Searching for records from 1897
There are 4113 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw1897 Greensburg PAIndependent Greensburg, PA
Abbaticchio Edabbati001edw18979/4-28 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Abbey Bertabbey-001ber18974/22-9/17 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Abbey Charlieabbey-001cha1897-8/1980 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Abbey Charlieabbey-001cha18978/25-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Abbott Fredabbott002har1897+5/3-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Abbott Fredabbott002har18977/27-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Adams Jimadams-001jim1897no g. Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Adams Jimadams-001jim1897 Decatur ILIndependent Decatur, IL
Adams Georgeadams-006geo1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Adams Sidadams-001sid18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Adams Harryadams-005har18978/26 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Adkins Merleadkins001mer1897 Rochester Acad.College ,
Adrian Bertadrian001ber18977/23-8/2 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Adrian Bertadrian001ber18978/8 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Ahearn ahearn004---1897-8/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Ahern ahern-002---18975/3-5/12 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Ahern/Ahorn Farmerahern-001far18975/17+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Ahern/Ahorn Farmerahern-001far1897+6/11-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Ahern/Ahorn Farmerahern-001far1897+9/7-9/15+ UmpireCPa ,
Alberson Frankalbers001fra1897 Monmouth Col.College ,
Alberson Frankalbers001fra18978/10-8/25 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18974/29-8/26 UmpireWestA ,
Albright Perryalbrig001per1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Aldinger Docalding001alb1897 Bloomsburg Col.College ,
Aldinger Docalding001alb1897+6/23-8/28+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Alexander Billalexan005wil18974/17-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Alexander Billalexan005wil18977/15-7/28 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Alexander Billalexan005wil18977/29-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Alexander Fordy1897 Washington C.H.Independent Washington, DC
Allen Boballen-001bob18974/22-7/2 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Allen Boballen-001bob189734 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Allen Georgeallen-003geo1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Allen 18977/31 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Alloway Arthurallowa001art18975/1-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Alloway Arthurallowa001art1897-9/2612 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Altman Owenaltman001owe18977/13-9/9 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic1897 NicholasvilleBlue Grass Nicholasville, KY
Altrock Nickaltroc001nic189711 g. Cinc.-KentonIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Ames Edames--001edw18974/28-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Amole Docamole-001doc18974/26-8/11 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Amole Docamole-001doc18978/19-11 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Anderson Varneyanders001var18975/4-9/19 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Anderson C.S.anders004c--18978/2-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Anderson C.S.anders004c--1897 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Anderson Peteanders001pet18974/27 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Anderson Peteanders001pet18975/19-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Anderson Andyanders003and18975/26-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Anderson Andyanders003art1897 Canton OHIndependent Canton, OH
Anderson Williamanders018wil18977/10 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Anderson anders022---18975/19-7/9 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Anderson anders022---1897+7/13-7/31+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Anderson anders042---18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Anderson anders042---18975/15-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Andrews Docandrew001jay18974/29-9/11 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Andrews 189717 g. Detr.-ExcelsiorDetrCity Detroit, MI
Angevine Louisangevi001lou1897 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Ansell Spenceransell001spe18975/15-8/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Ansell Spenceransell001spe1897 Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Applegate Fredappleg002fre1897 Will.-YMCAIndependent Williamsport, PA
Applegate Fredappleg002fre18977/5, 9/10 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Armour Billarmour001wil18974/27-6/1 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Armstrong Frankarmstr001fra18974/28-6/28+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Armstrong Tacksarmstr001tac18979/12 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Armstrong 1897+5/24- MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Arnold arnold009---1897+7/13-7/14 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Arnold 18975/27- SayreIndependent Sayre, PA
Arthur Edarthur002sta18974/27-9/14 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Ashe Steveashe--001ste1897no g. CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Ashe Steveashe--001ste18975/10 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Ashe Steveashe--001ste18975/24-7/1 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Ashe Steveashe--001ste18978/28-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw18974/17-5/18 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw18975/21-6/21 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Ashenbach Edashenb001edw1897-9/2467 g. Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Astrome Bertastrom001ber1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Atherton Charlieathert001cha1897 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Atherton Charlieathert001cha18977/21-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Atkins 189712 g. Detr.-WaverlyDetrCity Detroit, MI
Atz Jakeatz---001joh1897 Front RoyleIndependent Front Royal,
Avil Frankavil--001fra1897 Orange A. A. NJIndependent Orange, NJ
Babb Charliebabb--001cha18974/22-4/24 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Babb Charliebabb--001cha1897-9/23109 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo18974/29-7/4 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo18977/13-7/17 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Babbitt Georgebabbit002geo18977/21-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Bacon Louisbacon-001jam18976/25 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Badger Frankbadger001fra18974/17-8/4 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Badger Frankbadger001fra18978/8-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Badger J.18976 g. Detr.-ExcelsiorDetrCity Detroit, MI
Baer Willbaer--001wil18975/1-9/15 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Bagley Jackbagley001joh1897-8/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Bagwell bagwel001---18977/20 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Bailey Kingbailey001kin18974/28-6/22 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Bailey Kingbailey001kin189729 g. Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Bailey Arch1897+7/29+ UmpireTx ,
Bailey Charlesbailey004cha18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Bailey Harveybailey003har18975/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Bailey Harveybailey003har18976/2-6/4 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Baird Charles1897 BrookvilleIndependent Brookville, KS
Baird Jamesbaird-001jam18978/20-8/25 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Baker Billybaker-014wil18974/30-6/25 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Baker Billybaker-014wil18977/9-7/16 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Baker Billybaker-014wil18977/17-7/27 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Baker Billybaker-014wil189724 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir18974/25-6/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir18977/8-7/29 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Baker Jackbaker-003jac18974/28- Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Baker Bockbaker-002cha1897 BakerAlba-Rens Baker,
Baker Erniebaker-002ear1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Baker Jack1897+5/15- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Baker Roy1897-6/ UmpireTexas ,
Baldwin Kidbaldwi001kid1897 ,
Baldwin 189718 g. Detr.-PearlsDetrCity Detroit, MI
Ball Artball--003art18974/22-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Ball Austinball--001aus18975/13-6/19 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Ballantyne Jimballen001jam18974/19-4/24 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Balsz Louisbalsz-002lou1897 Los Angeles CAIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Balsz Louisbalsz-002lou1897 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Bammert Josephbammer001joh18974/17-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Bammert Josephbammer001joh18977/13-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Bandelin Oscarbandel002osc1897-992 yrs. U. of WisconsinCollege ,
Bang bang--001---18977/9 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Banning Jimbannin001jim18975/26, 27 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Bannon Jimmybannon001jam1897 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Bannon Jimmybannon001jam18977/30-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Bannon Tombannon001tho18974/22-5/14 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Bannon Tombannon001tho18975/27-8/7 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Bannon Tombannon001tho18978/14-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Bannon bannon006---1897-7/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Bannon bannon001---1897-8/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Barber Davebarber001dav18975/15-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo1897 Lafayette Col.College ,
Barclay Georgebarcla001geo18977/7-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Barclay Johnbarcla001joh18974/26-7/19 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Barclay Johnbarcla001joh18978/3-8/17 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Barker W.H.barker001w--1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Barnes Johnbarnes003joh1897 OlympickBirmingham, Eng.;Sloane  Birmingham, England
Barnes Fredbarnes001fre18974/22-9/19 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Barnes 1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh18974/25-6/4 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh18976/15-8/8 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Barnett Jackbarnet003joh18978/20-9/5 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Barnie Billybarnie001bil1897136 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Barr J.189720 g. Detr.-OakdaleDetrCity Detroit, MI
Barrett Jamesbarret007jam1897 unemployed ,
Barrett Jimmybarret003jam1897 Oswego NYIndependent Oswego, NY
Barrow Edbarrow001edw1897 League Pres.Atl ,
Barry Johnbarry-002joh1897 Niagara CollegeCollege ,
Barry Johnbarry-002joh18975/22-8/5 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Barry Johnbarry-002joh18978/7-8/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Barry Johnbarry-002joh18978/24-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Barry T.189728 g. Detr.-OakdaleDetrCity Detroit, MI
Barry barry-015---18977/9-7/10 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Barthel Charlesbarthe000cha1897+5/29+ Leavenworth KSIndependent Leavenworth, KS
Bass Georgebass--001geo18975/22 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Bass Georgebass--001geo18976/1-7/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Bass bass--007---18979/13-9/18 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Bassett Charleybasset001cha18974/29-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Bastian Charliebastia001cha1897 MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Bateman Fredbatema001fre1897+5/5-6/28+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Bates Frankbates-002fra18974/19-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Bates Frankbates-002fra1897+6/14-7/17 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Bates Frankbates-002fra18977/26-8/31 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Bates Frankbates-002fra18979/4-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Bates Josephbates-002jos18975/31-7/5 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Bates Josephbates-002jos18977/10-9/7 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Bates Josephbates-002jos1897+9/9-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Battam Larrybattam001lar18974/29-7/18 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Battam Larrybattam001lar18977/20-7/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Battam Larrybattam001lar18978/21-9/2 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Bay Harrybay---001har18975/26-5/30 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Bay Harrybay---001har18977/20-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Bay/Bey Walter1897-9/1520 g. PeoriaWIntSt?? Peoria, IL
Bayer Burleybayer-001bur1897 PortsmouthIndependent Portsmouth, OH
Beadle Edwardbeadle001edw18974/29 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Beadle Edwardbeadle001edw189713 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Beal Carlbeal--001car1897 Danesville ILIndependent Danesville, IL
Beam Erniebeam--001ern1897+5/12-7/17 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Beam Erniebeam--001ern18977/24-9/17 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Bean Joebean--001jos18975/1-9/9 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Bean Somervillebean--001som18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Bean 1897 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Beard Olliebeard-001oll18974/29-8/6 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Beard Olliebeard-001oll18978/8-8/14 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Beard Olliebeard-001oll18978/24-9/17 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Beard 18978/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Beaumont Benbeaumo001ben18975/1-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Beaumont Gingerbeaumo001cla1897 Rochester Acad.Independent Rochester, NY
Beaumont Frankbeaumo001fra18978/2-9/1 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Beck Ervebeck--001erv18974/27-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Beck F.1897 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Becker Charlesbecker002cha18974/21-7/4 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Becker Charlesbecker002cha18977/7-8/14 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Becker Bobbecker001bob18976/24-6/30 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Becker Bobbecker001bob18977/5-7/16 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Becker Bobbecker001bob18977/17-9/2 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Becker Bobbecker001bob18979/6-5 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Becker W.?18975/12- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war18974/17-4/21 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war18976/7-7/27 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war18977/29 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Beckwith Warrenbeckwi001war18977/30-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha18974/17-6/4 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha18976/20-6/24 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Beecher Charlesbeeche001cha18978/3-8/15 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Begley Johnbegley001joh1897-7/29 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Behan Edbehan-001ed-1897+5/12-6/10+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Belcourt belcou001---18977/25-8/7 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Belden Arthurbelden000art18975/10-31 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Belden Arthurbelden000art18979/5-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Belden Irabelden002ira18979/17-9/25 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Belt Frankbelt--001fra18974/28-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Belt Frankbelt--001fra18976/13-7/19 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Belt Frankbelt--001fra1897 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Benner Johnbenner001joh18975/14-6/18 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Benner Johnbenner001joh18979/6-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Benner W.benner001w--18975/18-5/27 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Benner W.benner001w--18976/2-6/14 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Bennett 18977/20 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Berg Allieberg--001all18977/22 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Berg Oliverberg--001oli18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Berg berg--002---18979/13 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Bergen Martybergen001mar1897-10/13279 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Bergen Billbergen001wil1897 Milford MAIndependent Milford, MA
Berger Tunberger001tun18976/2-7/7 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Berger Tunberger001tun18977/24-9/19 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Berger Benjaminberger001ben18976/3-6/12 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Berger berger018---1897+6/21+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Bergstrom bergst001---18977/1-7/2 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Berkshire W.H.berksh001w--18978/21 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Bernhard Billbernhe001wil18975/13-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Berry Joeberry-001jos18976/19-7/14 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Berry Joeberry-001jos18977/26-8/28 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod1897 Baldwin-WallaceCollege ,
Berry Hodgeberry-000hod18974/27-9/24 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Berry berry-001how18975/15-6/10 Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Berry berry-001how18976/30+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Berry berry-001how18978/3-8/21 Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob18974/29-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Berte Harryberte-001har18974/26-4/30 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Berte Harryberte-001har18975/31-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Berthold Shortybertho001sho1897+7/21-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Best Jamesbest--001jam1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Best Conradbest--001con18974/19-4/27 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Best Cooney?1897+6/9- ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Betts Fredbetts-001fre18974/29-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Betts William18976/3-9/11 UmpireAtl ,
Bevier Frankbevier001fra1897+9/11+ Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Beville Montebevill001hen18975/29-30 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Beville Montebevill001hen1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Beville Montebevill001hen18979/18 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Bevis Kidbevis-001e--18974/24-7/26 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Bevis Roybevis-001roy18975/13 Arkansas CityIndependent Arkansas City, KS
Bevis Roybevis-001roy1897+7/1+ Winfield KSIndependent Winfield, KS
Biecher Edbieche001ed-1897+7/17-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Biecher Edbieche001ed-18979/26-3 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Binga Billbinga-001wil1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18975/1-5/31 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18976/4-6/5 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18976/10-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18977/23-7/27 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic18978/12-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Bishop Johnbishop001joh1897 SuffolkIndependent Suffolk, VA
Bishop Johnbishop001joh18976/29-9/17 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Bittmann Redbittma001red1897- 8/42 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Black Corneliusblack-001cor18975/21-5/26 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Black Georgeblack-001geo1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo18974/18-6/23 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo18977/6-7/24 BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Blackburn Georgeblackb001geo18977/29-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Blake Harryblake-001har18975/3-6/7 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Blake Harryblake-001har18976/21-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Blake 18975/28- HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Blakely John1897 U. of PennCollege ,
Blakely Fredblakel001fre18974/28-5/18+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Blakey Jeffblakel001jef1897 Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Blanchard Gusblanch001gus18976/2-6/14 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Blanford Fredblanfo001f--18974/24-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Blood 18977/16 AlbionIndependent Albion, NY
Bloomingston Johnbloomi001j--1897 Chic.-Bankers ACIndependent Chicago, IL
Bloomingston Johnbloomi001j--18977/5-7/12 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Blue Johnblue--003joh18975/18 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Blue Johnblue--003joh18975/25-9/20 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Blue E. C.1897no g. Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Blue E. C.1897+6/23+ ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Bodkin W. J.18975/26-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Boland Danielboland001dan18974/17-8/20 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Boland Edwardboland002edw1897-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Boland Edwardboland002edw1897+6/13-7/17+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Boldt Benboldt-001ben18977/29-8/2 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Bole Joeboles-001nic1897-00 Cornell Univ.College ,
Bolger Johnbolger001joh18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Bolger Johnbolger001joh18979/11-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Bone Georgebone--001geo1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Bonner Frankbonner001fra18974/29-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Bonner bonner005---18978/24-8/26 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Boone Danielboone-002dan18974/24-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Boorman O.E.boorma001o--1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Booth Charlesbooth-001cha18975/17-7/5 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Booth Charlesbooth-001cha1897no g. Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Border Geneborden001jam18975 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Border Geneborden001jam1897 Pitt.-IrwinIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Border J. J.1897 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Borland Alborlan001al-1897 CaliforniaIndependent California, CA
Bosterie Georgeboster001geo18975/15-5/18 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Bothwell Billybothwe001wil18978/21-8/28 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Bott Williambott--001wil1897+5/18-6/22+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Bott Williambott--001wil18977/7-7/19 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Bottenus Billybotten001wil18974/29-6/1 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Bottenus Billybotten001wil18976/10-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Bottenus Ralphbotten001ral1897-9/1 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Botto 18977/28-7/29 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Bouchert Jacobbouche001jac18975/26-7/25 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Bouldin Jimbouldi001jam1897 AbileneIndependent Abilene, KS
Bowen Cybowen-001sut18974/29-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Bowerman Frankbowerm001fra189738 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Boyatt E.boyatt001e--1897+5/12- Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Boyce Georgeboyce-002geo18974/27- Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Boyd Frankboyd--002fra18974/29-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Boyd Jakeboyd--001jak18974/26-5/22 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Boyd boyd--027---18978/11-8/31 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Boyers Charlesboyer-001cha1897 ,
Boylan Josephboylan001jos18979/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad18975/8-5/20 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad18975/31-6/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Boyle Paddyboyle-001pad18978/20-8/22 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Boyle Eddieboyle-001edd18974/29-8/28 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Boyle 18975/27-7/31 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Bradford Georgebradfo001geo189728 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Bradford Prof.1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw1897+5/15-26 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Bradley Edwardbradle001edw18977/7-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Bradley Jerome1897 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Bradley Billbradle004wil1897 Galion OHs-pro Galion, OH
Bradley Billbradle004wil18979/4-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Brady Georgebrady-001geo189726 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Brady Georgebrady-001geo1897-9/2468 g. Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Brady Tombrady-001tho18976/5-8/31 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Braham Thomasbraham001tho18974 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Brandenburg Howardbrande001how189713 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Brandt Williebrandt002wil1897no g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Brandt Williebrandt002wil18975/6-5/26 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Brandt Williebrandt002wil18976/28-7/5 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Brandt Williebrandt002wil18977/28 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Brandt Williebrandt002wil18978/25-8/27+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Bransfield Kittybransf001wil1897 Grafton MAIndependent Graton, MA
Braun Silverbraun-005wil18974/30-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Breckenridge Edwinbrecke002edw18975/29-7/8? Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Breckenridge Edwinbrecke002edw18975/31-9/11 UmpireNE ,
Breen Jimmiebreen-002jam18974/29-9/15 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac18974/17-8/22 UmpireTx ,
Brennan Johnbrenna009joh1897 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Brennan Johnbrenna009joh1897 CoperstownIndependent Coperstown, NY
Brennan Johnbrenna009joh18978/28-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Brennan Johnbrenna009joh1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Brennan Jamesbrenna005jam18975/22 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Brennan Mauricebrenna001mau1897 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Brennan brenna016---1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Brenner Charlesbrenne001cha18979/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Bresnahan Jerrybresna001jer1897 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Bresnahan Jerrybresna001jer1897 West MAAmateur West, MA
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog18976/6-  LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Bresnahan Rogerbresna001rog18978/27-6 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Bresnahan Jimmy18976/6-  LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Breuer breuer001---18977/24-7/26 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Bridges 18977/29 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Brigance Lewisbrigan002lou18975/7-5/23 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Brigance Lewisbrigan002lou18975/25-5/31 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Brigance Lewisbrigan002lou1897 Navasota TXIndependent Navasota, TX
Briggs Buttonsbriggs001her189722 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Briggs briggs004---18977/1-7/3 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Bright bright006---1897 PuebloColoSt Pueblo, CO
Brighton 1897no g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Brimble brimbl001---1897-7/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Brinker Charlesbrinke000cha1897 Rochester A. C.Independent Rochester, NY
Brinker Charlesbrinke000cha18977/7-7/10 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Brinkman 189726 g. Detr.-OakdaleDetrCity Detroit, MI
Bristow Georgebristo002geo18974/17-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Bristow Georgebristo002geo18977/15-7/28 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Bristow Georgebristo002geo18977/29-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha18975/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Brockway Charliebrockw000cha18979/15-9/16 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Broderick Mattbroder001mat1897-02 Niagara/VillanovaCollege ,
Broderick Mattbroder001mat1897 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Brodie Jamesbrodie001jam18974/27-9/25 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Brooks C.1897 Lawrence MAIndependent Lawrence, MA
Brott Fredbrott-001j--1897 Drake UniversityCollege ,
Brott Fredbrott-001j--18975/1-5/21+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Brott Fredbrott-001j--18976/10-6/23 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Brott Fredbrott-001j--18977/24-8/4 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Brouthers Danbrouth001den18974/29-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Brown Jamesbrown-003jam18974/30-9/21 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Brown Stubbrown-001stu1897-6/152 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Brown Stubbrown-001stu18977/8-7/27 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Brown Charliebrown-019cha18975/42 g.? Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Brown Charliebrown-019cha18975/18-8/1 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Brown Charliebrown-019cha18978/4-8/14 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Brown Charliebrown-019cha18979/8-9/18 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Brown Johnbrown-018joh1897 TrentonIndependent Trenton, NJ
Brown Johnbrown-018joh1897 Atlantic CityNJSt Atlantic City, NJ
Brown Johnbrown-018joh18978/11 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Brown Johnbrown-018joh1897-9/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Brown Charlesbrown-022cha18975/26-7/31+ Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Brown Lorsiebrown-004lor18976/3-6/16 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Brown Sambrown-003sam1897-03 Grove City Col.College ,
Brown brown-142---1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Brown brown-151---18975/26-6/1 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Browne Georgebrowne001geo1897 TrentonIndependent Trenton, NJ
Browne Georgebrowne001geo18977/6-7/7 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Browner Thomasbrowne000tho1897 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Bruner Frankbrunne001fra1897 FindlayIndependent Findlay, OH
Bruner Gerogebruner001law1897no g. Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Bruner Gerogebruner001law18976/26 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Bruner bruner009---18975/15-9 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Brunskill brunsk001---1897no g. Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Brush Bobbrush-001rob18975/14 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Brush Bobbrush-001rob18976/4-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Bryant Gusbryant001gus18975/7 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Bryden 1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Bublitz Fredbublit001f--18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Bubser Georgebubser001geo18975/1-8/2 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Buckenberger Albucken001al-18974/29-9/23 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Buckhart buckhe001---18975/29 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic18974/21-5/30 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Buckley Dickbuckle001dic18976/4-9/20 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat1897no g. Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Buckley Patrickbuckle001pat1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Buckley Michaelbuckle001mic18978/24 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Buckner Harrybuckne002har1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Buelow Fritzbuelow001fre18975/1-9/4 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Buelow Charliebuelow001cha1897 Freeport?Independent Freeport, WI
Bullock Theodorebulloc001the189712 g. Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Burgett Kidburget001kid18975/11 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Burke Danburke-001dan18975/13-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Burke Joeburke-002joe18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Burke Joeburke-002joe189745 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Burke Jimmyburke-004jam18974/30-9/15 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Burke J.1897 Evansville ILIndependent Evansville, IL
Burke Thomasburke-004tho18975/26-5/29 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Burke burke-042---18975/6-6/25 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Burke burke-050---18976/11 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Burke burke-037---18977/9-7/12 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Burnett Herculesburnet003her18974/22-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Burnham Walterburnha002wal18975/1-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Burns Tomburns-001tom18974/29-9/23 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Burns Thomasburns-001oys18974/26-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Burns Bobbyburns-002oli18974/17-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Burns Peteburns-001pet1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Burns Billyburns-013wil1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Burns Jackburns-007joh18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Burns Jackburns-007joh18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Burns Jamesburns-013jam189728 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Burns Jamesburns-015jam1897+6/4-6/14 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Burns Jamesburns-015jam1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Burns Johnburns-013joh18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Burns burns-049---18975/4-5/6 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Burquin Louisburqui001lou18975/4-5/12 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Burquin Louisburqui001lou18975/14- UmpireCent ,
Burr Bordenburr--000bor1897-98 Washington & LeeCollege ,
Burrell Harryburrel001har18975/12-6/2 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Burrey A.C.burrey001a--18974/21-4/26 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Burrill Fredburril001fre18977 g. LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Burris Adburris002a--18974/18-6/4 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Burris Adburris002a--18977/6-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Burris Adburris002a--1897 Galina KSIndependent Galena, KS
Burt Castleburt--001cas1897 HaverhillIndependent Haverhill, MA
Burt Dannyburt--001dan1897 Oil City PAIndependent Oil City, PA
Burt 18976/6-  LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Burtis burtis001---18978/22 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Burton Harryburton007---1897 AnacondaIndependent Anaconda, MT
Buschman Clembuschm001cle1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Bussey Harrybussey001har1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Bussey Harrybussey001har18979/17-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Butler Frankbutler003fra18974/22-9/20 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Butler Dickbutler001dic18976/16-10 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Butler Dickbutler001dic18979/6-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Butler Ikebutler001isa18974/29-9/1 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Butman Edwardbutman001edw18975/1-5/6 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Butman Edwardbutman001edw18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Buttermore Johnbutter001joh18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Butzer Johnbutzer001joh18975/15-6/25+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Byron byron-002---1897+6/5+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18974/28 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18975/22-6/10 Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18976/23 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18976/27-7/1 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Cain Georgecain--002geo18978/3-8/6 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18978/17-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Cain Georgecain--002geo18975/22-6/10 Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Calhoun Davecalhou001dav18975/15-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Calihan Willcaliha001wil18976/5-6/6 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Calihan Willcaliha001wil18976/18-8/16 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Callahan Jimmycallah002jam189789 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Callahan Johncallah004joh18975/2-5/23 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Callahan Johncallah004joh18976/28-7/28 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Callahan Jackcallah025---18975/3-5/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Callahan Jackcallah025---18975/25-6/17 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Callahan callah002---18976/13+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Camp C.1897 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Campau Countcampau001cha18974/21-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Campbell Daniel1897-7/94 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Campbell Frankcampbe001fra1897no g. CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
Campbell Frankcampbe001fra1897 CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Campbell Thomascampbe005tho18974/27-9/24 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Campbell Billycampbe004wil18974/21-9/22 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Campbell Johncampbe009joh1897+6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Campbell Williamcampbe006wil18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Canavan Jimcanava001jim189763 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Cantillon Joecantil001jos18974/29-9/8 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Carey Georgecarey-002geo18974/26-8/1 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Carey Georgecarey-002geo18978/12-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Carey Willcarey-005wil18976/21-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Carey Willcarey-005wil18977/10-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob18974/29-6/20 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Cargo Bobbycargo-001bob18976/22-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Cargo Chickcargo-001cha18974/21-7/15 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Cargo Fredcargo-001fre18976/7-6/14 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Cargo Fredcargo-001fre18977/16 AlbionIndependent Albion, NY
Carille carill001---1897 PuebloColoSt Pueblo, CO
Carisch Georgecarris001geo18974/29-8/1 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Carl Charlescarl--001cha1897no g. Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Carlin Johncarlin002joh18976/11-7/10 UmpireAtl ,
Carlin Johncarlin002joh18978/17-9/10 UmpireNYSt ,
Carney Jackcarney002joh18974/22-7/3 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Carney Billcarney002wil18974/22-7/23 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Carney Billcarney002wil18979/13-9/14 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Carney Michaelcarney001mic18973 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Carney Michaelcarney001mic1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Carpenter Richardcarpen002ric18975/15-6/3 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Carpenter William18978/7-53 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Carr Charliecarr--001cha18975/1 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Carr Walter1897no g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Carr carr--018---1897 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Carrick Billcarric001wil18974/27-9/17 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Carriveau Frankcarriv001fra18975/20-6/4 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Carroll Frankcarrol003fra18974/27-7/3 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Carroll Frankcarrol003fra18977/15-7/18 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Carson W.K.carson001w--18975/5 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Carson 18975/27- SayreIndependent Sayre, PA
Carter 1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Cartwright Edcartwr001ed-18976/14-7/9 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob18974/29-9/22 UmpireWestA ,
Case Eugenecase--001eug18975/13-8/16 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Case Eugenecase--001eug18978/25-9/4 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Case Floydcase--001flo18975/15-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Casey Jamescasey-002jam18974/29-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Casey Eugenecasey-001eug18975/20-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Cassell Charlescassel001cha1897 St. Mary OHIndependent St. Marys, OH
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how1897 WiSt ,
Cassiboine Howdycassib001how1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Cassibone cassib001---1897 Chic-Auburn ParkIndependent Chicago, IL
Cassidy Petecassid003pet18974/22-6/12 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Cassidy Petecassid003pet18976/19-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Castro Loucastro001lou1897 Manhattan Col.College ,
Cathey Williamcathey001wil18977/12-8/7+ Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Cathey Williamcathey001wil1897+8/13-8/14+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Cavanaugh Johncavana004joh18975/3-5/17 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Cavanaugh Johncavana004joh18975/22-7/8 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Cavanaugh Johncavana004joh18977/12-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Cavanaugh J.cavana002j--189723 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Cavanaugh J.cavana002j--18977/1-7/17 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Cavell Charlescavell001cha18974/26-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Cavelle cavell001---18977/16-7/18 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Challis George18975/26-6/ UmpireRedRiv ,
Challis George18976/13- Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Chamberlain Ice Boxchambe001ice1897 Buffalo OakdalesIndependent Buffalo, NY
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--18974/17-7/9 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--18977/25-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Chamberlain Browniechambe001c--1897 AlbuquerqueIndependent Albuquerque, NM
Chamberlain Maxchambe001max1897+5/18-6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Chamberlain Maxchambe001max18976/14-8/28+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Chamberlain chambe023---1897+7/16-7/28 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Chambers Frankchambe003fra1897 IowaSt ,
Chambers Romechambe001rom18977/9 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Chance Frankchance001fra189734 g. FresnoIndependent Fresno, CA
Chandler H.L.chandl003h--18975/15-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Chandler H.L.chandl003h--18976/29-7/17 Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Chapman Jackchapma002jac18975/4-9/17 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Chapman chapma016---18974 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Charles Raymondcharle002ray1897 Frederick MDS-pro Frederick, MD
Charles Youngcharle001you1897 StarsSixNations ,
Charles Youngcharle001you1897 West EndSixNations ,
Chase 18975/27- SayreIndependent Sayre, PA
Cheatum Gibcheatu001---1897+9/8+ Kingman KSIndependent Kingman, KS
Chesbro Jackchesbr002joh189738 g. Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Chestnut Jameschestn001jam18975/20-6/25 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Chestnut Jameschestn001jam1897-7/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Childs Petechilds001geo18974/26-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea18974/23-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea18977/15-7/28 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Chiles Pearcechiles001pea18977/29-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Clabby Williamclabby001wil1897-9/17 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Claffy? claffy001---1897-8/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Clancy Billclancy002wil1897 Whitesboro NYIndependent Whitesboro, NY
Clancy Billclancy002wil1897 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Clancy Williamclancy004wil18978/20-8/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Clancy Williamclancy004wil18979/7-9/9 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Clark Edclark-002ed-18974/17-7/26+ UmpireTx ,
Clark Vicclark-001vic1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Clark Winclark-012wil18974/17-7/ San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Clark Winclark-012wil18977/12-4 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Clark Thomasclark-005tho18977/14-8/3 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Clark J. L.18978/3 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Clark clark-082---1897+8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Clark clark-033---18976/23-6/25 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Clarke Henryclarke001hen18976/26-5 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad18974/27-6/16 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad18976/30-9/4 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Clausen Fritzclause001fri18974/28-7/2 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Clausen Fritzclause001fri18977/6-7/9 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Clausen Fritzclause001fri18977/13-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Clauss/Klause Johnclauss001joh1897 NH-Mayer-StrouseIndependent , NH
Clayton Harryclayto001har1897 Will.-YMCAIndependent Williamsport, PA
Clayton Harryclayto001har18976/28-7/7 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Claytor Harryclayto002hen18975/26-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Cleary Thomas1897no g. Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Clements Billclemen004wil1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Cleve Georgecleve-001geo18974/28-5/20+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Cleve Georgecleve-001geo18976/15-7/1 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Clifford Thomascliffo001tho18975/17-7/5 Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Clifford A. M.1897 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Cline Edward18974/28-5/31 UmpireAtl ,
Clune Parsonclune-001par18975/14-5/31 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Clute 18977/14-8/3 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Clymer Billclymer001wil18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Cobb Howard18977/13-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Coburn Henrycoburn001hen18975/20-7/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Cochran Johncochra004joh189733 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Cochran Johncochra004joh18973 g. Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Cochran Oracochra001ora1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Cockman Jimcockma001jam18974/21-4/28 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Cockman Jimcockma001jam18975/19-6/3 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Cockman Jimcockma001jam18976/10-6/16 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Cockman Jimcockma001jam189732 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic18975/10 BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Cogan Dickcogan-001dic18975/24-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Cogan 1897-8/14 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Cogswell Charlescogswe003cha1897-8/1335 g. Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Cohen Dorycohen-001the18975/13-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Colaw 1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Colburn Harrycolbur001har18975/5-5/9 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Colburn Harrycolbur001har18976 g. Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Colcolough Tomcolcol001tom18975/1-6/13 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Cole Archiecole--001arc18974/29-9/25 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Cole Charlescole--003cha1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Cole W. Cloyd1897 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Coleman Johncolema002joh18977/17-9/7 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Coleman Percycolema001per18977/2-13 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Coleman colema006---18974/20-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Coleman colema022---18975/2 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Colgan Harrycolgan001har18974/27-9/21 UmpireIntSt ,
Collars Capcollar001cap18975/11-5/12 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Collars Capcollar001cap18977/4-7/5 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Collars Charlescollar001cha18976/15-6/18 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Collars Charlescoller002---18976/21-6/22 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Colliflower Harrycollif001har18974/17-8/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Collins Chubcollin001chu1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Collins Richardcollin006ric18974/29-9/13 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Collins Williamcollin012wil18975/4-8/14 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Collins collin041---1897+5/21-10 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Collopy Jimcollop001jam18975/20-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Collopy Jimcollop001jam18977/15-9/10 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Comiskey Charliecomisk001cha1897 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Comstock F.comsto001f--1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Congalton Bunkcongal001wil189746 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Conklin Milesconkli001mil1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Conley John1897 North Adams MAIndependent North Adams, MA
Conn Ollieconn--001oli1897 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Conn Bertconn--001alb1897+5/19+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Conn Bertconn--001alb18976/25-7/14 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Conn Bertconn--001alb18978/20 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Conn Bertconn--001alb18979/7-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Connaughton Frankconnau001fra18974/22-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Connell T.A.connel001t--1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Connell 18975/15-6/27 Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Conners conner006---1897+9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Conniff Edconnif001ed-18974/20-4/27 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Conniff Edconnif001ed-18975/7-5/28 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Conniff Edconnif001ed-18975/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Connolly Thomas18975/1-9/11 UmpireNE ,
Connolly Charlesconnol001cha189713 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Connor Rogerconnor001rog18976/2-7/31 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Connor Rogerconnor001rog18978/3-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connor Jimconnor001jim1897- 9/9284 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Connor Dennis1897 Woonsocket RIIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Connor Joeconnor002jos18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Connor Joeconnor002jos18977/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Connor Joeconnor002jos18979/14-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Connors Billconnor001wil18974/30-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Connors Edconnor002edw18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Connors Edconnor002edw1897 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Connors Billconnor002wil1897 Reading ActivesIndependent Reading, PA
Connors Johnconnor006joh18976/29-7/29 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Connors Mackieconnor001mac1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Connors connor011---18978/31 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Connors connor021---18976/21-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Conover Theodoreconove001the1897+5/19- Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Conrad Julesconrad001jul18975/26-6/16 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Conrad R.conrad001r--18975/29-7/30 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Conrad 18977/20 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Conroy Benconroy001ben1897+5/18-6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Conroy Benconroy001ben1897+7/7-8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Conroy Redconroy001red18975/21-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Conroy Redconroy001red18977/17-8/14 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Conroy Redconroy001red18978/28-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Conroy Widconroy003wil18975/15-7/9+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Conroy Widconroy003wil18977/22-9/5 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Conroy Benconroy001ben1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Conroy conroy008---18977/24 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Conway conway012---18978/-8/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Conwell Charlesconwel001cha189740 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Coogan Dancoogan003dan18974/30-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Cook Johncook--006joh18975/6-5/24 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Cooke Fredcooke-001fre18974/27-7/28 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Cooke Fredcooke-001fre18977/30-8/3 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Cooke Fredcooke-001fre18978/5-9/24 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Cooley Melcooley001mel18974/17-5/5 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Cooley Melcooley001mel18975/26-7/3 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Cooley Melcooley001mel1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Cooney Jimmycooney002jim18974/29-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Coons Perrycoons-001per18975/16-9/19 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Cooper Jimmycooper002jam18974/27-9/24 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Cooper Georgecooper004geo18974/30-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Cope Tommycope--001tho18976/9-7/5 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Cope Tommycope--001tho1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Copeland copela004---18978/4-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Corbett Jackcorbet001jac18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Corbett Teddycorbet001edw18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Corbett Joecorbet001jos189742 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18977/6 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18977/14 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18977/26 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18977/27 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18977/31-8/74g. Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/6 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/10 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/13 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/14 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/26 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/27 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18978/28 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/6 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/8 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/10 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/11 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/15 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/16 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/17 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/18 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Corbett Jamescorbet002jam18979/20 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Corbett corbet010---18978/8-8/15 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Corcoran Philcorcor001phi1897-9/8 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Corcoran Jamescorcor002jam1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Corklin M. S.1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Corner corner001---1897+5/3+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Corrigan Franciscorrig001f--1897 West ConcordIndependent West Concord,
Costello Andycostel001and1897 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Costello Andy?18977/20 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Costello Jack1897+7/31+ UmpireTx ,
Costello 1897 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Costello costel022---1897+9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Cote Henrycote--002hen18974/17-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Cote Henrycote--002hen18978/24-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Cotter Charles1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Cotton cotton003---18979/12-9/19 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Coughlin Roscoecoughl001ros18974/30-6/2 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Coughlin Roscoecoughl001ros18976/23-7/8 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Coughlin Roscoecoughl001ros18977/17-8/7 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Coughlin Roscoecoughl001ros18979/6 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Coughlin Davidcoughl001dav18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Coughlin Billcoughl001wil18975/1-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Coughlin coughl002---18977/5 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Coulter coulte001---1897+5/6-5/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Counihan Johncounih001joh18975/1-7/17 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Counihan Johncounih001joh18977/31-8/4 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Counihan Johncounih001joh18978/27 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Counihan Johncounih001joh18979/8 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Coursey Thomas1897+6/2+ Geneva NYIndependent Geneva, NY
Courtney Georgecourtn001geo1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Covert Williamcovert002wil18976/6-  LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Coy coy---002---1897+7/22-7/24+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Coyle Billcoyle-001bil18974/29-7/30 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Coyne T.1897 CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Craig Hughcraig-002hug18974/24 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Crane Chickcrane-001chi18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Crawford Jackcrawfo001joh18975/15-6/25+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Crawley Alcrawle001alg18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Criger Loucriger001lou1897200 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Crisham Patcrisha002pat18975/1-9/8 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Cristall Billcrista001wil1897 North BuffaloIndependent North Buffalo,
Crockett Daveycrocke001dan18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Croft Harrycroft-001hen1897 Niagara U.College ,
Croft Harrycroft-001hen18976/23-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Croft Harrycroft-001hen18977/28-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Crolius Fredcroliu001fre18978/17-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Cronin Jackcronin001joh18975/20-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Cronin Jackcronin001joh18977/10-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Cronin Patsycronin001pat18975/13-6/7 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Cronin Patsycronin001pat18977/3-7/23 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Cross Lemcross-001lem18974/24-8/10 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Cross Lemcross-001lem18978/15-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Cross Frankcross-001fra1897 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Cross Frankcross-001fra1897 Galion OHIndependent Galion, OH
Cross Frankcross-001fra18976/26-6/29 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Cross Adcross-001adr1897 AltoonaIndependent Altoona, PA
Crotty Dancrotty001dan1897+5/5-5/31+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Crotty Dancrotty001dan1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Crough Danielcrough001dan18976/23-6/26 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Crough Danielcrough001dan18978/24-8/26 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha189724 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Crowe Charlescrowe-001cha1897 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Crowe Frankcrowe-001fra1897 Albany OstrandersIndependent Albany, NY
Crowe Frankcrowe-001fra1897no g. Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Crowell Billycrowel001bil189746 g. Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Crozier Dickcrozie001j--18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Cull 18976/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Culver Charlesculver002cha1897 Lafayette Col.College ,
Culver Charlesculver002cha1897 Allentown MercuryIndependent Allentown, PA
Cummings Cycummin012---1897 Front RoyalIndependent Front Royal,
Cummings cummin019---18978/7 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Cunningham Patrickcunnin001pat18975/4-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Curran Davidcurran002dav1897 Wash.-JeffersonCollege ,
Curran Davidcurran002dav18974/27-7/7 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Curran Davidcurran002dav1897 Washington PAIndependent Washington, PA
Curtis Jamescurtis003jam18974/27-6/19 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Cusack/Cusick Johncusick001joh18975/15-6/5 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Cusack/Cusick Johncusick001joh18978/2-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Cushman Charliecushma001cha1897-7/26 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Cushman Charliecushma001cha18978/20-9/21 UmpireWest ,
Cushman Harveycushma001har1897-99 U. of MaineCollege ,
Cushman Harveycushma001har1897 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Cusick/Cusack Johncusick001joh18975/15-6/5 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Cusick/Cusack Johncusick001joh18978/2-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Dailey Johndailey001joh1897-8/20 UmpireNYSt ,
Dailey Vincedailey001vin18977/13-9/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Dailey Josephdailey004jos18975/18-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Dailey Josephdailey004jos18977/28-8/25 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Daily 18975/28-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Daily daly--021---18977/5-7/13 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Daley Eddiedaley-001edw18974/26-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Dalrymple Georgedalrym001geo1897+5/5-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Daly Tomdaly--002tho18974/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Daly Sundaly--001sun18974/29-6/19 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Daly Sundaly--001sun18976/24-6/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Daly Sundaly--001sun18977/9-7/12 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Daly daly--005---18977/8-7/9 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Daly daly--020---18972 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Dammann Billdamman001bil18974/24 -16 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Daniels Petedaniel003pet18974/22-6/28 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Daniels Johndaniel005joh18975/1 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Daniels Jessedaniel002jes18975/12-14 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Daniels Jessedaniel002jes18975/12- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Daniels Evan1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--18975/15-7/5 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--18977/14-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Dannehower Harrydanneh001j--18977/29-8/21 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Dannetell Joseph1897 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Darby Georgedarby-001geo18975/5-8/6 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Darby Georgedarby-001geo18978/18-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Dark Thomasdark--001tho189747 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Daub Dandaub--002dan1897- 7/19 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Daub Dandaub--002dan1897 Middletown OHIndependent Middletown, OH
Davern davern004---1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Davey davey-007---1897 Sea.-Opals Seattle, WA
Davis Iradavis-008j--18975/1-7/7 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Davis Iradavis-008j--18977/8-7/12 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Davis Iradavis-008j--18978/15-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Davis Elmerdavis-002elm1897 ,
Davis Wileydavis-020wil18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Davis Leftydavis-001alf1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Davis Leftydavis-001alf18977/31-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Davis Harrydavis-010har1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Davis Lawrence1897 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Davis Popdavis-001pop1897+9/4+ Senaca KSIndependent Senaca, KS
Davis Popdavis-001pop1897 Frankfort KSIndependent Frankfort, KS
Davis 18977/13-8/6 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Davis davis-031---1897-8/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Dawes J.1897 New Orleans?So New Orleans, LA
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18974/17-6/4 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev1897+6/30+ Dall.-ClippersIndependent Dallas, TX
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18977/12 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18977/15-8/5 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev18978/7-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Day Billday---001bil18975/1-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Deady Edwarddeady-001edw18975/3-6/8 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Deady Edwarddeady-001edw18976/25-7/10 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Deady Edwarddeady-001edw18977/26-8/31 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Dean Jimmydean--001jam189761 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Dean Alex.dean--001ale1897 Cape MaySeashore Cape May, NJ
Dean Alex.dean--001ale18979/10 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
DeBaker Archiedebake001art1897+7/11+ MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Deegan deegan001---1897-7/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Deisel Jacobdeisel001jac18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Deisel Jacobdeisel001jac18977/19-8/23 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Deitrich Johndeitri001joh1897 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Deitrich Johndeitri001joh1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho18974/25-5/8 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho18975/13-6/17 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho18976/27 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho18977/2-8/22 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Delahanty Tomdelaha001tho18978/27-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam1897 LimaNWOh Lima, OH
Delahanty Jimdelaha001jam1897 FindlayIndependent Findlay, OH
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos18975/1-5/31 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos18976/8 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos18977/5-7/8 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Delahanty Joedelaha001jos1897 CambridgeIndependent Cambridge, OH
Delaney Billdelane001bil18975/1-7/16 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam18974/27-5/16 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam1897+5/29+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam18976/21-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam18977/13-9/16+ Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Delaney Jamesdelane005jam18975/1-5/7 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Delaney Jamesdelane005jam18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Delaney Jamesdelane005jam18977/2-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic1897-7/8 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Delaney Mickeydelane002mic1897-8/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Delaney delane010---18978/-9/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Delano 18975/1-5/7 UmpireNE ,
Delescamp Chris.delesc001chr1897-9/1 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
DeMontreville Leedemont002leo1897 Winona MNIndependent Winona, MN
Dempsey Jackdempse003jac18975/8-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dennis dennis006---18976/4-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Dennis dennis006---18977/28-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Denny Jerrydenny-001jer189765 g. Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Denzer Rogerdenzer001rog18974/24-12 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Denzer Rogerdenzer001rog18977/22-9/16 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Derfeaderfer H.derfea001h--1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Derrick Jessderric001jes18974/27 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Derry Clyde1897 Freeport OHIndependent Freeport, OH
Derry Clyde1897 Oil CityIron&Oil Oil City, PA
Derwin Billyderwin001wil1897-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Dethridge dethri001---18975 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Deveney Williamdevinn001pun18974/17-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Devine devine005---18977/12-8/17 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim18972 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Dextraze Delphisdextra001del18975/27- SayreIndependent Sayre, PA
Dextraze Delphisdextra001del18976/21-7/5 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Dextraze Delphisdextra001del18977/10-8/4 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Dextraze Delphisdextra001del18978/7-8/9 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Diamond Jackydiamon001joh1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Dickson Kingdickso001ale1897 U. of PennCollege ,
Diggins Williamdiggin001wil18974/29-9/21 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Dill William1897 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Dillard Patdillar002pat18974/19-4/28 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Dillard Patdillar002pat18974/30-5/20+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Dillard Patdillar002pat18976/9-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Dillard Leedillar001lee18974/27-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Dillon Frankdillon001fra18974/29-9/19 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Dillon Eddillon001edw18974/17-6/26 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Dillon Eddillon001edw18976/28-7/7 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Dilworth Williamdilwor001wil18976/3-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Dinneen Billdinnee001wil18975/3-9/14 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Dinsmore Williamdinsmo001wil18975/9-5/27 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Dinsmore Williamdinsmo001wil18976/13-6/24 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Dinsmore Williamdinsmo001wil18978/1-8/8 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Dinsmore Bertdinsmo001ber18975/1-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Ditcher ditche001---18976/12-6/15 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Dithridge William1897 ZanesvilleIndependent Zanesville, OH
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw18974/29-9/18 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Dixon dixon-005---1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Dixon dixon-002---18978/6-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Dobbins Johndobbin001j--18976/3 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh18974/19-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh1897+6/26-6/28+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Dobbs Johndobbs-001joh1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Doe Freddoe---002fre18975/27-7/8 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Doe Freddoe---002fre18978/10-8/13 UmpireNE ,
Doe Freddoe---002fre18979/7-9/10 UmpireNE ,
Doheny Eddoheny001edw189710 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Doheny Eddoheny001edw18976/22 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Doherty Jackdohert001joh18975/4-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Doherty Mikedohert001mic18974/26-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18974/28-6/7 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18977/4 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18977/23-8/6 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18978/21-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Dolan Georgedolan-001geo18975/20-6/26 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat18975/18-5/28 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat18977/16 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat18971 g. MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Dolan Cozydolan-001pat18977/24-8/10 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Dolan Joedolan-001jos189736 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Dolan dolan-017---1897+7/17-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Dolan 18975/13-6/23+ MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Donaghy Billydonagh001bil1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho18976/14-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Donahue Thomasdonahu001tho18977/26-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh18975/13-7/3 MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Donahue Jiggsdonahu001joh18978/18-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra18974/29-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Donnelly Frankdonnel003fra18976/4-7/12 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Donovan Eddonova001ed-18974/29-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Donovan Tomdonova002tho1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Donovan Freddonova002fre18974/27-8/4 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Donovan Freddonova002fre18979/2-9/23 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Donovan Billdonova004wil1897 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Donovan Billdonova004wil1897-8/27 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Donovan Frank1897 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Donovan Freddonova002fre18979/16-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Donovan Thomasdonova004tho18975/8 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Donovan donova031---18978 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha18974/29- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha1897-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Doran Johndoran-001joh1897 AthensIndependent Athens, PA
Doran Josephdoran-001jos18977/30 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Dore dore--001---18975/4-5/5 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk18975/20-6/21 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Dorsey Lukedorsey001luk1897 HaverhillIndependent Haverhill, MA
Doscher Hermdosche001her18977/12-9/22 UmpireEast ,
Doty Babedoty--001bab1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Doty Babedoty--001bab189712 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Dougherty Jamesdoughe006jam18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Dougherty Patsydoughe002pat1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Douglas 18975/27- CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Douglass Klondikedougla004wil1897340 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Douglass Charliedougla006cha18977/25-8/3 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Douglass Charliedougla006cha1897 BrenhamIndependent Brenham, TX
Douglass H.dougla001h--1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Dowd Edwarddowd--001edw1897 Harvard Univ.College ,
Dowd Edwarddowd--001edw18975/3-7/1 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Dowd Edwarddowd--001edw1897 Plattsburg NYIndependent Plattsburgh, NY
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18974/17-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18977/15-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Dowling Petedowlin001hen1897+5/5-7/12 Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Dowling Petedowlin001hen18977/17-4 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Dowling Petedowlin001hen18977/31-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom1897 Buffalo OakdalesIndependent Buffalo, NY
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom18975/28- HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom18976/23-6/26 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Doyle J.C.doyle-003j--18975/- Seneca FallsIndependent Seneca Falls, NY
Doyle Charlesdoyle-002cha1897 SacramentoCalif Sacramento, CA
Doyle Michaeldoyle-002mic189721 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Doyle 18975/- Seneca FallsIndependent Seneca Falls, NY
Doyle doyle-003---18977/1 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18974/29-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Drew Bobbydrew--001edw1897 North Adams MAIndependent North Adams, MA
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via18974/18-8/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Drinkwater Vianellodrinkw001via18978/10-8/18 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Driscoll Jimmiedrisco002jam18978/18-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom18976/8-  Paola KSIndependent Paola, KS
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom1897+6/17+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom1897 Coffeyville KSIndependent Coffeyville, KS
Drummy Tomdrummy001tom18978/7-9/18 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Duff Patduff--001pat18975/21 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Duffy Johnduffy-003joh1897 NoNY ,
Duffy duffy-034---1897+5/21-5/23+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Duffy duffy-016---18978/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18975/1-6/26 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18976/30-7/8 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18977/14-7/28 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Duggleby Billduggle001wil18975/18-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Dunbar Williamdunbar001wil18975/15 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dunbar dunbar001---18979/15-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Duncan Jimduncan001jim18974/29-9/15 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Dundon Gusdundon001aug1897 Newport NewsVa Newport News, VA
Dundon Gusdundon001aug18974/29-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Dungan Samdungan001sam18974/22-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Dunham Wileydunham001hen1897+5/3-5/26+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw18974/28-5/18 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw1897+7/5-8/25 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Dunkle Davydunkle001edw18978/28-19 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Dunleavy Jackdunlea001joh18977/9-9/8 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dunn Mikedunn--003mic18975/18-7/30 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Dunn Mikedunn--003mic1897no g. Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Dunn Mikedunn--003mic1897+8/12-9/6 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Dunn Jackdunn--005joh18975/6-130 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Dunne Jamesdunne-002jam1897 Brown UniversityCollege ,
Dunne Jamesdunne-002jam18977/9-8/11 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Dunne Tomdunne-001tom1897 Brown UniversityCollege ,
Dunne Tomdunne-001tom18977/14-8/31 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob1897+7/22-9/6 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Durnbaugh Robertdurnba001rob1897+9/9+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Durrett Ikedurret001isa1897+5/12-7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Dwyer John1897 AltoonaIndependent Altoona, PA
Dwyer Josephdwyer-002jos1897 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Dwyer Josephdwyer-002jos1897 New Britain CTIndependent New Britain, CT
Dwyer Josephdwyer-002jos1897 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Dwyer 18978/ ToringtonCtSt Torington,
Dyler Johndyler-001joh18979/14 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Dyson Frederickdyson-001fre1897 UmpireCanadian ,
Eagan Billeagan-001bil18974/29-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat18974/29-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Eagan Edwardeagan-001edw1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Eagan Edwardeagan-001edw18977/21-7/24 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Eagan Edwardeagan-001edw1897 Tacoma WAIndependent Tacoma, WA
Earl Howardearl--002how18975/31-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Earle Billyearle-001bil18974/28 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Earley Anthonyearley001ant18975/14-5/15 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Earley Anthonyearley001ant18975/13-5/26 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Eason Maleason-001mal1897-98 Grove City Col.College ,
Easton Jackeaston001jac18975/4-6/15 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Easton Jackeaston001jac18976/24-7/30 UmpireIntSt ,
Eaton Jameseaton-001jam1897 UmpireCtSt ,
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-18974/21-6/12 UmpireWest ,
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-18976/16-7/8 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Eddinger Jerryedinge001jer1897 CentraliaIndependent Centralia, IL
Eddinger Jerryedding000jer18977/5-8/16 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Eddy Frededdy--001fre1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Edgar Georgeedgar-001geo18975/20-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Edwards Harry1897 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Edwards Harry1897 PresidentArkSt ,
Edwards edward057---1897+7/15-7/20+ Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Egan 18979/- CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Egan Jackegan--001rip18975/1-9/21 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Egan Ripegan--002joh18974/23-8/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Eggert Charleseggert001cha18974/27-5/31 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Eggert Charleseggert001cha18977/8-7/21 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Elberfeld Kidelberf001nor18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Ellerman Georgeellerm001geo1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Elliott Claudeelliot001cla18974/29-6/24+ JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Elliott Claudeelliot001cla18977/?- Lancaster WIIndependent Lancaster, WI
Elliott George1897 WiSt ,
Ellis Benellis-003ben18974/22-4/27 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Ellis Benellis-003ben18975/11-7/9 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Ellis Benellis-003ben18977/23-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Ellis Georgeellis-004geo18974/26-9/19 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Ellis ellis-025---18975/4-5/12 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Elmig/Emig Johnelmig-001joh1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Elmig/Emig Johnemig--001joh18978/13-8/15 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Elsey Charleselsey-001cha18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Eltom Berteltom-001alb1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Ely Harryely---001har1897 ,
Ely Jackely---001joh18974/28-9/7 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Emig Charlieemig--001cha18974/29-7/14 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Emig Charlieemig--001cha18978/5-9/16 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Emig (Imig?) Johnelmig-001joh1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Emig (Imig?) Johnemig--001joh18978/13-8/15 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Engel Georgeengel-002geo18975/21-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Engle Williamengle-001wil18974/20-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Ent ent---001---1897 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Erwin Thomaserwin-003tho1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Esper Dukeesper-001duk1897 MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Essex H.L.essex-001h--18974/19 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Esterquest Tonyesterq001ant18974/29-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Eustace Frankeustac003fra18974/24-6/7 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Eustace Frankeustac003fra18976/10-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Evans Royevans-001roy18975/15-12 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Evans Royevans-001roy18976/11 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Evans Royevans-001roy18979/2-9/20 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Evans W.S.evans-004w--1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Evans W.S.evans-004w--18978/18-8/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Evers Jackevers-001joh1897 Lebanon SpringsIndependent Lebanon Springs,
Everson Berteverso001a--18977/20-8/9+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Everson Berteverso001a--1897 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Ewing Bobewing-001geo18973 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Exstrom exstro001---18976/11-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Eyler Elwoodeyler-001elw18974/24-5/28 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18975/13-6/3 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Faatz Jayfaatz-001jay18974/28- Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Fabian Henryfabian001hen18975/21-5/23 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Fabian Henryfabian001hen1897 Dall.-ClippersTx Dallas, TX
Fabian Henryfabian001hen18977/29-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Fabian Henryfabian001hen1897 Denver CO?Independent Denver, CO
Fagin Joefagin-001fre1897+5/5-5/7+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Fair 1897 WinchesterKsSt Winchester,
Fallon fallon004---18975/12 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Fallon fallon004---18976/5 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Farnham Benfarnha001ben1897 Yale Univ.College ,
Farnham Benfarnha001ben18977/13-9/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Farrell Johnfarrel006joh18974/27-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Farrell Johnfarrel008joh1897+6/28-7/10+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Farrow farrow001---1897 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Fear Frankfear--001fra1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Fear Frankfear--001fra18978/11-9/14 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Fenner Billfenner000bil1897 Wake Forest U.College ,
Fenner Billfenner000bil1897 Wilm.-Atl CoastIndependent ,
Fenner Billfenner000bil1897 Tarboro NCIndependent Tarboro, NC
Fennimore Georgefennim001geo1897 LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Fennimore Georgefennim001geo18975/7-5/27 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Fennimore Georgefennim001geo18976/15-7/3 MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra18974/29-6/25 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Ferguson Frankfergus001fra18976/27-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Ferguson Charliefergus002cha18974/27-8/2 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Ferguson fergus015---18978/15 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Fernandez Jimmyfernan002jim18977/29-8/13+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Ferris Hobeferris001alb18979/4 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Ferry Cyferry-001alf1897-99 Manhattan Col.College ,
Ferson Alexferson001ale18977/24 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Fertsch Edfertsc001edw18975/4-5/15 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Field Jimfield-001jim18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Fifield Jackfifiel001jac18974/28-68 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Figgemeier Frankfiggem002fra18974/23-9/19 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Finn Mickeyfinn--001duk18975/1-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Finn Jackfinn--001jac18977/28 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Fishel Leofishel001leo1897 Hackensack NJIndependent Hackensack, NJ
Fisher Alfisher001al-18974/29-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Fisher Chaunceyfisher005cha189720 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Fisher Ikefisher001ike18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Fisher Harryfisher004har1897+5/18-6/28 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Fisher Tomfisher002tho18975/11,7/6-7/10 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Fisher Tomfisher002tho18977/23-8/14 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Fisher Tomfisher002tho18978/20-8/21 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Fisher fisher052---189722 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Fisher fisher044---18978/2 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Fiske Roy1897-01 Grinnell CollegeCollege ,
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra18975/7 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra18976/1-9/26 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Fitch F.fitch-001f--18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil18975/1-7/10 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil18977/15-8/7 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Fitzmaurice Billyfitzma001wil18979/1 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra18975/20-6/19 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra18976/24-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra18978/9-8/14 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Fitzpatrick Frankfitzpa001fra18978/30-8/31 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Flack Charlesflack-001cha18975/20-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Flaherty Patflaher005pat18974/30-5/4 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Flaherty Patflaher005pat18975/20-6/20 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Flaherty Patflaher005pat18976/23-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Flaherty Patsyflaher004pat18974/30-9/18 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho18975/3-6/19 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho18976/23-9/9 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Flanagan J. J.1897 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Flanigan Mit1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Flannery Williamflanne001wil18975/26-7/17 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Flaugh flaugh001---18976/28 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Fleming Tomflemin003tho1897no g. Newport News Newport News, VA
Fleming Tomflemin003tho18974/27-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Fleming flemin009---18977/6 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Flemming flemmi002---18977/13-7/17 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fletcher 18975/27- CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Flick Elmerflick-001elm18974/27-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Flohr 18978/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Flood Timflood-001tim18974/29-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Flournoy Jackflourn001joh18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Flynn Carneyflynn-001car18975/10 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Flynn Thomasflynn-005tho18979/4-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Flynn Mikeflynn-002mic1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Flynn flynn-006---18975/24-6/28 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Flynn flynn-006---18978/22-8/28 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Flynn 18975/27- CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Fogarty M.J.fogart001m--18975/20-6/18 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Fohl Leefohl--001leo1897 Kensington PAIndependent Kensington, PA
Foley Patrickfoley-002pat18975/6-9/10 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Footes Robertfootes000rob1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Ford Tomford--001tom18975/7 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Ford ford--024---1897+7/2+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Foreith Johnforeit001joh1897 Nashville AmericansIndependent Nashville, TN
Foreman Frankforema001fra18974/27-9/14 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Foreman Johnforema001bro18974/23-5/23 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Foreman Johnforema001bro18976/13-8/22 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Foreman Johnforema001bro18978/29-9/8 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Forney Kidforney001j--1897+7/20+ Belle PlaineIndependent Belle Plaine, KS
Forred Jacobforred001jac1897+5/16- UmpireCPa ,
Fortney Edgarfortne001edg18975/15-7/14 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Fortney Edgarfortne001edg1897+7/22-8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Fortney Edgarfortne001edg1897 UmpireCPa ,
Foster Reddyfoster001red18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Foster Clarencefoster001cla1897 New York Univ.College ,
Foster Clarencefoster001cla1897 UmpireCtSt ,
Foster Clarencefoster001cla18978/7-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra1897+7/6-9/6 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra18979/9-9/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Fowler Georgefowler001geo18976/2-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Fox Georgefox---001pad18974/26-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Fox Billfox---006wil1897 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Fox Billfox---006wil18978/20-4 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Fox Billfox---006wil18979/9-9/10 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Fox Patrickfox---001pat18979/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Fox Jamesfox---008jam18979/6-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Fox Williamfox---009wil1897-98 Holy Cross Col.College ,
France Williamfrance001wm-18975/20-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
France Williamfrance001wm-18977/13-9/11 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
France C.H.france001c--18975/3-5/17 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Francis Tomfranci001tho18974/30-5/26 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Francis Tomfranci001tho189748 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Francis franci001---1897+6/8-7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Frank Charliefrank-003cha18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Frank Fredfrank-003fre18974/26-4/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Frank Fredfrank-003fre189727 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Frank Fredfrank-003fre1897 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Frank Fredfrank-003fre18977/8-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Franklin 18975/7-6/10 UmpireTx ,
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral18975/16- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral18975/31 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral18976/ WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral1897-7/2128 g. Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Frary Ralphfrary-001ral18977/28-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Frates frates001---18977/29 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha18974/30-5/18 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha18976/11-7/21 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Freck Dottyfreck-001cha18977/23-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Freeland Lutefreela001lut1897 AlmenaIndependent Almena, KS
Freeman Buckfreema003joh18974/29-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Freeman Harryfreema004har1897 UmpireArkSt ,
Freeman Harryfreema004har18977/21-7/27 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Freeman Harryfreema004har1897 UmpireArkSt ,
French Jamesfrench001jam18976/12 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Freund Frankfreund001fra18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Freund Frankfreund001fra1897+6/14-6/26+ ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Freund Frankfreund001fra18977/8 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Frick Williamfrick-001wil18975/13-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Fricken Honfricke001ant18974/26-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Frickman frickm001---1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Friel Billfriel-001wil1897 Niagara Univ.College ,
Friel Billfriel-001wil18975/5-5/19 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Friel Billfriel-001wil18976/2-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Friel Michaelfriel-001mic18978/3-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Friend Dannyfriend002dan18975/9-6/22 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Friend Dannyfriend002dan18976/26-5/826 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Frisbee Charliefrisbe001cha18974/30-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Frye Josephfrye--001jos18974/28-9/15 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Fryer fryer-003---1897 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Fuldman fuldma000---1897+8/14+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Fuller Billyfuller002wil18974/29-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Fuller Shortyfuller001sho18974/29-9/21 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Fuller fuller012---18975/7-5/18 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Fulmer Harryfulmer001har1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Fulmer fulmer001---18975/15-6/19+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Funkhouser Jakefunkho001jak1897no g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Fury fury--001---18979/11-9/17 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Gaffney Johngaffne002joh18974/29-7/24 UmpireEast ,
Galager Hoppy1897 BeardstownIL Beardstown, IL
Galager Hoppy1897 StL.Browns-Res.Independent St. Louis, MO
Galey 1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Gallagher Andygallag001and18975/4-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha18975/17-6/3 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha18976/14-6/29 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha18977/4-7/8 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Gallagher Shortygallag005cha18977/11-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Gallagher Williamgallag002wil18974/29-5/16 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Gallagher Williamgallag002wil18975/22-7/15 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Gallagher Johngallag001joh18977/15-9/9 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Gallagher M.J.gallag001m--1897+7/9-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Gallagher gallag004---18975/19-5/25 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Gallagher 18975/27- CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Galloway Billgallow003wil189711 g. Dunnville ONTIndependent Dunnville, ON
Gannon Billgannon002wil18975/13-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus18975/1- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus18976/ WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Gannon Gussiegannon001gus1897-9/10 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Ganss Billygans--001bil1897no g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Ganss Billygans--001bil1897+7/2+ ChicJunctionOHIndependent Chic Junction, OH
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos1897preseason Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos1897+5/13-5/21+ Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos1897+5/12-7/9+ Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Ganzel Joeganzel001jos18978/31-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Ganzel Johnganzel001joh18974/21-9/20 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gardner Jimgardne001jam189742 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Gardner Georgegardne001geo1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Gardner Georgegardne001geo1897 Wallingford CTIndependent Wallingford, CT
Garrison Rossgarris001ros1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Garrity Michaelgarrit002mic18975/20-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Garrity Josephgarrit001jos1897 Hudson ACs-pro Hudson,
Garry Jimgarry-001jim18974/29-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Gartside gartsi001---1897+8/18+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Garvey Petergarvey001pet1897 CairoIndependent Cairo, IL
Garvey Josephgarvey001jos18974/29-9/4 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Garvey Josephgarvey001jos18979/17-9/26 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir18974/26-8/11 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Garvin Nedgarvin001vir18978/12-9/16 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Garvin Edwardgarvin001edw18975/14-5/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel18975/5-5/28 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Gaston Welcomegaston002wel18975/3-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Gastonquay V.gaston001v--18975/20-6/25 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Gastright Hankgastri001han18975/17-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Gatewood Harrygatewo002har1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Gatins Frankgatins001fra1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Gatins Frankgatins001fra18976/28-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Gayle Robertgayle-001rob18975/4-5/11 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Gayle Robertgayle-001rob18976/13-6/19 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gayle Robertgayle-001rob18976/20-7/22 UmpireWest ,
Gear Dalegear--001dal1897 U. of Kansas College ,
Gear Dalegear--001dal18977/29- Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Gear Dalegear--001dal18978/21-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Geer Georgegeer--001geo18976/2-7/3 UmpireNYSt ,
Geer Georgegeer--001geo18977/5-8/6 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Geer Georgegeer--001geo1897 UmpireAtl ,
Geier Philgeier-001phi189792 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Geier Philgeier-001phi18979/18-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Genegal Chrisgenega001chr18975/15-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Genins Frankgenins001c--18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
George Billgeorge001bil18974/22-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Geralds Willgerald001wil1897+5/27-6/10 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Geralds Willgerald001wil18976/13-7/17 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Geralds Willgerald001wil1897+8/5+ Nashville AmericansIndependent Nashville, TN
German Lesgerman001les18978/21-8/30 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Gerry Michaelgerry-001mic18975/21-7/6 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Gettig Charliegettig002cha189722 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Gettig Charliegettig002cha18975/25-9/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom18975/1-5/29 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom18976/6-8/25 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Gettman Jakegettma001jac18974/17-8/10 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Gettman Jakegettma001jac18978/20-178 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Gfroerer Olliegfroer001oli18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Ghio Tonyghio--000ton18977/12-7/13+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Ghio Tonyghio--000ton1897 UmpireArkSt ,
Gibbons 1897+5/28- MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Giblin Jamesgiblin001jam18975/18-9/11 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Gibson Algibson001al-18974/19-5/11 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Gibson gibson027---18978/13-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gifford Algiffor001al-18974/19-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Gifford A.C.giffor002a--1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Gilbert Petegilber001pet18974/29-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Gilbert Jackgilber005joh18975/1-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Gilbert Billygilber002wil18975/8 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Gilbert Billygilber002wil18975/20-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Gilbert Billygilber002wil18977/9-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Gilboy Larrygilboy001law18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Gildea Petergildea001pet18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Gildea Petergildea001pet18976/10 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Gildea Petergildea001pet1897 Rochester NHIndependent Rochester, NH
Gilks Bobgilks-001rob18974/227-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Gill Georgegill--003geo18974/27-6/15 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Gill Georgegill--002geo18976/28-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Gill Warrengill--001war1897-01 Wash. Col. (StL)College ,
Gillen Samgillen001sam1897-8/575 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Gillen Samgillen001sam18978/11-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Gillen Thomasgillen001tho18975/1-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Gilligan Thomasgillig003tho189736 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo18974/22-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Gillpatrick Georgegillpa001geo18978/13-  Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Gilman Jimgilman001jim18974/26-6/2 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Gilman Jimgilman001jim18976/4-8/1 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Gilmore gilmor001---18974/30-5/14 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Gilroy Johngilroy001joh18974/26-5/30 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Ging Billyging--001bil1897 NLon-AthleticsIndependent N. London,
Glade Fredglade-001fre1897 Grand Island NEIndependent Grand Island, NE
Glade Philglade-001phi1897 Grand Island NBIndependent Grand Island, NE
Glasscock Jackglassc001jac18974/22-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Gleason Williamgleaso001wil1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Gleister 18975/10- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob18974/21-8/4 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob18978/6-9/4 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Glenn Edglenn-002ed-189721 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Glenn Edglenn-001edw18977/3-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Glick R. F.18977/5-9/6 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Glynn G.1897no g. Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Goar Jotgoar--001jot18974/23-9/20 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Gochnaur Johngochna001joh18975/1-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Godwin Johngodwin001joh1897 ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Godwin godwin001---1897-7/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Goeckel Billygoecke001bil18975/1-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Gonding Johnnygondin001joh18974/29-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Gonzalez gonzal013---18977/14-7/24+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Goodell Docgoodal001doc189745 g. Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Goodenough Billgooden001bil18975/3-5/7 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Goodhart Georgegoodha001geo1897+5/18-9/11 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Goodman goodma006---18976/18-6/26 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Goodwin goodwi001---18977/29-8/11 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Goodwin 1897 EverettIndependent Everett,
Gordon W. A.18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Gordon gordon005---18977/21-7/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Gore Davidgore--001dav1897-7/9 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Gorman Richardgorman001ric18975/13-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Gorton Rogergorton001rog18975/3-5/14 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Gould 18977/20-7/31 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Gourley Silasgourle001sil1897 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Grady Mikegrady-002mic18975/18-5/22 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Grady Mikegrady-002mic18974 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Grady Mikegrady-002mic189784 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Graffius Williamgraffi001wil18974/28-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Graham Jamesgraham001jam18974/26-5/9 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Graham Jamesgraham002jam1897+7/26-8/2+ Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Graham Charliegraham002cha1897-99 Santa Clara Univ.College ,
Graham James?18975/13 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Graham 18977/22-8/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Graham graham021---1897 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Graney Frankgraney001fra1897 CentraliaIndependent Centralia, IL
Graney Frankgraney001fra18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Grant Frankgrant-001fra1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Grant Georgegrant-003geo18975/1-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Grant Angusgrant-001ang189734 g. Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Grant Angusgrant-001ang1897 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Grant Charliegrant-003cha1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Grassman grassm001---18975/31 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Graver Lougraver001lou1897 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Graver Lougraver001lou18977/23-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Graves Frankgraves004fra18975/8-6/19 UmpireWest ,
Graves Frankgraves004fra18976/20-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Graves C.1897 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Gray Billgray--001bil18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Gray Chummygray--001chu18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Gray Rogergray--001rog189731 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Gray gray--062---18977/12-7/13 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Green Dannygreen-001edw18974/29-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Green Reillygreen-067---18976/30-7/22 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Green green-023---189724 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Green green-053---18978/17 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Greene Paddygreene001pat1897 Milford MAIndependent Milford, MA
Greene Paddygreene001pat18977/30 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Greenwald Docgreenw001doc18974/27-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Gregory Raymondgregor001ray18975/6 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Gregory Raymondgregor001ray18975/30-6/16 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Gremminger Edgremmi001lor18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Grey Reddygrey--001rom18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Grey J.grey--001j--18974/19-5/22 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Gribbroeck gribbr001---18976/16-6/22 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Griffin Sandygriffi001san18977/9-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Griffin Percygriffi001per18974/28-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Griffin Percygriffi001per18976/13-7/16+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste18976/28-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Griffith Harry18975/15-8/10 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Grim Jackgrim--001joh18975/1-7/19 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Grim Jackgrim--001joh18979/9-9/12 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Grimes Johngrimes002joh18975/4-7/16 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Grimes Johngrimes002joh18977/28-8/2 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Grimes Johngrimes002joh18978/26-8/29 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Grissinger Weirgrissi001j--1897 Orange NJIndependent Orange, NJ
Grogan Jamesgrogan001jam18977/2-7/8,8/7 UmpireWest ,
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam18974/29-5/25 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Grove Jamesgrove-003jam18976/4-8/15 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Groves Cliffordgroves001cli18976/14-7/11 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Gruber Henrygruber001hen18976/10-9/23 UmpireEast ,
Guese Whiteyguese-001the1897 Wapakoneta OHIndependent Wapakoneta, OH
Guinther 1897+5/21-6/25+ ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Gumbert Robertgumber001rob1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Gunshannon Johngunsha001joh1897-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Gunson Joegunson001joe18974/30-9/18 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Gunther Frankgunthe001fra189751 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---1897 Wake Forest U.College ,
Gwaltney Bobgwaltn001---1897 Wilm.-AtlCoastLineIndependent ,
Gwynn Harry1897+5/19-5/31+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Habel Hermanhabel-001her1897 Detr.-AbbottsDetrCity Detroit, MI
Hach Irvhach--001irv18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Hach Irvhach--001irv18977/1-16 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Hach Irvhach--001irv18977/25-7/31 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Hackett Jimhacket001jam18974/30-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Hafford Frankhaffor001fra1897 Somerville MA HSHS Somerville, MA
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf18978/22-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hagerty Peterhagert001pet18974/27-6/12 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Hahn Noodleshahn--001fra18974/26-9/20 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Haines haines008---1897 CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Halbritter Louishalbri001lou18976/21-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Halbritter Louishalbri001lou18977/27-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Hale hale--008---1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Haley H.A.haley-001h--18978/8-8/12 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Haley John1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Hall Williamhall--008wil18975/15-7/2 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Hall Williamhall--008wil18977/17-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Hall Williamhall--008wil1897 Nashua?Independent Nashua,
Hall Rayhall--003ray18975/1-5/19 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Hall Rayhall--003ray18975/29-6/3 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Hall Russhall--011rob18974/17-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Hall Williamhall--007wil18977/22-8/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Haller Frankhaller002fra18974/26-6/3 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Halligan Jockohallig001joc1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsIndependent Hamilton, ON
Hallman Billhallma001wil18974/28-5/6 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hallman Billhallma001wil18976/14-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Hallowell Wilmerhallow001wil1897 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Hallowell Wilmerhallow001wil18976/18-7/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Hallowell Wilmerhallow001wil18978/2-8/6 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha18974/28-7/15 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha18977/16-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Handiboe Jimhandib001jim18974/24 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--18975/1 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--1897 ShamrocksIndependent ,
Hanford Chiphanfor002cha1897 ,
Hanna Timhanna-001tim1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Hanna Timhanna-001tim18976/28-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Hannan Jameshannan002jam18977/14-7/20 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Hannegan hanneg001---18976/23-6/25 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat18974/29-10 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat1897 BrattleboroIndependent Brattleboro, MA
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat18977/1-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Hannivan Pathanniv001pat1897-10/2 BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Hanrahan Billyhanrah001wil18977/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm1897 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Hanscomb Eddiehansco001edm18978/10-8/18 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Hanson Georgehansen002geo18975/1-7/3 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Hanson hanson015---18977/26 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hardesty Scotthardes002sco18975/10-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Hardin Earlhardin002ear1897 Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Hardy Claudehardy-001cla18974/19-5/4 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Hardy Claudehardy-001cla18976/22-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Hardy Claudehardy-001cla18977/15-7/27 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Hardy Claudehardy-001cla18977/29-8/18  Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav189710 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Hardy Alexhardy-001dav1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Hardy Ellishardy-001ell18978/1 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Hargrove Billyhargro002wil18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Harkins Redharkin001red18974/19-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Harley Dickharley001ric1897 Georgetown Univ.College ,
Harley Dickharley001ric18974/30-5/29 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Harley Dickharley001ric18976/2-373 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Harlow Conharlow001con18974/19-5/2 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Harlow Conharlow001con18975/8-5/15 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Harper Georgeharper003joh18974/29-9/15 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Harper Jackharper003cha1897 LimaOhSt Lima, OH
Harper harper001---18974/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Harrington Joeharrin001joe18975/8-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Harris Charlieharris012cha1897-99 Mercer CollegeCollege ,
Harris F.W.harris002f--18976/4-6/12 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Harris Joeyharris002joe18975/15-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Harris 1897+6/25+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Harris 1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Harrison Eldredharris000eld1897 Sedalia MO Sedalia, MO
Hart Billyhart--003bil18978/13-9/9 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Hart Jimmyhart--003jam18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Hart Williamhart--010wil1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Hart hart--008---1897+5/3-5/8+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Hartman Fredhartma003fre1897297 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Hartman Williamhartma001wil1897126 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Hartman Williamhartma001wil18978/11 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hartman hartma001---18975/26-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hartsel Topsyhartse001tul18974/29-5/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Hartsel Topsyhartse001tul1897 LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv18975/4-5/24 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv18976/10-6/26 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Harvey Zazaharvey001erv1897 Sacramento CAIndependent Sacramento, CA
Haskell Jackhaskel001jac18974/22-9/21 UmpireWest ,
Hassamaer Billhassam001bil18975/3-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Hastings Arthastin001art1897+5/18-5 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Hastings J.R.hastin001j--1897-7/321 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18974/21-6/13 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil18976/22-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Hauptman Harryhauptm001har1897 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Hauptman Harryhauptm001har1897 TrentonIndependent Trenton, NJ
Hausen Billhausen001hom18978/24-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Haverty havert001---18976/11 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hawkins R.L.hawkin000rl-1897 Univ. of MissouriCollege ,
Hawkins hawkin012---1897+7/7-7/31+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Hawley Marvinhawley001sco18975/1-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Hawley hawley005---1897+7/13+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Hayden Jackhayden001joh1897 VillanovaCollege ,
Hayes Nedhayes-001ned18975/20-6/11 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Hayes Geraldhayes-001ger1897 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hayes Geraldhayes-001ger18977/22-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hayes Tomhayes-001tom18974/18-5/27 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Hayes Tomhayes-001tom18975/31-6/9 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hayes Tomhayes-001tom18976/15-6/30 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Hayes Tomhayes-001tom18977/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Hayward Williamhaywar001wil18975/15-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Hazelton Dochazlet001wil1897-98 Tufts UniversityCollege ,
Healey Peterhealey001pet18974/29-9/12 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Healey Hobohealey001hob1897+9/10+ Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Heberling W.heberl001w--18976/23-7/5 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Hechman J.1897 PortsmouthVa Portsmouth, VA
Hecht Alhecht-001al-1897 AshtabulaIndependent Ashtabula, OH
Heck Edheck--004---1897 WinchesterKsSt Winchester,
Hecker Guyhecker001guy18975/10-6/20 CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Hecker Guyhecker001guy18976/21-7/4 Deni.-UhrichsvilleOh-WV Denison, TX
Heckert George1897 York PA areaIndependent York, PA
Heffernan Jimmieheffer001jam1897 Williams CollegeCollege ,
Heidrick Emmetheidri001joh18974/26-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Heine Billheine-001wil18974/26-6/7 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Heine Billheine-001wil18976/9-6/21 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Heine Billheine-001wil18976/26-7/5 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil18977/28- Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil18977/31-8/7 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Heine Billheine-001wil1897-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Helberger Charleshelber001cha1897 Maysville KYIndependent Maysville, KY
Helberger Charleshelber001cha1897 Mt. SterlingBlueGrass Mt. Sterling, KY
Hellman Johnhellma001joh1897+6/21-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Hellman Johnhellma001joh18978/5- Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha1897no g. Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Hemphill Charliehemphi001cha1897no g. Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hemphill Frankhemphi001fra1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Hempleman Frankhemple001fra18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Hendricks Hubhendri001hub1897-9/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Hendricks John1897 Chic.-Independent Chicago, IL
Heneger/Henninger henege001---18976/10-6/13 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Henley Williamhenley002wil18977 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Henry Georgehenry-002geo18975/1-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw18975/7-6/17 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw18977/1- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw1897-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Henry Charleshenry-005cha1897 VinelandSouth New Jersey League Vineland, NJ
Henry henry-001---1897+5/19-5/27+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Hepting Harryheptin001har18975/19-6/17 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Hepting Harryheptin001har18977/24-8/28+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Herald Dutchherold001---1897+7/4+ Pari.-CrescentsIndependent Paris,
Herald Dutchherold001---18977/14-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Herbert Harryherber001har18975/4-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Herbert Frankherber001fra18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Herbrand Charlesherbra001cha1897 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Herdic Peter18976/11-7/6 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Herman Artherman001art1897-5/203 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Herman Artherman001art18976/1-9/20 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Herndon Josephherndo001jos18974/30-5/14 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Herndon Josephherndo001jos18975/24-7/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hernon Tomhernon001tom18975/1-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Hernon Tomhernon001tom18979/13-9/15 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Herr Eddieherr--002edw18975/22-9/23 Fort Wayne IndiansIntSt Fort Wayne, IN
Herrington Walterherrin001wal18974/27-8/1 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Herrold J. E.18975/15-6/25 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Herrold J. E.18976/26-8/7 Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Hertzner 18975/12- ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Herwig Johnherwig001joh18975/1-5/17 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Herwig Johnherwig001joh18975/19 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Herwig Johnherwig001joh18975/26-6/14 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Herwig Johnherwig001joh1897+8/17+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Hess Jackhess--003joh18974/17-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hess Tomhess--001tho18974/17-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hess Harryhess--004har1897+5/18-6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Hessler hessle001---18975/28-5/29 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hessley G.1897 Elizabeth NJ Elizabeth, NJ
Hetler Theodorehetler001the18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Hewer Jameshewer-001jam18975/19- Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Hewitt Jakehewitt001jak18975/6-9/23 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Hewitt Bart1897preseason Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hewitt hewitt009---18975/29-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Heydon Mikeheydon001mic18974/28-6/10 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Heydon Mikeheydon001mic18977/16-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hiberger Georgehiberg000geo18974/29 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hickey Mikehickey001mik18975/1-6/1 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Hickey Mikehickey001mik1897-7/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Hickey Mikehickey001mik189753 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Hickey Mikehickey001mik1897 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Hickey Mikehickey001mik1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Hickey Eddiehickey001edw18974/29-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Hickey Morrishickey001mor18975/15-9/10+ Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Hickey Ed18976/- UmpireTexas ,
Hickey hickey005---18976/4-6/25 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hickman Charliehickma004cha1897 West Virginia U.College ,
Hickman Charliehickma004cha18974/27-7/17 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Hickman Charliehickma004cha18979/8-2 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hicks Rowehicks-001row1897 SuffolkIndependent Suffolk, VA
Hilford hilfor001---1897+7/7 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Hill Beldenhill--003bel18974/29-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Hill Billhill--002bil18974/18-81 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Hill Alberthill--002alb18975/17+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Hill Oscarhill--001osc18975/4-5/27 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hill Oscarhill--001osc18976/25-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Hill Wileyhill--012wil18974/17-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Hill Eddiehill--002edw18975/20-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Hill Arthurhill--002art18975/26-6/12 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hill Fredhill--004fre18976/30 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Hill Reesehill--001ree1897preseason St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Hill Reesehill--001ree18975/6-6/7 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Hill hill--038---1897+5/4-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Hill hill--057---18977/24-8/2 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Hillebrand Arthurhilleb001art1897-99 Princeton Univ.College ,
Himes Jackhimes-001joh1897 Joliet-StandardsIndependent Joliet, IL
Hine hine--001---18977/22 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun18974/22-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Hines hines-015---18977/29 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Hines hines-039---1897+8/4+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Hines hines-007---18978/21 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Hinton Johnhinton001joh1897 AltoonaIndependent Altoona, PA
Hitchner George1897 SoNJ ,
Hite 18975/10- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Hoar hoar--002---18977/4-7/25 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Hobrecht Mikehobrec001mik18974/17-6/17 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Hobrecht Mikehobrig001mic18976/24-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Hodge Charleshodge-001c--1897-7/5 Pine Bluff ARIndependent Pine Bluff, AR
Hodge Charleshodge-001c--18977/8-8/17 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Hodge Ernesthodge-001ern18974/27-6/22 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Hodge Ernesthodge-001ern18977/3-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Hodgkinson Willhodgki001wil18975/7-5/10 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hodgkinson Willhodgki001wil1897+6/25+ ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18974/29-9/22 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Hoffman Edwardhoffma006edw18975/15-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes18974/27-5/12 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes18975/25-7/23 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Hoffmeister Jessehoffme002jes18977/24-48 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Hoffner Williamhoffne002wil189759 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Hoffner Harry1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor18978/2 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Hogan Martyhogan-002mar18975/8-5/11 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hogan Martyhogan-002mar18975/19-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Hogan hogan-020---18975/16 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Holbert Speck1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Holland Willhollan007wil1897+8/4+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Holland Willhollan007wil18979/14-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Holland Billyhollan001bil1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Holland Billyhollan001bil1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Holland hollan022---18977/12-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal18974/28-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Hollis Harveyhollis001har1897-00 ,
Hollister hollis004---18975/19-5/20 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Holloway hollow007---18977/16-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Holman A.D.holman001a--18975/14-? London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Holmes Duckyholmes003jam18978/25-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Holmes Fredholmes001fre1897 Chic.-Independent Chicago, IL
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam1897 ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Honeyman Jameshoneym001jam1897 ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Hontz 1897no g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--18975/28- HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--18976/25-7/5 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Hooker Ernesthooker001e--18978/27-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Hooker hooker007---18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Hoover Edwinhoover001edw18974/17-5/13 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hoover Edwinhoover001edw18975/14-6/23 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Hoover Edwinhoover001edw18976/24-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Hopkins George1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Hopkins J.D.hopkin002j--18976/15-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hopkins J.D.hopkin002j--18976/15-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Horan P.J.horan-001p--1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Horan P.J.horan-001p--18976/28-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Horner Jackhorner002jac18975/3-6/23 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Hornsby hornsb003---18975/26-5/29 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Hornung Joehornun001mik18975/13-5/24 UmpireNYSt ,
Hornung Joehornun001mik18976/12-7/7 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Hornung Joehornun001mik18977/10-9/11 UmpireNYSt ,
Horton Elmerhorton002elm18978/13-8/28 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Horton Elmerhorton002elm18979/6-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Horton horton001---18977/9- Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Houghkirk houghk001---18975/4-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Houle Dennishoule-001den18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Houle Dennishoule-001den18977/7-9/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Houle Dennishoule-001den1897 Staunton Va? Staunton, VA
Houlihan houlih001---18975/27-6/22 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Houlihan houlih001---18976/23-7/24 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Houlihan houlih001---18977/30-8/9 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
House 18978/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Householder Edhouseh001edw1897no g. CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
Householder Edhouseh001edw1897 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, NJ
Householder Edhouseh001edw18978/28-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Householder William18975/30-  Freeport WIIndependent Freeport, WI
Houseman Johnhousem002joh1897-10/380 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Houser Samhouser000sam18975/7-5/12 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Houser Sam18975/7-5/12 Fort Wayne IndiansIntSt Fort Wayne, IN
Howard Berthoward002ber1897+5/1-7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Howard Berthoward002ber1897 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Howard Charles1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Howard Elmerhoward000elm1897 Kenney ILIndependent Kenney, IL
Howe Henryhowe--001hen18976/4-6/12 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Howe Henryhowe--001hen18977/4-7/11  Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Howe Henryhowe--001hen1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Howell Harryhowell001hen1897 NLon-AthleticsIndependent N. London,
Howells Billyhowell005wil1897+5/12- Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Howells Billyhowell005wil1897 CoperstownIndependent Coperstown, NY
Hoyt hoyt--003---18977/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Hubbard Joehubbar002joh18978/19-9/25 UmpireIntSt ,
Huelsman Frankhuelsm001fra189710/3-2 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Huff Georgehuff--002geo18976/2-9/10 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Hughes Jayhughes008jam1897 Sacr.-Gilt EdgeIndependent Sacramento, CA
Hughes C.hughes002c--18975/1-6/11 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Hughes J.1897 ZanesvilleIndependent Zanesville, OH
Hughes hughes002---189710 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Hughes hughes030---18975/22 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Hughes hughes033---18977/8 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Hughes 1897 NLon.-AthleticsIndependent N. London,
Hulen Billyhulen-001bil18974/26-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Humberger? Charles1897no g. CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
Hunt John18975/1-9/11 UmpireNE ,
Hunt H.hunt--001h--18975/1-6/15 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Hunt hunt--018---18976/21-6/22 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hunter S.A.hunter001s--1897 MarionINIndependent Marion, IN
Hurd hurd--002---18976/23-6/29 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Hurlburt Edhurlbu001edw1897 Memphis ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Hurley Jerryhurley001jer1897 Utica? Utica, NY
Husting Berthustin001ber1897 Kewaunee WI Kewaunee, WI
Husting Berthustin001ber1897 Fond du Lac WIIndependent Fond du Lac, WI
Huston Jackhuston001jac18974/17-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hutchins Clarencehutchi002cla189729 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-18974/29-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Hutchinson Petehutchi001pet18975/15-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil1897-5/206 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil18975/31-9/16 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Hutton Charleshutton001cha18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Hyde Harryhyde--000har1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Imig John1897 ,
Ingram Dummy1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Inks Bertinks--001ber18974/30-6/15 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Inks Bertinks--001ber18976/27-7/6 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Ireland Benirelan001ben1897+5/5-6/28+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Ireland Benirelan001ben1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Irwin Arthurirwin-001art1897 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh18975/1-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Irwin Thomasirwin-004tho1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Irwin Thomasirwin-004tho18979/6-9/22 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Isaacs Irwinisaacs001irw18975/4-6/15 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Isaacs Irwinisaacs001irw18976/18-8/3 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Isbell Frankisbell001wil18975/14-9/17 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Ivers Tomivers-001tho18975/19-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Ives Robertives--001rob1897-99 Brown UniversityCollege ,
Jacklitsch Fredjackli001fre18977/11 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Jacks Aljacks-001al-1897 LaGrange TXIndependent LaGrange, TX
Jacks Aljacks-001al-18974/17-8/5+ UmpireTx ,
Jackson Jimjackso002jam1897 Chester PAIndependent Chester, PA
Jackson Robert1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jackson jackso010---18974/30-6/14 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Jacob Mikejacobs001mor18975/5-7/26 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Jacob Mikejacobs001mor18977/29-8/11+ Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Jacobs Carljacobs001car1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Jacobs M.jacobs001m--18977/16 AlbionIndependent Albion, NY
Jacobs jacobs014---18976/11-6/18 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Jahnke Charlesjahnke001cha18975/26-6/28 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Jahnke Charlesjahnke001cha18977/2-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Jahns J.P.jahns-001j--1897+5/18-5/29 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
James james-001---18975/12-6/5 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Jamieson Jackjamies001jac1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Jamieson F. O.1897 MoSt ,
Janes janes-001---18974/19-5/6 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Jantzen Dukejantze001a--18974/17-5/4 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Jarvis jarvis002---18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Jayne Ladyjayne-001lad1897 Princeton Univ.College ,
Jayne Ladyjayne-001lad18976/4 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Jayne Ladyjayne-001lad18977/7-8/26 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Jenkins Jonnie1897 Mexico MOIndependent Mexico, MO
Jennings Georgejennin001geo1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Jennings Georgejennin001geo1897 Waterloo IACoLeague Waterloo, IA
Jess Edjess--001ed-18977/24-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Jessup Clarencejessup001cla18979/18-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre18977/9-8/12 UmpireWestA ,
Jewell Charles18974/28-5/18 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Jobe Johnjobe--002joh18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Johns J.P.johns-001j--1897 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Johnson Leftyjohnso037wil18976/15-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb1897-8/1248 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Johnson Abbiejohnso002abb18979/1-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Johnson Loujohnso026joh18974/22-4/25 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Johnson Loujohnso026joh18975/21-6/8 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Johnson Loujohnso026joh1897 HamiltonIndependent Hamilton, MO
Johnson Youngyjohnso002you18974/29-6/18 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Johnson Grantjohnso003gra1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Johnson Thomasjohnso007tho18976/24-7/17 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Johnson Thomasjohnso007tho18978/9-9/22 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Johnson Chappiejohnso025cha1897 Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Johnson Guyjohnso003guy1897 Kalamazoo Col.College ,
Johnson Guyjohnso003guy18976/12-6/22 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Johnson Richard18977/- HerringtonIndependent Herrington, KS
Johnson Guyjohnso004guy18977/5-7/21 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Johnson J.johnso008j--1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Johnson Lutejohnso002lut189736 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Johnson johnso143---18974/17-  Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Johnson johnso062---18977/29-8/9 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Johnston Billjohnst004wil1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Johnston Billjohnst004wil1897 Jeannette PAIndependent Jeannette, PA
Johnstone Jimjohnst001jim18974/26-5/15 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Johnstone Lesliejohnst001les1897 Edgewoods CTIndependent Edgewoods, CT
Johnstone Lesliejohnst001les1897-7/16 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Jones Charleyjones-018cha18974/26-5/17 UmpireAtl ,
Jones Alexjones-002ale18974/26-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Jones Bumpusjones-011cha18974/23-9/19 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Jones Fielderjones-001fie18971548 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Jones Budjones-131---1897 Flandreau SDIndependent Flandreau, SD
Jones Charliejones-005cha1897 ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Jones Jimjones-022jam18974/20-5/28 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Jones Jimjones-022jam18976/29-2 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Jones Jimjones-022jam1897+7/17 Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Jones Willisjones-041wil1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jones Cowboyjones-003alb18974/23-6/16 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Jones Bertjones-001ber1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Jones jones-088---18975/13-12 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Jones 18978/5-8/6 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Jones jones-088---189712 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Jones jones-023---1897-7/7 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Jordan Charliejordan003cha18974/27-6/23 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Jordan Charliejordan003cha18976/30-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Jordan Charliejordan003cha18977/14-8/3 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Jordan Charliejordan003cha18978/6 BathIndependent Bath, NY
Jordan Charliejordan003cha189711 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Jordan Harryjordan002har18974/27-9/23 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Jordan Robert1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Joss Addiejoss--001adr18974 g. Juneau WIIndependent Juneau, WI
Joyce P.J.joyce-001p--1897 Holy Ghost Col.College ,
Joyner William1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Juntgen Herman1897no g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Justice Mauricejustic001mau18979/14-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Justin Walterjustin001wal1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Kagey Edkagey-001edw18974/23-5/12 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Kagey Edkagey-001edw18976/1-7/27 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Kahoe Mikekahoe-001mic18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Kain Charleskain--001cha18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Kaiser Fredkaiser001fre1897 Brooklyn FieldIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Kalkhoff Georgekalkho002geo18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Kalrely kalrel001---18979/4-9/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Kanaley Charleskanale001cha18976/3-7/7 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Kane Ambrosekane--001amb1897 Whitman MAIndependent Whitman, MA
Kane Henrykane--002hen18975/20-6/11 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Kane Henrykane--002hen18976/16-6/21 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Kane S.kane--001s--1897+5/21-6/17+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Kane Tomkane--001tom18974/29-7/28 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Kane Tomkane--001tom18978/1-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Katoll Jackkatoll001joh1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Katz Joekatz--002jos18974/27-9/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Kaufman kaufma007---1897-7/6 Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Kavanaugh Philkavana001phi1897 StL.-LibertyIndependent St. Louis, MO
Kearns Charleskearns001cha18975/20-6/19 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Kearns kearns001---18976/11-6/12 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Keas Georgekeas--001geo18976/24-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Keater 18978/20-8/21 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Keator H. M.1897 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Keefe Timkeefe-002tim18974/29-8/12 UmpireEast ,
Keefe Georgekeefe-002geo18974/7-8/6 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Keefe Timkeefe-001tim18975/26-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Keefe Timkeefe-001tim18978/22-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Keefe John18975/12-9/21 UmpireIntSt ,
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid18975/2-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Keenan Harrykeenan000har18974/28-9/13. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Keenan Joekeenan001jos18975/15-6/5 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Keenan Joekeenan001jos189741 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Keenan Joekeenan001jos18979/10-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Keener Harrykeener001har18974/27-5/5 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Keener Harrykeener001har18975/18-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Keffer keffer001---18978/9-8/12 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Kehoe Mikekehoe-002mik1897 Montgomery?So Montgomery, AL
Keister Billkeiste001wil18974/26-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Kelb Georgekelb--002geo18975/7-9/18 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Kellackey Hughkellac001hug1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Kellackey Hughkellac001hug1897+5/20- ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Kellackey Hughkellac001hug1897+6/25+ Twin CitiesOh-WV Twin Cities,
Kellam 1897 Washington IN Washington, IN
Kellam 18977/25- Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Kelley Mikekelley002mic18975/1-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Kelley kelley018---18977/19-8/10 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Kelley kelley018---1897 Lehighton PAIndependent Lehighton, PA
Kelley 18975/8-5/27 UmpireNE ,
Kelliher Mauricekellih001mau1897-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kellner Albertkellne001alb18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Kellner Albertkellne001alb18976/19-7/19 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Kellner Albertkellne001alb18977/25-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Kellum Winkellum001win18975/1-7/15 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Kellum Winkellum001win18977/25-7/29 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Kellum Winkellum001win18978/9-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Kelly Kickkelly-001kic1897-9/1839 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo18975/1-6/26 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo18977/9-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Kelly Johnkelly-014joh18975/15 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Kelly Johnkelly-014joh18975/22-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Kelly Johnkelly-014joh18977/15-9/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Kelly Williamkelly-015wil18975/14-5/27 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Kelly kelly-080---1897 Fordham ColCollege ,
Kelly A.kelly-003a--1897+5/12-5/23+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Kelly Charleskelly-005cha18975/31-6/2 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Kelly Charleskelly-005cha18977/6-7/9 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Kelly Charleskelly-005cha18977/13-7/27 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Kelly 18976/21-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Kelly kelly-102---1897-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil18974/17-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil18977/15-7/28 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Kemmer Billkemmer001wil18977/29-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Kennedy Dockenned001doc18974/29-5/24 UmpireEast ,
Kennedy Dockenned001doc18977/3-7/10 UmpireEast ,
Kennedy Albertkenned002alb18974/29-9/21 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Kennedy Charleskenned001cha1897-9/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Kennedy 18976/24- ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Kennelly Williamkennel003wil1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh1897 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Kerin Johnkerin-001joh18977/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Kern Alkern--001alv18974/17-5/7 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Kern kern--002---18979/11 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Kerr kerr--003---18975/6 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Kerr kerr--015---18975/14 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Kershaw Williamkersha001wil189723 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Kerwin kerwin005---18974/28-4/30 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Ketchell ketche001---1897 Cent ,
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre1897 Cent ,
Ketchum Fredketchu001fre18976/3-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Kiernan Peterkierna001pet1897 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Kihm Georgekihm--001geo18974/27-9/26 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Kildea kildea001---18978/28-8/31 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Killeen Henrykillee002hen18977/30-9/17 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Killeen Henrykillee002hen18975/20-7/3 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Kilroy W.1897 Phil.-RichmondIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh18975/13 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh18975/21-7/15 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh18977/26-7/29 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Kimerer Clemkimere001cle18974/17-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
King Huskyking--002h--1897 AlbuquerqueIndependent Albuquerque, NM
King Frankking--000f--18974/27-5/6 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
King Howardking--002how1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Kinloch Billykinloc001bil18974/29-8/10 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Kinsella Larrykinsel001law18974/26-8/9 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Kirton A.kirton001---18974/27-4/29 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Kissinger Billkissin001bil1897-6/1014 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Kissinger Billkissin001bil18977/3-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Kitson Frankkitson001fra18974/29-8/11 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Kitson Frankkitson001fra18979/4-9/10 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Kline kline-001---18977/17-9/16 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Kling Billkling-001bil18975/6-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Kling Rudykling-001rud1897 CentraliaIndependent Centralia, IL
Kling Rudykling-001rud18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Kling Johnnykling-001joh18976/14-7/3 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre189791 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus18974/17-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Klusman Billyklusma001bil18974/29-9/21 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Knapp A.J.knapp-001a--1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Knau Louisknau--001lou18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Knau Louisknau--001lou18978/27-9/6 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Knepper Charliekneppe002cha18975/1-5/8 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Knight Joeknight002jos18974/29-9/18 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul18974/22-5/7 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul18975/29-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Knoll Juliusknoll-001jul18978/9-8/11 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Knorr Jackknorr-001joh18976/4-9/8 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18975/14-6/5 UmpireEast ,
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim1897 UmpireAtl ,
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18976/19-6/26 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Knowlton Arnoldknowlt001arn1897+5/3-5/16+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Knowlton Arnoldknowlt001arn1897 Belleville ClerksIndependent Belleville, IL
Knox Dickknox--002ric1897 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Knox Henryknox--001hen18974/20-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Kohnle Willkohnle001wil18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Kohnle Willkohnle001wil18978/11-  Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Koneley konele001---18979/1- Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Korwan Jimkorwan001jim1897-7/175 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Korwan Jimkorwan001jim18977/30-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Kossuch Fredkossuc001fre1897+6/12+ Detr.-Buick & Sherwood Detroit, MI
Kossuch Fredkossuc001fre1897+9/19+ Detr.-East SidesIndependent Detroit, MI
Kostal Joekostal001jos18975/1-7/18 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Kraus Frankkraus-001fra1897 ,
Krause Charliekrause001cha1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Krehmeyer Charliekrehme001cha1897no g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Kress Alexanderkress-000ale18974/27-4/29 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18975/1-8/9 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18978/20-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Krueger Ernestkruege002ern1897+5/26+ MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Krueger J.kruege001j--1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Kuehne Billkuehne001bil18974/22-9/11 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam18974/29 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam18975/18-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha18976/4 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha18976/12-7/2 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha18978/20-8/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001---18979/7-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Kulp Frankkulp--001fra18976/4-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Kyle kyle--005---1897-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Kyle kyle--005---18976/13-6/14+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Kyle kyle--011---1897+7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Kylen kylen-001---18979/7-9/20 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
LaBarge labarg001---1897no g. Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Labelle Hanklabell001hen18975/27- CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Labelle Hanklabell001hen18977/1-9/14 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Ladd Hiladd--001art18975/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Lafferty laffer001---18979/- Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Lafleur Johnlafleu001joh1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Lafleur Johnlafleu001joh1897+9/19+ ManitowocIndependent Manitowoc, WI
Lajoie Naplajoie001nap1897251 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Lake Fredlake--001fre18974/22-6/13 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lake Fredlake--001fre189719 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lally Danlally-001dan18974/22-5/25 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lally Danlally-001dan1897-9/1987 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Lally Frank1897no g. Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Lally John18974/22-7/5 UmpireWest ,
Lally Donaldlally-001don18978 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Lally Donaldlally-001don18977/14-9/3 UmpireIntSt ,
Lambert Williamlamber002wil1897 Pine City MNIndependent Pine City, MN
Lambert lamber007---18977/8 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Lamkin Adlamkin001ad-1897 PuebloColoSt Pueblo, CO
Lamont C.lamont001c--18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Lampe Henrylampe-001hen18975/1-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Land Gusland--001gus18974/17-5/20 UmpireTx ,
Landes landes001---18976/14 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Landgraf Ernestlandgr001ern1897 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Lange Fredlange-001fre1897 Oakl.-RelianceCaWinter Oakland, CA
Langsford Boblangsf001bob1897+5/5-5/31+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Langsford Boblangsf001bob18976/20-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
LaPorte Franklaport002fra1897 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Larberer larber001---18976/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Larkin J.J.larkin001j--18975/14-8/14 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Latham Arlielatham002wal189791 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Latham latham006---1897+8/4-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Latimer Tackslatime001cli1897 ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Latimer Tackslatime001cli18978/7-8/18 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lauder Georgelauder001geo18975/4-5/15 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Lauder Billylauder001wil1897 Brown Univ.College ,
Lauder Billylauder001wil18978/17-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Lauer Augustlauer-001aug18975/5-5/21 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Lauer Augustlauer-001aug189756 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Laughlin Eddie1897-00 Harvard Univ.College ,
Laughlin laughl001---1897 Woodstock VAValley Woodstock, VA
Lautenbach A.H.lauten001a--18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Lauterborn Billlauter001wil18977/14-8/11 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Lauzon Edlauzon001edw1897 Mobi.-MobiCity Mobile, AL
Lavelle Peterlavell001pet18976/29-6/30 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Law law---002---18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Lawler Jacklawler003joh1897-9/ DarbyCtSt Darby, CT
Lawler Joelawler001joe18978/25-8/26 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Lawler lawler004---18978/24-9/11 Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh1897 Middletown NYIndependent Middletown, NY
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh18975/30 Hoboken NJIndependent Hoboken, NJ
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh1897 Hack.-Oritani FieldIndependent Hackensack, NJ
Lawrence Mikelawren001mic18974/17-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Lawshe lawshe001---18975/28 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Lawson Allawson001al-1897 No. Adams MAIndependent North Adams, MA
Lawson G.lawson001g--1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Lawson Billylawson001wil18975/- Seneca FallsIndependent Seneca Falls, NY
Lawson Andy1897 Lawrence MAIndependent Lawrence, MA
Lawson Boblawson003rob1897-99 U. of North CarolinaCollege ,
Leach Tommyleach-001tho18975/21-5/30 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Leach Tommyleach-001tho1897 Geneva OHIndependent Geneva, OH
Leach Tom?1897+6/11- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Leadley Bobleadle001rob1897 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Leahy Tomleahy-002tho18975/18-43 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Leahy Danleahy-002dan18974/26-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Lear Williamlear--001wil1897 CPa ,
Leary leary-008---18979/3 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Lee Eddielee---002edd18977/9-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Lee Farmer18978/13 BathIndependent Bath, NY
Lee Farmer18979/ CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Lee Georgelee---001geo1897 Toro.-RedStockingsAmateur Toronto, ON
Lee Jacklee---003joh1897 Clev.-StandardsIndependent Cleveland, OH
Lee Jameslee---008jam18972 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Lee 18978/13 BathIndependent Bath, NY
Leeson Jack?18975/13- ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Leever Samleever001sam18974/28-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Leftwich 1897+9/3+ UmpireVa ,
Lehrman lehrma004---1897 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, NJ
Lehrman lehrma004---18978/30-9/4 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Leidy Georgeleidy-002geo18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Leighton Johnleight002joh18975/4-6/25 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Leighton Johnleight002joh18977/12-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Leighton Jimleight001jam1897 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Leighton leight004---1897+5/18-23 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Leighton 1897 Chicago Univ.College ,
Leighton leight003---18977/9 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Leiper leiper001---1897+6/5-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Lemons Harrylemons001har18975/26-7/1 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Lemons Harrylemons001har1897+7/22-7/31+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
LeRett Oliverlerett001oli18975/13-6/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
LeRett Oliverlerett001oli18979/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Lestage 18978/10 Richfield SprsNYIndependent Richfield Springs, NY
Letcher Tomletche001tom18974/29-5/26 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Letcher Tomletche001tom18975/28-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Lever Johnlever-001joh18974/26-4/27 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Lever Johnlever-001joh18975/15-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Lewee Edlewee-001edw18974/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Lewis Tedlewis-001edw1897138 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Lewis Dick1897 BellvilleIndependent Bellville, IL
Lewis Dick18977/5-  Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Lewis lewis-058---18975/31 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Lewis lewis-040---18978/12 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Lincoln Ezralincol001ezr1897-98 ,
Lindsay William?1897+6/10- ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Lipe Perrylipe--001per1897-98 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom18975/5-5/30 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom1897+6/16-9/14 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Lipp Tomlipp--001tom18979/18 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Lippert Louislipper001lou18974/22-4/25 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Lippert Louislipper001lou18975/14-8/3 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Lippert Louislipper001lou18978/16-9/9 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Lipsey Danlipsey002dan18977/5-8/10 Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Lipsey Danlipsey002dan1897postseason Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Littermore J.1897no g. Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Litz Abelitz--002abr18974/19-5/21 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Lizotte Abellizott001abe18974/29-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Lizotte Josephlizott001jos18975/26-7/3 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Lloyd Harrylloyd-002har1897 Cinc.-?Independent Cincinnati, OH
Lloyd Bertlloyd-001ber18975/22 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Lloyd Bertlloyd-001ber18976/4-7/5 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Lloyd Bertlloyd-001ber18977/9-9/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Locke Franklocke-001fra18975/12-22 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Locke Franklocke-001fra1897 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Loftus Tomloftus002tom18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Loftus loftus001---1897+6/5-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos18974/30-6/6 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos18976/16-6/18 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Lohman Petelohman001geo18974/29-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Lohr Franklohr--001fra1897+9/29+ Freeport ILIndependent Freeport, IL
Loman Royloman-001roy18974/8-  Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Long Billylong--001bil18975/20-7/5 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Long Billylong--001bil18977/22 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Long Jimlong--002jim18975/1-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Long Dennylong--002den18979/2-9/3 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Long J.long--005j--18975/30-6/15 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Long W.long--003w--18976/2 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Long long--010---1897 WestminsterCollege ,
Loos Peteloos--001iva1897-00 Ursinus Col.College ,
Losche Albert1897no g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Love E. T.1897no g. CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
Lovelock 1897 ,
Lowney Dennislowney001dan1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Lowrey/ery C.lowrey001c--1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Luby Patluby--001pat1897 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Luby Patluby--001pat18975/28-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Luby Patluby--001pat18978/4-8/6 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Luby Patluby--001pat18978/17-9/10 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Lucas Jameslucas-004jam18978/24-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Luce H.1897 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Lucid Conlucid-001con18975/31-7/5 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Lucid Conlucid-001con1897-8/156 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Luckey Howardluckey001how1897 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Luckey Howardluckey001how1897 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
Luckey Howardluckey001how18978/6 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Luinic F.1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Lush Billylush--001wil18973 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Lush Billylush--001wil18975/3-9/18 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Luskey Charlieluskey001cha18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Lussa lussa-001---18975/21 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Lutenberg Lukelutenb001luk18975/8-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen18974/29- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen1897-8/27 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Lynch Patricklynch-002pat18975/1-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Lynch Patricklynch-002pat18976/13-7/16+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Lynch Patricklynch-002pat1897no g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Lynch Mikelynch-003mic1897 Minn.-Independent Minneapolis, MN
Lynch Edlynch-002edw18974/27-9/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Lynch J.M.lynch-002j--18975/15-5/18 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Lyndon Joseph1897 UmpireCanadian ,
Lyndon Joseph18977/2 UmpireEast ,
Lynn lynn--003---18976/23-6/26 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Lynot Patricklynot-001pat18975/14-5/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Lyons Dennylyons-002den1897-7/2337 g.  PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18974/29-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Lyons Tobylyons-001tob1897 UmpireCollege ,
Lyons Walterlyons-001wal18974/27-6/30 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Lyons Walterlyons-001wal18977/1-9/26 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Lyons Arthurlyons-001art18975/26-5/29 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Lyons Dollylyons-001dol1897-8/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Lyons Dollylyons-001dol1897 NLon.-AthleticsIndependent N. London,
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18975/5-5/27 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18976/6-6/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18976/25-6/26 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18977/26 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18977/2-7/31 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad18978/6-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Maag Charles1897 Canton BergersIndependent Canton, OH
Macado macado000---1897+7/17-7/26+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Mace Harrymace--002har18977/13-8/8 UmpireAtl ,
MacGamwell Edmcgamw002edw18977 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
MacGamwell Edmcgamw002edw18977/19-9/10 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
MacGamwell Williammcgamw001wil18976/2 No. Buffalo NYIndependent North Buffalo, NY
Mack Conniemack--001con18975/1-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Mack Reddymack--001red18975/22-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Mackenzie Williammacken002wil18975/5-5/20 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Mackey Billymackey003wil18975/20-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Mackey Edmackey001a--18976/17-8/10+ UmpireTx ,
Mackey Edwardmackey002edw1897 Galion OHIndependent Galion, OH
Mackey Edwardmackey002edw1897 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Mackey Edwardmackey002edw18976/6-  LimaIndependent Lima, OH
Mackey Edwardmackey002edw18978/28-9/1 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Mackey Harry1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Mackrey mackre000---18974/28 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Madden Edwardmadden002edw18977/12-9/24 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Madden madden006---18979/14-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Maddock Williammaddoc001wil18975/14-6/20 Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Madison Artmadiso002art18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Magee Billmagee-001wil18975/18-101 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Magoon Georgemagoon001geo18975/1-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Magoon Georgemagoon001geo18979/14-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Mahaffey Loumahaff002lou18975/15-9/21 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Mahaffey mahaff001---18975/13-5 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Mahoney Danmahone003dan18975/21 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18975/18 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Mahoney Mikemahone001mik18976/25-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Mahoney Stevenmahone001ste18976/1-7/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Mains Willardmains-001wil18974/29-8/31 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Mains Willardmains-001wil18979/6 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Mains Willardmains-001wil1897postseason Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Malarkey Johnmalark001joh18974/29-9/21 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Mallackey J.1897 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Mallott Frankmallot001fra189724 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Malloy Williammalloy002wil18976/12-6/19 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Malone Williammalone008wil1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Maloney Billymalone003wil18976/29 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Maloney Georgemalone002geo1897 PuebloIndependent Pueblo, CO
Mangan Elsemangan001els1897105 g.  Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Mangan Elsemangan001els1897 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1897 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Mangum Dolphmangum000dol1897 U. North CarolinaCollege ,
Manlove Lincmanlov001abr18974/27-5/5 UmpireIntSt ,
Mannassau Almannas001al-18974/22-9/19 UmpireWest ,
Manning Jimmannin001jim18976/3-6/4 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Manning Tommymannin001tho1897 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Manning Tommymannin001tho18978/-9/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Manning mannin015---18978/17 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Mansell Mikemansel002mik18976/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Mansfield H.mansfi001h--18977/23 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Mansfield H.mansfi001h--18977/31-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Mansfield H.mansfi001h--18978/28-8/30 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Manu 18975/10- CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Manville manvil001---18976/23-7/5 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
March Frankmarch-001fra18975/1,23,7/8 UmpireWest ,
Marcum Claudemarcum001cla18974/30-5/8 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Marcum Claudemarcum001cla18977/6-7/8 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Marcus Sig18975/10-7/4 ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Marks marks-003---18976/29-7/7 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Maroney Jamesmarone001---1897 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Marr Leftymarr--001lef18974/28-4/30 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Marr Leftymarr--001lef18976/18-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Mars C.1897 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Marshall Joemarsha001jos18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Marshall Joemarsha036---18978/25-8/27 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Marston Charleymarsto001cha18975/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Martin Williammartin022wil18974/27-7/9 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Martin Williammartin022wil18977/23-9/26 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Martin Williammartin025wil18975/15-9/15 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Martin Austinmartin001aus18974/17-7/31 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Martin C.martin004c--1897 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Martin Frankmartin001fra18976/30-2 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Martin Frank18975/- Seneca FallsIndependent Seneca Falls, NY
Martin Lankymartin002lan18976/26-7/23 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Martin martin110---18975/24 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Mason Erniemason-001ern18975/3-6/18 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Mason Erniemason-001ern18976/19-6/21 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Mason Markmason-003mar18977/25-9/17 UmpireEast ,
Mason Markmason-003mar18979/18 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Mason 18979/12-9/26 UmpireIntSt ,
Massey Billmassey001bil18974/29-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Mattern Louismatter001lou1897 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Mauch mauch-001---1897+7/10-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Mauck Halmauck-001hal18975/1-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Maupin Harrymaupin001har1897 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Mayer Williammayer-001wil18978/17 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Mazena Edwardmazena001edw18974/27 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Mazena Edwardmazena001edw18975/20-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
McAleese Jackmcalee001joh1897 Sharon-HustlersIndependent Sharon,
McAleese Jackmcalee001joh18979/14 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
McAllister Sportmcalli001lew1897173 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho1897 Niagara Univ.College ,
McAndrew Tommcandr002tho189735 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McAuliffe Genemcauli002eug18978/28-8/30 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg18974/22-9/18 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
McBride Petemcbrid001pet18975/1-5/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McBride Petemcbrid001pet18975/26-7/1 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
McBride Petemcbrid001pet18978/18-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
McCabe Charlie1897?-7/? Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
McCafferty Thomasmccaff002tho18975/11-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
McCallister Jackmccall001jac18977 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
McCammon Dickmccamm001dic189728 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
McCann Genemccann001hen189728 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McCann Mikemccann001mic1897 Newport NewsVa Newport News, VA
McCann 1897 Newa.-IronsidesIndependent Newark, NJ
McCann mccann011---18974/29-7/6 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
McCarthy Jackmccart003joh18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac1897 FresnoIndependent Fresno, CA
McCarthy Jackmccart004jac18978/2-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
McCarthy Danielmccart005dan18977/7 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McCarthy mccart017---18975/29 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
McCarty Patrickmccart004pat18975/21-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim18974/28-6/5 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim18978/7 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim1897+8/20+ Union Springs NYIndependent Union Springs, NY
McCauley Jimmccaul001jim18978/24 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
McCauley Almccaul001al-18974/29-5/25 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
McCauley Patmccaul001pat18975/7-5/16 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
McCauley Patmccaul001pat18976/5-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
McCauley F.mccaul001f--18976/21-6/28 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
McCauley 18978/23 Stanley Corn. NYIndependent Stanley Corn., NY
McCleary Robertmcclea002rob1897 CoshoctonIndependent Coshocton, OH
McClellan mcclel007---1897+5/15-6/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh18974/17-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
McCloud Harrymcclou002har1897 RoanokeVa Roanoke, VA
McCoach Williammccoac001wil1897+7/30-9/6 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
McCoach Williammccoac001wil18979/9-9/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
McColley mccool001---18974/17-6/13 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
McColley mccool001---18977/29-8/14+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
McCombs Billymccomb001bil189721 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
McCormick Williammccorm003wil18975/13-6/18 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
McCormick Jimmccorm002jim18974/30-7/9 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
McCoy Jackmccoy-001jac18974/28-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
McCoy Jackmccoy-001jac18976/14-7/16+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
McCracken Jamesmccrac001jam18975/20-5/21 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
McCracken Jamesmccrac001jam18975/26 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
McCredie Judgemccred001wal18974/29-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
McDade Jimmymcdade001jam189713 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McDade Jimmymcdade001jam1897 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
McDermott Michaelmcderm003mic18979/10 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
McDermott Sandymcderm001san1897-6/2955 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
McDermott Tommcderm005tho18975/20-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
McDermott Tommcderm005tho18978/9-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
McDermott Mikemcderm001mik18979 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
McDermott Mikemcderm001mik1897- 7/314 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
McDermott Frankmcderm003fra18979 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
McDermott Frankmcderm003fra1897 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
McDermott Frankmcderm003fra1897 Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McDermott 18978/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil18976/5-6/20 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
McDevitt Willmcdevi001wil18978/18-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
McDevitt Jim1897 MiSt ,
McDonald Edwardmcdona003edw18975/23-9/11 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
McDonald Martinmcdona005mar18974/19-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha18975/10 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha18976/11-8/13 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
McDonald Charlesmcdona004cha18978/18-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
McDonald Thomasmcdona003tho189761 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McDonald Johnmcdona009joh18975/26-6/28 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
McDonough Jeremiahmcdono001jer189729 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
McDougal Deweymcdoug001dew18975/1-9/22 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh18975/13-9/8 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McDougal Sandymcdoug002joh18979/10-9/2? Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
McElroy Johnmcelro002joh18976/11-6/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
McFadden Barneymcfadd001ber1897 Mauch ChunkIndependent Mauch Chunk, PA
McFall Fredmcfall001fre18975/17-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale1897+6/26+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
McFarlan Horacemcfarl001hor1897-8/17 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan18975/16-7/16 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
McFarlan Danmcfarl002dan18977/17-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
McFarlan Claudemcfarl002cla18974/26-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
McFarlan James1897no g. Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
McFarlan Dickmcfarl001dic18975/8-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
McFarland Hermmcfarl001her18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon18974/24-5/16 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon18975/31-7/9 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
McFarland Montemcfarl001mon18978/8-9/20 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
McFarland W.F.mcfarl001w--18975/10-7/6 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
McFarland W.F.mcfarl001w--18977/5-9/15 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
McFarland mcfarl016---18976/30 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
McFetridge Jackmcfetr001joh18978/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
McGann Ambrosemcgann001amb18974/17-6/5 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
McGann Ambrosemcgann001amb18976/6-7/9 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
McGann Danmcgann001den18974/29-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
McGann mcgann004---18978/16-9/9 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
McGarr Chippymcgarr001chi18976/26-9/20 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
McGee Patrickmcgee-003pat1897+5/18+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
McGill Williemcgill005wil18974/25-7/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
McGinness Jamesmcginn002jam18975/2-7/10 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
McGinness Jamesmcginn002jam18977/16-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
McGinness Jamesmcginn002jam1897 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
McGinnis Gusmcginn001gus1897 ,
McGinnis Edwardmcginn002edw18974/27-7/1 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
McGinnis Charlesmcginn002cha18979 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
McGinnis Charlesmcginn002cha18976/19-7/17 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
McGinnity Joemcginn001jos1897 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
McGinty 18976/30-7/24 MLB UmpireNational League ,
McGlynn Stoneymcglyn001uly1897 Carlisle PAIndependent Carlisle, PA
McGowan Edwardmcgowa001edw18974/17-5/8 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
McGowan Joe1897 ,
McGrady Bennymcgrad002---18976/16-6/19 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
McGrath 18975/27- CorningIndependent Corning, NY
McGraven Williammcgrav001wil1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
McGreevy Eugenemcgree001eug18974/30-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
McGrew E.mcgrew001e--18975/1-7/9+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
McGrew mcgrew001---189751 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
McGuckin mcguck001---1897+5/24+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
McGuckin mcguck001---1897+7/13+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
McGuire Jimmcguir001jam18974/29-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18977/24-9/1 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
McHale Bobmchale001bob18974/29-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh18975/5-5/25 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh18975/31-6/11 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
McIlvaine Johnmcilva003joh18976/26-7/18+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
McIntyre Butchmcinty001cha18974/26-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
McKee Charles18974/26-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
McKeever Jimmymckeev001jam1897-5/  MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
McKeever Jimmymckeev001jam1897 Jeannette PAIndependent Jeannette, PA
McKeg 1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
McKenna Kitmckenn001kit18975/3-9/10 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
McKenzie Johnmckenz001joh1897+6/21-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
McKenzie mckenz008---1897+7/30-8/4+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
McKevitt Jamesmckevi001jam18974/27-9/26 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr18974/29-6/28 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
McKibben Byronmckibb001byr18976/30-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McKinney Donmckinn001don1897 BlueGrass ,
McKinney Donmckinn001don1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
McKinney Donmckinn001don18977/31-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McLaughlin Warrenmclaug001war18975/19 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
McMackin Sammcmack001sam18974/29 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
McMackin Sammcmack001sam18975/6-5/29 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
McMackin Sammcmack001sam18976/30-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
McMahon Sadiemcmaho003joh1897-7/129 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
McMahon Jackmcmaho006joh18974/29-8/23 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
McManus Barneymcmanu001bar18976/5-6/22 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
McManus Barneymcmanu001bar18976/23-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
McManus Barneymcmanu001bar18977/29-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
McManus Frankmcmanu001fra18975/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
McMullen E.C.mcmull001e--1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
McMurray mcmurr001---18977/30-7/31 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
McNamara Billmcnama001wil18975/18-7/21 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
McNamara Billmcnama001wil18977/27-9/15 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
McNamara Thomas18974/26-5/12 UmpireAtl ,
McNamara Thomas18975/28-6/22 UmpireIntSt ,
McNary Johnmcnary001joh18975/18-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
McNary Johnmcnary001joh18977/28-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har18975/18-8/5 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
McNeeley Hughmcneel001har1897 Greenburg PAIndependent Greensburg, PA
McNeil mcneil001---18977/27 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
McNerney Henrymcnern001hen1897+7/14-7/20+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
McNichol Georgemcnich001geo189713 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra18974/30-5/6 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra18975/27-6/24 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
McPartlin Frankmcpart002fra18977/1-9/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
McPherson Johnmcpher002joh18975/6-5/13 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor18974/29-9/11 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
McQuaid Jamesmcquai001jam18975/15-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
McShane Jamesmcshan001j--189742 g. Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
McShane Jamesmcshan001j--1897 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
McSteen Williammcstee000wil18974/27-5/5 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
McVey Carlmcvey-001car18974/26-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat18974/24-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Meade Philmeade-001phi1897+3/13+ Norfolk & WesternIndependent Norfolk, VA
Meade Philmeade-001phi1897 Front RoyalIndependent Front Royal,
Meade Philmeade-001phi1897+9/12+ Roanoke ElksIndependent Roanoke, VA
Meagher Michaelmeaghe002mic18975/20-6/23 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Meaner meaner001---18977/9 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Meaney Patmeaney002pat18975/7-7/8 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Meaney Patmeaney002pat18977/9-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Meanor Clarence1897 Beardstown Beardstown, PA
Meara Jackmeara-001jac18974/26-4/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Meara Jackmeara-001jac18975/28-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Meara Jackmeara-001jac18977/10-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Meek Harrymeek--001her1897+6/15-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Meek Harrymeek--001her1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Meek Harrymeek--001her18979/2-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Mellor Billmellor001wil1897 U. of VirginiaCollege ,
Mellor Billmellor001wil1897 Vergennes VTNorth-semi-pro Vergennes, VT
Menefee Tommenefe001tho18974/17-6/12 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Menefee Tommenefe001tho18976/14-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Menefee Johnmenefe001joh18974/22-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm18975/1-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Meredith Elmermeredi001elm1897 Galena KSIndependent Galena, KS
Merriman Jackmerrim001jac18975/1-5/18 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Mertes Sammertes001sam18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Mesmer Leomesmer001leo18974/17-7/22 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Mesmer Leomesmer001leo18977/27-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Messerly Jackmesser001joh18975/18-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Messick Ernestmessic001ern18975/15-7/22 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Messitt Tommessit001tom18974/27-9/13 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Meyers Charlesmeyers003cha18974/21-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Meyers Charlesmeyers003cha1897 Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Michael Charlesmichae001c--18974/28 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Mickey Johnmickey001joh1897+5/15+ Pitt.-KeystonesIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Middleton Charliemiddle002cha1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Miles Eddiemiles-001edw18974/27-7/20 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Miles 1897+6/11- ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Miller Georgemiller005geo18974/22-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Miller Josephmiller011jos1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Miller Kohlymiller001koh18974/27-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Miller Kohlymiller001koh1897-10/23 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Miller Harrymiller009har18974/21-5/4 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Miller Harrymiller009har1897 CalvertIndependent Calvert, TX
Miller Harrymiller009har18975/25-6/14 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Miller Harrymiller009har18976/16-6/18 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Miller Harrymiller009har18976/19-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Miller Harrymiller009har18977/15-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Miller Bertmiller002ber1897-6/ Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Miller Bertmiller002ber18977/15-8/3 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Miller Bertmiller002ber1897125 g. New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Miller Ralphmiller007ral18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Miller Ralphmiller007ral18977/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Miller Ralphmiller007ral18977/8-9/10 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Miller Roscoemiller001ros18977/27-9/18 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Miller Almiller003al-189727 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Miller Almiller003al-18978/3-8/8 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Miller Almiller003al-1897 ZanesvilleIndependent Zanesville, OH
Miller A.miller006a--1897+5/6-7/18 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Miller C. E.1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Miller Edmiller004ed-18978/10-8/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Miller Joemiller009joe18975/24-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Miller Joemiller009joe18977/28-9/10 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Miller Williammiller027wil18973 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Miller miller126---1897+7/30-8/4+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Miller miller146---1897-8/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Millerick Patmiller002pat1897 Wakefield MAIndependent Wakefield, MA
Milligan Billymillig002wil18975/17-9/9 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Mills Sammills-001sam18974/29-5/31 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Mills Sammills-001sam18976/12-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Mills Williemills-004wil1897-9/1 Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Minnehan Danminneh001dan18975/4-8/21 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Minnehan Harryminneh001har189732 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Mirian mirian001---1897 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Mirian mirian001---1897 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Mitchell M.mitche001m--1897-6/ Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Mitchell Michael1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Mitchell Nelson18977/1 Penn YanIndependent Penn Yan, NY
Mitchell Williammitche011wil18977/9-9/10 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Mitchell 1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Mobley Lemmobley001---18976/18-6/21 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Moffett Frankmoffet001fra18974/19-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Mohler Kidmohler001kid18974/29-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car1897no g. CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
Molesworth Carltonmolesw001car1897+9/6 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Monroe Kidmonroe001dan18974/23-4/27 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Monroe Kidmonroe001dan18975/1-7/3 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Monroe Kidmonroe001dan18978/18-8/22 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Monroe 18978/11 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Montgomery Harry1897 CentSo ,
Montgomery James1897no g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Montgomery Roymontgo001roy1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf18974/29-7/10 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf18977/17-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Moore Zekemoore-001zek18975/15-5/27 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Moore Zekemoore-001zek18975/31-8/3 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Moore Zekemoore-001zek18976/2-6/22 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Moore Georgemoore-007geo18974/30 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Moore Georgemoore-007geo18975/7-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Moore Harry1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Moore Wademoore-001wad1897 Ottawa KS ColCollege ,
Moore Nicholas1897+6/23+ Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Moore Scottymoore-003sco18978/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Moore moore-034---189717 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Moore 18977/14-8/11 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Moran Augiemoran-002aug18974/26-7/26 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Moran Augiemoran-002aug18977/29-8/23 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Moran Augiemoran-002aug18978/26-9/7 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Moran Billmoran-001bil18974/22-5/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Moran Sammoran-001sam18975/14-5/27 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Moran Charliemoran-002cha1897 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Moran Patmoran-002pat18975/14-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Morgan Ezramorgan001ezr18976/28-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Morgan Johnmorgan006joh18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Morgan morgan029---18974/30-5/6 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Morgan morgan011---1897+5/18+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Moriarty Michaelmoriar003mic18977/3-7/24 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Moriarty Michaelmoriar003mic18977/30-9/9 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Moriarty moriar010---18977/10 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Morris Kidmorris010wil18972 g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Morrison Mikemorris001mik1897+6/26-6/28+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Morrison Tommorris002tom1897 E.C.MeachamArmsIndependent ,
Morrison Tommorris002tom18975/7-7/17 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Morrison J.1897 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Morrison Jamesmorris005j--1897+5/5-6/28+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Morrison James1897 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Morrison M.1897no g. Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Morrison 1897 RoanokeVaSt Roanoke, VA
Morrissey Tommorris003tom18974/29-8/4 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Morrissey Jackmorris016joh1897no g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Morrissey Jackmorris016joh18974/27-5/13 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Morrissey Frankmorris003mic1897 Pitt.-JunctionIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Morrissey 18979/- CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Morse Charlesmorse-001cha18974/30-8/18 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Moses H. M.1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Mosier mosier001---18975/18-6/14 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha18974/29-5/1 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Moss Charlesmoss--003cha18975/15-8/17 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Motz Williammotz--001wil18976/19-6/25 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Motz Williammotz--001wil18976/26 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Motz Frankmotz--001fra18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Moynihan Timothymoynih001tim18975/3-5/28 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Moynihan Timothymoynih001tim18976/2-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Muenche Augustmuench001aug18976/4-7/30 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Mulhall Patrickmulhal001pat18975/21-6/1 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Mulhall mulhal001---18975/15-6/15+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Mulhearn Edmulhea001edw1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Mulkey Cymulkey001cyr18974/18-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Mullane Tonymullan001ton18974/24-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Mullane Tonymullan001ton18977/31 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Mullaney Dominicmullan002dom18974/17-7/11 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Mullaney Pikemullan001l--18975/26-7/29 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Mullen Augustusmullen001aug18975/6-5/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Mullen Johnmullen003joh18975/4 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic18975/5-5/18 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic1897 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic18975/28-6/26 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Mullin Michaelmullen001mic18977/10-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Mulvey Joemulvey001joe18974/29- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Mulvey Joemulvey001joe1897-7/19 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Munch Gustave18975/16 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Murphy Conniemurphy002con18975/1-9/1 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Murphy Yalemurphy001yal1897-7/265 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Murphy Thomasmurphy001tho18975/20-6/25 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Murphy Dannymurphy006dan18975/24 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Murphy Edmurphy005edw18975/18-9/6 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Murphy Stevemurphy003ste18975/13-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Murphy Jamesmurphy014jam1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Murphy Jamesmurphy014jam1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Murphy Johnmurphy026joh18976/15-7/23 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Murphy Johnmurphy026joh18977/24-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Murphy murphy009---189722 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Murphy murphy082---18978/26-8/27 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Murray Miahmurray001mia1897+5/29-6/23+ UmpireCollege ,
Murray Billymurray007wil18974/29-8/9 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Murray Jimmurray008jam18974/17-4/23 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Murray Johnmurphy031joh18974/27-4/29 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Murray murray010---1897+6/18-6/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Musser Frankmusser002joh1897107 g. Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Myers Bertmyers-001ber18974/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Myers Bademyers-002wil18974/27-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Myers C.C.myers-002c--1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Myers myers-024---18975/28 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Myers myers-009---18978/11-8/18 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi18975/1-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Nance Williamnance-001wil18974/17-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Nance Williamnance-001wil18978/19-35 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Nash 18975/28- HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Nash 18977/20-8/11 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Nattress Billynattre001wil18974/27-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Nelson Billnelson001bil18974/29- UmpireCent ,
Nelson Johnnelson008joh1897+6/8+ Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Nelson Jacknelson002jac18976/8-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Neville Mikenevill001mic18979/1-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Neville nevill004---1897+5/15-6/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Nevins 1897-98 Lafayette Col.College ,
Newell Johnnewell002joh18974/26-5/20 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Newell Johnnewell002joh18975/29-7/18 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Newell Johnnewell002joh18977/29-8/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Newell Johnnewell002joh18978/19-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Newell Harrynewell001har18975/2-5/7 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Newell Harrynewell001har18975/20-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Newell newell004---18978 g. Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Newenham Horacenewenh001hor18976/28 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Newkirk Johnnewkir001joh18974/27 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Newkirk Johnnewkir001joh18976/2-6/3 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Newman Charlienewman003cha18975/15-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Newman Williamnewman006wil18975/8-5/29 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
News Tomnews--001tho18975/4-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Newton Docnewton001eus18974/26-9/17 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Nicholas nichol046---18975/22 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Nicholl Samnichol002sam18974/22-5/7 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Nicholl Samnichol002sam18975/29-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Nichols Artnichol001art1897 Ansonia WelcomeIndependent Ansonia, CT
Nichols Artnichol001art18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Nichols Artnichol001art18977/12-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18975/5-5/18 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18975/31-6/4 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18976/8-6/27 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18976/29-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Nickell Alnickel001al-1897 Kingman KSIndependent Kingman, KS
Nicol Hughnicol-001hug18975/28-7/16 St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Nicol Georgenicol-001geo18974/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Nie Georgenie---001geo18974/26-5/12 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Nie Georgenie---001geo18975/22-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Nipper Charlesnipper001cha1897+5/18-6/26+ ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Nolan Charlesnolan-001cha18974/18-7/24 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Nolan Charlesnolan-001cha18977/29-8/16 Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Nolan Charlesnolan-001cha1897postseason Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos18975/1-9/2 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Nonemaker Joenonama001jos18979/5-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Noonan noonan001---1897+5/5-7/9+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Nops Jerrynops--001jer189796 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Norcom Franknorcom001fra18975/1-7/7 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Nordyke Lounordyk001lou18975/13-5/19 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Norris Brightnorris001bri18976/3-6/8 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Northwang Chrisnorthw001chr18975/13-8/24 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Northwang Chrisnorthw001chr18978/26-9/9 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Norton Effienorton001eff1897-6/54 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Norton Effienorton001eff18976/18-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Norton Josephnorton002jos18975/18 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Norton norton018---18976/4-6/21 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Noyes Arthurnoyes-001art1897 U. S. Army in SF CA ,
Nugent Jacknugent001joh18975/3-5/7 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Nugent Jacknugent001joh18976/3-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Nulton Georgenulton001geo18977/14-7/29 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Nyce Charlienyce--002cha18974/22-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Nye 1897 ColoSt ,
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18974/27-7/29 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
O'Brien Frankobrien005fra18974/27-6/25;8/2-16 UmpireIntSt ,
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh18978/29-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
O'Brien Tomobrien002tom18975/10-325 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh18974/30-8/7 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
O'Brien Jackobrien005joh18978/9-9/13 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
O'Brien Timobrien003tim1897 NiagaraCollege ,
O'Brien Timobrien003tim1897-7/5 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Brien Timobrien003tim18977/16 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
O'Brien Jackobrien004jac18978/30-9/16+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
O'Brien obrien077---18975/16 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
O'Connell Johnoconne003joh18974/30-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
O'Connell Tomoconne001tom1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
O'Connell Tomoconne001tom18978/6-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
O'Connor Mikeoconno003mik18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
O'Connor Danoconno001dan189720 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
O'Connor Arthuroconne001art1897 Weatherford TXIndependent Weatherford, TX
O'Connor C.1897 Elizabeth NJ Elizabeth, NJ
O'Connor Charlesoconno001cha18975/20-6/9 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
O'Connor Danoconno002dan1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
O'Connor M. J.18974/27-5/7 UmpireIntSt ,
O'Connor oconno012---18978/31-9/1 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
O'Day Hankoday--001han1897547 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
O'Dea Artieodea--001art18975/26-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
O'Dell Tomodell-001tom18977/24 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
O'Dell Tomodell-001tom18979/3- Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
O'Donnell Jackodonne001h--18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
O'Donnell odonne016---18978/29 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
O'Hagan Halohagen001har18974/26-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
O'Hara Johnohara-003joh18975/15-9/9+ Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
O'Loughlin Francis18976/4-6/10 UmpireAtl ,
O'Loughlin Francis18977/14-9/11 UmpireNYSt ,
O'Meara Eddieomeara001tom18974/24-5/26 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
O'Meara Eddieomeara001tom189774 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
O'Neil Harryoneil-000har1897 ,
O'Neill Tiponeill001tip18978/1-9/23 UmpireEast ,
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh18975/6-5/31 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
O'Neill Jackoneill008joh18976/11-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
O'Neill Mikeoneill002mic1897-99 East Stroud.College ,
O'Reagan Frankoreaga001fra18975/26-7/10 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
O'Rourke Jimorourk003jam18975/4-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim18974/25-5/23 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim18975/31-9/1 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Ochs ochs--002---18975/17+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Odwell Fredodwell001fre18974/30-9/? Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Ogden Kidogden-001lou1897+5/5-5/31+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Ogden Kidogden-001lou1897+6/22- Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Ohlrogge Louisohlrog001---1897+6/15- UmpireCent ,
Ormsbee ormsbe001---18977/7 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Orr Billyorr---001bil1897 AlbionIndependent Albion, NY
Osborne Billyosborn007wil1897-7/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Osborne Billyosborn007wil18977/22-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Ossenberg Fredossenb001fre1897+6/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Oswald Williamoswald001wil18974/29-5/11 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Oswald Williamoswald001wil18975/21-9/17 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Ott ott---001---1897+8/28+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Otten Johnotten-001joe18975/1-5/23 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Outcalt Jimoutcal001jam18975/13-4 g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Outcalt Jimoutcal001jam189718 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Owen Benjamin1897-00 Kansas UniversityCollege ,
Owen Frankowen--001fra1897 Michigan StateCollege ,
Owens Redowens-003tho1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Owens Redowens-003tho1897 MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Owens Redowens-003tho1897+8/4-8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Owens Redowens-003tho18979/7-9/9+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-18975/8-6/13 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-18976/14-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Pace Russpace--001c--18974/26-5/3 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Pace Russpace--001c--1897+5/10-7/1+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Pace Russpace--001c--18977/9-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Packard Ruluffpackar001rob18975/5-5/26 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Padden Dickpadden001ric1897134 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Page Joe1897 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Page Georgepage--003geo18974/17-7/9 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Page Georgepage--003geo18977/15-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Page Jackpage--009---18978/27-8/28 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Page Johnpage--003joh18975/26-7/31 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Page page--001---18979/4 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Painter J.painte001j--1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Painter Jamespainte001jam1897preseason Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Palmer Frankpalmer001fra18974/29-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Palmer 18975/22-5/30 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh1897 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh18976/9-6/22 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh18977/5-9/5 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Pappalau Johnpappal001joh18979/12-9/20 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Pardee Alpardee001alb18974/29-7/23 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Pardee Alpardee001alb18977/25-9/19 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Parker Harleyparker001har1897 Chic.-IndepIndependent Chicago, IL
Parker Jayparker002jay1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Parker Jayparker002jay18978/13-9/26 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Parker Thomasparker001tho18975/20-5/21 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Parks parks-011---1897 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Parrott Jiggsparrot001jig18975/10 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Parrott Jiggsparrot001jig18976/4-6/20 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Parrott Tomparrot002tho18974/28-7/29 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Parrott Tomparrot002tho18977/30-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Parsons A. S.1897 Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Partin Georgepartin000geo18977/14-7/28 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Partin Georgepartin000geo18977/29-8/14  Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Partridge Bertpartri001ber18975/4-5/28 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Partridge Bertpartri001ber18976/3-6/30 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Partridge Jimpartri001j--18974/19-8/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra18974/17-5/30 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra18976/10-8/10 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Parvin Bonesparvin001fra1897 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Pastorius Harveypastor001har1897no g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Patchen Williampatche001wil18975/28-7/7 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Patchen Williampatche001wil18977/30-8/2 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Patchen Williampatche001wil18978/5-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Patten Caseypatten001cas1897 St. Albans VTIndependent St. Albans, VT
Patten Caseypatten001cas18978/18-9/19 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Patterson Johnpatter007joh1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Patterson Vanpatter001van1897no g. Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Patterson Vanpatter001van18974/29-5/5 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Patterson Vanpatter001van189790 g. Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Patterson Williampatter007wil18979/1-9/25 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Paulig Augustpaulig001aug18977/14-7/24+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Payne Harleypayne-005har1897-6/847 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Payne Dudleypayne-001dud18977/12-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Paynter Georgepaynte001geo1897no g. MobileSo Mobile, AL
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli1897+7/7+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Pears Frankpears-002fra1897+5/15-7/5+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Pears Frankpears-002fra18977/31-9 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Pears Frankpears-002fra18978/10-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Pears Frankpears-002fra1897-10/03 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Peckenpaugh Alpecken001a--1897 Appt. Capt., 8th Reg., OH Nat. GuardSpan-Amer ,
Peeples Williampeeple001wil18974/17-6/4 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Peeples Williampeeple001wil18976/16-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Pender Bobpender001rob18975/2-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Pender Bobpender001rob18978/14-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Peppers Harrisonpepper001har18974/19-5/16 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Peppers Harrisonpepper001har18977/2-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Pequinney Frankpequin001fra18974/18-8/10 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Perkins Siperkin001si-1897+6/5-6/21+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Perry Shermanperry-001she18977/-  HerringtonIndependent Herrington, KS
Perry Charleyperry-003cha1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Perry Quincey18979/ CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Perry R.18979/ CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Perry perry-022---18975/14 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Peterson Oscarpeters002osc18975/26-7/29 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Pettijohn Thomaspettij001---18974/17-8/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Pettinger 1897+7/23-7/28+ Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18975/17-5/30 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Pettit Bobpettit001bob1897-7/31 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Pettit Bobpettit001bob1897 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Petty Charliepetty-002cha18975/3-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Petty Charliepetty-002cha1897+6/17-7/5 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Petty Charliepetty-002cha18977/7-7/17 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Pfanmiller Georgepfanmi001geo18974/27-9/16 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Pfenninger Danpfenni001dan18975/-9/15 Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Pfrom Christpfrom-001chr18975/15-9/3 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Phelan Jackphelan001jac18975/20-7/20 UmpireTx ,
Phillippe Deaconphilli001cha18975/17-5/20 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Phillippe Deaconphilli001cha18976/23-7/16 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Phillippe Deaconphilli001cha18977/18-9/2 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Phillips Marrphilli003mar189758 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Phillips Billphilli005wil18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Phillips Jackphilli004jac18975/12-9/22 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Phillips 18975/21- Lockport NYIndependent Lockport, NY
Phillips 18977/7-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Phyle Billphyle-002wil18974/22-9/16 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Phyle Billphyle-002wil1897 St. Cloud MNIndependent St. Cloud, MN
Phyle Josephphyle-001jos18975/28 Moorhead BarmaidsRed River Valley League Moorhead, MN
Piatt Wileypiatt-001wil189711 g. Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Pickering Olliepicker001oli1897109 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Pickett Johnpicket001joh18974/22-6/28 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Pickett Johnpicket001joh18977/9-9/18 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Pickett Davepicket003dav18975/12-9/11 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Pickett picket008---1897+7/13+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Pierson Pearson?18978/20-8/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Pittinger Togiepittin001cha18977/20-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Plank Eddieplank-003edw1897 Adams County Good IntentAmat Adams County,
Ploof Williamploof-001wil18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Plummer Jamesplumme001jam1897+5/31-6/1+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Plunkett 1897-99 Williams Col.College ,
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Pollard Benpollar001ben18974/27-5/12 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Pond Arliepond--001arl189733 g. BaltimoreNational League Baltimore, MD
Poole Edpoole-001edw18975/10-6/25+ ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Poole Edpoole-001edw18977/1-9/24 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Poorman Tompoorma001tom1897+7/19-7/24+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Poorman Tompoorma001tom1897+8/4-8/30+ UmpireCPa ,
Pope pope--009---18976/8 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre18979/9 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Porter Andyporter007---18976/19-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Posner Mauriceposner001mau18975/18-6/5 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Posner Mauriceposner001mau1897+6/15+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18974/29-6/6 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18977/13-7/23 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Powell Jackpowell007joh18976/23 -117 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Powers Docpowers002mic1897-98 Notre DameCollege ,
Preston Waltpresto002wal18974/22-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Preston 18979/ CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Price Hughprice-013---1897+5/6-7/18 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Price Hughprice-001hug18977/30-8/16 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Priest Timmypriest001asa18975/19-7/7 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Priester H.J.priest001h--18976/15 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Prince 1897 CoshoctonIndependent Coshocton, OH
Pritchard Harrypritch002har18975/20-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Proctor Clarenceprocto001cla1897no g. CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
Prouse Charlesprowse001cha1897 St. Albans VTIndependent St. Albans, VT
Prouse Charlesprowse001cha18978/18-9/22 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Puhl puhl--001---18975/17+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Puhl puhl--001---1897+6/5-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Pulsifer Natepulsif001nat18975/20-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam18974/29-7/10 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam18977/14-7/29 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Putnam Varneyputnam001var18976/19-7/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Quan Jack1897 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Quigg Frankquigg-001fra18974/17-4/29 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Quigg Frankquigg-001fra18975/4-5/21 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Quigg Frankquigg-001fra18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Quigg quigg-001---18975/31 Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Quillian Robertquilli001rob18974/21-4/27 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Quinless quinle000---1897+7/10-7/21+  Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Quinless quinle000---1897+7/24-7/28+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh18974/29-6/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Quinn Jackquinn-004joh18977/11-9/8 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Quinn Johnquinn-010joh18975/20-6/29 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Quinn Frankquinn-006fra1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Quinn B.quinn-001b--18976/26-6/29 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Quinn John18975/- Seneca FallsIndependent Seneca Falls, NY
Quinn Peterquinn-001pet18975/26- Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Quinn Peterquinn-001pet18976/28 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Quinn Peterquinn-001pet1897-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Quivey Williamquivey000wil1897+5/22+ Philipsburg MTIndependent Phillipsburg, MT
Rabbitt Albertrabbit001alb18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Radcliffe Teddyradcli001c--1897 Univ. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Radcliffe Williamradcli001wil1897 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Radford Paulradfor002pau18974/26-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Raffert Billraffer001wil18976/14-6/16 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Raffert Billraffer001wil18976/30-7/11 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Raffert Billraffer001wil18977/15-7/28 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Raffert Billraffer001wil18978/30-9/8 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Rafferty Jackraffer001joh18977/3-7/7 UmpireNYSt ,
Rafferty Edwardraffer002edw18976/24-7/5 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Rafter Jackrafter001joh18974/26-4/28 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Raines raines001---18975/21-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Rainey Robertrainey001rob18978/18-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Ramey Johnramey-002joh1897 Colo ,
Ramp Williamramp--001wil18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Ramp Williamramp--001wil1897+6/15-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Ramsey Hankramsey001hen18975/13-9/11 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Ransom ransom001---18976/14 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Rapp Ottorapp--001ott1897 Charleston Charleston, SC
Rappold Johnrappol001jos18974/28 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Rathbun rathbu001---18979/6-9/20 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Rathburn A.J.rathbu001a--1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Ray Johnray---006joh1897 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Ray ray---003---18977/26-8/10 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ray ray---014---18978/3-8/14 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Raymer Fredraymer001fre18974/23-5/6 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Raymer Fredraymer001fre18975/14-5/21 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Raymer Fredraymer001fre18977/3-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Raymond Harryraymon002har18975/25 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Raymond Harryraymon002har18975/28-8/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Rebsamen Johnrebsam001joh1897+8/14+ AbileneIndependent Abilene, KS
Redding reddin003---1897+6/10-7/3 ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Redmond J.redmon003j--1897 BeardstownIndependent Beardstown, IL
Redwin redwin001---18977/10 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Reed Georgereed--003geo18974/17-8/11 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Reese Georgereese-002geo1897 CentraliaIndependent Centralia, IL
Reese Georgereese-002geo18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Regan Georgeregan-001geo18974/26-4/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Regan Georgeregan-001geo18975/26-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Regan Georgeregan-001geo1897 HaverhillIndependent Haverhill, MA
Reid Billyreid--001bil1897 Umpire ,
Reid Andyreid--002and189743 g.  Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Reid Andyreid--002and1897 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Reid Andyreid--002and18979/12-9/17 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Reid Charleyreid--003cha18977/13 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Reid Charleyreid--003cha1897 UmpireArkSt ,
Reidy Billreidy-001wil18974/23-6/9 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Reidy Billreidy-001wil18976/19-9/17 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Reilly Charliereilly003cha1897-9/27101 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Reilly Joshreilly002wil18974/22-6/1 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Reilly Joshreilly002wil18976/2-7/15 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Reilly Joshreilly002wil18977/21-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Reilly Joshreilly002wil1897+10/24+ Oakland Reliance Oakland, CA
Reilly Davidreilly002dav18975/1-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Reilly Joshreilly002wil18974/22-6/1 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Reilly Joshreilly002wil18976/2-7/15 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Reilly Joshreilly002wil18977/21-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Reilly Joshreilly023---1897 Kenyon MNIndependent Kenyon, MN
Reilly Joshreilly023---18976/30-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Reilly Walterreilly001wal18976/12-6/16 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Reilly Walterreilly001wal18976/22 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Reilly Walterreilly001wal1897 Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Reilly reilly011---18978/31-9/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Reineay J.1897 PortsmouthSEVa Portsmouth, VA
Reisling Docreisli001fra18975/12-13 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Reisling Docreisli001fra189720 g. Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Reisling Docreisli001fra1897 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Reitz Georgereitz-001geo1897-8/15 Chic.-MarquettesIndependent Chicago, IL
Rettger Georgerettge002geo18974/25-5/14 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Rettger Georgerettge002geo18976/10-9/19 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Reust Samreust-001sam1897+7/29-8/14 AbileneIndependent Abilene, KS
Reust Samreust-001sam18978/16-8/25 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Reutter reutte001---1897-7/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Reynolds Jessreynol004jes18974/17-8/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Reynolds Jessereynol001jes1897 ,
Reynolds Louis1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Rhodes Edgarrhodes004dus1897 Hebron High SchoolHighSchool ,
Rhodes Edgarrhodes004dus1897 U. NebraskaCollege ,
Rice Charlesrice--001cha18975/15-7/10 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Rice Charlesrice--001cha1897no g. MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Rice Charlesrice--001cha18977/26-9/15 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Richards Benrichar001ben18977/22-7/23 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Richardson richar017---18976/11 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Richter Johnrichte001joh18974/29- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Richter Johnrichte001joh1897-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Rickert Joericker001jos18974/27-9/8 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Riddell Johnriddle006joh18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Riddlemoser Dorseyriddle002dor18978/31 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Rieman Georgerieman001geo18974/27-9/19 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Rieman Josephrieman001jos18974/27-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Riley Jamesriley-007jam1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Riley Jamesriley-007jam1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Riley John18975/- Seneca FallsIndependent Seneca Falls, NY
Riley riley-029---18979/1-9/10+ Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Riley riley-029---1897 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Riley riley-029---18977/10 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Rinehart Harryrineha001har18974/27-6/10 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Rinehart Harryrineha001har18976/17-8/3 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra18974/26-9/19 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Risley Dudrisley001dud18974/29-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Ritchel ritche002---18975/5 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Ritchey Clauderitche001cla18974/22 -522 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Ritchie Williamritchi002wil18975/20-5/26 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Ritchie Williamritchi002wil18976/4 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Ritchie Williamritchi002wil18978/7-8/9 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Ritchie 1897 U. of PennCollege ,
Ritter Lewritter002lew1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Ritter Lewritter002lew18976/28-9/8+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Roach Johnroach-003joh18974/30-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Roach Mikeroach-001mik18974/26-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Roach Johnroach-003joh1897 ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
Roach Johnroach-003joh18977/-  HerringtonIndependent Herrington, KS
Roach Skelroach-001rud18974/29-5/26 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Roach Skelroach-001rud18976/8-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Roach Skelroach-001rud18978/21-9/18 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Roach Jamesroach-002jam18975/15-8/26 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Roat Fredroat--001fre18974/21-6/20 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Roat Fredroat--001fre18976/28-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Robb Clayrobb--001cla18974/30-5/6 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Roberts Billrobert017wil189728 g. Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Roberts Reddyrobert001red18975/26-6/12 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Robertson 18978/20-8/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Robinson Fredrobins004fre1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Robinson W.D.robins001w--18974/26-5/30 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Robinson Williamrobins012wil18976/22-8/12 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Robinson Jamesrobins009j--18974/27-6/21 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Robinson Jamesrobins009j--18976/22-6/23 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Robinson Jamesrobins009j--18976/25-9/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Robinson Thomasrobins004tho1897 Lansing SenatorsMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Rockwell rockwe001---18978/2 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Rodden Billyrodden001bil189712 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Roderick Fredroderi001f--18976/23 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Rodman Clarencerodman001c--1897+5/5-7/17 Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Rodman Clarencerodman001c--18978/26-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Roe Joeroe---001jos1897 Sedalia MOIndependent Sedalia, MO
Roe C.roe---001c--1897 PuebloColoSt Pueblo, CO
Rogers Emmettrogers002emm1897+5/18-5/19+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Rogers Jimrogers001jim18974/22-6/15 LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Rogers Jimrogers001jim18977/8-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Rogers Terryrogers001ter18975/4-9/17 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Rogers E. E.?18977/31 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Rohe 1897+6/10- ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Rollins Patrollin001hen18975/1-7/18 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Roney Arthurroney-001art18975/13-5/29 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Roper Johnroper-001---18974/19-4/22 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Rose F.M.rose--000fm-18976/16-6/17+ Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Rose F.M.rose--000fm-1897 LeadvilleColoSt Leadville, CO
Rose Robertrose--007rob18974/17-6/8 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Rosebraugh Rosierosebr001ros18975/4-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Rosenbach A.rosenb001a--1897 AkronIndependent Akron, NY
Ross Georgeross--002geo18974/27-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Ross Artross--004---18975/27- SayreIndependent Sayre, PA
Ross Artross--004---18976/3-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Rotes Billrhodes001bil1897+6/5-6/19+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Rotes Billrhodes001bil18977/1-7/9 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Roth Andyroth--001and18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob18974/17-6/9 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob18976/26-7/11 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Rothermel Bobbyrother001bob18977/15-7/20 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Rothermel Wilsonrother002wil1897+7/7+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Rothermel Wilsonrother002wil18978/20-8/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Rothfuss Adamrothfu001ada18974/26-9/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac18974/26-7/29 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Rothfuss Jackrothfu001jac18978/2-9/25 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18975/1-5/13 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18975/20-7/5 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18977/9-8/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm1897-9/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Rowe Jackrowe--001jac18974/29-9/23 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Rowe Williamrowe--003wil1897 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Royce A.B.royce-001a--189732 g. Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Rudderham Frankrudder001fra18975/3-9/18 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Rude 1897 Oh-WV ,
Rudge W.H.rudge-001w--18975/26-6/24 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Ruhland Johnruhlan001joh18975/13-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Rundell Leerundel001g--18975/1-5/4 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Rundell Leerundel001g--18976/22-7/26 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Rundell Leerundel001g--18978/2-8/7 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Runkel Louisrunkle001lou1897+6/20+ ManitowocIndependent Manitowoc, WI
Runkle runkle001---18977/14-7/17 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Rupert Jackrupert001wil18975/1-6/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Rupert Jackrupert001wil189736 g. Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo189775 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Russell Paulrussel002pau18974/27-9/24 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Russell Cyrussel002fra1897 San FranciscoCalif San Francisco, CA
Russell russel025---18975/27-6/21 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Russell russel026---18976/4-6/5 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Rutherford Arthurruther002jos1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Rutherford ruther001---18975/2 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Rutherford ruther001---1897 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Rutledge Lourutled001lou1897no g. Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Rutledge Lourutled001lou1897+5/29+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc18976/19-8/18 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Ryan Mikeryan--001mik18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Ryan Mikeryan--001mik1897 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Ryan Jackryan--004joh18974/30-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Ryan Dennyryan--001den1897+6/11-7/7 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Ryan Arthurryan--002art18975/1-5/13 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Ryan ryan--036---18977/28-7/30 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Sage Harrysage--001har1897 Omaha BrewingIndependent Omaha, NE
Sage Harrysage--001har1897 Rock Island Rock Island, IL
Sales Edsales-001ed-18976/21-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Sales Edsales-001ed-18977/24-8/31 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Sales Edsales-001ed-1897 Lehighton PAIndependent Lehighton, PA
Samuels Sammysamuel001ike18974/27-4/29 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Samuels Sammysamuel001ike18977/14-8/17 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Sanders J.sander002j--1897 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Sanders S.E.sander002s--189725 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Sanders Warsander001war1897 U. of TennesseeCollege ,
Sanford Jordan1897+5/1+ Mercer Univ.College ,
Sanford Williamsanfor000wil1897+5/22+ Univ. of GeorgiaCollege ,
Santary Chuck1897 KC-Armour Kansas City, MO
Sarsfield Williamsarsfi002---18977/14-8/6 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Sauter Alsauter001al-1897 Phil.-RichmondIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Sawyer Josephsawyer004---18974/29-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Sayers Delsayers001del18974/29-5/22 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Sayers Delsayers001del18971 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Sayers Josephsayers001jos18976/29-7/21 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Scanlan/on scanla002---18976/28-7/1 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Scanlon scanlo004---18979/4- Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Scannell Jackscanne001joh1897 Harvard Univ.College ,
Schable Georgeschabl001geo18974/26-5/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Schable Georgeschabl001geo18976/10-6/17 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Schaub Fredschaub001fre18974/27-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Schaub Bobschaub001rob18974/27-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted18974/29-8/27 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra18975/17-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Scheible Jackscheib001jac18975/6-6/21 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Scheible Jackscheib001jac18976/28-7/12 UmpireIntSt ,
Schilsky schils002---1897 Manayunk PAIndependent Manayunk, PA
Schlemm schlem001---1897+5/8-6/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Schmidt Henryschmid004hen18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Schock Fredschock001fre1897-00 Upper Iowa U.College ,
Schoenut Harryschoen001har1897+8/20-8/21+ Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Schoenut Harryschoen001har18979/7-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Schoenut I.1897 Phil.-RichmondIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Schott schott004---1897 Wilmerding PAIndependent Wilmerding, PA
Schrall Joeschral001jos1897+5/21-5/23+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Schrall Joeschral001jos1897+6/9-7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss18975/26-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss18977/7-7/10 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss18977/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss1897+7/22-8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Schrecongost Osseeschrec001oss18979/8-2 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Schriver Popschriv001wil1897247 g. CincinnatiNational League Cincinnati, OH
Schroeder Capschroe001cas18976/30 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Schroeder Casper?1897 Oh-WV ,
Schumansky schuma004---18975/26-6/11 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Schwartz Charlesschwar001cha18975/26-7/31 Wahpeton-Breckenridge MethodistsRed River Valley League Wahpeton, ND
Scott Edscott-001edw18974/21-8/6 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Scott Joseph1897 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Scruggs scrugg001---18975/28 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Seavers Clintonseaver002cli1897+5/18-6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Seavers Clintonseaver002cli18976/14-8/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Seavers Clintonseaver002cli18977/18 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Sechrist Charlessechri001cha189756 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Sechrist Docsechri001doc18974/29-5/4 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Sechrist Docsechri001doc18975/29-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Sedgwick Otissedgwi001oti1897-99 Brown Univ.College ,
Seeds Williamseeds-001w--1897 MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Seisler Davyseisle001dav18974/30-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Seiters Georgeseiter001geo18974/26-5/22 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Selden Williamseldon001wil1897 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Setley Williamsetley001wil18974/29-5/13 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Setley Williamsetley001wil1897 AlbionIndependent Albion, NY
Setley Williamsetley001wil18976/1-6/4 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Setley Williamsetley001wil1897+6/14-6/18 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Setley Williamsetley001wil18976/19-7/9+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Setley Williamsetley001wil18977/26-7/31 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Setley Williamsetley001wil1897+8/10-9/9+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Setley Williamsetley001wil1897 MillvilleSouth New Jersey League Millville, NJ
Severs Williamsevers001wil18975/6-7/23 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Sexton Franksexton001fra18976/15-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Seybold Socksseybol001ral18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Seymour Cyseymou001jam1897124 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Shaffer Johnshaffe001joh1897+6/14-9/16 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha18974/26-6/19 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha18976/26-8/8 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Shaffer Charlieshaffe001cha18978/19-9/9 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Shaffer Clydeshaffe001cly1897 Wyoming SeminaryAcademy ,
Shaffer Clydeshaffe001cly18977/22 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Shaffer Clydeshaffe001cly18977/24-8/9+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Shannon Danshanno004dan18974/29-6/17 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Shannon Danshanno004dan18977/3-9/21 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Shannon Frankshanno002fra18974/29- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Shannon Frankshanno002fra1897-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Shannon Spikeshanno003wil1897 ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Sharp Pecksharp-001jim18974/29-6/4 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Sharp Pecksharp-001jim189784 g. Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac18974/29-6/6 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac18976/21-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac18977/9-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Sharsig Billsharsi001bil18974/26-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Shaughnessy Buck18975/21-7/16 AlbionIndependent Albion, NY
Shaw Alshaw--001alf18974/29-9/17 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Shaw Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Shaw R.1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Shaw R.1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Shay Dannyshay--001dan18974/28 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Shay Dannyshay--001dan1897+5/15-29 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Shay Dannyshay--001dan18978/14-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Shea Frankshea--002fra18975/15-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Shea Napshea--001joh18975/3-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Shea Jimmyshea--001jim1897 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Shea Jimmyshea--001jim18979/3- Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Shea J.shea--002j--18979/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Shea shea--008---18977/- Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Shearon Johnshearo002joh18974/29-5/30 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Shearon Johnshearo002joh18976/2- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Shearon Johnshearo002joh1897-9/23 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Sheckard Jimmyshecka001sam18975/1-9/11 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Sheckard Jimmyshecka001sam18979/14-13 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Sheehan Owensheeha001owe18977/14-8/11 WaylandIndependent Wayland, NY
Sheehan Timothysheeha001bif18974/26-4/28 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Sheehan Timothysheeha001bif18975/1-5/18 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Sheehan Johnsheeha006joh18975/20-6/25 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Sheehan Johnsheeha006joh1897 HaverhillIndependent Haverhill, MA
Sheehan Edsheeha001ed-18975/17-6/21 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Sheehan Edsheeha001ed-18976/26-8/13 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Sheehan Edsheeha001ed-18978/17-9/8 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Sheehan 18975/28- HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Sheets Robertsheets001rob1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Shepherd shephe010---18975/7 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Shepherd shephe006---18976/29 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Sheppard/erd Alfredsheppa001alf189725 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Sheppard/erd Alfredsheppa001alf1897 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac189780 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Shields Charlieshield002cha1897 Memphis ChickasawIndependent Memphis, TN
Shincel Hermanshince001her1897 Media PAIndependent Media, PA
Shinnick Timshinni002tim18975/15-9/6 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Shipley shiple002---18975/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Shires Fredshires001fre189735 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Sholta Charlessholta001cha18974/30-5/15 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Sholta Charlessholta001cha18976/10-7/2 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Sholta Charlessholta001cha18977/5-7/12 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Short H.short-001h--1897no g. Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Short H.short-001h--18974/20-5/29 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Shortell Edshorte001edw1897 Bucknell Col.College ,
Shugart Frankshugar001fra18974/22-8/2 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Shugart Frankshugar001fra189740 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Shugrue Jerryshugru001jer1897-9/8 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Shuster shuste001---18977/28 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Shuster shuste001---1897+8/3+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Shuster shuste001---18979/4-9/9 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Sickle Henrysickle001hen18975/5 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Sickle Henrysickle001hen1897 AbileneIndependent Abilene, KS
Siefert Fredsiefer001fre189730 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Simon Hanksimon-001hen18974/26-5/20 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Simon Hanksimon-001hen1897no g. Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Simon Hanksimon-001hen18976/7-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Simpkins Stuartsimpki001stu1897+4/4+ Dall.-ClippersIndependent Dallas, TX
Simpkins Stuartsimpki001stu18974/29-5/1 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Simpson simpso005---18977/13 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Singer singer002---1897+6/8-7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Singer singer002---18977/25-7/26 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Singer singer002---18978/10-9/16 Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Singer singer002---18978/10-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Sipler Charlessipler001c--1897+5/12-7/12+ Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Sipler Charlessipler001c--189748 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Sippi Arthursippi-001art189758 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Slagle Jimmyslagle001jam18974/21-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Slagle slagle001---18977/7-8/2 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Slater Edslater001hen18974/26-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Slattery slatte001---18976/26-6/29 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Smink Billsmink-001wil18974/26-7/16 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Smink Billsmink-001wil18976/4-6/10 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Smink Billsmink-001wil18977/24-9/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Smith Popsmith-001pop18975/28-7/5 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Smith Popsmith-001pop18977/12-8/26 UmpireEast ,
Smith Popsmith-001pop18979/4-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Smith Big Billsmith-000big1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh18975/1-9/8 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Smith Judsmith-001jud18974/29-9/22 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Smith Olliesmith-002oll18974/29-8/11 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Smith Billysmith-011wil18975/6-9/4 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Smith Henrysmith-005hen18975/1-6/24 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Smith Harveysmith-020har1897 Orange AC NJAmat Orange, NJ
Smith Harveysmith-020har18976/2-9/3 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Smith Leesmith-002lee18975/1-5/31 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Smith Leesmith-002lee1897no g. Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Smith Leesmith-002lee18977/3 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Smith Leesmith-002lee18977/16-7/24 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Smith Leesmith-002lee1897+8/27-9/13+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Smith Tomsmith-006tom18975/27-7/8 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Smith Charlessmith-032cha18974/29-7/19 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Smith Charlessmith-032cha18978/1-8/13 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Smith Charlessmith-032cha18978/20-9/5 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Smith Alecksmith-001ale18974/23-118 g. BrooklynNational League Brooklyn, NY
Smith Clarencesmith-003cha18974/29-9/22 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Smith Harrysmith-018har18974/29-6/19 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Smith Billysmith-057wil18974/27-9/21 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Smith Dicksmith-022ric18974/23-5/19 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Smith Dicksmith-022ric18975/26-7/23 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Smith Frank1897+5/15- MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Smith Georgesmith-012geo18974/26-8/30 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Smith Georgesmith-012geo18979/1-21 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Smith Jamessmith-005jam18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Smith smith-030---18974/17-  Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Smith C.smith-015c--18978/25-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Smith Charlessmith-032cha18978/20-9/5 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Smith E.E.smith-002e--1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Smith Franksmith-008fra1897-00 Grove City Col.College ,
Smith Melvillesmith-001mel18972 g. Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Smith Otis18978/7-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Smith W. C.1897 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Smith smith-219---18978/27 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Smith smith-259---18979/3- Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Smith smith-045---189719 g. ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Smith smith-163---18975/5-5/26 Knoxville IndiansSoutheastern League Knoxville, TN
Smith smith-033---18976/18 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Smith smith-142---18977/10-7/16 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Smith smith-142---18978/25-9/11+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Smith 18977/20-8/3 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Smith 18977/13-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Smoot Homersmoot-001hom1897-98 Washington Col.College ,
Sniffen sniffe001---18976/25-7/5 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Snyder Popsnyder001pop18974/26-9/18 UmpireAtl ,
Snyder Benjaminsnyder003ben18974/27-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Snyder Cooneysnyder001coo189719 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Snyder Cooneysnyder001coo18976/26-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Snyder Lesliesnyder001les1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Snyder Lesliesnyder001les18979/4-9/8 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Snyder snyder036---18979/21-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Sockalexis Louissockal001chi18974/22-87 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Soffel 1897+5/8+ AllentownIndependent Allentown, PA
Soman Roy1897 Atchison HuskersKansas State League Atchison, KS
Sommers Petesommer002pet18974/27-6/26 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Sommers Petesommer002pet18977/26-9/25 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Sommerville Andysommer001and1897 Brown Univ.College ,
Sommerville Andysommer001and1897 Richf.SpringNYIndependent Richfield Springs, NY
Sonier Harrysonier001hen18974/29-7/29 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Sonier Harrysonier001hen18979/3-9/21 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Sorber Soxsorber001wal1897 BuffaloCityLeague Buffalo, NY
Sorber Soxsorber001wal18975/13-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Souders Hollysouder001har1897no g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Souders Hollysouder001har18975/26-9/8 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Southall Johnsoutha001joh1897+5/15+ Pitt.-KeystoneIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Sowders Johnsowder001joh18974/27-5/3 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Spade Bobspade-001rob1897 Kent OHIndependent Kent, OH
Sparks Tullysparks001tho18974/10 U. of GeorgiaCollege ,
Sparks Tullysparks001tho18974/26-8/12 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Sparks Tullysparks001tho18978/18-8/21 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Sparks Tullysparks001tho18979/15 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Spear Jamesspear-001jam18978/6-8/7 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Speer Georgespeer-001geo18974/22-9/20 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Spence Davidspence003dav18975/15-? Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Spencer Ditspence001d--18975/9 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Spencer Wirtspence001wir18977/15-8/18 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Spencer Ditspence001d--1897104 g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Spencer Ditspence001d--1897+8/8-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Spencer Ditspence001d--1897postseason Hot Springs BathersIndependent Hot Springs, AR
Sperlein Petersperle001pet1897+5/19-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Sperlein Petersperle001pet18976/28-8/28+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Spies Harryspies-001hen18974/22-9/19 St. Paul SaintsWestern League St. Paul, MN
Splain splain001---18975/18-6/19 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Splain splain001---1897+7/9-7/15+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Spratt Jackspratt001wil18974/26-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Sprogell Oliversproge001oli18974/29-6/14 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Sprogell Oliversproge001oli18976/20-9/14 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
St. Clair Harrystclai001har1897 CharlestonSE Charleston, SC
St. Clair Harrystclai001har18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Stafford Johnstaffo001joh18974/26-5/10 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Stafford Robertstaffo003rob18974/26-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Stagg Amos1897 Chautauqua NYIndependent Chautauqua, NY
Stahl Chickstahl-001cha18974/19-387 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Stahlhefer Harrystahlh001har18976/19-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Staley Harrystaley001har18975/3-8/28 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Stallings Georgestalli002geo1897-8/282 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Stallman Adstallm001ad-18975/4 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Stallman Adstallm001ad-1897+5/25+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Stalze Georgestalze001geo1897+6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Stalze Georgestalze001geo1897+6/19-9/11+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Stanage stanag001---1897+4/+ Dall.-ClippersIndependent Dallas, TX
Stanage stanag001---18975/2,5/22-5/24 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Standish Milesstandi001mil18976/12-6/22 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada18975/1-7/14 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Stanhope Adamstanho001ada18977/21-8/23 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Stanley Mattstanle001mat18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Stanley Mattstanle001mat1897+10/24+ Oakland-Reliance Oakland, CA
Stanley B. H.1897 U. No. CarolinaCollege ,
Stanley B. H.18976/22-9/6 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Stanley Joestanle003jos18979/11 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Stanley 1897 College ,
Stanley 18978/20-8/21 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Stanton stanto002---18975/1-7/19 Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Staples Williamstaple001wil18975/26-7/7 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Staples Williamstaple001wil1897+7/13-7/22+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Starnagle Georgestarna001geo18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Startzell Tomstartz001tho1897 Buffalo OakdalesIndependent Buffalo, NY
Startzell Tomstartz001tho18972 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Stearns Danstearn002dan1897 Buffalo OakdalesIndependent Buffalo, NY
Stecher Williamsteche001wil18978/30- Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Steele Fredsteele001fre18976/21-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor18975/19-7/24 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Steelman Farmersteelm001mor18978/2-8/14 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Steen Joesteen-001jos18974/27-9/26 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Steere Genesteere001gen18975/4-5/8 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Steere Genesteere001gen1897 Carters MAIndependent Carters, MA
Stees Harrystees-001har1897+7/22-8/4+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Steiber steibe001---18972 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Steiber steibe001---18978/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Stein Charlesstein-001cha18971 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Steiner steine002---18978/7 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Steinfeldt Harrysteinf001har18974/22-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Steinhoff Edward18977/26-8/5 UmpireTx ,
Stephenson Reubenstephe001dum18975/1-7/19 Newport ColtsNew England League Newport, RI
Stevens Henrysteven001hen18975/3 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Stevens Henrysteven001hen18975/22-6/17 PortlandMaine State League Portland, ME
Stevens Francis18977/1 Penn YanIndependent Penn Yan, NY
Stevens steven054---18975/5 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Stevens steven054---1897+8/2-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Stevens steven016---18976/10-6/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Stevens steven013---18978/- Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Stevick Jamesstevic001jam18974/27-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Stewart Acestewar001ace18974/21-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Stewart Charlesstewar013cha18974/19-5/29 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Stewart Joseph18977/24-9/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Stewart 18978/6 BathIndependent Bath, NY
Stewart stewar047---18977/8-7/18 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Stimmel Archiestimme001arc18974/27-9/11 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Stines Charliestines001c--18974/17-8/22 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Stivetts Jackstivet001jac18976/5 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Stocksdale Otisstocks002oti18977/24-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Stolworthy Walterstolwo000tom1897+5/6+ Dean AcademyAcad ,
Stouch Tomstouch001tom18975/1-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Stout Jamesstout-001jam18976/17-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Stovey Georgestovey001geo1897+7/3-9/4+ UmpireCPa ,
Stovey Georgestovey001geo18979/15-9/16 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Strang Sammystrang001sam1897-98 ,
Strarup Frankstraru000fra1897 KC-J.J.FosterIndependent Kansas City, MO
Strasburger Frankstrasb001fra1897+5/24-6/26 Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Strasburger Frankstrasb001fra18976/28+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Strasburger Frankstrasb001fra1897+7/7-8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Stratton Scottstratt001sco18975/29-6/19 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Stratton Scottstratt001sco18976/25-9/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Strauss Joestraus001joe18974/24-5/9 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Strauss Joestraus001joe18976/7-8/19 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Streaker streak002---1897 Indiana Univ.College ,
Streck Joestreck001joe18976/2-7/10 Bridgeport SoubrettesConnecticut State League Bridgeport, CT
Streib Theodore1897 ,
Streit Oscarstreit001osc18974/24-4/28 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Streit Oscarstreit001osc18976/3 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Streit Oscarstreit001osc18976/18-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Stricker Cubstrick001cub18977/22-7/25 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Stricker strick001---1897+5/18-7 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Strickler strick008---18974/30-5/15 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Stricklett Elmerstrick001elm1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Strobel Charlesstrobe001cha18974/27-9/26 Toledo Mud HensInterstate League Toledo, OH
Strothers Constroth001joh189727 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Strothers Constroth001joh18978/27-9/21 UmpireWest ,
Stroud Williamstroud001wil18975/14-? Hamilton BlackbirdsCanadian League Hamilton, ON
Strowger Alfstrowg001alf189736 g. Toronto CanucksCanadian League Toronto, ON
Strowger Alfstrowg001alf1897 London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Strowger Alfstrowg001alf1897 Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Strunz O. F.18975/5-7/17 Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Stuart Billstuart001bil18974/26-5/8 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Stuart Billstuart001bil18975/12-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Stultz Georgestultz002geo18975/13-8/2 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Stultz Georgestultz003geo18974/27-5/19 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Sturdivant sturdi001---18976/16-6/18 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Sudhoff Williesudhof001joh18975/1-7/19 Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Sudhoff Williesudhof001joh18978/20-88 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Sugden Joesugden001jos1897249 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-1897-7/14 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Sullivan John18977/9 UmpireCtSt ,
Sullivan John18977/24 UmpireAtl ,
Sullivan John18978/11-8/13 UmpireCPa ,
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam18974/17-8/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam1897 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Sullivan Billysulliv006wil18974/29-9/20 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Sullivan Dicksulliv006ric18974/19-4/28 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Sullivan Dicksulliv006ric18975/15-5/28 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Sullivan Dicksulliv006ric18977/1-7/5 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Sullivan Dicksulliv006ric1897 Greenville SCIndependent Greenville, SC
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic18975/20-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Sullivan Mikesulliv005mic18978/4-8/ Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut18974/29-8/23 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Sullivan Sutersulliv002sut18978/24-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Sullivan Zeke1897no g. Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Sullivan Georgesulliv005geo1897 Kingston ONIndependent Kingston, ON
Sullivan 1897 Fairmount INIndependent Fairmount, IN
Summer D.1897 DaltonSoTriSt Dalton,
Summers Olliesummer001oli1897 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Summers summer008---1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Summers summer008---18979/7+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Sutthoff Jacksuttho001joh1897 NicholasvilleBlue Grass Nicholasville, KY
Swaim Cyswaim-001cy-18975/3-26 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Swartwood Edswartw001ed-18974/29-9/22 UmpireEast ,
Swearingen Harrysweari002har18975/3-5/17 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Swearingen Harrysweari002har18975/25-5/28 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Swearingen Harrysweari002har18977/-  HerringtonIndependent Herrington, KS
Sweeney Petesweene001pet1897+6/5+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Sweeney Dansweene004dan18975/15-9/10 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Sweeney Dansweene003dan18977/29-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Sweeney Danielsweene002dan18974/29-7/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Sweeney Danielsweene002dan18977/29-9/9 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Sweet sweet-002---18977/10 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Swim swim--000---1897+7/23+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Switzer Arthurswitze001art1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Swor Leonswor--001---1897 Salt Lake CityIndependent Salt Lake City, UT
Swor Leonswor--001---18977/24 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Swor Leonswor--001---18977/31-8/9 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Tabor tabor-001---18976/26-7/5 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Tackaberry Harrytackab001har18975/31-6/16 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Talbot Bobtalbot001rob18975/5-9/21 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Talsman talsma001---18975/18 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam18975/27- SayreIndependent Sayre, PA
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam18976/21-7/5 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Tamsett Jamestamset001jam18977/7-7/17 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Tannehill Jessetanneh001jes1897164 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Tannehill Jessetanneh001jes18979/9- MLB UmpireNational League ,
Tanner Jamestanner004jam18974/19-5/13 Chattanooga BluesSoutheastern League Chattanooga, TN
Tanner O. T.1897 PortsmouthIndependent Portsmouth, OH
Tarbell tarbel000---1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Tarrant Davidtarran001dav18976/25-7/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Tate Edwardtate--001pop18976/29-7/5 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Tate Edwardtate--001pop1897+7/24-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Tate Harrytate--001har18974/27-7/12 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Tate tate--018---18977/11 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Taylor Harrytaylor006har1897 Duquesne ACIndependent Duquesne, PA
Taylor Wallytaylor001wal18974/29-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Taylor Georgetaylor004geo1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Taylor Billytaylor002bil18974/27-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Taylor Jacktaylor014joh18974/27-7/26 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Taylor Luthertaylor003dan1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Taylor Dantaylor003dan1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Taylor Doctaylor000doc18977/9 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Tebeau Georgetebeau002geo18974/22-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Templeton temple002---18979/5 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Tenney Fredtenney001fre1897399 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Terry Adonisterry-001ado18975/14-9/19 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Terry Tonyterry-001ton1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Terry terry-006---18978/26 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Tessier Napoleontessle001nap18977/14 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Tessier Napoleontessle001nap18979/1 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Thatcher Grantthatch001uly18979/16 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Theisen Josephtheise001jos1897-9/ Meriden BulldogsConnecticut State League Meriden, CT
Thieley William18977/23 Derby AngelsConnecticut State League Derby, CT
Thieley William18977/31-9/15 Waterbury IndiansConnecticut State League Waterbury, CT
Thieley William18978/28-8/30 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Thielman Reddthielm000red18974/17-5/4 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Thomas Roythomas002roy1897 Orange A.A. NJIndependent Orange, NJ
Thomas Lloyd1897 Wittenberg Col.College ,
Thomas Tomthomas005tho18974/22-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Thomas D.W.thomas002d--18975/11 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Thompson Shirleythomps001shi1897 BlueGrass? ,
Thompson J.1897no g. Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Thompson Michael1897-00 Holy CrossCollege ,
Thompson Williamthomps015wil18975/2-5/29 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Thompson Williamthomps015wil18978/5-9/1 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Thompson thomps035---18975/7-5/11 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Thompson 1897+8/20-8/21+ Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Thorne thorne001---18975/20-6/8 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Thornton Johnthornt003joh18974/26-7/21 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Thornton Johnthornt003joh18978/2-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Thorpe Charlesthorpe002cha189713 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Thurman thurma005---18977/29-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Tibald Pattibald001pet1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Tibald W.J.tibald001w--1897 Kalamazoo/FlintMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Tibald W.J.tibald001w--18978/27-9/16 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Tierney Edtierne001edw18975/4 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Tighe Jacktighe-001joh18975/1-9/11 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Tighe tighe-001---1897+7/24+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Tobin tobin-009---1897+7/5-7/20+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Todd Franktodd--002fra18975/1-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Toft Jacktoft--001jam18975/15-5/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Toft Jacktoft--001jam18976/8-7/19 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Toman Jimmytoman-001jam18975/15-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra18974/27-? Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra1897 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18974/27-6/17 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18977/6-7/18 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18978/2-8/6 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha18978/10-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Touhey W. C.18975/30-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Townsend Cytownse002cha18976/3-9/11 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Townsend Happytownse001joh1897 Frederick MDS-pro Frederick, MD
Townsend Happytownse001joh1897 Millington MDS-pro Millington, MD
Toy Iketoy---001isa1897+6/5-6/21+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Tracey tracey003---18979/14-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Traffley Billtraffl001bil18975/4-7/15 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Trainor Samueltraino001sam18975/26-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Trayner J.J.trayne001j--1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Treadway Georgetreadw001geo18974/21-4/29 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Treadwell Fredtreadw001fre18975/8-6/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Treadwell Fredtreadw001fre1897 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Tremore 1897+6/22- MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Trost Miketrost-001mik18974/22-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Troy Thadtroy--001tha1897 Oh-WV ,
Troy Thadtroy--001tha1897+6/11-8/31+ CoshoctonIndependent Coshocton, OH
Truby Harrytruby-002har18974/22-5/12 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Truby Harrytruby-002har18975/18-7/8 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Truby Harrytruby-002har18977/17-8/24 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
True Bobtrue--001bob1897+6/17+ ParsonsIndependent Parsons, KS
True Bobtrue--001bob1897 Galena KSIndependent Galena, KS
Tull Hermantull--001h--18975/13-9/9 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Tumalty Doctumalt001doc18977/12 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Batavia, NY
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam18975/30-9/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Turbitt/ett turbit001---18978/12-9/12 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Turner Thomasturner006tho18974/17-5/31 Houston BuffaloesTexas League Houston, TX
Turner Thomasturner006tho18976/7-8/11 Galveston SandcrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Turner Tuckturner002tuc1897-6/10176 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Turner Jackturner004jac1897 Morris MNIndependent Morris, MN
Turner Jackturner004jac18976/4-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Turner Tuckturner002tuc18978/8-8/30 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Tutt Leetutt--001---1897 BentonIndependent Benton,
Twaddle Thomastwaddl001tho18975/15-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Twineham Arttwineh002art18974/26-9/21 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Tyner Williamtyner-001wil18977/1 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Ullery Williamullery001wil18975/10-5/25 UmpireIntSt ,
Ulmer Harryulmer-001har18975/18-5/31 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Ulmer Harryulmer-001har18976/18-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Ulrich Georgeulrich001geo18975/29-6/1 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Ulrich Georgeulrich001geo18976/15-6/17 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Ulrich Georgeulrich001geo18976/19-7/17 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Ulrich Georgeulrich001geo18977/24-9/19 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Underwood Fredunderw002fre18974/29-9/21 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Underwood J.B.underw002j--18976/13-6/29 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Underwood Johnunderw004joh1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Underwood Johnunderw004joh18978/19 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob1897 Frederick MDS-pro Frederick, MD
Unglaub Bobunglau002rob1897 Millington MDS-pro Millington, MD
Urquhart Billurquha001wil18974/30-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Valdois Fredvaldoi001fre18976/1308/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Vallee Howardvallee001how1897 UmpireSoNJ ,
Van Alstyne Hobartvanals001hob18975/3-5/29 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw1897 Knox CollegeCollege ,
Van Buren Deaconvanbur001edw18974/29-9/15 Cedar Rapids RabbitsWestern Association Cedar Rapids, IA
Van Bussum B.1897 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Van Dyke Billvandyk001bil1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Van Dyke Fred1897 Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Van Giesen Colbertvangie001col18975/12-7/22 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Van Zandt Ikevanzan001cha1897 BrewsterIndependent Brewster, MA
Vaughan William1897 U. Northern IowaCollege ,
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18979/6 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Veatch Philveach-001phi1897+5/19+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Veatch Philveach-001phi1897 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Veitch Josephveitch001jos18975/20-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Veitch Josephveitch001jos1897-9/ Torrington DemonsConnecticut State League Torrington, CT
Vellers 18977/26-8/11 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Verga Perryverga-001geo1897+6/5-6/11+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Verga Perryverga-001geo18976/28+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Verga Perryverga-001geo1897+7/7-8/20+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Vetter Philvetter001phi18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Vetter Philvetter001phi18977/26-8/11 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Vetter Philvetter001phi18979/2-9/20 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Vetter Georgevetter001geo18976/19-7/17 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Vetters Samuelvetter001sam18974/27-9/26 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Viau Leeviau--001lee18974/28-5/19 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Viau Philipviau--001phi18975/20-6/25 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Viau Philipviau--001phi18978/17-8/21 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Vickery Tomvicker001tom18974/26-5/16 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Vigneux Sammyvignea001sam189717 g. Guelph Maple LeafsCanadian League Guelph, ON
Villeman Georgevillem001geo18975/29-9/10 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Vineland vinela001---18979/1 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Violet Frankviolet001fra18974/29-5/18 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Violet Frankviolet001fra18975/23-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Viox Ronyviox--001hen18975/1-9/15 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Visner Joevisner001joe18975/14-6/17 UmpireWestA ,
Visner Joevisner001joe18976/20-6/24 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Visner Joevisner001joe18977/3-8/4 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Visner Joevisner001joe18978/13-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Voise 18976/27 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Vollendorf Georgevollen001geo189714-4  JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Vollendorf Georgevollen001geo1897+8/1-9/19+ ManitowocIndependent Manitowoc, WI
Vollendorf Georgevollen001geo1897 JacksonMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Vollendorf Georgevollen001geo1897+6/20-9/2+ ManitowocIndependent Manitowoc, WI
Von Der Ahe Chrisvonder001chr1897-10/314 g. St. LouisNational League St. Louis, MO
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen1897 Syracuse Univ.College ,
Vorhees Cyvorhee001hen1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Vorhis Benvorhis001ben18978/26-9/11 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Vought Williamvought002wil18975/27-6/4 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Vought Williamvought002wil18976/18-6/28 Rochester-MontEast Rochester, MT
Vought Williamvought002wil18976/30-7/5 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Vought Williamvought002wil18977/13-9/11 Palmyra MormansNew York State League Palmyra, NY
Vroom Davidvroom-001dav18975/20-5/22 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo1897 Mercer PAIndependent Mercer, PA
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo1897 Greenville PAIndependent Greenville, PA
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo1897 ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Waddell Rubewaddel001geo18979/8 -2 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Wadesworth James18977/13-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Wadsworth Jackwadswo002jac18975/5-6/18 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Wadsworth Jackwadswo002jac18976/29-9/21 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Wagley wagley001---1897+5/15- Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Wagner Buttswagner001but18974/29-9/22 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Wagner Honuswagner004joh18974/26-7/16 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Wagner Honuswagner004joh18977/19 -359 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh1897no g. Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh18975/27-7/20 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh18977/24-7/31 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
Wagner Johnnywagner005joh18978/5-9/4 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Wagner wagner022---1897 Flushing LIIndependent Flushing,
Wagner wagner022---18976/14 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Wagner wagner003---18976/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv18974/25-4/28 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Waldron Irvwaldro001irv18975/14-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Waldrop Georgewaldro002geo18977/12-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Walker Tomwalker006tho18975/15-6/5 PottstownCPa Pottstown, PA
Walker Tomwalker006tho1897+6/14-9/15+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Walker Williamwalker014wil18975/26-7/31 Grand Forks SenatorsRed River Valley League Grand Forks, ND
Walsh Johnwalsh-014joh18975/27-7/20 CorningIndependent Corning, NY
Walsh Johnwalsh-014joh18978/10-8/23 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Walsh Josephwalsh-009jos1897no g. CharlestonIndependent Charleston, SC
Walsh Jameswalsh-011jam1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Walsh walsh-015---18974/30-5/15 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Walters Jackwalter001joh18974/29-9/23 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Walters Roxeywalter001lou1897 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Walters Roxeywalter001lou18977/5-8/18 Little Rock SenatorsArkansas State League Little Rock, AR
Ward Piggyward--002fra18974/26-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Ward W. D.18978/23 Stanley Corn. NYIndependent Stanley Corn., NY
Ward W. D.18979/ CubaIndependent Cuba, NY
Ward James18974/29-9/22 UmpireWestA ,
Ward Pierreward--002e--189751 g. London CockneysCanadian League London, ON
Ward Jamesward--004fra18977/29-8/22 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Ward 1897+5/17+ Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Ward ward--025---18976/12 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Warner Alwarner002al-1897+7/14- UmpireCent ,
Warner Alwarner002al-18977/18-8/25 UmpireWest ,
Warner Bobbywarner002rob18974/29-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Warner warner007---18975/1-5/6 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Warner warner006---1897-7/ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Warner 18977/18-8/25 UmpireWest ,
Warren 1897 HanoverCumbVal Hanover, PA
Warren 1897 Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Watkins Billwatkin002bil18974/22-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Watkins Charleywatkin003cha18974/28 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Watkins Charleywatkin003cha18975/17-5/18 Atlanta CrackersSoutheastern League Atlanta, GA
Watkins watkin001---1897 ,
Watkins watkin001---1897 Fort Wayne IndiansIntSt Fort Wayne, IN
Watts Popwatts-001w--18975/18-8/28 Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil18974/27-5/23 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Wayne Williamwayne-001wil18978/18 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Weand Dickweand-001geo18974/27-7/13 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Weaver Farmerweaver001far18974/22-9/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Weaver J.weaver002j--18974/28-7/19 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Weaver weaver018---18977/29-8/18 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Webb webb--014---18976/7 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Weber Charlieweber-003cha18974/17-8/7 San Antonio MissionariesTexas League San Antonio, TX
Weber weber-010---1897+7/7-9/1+ Sunbury PiratesCentral Pennsylvania League Sunbury, PA
Webster Edwardwebste003edw18975/20-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18974/17-6/15 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Denison-Sherman, TX
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18976/24-7/12 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18977/18-7/20 Paris MidlandsTexas League Paris, TX
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet18977/23- Fort Smith IndiansArkansas State League Fort Smith, AR
Weddige Alweddig001alb18974/26-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Weeks Georgeweeks-001geo18975/22-6/26 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Weeks Georgeweeks-001geo18978/9-9/18 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Wehrle 1897+8/7 BryanIndependent Bryan, OH
Weidman Georgewiedma001stu18975/17-6/21 UmpireAtl ,
Weidman Georgewiedma001stu18977/2- Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Weidman Georgewiedma001stu1897-7/24 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Montreal, QC
Weigand Curtweigan001cur18974/29-9/23 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Weight S.1897 Columbus BabiesSoutheastern League Columbus, GA
Weihl Jakeweihl-001jak18974/26-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Weikart Frankweiker001fra18974/17-8/3 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Weil weil--001---18977/29 Denison-Sherman Twins/Waco TigersTexas League Waco, TX
Weimer Jakeweimer001jac18975/31-6/24 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Weimert Robertweimer001rob18978/28 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Weisbecker Louisweisbe001lou18975/1-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Weisman D.1897 Mobile?So Mobile, AL
Weithoff/Wie Johnweitho001joh18975/12-6/5 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Weithoff/Wie Johnweitho001joh18976/26-9/11 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Welch Tubwelch-001tub18974/17-7/5 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Welch Johnwelch-005joh18975/25-6/6 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Welch Johnwelch-005joh18977/4-7/23 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Wellner Williamwellne001wil18975/8-8/5 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Wellner Williamwellne001wil18978/11-9/3 Wilkes-Barre Coal BaronsEastern League Wilkes-Barre, PA
Wells Jakewells-001jak18974/26-9/18 Richmond GiantsAtlantic League Richmond, VA
Wells Milowells-001mil18975/20-6/1 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Wells Milowells-001mil18976/4 Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Wells Milowells-001mil18976/11-7/5 Belfast PastimesMaine State League Belfast, ME
Wenszel L. E.1897 Washington BrownsCentral League Washington, IN
Wente Jackwente-001jac18975/12-9/18 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac18974/26-9/18 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Werden Perrywerden001per1897-10/3131 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Werrick Joewerric001joe189793 g. Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
West Frankwest--002fra18974/26-9/7 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
West west--003---18975/18-5/20 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Westervelt Huylerwester002huy1897 UmpireNYSt ,
Westlake Bobwestla001rob18974/28-9/18 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Westmoreland westmo012---18977/28-8/11 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Wetzel Williamwetzel002wil18976/9-9/26 Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Weyhing Gusweyhin001aug18974/17-8/22 Dallas SteersTexas League Dallas, TX
Whalen whalen006---1897+5/27-6/21+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Whaley Smithwhaley001smi18974/26-6/10 Wheeling NailersInterstate League Wheeling, WV
Whaling Babewhalin001f--1897+3/21+ LosA-WilsonsIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Whaling Billwhalin001bil1897+3/21+ LosA-WilsonsIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Whealon Tomwhealo001tho1897 CairoIndependent Cairo, IL
Wheeler Georgewheele002geo189726 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob18974/23-5/9 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob18975/25-8/8 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Whissen whisse001---18974/29-5/23 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew18974/22-6/13 Detroit TigersWestern League Detroit, MI
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew18976/26-6/28 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew189767 g. Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
White Solwhite-001kin1897 ,
White Bobwhite-002bob18974/29-9/22 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
White Dekewhite-001dek1897 Independent ,
White Frankwhite-007fra18975/15-9/11 Auburn MaroonsNew York State League Auburn, NY
White Jackwhite-012joh18974/29-9/23 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
White white-125---18977/12-7/27 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
White white-125---1897-8/6 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Whitehead Raywhiteh006---18976/30-7/18 Kansas City BluesWestern League Kansas City, MO
Whitehead Raywhiteh001ray18977/25-8/4 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Whitehill Alexwhiteh001ale18975/18-5/21 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Whitehill Alexwhiteh001ale18975/31 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Whitehill Alexwhiteh001ale18976/12-7/24 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Whitehill Alexwhiteh001ale18977/31 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Whitehill whiteh005---189722 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Whiting Hobewhitin001hob18975/1-9/11 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Whiting W.1897no g. Augusta KennebecsMaine State League Augusta, ME
Whitlow S.18975/10- ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb18974/29-6/15 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Whitridge Alwhitri001alb1897 SuffolkIndependent Suffolk, IN
Wich Rubywich--001rud18975/7-5/31 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Wich Rubywich--001rud18976/25-8/3 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Wich Rubywich--001rud18978/27-9/10 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1897Exhibition DenisonIndependent Denison, TX
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--1897 Navasota TXIndependent Navasota, TX
Wickizer C.W.wickhe001c--18977/- HerringtonIndependent Herrington, KS
Wiecke wiecke001---1897+5/19-6/12 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Wiecke wiecke001---18976/13-7/16+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Wieshecker L.1897 Wilmington?Atl Wilmington,
Wilder Edwinwilder001edw18975/4-7/3 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18975/20-7/1 RocklandMaine State League Rockland, ME
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18977/2-7/5 LewistonMaine State League Lewiston, ME
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18977/17-8/23 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Wiley Jackwiley-001joh18979/8-9/10 New Bedford Whalers/BrownsNew England League New Bedford, MA
Wilhelm Harrywilhel002har1897 WestminsterCollege ,
Wilhelm 1897 U. PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Wilhelm Jeromewilhel001jer1897 Bay CityMichigan State League Bay City, MI
Wilhite Milt1897?-7/7 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Williams Clarencewillia010cla1897 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Williams Tomwillia005tom189735 g. MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Williams Jimmywillia025jam18974/29-9/22 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Williams Orrinwillia002orr1897 ButlerIndependent Butler, PA
Williams Popwillia008wal1897 Bowdoin CollegeCollege ,
Williams Popwillia128---18976/22 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Williams Popwillia008wal18975/1-9/18 Toronto CanucksEastern League Toronto, ON
Williams Dalwillia001lev18974/29-9/1 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Williams Clarencewillia010cla1897+6/8+ Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Williams Frankwillia009fra18974/28-6/9 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Williams J.willia012j--18977/12-7/23+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Williams J.R.willia007j--18975/7-5/28 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Williams Tomwillia005tom18976/18- MariettaOhio-West Virginia League Marietta, OH
Williams willia129---18975/6 Quincy Little GiantsWestern Association Quincy, IL
Williams willia128---18976/22 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Williams willia265---18975/10-6 g. CambridgeOhio-West Virginia League Cambridge, OH
Williams willia057---18976/21-7/19 Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Henderson, TN
Williams willia062---18971 g. Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Williams 18975/19 Fort Wayne IndiansInterstate League Fort Wayne, IN
Williamson Leewillia005l--1897+5/6-7/19 Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Williamson willia325---18977/12-7/28 Hot Springs BathersArkansas State League Hot Springs, AR
Willig Henrywillig001hen1897 Will.-YMCAIndependent Williamsport, PA
Willig Henrywillig001hen18975/24-7/17 Williamsport Demorest Bicycle BoysCentral Pennsylvania League Williamsport, PA
Willig Henrywillig001hen18977/31-9/9+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Willis Vicwillis001vic1897 U. of DelawareCollege ,
Willis Vicwillis001vic18974/30-9/19 Syracuse StarsEastern League Syracuse, NY
Willis willis005---18974/28-5/16+ Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Willner Robertwillne001rob1897 De Pere WIIndependent De Pere, WI
Willner Robertwillne001rob1897 Green Bay WIIndependent Green Bay, WI
Willner Robertwillne001rob1897 AhnapeeIndependent Ahnapee, WI
Willner Robertwillne001rob1897 Chippiwa Falls WIIndependent Chicopee Falls, MA
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal18974/22-7/19 Minneapolis MillersWestern League Minneapolis, MN
Wilmot Waltwilmot001wal1897-6/1446 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Wilson Tugwilson001guy18977/2 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Wilson Billwilson003bil1897-6/7134 g. LouisvilleNational League Louisville, KY
Wilson Benjamin1897no g. ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Wilson Baldy18977/13-9/10 GenescoIndependent Genesco, NY
Wilson Garywilson010jam1897+7/1-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Wilson Georgewilson019geo1897+4/22-4/23+ Adrian Page FenceIndependent Adrian, MI
Wilson Guywilson001guy18975/6-5/27 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Wilson Guywilson001guy18977/2 Norfolk JewelsAtlantic League Norfolk, VA
Wilson Harrywilson003hen1897 Brown Univ.College ,
Wilson Harrywilson003hen1897 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Wilson Harrywilson003hen18976/11-6/18 Paterson Silk WeaversAtlantic League Paterson, NJ
Wilson Ed1897 Cuban X GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Wilson Williswilson025wil18976/27-8/11 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Wilson Williswilson025wil18979/15-9/16 Burlington ColtsWestern Association Burlington, IA
Wilson H.1897 PortsmouthVa Portsmouth, VA
Wilson J.C.wilson006j--18977/27 Brockton ShoemakersNew England League Brockton, MA
Wilson wilson025---1897+5/12+ Cairo EgyptiansCentral League Cairo, IL
Wilson wilson172---18977/12-7/13+ Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Wind Dolphwind--001ado1897 Emporia MaroonsKansas State League Emporia, KS
Wind 1897 Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Wingert Frankwinger001fra1897+5/28+ Topeka ColtsKansas State League Topeka, KS
Wingert Frankwinger001fra1897 Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Winters George1897 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Wise Samwise--001sam18974/29-9/22 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Wise Nickwise--002nic18975/1-5/17 Pawtucket PhenomsNew England League Pawtucket, RI
Wise Nickwise--002nic18975/19-6/5 Taunton HerringsNew England League Taunton, MA
Wise Nickwise--002nic18976/10-7/5 Bangor MillionairesMaine State League Bangor, ME
Wise Nickwise--002nic18978/2-9/11 Fall River IndiansNew England League Fall River, MA
Wise Martinwise--001mar1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil18974/28-5/20 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil18976/5-6/6 Hartford BluebirdsAtlantic League Hartford, CT
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil18976/11-7/10 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil18977/28-8/4 Batavia Giants/Geneva AlhambrasNew York State League Geneva, NY
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil18978/9-9/9 Canandaigua RustlersNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil18979/10-9/11 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Wolever Jackwolove001jac18974/17-6/27 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Wolf Williamwolf--003wil1897 Saginaw LumbermanMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Wolf Williamwolf--003wil1897 Sheboygan WIIndependent Sheboygan, WI
Wolfe Barneywolfe-001wil189721 g. Independent ,
Wolover Frank1897 ,
Wolters Leonwolter001leo18974/28-7/4 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Wolters Leonwolter001leo18977/15-9/21 Columbus SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH
Wolver John1897?-7/? Junction City ParrotsKansas State League Junction City, KS
Wolverton Harrywolver001har18975/1-9/22 DubuqueWestern Association Dubuque, IA
Wood Bobwood--005rob18974/28-9/21 Indianapolis IndiansWestern League Indianapolis, IN
Wood Carlwood--001car1897 St. Joseph SaintsWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Wood Edwood--001ed-18975/1-5/7+ Terre Haute HottentotsCentral League Terre Haute, IN
Wood/s Georgewood--006geo18975/14-5/23 Evansville BrewersCentral League Evansville, IN
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic1897+5/15-6/20+ Paducah Little ColonelsCentral League Paducah, KY
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic1897 Grand Rapids Bob-o-linksWestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Woodlock Mikewoodlo001mic18977/28-9/25 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18975/5-5/6 New Castle QuakersInterstate League New Castle, PA
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18975/14-5/29 Mansfield HaymakersInterstate League Mansfield, OH
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18977/9-8/29 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Woodruff Petewoodru002pet18978/31 Philadelphia AthleticsAtlantic League Philadelphia, PA
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv1897 PortsmouthIndependent Portsmouth, OH
Woodruff Samwoodru001orv18976/12-7/3 ParkersburgOhio-West Virginia League Parkersburg, WV
Woods Ed1897 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Woods Waltwoods-002wal18974/29-9/22 Springfield Ponies/MaroonsEastern League Springfield, MA
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra18975/3-5/19 Springfield GovernorsInterstate League Springfield, OH
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra1897 Port HuronMichigan State League Port Huron, MI
Wooliver Frankwooliv001fra1897 Galina KSIndependent Galena, KS
Work Williamworks-001wil18974/28- Nashville/Henderson CentennialsCentral League Nashville, TN
Worrall worral001---1897+9/9+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Wright Rastywright001ras1897130 g. Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Wright Patwright003pat18974/30-9/22 Peoria BlackbirdsWestern Association Peoria, IL
Wright Joewright001joe18974/22-7/21 Milwaukee BrewersWestern League Milwaukee, WI
Wright Davewright005dav18979/28 ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Wright Luckywright015wil1897 Tontogany OHAmat Tontogany, OH
Wright wright090---18977/12-7/13 Texarkana NoblesArkansas State League Texarkana, TX
Wynn wynn--002---1897+7/5+ Milton PoetsCentral Pennsylvania League Milton, PA
Wynn wynn--004---1897+8/21-8/28+ Lockhaven Maroons/Shamokin RedsCentral Pennsylvania League Lock Haven, PA
Yale Adyale--001wil1897-9/ Bristol BravesConnecticut State League Bristol, CT
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo189730 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Yeager Georgeyeager001geo18978/19-8/29 Providence Clamdiggers/GraysEastern League Providence, RI
Yeager Joeyeager002jos18974/26-9/12 Lancaster MaroonsAtlantic League Lancaster, PA
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta18976/3-9/9 Cortland HirelingsNew York State League Cortland, NY
Yerkes Stanyerkes001sta18979/14-9/21 Scranton Red SoxEastern League Scranton, PA
Yerrick Billbanks-001bil18974/29-9/22 Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Yoder yoder-001---1897+7/7-7/13+ Shamokin Coal HeaversCentral Pennsylvania League Shamokin, PA
Yoder yoder-001---18978/17 Reading ActivesAtlantic League Reading, PA
Young Williamyoung-009wil1897+5/18-6/3+ Pottsville GreysCentral Pennsylvania League Pottsville, PA
Young Williamyoung-009wil1897+7/1-7/24+ Bloomsburg Blue JaysCentral Pennsylvania League Bloomsburg, PA
Young Elmeryoung-001elm18975/13-7/16 LyonsNew York State League Lyons, NY
Young Elmeryoung-001elm1897 BrandywineIndependent Brandywine, PA
Young Charlesyoung-002cha18979/8-9/22 Rockford Forest CitysWestern Association Rockford, IL
Young Jamesyoung-005jam18975/6-5/29 Asheville MoonshinersSoutheastern League Asheville, NC
Young Syke1897 AlbuquerqueIndependent Albuquerque, NM
Youngman Henryyoungm001hen18975/5-10 g. Dayton Old SoldiersInterstate League Dayton, OH
Zahner Fredzahner001fre18975/10-6/1? Rochester Brownies/Montreal RoyalsEastern League Rochester, NY
Zahner Fredzahner001fre18976/20-9/8 Buffalo BisonsEastern League Buffalo, NY
Zaun (Zahn?) 18975/14- ZanesvilleOhio-West Virginia League Zanesville, OH
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav18975 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Zearfoss Davezearfo001dav18976/27-9/6 Newark ColtsAtlantic League Newark, NJ
Zeigenbein/Zie Samzeigen001sam1897+4/21+ Jackson ACAmat Jackson,
Zeigenbein/Zie Samzeigen001sam1897+8/2+ Jack.-ClothiersAmat Jackson,
Zeigler 1897 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Ziegler Charlieziegle001cha1897+6/26+ Carlton OHIndependent Carlton, OH
Zink Billzink--001wil18976/15-7/31 Fargo DivorceesRed River Valley League Fargo, ND
Zinram Eddiezinram001edw18974/27-9/26 Youngstown PuddlersInterstate League Youngstown, OH
Zinzer Charleszinzer001cha1897 AlbuquerqueIndependent Albuquerque, NM
Zurlage Augustzurlag001a--1897+6/6+ Cinc.-NaylorIndependent Cincinnati, OH