Searching for records from 1889
There are 3127 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbey Charlieabbey-001cha1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Abbey Charlieabbey-001cha18899/21-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Abbott Danabbott001dan188947 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Abigill 1889 HagerstownIndependent Hagerstown, MD
Ackerman 1889 Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Adams Jimadams-001jim1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Adams Jimadams-001jim1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Adams Jimadams-001jim1889 Sedalia Sedalia, MO
Adams Deaconadams-001dea18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Adams Georgeadams-006geo1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Adams Georgeadams-006geo1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Adams adams-069---1889 StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Agan Arthuragan--001art188919 g. Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18894/20-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18894/30-9/9 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Alden E.K.alden-001e--18894/13-5/ Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Aldrich Cyrusaldric001cyr18897 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Alexander Danalexan001dan18894/27-8/20 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Alexander Danalexan001dan18899/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Alfonson Williamalfons001wil188931 g. Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Allen Myronallen-001myr1889 TroyIndependent Troy, NY
Allen Edwardallen-004edw188926 g. Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Allen Boballen-001bob1889-6/ Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Allen Boballen-001bob1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Allen Jamesallen-015jam188961 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Allen Jamesallen-015jam18897/4-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Allen Williamallen-014wil1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Allen Dickallen-001r--1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Allen Johnallen-017joh18895/30-6/12 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Allen William1889 MadisonIndependent Madison, NE
Allen allen-020---18896/17 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Allison Jamesalliso005jam18894/20-5/16 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Allison Jamesalliso005jam18896/27-7/8 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Allison Jamesalliso005jam1889 WilliamsburgIndependent Williamsburg, NY
Alsop 1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Alvord Billyalvord001bil18894/30-7/19 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Alvord Billyalvord001bil188950 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Ammons Georgeammons001geo18894/8-4/9 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Anderson Varneyanders001var18894/30-7/18 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Anderson Varneyanders001var18898/1-2 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Anderson Varneyanders001var188912 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Anderson Billanders002bil18898/12 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Anderson Cheeseanders001che18897/10-7/23 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Anderson Daveanders007dav1889 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Anderson Daveanders007dav1889 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Anderson Daveanders007dav18898/24-3 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Anderson Jake1889 McCooksIndependent McCooks,
Andrews Wallyandrew002wal18894/25-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Andrews W.M.andrew001w--18894/7-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Andrus Wymanandrus001wym18894/30-9/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Angevine Louisangevi001lou18894/14- Rochester DanfordsIndependent Rochester, NY
Angevine Louisangevi001lou18895/10 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Angevine Louisangevi001lou18896/13-7/23 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Angevine Louisangevi001lou1889 JamestownIndependent Jamestown, NY
Annis Billannis-001bil18894/29-7/31 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Annis Billannis-001bil18898/7-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Ansell Spenceransell001spe188914 g. Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Applegate Louisappleg001lou18895/9-5/16 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Ardner Joeardner001joe18894/20-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Armour Billarmour001wil1889 Pittsburgh HomesteadIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Armstrong Frankarmstr001fra18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Armstrong Frankarmstr001fra18897/29-9/2 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Arundel Tugarunde001tug18895/8- SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Atkinson Alatkins001al-18895/3-9/2+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Avery Williamavery-002wil1889 NewarkOhSt Newark, NJ
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak18894/30-6/15 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak18896/24-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak1889-9/7  Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Bader Hermanbader-001her18894/7-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Bader Hermanbader-001her188917 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Bailey Timothybailey003tim188928 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Bailey bailey024---18897/1 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Baker Philbaker-002phi18894/30-5/8 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Baker Georgebaker-007geo1889 Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Baker Normbaker-001nor188923 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Baker Normbaker-001nor18898/1-9/24 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Baker Petebaker-001pet1889 New York MetropolitansIndependent New York, NY
Baker Petebaker-001pet18897/18-7/25 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir1889 Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Baker Kirtleybaker-001kir1889 Cincinnati Blue LicksAmat Cincinnati, OH
Baldwin Ladybaldwi001lad1889 ,
Baldwin Walterbaldwi001wal18895/21-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Balsz Louisbalsz-002lou18897 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Balsz Louisbalsz-002lou18891 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Bamberger Harrybamber001hen1889 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Champaign, IL
Bancroft Frankbancro001fra1889 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Banning Jimbannin001jim1889- 5/112 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Banning Jimbannin001jim18896/11-8/31 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Banning Jimbannin001jim18899/6-9/21 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Barber Charliebarber001cha1889no g. Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Barclay John1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Barclay barcla002---18898/28-8/29 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Bardeen bardee001---1889+6/13-9/30+49 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Barkley Sambarkle001sam18897/24-9/24 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Barnes Johnbarnes003joh1889?-9/30 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Barnes Riley1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Barnes barnes002---1889+7/12-7/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Barr Bobbarr--001bob18894/30-9/2+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Barrett Thomasbarret004tho18895/30-7/17 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Barry Romeobarry-001rom188928 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Barry Jackbarry-001jac18894/21-5/18 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Bartell bartel003---1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Bartle F.bartle001f--18895/15-6/10 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Barton George18897/24-8/2 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Bartson Charliebartso001cha188952 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Batchelor batche002---1889 ErieNY-Pa Erie, PA
Batchelor batche002---1889 JamestownNY-Pa Jamestown, NY
Bates Johnbates-004joh18894/26-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Bates Johnbates-004joh18898/25 Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Battin Joebattin001joe18894/30-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Bauer Albauer-001al-18894/30-6/4 UmpireInt ,
Baumgartner baumga004---18895/30 Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18894/20-6/18 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18896/20-7/6 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18897/24 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo1889 BordentownIndependent Bordentown, NJ
Bausewine Georgebausew003geo18899/14-10/11 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Baxter Frankbaxter001fra18897/4-8/23 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Baxter Frankbaxter001fra18898/28-9/3+ Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Bayliss G. M.1889no g. MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Baylor D. L.bailor001dav1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Bayne Jay18897/17-9/25 UmpireInt ,
Beach Walter18895/3-5/10 UmpireSo ,
Beam Alexbeam--001ale18895/11-5/18 LatrobeWPa Latrobe,
Beam Alexbeam--001ale18895/25-5/29 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Beam Alexbeam--001ale18893 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Beam Erniebeam--001ern1889 TiffinOhSt Tiffin, OH
Beam Erniebeam--001ern18895/5-6/3 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Beard Olliebeard-001oll18894/17-263 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Bechtel Harold1889 PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Becker August18894/28-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-18894/30-7/22 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-188942 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Begy Philipbegy--001phi18894/26- Rochester 9th Ward StarsIndependent Rochester, NY
Begy Philipbegy--001phi18895/30-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Behan A.behan-001a--188940 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Behne Frankbehne-001fra18894/7-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Belcher Richardbelche001ric1889 TacomaIndependent Tacoma, WA
Belford belfor001---18897/13-7/20 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Bell Frankbell--001fra18894/22-7/3 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Bell Charliebell--003cha1889 Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Bell Charliebell--003cha188910/13-2 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Bell Charliebell--003cha1889 Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Bell Frankbell--002fra1889+7/9-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Bellis bellis001---18897/18 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Bellman Jackbellma001jac1889 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Bellman Jackbellma001jac18894/23 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Bellman Jackbellma001jac18895/21-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Bellman Jackbellma001jac1889 Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Bennett Harrybennet003har1889 BlufftonInSt Bluffton, IN
Bent W.F.bent--001w--1889 Buffalo ElksIndependent Buffalo, NY
Berger Tunberger001tun1889 McKeesportAlleg Co McKeesport, PA
Berger Tunberger001tun18895/24-8/28+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Bergunder M.H.bergun001m--18897/-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Berkelbach berkel003---18895/1-5/5 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Berkery Martinberker002mar1889 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Berryhill Bobberryh001rob1889 WabashIndependent Wabash, IN
Betts Fredbetts-001fre1889 St. Louis JollyAmat St. Louis, MO
Betts Fredbetts-001fre1889 St. Louis LibertiesAmat St. Louis, MO
Betts Fredbetts-001fre188914 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Beymer Frankbeymer001fra1889 MoValley ,
Bickhart G.1889 KalkaskiaIndependent Kalkaskia,
Bierbauer Charlesbierba001cha1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Bierbauer Charlesbierba001cha1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Bierbauer Charlesbierba001cha1889 JamestownIndependent Jamestown, NY
Bigelow bigelo001---1889 TriSt ,
Bills F.L.bills-001f--18895/30-7/31 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Champaign, IL
Bingham J.F.bingha001j--18897/20-7/24 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Bingham J.F.bingha001j--18892 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Bird Frankbird--001fra18894/30-8/18+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Birmingham Mikebirmin001mic1889 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Bishop Frankbishop001fra18895/19-6/29 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Bishop Billbishop002bil18895/1-5/16 Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Bishop Billbishop002bil18896/19-6/28 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Bishop Billbishop002bil18897/2-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Bishop Billbishop002bil1889- 9/192 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Bishop bishop007---18898/26-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Bittmann Redbittma001red188968 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Bittmann Redbittma001red188910/5 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Bittmann Redbittma001red188910/10-10/14 Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Black Bobblack-002bob18894/30-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Black Bobblack-002bob18898/11-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Black Wilmerblack-006wil1889+5/23+ Philadelphia Young AmericaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Black Wilmerblack-006wil1889+7/2+ Philadelphia BristolIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Blackstock Georgeblacks001geo1889101 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Blackstock Georgeblacks001geo1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Blair Billblair-001bil18894/30-9/3 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Blair Austinblair-001aus188944 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Blake Butchblake-002m--188912 g.  Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Blake Harryblake-001har1889 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Blandy B.C.blandy001b--18894/30-5/28 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Blansfield Philipblansf001phi1889 NorwalkIndependent Norwalk, CT
Blauvelt Harveyblauve001hen1889 ,
Bligh Nedbligh-001ned1889-10/1460 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Boggiano Joeboggia001joe1889 UmpireTx ,
Bohn Charliebohn--001cha188938 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Bolan Paddybolan-001pat1889 Toledo HackettsIndependent Toledo, OH
Boland Danielboland001dan1889+8/21+ AuroraIndependent Aurora, IL
Boland Danielboland001dan1889-9/24 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Bonner Frankbonner001fra1889 ProvidenceIndependent Providence, RI
Bonner Jackbonner001joh1889 Freelands-pro Freeland, PA
Boone Georgeboone-001geo18895/28-6/? MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Boone Georgeboone-001geo18896/10-6/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Borchers Georgeborche001geo1889no g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Borchers Georgeborche001geo1889 MercedsIndependent Merceds, CA
Borland Edborlan001ed-18894/30-5/12+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Borland Edborlan001ed-1889+6/20-7/8 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Borland Edborlan001ed-1889 FremontIndependent Fremont, OH
Borland Edborlan001ed-18898/- MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Bottenus Billybotten001wil18894/30-8/13 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Bourbeau Joe1889 Rochester DanfordsIndependent Rochester, NY
Bowen Thomasbowen-001tho1889 ,
Bowers Charlesbowers003cha18898/11-9/29 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Bowers C. F.18895/25-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Bowman Sumnerbowman001sum1889-90 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Bowman Billbowman001bil18894/30-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Bowman Georgebowman002geo18895/?- Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Boyd Benboyd--001ben18895/1-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Boyd Frankboyd--002fra1889 ScottdaleIndependent Scottdale, PA
Boyd 1889 MingusIndependent Mingus,
Boyle Eddie1889no g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Brackett Georgebracke001geo18894/27-9/27 Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Bradley Georgebradle002geo18894/20-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Bradley Michaelbradle004mic18894/29-8/22 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Bradley Williambradle005wil18895/17-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Bradley Williambradle005wil1889+7/17+ Philadelphia Young AmericaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bradley bradle002---1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Brady Stevebrady-002ste18896/18-6/25 UmpireAtl ,
Brady Charlesbrady-002cha18894/30-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Brady brady-004---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Braham Thomasbraham001tho188920 g. Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Brandenburg Howardbrande001how18894/20-6/? Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Brandenburg Howardbrande001how1889 South BendIndependent South Bend, IN
Brandenburg Howardbrande001how1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Brandenburg Howardbrande001how1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Bray Billybray--002wil1889 Grand ForksIndependent Grand Forks, ND
Breckenridge Edwinbrecke002edw188927 g. Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Brennan John18898/21-9/24 UmpireInt ,
Brewer Joebrewer001joe1889 Cincinnati MuldoonsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Brewer Joebrewer001joe18896/9-7/4 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Bridget 1889 SharonIndependent Sharon, PA
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18895/1-7/26 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Briel Johnbriel-001joh18898/2 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Briggs Grantbriggs001gra18895/1-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Briggs Georgebriggs001geo1889 AppletonIndependent Appleton, WI
Bright John1889 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Bright Georgebright001geo18894/7- Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Bright Georgebright001geo18896/29-7/16 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Bright Georgebright001geo18897/18-7/26 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Bright Georgebright001geo1889-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Brill Frankbrill-001fra188940 g. Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Brill Frankbrill-001fra1889 HighlandIndependent Highland, PA
Brimblecomb W.H.brimbl001w--1889107 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Briody Fattybriody001fat1889 UmpireWestA ,
Bristow Georgebristo002geo1889 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Bristow Thomas1889 InSt ,
Brittan W.britta001w--1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Brittan W.britta001w--1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Broderick Josephbroder001jos18894/20-6/? MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Brodie Stevebrodie001wal18894/30-9/3+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Brodie J.brodie002j--18895/2 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Brodie brodie001---1889+6/3-6/7 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Bronson Charley1889no g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Brosnan Timothybrosna001tim18894/20-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Broughton Calbrough001cal18894/20-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Brouthers Jimbrouth001jam188934 g. Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Brown Marshallbrown-007mar188991 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Brown Doettbrown-001doe1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Brown Georgebrown-018geo18898/14-8/31 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Brown Jeff1889 HuntingtonBlueGrass Huntington, WV
Brown brown-148---188991 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Brown brown-003---18894/28 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Brown 18895/30-6/8 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Browner Williambrowne003wil18894/30-8/13 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Brunnell Benjaminbrunne000ben1889 BuffWSide ,
Brussy T.1889no g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Bryan Gus1889no g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Brynan Todbrynan001tod18894/20- Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Brynan Todbrynan001tod18895/29-7/30 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Brynan Todbrynan001tod1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Buchan Johnbuchan003joh18894/7-4/27 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Buchan Johnbuchan003joh1889 Pueblo PoniesIndependent Pueblo, CO
Bucher bucher001---18898/14 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Buck Josephbuck--002jos1889 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Buck Josephbuck--002jos18898/13-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Buckenberger Albucken001al-1889 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Bucker 18898/14 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Buckley Tombuckle001tom188963 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Buckwalter H. F.18895/18-5/25 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Burch Ernieburch-001ern1889 NW ,
Burchard Roxyburcha001g--18894/30-8/27+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Burden Fred1889 UmpireWestA ,
Burdick Billburdic001bil188910 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Burdick Billburdic001bil1889no g. Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Burdick Billburdic001bil18898/11-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Burdock Jackburdoc001jac1889 Hackett-CarhartIndependent ,
Burdock Jackburdoc001jac18896/4-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Burke Johnburke-008joh18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Burke Johnburke-008joh18897/16-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Burke Danburke-001dan18894/30-7/24 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Burke Danburke-001dan18898/1-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Burke Williamburke-007wil188941 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Burke Eddieburke-002edd18894/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Burke burke-005---18895/25 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Burkett Jesseburket001jes18894/29-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Burkholder 1889 AltoonaWPa Altoona, PA
Burks Robertburks-001rob18894/20- Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Burks Robertburks-001rob1889-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Burnell B. F.1889 Buffalo West SideIndependent Buffalo, NY
Burnett Herculesburnet003her1889 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Burnham Watchburnha001wal188933 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Burnham Walterburnha002wal18894/29-9/29 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Burns Jimburns-001jim1889134 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Burns Dickburns-001dic18895/15-6/4 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Burns Dickburns-001dic188929 g. Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Burns Henryburns-002hen18895/18-9/21 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Burns Jerry1889 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Burns Johnburns-016joh1889-6/ Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Burns Johnburns-017joh1889+7/6-8/1731 g. Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Burrell Harryburrel001har1889 BrattleboroVt Brattleboro, VT
Burrows W. S.1889 ConnellsvilleEIntSt Connellsville, IL
Buschman Clembuschm001cle18891 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Butler Benjaminbutler001ben18896/29-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Butler Stevebutler002ste1889 ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Butler Frankbutler003fra18895/11-5/15 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Byan Cyclone1889 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Champaign, IL
Byrnes J. T.1889no g. Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Cadigan cadiga001---18893 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Cady Charliecady--001cha188912 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Cahill Johncahill006joh188944 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Cahill Johncahill006joh188934 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Cahill Johncahill006joh1889 St. Louis MaroonsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Cahill Tomcahill001tom18894/30-9/16 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Cahill Thomas1889 TiffinOhSt Tiffin, OH
Cain Davidcain--001dav188938 g. Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Cain Georgecain--002geo18894/30-8/20 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Cain Georgecain--002geo18898/23-8/29 Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Cain Josephcain--001jos18896/6 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Calhoun Charlescalhou002cha188974 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Calhoun Charlescalhou002cha1889 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Calihan Willcaliha001wil18895/1-7/3 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Calihan Willcaliha001wil18897/24-9/2+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Calihan Tomcallah001tho18894/30-7/4 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Callaghan callag001---18896/9-6/11 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Callaghan callag001---18896/15 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Callahan D.callah002d--1889 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Callihan 1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Campana Johncampan001joh18895/23-5/27 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Campana Johncampan001joh1889-9/331 g. London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Campau Countcampau001cha18894/30-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Campbell Grant1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Campbell Joe1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Campbell Petercampbe001pet18897/20-7/22 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Campbell C.campbe001c--18894/28 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Campbell Daniel18896/22-8/31 UmpireMiddleSts ,
Campbell G.campbe002g--18894/28-5/4 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Campbell Hughcampbe002hug1889 MissoulaIndependent Missoula, MT
Campbell Jackcampbe001jac18897/8-7/20 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Campbell James18898/6-8/18 UmpireMiddleSts ,
Campbell campbe002---1889 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Campfield Salcampfi001sal1889+7/3+ MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Campfield Salcampfi001sal1889 YoungstownOhioSt Youngstown, OH
Campion Williamcampio002wil18894/29-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Canavan Jimcanava001jim18894/20-9/25 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1889112 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Cantillon Jamescantil001jam188913 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Cantillon Jamescantil001jam1889 Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Cantillon Jamescantil001jam1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Canton Mattcanton001mat18894/7-4/26 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Carey Rogercarey-001rog1889 Harkey,CarbentCo team ,
Carey Rogercarey-001rog1889+5/27-8/18+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Carey Rogercarey-001rog1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Carey Dan1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
Carey Georgecarey-002geo1889-91 West Virginia U.College ,
Carey Harrycarey-003har1889+8/12-8/16+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Carey Williamcarey-006wil18894/29-5/27 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Carfrey Edcarfre001ed-1889 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Carl Fredcarl--001fre18895/1-5/30 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Carl Fredcarl--001fre1889 Baltimore MonumentalsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Carl Fredcarl--001fre18897/25-25 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Carlin Frankcarlin001fra1889no g. MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Carlin William18894/30-5/18 UmpireInt ,
Carman Georgecarman001geo18894/28-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Carney Jackcarney002joh18894/24-252 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Carney P. H.1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
Carpenter W.carpen001w--1889 Ottumwa Ottumwa, IA
Carr James18895/7-5/28 UmpireSo ,
Carr Perrycarr--001per18896/24-7/21 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre188991 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Carroll Frankcarrol004fra1889 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Carroll Johncarrol001scr18894/20-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Carroll J. P.1889 StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Carroll Johncarrol006joh18895/2-6/6 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Carroll Johncarrol006joh1889+6/24+ Philadelphia HighlandAmat Philadelphia, PA
Carroll Frankcarrol003fra1889 Chicago Garden CityChicCity Chicago, IL
Carroll carrol007---18894/20-5/28 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Carsey Kidcarsey001wil18895/1-5/7 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Carsey Kidcarsey001wil18895/24-11/23 New YorkAmat New York, NY
Carter carter003---1889+7/23+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Carter Joecarter002joe1889 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Carter Robert1889 Kokomo/MattoonIn-Il Kokomo, IN
Cartwright Edcartwr001ed-18894/20-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Case Eugenecase--001eug18895/30-8/9 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Case Eugenecase--001eug188919 g. Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Case case--002---18898/6 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Casey Denniscasey-002den18895/9-7/14 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Casey Denniscasey-002den18897/17 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Casey Will1889 Hoosic FallsIndependent Hoosic Falls, NY
Casey Jamescasey-002jam1889-92 U. of MarylandCollege ,
Casey 1889 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Casey 1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
Casey 1889 GalesburgIndependent Galesburg, IL
Cassady J.F.cassad001j--18894/20-5/28 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Cassady J.F.cassad001j--18897/18-8/3 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Cassian Edcassia001ed-18896/19 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Castone Williamcaston001wil1889-7/ AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Castone Williamcaston001wil1889 Trinidad Trinidad,
Castone Williamcaston001wil1889 LinconNbSt Lincon, NE
Castor Harrycastor000har1889 Indianapolis EasternsAmat Indianapolis, IN
Cates Elmercates-001elm1889 BlufftonAmat Bluffton, IN
Cato Harry1889 Cuban GiantsIndependent Cuban,
Cato Harry18897/15-8/24+ Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Caughey Charlescaughe001cha18894/30-5/6 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Caughey Charlescaughe001cha18896/29-7/16+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Cavanaugh Thomascavana001tho18894/26-5/16 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Cavanaugh Thomascavana001tho18895/20-7/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Cavanaugh cavana001---1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Cavanaugh cavana002---18898/23-8/27 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Cavell Charlescavell001cha1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Chadwick Benjaminchadwi001ben1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Chadwick Benjaminchadwi001ben18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Chalker Clarencechalke001cla188966 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Chalker Clarencechalke001cla1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Chamberlain Willchambe008wil18896/21-7/22 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Chamberlain chambe003---1889+7/9-8/29 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Chapman Jackchapma002jac18894/30-9/2? Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Chapman Jackchapma002jac1889 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Charlton 1889+5/30+ Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Chase Charleschase-002cha1889 PittsfieldIndependent Pittsfield, NH
Chase Charleschase-002cha18897 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Chilcott Frankchilco001fra1889 DunkirkIndependent Dunkirk, NY
Childs Cupidchilds001cla18894/30-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Childs Robertchilds002rob188958 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Chouquette Williamchouqu001wil18894/8- Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Chouquette Williamchouqu001wil18894/27-7/6 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Chouquette Williamchouqu001wil1889-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Chouquette Williamchouqu001wil1889 TylerSemi-Pro Tyler, TX
Chrisman H.B.chrism001h--18894/30-9/1+ Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Chrisman H.B.chrism001h--18899/7-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Church Hichurch001hi-18898/9-8/10 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Clare Danielclare-001dan18894/18-47 g. Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Clark Edclark-002ed-1889 Cincinnati MuldoonsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Clark Edclark-002ed-18895/1-5/7 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Clark Spiderclark-001spi18895/2-107 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Clark Georgeclark-008geo18895/1-5/5 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Clark clark-011---18891 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Clarke Artieclarke001art1889 TroyTroy-Amat Troy, NY
Clarke Dadclarke001dad18894/20-9/26 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Clarke Dadclarke001dad188916 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Clarke Williamclarke004wil1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Clarke Williamclarke004wil1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Clarke Harryclarke002har18898/28 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad18896/25-7/31 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Clarkson Dadclarks001dad1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Clausen Fritzclause001fri1889 SheboyganIndependent Sheboygan, WI
Cleary cleary005---18895/18 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Clement Fredclemen001ed-18898/23-8/30+ Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Cleveland Elmerclevel001elm18894/20-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Cline Monkcline-001mon18894/20-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Cline Frankcline-001fra18894/20-5/3 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Cline Frankcline-001fra18895/21-5/31 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Clinton Jimclinto001jim18894/29-6/5 UmpireAtl ,
Clives 18895/15 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Cloonin 18894/14- Rochester DanfordsIndependent Rochester, NY
Coakley T.J.coakle001t--1889+6/18-8/5+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Cobb Georgecobb--003geo1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Cockman Tommycockma001tho1889no g. MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Cody Michaelcody--001mic18894/21-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Cody M.F.cody--001m--1889 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Coffee Marshall1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Coffee 1889 Providence PascoagsRISt Providence, RI
Cole Archiecole--001arc18895/30-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Coleman Johncolema003joh1889+7/22+ BristolIndependent Bristol, PA
Coleman Robert1889+7/22+ BristolIndependent Bristol, PA
Colgan Billycolgan001ed-18894/28-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Colgan Billycolgan001ed-18895 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Collefan F. J.1889 UmpireNYSt ,
Collins Chubcollin001chu18894/30-7/20 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Collins Chubcollin001chu18897/22-9/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Collins Billcollin001bil18895/15-5/16 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Collins Billcollin001bil188910/5 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Collins Josephcollin001jos18895/1-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Collins Fredcollin004fre18897/17-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Collins Williamcollin013wil18898 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Collins Williamcollin013wil18895 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Collins William J.?1889+8/19+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Conahan Jamesconaha001jam1889+8/19+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Concannon Patconcan002pat1889 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Conley Alphonseconley002alp1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
Conley Alphonseconley002alp1889 Terre HauteIndependent Terre Haute, IN
Conley Joshconley001cla188995 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Connell Terryconnel002ter18895/1-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Connell Peterconnel001pet18894/20-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Connell connel005---18897/8 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Connell connel006---18897/23-7/24 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Connolly M. A.1889no g. Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Connor Jimconnor001jim1889 ConcordIndependent Concord, NH
Connor Theodoreconnor001the1889 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Connor connor004---18895/30-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Connors Dennyconnor001den18894/30-9/28 Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Connors Jerryconnor001jer1889 Cleveland StarsIndependent Cleveland, OH
Conover Theodoreconove001the18895/26 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Conover Theodoreconove001the18897/2-8/28+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Conrad conrad001---18899/19-9/21 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Conroy Benconroy001ben18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Conroy Benconroy001ben18898/22-9/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Conway Jimconway001jim188941 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Conway Dickconway001dic18894/30-7/26 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Conway Frankconway019---1889 Philadelphia FooteIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Conway Frankconway019---18897/16-8/16 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Conway conway013---18896/23 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Conway 1889 ,
Coogan Johncoogan001joh18894/29-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Cook Michaelcook--004mic18895/1-6/28 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Cook Michaelcook--004mic18897/22-7/23+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Cook Michaelcook--004mic18897/26-8/23 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Cook Bert1889 NegauneeUppPenin Negaunee,
Cook E.W.cook--001e--1889 TroyAmat. ,
Cooke cooke-002---18899/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Cooley G.cooley001g--188930 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Cooney Jimmycooney002jim18894/20-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Corbett Jackcorbet001jac1889111 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Corcoran Larrycorcor001lar1889 UmpireAtl ,
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav18894/30-5/7 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav1889 UmpireAtl ,
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav188914 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18894/29-4/30 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18895/8-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Corcoran Tommycorcor002tho18896/5-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Coridan Philcorida001phi1889 GalesburgIndependent Galesburg, IL
Cosgrove Johncosgro002joh18894/29-7/8 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Cote Henrycote--002hen1889 TroyTroy-Amat. Troy, NY
Cotter Dancotter001dan1889 JohnstownIndependent Johnstown, PA
Coughlin Roscoecoughl001ros188953 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Coughlin Davidcoughl001dav18898/5-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Coveney Jackcovene001joh1889-03 St. Anselm (NH)College ,
Cox Frankcox---003fra1889 UmpireAtl ,
Cox Johncox---008joh18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Cox Johncox---008joh18896/20-8/23 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Cox Johncox---008joh18898/27-9/2 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Coynes Tom1889no g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Craig O.R.craig-002o--18894/20-6/1 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Cram J. O.1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Crandall Orvillecranda001o--1889 WabashIndependent Wabash, IN
Crandall Orvillecranda001o--1889 LafayetteIllinois-Indiana League Lafayette, IN
Crandall Orvillecranda001o--1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Crandall cranda006---18895/7-5/16 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Craves Fredcraves001fre1889 Bay CityIndependent Bay City, MI
Crawford Chas.crawfo001---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Crawford Chas.crawfo011---1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Crawford Chas.crawfo011---1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Crawford G.1889+5/30+ BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Crawford George?18897/22-7/23+ Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Crawford Harry1889 BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Creamer Davecreame002dav18891 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Creamer Davecreame002dav188924 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Creegan Josephcreega001jos18894/26- Rochester 9th Ward StarsIndependent Rochester, NY
Creegan Josephcreega001jos18895/30-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Creegan Josephcreega001jos18898/20-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Creegan Jack18894/26- Rochester 9th Ward StarsIndependent Rochester, NY
Creely Guscreely001gus18896/23-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Creighton Edcreigh001ed-1889 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Croghan Jackcrogan001joh18894/7-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Croghan Jackcrogan001joh18899/3-9/14 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Crolius Curtiscroliu001cur18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Crolius Curtiscroliu001cur18896/20-7/29 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Crolius Curtiscroliu001cur1889 Philadelphia AmericusIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Cronin Danielcronin003dan1889 Bellows Fallssemi-pro Bellows Falls, VT
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac18894/20-9/21 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac18899/26-441 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Cross Clarencecross-001cla1889 St. Louis Peach PiesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Cross Clarencecross-001cla18895/28-6/22 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Cross Clarencecross-001cla18896/28 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Cross Clarencecross-001cla18897/9 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Cross Joecross-001jos1889 Cleveland Forest Cityamat Cleveland, OH
Cross Montecross-001mon1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Cross Montecross-001mon18898/27-9/3 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Cross Montecross-001mon18899/5+ Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Crossley Williamcrossl001wil18894/23- Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Crossley Williamcrossl001wil1889 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Crossley Williamcrossl001wil1889-9/29 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Crothers Dougcrothe001dou18894/7-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Crothers Dougcrothe001dou188910 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Crotty Joecrotty001joe18894/20-9/29 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Crowell Billycrowel001bil18894/20- St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Crowell Billycrowel001bil1889-9/29 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Crowley crowle001---18899/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Cruso Johncruso-001joh18895/13-6/6 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim18894/29-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Cull Eddiecull--001edw188997 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Cullen William18895/16 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Cummings Arthurcummin001art1889 ,
Curry Wescurry-001wes1889110 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Curry Jamescurry-002jam18896/4-6/9 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Curry Eugenecurry-001eug18894/14-7/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Curtin curtin003---1889 St. CatherineIndependent St. Catherine, ON
Curtiss Jimcurtis001jim18894/20- St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Curtiss Jimcurtis001jim1889-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Curtiss George18898/14- Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Cushman Edcushma001ed-18895/1-9/7 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Cushman Charliecushma001cha18895/4-9/28 Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Cuthbert Nedcuthbe001ned18895/1-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Dailey Johndailey001joh1889- 10/62 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Dailey Vincedailey001vin188992 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Daily Thomasdaily-001tho18894/20-5/1 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Daily Thomasdaily-001tho18895/20-7/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Daily daily-002---18898/23-8/30+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Dale Williamdale--001wil18894/7-5/3 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Dale Williamdale--001wil1889+5/27-8/2 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Daley Billdaley-001bil18894/29-7/9 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Daley Billdaley-001bil18897/17-9 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Dallas Jackdallas001jac18892 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Dallas Tomdallas001tom18894/30-6/25+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Dallas Tomdallas001tom1889+7/6-7/23 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Dallas Tomdallas001tom1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Dallas 1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Dalrymple Abnerdalrym001abn18894/20-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Dalton Andrewdalton001and1889no g. Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Dalton Andrewdalton001and188913 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Daly Joedaly--001joe18897/- GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Daly Sundaly--001sun18894/20- Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Daly Sundaly--001sun1889-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Daly Harry?1889+6/19+ Philadelphia Young AmericaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Daniels Charlesdaniel005cha18897/8-8/23 UmpireInt ,
Daniels Lawdaniel002law18894/29-6/6 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Daniels Petedaniel003pet18894/7-8/10 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Daniels Petedaniel003pet188914 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Darby darby-002---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Darnbrough Williamdarnbr001wil18894/20-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Darrah Johndarrah001joh18894/30-5/15+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Darrah Johndarrah001joh1889+6/18-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Darrah Johndarrah001joh1889 SteubenvilleIndependent Steubenville, OH
Darrow Erwindarrow001ira18894/7-6/7 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Dashiell Markdashie001mar1889 SimpsonCollege ,
Davant davant001---18897/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Davies Georgedavies001geo18895/25-9/27 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Davis Georgedavis-015geo1889 TroyAmat. ,
Davis Georgedavis-015geo1889 AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Davis Harrydavis-012har18896/28-7/6 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Davis Iradavis-008j--1889-? U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Davis davis-021---18895/18 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Davis 1889 AltoonaWPa Altoona, PA
Dawkins Leedawkin001lev1889 LongviewIndependent Longview, TX
Dawson John1889 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Day Frankday---001fra18895/10 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Day Frankday---001fra18895/24-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Day Billday---001bil18895/11 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Day Billday---001bil1889+6/24+ Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Day Billday---001bil1889 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Day Billday---001bil18897/8-7/15 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Day Billday---001bil18898/20 -4 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Deacon deacon003---1889+7/17 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Deake F.E.drake-002---18897/23- Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Dealy Patdealy-001pat18894/30-9/2+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Dean William18895/1-6/5 UmpireMiddleSts ,
Dean William18899/3-9/18 UmpireMiddleSts ,
Deasley Patdeasle001pat18897 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Deasley Patdeasle001pat1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Deasley Johndeasle001joh18897/4-9/9 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Decker Harrydecker001har1889-10/3108 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Decker Harrydecker001har1889+8/21+ Philadelphia RivertonAmat Philadelphia, PA
Decker Georgedecker003geo1889 Los AngelesIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Decker Georgedecker003geo1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Deibel William1889 ,
Delaney Billdelane001bil188993 g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Delaney Danieldelane001dan1889 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Delaney Jimmydelane004jam1889 Rochester West EndsIndependent Rochester, NY
Delph Edwindelph-001edw18894/28-5/3 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Demarais Freddemara001fre188938 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Demorest Jackdemore001jac18897/17-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Denny Jim1889 LatrobeWPa Latrobe,
Denny denny-002---18898/27 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
DePangher Mikedepang001mik188919 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Derby Genederby-001gen18894/29-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Derby Georgederby-002geo188932 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
DeRemer dereme001---1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Derrick Jessderric001jes18894/8-8/2 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Derrick Jessderric001jes18895 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Derrick Jessderric001jes1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Deveney Williamdevinn001pun1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Devine Josephdevine003jos18895/1-6/13 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Devine Josephdevine003jos1889 WoodstockIndependent Woodstock, NY
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim1889-6/179 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim18897/7 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Devlin Jimdevlin002jim1889-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Dewald Charliedewald001cha18894/30-8/12 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Dewald Charliedewald001cha1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Dewald Charliedewald001cha1889 AkronOhio Akron, OH
Dextraze Delphisdextra001del1889 BangorMeSt Bangor, ME
Dezendorf Edwindezend001e--1889+6/13-7/9+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Dickerson Buttercupdicker001but18894/30-6/20 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Dicks dicks-002---1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Diebel Williamdeibel001wil18894/7-4/14 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Dillon Jamesdillon002jam18895/8-6/21 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Dillon Jamesdillon002jam1889 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Dixon Eddiedixon-002edw18894/23-9/19 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Dixon dixon-003---1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Doherty dohert002---18898/23+ Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18894/20-9/6-15 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18894/30-9/1+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Dolan Johndolan-002joh18899/5-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Dolan dolan-028---1889+7/23-8/7+ Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Dolbier dolbie001---18899/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Donaghy Billydonagh001bil1889 JamestownIndependent Jamestown, NY
Donahue Jackdonahu001jac1889 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Donaldson 18898/- MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim18894 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim18896/1-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Donnelly Jamesdonnel003jam18896/22-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Donnelly Jamesdonnel003jam18898/17 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Donnelly Frankdonnel002fra18895 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Donnors D.1889no g. Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Donoghue Alexanderdonohu001ale18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Donoghue Alexanderdonohu001ale18896/26-8/21 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Donoghue Alexanderdonohu001ale1889no g. Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Donohue Johndonohu002joh1889 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Donovan Patsydonova001pat18894/30-8/13+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Donovan Jackdonova003jac1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
Donovan Jackdonova003jac1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Donovan Timothydonova002tim18895/9-7/13 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha188983 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Dooms Harrydooms-001har18894/29-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Doran Johndoran-002joh18895/10-5/18 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Doran Johndoran-001joh18894/30-5/29 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Doran Johndoran-001joh18896/13-9/21 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Doremus Harry1889 IndianapolisIndiCity Indianapolis, IN
Dorien A. J.1889no g. MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Dorsey W.dorsey001w--18894/7-4/16 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Doscher Hermdosche001her18895/20-6/25 UmpireInt ,
Doscher Hermdosche001her1889 UmpireWestA ,
Doty Babedoty--001bab1889 FremontIndependent Fremont, OH
Doty Babedoty--001bab1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Dougan Zimdougan001zim1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Douthett Pizzarodouthe001piz18894/7-7/4 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Dowd Jamesdowd--002jam1889 Jersey City St. PetersAmat Jersey City, NJ
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18894/20-7/2 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18897/10-8/8 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Dowie Joedowie-001joe18898/23-9/3+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Dowling Billydowlin001bil1889+7/20-7/30 UmpireNYSt ,
Downs Williamdowns-002wil18894/8-4/18 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom18895/6-6/11 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom18896/24-6/26 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Dowse Tomdowse-001tom1889 AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Doyle Johndoyle-004joh18895/30-8/16 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Doyle Connydoyle-001con188911 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Doyle Connydoyle-001con188957 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw188932 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh1889 St. John's(Fordham)College ,
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh18894/30-8/19 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Doyle Jackdoyle-002joh18898/27-1015 g.  ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Doyle Dennisdoyle-002den1889+6/26-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Drauby Jakedrauby001jak18895/1-9/3 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Drew Johndrew--002joh18894/9-4/11 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Drischel Benjamindrisch001ben18894/29-6/21 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Drischel Benjamindrisch001ben18897/11-8/24 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Drummond E.drummo001e--1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Drummond Shortydrummo001sho1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Drummond Shortydrummo001sho188974 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Duane Albertduane-001alb18894/10-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
DuBois Louis18896/8-7/26 UmpireMiddleSts ,
Dubose dubose001---18894/14-4/15 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Duffee Charlieduffee001cha18894/17-504 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Duffy Michaelduffy-002mic18894/29-7/25 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Duffy duffy-029---18897/7-7/15 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Duffy duffy-023---18897/27-7/28 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Duffy duffy-027---1889 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Dugan Eddugan-001ed-18894/20-5/1? MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18894/19-7/29 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Dugdale Dandugdal001dan18898/24-? Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Duke Martinduke--002mar18894/27-9/29 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Dundon Eddundon001ed-188941 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Dungan Samdungan001sam1889 Los Angeless-p Los Angeles, CA
Dunn Stevedunn--004ste1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Dunn Johndunn--009joh18894/30-8/27+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Dunn Andrewdunn--001and18895/30-6/14 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Dunn Andrewdunn--001and18896/24-7/4 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Dunn Andrewdunn--001and18897/31 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Dunn Williamdunn--005wil18894/28-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Dunn Williamdunn--005wil1889 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Dunn Williamdunn--005wil1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Dunn dunn--002---18897/25 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Dunning Andydunnin001and18895/23-2 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Dunning Andydunnin001and1889 BinghamtonIndependent Binghamton, NY
Dunning Andydunnin001and18897/16-7/18 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Dunning Andydunnin001and18897/24-7/31 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Dunning Andydunnin001and18899/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Duryea Jesseduryea001jes18894/20-99 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
DuShane Frankdushan002---1889 Elkhart Elkhart, IN
DuShane dushan002---1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Dwyer Frankdwyer-001fra1889360 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Dwyer Thomasdwyer-005tho18894/29-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Dyson Arthurdyson-001art1889+6/14+22 g.  Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Dyson Arthurdyson-001art1889+8/8+ Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Eagan Billeagan-001bil18895/1-9/18 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Eagan Peteeagan-001pat1889 TroyAmat ,
Earl Howardearl--002how18895/1-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Earl Howardearl--002how18898/21-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Earle Billyearle-001bil18894/27-75 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Easan Edward1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Easton Jackeaston001jac18895/7-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Easton Jackeaston001jac18899/23-73 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Eberle Guseberle001gus1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-18894/24-16 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Ebright Hiebrigh001hi-188955 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Eddinger Jerryedinge001jer1889 Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Edgarton Jamesedgart001jam1889+6/4-6/24+ Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Egan Edwardegan--002edw1889102 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Ehret Redehret-001phi1889136 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Eiteljorge Edeitelj001ed-1889-90 DePauw Univ.College ,
Eiteljorge Edeitelj001ed-1889 Terre HauteIndependent Terre Haute, IN
Eliff Harryeliff-001hen18894/7-5/27 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Elliott F. B.elliot000ed-1889 ParisIndependent Paris, IL
Ellis Ernestellis-001ern1889 WakefieldIndependent Wakefield, MA
Ellis Ernestellis-001ern18898/5-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Ellsworth Ezekielellswo001eze18894/7-7/29 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Ely Bonesely---001wil18894/30-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Emery Simsemery-001sim18898/7-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Emery 1889+7/13+ Philadelphia BradfordIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Emmerke Bobbyemmerk001rob18894/27-7/6 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Emmerke Bobbyemmerk001rob18897/16 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Emmerke Bobbyemmerk001rob1889 AshlandIndependent Ashland, PA
Emslie Bobemslie001bob18894/30-9/28 UmpireInt ,
England Georgeenglan001geo18895/11-6/14 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
England Georgeenglan001geo18898/16+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
England englan002---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Engle 1889+7/8+ PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Engle engle-002---18898/26 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Erichson Williamerichs001wil1889no g. Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Erichson Frederichs001fre1889 Houston AthleticsIndependent Houston, TX
Esmack Johnesmack001joh1889+6/26-7/4+ Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Esper Dukeesper-001duk1889 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Esper Dukeesper-001duk1889+7/17-7/19+ SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Esterbrook Dudeesterb001dud18896/1-7/29 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Esterly esterl001---18896/8-6/10 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Esterquest Tonyesterq001ant1889no g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha18895/30-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha18896/28-7/8 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha18897/10-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha18898/22-8/30+ Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Evans Johnevans-008joh18895/17-5/23 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Evans Fred C.?1889 RISt ,
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha188966 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Fabian Henryfabian001hen18894/20-7/2 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Fabian Henryfabian001hen18897/11-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Fagan Billfagan-001bil18895/17-5/23 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Fagan Billfagan-001bil18895/30-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Fagin Joefagin-001fre1889 Cincinnati Blue LicksAmat Cincinnati, OH
Fagin Joefagin-001fre1889 Cincinnati LincolnAmat Cincinnati, OH
Fairhurst Johnfairhu001joh188932 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Fairhurst Johnfairhu001joh1889+8/12-8/16+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Fanning Jackfannin001jac18894/30-6/11 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Fanning Jackfannin001jac188930 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Fanning Jackfannin001jac18899/20 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Farmer Billfarmer002bil18894/27-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Farrell Jackfarrel002jac1889-6/1142 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Farrell Jackfarrel002jac1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Farrell Jackfarrel008jac18895 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Farrell Jackfarrel008jac18897 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Farrell Jackfarrel008jac18891 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Farrell Charlesfarrel005cha1889 DecaturIllinois-Indiana League Decatur, IL
Farrell Johnfarrel009joh18894/20-5/? BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Farrell Johnfarrel009joh18895/20-6/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Farrell farrel021---18897/17-7/21 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Farrington Jamesfarrin002jam18895/1-9/17 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Farron farron001---188949 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Fear Frankfear--001fra1889 DecaturIllinois-Indiana League Decatur, IL
Fears fears-001---18895/9-5/13 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Fee Jackfee---001jac18895/30-8/28 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Fee Jackfee---001jac18899/14-10/4 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Feen Johnfeen--001joh1889 Providence PascoagsRISt Providence, RI
Fefel/Feifel 1889 Philadelphia SomersetIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Fefel/Feifel 18897/18-7/25 MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Ferris V.W.ferris001v--1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Ferson Alexferson001ale18895/4-46 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Ferter ferter001---18899/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Fessenden Wallyfessen001wal18894/24-52 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Fessenden Wallyfessen001wal18897/30-9/26 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Field Jimfield-001jim18894/29-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Fields fields002---18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Finn Mikefinn--002mic18896/?-11/24 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Firle Michaelfirle-002mic18894/21-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Fisher Harryfisher008har18897/?-9/14 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Fisher Alfisher001al-1889106 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Fisher Walterfisher007cha1889 Baltimore ReservesIndependent Baltimore, MD
Fisher Walterfisher007cha18896/15 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Fisher Charlesfisher010cha1889 MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Fitch Frankfitch-002fra1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Fitzgerald Dennisfitzge002den18894/30-6/3 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge006joh18894/30-7/22 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge006joh18898/2-9/25 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Fitzgerald Warrenfitzge001war188914 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Fitzgerald Josephfitzge004jos1889 Jersey City St. PetersAmat Jersey City, NJ
Fitzgerald Mikefitzge001mik1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi001joh18894/30-9/9 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi001joh1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi002joh18894/20-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Fitzsimmons Johnfitzsi002joh18896/19-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Flaherty Patflaher005pat18894/9-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Flanagan Thomasflanag001tho18895/5-9/2 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-18894/30-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-1889-10/823 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Flanagan Edflanag001ed-18898/21-8/24 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Flanagan Martflanag001mar18894/30-6/7 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Flanagan Martflanag001mar18898/6-9/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Flanagan Thomasflanag002tho188938 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Flanigan flanig002---1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Flannery Williamflanne001wil18895/14-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Flannery Williamflanne001wil1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Flazenor flazen001---18894/25 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Fleishman Joefleish001joe1889 Auburn ActivesIndependent Auburn, NY
Fletcher Jamesfletch002jam18894/20-5/ BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Flood Thomasflood-001tho18894/23-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Flood Thomasflood-002tho18897/10-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Flynn Charlesflynn-001cha18895/25-8/ Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Flynn Jamesflynn-005jam18894/7-6/20 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Flynn Edflynn-001ed-1889+6/12-8/3+ Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Flynn Edflynn-001ed-18898/15-8/18 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Flynn Georgeflynn-003geo1889 Chic. H. S.High School ,
Flynn flynn-010---18898/27 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Fogarty Johnfogart002joh18894/7-7/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Fogarty Johnfogart002joh18897/17-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Fogarty Johnfogart002joh1889 Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Fogarty Jackfogart005joh188921 g. Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Fogarty Jackfogart005joh1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Foley foley-017---1889 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Foos foos--001---18894/28 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Foote Harryfoote-001har18897/16-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Force Davyforce-001dav1889 UmpireWestA ,
Ford Tomford--001tom18895/16 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Ford Tomford--001tom18896/10 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Ford Lawrenceford--001law18894/24-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Ford Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Ford Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Ford ford--002---18894/13-7/29 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Foreman Frankforema001fra1889148 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Forster Tomforste001tom18894/29-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Foster Elmerfoster001elm18895/28-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Foster Johnfoster005joh18895/13-9/17 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra1889+6/27-6/28+ NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra1889+8/3+;26 g. Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Fournier Henryfourni001hen1889+6/25-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Fournier Henryfourni001hen1889 OneontaNY-Pa Oneonta, NY
Foutz Johnfoutz-001joh18892 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Fowler Budfowler004joh188992 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Fox Georgefox---001pad1889+7/8+ PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Fox Georgefox---001pad18898/26-8/30+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Fox Georgefox---001pad18899/7-9/18 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Fox 1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
France Ossiefrance001oss1889 AkronOhSt Akron, OH
France Ossiefrance001oss18896/3-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Frank Charliefrank-003cha18895/22-8 g. MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Frank Josephfrank-001jos1889 CaliforniaCalif California, CA
Frank Josephfrank-001jos18895/-6/ Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Freeman Juliefreema001jul18894/20-5/22 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Freeman Juliefreema021---18899/21 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Freeman William1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Freeman Buckfreema003joh1889 Wilkes-Barre BaronsIndependent Wilkes-Barre, PA
Freese freese001---18895/6-5/1? ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Frey Williamfrey--002wil18894/20-6/23 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Fricker Williamfricke001wil1889 NewportIndependent Newport,
Fricker Williamfricke001wil18896/- HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Friel Patfriel-001pat18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Friel Patfriel-001pat18898/3-9/3 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Fritz G.P.fritz-001g--1889 PattersonIndependent Patterson, NJ
Fritz G.P.fritz-001g--18895/18-6/13 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Fritz G.P.fritz-001g--1889 UmpireTx ,
Frye Johnfrye--003joh18895/1-8/30+ Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Fudger Frankfudger001fre18899 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Fudger Frankfudger001fre188926 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Fuller Billyfuller002wil18894/20-5/9 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Fuller Billyfuller002wil188962 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Fuller Harryfuller003har1889110 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd188995 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Gagen Mattgagen-001mat18894/10-8/2 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Gallagher Johngallag006joh1889 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Gallagher Johngallag006joh1889no g. SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Gallagher Johngallag006joh18895/16-6/6 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Gallagher Johngallag006joh18896/13 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Gallagher Johngallag005joh18895/30-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Gallagher Josephgallag001jos188922 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Gallagher 18897/22 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Galligan Petegallag002jim188927 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Galligan Johngallig001joh18894/30-8/13 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Galligan Johngallig001joh18898/20-8/31 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Galligan Johngallig001joh18899/2-10/14 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Gamble Bobgamble001bob18895/2-9/18 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Gandolfo Petegandol001p--1889 SibleyIndependent Sibley,
Gans Jackgans--001jac18894/30-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Gans Jackgans--001jac18896/19-7/ AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Gans Jackgans--001jac18897/9-9/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Ganss Billygans--001bil1889+4/30+ Cleveland RocksAmat Cleveland, OH
Ganss Billygans--001bil18896/16-  KentIndependent Kent, OH
Ganss Billygans--001bil1889+9/3+ NewarkOhSt Newark, NJ
Ganzel Georgeganzel001geo1889 WashingtonIndependent Washington, DC
Garbarskey garbar001---1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Garbarskey garbar001---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Gardner Gidgardne001gid188928 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Gardner E. P.garner001ed-18895/30-8/23 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Garfield Billgarfie001bil1889 Oberlin CollegeCollege ,
Garfield Billgarfie001bil18893 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Garfield Billgarfie001bil18892 g. Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Garfield Billgarfie001bil18897/10-13 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Garrison Rossgarris001ros1889+7/9-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Gastright Hankgastri001han18894/19-170 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Gates Guygates-001guy18895/31 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Gates gates-001---18897/22-7/24 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Gatewood Harrygatewo002har1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Gaule Mikegaule-001mik18896/15 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Gaunt 1889+8/7+ Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Geer Georgegeer--001geo18895/30-8/23 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha188941 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Geiss Billgeiss-001bil1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Geiss Emilgeiss-001emi18895/5-7/25 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Genins Frankgenins001c--18894/20-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Gentleman Williamgentle001wil18891 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
George Billgeorge001bil18893 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
George Billgeorge001bil1889- 7/95 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
George Billgeorge001bil1889-9/26 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
George Wilbur/Willis1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Gerhardt Joegerhar001joe18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Gerhardt Joegerhar001joe18898/13-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
German Lesgerman001les18894/30-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Gerraty gerrat001---18897 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Gessner Charliegessne001cha188987 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Gessner Charliegessne001cha1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom18895/1-9/3 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Gettinger Tomgettin001tom18899/21-4 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Gfroerer Jacobgfroer001jac1889 Hamilton BrownsIndependent Hamilton, ON
Gfroerer Jacobgfroer001jac18896/7-6/25 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Gibbs Charlesgibbs-001cha18895/2-5/17 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Gibbs Charlesgibbs-001cha18896/5-9/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Gibbs gibbs-003---18899/17 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Gibson Whiteygibson001whi18895/2-6/8 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Gibson Whiteygibson001whi18899/4 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Gibson Robertgibson006rob1889no g. Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Gibson gibson003---18898/7 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Gilbert Harrygilber003har1889+7/8+ PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Gilbert Johngilber006joh1889+7/8 PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Gilbert Johngilber006joh18898/26 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Gilbert Petegilber001pet1889 NorfolkIndependent Norfolk, VA
Gilbert Petegilber001pet1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Gilbert Petegilber001pet18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Gill Jimgill--001jim18895/1-6/20 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Gill Jimgill--001jim18896/27-7/1 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Gill Jimgill--001jim18898/2-9/3 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Gill gill--002---1889+7/12-7/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Gillen Samgillen001sam1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Gillespie Frankgilles002ed-18894/25-5/16 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Gillespie Frankgilles002ed-18895/19 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Gilliland Lougillil001lou18898/5-8/26 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Gilliland Lougillil001lou18898/28-9/5 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Gillis Jamesgillis002jam1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Gilman Pitgilman001pit1889101 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Gilman Pitgilman001pit1889 Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Gilman James?1889 Cleveland StarsIndependent Cleveland, OH
Gilmore Frankgilmor001fra18895/1-6/12 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Gilmore Frankgilmor001fra18897/4+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Gilmore Frankgilmor001fra18897/17-7/18 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Gilroy Eddiegilroy001edd1889 Orange CountyIndependent Orange County, CA
Gilroy Eddiegilroy001edd1889 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Gisk gisk--001---18896/23 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Glasscock James1889 ClevelandIndependent Cleveland, OH
Gleason Michaelgleaso001mic18895/30-7/25+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob1889 Grand IsleIndependent Grand Isle, NE
Glenalvin Bobglenal001bob1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Glenn Edglenn-001ed-18894/20-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Glenn glenn-002---18894/27 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Goar Jotgoar--001jot1889 CambridgeIndependent Cambridge, IN
Gockman S.gockma001---1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Gockman S.gockma001---18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Godar Johngodar-001joh18894/7-6/30 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Godar Johngodar-001joh18897/7-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Goddard Dongoddar002don1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Goetz Georgegoetz-002geo18896/17 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Goetz Georgegoetz-002geo18897/17 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Golden Mikegolden002mik1889 AuroraIndependent Aurora, IL
Golderman golder001---18898/15-8/17 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Goldie Jackgoldie002jac1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Goldie Jackgoldie002jac18896 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Goldsby Waltgoldsb001wal188931 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Goodall Herbgoodal001her18895/30-8/7+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Goodchild Williamgoodch001wil18894/28-5/15 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Goodenough Billgooden001bil188983 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Goodfellow Mikegoodfe001mik18895/1-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Goodhart Georgegoodha001geo1889 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Goodhart Georgegoodha001geo18898/14-9/18 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Goodryder Frankgoodry001fra18895/30-8/7+ Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Goodryder Frankgoodry001fra1889+8/23-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Goodwin Forrestgoodwi002for1889no g. Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Gordon Brucegordon001bru1889 BraddockIndependent Braddock, PA
Gordon Brucegordon001bru18896/22-6/28 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Gorman Thomasgorman004tho1889 St. Louis Peach PiesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Govern Kikigovern001sik18895/1-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Grace Arthurgrace-001art1889 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Champaign, IL
Graff Louisgraff-001lou1889+7/24+ RivertonIndependent Riverton, NJ
Graham Billy1889 Pittsburgh RiversideIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Graham Jamesgraham001jam18894/25- NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Graham Jamesgraham001jam18896/20-8/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Graham Jamesgraham001jam18899/4-9/8 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Graney Frankgraney001fra1889 CairoIndependent Cairo, IL
Grant Frankgrant-001fra18895/1-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Graulich Lewgrauli001wil18895/6-6/1 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Graulich Lewgrauli001wil18896/13-7/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Graulich Lewgrauli001wil18898/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Graulich Billygrauli001lew1889+4/29+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Graulich Billygrauli001lew18896/20-8/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Graulich Billygrauli001lew18898/27-9/3 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Graulich 1889 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Graves Frankgraves004fra18892 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Graves Frankgraves004fra1889 OntarioIndependent , ON
Graves Shagowashgraves001sha18897/16-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Graves Eddie1889 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Graves Eddie1889 RivertonIndependent Riverton, NJ
Gray Charliegray--006cha1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Gray Charliegray--006cha1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Green Jimgreen-001jim1889+5/7-5/26+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Green Jimgreen-001jim1889+7/20-7/23 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Green Jimgreen-001jim18897/25-9/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Green Edgreen-002ed-18895/1-6/4 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Green Edgreen-002ed-1889+6/12-8/3+ Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Green Harrygreen-009har1889 BordentownIndependent Bordentown, NJ
Green BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Green green-003---18896 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Greenleaf greenl002---18895/24 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Griffin Sandygriffi001san18894/30-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Griffin griffi004---18898/16 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Griffith Clarkgriffi003cla18894/23-9/23 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Grim Johngrim--002joh18894/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Grogan Jackgrogan001jac1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Grogan Jamesgrogan001jam1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Grogan Jamesgrogan001jam1889 UmpireMiSt ,
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh18894/28-5/15 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh1889 UmpireTx ,
Guinasso Louisguinas001lou18894/30-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Gumbert Billygumber001bil1889 Pittsburgh East EndIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Gunning Tomgunnin001tom1889 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Gunshannon Johngunsha001joh18895/1-5/7 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Gunshannon Johngunsha001joh1889 TroyTroyCity Troy, NY
Gunshannon Johngunsha001joh18896/22 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Gunson Joegunson001joe188934 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Hackett Walterhacket001wal18894/29-6/4 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Hadding Charleshaddin001cha18895/10 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Hadding Charleshaddin001cha18895/13 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Hafner Frankhafner001fra18895 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Hafner Frankhafner001fra1889no g. Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Hagen Frank1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Hagerman Alfhagerm001alf18891 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Hague Billhague-001bil1889 UmpireMidSts ,
Hahn Harryhahn--001har1889 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Hahn Harryhahn--001har18898/14-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Haigh Edward E.?1889+5/30+ Philadelphia GermantownIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Hain hain--001---1889no g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Haley D.1889 Chicago StarsCityLeag Chicago, IL
Hall Charleshall--012cha1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Hall Jameshall--041---1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Hall Charles1889 UmpireCIntSt ,
Hall Charles18899/?-9/? MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Hall hall--004---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Haller Frankhaller002fra1889 UniontownWPa Uniontown, PA
Haller Frankhaller002fra1889+7/10-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Halligan Jockohallig001joc18895/30-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Halligan Jockohallig001joc18899/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Hallstrom Charliehallst001cha1889no g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim18896/6-6/10 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Halpin Johnhalpin002joh18897 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Halsinger halsin001---1889+5/30+ BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Halsinger halsin001---18896/18-6/28 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Hamburg Charliehambur003cha18894/30-9/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Hamilton Roberthamilt006rob18894/29-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Hamman hamman002---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Handiboe Jimhandib001jim18894/30-6/19 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Handiboe Jimhandib001jim18896/29-7/12 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Handiboe Jackhandib001j--18894/30 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Handiboe 1889 NewarkOhSt Newark, NJ
Hanley Georgehanley001geo188986 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hanrahan Williamhanrah002wil18894/20-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Hapeman Alberthapema001alb188910 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hapeman Alberthapema001alb1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Hardie Louhardie001lou188994 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Harkins Johnharkin002joh1889 SomervilleIndependent Somerville, NJ
Harp harp--001---18898/2-8/7 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Harper Georgeharper003joh188947 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Harrington Williamharrin005wil18895/18-7/30+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Harrington Jerryharrin001jer188968 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Harris Frankharris005fra18894/30-5/13 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Harris Frankharris005fra1889+5/22-6/7+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Harris Frankharris005fra1889+6/29-8/17+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Harris Frankharris005fra1889 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Harris Hankharris001hen1889-6/ San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harris Hankharris001hen1889 StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Harris Billyharris002bil1889 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Harris W. H.1889 Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Harrison Abeharris001abr18895/1-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Hart Billhart--004wil18894/20-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Hart Jimhart--008jam1889-10/5133 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hart Billyhart--002bil188956 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Harter Georgeharter001geo188929 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Harter Georgeharter001geo1889 Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Harter Georgeharter001geo1889 LafayetteIllinois-Indiana League Lafayette, IN
Hartman Fredhartma003fre1889 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Hartnett Pathartne001pat18895/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Hasney Petehasney001pet18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Hasney Petehasney001pet18896/20-8/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Hassamaer Billhassam001bil18895/7-5/19 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Hassamaer Billhassam001bil18895/30-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Hassamaer Billhassam001bil18898/6-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hassett Christyhasset001chr1889 ,
Hawes Billhawes-001bil18894/20-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Hawke Billhawke-001bil1889 MiddletonIndependent Middleton, MD
Hawkins J.D.hawkin003j--1889 CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Hawley hawley002---188949 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Hawley 1889 UniontownWPa Uniontown, PA
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18893 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18892 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18896 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18895 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Hayes Jackiehayes-001jac18896/13-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Hayes Georgehayes-002geo1889+6/3+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Hayes G.1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Heagey Edheagey001ed-1889 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Heagey Edheagey001ed-18898/14-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Healey Johnhealey005joh18894/21-5/27 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Healey healey002---1889+7/1-7/25 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Heberling W.heberl001w--1889 Rochester DanfordsIndependent Rochester, NY
Hedrick J.W.hedric001j--18896/29-7/18 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Heine Billheine-001wil18896/20 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Heine Billheine-001wil18897/26 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Heineman W. S.1889 FischelsIndependent ,
Heineman W. S.1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Heinz Charles?heinz-002---18891 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Heinzman Jackheinzm001jac1889 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Heinzman Jackheinzm001jac18896/25-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Heinzman Jackheinzm001jac188913 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Hellman Tonyhellma001ton18894/21-7/14 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Hemp Duckyhemp--001duc1889116 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Hendershott Williamhender011wil1889no g. Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Henderson Hardiehender004har18896/16 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Henderson Hardiehender004har1889no g. SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Hendricks Johnhendri006joh1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Hengel Edhengle001edw1889 UmpireTriSt ,
Hengel Edhengle001edw18899/1-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Hengel Edhengle001edw1889-10/1520 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox18894/20-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Hennemann August1889 ColumbusIndependent Columbus, OH
Hennessey Josephhennes003jos18894/22-6/15 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Hennessey Josephhennes003jos18897/1-8/6 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Hennessy hennes002---1889no g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Hennessy hennes002---1889 DecaturIllinois-Indiana League Decatur, IL
Henry Johnhenry-007joh18894/29-9/28 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Henry Georgehenry-002geo188965 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Henry Georgehenry-002geo1889 Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Henry Eddiehenry-001edw1889 OxfordIndependent Oxford, PA
Henry 1889 CharlotteIndependent Charlotte, NC
Herndon Josephherndo001jos1889 Philadelphia GermantownIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Hernon Tomhernon001tom1889 New Bedford EnosBristolCo New Bedford, MA
Herr Josephherr--001jos18894/20-6/11 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Herr Josephherr--001jos188940 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Herrington Walterherrin001wal18895/11- ScottdaleWPa Scottdale, PA
Hersh Georgehersh-001geo18898/14 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Hess Jackhess--003joh1889 Pittsburgh HomesteadIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Hetterman Pathetter001pat1889 H.O.P.sIndependent ,
Hetterman Pathetter001pat18898/27-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Hetzel hetzel001---18897/6 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18894/30-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Higgins Johnhiggin002joh18896/3-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Hiland Johnhiland001joh18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Hiland Johnhiland001joh18898/3-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Hill Lewishill--002lew18894/30-5/4 UmpireTriSt ,
Hill Lewishill--002lew1889+5/17-7/7+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Hill Lewishill--002lew18897/24-9/3+ UmpireTriSt ,
Hill Beldenhill--003bel18894/7-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Hill Benjaminhill--002ben1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Hill P.hill--001p--188916 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Hillary James18895/4-6/15 UmpireSo ,
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha1889 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha18896/5-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Hines Mikehines-001mik18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Hines Mikehines-001mik18896/24-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hines Mikehines-001mik1889- end season36 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Hines Hunkeyhines-001hun1889 ,
Hinkle hinkle002---1889 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
Hinkle hinkle002---18896/8-6/14? LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Hinkle hinkle002---18896/14-6/15 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Hinkle hinkle002---1889+7/10-7/15 MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Hinkle hinkle002---18897/22-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Hinkle hinkle002---18898/22-8/26 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Hinkley Edgarhinkle000edg18895/16,6/14 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Hinkley Edgarhinkle000edg1889 MilanIndependent Milan, MI
Hiser hiser-002---1889 AdamsIndependent Adams, MA
Hobrecht Mikehobrec001mik18894/30-9/6 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18895/14 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18897/8-7/24 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Hodson Georgehodson002geo18897/29-8/29 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Hoeding Harry1889+7/22+ Philadelphia BristolIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Hoefner 1889 Portland Portland, ME
Hoeneman Gushoenem001a--18894/20-6/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Hoffman Charleshoffma004cha188994 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Hoffman Frankhoffma001fra18894/24-5/23 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Hoffman Frankhoffma001fra18897/4-7/14 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Hoffman 1889+7/13+ Philadelphia BradfordIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Hoffner hoffne003---18898/2-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos18897/30-8/2 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos18898/17-8/31+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Hofford Johnhoffor001joh18894/20-5/9 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Hofford Johnhoffor001joh18896/7-7/4 UmpireSo league disbanded ,
Hogan Bobhogan-001edd1889 St. Louis Sultan BittersS-p St. Louis, MO
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor1889 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hoggins Williamhoggin001wil1889 Little RockSW Little Rock, AR
Hogreiver Georgehogrie001geo18898/3-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Holacher Charlesholach001cha188920 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Holacher Charlesholach001cha1889 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Holacher Charlesholach001cha18896/21-8/7 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Holland Jackhollan001joh1889-9/1595 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Holland Willhollan007wil18894/20-7/? New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Holland Willhollan007wil18897/10-10/12 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Holland Willhollan007wil1889 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Holland hollan006---18895/13-5/16 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Holland hollan001---18897/23-7/25 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Holliday Bughollid001bug18894/17-928 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Holliday Edwardhollid001edw1889 Los AngelesIndependent Los Angeles, CA
Hollingsworth Wallacehollin001wal1889 Terre HauteIndependent Terre Haute, IN
Holmes Benjamin18895/11-5/18 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Holmes holmes001---1889 AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Honan Martyhonan-001mar18896 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Hood hood--002---18894/20 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Hood hood--002---18896/24-7/? ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Hoover Williamhoover001bus18894/30-9/25 Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Hoover William18895/28-9/10 UmpireInt ,
Hoover Charliehoover001cha1889-9/2971 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Horner Jackhorner002jac18895/8-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Horsfield Jameshorsfi001jam1889 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Horsfield Jameshorsfi001jam1889 UmpireTx ,
Hoskins Charleshoskin002cha188938 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Hoskins Charleshoskin002cha1889 OttawaIndependent Ottawa, IL
Hotaling Petehotali001pet18895/16-6/25 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Hotaling Petehotali001pet18897/1-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Householder Charliehouseh001cha1889 ReadingIndependent Reading, PA
Householder Charliehouseh002cha18894/25-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Householder Charliehouseh002cha18896/19-7/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Householder Charliehouseh002cha1889 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Householder Charliehouseh002cha188951 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Hoverter Georgehovert001geo18895/1-9/9 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Hoverter Samhovert001sam18895/1-6/20 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Hoverter Samhovert001sam18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Hoverter Samhovert001sam18897/29-8/29 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Hoverter Samhovert001sam18899/9-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Howe Shortyhowe--001sho18894/20-6/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Howe Shortyhowe--001sho1889 New York MetropolitansIndependent New York, NY
Howe Shortyhowe--001sho1889 SummervilleIndependent Summerville,
Howe Henryhowe--001hen1889 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Howell howell002---18897/11-7/24 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Hoyt hoyt--006---1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Hudson Nathudson001nat18898/24-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Hughes W.hughes002w--18898 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Hughey Jimhughey001jim1889 MarionInSt Marion, IN
Hulin Harryhulin-001har18893/24-11/24 StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Hull Arthurhull--001art1889 Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Hull hull--002---18898/16 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Humber Johnhumber001joh18895/30-6/8 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Humber Johnhumber001joh18897/4-7/6 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Humphrey humphr004---18896/10-6/18 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Humphries Danielhumphr002dan18894/29-5/23 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Humphries D.1889+7/8-8/20+ BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Humphries 1889+5/30+ Philadelphia GermantownIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Hungler Alhungle001al-18894/20-5/23 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Hungler Alhungle001al-188916 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Hungler Alhungle001al-1889 Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Hunolt Johnhunolt001joh18899 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Hunter Billhunter001bil1889 ChicagoChicCity Chicago, IL
Hunter 1889 FranklinIndependent Franklin, PA
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer18895/1 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer18895/24-9/5 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Hurley Jerryhurley002jer188925 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Hurley Michaelhurley002mic1889 UmpireWestA ,
Hurst Timhurst-001tim18894/20-7/2 UmpireSo ,
Hurst Timhurst-001tim1889 UmpireWest ,
Husted Billhusted001bil1889+7/8+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Huston Jackhuston001jac18894/22-7/? New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Huston Jackhuston001jac18897/11-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Hutchings A. H.?1889+8/7+ Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Hutchins Clarencehutchi003cla1889 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-18895/2-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Hutchinson Edhutchi002ed-18898/10-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Hutchinson F.M.hutchi001f--18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Hutchinson F.M.hutchi001f--18897/29-8/30 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil1889367 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Hydinger hyding001---18895/18-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Ike Albertike---001alb188930 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Ike Albertike---001alb1889 Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Ike Albertike---001alb188955 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Ike Albertike---001alb1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Incell Williamincell001wil18897 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Incell Williamincell001wil18899 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Inks Bertinks--001ber1889 GoshenIndependent Goshen, IN
Inks Willinks--001wil1889 GoshenIndependent Goshen, IN
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh18894/30-7/22 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh188958 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Isaacson Charlesisaacs004cha18894/7-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Ivory Nickivory-001nic1889 GoshenIndependent Goshen, IN
Ivory Nickivory-001nic1889+6/8-6/9+ Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Logansport, IN
Ivory Buck1889no g. HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Jackson Bobjackso001bob1889 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Jackson Andyjackso005and18896/29-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Jackson Oscarjackso001osc18896/29-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Jackson Robert1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jacobs Alexjacobs001ale18895/2-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Jacobs Alexjacobs001ale18893 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
James Williamjames-016wil1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
James Williamjames-016wil18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Jamieson Jackjamies001jac1889 OttawaIndependent Ottawa, IA
Jamison John1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Jantzen Dukejantze001a--18894/21- Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Jantzen Dukejantze001a--1889-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Jennings Andrew18891 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Jennings Alamazoojennin001ala1889 UmpireTriSt ,
Jennings Hughiejennin001hug1889 LehightonIndependent Lehighton, PA
Jennings Vesper1889no g. HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Jennison Walterjennis001wal1889 Chicago ReservesIndependent Chicago, IL
Jennison Walterjennis001wal18894/30 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre188916 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre18896/29- Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre1889 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Jevne Fredjevne-001fre1889-8/22 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Joanes Ralphjoanes001ral18894/7-5/22 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Johns Peterjohns-001---188991 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Johnson Spudjohnso001spu18894/18-251 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Johnson Leftyjohnso037wil18894/29-9/2 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Johnson Harry18896/20-9/29 Cuban GiantsMidSts Cuban,
Johnson Dickjohnso003dic1889100 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Johnson Jesse1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Johnson johnso004---18898/17-8/24 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Johnston johnst027---1889 Pullman-CalumetIndependent ,
Jones Charliejones-019cha18894/29-6/5 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Jones Charliejones-019cha18896/8-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Jones Frankjones-002fra18894/30-5/8 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Jones Frankjones-002fra18896/11-6/21 UmpireTriSt ,
Jones Frankjones-002fra1889 UmpireCIntSt ,
Jones Henryjones-007hen1889 Pittsburgh HomesteadIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Jones Henryjones-006hen18894/20-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Jones Henryjones-007hen188925 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Jones Henryjones-007hen1889 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Jones Mikejones-002mik18895/15-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Jones Silasjones-001sil1889+6/12-8/5+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Jones Abe1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Jones Josephjones-010jos18895/1-9/9 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Jones Charlesjones-022cha1889 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Jones Alexjones-002ale1889 Homestead AcmeIndependent Homestead, PA
Jones Alexjones-002ale1889 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Jones Alexjones-002ale18899/25 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Jones Silasjones-001sil1889 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Jones jones-012---18897/14 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Jones 1889 HuntingtonIndependent Huntington, WV
Jordan Mikejordan001mik18894/22-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Jordan Mikejordan001mik18898/19-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Jordan jordan013---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Jose 18898/24 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Joyce Billjoyce-001bil18894/7-8/7 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Joyce Billjoyce-001bil18898/15-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Joyce Fred1889no g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Kane Jerrykane--004jer1889 EdwardsvilleIndependent Edwardsville, IL
Kane Thomas1889 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Kane J.J.kane--001j--18897/5-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Kappel Henrykappel001hei188918 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Kappel Henrykappel001hei1889-8/146 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Kappel Joekappel001joe188996 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Katz Joekatz--002jos188995 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Kavanaugh Charlescavana001cha1889 ILSt ,
Kavanaugh J.H.kavana001j--1889+5/5-5/15+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Kearns Tomkearns001tom18894/30-8/21 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Kearns Tomkearns001tom18898/26-9/26 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Keas Edkeas--001ed-18895/4-5/10 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Keay Forestkeay--002for1889 DoverIndependent Dover, NH
Keay Forestkeay--002for18895/30-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Keefe Johnkeefe-001joh1889 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Keefe Johnkeefe-001joh18895/5-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Keefer Harrykeefer001har1889 RoanokeIndependent Roanoke, VA
Keeler Williekeeler001wil1889 PlainfieldIndependent Plainfield, NJ
Keenan Jackkeenan001kid1889 HuntingtonIndependent Huntington, WV
Keffer Frankkeffer001fra18895/2-8/30 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Kelley Richardkelley003ric1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Kelley 18897/18-8/5 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Kellogg Natekellog001nat18896/5-8/20 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Kelly Johnkelly-012joh18895/20- MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Kelly Charliekelly-004cha1889 Philadelphia FooteIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kelly Charliekelly-004cha18897/16-8/16 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Kelly Fredkelly-003fre18894/20-6/? MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Kelly Fredkelly-003fre18897/10-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo1889 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Kelly Georgekelly-005geo1889 Richmond Richmond, VA
Kelly J. J.1889 GardnerIndependent Gardner, ME
Kelly Johnkelly-015joh18894/22-5/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Kelly Johnkelly-015joh18895/20-6/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Kelly Williamkelly-021wil18897/16-7/31 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Kelly kelly-017---1889+6/23-6/26+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Kelly 1889+5/30+ Philadelphia HighlandIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kelly kelly-003---1889+7/12-7/23 CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Kelly kelly-045---18898/31 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Kelty Johnkelty-001joh18894/30-9/9 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Kelty Johnkelty-001joh1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Kemmler Rudykemmle001rud18898 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Kennedy Dockenned001doc1889+6/14-8/19+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Kennedy Edkenned001ed-18897/20-8/15 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Kennedy Tedkenned001ted18897/16-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Kennedy Brickyardkenned005wil18894/30-7/22+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Kennedy kenned054---1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Kenney Bertkenney001ber18895/30-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Kenyon Jackkenyon001jac18895/9-5/23 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Keogan Mattkeogan001mat18894/25-6/14 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Keogan Mattkeogan001mat18897/14-4 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Kerins Johnkerins001joh188918 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Kerins Johnkerins001joh188959 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Kerr kerr--018---18894/17 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Keyes Frankkeyes-001fra18894/20-4/2? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Keyes Frankkeyes-001fra18894/23-5/? BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Kidd Wm.kidd--001wm-1889 Wesleyan CollegeCollege ,
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18894/7-7/10 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18897/13-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Kilpatrick Charles1889 UmpireIl-In ,
Kilroy Mikekilroy001mik18895/1-5/29 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Kilroy P.1889+5/30+ Philadelphia GermantownIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kilroy 1889+7/8+ BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Kilroy kilroy001---18899/2 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Kimber Samkimber001sam18894/28 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Kimber Samkimber001sam18895/3-5/19 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Kimber Samkimber001sam18897/22 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Kimble Johnkimbal002joh1889-92 ,
Kimble Jerome18897/1 exh. HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
King Williamking--013wil18895/20-7/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
King king--028---18897/17-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
King king--002---18899/3 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Kingsley Moseskingsl001mos18894/29-6/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Kingsley Moseskingsl001mos188981 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Kinsler Williamkinsle001wil1889+8/7+ Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Kinslow Tomkinslo001tom18895/1-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal18899 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Kipp Leekipp--002lee1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Kirby Johnkirby-002joh18895/26-6/25 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Kirby Johnkirby-002joh1889no g. Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Kirby Waynekirby-003way18895/13- Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Kirby Waynekirby-003way1889 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Kirby Waynekirby-003way1889-9/19 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Kirk Chester1889-91 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Kirst Grantkirst-001gra1889 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Kirst Grantkirst-001gra18898/14-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Kittle Georgekittle001geo18894/16-8/7 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Kittle Georgekittle001geo1889 UmpireTx ,
Kittridge Malachikittri001mal188994 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Kline Wilsonkline-002wil18895/1-5/18 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Kline kline-002---1889 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Kline kline-002---18898/14-9/9 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Klobedanz Fredklobed001fre1889no g. Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus18894/28-7/24 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Klopf Gusklopf-001gus188911 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Klusman Billyklusma001bil18894/20-4/30 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Klusman Billyklusma001bil1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Klusman Billyklusma001bil18895/4-6/6 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Klusman Billyklusma001bil18896/13-8/6 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Klusman Billyklusma001bil188916 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Knapp knapp-001---188921 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Knauss Frankknauss001fra18895/1-8/30+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Knell Philknell-001phi18894/21- St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Knell Philknell-001phi1889-9/28 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Knell Philknell-001phi188914 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Knight Lonknight001lon18894/29-6/26,8/11 UmpireAtl ,
Knight Lonknight001lon188938 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Knight Joeknight002jos18894/30-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Knoll knoll-001---18897/20-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Knorr knorr-003---1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Knorr knorr-003---1889+8/12+ Philadelphia GermantownIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Knorr knorr-002---18898/26-9/4 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Knouff Edknouff001ed-18897/4-8/21 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Knouff Danielknouff001dan18895/2-5/7 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18897/29-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Knowlton Herbertknowlt001her18897/1 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Knowlton Herbertknowlt001her18897/12-7/17 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Knox Andyknox--001and18896/8-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Knox Andyknox--001and18897/2-7/6 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Knox Andyknox--001and18897/16-8/19 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Knox Andyknox--001and18898/30-9/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Knox Dickknox--002ric18895/30-8/19+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Koons Harrykoons-001har18895/2-9/4 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Kottcamp J.kottca001j--18896/6-6/11 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Krauss Sauerkrautkrauss001sau18894/11 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Krehmeyer Charliekrehme001cha188943 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Krehmeyer Charliekrehme001cha188915 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18894/20-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Krock Guskrock-001gus18898/25-8/28 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Krumm Alkrumm-001al-18895/17 PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Krumm Alkrumm-001al-18897/17-8/2 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Kuhns J. B.1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Kurtz Henrykurtz-002hen18896/23-7/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Kurtz Henrykurtz-002hen18898/17-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Kurtz L.kurtz-001l--18898/28 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Kurtz kurtz-002---18895/6-5/11 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Ladew Steveladew-001ste18899/27-9/28 Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Ladew 1889 LatrobeWPa Latrobe,
Lally Danlally-001dan18895/2-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Lamp Henry1889 Baltimore ClintonsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Land Gusland--001gus18894/21-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Landis Doclandis001doc188920 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Landis Doclandis001doc1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Landmann Michaellandma001m--18895/1-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Lang Franklinlang--002fra18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Lang Franklinlang--002fra18898/2-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Lange Fredlange-001fre1889 Retired ,
Lange Billlange-001bil1889 Port TownsendIndependent Port Townsend, WA
Lange Stevelange-001ste1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Langesworth J.1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Langsford Boblangsf001bob1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Lanser Henrylanser001hen18894/30-8/21 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Lansing Addison1889 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Lansing Addison1889 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Lansing Addison1889+9/9+ New Jersey RivertonIndependent New Jersey, NJ
Larkin Charleslarkin001cha188972 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam18894/30-8/3 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
LaRocque Samlarocq001sam188935 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Lasch Johnlasch-001joh18893 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Lasch Johnlasch-001joh1889+8/26+ AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Latham Jumbolatham001jum1889+6/18-8/5+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Latouche Paullatouc001pau188939 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Lauer Chucklauer-001chu18894 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Lauer Chucklauer-001chu18899 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Lauman Floydlauman001flo1889113 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Lavin Johnnylavin-001joh188999 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Lawless Phillawles001phi18895/2-6/20 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Lawless Phillawles001phi18898/14 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Lawlor Jacklawlor001joh1889 TroyAmat Troy, NY
Lawrence Richardlawren003ric18895/1-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Lawrence Richardlawren003ric1889 Reading ActivesIndependent Reading, PA
Lawrence Richardlawren003ric18897/15-7/26 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Lawrence Richardlawren003ric18898/1-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Lawson Allawson001al-1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Lawson Allawson001al-1889 SterlingIndependent Sterling, IL
Lawson Allawson001al-1889 AppletonIndependent Appleton, WI
Leadley Bobleadle001rob18894/30-9/21 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Leamon Williamleamon001wil1889 ScottdaleIndependent Scottdale, PA
Leary 1889 ConcordIndependent Concord, NH
Leas Sonleas--000son1889 TiffinOhSt Tiffin, OH
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle1889no g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Legg Llewellynlegg--001lle1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Lehane Mikelehane001mik18894/30-9/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Leighton Johnleight002joh1889 PortsmouthIndependent Portsmouth, RI
Leighton Johnleight002joh188967 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Leiper Jackleiper001jac1889+8/19+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Leitz 1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Leland Frank1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Lemons Harrylemons001har18894/30-6/9 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Lemons Harrylemons001har18894/10-8/2 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Lennehan F. H.1889 LafayetteIllinois-Indiana League Lafayette, IN
Leonard Henryleonar001hen18894/30-7/? Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Leonard Frankleonar001fra18895/30-8/23 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Lersch Jacoblersch001jac1889+7/24-8/26+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Levis Charlielevis-001cha18894/8-7/21 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Levis Charlielevis-001cha1889 UmpireCIntSt ,
Levis Charlielevis-001cha18898/-9/27 Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Levy Rubelevy--001reu188993 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Levy levy--002---18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Lewis Franklewis-003fra18894/22-5/16 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Lewis Franklewis-003fra18895/20-7/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Lewis lewis-011---18894/30-5/17 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Lewis 1889 JohnstownWPa Johnstown, PA
Lincoln Ezralincol001ezr1889 BrocktonIndependent Brockton, MA
Linet lunt--002---18897/9 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Little Jameslittle007jam18894/30-6/24 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Little Jameslittle007jam18897/24-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Litz Abelitz--002abr18894/20-5/15 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Litz Abelitz--002abr18896/7-6/11 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Litz Abelitz--002abr18896/25-7/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Llewellyn Evanllewel001eva1889no g. SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Lockwood 1889+7/9+ MediaIndependent Media, PA
Loders 1889 CIntSt ,
Loftus loftus004---188942 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Loftus loftus002---1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Lohbeck Joelohbec001jos18897/16 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Lohman Petelohman001geo188921 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Lohman Petelohman001geo188916 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Lohr Charles1889 GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Lombard Jameslombar002jam188992 g.  Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Lombard Jameslombar002jam1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Long Billylong--001bil18895/15-5/16 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Long Harrylong--005har18895/1-5/5 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Long Harrylong--005har18895/11-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Long Harrylong--005har1889+7/13+ GlassboroIndependent Glassboro, NJ
Long Harrylong--005har18897/20-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Long Harrylong--005har18898/22-8/26 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Long Danlong--003dan188994 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Long Hermanlong--001her18894/17-1399 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Long W. W.1889 U. of PennsylvaniaCollege ,
Lookabaugh Jacoblookab001jac1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Lord Charleslord--002cha1889 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Loughran Frankloughr001fra18891 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Loughran William1889 LIC-StarsIndependent ,
Louser Luther1889+4/30+ LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Louser Luther18898/14-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Lovett Tomlovett001tom1889117 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Lovett lovett001---1889+6/-7/26 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Lowe Bobbylowe--002rob18894/20-9/22 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Luby Patluby--001pat18894/20-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Luby Patluby--001pat18896/19-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Luby Patluby--001pat188933 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil18894/26-9/27 Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Lucas H. S.1889 WiliamsportPaSt Wiliamsport, PA
Luenig J.luenig001j--18897/16-8/2 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Lufberry Johnlufber001joh18898/3 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Lufberry Josephlufber001jos18894/30-7/20 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Lufberry Josephlufber001jos18897/22-7/27 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Lukens Allukens001al-1889 HammontownIndependent Hammontown, NJ
Lund Willlund--001wil188950 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Lund Willlund--001wil1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Lunt 18897/9 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Lutenberg Lukelutenb001luk1889105 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Lynch Thomaslynch-003tho1889 Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom18894/29-9/20 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Lynch Henrylynch-003hen18895/3-7/10 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Lynch Patricklynch-002pat1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18898/24-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Lyons Harrylyons-001har18895 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Lyons Tobylyons-001tob18898/23-9/2+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Lyons Patlyons-003pat18894/30-5/27+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Lyons Patlyons-003pat1889 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Lyons Patlyons-003pat18896/9-9/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Lyston Williamlyston001wil1889 UniontownIndependent Uniontown, PA
Lyston Johnlyston001joh1889 UniontownIndependent Uniontown, PA
Lyston Johnlyston001joh1889 MorristownIndependent Morristown, PA
Lyston Mortimerlyston001mor1889+8/26+ WinchesterIndependent Winchester, VA
Lytle Dadlytle-001dad1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
MacArthur Macmacart001mac18895/3 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
MacArthur Macmacart001mac1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Mace Harrymace--002har1889 WashingtonAmat Washington, DC
Mace Harrymace--002har1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Mackey Gusmackey001c--1889 Battle CreekIndependent Battle Creek, MI
Mackey Billymackey003wil1889 North AdamsIndependent North Adams, MA
Mackey Billymackey003wil1889 Troy Troy, NY
Mackey Jackmackey001jac1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Mackey Jackmackey001jac1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Mackey Jackmackey001jac18898 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Macullar Jimmymacull001jim18894/20-9/20 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Magee Billymagee-002bil18895/30-6/10 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Magee Billymagee-002bil18897/8-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Magee Billymagee-002bil18897/31-9/7 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Magner Johnmagner003joh18894/7-4/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Magner Johnmagner001joh18897/12 UmpireCIntSt ,
Maguire Tommaguir001tho1889 San FranciscoCalAM San Francisco, CA
Maguire Tommaguir001tho1889 MaryvilleNoCal Maryville, CA
Maguire Jamesmaguir003jam1889no g. Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Maguire Jamesmaguir003jam18898/13-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Mahan 18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Mahler Henrymahler001---1889+8/17+ Lancaster ActiveIndependent Lancaster, PA
Mahon Robertmahon-002rob1889 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Mahon Robertmahon-002rob18896/20-8/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Mahon Robertmahon-002rob18898/27-9/3 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Mahoney Danmahone003dan18894/20-9/15 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Mains Willardmains-001wil18894/20-9/28 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Mair Willmair--001wil1889 AuroraAmat Aurora, IL
Mallory Georgemallor002geo18894/25-8/10 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Mallory Georgemallor002geo1889+8/23-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Malone Williammalone008wil18895/1-8/8+ Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Malone Williammalone008wil18897/18 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Maloney Mike18894/29-9/22 UmpireAtl ,
Maloney Curleymalone005jam18894/8-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Maloney Curleymalone005jam18895 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Maloney malone002---18897/8 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Manigan maniga002---18893 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Manlove Lincmanlov001abr188958 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Mann Fredmann--001fre18894/29-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Mann Benmann--002ben1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Mannassau Almannas001al-188932 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Mannassau Almannas001al-18897/-51 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Manning Jackmannin001jac18894/30-6/6 UmpireAtl ,
Manning Timmannin001tim188961 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Manning Jimmannin001jim1889-10/13132 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Mansell Mikemansel001mik18894/29-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
March Frankmarch-001fra18898/22 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Marcum Claudemarcum001cla1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Markle Raymarkle002ray1889 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Marks marks-002---18897/8 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Marquette Cal1889 SheboyganIndependent Sheboygan, MI
Marr Leftymarr--001lef1889-9/23355 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Mars Edmars--001ed-1889 Chicago Maroonss-p Chicago, IL
Mars Edmars--001ed-1889 GoshenIndependent Goshen, IN
Marsh M.1889 Galesburg Galesburg, IL
Marsh M.1889 DecoranNoIowa Decoran,
Marsh marsh-001---18899/15 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Martin martin005---1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Martz Henrymartz-001hen1889 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Maskrey Leechmaskre001lee18894/20-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Maskrey Frankmaskre000fra1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Mason Charliemason-004cha18894/28-6/24 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Mauck Halmauck-001hal1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Maurer Georgemaurer003geo18894/16-7/24 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Mawson J. H.1889+5/30+ BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
May Patrickmay---001pat18895/30+ Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
May Patrickmay---001pat1889+7/9-8/5+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Mayer Edmayer-001ed-188957 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Mayhew A.J.mayhew001a--18895/28-6/7 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
McAleer Jimmymcalee001jam18894/24-1013 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
McAlleny Paulmcalle001pau18894/30-6/28 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
McAndries Thomasmcandr003tho18894/20-4/30 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
McAuliffe Danielmcauli001dan18894/22-5/7 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
McAuliffe Danielmcauli001dan18896/13 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg18894/20-6/11 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg18896/14-6/16 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
McBride Algiemcbrid001alg188954 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
McBride Johnmcbrid003joh188921 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
McCabe Johnmccabe001joh18894/29-8/11 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
McCabe mccabe002---18897/19 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
McCafferty Josephmccaff001jos1889 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
McCafferty Josephmccaff001jos18897/8-7/20 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
McCafferty Josephmccaff001jos18899/5 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
McCaffrey Sparrowmccaff001spa18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
McCaffrey Sparrowmccaff001spa18896/20-8/6 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
McCaffrey Sparrowmccaff001spa18898/13-8/15 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
McCann J.mccann002j--18894/30-6/22 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McCarthy Jackmccart003joh1889 HalifaxIndependent Halifax, NS
McCarthy Jackmccart003jac1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
McCarthy 18897/18 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
McCarty Johnmccart014joh18894/18-8 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
McCarty Johnmccart014joh18897/16-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
McCarty Ed?1889+7/13+ Philadelphia BradfordIndependent Philadelphia, PA
McCauley Almccaul001al-1889101 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
McClellan Billmcclel001bil18894/20-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh18894/7-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
McCloskey F.mcclos002f--18894/7-4/18 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
McCloskey Jamesmcclos005jam1889 NYSt ,
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer18894/28-5/11 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer18895/17-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer1889 BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer18897/6-9/9 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
McCormick Williammccorm003wil18895/9-5/20 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
McCormick Williammccorm003wil18896/15-8/2 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
McCormick mccorm001---18894/15 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
McCoy Artmccoy-001art18894/20-6/8 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
McCoy Artmccoy-001art18897/8-7/9 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
McCoy Artmccoy-001art18897/30-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
McCoy Petemccoy-001pet18894/8-8/5 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
McCoy Petemccoy-001pet18897 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
McCullough Charliemccull002cha18895/16-5/19 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
McCullough Charliemccull002cha18895/20-6/2? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
McCullough mccull011---188924 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
McCullough mccull022---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
McCullum Tommymccull001tho18894/30-6/12+ Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
McCullum Tommymccull001tho18896/15-6/27 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
McDermott Michaelmcderm003mic18895/30-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
McDermott Michaelmcderm003mic18899/2-10/13 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
McDermott Sandymcderm001san1889 UmpireWestA ,
McDermott Tommcderm005tho18894/29-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim188993 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
McElhone Henrymcelho001hen18894/28 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
McElhone Henrymcelho001hen18896/24-7/8 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
McElhone Henrymcelho001hen1889+8/21+ Philadelphia HighlandIndependent Philadelphia, PA
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale1889 JacksonvilleIndependent Jacksonville, FL
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale1889 LafayetteIllinois-Indiana League Lafayette, IN
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale1889 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
McFarlan Alexmcfarl002ale1889 JacksonvilleIndependent Jacksonville, FL
McFetridge Jackmcfetr001joh1889+7/24-8/29+ Philadelphia WynnewoodAmat Philadelphia, PA
McGann 1889 WinchesterIndependent Winchester, VA
McGarr Chippymcgarr001chi188928 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
McGarr Chippymcgarr001chi18896/18-9/1 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
McGettingen Charlesmcgett001cha18895/11-6/10 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
McGettingen Charlesmcgett001cha18897/18-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
McGill Williemcgill005wil1889 Chic. H. S.High School ,
McGill Williemcgill005wil188922 g.  Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
McGill Williemcgill005wil1889 Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
McGinnis Jumbomcginn001jum1889-7/12 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
McGinnis Jumbomcginn001jum1889 UmpireCIntSt ,
McGivern mcgive002---18894/14- Rochester DanfordsIndependent Rochester, NY
McGlone Johnmcglon001joh18894/30-5/25 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
McGlone Johnmcglon001joh18896/26-8/12 Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
McGra Pat1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
McGraw Patmcgra-001pat1889 ElkhartIndependent Elkhart, IN
McGraw Johnmcgraw003joh1889 TruxtonIndependent Truxton, NY
McGuckin Joemcguck001joe1889+6/10-8/17+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
McGuckin Johnmcguck002joh1889+6/10-7/29+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
McGuigan Ed18897/16-8/8 UmpireMiddleSts ,
McGuire Deaconmcguir006jam18894/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18894/20-7/2 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho18897/10-7/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McGuirk Thomasmcguir004tho1889+8/26-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
McHale Bobmchale001bob18891 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McHale Johnmchale002joh18895/30-8/19+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
McIlvaine Jamesmcilva001jam18898/28 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
McKean mckean001---1889+8/12 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
McKee Johnmckee-005joh18894/30-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
McKee Johnmckee-005joh18898/15-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
McKee mckee-003---18895/17-5/25 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
McKenna Jamesmckenn006jam1889 Indianapolis EasternsIndependent Indianapolis, IN
McKeon mckeon002---1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
McKeough Davemckeou001dav18895/1-9/2+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra1889no g. SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18894/30-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
McLaughlin Tommclaug001tom18894/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
McLaughlin Williammclaug002wil188931 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McLaughlin Jamesmclaug005jam18894/13-6/4? Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
McLaughlin Michaelmclaug004mic1889+7/12-7/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
McLaughlin Michaelmclaug004mic1889 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
McLaughlin Michael1889 UmpireTx ,
McLean William1889-8/226 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
McMahon Jackmcmaho001jac188996 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
McMahon Sadiemcmaho003joh1889 NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
McMahon Sadiemcmaho003joh18896/20-6/28 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
McMahon Sadiemcmaho003joh18897/5-76 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
McMahon Frankmcmaho001fra1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
McMahon Jackmcmaho006joh1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
McMahon mcmaho002---1889 Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
McMillan Georgemcmill001geo18894/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
McMonagle mcmona001---18896/3-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
McNabb Petermcnabb001edg18894/7-7/6 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
McNabb Petermcnabb001edg18896/18-9/1 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
McNeal W. H.1889 FargoIndependent Fargo, ND
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac1889-9/30 MLB UmpireNational League ,
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor18894/20-5/30 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
McQuaid Martmcquai001mor188975 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
McQuery Moxmcquer001mox18894/30-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
McShannic Petemcshan001pet18894/30-7/13 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
McSorley Trickmcsorl001tri188969 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo18894/20- Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo1889 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo1889-6/26 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
McVey Georgemcvey-001geo188957 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
McVey Carlmcvey-001car18894/7-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
McVey Carlmcvey-001car18898/24-9/7 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
McVicker Mattiemcvick001mat1889 NorfolkNBSt Norfolk, VA
Meade Billymeade-001wil1889 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Meade Billymeade-001wil18895/9 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Meade Billymeade-001wil18895/24-5/28 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Meakim Georgemeakim001geo1889+7/4+ Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Meakim Jamesmeakim001jam188971 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Medlenka Leonard1889 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Meegan Petemeegan001pet188946 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Meehan meehan001---1889+7/6-8/27+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Meek Frankmeek--001dad18895/10-2 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Meekin Jouettmeekin002jou18896/29-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Meisel Chrismeisel001chr18894/30-5/30 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Meister Georgemeiste001geo188989 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Meister Johnmeiste002joh18894/29-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Mendenhall E.L.menden001e--18894/20-4/21 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Menefee Johnmenefe001joh1889 ScottdaleWPa Scottdale, PA
Mercier 1889 NewarkOhSt Newark, NJ
Merritt Billmerrit001bil1889-91 Holy Cross Col.College ,
Merritt 1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Messitt Jackmessit001jac18894/20- Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Messitt Jackmessit001jac1889 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Messitt Jackmessit001jac1889-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Meyers Georgemeyers001hen1889+8/7+ Manayunk-HighlandIndependent ,
Micklejohn Matthewmickle001mat18895/1-9/4 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Milbee Jakemilbee001jos1889 ScottdaleIndependent Scottdale, PA
Miles William1889no g. HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Miller Joemiller005joe18894/20-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Miller Frederickmiller006fre1889 McKeesportIndependent McKeesport, PA
Miller Frederickmiller006fre18896/19-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Miller Bobmiller001bob18894/30-8/30 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Miller Dustymiller004cha1889 Niagara Univ.College ,
Miller Dustymiller004cha18894/30-8/17+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Miller Dustymiller004cha18899/23-11 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Miller Frankmiller009fra18896/29-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Miller Tommymiller002tom18894/20-6/26 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Miller Tommymiller002tom18896/29-8/27 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Miller H.miller005h--18895/1+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Miller miller181---188914 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Miller miller142---1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Miller miller036---188930 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Miller 1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Millman Jackmillma001jac18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Millman Jackmillma001jac18896/20-8/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Millman Jackmillma001jac18899/2-9/19 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Mills Lynnmills-001lyn18894/20-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Mills Sammills-001sam18894/24-5/16 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Mills Sammills-001sam18895/22-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Mills Sammills-001sam18894 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Mills mills-034---18895/24 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Minnehan Danminneh001dan18894/21-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Mitchell Johnmitche019joh18895/9-9/21 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Monaghan J.J.monagh001j--18897/18-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Monroe Frankmonroe002fra1889 Fresno IdealIndependent Fresno, CA
Monroe Kidmonroe001dan18894/30-8/28+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo18894/30-7/19 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo18898/2-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Moolic Georgemoolic001geo1889 LawrenceIndependent Lawrence, MA
Mooney Williammooney002wil18895/30-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Mooney mooney002---18895/30-6/13 Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18894/1-12/2 StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18891 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf18894/30-6/20 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf18897/8-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Moore Alfredmoore-001alf18898/13-8/24 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Moore Waltermoore-003wal18894/20-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Moore Waltermoore-003wal18896/19-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Moore Dutchmoore-000dut1889 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Logansport, IN
Moore Johnmoore-020joh18897/4-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Moore moore-122---188967 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Moran Augiemoran-002aug1889no g. Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Moran Billmoran-001bil1889 KearneyNbSt Kearney, NE
Morgan A. J.1889no g. New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen188923 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Morkin Edmarkin001ed-18891 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Morrell morrel001---1889 Philadelphia Young AmericaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Morrell morrel001---1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Morrell morrel001---1889 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
Morrell morrel001---18898/22-9/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Morris Jamesmorris022jam1889 HudRiver ,
Morrison Hankmorris001han18895/1-8/28+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Morrison Mikemorris001mik18894/20- Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Morrison Mikemorris001mik1889-9/20 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Morrison Jackmorris003jac1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Morrison Jackmorris003jac1889 JamestownIndependent Jamestown, NY
Morrissey Tommorris003tom18894/20-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Mortland S.J.mortla001s--18895/5-5/17 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Morton Charliemorton002cha18895/11-8/6 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Morton Sammorton001sam18894/20-? Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Motz Williammotz--002wil1889 St. LouisIndependent St. Louis, MO
Motz Frankmotz--001fra18894/25-6/11 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Motz Frankmotz--001fra18896/22-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Moyer Theomoyer-001the1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Mucker mucker001---1889 ChicagoAmat Chicago, IL
Muldoon Mikemuldoo001mik18894/20-4/22 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Mulhearn Willmulhea000wil1889 WabashIndependent Wabash, IN
Mulhern Will1889 WabashIndependent Wabash, IN
Mulhern Will1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Mullally E.J.mullal001e--18895/26-7/28 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Mullen mullen003---18894/28-5/5 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Mumby Waltermumby-001wal18895/13-86 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Munger Bertmunger001ber18894/30-9/3+ Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Munger Hallmunger001hal1889 XeniaIndependent Xenia, OH
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh188989 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Murdock Jamesmurdoc002jam1889 DunkirkIndependent Dunkirk, PA
Murdock Jamesmurdoc002jam1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Murnane murnan001---18896/1-6/7 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Murphy Williemurphy013wil18894/29-6/20 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Murphy Williemurphy013wil18898/9-8/30 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Murphy Conmurphy001con18894/30-8/31+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton18895/1-6/20 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Murphy Morganmurphy001mor18894/29-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Murphy Dannymurphy013dan18898/10-9/29 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Murphy Larrymurphy001lar18894/30-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Murphy Jackmurphy004jac18895/1-6/29 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Murphy Jackmurphy004jac18898/1-8/2 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Murphy Jackmurphy004jac18898/14-8/18 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Murphy Jackmurphy004jac18898/20-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Murphy Williammurphy017wil18896 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Murphy Conniemurphy002con188928 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Murphy Conniemurphy002con1889 Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Murphy Johnmurphy025joh188964 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Murphy 18897/4-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Murphy murphy003---1889+7/12-7/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Murphy murphy027---18897/16-8/2+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Murray Miahmurray001mia18894/30-8/17 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Murray Billymurray007wil1889108 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Murray Tommurray008tho18894/20-5/11 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Murray Tommurray008tho18895/16-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Murray Tommurray008tho18894 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Murray Tommurray008tho18894/20-5/3 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Myers Henrymyers-004hen18894/28-5/6 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Myers myers-037---1889+8/13-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Nagle Tomnagle-001tom18894/20-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Nash Peternash--001pet1889 AkronOhSt Akron, OH
Nash J.1889no g. Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Neale Joeneale-001joe188940 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Neister Steveneiste001ste1889 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
Neister Steveneiste001ste1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Neister Steveneiste001ste18898/22-9/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Nellins George1889+7/24-9/28+ Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Nelson Billnelson001bil1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Nelson Johnnelson008joh18896/29-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Nelson Johnnelson008joh18898/7 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Nelson Ottonelson001ott18894/30-5/2 UmpireSo ,
Nelson Ottonelson001ott18897/12-7/20 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Nelson Ottonelson001ott18898/9-8/27+ UmpireTriSt ,
Newbert Billynewber001bil188976 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Newell Johnnewell002joh1889 WilmingtonIndependent Wilmington, DE
Newell Johnnewell002joh18895/15-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Newell Johnnewell002joh18896/18-7/11 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Newman Jacknewman002jac188981 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Newman Charlienewman020---188989 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Newman Charlienewman023---1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Newman newman003---1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Newman newman003---1889 Grand IsleIndependent Grand Isle, NE
Nicholas Franknichol002fra188978 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Nicholl Samnichol002sam1889+6/20-6/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Nicholl Samnichol002sam188938 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Nichols Kidnichol006cha18895/2-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Nichols nichol033---18895/22 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Nicholson Parsonnichol001par18896/1-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Niles Billniles-001bil18894/30-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Niles Billniles-001bil18899/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Nolan John1889 Port JervisIndependent Port Jervis, NY
Nulton Georgenulton001geo1889114 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Nusz Williamnusz--001emo18895/14-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Nusz Williamnusz--001emo18898/30 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Nyce Frednyce--001fre188919 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Nyce Charles?1889+5/30+ Philadelphia HighlandIndependent Philadelphia, PA
O'Brien Jackobrien002jac1889 ,
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18897/29-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
O'Brien Billyobrien001bil18895/20-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
O'Brien Jamesobrien010jam1889 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer18894/30-6/20 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer18897/16-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer1889+8/23-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
O'Brien Jerryobrien001jer18898/26-9/21 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
O'Brien Joeobrien002joe1889+5/28-8/18+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
O'Brien Peteobrien003pet1889 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
O'Brien Frankobrien006fra18894/30-5/13 UmpireTriSt ,
O'Brien Frankobrien006fra18897/17-9/2+ Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
O'Brien Jamesobrien011jam18895/1-5/13 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh1889 AugustaIndependent Augusta, ME
O'Brien Johnobrien009joh1889 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
O'Brien Paulobrien003pau18895/25 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
O'Connell Patoconne002pat18894/29-6/14 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
O'Connell Patoconne002pat18898/?-37 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
O'Connell Thomasoconne002tho18894/30-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
O'Connor Frankoconno001fra1889-91 U. of VermontCollege ,
O'Connor Mikeoconno003mik18894/7-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
O'Connor Jackoconno002jac1889+8/26-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
O'Connor Mauriceoconno001mau1889 Indianapolis EasternsIndependent Indianapolis, IN
O'Connor oconno013---1889-8/93 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
O'Connor oconno014---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
O'Day Harryoday--001har188973 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
O'Day Harryoday--001har18892 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
O'Dea Lawrence18895/17-8/26 UmpireMiddleSts ,
O'Donnell J.odonne001j--18897/8-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
O'Donnell M.odonne001m--18897/8-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
O'Donnell Tomodonne002tom18895/1-5/28 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
O'Donnell odonne002---1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
O'Donnell odonne013---188995 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
O'Hara Johnohara-003joh18898/22-9/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
O'Hara ohara-002---1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
O'Leary Danoleary005dan18895/7 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
O'Leary Danoleary005dan18895/20-5/24 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
O'Leary Mikeoleary004joh188944 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
O'Neal Charlesoneal-002cha18894/7-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
O'Neil Edoneil-001ed-18894/28-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
O'Neil Edoneil-001ed-18896/22-7/16 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
O'Neil Edoneil-001ed-18897/20-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
O'Neil Jamesoneil-002jam18894/7-8/7 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
O'Neil Thomas1889 Providence PascoagsRISt Providence, RI
O'Neill Tiponeill001nor188993 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
O'Neill Dennisoneill001den1889-91 Holy Cross Col.College ,
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim18894/7-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
O'Rourke Timorourk003tim188926 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
O'Rourke Frankorourk001fra18894/20-5/7 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
O'Rourke Tomorourk001tom18895/18-8/6 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
O'Rourke Tomorourk001tom18898/27-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
O'Rourke Frankorourk001fra1889 JamestownIndependent Jamestown, NY
O'Rourke Henryorourk001hen1889+5/6-6/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
O'Rourke Josephorourk004jos18895/11-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
O'Rourke Josephorourk004jos18896/19-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
O'Rourke Mikeorourk001mik1889 RichmondIndependent Richmond, VA
O'Rourke orourk003---18895/24-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
O'Rourke orourk003---18897/16-8/17 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
O'Rourke orourk003---18898/22-8/24 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Oberlander Docoberla001doc18895/24-8/10 Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Oberlander Docoberla001doc18898/17-8/28 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ochiltree Samuelochilt001sam18897/8-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Ogden Kidogden-001lou1889 Wabash Wabash, IN
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav18894/30-7/12 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Osborne Fredosborn003fre1889 Cedar RapidsIndependent Cedar Rapids, IA
Osborne Fredosborn003fre1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Osborne osborn010---18891 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Otterson Billyotters001bil1889112 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Owens owens-001---18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Owens owens-001---18896/20-8/21 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-188932 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Pabst Edpabst-001ed-1889 Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Pache Russellpache-001rus18891 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Page Joe1889 Montgomery ClippersAmat Montgomery, AL
Paisley Thomaspaisle001tho18894/26 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Paisley Thomaspaisle001tho18896/18 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Parker Harryparker004har1889 JamestownNY-Pa Jamestown, NY
Parks Billyparks-002bil18894/30-9/9 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Parrott Fredparrot001fre1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Parsons Charlieparson002cha1889no g. Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Passailaigue Theodore1889 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Paste paste-001---1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Patterson Elmer1889 St. CatherineIndependent St. Catherine, ON
Patterson Frankpatter003fra18894/20-4/ ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Patterson Georgepatter004geo1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Patterson patter001---18897/28-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Patton Owenpatton001owe18894/20-9/22 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Patton/en Jim1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Peak Eliaspeak--001eli18895/1-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Pears Frankpears-002fra188916 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Pears Frankpears-002fra1889 St. Louis JollyIndependent St. Louis, MO
Pears Frankpears-002fra188910/6 -3 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Pechiney Billy1889 Cincinnati Cumminsville BluesIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Peeples Williampeeple001wil18894/7-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Peeples Williampeeple001wil188919 g.  Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Peeples Williampeeple001wil1889 Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Peltz Johnpeltz-001joh18894/30-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Pender Bobpender001rob18894/20-6/11 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Pender Bobpender001rob188917 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Pender Bobpender001rob1889 New OrleansIndependent New Orleans, LA
Pendergrass Johnpender002joh18894/29-5/1? ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Pendergrass Fred1889 OlneyvilleRISt Olneyville, RI
Penn Harrypenn--001har1889 MillvilleIndependent Millville, NJ
Penno Danpenno-001dan1889 Providence PascoagsIndependent Providence, RI
Perrier Hipperrie001hyp188994 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Perry 1889 GloucesterIndependent Gloucester, MA
Peters William1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Peters Johnpeters009joh18897/23 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Peters peters004---1889+7/12-7/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Peterson Dave1889-00 Emporia State U.College ,
Peterson Dave1889 MinniapolisIndependent Minniapolis, KS
Peterson Palmerpeters001pal18895/6-5/18+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Petrie Johnpetrie001joh1889+6/18-7/16+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Pettee Patpettee001pat18894/30-8/14 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Pettiford Jackpettif002jac18894/7-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18894/30-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Pettit Bobpettit001bob18898/6-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Petty Charliepetty-002cha18894/20-7/2 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Petty Charliepetty-002cha18896/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Petty Charliepetty-002cha1889 Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH
Petty Charliepetty-002cha18897/13-7/20 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Petty Charliepetty-002cha18897/30 -5 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Pfann Billpfann-001bil18896/22-7/25 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Pfann Billpfann-001bil18898/9-9/3+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18894/20-6/5 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18898/10-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Phelan Danphelan001dan18895/30-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Phelan Edphelan001ed-1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Phillips Billphilli001bil18895/1-8/31 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Phillips Marrphilli003mar18894/30-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Phillips Iraphilli001ira1889110 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Phillips Billphilli005wil1889 McKeesportAlleghCo McKeesport, PA
Pickett Johnpicket001joh18894/20-6/1 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Pickett Johnpicket001joh18896/6 -153 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Pierce Graciepierce001gra18895/1-5/4 UmpireAtl ,
Pierce T.F.pierce001t--18894/20-4/22 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Pierson Johnpierso002joh1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Pierson 1889+7/13+ Philadelphia BradfordIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Pike Lippike--001lip1889-9/14 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Pike Charlespike--002cha18894/10-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Pike Charlespike--002cha1889 AkronOhSt Akron, OH
Pitz Hermanpitz--001her18895/30-8/26 Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Pitz Hermanpitz--001her18898/30-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Plock Walterplock-001wal18894/28-5/23 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Plock Walterplock-001wal18896/18-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Plock Walterplock-001wal18897/23-8/28 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Plummer plumme002---18897/22-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Plummer plumme002---18898/10-8/17 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Plummer K. C.18895/30-6/10 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar18894/20-7/2 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar18897/10-8/1 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar188938 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Pollard Thomaspollar002tho18895/1-9/9 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Pond Arliepond--001arl1889-90 NorwichCollege ,
Poorman Tompoorma001tom18894/20-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Popkay Fredpopkay001fre188996 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Porter Henryporter001hen1889-5/234 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Porter Henryporter001hen18896/23-6/26 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Porter Henryporter001hen18897/18-7/24 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Porter Andyporter003and1889 HurleyIndependent Hurley, WI
Potter 1889 RISt ,
Potts Vivianpotts-001dan1889+7/22+ BristolIndependent Bristol, PA
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18894/20-7/4 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Powell Abnerpowell001abn18897/15-8/26+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Powell Jimpowell002jim18894/20-9/30 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Power Tompower-001tom188963 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Power Tompower-001tom188930 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Powers Philpowers001phi18894/30-5/31 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Powers Philpowers001phi18896/10-7/4 UmpireInt ,
Powers Patpowers001pat18894/29-7/25 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Powers Patpowers001pat18897/2?-9/21 Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Powers Jimpowers002jim1889 White PlainsIndependent White Plains, NY
Powers Jimpowers002jim1889 Staten IslandIdep Staten Island, NY
Powers Billy1889 Cleveland EuclidsAmat Cleveland, OH
Pranter Fredprante001fre1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Prescott Williampresco001wil18894/30-8/14 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Price Billprice-001bil1889 Philadelphia FrankfordIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Price Billprice-001bil1889 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Price price-002---18899/5 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Prince Walterprince001wal18894/30-5/25 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Pritchard George1889 Aberdeen NonpareilIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Proeser Georgeproese001geo18895/20 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Proeser Georgeproese001geo18896/8-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Proeser Georgeproese001geo1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Provins provin001---1889 McKeesportAllegh Co McKeesport, PA
Pujol Julespujol-001jul18895/30-6/1? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Purvis Jamespurvis002jam188999 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Putnam Harryputnam001har18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha18895/1-5/11 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Quest Joequest-001joe18894/30-21 g. Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Quest Joequest-001joe18896/26-7/10 UmpireInt ,
Quinn Jackquinn-001jac18897/13-8/2 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Quinn William18897 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Quinn Tomquinn-001tom1889-10/4110 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Quinn Danielquinn-002dan18895/2-6/3 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Quinn Danielquinn-002dan1889 Boston LowellsIndependent Boston, MA
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar1889 CobleskillIndependent Cobleskill, NY
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar18897/10-8/7+ Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau1889+6/10-8/17+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Quirk F. M.1889no g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Quitsow M.quitzo001---1889+4/28+ Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Quitsow M.quitzo001---1889 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Quitsow M.quitzo001---18892 months South Bend HoosiersIndependent South Bend, IN
Quitsow M.quitzo001---18898/18+ Chicago FranklinsChicCity Chicago, IL
Quitsow M.quitzo001---1889+9/19+ Jenny & GrahamsIndependent ,
Quivey Williamquivey000wil1889+7/4+ PhilipsburgIndependent Philipsburg, MT
Rademacher Johnrodema002joh18894/7-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Rademacher Johnrodema002joh188910 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Raffert Billraffer001wil1889 Indianapolis UnionsIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Rafferty Jackraffer001joh18894/7-5/6 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Rafferty raffer001---1889 LafayetteIllinois-Indiana League Lafayette, IN
Rainey Johnrainey001joh18894/30-9/24 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Ramsay William1889 Chicago UnionsNational Colored League Chicago, IL
Ramsey Toadramsey001toa1889-9/1749 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Ramsey ramsey006---18895/7-6/10 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Randall Dudrandal001dud1889102 g. Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Rathburn Arthurrathbu001art188985 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Ready Tedready-001ted1889 Grand IsleIndependent Grand Isle, NE
Reccius Johnrecciu001joh1889 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Reccius Philrecciu002phi18895/13-6/11 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Reccius Philrecciu002phi18896/28-7/1 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Reccius Philrecciu002phi1889111 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Reccius John1889 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Redmond redmon002---18891 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Reed reed--002---18897/4 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici18895/21-6/13+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici1889 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici1889 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Reeder Nickreeder001nic1889 Louisville DeppensIndependent Louisville, KY
Reeves Johnreeves003joh188940 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Reider A.reider001a--1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Reidy Johnreidy-002joh18894/30-9/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Reilly Jimreilly001joe1889 New York ManhattanvilleIndependent New York, NY
Reilly Jimreilly001joe1889 NJAthletic ClubIndependent ,
Reilly Charliereilly003cha18894/20-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Reilly Charliereilly003cha188910/9 -6 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Reilly James1889 New York ManhattanvilleIndependent New York, NY
Reilly James1889 NJAthletic ClubIndependent ,
Reilly Thomas1889no g. EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Reinagle Johnreinag001joh18894/7-6/29 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Reising Charliereisin001cha188927 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Reisinger Frank18892 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1889 AthleticsIndependent ,
Reitz Henryreitz-001hen1889 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Remsen Jackremsen001jac1889+7/25-8/15+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Rensler 18894/14- Rochester DanfordsIndependent Rochester, NY
Resh resh--002---18896/3-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Reynolds Charliereynol006cha18895/8 Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Reynolds Charliereynol006cha1889-8/1912 g.  BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Rhines Billyrhines001wil1889 Bucknell Univ.College ,
Rhines Billyrhines001wil188946 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Rhoades A.1889+8/14+ Rising SunIndependent ,
Rhoades W.1889+8/14+ Rising SunIndependent ,
Rhodes rhodes002---18898/17-8/24 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Rhue Georgerhue--001geo18894/30-5/3 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Rhue Georgerhue--001geo18895/6-5/15+ Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Rhue Georgerhue--001geo188995 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Rice Frankrice--002fra18894/22-4/? ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Rich rich--001---18896/23 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Richardson J.R.richar004j--18897/14-7/25 CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Richardson Harryrichar003har18897/8-7/29 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Richmond Lutzrichmo002lut188913 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr18894/30-8/30+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Riddle Johnriddle005joh18894/20-6/? MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Riddle Johnriddle005joh18897/8-7/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Riddle Johnriddle005joh18899/18 -11 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Ridgely Hendersonridgel001hen1889 Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Ridley A.ridley001a--1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Ridley A.ridley001a--18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Rigby Robertrigby-001rob18895/1-5/30 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Rigby rigby-002---1889+7/10-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Rigby rigby-002---18898/24-9/3 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Riley Richardriley-001ric188928 g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Riley riley-020---18895/13,6/6 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Riley riley-003---18895/11 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Rinehart Harryrineha001har1889 ScottdaleIndependent Scottdale, PA
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra18895/1-7/2 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra18897/26 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Rinn Frankrinn--002fra18897/30 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Riordan Timriorda001tim18895/30-7/11+ Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Riordan Timriorda001tim18897/20-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18895/1-5/11 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18895/16-5/23 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Roach Johnroach-003joh18898/25-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Roach Johnroach-003joh18894/30-8/1 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Roach Johnroach-003joh188911 g. Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Roach Johnroach-003joh1889+8/172 g. Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Roat Fredroat--001fre1889 Rockford Rockford, IL
Roat Fredroat--001fre1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Roberts Carrollrobert002car188990 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Roberts Fredrobert004fre18893 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Roberts Fredrobert004fre188972 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Roberts Harry1889 AkronOhSt Akron, OH
Robinson Thomas1889 Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Robinson John1889no g. Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Roche Danielroche-002dan18895/30-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Roche Danielroche-002dan1889 Hamilton Hamilton, OH
Rogers Emmettrogers002emm18894/7-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Rogers Emmettrogers002emm18898/16-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Rogers Jimrogers001jim1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Rogers Jimrogers001jim18898/9-8/27 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Rohan rohan-001---18891 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Rollins Patrollin001hen18895/2-8/30 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Rooks Georgerooks-001geo18894/30-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Rooney George1889no g. Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Roper Johnroper-002joh1889 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Rorke Frank18896/19-7/31 Philadelphia Young AmericaIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Roschie J. E.1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Rose Robertrose--007rob18894/7-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Rose rose--002---18894/15 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Ross Alexross--001ale188944 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Ross Alexross--001ale1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Roushkolb Johnroushk001joh18895/13-7/2? Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18894/20-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm18896/19-6/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm188935 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Routcliffe Philroutcl001phi1889105 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Rowe Jackrowe--001jac18895/?-7/6 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Rowe Jackrowe--001jac18897/7-75 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
Rowe Daverowe--001dav18894/20-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Rowe Georgerowe--001geo18895/1-5/5 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Rowe Jackrowe--002jac1889 Pittsburgh HomesteadIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Rowe W.rowe--001w--18897/17-7/18 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim188946 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Rucker rucker001---18896/3 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Rudderham Johnrudder001joh18895/30-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Rudderham Johnrudder001joh1889 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ruiter ruiter001---188931 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Ruiter ruiter002---188923 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Runninger Johnrunnin001joh1889 FranklinIndependent Franklin, PA
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo18895/9-33 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Rusie Amosrusie-001amo18898/7-4 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Russell J.russel003j--18899 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Russell russel027---1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc188915 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Ryan Cycloneryan--001cyc1889 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Champaign, IL
Ryan Johnryan--021joh18894/7-4/27 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Ryan Johnryan--021joh18896/13-6/15 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Ryan Mikeryan--001mik1889+5/7-5/26+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Ryan Mikeryan--001mik18897/4-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Ryan Mikeryan--001mik18892 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Ryan Jackryan--017joh18895/30-8/29 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Ryan Jackryan--004joh18899/2 -189 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Ryan Johnryan--019joh1889+6/6-6/28+ Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Ryder W.ryder-001w--188995 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Ryder W.ryder-001w--1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Ryn Dummyryn---001joh18894/30-8/17+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Ryn Dummyryn---001joh18899/25-9/30 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Sage Harrysage--001har18894/30-9/2+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Sales Edsales-001ed-18894/30-9/3+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Sanborn Charlessanbor001cha18898/6-8/29 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Saucer Henrysaucer001hen1889 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Sauter Alsauter001al-1889 Philadelphia HoustonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Saxenheimer Georgesaxenh001geo18895/25-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Saxenheimer Georgesaxenh001geo1889 Reading ActivesIndependent Reading, PA
Say Jimmysay---001jim18894/29-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Scanlan Mortscanla001mor1889 Chicago WhitingsChicCity Chicago, IL
Scanlan P. J.1889 AtholIndependent Athol, MA
Schachern Josephschach003jos18894/22-6/? New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Schachern Josephschach003jos18898/7-8/28 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Scharringhausen Gussherin001j--18894/7-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Schaub Fredschaub001fre1889 Indianapolis EasternsIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Schaub Fredschaub001fre1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted18894/29-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Scheibeck Frankscheib001fra18894/30-9/3+ London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Schell Matthewschell001mat1889-9/?11 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Schellerman Williamschell002wil1889 JamestownWNY Jamestown, NY
Schellerman Williamschell002wil1889 Buffalo CasinosIndependent Buffalo, NY
Schellhase Alschell001al-18894/20-9/30 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Scherer Harryschere001har18897/24 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Schildknecht Lukeschild001luk188931 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre188955 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Schmit Crazyschmit001fre1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Schneider Williamschnei005wil18895/30-7/31 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Schneider Frankschnei002fra1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Schoeneck Jumboschoen001jum1889-5/1116 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Schoeneck Jumboschoen001jum18896/13-9/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Schomberg Ottoschomb001ott1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Schreiver Charlesschriv002cha1889 Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Schultz Johnschult007joh1889 BeverlyIndependent Beverly, NJ
Schwartz Johnschwar004joh18894/29-5/? BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh18895/1-6/29 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh18898/1-9/9+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Sconce William1889 HalifaxIndependent Halifax, MO
Scott Miltscott-001mil1889+6/6-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Scott Gallatinscott-001gal18894/12-4/24 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Scott Gallatinscott-001gal18897/13-7/18 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Scrivener S.S.scrive001s--18895/20-7/4 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Scrivener S.S.scrive001s--18897/17 South McAlesterSoCent South McAlester,
Sechrist sechri000---1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Seering Fredseerin001fre18895/3 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Seering Fredseerin001fre18899 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Seering Fredseerin001fre1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Sekins Franksekins000fra1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Selden Williamseldon001wil18895/1-9/9 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Selee Frankselee-001fra18894/20-9/30 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Selna Charlesselna-001cha188953 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Selna Charlesselna-001cha188917 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Serad Billyserad-001bil18894/30-9/3+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Setley Williamsetley001wil1889 AltoonaIndependent Altoona, PA
Severson 18897/20-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Shafer Oratorshafer001ora18894/30-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Shafer Taylorshafer001tay18894/30-8/30+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Shaffer Johnshaffe001joh188910 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Shamus Jamesshamus001jam188944 g. Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Shamus Jamesshamus001jam1889+6/18-8/22+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Shamus Jamesshamus001jam1889 Pittsburgh NewsboysIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Shannon Danshanno004dan18894/17-223 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Shannon shanno015---1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Sharp Pecksharp-001jim18892 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Sharp Georgesharp-001geo1889 GalesburgIndependent Galesburg, IL
Sharp Georgesharp-001geo1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Sharp sharp-002---1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Sharp sharp-002---1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Sharpe Josephsharpe001jos18894/30-8/17+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Sharrott Georgesharro001geo18898/3-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Sharrott Jacksharro001jac1889 WNBrig-ChaseAmat ,
Shaw Dupeeshaw--001dup18895/1-5/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Shaw Samshaw--002sam188910 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Shaw Samshaw--002sam1889 Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Shay Elishay--001edw188912 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Shay Elishay--001edw188933 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Shay Elishay--001edw1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Shea Josephshea--001jos188982 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Shea Mikeshea--001mik18894/23-6/11 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Shea Thomasshea--001tho18895/20-5/21 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Shearon Johnshearo002joh18897/5-8/6+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Shearon Johnshearo002joh1889 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Sheehan Patricksheeha001pat18896/24-7/8 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Sheehan Jamessheeha003jam18893 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Sheehan Owensheeha001owe1889 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Sheehan Timothysheeha001bif18894/30-5/16 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Shell Matthewshell-001mat18894/7-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Shenkel Williamshenke001wil18894/21- Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Shenkel Williamshenke001wil1889-7/15 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Shepard 188917 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Sheppard/erd Alfredsheppa001alf18895/13-9/3+ Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Sherbocker Lonniesherbo001lon1889+9/29+ Kansas CityIndependent Kansas City, MO
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac1889 UmpireCalif ,
Sherlock Jimmysherlo001jim18898/25 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18894/28-5/25 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18896/3-6/14 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18896/18-8/1 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Sheu sheu--001---18897/25 WilmingtonDelaware State League Wilmington, DE
Shields Danielshield002dan1889 Braddock DrummersIndependent Braddock, PA
Shields Danielshield002dan1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Shields shield004---1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Shields shield003---1889+7/12-7/17 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Shields 1889+7/13+ GlassboroIndependent Glassboro, NJ
Shinehouse Charles1889 PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Shinehouse shineh001---1889+7/8+ PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Shinehouse G.?1889+7/8+ PottstownIndependent Pottstown, PA
Shinnick Timshinni002tim18895/30-8/24 Auburn YankeesNew York State League Auburn, NY
Shinnick Timshinni002tim18898/26-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Shoch Georgeshoch-001geo18896/28-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Shores Jamesshores001jam18897 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Shores Jamesshores001jam18896/1-9/13 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Shoup Johnshoupe001joh18894/30-8/27+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Shreve Levshreve001lev18895/18-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Shreve Levshreve001lev1889-9/273 g. IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Shugart Frankshugar001fra1889+6/10-8/17+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Shuler shuler002---18895/2 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Shutt Johnshutt-001joh18897/18-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Siebel Henrysiebel001hen18894/23-8/1 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Silch Edsilch-001ed-18894/20- Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Silch Edsilch-001ed-1889-9/29 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Simmons Joesimmon001joe18897/13-7/27 UmpireInt ,
Simmons 1889 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Simon Hanksimon-001hen18894/30-9/3+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Simons Augustsimons001aug18896/4-6/5 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Sippi Arthursippi-001art1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Sippi Arthursippi-001art1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Slater Edslater001hen1889 Amherst Col.College ,
Smalley Willsmalle001wil188976 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Smith Pacersmith-041cha1889 ElktonIndependent Elkton, IN
Smith Pacersmith-041cha1889 Ft. MadisonIndependent Ft. Madison, IA
Smith Pacersmith-041cha1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Smith Harrysmith-019har18898/19 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Smith Hughsmith-004hug188921 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Smith Hughsmith-004hug18891 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Leosmith-007leo18894/29-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Smith Big Billsmith-000big1889 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Smith Edgarsmith-003edg18895/3-9/2+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Smith Ernestsmith-003ern18895/1-5/7 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Smith Harrysmith-024har188989 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Smith Harrysmith-024har1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Smith Harrysmith-028har18894/27-5/? Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Smith Harrysmith-028har18895/30-7/31 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Smith Harrysmith-024har18898/?-8/? Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Smith Harrysmith-024har18898/22-9/26 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Smith Phenomenalsmith-013joh18896/22-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Smith Skyrocketsmith-001sky18894/20-9/13 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Smith Johnsmith-052joh18895/21-8/18+ MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Smith Billysmith-061wil18894/20-6/? MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Smith Billysmith-061wil18896/13-7/? MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Smith Fredsmith-016fre18894/30-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Smith Emilsmith-001emi1889 Buffalo ElksIndependent Buffalo, NY
Smith Judsmith-001jud1889 Ohio State U.College ,
Smith Judsmith-001jud1889 AberdeenIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Smith Nicholassmith-002nic18894/20-6/14 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Smith Olliesmith-002oll1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Smith smith-008---18895/19 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Smith Billysmith-011wil1889 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Smith Billysmith-011wil1889 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Smith Charlessmith-044cha18898/17-8/26 NorfolkAtl Norfolk, VA
Smith H.smith-007h--18894/23-5/24 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Smith Hanksmith-002han18897/24-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Smith Hanksmith-002han18897/20-8/5 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Smith J.C.smith-007j--1889?-9/10 NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Smith W.smith-014w--18898/2-8/3 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Smith W.H.smith-000wh-1889 ClevelandAmat Cleveland, OH
Smith smith-068---18897/27 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Smith smith-217---18897/14 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Smith smith-197---1889 Chicago West EndsIndependent Chicago, IL
Smith smith-197---188913 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Smith 1889 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Smith smith-006---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Smyser smyser001---18897/28-8/18 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Sneed Johnsneed-002joh18894/30-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Snyder Charlessnyder003cha18894/28-6/3 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Snyder Charlessnyder003cha1889 Reading ActivesIndependent Reading, PA
Snyder Lonsnyder001lon1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Snyder snyder002---18899/4 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Somers Enoch18894/30-6/5+ UmpireTriSt ,
Sommers Andysommer001pet188935 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Sommers Petesommer002pet18894/30-9/ Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Sommers Petesommer002pet1889 NewarkOhSt Newark, NJ
Sommers 18894/30-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Sowders Johnsowder001joh18894/21-5/30 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Sowders Johnsowder001joh1889-10/468 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Sowders Davesowder001dav188922 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Sparrow sparro001---1889 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, PA
Sparrow sparro001---18898/14-9/10 LebanonMiddle States League Lebanon, PA
Spear spear-002---18897/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Speer Chickspeer-003geo18894/20-7/? ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Speer Chickspeer-003geo1889 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Speers speers000---1889 Fort WayneIndependent Fort Wayne, IN
Speidel Bernardspeide001ber18894/30-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Spence Harryspence001har18894/30-5/4 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Spies Harryspies-001hen18894/20-7/? New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Spies Harryspies-001hen18896/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Spies Harryspies-001hen18897/13-9/3+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Spiesman Mattspiesm002mat1889 ,
Spill Frankspill-001fra188941 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Spindler H.D.spindl002---188989 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Sprague Charliespragu001cha18892 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Sprague Charliespragu001cha18898/5-8/29+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Springer Edspring001ed-18895/8-5/14 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Springer Edspring001ed-18897/12 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Sprogell Oliversproge001oli18897/9-7/24+ MilfordDelaware State League Milford, DE
Sprogell Oliversproge001oli18898/22-9/9 Wilmington Peach GrowersMiddle States League Wilmington, DE
Stafford Jamesstaffo001gen18895/2-9/25 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Stafford 1889 RISt ,
Stagg Amos1889 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Stahl Chickstahl-001cha1889 PilsenerFtWaCity ,
Stahl Chickstahl-001cha1889 PaducahIndependent Paducah, KY
Stahlman stahlm002---18891 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Staib Johnstaib-001joh18894/30-5/17 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Staib Johnstaib-001joh18895/29-8/28+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Staib Johnstaib-001joh18899/27 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Stallings Georgestalli002geo18895/2-8/6 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Stallings Georgestalli002geo188938 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Stallings stalli001---188932 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Stallings stalli001---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Stallings stalli001---1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Stallman stallm001---18897/1 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Stalze Georgestalze001geo18894/29-9/27 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Stapleton Edwardstaple002edw188991 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Stapleton Edwardstaple002edw188915 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Stapleton Frankstaple003fra18894/12-6/15 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Stapleton staple004---18897 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Stearns Danstearn002dan1889-10/14139 g. Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Stecher Williamsteche001wil18897/15-8/12 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Stecher Williamsteche001wil18898/21-9/9+ Philadelphia RivertonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stein Edstein-001ed-1889 Bay CityIndependent Bay City, MI
Stein Williamstein-003---1889 BordentownIndependent Bordentown, NJ
Stein Williamstein-003---18897/9-7/25 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Stein Williamstein-003---18898/30-9/9 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Stellberger Billstellb001bil188944 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Stellberger Billstellb001bil1889 UmpireInt ,
Stenzel Jakestenze001jak18895/2-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18894/30-99 g. Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Stephens Benstephe001ben188947 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Stephens L.A.W.stephe001l--1889 ShortlidgeAmat ,
Stephens L.A.W.stephe001l--1889+6/10-8/17+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Sterling Johnsterli002joh18894/28-5/11 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Sterling Johnsterli002joh18897/15-8/30 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Sterling sterli002---18894/20-6/? AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Sterling sterli003---1889+7/12+ SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Stetson Frankstetso001fra1889 AdamsIndependent Adams, MA
Stevens Hermansteven001her18895/1-5/4 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Stevens 1889+5/30+ Philadelphia KensingtonIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Stevens 1889 MediaIndependent Media, PA
Stevens 1889 Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Stevens steven004---1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
Stevens steven004---1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Stevenson Barneysteven001bar18894/28-? NorristownMiddle States League Norristown, PA
Stewart Acestewar001ace1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Stickney Willstickn001wil188964 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Stivetts Jackstivet001jac18895/1-6/20 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Stivetts Jackstivet001jac18896/26-592 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Stockamp Williamstocka001wil18894/7-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Stockwell Lenstockw001len188989 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Stone Georgestone-005geo1889+6/6-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Stone stone-003---18897/30 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Stovey Georgestovey001geo18895/1-5/4 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Stovey Georgestovey001geo1889+6/29-8/7 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
Stovey Georgestovey001geo18899/9-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Straub Joestraub001joe1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Strauss Joestraus001joe18894/20-9/15 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Strike Johnstrike001joh1889+5/24+ ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Strothers Constroth001joh188992 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Strothers Constroth001joh1889 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Struck Johnstruck001joh1889 Louisville EclipseIndependent Louisville, KY
Stuart Arthurstuart001art18894/30-6/17 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Stuart Arthurstuart001art18896/26-7/9 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Stultz Williamstultz001wil18891 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Sturgeon Robertsturge003rob18895/2-6/20 UmpireMiddlests ,
Sullivan Sleepersulliv001sle18894/30-5/7 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Sullivan D.A.sulliv003d--18898/20-9/29 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Sullivan Davesulliv006dav1889-6/114 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Sullivan Josephsulliv009jos18894/30-9/27 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Sullivan T.J.sulliv002t--1889+6/27-8/7 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Sullivan T.J.sulliv002t--18898/9-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Sullivan Benjaminsulliv003ben18895/9-5/25+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Sullivan Mikesulliv002mik1889 Boston Univ.College ,
Sullivan Mikesulliv002mik18894/29-5/4 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv002mik18896/17-21 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Sullivan Williamsulliv009wil18894/30-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Sullivan Williamsulliv009wil18896/28-7/13 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Sullivan Billsulliv002bil18894/29-9/20 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Sullivan sulliv026---18895/30-7/16 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Sullivan Dan1889 MarquetteUpperPenin Marquette, MI
Sullivan F.D.sulliv003f--18897/5-8/2 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Sullivan Jimsulliv006jam1889 San JoseIndependent San Jose, CA
Sullivan P.sulliv003p--18896/30 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Sullivan William18895/7 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Sullivan 1889 RISt ,
Summers Kidsummer001kid1889no g. KingstonEIntern Kingston, ON
Sunday Artsunday001art18894/7-8/7 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Sunday Artsunday001art18898/15-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Sutton Ezrasutton001ezr18894/23-9/13 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Swan Frankswan--002---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Swartwood Edswartw001ed-18894/30-9/3+ Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Swartzel Parkswartz001par18894/17-10/14 Kansas CityAmerican Association Kansas City, MO
Sweeney Billsweene001bil18895/7 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Sweeney Petesweene001pet188915 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Charliesweene004cha188957 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Sweeney Charliesweene004cha188931 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Dansweene004dan1889 LowellIndependent Lowell, MA
Sweitzer Johnsweitz001joh18895/18-5/25 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Swett Popswett-001pop188993 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Swift Albertswift-001alb18894/30-6/17 Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Swift Martswift-002mar188922 g.  Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Swift Martswift-002mar1889 Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Sworback Williamsworba001wil18894/30-7/27 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Sworback Williamsworba001wil18898/19-9/2 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Sylvester Lousylves002lou188929 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Sylvester Lousylves002lou18892 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Sylvester Lousylves002lou1889 UmpireCalif ,
Tabor 1889 RISt ,
Tanner William1889 ZanesvilleIndependent Zanesville, OH
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18894/27-5/6 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Taylor Billytaylor001bil1889 Selma PastimesSemi-pro Selma, AL
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18892 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Taylor Harrytaylor006har1889 Cornell Univ.College ,
Taylor Harrytaylor006har1889+6/7-8/17+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Taylor W.H.taylor000wh-1889no g. HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Taylor W.H.taylor000wh-1889 South Bend South Bend, IN
Taylor W.H.taylor000wh-1889 Galesburg Galesburg, IL
Taylor Walter18898/20-8/28 UmpireMiddleSts ,
Taylor Georgetaylor004geo1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Taylor Jacktaylor004jac1889 WNBrig-ChaseAmat ,
Taylor Jacktaylor004jac1889 WNBrig-PilgrimsAmat ,
Taylor 1889no g. HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Tebeau Patsytebeau001pat18891146 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Tebeau Altebeau002al-18894/7-8/4 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Tenniswood Matttennis001m--1889 CamdenIndependent Camden, NJ
Terrien Edmundterrie001edm18894/30-9/20 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Terrien Edmundterrie001edm1889 TroyIndependent Troy, NY
Terry terry-002---1889+7/12-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Tesch tesch-001---18895 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Tessler 1889 Providence PascoagsRISt Providence, RI
Thayer Edwardthayer001edw18894/30-8/14 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Thomas Arthurthomas005art18895/2-9/10 Cuban GiantsMidSts Cuban,
Thomas Harrythomas007har18896/12-9/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Thomas Harrythomas007har1889 TroyIndependent Troy, NY
Thompson Andrewthomps007and18894/20- St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Thompson F.W.thomps003f--18895/30-7/25+ CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Thompson Edthomps001ed-18899 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Thompson Edthomps001ed-188910 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Thompson Hardiethomps005har1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Thompson Willthomps012wil1889+6/12+ Elmira HottentotsNew York State League Elmira, NY
Thompson Willthomps012wil18897/?- GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Thompson thomps048---1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Thompson thomps029---1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Thompson thomps067---18899/16 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Thornton Johnthornt003joh1889 Washington Mt. PleasantsIndependent Washington, DC
Thornton Johnthornt003joh18898/14 WashingtonNational League Washington, DC
Thorp thorp-003---18895/21 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Thorpe Charlesthorpe002cha1889 HornellsvilleIndependent Hornellsville, NY
Thurman B. A.1889no g. Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Tice J.D.tice--001j--18894/20-5/8 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Tiernan tierma001---18898/19 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Titcomb Ledelltitcom001can18896/1-9/13 Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Tobias Johntobias002joh18894/7-8/8 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Tobin tobin-001---1889+8/25+ AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Toffling Georgetoffli001geo1889no g. St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Toohey C.F.toohey001c--18894/20-5/16 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Toohey C.F.toohey001c--18895/18-5/24 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Toohey C.F.toohey001c--18896/26-7/4 ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Toohey Jamestwohey001jam18894/20-5/16 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Toohey Jamestwohey001jam18895/20-7/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Toohey Jamestwohey001jam18897/11-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Toohey Jamestwohey001jam1889 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Toole Stevetoole-001ste18895/9-8/31+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Toole Johntoole-001joh18895/30-7/10 UmpireNYSt ,
Toole Johntoole-001joh18898/14 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Torreyson Franktorrey001fra1889 McKeesportAllegCo McKeesport, PA
Torreyson Thayertorrey001tha1889 Allegh. Co. ,
Touhey touhey001---1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Toy Jimtoy---001jim18894/30-8/26+ Rochester JingoesInternational League Rochester, NY
Traffley Billtraffl001bil18894/20-9/30 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Traffley Johntraffl001joh18896/15 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Trask Charlestrask-001cha18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Travis H. D.1889no g. Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Tray Jimtray--001jim1889100 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Tray Edtray--001edw188989 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Treadway Georgetreadw001geo18894/20- St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Treadway Georgetreadw001geo1889-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Trost Miketrost-001mik18894/7-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Trott Samtrott-001sam18895/1-9/29 Newark Little GiantsAtlantic Association Newark, NJ
Truby Harrytruby-002har18894/7-7/22 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Truckenmiller Alexandertrucke001ale1889 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Trumphey 1889 KearneyIndependent Kearney, NE
Trusty Job18898/7-8/28 Cuban GiantsMidSts Cuban,
Tuckerman Williamtucker006wil18894/27-9/18 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Tully Andrewtully-001and188913 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Tully Andrewtully-001and1889 Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Tully Andrewtully-001and1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Tully Andrewtully-001and1889 Terre Haute Terre Haute, IN
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam18894/20-5/16 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam18895/20-7/2 MobileSouthern League Mobile, AL
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam18897/11-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam18899/13-9/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Tuohy Paddytoohey001jam1889 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Turner Frankturner002the18894/29-6/22 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Turner Frankturner002the188928 g. Quincy Black BirdsCentral Interstate League Quincy, IL
Turner Thomasturner006tho18894/20- Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Turner Thomasturner006tho1889-8/27 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Turner Thomasturner006tho188922 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Turner turner037---18894/23-4/25 BirminghamSouthern League Birmingham, AL
Tutt Leetutt--001---1889 ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Twineham Arttwineh002art18894/24-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
Ullery Williamullery001wil1889no g. Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Ullery Williamullery001wil1889 Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Updegrove J. D.1889+7/17-9/9+ New Jersey RivertonIndependent New Jersey, NJ
Uplander upland001---18898/19+ Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Urquhart Billurquha001wil188948 g. Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen1889 Providence PascoagsRISt Providence, RI
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen1889 LawrenceSemi-pro Lawrence, MA
Vallee Howardvallee001how18895/1-9/18 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Vallelly Thomasvallel001tho1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Vallelly Thomasvallel001tho1889 Grand IsleIndependent Grand Isle, NE
Vallelly Thomasvallel001tho1889 OttumwaIndependent Ottumwa, IA
Van Alstyne Hobartvanals001hob18894/30-9/15 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Van Dorn Gusvandor001gus1889 UmpireMiSt ,
Van Dorn Gusvandor001gus1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Van Dyke Billvandyk001bil18894/30-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo1889134 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Van Haltren Georgevanhal001geo188910 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Van Zant Dickvanzan001dic188979 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Van Zant Dickvanzan001dic188929 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Van Zant Fred1889+8/7+ Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Vance 18894/20-4/26 UmpireSo ,
Vance vance-001---188920 g. GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Vander Broeck Ottovander001ott1889 EdwardsvilleIndependent Edwardsville, IL
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee188976 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Veach Peek-A-Booveach-001pee18898 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Vetter vetter004---18899/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Viau Leeviau--001lee18894/19 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Viau Leeviau--001lee188947 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Viau Philipviau--001phi1889 HanoverIndependent Hanover, NH
Viau Philipviau--001phi18899/7-9/27 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Vickery Tomvicker001tom18895/1-9/2+ Toronto CanucksInternational League Toronto, ON
Victor victor003---18898/10-8/20 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Vinton Billvinton001bil18894/23-5/7 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Virtue Jakevirtue001jak18894/30-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Visner Joevisner001joe1889231 g. BrooklynAmerican Association Brooklyn, NY
Voegtle Philipvoetle001---188918 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Vogel Jakevogel-001jak18899 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Vogel Jakevogel-003---188924 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Vogt Edwardvogt--001edw18895/1-5/30 LancasterMiddle States League Lancaster, PA
Vogt Edwardvogt--001edw1889 CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Von Ellsner Byronvonell001byr1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Voshell O.B.voshel001o--1889 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Voss Alexvoss--001ale18894/30-5/8 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Voss Alexvoss--001ale1889 Cincinnati ShamrocksIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Wagenhorst Woodywagenh001woo18895/28- Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
Wagenhorst Woodywagenh001woo1889-6/23 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Wagenhorst Woodywagenh001woo1889+8/7-8/20+ Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ
Wait Harrywait--001har1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Walbridge Rollawalbri001rol1889 Providence PascoagsRISt Providence, RI
Walker Fleetwalker001fle18894/30-8/19 Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Walker Georgewalker002geo18895/1-5/8 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Walker Georgewalker008---18895/13 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Walker Georgewalker002geo18895/30-6/22 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Walker Georgewalker002geo18898/8-8/26 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Walker Harrywalker001---188973 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Kalamazoo, MI
Walker Harrywalker001---1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Walker 188954 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Walsh Johnwalsh-014joh18894/30-6/10 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Walsh Johnwalsh-014joh18897/11-8/19 Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Walsh Joewalsh-002joe18894/20-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Walsh M.walsh-003m--1889+5/3-5/18 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Ward Piggyward--002fra18894/20-6/3 New OrleansSouthern League New Orleans, LA
Ward Piggyward--002fra18897 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Ward Piggyward--002fra18896/19-7/19 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Ward Piggyward--002fra18897/22-9/19 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Ward Thomasward--001t--18897/17 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Ward 1889 DoverDelaware State League Dover, DE
Ward 18897/18 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Warner Edwardwarner003edw18895/4-6/4 New HavenAtlantic Association New Haven, CT
Watts Docwatts-001doc18897/11-7/12 Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Wayan wayan-001---18896/14 Waco Babies/TexansTexas League Waco, TX
Wayne W.M.wayne-001w--18894/20-? ChattanoogaSouthern League Chattanooga, TN
Webber Peterwebber002pet18894/21-7/13 Sioux City Corn HuskersWestern Association Sioux City, IA
Webber Peterwebber002pet18894 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Weber Joeweber-001joe1889+6/4-8/24 Utica BravesNew York State League Utica, NY
Weber weber-001---1889 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet188962 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Weckbecker Peteweckbe001pet188910/5 IndianapolisNational League Indianapolis, IN
Weddige Alweddig001alb18894 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Weden Charles18896/1-4/227 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Wehrle Williamwehrle002wil18895/2-8/6 Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Wehrle Williamwehrle002wil188922 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Weidensaul Charlesweiden002cha18897/18-8/6 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Weidensaul Harryweiden001har18897/18 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Weidman Georgewiedma001stu18896/11-6/22 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Weihe Podgeweihe-001pod18896/9-6/21 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Weihl Jakeweihl-001jak1889 ElkhartInSt Elkhart, IN
Weihl Jakeweihl-001jak18891 g. MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Weikart Frankweiker001fra18894/7-8/8 Houston Mud CatsTexas League Houston, TX
Weikart Frankweiker001fra18898 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Welch Tubwelch-001tub18894/7-8/11 Dallas TigersTexas League Dallas, TX
Welch Larrywelch-001lar1889 Danville BrownsIllinois-Indiana League Danville, IL
Welch Larrywelch-001lar1889-6/?34 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Welch Larrywelch-001lar1889 SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Welch welch-003---1889 Terre HauteIllinois-Indiana League Terre Haute, IN
Welch welch-030---1889+8/24-8/25 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Wells Frankwells-002fra1889 OgdensburgIndependent Ogdensburg, NY
Wells Frankwells-002fra18895/17 Milwaukee Brewers/CreamsWestern Association Milwaukee, WI
Wells wells-014---18896/15-7/4 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
Wells Jakewells-001jak18894/30-9/2+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Wells wells-008---188921 g. Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Welsch welsch001---1889 Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Welsh Patrickwelsh-001pat18894/7-8/11 Fort Worth PanthersTexas League Fort Worth, TX
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac18894/7-8/8 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Wentz Jackwentz-001jac188922 g. Peoria CanariesCentral Interstate League Peoria, IL
Werden Perrywerden001per18894/30-9/3+ Toledo Black PiratesInternational League Toledo, OH
Werrick Joewerric001joe18894/20-9/29 St. Paul ApostlesWestern Association St. Paul, MN
West Buckwest--001buc18894/20-6/22 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
West Buckwest--001buc18897/3-7/9 Minneapolis MillersWestern Association Minneapolis, MN
West Buckwest--001buc1889 UmpireTriSt ,
West 18894/30-5/25 UmpireInt ,
Westhoven westho001---18894/30-5/6+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Westhoven westho001---1889 MeadvilleIndependent Meadville, PA
Westlake Bobwestla001rob18894/30-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Westlake Georgewestla002geo18894/29-5/15 LowellAtlantic Association Lowell, MA
Westlake Georgewestla002geo1889+6/2-9/10+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, OH
Wetterer Williamwetter001wil1889+6/21-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Wetzel Williamwetzel002wil18895/30-6/27+ Seneca Falls Babies/MaroonsNew York State League Seneca Falls, NY
Weyhing Johnweyhin001joh18894/20 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Whalen Johnwhalen003joh18894/20-6/18 Charleston/AtlantaSouthern League Charleston, SC
Whalen Johnwhalen003joh18896/19-7/4 AtlantaSouthern League Atlanta, GA
Whalen Johnwhalen003joh1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Whartenby Alfredwharte001alf1889+5/30+ Philadelphia GermantownIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Whartenby Alfredwharte001alf1889 BordentownIndependent Bordentown, NJ
Wharton wharto002---1889+7/12-7/20 SmyrnaDelaware State League Smyrna, DE
Wheaton wheato001---188932 g. SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Wheaton wheato001---1889 GreenvilleMichigan State League Greenville, MI
Wheeler Fredwheele001fre18895/6-5/9 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Wheeler Fredwheele001fre18897/22-8/8 Oneida IndiansNew York State League Oneida, NY
Wheelock Bobbywheelo001bob18894/30-9/3+ Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Whistler Lewwhistl002lew1889115 g. Evansville HoosiersCentral Interstate League Evansville, IN
Whitaker Patwhitak001pat18897/25 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Whitaker Patwhitak001pat18891 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
White Deaconwhite-002dea18894/30-5/? Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
White Deaconwhite-002dea18897/7-177 g. PittsburghNational League Pittsburgh, PA
White Willwhite-019wil18895/23-8/28 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
White Billwhite-003bil1889 Denver SolisColorado State League Denver, CO
White Billwhite-003bil18896/8-9/28 Denver Grizzlies/MountaineersWestern Association Denver, CO
White Joewhite-001joe18894/30-9/3+ HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
White Solwhite-001kin18896/29-8/20 New York GorhamsMiddle States League Easton, NJ
White white-002---1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
White Eyes Matowhitee001mat18897/16-8/17 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Whitehead Miltwhiteh001mil188973 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Whiteley Guerdonwhitel001gue18895/9- Des Moines ProhibitionistsWestern Association Des Moines, IA
Whiteley Guerdonwhitel001gue1889-8/29 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Whiting Edwhitin001ed-1889 OgdensburgIndependent Ogdensburg, NY
Whiting E. S.1889 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Whiting W. L.1889 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Whitney Jimwhitne001jim18897/3-9/24 Buffalo BisonsInternational League Buffalo, NY
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha18894/20-5/23 St. Joseph Clay EatersWestern Association St. Joseph, MO
Whorl Williamwhorl-001wil1889 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Whyte Billywhyte-000bil18895/1-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Whyte Georgewhyte-001geo188919 g.  Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Widner Wild Billwidner001wil188954 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Wiedman Andrewweidma001and18894/30-6/5 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Wiedman Andrewweidma001and18897/2-8/29 CanandaiguaNew York State League Canandaigua, NY
Wilbur Georgewilbur002geo1889 JanesvilleIndependent Janesville, WI
Wilkinson W. W.1889 Aberdeen NonpareilIndependent Aberdeen, SD
Williams Clarencewillia010cla18895/1-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Williams Charleswillia015cha18894/29-6/6 EastonAtlantic Association Easton, PA
Williams Charleswillia015cha18896/11-9/10 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Williams Edwardwillia013edw18894/30-6/22 Wilkes-Barre BaronsAtlantic Association Wilkes-Barre, PA
Williams Edwardwillia013edw18897/6-9/9 HarrisburgMiddle States League Harrisburg, PA
Williams Georgewillia008geo18895/14-9/10 Trenton Cuban GiantsMiddle States League Trenton, NJ
Williams Owenwillia001owe18894/30-6/6 HamiltonTri-State League Hamilton, OH
Williams Owenwillia001owe1889+6/20-8/14+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Williams Davewillia020dav18896/17 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Williams Guswillia002gus18895/7-7/20 Jersey City SkeetersAtlantic Association Jersey City, NJ
Williams Louiswillia004lou1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Williams willia119---18898/6 NorwalkMiddle States League Norwalk, CT
Williams willia154---18898/10-8/17 NorwalkAtlantic Association Norwalk, CT
Willis Charleswillis005cha18894/21-9/29 Omaha Omahogs/LambsWestern Association Omaha, NE
Wills Jimmywills-001jim1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Wills Jimmywills-001jim1889 Kalamazoo Kazoos/Flint FlyersMichigan State League Flint, MI
Wilmington Williamwilmin001wil1889 Clinton Clinton, IA
Wilsch 1889 Lancaster IronsidesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Wilson Tugwilson001tug18895/22-9/28 Worcester GraysAtlantic Association Worcester, MA
Wilson Parkewilson001par1889 Colorado SpringsColorado State League Colorado Springs, CO
Wilson Bertwilson004ber18894/30-5/21 MansfieldTri-State League Mansfield, OH
Wilson Billwilson003bil1889 OregonIndependent Oregon, IL
Wilson Jackwilson007jac188921 g. Oakland ColonelsCalifornia League Oakland, CA
Wilson Jackwilson007jac18893 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Wilson Jackwilson007jac188926 g. StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Wilson Billy1889 Logansport/Champaign-Urbana ClippersIllinois-Indiana League Champaign, IL
Wilson Billy1889 YoungstownOhSt Youngstown, OH
Wilson Percy1889 TroyIndependent Troy, AL
Wilson Zekewilson002zek1889 TroyIndependent Troy, AL
Wilson wilson131---1889 LafayetteIllinois-Indiana League Lafayette, IN
Wilson wilson004---18895/2 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Wilson 1889 GlassboroWPa Glassboro, NJ
Wilson wilson003---18898/7 Hazleton PugilistsMiddle States League Hazleton, PA
Wilson 1889-7/? GreensburgWPa Greensburg, PA
Winkelman Georgewinkel001geo18894/29-9/29 HartfordAtlantic Association Hartford, CT
Winkler M. I.1889+5/30+ BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Winters C.winter002c--1889 Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Wirsche Charleswirsch001cha188916 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Wirsche Charleswirsch001cha1889 MonmouthCentral Interstate League Monmouth, IA
Wirsche Charleswirsch001cha1889 Joliet Joliet, IL
Wirsche Charleswirsch001cha1889 Galesburg Galesburg, IL
Wirsche Charleswirsch001cha1889 Bloomington BluesIllinois-Indiana League Bloomington, IL
Wise Samwise--001sam1889 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Wise wise--002---188915 g. Leadville BluesColorado State League Leadville, CO
Wisecarver H.O.wiseca001h--18894 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Wisecarver H.O.wiseca001h--18894 g. Burlington BabiesCentral Interstate League Burlington, IA
Wiswell Edwiswel001ed-188987 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil1889 CincinnatiAmateur Cincinnati, OH
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil1889 Madison ,
Wittrock Billwhitro001bil1889+5/21-8/22+ SpringfieldTri-State League Springfield, IL
Wood Petewood--001pet18895/31-7/17 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Wood Petewood--001pet18898/1-9/26 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Wood Fredwood--001fre18898/2-8/17 London TecumsehsInternational League London, ON
Wood DeLosswood--002del1889 PipestoneIndependent Pipestone, MN
Wood wood--003---18895/14-5/26 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Woodward Harrywoodwa000har1889 LockportIndependent Lockport, NY
Work Williamworks-001wil18894/7-7/21 Galveston Sand CrabsTexas League Galveston, TX
Workover Edwardworkov001edw18895/10 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Wright Rastywright001ras18894/30-9/3+ Syracuse StarsInternational League Syracuse, NY
Wright Patwright003pat1889109 g. Springfield SenatorsCentral Interstate League Springfield, IL
Wright Johnwright008joh1889 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Wrightson Robertwright009rob18894/25+ NorristownIndependent Norristown, PA
Yaik Henryyaik--001hen18895/9 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Yaik Henryyaik--001hen188932 g. Grand RapidsMichigan State League Grand Rapids, MI
Yaik Henryyaik--001hen18896 g. Davenport HawkeyesCentral Interstate League Davenport, IA
Yaik Henryyaik--001hen1889 IrontonIndependent Ironton, OH
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen1889+5/23+ Philadelphia Young AmericaSemi-pro Philadelphia, PA
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen1889+7/17+ Philadelphia HighlandSemi-pro Philadelphia, PA
Yeager Williamyeager001wil18895/16 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Yeager Williamyeager001wil1889+7/16-7/23+ CamdenDelaware State League Camden, DE
Yeagle Jackyeagle001joh1889 SaginawMichigan State League Saginaw, MI
Yeagle Jackyeagle001joh1889 Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Yeazle W.L.yeazle001w--18894/8-4/10 Austin SenatorsTexas League Austin, TX
Yerkes Donyerkes001---188931 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Yerkes Donald188931 g. Lansing FarmersMichigan State League Lansing, MI
Yetzer Joeyetzer001---1889 Reading Old ActivesIndependent Reading, PA
Yinkle yinkle000---18896/5 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
York Tomyork--001tom1889 AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
York Billyyork--001wil1889 Pueblo PoniesColorado State League Pueblo, CO
Young Brighamyoung-002bri18895/21-5/25 Hamilton HamsInternational League Hamilton, ON
Young Brighamyoung-002bri188916 g. Jackson JaxonsMichigan State League Jackson, MI
Young Benyoung-002ben18896/- StocktonCalifornia League Stockton, CA
Young Georgeyoung-003geo18895/1-6/22 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Young Georgeyoung-003geo18897/8-8/16 YorkMiddle States League York, PA
Young young-002---1889 AspenColorado State League Aspen, CO
Young young-056---18897/18 Shenandoah Hungarian RiotersMiddle States League Shenandoah, PA
Zecher Williamzecher001wil18894/30-8/17+ Canton NadjysTri-State League Canton, OH
Zeigrist H.zeigri001h--18895/11-5/12 Philadelphia GiantsMiddle States League Philadelphia, PA
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi18894/22-5/7 MemphisSouthern League Memphis, TN
Zell Harryzell--001har18895/8-9/23 Detroit WolverinesInternational League Detroit, MI
Zell Harryzell--001har1889 Dayton RedsTri-State League Dayton, OH
Ziegler Georgeziegle001geo18894/30-5/7 Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Ziegler Georgeziegle001geo188940 g. Sacramento AltasCalifornia League Sacramento, CA
Zimmer Matthewzimmer001mat18894/30-8/28+ Wheeling National Citys/NailersTri-State League Wheeling, WV
Zinn Frankzinn--001fra18895/1-6/13 ReadingMiddle States League Reading, PA
Zinn Frankzinn--001fra1889+8/21+ Philadelphia HighlandIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Zinn Frankzinn--001fra1889 Reading ActivesIndependent Reading, PA