.1900no g. Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Crew Jersey1900 VirdenW.Canada Virden, MB
Criger Loucriger001lou19004/21-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Crisham Patcrisha002pat19004/20-9/16 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Criss Harry1900 UmpireIntSt ,
Cristall Billcrista001wil19005/11-6/11 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Cristall Billcrista001wil19006/20-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Cristall Billcrista001wil19009/12-9/19 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan1900 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan1900+7/16+ Piedmont SCIndependent Piedmont, SC
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan19007/22-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Croft Harrycroft-001hen19005/11-9/8 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Cronin Jackcronin001joh19004/19-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Cronin Patsycronin001pat19004/28-5/7 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Cronin cronin012---19006/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac19006/8-6/16 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Crosin Leo1900 Fordham Univ.College ,
Cross Lavecross-001laf19004/19-5/8 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Cross Lavecross-001laf19005/17-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Cross Montecross-001mon19004/19-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Cross Lemcross-001lem19005/13-9/19 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Cross Frankcross-001fra1900 Painesvilles-p Painesville, OH
Cross Frankcross-001fra19008/14-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Crotty Dancrotty001dan190015 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha19004/29-7/20 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Crowe Frankcrowe-001fra19005/17-5/20+ Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Crowe Frankcrowe-001fra19006/28 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Crozier Dickcrozie001j--1900100 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Cuddy Charlescuddy-000cha1900 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Cuddy Charlescuddy-000cha1900+6/18+ Wellington MAIndependent Wellington, MA
Cuddy Charlescuddy-000cha19007/3-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Cuddy Charlescuddy-000cha19007/3-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Cuddy 1900 Brown Univ.College ,
Cuddy cuddy-001---19005/12-7/4 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Cull Eddiecull--001edw1900 21st InfantryArmy ,
Culver Charlesculver002cha1900+5/30+ Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Culver Williamculver002wil1900+5/30+ Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Culver culver001---19005/2-5/10 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Cummings Cycummin012---19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Cummings 190013 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Cunningham Bertcunnin001ell19005/25-9/25 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Cuppy Georgecuppy-001geo19005/26-9/3 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Cuppy Jacobcuppy-001jac1900+5/17-6/3 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Curley Waltercurley001doc19004/28-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Curran Sammycurran001sim1900 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Curran Sammycurran001sim19005/15-9/5 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Curtis Harry1900 ,
Curtis Harrycurtis004har19006/29-7/10 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Curtis Harrycurtis004har19007/15-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Curtis Harrycurtis004har19007/30-9/3 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Curtis Johncurtis002joh19004/30-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Curtis Joecurtis001jos19004/30-5/21 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Curtis Paulcurtis001pau1900 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Curtis curtis003---19005/11 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Curtis curtis007---19005/3 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Curtis curtis012---19006/18-6/20 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Cusisk Jackcusick001joh19005/10-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Dahlen Billdahlen001wil19004/19-10/12 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Dahlquist Williamdahlqu001wil1900 Madison SDIndependent Madison, SD
Daley Eddiedaley-001edw1900+5/20-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Daley daley-009---19002 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo19005/5-9/4 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Daly Tomdaly--002tho19004/19-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Daly 1900 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Dammann Billdamman001bil19004/20 -8/10 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Damoth Samdamuth001sam1900+9/4-9/28+ Kalamazoo MI Gazettes Kalamazoo, MI
Daniels Petedaniel003pet19005/1-8/11 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Daniels Petedaniel002jes19008/18-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Daniels Jessedaniel002jes1900+5/24+ Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Danks 19001 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--1900+4/13+ Trinity Col. (Duke)College ,
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--19005/15-7/9 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--19007/16-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Daub Dandaub--002dan19004/20-5/17 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Davey davey-007---1900 Seattle Seattle, WA
Davis Harrydavis-006har19004/26-9/19 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Davis Georgedavis-015geo19004/19-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Davis Iradavis-008j--19005/5-7/19 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Davis Iradavis-008j--1900 Rock RapidsIndependent Rock Rapids, IA
Davis Iradavis-008j--19008/21-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Davis Elmerdavis-002elm1900 PunxsutawneyPAIndependent Punxautawney, PA
Davis Leftydavis-001alf19004/19-8/27 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Davis Popdavis-001pop1900 ,
Davis Popdavis-001pop1900+8/10+ SalinaIndependent Salina, KS
Davis Billdavis-023wil19005/22-9/23 Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Davis H.davis-002h--19006/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Davis J.davis-009j--19006/5-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Davis S.D.davis-002s--1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Davis davis-048---19005/2 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Davis davis-046---19009/9 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev19005/5-5/13 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev1900 UmpireWest ,
Day Billday---001bil19005/14-6/12 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Day Billday---001bil19006/22-7/11 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Deal Louisdeal--001lou19005/2-8/17 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Deal Louisdeal--001lou19009/4-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Deal Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Dean Jimmydean--001jam19004/30-6/9 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Dean Jimmydean--001jam1900-6/1177 g. Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Dean Jimmydean--001jam19006/13-9/6 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
DeArmond Charliedearmo002cha1900+6/3+ AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
DeBaker Archiedebake001art1900 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Deering Johndeerin001joh19005/11-7/7 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Deering Johndeerin001joh19007/11-7/17 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Deisel Jacobdeisel001jac19005/22-9/23 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Deisel Henrydeisel001c--19004/30-6/16 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Delahanty Eddelaha001edw19004/19-10/2 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19004/30-5/29 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19007/18-7/21 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19007/30-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho19008/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam19006/16-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos19007/24-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Delaney Billdelane001bil1900 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic19005/10-7/19 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic19007/20-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw19005/21-5/26 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw19008/6-8/7 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw19008/9-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Delaney J. G.1900no g. Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Demills Edwarddemill001edw1900 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Demong Charlesdemong001cha1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Demong Chick1900no g. Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
DeMontreville Genedemont001eug19004/19-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
DeMontreville Leedemont002leo19005/11-5/15 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Denean denean001---19006/13-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Dennie Jimmydennie001jim190021 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Denning Joseph1900 KentIndependent Kent, OH
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer19005/10-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Dent 1900 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Denzer Rogerdenzer001rog19004/22-9/17 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Derwin Billyderwin001wil19005/16-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Derwin Billyderwin001wil19006/1-6/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Detmers W.H.detmer000wh-1900+6/6+ Brown UniversityCollege ,
Detmers W.H.detmer000wh-19006/25-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Devereaux Williamdevere001wil19004/1-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Devereaux J.1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Devereaux 1900 Asbury ParkIndependent Asbury Park, NJ
Devlin Artdevlin001art1900-01 Georgetown Col.College ,
Devlin Artdevlin001art19006/25-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Devoin Phildevoin001phi19007 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Dexter Charliedexter002cha19005/25-10/11 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dickerson Emersondicker001eme1900 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Dickerson dicker003---19006/21 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Dickson Kingdickso001ale1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Dickson Kingdickso001ale19007/3-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Dickson dickso002---19008/11-8/14 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Dickson King?1900 ,
Diggins Williamdiggin001wil19004/20-5/24 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Diggins Williamdiggin001wil19005/27-8/22 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Dillard Patdillar002pat19004/21-8/18 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Dillard Patdillar002pat19008/27-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Dillon Frankdillon001fra19004/19-4/28 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Dillon Frankdillon001fra19005/6-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Dillon Eddillon001edw1900 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Dingle Fred1900-01 Clemson Univ.College ,
Dinneen Billdinnee001wil19004/21-10/3 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Dinneen Jimmydinnee001---1900 Syra.-ShamrocksAmat Syracuse, NY
Dinneen Jimmydinnee001---19009/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Disch Williamdisch-001wil1900-09 St. Edward’s Col.College ,
Disch Williamdisch-001wil1900 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Disch Williamdisch-001wil1900+7/30+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Dix Harry1900 OH Inst. for DeafSchool ,
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw19004/19-6/12 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw19006/26-9/19 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Doane 1900-02 U. NebraskaCollege ,
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh19005/11-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Dobbs Loudobbs-001lou1900-6/22 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Dobbs W.E.dobbs-000we-1900 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Dobbs dobbs-003---19005/15 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Dodge Willard1900 Beaver Dam Beaver Dam, WI
Doe Freddoe---002fre19005/15-8/16+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Doe Freddoe---002fre1900 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Doheny Eddoheny001edw19004/20-7/21 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Doheny Eddoheny001edw19008/2-8/29 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Doheny Eddoheny001edw19009/6 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Doherty Jackdohert001joh19005/10-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Doherty Mikedohert001mic19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Doherty Mikedohert001mic19006/25-6/26 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Doherty Mikedohert001mic19006/28-7/10 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Doherty Mikedohert001mic19007/15-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Doherty James1900 DuboisIndependent Dubois, PA
Doherty Jimmydoughe012---19008/20-8/29 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Doherty dohert004---19006/5-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Dolan Johndolan-002joh19005/14-9/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat19004/28-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat19009/29-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dolan Joedolan-001jos19004/21-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Dommel Williamdommel001wil1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Donahue Reddonahu001fra19004/23-10/04 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Donahue Timdonahu001tim19004/19-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho1900 Winsted-TABIndependent Winsted, CT
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh19004/28-9/2 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh19009/10-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Donahue Shedonahu002cha19005/11-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Donahue Shedonahu002cha19007/30-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Donahue Dennis1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Donahue Thomasdonahu002tho19005/22-59 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho1900 Villanova Col.College ,
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho1900 Fleishman’sIndependent ,
Donlin Mikedonlin001mic19004/26-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Donlin Mikedonlin001mic1900 San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim19005/4-6/2 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim1900 Spri.-WestfieldIndependent Springfield,
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim19008/8-8/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Donnelly John1900-03 U. of North CarolinaCollege ,
Donohoo August1900+5/26+ U. AlabamaCollege ,
Donovan Patsydonova001pat19004/19-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Donovan Tomdonova002tho19006/5 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Donovan Tomdonova002tho19007/14-9/7 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Donovan Freddonova002fre19005/11-9/1 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Donovan Billdonova004wil19004/26-9/13 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Donovan Billdonova004wil19009/17-10/11 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Donovan Tommydonova001tom19005/10-5/14 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Donovan donova032---19005/11-5/12 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Donovan donova032---19005/21-6/3 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha19004/26-9/15 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Doran Frankdoran-001fra19005/10-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Doran Frankdoran-001fra19007/10-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Doran Frankdoran-001fra19009/4-9/8 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Doran Tomdoran-002tho19006/5-6/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Dorn Peterdorn--001pet19008/27 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk19005/11-5/31 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk19006/4-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Dorsey M.J.dorsey001m--19005/11-5/16 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Doscher Hermdosche001her19007/25-7/27 UmpireEast ,
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19005/2 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19005/4-5/12 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Doscher Jackdosche001joh1900+5/22-6/8 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Doscher Jackdosche001joh19006/17-6/22 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat19005/8-9/4 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Douglass Klondikedougla004wil19004/23-10/11 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Douglass John1900 North AttleboroIndependent North Attleboro, MA
Douglass John1900 North AdamsIndependent North Adams, MA
Dowd Tommydowd--001tho19004/24-6/4 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Dowd Tommydowd--001tho19006/6-8/13 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Dowie Joedowie-001joe1900 BloomingtonIndependent Bloomington, IN
Dowie Joedowie-001joe1900 SelmaIndependent Selma, AL
Dowling Petedowlin001hen19004/21-9/16 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Dowling Patrick1900-03 Georgetown Col.College ,
Downey Jimdowney002jam19005/11-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Dowst Dave19001 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh19004/19-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Doyle Charlesdoyle-002cha19004/1-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Doyle Charlesdoyle-001cha1900+5/11-5/20+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Doyle Charlesdoyle-001cha19005/22+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Doyle Jimdoyle-004jam1900-04 Niagara Univ.College ,
Doyle doyle-030---19007/9 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak19004/30-6/9 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Drennan Jackdrenna001kir1900-12/288 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw19005/10-7/14 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw1900+7/19-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Drill Lewdrill-001lew1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Drill Lewdrill-001lew1900 Flandreau Flandreau, SD
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via19005/11-7/29 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via19008/4-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Drumm Ferddrumm-001fer19004/-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Drumm Jimdrumm-001jim19006 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom19004/30-5/15 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom1900 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Dubach Jimmydubach001---1900+5/10-5/28+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Duff Patduff--001pat19005/10-6/13+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Duff Patduff--001pat19006/16-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Duff Patduff--001pat19009/15-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Duffy Hughduffy-001hug19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Duffy Johnduffy-003joh19005/11-8/30 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan1900 SeattleIndependent Seattle, WA
Duggleby Billduggle001wil19005/3-5/30 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Duggleby Billduggle001wil19006/6-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Duke duke--002---19006/11-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19004/26-5/15 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19005/22-6/2 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19006/13-7/7 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19007/9-8/19 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Dundon Gusdundon001aug19008/24-9/15 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Dungan Samdungan001sam19004/25-5/4 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dungan Samdungan001sam19005/18-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Dunham Wileydunham001hen1900 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw19004/28-9/19 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Dunleavy Jackdunlea001joh1900 PawtucketIndependent Pawtucket, RI
Dunleavy Billdunlea001wil19004/1-30 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Dunleavy Billdunlea001wil190030 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Dunn Jackdunn--005joh19004/20-7/27 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Dunn Jackdunn--005joh19008/24-10/12 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Dunn Samuel1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Dunn dunn--003---19009/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Duquette Georgeduquet001geo1900+9/6 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Durham Jamesdurham003jam1900-01 Southwest College - KsCollege ,
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob19005/10-5/18 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob19005/23-9/5 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Durrett Ikedurret001isa19004/30-6/15 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Durrett Ikedurret001isa190054 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Duvall Alfredduvall001alf19005/10-5/16 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Dwyer Frankdwyer-001fra19004/19-9/18 UmpireAmer ,
Dwyer Eddiedwyer-020---1900+8/14+ South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Dyer Billydyer--001wil1900 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Dyer S. B.1900 Hamline Univ.College ,
Dyer S. B.1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Eagan Billeagan-001bil19005/22-6/24 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat1900+5/16-9/7 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha19004/1-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Eagan Billeagan-002bil19007/28-8/3 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Eager Bobbyeager-001rob190015 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Eager Bobbyeager-001rob1900 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Earl Howardearl--002how1900+5/21-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Earle Billyearle-001bil1900 Richmond INIndependent Richmond, IN
Earley Anthonyearley001ant19005/5-5/12 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Eason Maleason-001mal1900 Grove City Col.College ,
Eason Maleason-001mal19004/30-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Eason Maleason-001mal1900-9/7 30 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Eason Maleason-001mal19009/11-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Eason Maleason-001mal190010/1 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Eastman Chriseastma001chr1900 FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Eberly Wilbureberly001wil19005/30+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Ebert Charlesebert-001cha19003 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-19005/5-6/2 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-19006/3-9/4 UmpireWest ,
Eby Johneby---001joh1900+7/4+ Norwood PAIndependent Norwood, PA
Eddy Frededdy--001fre19005/12-6/30 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Edwards Daveedward007dav190016 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Egan Jackegan--001rip19004/26-9/21 UmpireEast ,
Egan Ripegan--002joh19004/30-5/16 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Egan Ripegan--002joh19006/5-7/5 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Egan Ripegan--002joh1900 Oconto WIIndependent Oconto, WI
Ehret Redehret-001phi19004/20-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Eichler Harryeichle001har19004/28-5/1 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Eichler Harryeichle001har19005/18-6/18 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Eichler Harryeichle001har19007/2-7/11 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Elberfeld Kidelberf001nor19004/19-9/1 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Elbert elbert001---19006/23-6/24 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Elliott Edwin1900 Kingston ONIndependent Kingston, ON
Ellis Benellis-003ben19005/11-9/7 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Ellis Eliellis-001eli1900 Walden HSHighSchool ,
Ellis ellis-016---19008/2 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha190092 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Eltom Berteltom-001alb19005/10-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Ely Bonesely---001wil19004/19-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Ely Jackely---001joh1900+5/15-7/19 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Engel Georgeengel-002geo1900 Cinc.-ShamrocksIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Enroughty Darbydarby-001e--1900 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Enslow Clydeenslow001cly1900no g. New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Enslow Clydeenslow001cly19008/19-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Enslow Clydeenslow001cly19008/25-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Erek Danereck-001dan1900-05 ,
Esper Dukeesper-001duk1900 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Eustace Frankeustac003fra19005/14-5/31 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Eustace Frankeustac003fra19006/7-8/13 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Eustace Frankeustac003fra19008/21-9/8 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Evans Royevans-001roy19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Evans Griffevans-001gri1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Evans Griffevans-001gri1900-6/18 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Evans Griffevans-001gri1900 Phil.-AthleticsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Evans Willevans-004wil1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Evans Willevans-004wil19008/5-9/3 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Evans Williamevans-013wil19005/4-5/31 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Evans evans-007---1900 Slatington PA Slatington, PA
Evans evans-006---1900+8/23-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Evans evans-004---19009/7 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Everitt Billeveret001wil19004/19-5/16 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Evers Jackevers-001joh19007/31 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Evers Jackevers-001joh19008/2-8/30 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Everson Berteverso001a--1900no g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Everson Berteverso001a--1900+10/20+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Ewing Bobewing-001geo19004/29-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Ewing Calewing-001cal19004/1-12/1 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw19005/5-9/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Fahey 1900 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Fahey 1900no g. Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Farley Tomfarley001tho19002 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Farmer Alexfarmer001ale19006/6-6/23 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Farnum farnum003---19005/15- Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Farr farr--002---19007 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Farr farr--002---19001 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Farrell Dukefarrel002cha19005/1-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Farrell Johnfarrel006joh19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Farrell Johnny190012 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Farrell farrel054---19007/20-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Farrow W.E.farrow001w--19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Farrow W.E.farrow001w--19003 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Fauver Clayfauver001cla19005/7-7/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Fay Charles190013 g. Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Fear fear--001---19005/22-7 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Felix Harryfelix-001har19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Fennell Matthias1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Fenner Billfenner000bil1900+4/15+ N. Carolina StateCollege ,
Fenner Billfenner000bil19006/28-7/17+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra19004/30- Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra1900 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra1900-6/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra1900-9/2318 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Ferguson Charliefergus002cha19005/8-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Ferguson Bobfergus002bob190015 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Ferrin Winferrin001win1900+7/29+ SLC-RioGrandeRRIndependent ,
Ferris Hobeferris001alb19005/10-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Ferris Georgeferris001geo1900-06 No. Illinois U.College ,
Ferris Georgeferris001geo19009 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Ferris Georgeferris001geo1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Ferris Georgeferris001geo19006/26-7/10 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Ferry Cyferry-001alf1900-03 Manhattan Col.College ,
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw19005/1-5/30 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw19006/8-6/21 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw1900 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw19007/20-7/30 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Field Jimfield-001jim19004/30-5/30 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Fifield Jackfifiel001jac19004/28-5/21 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Figgemeier Frankfiggem002fra19004/30-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Fillman Jackfillma001joh1900no g. Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Finn Mickeyfinn--001duk19004/28- Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Finn Billyfinn--001wil1900 Asbury ParkIndependent Asbury Park, NJ
Fischer Al.1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Fischer Al.1900 Michigan City Michigan City, MI
Fisher Chaunceyfisher005cha19005/3-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Fisher Ikefisher001ike19004/19-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Fisher Harryfisher004har1900 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Fisher Tomfisher002tho190046 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Fisher Harryfisher006har1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Fisher Tomfisher001tho1900 Loui.-NicelyIndependent Louisville, KY
Fisher fisher024---1900+5/10+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Fisher fisher008---19009/14 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Fiske 1900 Trinity CollegeCollege ,
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra1900 Rossland B. C.Independent Rossland, BC
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra19008/19-7 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Fitz Walter1900 NC ,
Fitzgerald fitzge037---19007/11+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil19005/14-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra19005/10-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fitzpatrick Tomfitzpa001tho19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Flaherty Patflaher005pat19005/12-6/19 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat19004/22-5/26 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat19006/24-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho19005/2-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Flanagan Steamerflanag003jam1900-05 Notre DameCollege ,
Flannery Jackflanne001joh19005/22-9/23 Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Fleishman Benfleish001ben19004/30-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Fleming Tomflemin003tho19004/30-5/30 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Fleming Tomflemin003tho19006/4-9/22 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Fleming Patrick1900 AttleboroIndependent Attleboro, VT
Fleming flemin002---19007/27 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Flick Elmerflick-001elm19004/19-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Flood Timflood-001tim19004/19-5/7 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Flood Timflood-001tim19006/2-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Flood John1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Flournoy Jackflourn001joh19004/28-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo19004/20-7/19 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo19007/30-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Flynn Mikeflynn-002mic19005/22-6 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Flynn Mikeflynn-002mic19006 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Fogel Horacefogel-001hor1900 PresidentAtl ,
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat19005/4-6/14 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat19008/8-9/5 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat19005/4-6/14 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Foley foley-014---19006/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Folger Charlie1900 Hobart CollegeCollege ,
Folger Charlie1900 MoroviaIndependent Morovia, NY
Footes Robertfootes000rob1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Ford Eddieford--001edw19001 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Forde Edforde-001---1900+5/26+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Foreman Frankforema001fra19005/1-7/8 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Foreman Frankforema001fra19007/14-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Foreman Johnforema001bro19005/22-6/13 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Forman Jamesforman000jim1900+5/4+ U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Forney Kidforney001j--1900+4/14+ Oxford KSIndependent Oxford, KS
Forney Kidforney001j--1900 WinfieldIndependent Winfield, KS
Forney Kidforney001j--19006/6- Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Forney Kidforney001j--1900 EurekaIndependent Eureka, KS
Foster Reddyfoster001red19005/4-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Foster Reddyfoster001red19006/22-7/7 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Foster Reddyfoster001red1900+7/16-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Foster Clarencefoster001cla19004/21-5/8 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Foster Clarencefoster001cla19005/12-6/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Foster Clarencefoster001cla19007/18-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Foster Fredfoster002fre19004/30-5/15 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Foutz Frankfoutz-001fra19005/9-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fox Georgefox---001pad19004/30-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Fox Georgefox---001pad19006/6-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Fox Billfox---006wil19005/11-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Fox Williamfox---009wil19008/8-8/24 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Fox Jimfox---001jam19006/25-8/2 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Fox Charleyfox---003cha1900+8/14+ Muskegon RedsIndependent Muskegon, MI
Fox Johnfox---001joh1900+4/30+ Guilford CollegeCollege ,
Fox Johnfox---001joh19006/25-7/31+ StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Foy Leonfoy---002leo1900 Elkhart INIndependent Elkhart, IN
France E. E.1900 KentIndependent Kent, OH
France france002---19007/14 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
France france002---19007/18-8/10 GouverneurNorthern New York League Gouverneur, NY
Francis Tomfranci001tho19005/2-6/3 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Francks Buckfranck001cha19004/1-12/2 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Frank Charliefrank-003cha1900 MemphisIndependent Memphis, TN
Frank Fredfrank-003fre19004/28-7/5 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Frank Fredfrank-003fre19007/8-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Franklin Jimfrankl004jam1900 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral1900+6/4+ Scotland SDIndependent Scotland, SD
Fraser Chickfraser001cha19004/20-10/06 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Frazee Williamfrazee001wil19005/-5/ Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Frazee Williamfrazee001wil1900+6/8 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Frazer frazer002---1900no g. Elmira Elmira, NY
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha1900 PainesvilleIndependent Painesville, OH
Freeland Lutefreela001lut19005/10- London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Freeland Lutefreela001lut1900-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Freeland Lutefreela001lut1900 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Freeland Lutefreela001lut19008/11-9/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Freeman Buckfreema003joh19004/19-10/12 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Freeman freema014---19004/30-5/3 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Fricken Honfricke001ant19005/13-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Friel Billfriel-001wil19006/7-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Friend Dannyfriend002dan19004/27-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Fries??? 190027 g. Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha19004/19-5/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha19006/25-8/27 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Frisk Emilfrisk-001joh19004/25-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Frome Edwardfrom--002edw1900 Hiram CollegeCollege ,
Frome Edwardfrom--002edw19007/13-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Frysinger Jessefrysin001jes1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Fugler Pearlyfugler000pea1900 Jefferson MilitaryPrepSchool ,
Fugler Pearlyfugler000pea1900-01 Vanderbilt Univ.College ,
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha1900+5/6-6/8 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha190025 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Fuller W.H.fuller005w--19006 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Fuller W.H.fuller005w--19004 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Fulmer fulmer002---19005/10-5/17 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Fultz Davefultz-001dav19004/21-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Fyanes Johnfaynes001joh1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Gaines Robertgaines000bob1900-02 Univ. NebraskaCollege ,
Gallagher Andygallag001and19005/5-5/10 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Gallagher Andygallag001and19006/13-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha19005/10-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Gallagher Martygallag001mar19008/29-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Gallagher gallag019---19005/14- Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Gallagher gallag019---1900-5/31 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Galloway Billgallow003wil1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Ganley Bobganley002rob1900+5/20-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Gannon Billgannon002wil1900-9/8107 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus19005/2-5/30 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Ganss Billygans--001bil1900+10/7+ Cleve.-BrooklynsIndependent Cleveland, OH
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos1900 Ionia MIIndependent Ionia, MI
Ganzel Johnganzel001joh19004/19-5/17 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Ganzel Johnganzel001joh19005/19-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Gardner Jimgardne001jam19004/23-9/17 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Gardner Georgegardne001geo1900 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Garoni Williegaroni001wil1900no g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Garrett Al1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Garry Jimgarry-001jim19004/21-7/5 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Garry Jimgarry-001jim19007/8-8/16 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Garry Jimgarry-001jim19008/23-9/15 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Garten Roger1900 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Garvan John1900-02 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Garvan John1900 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Garvey Petergarvey001pet1900+5/15 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Garvey Petergarvey001pet19005/16-5/20+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir19004/22-10/11 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Garvin Leogarvin001lee1900+7/21+ SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel19004/24-6/9 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel19006/28 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel19008/12-9/10 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gates Ernestgates-001ern19005/1-7/9 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Gatins Frankgatins001fra19004/26-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Gauding E.gaudin001e--19007 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Gauding E.gaudin001e--19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Geager Gusgeager001gus1900+5/24- Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Geager Gusgeager001gus1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Gear Dalegear--001dal19004/21-9/15 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Geer Georgegeer--001geo1900 ,
Geier Philgeier-001phi19004/23-5/27 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Geier Philgeier-001phi19006/28-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Geier Philgeier-001phi19009/21-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Genins Frankgenins001c--19004/20-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Gessler Docgessle001har1900-01 Wash. & Jeff. Col.College ,
Gettig Charliegettig002cha1900no g. Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom19005/11-6/15 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Gettman Jakegettma001jac19004/19-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli1900 MemphisSo? Memphis, TN
Gibbons Charles1900 PawtucketIndependent Pawtucket, RI
Gibbons Charles1900 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Gibbs Elmergibbs-001elm19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Giblin Jamesgiblin001jam19005/10-9/6 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Gibson Norwoodgibson001nor1900 Notre Dame U.College ,
Gibson Norwoodgibson001nor19006/21 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Gibson Norwoodgibson001nor19008/19-9/17 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Gibson Ralphgibson001ral19006/12-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Gierhardt Frank19006/3-  OgdenIndependent Ogden, UT
Gifford Algiffor001al-19005/?-5/? Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh19004/28-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh19008/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Gilbert Billygilber002wil19004/26-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Gilbert Hermiegilber002her19002 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Gilbert Hermiegilber002her19003 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob19005/10-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Gillespie George19003 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Gilliam Frankgillia001fra19008/17-9/2 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw19004/30-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw1900+7/16-7/17 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw19007/20-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho19004/30-6/7 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho19006/15-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Gilligan Thomasgillig001tho1900+7/16-7/30+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo19004/30-9/11 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gilmore gilmor002---190012 g.  Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Gilmore gilmor002---1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Gimlin Frankgimlin001joh1900+6/3+ OgdenIndependent Ogden, UT
Ging Billyging--001bil19004/26-5/1 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Ging Billyging--001bil1900 AthensS-P Athens, PA
Ging Billyging--001bil19008/23 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Ginley Williamginley001wil19005/12-19 g. Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Ginley ginley001---1900 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Glade Fredglade-001fre190022 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Glasscock Jackglassc001jac19004/28-5/12 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Glasscock Jackglassc001jac19006/7-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Gleason Kidgleaso002wil19004/19-9/15 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19004/28-6/6 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Gleason Harrygleaso001har19006/14-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Gleason Williamgleaso001wil1900+8/14+ Muskegon RedsIndependent Muskegon, MI
Gleason Kidgleaso000kid19005/11-6/4 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Gleason Thomas1900 UmpireAtl ,
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob1900 ,
Glendon Dickglendo001ric19008/23-9/4 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Glenn Edglenn-001edw19004/28-6/12 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Glenn Edglenn-001edw1900 MemphisIndependent Memphis, TN
Glenn Edglenn-001edw1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Glennon glenno002---19002 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Goar Jotgoar--001jot19004/21-7/9 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Gochnaur Johngochna001joh19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Goodell Docgoodal001doc1900no g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Goodhart Tomgoodha001tom1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Goodman Alexgoodma001ale19001 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art19005/1-6/6 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art19006/27-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Goodwin 19006/26-6/28 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Gordon Eddiegordon002a--1900-02 U. NebraskaCollege ,
Gorton Rogergorton001rog1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Gorton Rogergorton001rog190022 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Gougie gougie001---19008/3 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Gould Williamgould-004wil19005/2 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Grady Mikegrady-002mic19004/19-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil19004/28-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Graham Charliegraham002cha1900 Santa Clara Univ.College ,
Graham Charliegraham002cha1900100 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Graham Charliegraham002cha1900-12/227 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Graham Georgegraham003geo19006/25-6/29+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Graham Moonlightgraham001arc1900-03 U. of North CarolinaCollege ,
Graham Moonlightgraham001arc19006/25-6/29+ Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Graham Oscargraham001osc1900no g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Grandigel grandi002---1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Grant Frankgrant-001fra1900+5/13+ Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Grant Georgegrant-003geo19004/30-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Grant Georgegrant-003geo19007/30-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Grant Angusgrant-001ang1900+8/14+ South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Grant Charliegrant-003cha1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Grant Frankgrant-001fra1900+5/3+ Cuban GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Grant 1900 South Bend GreensIndependent South Bend, IN
Graves Patgraves000pat1900 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Graves Patgraves000pat19006/25-6/28 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Gray Billgray--001bil19004/27-6/19 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Gray Billgray--001bil19006/26-7/15 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Gray Chummygray--001chu19005/12 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Gray Chummygray--001chu19006/26-8/17 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Gray Billygray--004bil19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Gray gray--038---1900+5/16+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Gray gray--003---190022 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Green Dannygreen-001edw19004/29-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Green Johnnygreen-001joh19005/5-5/11 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Green Jamesgreen-010jam19005/9-5/23 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Green Jamesgreen-010jam19005/25-6/9 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Green green-005---1900 NYSt ,
Green green-005---1900+6/28-6/29+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Greene A.V.greene001a--1900 Rock RapidsIndependent Rock Rapids, IA
Greenwald Docgreenw001doc1900+5/6+ AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Greenwald Docgreenw001doc1900 South Bend GreensIndependent South Bend, IN
Greenwell Jackgreenw003joh1900+6/3+ OgdenIndependent Ogden, UT
Greer Williamgreer-001wil19005/9-5/22 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Gregory gregor011---19004/25-5/19 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Gregory gregor003---19001 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Gremminger Edgremmi001lor19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19004/28-5/31 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Grey Reddygrey--001rom19007/11-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Griffin Sandygriffi001san19004/26-6/30 UmpireEast ,
Griffin Percygriffi001per19001 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste19004/28-7/6 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste19007/26-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Griffin Thomasgriffi007tho19008 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Griffin Thomasgriffi007tho1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Griffin Jackgriffi003j--1900 Holy CrossCollege ,
Griffin griffi056---19007/9 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Griffith Clarkgriffi003cla19004/19-9/29 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Grim Johngrim--002joh19004/19-6/14 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Grim Johngrim--002joh19008/3-8/19 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Grim Johngrim--002joh19008/21-9/2 UmpireWest ,
Grim Jackgrim--001joh19005/22-42 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Grimes Jamesgrimes003jam19005/22-9 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Grimm Steve1900no g. Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Grimshaw Myrongrimsh001myr19005/10-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Grosart Georgegrossa001geo1900no g. Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam19004/30-5/14 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Grubb Dan190010 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Grubb Dan19002 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Grubb Jim19001 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Grubb W.19002 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Grubb W.190010 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Gruenwild 1900 So Bend-Green St.Independent South Bend, IN
Guercio Jimguerci001jim19007 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Guernsey Raymond1900 Yale Univ.College ,
Guese Whiteyguese-001the19005/2-7/7 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Guese Whiteyguese-001the19007/17-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Guese Whiteyguese-001the19008/10-9/15 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Guese Ottoguese-001ott19005/23-6/11 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Guest Frankguest-001fra1900no g. Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Guest Frankguest-001fra1900 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Gump Williamgump--001wil1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Gunnett Olin1900 Frostburg MDIndependent Frostburg, MD
Gunson Joegunson001joe19005/1-5/23 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Guyheen guyhee001---19005/2-6/10 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---1900 Wake Forest U.College ,
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---1900+6/2+ Wilm.-Light InfantryIndependent ,
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---19006/28-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Haas Clarence1900 Evansv.-EvanCourier Evansville, IN
Habel Hermanhabel-001her19005/12-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Hackett Jimhacket001jam190021 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Hackett Tomhacket001tho190028 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Hackett Tomhacket001tho1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Hafford Frankhaffor001fra1900 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Hafford Leohaffor001leo1900-03 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf19005/15-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet19004/30-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet190066 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Haggerty Georgehagger001geo19007/14 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hahn Noodleshahn--001fra1900 MemphisIndependent Memphis, TN
Hahn Noodleshahn--001fra19004/22-10/13 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hahn hahn--009---19007/26 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Hale Jesshale--001jes1900+5/23-8/6 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Hale Jesshale--001jes19008/18-8/21 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Hale Rayhale--001ray19005/14-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Haley haley-003---19005/1-5/3 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Hall Williamhall--008wil1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Hall Russhall--011rob19005/5-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hall Russhall--011rob19009/8-9/23 Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Hall Elliott1900 Wofford CollegeCollege ,
Hall Oscarhall--001osc1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Hall Oscarhall--001osc19008/5-8/18 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Hall Sam19002 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Halligan Jockohallig001joc19004/30-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Hallman Billhallma002wil19004/19-8/12 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Hallman Billhallma001wil19005/5-8/13 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Hallman Billhallma001wil19008/18-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha19005/11-7/27 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha19007/30-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Hamer Francishamer-000fra19006/26 Everest KSIndependent Everest, KS
Hamilton Billyhamilt006wil19004/19-10/04 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hammond Eddiehammon001edw19005/22-9/23 Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Hammond Billyhammon002wil19004/1-24 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hammond Billyhammon002wil1900-9/2358 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--19005/10-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--19007/18-7/21 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Haney Jimhaney-003jam19005/11-6/5 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha19004/30-8/26 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Hankey Jackhankey001joh1900 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Hanks Arthur1900+7/11+ Chambersburg PAIndependent Chambersburg, PA
Hanley Georgehanley002geo19005/11-9/7 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hanley Jameshanley002jam1900 Derby-HooksAmat Derby, CT
Hanley Jameshanley002jam19009/5 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Hanley hanley001---190013 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Hanley hanley001---1900 Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Hanlon Billhanlon001wil19004/1-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hanna Timhanna-001tim19005/10-6/9 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Hannan Jameshannan002jam1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat19004/28-5/21 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat19005/22-8/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat19008/28-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hanrahan Billyhanrah001wil1900+6/27+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Hanrahan Harry1900+6/27+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Hanrahan Jackhanrah001joh190010 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm19005/10 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm1900+5/21-6/29 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Hanson Georgehanson001geo1900no g. Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco19004/28-8/12 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hardie Louhardie001lou19004/1-45 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hardin hardin003---190012 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav19005/12-5/16 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav19008/1 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Hargrove Billyhargro002wil19004/26-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Harkins Jamesharkin002jam19005/26 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Harkins Neil1900 UmpireAtl ,
Harley Dickharley001ric19004/19-9/10 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Harley Dickharley001ric19009/15-9/19 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Harlow Conharlow001con1900+5/6- MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Harmon Iraharmon001ira1900 Pocotello IDIndependent Pocatello, ID
Harmonie harmon002---19001 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Harper Georgeharper003joh1900+4/8-12/2 Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Harper Jackharper003cha19004/30 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Harper Jackharper003cha19005/16-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Harper harper032---19005/15 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Harrell harrel001---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Harrington Joeharrin001joe19005/10-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Harris Hankharris001hen19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harris Cebernharris000ceb1900-02 Cornell Univ.College ,
Harris Cebernharris000ceb19006/25-7/27+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Harris F.19009 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Harrison Eldredharris000eld1900+7/21-9/20+ SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Hart Billhart--004wil19004/24-9/16 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam19008/13-9/17 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Hart Jackhart--001jac19005/12-6/29 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Hart Sethhart--001set19006 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hart Thomashart--002tho1900 College ,
Hart hart--003---19006/18-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Hartley Jackhartle001jac19004 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Hartman Fredhartma003fre19004/21-9/16 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Hartman Williamhartma001wil19004/28-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Hartman William?1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Hartsel Topsyhartse001tul19004/20-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Hartsel Topsyhartse001tul19009/21-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Hartwell Joshhartwe001---19002 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Hartwell Joshhartwe001---19002 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hartwell 19004 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv19005/3 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv19006/1-9/4 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv19009/30 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Harvey Hunterharvey001hun19004/30-5/3 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Haskell haskel001---19007/12-7/15 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Haskett Earlhasket000ear1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Hastings Charliehastin002cha19004/21-6/19 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Hastings Charliehastin002cha19006/26-9/4 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Hausen Billhausen001hom19005/5-5/31 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Hausen Billhausen001hom19006/5-7/9 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Hausen Billhausen001hom1900 Rock Rapids SDIndependent Rock Rapids, SD
Hawke Billhawke-001bil1900+5/13- Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-1900 Univ. of MissouriCollege ,
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-19007 g. SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Hawley Pinkhawley001eme19004/21-10/11 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hawley Georgehawley001geo1900 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19005/16-5/17 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hayden Jackhayden001joh1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19007/3-7/14 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Hayden Jackhayden001joh19007/16-  Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Hayes Berthayes-001ber19001 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Hayes William1900 Rome?NYSt Rome,
Hayes William1900 Tamaqua PAIndependent Tamaqua, PA
Hayes William1900no g. BaltimoreAA Baltimore, MD
Hayes hayes-027---1900 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Hayes hayes-004---19006/11-6/13 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Haynes haynes011---19001 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hazel hazel-002---1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Healey Peterhealey001pet19005/26-6/17 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Healey Peterhealey001pet1900 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Healey Williamhealey001wil1900 Manhattan Col.College ,
Healey Williamhealey001wil19005/10-5/12 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Hearne Hughiehearne001hug19005/11-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hecht Alhecht-001al-1900 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Heckert George1900 York-Penn's’ ParkIndependent York, PA
Heckman Georgeheckma001geo19006/15-7/13 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Heffernan Jimmieheffer001jam1900 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Heidrick Emmetheidri001joh19004/19-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Heilbroner Louieheilbr001lou19008/20-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Heileman Johnheilem001joh1900no g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Heimerl Edwardheimer000edw1900 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Heine Billheine-001wil19008/22 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Heinz Peteheinz-001pet1900 WaKeenet KSIndependent WaKeenet, KS
Held Percyheld--001ric19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Held Percyheld--001ric1900-12/259 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Helick helick001---1900+6/8 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo19005/3-5/4 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo19005/11-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha19005/10-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra19008/6-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Hempleman Frankhemple001fra19004/30-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Henderson Hardiehender004har1900 UmpireAtl ,
Henderson Goodiehender001goo19005/30-6/8 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Hendley Johnnyhendle001joh19007/21-7/23 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Hendley Johnnyhendle001joh19007/30-9/13 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Henley P. W.1900no g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Henley Weldonhenley001wel1900-01 Georgia TechCollege ,
Henley Weldonhenley001wel19007/23-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Henley 19007/21-7/23 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Henley 19007/30-9/1 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Hennegar Joehenneg001jos19004/30-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Hennegar Joehenneg001jos1900 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Henry Georgehenry-002geo19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Henry Georgehenry-002geo1900+8/11-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Herbert Frankherber001fra190029 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Herbert Jackherber003joh190097 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Herbert Jackherber003joh1900 Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Herman Artherman001art190032 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Herndon Josephherndo001jos19005/10-9/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hernon Tomhernon001tom19006/27-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Herr Eddieherr--002edw1900no g. Ft. WayneIntSt Fort Wayne, IN
Herwig Johnherwig001joh19005/6-5/8 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Hess Tomhess--001tho19004/28-6/20 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Heydon Mikeheydon001mic19004/20-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Hickey Mikehickey001mik190020 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Hickey Mikehickey001mik19006/14-7/21 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hickey Alhickey001alb1900 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Hickey Alhickey001alb19005/22-11 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Hickey Alhickey001alb1900+7/4+ SLC-Rio GrandesIndependent ,
Hickey Eddiehickey001edw19004/20-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Hickey Walterhickey001wal190097 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Hickey Thomas1900 PresidentWest ,
Hickman Charliehickma004cha19004/21-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hicks Rowehicks-001row19007/6-7/11 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Higgins Danielhiggin001dan19008/18-8/31 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
High Edhigh--001edw19004/30-5/15 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
High Edhigh--001edw1900 MD Agricult. Col. , MD
Highfield Williamhighfi001wil1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Highfield Williamhighfi001wil1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Hildebrand Georgehildeb002geo19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hill Beldenhill--003bel190028 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Hill Billhill--002bil19004/30-5/31 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Hill Billhill--002bil1900 BrocktonIndependent Brockton, MA
Hill Billhill--002bil19007/10-7/22 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Hill Oscarhill--001osc1900+9/7+ Pottstown PAIndependent Pottstown, PA
Hill Wileyhill--012wil1900 ,
Hill Wileyhill--012wil1900 ,
Hill Eddiehill--002edw19005/11-7/18 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Hill Eddiehill--002edw19007/27-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hill Edwardhill--004edw19005/5-6/8 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Hill Johnnyhill--009joh1900 Cuban GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1900 PrincetonCollege ,
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1900+7/30+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Hillebrand Homerhilleb001hom1900-02 Princeton Univ.College ,
Hilley Edhilley001edw19005/21-5/22 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun190099 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Hines hines-003---19005/10-5/15 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Hinton Johnhinton001joh1900 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Hodge Carsonhodge-001car1900 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Hodson Georgehodson002geo19004/27-5/4 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Hodson Georgehodson002geo19005/11-9/4 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Hoffer Billhoffer003wil19004/23-8/31 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Hoffer Billhoffer001wil1900 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har1900 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Hoffman Charleshoffma020---19004/28-6/8 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har19004/30-5/5 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Hoffman Izzyhoffma004har19005/17-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Hoffman 1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Hogan Martyhogan-002mar1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Hogan hogan-004---19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Hogg Billhogg--002wil19008/6 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo19004/20-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Hogue Bradley19004/19-6/9 U. of the SouthCollege ,
Holland Billyhollan001bil1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Holland Jackhollan004joh19005/5-9/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Holland Howardhollan001how19005/7-5/14 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Holland Howardhollan001how19005/15-5/26 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Holland Howardhollan001how19005/28-6/1 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Holland Howardhollan001how1900 AndersonIndependent Anderson, SC
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal19004/28-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Holly Edholly-002edw19005/20-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Holly Edholly-002edw1900 Manistee MIIndependent Manistee, MI
Holmes Duckyholmes003jam19005/5-9/10 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Holmes Fredholmes001fre19005/12-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam1900-7/1273 g. Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam19008/6-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--19004/25-6/25 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--19007/3-7/31 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--19008/12-9/17 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Hooker Buckhooker001wil19005/4-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Hooker Buckhooker001wil19006/28-7/16+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Hopkins Leehopkin001leo1900 Salt Lake CityRio Grande Salt Lake City, UT
Hopkins Leehopkin001leo1900-10/ Pocatello IDIndependent Pocatello, ID
Hopkins hopkin002---19005/10-5/16 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Horan Williamhoran-001wil19007/23-7/31 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Horn Willhorn--004wil1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Horn Sam1900 U. MarylandCollege ,
Horrigan horrig001---19006/4 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Horton Elmerhorton002elm19004/28-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Hosmer Wilsonhosmer002wil19005/-5/ Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Hoster Williamhoster002wil19005/10 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Hoster Williamhoster002wil19005/23 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hostetter 190014 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Houle Dennishoule-001den1900 UmpireNYSt ,
Householder Edhouseh001edw19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Houser Benjamin1900 Girard CollegeAcademy ,
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre19004/28-5/30 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre19006/18-7/20 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Howard Berthoward002ber1900 ,
Howard Clintonhoward000cli1900 Selma-Morn.TimesIndependent Selma, AL
Howard howard006---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Howard 19008/1-8/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Howell Roberthowell001rob1900 SalinaIndependent Salina, KS
Howell Harryhowell001hen19005/2-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hoy Billyhoy---001wil19004/21-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Hoy Jimmiehoy---002jam19005/5-9/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Hubbard Joehubbar002joh19005/14-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Hudson Thomashudson001tho19005/11-5/16 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Hudson Thomashudson001tho19006/11-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra190082 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Huff huff--005---190044 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Huff huff--005---1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Huggins Millerhuggin001mil1900 U. of CincinnatiCollege ,
Huggins Millerhuggin001mil1900 FleischmannIndependent ,
Hughes Jayhughes008jam1900+4/7-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hughes Tomhughes004tho19005/5-8/29 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Hughes Tomhughes004tho19009/7-10/7 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hughes Jayhughes008jam190081 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hughes Johnhughes011joh19005/22-9/21 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Hughey Jimhughey001jim19005/28-9/30 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Hughley hughey001---1900+5/30-6/3+ SLC-RioGrandeRRIndependent ,
Hughley hughey001---1900+7/29+ SLC-Short Line RRIndependent ,
Hulen Billyhulen-001bil19005/15-63 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Huling Thomas1900 GreenvilleIndependent Greenville, PA
Hulswede Juliushulswe000jul1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud1900 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud19006/19-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Humphries Williamhumphr004wil19007/14-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Hunt John19004/26-9/19 UmpireEast ,
Hunt Harryhunt--001har19004/30-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo1900-5/ 15 g. Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo1900-9/2357 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Hurley Jerryhurley001jer19005/11-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Hurley Billhurley003wil19005/22-9/23 Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Hurst Timhurst-001tim1900 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Hurst Gushurst-010---1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Hurst Gushurst-010---19008/20 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Hurst Gushurst-010---19008/23 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Husting Berthustin001ber1900 U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Husting Berthustin001ber19006/17-7/4 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Husting Berthustin001ber1900 ArcadiaIndependent Arcadia, WI
Husting Berthustin001ber19008/16-8/24 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Huston Jackhuston001jac190015 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Huston Jackhuston001jac1900-9/2341 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Huston 1900 U.PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-19004/1-12/2 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hutchinson Ralphhutchi002ral1900 ,
Hutchinson hutchi014---19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hutter Arthur1900+7/21+ Canton-MarineIndependent Canton, OH
Hutton Elmerhutton001---19004/28-  Lanc.-JollyRoversIndependent Lancaster, PA
Hycoop Williamhycoop000wil1900-02 Kalamazoo Col.College ,
Hyde Harryhyde--000har1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Hysinger 190012 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Iburg Hamiburg-001her1900+4/14-12/1 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Innes John1900no g. New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Irmscher Paulirmsch001pau19007/11-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art19004/26-7/21 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh19004/30-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Irwin Charlieirwin-001cha19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Irwin Thomasirwin-004tho19004/28-8/10 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Isaacs Irwinisaacs001irw19008 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Isaacs Irwinisaacs001irw1900 Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Isbell Frankisbell001wil19004/21-9/15 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Ivers Tomivers-001tho19005/10-7/13 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ivers Tomivers-001tho19007/19-8/6+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Ivers Tomivers-001tho19008/15-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ives ives--002---19005/22 Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre19004/30-5/26 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre19006/6-6/7 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre19006/14-8/8 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre19009/6 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre190010/12-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Jackson Willjackso016wil1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Jackson Jimjackso002jam1900137 g. BaltimoreEast Baltimore, MD
Jackson Robert1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Jackson Willjackso016wil1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Jakeway jakewa001---19005/20 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Jamieson Jackjamies001jac1900 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Jamieson Jackjamies001jac1900 SalinaIndependent Salina, KS
Jarvis Rubejarvis000rub1900-01-6/3 Co. G, 44th Vol Pvt.USArmy ,
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil190029 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Jefferson Jimmyjeffer002jim19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Jefferson Jimmyjeffer002jim19003 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Jeffries Edjeffri001e--1900+6/10-7/6+ Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Jeffries Charlesjeffri001cha1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Jeffries Jim1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Jeffries Jim19006/4-exhibit UmpireWest ,
Jeffries Jim1900 UmpireAtl ,
Jenkins Albanjenkin001alb19006/10 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Jennings Hughiejennin001hug19004/19-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jennings Georgejennin001geo19005/10-5/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Jennings Georgejennin001geo19007/2 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Jessup Clarencejessup001cla190096 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Jessup Clarencejessup001cla1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Jimerson Jacobjamiso001jac19005/1 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Jimerson Jacobjamiso001jac19005/7-5/10 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Jimerson Jacobjamiso001jac19006/17-6/28 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Johnson Byron1900 PresidentAmerican ,
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Johnson Youngyjohnso002you1900-12/214 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Johnson Grantjohnso003gra1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Johnson Thomasjohnso007tho190059 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Johnson Chappiejohnso025cha1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Johnson johnso082---19007/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Johnston Billjohnst004wil19005/30-5/31 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Johnston A.1900+7/2-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim19005/17-5/24 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim19005/26-9/16 UmpireIntSt ,
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha19004/20-5/1 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha19005/20-8/9 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha19008/16-9/15 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Jones Fielderjones-001fie19004/24-10/12 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jones Budjones-131---1900+7/30+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Jones Charliejones-005cha1900 Grove City Col.College ,
Jones Charliejones-005cha19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Jones Charliejones-005cha19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Jones Charliejones-005cha19008/12-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Jones Jimjones-022jam19005/11-8/25 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Jones Jimjones-022jam19008/28-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Jones Willisjones-041wil1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Jones Cowboyjones-003alb19004/21-10/13 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Jones Bertjones-001ber1900 Independent ,
Jones Oscarjones-002osc19002 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Jones Oscarjones-002osc190015 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Jones Oscarjones-002osc1900-9/1915/17 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Jones Bill1900 CtSt ,
Jones Billjones-004bil19005/9- New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Jones Davyjones-005dav1900-01 No. Illinois U.College ,
Jones Evartsjones-002eva1900 KC-BankCommerceIndependent Kansas City, MO
Jones jones-084---19004/30-6/6 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Jones jones-217---19006/27-7/ Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Jones jones-215---1900+7/6-7/7/= WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Jones jones-216---1900-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Jones jones-010---19001 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Jope Harryjope--001hen1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Jope Harryjope--001hen1900 BangorIndependent Bangor, ME
Jordan Charliejordan003cha19005/15-5/30 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Jordan Charliejordan003cha19006/16-7/7 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Jordan Robert1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Jordan Theodorejordan000the1900 Kingston Kingston,
Jordan H.O.jordan032---19007/2-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Jordan Hugo1900 SelmaIndependent Selma, AL
Jordan Slatsjordan001cla19005/9-5/12 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Joss Addiejoss--001adr19004/28-9/12 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Joyner William1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Jupiter jupite001---1900+4/15+ Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic19004/19-10/13 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Kain Charleskain--001cha19004/30-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Kain Charleskain--001cha19006/18-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo1900no g. Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Kane Billykane--002wil19004/28-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Kane Harrykane--001har190012 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Kane Stevekane--001ste190035 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Kane kane--006---19002 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Kane kane--024---19009 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Katoll Jackkatoll001joh19004/21-9/8 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Kaufman Johnniekaufma002joh19007/7 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Kaufman 1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Kavanaugh Philkavana001phi1900no g. St. PaulAA St. Paul, MN
Keane Kidkeane-001kid19007/24-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kearney kearne001---19008/30-8/31 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Kearns Alkearns001al-19007/18 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo19004/30-5/16 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo190050 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Keefer Harrykeefer001har19005/5-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Keeler Williekeeler001wil19004/19-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Keeler keeler001---19003 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid19005/2-5/12 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid19007/22-7/31 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Keenan Joekeenan001jos19004/28-6/28 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Keenan Joekeenan001jos19007/9-7/28 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Keenan Joekeenan001jos19008/4-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Keener Harrykeener001har19004/30- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Keener Harrykeener001har1900-6/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Keiler keiler001---19008/18 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Keister Billkeiste001wil19004/19-10/9 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Keller Jackkeller001jac19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Kelley Georgekelley003geo19001 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Kelley Joekelley002jos19004/19-10/6 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Kelley Mikekelley002mic19004/20-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Kelley Josephkelley003jos19004/26-5/2 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Kelley Josephkelley003jos19005/9-6/22+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Kelley kelley021---1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Kelley 1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Kellner Albertkellne001alb1900+5/6-6/6+ Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Kellner Albertkellne001alb19008/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Kellum Winkellum001win19004/20-9/17 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Kelly Billykelly-004wil19005/5-9/4 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Kelly Billykelly-004wil190024 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19004/30-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19006/13-14 UmpireVa ,
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19006/15-6/21 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19006/22-7/2 Va , VA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo19007/4-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Kelly Billykelly-004wil1900-12/224 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Kelly Michaelkelly-003mic19005/7-5/12 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Kelly kelly-068---19006/6 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Kelly kelly-079---1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Kelly kelly-029---1900+5/24- Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Kelton kelton001---19007/20 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Kenna Edkenna-004edw1900 Homer SchoolSchool ,
Kenna Edkenna-004edw19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Kenna Edkenna-004edw19009/1-9/15 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Kennedy Dockenned001doc1900 Hammondsp.NYIndependent Hammondsport, NY
Kennedy Brickyardkenned005wil19004/19-10/3 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Kennedy Albertkenned002alb19005/11-6/17 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Kennedy Charleskenned001cha19005/9-9/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Kennedy Samkenned001sam19006/5-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh1900-9/517 g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Kennedy Shermankenned001she19005/10-6/5 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kennedy Shermankenned001she1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Kennedy F.1900no g. Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Kennedy kenned052---19005/4-5/31 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Kenney Richard1900no g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh19005/10-6/23 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh19006/29-7/19 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kern Alkern--001alv19004/28-5/23 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Kern Alkern--001alv19006/9-6/14 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Kernan Peter1900 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kerwin Dankerwin001dan19005/1-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Kerwin Dankerwin001dan19006/14-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre19007/1-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Ketchum Louis1900 Haskell Inst.School ,
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho190096 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho1900 Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Kiernan Peterkierna001pet19005/10-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kihm Georgekihm--001geo19005/11-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Killen Frankkillen002fra19005/8-6/27 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Killen Frankkillen002fra19007/13 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Killen Frankkillen002fra19008/9-9/3 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Killilay Edwardkillil001ed-1900 20th KS, Co. CArmy ,
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh19005/11- Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Kimerer Clemkimere001cle1900+6/3-7/29+ SLC-Short LineRRIndependent ,
King Philip1900 Univ. WisconsinCollege ,
King Huskyking--002h--1900+5/31-9/18+ AlbuquerqueIndependent Albuquerque, NM
King Frankking--002fra19006/1-6/13+ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
King Frankking--002fra1900 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
King Frankking--002fra190058 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
King Frankking--002fra1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
King Frankking--002fra1900 Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
King king--007---19005/15-6/9 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
King king--006---19005/10-5/16 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil190092 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Kinney Benjaminkinney001ben19006/25-7/25 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kinsella Larrykinsel001law19005/22-9 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Kitson Frankkitson001fra19004/20-10/4 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Kittridge Malachikittri001mal19004/26-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Klauber Hughklaube001hug19003 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Kleinow Redkleino001joh19005/1-5/3 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Kleinow Redkleino001joh19005/11-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Kleinow Redkleino001joh19007/18-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Kling Johnnykling-001joh19005/5-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Kling Johnnykling-001joh19009/11-9/30 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Kling kling-001---1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Kling Johnkling-002joh190024 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre19004/27-9/19 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Klobedanz Charlesklobed001cha19005/15-6/11 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Klock klock-001---19005/16-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus19004/28 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus19004/30-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus190067 g. Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus1900-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Knau Louisknau--001lou19007/15-7/22 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Knell Philknell-001phi19002 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Knell Philknell-001phi1900-12/220 g. San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Knipper H.19006/4-6/15 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul19004/19-5/10 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul19005/15-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul19006/18-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Knoll Punchknoll-001cha1900 Evansv.-EvanCourier Evansville, IN
Knox Dickknox--002ric19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Knox Dickknox--002ric1900-9/2348 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Kochert 1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Koetz koetz-001---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Kohnle Willkohnle001wil19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Kommer William1900no g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Kossuch Fredkossuc001fre1900 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Kostal Joekostal001jos19005/12-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Kostal Joekostal001jos19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Kranz Olafkranz-001---1900 CambridgeIndependent Cambridge, IL
Krause Charliekrause001cha19009/1-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil190075 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Krouse William1900 ,
Krueger Ottokruege002art19004/28-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Krueger Ottokruege002art190010/1-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Krug Henrykrug--001hen19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam19004/30-6/4 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha19004/26-5/12 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha19005/14-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Kuhry kuhry-001---19007 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Kuran Harrykuran-001har1900 Pocotello IDIndependent Pocatello, ID
La Rue larue-002---1900 TaftvilleAmat Taftville,
La Rue larue-002---19007/28 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Labelle Hanklabell001hen19008/19 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
LaChance Georgelachan001geo19004/21-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Ladd Hiladd--001art19004/30-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Ladd Hiladd--001art19006/1-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ladsinger 19001 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Lagger Johnlagger001joh1900+7/4+ Marquette WIIndependent Marquette, WI
Lagratt Thomaslagrat000tho1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
LaGrave Paullagrav001pau1900 Christian Bros.HighSchool ,
Lajoie Naplajoie001nap19004/19-10/2 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Lally Danlally-001dan19004/21-4/30 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Lally Danlally-001dan19005/3-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Lally Budlally-003bud1900+5/30+ Rich.-Entre NousIndependent Richmond, VA
Lally H.J.lally-001---19007/27-9/1 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Lambert C.W.lamber000cw-19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Lamer Petelamer-001pie19005/4 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Lamer Petelamer-001pie19005/7-6/18 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lamer Petelamer-001pie19006/25-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Landgraf Ernestlandgr001ern1900 Asbury ParkIndependent Asbury Park, NJ
Landrum S.W.landru001s--19005/2-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Landvoigt William1900 ,
Lane Edlane--001ed-1900 Auburn Univ.College ,
Lang lang--014---1900 Monarchs ,
Lang 19004 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Lange Fredlange-001fre190052 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Langsford Boblangsf001bob1900+5/10+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Lanigan laniga001---19008/11-8/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Lantry lantry002---19003 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Lantz L.A.lantz-001l--19006/16-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
LaPorte Franklaport002fra1900 Hiram CollegeCollege ,
Larkin Teddylarkin001pie1900 HinsdaleIndependent Hinsdale, NH
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam190011 g. St. HyacintheProv St. Hyacinthe,
Latham Arlielatham002wal19007 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Latham Dicklatham001ric1900 ,
Lathrop Franklathro001fra19005/14- Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Latimer Tackslatime001cli19004/27-5/20 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Latimer Tackslatime001cli19005/28-7/8 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Latimer Tackslatime001cli19007/12-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Latimer Gregglatime001m--19005/17 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Latimer Gregglatime001m--1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Latimer Gregglatime001m--1900+6/29-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Latimer Gregglatime001m--19008/20 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Lauder Georgelauder001geo1900 Greenwich CTIndependent Greenwich, CT
Lauder Billylauder001wil1900 AttleboroIndependent Attleboro, MA
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw1900101 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Law Jacklaw---001joh19004/28-8/8 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Lawler Jacklawler003joh19005/10-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lawler Edlawler001ed-19006/14 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Lawler Edlawler001ed-19008/28-9/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh1900+5/20-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic19004/30-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic19006/22-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Lawrence Fred1900 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Lawrence Chrislawren000chr1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Lawson Allawson001al-1900-6/21 Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Lawson Jacklawson004jac1900 New Britain CTIndependent New Britain, CT
Lawson lawson012---19006/8- Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Lawson lawson012---1900-6/11 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Layne Franklayne-001fra1900 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Leach Tommyleach-001tho19004/26-10/6 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Leahy Danleahy-002dan1900 New Orleans LAIndependent New Orleans, LA
Leahy Danleahy-002dan19005/11-108 g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Leahy Tomleahy-001tom19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Leahy Davidleahy-002dav19005/2 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Leary Frankleary-001fra1900-06 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Lee Georgelee---001geo19005/14-6/11 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Lee Jacklee---003joh19005/14-7/28  Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Lee Jacklee---003joh19007/30-9/7 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Lee Wyattlee---001wya19004/20-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Lee lee---007---1900+5/9+ AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Lee lee---007---19007/2-7/28 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Leever Samleever001sam19004/19-10/9 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
LeGrande Billlegran001w--1900+5/10+ Trinity Col(Duke)College ,
LeGrande Billlegran001w--19006/25-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
LeGrande Billlegran001w--1900 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo1900+5/20-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Leipsie leipsi001---19007/17-7/18 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Leisz Harry190012 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Leith Billleith-001bil19006/21 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Leland Harryleland001har19005 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Leonard Frankleonar001fra1900?-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Leonard Johnleonar001---19005/1-5/10 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Leonard Johnleonar001---19005/16-6/1 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
LePine Petelepine002lou19005/10-7/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Lepper lepper001---19002 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Letcher Tomletche001tom19004/28-8/10 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Leverenz Charleslevere001chr1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Levy Rubelevy--001reu19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lewee Edlewee-001edw190085 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Lewis Tedlewis-001edw19005/4-8/18 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lewis Tedlewis-001edw19008/22-8/31 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Lewis Tedlewis-001edw19009/3-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lewis lewis-003---1900+8/26+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Leyh Charlesleyh--001cha19005/23-7/6 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lillis 1900+7/4+ Pocatello IDIndependent Pocatello, ID
Lindsay Johnlindsa002joh1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Lindsay lindsa004---1900+5/15-6/8 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Lindsley J.W.lindsl001j--19005/12-6/16 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Linker Joe1900 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Lipe Perrylipe--001per190055 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Lipe Perrylipe--001per19006/25-9/10 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Little Jimmylittle001jim19001 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Little Jimmylittle001jim19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Little Jimmylittle001jim19002 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Little Jimmylittle001jim19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19007/8 HobokenIndependent Hoboken, NJ
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19007/10-7/23 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac19008/3 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Livingstone Eddieliving001edd190025 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Lizotte Abellizott001abe19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Lloyd Harrylloyd-002har19006/2-6/5 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Lloyd Thomaslloyd-001tho19005/22-21 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Lloyd Thomaslloyd-001tho19003 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Lobert Hanslobert001joh1900-03 Carnegie TechCollege ,
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob19004/1-38 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob1900-9/2310 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Locke Franklocke-001fra1900 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Locke Franklocke-001fra19008/3-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Locke Franklocke-001fra19008/24-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Loercher Charlesloerch001cha1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Loftus Tomloftus002tom1900146 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos19005/10-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Lohman Petelohman001geo19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Lohman Petelohman001geo19007/12-8/3 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Lohman Petelohman001geo19008/14 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Lohman Petelohman001geo1900-12/220 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Lohr Franklohr--001fra190015 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Loman Royloman-001roy1900 Worcester NYIndependent Worcester, NY
Loman Royloman-001roy1900 AtchisonIndependent Atchison, KS
Loman Royloman-001roy19006/12-9/4 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Long Hermanlong--001her19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Long Redlong--001nel19005/16-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Long Redlong--001nel19007/19-7/30 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Longley Harrylongle001har19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Longley Harrylongle001har190037 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Lougheed Bertloughe001ber1900 Stanford Univ.College ,
Love love--002---19002 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Lovell lovell001---19005/10-5/11+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Lowe Bobbylowe--002rob19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lowe Franklowe--001fra19003 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Lowery lowery001---19007/29-8/3 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Lowney Dennislowney001dan19004/28-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Lowney? lowney001---19007/15 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Loy loy---001---190034 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil1900 Pres.-Sec.MT ,
Luchia Fredlucia-001fre19005/10-9/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Luitich Baldoluitic001bal19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Lumley Harrylumley001har1900 Lestershire MAIndependent Lestershire, MA
Lump lump--001---1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Lush Billylush--001wil19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Luskey Charlieluskey001cha19004/30-6/11 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Luther Fredluther001fre1900+8/14+ Muskegon RedsIndependent Muskegon, MI
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen19004/26-6/5 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen19006/6-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic19005/22-61 g.  Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic1900-9/233 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Lynch Edlynch-002edw19005/16-7/7 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Lynch Edlynch-002edw19007/10-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Lynch Edlynch-002edw19008/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Lynch Mikelynch-004mic19005/10-6/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Lynch Bobbylynch-006rob1900-02 Notre DameCollege ,
Lyndon Joseph19007/27-7/30 UmpireEast ,
Lyon lyon--003---190044 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Lyon J.lyon--001j--19004 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Lyons Dennylyons-002den19004/28-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Lyons Harrylyons-001har1900 Phil.-CrescentsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Lyons lyons-031---19004 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Lyons lyons-028---1900+5/6-6/7+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Lyons lyons-011---1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad19005/2-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Lytra Josephlytra-001---19005/1 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
MacDonald Malcolmmcdona001jam1900+8/9-+9/21 Phil.-RoxboroughIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Mack Conniemack--001con19004/19-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Mack Eugenemack--001eug19005/9-5/10 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Mack Eugenemack--001eug19005/15-5/22 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Mack 1900 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Mackey Edmackey001a--19005/6-6/25 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
MacLatchie Robert1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Madison Artmadiso002art19004/20-9/8 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Magee Billmagee-001wil19004/26-9/19 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Magee Jackmagee-001t--19006/15-9/6 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Magee Williammagee-002wil19005/28 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Magee Williammagee-002wil19007/2-7/5 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Magie Jakemagie-001jac19004/30-5/31 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Maginnis maginn002---19005/7-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Magoon Georgemagoon001geo19004/23-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Maguire Tommaguir001tho1900 AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou1900 ,
Mahaffey Jackmahaff001joh19005/2 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Mahaffey Jackmahaff001joh19004/30-8/19 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Mahaffey Jackmahaff001joh19008/24-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Mahaffey Williammahaff003---19004/30-5/21 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Mahan mahan-003---19005/14-5/18 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Maher Tommaher-001tho1900 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
Maher maher-003---19006/11-6/23 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Mahler Henrymahler001---1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Mains Willardmains-001wil19005/11-46 g. Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Mains Ernestmains-001ern1900-7/10 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh19005/16-11 g. Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Malcomb malcol005---1900+6/21+ Piedmont-GreenvSCIndependent Piedmont, SC
Malcomb malcol005---19007/20-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Malcomb malcol005---1900 Charleston SCIndependent Charleston, SC
Malone Billiemalone002bil1900 U. So. CarolinaCollege ,
Malone Billiemalone002bil19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Maloney Billymalone003wil1900 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Maloney Georgemalone002geo1900 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Mangerina Henrymanger001hen19007 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Mangerina Anthonymanger001ant190051 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1900 Wm. Bingham MiliSchool ,
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol19006/25-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1900 Wm. Bingham MiliSchool ,
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol19006/25-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Mangum Zebmangum000zeb19006/25-8.4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Mangum Zebmangum000zeb1900 Newport TNIndependent Newport, TN
Mangum Zebmangum000zeb19006/25-8.4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Mangum Zebmangum000zeb1900 Newport TNIndependent Newport, TN
Manley Danielmanley001dan19005/9-5/12 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Mannassau Almannas001al-19007/22-9/3 UmpireAmer ,
Manner Harrymanner001har19005/1-5/3 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Manner Harrymanner001har19005/7-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Manner Harrymanner001har19006/25-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Manning Jimmannin001jim19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Manning Tommymannin001tho19005/10-7/27+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Manning mannin017---19009/3 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Marcum Claudemarcum001cla19006/18-7/2 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Margetts Nelsmarget001nel1900+7/29+ SLC-Short LineRRIndependent ,
Markley Georgemarkle001geo1900 Mexico TXIndependent Mexico, TX
Markley Georgemarkle001geo1900 El PasoIndependent El Paso, TX
Maroney Jamesmarone001---1900 Meri.-DublinsIndependent Meriden, CT
Maroney Jamesmarone001---19008/29 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Maroney T.marone001t--1900 Meri.-DublinsIndependent Meriden, CT
Maroney Williammarone001w--19006/29-7/10 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Marris 1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Marsh marsh-002---19005/25 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Marshall Joemarsha001jos19005/22-42 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Marshall Joemarsha001jos190017 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Marshall Archiemarsha001arc1900+7/21-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Martin Williammartin022wil19005/1-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Martin Frankmartin001fra19006/2-6/4 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Martin Frankmartin001fra190060 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Martin Frankmartin001fra19009/11-9/12 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Martin Clintmartin002cli19005/11-7/1 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Martin Jamesmartin019jam190016 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Mason Nelmason-001nel1900 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Massey Billmassey001bil19004/26-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Massey massey009---1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Mathewson Christymathew001chr1900 Bucknell Univ.College ,
Mathewson Christymathew001chr19004/30-7/10 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Mathewson Christymathew001chr19007/17-9/26 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Mathison Jimmymathis002jam19005/9-6/9 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Mauch Almauch-001alb1900 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Mauck Halmauck-001hal1900+6/2-7/20 UmpireWest ,
Mauck Halmauck-001hal19007/28-8/19 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Mauck Halmauck-001hal19008/20-9/4 UmpireWest ,
Maul Almaul--001alb19005/1-6/7 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Maul Almaul--001alb190013 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Maupin Harrymaupin001har19005/5-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Maupin Harrymaupin001har1900-9/238 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Maxwell maxwel002---190015 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Mayne Cliffordmayne-001---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
McAleer Jimmymcalee001jam19005/28-9/17 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
McAllister Sportmcalli001lew19004/19-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho19006/12-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho19007/23-7/31 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho19008/1-8/10 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
McAndrews Davidmcandr001dav19007/10 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McAndrews Davidmcandr001dav19007/12-7/19 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
McAndrews Mikemcandr001mic19005/- Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg19004/19-10/5 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
McBride Petemcbrid001pet19004/28-7/28 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
McBride Jackmcbrid001jac19006/28-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
McCabe Thomas1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
McCabe William1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
McCabe mccabe007---19006/9 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
McCaffrey Joemccaff001joe19005/10-6/2 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
McCallister Jackmccall001jac19004/28-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
McCallister Jackmccall001jac19008/24-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
McCann Genemccann001hen19004/19-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
McCann Mikemccann001mic19004/28-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
McCann Mikemccann001mic19008/24-9/6 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
McCann mccann006---1900+5/15-6/5+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
McCarthy Jackmccart003joh19004/19-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac1900preseason Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac190083 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
McCarthy Joemccart004jos190016 g. San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McCarthy Joemccart004jos19005/22-48 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
McCarthy Joemccart004jos1900 ColusaNoCal Colusa,
McCarthy Joemccart003jos1900-05 Niagara Univ.College ,
McCarthy Joseph1900-05 Niagara Univ.College ,
McCauley Patmccaul001pat19004/27-8/7 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
McCausland Billymccaus001wil19005/8-7/7 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
McCausland Billymccaus001wil1900 Denv.-NeefsIndependent Denver, CO
McClatchie Robert1900 ,
McClellan Willie1900+4/15+ Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh19004/28-5/25 UmpireIntSt ,
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh190025 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
McCloskey Charlesmcclos002cha19006/4-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
McCloud Harrymcclou002har19004/30-6/13 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
McConkey mcconk001---19008/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
McConkey mcconk001---19008/28 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
McCord Johnmccord001joh1900+5/6-6/5+ Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
McCord Johnmccord001joh19008/5-9/10 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim1900+5/16-53 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
McCormick Barrymccorm002wil19004/24-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
McCormick Harrymccorm004har1900-03 Bucknell CollegeCollege ,
McCormick mccorm015---19007/31 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
McCoy Charles1900 UmpireNE? ,
McCredie Judgemccred001wal190055 g. New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
McCredie Judgemccred001wal19006/28-9/4 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
McCreery Tommccree001tho19004/22-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
McCusker Jack1900 Phil.-CrescentsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
McCusker Jack1900 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
McDade Jimmymcdade001jam1900 ,
McDermott Sandymcderm001san1900 ,
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil190098 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim19004/19-9/18 UmpireAmer ,
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim1900 UmpireCalif ,
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha19005/5-9/2 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
McDonald mcdona006---19006/11-6/13 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
McDonough Mikemcdono001mik1900-9/2330 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh19005/2-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh19008/16 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
McDowell Jamesmcdowe002jam1900 St. Louis Univ.College ,
McElveen Pryormcelve001pry1900-03 Carson-NewmanCollege ,
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1900 Villanova CollegeCollege ,
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1900 Cinc.-MountainACIndependent Cincinnati, OH
McFall Fredmcfall001fre19005/12-42 g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan19004/28-9/15 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
McFarland Hermmcfarl001her19004/21-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
McFarland Edmcfarl002edw19004/19-10/10 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon19005/1-5/21 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon19006/8-7/14 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
McFarland Chappiemcfarl002cha190031 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
McGann Danmcgann001den19004/19-9/29 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
McGill Williemcgill005wil19005/6-5/30 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
McGill Charlesmcgill002cha19004/30-5/3 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McGill mcgill004---1900+4/28+ Reading BrownsAmat Reading, PA
McGill mcgill010---1900+5/23-6/8 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
McGilvray mcgilv001---19005 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
McGinnis mcginn006---19006/29-7/17 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
McGinnity Joemcginn001jos19004/21-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McGraw Johnmcgraw003joh19005/12-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
McGreevy Eugenemcgree001eug190074 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
McGrew mcgrew005---190013 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
McGuane Martymcguan001mar1900 Lowell-All ProsIndependent Lowell, MA
McGuckin Joemcguck001joe190051 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
McGuire Deaconmcguir006jam19004/19-10/12 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McGuire Jimmcguir001jam19005/11-95 g. Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
McGuire Frankmcguir001fra190091 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
McGuire Thomasmcguir004---19004/30- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
McGuire Thomasmcguir004---1900-6/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
McGuire Thomasmcguir004---1900+7/19-7/30 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
McGuire mcguir014---19007/9-7/10 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
McGuire 19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho19004/30-5/2 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho19005/14-5/28 UmpireVa ,
McHale Bobmchale001bob19004/1-5/6 Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
McHale Bobmchale001bob190098 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
McHale Bobmchale001bob19009/16-12/22 Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
McHale Jimmchale001jam19005/22-9/23 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
McHale Jesse1900 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
McHale T.mchale001t--19005/5-5/27 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh19005/9 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh19002 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
McInnes Johnmcinne001joh19005/14 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McInnes Johnmcinne001joh19005/22-6/11 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
McIntire Harrymcinti001joh190047 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
McIntyre Butchmcinty001cha19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
McJames Jamesmcjame001jam1900+5/23+ Cheraw SCIndependent Cheraw, SC
McKee mckee-005---19001 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
McKeever Jimmymckeev001jam1900 UmpireInt ,
McKenna Kitmckenn001kit19005/9-8/10 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
McKenzie mckenz011---190070 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
McKenzie 19004 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
McKeon Francis1900 Worc.-St.AloysiusIndependent Worcester, MA
McKeon Francis1900-04 Holy CrossCollege ,
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam19004/28-5/2 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam19005/26-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam19007/10-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr19005/5-9/3 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr1900-9/2315 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
McLane Edmclane001edw1900-07 Fordham CollegeCollege ,
McLane Edmclane001edw1900-07 U. of MarylandCollege ,
McLatchie Robert1900 ,
McLaughlin Michaelmclaug004mic19005/1-5/7 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
McLaughlin Michael19005/11-6/14 UmpireNYSt ,
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war19007/7 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McLaughlin Georgemclaug003geo190088 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McLaughlin mclaug008---19006/5-6/6 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
McLean Sammclean001fra1900 U. ConnecticutCollege ,
McLean Sammclean001fra19006/9-9/4 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
McMackin Sammcmack001sam19005/7 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
McMackin Sammcmack001sam190028 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
McMakin Johnmcmaki001joh1900-01 Clemson Univ.College ,
McMakin Johnmcmaki001joh19006/27-7/20 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19004/30-6/4 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19006/22-7/27 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra19007/30-9/17 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
McNamara Billmcnama001wil19005/11-7/21 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
McNamara Billmcnama001wil19007/23-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
McNamara Thomas19007/20-7/26 UmpireNYSt ,
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har19005/9-9/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra19004/28-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
McPhee mcphee001---19002 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor19005 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam19005/11-99 g. Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
McShane Jamesmcshan001j--1900 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
McTeer F. J.1900-01 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
McTeer Iramcteer002---1900+4/30+ KnoxvilleIndependent Knoxville, TN
McVey Carlmcvey-001car1900118 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat19005/5-9/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat1900-9/2315 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Mead Gilmead--001---19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Meade Philmeade-001phi19007/3-8/4 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Meade Philmeade-001phi1900 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Meagher 1900 Riverside-NYCIndependent Riverside, NY
Meaney Patmeaney002pat19004/28-9/2 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Means Thomas1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Meekin Jouettmeekin002jou19006/17-7/8 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Mehl Billymehl--001wil1900 HobokenIndependent Hoboken, NJ
Melcher Kidmelche001---1900 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Menefee Tommenefe001tho1900-9/2358 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Menefee Johnmenefe001joh19004/19-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Mercer Winmercer001geo19004/19-10/6 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm19004/29-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Merkle Horacemerkle001hor19005/22-8 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19005/1 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo19005/3-5/21 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo1900no g. Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Mertes Sammertes001sam19004/19-10/7 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Mertsch mertsc001---19005/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Messitt Tommessit001tom19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Messitt Tommessit001tom19006/21-8/2 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Messitt Tommessit001tom19008/18-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Metz metz--012---1900+5/6-6/8 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Meyers Charlesmeyers003cha19004/30-6/16 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha190017 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha19008/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Millard Ed190015 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Millard Edwardmillar003---19005/2-5/14 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Millard George19003 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Miller Georgemiller005geo19004/28-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Miller Cannon Ballmiller000can1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Miller Kohlymiller001koh19004/28-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Miller Bertmiller002ber1900 Clarksville MIIndependent Clarksville, MI
Miller Bertmiller002ber1900 Portland MIIndependent Portland, MI
Miller Conniemiller001con19006/11-7/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Miller Ralphmiller007ral19004/30 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Miller Ralphmiller007ral19005/19-9/18 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Miller Roscoemiller001ros19004/20-8/19 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Miller Almiller003alb19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Miller Charlesmiller019cha1900+6/8 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Miller Dustymiller001dak1900no g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Miller Dustymiller001dak1900101 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Miller Joemiller006joe19005/11-6/12 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Miller Johnmiller022joh19006/6-6/7 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Miller Petemiller001pet19005/2 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Miller Dan1900-01 PA State Univ.College ,
Miller Alexandermiller007w--19006/4-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Miller miller007---19005/21-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Miller miller009---19006/11-6/19 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Miller miller258---19007/12-7/13 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Miller miller085---19009/3-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Miller miller063---19006/16 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Millerick Patmiller002pat19005/6-6/7 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Millerick Patmiller002pat1900no g. Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Millett Mikemillet001mic19005/2-5/23 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Millett Mikemillet001mic1900-6/20 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Millett Mikemillet001mic190011 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Millett Mikemillet001mic19007/22-8/4 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Milligan Billymillig002wil19004/20-4/27 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Milligan Billymillig002wil19005/9-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Milligan Billymillig002wil19006/25-7/4 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Milligan Billymillig002wil19007/22-9/15 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Mills Sammills-001sam19005/3-5/17 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Mills mills-038---19006/25-6/29 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Mills Williemills-004wil19005/12-9/7 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Mills mills-049---19006/28-7/2+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Mills Sammills-002sam19005/10-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mills mills-038---19006/25-6/29 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Milton Larrymilton001sam1900 PittsburgIndependent Pittsburg, KS
Milton Larrymilton001sam19008/28-9/3 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Minahan Cottonminaha001edm1900-04 GeorgetownCollege ,
Miran Jackmiran-001joh1900+5/15-8/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Miran Jackmiran-001joh19008/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Mischey mische001---19006/7-6/9 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Mitchell Fredmitche005fre1900 St. John,New BrunswickIndependent St. John, NB
Mitts Cliffordmitts-001cli19005/10-? Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Mizell C.E.mizell000ce-1900+6/27+ Plymouth NCIndependent Plymouth, NC
Mizell C.E.mizell000ce-1900+7/5-7/27+ Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Mock Homermock--001hom1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Moffett Frankmoffet001fra1900 Rome GAIndependent Rome, GA
Mohler Kidmohler001kid19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Mohler Kidmohler001kid19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Mohler Kidmohler001kid190021 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19005/11- Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19006/7-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car19006/12-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Mollenry? 19008/24 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Monroe Billmonroe000bil1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Monroe Billmonroe000bil1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Monroe Babe190013 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Monroe Warren190011 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Monroe monroe008---19007/18-7/21 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Montgomery Roymontgo001roy190094 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Montgomery Roymontgo001roy19007/24-8/2 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Moore Wademoore-001wad1900 Washburn CollegeCollege ,
Moore Wademoore-001wad1900 SalinaIndependent Salina, KS
Moore Carlmoore-007car1900+5/25+ Smith Center KSIndependent Smith Center, KS
Moore Carlmoore-007car1900 WinfieldIndependent Winfield, KS
Moore Edwardmoore-001edw190088 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Moore Mosemoore-001mos19001 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Moore Earlmoore-001ear19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Moore Jackmoore-002jac19007 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Moore Carlmoore-001car1900 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Moore F.M.moore-002f--19006 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Moore F.M.moore-002f--19001 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Moore Fred1900-03 U. AlabamaCollege ,
Moran Augiemoran-002aug19004/30-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Moran Augiemoran-002aug19006/26-9/4 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Moran Patmoran-002pat19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Moreing Williammorein001wil19001 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr19005/10-7/11 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr19007/14-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Morgan Otismorgan001oti190010 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Morgan Otismorgan001oti1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Morgan Otismorgan001oti1900 Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Morgan E. B.1900 UmpireAtl ,
Morgan Redmorgan003jam1900-01 Notre DameCollege ,
Morris Kidmorris010wil19005/1-5/14 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Morris Kidmorris010wil19005/17 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Morris Kidmorris010wil19005/30-6/2 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Morris Kidmorris010wil19006/14 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Morris Bill1900 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Morris morris105---1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Morris 1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Morris morris029---1900+5/24-6/3+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Morrison Billmorris008wil1900+5/13-8/28 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Morrison Johnmorris014joh19005/30-6/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic19005/21-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Morrow Williammorrow002wil19004/1-40 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Morse Charlesmorse-001cha19004/27-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Moskiman Docmoskim001wil19004/1-12/2 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha1900-8/460 g. Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Motz Frankmotz--001fra1900no g. Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Mulholland Hugh1900 UmpireAtl ,
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr1900 ,
Mullane Tonymullan001ton1900 did not play ,
Mullane Frankmullan001fra1900+8/5+ Minn.-BrewersAmat Minneapolis, MN
Mullaney Dominicmullan002dom19004/30-6/15 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Muller Maxmuller002max19005 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Muller Maxmuller002max1900 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Muller Maxmuller002max19005/22-9/23 Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic19005/11-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Mullin Georgemullin001geo19006/3+ WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Mullin Georgemullin001geo1900 South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Mullin Johnmullin001joh1900 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
Mullin Johnmullin001joh1900no g. Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Munson 19002 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Munson 19002 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Murphy Johnmurphy028joh1900 Polo Grounds ,
Murphy Morganmurphy001mor19008/6-8/31 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal1900-9/855 g. Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho19004/30- Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho1900-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan1900-5/ North AdamsIndependent North Adams, MA
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan1900+5/18-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan19009/17-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Murphy Edmurphy005edw19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Murphy Davemurphy001dav1900-5/ North AdamsIndependent North Adams, MA
Murphy Davemurphy001dav19005/10-7/11 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Murphy Davemurphy001dav19007/14-8/3 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra19005/10-5/14 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra19006/25-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra1900 Columbia U. '01-MD? ,
Murphy Johnmurphy018joh19005/10-5/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Murphy Johnmurphy018joh19006/5 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Murphy J.murphy008j--19005/30 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Murphy J.E.murphy000je-19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Murphy Thomas1900 CambridgeLatinHighSchool ,
Murphy Thomas1900-04 Harvard Univ.College ,
Murphy Thomas1900-04 Harvard Univ.College ,
Murphy murphy067---19006/20-6/21 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Murphy murphy104---19006/13-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Murphy murphy104---19008/6-8/19 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Murphy murphy011---19001 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Murray Miahmurray001mia19001 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Murray Billymurray007wil19007/27 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Murray Jimmurray008jam19004/30-7/10+ Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Murray murray003---19001 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Murray murray004---19005 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Myers Bertmyers-001ber19004/19-4/27 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Myers Bertmyers-001ber19005/1-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Myers Bademyers-002wil19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Myers C.1900no g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi1900+5/16-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef19004/19-4/27 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef190091 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Nagle nagle-008---19006/2 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Nance Williamnance-001wil19004/19-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Nattress Billynattre001wil19004/28-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Neal Philipneal--001phi190014 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Neal neal--002---19005/10-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Needham Tomneedha001tho1900 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Needham Tomneedha001tho1900 DuboisIndependent Dubois, PA
Neil neil--001---1900+5/26- Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Nelson Johnnelson008joh1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Nelson Jacknelson002jac19004/23 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Nelson Henrynelson001hen19004/30-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Netolicky Joseph1900-04 Coe CollegeCollege ,
Neville Mikenevill001mic19005/11-7/26 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Neville Mikenevill001mic19008/1-8/29 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Newman newman027---1900 U. TennesseeCollege ,
Newman newman027---1900 Rome GAIndependent Rome, GA
Newman newman027---1900 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Newmeyer Harrynewmey001har190037 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Newport Rollie19006 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
News Tomnews--001tho19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Newton Docnewton001eus19004/27-10/7 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Nichols Kidnichol006cha19004/19-10/12 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Nichols Artnichol001art19005/4-5/15 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Nichols Artnichol001art19006/19-6/27 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Nichols Artnichol001art19008/8-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Nichols Artnichol001art19009/30 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Nichols Joenichol005jos1900 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Nichols nichol021---19006/14 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Nick nick--001---19006/11 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Nicol Georgenicol-001geo19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Nicol Georgenicol-001geo19006/19-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Niland Tomniland001tom1900+7/7+ AmesburyIndependent Amesbury, MA
Niles Billniles-001bil190093 g. Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Nill Georgenill--001geo1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Nipper Charlesnipper001cha19005/4-5/14 ManchesterIntSt Manchester,
Nipper Charlesnipper001cha19006/4-6/15 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Niven niven-001---19005/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Noblit Georgenoblit001geo19004/26-5/31 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Noblit Georgenoblit001geo19006/27-8/3 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Nolan John1900+10/14 Massillon OHIndependent Massillon, OH
Nolan Theodore1900 Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Nolan nolan-012---19008/20 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos19008/21-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Noonan Petenoonan001pet1900-03 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Noonan Williamnoonan001wil190049 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Noonan Williamnoonan001wil1900 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Nops Jerrynops--001jer19005/30-7/31 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Nops Jerrynops--001jer19008/30-9/3 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Norcom Franknorcom001fra19005/11-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Norcom Franknorcom001fra1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Nordyke Lounordyk001lou1900 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Nordyke Lounordyk001lou19007/18-9/15 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Norris Harrynorris003har190016 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Noyes Arthurnoyes-001art1900 WacoIndependent Waco, TX
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19004/30-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19006/7-9/7 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har19009/8-9/11 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Nyce Charlienyce--002cha19004/30-6/9 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Nyce Charlienyce--002cha19007/13-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom19005/11-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh19006/27-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh19007/30-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
O'Brien Tomobrien002tom19004/19-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
O'Brien Georgeobrien001geo1900 CtSt ,
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet1900+5/16-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
O'Brien Dailyobrien001dai19004/30-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
O'Brien Dailyobrien001dai19006/25-7/24+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
O'Brien Derryobrien001der1900 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
O'Brien Frank1900 Plattsburgh HSHS ,
O'Brien Jackobrien013joh19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
O'Brien Jackobrien013joh19006/20-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
O'Brien Jackobrien013joh19007/30-8/18 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
O'Brien Jamesobrien004jam19005/10-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Brien Johnobrien014joh1900 CalcinersIndependent ,
O'Brien Johnobrien014joh1900-9/2351 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
O'Brien John1900no g. New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
O'Brien Patobrien001pat1900 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
O'Brien Patobrien001pat19001 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
O'Brien 19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
O'Brien obrien046---19005/4-5/8 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
O'Brien obrien056---19003 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
O'Brien obrien005---19005/5-7/11 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh19005/5-9/1 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
O'Connell 1900 Winsted-TABIndependent Winsted, CT
O'Connell Timoconne002tim19005/10-7/1 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
O'Connor Jackoconno006joh19004/19-5/6 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
O'Connor Jackoconno006joh19005/30-10/12 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
O'Connor Eugeneoconno001eug19005/10-6/6 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
O'Connor Eugeneoconno001eug19006/16-6/25 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
O'Connor M.oconno001m--19005/12-6/17 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
O'Connor Michaeloconno001mic19004/28-8/1 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
O'Connor Michaeloconno001mic19008/9-8/12 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
O'Connor Michaeloconno001mic1900-9/1511 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
O'Connor Royes1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
O'Dea Artieodea--001art19005/5-6/6 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
O'Dea Artieodea--001art19006/9-6/28 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
O'Gorman ogorma001---19005/14 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Hagan Halohagen001har19004/26-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
O'Keefe Jimokeefe001jim1900 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
O'Leary Charleyoleary001cha1900 Chic.-MandelIndependent Chicago, IL
O'Leary Charleyoleary001cha19007/25-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
O'Loughlin Francis19004/26-9/23 UmpireEast ,
O'Loughlin 1900 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har19005/2- Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har1900-5/17 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
O'Neill Tiponeill001tip19007/21-8/5 UmpireEast ,
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh19005/1-5/26 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh1900 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic1900 VillanovaCollege ,
O'Neill Joseph1900 Jacksonville FLIndependent Jacksonville, FL
O'Rourke Jimorourk003jam19005/10-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim1900no g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim19006/24-8/19 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
O'Rourke Thomasorourk003tho19005/11-6/17 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
O'Rourke orourk010---19006/17 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
O'Rourke orourk008---1900+5/30- Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Odegard Tonyodegar001---1900+5/26+ BuxtonIndependent Buxton, ND
Odegard Tonyodegar001---1900+7/1-8/5+ Minn.-BrewersIndependent Minneapolis, MN
Odwell Fredodwell001fre19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Ogden Kidogden-001lou1900+5/10+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Ogee Johnogee--001joh190086 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Oldham Jesseoldham000jes1900+3/23+ Horner SchoolSchool ,
Oldham Jesseoldham000jes19006/27-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
Ollre Reginaldollre-001rox1900 Hous.-FiremenIndependent Houston, TX
Orbin Walterorbin-000wal1900 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Orth Alorth--001alb19004/19-10/10 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Osborne Williamosborn007---19008/2-8/5 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Osteen Champosteen001jam1900no g. StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Osteen Champosteen001jam1900+6/21-7/17+ Piedmont-GreenvSCIndependent Piedmont, SC
Overall Orvaloveral001orv1900-03 U. of CA-BerkeleyCollege ,
Overall Orvaloveral001orv19008 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Owen Benjamin1900 Washburn CollegeCollege ,
Owen Frankowen--001fra19005/3-6/9 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Owen Frankowen--001fra19008/24-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Owens Redowens-003tho19005/10-5/22 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Owens Redowens-003tho1900+5/26-9/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Owens Arthurowens-001art19007 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Oyler Andyoyler-001and1900-01 Wash. & Jeff. Col.College ,
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-1900- 12/279 g. San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Pace Russpace--001c--19004/1-51 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Pace Russpace--001c--1900 CalcinersIndependent ,
Pace Russpace--001c--1900-9/2320 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Padden Dickpadden001ric19004/21-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Page Georgepage--003geo190066 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Pagh pagh--001---19006/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Pale pale--001---19005/11- Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Palmer Williampalmer003wil1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Palmer Williampalmer003wil1900 Massena NYIndependent Massens, NY
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh19005/2-9/19 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Pardee Alpardee001alb19004/30-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Parent Freddyparent001fre19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Parker 1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Parker Harleyparker001har19004/28-8/22 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Parker Jayparker002jay190028 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Parker 1900+4/15+ Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Parrott Tomparrot002tho19005/5-5/6 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Parrott Tomparrot002tho19005/9-9/4 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Partin partin001---1900+5/22+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra19004/28-5/9 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra19006/9-9/3 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Pattee Harrypattee001har19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Patten Caseypatten001cas19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Patterson Johnpatter007joh1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Patterson Williampatter007wil190036 g. Peoria DistillersCentral League Peoria, IL
Patterson Roypatter001roy19004/23-9/16 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Pautot Emilepautot001e--19004/30-6/2 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Pautot Emilepautot001e--19006/8-6/16 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Pautot Emilepautot001e--19006/18-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Payne Wood1900-05+5/5/03+ TN Deaf & DumbSchool ,
Payne payne-018---19007 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Pease Charleypease-001cha1900 WiSt? ,
Peeples Williampeeple001wil19004/1-21 g. San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Peeples Williampeeple001wil1900- 9/2362 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Peitz Heiniepeitz-001hen19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Pender Bobpender001rob19005/11-6/22 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Pender Bobpender001rob19006/29-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Pendergraft 1900+7/4+ SLC-Rio GrandesIndependent ,
Penland John1900-04 Univ. of OregonCollege ,
Pennington G.pennin000g--1900 Horner Mili SchoolSchool ,
Pennington G.pennin000g--1900 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Pennington G.pennin000g--1900+8/1+ Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Penny A.R.penney001a--19005/9-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Pequinney Frankpequin001fra19004/28-8/12 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Perham Bobperham002w--1900- 9/2234 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Perrine Bullperrin001fre19003 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Perry Clayperry-001cla1900-? U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Perry perry-002---19009/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Persons Eddieperson001edw19005/16-6/7 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Persons Eddieperson001edw19006/25-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Peterson Dave1900-01+6/4+ Ottawa Univ.College ,
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo19005/13-9/19 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan19005/9-6/7 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan1900 Rockville CTIndependent Rockville, CT
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan19006/26-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Phelan Thomas1900 UmpireAtl ,
Phelps Edphelps002edw19004/28-7/5 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Phelps Edphelps002edw19007/11-8/18 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Phelps Edphelps002edw19008/23-9/22 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Phelps 19007 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Philbin Thomasphilbi002tho19005/18-5/26 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Phillippe Deaconphilli001cha19004/22-10/12 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Phillips Billphilli005wil19004/19-10/08 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil19004/25-8/22 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Pickard Jackpickar001jac19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Pickard Jackpickar001jac19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Pickering Olliepicker001oli19004/20-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Pickett Davepicket003dav1900+5/18-6/21 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Piepho Charlespiepho001c--1900 Goss BrosLouiCity Louisville, KY
Pierson Frank1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Pilcher Fredpilche001fre19005/22-45 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Pingree Georgepingre001geo1900 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Pittinger Togiepittin001cha19004/26-6/15 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Pittinger Togiepittin001cha19006/23-9/1 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Pittinger Togiepittin001cha19009/5-10/04 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Pitts E.pitts-002e--190010 g. Sacr.-A&CIndependent Sacramento, CA
Placard Charlesplacar000cha1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Plake Homerplake-001hom1900+6/3+ OgdenIndependent Ogden, UT
Plank Eddieplank-003edw1900 GettysburgIndependent Gettysburg, PA
Plank Eddieplank-003edw1900 Gettysburg Col.College ,
Plass Forrestplass-001for19005/10-5/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Platt Harryplatt-002har1900 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw1900 PlattsburghNoNY Plattsburgh, NY
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw1900 GouverneurNorthern New York League Gouverneur, NY
Plymat Walterplymat001---1900 U. Minn. LawCollege ,
Plymat Walterplymat001---1900+7/20+ AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Poarch poarch001---19006/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Polchow Loupolcho001lou1900+6/4+ Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Polchow Loupolcho001lou19008/25-9/1 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Poltzenholsten Geepoltze001gee19007/7 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Poole Edpoole-001edw19004/28-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Poole Edpoole-001edw190010/6-10/12 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Poor Jappoor--001jas1900101 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Poor Jappoor--001jas1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Poorman Hoytpoorma000hoy1900 SalinaIndependent Salina, KS
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre1900 UmpireInt ,
Popp Louispopp--001lou190039 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Posner Mauriceposner001mau19006/7-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Potter/Cotter potter002---19005/22-5/24+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Powe Frankpowe--000fra1900+5/4-5/26+ U. AlabamaCollege ,
Powe Frankpowe--000fra1900+8/26+ Livingston ALIndependent Livingston, AL
Powell Abnerpowell001abn19006/?-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Powell Abnerpowell001abn19007/30-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Powell Jimpowell002jim19005/22-6 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Powell Jackpowell007joh19004/22-10/09 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Powers Docpowers002mic19004/21-9/14 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Prentiss Georgeprenti002geo19005/15-6/28+ Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Preston Waltpresto002wal1900105 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Preston presto003---19007 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Price Hughprice-001hug190011 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Price Teddy1900 SalinaIndependent Salina, KS
Proctor E.L.procto001e--19009 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Prouse Charlesprowse001cha19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Prouse Arthurprouse000art19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Prout Billyprout-002wil1900+7/21+ Norwood OHIndependent Norwood, OH
Prout Billyprout-002wil1900+9/23+ Covington KYIndependent Covington, KY
Pulse Raymondpulse-001ray1900+4/28+ Anderson HSHighSchool ,
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat19004/30-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Pulsifer C.G.pulsif000c--19006/4-6/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Purington Roycepuring001roy1900 Bates CollegeCollege ,
Pyne Guspyne--001gus190020 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Pyne Guspyne--001gus1900 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Pyne Guspyne--001gus1900 Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Queen queen-001---19006/5-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Quick Eddiequick-001edw1900 Baltimore AtlanticsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Quick Eddiequick-001edw19006/28-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Quigley Frankquigle001fra19005/5-5/13 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Quigley Frankquigle001fra190024 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Quigley Arthurquigle002art1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Quinlan Larryquinla001law19005/18-7/30 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Quinlan Larryquinla001law1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Quinlan Larryquinla001law19008/7-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Quinn Joequinn-003jos19005/6-6/19 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Quinn Joequinn-003jos19006/23-9/19 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Quinn Bobbyquinn-005rob19004/29-8/14 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Quinn Bobbyquinn-005rob19008/28-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh19005/11-6/17 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra19005/1-7/15 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Quinn Harryquinn-002har19005/5-6/8 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Quinn quinn-017---19008/6 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Quinn quinn-033---19007/9 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Quitman Fredquitma001fra1900+4/22+ Chic.-AuburnParksIndependent Chicago, IL
Quitman Fredquitma001fra1900+6/23+ Chic.-PalmersIndependent Chicago, IL
Rabbitt S.rabbit001s--19005/8-5/21 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Radcliffe Williamradcli001wil19005/16-5/29 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Radcliffe Williamradcli001wil1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Radcliffe Williamradcli001wil19007/3-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Rafter Jackrafter001joh1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Raidy Joeraidy-001jos19008/10-9/7 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Ramey Johnramey-002joh19005/5-5/12 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Ramsey Hankramsey001hen19005/11-5/? Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Rapp Charlesrapp--001cha1900+8/14+ South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Rapp Louisrapp--001lou19005/7-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Rathbun rathbu001---1900+7/29+ Grand RapidsIndependent Grand Rapids, MI
Raub Tommyraub--001tho19005/12-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Rawson Harleyrawson001har1900 ,
Ray Johnray---006joh19005/5-6/8 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Ray Johnray---006joh19006/- UmpireCentral ,
Raymer Fredraymer001fre19004/29 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Raymer Fredraymer001fre19005/5-5/30 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Raymer Fredraymer001fre190057 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Raymer Fredraymer001fre1900 Rock RapidsIndependent Rock Rapids, IA
Raymer Fredraymer001fre1900 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Raymer Fredraymer001fre1900-9/2310 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Rea Montierea---000mon19007/6-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Reagan/Regan reagan015---1900 Manchester NH?Independent Manchester, NH
Reagan/Regan reagan015---19007/30 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Ream Georgeream--001geo19005/17-9/1 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Reardon Dennyreardo001d--19005/11-7/20 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Reardon Dennyreardo001d--19008/14-8/18 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh1900107 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh1900 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh1900 Rock Island Rock Island, IL
Reed Georgereed--003geo190060 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Reese Georgereese-002geo1900 ,
Regan Georgeregan-001geo1900 ,
Regan Joeregan-001joe19005/10-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Reid Billreid--002wil19005/10-7/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Reid Billreid--002wil19007/10-8/4 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Reid Richmond1900 Concord Concord, NC
Reidy Billreidy-001wil19004/28-9/16 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Reilly Charliereilly003cha190068 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Reilly Joshreilly002wil19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Reilly Tomreilly004tho1900 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Reilly reilly012---19006/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Reinacher reinac001---19004/26-5/8 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Reinacher reinac001---1900 Harlem-EquitablesIndependent Harlem, NY
Reinacher reinac001---1900 West NY Field ClubIndependent West, NY
Reisling Docreisli001fra1900+6/26-9/6 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen19004/22-5/23 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen19008 g. San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo1900 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo19006/2-6/8 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo19006/13-5 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo1900 Marquette SDIndependent Marquette, SD
Rettger Georgerettge002geo19004/26-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Reust Samreust-001sam190039 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Reust Samreust-001sam19009/5-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes1900 Richmond INIndependent Richmond, IN
Reynolds Hal1900 Iowa State U.College ,
Reynolds reynol002---1900 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Rhines Billyrhines001wil1900 ,
Rice Charlesrice--001cha1900no g. Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Rice Billyrice--002w--19001 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Rice Laurence1900 Elmi-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Rice Laurence1900 Mercerberg Acad.HighSchool ,
Rice rice--017---1900 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Richardson Billrichar006wil19004/30-5/5 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Richardson Billrichar006wil19005/11-5/22 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Richardson S. W.1900 Hamline Univ.College ,
Richardson S. W.1900 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Richmond richmo003---19006/16-6/25 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Richter Johnrichte001joh19004/27-5/8 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Richter Johnrichte001joh19005/11-5/17 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Richter Johnrichte001joh19005/23-6/15 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Richter Johnrichte001joh19006/22-6/25 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Richter Johnrichte001joh19007/4-7/26 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Rickert Joericker001jos19004/26-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Rieman Georgerieman001geo19005/12-9/3 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Rieman Josephrieman001jos19004/28-5/30 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Rieman Josephrieman001jos19006/4-8/4 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Rieman Josephrieman001jos19008/5 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Rieman Josephrieman001jos19008/16-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Rieman rieman002---19007/15 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Riker riker-001---19005/20 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Riley Charlesriley-001cha19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Riley Danielriley-002dan1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Riley Jamesriley-006jam19005/13 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Riley riley-006---19005/20 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra1900 Lancaster ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra19007/2-9/22 UmpireEast ,
Ritchie ritchi008---19004 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Ritchie ritchi008---19002 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Ritter Lewritter002lew19004/28-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Rivers 19006/25-7/23 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Roach Johnroach-003joh19004/30-6/9 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Roach Johnroach-003joh19007/5 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Roach Mikeroach-001mik19004/28-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Roach J.C.roach-003j--190019 g.  Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Roach J.C.roach-003j--1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Roach J.C.roach-003j--19006 g. SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Roach Skelroach-001rud190024 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Roach Skelroach-001rud1900 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Robb Clayrobb--001cla19005/12-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Robbins Vincerobbin001vin19007/2 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Robertson Fred1900 Yale Univ.College ,
Robertson Fred1900 Paul Smith’sIndependent ,
Robertson Edwardrobert007edw1900 Cornell Univ.College ,
Robertson Frankrobert005fra1900-02 Yale UnivCollege ,
Robertson Frankrobert005fra1900 Messena NYIndependent Messena, NY
Robertson Frankrobert005fra19008/21 OgdensburgNorthern New York League Ogdensburg, NY
Robinson Wilbertrobins001wil19005/12-10/5 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Robinson Jamesrobins017jam1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Robinson Jamesrobins017jam1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Robinson James?19008/20-9/3 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Robinson Rabbitrobins003wil19005/10-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Robinson Rabbitrobins003wil19008/24-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Roche J.D.roche-000jd-19005/11-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Rochelle George1900no g. Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Rochelle Gusrochel001gus1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Rock Carlrock--001car1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Roderick Fredroderi001f--19005/11 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Roderick Fredroderi001f--1900 Winsted-TABIndependent Winsted, CT
Rodman rodman001---19006/25 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Rodner rodner001---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Roe Joeroe---001jos1900 SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Rogers Terryrogers001ter19005/10-9/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Rogers 1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Rohan rohan-002---19006/11 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Rohe Georgerohe--001geo190022 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Roland 19001 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Rollander Ferdinand1900-07 Manilla/PresidioUSArmy ,
Rollins Patrollin001hen190090 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Romey M.1900 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Rosebraugh Rosierosebr001ros19004/29-5/30 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Rosebraugh Rosierosebr001ros19006/9-8/3 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Rosebraugh Rosierosebr001ros19008/10-9/15 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Rosenbach A.rosenb001a--19005/7-6/11 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Ross Artross--001art19005/11-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Ross Artross--001art19009/9-9/19 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Roth Andyroth--001and19005/11-7/11 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Roth Frankroth--001fra19005/10-7/31 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Roth Frankroth--001fra1900+8/14+ Muskegon RedsIndependent Muskegon, MI
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob19004/28-8/15 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob1900no g. BloomingtonI-I-I Bloomington, IL
Rothermel Wilsonrother002wil1900 Dickinson Col.College ,
Rothermel C.rother001c--19005/10-5/24 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Rothermel C.rother001c--1900 Pottsville PAIndependent Pottsville, PA
Rothfuss Adamrothfu001ada19005/11-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac19004/30-7/10 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac1900 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac19008/21-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Rourke Billyrourke001wil19005/5-9/4 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm1900 Baltimore AtlanticsBaltCity Baltimore, MD
Routson routso001---19007/2 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Royster Jamesroyste000jam19005/1+ Wake Forest U.College ,
Royster Jamesroyste000jam19006/25-7/3+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Rudderham Frankrudder001fra1900+5/13-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Ruehr Fredruehr-001---19005/7-5/31 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Ruhlin/Ruhland ruhlan001---19006/21-7/11 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Rundell Leerundel001g--1900 Intn & GN RRIndependent ,
Runkel Louisrunkle001lou1900 Lebanon PA Lebanon, PA
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo1900 UmpireMuncieCity ,
Russ Williamruss--002wil19005/15 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Russell Paulrussel002pau19005/8-5/10 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Russell Cyrussel002fra19003 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Russell Clyderussel001cly1900+5/11-6/8 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Russell Clyderussel001cly1900no g. Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Russell Ralph1900 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Russell Ralph1900 Jamestown NYIndependent Jamestown, NY
Russell Robertrussel006rob1900 PotsdamNorthern New York League Potsdam, NY
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam19004/19-9/18 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc1900+5/21-7/11 UmpireNYSt ,
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc1900 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Ryan Jackryan--004joh19004/19-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Ryan Dennyryan--001den19005/18-6/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Ryan Dennyryan--001den1900 DuboisIndependent Dubois, PA
Ryan Paddyryan--001pat190033 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Ryan ryan--002---1900 Syra.-ShamrocksIndependent Syracuse, NY
Ryan ryan--002---19009/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Ryan ryan--021---1900+5/26- Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Sackett F.sacket001f--19008/5-9/3 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Sage Harrysage--001har1900 UmpireWest ,
Salisbury Sollysalisb001wil19004/1- Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Salisbury Sollysalisb001wil19006 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Salisbury Sollysalisb001wil1900-9/2234 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Sample Guysample001guy19004/29-5/13 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Sample Guysample001guy190053 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Sanders Warsander001war19005/12-5/15 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Sanders Warsander001war19009 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Sanders Johnsander001sho19005/10-6/26 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Sanford sanfor001---19004/30-5/15 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Santary Chuck1900 Pittsburg Pittsburg, KS
Sarsfield Williamsarsfi002---1900 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Sarsfield Williamsarsfi002---19008/22-9/8 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Sayer Jamessayer-001jam19004/30-5/18 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Sayers Delsayers001del1900+5/30+ Ohio State U.College ,
Sayers Delsayers001del19006/23 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Sayers Delsayers001del1900no g. Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Scannell Jackscanne001joh19005/10-9/8 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Schaefer Germanyschaef001her19004/19-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Schaetzke Fred19005/13-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Schatzke Fredschatz001fre190047 g. Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Schaub Bobschaub001rob19004/28-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted19006/27-9/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra19004/26-9/21 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Schencil Herman1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Schils Bertschils001alb19004/28-5/9 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Schils Bertschils001alb19005/22-9/23 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Schlafly Larryschlaf001har1900-10/14 CantonIndependent Canton, OH
Schlagel schlag001---19008/26 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Schlorf Frankschlor001fra1900+5/15- AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Schlorf Frankschlor001fra19004 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Schmeer Claudeschmee001cla19004/1-24 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Schmeer Claudeschmee001cla190036 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen190024 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre19004/29-5/12 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre1900+5/26- Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Schnable Eddieschnab001edd19005/22 Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Schock Fredschock001fre1900 U. of WashingtonCollege ,
Schock Fredschock001fre1900 Everett WAIndependent Everett, WA
Schofield Soxschofi001sox19006 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Schofield Soxschofi001sox19002 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Schofield Soxschofi001sox1900 Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Schrall Joeschral001jos19004/19-4/26 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Schrall Joeschral001jos1900108 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss19004/28-9/18 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Schriver Popschriv001wil19004/25-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Schuch schuch001---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Schuster Jackschust001---19005/22-9 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Schuster Jackschust001---19005 g. Grand ForksMontSt Grand Forks, ND
Schwab schwab001---19004/28 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha1900 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha19004/1-12/2 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Scott Edscott-001edw19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Scott Joseph1900 Kankakee ILIndependent Kankakee, IL
Scott Rayscott-003ray19005/6-5/8 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Scully Josephscully001jos19002 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Seagraves Jimmyseagra001cha19006/4- Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Seagraves Jimmyseagra001cha1900-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Seagraves Jimmyseagra001cha1900 Allentown KeystonesIndependent Allentown, PA
Searles Williamsearle001wil190016 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Searles Williamsearle001wil1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Sears Franksears-001fra19006/26-8/30 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Sears sears-001---19001 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Sears sears-001---19002 g. Grand ForksMontSt Grand Forks, ND
Sebring Jimmysebrin001jam1900 Wmpt. storeIndependent ,
Sechrist Docsechri001doc19005/1-5/8 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Sechrist Docsechri001doc19005/15-9/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Seiner E.1900no g. Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Seisler Davyseisle001dav190078 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Selbach Kipselbac001alb19004/19-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Selden Williamseldon001wil1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Sellers seller004---19007/11-9/5 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Selna Charlesselna-001cha19004/1-5 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Selna Charlesselna-001cha19001 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Sentell Paulsentel001leo1900 Morgan City LAIndependent Morgan City, LA
Sessions Perrysessio001per1900 St. Cloud MN?Independent St. Cloud, MN
Sessions Perrysessio001per1900 Racine WIIndependent Racine, WI
Setley Williamsetley001wil19005/22-5/24 Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Settles settle002---19004 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Seybold Socksseybol001ral19004/20-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Seymour Cyseymou001jam19004/20-6/7 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Seymour Cyseymou001jam19006/18-6/24 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Seymour Cyseymou001jam19009/10-9/27 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Shackleton Joeshackl001jos19005/7-5/15 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha1900 ,
Shanahan Timshanah001tim19004/1-39 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Shannon Danshanno004dan19004/19-9/ Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Shannon Frankshanno002fra19004/28-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil1900 Grove City Col.College ,
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil19004/28-5/7 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil19005/10- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil1900 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil1900-6/9 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil19006/11-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Sharpe Budsharpe001bay1900-03 Penn State U.College ,
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac19004/26-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Sharsig Billsharsi001bil19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Shaw Alshaw--001alf19004/19-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Shay Dannyshay--001dan19004/28-7/16 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Shay Dannyshay--001dan19007/22-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Shea Napshea--001joh19005/11-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Shea Dannyshea--001dan1900 GridleyNoCa Gridley,
Shea Gerryshea--001ger1900-05 CreightonCollege ,
Shea Jim1900 Elmi.-FatherMathewIndependent Elmira, NY
Shearon Johnshearo002joh19004/19-8/10 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Shearon Johnshearo002joh19008/16-9/14 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Sheckard Jimmyshecka001sam19004/19-10/13 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19005/10-7/2 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19007/10-8/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan19008/30-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho19004/26-7/19 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho1900 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho19008/2 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho1900-12/225 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Sheehan Jacksheeha005joh19005/12-7/4 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Sheehan Jacksheeha005joh1900 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Shelafo Georgeshelaf001---1900+7/30+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Shelton Benshelto001ben1900-9/2235 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Shepherd shephe001---1900+5/6 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Shepherd shephe001---1900+5/9-6/3+ MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac19004/19-9/18 UmpireAmer ,
Sherman Johnsherma001joh1900+7/16-7/23+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Sherser sherse001---19005/3 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Shincel Hermanshince001her19004/30-5/31 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Shindle Billyshindl001wil19004/26-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Shinnick Timshinni002tim1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Shinskey shinsk001---19006/9 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Shires Fredshires001fre19004/28-5/30 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Shirk Lynnshirk-001lyn1900preseason Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo19004/30-5/31 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo19006/18-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Shortell Edshorte001edw19004/30-5/3 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Shugart Frankshugar001fra19004/21-9/16 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Siegle Johnnysiegle001joh19005/23-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Siever Edsiever001edw19005/14-5/30 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Siever Edsiever001edw19006/9-7/2 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Siever Edsiever001edw19008/12-9/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Silva silva-001---19003 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Simmons Sleepysimmon001sle19005/28-6/18 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Simon Hanksimon-001hen19005/11-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Simons Jacksimons001joh19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Simons Jacksimons001joh19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Simons C.simons001c--19004 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Simons D.simons001d--19003 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Simons R.simons001r--19003 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Simonton Bensimont001ben19005/4-6/8 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Simpson 190014 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Sitton Carlsitton001car1900-04+3/26/04+ Clemson Univ.College ,
Skopec Johnskopec001joh19004/29-9/12 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Slagle Jimmyslagle001jam19004/19-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Slagle Waltslagle001wal1900+5/14-5/21+ Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Slagle Waltslagle001wal1900 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Slagle slagle003---1900+5/15- Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Slagle slagle003---1900 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Slater Edslater001hen1900no g. Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Slattery Jackslatte001joh1900 Fordham Col.College ,
Slattery Jackslatte001joh19007/30-8/3 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Slein slein-001---1900+5/21- Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Slujp slujp-001---1900+5/15- Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Smiley smiley003---19007 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Smink Billsmink-001wil19004/26-6/23 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Smink Billsmink-001wil19007/1-9/8 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Smith Hughsmith-004hug1900 UmpireCalif ,
Smith Germanysmith-013geo19004/19-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Smith Big Billsmith-000big1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Smith Big Billsmith-000big1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh19004/30-7/5 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Smith Elmersmith-004elm19004/19-5/30 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Smith Elmersmith-004elm19006/9-10/4 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Smith Judsmith-001jud19004/28-5/11 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Smith Judsmith-001jud19005/14-5/30 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Smith Judsmith-001jud19006/1-9/19 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Smith Billysmith-011wil19005/11-6/28 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Smith Tomsmith-006tom19005/14-5/22 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Smith Eddiesmith-003edd19002 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Smith Alecksmith-001ale19004/26-5/5 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Smith Clarencesmith-003cha19005/1-6/12 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Smith Clarencesmith-003cha1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Smith Harrysmith-018har19004/21-9/15 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Smith Billysmith-057wil19004/28-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Smith Dicksmith-022ric19004/29-9/12 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Smith Georgesmith-012geo19004/26-9/10 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Smith Franksmith-008fra1900 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Smith Melvillesmith-001mel1900 Purdue CollegeCollege ,
Smith Melvillesmith-001mel1900no g. Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Smith Elmersmith-010elm1900 Titusville PAIndependent Titusville, PA
Smith Stubsmith-001stu19004/30-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Smith Jamessmith-048jam1900+5/24-6/9 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Smith Joesmith-007jos1900 Pottsville PAIndependent Pottsville, PA
Smith Joesmith-007jos1900 Pottsville PAIndependent Pottsville, PA
Smith William1900 UmpireInt ,
Smith Bullsmith-001lew1900-03 U. West VirginiaCollege ,
Smith C.E.smith-009c--19005/15-5/21+ Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Smith Corneliussmith-006cor1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Smith Edsmith-001rhe19005/5-6/8 KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Smith Franksmith-020fra19005/11-6/6 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Smith Georgesmith-024geo19004/30-5/17 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Smith smith-232---19006/5-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Smith smith-011---19006/10 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Smith smith-109---1900-6/11 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Smith smith-012---19009/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom19006/18-7/4 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom19007/8-7/17 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom19007/18-9/12 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Smythe Burnssmythe001alf1900 Oberlin Col.College ,
Smythe Burnssmythe001alf19007/18-8/28 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Snooks Joesnooks001jos1900no g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Snooks Joesnooks001jos190015 g. Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Snyder Popsnyder001pop1900 UmpireCtSt ,
Snyder Popsnyder001pop190041 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Snyder Scottsnyder001sco1900+6/10+ Madison SDIndependent Madison, SD
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi19005/26-5/ Windsor LocksCTIndependent Windsor Locks, CT
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi1900 Hart.-Colt Co.Independent Hartford, CT
Somers Byronsomers000byr1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Somers Charliesomers000cha1900 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Sommerville Andysommer001and19006/28-7/23+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Sorber Soxsorber001wal19005/11-7/12 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Sorber Soxsorber001wal19009/11-9/18 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Sorrell Quinton1900 Auburn Univ.College ,
Souders Hollysouder001har19004/27-9/18 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Sparger Billsparge001wil19005/26-6/14 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Sparks Tullysparks001tho19004/24-9/17 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Speaks speaks002---190055 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Speer Georgespeer-001geo19004/19-9/15 Buffalo BisonsAmerican League Buffalo, NY
Spencer Wirtspence001wir1900 ,
Spencer Ditspence001d--1900 ,
Spies Harryspies-001hen19004/24-8/27 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Spies Harryspies-001hen19008/29-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Spratt Jackspratt001wil19004/30-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
St. Vrain Jimstvrai001jam19005/22-16 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Stafford Jamesstaffo001gen19004/26-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Stafford Robertstaffo003rob19006/25-8/19 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Stahl Chickstahl-001cha19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Stallings Georgestalli002geo19004/23-6/15 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Stanley Mattstanle001mat19004/1-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Stanley Joestanle003jos19006/1-6/13 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Stanton Tomstanto002tho190010/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Staples Williamstaple001wil19006 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Stark Williamstark-003wil19005/3 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo1900+6/29+ Sioux FallsMontSt Sioux Falls, SD
Stauffer Harrystauff001hen19005/15 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Stauffer Harrystauff001hen19007/1-7/4 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Stearns 1900 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Stecher Charlessteche001cha19005/12- Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Steele Fredsteele001fre190034 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor19005/4-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor190010/11 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Steen Joesteen-001jos1900 Duquesne CollegeCollege ,
Steere Genesteere001gen1900 New BedfordIndependent New Bedford, MA
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic19004/1-6/17 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic1900-9/2327 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Stein Henry1900 StL-JLHudsonsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Stein Henry1900 St.L.-Alton BluesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Steinfeldt Harrysteinf001har19004/19-10/14 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Stephens stephe003---19001 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Stephenson Reubenstephe001dum19005/7-5/9 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Sterns sterns000---19004/4-  U. VirginiaCollege ,
Sterns sterns000---19006/28-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Stetler Jay1900 Wmpt StoreIndependent ,
Stevens steven063---1900+6/30+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Stewart Acestewar001ace19005/15 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Stewart Acestewar001ace19001 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Stewart Acestewar001ace19006/1-9/18 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Stewart Delehantystewar000del1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Stidham Joestidha000joe19007/13-7/17+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc19004/30-6/9 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc19007/3-7/6 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc19007/11-9/18 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Stolworthy Walterstolwo000tom1900+7/25+ Bellows FallsIndependent Bellows Falls, NH
Stoney Harrystoney001har1900 Superior NBIndependent Superior, NE
Story/Storey story-001---19002 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Stouch Tomstouch001tom19004/30-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Stout Fredstout-001fre19001 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Strang Sammystrang001sam19005/5-9/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Strang Sammystrang001sam19009/12-10/13 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Stratton Scottstratt001sco19004/30-6/11 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Stratton Scottstratt001sco19006/18-9/22 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Streib Juliestreib001jul190072 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Streit Oscarstreit001osc19004/30 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Streit Oscarstreit001osc19005/13-8/20 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Streit Oscarstreit001osc19008/24-9/15 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Stricker Cubstrick001cub1900 Phil.-CrescentsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm19005/2-6/9 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm19006/11-8/11 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Stripp Frederick1900+4/5-6/2 Kalamazoo Col.College ,
Strobel Charlesstrobe001cha19004/28-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Stroh Billystroh-001wil19005/10-5/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Stroh Billystroh-001wil1900-8/2 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo190024 g. Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo1900-7/21 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Strothers Constroth001joh19005/14,6/18-19 UmpireIntSt ,
Strowger Alfstrowg001alf19005/10-6/14 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Stuart 1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Stuffers 1900 NYSt ,
Stultz Henrystultz001hen19004/1-12/2 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Stultz stultz002---1900+5/21-6/8 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Stutsman Edstutsm001e--1900 Muskegon Muskegon, MI
Stutsman Edstutsm001e--1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Sudhoff Williesudhof001joh19004/25-10/14 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Sugden Joesugden001jos19004/21-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Suggs Georgesuggs-001geo1900 Kinston NCIndependent Kinston, NC
Sullivan John19008/9 UmpireCtSt ,
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam19005/26-11/29 San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Billysulliv006wil19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic19004/30-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut19004/19-5/18 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut19005/24-8/7 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Sullivan Georgesulliv005geo1900 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Sullivan Georgesulliv005geo1900+7/4+ Kingston ONIndependent Kingston, ON
Sullivan Jacksulliv023joh19005/9-6/9 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Sullivan Jacksulliv023joh19008/20-8/24 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Sullivan Chipsulliv003eug19005/15-8/9 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Sullivan Johnsulliv004joh19004/20-4/30 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Sullivan Johnsulliv004joh19006/10-9/4 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Sullivan M.J.sulliv001m--19008/7-8/10 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Sullivan M.J.sulliv000mj-1900 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Sullivan sulliv098---19005/11-5/20 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Sullivan sulliv084---1900 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Summers Olliesummer001oli19005/4-5/10 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Summers Olliesummer001oli19005/11-5/18 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Summers Olliesummer001oli19006/5-6/7 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Summers Olliesummer001oli1900+7/17+ Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Sump Billsump--001wil1900 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil19004/30-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil19006/14-7/5 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil19007/17-8/3 Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil1900+8/7-8/23+ SelmaIndependent Selma, AL
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil1900+9/13+ Altoona MonarchsIndependent Altoona, PA
Suterfield Al.1900 Nash.-StarsIndependent Nashville, TN
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh19004/28-6/4 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh19006/7-6/29 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh19007/6-7/12 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh19007/16-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Swaim Cyswaim-001cy-19004/28-9/15 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Swaim Arthurswaim-001art190047 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Swalm Harryswalm-001har19004/30-5/9 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Swalm Harryswalm-001har190013 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Swalm Harryswalm-001har1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Swarts Ginger190014 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Swearingen Robertsweari002rob1900+8/19+ SedaliaIndependent Sedalia, MO
Sweeney Norcumsweene038---1900+5/18-6/2+ Wilm-Naval Res.Independent ,
Sweeney Norcumsweene038---1900+7/30-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Sweet sweet-004---19007/2 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha19005/22-8/14 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha19008/19 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Switzer Arthurswitze001art1900 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Swormstedt Lensworms001leo19005/13-6/ Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Tabor Earltabor-001ear190011 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Talbert Dangerfield1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob19005/11-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Tamber tamber001---1900 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam1900-8/2596 g. Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam19008/28-9/18 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Tannehill Jessetanneh001jes19004/21-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Tannehill Leetanneh002lee19004/30-6/13 Richmond Blue BirdsVirginia League Richmond, VA
Tarleton Roberttarlet001rob1900 Morgan City LAIndependent Morgan City, LA
Tate Harrytate--001har19004/30-5/30 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Tate John1900+7/26+ Char.-ElksIndependent Charleroi, PA
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal19004/28-6/27 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal19006/28-7/8 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal19007/20-8/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Taylor Billytaylor002bil19004/28-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Taylor Jacktaylor014joh19004/24-10/8 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut19005/12-7/21 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut19008/27-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut1900 San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Taylor Roberttaylor015rob19007/5-9/6 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Taylor Roytaylor005r--19005/17-5/30 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Taylor taylor057---1900+5/9-5/11+ Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Taylor taylor016---19005/26-5/27 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Taylor taylor037---19008/29 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Taylor taylor028---19009/11 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo19005/6-5/8 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Tebeau Patsytebeau001pat19006/12 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Tenney Fredtenney001fre19004/19-10/13 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Terry Adonisterry-001ado190039 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly19005/11-9/3 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Thatcher Warrenthatch001w--19005/16 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Thayer Nicholasthayer001nic19006 g. Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Theisen Josephtheise001jos19005/9-9/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Thiel Ottothiel-001ott19004/20-5/6 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Thiel Ottothiel-001ott19005/10-90 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Thielman Jakethielm001joh19005/22-9/23 Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Thielman Henrythielm001hen1900 FIND ,
Thomas Roythomas002roy19004/19-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Thomas Tomthomas005tho19005/16-6/18 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Thomas Tomthomas005tho19007/22-7/30 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Thomas Tomthomas005tho19009/3-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Thomas Joethomas001tho1900 MarysvilleNoCa Marysville,
Thomas Frostythomas001for1900 Buchanan Co. MOHighSchool ,
Thomas R.A.thomas000ra-19007/2-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Thomas Ralphthomas004ral19005/10-7/6 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Thomas Ralphthomas004ral19007/14-7/19 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Thomas Ralphthomas004ral1900 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Thomas Thomasthomas007tho1900+5/6-5/24+ AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Thomas Thomasthomas007tho19006/18-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Thomas thomas071---19005/21 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Thomas thomas026---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Thomas 19001 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
Thomas 19007 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Thompson Andythomps006and19005/1-5/9 ElmiraAtlantic League Elmira, NY
Thompson Johnthomps015joh19007/24-8/19 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Thompson W.S.thomps002w--1900 Amherst Col.College ,
Thompson W.S.thomps002w--19007/7 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Thompson William1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Thompson 19005/15-6/5 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Thompson thomps002---190046 g. Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Thompson thomps002---1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Thompson thomps003---19001 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Thompson thomps004---19005/24-7/4 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Thompson thomps004---19007/21-8/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Thompson thomps005---19006/22-7/2 Port Huron TunnelitesInternational League Port Huron, MI
Thornton Patthornt004joh19006/18-6/21 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Thornton Patthornt004joh19006/22-7/10 UmpireVa ,
Thruman Hal1900+6/7+ Univ. MissouriCollege ,
Thruman Hal1900 Univ. MissouriCollege ,
Thurman Billythurma001bil19003 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Thurston Ned1900 North AdamsIndependent North Adams, MA
Thurston Ned1900 HinsdaleIndependent Hinsdale, NH
Tibald Pattibald001pet19005/11-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Tieman Georgetieman001geo1900 FtWaShamrocksIndependent Fort Wayne, IN
Tiernan Miketierna001mik19005/10-5/31 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Tierney Marktierne004mar19005/2-5/16 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Tierney Marktierne004mar19005/23-6/11 Petersburg FarmersVirginia League Petersburg, VA
Tierney Marktierne004mar19006/12 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Tierney Marktierne004mar19006/14-7/9+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh19005/10-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Tilton 19001 g. HanfordSanJoaquin Hanford, CA
Tinker Joetinker001jos190032 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Tinker Joetinker001jos190023 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Tinker Joetinker001jos1900-9/2330 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Toben 1900 Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Tobeyon tobeyo001---19008/29 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Todd Charles1900 Georgia TechCollege ,
Toft Jacktoft--001jam19004/30-6/9 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Toft Jacktoft--001jam19006/20-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Toman Jimmytoman-001jam1900104 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Tonkin Doctonkin001har1900-07 U. of MarylandCollege ,
Torrence Cytorren001osc190038 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Torrence Cytorren001osc1900 Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Townsend Cytownse002cha1900+5/16-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Townsend Happytownse001joh1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Townsend Happytownse001joh19007/2-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Tracy tracy-005---19009/8 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Traeger Charlestraege002cha1900no g. Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Traffley Billtraffl001bil1900 UmpireWest ,
Treadway Wixtreadw001win1900-9/119 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Treanor Berttreano001ber19007 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Treichler Veretreich001---1900+7/31+ Lititz PAIndependent Lititz, PA
Treichler Veretreich001---1900 Franklin & MarshallCollege ,
Trenberth J.trenbe001j--19001 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Tripp Sollytripp-001sol19004 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Trobough 1900 Tobias NE HSHighSchool ,
Trost Miketrost-001mik19005/5-5/30 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Trost Miketrost-001mik19006/5-6/23 UmpireVa ,
Troup Albert1900 Masten Park HSHighSchool ,
Truby Harrytruby-002har19004/28-5/3 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Truby Harrytruby-002har19005/13-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Tucker Tommytucker003tho19004/28-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Tucker Fredtucker001f--1900 Waverly NYIndependent Waverly, NY
Tufts Ike19006 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Tufts Ray190012 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
Tull Hermantull--001h--19005/11-7/28 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Oswego, NY
Tull Hermantull--001h--19008/1-9/1 Oswego Grays/Elmira PioneersNew York State League Elmira, NY
Turner Thomasturner006tho19004/28-9/2 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Turner Tuckturner002tuc19004/26-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Turner Jackturner004jac1900+8/13+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Turner Arthurturner000art1900 Trinity (Duke U)College ,
Turner Arthurturner000art19006/25-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Turner Danielturner003dan19004/28-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Turner Terryturner001ter1900 GreenvilleIndependent Greenville, PA
Tutt Leetutt--001---19005/22-20 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Twineham Arttwineh002art1900 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Underwood Fredunderw002fre190041 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob1900 Univ. of MarylandCollege ,
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob19005/9-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob19009/10-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho1900 Thayer AcademyHighSchool ,
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho1900 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Urquhart Billurquha001wil19004/26-9/23 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Ury Lonury---001lou1900 Galena KS Galena, KS
Utley Jeromeutley-001jer1900-03 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Utley Jeromeutley-001jer1900no g. WashingtonAmerican League Washington, DC
Vail Bobvail--001rob1900 Wmpt StoreIndependent ,
Van Anin Charlesvanarm001cha1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw19004/28-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Van Burssman 19001 g. Bloomington BluesCentral League Bloomington, IL
Van Dine Dowvandin001dow1900 PittsburgIndependent Pittsburg, KS
Van Dyke Billvandyk001bil19005/5-5/11 UmpireWest ,
Van Giesen Colbertvangie001col19004/30-6/5 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo19004/19-10/13 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo1900 UmpireCalif ,
Van Horn Charleyvanhor002cha19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Van Horn Charleyvanhor002cha19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Van Horn Charleyvanhor002cha19001 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Van Horn Charleyvanhor002cha19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha19006/6-6/23 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
VanderWeg Joevander005---1900+8/27+ Grand Rapids All-StarsIndependent Grand Rapids, MI
Varney Dikevarney001law1900-01 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Vasbinder Calvasbin001mos1900+5/11-5/15+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Vasbinder Calvasbin001mos1900 CadizIndependent Cadiz, OH
Vaughn Farmervaughn001far1900 ,
Veach Phil190026 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Veatch Philveach-001phi1900 MemphisIndependent Memphis, TN
Veatch Philveach-001phi19006/11-26 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Veil Buckyveil--001fre1900-02 Bucknell Univ.College ,
Veil Buckyveil--001fre19005/17- Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Veitch Josephveitch001jos19005/23-5/29 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Vetter Philvetter001phi1900 Loui.-RecciusIndependent Louisville, KY
Viau Leeviau--001lee19004/30-5/24 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Viau Leeviau--001lee1900-9/827 g. Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Viau Philipviau--001phi1900 Fall RiverNE Fall River, MA
Vickers Rubevicker001har19006/9 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Vickers Rubevicker001har19007/28 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Vickery Tomvicker001tom19005/10-5/16 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Vickery F.1900 St. PaulWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam19004/30- Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam190025 g. Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam1900-6/9 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam19006/14-9/8 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Villeman Georgevillem001geo19005/11-9/3 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Viox Ronyviox--001hen1900no g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Viox Ronyviox--001hen19004/20-7/15 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Vitter Harryvitter001har1900 Morgan City LAIndependent Morgan City, LA
Vitter Roland1900 Morgan City LAIndependent Morgan City, LA
Vizard Jamesvizard001jam190032 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Vogeding Oscar1900+8/11-9/1+ Westville NJIndependent Westville, NJ
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado19004/30-5/3 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado19005/10-9/7 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Voorhees 1900 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen19004/30-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen1900 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen19007/2-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Vought Williamvought002wil19005/10-6/2 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Vought Williamvought002wil19006/9-6/23 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Vought Williamvought002wil19007/20-7/29 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Wachtell Leswachte000les19005/5-6/8 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo19004/19-7/5 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo19007/26-8/31 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo19009/3-10/11 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Wade Erniewade--002ern19008/24-8/27 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Wadsworth Jackwadswo002jac19004/28-9/16 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Wagner Buttswagner001but19004/19-7/22 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Wagner Honuswagner004joh19004/19-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19006/5-6/14 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh1900 Jamestown NYIndependent Jamestown, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh19007/10-7/19+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wagner wagner022---1900 NYC-LouisvilleACIndependent New York, NY
Wagner wagner009---1900+5/9-6/8 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Wakefield Bertwakefi000ber1900 Chicago UnionsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv19004/21-9/18 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Walker Tomwalker006tho19004/27-7/2 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Walker Tomwalker006tho19007/12-9/4 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Walker Tomwalker006tho19009/10-9/18 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Walker walker056---19002 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Wall Joewall--005jos19005/5-6/15 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Wall Joewall--005jos1900+6/26-7/11 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wall Joewall--005jos19008/4-8/9 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wall Henrywall--001hen19001 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Wallace Gardnerwallac001gar19005/26-5/29 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Waller waller001---19007/11,9/3 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Walsh Edwalsh-002edw1900-03 St. John's(Fordham)College ,
Walsh Williamwalsh-007wil19005/11-5/22 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Walsh walsh-003---19005/27 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Walsh walsh-040---19005/5 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Walsh walsh-063---19008/6-8/11 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Walters Jackwalter001joh19004/26-9/19 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Walters Roxeywalter001lou190095 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Walters Roxeywalter001lou1900+9/6+ Fox Lake WIIndependent Fox Lake, WI
Walters walter015---1900no g. Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Walters walter015---19004/30-5/24 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Walters Jackwalter001joh1900no g. Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Walters Johnwalter006joh1900 Sheboygan WIIndependent Sheboygan, WI
Walters Johnwalter006joh19008/8-8/22 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Walters Johnwalter006joh1900no g. Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Waltman waltma001---1900+5/16+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Ward Piggyward--002fra19004/26-5/2 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Ward Piggyward--002fra19005/11-7/9 Hartford Indians/Wooden NutmegsEastern League Hartford, CT
Ward Piggyward--002fra19007/23-9/8 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Ward ward--067---1900+6/27+ Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Ward ward--066---1900+7/3-7/7+ WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Ware ware--006---19007/6 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Wares Clyde1900 KalaCity ,
Warner Alwarner002al-19007/24-8/19 UmpireWest ,
Warner Alwarner002al-1900-8/262 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Warner Bobbywarner002rob1900+7/30+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Warrender Mumwarren002fra190077 g. Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Warrender Mumwarren002fra1900 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Washburn Libewashbu001lib1900 Brown Univ.College ,
Washburn Libewashbu001lib19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Washer Buckwasher001wil1900 Bucktel ColCollege ,
Watkins Billwatkin002bil19004/19-9/8 Indianapolis HoosiersAmerican League Indianapolis, IN
Watkins Charleswatkin002cha1900 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Watkins Charleswatkin002cha19006/17-9/15 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Watkins John1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Watson Scott1900-03 Stoneham HSHighSchool ,
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil19006/3-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Weakley Clarenceweakle001cla19005/30+ KokomoIndiana State League Kokomo, IN
Weand Dickweand-001geo1900 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Weaver Farmerweaver001far19004/26-5/11 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Weaver Farmerweaver001far19005/19-6/25 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Weaver Farmerweaver001far19007/11-25 g. Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Weaver Farmerweaver001far190027 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Weaver Buckweaver002buc19004/30-7/10+ Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Weaver Johnweaver003joh1900 Richmond INIndependent Richmond, IN
Weaver Johnweaver003joh19005/30-6/15 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Weaver Kidweaver001kid19005/19-6/18 Newport News ShipbuildersVirginia League Newport News, VA
Weber Charlieweber-003cha1900 ,
Webster Edwardwebste001edw19005/6-5/20 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet19004/30-5/22 Portsmouth BoersVirginia League Portsmouth, VA
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet19006/4-6/11 UmpireVa ,
Weddige Alweddig001alb1900 GreenvilleIndependent Greenville, PA
Wedlake Billywedlak001---1900 Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Weed Fredweed--001fre19007 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Weed Fredweed--001fre19003 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Weed Fredweed--001fre1900 MaryvilleNoCA Marysville,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen19007/9-7/11 Norfolk PhenomsVirginia League Norfolk, VA
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen1900+7/20+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Weigand Curtweigan001cur1900 Ches.-AthleticsIndependent Chester, PA
Weikart Frankweiker001fra190091 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Weimer Jakeweimer001jac19005/5-9/4 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou19004/30-5/5 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou19005/10-9/8 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Wells Jakewells-001jak19006/1-6/6 PresidentVa ,
Wenig Fredwenig-001fre1900no g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Wenig Fredwenig-001fre190013 g. Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Wente Jackwente-001jac1900 Syra.-PastimesIndependent Syracuse, NY
Werden Perrywerden001per19004/19-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Werner Charleswerner001j--1900 Fleischmann’sIndependent ,
West Frankwest--002fra19004/30-6/14 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19005/8-7/25 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug19008/7-9/18 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Whalen Jimmywhalen003wil19004/1-47 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Whaling Babewhalin001f--19003 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Whaling Billwhalin001bil19003 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Whealon Tomwhealo001tho1900 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, AR
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo19004/22-6/3 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo1900-9/833 g. Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Wheeler Edwheele003edw19004/19-4/20 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Wheeler Edwheele003edw19004/28-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Wheeler Johnwheele002joh1900 Salem Salem,
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob19005/10-5/21 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Whisner 1900 Ashtabulas-p Ashtabula, OH
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew1900+5/23-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Whitaker whitak005---1900+5/8+ U. MarylandCollege ,
Whitaker whitak005---1900+7/4+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
White Solwhite-001kin1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
White Molliewhite-002m--1900 Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
White Molliewhite-002m--19004 g. FresnoSanJoaquin Fresno, CA
White Jackwhite-012joh19004/20-5/26 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
White Jackwhite-012joh19006/1-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
White H.white-001h--19002 g. San Francisco BrewersCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
White H.white-001h--19001 g. BakersfieldSanJoaquin Bakersfield, CA
White Docwhite-001guy1900 Georgetown Col.College ,
White Roywhite-004roy1900 Richmond Col.College ,
White Roywhite-004roy1900 Piedmont SCIndependent Piedmont, SC
White Roywhite-004roy19007/19-8/3 Charlotte PresbyteriansNorth Carolina Association Charlotte, NC
White white-003---19007/2 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Whiteman Ed.whitma004---1900+5/17+ Logansport/Elwood WanderersIndiana State League Elwood, IN
Whiting Jessewhitin002jes19004/30-5/31 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Whitney Herbertwhitle001her19005/22-10 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb1900+5/10-5/26+ WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb19007/1-9/4 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Whitted Raymondwhitte001ray19005/6-6/2 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Whittemore Buckwhitte000buc1900 Brown Univ.College ,
Whittemore Buckwhitte000buc19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Wicker Bobwicker001rob19005/3-9/9 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1900 ,
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1900 Nevada MOIndependent Nevada, MO
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam1900no g. Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Wiggs Jimmywiggs-001jam19006/7-6/26 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Wilcox wilcox019---1900+5/8+ U. of No CarolinaCollege ,
Wilcox wilcox019---19006/25-7/12 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Wilder Widwilder000wid19006/29-9/6 MaloneNorthern New York League Malone, NY
Wilder wilder006---19006/9 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Wilder 1900 Wesleyan ColCollege ,
Wilds Horacewilds-001hor19003 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh1900-7/1641 g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har19005/12-5/14 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har1900+5/28-9/8 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Wilkins Bobwilkin000bob1900+3/23-4/29+ Trinity CollegeCollege ,
Wilkins Bobwilkin000bob1900 Wm. BinghamSchool ,
Wilkins Bobwilkin000bob19006/25-8/4 Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac1900 Mattoon ILIndependent Mattoon, IL
Wilkinson Georgewilkin003geo190080 g. Decatur CommodoresCentral League Decatur, IL
Williams Tomwillia004tom19006/17-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Williams Tomwillia004tom19008/24-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Williams Jimmywillia025jam19004/19-10/13 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Williams Popwillia008wal19004/30-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Williams Dalwillia001lev19006/18-7/6 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Williams Dalwillia001lev19009/10-9/16 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Williams willia012---1900+5/15-6/8 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Williams Clarencewillia010cla1900 Cuban X GiantsBlack Baseball Cuban,
Williams Davewillia013dav19006/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Williams Robertwillia028rob19001 g. Stockton WaspsCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Williams Bill1900 Genuine Cuban GiantsIndependent Genuine,
Williams Clarewillia007cla1900+8/26+29 g. Butte Smoke EatersMontana State League Butte, MT
Williams Clarewillia007cla1900 Anaconda SerpentsMontana State League Anaconda, MT
Williams Genewillia002gen19002 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Williams A. B.1900no g. Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Williams willia353---1900 Thayer AcademyHighSchool ,
Williams willia353---19006/25-8/4 Tarboro TarheelsNorth Carolina Association Tarboro, NC
Williams willia012---1900+5/15-6/8 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Williams 1900 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Williams 1900 AttleboroIndependent Attleboro, MA
Williams willia006---19008/11 Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Willis Vicwillis001vic19004/19-10/11 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Willis Delawarewillis001del1900+5/5+ Newark DEIndependent Newark, DE
Willis 190014 g. VisaliaSanJoaquin Visalia, CA
Wills Davewills-001dav19006/28-8/4 WilmingtonNorth Carolina Association Wilmington, NC
Wills Charleswills-001cha1900+6/8 WabashIndiana State League Wabash, IN
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal19004/19-9/18 Minneapolis MillersAmerican League Minneapolis, MN
Wilner Robert1900 Spokane ACIndependent Spokane, WA
Wilson Parkewilson001par19005/16-7/10 Kansas City BluesAmerican League Kansas City, MO
Wilson Billwilson003bil19005/5-8/29 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Wilson Zekewilson002zek19004/21-6/1 Cleveland Lake ShoresAmerican League Cleveland, OH
Wilson Baldy1900 Phil.-CrescentsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Wilson Garywilson010jam19005/9-6/14 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Wilson Garywilson010jam19006/15-6/22+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Wilson Georgewilson019geo1900 Chicago Columbia GiantsBlack Baseball Chicago, IL
Wilson Ed1900 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Wilson Harrywilson003hen19005/9-6/22+ Bristol BellmakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Wilson Harrywilson003hen19006/26-7/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Wilson Harrywilson003hen19007/20-8/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Wilson Harrywilson003hen19008/10-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wilson Howardwilson001how19005/10-8/15+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wilson W.J.wilson005w--19003 g. Los AngelesSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Wilson F.wilson004f--19001 g. AzusaSouthern California League Azusa, CA
Wilson Frank1900 Ut-Id ,
Wilson Harrywilson008har1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Wilson Harrywilson003hen1900 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Wilson Kenwilson004ken1900 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Wilson Williewilson026wil19005/11-5/21+ Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Wilson Williewilson026wil19006/18-7/2 St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Wilson Williewilson026wil19007/4-7/18 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Wilson wilson007---19005/10-5/18 Chatham RedsInternational League Chatham, ON
Wilson wilson029---19004/28-5/9 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Wilson wilson097---19007/24 Des Moines HawkeyesWestern League Des Moines, IA
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew19004/30-5/13 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew19005/22-9/19 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Winham Lavewinham001laf19007/17-8/4 StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Winston Diceywinsto006---19007/10-7/11+ Durham BullsNorth Carolina Association Durham, NC
Winter Georgewinter001geo1900 Myerstown-All CollegiatesAmat Myerstown,
Winter Georgewinter001geo1900 Manheim PAIndependent Manheim, PA
Winter Georgewinter001geo1900 GettysburgIndependent Gettysburg, PA
Winters Georgewinter002geo1900no g. Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Winters Georgewinter002geo1900 Troy WasherwomenNew York State League Troy, NY
Wiseman Docwisema001jul1900 ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo1900 Union CollegeCollege ,
Witbeck Georgewitbec001geo1900 MoroviaIndependent Morovia, NY
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil19005/3-5/8 Jersey City CityAtlantic League Jersey City, NJ
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil19006/4-6/11 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Harrisburg, PA
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil19007/27-8/22 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Wolf Boodiewolf--001boo19005/11-6/24 Grand Rapids BoersInternational League Grand Rapids, MI
Wolf Boodiewolf--001boo19006/27-7/4 Saginaw Salt EatersInternational League Saginaw, MI
Wolf Denny1900 BrunswickIndependent Brunswick, GA
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001wil19004/28-8/21 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Columbus, OH
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001wil19008/26-9/15 Columbus Senators/Anderson AndersInterstate League Anderson, IN
Wolfe Mauricewolfe-001mau19007/11-9/5 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Wolfe Orville1900 Newark OHIndependent Newark, OH
Wolfe wolfe-002---190010 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Wolverton Harrywolver001har19004/19-4/22 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Wolverton Harrywolver001har19004/30-10/13 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Wood Bobwood--005rob19004/22-7/25 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Wood Bobwood--005rob19008/16-9/18 Chicago White StockingsAmerican League Chicago, IL
Wood Carlwood--001car19005/22-34 g. Helena SenatorsMontana State League Helena, MT
Wood wood--024---19006/5-6/7 Sioux City CornhuskersWestern League Sioux City, IA
Wood wood--009---19007/9-7/10 Hampton CrabsVirginia League Hampton, VA
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic19005/11-9/8 Utica RedsNew York State League Utica, NY
Woodmansee Elmerwoodma000elm1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet19005/10-9/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv19005/12-9/8 Binghamton CricketsNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Woods Waltwoods-002wal19004/27 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Woods Waltwoods-002wal19005/19-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Woods woods-022---19001 g. Los Angeles-PacificSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Woodworth C.F.woodwo002c--1900 Tufts UniversityCollege ,
Woodworth C.F.woodwo002c--19005/12-9/8 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wooley 19001 g. SoCalif ,
Woolford G.A.woolfo001g--190012 g.  Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Springfield, IL
Woolford G.A.woolfo001g--1900 Springfield/JacksonvilleCentral League Jacksonville, IL
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra1900 Webb CityIndependent Webb City, MO
Wooten Lloydwooten000llo1900+8/9+ Kingston NCIndependent Kingston, NC
Wooten Lloydwooten000llo1900+8/17+ LaGrange NCIndependent LaGrange, NC
Works Tomworks-001tom19004 g. San DiegoSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Wright Patwright003pat19004/28-8/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Wright Patwright003pat19009/5-9/16 Marion Glass BlowersIndiana State League Marion, IN
Wright Joewright001joe19004/28-6/19 Youngstown Little Giants/Marion Glass BlowersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Wright Joewright001joe190014 g. Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Wright Luckywright015wil1900 Bowling GreenIndependent Bowling Green, OH
Wright Genewright003eug19005/9-6/11 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Wright Genewright001cla1900-9/2333 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Wright Redwright001jos190088 g. Danville ChampionsCentral League Danville, IL
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek19004/26-8/16 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek19008/17-9/21 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Wyland W.wyland000w--1900 MuncieIndiana State League Muncie, IN
Wynch wynch-001---19007/22 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Wynne Willwynne-002bil1900+7/6-7/7+ Raleigh SenatorsNorth Carolina Association Raleigh, NC
Wynne Willwynne-002bil1900+7/1+ UmpireNC ,
Wynne William1900+7/17+ Rale.-BrowniesIndependent Raleigh, NC
Yale Adyale--001wil19005/6-9/10 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Yancey Hoganyancey001hog1900 Va. Military Inst.College ,
Yancey Hoganyancey001hog19006/25- StatesvilleNorth Carolina Association Statesville, NC
Yancey Hoganyancey001hog1900+7/17+ Yorkville SCIndependent Yorkville, SC
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo19004/26-5/26 Milwaukee BrewersAmerican League Milwaukee, WI
Yeager Joeyeager002jos19004/20 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Yeager Joeyeager002jos19004/30-9/13 Detroit TigersAmerican League Detroit, MI
Yeager Joeyeager002jos190010/3-10/12 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19005/29-6/6 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta19006/15-9/1 Pueblo IndiansWestern League Pueblo, CO
Yessler Joseph1900 College ,
Young Cyyoung-001den19004/19-10/7 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Young Elmeryoung-001elm19004/30-5/31 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Young Elmeryoung-001elm1900 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Young Charlesyoung-002cha19005/12-8/28 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Young Cecilyoung-001cec1900-01 U. of AlabamaCollege ,
Younger Charlesyounge000cha1900 AndersonIndiana State League Anderson, IN
Zalusky Jackzalusk001joh1900-01 U. of MinneasotaCollege ,
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav19004/28-5/4 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav19005/10-5/26 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav1900-9/2364 g. Great Falls IndiansMontana State League Great Falls, MT
Zepley zepley001---19008/20 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Zieber zieber001---1900+4/28+ Reading BrownsIndependent Reading, PA
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha19004/30-5/26 Philadelphia Athletics/Harrisburg PoniesAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha19006/4-6/6 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha19006/19 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha1900-8/2158 g. Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Zietz Charleszietz-001cha19005/5 Denver GrizzliesWestern League Denver, CO
Zietz Charleszietz-001cha190031 g. St. Joseph SaintsWestern League St. Joseph, MO
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha19004/19-10/11 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Zink Billzink--001wil190036 g. Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Zink Billzink--001wil19008/23-8/26 Omaha OmahogsWestern League Omaha, NE
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw1900 GreenvilleIndependent Greenville, PA
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha19005/11-9/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY