Searching for records from 1899-00
There are 3499 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw18994/28-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Abbey Bertabbey-001ber18995/2-6/12 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Abbott Fredabbott002har1899 DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Abbott Jackabbott001jac18995/10-5/12 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Accorsini Victoraccors001vic1899 Waverly NYIndependent Waverly, NY
Adams Jimadams-001jim18995/1 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Adams Jimadams-001jim18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Adams Jimadams-001jim18995/24-5/30 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Adams adams-061---189927 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Adams adams-038---18997/27 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1899 Beliot CollegeCollege ,
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1899no g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Ahorn Dadahorn-001a--18995/12- Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Ahorn Dadahorn-001a--1899-7/13 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Ahorn Dadahorn-001a--1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Albright Tomalbrig001tom18991 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Aldinger Docalding001alb1899 U. of VermontCollege ,
Aldinger Docalding001alb18996/3-7/18 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Aldinger Docalding001alb18997/28-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Alexander Billalexan005wil18994/13-6/3 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Alexander Billalexan005wil18996/6-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Allen Boballen-001bob18994/29-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Allen Georgeallen-003geo18995/3-5/23 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Allen Georgeallen-003geo18996/3-7/15 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Allen Georgeallen-003geo18997/18 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Allen Georgeallen-003geo18997/30-8/7 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Allen Murrayallen-000mur1899 Trinity Col. (Duke)College ,
Allen allen-081---18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Alloway Arthurallowa001art18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Almgren almgre000---18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic18995/11-7/1 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic18997/15-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Ames Edames--001edw18994/27-7/8 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Ames Edames--001edw18997/12-8/4 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Amole Docamole-001doc18995/1-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Anderson Andyanders003and189951 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Anderson Andyanders003art1899 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Anderson Georgeanders008geo1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Muncie, IN
Anderson Spikeanders003a--1899 Minne.-CometsIndependent Minneapolis, MN
Andrews Docandrew001jay18994/28-8/12 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Andrews Georgeandrew005geo189927 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Andrews Georgeandrew005geo189921 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Andrews Georgeandrew006geo18995/7-5/9 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Andrews Georgeandrew006geo189916 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Andrews andrew005---18996/25 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Arellanes Abearella001abe189937 g.  Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Arellanes Abearella001abe18991 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Arellanes Abearella001abe1899 Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Armour Billarmour001wil18998/25- Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Armstrong Frankarmstr001fra18995/10-6/20 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Armstrong Williamarmstr001wil189919 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Armstrong armstr006---18997/24-7/26 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Arndt Harryarndt-001har1899 South Bend GreensIndependent South Bend, IN
Arthur Edarthur002sta18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Ashe Steveashe--001ste18995/17-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw189929 g. New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw18996/7-8/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Ashford Henryashfor001hen1899 Vanderbilt Col.College ,
Ashton Georgeashton001geo1899+5/20-5/23+ Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Atchison Ernestatchis000ern1899 WashDC-ZephersIndependent Washington, DC
Atherton Charlieathert001cha18994/27-5/27 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Atherton Charlieathert001cha18995/30-8/22 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Atherton Charlieathert001cha18998/26-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Babb Charliebabb--001cha18994/27- Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Babb Charliebabb--001cha1899-6/ Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Babb Charliebabb--001cha1899124 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo189962 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo18992 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo189927 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Bach Eddie1899no g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Bacon Louisbacon-001jam18995/12-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Bacon Harrybacon-001har1899 Bowdoin CollegeCollege ,
Bacon W.H.bacon-000wh-1899+6/12+ Brown UniversityCollege ,
Badger Frankbadger001fra189941 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Badger Frankbadger001fra18996/4-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Baer Willbaer--001wil189935 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Baer Willbaer--001wil1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Baer Willbaer--001wil1899 Peoria YMCASemi-Pro Peoria, IL
Baeza Jose1899 CubaCuban Cuba,
Bagley Jackbagley001joh1899 Villanova Col.College ,
Bagley Jackbagley001joh1899+7/1-7/15 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Bagley Jackbagley001joh18997/20-9/4 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Bagley Jackbagley001joh1899+9/14-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bailey Kingbailey001kin189935 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Bailey Kingbailey001kin1899 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Dallas, TX
Bailey Charlesbailey004cha18996 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Bailey Charlesbailey004cha18996/18-6/21 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Bailey Charlesbailey004cha18996/27-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Bailey Charlesbailey004cha18997/20-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Bailey Charlesbailey004cha18997/31-8/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Bailey Harveybailey003har18996/30-12 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Bailey J.W.bailey002j--189933 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir18994/17-6/14 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir18997/6-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Baker Bockbaker-002cha1899-7/18 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Baker Bockbaker-002cha18997/22-9/8 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Bald/Ball ball--013---18996/26-7/10 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Bald/Ball ball--013---18998/11-8/12 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Baldwin Markbaldwi001mar1899 ,
Ball Artball--003art1899 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Ball Artball--003art189931 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Ball Artball--003art18997/6-8/6 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Ballantyne Jimballen001jam1899 Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Balsz Louisbalsz-002lou189932 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Balsz Louisbalsz-002lou1899 Lincoln NB?Independent Lincoln, NE
Bammert Josephbammer001joh189939 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Bammert Josephbammer001joh18996/17-6/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Bammert Josephbammer001joh1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc18995/1-7/9 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Bannon Jimmybannon001jam18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Bannon Tombannon001tho18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Bannon Georgebannon001geo18994/29-8/6 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Bannon Georgebannon001geo18998/18-8/19 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Bannon bannon005---18995/13 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Barber Billybarber001wil18995/5-5/9 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Barber Billybarber001wil18995 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Barber Billybarber001wil1899 HastingsIndependent Hastings, MI
Barber Davebarber001dav18995/14-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Barber Billybarber001wil189911 g. Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Barber Billybarber001wil1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Barber Billybarber001wil1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Barber Frankbarber001fra189912 g.  Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Barber Frankbarber001fra1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo18995/4-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Barclay Johnbarcla001joh18995/3-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Barclay Sandybarcla001san189928 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Barnes Fredbarnes001fre18994/28-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Barnes barnes021---18994/23-5/13 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Barnie Billybarnie001bil18994/28-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Barrett Jimmybarret003jam18994/27-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Barrett Jimmybarret003jam18999/13-26 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Barrett Robertbarret004rob18999/3-9/4 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Barris barris000---189911 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Barrow Edbarrow001edw1899-8/6 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Barrow Edbarrow001edw18999/2-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Barry Johnbarry-002joh18995/30-78 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Barry Thomasbarry-002tom1899-03 Brown Univ.College ,
Bartlett W.T.bartle000wt-1899 Union SCIndependent Union, SC
Barton Harrybarton001har1899 MuncieIndependent Muncie, PA
Bateman Fredbatema001fre1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Bates Frankbates-002fra1899-5/2222 g.  St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Bates Georgebates-001geo1899no g. Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Bates bates-001---18995/3 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Battam Larrybattam001lar1899+5/27-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Bauer bauer-007---18996/12-6/13 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Bay Harrybay---001har189936 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Bay Harrybay---001har18997/3-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Bay Harrybay---001har18997/31-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Bayer Burleybayer-001bur18996/17 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Beal Carlbeal--001car1899 DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Bean Joebean--001jos18995/8-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Beaumont Benbeaumo001ben18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Beaumont Gingerbeaumo001cla18994/21-111 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Beck Ervebeck--001erv1899132 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Beck Ervebeck--001erv18999/19-28 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Becker Bobbecker001bob18994/29-34 g. Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Becker Arthurbecker002art1899+5/14+ Evan-ColumbianCourier Evansville, IN
Beckley Jakebeckle001jac1899135 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war1899 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Dallas, TX
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war18998 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha189939 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha1899 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Dallas, TX
Behan Edbehan-001ed-18992 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Belden Irabelden002ira1899140 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Bell 1899+9/17+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Belt Frankbelt--001fra18995/1-120 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Bemis Harrybemis-001har18994/28-6/3 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Bene Eugene1899 E. St. LouisIndependent East St. Louis, IL
Benedetti Arthurbenede002art18995/17-5/18 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bennett Pugbennet001jus1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Bensinger Frankbensin001fra1899 HobokenIndependent Hoboken, NJ
Bensinger Frankbensin001fra18995/23-6/1 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Bensinger Frankbensin001fra18998/17 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Bensinger Frankbensin001fra18998/30-9/3 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Bergen Billbergen001wil18994/30-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Berger Tunberger001tun1899 UmpireAtl ,
Berkeley berkel002---1899 DenverColoSt Denver, CO
Berkshire W.H.berksh001w--18995/-1 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Bernard Curtbernar001cur18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Bernard Curtbernar001cur18998/8-8/9 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Bernard Curtbernar001cur18998/11-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Bernhard Billbernha001wil18994/24-21 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Berry Joeberry-001jos1899 ,
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod18995/26-8/17 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Berte Harryberte-001har18995/1- Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Berte Harryberte-001har1899-9/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Berte Sidney1899 Cinc.-GymsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Bescher Bobbesche001rob1899-02 Notre DameCollege ,
Best Conradbest--001con18995/2-5/25 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Best Conradbest--001con18996/11-8/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Best Conradbest--001con18998/12-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Betts Fredbetts-001fre18994/27-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Betts William1899 UmpireAtl ,
Betts William18998/14-8/23 UmpireEast ,
Beusse Fred1899-00 Univ. GeorgiaCollege ,
Beville Montebevill001hen18994/27-6/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Beville Montebevill001hen18997/11-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Beville Montebevill001hen18997/20-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Beville Montebevill001hen18997/31-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Bevis Kidbevis-001e--1899 Mulhall MOIndependent Muhall, MO
Biecher Edbieche001ed-189928 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou18994/27-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou18997/18-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Billings Williambillin001wil18991 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Billings Williambillin001wil18993 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Billings Williambillin001wil18991 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Billings Williambillin001wil189922 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Bindloss Georgebindlo001geo1899 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18995/1-5/6 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18995/11-5/13 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18995/22-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Bishop Johnbishop001joh18994/28-8/4 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Bishop Johnbishop001joh18998/9-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Bishop Normanbishop001nor18991 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Bissell Wilbertbissel001wil1899 Mich.-AmateurIndependent , MI
Bissell Wilbertbissel001wil1899 FindleyIndependent Findley, OH
Bixby bixby-001---18995/27 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Black Georgeblack-001geo18999 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo189927 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo1899 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Blackburn G.blackb001g--18991 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Blacklock blackl001---18999 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Blake James18995/29-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Blanford Fredblanfo001f--18996/10-32 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Blanford Fredblanfo001f--1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Blanford Frank1899+8/27+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1899 Beloit CollegeCollege ,
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1899no g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Blewett Bobblewet001rob1899 Sioux CityIndependent Sioux City, IA
Blincoe Bobblinco001rob18992 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Blodgett blodge002---1899-01+5/14+ '01 MI School DeafSchool ,
Blue Johnblue--003joh1899no g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Bocock Fredbocock001---18995/24 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Bodemer Al1899no g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Bodie Davebodie-001dav18991 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Bolger Petebolger001pet18991 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bone Georgebone--001geo18995/10-8/4 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Bone Georgebone--001geo18998/16-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Bonner Frankbonner001fra18994/28-5/12 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Bonner Frankbonner001fra189985 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Bonno bonno-001---18995/16 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Bopst Williambopst-001wil1899no g. Rome?NYSt Rome,
Borchers Georgeborche001geo189935 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Borchers Georgeborche001geo189920 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Borland Edborlan001ed-1899 UmpireIn-Il ,
Borland Alborlan001al-18997 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Borland Alborlan001al-18992 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Bottenus Billybotten001wil189936 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Bottenus Billybotten001wil18997/1-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Bottenus Billybotten001wil18998/18-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Bowen Cybowen-001sut18994/27-6/5 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Bowen Cybowen-001sut18996/3-9/6 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Bowerman Frankbowerm001fra1899110 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Bowley Leonbowley001leo18991 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Bowman Billbowman001bil18994/29-5/12 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Bowman Frankbowman001fra18993 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Boyd Frankboyd--002fra18994/29-5/26 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Boyd Frankboyd--002fra18996/3-6/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Boyd Frankboyd--002fra18996/17-8/28 UmpireEast ,
Boyd boyd--015---18997/24 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Boylan C. H.1899no g. Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Boyle Jackboyle-001jac18995/17-7/17 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad189939 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad1899 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Dallas, TX
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad18996/22-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad18998/7-9/2 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Boyle Charlesboyle-001cha18995/3-5/17 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Boyle Charlesboyle-001cha18995/27-7/20 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Brace Harrybrace-001har1899 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Brace Harrybrace-001har18996/2 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Brace Harrybrace-001har1899-7/22 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Bradford Georgebradfo001geo189925 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw18995/1-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw18997/20-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw18997/31-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Bradley Billbradle004wil18995/12-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Bradley Billbradle004wil18997/31-8/17 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Bradley Billbradle004wil18998/26-35 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Brady Georgebrady-001geo18994/17-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Brady Georgebrady-001geo18997/18-7/19 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Brady Tombrady-001tho18997/12-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Brady Jamesbrady-006jam18995/12-5/27 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Brady Jamesbrady-006jam1899 Emlenton PAIndependent Emlenton, PA
Brampton brampt000---1899 New Bedford MAIndependent New Bedford, MA
Brampton brampt000---18995/-5/ Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Brandt Williebrandt002wil1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Brandt Williebrandt002wil18997/26-7/30 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Brandt Williebrandt002wil1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Brannon branno005---1899 Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Bransfield Kittybransf001wil18995/1-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Brashear Roybrashe002roy189914 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Brashear Roybrashe002roy1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor18995/6-25 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor18996/25-7/30 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Brashear Kittybrashe001nor18998/5-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Braun Silverbraun-005wil18994/30-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Breckenridge Edwinbrecke002edw18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Breen Jimmiebreen-002jam1899 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Brekke O.1899+6/8+ BuxtonIndependent Buxton, ND
Brem Robinbrem--000rob1899-02 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Brennan John18996/15-9/11 UmpireWest ,
Brennan John1899-10/124 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brennan Johnbrenna009joh1899 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Brennan Johnbrenna009joh18997/18-7/19 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Brennan brenna003---18995/10-5/13 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Brenner Alexbremme002---1899 ChicCity ,
Brenner Alexbremme002---1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Breslin Johnbresli002joh1899no g. Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog18994/28-5/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog18996/18-6/22 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog1899 Manistee MIIndependent Manistee, MI
Briggs Buttonsbriggs001her18994/28-7/4 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Briggs Buttonsbriggs001her18998/2-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Briseno Albertbrisen001alb189926 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Bristow Georgebristo002geo18994/15-5/8 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Bristow Georgebristo002geo18995/21-5/24 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil189941 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Brockhoff Billybrockh001wil189930 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Brockton brockt002---18995/21 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha18994/16-6/3 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha18996/6-6/25 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha18997/25-8/2 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha18998/4-8/7 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Brodie Jamesbrodie001jam18994/30-5/18 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Brodie Jamesbrodie001jam18996/10-8/8 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Brott Fredbrott-001j--1899no g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Brott Fredbrott-001j--189933 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Brouthers Danbrouth001den18994/28-6/19 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Brouthers Danbrouth001den18996/26-7/6 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Brown Tombrown-012tho18994/29-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Brown Tombrown-012tho18992 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Brown Bobbrown-027rob1899 Notre Dame U.College ,
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam18994/29-6/8 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam18996/27-8/6 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam18998/10-8/31 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Brown Stubbrown-001stu18995/12-6/4 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Brown Charliebrown-019cha18995/3-5/14 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Brown Johnbrown-018joh18995/30-8/8 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Brown Johnbrown-018joh18998/30-9/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Brown brown-152---189941 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Brown Mordecaibrown-001mor1899 BrazilIndependent Brazil, IN
Brown Redbrown-001red1899 Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Brown Redbrown-001red1899-6/319 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Brown Redbrown-001red18997/6 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Brown Alliebrown-001all18995/25 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Brown Dickbrown-001ric1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Brown Johnbrown-103---1899 ChicCity ,
Brown brown-039---1899+7/13+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Brown 1899 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Brown brown-019---18998/5-8/8 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Brown brown-234---18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Browne Georgebrowne001geo18995/24-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Browne Georgebrowne001geo18997/31-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Brownrigg Henrybrownr001hen18994/16-5/29 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Bruce Loubruce-001lou1899 Syracuse U.College ,
Bruce Loubruce-001lou1899 NorristownS-Pro Norristown, PA
Bruce Loubruce-001lou1899 Mt. Holly NJS-Pro? Mount Holly, NJ
Bruce Loubruce-001lou1899 IndiansS-Pro ,
Bruner F.H.bruner000f--1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Muncie, IN
Bruner Gerogebruner001law18995/3- Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Bruner Gerogebruner001law18996/3 Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Bruyette Edbruyet001edw1899no g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Bryan Willbryan-004wil1899 Peoria ILIndependent Peoria, IL
Bryan Clarence1899-00 U. of TennesseeCollege  ,
Bubser Georgebubser001geo18994 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Buckenberger Albucken001al-18994/28-9/10 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic18995/1-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic18997/18-9/4 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat18995/17-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Buckley 1899 ButteMontSt Butte, MT
Buckner Harrybuckne002har1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre18994/27-9/2 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre18999/28-7 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha189935 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha18996/28-7/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha18997/28-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Buers Berley1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Muncie, IN
Burbank Carlburban000car1899 Wash.-Eastern ACIndependent Washington, DC
Burbank Carlburban000car1899 Wash.-Central HighHighSchool  ,
Burdett Josephburdet001jos1899 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Burge Williamburge-001wil189925 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Burke Eddieburke-002edd18994/28-8/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Burke Joeburke-002joe18994/30-5/6 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Burke Joeburke-002joe18996/11-8/9 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Burke Joeburke-002joe18998/12-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam18992 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam18994/29-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Burke Thomasburke-004tho18992 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Burke Tomburke-002tom18996/20-6/21 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Burke burke-002---18996/22-6/27 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Burkhart burkha006---18998/5 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Burnham Walterburnha002wal18995/10-8/8 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Burns Thomasburns-001oys1899-6/2252 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Burns Peteburns-001pet1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Burns Billyburns-013wil1899 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Burns Billyburns-013wil1899 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Burns Jackburns-007joh18994/28-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Burns Jackburns-007joh18998/9-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Burns Jamesburns-013jam189928 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Burns Jackburns-010joh1899 Duluth Duluth, MN
Burns burns-052---18998/29-8/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Burns burns-007---18995/15-6/17 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Burns burns-007---18996/21-6/25 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Burr O.1899 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Burrell Frankburrel001bus18995/10-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Burrell Leland1899 St. John MilitaryAcademy ,
Burris Adburris002a--18994/17-4/24 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Burton Harryburton007---1899 AnacondaIndependent Anaconda, MT
Burton Harryburton007---1899 HelenaIndependent Helena, MT
Burton Joeburton001joe1899 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Burton Joeburton001joe18996/- Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Burtwaite burtwa001---18996/16-6/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Busky Frank1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Busse Charleybusse-001car18995/17-8/25 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Busse Charleybusse-001car18998/30-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Busse Tedbusse-001ted18991 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Bussey Harrybussey001har189957 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Bussey Harrybussey001har18996/- Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Butler Frankbutler003fra18994/27-5/6 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Butler Dickbutler001dic189912 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Butler Dickbutler001dic18997/15-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Butler Ikebutler001isa189926 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Butman Edwardbutman001edw18995/10-5/17 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Butman Edwardbutman001edw1899+6/30-8/19+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Butman Edwardbutman001edw18999/2+ New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh18998/-43 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Byers Billbyers-002jam189938 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Byers Billbyers-002jam18996/10-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Byers Billbyers-002jam18997/11-7/16 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Byers Billbyers-002jam18997/19-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Cahill Johncahill006joh1899 UmpireCalif ,
Cain Georgecain--002geo18995/22-7/20 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Cain Georgecain--002geo18997/26-8/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cain Georgecain--002geo18998/17 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Cain Georgecain--002geo1899 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Caine caine-001---189910 g. Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Caine caine-001---1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Calback Harry1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Caldwell Garahcaldwe000gar1899 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav18995/2-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav18998/8-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Callahan Johncallah004joh189915 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Callahan Johncallah004joh1899 Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Callahan Jackcallah025---18995/10-8/5 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Callahan Edwardcallah003edw18995/10-5/24 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Cameron C.W.camero001c--18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Cameron C.W.camero001c--189911 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Camnitz Howiecamnit001sam1899-04 Centre CollegeCollege ,
Camp Lewcamp--001lew18994/27-6/10 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Camp Lewcamp--001lew18996/20-7/8 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Camp camp--007---18997/23 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Campau Countcampau001cha18994/29-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Campbell Thomascampbe005tho18994/29-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Campbell Thomascampbe005tho18999/12-9/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Campbell Billycampbe004wil189953 g. Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Campbell Billycampbe004wil1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Campbell campbe019---1899+6/2+ Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Anderson, IN
Cantillon Joecantil001jos18994/28-9/10 UmpireWest ,
Carey Georgecarey-002geo18994/28-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Carey Willcarey-005wil189974 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Carey Willcarey-005wil1899 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Carey J. P.1899 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Carey carey-018---18991 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob1899139 g. New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha18995/12-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha18998/19 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Carlin Johncarlin002joh18995/12-8/20 UmpireNYSt ,
Carmon W.K.carmon001w--1899no g. Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Carmona 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Carney Jackcarney002joh18995/10-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Carney Billcarney002wil18995/8-9/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Carney Patcarney001pat1899 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Carpenter Hickcarpen001hic1899 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Carr Charliecarr--001cha18995/17-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Carr Lewcarr--001lew1899 Moravia NYIndependent Moravia, NY
Carr Willcarr--006wil18993/9+ Horner Mili SchoolSchool ,
Carrick Billcarric001wil189944 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra18995/10-5/13 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Carroll Rileycarrol000ril18997 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Carry/Cary 1899 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Carson W.K.carson001w--1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Carter Kidcarter000kid1899+6/4+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Carter Nickcarter002con1899 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Carter Nickcarter002con18995/6-6/19 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Carter Nickcarter002con18996/23 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Carter carter017---18997/27-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob1899 UmpireWestA ,
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob1899+7/14-7/23+ UmpireIntSt ,
Casey Dancasey-002dan18996/21 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Casey Jamescasey-002jam18994/14-143 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea1899 Ogden UTIndependent Ogden, UT
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea1899 BillingsMontSt Billings, MT
Casey Pearlcasey-001pea1899 HelenaMontSt Helena, MT
Casey casey-028---18995/12 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Casey casey-024---18995/15 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Casey casey-009---1899+7/8+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Cassidy Petecassid003pet189952 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Cassidy Petecassid003pet18996/24-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Castner Charlescastne001---1899 AstorioIndependent Astorio, OR
Castro Loucastro001lou1899 Manhattan Col.College ,
Castro Loucastro001lou1899 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Cates Elicates-002eli18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Cavanaugh Joecavana001jos18994/17-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Cavell Charlescavell001cha18994/29-6/24 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Cavell Charlescavell001cha18996/30-8/17 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Cavell Charlescavell001cha18998/22-8/23 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cawley Charlescawley001cha18998/25-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Challenger challe001---18998/1 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Chamberlain Ice Boxchambe001ice18991 g. Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--189914 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--1899 Selma AL? Selma, AL
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--18996/5-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--1899+7/14+ AtchisonIndependent Atchison, KS
Chamberlain Cychambe001cy-18995/17-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Chambers Romechambe001rom1899 ?So ,
Chance Frankchance001fra18992 g. FresnoSanJoaq Fresno, CA
Chapin Arthurchapin001a--1899 Phoenix NY HSHighSchool ,
Chapman Jackchapma002jac18996/?-7/? Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Chapman Jackchapma002jac18997/17-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Chapman Charleschapma001cha1899-02 Princeton UnivCollege ,
Charles Youngcharle001you1899+6/11+ Lockport NYIndependent Lockport, NY
Chase chase-011---18995/12-6/24 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Chech Charliechech-001cha189927 g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Chesbro Jackchesbr002joh18994/27-7/7 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Chesbro Jackchesbr002joh18997/12-19 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Chilcott Frankchilco001fra18995/12-5/25 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Childs Petechilds001geo18994/27-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Childs Petechilds001geo1899+8/15-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea1899 ,
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea18994/18-97 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Christian christ025---18995 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Christie christ017---18996/21 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Clabby Williamclabby001wil18997/18-7/20 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Clabby Williamclabby001wil1899+7/25- UmpireCtSt ,
Clancy Charlesclancy001cha18995/18-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Clancy Billclancy002wil1899 West ShoreIndependent West Shore,
Clancy Williamclancy004wil18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Clancy Williamclancy004wil18998/11-9/9 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Clark Vicclark-001vic1899 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Clark Vicclark-001vic1899+9/18+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Clark Winclark-012wil18994/19-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Clark Dadclark-002dad18996/8-6/14 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Clark Peterclark-002pet189983 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Clark Wilkieclark-001wil18996/20-9/15 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Clark Williamclark-016wil18995/10- Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Clark Williamclark-016wil18996/29-7/7 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Clark Williamclark-016wil18997/9-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Clarke Dadclarke001dad18995/4-6/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Clarke Henryclarke001hen1899 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Clarke Joshclarke002jos18994/28-5/4 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Clarkson Walterclarks001wal1899 N. Attleboro MAIndependent North Attleboro, MA
Clausen Fritzclause001fri18996 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Clayton Harryclayto001har18995/12-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Clements Billclemen004wil18995/1-5/7 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Clements Billclemen004wil18995/27-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Clements clemen018---18995/12 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Cleveland Elmer18993 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Clifford Thomascliffo001tho189917 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Clifford Thomascliffo001tho1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Clinton Henryclinto001hen18996/9-6/21 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Clinton Henryclinto001hen18997/18-8/5+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Clinton Jamesclinto002jam18995/30-6/3 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cloonin Michaelclooni001---18995/24-7/27 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Closson Richardclosso001ric18995 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Clymer Billclymer001wil18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Clymer Billclymer001wil18998/19-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Cobb Georgecobb--003geo189919 g.  San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Cockman Jimcockma001jam18994/27-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Cockman Jimcockma001jam18998/9-8/29 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Coffee coffee004---18998/28-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Coffman Homercoffma001h--1899 FindleyIndependent Findley, OH
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic18994/27-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic18995 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha18994/29-5/12 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha18995/23-5/26 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha189945 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Cohen Dorycohen-001the1899 Lyons NYIndependent Lyons, NY
Colcolough Tomcolcol001tom1899-7/1611 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Colcolough Tomcolcol001tom18997/1-7/8 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Coleman Percycolema001per18994/18-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Coleman Percycolema001per18997/15-7/29 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Coleman Percycolema001per1899 Jefferson CityIndependent Jefferson City, MO
Coleman colema002---18998/6-8/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Colgan Harrycolgan001har1899 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Collars Capcollar001cap18996/23-7/4 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Colliflower Harrycollif001har18997/21-14 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Collins Chubcollin001chu18995 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Collins Richardcollin006ric189936 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Collins Billy189924 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Collopy Jimcollop001jam18995/17-6/17+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Collopy Jimcollop001jam18996/28-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Comiskey Charliecomisk001cha18995/30-6/26 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil189963 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil18997/29-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Conklin Milesconkli001mil189943 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Conn Ollieconn--001oli18994/17-5/8 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Conn Bertconn--001alb18995/2-9/8 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Connaughton Frankconnau001fra1899 out of O.B. ,
Connor Rogerconnor001rog18995/17-9/12 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connor Joeconnor002jos18995/20-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connors Billconnor001wil18995/1-9/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Connors Edconnor002edw18995/9 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Connors Edconnor002edw18995/24-6/3 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Connors Mackieconnor001mac1899+6/7- UmpireCtSt ,
Conroy Redconroy001red18995/17-6/9 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Conroy Redconroy001red18996/14-6/17 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Conroy Redconroy001red1899+6/19- UmpireCtSt ,
Conroy Widconroy003wil18995/12-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Conroy Patconroy001pat18995/10-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Conwell Charlesconwel001cha189975 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Coogan Dancoogan003dan18994/29-7/16 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Coogan Dancoogan003dan18997/23-8/3 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Coogan Dancoogan003dan18998/7-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Cook cook--031---18996/2-6/9 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Cooke Fredcooke-001fre189941 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Cooley Melcooley001mel1899 Enid OKIndependent Enid, OK
Cooley Melcooley001mel1899 Superior Superior, NE
Cooney Jimmycooney002jim18995/4-8/9 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Cooper Jimmycooper002jam1899 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Cooper Fredcooper001fre189913 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Cooper Tomcooper003tho189929 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Cope Tommycope--001tho189975 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Copeland Tommycopela001tho1899+5/14+ Evan.-People’sCourier Evansville, IN
Corbett Teddycorbet001edw1899+8/7+ Seattle RainiersIndependent Seattle, WA
Corbett corbet004---18997/9 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Corbett corbet006---18997/11-7/12 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18995/17-8/1 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Corcoran Philcorcor001phi18995/30-9/15 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Corliss corlis001---18999/4 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra18995/12-6/13 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra18996/19-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Corridon Frankcorrid001fra18998/11-9/9 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Corrigan Franciscorrig001f--1899 WasecaIndependent Waseca,
Corrigan Jackcorrig002joh1899 WasecaIndependent Waseca,
Corrigan Jackcorrig002joh1899 PirestoneIndependent Pirestone,
Corson George1899 Freeport WIIndependent Freeport, WI
Costello costel019---18995/12-5/16 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Costello costel008---18997/1 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Costigan Danielcostig001dan18998/8 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Cote Henrycote--002hen18995/5-7/12 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Cote Henrycote--002hen18997/14-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Cotter Dancotter001dan18996/15-6/18 WoonsocketNE Woonsocket, RI
Cotter John1899 Manhattan ColCollege ,
Cotter Danny1899 ,
Cotter cotter005---18996/19-7/6 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Coughlin Billcoughl001wil18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Coughlin Billcoughl001wil18998/9-6 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Coughlin Billcoughl001wil18998/27-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Counihan Johncounih001joh18995/10-6/6 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Counihan Johncounih001joh1899 E. DouglassIndependent East Douglass,
Counihan Johncounih001joh18996/23-7/18 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Coursey Thomas1899 ,
Coursey Thomas1899+5/24+ Geneva NYIndependent Geneva, NY
Courtad Kid189918 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo18995/20-7/1 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo18997/10-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Courtney Erniecourtn001edw189949 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Courtney Erniecourtn001edw189928 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cowan Patrickcowan-001pat18998 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Cox Frankcox---003fra1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern18995/1-6/9 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern18996/30-7/29 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Crabill Ernestcrabil001ern18998/1-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Cram William1899 ,
Crane Chickcrane-001chi1899no g. Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Crane crane-005---18995/1-5/11 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Cranston Billcranst001wil1899-00 Georgetown UnivCollege ,
Crate Charlescrate-001cha18995/4-6/19 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Crate Charlescrate-001cha18996/23-8/9+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Crawford Samcrawfo001sam189943 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Crawford Samcrawfo001sam18997/8-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Crawford Samcrawfo001sam18997/18-9/9 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Crawford Samcrawfo001sam18999/10-31 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Creamer Davecreame002dav1899 UmpireCalif ,
Cregan Petecregan001pet18999/8 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Crisham Patcrisha002pat18995/5-53 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Cristall Billcrista001wil189932 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Cristall Billcrista001wil1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Criswell Johncriswe001joh18993/7/99- Co. C, 8th PA VISpan-Amer ,
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan1899 ,
Crockett C.W.crocke001c--18996/20-9/5 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Croft Harrycroft-001hen18995/19-4 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Croft Harrycroft-001hen18995/29-6/17 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Croll Georgecroll-001geo18992 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Croll Georgecroll-001geo189918 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Croll Georgecroll-001geo18996 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Cronin Jackcronin001joh18995 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Cronin Jackcronin001joh18994/29-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Crosin Leo1899 Carbondale PAIndependent Carbondale, PA
Cross Lemcross-001lem18994/29-6/11 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Cross Lemcross-001lem18996 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Cross Lemcross-001lem18997/9-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Cross Lemcross-001lem18997/23-8/14 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Cross Frankcross-001fra18994/30-6/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Cross Frankcross-001fra1899 Geneva OHIndependent Geneva, OH
Cross cross-009---18995/17-5/18 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Cross cross-006---18997/2 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Crotty Dancrotty001dan1899 Huntington INIndependent Huntington, IN
Crotty crotty001---18998/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha189911 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha189929 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Crowell Billycrowel001bil18994/17-6/6 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Crowell Billycrowel001bil1899 BrenhamIndependent Brenham, TX
Crozier Dickcrozie001j--18998 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Cuddy Louiscuddy-001lou1899no g. New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Cuddy Louiscuddy-001lou1899 Fordham ColCollege ,
Culver Charlesculver002cha18995/18-5/26 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Cummings Cycummin012---1899 Eastern ACIndependent ,
Cummings cummin018---18994/26-5/7 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Cummings cummin014---18995/4-5/10 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Cunha 1899 Yale FreshmenCollege ,
Curley Waltercurley001doc1899 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Curley Waltercurley001doc18996/19-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Curley Waltercurley001doc18999/12-10 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Curran Sammycurran001sim1899 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Curran Sammycurran001sim18996/16-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Curry Wescurry-001wes18994/30-5/9 UmpireEast ,
Curtis Johncurtis002joh18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Curtis Johncurtis002joh18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Curtis Johncurtis002joh18996/2-6/28 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Curtis Johncurtis002joh18997/1-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Cushman Charliecushma001cha1899 Green BayFoxRiver Green Bay, WI
Cushman Ernestcushma001ern18995/17-5/27 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Cushman Ernestcushma001ern18997/29 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Cusisk Jackcusick001joh18995/17-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Cusisk cusisk001---18992 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Cutter cutter001---18995/21-5/23 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Daley Eddiedaley-001edw18995/12-8/19 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Daley daley-004---18995/12-5/30 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo189942 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo189940 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Daly daly--012---18996/12-6/14 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Dammann Billdamman001bil18996/24-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Damoth Samdamuth001sam1899preseason Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Damoth Samdamuth001sam189930 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Damoth Samdamuth001sam1899+9/14+ HastingsIndependent Hastings, MI
Daniels Lawdaniel002law1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Daniels Petedaniel003pet189915 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Daniels Petedaniel003pet18997/23-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Daniels Petedaniel003pet18997/31-8/27 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--1899 Phil.-P & RIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Darby E. J.1899 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Dark Thomasdark--001tho189915 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Daub Dandaub--002dan18994/28-7/3 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Daubenbis Eddauben001ed-189913 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Daupt daupt-001---18995/12-5/17 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Davey davey-007---1899 Sea.-Alphass-pro Seattle, WA
Davey davey-007---1899 Seattle RainiersPugetSound Seattle, WA
Davis Harrydavis-006har18994/14-18 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Davis Harrydavis-006har18995/10-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Davis Iradavis-008j--18994/22-5/3 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Davis Iradavis-008j--18995/12-5/31 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Davis Iradavis-008j--18996/9 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Davis Iradavis-008j--18996/12-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Davis Iradavis-008j--18991 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Davis Elmerdavis-002elm18995/16-6/17 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Davis Leftydavis-001alf18995/6-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Davis Popdavis-001pop18994/17-7/4 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Davis Popdavis-001pop1899-8/5 AtchisonIndependent Atchison, KS
Davis Popdavis-001pop18998/-  IolaIndependent Iola, KS
Davis Harry1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Davis Jim18996/9-8/12 WoodstockCalif Woodstock, CA
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18994/16-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18996/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18996/6-6/10 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Day Johnday---004joh1899 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Day Billday---001bil18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Day Billday---001bil18998/16-9/14 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Deady Edwarddeady-001edw189933 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Deady Edwarddeady-001edw1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Deady Edwarddeady-001edw18996/29-8/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Deal Louisdeal--001lou18995/20-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Dean Beachdean--001bea18993 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Dean Jimmydean--001jam189962 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
DeBaker Archiedebake001art1899+6/11+ Muskegon MIIndependent Muskegon, MI
Decker Georgedecker003geo18994/14-7/12 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Decker Georgedecker003geo18997/20-7/31 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Deering Johndeerin001joh18998/10-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Deisel Jacobdeisel001jac18996/6-6/22 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Deitrich Johndeitri001joh1899+7/12 UmpireCtSt ,
Deitrich Johndeitri001joh18997/13-7/14 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho18994/27-7/4 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam18994/27-6/22 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos18994/27-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Delaney Billdelane001bil1899 Canton OHIndependent Canton, OH
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam189912 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw1899 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic1899+5/20-6/17 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic18996/21-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw18995/12-5/20 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw18995/22-6/2 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Delaney Eddiedelane002edw18997/7+ IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Delaney delane005---18996/12 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Delescamp Chris.delesc001chr1899+6/15+ Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Demills Edwarddemill001edw1899 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Demills Edwarddemill001edw18997/19-7/20 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Demont demont001---18991 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Dennie Jimmydennie001jim189920 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer18995/17-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Denny Tom1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Denzer Rogerdenzer001rog18994/28-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Derwin Billyderwin001wil18995/17-8/18 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
DeSaulles Charles1899 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Detmers W.H.detmer000wh-1899+6/12+ Brown UniversityCollege ,
Devereaux Williamdevere001wil189983 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Devoin Phildevoin001phi18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Dick Bert1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Diggins Williamdiggin001wil18995/1-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Dillard Patdillar002pat18994/27-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Dillon Frankdillon001fra18994/27-7/3 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Dillon Frankdillon001fra18997/4-9/5 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Dillon Frankdillon001fra18999/8-30 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Dinsmore Williamdinsmo001wil18995/10-5/31 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw18994/28-5/14 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw18996/17-7/4 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw18997/16-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh18995/1-9/19 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Doherty Jackdohert001joh1899+5/30-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Doherty Mikedohert001mic18994/27-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Doherty Mikedohert001mic18997/16-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Doherty Mikedohert001mic1899+8/10-9/13+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Doherty James1899 Morris Plains NJIndependent Morris Plains, NJ
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18995/11-6/7 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18998/12-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat18994/29-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat18999/12-9/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Dolan Joedolan-001jos18994/27-8/4 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Dolan Joedolan-001jos18998/-61 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Dommel Georgedommel001geo1899 Lanc.-ActiveIndependent Lancaster, PA
Dommel Williamdommel001wil1899 Lanc.-ActiveIndependent Lancaster, PA
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh18995/1-815 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh18998/18-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Donahue Shedonahu002cha18996/20 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Donahue Shedonahu002cha18997/25-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Donelly donell001---18992 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Donlin Mikedonlin001mic189929 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Donlin Mikedonlin001mic18997/19-66 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim18996/8-6/12 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra189937 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra18996/28-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Donohoo August1899 U. AlabamaCollege ,
Donovan Tomdonova002tho1899+5/20-6/10 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Donovan Tomdonova002tho18996/15-7/30 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Donovan Tomdonova002tho18998/18-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Donovan Freddonova002fre18995/2-5/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Donovan Freddonova002fre18996/2-8/25 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Donovan Jackdonova001jac189971 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Donovan Billdonova004wil18994/29-7/22 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Donovan Billdonova004wil18995 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Donovan donova022---18995/1-5/3 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Dooin Reddooin-001cha189936 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Dooin Reddooin-001cha18996/30-7/11 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Dooin Reddooin-001cha18997/28-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Dooin Reddooin-001cha18997/31-8/3 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Doolin Mickeydoolan001mic1899-04 Buckn./VillanovaCollege ,
Doran Josephdoran-001jos1899 Meri.-West EndsIndependent Meriden, CT
Doran doran-004---18999/16 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk1899+5/20-7/15 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk18997/17-7/18 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk1899 AmesburyIndependent Amesbury, MA
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk18998/9-8/26 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk18998/29-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Doscher Hermdosche001her18994/29-7/18 UmpireEast ,
Doscher Jackdosche001joh1899-00 St. John's(Fordham)College ,
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat1899 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat18998/17-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Douglas Johndougla004joh18996/3 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Douglass Charliedougla006cha18995/19-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Dowie Joedowie-001joe189941 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18996/4-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Downey Jimdowney002jam18995/1-5/25 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Downey Jimdowney002jam18996/16-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Downie 189922 g. Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Doyle Charlesdoyle-002cha189980 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Doyle doyle-032---1899+6/22+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Drake William1899 FindleyIndependent Findley, OH
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18994/27-8/4 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Drennan Jackdrenna001kir189967 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw18995/17-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Drill Frankdrill-000fra1899-03 Georgetown Col.College ,
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via18995/12- Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via1899-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Driscoll Danieldrisco001dan1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Driscoll Danieldrisco001dan18997/18-8/2 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Drott J.F.drott-001j--1899 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Drumm Ferddrumm-001fer18999/6-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Drumm Jimdrumm-001jim189922 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom18994 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom1899-8/2 EmporiaIndependent Emporia, KS
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom1899+8/27+ Sioux CityIndependent Sioux City, IA
Duffy Johnduffy-003joh18995/17-7/15 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Duffy Johnduffy-003joh18997/20-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan1899 Seattle RainiersPugetSoun Seattle, WA
Duggleby Billduggle001wil18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Dunbar dunbar005---18997/21 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Duncan Jimduncan001jim18994/27-6/10 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Duncan Jimduncan001jim18996/13-7/15 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Duncan Jimduncan001jim18997/18-46 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Dundon Gusdundon001aug18994/27-7/31 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Dundon Gusdundon001aug18998/14-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Dungan Samdungan001sam18994/27-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Dunham Frankdunham001fra1899 Marlborough MAIndependent Marlborough, MA
Dunham Frankdunham001fra18997/3-7/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw18994 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw18994/29-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Dunleavy Jackdunlea001joh18998/16-8/18 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Dunleavy Billdunlea001wil189988 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Dunn Bertdunn--005ber18994/16-5/18 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Dunn Bertdunn--005ber18996/11-6/25 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Dunn Bert1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Dunn 18992 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob18996/19-9/15 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Durrett Ikedurret001isa18995/1-5/23 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Durrett Ikedurret001isa18995/30- Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Durrett Ikedurret001isa18997/12-9/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Dwyer Frankdwyer-001fra189964 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Dwyer dwyer-011---18995/10-6/12 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Dyer Billydyer--001wil1899+6/17+ Holy Cross Col.College ,
Eagan Billeagan-001bil18994/27-7/30 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat18994/27-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat18997/14-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Eagan Edwardeagan-001edw18995/10-6/8 Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha18998 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Eagan Truckeagan-001cha189973 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Eagan Jackeagan-001jac18996/17 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Eagan Jackeagan-001jac18998/1-8/4 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Eagan eagan-013---18997/7-7/10 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Eagle Billeagle-001bil18995/29-6/1 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Earl Howardearl--002how18995/12-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Earle Billyearle-001bil1899 Richmond INIndependent Richmond, IN
Early Tom189913 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Eason Maleason-001mal1899 Grove City Col.College ,
Eason Maleason-001mal18996/28-7/28 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Eason Maleason-001mal18998/4-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
East Claudeeast--002wal1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Eastman Chriseastma001chr1899+8/27+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-1899 UmpireIntSt ,
Eddy Frededdy--001fre189956 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Eddy Frededdy--001fre1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Eddy Frededdy--001fre18999/4 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Edgar Georgeedgar-001geo18998/5 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Edson edson-001---18997/17 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Edwards Harry18991 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Egan Jackegan--001rip18994/29-7/15 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Egan Jackegan--001rip1899 UmpireNE ,
Egan Ripegan--002joh18994/30-8/23 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Egan Josephegan--001jos18995/11-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Egan Josephegan--001jos18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Eggert Charleseggert001cha18995/12-5/13 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Ehret Redehret-001phi1899no g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Eichler Harryeichle001har1899 Saginaw MIIndependent Saginaw, MI
Eichler Harryeichle001har1899 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Elberfeld Kidelberf001nor18994/27-8/1 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Elberfeld Kidelberf001nor189941 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Elger elger-001---1899 Hobart CollegeCollege ,
Elger elger-001---18995/24-5/27 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Elliott Claudeelliot001cla18991 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Ellis Benellis-003ben18995/12-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha189933 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha18998/2-8/3 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Eltom Berteltom-001alb189969 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Eltom Berteltom-001alb1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Engel Georgeengel-002geo1899 ,
England Georgeenglan001geo1899 Canadian ,
England Georgeenglan001geo18997/13-8/3 UmpireNYSt ,
Enroughty Darbydarby-001e--18995/17-7/18+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Erickson Gusericks001gus18998/12-8/31 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Ernest Edwardernest001edw1899 Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Esper Dukeesper-001duk18994/28-7/28 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Esterbrook Dudeesterb001dud1899 Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Esterquest Tonyesterq001ant189935 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Eustace Frankeustac003fra18995/2-6/19 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Eustace Frankeustac003fra18996/20-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Eustace Frankeustac003fra18997/18-7/27 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Eustace Frankeustac003fra18998/18-9/2 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Evans Royevans-001roy18997 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Evans Royevans-001roy18994/29-9/8 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Evers Jackevers-001joh18995/10-5/30 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Evers Jackevers-001joh18995/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Evers Jackevers-001joh18998/4-8/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Everson Berteverso001a--18995/11-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Ewing Bobewing-001geo18995/1-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Ewing Calewing-001cal1899 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw18991 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw18995/3- Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18995/12-6/23 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha1899 PalmyraIndependent Palmyra, NY
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18998/24-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Falkenberg Cyfalken001fre1899-02 U. of IllinoisCollege ,
Farnham Benfarnha001ben18995/17-7/11 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Farr 189916 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Farrell Johnfarrel006joh18995/1-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Farrell Jackfarrel004jac18995/15-5/30 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Farrell Jackfarrel004jac18999/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Farrell Shortyfarrel001sho18993 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Farrow W.E.farrow001w--189920 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Faulkner faulkn003---18996/27 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Fauver Clayfauver001cla18999/7 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Feehan Eddiefeehan001edw18999 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Feehan Eddiefeehan001edw1899 DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Felix Harryfelix-001har18995/1-9/9 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Fenner Billfenner000bil1899 TarboroIndependent Tarboro, NC
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra189930 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Ferguson Charliefergus002cha18995/2-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Ferguson Bobfergus002bob18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Ferguson Bobfergus002bob18992 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Ferris Hobeferris001alb18995/10-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Ferris Hobeferris001alb18998/29-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Ferry Cyferry-001alf18995/1-5/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Ferry Cyferry-001alf18996/18-6/24 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Ferson Alexferson001ale18997/1 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw18994/28-8/4 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw18998/11-9/5 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Fessel C.fessel001---1899 Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Fessel C.fessel001---1899 San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Field Jimfield-001jim18994/27-6/14 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Field Jimfield-001jim18996/19-8/7 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Fields fields011---18995/12-5/20 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Fields fields013---18995/17-5/20 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fifield Jackfifiel001jac18997/24-8/13 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Figgemeier Frankfiggem002fra18995/2-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Finley 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Finn Mickeyfinn--001duk18995/10-9/7 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Finn Billyfinn--001wil1899 MiSt ,
Finn finn--001---18998/5 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Finnan finnan001---18995/14-5/15 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Fishel Leofishel001leo18995/3 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Fishel Leofishel001leo1899 W.NewYorkFieldIndependent ,
Fishel Leofishel001leo18996/9-7/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Fishel Leofishel001leo1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Fishel Leofishel001leo1899+8/26 Albany RochesIndependent Albany, NY
Fishel Leofishel001leo18998/30 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Fisher Alfisher001al-189934 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Fisher Alfisher001al-1899-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Fisher Chaunceyfisher005cha18994/29-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Fisher Ikefisher001ike18995/2-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Fisher Harryfisher004har1899 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Fissell Charliefissel001cha18996 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Fissell Charliefissel001cha18992 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge009joh1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil18995/10-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra18995/17-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fitzpatrick Tomfitzpa001tho189948 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fitzpatrick fitzpa007---18999/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Flaherty Patflaher005pat189935 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Flaherty Patflaher005pat1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Crawford, IN
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat18995/12-5/17 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat18995/29-6/10 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat18996/13-6/22 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat18997/8-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat18999/8-7 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Flaherty P.B.flaher001p--18995/22-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Flaherty P.B.flaher001p--18995/30 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho18995/11-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-18996/12-7/15 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Flanagan Johnflanag003joh18996/1-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Flannery Jackflanne001joh1899+8/12+ ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18994/27-6/17 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18997/13-7/20 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18997/21-7/24 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18997/27-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18999/5-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18999/19-22 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Fleming flemin008---18995/25-5/28 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Flick Elmerflick-001elm18994/14-127 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Flood Timflood-001tim18994/30-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Flood Timflood-001tim18999/24-10 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Flournoy Jackflourn001joh18995/1-9/20 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo18994/27-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Flynn flynn-018---18998/30 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Fogarty Silent1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat18995/11-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat1899 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Foley Frankfoley-002fra18992 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Foley Georgefoley-001geo189924 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Foley Charlesfoley-001cha18995/12 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Folger Charlie1899 Hobart CollegeCollege ,
Folger Charlie1899 Geneva NYIndependent Geneva, NY
Folger Thomas1899 Geneva NYIndependent Geneva, NY
Footes Robertfootes000rob1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Ford Eddieford--001edw18995 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Ford Eddieford--001edw18991 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Foreman Frankforema001fra18994/29-9/5 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Foreman Johnforema001bro1899 Gettysburg PAIndependent Gettysburg, PA
Foreman forema002---18995/20-6/12 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Foster Reddyfoster001red18995/17-7/18 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Foster Reddyfoster001red18997/21-8/22 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Foster Reddyfoster001red18998/29-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Foster Clarencefoster001cla18996/19-7/10 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Foster Clarencefoster001cla189984 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Foster Clarencefoster001cla18997/22-8/4 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Foster Reddyfoster001red18996/9-7/4 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Foutz Frankfoutz-001fra18995/20-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Fox Georgefox---001pad18995/5-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Fox Georgefox---001pad1899- 9/713 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Fox Billfox---006wil18995/12-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Fox Williamfox---009wil1899-00 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Fox Jimfox---001jam1899+4/30+ Guilford CollegeCollege ,
Fox fox---015---18997/2-7/5 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Franalap Thomasfranal001tho1899 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Francis Tomfranci001tho189972 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Francis franci011---18995/6-5/8 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Francks Buckfranck001cha18996 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Francks Buckfranck001cha189910 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Francks Buckfranck001cha1899 UmpireCalif ,
Francks Buckfranck001cha189959 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Frank Charliefrank-003cha18994/27-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Frank Charliefrank-003cha18997/18-7/27 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Frank Charliefrank-003cha18998/14-8/27 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Frank Fredfrank-003fre18995/1-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Frank Cyfrank-001cy-18995/12-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Frank Cyfrank-001cy-18998/5-8/11 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Franklin Jimfrankl004jam18995/12-6/4 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral18998/28-8/30 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Frazer frazer002---18996/16-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha18995/12-5/20 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha1899 Painesville OHIndependent Painesville, OH
Freeland Lutefreela001lut1899 IolaIndependent Iola, KS
Freeman Buckfreema003joh18994/14-155 g.  WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Frick Williamfrick-001wil1899 PalmyraIndependent Palmyra, NY
Fricken Honfricke001ant18994/28-8/24 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Friel Billfriel-001wil1899-00 Niagara Univ.College ,
Friend Dannyfriend002dan18994/28-5/23 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Friend Dannyfriend002dan18995/29-7/6 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Friend Dannyfriend002dan18997/10-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha18994/29-6/17 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha18996/22-42 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha18998/2-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Frisk Emilfrisk-001joh18994/28-8/19 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Frisk Emilfrisk-001joh18999/2-9 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Frye Josephfrye--001jos18994/29-6/8 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Frysinger Jessefrysin001jes1899 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Fuller Williamfuller020---18995/1-5/9 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Fuller Charlesfuller003cha1899 WabashIndiana-Illinois League Wabash, IN
Fuller Williamfuller020---18996/8-6/14 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gabriel Johngabrie002joh1899-8/2 EmporiaIndependent Emporia, KS
Gaffikin gaffik001---18996/27-6/29 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh1899-9/19130 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Gaines Robertgaines000bob1899 Knox CollegeCollege ,
Gallagher Andygallag001and18995/10-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha18995/15 Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Gallagher Williamgallag002wil18996/27-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Gallagher Williamgallag002wil18997/20-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Gallagher Johngallag001joh1899 Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Gallagher Eddiegallag001edd18996/30-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Gallagher Martygallag001mar18997/2 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Gallagher Mikegallag001mik18995/17-7/10 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Gallagher Mikegallag001mik18997/17-7/20 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Gallagher gallag018---18995/12 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Gallagher gallag022---18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Gallagher gallag022---18995/30-5/31 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Gallagher gallag021---18995/17-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Gallagher gallag021---18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Galloway Billgallow003wil18995 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Gammons Daffgammon001joh1899-00 Harvard Univ.College ,
Ganley Bobganley002rob18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Ganley Bobganley002rob18998/9-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Gannon Billgannon002wil18995/12-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus18994/29-5/6 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus1899no g. Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus18996/17-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Ganss Billygans--001bil1899 Cleve.-BrooklynsIndependent Cleveland, OH
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos18995/1-6/18 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos18996/30-7/8 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Ganzel Johnganzel001joh18994/28-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Gardner Jimgardne001jam18996 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Gardner Jimgardne001jam18998/4-8/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Gardner Georgegardne001geo1899 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Garoni Williegaroni001wil1899 NY-Athletic C.Independent New York, NY
Garoni Williegaroni001wil18995/30-9/5 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Garoni Williegaroni001wil18999/7-9/22 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Garrett Al1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Garrett garret009---18997/4-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Garrett garret006---18996/1- Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Garry Jimgarry-001jim18994/27-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Garvey Petergarvey001pet1899 ,
Garvey Josephgarvey001jos18995/17-7/26 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir18994/28-7/3 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir189924 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel18994/28 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel18996/5-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Gatins Frankgatins001fra18995/8-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Gear Dalegear--001dal1899 U. of Kansas College ,
Gear Dalegear--001dal18995/5-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Geier Philgeier-001phi18994/28-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Gelbey gelbey001---18997/8 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Genins Frankgenins001c--18994/27-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Genins Frankgenins001c--18997/18-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
George Billgeorge001bil18996/17 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Gerber Raygerber001ray18995/28-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Gerber Raygerber001ray18997/18 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Gertenrich Lougerten001lou1899no g. Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom18994/27-5/28 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Gettman Jakegettma001jac18994/14-19 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Gettman Jakegettma001jac18995/27-8/27 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli1899 Paducah? Paducah, KY
Gibbs Elmergibbs-001elm189928 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Giblin Jamesgiblin001jam18995/17-8/11 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Gibson Norwoodgibson001nor1899 ,
Gifford Algiffor001al-1899 Elwood INIndependent Elwood, IN
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh18995/9-5/11 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh18995/15-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Gilbert Billygilber002wil18995/12-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Gildea Jackgildea001joh1899 Peabody MAIndependent Peabody, MA
Gildea Petergildea001pet18995/20-6/5 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Gildea Petergildea001pet18996/8-8/10 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Gilkerson 1899 Mount Holly NJS-Pro Mount Holly, NJ
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Gill Warrengill--001war1899 IolaIndependent Iola, KS
Gillen Samgillen001sam18994/27-7/2 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Gillen Samgillen001sam18998/5-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw18994/17-6/21 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Gilligan Eddiegillig001edw18996/24-7/5 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Gilligan Broncho1899 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo18994/29-4/30 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo18995/21-9/15 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gimlin Frankgimlin001joh1899 Ogden UTIndependent Ogden, UT
Ging Billyging--001bil18995/17-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Ging Billyging--001bil18999/25 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Glade Fredglade-001fre18997 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Glade Philglade-001phi189916 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Glasscock Jackglassc001jac18994/30-9/15 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Gleason Harrygleaso001har18995/10-6/14 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Gleason Harrygleaso001har1899 Mount Holly NJS-Pro Mount Holly, NJ
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob18994/28-8/13 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Glendon Martinglendo001mar18991 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Glenn Edglenn-001edw18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Glenn Edglenn-001edw18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Glenn Edglenn-001edw18996/3-6/17 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Glenn Edglenn-001edw1899+7/4-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Gochnaur Johngochna001joh18994/27-6/27 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Goebel A. L.1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Kokomo, IN
Goeckel Billygoecke001bil18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Goeckel Billygoecke001bil18998/10-9/21 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Golden Charlesgolden002cha18997 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh18998/10-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Goodhart Tomgoodha001tom1899 Lanc.-ActiveIndependent Lancaster, PA
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art18995/5-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Goodwin 1899no g. Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Gorton Rogergorton001rog1899 Corning NYIndependent Corning, NY
Gorton Lygorton001lym18992 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Gould Williamgould-004wil1899no g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Goulden goulde001---18995/3 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil18995/1- New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil18998/6-8/12 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil1899-9/2093 g. New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Graham Vascograham001vas1899 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Graham Charliegraham002cha189930 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Grant Frankgrant-001fra1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Grant Georgegrant-003geo18995/10-8/19 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Grant Georgegrant-003geo18998/23-8/26 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Grant Charliegrant-003cha1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Graves Frankgraves004fra1899 UmpireSo ,
Graves Patgraves000pat1899 Concord Concord, NC
Graves Patgraves000pat1899 Wadesboro Wadesboro, NC
Gray Billgray--001bil18994/28-8/30 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Gray Chummygray--001chu18994/27-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Gray Chummygray--001chu18999/14-10/14 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Gray 18994 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Green Dannygreen-001edw18994/14-117 g.  ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Green Jamesgreen-010jam1899 ,
Green 1899 Baltimore GiantsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Greene A.V.greene001a--1899 Hills MNIndependent Hills, MN
Greene Paddygreene001pat18997/27-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Greene Paddygreene001pat18998/13 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Greene Paddygreene001pat18998/14-8/22 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Greenwald Docgreenw001doc1899+8/13+ UmpireIntSt ,
Greenwood greenw005---18997/26 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Greer Williamgreer-001wil18995/27-6/1 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Gregory Raymondgregor001ray18995 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Gregory Raymondgregor001ray1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Gremminger Edgremmi001lor1899105 g. Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Grey Reddygrey--001rom18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Grey 1899 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Griffin Sandygriffi001san18995/25-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Griffin Percygriffi001per189941 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Griffin Percygriffi001per18996/4-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste18994/30-9/16 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Griffin Thomasgriffi007tho1899 Springfield ILIndependent Springfield, IL
Griffin Thomasgriffi007tho18996 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Griffin J. W.1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Griffin griffi032---18996/6-6/10 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Griffin 18996/6-6/11 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Grim Johngrim--002joh1899 UmpireIntSt ,
Grim Jackgrim--001joh18995/17-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Grimshaw Myrongrimsh001myr189957 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Grissinger Weirgrissi001j--18997/10-7/25 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Grosart Georgegrossa001geo1899 HomesteadIndependent Homestead, PA
Grossart Jamesgrossh001jam18997/7-7/12 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Grossart Jamesgrossh001jam1899no g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam18995/10-7/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam18997/21-7/24 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam18997/27-8/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Grozart J.1899no g. Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Gruber Henrygruber001hen18995/13-8/16 UmpireEast ,
Guercio Jimguerci001jim189928 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Guernsey Raymond1899 Yale Univ.College ,
Guernsey Raymond1899 Poughkeepsie NYIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Guese Whiteyguese-001the18995/1-5/13 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Guese Whiteyguese-001the18995/21-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Guest Frankguest-001fra1899 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Gunnett Olin1899 Frostburg MDIndependent Frostburg, MD
Gunshannon Johngunsha001joh1899+5/27-8/7+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Gunson Joegunson001joe18994/28-7/9 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Gunson Joegunson001joe1899 Springfield MA? Springfield, MA
Gunther Frankgunthe001fra189933 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Gunther Frankgunthe001fra1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Guy Sylvesterguy---001syl1899 MarcHook-McClureIndependent ,
Guy Sylvesterguy---001syl18996/5-6/10 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Haas Juliushaas--001j--18996/24-6/29 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Haas haas--001---18998/9 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Haas haas--001---18998/18-8/19 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Habel Hermanhabel-001her189913 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Hach Irvhach--001irv189931 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Hackett Jimhacket001jam18995/2-9/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Haeger R.E.haeger001r--18995/12-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Haeger R.E.haeger001r--18995/24-5/25 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Hafford Frankhaffor001fra1899 Georgetown ColCollege ,
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf189933 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf1899 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet189973 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet18998/14-8/22 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet18999/4-9/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hahn Noodleshahn--001fra18994/18-38 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Halbritter Louishalbri001lou1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Hale Jesshale--001jes18995/27-5/31 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Hale Jesshale--001jes189914 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Hall Charles18998/2-8/24 UmpireNYSt ,
Hall Russhall--011rob18994/27-6/19 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Hall Russhall--011rob18996/20-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Hall Elliott1899 Union SCIndependent Union, SC
Hall Oscarhall--001osc1899 Marion INIndependent Marion, IN
Halligan Jockohallig001joc18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Halligan Jockohallig001joc18998/10-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hallman Billhallma002wil18994/28-6/26 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hallman Billhallma002wil18997/3-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Hallman Billhallma001wil18995/12-9/ Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Hallowell Wilmerhallow001wil18995/14-6/6 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha18995/12-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Hammond Eddiehammon001edw1899 HelenaIndependent Helena, MT
Hammond Billyhammon002wil189991 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hammond Leehammon001lee189913 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--189951 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha1899no g. Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hanks Arthur1899+8/16+ Chambersburg PAIndependent Chambersburg, PA
Hanley Georgehanley002geo18995/12-8/5 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Hanley Georgehanley002geo18998/17-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Hanlon Billhanlon001wil189950 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Hanlon Edwardhanlon002edw18995/10 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Hanna Timhanna-001tim18995/10-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Hanrahan Billyhanrah001wil1899+8/11+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Hanrahan Harry1899+8/11+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm18995/17-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hanson Georgehanson001geo18998 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco18995/14-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco18998/17-9/8 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hardie Louhardie001lou189990 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hardie Louhardie001lou18991 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hardin hardin004---18998/12-8/13 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav189911 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav18997/3-7/30 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav18998/7 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Hardy hardy-006---18994/29 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Hargrove Billyhargro002wil18994/27-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Hargrove Billyhargro002wil18998/8-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Harker Billharker001---1899 BillingsIndependent Billings, MT
Harkins Jamesharkin002jam18995/12-5/25 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Harley J.harley001j--1899 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Harper Georgeharper003joh189926 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Harper Georgeharper003joh189913 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Harper Georgeharper003joh18991 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Harper Georgeharper003joh1899 Zanesville OHIndependent Zanesville, OH
Harper Jackharper003cha18995/2-7/16 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Harper Jackharper003cha18997/20-7/29 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Harper Jackharper003cha18997/31- Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Harper Jackharper003cha1899 Fort SmithIndependent Fort Smith, AR
Harper Jackharper003cha18999/18-5 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Harrigan harrig001---18998/8-8/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Harrington Joeharrin001joe18994/29-8/8 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Harris Hankharris001hen1899 San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harris Charlieharris012cha18995/26-10/14 BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Harrison Eldredharris000eld1899+9/20+ Sedalia MOIndependent Sedalia, MO
Harry John1899no g. Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Hart Billhart--004wil18995/3-8/4 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Hart Billhart--004wil18998/20-9/9 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam1899 West Superior WIIndependent West Superior,
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam18998/15-9/6 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Hart Jackhart--001jac189914 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Hart Jackhart--001jac18997/31 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Hart Sethhart--001set18995 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hart Sethhart--001set189918 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Hartley Jackhartle001jac189928 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Hartman Fredhartma003fre18997/11-7/17 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Hartman Fredhartma003fre1899 McKeesport PAIndependent McKeesport, PA
Hartman Williamhartma001wil18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Hartman Henryhartma014---18997 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hartsel Topsyhartse001tul189930 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Hartsel Topsyhartse001tul18996/26-9/6 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Hartzell Royhartze001roy1899+6/1-6/4+ GoldenIndependent Golden, CO
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv189970 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Haskell Jackhaskel001jac18994/27-9/11 UmpireWest ,
Hassamaer Billhassam001bil1899+5/30-6/10+ Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Hastings Charliehastin002cha18995/29-7/6 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hastings Charliehastin002cha18997/13-8/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18995/20-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Hathaway hathaw002---18999/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Hausen Billhausen001hom189920 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Hausen Billhausen001hom18996/20-8/28 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Hawke Billhawke-001bil18995/30-8/4 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Hawke Billhawke-001bil18998/13-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-1899 Univ. of MissouriCollege ,
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-1899 Jefferson CityIndependent Jefferson City, MO
Hawley Marvinhawley001sco18995/17 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Hayden Jackhayden001joh1899-00 U. of PennCollege ,
Hayes Berthayes-001ber189948 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Hayes Berthayes-001ber18991 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Hayes Timhayes-003tim18995/17-6/2 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Hayes hayes-034---18996/2 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Haynes haynes007---18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Haynes haynes007---18994 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Hayward Williamhaywar001wil18995/12-5/21 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Hazelton Dochazlet001wil1899-01 Tufts UniversityCollege ,
Hazena E.1899no g. Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Healey Peterhealey001pet18995/1-6/2 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Hearne Hughiehearne001hug18995/28-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hebrand Charleshebran001cha18995/15 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Hecht Alhecht-001al-18995/17 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Heck Edheck--004---1899+8/11+ Cherryvale KSIndependent Cherryvale, KS
Heckman Georgeheckma001geo1899+6/3-7/1 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Heckman Georgeheckma001geo18997/4-7/15 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Heckman Georgeheckma001geo18998/28 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Heidrick Emmetheidri001joh1899146 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Heimerl Edwardheimer000edw1899 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Heine Billheine-001wil18995/1-5/9 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Heine Billheine-001wil18995/15-6/20 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil18996/23-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil18998/1-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Heistand H. H.1899 FindleyIndependent Findley, OH
Helberger Charleshelber001cha18995/3 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Helberger Charleshelber001cha18995/19-6/2 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Held Percyheld--001ric189913 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Held Percyheld--001ric18997 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Held Percyheld--001ric18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Held Percyheld--001ric18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Hellman 18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hemingway 1899+9/14+ New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo18994/29-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Hemming Georgehemmin002geo18999/12-9/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha18995/1-6/25 Grand RapidsIntSt Grand Rapids, MI
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha18996/27-66 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra189969 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Henderson Hardiehender004har1899 UmpireAtl ,
Hendricks Hubhendri001hub18997/13-7/15 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Henneke Eddiehennek001edd18995/12-6/3 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Hennessey Josephhennes003jos1899 DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Henry Georgehenry-002geo18994/27-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Herbert Frankherber001fra18994/17-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Herbert Frankherber001fra1899 Battle CreekIndependent Battle Creek, MI
Herbert Jackherber003joh18997/30-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Herbert Jackherber003joh18998/11 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Herbert herber001---18997/14-7/16 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Herman Artherman001art189913 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Herman Artherman001art1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Herndon Josephherndo001jos18994/27-7/4 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Herndon Josephherndo001jos18997/12-9/15 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Hernon Tomhernon001tom18996/13-8/23 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Herr Eddieherr--002edw1899no g. Ft. WayneIntSt Fort Wayne, IN
Herring Leftyherrin001sil18995/16-2 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Herwig Johnherwig001joh18995/5 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Herwig Johnherwig001joh1899 PauxsatawnyPAIndependent Pauxsutawney, PA
Hess Tomhess--001tho18994/27-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Hester Harryhester001har1899 IolaIndependent Iola, KS
Hesterfer Larryhester001law18997/16 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Hewitt Jakehewitt001jak1899 Pitt.-D.C. & A.C.IndepIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Hewitt Earlhewitt001ear1899-03 PA State Univ.College ,
Hewitt Thomashewitt001tho18995/24-6/1 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Hewitt Earl?1899 York-Penn ParkIndependent York, PA
Heydon Mikeheydon001mic18996/15-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Heyman Charlesheyman001c--18995/4-6/14 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Hibbard 18996 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Hibbard 18992 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hibbard 1899 San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Hickey Mikehickey001mik18995/10-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Hickey Mikehickey001mik18999/6-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Hickey Mikehickey001mik18999/14 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hickey Alhickey001alb1899 Denv.-GulfsIndependent Denver, CO
Hickey Eddiehickey001edw18994/29-9/6 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Hickey Walterhickey001wal1899 Manistee MIIndependent Manistee, MI
Hickman Charliehickma004cha189919 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hicks Rowehicks-001row1899 Newport NewsVa Newport News, VA
Higgins higgin021---18997/18-7/24 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Hildebrand Georgehildeb002geo189987 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hill Beldenhill--003bel189934 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Hill Billhill--002bil1899 Boise Boise, ID
Hill Oscarhill--001osc18995/12-7/13 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Hill Eddiehill--002edw18995/12-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Hill Edwardhill--004edw18996/- Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Kokomo, IN
Hill 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1899+8/27+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Hillebrand Homerhilleb001hom1899+8/27+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun189935 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun18996/22-6/29 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Hines J.hines-002j--18991 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Hinton Johnhinton001joh1899 Dubois PAIndependent Dubois, PA
Hoagland William18995/12-6/10 UmpireNYSt ,
Hodge Charleshodge-001c--18994/17-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Hodge Carsonhodge-001car1899 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18994/27-7/3 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18997/13-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Hoey Fredhoey--001fre18997/5-10/14 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hoffman Edwardhoffma006edw1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes18994/28-5/18 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Hog H.1899 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hogan Martyhogan-002mar1899 ,
Hogan hogan-004---189919 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo18994/27-9/6 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Hogue Bradley18994/24-5/11 U. of the SouthCollege ,
Holland Billyhollan001bil1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Holland Jackhollan004joh18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Holland Howardhollan001how1899 Norfolk?not in Atl Norfolk, VA
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal18994/30-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Holly Edholly-002edw18998/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Holmes Fredholmes001fre1899 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Holmes Fredholmes001fre18996/20-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Holmes holmes011---18996/27-6/30 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam189940 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam18996/4-6/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam18996/28-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Honte D.1899 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--18995/12-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Hooker Buckhooker001wil1899 Rich.-JimplecoteIndependent Richmond, VA
Hopkins George1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Hopkins Leehopkin001leo1899 Salt Lake CityRio Grande Salt Lake City, UT
Hopkins hopkin015---18994/17-4/21 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Hopkins hopkin012---18995/26 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Horan Williamhoran-001wil18996/8 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Horan Williamhoran-001wil1899 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Horn Willhorn--004wil1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Horton Elmerhorton002elm18994/29-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Houle Dennishoule-001den18995/12-5/31 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Houle Dennishoule-001den1899 MechanicsvilleIndependent Mechanicsville,
Householder Edhouseh001edw18994/27-7/4 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Householder Edhouseh001edw18997/17-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Householder Williamhouseh002wil189918 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Householder Williamhouseh002wil1899 Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, SD
Householder Eddie18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Houseman Johnhousem002joh189940 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Houseman Johnhousem002joh18996/4-6/13 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre18997/23-7/26 CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Houtz Leftyhoutz-001fre18998/9-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Howard Charles1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Howard Elmerhoward000elm1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Howe Henryhowe--001hen189922 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Howe Henryhowe--001hen1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Howell Roberthowell001rob1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Howell Roberthowell001rob1899+9/1+ Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, AR
Howell Harryhowell001hen189928 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Howells Billyhowell005wil189943 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Howkins Joehowkin001joe18995 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Howkins Joehowkin001joe1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra189933 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Huff Fred1899no g. Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Huff huff--005---189931 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Huggins Millerhuggin001mil18995/31-40 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Huggins Millerhuggin001mil1899 semi-pro ,
Hughes Jayhughes008jam189935 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hughes Jayhughes008jam18994 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hughes Tomhughes004tho1899 Chic.-AmateurAmat Chicago, IL
Hughes Joehughes002jos1899-02 Geneva CollegeCollege ,
Hulen Billyhulen-001bil18994/14-5/12 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Hulen Billyhulen-001bil18995/21-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Huling Thomas1899+5/20+ FindleyIndependent Findley, OH
Hulsman Frank1899 Newport RI? Newport, RI
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud1899no g. Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Hulswitt Rudyhulswi001rud18996/16 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Humphrey Frankhumphr001fra18992 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Hunt John1899-10/14116 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Hunt Harryhunt--001har18995/5-6/7 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Hurlburt Georgehurlbu001geo18994/16-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Hurlburt Edhurlbu001edw1899 Memphis ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Hurley Jerryhurley001jer18995/12-9/8 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Husting Berthustin001ber18996/19-9/9 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Huston Jackhuston001jac189939 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Huston Jackhuston001jac18996/4-7/4 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Huston Jackhuston001jac189914 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Huston Jackhuston001jac18992 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-18995 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-189958 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil18994/29-9/9 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Hutter Arthur1899+5/13+ Canton High SchoolHS ,
Hyde Harryhyde--000har1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Iburg Hamiburg-001her189944 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Ingram ingram005---18998/14 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Iott Happyiott--001fre18995/10-6/1 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Irmscher Paulirmsch001pau1899 Loui.-RecciusIndependent Louisville, KY
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh18997/1 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Irwin Charlieirwin-001cha189990 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Irwin Thomasirwin-004tho18995/5-9/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Isaacs Irwinisaacs001irw18994/17-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Isbell Frankisbell001wil18994/28-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Ivers Tomivers-001tho1899+5/20-8/23 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Ivers Tomivers-001tho18997/28 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ivers Tomivers-001tho18998/26-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Jackson Andyjackso005and1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Jackson Billjackso001bil1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Jackson Robert1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jamieson Jackjamies001jac18994/18-5/16 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Jamieson Jackjamies001jac1899 IolaIndependent Iola, KS
Jansen 1899 Williams ColCollege ,
Jarvis Rubejarvis000rub1899 Mankato KSIndependent Mankato, KS
Jarvis Jackjarvis005wil1899 DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Jeffries Edjeffri001e--1899+8/12+ Lancaster-ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Jeffries Charlesjeffri001cha1899 Lancaster-ActivesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Jeffries Jim18996/13-6/15 UmpireCtSt ,
Jennifer 18992 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Jennings Hughiejennin001hug1899 ,
Jennings Georgejennin001geo18991 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Jessup Clarencejessup001cla18996/27-7/1 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre1899 UmpireSo ,
Jimerson Jacobjamiso001jac18994/27-8/3 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Jocko 1899+9/17+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Johnson Youngyjohnso002you189914 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Johnson Youngyjohnso002you18999/16 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Johnson Thomasjohnso007tho18995/5-7/14 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Johnson Thomasjohnso007tho18997/18-8/7 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Johnson Chappiejohnso025cha1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Johnson johnso047---18998/16-8/17 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Johnston Billjohnst004wil189916 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim18994/28-5/2 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim1899no g. Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim18997/19-8/18 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Johnstone Lesliejohnst001les1899 Yale FreshmenCollege ,
Johnstone Lesliejohnst001les18996/1-6/13 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Johnstone Lesliejohnst001les18996/21 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Johnstone Lesliejohnst001les18997/28-9/8 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Johnstone johnst026---18996/9-6/28 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha18994/29-7/16 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha18997/18-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Jones Budjones-131---1899+8/27+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Jones Charliejones-005cha1899 Grove City Col.College ,
Jones Charliejones-005cha189975 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Jones Jimjones-022jam18996/14-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Jones Willisjones-041wil1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jones Cowboyjones-003alb189912 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Jones Bertjones-001ber1899 Independent ,
Jones jones-101---18995/17-7/6 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Jones Johnnyjones-030joh189930 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Jones Oscarjones-002osc1899 CaWinter ,
Jordan Robert1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Jordan Theodorejordan000the1899 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Jordan William1899 Baltimore GiantsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Joss Addiejoss--001adr1899 U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Joss Addiejoss--001adr18994 g. Watertown WIIndependent Watertown, WI
Joss Addiejoss--001adr18993 g. Oshkosh WIIndependent Oshkosh, WI
Joss Addiejoss--001adr18995 g. Mantitowac WIIndependent Manitowoc, WI
Joyner William1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic18994/27-9/5 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic189914 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Kaiser Fredkaiser001fre1899 NYC-RiversideIndependent New York, NY
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo18995/12-6/11 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo18996/13-8/20 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo18998/11 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo18998/22-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Kane Billykane--002wil189942 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Kane Billykane--002wil1899no g. St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Kane Harrykane--001har1899 StLBr-ReservesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Kane kane--016---18992 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Katoll Jackkatoll001joh18992 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Katoll Jackkatoll001joh18996/23-9/8 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo189941 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo18996/7-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Keeler Thomaskeeler002---1899+7/23+ Evan.-People’sCourier Evansville, IN
Keeley Burtkeeley001bur1899-00 Notre Dame U.College ,
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid18994/29-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid18997/10-9/5 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Keenan Harrykeenan000har18996/23-8/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Keenan Joekeenan001jos18995/1-9/20 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Keener Harrykeener001har18994/28-7/11 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Keister Billkeiste001wil1899136 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Kelafer W.1899 Ottawa? Ottawa,
Kelb Georgekelb--002geo18995/5- Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Kellackey Hughkellac001hug1899-00 ,
Keller Jackkeller001jac189926 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Kelley Mikekelley002mic18994/28-7/13 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Kelley Mikekelley002mic18997/15-10/14 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Kelley Johnkelley004joh18995/10-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Kelley Tomkelley001tom18998/29 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Kellner Albertkellne001alb1899+5/6- MarionInSt Marion, IN
Kellogg Frankkellog001sis18995/20-5/31 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Kellum Winkellum001win18995/2-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Kelly Billykelly-004wil1899 HanfordSoCalif Hanford, CA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo1899 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho18992 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Kelly Thomaskelly-001tho18992 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Kelly kelly-033---1899 Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Kelly John18995/10-7/ UmpireNE ,
Kelly John18998/28-9/10 UmpireEast ,
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Kenna Edkenna-004edw1899 Georgetown U.College ,
Kenna Edkenna-004edw1899 TarboroIndependent Tarboro, NC
Kennedy Albertkenned002alb18994/29-5/27 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Kennedy Charleskenned001cha18995/23-5/30+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Kennedy Charleskenned001cha18996/10-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Kennedy Samkenned001sam1899+5/20-7/15 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Kennedy Samkenned001sam18997/17-7/18 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Kennedy Samkenned001sam18997/20-8/5 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Kennedy Samkenned001sam18998/11-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Kennedy Frankkenned001fra18995/12-5/20 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Kennedy J.kenned002j--1899+7/24-9/14 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Kennedy Jackkenned001joh18995/17-7/1 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Kennedy Shermankenned001she1899+5/20-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kennedy kenned019---18996/7-6/10 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Kenney Richard1899 KC-HagansIndependent Kansas City, MO
Kenney 18996/16-6/17+ New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kent Jameskent--001jam189951 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh18997/14-8/9 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Kern Alkern--001alv189917 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Kern Alkern--001alv18997/5-8/30 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Kern kern--001---18995/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Kershaw Williamkersha001wil18995/3-5/25 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Kershaw Williamkersha001wil18998/7 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre18995/12-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre18999/12-15 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho189933 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Kiernan Tomkierna001tho1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Kiernan Peterkierna001pet18995/17-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kihm Georgekihm--001geo18995/1-27 g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Kihm Georgekihm--001geo1899 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Kilfeder Frederickkilfed001fre18995/12-5/13 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Kilfeder Frederickkilfed001fre1899+8/5+ N. Attleboro MAIndependent North Attleboro, MA
Killeen Henrykillee002hen18995/26-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Killen Frankkillen002fra18994/14-14 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Killen Frankkillen002fra1899 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Kilroy Mattkilroy001mat18994/28-6/30 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh18995/12-7/12 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh18997/17-8/11 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh18998/17-8/24 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Kimerer Clemkimere001cle1899no g. Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
King J. R.1899no g. Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
King J.W.king--001jw-18995/10-8/12 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
King king--020---18991 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
King 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil189937 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Kinney Benjaminkinney001ben1899 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Kitson Frankkitson001fra189940 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Kleiber Billkleibe001bil189915 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Kleiber Billkleibe001bil189932 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Kleinow Redkleino001joh1899 Sac. Ht. Aca.-WISchool ,
Kling Johnnykling-001joh189918 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Kling Johnnykling-001joh1899 Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Kling Johnnykling-001joh1899-8/2 EmporiaIndependent Emporia, KS
Kling kling-001---18995/12-5/14 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre18995 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre18995/28-9/4 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Klobedanz Charlesklobed001cha1899 Wate.-MonitorACIndependent Waterbury, CT
Klobedanz Charlesklobed001cha18995/26 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Klobedanz Charlesklobed001cha18998/11-9/5 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus18994/27-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus18998/11-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Knau Louisknau--001lou18995/1-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Knell Philknell-001phi18995/2-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Knepper Charliekneppe002cha18995/2 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Knepper Charliekneppe002cha18995/26-9/26 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Knight Joeknight002jos189917 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Knight Joeknight002jos18996/15-6/20 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul18994/27-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul18997/13-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Knoll Punchknoll-001cha1899+5/14+ Evan.-People’sCourier Evansville, IN
Knox Dickknox--002ric18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Knox Dickknox--002ric18998/9-8/27 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Knox Dickknox--002ric18998/31-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Kochel kochel001---18995/14-7/4 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Kohnle Willkohnle001wil189941 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Kohnle Willkohnle001wil18996/7-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Kolb Eddiekolb--001edd189910/15 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Kossuch Fredkossuc001fre18991 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Kostal Joekostal001jos18995/3- Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Kostal Joekostal001jos189928 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil189930 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Kripp Edward1899 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Kromer George1899 ,
Krueger Ottokruege002art18995/1-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Krueger Ottokruege002art18997/20-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Krueger Ottokruege002art18997/31- Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Krueger Ottokruege002art18999/16-13 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Krug Henrykrug--001hen189986 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Kuehne Billkuehne001bil18994/30-6/21 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam18995/12-6/10 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam18996/24-6/28 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam18997/4-7/25 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha18994/29-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha1899-10/147 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Kuran Harrykuran-001har1899 Pleasanton KSIndependent Pleasanton, KS
Lackey 18996 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Lackey 18993 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Ladd Hiladd--001art18994/27-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Ladd Hiladd--001art18997/13-8/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Ladue ladue-001---18998/22 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Lafleur Johnlafleu001joh189960 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Lake Fredlake--001fre18995/10-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Lally Danlally-001dan18994/28-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Lally Donaldlally-001don1899 UmpireIntSt ,
Lambert C.W.lamber000cw-1899 Pelzer SCIndependent Pelzer, SC
Lambert C.W.lamber000cw-1899 TarboroIndependent Tarboro, NC
Lamer Petelamer-001pie18994/29-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Lampe Henrylampe-001hen18995/2-8/29 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Lampkin lampki001doc1899 El PasoIndependent El Paso, TX
Landgraf Ernestlandgr001ern1899 NYC-Senatorss-p New York, NY
Landgraf Ernestlandgr001ern1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Anderson, IN
Landvoigt William1899 Neuenheim Col.College ,
Lang lang--014---1899 Susquehanna U.College ,
Lang lang--014---1899 Lafayette ColCollege ,
Lange Fredlange-001fre189994 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Lange Billlange-001bil18994/14-10/15 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Langsford Boblangsf001bob189940 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Langsford Boblangsf001bob18996/18 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam18994/27-7/7 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Latham Arlielatham002wal18994/14-6 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Latham Arlielatham002wal18997/3-95 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Lathrop Franklathro001fra189911 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Lathrop Franklathro001fra18996/19-6/28 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Latimer Tackslatime001cli18995/1- Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Latimer Tackslatime001cli1899-9/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Latimer Tackslatime001cli18999 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Latimer Gregglatime001m--1899 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Latimer 1899+4/12+ Fredericksburg ColCollege ,
Lauer Augustlauer-001aug18995/12-5/26 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw189939 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw18996/12-7/18 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw18997/21-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Law Jacklaw---001joh18995/1-9/20 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Lawler Jacklawler003joh18994/2-4/16 Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Lawler Jacklawler003joh18995/17-7/29 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lawler Jacklawler003joh18998/3-9/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Lawler Edlawler001ed-1899 Omaha-BrewersIndependent Omaha, NE
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh18995/12-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic18994/27-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Lawrence Fred1899 U. of VermontCollege ,
Lawson Allawson001al-1899?-6/ Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Anderson, IN
Lawson Allawson001al-18996/- Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Kokomo, IN
Lawson Boblawson003rob1899 Orange A. C.s-p Orange, NJ
Lawson Andy18995/6-6/ Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Muncie, IN
Lawson Andy18996/-6/ Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Kokomo, IN
Leach Tommyleach-001tho1899106 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Leach Tommyleach-001tho18996/14-6/20 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Leach Tommyleach-001tho1899 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho18994/29-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Leahy Danleahy-002dan18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Leahy Danleahy-002dan18998/18-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Leahy Tomleahy-001tom18992 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Leahy leahy-005---18998/22 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Leahy leahy-007---18999/4 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Leake Edwardleake-001edw189921 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Leaman David1899 Vineland NJ Independent Vineland, NJ
Lebarron Franklebarr001fra18996/1-7/7 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Lee Georgelee---001geo18995/12-7/31 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Lee Georgelee---001geo18998/8-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Lee Georgelee---001geo18992 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Lee Jacklee---003joh1899 Geneva OHIndependent Geneva, OH
Lee Samuellee---003sam18993 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Lee Stock1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Lee Ward1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Leever Samleever001sam189951 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Leftwich 1899 Rich.-MillhiserIndependent Richmond, VA
Legge Brucelegge-001bru18996/1-6/21 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
LeGrande Billlegran001w--1899 Trinity Col(Duke)College ,
Lehr Herbertlehr--002---18994/20+ U. of MichiganCollege ,
Lehr Herbertlehr--002---1899 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Lehr Herbertlehr--002---1899-8/ Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Leidner 1899 NYC-RiversideIndependent New York, NY
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Leighton Jimleight001jam18995/6-5/8 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Leith Billleith-001bil18999/25 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Leland Harryleland001har189922 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Lempke Carllempke001car1899-02 CO Sch of MinesCollege ,
Leonard Frankleonar001fra18994/28-9/10 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Leonard William1899no g. Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Leonard leonar018---189914 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
LePine Petelepine002lou18995/10-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
LePine Petelepine002lou18998/18-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Letcher Tomletche001tom18994/30-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Letherby Samleathe001---1899+10/7+ Hooper NEIndependent Hooper, NE
Letherby Samleathe001---1899 WayneCollege ,
Leverenz Charleslevere001chr1899 DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Levy Rubelevy--001reu1899 UmpireCalif ,
Levy Davidlevy--001dav1899 UmpireCalif ,
Lewee Edlewee-001edw18995/2-6/9 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Lewee Edlewee-001edw18998/23-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Libby libby-001---18997/31-8/1 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Lincoln Ezralincol001ezr18995/26-7/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Lindsley J.W.lindsl001j--1899 Grand Rapids Grand Rapids, MI
Lipe Perrylipe--001per1899 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Lipe Perrylipe--001per1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom18995/15-6/3 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Lippert Louislipper001lou18994/27-6/30 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Lippert Louislipper001lou18997/13-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Little Jimmylittle001jim189915 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac18995/17-6/5 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac18996/10 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Livingstone Jakeliving001jac18999/4-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Lizotte Abellizott001abe18994/29-8/7 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lloyd Harrylloyd-002har1899 Cinc.-GymsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Lloyd Thomaslloyd-001tho1899 HelenaIndependent Helena, MT
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob18994/16-148 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Lochhead Harrylochhe001rob18993 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Loercher Charlesloerch001cha18997/29 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Loftus Tomloftus002tom1899 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Lohman Petelohman001geo189953 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Lohman Petelohman001geo1899 Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Lohr Franklohr--001fra1899+7/9+ Freeport ILIndependent Freeport, IL
Loman Royloman-001roy18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Loman Royloman-001roy1899 AtchisonIndependent Atchison, KS
Long Jimlong--002jim189938 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Long Jimlong--002jim18996/11-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Long Johnlong--002joh18995/10-6/27 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Long 18995 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Longley G.longle001g--18994/17-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Love William1899 Roch. Free Acad.HighSchool ,
Love William1899-03 Univ. RochesterCollege ,
Lowery lowery001---18997/27-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Lowery lowery001---18997/31-8/6 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Lowney Dennislowney001dan18995/1-9/20 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Luchia Fredlucia-001fre18995/17-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Lufkin Georgelufkin001geo1899-01 Wesleyan CollegeCollege ,
Luitich Baldoluitic001bal18995/18-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Lundgren Carllundgr003car1899-02 U. of IllinoisCollege ,
Lush Billylush--001wil18995/17-6/14+ Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lush Billylush--001wil18996/27-7/4 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lush Billylush--001wil18997/6-8/15 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Lush Billylush--001wil18999/13-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Luskey Charlieluskey001cha1899+7/15+ TarboroIndependent Tarboro, NC
Lutenberg Lukelutenb001luk189933 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Lutenberg Lukelutenb001luk18996/27-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Luther Fredluther001fre1899no g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen18994/29-6/26 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen18997/8-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic189930 g. AnacondaMontSt Anaconda, MT
Lynch Edlynch-002edw1899no g. Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Lynch Mikelynch-004mic1899-04 Brown Univ.College ,
Lynch Mikelynch-004mic18995/18-9/15 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Lyon lyon--005---1899+6/10-6/24+ New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Lyons Dennylyons-002den1899-9/20113 g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Lyons Tobylyons-001tob1899 UmpireNE ,
Lyons Tobylyons-001tob18999/4-9/9 UmpireEast ,
Lyons Johnlyons-004joh189936 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Lyons Chase1899 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Lyons lyons-024---18996/14 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Lyons lyons-015---18995/12-5/17 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18995/1-7/4 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18997/31-8/2 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18998/13-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Mack Conniemack--001con18999/4 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Mack Reddymack--001red189924 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Mack Eugenemack--001eug1899 BrookfieldIndependent Brookfield, MA
Mack Eugenemack--001eug18995/17-6/8 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Mack Eugenemack--001eug18997/21-7/22 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Mack mack--017---18997/27 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Mackey Edmackey001a--18995/8-5/16 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Mackey Edmackey001a--1899 UmpireTx ,
Mackey Edwardmackey002edw18995/25-7/2 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Mackey Edwardmackey002edw18997/10-9/9 ShenectadyNYSt Schenectady, NY
Madison Artmadiso002art1899-8/2242 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Madison Charles1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Magee Jackmagee-001t--18995/18-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Maguire Tommaguir001tho18993 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou189911 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Mahaffey Jackmahaff001joh1899+8/5+ Canton OHIndependent Canton, OH
Mahaffey Jackmahaff001joh1899 South Bend GreensIndependent South Bend, IN
Mahaffey mahaff014---18995/9 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Mahaffey mahaff012---18996/24-6/27 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Mahler Henrymahler001---1899+8/20+ Lanc.-ActiveIndependent Lancaster, PA
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18995/11-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18996/6-6/29 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18997/10 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18998/9-8/14 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Mahoney Jackmahone001jac18995/24 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Mains Willardmains-001wil18996/9-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Mains Ernestmains-001ern18995/10-6/1 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh18994/30-6/30 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh18997/4-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh18991 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Mallet 18992 g. Los AngelesSoCalif Los Angeles, CA
Malone Billiemalone002bil1899 Statesville NCIndependent Statesville, NC
Maloney Curleymalone005jam18996/22-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Maloney Billymalone003wil1899no g. New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Maloney Billymalone003wil1899 N. Attleboro MAIndependent North Attleboro, MA
Maloney Billymalone003wil1899 AttleboroIndependent Attleboro, MA
Maloney Billymalone003wil1899 Knox Co. MEIndependent Knox County, ME
Maloney Tommymalone001tom189925 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Mangerina Henrymanger001hen189928 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Mangerina Anthonymanger001ant18992 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Mangerina Anthonymanger001ant18994 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Mangerina Anthonymanger001ant1899 Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Mangerina Anthonymanger001ant1899 Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Mangerina Pete18992 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1899 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1899 WadesboroIndependent Wadesboro, NC
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1899 ConcordIndependent Concord, NC
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1899 WadesboroIndependent Wadesboro, NC
Manley Danielmanley001dan18995/17-7/3 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Manley Danielmanley001dan1899 Windsor LocksIndependent Windsor Locks, CT
Manley Thomasmanley001tho1899 Syracuse U.College ,
Mannassau Almannas001al-18994/28-6/13 UmpireWest ,
Mannassau Almannas001al-18997/22-9/3 UmpireAmer ,
Mannassau Almannas001al-1899 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Manner Harrymanner001har1899+4/12+ Fredericksburg ColCollege ,
Manning Jimmannin001jim18994/27-9/11 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Manning Tommymannin001tho1899+5/20-7/14 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Manning Tommymannin001tho18997/17-7/18 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Manning Tommymannin001tho18997/26 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Manning Tommymannin001tho18998/2-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Mansfield H.mansfi001h--1899no g. Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mansfield H.mansfi001h--1899+7/15-8/ UmpireCtSt ,
Markley Georgemarkle001geo18994/22 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Markley Georgemarkle001geo18995/8-5/9 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Markley Georgemarkle001geo18995/14-6/4 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Marmion Arthurmarmio001---18995/18-5/24 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Maroney T.marone001t--1899 Meri.-DublinsIndependent Meriden, CT
Maroney T.marone001t--18998/14 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Marshall Joemarsha001jos1899 BillingsIndependent Billings, MT
Marshall marsha010---18995/31 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Martin Frankmartin001fra1899-9/2517 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Martin Clintmartin002cli189961 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Martin Clintmartin002cli1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Martin Jamesmartin019jam1899 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Martin martin039---18995/12-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Marx/Marks marx--003---18998/9-8/10 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Massey Billmassey001bil18994/27-7/3 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Massey Billmassey001bil18997/14-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Massey Billmassey001bil18999/13 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Mathewson Christymathew001chr18994/11- Bucknell Univ.College ,
Mathewson Christymathew001chr18997/21-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Matthews Wilsonmatthe004wil18997/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Matthews Wilsonmatthe004wil1899 UmpireTx ,
Maupin Harrymaupin001har1899-7/15 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Maupin Harrymaupin001har1899 HelenaMontSt Helena, MT
Mayne Cliffordmayne-001---189910/22-10/29 San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Mazena Edwardmazena001edw18994/29-6/5 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Mazena Edwardmazena001edw18996/8-7/28 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
McAleer Jimmymcalee001jam1899 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho1899 Dartmouth ColCollege ,
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho18998/18-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McBride Petemcbrid001pet1899 Manhattan Col.College ,
McBride Petemcbrid001pet1899-9/1411 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
McBride Jackmcbrid001jac1899-00 U. of GeorgiaCollege ,
McBride Jackmcbrid001jac1899 Atlanta HarmonyIndependent Atlanta, GA
McCafferty Thomasmccaff002tho18995/15-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
McCafferty Thomasmccaff002tho18998/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McCall Jerrymccall001jer18997/10-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
McCall Jerrymccall001jer18997/23-7/24 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
McCann Genemccann001hen189948 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McCann Genemccann001hen18998/19-8/29 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
McCarthy Dan1899 GeorgetownCollege ,
McCarthy Joemccart004jos189944 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
McCarthy Joemccart004jos189911 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
McCarthy Dennismccart001den1899 Geneva 3rdWardAmat Geneva, NY
McCarthy mccart018---18994/28-5/20 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
McCarthy mccart021---18995/17-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
McCarthy mccart021---18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
McCarthy mccart016---18996/5-6/13 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
McCarthy mccart029---18997/1 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
McCarthy mccart040---18995/31-7/19 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
McCauley Patmccaul001pat18994/27-6/12 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
McCauley Patmccaul001pat18996/21-7/16 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
McCauley Patmccaul001pat18997/21-8/31 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McCausland Billymccaus001wil1899 Salt Lake CityIndependent Salt Lake City, UT
McClafferty Billmcclaf001---18998/23 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
McCleary mcclea003---18991 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
McClelland 189912 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh18992 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1899 UmpireSo ,
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1899 UmpireTx ,
McCloud Harrymcclou002har18995/12-8/3 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
McConnell Jackmcconn002joh189932 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
McConnell Jackmcconn002joh1899 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
McCord Johnmccord002---18994/23-5/16 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim18994/27-6/19 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim18996/22-8/2 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
McCracken Jamesmccrac001jam18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
McCracken Jamesmccrac001jam18995/24-5/30 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
McCredie Judgemccred001wal18995/1-5/23 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McDade Jimmymcdade001jam1899 ,
McDermott Sandymcderm001san1899-6/? UmpireAtl ,
McDermott Mikemcderm001mik18994/29-5/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
McDermott Mikemcderm001mik18995/30-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil18994/16-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim1899 UmpireCalif ,
McDonald Edwardmcdona003edw18995/30-8/16 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha18994/30-5/3 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha18995/17-9/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
McDonald Johnmcdona008joh1899-00 KutztownCollege ,
McDonald mcdona045---18998/14 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
McDonald mcdona076---18994/25 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
McDonough Jeremiahmcdono001jer18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh18995/10-6/16 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh18997/11-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
McFadden Guymcfadd001guy189971 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1899 Villanova CollegeCollege ,
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1899 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
McFall Fredmcfall001fre18995/15-9/7 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan1899-9/2933 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McFarlan A. S.?1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Muncie, IN
McFarland Hermmcfarl001her18994/27-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon18995/1-9/19 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McFarland Chappiemcfarl002cha18995/15-7/4 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
McFarland Chappiemcfarl002cha18997/11-9/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
McGann mcgann003---18995/17-6/8 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
McGarr Chippymcgarr001chi1899-9/27111 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
McGill Williemcgill005wil1899 Chic-MarquettesIndependent Chicago, IL
McGill Williemcgill005wil18995/3-7/24 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
McGill Williemcgill005wil18997/26-9/8 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McGill Charlesmcgill002cha1899 Loui.-ReceiverIndependent Louisville, KY
McGill Charlesmcgill002cha1899no g. Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
McGill Billmcgill004wil1899-07 Friends Univ.College ,
McGinnis Gusmcginn001gus18995/4-7/4 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
McGinnity Joemcginn001jos18994/18-48 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
McGraw mcgraw001---18996/22-6/30 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
McGreevy Eugenemcgree001eug189919 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
McGreevy Eugenemcgree001eug1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
McGuckin Joemcguck001joe189950 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
McGuire Jimmcguir001jam18995/12-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
McGuire Frankmcguir001fra1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Kokomo, IN
McGuire mcguir006---18995/12 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18995/12-5/17 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
McGunnigle mcgunn001---18996/14-6/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
McHale Bobmchale001bob18993 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McHale Bobmchale001bob18994/29-5/17 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
McHale Bobmchale001bob18995/24-6/21 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
McHale Bobmchale001bob1899+7/1-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh189915 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
McIlveen Irishmcilve001hen1899-06 Penn State Col.College ,
McInnes Johnmcinne001joh18995/10 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
McIntyre Butchmcinty001cha18994/27-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
McIntyre Butchmcinty001cha1899+8/10-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
McKeever Jimmymckeev001jam1899 UmpireCanadian ,
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam189972 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam18998/9-8/22 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam1899-9/20 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr189936 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
McKinney Donmckinn001don18995/15-6/24 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
McKinney Donmckinn001don18996/27-7/19 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
McKinney Donmckinn001don18997/23-7/31 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
McLaughlin Michael1899 UmpireOh-In ,
McLaughlin Georgemclaug003geo189968 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McLaughlin Lancemclaug001lan18995 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
McLean Larrymclean001joh1899 St. John RosesIndependent St. John, NB
McLean Larrymclean001joh1899 Fredericton NBIndependent Fredericton, NE
McMackin Sammcmack001sam189933 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
McMackin Sammcmack001sam18996/11-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
McMahon Jackmcmaho006joh18994/27-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
McMahon Jackmcmaho006joh1899no g. Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
McMahon Danmcmaho002dan18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
McMahon Danmcmaho002dan18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
McMakin Johnmcmaki001joh1899 Union SCIndependent Union, SC
McMakin Johnmcmaki001joh1899 Rome GAIndependent Rome, GA
McManus Barneymcmanu001bar18995/12-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
McManus Barneymcmanu001bar18998/1-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra18994/28-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra18999/14-7 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
McNamara Billmcnama001wil18995/12-8/3 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
McNamara Thomas1899 UmpireWestA ,
McNamera John1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har18995/7-7/9 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har1899 ButteMont Butte, MT
McNeet mcneet001---18995/18-5/24 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
McNeet mcneet001---18995/31-6/1 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
McNelly J.1899 BillingsIndependent Billings, MT
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra18994/28-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra18998/22 New YorkNational League New York, NY
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra18999/4-9/15 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
McPherson Johnmcpher002joh1899 Washington NJIndependent Washington, NJ
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor189920 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam18994/27-5/26 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam18996/1-7/22 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam18997/27-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor18995/27-6/30 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McShane Jamesmcshan001j--1899no g. MarionInSt Marion, IN
McVey Carlmcvey-001car18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
McVey Carlmcvey-001car1899 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat18994/28-5/21 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat18995/29-8/27 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat1899 KC-ArmourIndependent Kansas City, MO
Mead Gilmead--001---189913 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Mead Gilmead--001---18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Meade Philmeade-001phi1899+7/15+ TarboroIndependent Tarboro, NC
Meaney Patmeaney002pat18994/27-6/27 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Meaney Patmeaney002pat18997/8-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Meaney Patmeaney002pat18992 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Meek Harrymeek--001her1899 did not play ,
Meier Dutchmeier-001art1899-02 Princeton Univ.College ,
Menefee Tommenefe001tho18994 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Menefee Johnmenefe001joh18994/28-9/10 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Menniger D.1899no g. New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm18994/29-5/24 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Merriman Jackmerrim001jac18995/10-5/12 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Merriman Jackmerrim001jac18995/31 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Merritt Billmerrit001bil1899 ,
Merritt Billmerrit001bil189910/15 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Merritt Georgemerrit002geo1899 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Mertes Sammertes001sam1899117 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Messitt Tommessit001tom18995/12-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Messitt Tommessit001tom18998/1-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Messitt Tommessit001tom18999/14-9/20 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Metz James1899no g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Meyers Charlesmeyers003cha189941 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha18998/22-13 g. Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Miles Eddiemiles-001edw189974 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Miles miles-001---18995/15-5/25 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Miller Georgemiller005geo18994/28-5/4 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Miller Georgemiller005geo18995/?-9/17 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Miller Josephmiller011jos1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Miller Kohlymiller001koh18995/1-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Miller Bertmiller002ber18997/1 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Miller Bertmiller002ber18997/11 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Miller Bertmiller002ber189918 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Miller Conniemiller001con1899 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Miller Ralphmiller007ral1899-5/266 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Miller Ralphmiller007ral18997/12-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Miller Roscoemiller001ros18995/1-45 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Miller Almiller003alb18995/1-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Miller Charlesmiller019cha1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Miller Dustymiller001dak18994/30-8/27 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Miller Petemiller001pet18995/10-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Miller Dan1899 Dubois PAIndependent Dubois, PA
Miller R.miller005r--1899?/ Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Millerick Patmiller002pat18995/10-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Millett Mikemillet001mic18994/17-7/4 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Millett Mikemillet001mic18997/22-8/4 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Mills Sammills-001sam189940 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Mills Sammills-001sam18996/11-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Mills Sammills-001sam18997/10-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Mills Williemills-004wil18995/12-9/8 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Mills mills-049---1899 Wake Forest U.College ,
Mills mills-049---1899 Wilmington NCIndependent Wilmington, NC
Miner Halminer-001hal18994/29-7/10 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Minnehan Danminneh001dan18995/31-6/21 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Minnehan Harryminneh001har18995/3- New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Miran Jackmiran-001joh18995/17-7/10 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Miran Jackmiran-001joh18997/14-9/14 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Mitchell W. K.1899no g. Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Mizell C.E.mizell000ce-1899+7/12+ Hamilton NCIndependent Hamilton, NC
Mizell C.E.mizell000ce-1899+8/16+ Williamston NCIndependent Williamston, NC
Mobley Lemmobley001---18994/18-6/6 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Mock Homermock--001hom1899 did not play ,
Moffett Frankmoffet001fra1899 Knoxville RedsIndependent Knoxville, TN
Mohler Kidmohler001kid189973 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car18995/12-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Mondo 18992 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Monohan monoha001---18997/20 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Monroe Billmonroe000bil1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Montgomery Roymontgo001roy1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf18996/2-6/21 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf1899 UmpireNE ,
Moore Zekemoore-001zek18995/31-7/3 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Moore Wademoore-001wad1899 Kansas Univ.College ,
Moore Carlmoore-007car1899 Phillipsburg KSIndependent Phillipsburg, KS
Moore Carlmoore-007car1899+9/4+ Smith Center KSIndependent Smith Center, KS
Moore Mosemoore-001mos189928 g. Los AngelesSoCalif Los Angeles, CA
Moore Earlmoore-001ear18997/30-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Moore Edwardmoore-009edw18995/25 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Moore Jackmoore-002jac189919 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Moran Augiemoran-002aug18995/20-6/10 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Moran Patmoran-002pat18994/29-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Moran moran-029---18998/18-8/29 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Moran moran-029---1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Morcaw morcaw001---18996/5 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr18995/17-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Morgan Otismorgan001oti18997 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Morgan Otismorgan001oti1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Morgan morgan001---18995/17-5/25+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Morgan morgan025---18995/27-6/10 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Morgan morgan001---18996/20-6/21+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Moriarty Edmoriar001edw1899 CT AgriculturalCollege ,
Morris Kidmorris010wil18995/2-5/6 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Morris Robertmorris008rob18995/12-6/8 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Morris Waltermorris010joh1899-00 Univ. of TexasCollege ,
Morris morris046---189928 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Morrison Billmorris008wil189931 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Morrison Johnmorris014joh18995/12-5/18 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Morrison Johnmorris014joh18995/27 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic18995/13-6/6 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic18996/9-9/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Morrissey S.1899no g. Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Morrissey morris094---18995/25-6/16 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Morrissey morris094---18996/26-7/14 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Morrow Williammorrow002wil189949 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Morrow Williammorrow002wil189931 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Morse Charlesmorse-001cha18995/1-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Morton F.1899-00 ,
Moskiman Docmoskim001wil189985 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha18994/27-5/4 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha18995/22-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha18997/14-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Moss moss--001---18998/19 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Motz Frankmotz--001fra18994/27-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Mowry mowry-003---18998/18-9/2 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Moynihan Timothymoynih001tim18995/17-5/29 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Mulcahy mulcah003---18997/1 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr18994/16-5/18 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr18996/9-7/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Mullane Tonymullan001ton18995/31-6/16 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Mullaney Dominicmullan002dom18994/29-6/19 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Mullen Othomullen010---1899-01 M. 31st VI Regt.Philippines ,
Muller Maxmuller002max189979 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mulligan 1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic18995/12-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Murnane Timmurnan001tim1899 PresidentCtSt ,
Murphy Conniemurphy002con18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Murphy Conniemurphy002con18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Murphy Conniemurphy002con18997/5-7/8 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal1899 ElmiraAtl Elmira, NY
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal1899 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Murphy Martinmurphy006mar18995 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Murphy Martinmurphy006mar18992 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho18996/6-8/14 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho18998/31 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho18999/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan1899 No. Attleboro MAIndependent North Attleboro, MA
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan18996/1-6/3 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan18998/2-8/4 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Murphy Edmurphy005edw18994/27-8/3 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Murphy Edmurphy005edw18998/10-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Murphy Davemurphy001dav1899 No. Adams MAIndependent North Adams, MA
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra1899-00 St. John's(Fordham)College ,
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra18997/24-9/9 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Murphy Frankmurphy004fra1899 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Murphy murphy090---18997/29-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Murray Billymurray007wil18994/29-9/8 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Murray Jimmurray008jam18994/16-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Murray Jimmurray008jam18996/5-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Murray John1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Murray murray016---18995/20-6/1 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Murtaugh Johnmurtau001jos1899 CornellCollege ,
Myers Bertmyers-001ber18994/29-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Myers Bademyers-002wil18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Myers myers-042---189937 g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Myers myers-006---18998/20- Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi18995/1-9/19 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Nagle Paulnagle-001lef18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Namack 1899 lost thisUniversity ,
Namack 1899 Phelps NY ACAmat Phelps, NY
Nance Williamnance-001wil18994/28-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Napp D.napp--001d--1899 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Nash Billynash--001bil18994/27-5/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Nash Billynash--001bil18995/18-5/23 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Nattress Billynattre001wil18995/1-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Neath 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Needham Tomneedha001tho1899 Tecumseh MIIndependent Tecumseh, MI
Needham George1899 UmpireWest ,
Nelson Johnnelson008joh1899+6/4+ Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Nelson Raynelson001ray18997/10-9/2 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Nelson Jacknelson002jac18995/15-9/9 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Nelson Henrynelson001hen18998/2-8/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Neville Mikenevill001mic18995/12-7/21 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor1899 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor18996/29 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Newhouse 18995/-5/ Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Newman newman011---18998/11 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
News Tomnews--001tho18995/10-6/17 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Newton Docnewton001eus18994/28-9/11 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Newton Albertnewton001alb1899-02 Bloomsburg Col.College ,
Newton Albertnewton001alb1899 Springville NYIndependent Springville, NY
Nichols 1899 Willimantic CTIndependent Willimantic, CT
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par189915 g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Nicholson nichol044---18997/4-7/5 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Nicol Georgenicol-001geo18994/28-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Niland Tomniland001tom18996/13-6/23 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Niles Billniles-001bil18995/1-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Nipper Charlesnipper001cha18994/16-6/13 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Noblit Georgenoblit001geo18995/10-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Nolan Bingeynolan-001bin18996/15 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos1899+6/2+ Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Anderson, IN
Noon noon--001---18991 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Noonan Tubnoonan001tub189914 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Norcom Franknorcom001fra18994/30-23 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Norcom Franknorcom001fra189919 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Nordyke Lounordyk001lou189943 g.  Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Norton Ednorton001ed-18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Noyes Arthurnoyes-001art18995 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har18995/10-7/7 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har18997/11-7/15 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Noyes Harrynoyes-001har18997/24-9/14 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Nugent Jacknugent001joh18995/19-8/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Nugent Jacknugent001joh18998/12-8/19 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Nugent Jacknugent001joh18999/9 Albany RochesIndependent Albany, NY
Nyce Charlienyce--002cha18994/29-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18995/12-8/17 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
O'Brien Frankobrien005fra1899 UmpireIntSt ,
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh1899118 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
O'Brien Georgeobrien001geo18995/17-8/10+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
O'Brien Georgeobrien001geo18998/15-8/26 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh18994/14-127 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
O'Brien Johnobrien016joh18994/11- Bucknell CollegeCollege ,
O'Brien Johnobrien016joh18996/6-6/17 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
O'Brien Patrickobrien007pat189941 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
O'Brien Peteobrien001pet18995/12-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
O'Brien Buckobrien005tho1899 Brockton West Enderss-pro Brockton, MA
O'Brien Patobrien006pat18995/22-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
O'Brien Patrickobrien007pat189919 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
O'Brien obrien037---18995/10-5/12 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
O'Brien obrien064---18999/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
O'Brien obrien024---18996/7-8/26 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
O'Brien obrien008---18997/14-7/17 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh18994/27-6/14 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh18996/24-7/13 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh18997/14-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
O'Connell 1899 Norfolk Norfolk, VA
O'Connor Mikeoconno003mik189941 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
O'Connor Mikeoconno003mik1899 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Dallas, TX
O'Connor Mikeoconno003mik18996/16-7/2 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
O'Connor Mikeoconno001mik18998 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
O'Connor Mikeoconno002mik189940 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
O'Connor Williamoconno001wil18996/29-7/5 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
O'Connor Williamoconno001wil18997/11-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
O'Connor Williamoconno001wil18998/18-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
O'Connor oconno036---189929 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
O'Connor 189940 g. Calif ,
O'Connor oconno025---18998/22 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
O'Dea Artieodea--001art189936 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
O'Farrell ofarre001---18991 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
O'Hagan Halohagen001har18994/29-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
O'Hara Kidohara-001jam1899-02 Georgetown Col.College ,
O'Hara ohara-012---18997/27-8/12 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
O'Hara ohara-007---1899 JohnstownIndependent Johnstown, PA
O'Hara ohara-007---18998/23-9/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
O'Loughlin Francis18994/28-9/9 UmpireEast ,
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har1899 ,
O'Neil James1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
O'Neil J.F.oneil-002j--1899 St. John NBIndependent St. John, NB
O'Neil J.F.oneil-002j--18998/26-9/5 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
O'Neil oneil-022---18997/23 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
O'Neil oneil-005---18998/23 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
O'Neil oneil-013---18997/30 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
O'Neill Tiponeill001tip18998/29-9/10 UmpireEast ,
O'Neill Tiponeill001nor189955 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh1899 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh18995/4-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh18997/10-9/8 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic18997/1 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
O'Neill Johnoneill004joh18999/6-2 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
O'Neill Peachesoneill002phi1899-02 Notre Dame U.College ,
O'Rourke Jimorourk003jam18995/17-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim1899 AugustaIndependent Augusta, ME
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim189936 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
O'Rourke Johnorourk003joh18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
O'Rourke Johnorourk003joh18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
O'Rourke Thomasorourk003tho18996/26-8/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Odegard Tonyodegar001---1899+6/3+ Jordan MNIndependent Jordan, MN
Odwell Fredodwell001fre18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Odwell Fredodwell001fre18998/8-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Ogee Johnogee--001joh1899 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Ollre Reginaldollre-001rox1899 Hous.-CawthonsIndependent Houston, TX
Osborne Billyosborn007wil18995/20-5/26 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Osborne Billyosborn007wil18995/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Owen Frankowen--001fra18999/10 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Owens Redowens-003tho1899+5/20-7/15 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Owens Redowens-003tho18997/17-7/18 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Owens Redowens-003tho18997/25 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Owens Redowens-003tho18997/28-8 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Owens Redowens-003tho1899+8/9-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Owens owens-028---18998 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-189940 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-18996/11-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-18997/10-7/31 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-1899 Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Pace Russpace--001c--18991 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Pace Russpace--001c--189950 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Padden Dickpadden001ric18994/14-134 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Page Georgepage--003geo18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Paige Alliepaige-002alb1899 BaltCity ,
Palmer Charlespalmer004cha18994/17-4/29 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh18995/1-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh18999/14 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Pardee Alpardee001alb18995/3-9/8 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Parent Freddyparent001fre18995/17-7/13 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Parent Freddyparent001fre18997/14 -2 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Parent Freddyparent001fre18997/18-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Parker Harleyparker001har18994/30-8/4 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Parker Jayparker001har1899no g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Parker Jayparker002jay18999/27 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Parlette H. Leslie1899no g. Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Parrott Tomparrot002tho1899 Portland OR ACIndependent Portland, OR
Parrott Tomparrot002tho18996/4-6/12 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra189913 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra18996/12-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Pastorius Harveypastor001har18996/10-8/1 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Pastorius Harveypastor001har18998/19-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Patten Caseypatten001cas18994/28-8/4 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Patten Caseypatten001cas18998/13-9/9 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Patterson Johnpatter007joh1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Patterson Vanpatter001van18996/13-6/22 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Patterson Roypatter001roy1899 Duluth MNs-p Duluth, MN
Patterson Roypatter001roy18995/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Patterson Roypatter001roy18998/27-9/9 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Patton 1899no g. Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Pautot Emilepautot001e--18998/4- Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Payne Dudleypayne-001dud1899 Hot Springs ArkIndependent Hot Springs, AR
Pears Frankpears-002fra189922 g.  St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Pedroes Chickpedro-001cha18995/12 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Peeples Williampeeple001wil18999 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Peeples Williampeeple001wil189940 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Pender Bobpender001rob1899-9/20139 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Pendleton Ikependle001isa18994/17-4/18 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Pennington G.pennin000g--1899+7/15+ TarboroIndependent Tarboro, NC
Penny A.R.penney001a--18995/17-? Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Pequinney Frankpequin001fra18994/16-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Perkins Fredperkin001fre18995/10-8/5 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Persons Eddieperson001edw1899 Wilmington NCIndependent Wilmington, NC
Persons Archie1899-00 USMACollege ,
Pettee Patpettee001pat1899 UmpireNE ,
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo18995/2-31 g. Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo18998/9-9/8 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan18995/17-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18999 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Phelan Jackphelan001jac1899 UmpireTx ,
Phelps Edphelps002edw18994/29-9/8 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Phillippe Deaconphilli001cha18994/21 -42 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Phillips Marrphilli003mar189964 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Phillips Billphilli005wil189933 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil18994/14-39 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Pickard Jackpickar001jac189941 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Pickard Jackpickar001jac1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Pickering Olliepicker001oli18994/28-5/13 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Pickering Olliepicker001oli18995/19-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Pickering Olliepicker001oli18997/18-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Pickett Davepicket003dav18995/12-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Pietto 1899no g. Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Pilcher Fredpilche001fre1899 JoplinIndependent Joplin, MO
Pingree Georgepingre001geo1899 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Pinke 189930 g. Calif ,
Pittinger Togiepittin001cha18994/29-7/7 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Plake Jonahplake-001jon18993 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Plake Jonahplake-001jon189913 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Plake Jonahplake-001jon18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Plake Jonahplake-001jon1899 Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Plake Jonahplake-001jon189934 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Plank Eddieplank-003edw1899 Gettysburg PAIndependent Gettysburg, PA
Platt Harryplatt-002har18993 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Platt Harryplatt-002har18991 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw18995/12-7/19 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Pleiss Eddiepleiss001edw1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Plowman Tom1899 U. AlabamaCollege ,
Plymat Walterplymat001---1899 U. MinnesotaCollege ,
Plymat Walterplymat001---1899 Minne.-CometsIndependent Minneapolis, MN
Poole Edpoole-001edw18995/2-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Poor Jappoor--001jas1899 WabashIndiana-Illinois League Wabash, IN
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre189922 g.  Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre1899 UmpireCanadian ,
Porter Odieporter001odi1899-00 Indiana Univ.College ,
Pounds Billpounds001jea18995/18-6/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Pounds Billpounds001jea18996/12-6/24 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Powell Abnerpowell001abn189912 g.  New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18996/17-7/8 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18997/20 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Powers W.A.powers001w--18991 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Prentiss Georgeprenti002geo18995/17-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Preston Waltpresto002wal18995/1-8/17 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Preston Waltpresto002wal18998/26-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Preston presto005---18996/28 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Price Hughprice-001hug189918 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Proctor Miller1899 ,
Prout Billyprout-002wil1899+4/30+ Cinc.-GymsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Prout Billyprout-002wil1899 Charleston WVIndependent Charleston, WV
Prout Billyprout-002wil18998/20 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Puhl Johnpuhl--002joh18995/31 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Puhl Johnpuhl--002joh1899+5/20-6/30 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat1899 Columbia Univ.College ,
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat18996/12-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Purrell Johnpurrel001joh1899 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Pussington Roycepussin001roy18998/14-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Putnam Johnputnam001joh18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Pyne Guspyne--001gus189986 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Quigley Frankquigle001fra1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Anderson, IN
Quillian Robertquilli001rob1899 Atlanta HarmonyIndependent Atlanta, GA
Quinlan Frankquinla001fra18995/11-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Quinlan Frankquinla001fra18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Quinlan Larryquinla001law18995/10-5/23 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Quinlan Larryquinla001law18996/21-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Quinn Robertquinn-006rob1899 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh18995/30-7/14 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh18997/21-7/22 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra189989 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra18998/9-10/2 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Quinn 1899no g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Quinn quinn-042---18995/30 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Quinn quinn-003---18995/20-5/30 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Rabbitt S.rabbit001s--18995/12-5/17 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Raclett Jamesraclet001jam1899 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Radcliffe Williamradcli001wil1899 Pitt.-D.C. & A.C.Independent Pittsburgh, PA
Radcliffe Williamradcli001wil1899no g. Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Rademaker radema001---18999/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Radford Paulradfor002pau1899 Franklin MAIndependent Franklin, MA
Raffert Billraffer001wil1899+6/2+ WabashIndiana-Illinois League Wabash, IN
Rafter Jackrafter001joh18995/17-9/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Raih Jackraih--001joh189931 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Raih Jackraih--001joh1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Ramp Williamramp--001wil1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Muncie, IN
Ramsey Hankramsey001hen18995/12-9/4 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Randolph randol005---1899 Emp.-GabrielIndependent Emporia, KS
Ranz Philranz--000---1899 Cinc.amatAmat Cincinnati, OH
Rapp Ottorapp--001ott18995/12-5/20 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Rapp Samrapp--001---18994/30-5/3 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Rapp Samrapp--001---18995/26-6/10 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Rapp William1899-00 Span-Amer ,
Rapp rapp--010---18997/20-7/23 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Rathbun rathbu001---1899 Grand RapidsIndependent Grand Rapids, MI
Rawson Harleyrawson001har1899 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Rawson Harleyrawson001har18995/17-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ray Johnray---006joh18994/25-6/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Raymer Fredraymer001fre18994/28-7/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Raymer Fredraymer001fre1899 Oklahoma CityIndependent Oklahoma City, OK
Raymond Harryraymon002har18996/10-7/4 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Raymond Harryraymon002har18997/14-8/9 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Raymond Harryraymon002har18998/17-9/4 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Rea Montierea---000mon1899-00+4/7+ U. Virginia College ,
Reardon Dennyreardo001d--18995/20-9/15 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Reed Georgereed--003geo189937 g.  Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Reed Georgereed--003geo1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Reese Georgereese-002geo189933 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Reese Georgereese-002geo1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Regan Georgeregan-001geo18995/12-7/4 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Regan Joeregan-001joe1899+5/20-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Reich Jackreich-001jac1899no g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Reid Andyreid--002and189955 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Reid Andyreid--002and1899 Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Reid Billreid--002wil189975 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Reid Billreid--002wil1899 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Reidy Billreidy-001wil18992 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Reidy Billreidy-001wil18995/1-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Reilly Charliereilly003cha18995/17-8/10 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Reilly Charliereilly003cha1899 ButteMontSt Butte, MT
Reilly Joshreilly002wil189985 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Reilly Davidreilly002dav18995/27-7/17 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Reilly Davidreilly002dav18998/31 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Reilly Tomreilly004tho18995/17-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Reilly J.reilly002j--18999/16 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Reilly reilly016---18995/18-5/30 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Reinacher reinac001---1899 West NY Field ClubIndependent West, NY
Reinacher reinac001---1899 New York ACIndependent New York, NY
Reisling Docreisli001fra18994/28-5/16 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Reisling Docreisli001fra18995/27-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1899-6/334 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Reitz Edward1899 Chicago-Amat Chicago, IL
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo1899 Chic.-Spauldingssemi-pro Chicago, IL
Reitz Johnreitz-001joh18993 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Reitz William1899 Chic.-Amateur Chicago, IL
Rettger Georgerettge002geo18994/28-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Reuning Louis1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Reust Samreust-001sam1899-8/2 EmporiaIndependent Emporia, KS
Reynolds Jessreynol004jes18994/30-6/4 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Reynolds Jessreynol004jes18996/19 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Reynolds Jessreynol004jes1899 UmpireTx ,
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes1899 Decatur INIndependent Decatur, IN
Reynolds Louis1899 Chicago ColumbiaIndependent Chicago, IL
Reynolds 1899 Baltimore GiantsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Rhoe rhoe--002---18996/2 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Rice Billyrice--002w--18994 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Rice Billyrice--002w--189911 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Richardson Dannyrichar002dan189912 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Richardson Billrichar006wil18994/17-6/18 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Richardson S. W.1899 Hamline Univ.College ,
Richter Johnrichte001joh18994/27-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Richter Johnrichte001joh18998/9-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Rickert Joericker001jos18994/29-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Riddlemoser Dorseyriddle002dor18998/22 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Rieman Georgerieman001geo18995/1-8/3 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Rieman Josephrieman001jos18995/1-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Riley Charlesriley-001cha189987 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Riley Johnriley-005joh18995/12-7/26 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Riley Davidriley-001dav18994/27-5/21 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra18994/27-8/6 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Risley Dudrisley001dud18994/28-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Risley Dudrisley001dud18997/11-8/4 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Risley Dudrisley001dud18998/20-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Ritchie Williamritchi002wil18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Ritchie Williamritchi002wil18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Ritchie Joseph189914 g. Freeport LIIndependent Freeport,
Ritter Lewritter002lew18996 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Ritter Lewritter002lew18995/10-8/23 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Rivera 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Rivera 18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Rivers rivers001---18995/17 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Roach Mikeroach-001mik18994/27-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Roach Mikeroach-001mik18998/10-10/12 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Roach Johnroach-003joh1899 ,
Roach Skelroach-001rud18995/2-9/18  Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Roach Skelroach-001rud18998/9 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Roat Fredroat--001fre18996/2-8/31 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Robb Clayrobb--001cla189921 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Robb Clayrobb--001cla1899 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Robbins Vincerobbin003---1899 FW-ShamrocksIndependent Fort Wayne, IN
Roberts Billrobert017wil18995/12 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Roberts Billrobert017wil1899 AmsterdamIndependent Amsterdam, NY
Robertson Fred1899 Yale Univ.College ,
Robertson Fred1899 Poughkeepsie NYIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Robinson Jackrobins006joh1899-02 Harvard Univ.College ,
Robinson 18993 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Robinson 18995/1 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Rodden Billyrodden001bil189936 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Rodden 18992 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Rodgers 1899 Baltimore GiantsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Roe Joeroe---001jos1899+10/14+ Sunnyside MOIndependent Sunnyside, MO
Rogers Emmettrogers002emm1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Rogers Jimrogers001jim18994/29-5/9 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Rogers Jimrogers001jim1899+5/20-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Rogers Terryrogers001ter1899+5/20-6/21+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Rogers Terryrogers001ter18997/1-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Rohe Georgerohe--001geo1899 ,
Rollins Patrollin001hen189930 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Root C.root--001c--1899no g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Rose Jackrose--002jac18995/17-? Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Rosebraugh Rosierosebr001ros1899-7/52 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Rosebraugh Rosierosebr001ros1899-9/2015 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Rosenbach A.rosenb001a--1899 AkronIndependent Akron, NY
Ross Rustyross--002rus18995/12-6/14 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Ross Artross--001art18995/12-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Ross Artross--001art18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Ross Ernieross--001ern1899 Woodstock ONIndependent Woodstock, ON
Rotes Billrhodes001bil1899 Pottstown PAIndependent Pottstown, PA
Roth Andyroth--001and18995/14-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob189934 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob18996/18-7/15 BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob18997/21-8/11 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob18998/23-8/31 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Rothermel Wilsonrother002wil1899 Dickinson Col.College ,
Rothermel C.rother001c--1899+5/7+ Pottsville PAIndependent Pottsville, PA
Rothfuss Adamrothfu001ada18995/7-9/6 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac18994/28-8/23 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18995/23 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Royce A.B.royce-001a--189931 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Rudderham Frankrudder001fra18995/12-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Ruening C.ruenin001c--18995/22 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ruening C.ruenin001c--18996/23-6/27 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Ruhland Johnruhlan001joh18995/12-8/8 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Ruhland Johnruhlan001joh18998/10-8/15 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Ruin F. P.1899no g. Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Rundell Leerundel001g--18995/30-5/31 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Rundle rundle002---1899 WallingfordIndependent Wallingford, CT
Rundle rundle002---18997/19 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo1899-00 ,
Russell Paulrussel002pau18995/15-7/12 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Russell Paulrussel002pau18997/15-8/3 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Russell Cyrussel002fra189911 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Russell Johnrussel008joh18995/17-5/20+ New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Rust R.rust--001r--18995/10 St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc18995/27-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc18997/31-8/1 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Ryan Jackryan--004joh18995/12-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Ryan Jackryan--004joh18992 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Ryan Dennyryan--001den18995/17-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Ryan Paddyryan--001pat1899 HelenaIndependent Helena, MT
Sackett F.sacket001f--189915 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Sage Harrysage--001har18994 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Salmon Dennysalmon001den18995/1-5/13 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Salmon Dennysalmon001den18996/25-7/2 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Sample Guysample001guy189915 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Sample Guysample001guy1899-9/1715 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Sampson 1899 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Sanborn Waltersanbor001wal18995/13 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Sanders Warsander001war18995/17-6/4 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Sanders Johnsander001sho189937 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Sanford Jordan1899+6/13+ Crawfordsville GAIndependent Crawfordsville, GA
Sanford Williamsanfor000wil1899+6/13+ Crawfordsville GAIndependent Crawfordsville, GA
Sanford T. Ryland1899-01 Richmond CollegeCollege ,
Santary Chuck1899 Chanute KS Chanute, KS
Santleben Andysantla001---18994/17-5/15 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Saunders W.saunde001w--189913 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Sayer Jamessayer-001jam18995/12-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Scanlan Docscanla001wil1899-01 Fordham Col.College ,
Scannell Jackscanne001joh1899 Colby CollegeCollege ,
Scannell Jackscanne001joh18995/17-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Schaefer Germanyschaef001her1899 ChicCity ,
Schaezler Walterschaez001wal18994/17-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Schaffer schaff007---18992 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Scharringhausen Gussherin001j--18995/4-5/7 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Schaub Bobschaub001rob18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Schaub Bobschaub001rob18998/11-8/27 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Schaub Bobschaub001rob18998/29-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Schaub 1899 LafayetteIl-Ia Lafayette, IN
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted18994/27-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted18998/21-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra18994/29-9/9 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra189927 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Schmeer Claudeschmee001cla189995 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen18994/29-8/4 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen18998/20-9/7 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Schmidt H.T.schmid000ht-1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre189920 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Schrall Joeschral001jos189976 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Schrall Joeschral001jos18998/14-9/1 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss1899115 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha18995/6-5/26 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha189950 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Scott Edscott-001edw18994/27-9/8 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Scott Joseph1899 Kankakee ILIndependent Kankakee, IL
Scully Josephscully001jos1899 Omah.-OriginalsIndependent Omaha, NE
Sealts Frank1899 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Sealts Frank1899+5/18+ Wapakoneta OHIndependent Wapakoneta, OH
Seavers Clintonseaver002cli1899 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Sechrist Charlessechri001cha189976 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Sechrist Docsechri001doc18994/28 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Sechrist Docsechri001doc18995/18-7/15 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Sechrist Docsechri001doc18997/19-7/27 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Sechrist Docsechri001doc18997/29-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Sedgwick Otissedgwi001oti1899-0010/2- Battery M, 2nd Artillery ,
Seeds Williamseeds-001w--1899 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Seisler Davyseisle001dav189919 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Selden Williamseldon001wil1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Selna Charlesselna-001cha189949 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Senter Bertsenter001---1899-02 Friends Univ.College ,
Sepulveda Solly189919 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Setley Williamsetley001wil18995/10-5/14 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Setley Williamsetley001wil18995/25 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Setley Williamsetley001wil1899 St. Johnsville?ENY St. Johnsville,
Setley Williamsetley001wil1899 Great Falls?MontSt Great Falls, MT
Setley Williamsetley001wil1899+9/4+ Moravia NYIndependent Moravia, NY
Settles settle002---18994 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Settles settle002---189912 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Seybold Socksseybol001ral18994/27-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Seybold Socksseybol001ral18998/20-22 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Seymour Cyseymou001jam189950 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Seymour Cyseymou001jam18996/18-6/24 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Shaefer shaefe001---18993 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha189935 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha18996/23-51 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Shanahan Timshanah001tim189981 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Shanks Luthershanks001lut1899 Gainesville MOIndependent Gainsville, MO
Shannon Danshanno004dan18994/27-? Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Shannon Danshanno004dan18996/-9/11 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Shannon Frankshanno002fra18994/29-9/9 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil1899 Grove City Col.College ,
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil18994/27-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil18998/8-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac18994/27-5/5 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac18995/9-6/3 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac18996/20-9/9 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Sharsig Billsharsi001bil18994/27-8/6 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Shaw Alshaw--001alf18995/10-9/6 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Shay Dannyshay--001dan18995/10-8/7 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Shay Dannyshay--001dan18998/9-8/17 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Shay Dannyshay--001dan18998/18-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Shay Dannyshay--001dan18999/5 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Shea Josephshea--001jos189920 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Shea Josephshea--001jos18991 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Shea Frankshea--002fra18995/10-5/17 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Shea Napshea--001joh18995/12-9/8 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Shea Dannyshea--001dan1899 VisaliaSJValley Visalia, CA
Shea Dannyshea--001dan18993 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Shea shea--018---18997/17-7/21 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Shearon Johnshearo002joh18994/29-8/5 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Shearon Johnshearo002joh18999/1-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Sheehan Timothysheeha001bif18995/17-5/20 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Sheehan Timothysheeha001bif18996/22-7/11 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Sheehan Dansheeha001dan189933 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Sheehan Tommysheeha003tho189981 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Sheehan Donsheeha001don1899+5/20-7/7 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Sheehan sheeha002---18998/3 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Sheere Bertsheere001ber1899 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Sheets Robertsheets001rob1899no g. Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Sheets Robertsheets001rob1899 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Shelafo Georgeshelaf001---1899+8/27+ FlandreauIndependent Flandreau, SD
Shelton Benshelto001ben18994/28-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Shelton Benshelto001ben18996/4-7/5 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18994/27-9/9 UmpireWest ,
Sherrill J.J.sherri001j--1899-5/3111 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Sherrill J.J.sherri001j--18996/13-6/17 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Shields Charlieshield002cha1899 Memphis ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Shincel Hermanshince001her1899 West Chester PAIndependent West Chester, PA
Shindle Billyshindl001wil18994/28-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Shinnick Timshinni002tim18995/12-7/30 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Shinnick Timshinni002tim18998/1-8/23 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Shires Fredshires001fre18995/10-9/4 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo18994/28-8/27 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Sholta Charlessholta001cha1899 Webster MAIndependent Webster, MA
Sholta Charlessholta001cha18997/24 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Sholta Charlessholta001cha18997/27-8/1 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Shortell Edshorte001edw18995/28-6/10 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Shugart Frankshugar001fra18994/28-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Shugrue Jerryshugru001jer18995/17-9/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Siegle Johnnysiegle001joh18995/14-6/27 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Siegle Johnnysiegle001joh18998/12-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Siever Edsiever001edw189926 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Simon Hanksimon-001hen18995/12-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Simons Jacksimons001joh18996 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Skelley Tomskelle001---1899+6/12-6/15+ Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Skopec Johnskopec001joh1899 Chic.-amatChicCity Chicago, IL
Skopec Johnskopec001joh1899 Joliet IL?Independent Joliet, IL
Slagle Jimmyslagle001jam18994/17-147 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Slagle Waltslagle001wal18995/14-7/24 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Slater Edslater001hen18994/27-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Slattery Jackslatte001joh1899 Fordham Col.College ,
Smiley smiley003---189923 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Smink Billsmink-001wil1899 ScottdaleIndependent Scottdale, AZ
Smink Billsmink-001wil18994/29-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Smith Popsmith-001pop18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Smith Popsmith-001pop18998/7-9/9 UmpireNYSt ,
Smith Hughsmith-004hug1899 UmpireCalif ,
Smith Germanysmith-013geo18994/28-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Smith Big Billsmith-000big1899+6/4+ Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh18995/10-9/4 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Smith Judsmith-001jud18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Smith Olliesmith-002oll18995/8-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Smith Billysmith-011wil1899 Knoxville TNIndependent Knoxville, TN
Smith Tomsmith-006tom18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Smith Tomsmith-006tom18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Smith Tomsmith-006tom18996/16 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Smith Tomsmith-006tom18996/22-7/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Smith Tomsmith-006tom18997/17-7/26 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Smith Charlessmith-032cha18995/5-6/21 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Smith Charlessmith-032cha18996/26-8/11 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Smith Eddiesmith-003edd18992 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Smith Eddiesmith-003edd18996 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Smith Alecksmith-001ale189917 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Smith Alecksmith-001ale189941 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Smith Clarencesmith-003cha18995/5-9/17 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Smith Harrysmith-018har18994/28-6/30 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Smith Billysmith-057wil18994/30-9/17 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Smith Dicksmith-022ric18995/-9/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Smith Georgesmith-012geo18994/29-9/9 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Smith Georgesmith-012geo189915 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Smith Melvillesmith-001mel1899 Purdue CollegeCollege ,
Smith Elmersmith-010elm18995/1-6/10 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Smith Elmersmith-010elm189937 g.  New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Smith Elmersmith-010elm1899 Titusville PAIndependent Titusville, PA
Smith Stubsmith-001stu18994/29-5/31 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Smith Stubsmith-001stu18996/14-9/2 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Smith William1899-9/1891 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Smith C.smith-010c--18998/19-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Smith H.smith-005h--18997/19-7/24 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Smith Jamessmith-048jam1899+6/6-6/10+ Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Smith Joesmith-007jos1899 Pottsville PAIndependent Pottsville, PA
Smith Joesmith-007jos1899 Pottsville PAIndependent Pottsville, PA
Smith Phillysmith-006phi1899no g. New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Smith Phillysmith-006phi18995/22 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Smith Phillysmith-006phi18998/16-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Smith W.H.smith-009w--1899 Exeter CollegeCollege ,
Smith W.H.smith-009w--18995/12-6/2 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Smith William1899 UmpireWest ,
Smith smith-164---18995/17-5/23 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Smith smith-164---18996/2-6/10 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom189960 g. Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Snyder Benjaminsnyder003ben189934 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Snyder Cooneysnyder001coo18994/27-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Snyder Lesliesnyder001les189951 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Snyder Lesliesnyder001les1899 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Snyder Scottsnyder001sco1899 Perry IAIndependent Perry, IA
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi1899-5/137 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi18995/22-6/17 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi18996/26-7/5+ Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi18997/17-9/16 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Sommers sommer003---18995/30-6/1 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Sonier Harrysonier001hen18996 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Sorber Soxsorber001wal18995/12-7/19 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Sorber Soxsorber001wal18998/11-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Souders Hollysouder001har18995/1-9/10 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Spalding Georgespaldi001g--18995/10-5/23 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Sparger Billsparge001wil18994/16-7/4 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas Association Galveston, TX
Sparks Tullysparks001tho189928 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Spates Frank1899+10/13+ Frostburg MDIndependent Frostburg, MD
Speck speck-001---18991 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Speer Georgespeer-001geo18994/28-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Spencer Wirtspence001wir189920 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Spencer Ditspence001d--189940 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Spencer Ditspence001d--18996/14-6/22 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Sperlein Petersperle001pet1899+5/2+ JohnstownIndependent Johnstown, PA
Sperlein Petersperle001pet1899+8/1+ Indiana-MagentasIndependent Indiana, IN
Spevins spevin001---18991 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Sphere sphere001---18996/2 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Spies Harryspies-001hen18994/28-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Spranger Franksprang001fra189921 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Spranger Franksprang001fra1899 Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Spratt Jackspratt001wil18995/10-9/2 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Sprecker 189912 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Sprogell Oliversproge001oli18994/28-5/3 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Sprogell Oliversproge001oli18996/3-6/22 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
St. Vrain Jimstvrai001jam1899 Buttesemi-pro Butte, MT
Stackhouse Johnstackh001joh18996/20-7/12 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Stackhouse Johnstackh001joh18997/14-7/15 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Stackpole Cystackp001art1899 St. JohnsburyIndependent St. Johnsbury,
Stackpole Cystackp001art18997/7-7/11 Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Stafford Johnstaffo001joh1899 Webster MAIndependent Webster, MA
Stafford Robertstaffo003rob18994/28-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Stagg Amos1899 Univ. of ChicagoCollege ,
Stahl Jakestahl-001gar1899-03 U. of IllinoisCollege ,
Staley Harrystaley001har18995/16-5/23 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Stallings Georgestalli002geo18994/27-9/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada18995/23-5/25 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada18997/31-9/4 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada18999/4-9/6 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Stanley Mattstanle001mat189979 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Stanley stanle002---18995/6 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Stanton Tomstanto002tho18994 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Staples Williamstaple001wil18994/18-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Staples Williamstaple001wil18996/6-7/2 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Stark Williamstark-003wil1899 Buffalo NonparellsBuffCity Buffalo, NY
Starkey starke002---18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo18995/10-  DanvilleIndiana-Illinois League Danville, IN
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo1899+8/3+ Sioux FallsMontSt Sioux Falls, SD
Stearns Danstearn002dan18999/6-9/9 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor18994/27-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor18998/8-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor18999/15-4 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic18992 g. San Jose BrewersCalifornia League San Jose, CA
Steffani Michaelsteffa001mic1899+9/17+27 g. Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Stein 18991 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Steinmetz steinm003---18996/2-6/3+ Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Steinwender Williamsteinw001---1899-01 Princeton Univ.College ,
Stephens L.A.W.stephe002l--18994/16-6/3 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Stephens stephe001---18995/20-5/22 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Stewart Acestewar001ace18994/27-9/9 Indianapolis HoosiersWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Stewart Joestewar003jos1899 Erskin CollegeCollege ,
Stewart stewar042---18993 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Stidham Joestidha000joe1899+3/31+ Fredericksburg Col.College ,
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc18994/27-8/3 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Stivetts Jackstivet001jac1899-6/1218 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Stokes stokes005---18995/15-6/5 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Auburn, NY
Stoney Harrystoney001har1899 Denv.-GulfIndependent Denver, CO
Stotsburg George1899 Newark OH Newark, OH
Stouch Tomstouch001tom18994/29-6/7 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Stouch Tomstouch001tom18996/10 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Stouch Tomstouch001tom18996/17-6/30 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Stouch Tomstouch001tom1899 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Strang Sammystrang001sam189936 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Strang Sammystrang001sam18996/30-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Strangman 18991 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Strarup Frankstraru000fra1899+4/16+ KC-SchmelzersIndependent Kansas City, MO
Stratton Scottstratt001sco18994/27-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Stratton Scottstratt001sco1899+8/10-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Streaker streak001---18995/5-5/22 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Streib Juliestreib001jul189968 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Streit Oscarstreit001osc18994/21-2 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Streit Oscarstreit001osc18995/22-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm189919 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm18996/21-9/8 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Strobel Charlesstrobe001cha18994/30-9/20 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Stroh Billystroh-001wil18995/5-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Stroh Billystroh-001wil18999/2-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo18997/8-7/20 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo18997/25-7/27 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Stroh Georgestroh-001geo1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Stroh stroh-001---18995/10-5/22 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Struve Ed1899 Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Stuart Billstuart001bil18994/29-5/20 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Stuart Billstuart001bil18995/29-8/17 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Stuart Billstuart001bil18998/19-8/23 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Stuart Billstuart001bil1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Stuart Billstuart001bil18999/7 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Stultz Georgestultz002geo18995 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Stultz Georgestultz002geo18997/16-7/21 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Stultz Henrystultz001hen189977 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Stultz Soldier18994 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Stumpf J.F.stumpf001j--18992 g. Stratford PoetsCanadian League Stratford, ON
Stutsman Edstutsm001e--1899+7/29-9/10+ Michigan CityIndependent Michigan City, MI
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-18991 g. Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Montgomery, AL
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-18995/2-5/29 Montgomery Senators/Dallas ScrappersSouthern League Dallas, TX
Sullivan Mikesulliv002mik18998/18 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam189987 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Jimsulliv001jim18995/26-6/1 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Sullivan Jimsulliv001jim18996/24 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Sullivan Billysulliv006wil18994/27-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Sullivan Billysulliv006wil18997/18-9/9 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Sullivan Billysulliv006wil18999/13-22 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic18995/10-9/2 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Sullivan Danielsulliv008dan189910 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Sullivan Jacksulliv023joh18997/29-9/14 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Sullivan Mart1899 ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Sunday Billy18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Sunday Billy189921 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil1899+4/20+ Susquehanna U.College ,
Sutch Williamsutch-001wil1899+7/29+ Charlerol PAIndependent Charleroi, PA
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh18993 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh18994/29-9/6 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Swaim Cyswaim-001cy-18994/29-5/20 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Swaim Cyswaim-001cy-18995/23-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Swaim Arthurswaim-001art1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Swaim Alexswaim-001ale18994 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Swalm Harryswalm-001har18995/31-  Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Swanton Fredswanto001fre1899 Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Sweeney Norcumsweene038---1899+6/21+ Wilm.-Atl. CoastIndependent ,
Swift Martswift-002mar18994/27-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Swindells Charlieswinde001cha189960 g. San Francisco A'sCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Switzer Arthurswitze001art189915 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Switzer Arthurswitze001art18996/11-7/6 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Switzer Arthurswitze001art18997/13-8/17 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Switzer Arthurswitze001art18998/21-9/8 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Sykes Billsykes-001bil1899 Oakland OaksCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob18995/5-5/12 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob18995/19-9/7 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam18995/12-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Tate Harrytate--001har18994/27-6/22 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Tate Harrytate--001har18997/1-7/4 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Tate Harrytate--001har18997/21-8/9 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Tate Harrytate--001har1899+8/12-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Tate Hughietate--001hug1899-05 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Tate tate--008---18995/2-5/3 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal18998/16-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Taylor Billytaylor002bil18994/28-5/5 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Taylor Billytaylor002bil18995/8-5/10 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Taylor Billytaylor002bil18995/15-7/26 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Taylor Billytaylor002bil189991 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Taylor Billytaylor002bil18998/5-8/12 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Taylor Billytaylor002bil18999/6-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Taylor Jacktaylor014joh18994/16-41 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut189917 g. Shreveport TigersSouthern League Shreveport, LA
Taylor Luthertaylor001lut1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo18994/27-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo18997/18-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Thackara Parrythacka001dav18994/27-5/31 Scranton MinersAtlantic League Scranton, PA
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly18995/2-8/5 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly18998/18-9/16 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Thatcher Warrenthatch001w--18995/30 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Theisen Josephtheise001jos18995/17-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Thiel Ottothiel-001ott189937 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Thieley William1899no g. Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Thieley William1899+7/15-8/ UmpireCtSt ,
Thielman Jakethielm001joh18991 g. Cedar Rapids BunniesWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Thielman Jakethielm001joh1899 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Thielman Henrythielm001hen1899 Manhattan ColCollege ,
Thomas Roythomas002roy18994/14-150 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Thomas Tomthomas005tho18994/27-8/30 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Thomas Tomthomas005tho18994 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Thomas Billthomas007wil1899 Ursinus Col.College ,
Thomas Joethomas001tho18992 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Thomas thomas036---18997/9-7/10 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Thompson Andythomps006and189916 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Thompson thomps020---18995/20-5/23 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Thornton Johnthornt003joh18994/27-6/3 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Thornton Johnthornt003joh18996/8-7/10 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Thornton Johnthornt003joh1899+8/3-9/16 Derby LushersConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Thornton Walterthornt002wal1899 SeattlePugetSound Seattle, WA
Thurman Billythurma001bil18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Thurman Billythurma001bil189917 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Thurman Munthurma000mun189928 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Tibald Pattibald001pet189946 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Tibald Pattibald001pet1899 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Tibald Pattibald001pet18997/3-7/6 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Tibald Pattibald001pet18999/7-9/10 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh18995/10-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh18995/24-5/31 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh18996/5-7/27 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Tinker Joetinker001jos1899 ParsonsKS-ParagonsS-pro Parsons, KS
Tinker Joetinker001jos1899 Coffeyville KSS-pro Coffeyville, KS
Tipton tipton006---189928 g. Woodstock BainsCanadian League Woodstock, ON
Titus Stanleytitus-004---1899-02 Gonzaga Univ.College ,
Todd Franktodd--002fra18995/22-6/15 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Toennis Charley1899 Meri.-West EndIndependent Meriden, CT
Toft Jacktoft--001jam18995/10-7/29 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Toman Jimmytoman-001jam18995/12-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra18994/30-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra18997/21-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra18997/31-9/20 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18995/1-7/8 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18997/20-7/29 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18997/31-9/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Touhey W. C.1899 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Tower 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Towne Harrytowne-001har1899-03 Bates CollegeCollege ,
Townsend Cytownse002cha18995/12-7/26 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Townsend Cytownse002cha18998/4-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Traeger Charlestraege002cha189915 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Traeger Charlestraege002cha1899 WoodstockCalif Woodstock, CA
Treanor Berttreano001ber189927 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Trimble Isaac1899 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Tripp Sollytripp-001sol189927 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Trost Miketrost-001mik18995/1-35 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Truby Harrytruby-002har18995/1-9/20 Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Tucker Tommytucker003tho1899-9/13127 g.  ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Tucker Dan189911 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Tull Hermantull--001h--18995/15-7/16 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam1899 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Turner Thomasturner006tho18996/30-8/16 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Turner Thomasturner006tho1899-9/1964 g. Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Turner Tuckturner002tuc18994/28-5/30 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Turner Tuckturner002tuc18996/19-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Turner Jackturner004jac1899+8/11+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Turner Georgeturner002geo189921 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Twineham Arttwineh002art18995/21- Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Twineham Arttwineh002art189951 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Tyler Roberttyler-001rob1899 UmpireCtSt ,
Tyler Bill18999 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Ulrich Georgeulrich001geo18995/10-6/13 Manchester ManchestersNew England League Manchester, NH
Underwood Fredunderw002fre189923 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob1899 Univ. of MarylandCollege ,
Uniac Tommyuniac-001tho1899 NC ,
Urquhart Billurquha001wil18994/28-9/10 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Urquhart Billurquha001wil18999/13 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Ury Lonury---001lou1899 Galena KS Galena, KS
Utley Jeromeutley-001jer1899 Detroit CentralHSHigh School ,
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre18995/1-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre18997/20-7/22 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Van Arnam E. B.189925 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw18995/1-7/ Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw1899-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Van Giesen Colbertvangie001col1899-6/4 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Van Horn Charleyvanhor002cha18993 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Van Horn Charleyvanhor002cha18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Van Winkler Arthurvanwin001art18996/5-6/17 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha1899 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Varney Dikevarney001law1899 Dartmouth Col.College ,
Vaughn Farmervaughn001far18998/2-9/10 St. Paul Apostles/SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Veitch Josephveitch001jos1899 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Veitch Josephveitch001jos18995/14-6/12 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Veitch Josephveitch001jos18996/29-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Veitch Josephveitch001jos18997/10-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Viau Leeviau--001lee18995/1-5/26 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Viau Leeviau--001lee18996/16-7/30 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Viau Leeviau--001lee18998/20-9/9 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Vickery Tomvicker001tom18995/6-5/30 Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Vickery Tomvicker001tom18996/18-6/30 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Vickery Tomvicker001tom18998/10-9/4 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam18994/27-8/1 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Villard 1899-9/7? West ,
Villeman Georgevillem001geo18995/1-7/4 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Villeman Georgevillem001geo18997/10-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Viox Ronyviox--001hen18994/28-6/16 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Viox Ronyviox--001hen18998/3-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Vizard Jamesvizard001jam1899 MiSt ,
Vogeding Oscar1899+8/19+ Woodbury NJIndependent Woodbury, NJ
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado18994/30-5/30 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado18993 g. Rockford Rough RidersWestern Association Rockford, IL
Vollendorf Jimvollen001ado18996/26-8/28 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Volz Jakevolz--001jac18994/17-6/16 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Volz Jakevolz--001jac18997/3 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen18994/29-8/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsAtlantic League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen1899 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen1899 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen18998/- Waterbury Rough RidersConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Vought Williamvought002wil18995/10-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Vought Williamvought002wil18999/6-9/16 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo18994/27-7/17 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo18997/20-9/7 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo189910 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Wadsworth Jackwadswo002jac18995/1-9/19 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Wagner Buttswagner001but18994/28-9/10 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh1899no g. Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh1899no g. Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh1899no g. Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh1899 Geneva OHIndependent Geneva, OH
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh18997/-24 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh18995/18-5/20 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Wagner M.wagner001m--189915 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Wagner M.wagner001m--1899 St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Wagner 1899 FindleyIndependent Findley, OH
Wagner 1899 Muncie/CrawfordIndiana-Illinois League Crawford, IN
Wagner 1899 NYC-RiversideIndependent New York, NY
Wakefield Bertwakefi000ber1899 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv18994/28-9/4 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Walker Ponywalker001pon189910 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Walker Harry1899+8/11+ Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Wall Joewall--005jos1899 North AdamsMaSt North Adams, MA
Wall George1899 Ogdensb-O.A.C.Independent Ogdensburg, NY
Walters Jackwalter001joh18994/29-9/10 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Walters walter015---1899 LouisvCity ,
Ward Piggyward--002fra18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Ward Piggyward--002fra1899-9/2042 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Ward James1899 UmpireWestA ,
Ward James18996/28-7/7 UmpireWest ,
Ward Pierreward--002e--18995/17 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, ON
Ward Jackward--002jac18991 p. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Ward L.ward--001l--18997/9 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Ward Pierreward--002e--18995/17 Cortland WagonmakersNew York State League Cortland, NY
Ward Rubeward--003joh1899-01 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Wardenburg Williamwarden001wil18991 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Warner Bobbywarner002rob189937 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Warner Bobbywarner002rob1899+8/27+ Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Warner H.B.warner002h--189949 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Warner Rich1899-8/2 EmporiaIndependent Emporia, KS
Warrender Mumwarren002fra189929 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Quincy, IL
Warrender Mumwarren002fra1899 Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Warrender Mumwarren002fra1899 Terre HauteIndiana-Illinois League Terre Haute, IN
Washburn Libewashbu001lib1899 Brown Univ.College ,
Watkins Charleswatkin002cha1899-9/1747 g. Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Watkins John1899 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Watkins watkin013---1899 Manhattan Col.College ,
Watkins watkin013---18996/3 Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League Norwich, CT
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil18995/16-7/5 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil18997/12-7/15 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Weand Dickweand-001geo1899 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Weaver Farmerweaver001far18994/30-9/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Weber Charlieweber-003cha18996/23-7/5 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Weber Charlieweber-003cha1899 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18994/17-6/22 San Antonio BronchosTexas Association San Antonio, TX
Weddige Alweddig001alb18994/27-6/12 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Weddige Alweddig001alb18996/22-7/15 Reading Coal HeaversAtlantic League Reading, PA
Weddige Alweddig001alb1899+7/21-8/7 Bristol Bell MakersConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Weed Fredweed--001fre189916 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen18994/11- Bucknell Col.College ,
Weidensaul Genserweiden001yen189934 g. New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Weidman Georgewiedma001stu1899 ,
Weigand Curtweigan001cur1899 Wilmington DEIndependent Wilmington, DE
Weikart Frankweiker001fra189941 g. Mobile BlackbirdsSouthern League Mobile, AL
Weikart Frankweiker001fra18996/4-7/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas Association Houston, TX
Weimer Jakeweimer001jac189917 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Weinphal weinph001---18995/18 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou18995/10-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou18998/9-8/11 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Welch Harrywelch-002har1899 Omaha HSHighSchool ,
Wells Jakewells-001jak18994/27-8/6 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Wells Milowells-001mil18995/3-9/20 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Welsh J.O.welsh-001j--1899 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Welsh J.O.welsh-001j--18995/30-6/3 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Wenig Fredwenig-001fre18998/27-9/16 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Wente Jackwente-001jac18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Wente Jackwente-001jac1899-9/1919 g.  Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac18995/12-9/9 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Werden Perrywerden001per18994/28-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Werner Andrewwerner001and18995/12-7/26 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Werner Andrewwerner001and18998/4-9/9 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Werrick Joewerric001joe18995/1-5/28 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Werrick Joewerric001joe18996/14-6/28 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
West Frankwest--002fra18994/29-8/5 Allentown PeanutsAtlantic League Allentown, PA
Westervelt Huylerwester002huy1899 Orange ACIndependent Orange, NJ
Westlake westla001---18996/28-6/30 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Whalen Jimmywhalen003wil189928 g. Watsonville Hayseeds/GardinersCalifornia League Watsonville, CA
Whalen Jimmywhalen003wil189917 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Whalen Bobbywhalen001bob18992 g. Sacramento Gilt EdgesCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Whalen Edwardwhalen001edw18998/27-9/17 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Whaling Babewhalin001f--1899+9/10+9 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Whaling Babewhalin001f--189910 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Whaling Billwhalin001bil189920 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo1899-5/306 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo18997/17-9/9 Rome RomansNew York State League Rome, NY
Wheeler Edwheele003edw18996/5-6/13 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Wheeler Edwheele003edw18996/18-8/2 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Wheeler wheele001---18995/12-5/23 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Fitchburg, MA
Wheeler wheele001---18995/24-5/27 Fitchburg/LawrenceNew England League Lawrence, MA
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob18995/17-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Whipple whippl001---18998/5 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Whissen whisse001---18994/30-5/19 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Whissen whisse001---1899+6/2+ WabashIndiana-Illinois League Wabash, IN
Whissen whisse001---18998/23-9/16 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew18994/29-5/24 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew18995/30-8/7 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew18998/17-8/26 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
White Solwhite-001kin1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
White Dekewhite-001dek1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
White Jackwhite-012joh18994/27-8/8 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
White Jackwhite-012joh18998/17-9/6 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
White Docwhite-001guy1899 Georgetown Col.College ,
White Docwhite-001guy1899 Orange ACs-p Orange, NJ
Whiteside 18991 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Whiting Hobewhitin001hob18995/10-8/1 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Whiting Hobewhitin001hob18998/13-8/17 Providence ClamdiggersEastern League Providence, RI
Whiting Hobewhitin001hob18998/21-9/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Whitney whitne009---18996/23-7/7 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Whittaker Granvillewhitak001gra18997/4-  Griffin’s Corner NYIndependent Griffin’s Corner, NY
Wicker Bobwicker001rob1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Wicker Bobwicker001rob1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Wilbanks wilban001---18997/5 Austin SenatorsTexas Association Austin, TX
Wilder Edwinwilder001edw18994/29-5/15 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Wilder Edwinwilder001edw18998/7-8/9 Portland PhenomsNew England League Portland, ME
Wilder wilder013---18991 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Wilds Horacewilds-001hor18997 g. San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Wilds Horacewilds-001hor18999 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Wilds Horacewilds-001hor1899 San BernardinoSouthern California League San Bernardino, CA
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18995/10-6/27 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18997/1-8/8 Pawtucket ColtsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18998/11-9/16 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har18994/27-8/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har18998/12-8/23 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Wilkinson Jackwilkin004jac1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Will Frankwills-002fra18991 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Williams Jimmywillia025jam18994/15 -153 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Williams Popwillia008wal18994/29-9/8 Toronto Maple LeafsEastern League Toronto, ON
Williams Dalwillia001lev18994/29-8/7 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Williams Davewillia013dav1899 Springville NYIndependent Springville, NY
Williams Robertwillia028rob189962 g. Santa Cruz Beachcombers/Sand CrabsCalifornia League Santa Cruz, CA
Williams Artwillia002art1899-01 Tufts CollegeCollege ,
Williams Bill1899+6/4+ Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Williams Clarewillia007cla1899 ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Williams Genewillia002gen18991 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Williams willia035---18996/18-6/19 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Williams 1899 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Willig Henrywillig001hen18995/15-8/21 Albany SenatorsNew York State League Albany, NY
Willig Henrywillig001hen18998/24-9/6 Auburn Maroons/Troy TrojansNew York State League Troy, NY
Willis Delawarewillis001del1899+5/13+ Wilm.-AetnaIndependent ,
Willner Robertwillne001rob1899 Medford WIIndependent Medford, WI
Wills Davewills-001dav1899 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Wills Davewills-001dav18996/8-8/31 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Wills Charleswills-001cha18995/6-5/21 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal18994/28-8/22 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Wilson Parkewilson001par1899-10/1497 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Wilson Billwilson026wil18994/28-9/8 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Wilson Garywilson010jam18995/17-9/16 Meriden SilveritesConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Wilson Georgewilson019geo1899 Chicago Columbia GiantsIndependent Chicago, IL
Wilson Ed1899 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Wilson Harrywilson003hen18996/9-8/20 Hartford IndiansEastern League Hartford, CT
Wilson Williewilson026wil1899no g. Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Wilson Williswilson025wil189931 g. Ottumwa GiantsWestern Association Ottumwa, IA
Wilson Williswilson025wil1899 Sioux FallsIndependent Sioux Falls, SD
Wilson Howardwilson001how18999/13 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Wilson J.wilson005j--1899 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Wilson W.J.wilson005w--189917 g. Los Angeles AngelenosSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Wilson wilson127---18996/6-6/12 New Haven BluesConnecticut State League New Haven, CT
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew18995/3-53 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Wiltse Lewiswiltse001lew1899 IlionIndependent Ilion, NY
Wingert Frankwinger001fra1899+8/16+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Winters Georgewinter002geo18994/29-8/3 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Winters Georgewinter002geo18998/7-8/19 Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Wise Samwise--001sam18994/27-6/7 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Wise Samwise--001sam18997/3-8/11 UmpireEast ,
Withers A.wither001a--18995/19-5/21 Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Wolf Chickenwolf--001chi1899 Loui.-RecciusLouisCity Louisville, KY
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001---18995/1-7/18 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Grand Rapids, MI
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001---18997/22-7/30 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Columbus, OH
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001---18998/1-9/12 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Wolfe Mauricewolfe-001mau18995/12-9/8 Binghamton BingosNew York State League Binghamton, NY
Wolley Jim18994 g. Los Angeles MerchantsSouthern California League Los Angeles, CA
Wolsieffer Harrywolsif001w--18995/10-5/13 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Wolters Leonwolter001leo1899 Manistee MIIndependent Manistee, MI
Wolverton Harrywolver001har18994/14 -99 g.  ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Wood Carlwood--001car1899 Fulton MO Fulton, MO
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic18994/29-7/4 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic18997/7-9/9 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet1899+5/20-8/24 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18998/29-9/7 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18999/8-9/16 New London WhalersConnecticut State League New London, CT
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18999/19 -20 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv189932 g. New Orleans PelicansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv18996/11-7/9 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv18997/13-8/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Woodruff woodru001---18999/8 Springfield PoniesEastern League Springfield, MA
Woods Waltwoods-002wal189926 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Woodworth C.F.woodwo002c--1899 Brown Univ.College ,
Woolford G.A.woolfo001g--1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra1899 IolaIndependent Iola, KS
Works Tomworks-001tom189928 g. San Diego FullersSouthern California League San Diego, CA
Wright Rastywright001ras18994/27-5/10 Paterson GiantsAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Wright Rastywright001ras18996/13-6/20 Buffalo BisonsWestern League Buffalo, NY
Wright Patwright003pat18995/1-9/20 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Wright Joewright001joe189930 g. Rock Island-Moline IslandersWestern Association Rock Island, IL
Wright Joewright001joe1899-9/2065 g. Youngstown Little GiantsInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Wright Genewright001cla1899 Greenville PAIndependent Greenville, PA
Wright wright067---18997/1 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek18994/27-8/5 Richmond BluebirdsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek18998/8-9/9 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek18994 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Wrigley Zekewrigle001zek1899-10/1415 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Yale Adyale--001wil18995/17-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Yates yates-006---18998/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo18994/29-9/4 Worcester FarmersEastern League Worcester, MA
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo18993 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Yeager Joeyeager002jos189923 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta18995/14-6/16 Utica PentupsNew York State League Utica, NY
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta18997/2-8/13 Oswego GraysNew York State League Oswego, NY
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta18998/15-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Yerrick Billbanks-001bil1899no g. Rochester BronchosEastern League Rochester, NY
Young Cyyoung-001den189944 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Young Elmeryoung-001elm1899 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Young Elmeryoung-001elm1899 Oil City Oil City, PA
Young Charlesyoung-002cha18995/1-5/12 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Young Charlesyoung-002cha18995/21 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Young Charlesyoung-002cha189911 g. Bloomington BluesWestern Association Bloomington, IL
Young Charlesyoung-002cha1899 Kokomo/MattoonIndiana-Illinois League Mattoon, IL
Young Charlesyoung-002cha1899 Anderson/Kokomo/BloomingtonIndiana-Illinois League Bloomington, IL
Young Charley1899no g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Youngman Henryyoungm001hen18996/29-8/19 Dayton VeteransInterstate League Dayton, OH
Zaeder Frederickzaeder001fre18995/10-5/29 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Cambridge, MA
Zaeder Frederickzaeder001fre18995/30-6/1 Cambridge Orphans/Lowell OrphansNew England League Lowell, MA
Zalusky Jackzalusk001joh1899 Rock Rapids IAIndependent Rock Rapids, IA
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav18996/2-7/2 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav1899 BillingsIndependent Billings, MT
Zeigenbein/Zie Samzeigen001sam1899+9/24+ Jackson-Amat Jackson,
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha1899-7/442 g. Chatham RedsCanadian League Chatham, ON
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha18997/14-8/17 Wheeling StogiesInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha18998/14-9/13 Grand Rapids Furniture Makers/Columbus Senators/SpInterstate League Springfield, OH
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha18999/23-2 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Zietz Charleszietz-001cha18994/28-5/15 Columbus Buckeyes/Senators/Grand Rapids FurnituremWestern League Columbus, OH
Zietz Charleszietz-001cha189914 g. Quincy/DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Zietz Charleszietz-001cha18996/19-9/16 Bridgeport OratorsConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha189975 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw18995/2-5/19 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw1899-6/ UmpireIntSt ,
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw18997/-3 g. St. Thomas SaintsCanadian League St. Thomas, ON
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha18995/12-6/6 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha18998/4-9/9 Schenectady ElectriciansNew York State League Schenectady, NY
Zoellers Joezoelle002jos1899no g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Zoellers Joezoelle002jos1899+9/17+ St.L-SportsIndependent St. Louis, MO