Searching for records from 1883
There are 1300 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbott Danabbott001dan1883 Wood County BuckeyesIndependent Wood County, OH
Ake Johnake---001joh18835/19-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Alberts Gusalbert001gus18835/1-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha1883 Augusta FlowersIndependent Augusta, GA
Alcott Charlesalcott001cha18836/6-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Allen Myronallen-001myr18837/19 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Allen allen-001---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Allison Dougalliso001dou18837/13 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Allison Jamesalliso005jam1883 Brooklyn ElitesS.Pro Brooklyn, NY
Allman Davidallman001dav18835/29-9/18 WaterburyConn Waterbury, CT
Andrews Edandrew001ed-18837 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Andrews andrew011---18835/26-7/+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Angus Frankangus-001fra18835 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Annis Billannis-001bil18835/7-9/22 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Anthony Josephanthon003jos1883 ShenandoahIndependent Shenandoah, PA
Antle T.P.antle-001t--18835/8-5/24 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Antle T.P.antle-001t--18837/9-9/27 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Ardner Joeardner001joe18835/2-7/12 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Ardner Joeardner001joe18837/ -10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Armbruster Danarmbru001dan18832 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Arnold Jackarnold001jac18837 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Arundel Harryarunde001har18835/7-6/1 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Arundel Tugarunde001tug188334 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Ashbaugh ashbau001---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Atkinson Alatkins001al-1883 Chicago BluesIndependent Chicago, IL
Avery Williamavery-002wil18835/5-5/9 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Avery Williamavery-002wil1883 Philadelphia 5-20 ClubIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Avery Williamavery-002wil1883 Camden RossIndependent Camden, NJ
Aydelott Jakeaydelo001jak18836/11-6/21 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Bagley Edbagley001ed-18835/29-8/29? Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Bair bair--001---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Bair bair--002---18837/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Baker Philbaker-002phi18835/1-114 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Baker Georgebaker-007geo18835/24-7 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Baker Charliebaker-007cha1883 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Baker Lewisbaker-001lew18835/?-8/30+ Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Baker Normbaker-001nor1883 Philadelphia HartsvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Baker Normbaker-001nor18835/21-3 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Baker Normbaker-001nor18836/26-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Baker baker-002---18837/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Baker 188321 g. Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Bakley Jerseybakely001jer18835/3-8 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Bakley Jerseybakely001jer18837/30 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Bakley Jerseybakely001jer18838/28-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Baldwin Kidbaldwi001kid18835/2-5/10 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Baldwin Kidbaldwi001kid18835/16-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Balsey Georgebalsey001geo18836/26-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Bandle Frankbandle002fra188347 g. Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Barber Charliebarber001cha18835/1-6/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Barklay Williambarkla001wil18835/5-5/24 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Barkley Sambarkle001sam18835/5-80 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Barnard barnar003---18836/26-8/23 Meriden GymnasiumIndependent Meriden, CT
Barnes barnes006---18833 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Barnes 1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Barnes barnes014---18839/11 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Barnie Billybarnie001bil18835/1-17 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Barr Bobbarr--001bob1883 JuniataIndependent Juniata, PA
Barr Bobbarr--001bob18836/23-74 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Barrett Thomasbarret005tho1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Barrett Thomasbarret005tho1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
Barrett Thomasbarret005tho18838/29- Hart.-HillyersIndependent ,
Barry Jamesbarry-003jam1883 Woonsocket CometsIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Barry Matthewbarry-002mat1883 Providence ReservesIndependent Providence, RI
Bastian Charliebastia001cha1883 Philadelphia FooteIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Bastian Charliebastia001cha18835/9-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Becannon Buckbecann001buc1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Becannon Buckbecann001buc18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Becannon Williambecann001wil18835/1-5/17 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Becannon Williambecann001wil1883 New York Alaskassp New York, NY
Beck Frankbeck--001fra1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Beck Frankbeck--001fra18839/21-9/29 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Beck beck--025---18835/26-6/7+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Bedell Oscarbedell001osc18831 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Beecher Edbeeche001ed-18835/21-5/24 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Behel Stevebehel-001ste1883-8/ Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Behel Stevebehel-001ste188315 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Bell Frankbell--001fra18837/2-8/18 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Benedict Artbenedi001art18835/14-6/6 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Benner G.benner001g--18837/4 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Benners Ikebenner001ike18835/29-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Bennett Eddiebennet001edd18837 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bentel Georgebentel001geo18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Bentel Georgebentel001geo18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra18835/4-6/12 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Berkelbach Frankberkel001fra1883 Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Betz Williambetz--001wil1883 Philadelphia ShiebIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Beyers beyers002---18837/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou1883 ErieAmat Erie, PA
Bierbauer Loubierba002lou1883 ErieAmat Erie, PA
Bigelow Conniebigelo001con18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Bigelow Conniebigelo001con18831 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Birkett 1883 YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Black Bobblack-002bob18835/1-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Blair Billblair-001bil1883 Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Blaisdell Dickblaisd001dic1883no g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Blaisdell Dickblaisd001dic1883 MilwaukeeIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Blakiston Bobblakis001bob18835/1-44 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Blogg Wesblogg-001wes18836/20-7/30 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Blogg Wesblogg-001wes1883 Covington StarsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Blogg Wesblogg-001wes18839/13-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Boardman Albertboardm002alb18835/2-6/26 Meriden GymnasiumIndependent Meriden, CT
Bohn Charliebohn--001cha1883+9/13-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Bollas 1883 YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Bond Tommybond--001tom18838 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Bongerz Philip1883 East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Bonnet bonnet001---18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Book book--001---18835/19-7/4+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Booth Samuelbooth-001sam1883-84 Yale Univ.College ,
Bowen Edwardbowen-001edw1883 NewtonIndependent Newton, MA
Bowers Charlesbowers003cha1883 Cincinnati ShamrockAmerAlli Cincinnati, OH
Boyd Benboyd--001ben18834/26- Washington ManhattanIndependent Washington, DC
Boyle Harlowboyle-001har18836 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Boyle Harlowboyle-001har18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Boyle Henryboyle-001hen18835/2-9/22 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Bradley Foghornbradle001fog18835/1-7/26 UmpireNW ,
Bradley Albradle001al-18835/19-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Bradley Nickbradle002nic1883 Lancaster IronsidesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Bradley Nickbradle002nic18836/4-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Brady Stevebrady-002ste18835/1-441 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Brady Benjaminbrady-001ben18835/1-6/11 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Brady Jacksonbrady-002jac18837/12-8/3 Hart.-HillyersCTMilitary ,
Brady Jacksonbrady-002jac18838/4- Meriden AthleticIndependent Meriden, CT
Brady T.brady-001t--18836/9-8/4 Hart.-HillyersCTMilitary ,
Breitenstein Alonzobreite001alo18837/7 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac1883 St. Louis Grand AvenuesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Brennan Jackbrenna002jac1883 ChillicotheIndependent Chillicothe, MO
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18835/4-6/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18837/5-7/7 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau18837/13 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Bresnahan Mauricebresna001mau1883 Boston ReservesIndependent Boston, MA
Briggs Charliebriggs002cha188347 g. Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Brigham C. Waldo1883 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Broughton Calbrough001cal18835/2-11 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Brouthers Jimbrouth001jam18836/9-6/11 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Brown E.C.brown-004e--1883 Denver BrownsIndependent Denver, CO
Brown Jimbrown-003jim1883 Lock HavenIndependent Lock Haven, PA
Brown Jimbrown-003jim18835/19-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Brown Joebrown-004joe188370 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Buckenberger Albucken001al-1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Bullas Simbullas001sim18836/21-9/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Burch Ernieburch-001ern1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Burch Ernieburch-001ern18838/18-10/1 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Burke Johnburke-011joh18837/19-9/5 New Britain PioneersIndependent New Britain, CT
Burke Johnburke-011joh18839/28 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Burke Johnburke-010joh18836/12-8/29 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Burke Johnburke-011joh1883 New BritainIndependent New Britain, CT
Burke Williamburke-002w--18835/5-5/18 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Burke burke-040---18836/26-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Burket Harlanburket001har18835/3-5/8 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Burket Harlanburket001har18839/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Burnham Watchburnha001wal18835/1-5/23 UmpireNW ,
Burnham Watchburnha001wal18835/24-41 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Burnham burnha002---18836/2-10/3 Hart-FootGuardsCtMilitary ,
Burns C. J.1883 New York CarlstadsIndependent New York, NY
Burns Thomasburns-001oys18835/3-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Burns Dickburns-001dic18835/3-17 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Burns burns-001---1883 Brooklyn StarsIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Burns burns-001---18839/21 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Burns burns-046---18836/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Burt Frankburt--002fra1883 UmpireIntSt ,
Bush bush--001---18836/11 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Butler Ormondbutler001orm1883 PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Butler Ormondbutler001orm1883 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Butler Frankbutler001kid18835/30-9/27 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Cady Charliecady--001cha18839/5-3 g. ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Cady Charliecady--001cha1883+9/13+ AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Calihan Willcaliha001wil1883 Rochester Ninth Ward StarsIndependent Rochester, NY
Callaghan Patcallag001pat1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Campana Johncampan001joh1883 Meriden AthleticIndependent Meriden, CT
Campana Johncampan001joh1883 BridgeportIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Campana Johncampan001joh18837/9 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Campana Johncampan001joh18837/26-7/27 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Campbell campbe051---18835/12 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Canter 1883 St. Louis Black StockingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Cantillon Joecantil001jos1883 MarinetteIndependent Marinette, WI
Caperoon Johncapero001joh18837/9-7/10 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Carbrey Phillipcarbre001phi1883 DanversIndependent Danvers, MA
Carfrey Edcarfre001ed-1883 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Carl Fredcarl--001fre1883 New OrleansIndependent New Orleans, LA
Carr Georgecarr--002geo1883 WinchesterIndependent Winchester, VA
Carr Georgecarr--002geo1883 New HavenIndependent New Haven, CT
Carr Georgecarr--002geo1883 AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Carroll Johncarrol007joh18832 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Johncarrol007joh18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Patcarrol001pat1883 Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre1883 St. Mary's Univ.College ,
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre1883 San Francisco NianticIndependent San Francisco, CA
Carroll Fredcarrol001fre18835/4-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Carroll Frankcarrol004fra18835 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Frankcarrol004fra18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Fredcarrol002fre18832 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Fredcarrol002fre18832 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Carroll Johncarrol001scr1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Carroll John1883 ClevelandAmat Cleveland, OH
Carroll carrol001---1883+5/11+ Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Carroll carrol001---1883 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Carroll carrol001---18835/1-5/18 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Carroll carrol046---1883+6/26-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Carroll carrol046---1883+6/26+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Carter Art1883 St. Louis Black StockingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Carter Art1883 ,
Cartwright Edcartwr001ed-1883 YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob1883 ChicagoAmat Chicago, IL
Caruthers Bobcaruth001bob18836/12-10/1 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Casey Denniscasey-002den18835/3-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Casey Thomascasey-005tho18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Casey Bobcasey-001bob18835/11-5/24 East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Casey Jamescasey-004jam18835/2 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Casey Tommycasey-001bil18835/3-5/4 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Cassidy cassid008---18835/19 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Cavanaugh cavana011---18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Chatfield Williamchatfi001wil1883 JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Childs Cupidchilds001cla1883 DurhamNCSt Durham, NC
Childs Samchilds001sam1883 Yale Univ.College ,
Childs Samchilds001sam18835/31 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Clapp Johnclapp-001joh188320 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Clark Edclark-002ed-18838/10-9/11 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Clarke Byronclarke001byr18835/2 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Clarke Byronclarke001byr18835/31,8/1-9/29 UmpireNW ,
Clarkson Johnclarks001joh18835/1-9/29 East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Clayton Zachclayto001zac18835/3-6/5 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Cleveland Elmerclevel001elm18839/13-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Cleveland clevel002---1883 Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Cline Monkcline-001mon18835/3-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Clipper clippe001---18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Coleman Johncolema002joh1883no g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Coleman Johncolema002joh18835/1-626 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Colgan Billycolgan001ed-188338 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Collins Chubcollin001chu1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Condon Charles1883 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Conley Edconley001ed-1883-84 Holy CrossCollege ,
Conner Johnconner002joh1883 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Connors Dennyconnor001den1883 London Ontariosemi-pro London, ON
Conway Dickconway001dic1883 YorkIndependent York, PA
Cook Paulcook--003pau1883 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Coombs coombs002---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Coon Williamcoon--001wil18839/1-9/7 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav18838 g. WebsterMassSt Webster, MA
Corcoran Davidcorcor001dav1883 Willimantic Willimantic, CT
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18835/8-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Corcoran Jackcorcor001jac18837/25-9/28 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Corcoran Mikecorcor001mik1883 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Corcoran 18834/5+ New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Corcoran 18839/4- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Corkhill Johncorkhi001pop18835/1-1086 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Cowles cowles001---1883 New Britain PioneersIndependent New Britain, CT
Cox cox---001---18835/19-7/4+ AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Cox cox---003---18837/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Cramer Edwardcramer001dic18834/19-4/20 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Cramer Edwardcramer001dic18835/11-5/15 New YorkNational League New York, NY
Cramer Edwardcramer001dic1883 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Cramer Edwardcramer002edw18837/9 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Cramer Edwardcramer001dic1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Cramer Edwardcramer001dic18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Cramer 18834/2-5/9 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Crane Samcrane-002sam18835/1-176 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Crawford Johncrawfo005joh18837/?-end SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Creeden creede001---1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Creeden creede001---18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Creegan Markcreega001mar18836 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Croden Dennis1883no g. Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Crone Johncrone-001joh18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Cronin Dancronin002dan18835/7-5/24 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Crooks Jackcrooks001jac1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Crosby Georgecrosby001geo1883 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Cross Amoscross-001amo18836/26-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Cross Clarencecross-001cla1883 EvansvilleIndependent Evansville, IN
Crotty Joecrotty001joe1883 Covington KentonsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Crotty Joecrotty001joe1883+9/4-9/21+ Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Crowley Billcrowle001bil1883234 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Crowley Johncrowle002joh1883 Woonsocket CometsIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Cudworth Jimcudwor001jim188361 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Cullen Johncullen004joh18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Cullen Johncullen004joh18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Cullen Johncullen004joh1883 HaverhillIndependent Haverhill, MA
Culp Georgeculp--001geo1883 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Cummings Arthurcummin001art1883 Covington StarsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Cummins Georgecummin004---18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Cunliffe Frankcunlif001fra18835/1-7/11 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Curren Petercurren002pet18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Curry curry-010---18836/19-6/20 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Cushing E. L.1883 BuffaloIndependent Buffalo, NY
Cushman Edcushma001ed-18837/6-7 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Cushman Edcushma001ed-1883+9/16+3 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Cusick Andycusick001and18835/1-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Daily Eddaily-001ed-1883 Woonsocket CometsIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Daisy Georgedaisy-001geo18835/19-8/ + AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Dalrymple dalrym001---18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Daniels Charlesdaniel005cha1883135 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Darling Delldarlin001del18837/3 -6 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Davis Daisydavis-001dai1883 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Davis Jumbodavis-001jum18835/19-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Davis davis-001---18835/26-6/7+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Dayton Hiram1883 DaytonIndependent Dayton, OH
Deagle Rendeagle001ren18835/17-18 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Deasley Johndeasle001joh1883 Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Deasley Johndeasle001joh18835/2-8/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Decker Harrydecker001har1883 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Decker Stewart18835/1-248 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Deegan Jamesdeegan001jam1883 Hillyer GuardConn-Milit. ,
Denham Stewartdenham001ste18835/7-6/4 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Denny Jamesdenny-002jam18836/23-9/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
DePangher Mikedepang001mik18835/7-5/23 East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
DePangher Mikedepang001mik18836/18-6/21 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Deveney Williamdevinn001pun1883 Philadelphia ArchersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Dever dever-001---18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Dickerson Buttercupdicker001but18835/1-157 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Diehl E.H.diehl-001e--1883 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, CT
Diven Frankdiven-001fra18835/9-2 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Dix Johndix---001joh18835/7-8/2+ Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Dixs'th dixsth001---18836/7-6/13+ AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Dodd dodd--002---18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18835/1-81 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Dolan J.H.dolan-002j--18835/2 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Dolan Tomdolan-001tom18835/1-6/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Dolan 1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Dolan 18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Donahue Jackdonahu001jac18838 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Donahue Jackdonahu001jac18833 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Donnelly Jimdonnel002jim1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Dooley Charlesdooley001cha1883 BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, IA
Door C.1883 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Doran Johndoran-002joh18835/1-7/19 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Dorgan Mikedorgan001mik1883425 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Dorgan Jerrydorgan001jer1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Dorr Bertdorr--001ber18835/1-8/8 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Dorr Bertdorr--001ber18839/8-9/15 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Douvess Albertdouves001alb1883 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Douvess Tommydouves001tom18835/5 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Downey Jamesdowney003jam1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Downey Jamesdowney003jam1883 Waterbury Brass CitysIndependent Waterbury, CT
Downing 1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Doyle Johndoyle-004joh18835/21-5/28 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Doyle Johndoyle-004joh18837/20-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Doyle Connydoyle-001con18836/23-16 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw1883 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, CT
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Doyle Edwarddoyle-002edw1883 RockvilleIndependent Rockville, CT
Doyle doyle-007---18836/13+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Dresman B.1883 Covington KentonsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Drew Davedrew--002dav1883+6/26+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Drew Davedrew--002dav1883 Milwaukee Maple LeafsIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Drew James1883no g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Drexler Freddrexle001fre1883 Denver BrownsIndependent Denver, CO
Driscoll Dennydrisco001den1883 AmsterdamIndependent Amsterdam, NY
Driscoll Johndrisco006joh18837/9-7/12 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Duffly Peterduffly001pet1883 Hyde ParkIndependent Hyde Park, NY
Dugan Billdugan-001bil1883 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Dugan Eddugan-001ed-1883 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Dundon Eddundon001ed-18836/2-52 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Dunnigan Josephdunnig001jos1883 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Dwyer Dickdwyer-001ric1883 played So & Mid West ,
Dwyer Johndwyer-003joh18835/5-8/4 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Dyler Johndyler-001joh18837/15 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Dyson Frederickdyson-001fre1883 St. Louis Black StockingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Eagan 1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
East Harryeast--001har1883 St. Louis StandardsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Easterday Henryeaster001hen1883 Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Ebner G.ebner-001g--18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Eden Charlieeden--001cha18835/1-10/1 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Egan Jimegan--001jim18835/1-7/20 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Egan Johnegan--003joh18838 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Egan Johnegan--003joh18833 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Eggler Daveeggler001dav18835/1-6/9160 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Ellick Joeellick001joe188373 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Ellis Ernestellis-001ern1883 Beverly StarsIndependent Beverly, MA
Elringer 1883 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Elwood Elmer1883 Cincinnati ArticsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Emerson emerso001---18835 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Emerson emerso001---18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Emerson emerso001---18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Emslie Bobemslie001bob18835/4-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Emslie Bobemslie001bob18837/25-27 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Esterbrook Dudeesterb001dud18835/1-209 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Ettinger Charlesetting001cha1883 YorkIndependent York, PA
Evatt Scottieevatt-001sco18832 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Ewing Johnewing-001joh18836/18-3 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18835/-8/5 g. St. ThomasIndependent St. Thomas, ON
Faatz Charlesfaatz-001cha18839/11-9/27 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Fairhurst John?18838/ Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Falch Antonfalch-001ant1883 Milwaukee ArticsAmat Milwaukee, WI
Fanning Jackfannin001jac1883 Brooklyn ClippersIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Farmer Billfarmer002bil1883 ClearfieldIndependent Clearfield, PA
Farrar Sidfarrar001sid18835/1-943 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Farrell Jackfarrel001jac1883 CarlisleIndependent Carlisle, PA
Farrell Joefarrel001joe1883101 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Farrell Wilson1883 Covington StarsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Farrell farrel001bil18835/19-5/21 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Farrell farrel024---18837/9-7/18 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Farrington Jamesfarrin002jam18835/4-5/5 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Farrington Jamesfarrin002jam18835/15-5/30 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Farrow Johnfarrow002joh18835/1-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Farrow Johnfarrow003joh1883 New BrightonIndependent New Brighton, PA
Fay Johnfay---001joh1883 Meriden ElmsIndependent Meriden, CT
Featherstone B.feathe001b--18835/1-9/26 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Fennelly Frankfennel001fra18835/4-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Fennelly Frankfennel001fra18837/26-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Ferguson Charliefergus003cha1883 RichmondIndependent Richmond, VA
Ferguson William1883 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Ferrel Wilson1883 CovingtonAmerAlli Covington, KY
Fetherstone B.1883 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Field Samfield-001sam18835/2-6/4 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Field Samfield-001sam1883 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Field Jimfield-001jim18836/2-275 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Fielders Thomasfielde001tho18835/2-6/? Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Fields William1883no g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Finn Mikefinn--002mic18838 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Finn Mikefinn--002mic18833 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Firth Georgefirth-001geo18835/3-5/12 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Firth Johnfirth-002joh18836/4-6/8 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Fish Georgefish--001geo1883 NewtonIndependent Newton, MA
Fisher Georgefisher009geo1883 Denver BrownsIndependent Denver, CO
Fisher Georgefisher009geo1883 DallasIndependent Dallas, TX
Fisher Harryfisher008har18835/19-10/2 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Fisler Wesfisler001wes18835/1- Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Fitzgerald Johnfitzge008joh18832 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fitzgerald M.fitzge001m--1883 Mt. NemoIndependent Mt. Nemo,
Fitzgerald Thomasfitzge005tho1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Fitzpatrick Johnfitzpa006joh1883 Meriden AthleticIndependent Meriden, CT
Fleishman Joefleish001joe1883 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Fleming Walter1883 Syracuse StarsIndependent Syracuse, NY
Flynn Charlesflynn-001cha1883-6/? Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Flynn flynn-003---18835/16-6/4 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Fogarty Jimfogart001jim1883 St. Mary's Univ.College ,
Fogarty Jimfogart001jim1883 San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fogarty Jimfogart001jim18834 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fogarty Jimfogart001jim18831 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Fogarty Jimfogart001jim18832 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Foley Willfoley-002wil1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Foley Johnfoley-002joh1883+9/27 BrattleboroIndependent Brattleboro, VT
Forrest Williamforres003wil18835/3-5/31 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Forrest Williamforres003wil18836/9-9/6+ Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Forster Tomforste001tom188377 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Fortman C.1883 Covington KentonsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Foster Elmerfoster001elm1883 MinneapolisIndependent Minneapolis, MN
Foulkrod Frankfoulkr001fra18835/-8/30+ Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Foutz Davefoutz-001dav188361 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Fox Johnfox---008joh18835/1-28 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Fox Frankfox---003fra18837/12-9/1 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Fox Frankfox---003fra18839/4-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Fox Frankfox---003fra1883 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Fralinger Josephfralin001jos1883 Atlantic City August FlowersIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Frazee Leefrazee001lee1883 FargoIndependent Fargo, ND
Freleigh Charlesfrelei001cha1883 Bates CollegeCollege ,
French Billfrench001bil18833 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Frey Williamfrey--002wil18835/19-9/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Frichtel C.J.fricht001c--1883start-7/11 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Friel Patfriel-001pat1883 RenovoIndependent Renovo, PA
Friel Patfriel-001pat18838/9-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Fries Petefries-001pet18835/5-6/16 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Fries Petefries-001pet1883 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Fries Petefries-001pet18838/10-3 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Fruin Johnfruin-001joh1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Fry fry---001---18835/7-8/+ Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Frye Johnfrye--003joh1883 Lock HavenIndependent Lock Haven, PA
Frye Johnfrye--003joh18839/20-9/22 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Fulmer Charlesfulmer001chi18835/1-92 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Fulmer Chrisfulmer001chr188322 g.  Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Funkhouser Lee1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Furlong Billfurlon002wil188389 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Fusselback Eddiefussel001edd188365 g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Galbraith Hughgalbra001hug18835/2-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Gallagher Billgallag001bil18835/2-18 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Gallagher Billgallag001bil18837/18-7/20 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Galligan Johngallig001joh1883 EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Galvin Lougalvin001lou1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Gardner Gidgardne001gid18835/12-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Gardner Gidgardne001gid1883166 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Gastfield Edgastfi001ed-188337 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gaunt Charlesgaunt-001cha1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Gaunt Charlesgaunt-001cha18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Geary Wilsongeary-001wil18837/18-9/1 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Geary Wilsongeary-001wil18839/10-9/11 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Geer Billygeer--001bil18835/1-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Geer Billygeer--001bil1883 Syracuse Stars Syracuse, NY
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha1883 St. Mary's Univ.College ,
Geggus Charliegeggus001cha18836 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Geiss Billgeiss-001bil188363 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Geistner Charles1883 KeeneIndependent Keene, NH
Gerhardt Joegerhar001joe18835/1-505 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Getzien Pretzelsgetzie001pre18835/1-9/26 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Gibbons gibbon002---18837/17-7/26 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Gilman Pitgilman001pit18836/21-9/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Gilroy Henrygilroy002---1883 AshlandIndependent Ashland, PA
Gladmon Buckgladmo001buc18837/7-57 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Goodman Jakegoodma001jak18835/5-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18837/1 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Gorman Jackgorman001jac18837/9-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Grady Jackgrady-000jac18835/5-9/22 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Grady Jackgrady-000jac1883 ChambersburgIndependent Chambersburg, PA
Graham Henry1883 MilwaukeeIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Graul Charlesgraul-001cha18835/7-8/2? Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Gray gray--001---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Gray gray--037---18836/23+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Green Jimgreen-001jim1883 DaytonIndependent Dayton, OH
Green Johngreen-009joh18835/3-5/15 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Green Johngreen-009joh18837/5-8/29 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Greenwood Billgreenw001bil18835/4-7/16 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Greenwood Billgreenw001bil18837/25-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Griswold Charlesgriswo001cha1883 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Gross Emilgross-001emi188357 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Gruber Henrygruber001hen1883 New Haven New Haven, CT
Gruber Henrygruber001hen1883 Winchester Winchester, VA
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh1883 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Guehrer Johnguehre001joh1883 DaytonNW Dayton, OH
Guest Thomasguest-002tho1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Guiney Benguiney001ben18839/4 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Gunning Tomgunnin001tom188355 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Gussman Henrygussma002hen1883+8/28+ New Britain PioneersIndependent New Britain, CT
Hack Johnhack--002joh18837 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hackett Merthacket001mer18835/2-256 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hackw'ld'r hackwl001---18835/26-6/6+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Hagan Arthagan-001art18836/30-22 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hale hale--004---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Hall Al1883 Covington StarsAA Covington, KY
Halpin Jimhalpin001jim18836/9-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Hankinson Frankhankin001fra1883-10/14593 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hannum Elwood1883 Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Hans 1883 Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Hardie Louhardie001lou18834 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Harding A.C.hardin001a--1883 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Harkins Johnharkin002joh18835/6-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Harris Jamesharris004fra18839/8-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Harris harris045---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Harris harris004---18837/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Harris harris070---18839/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Harrison harris002---18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Hassett hasset001---18839/27 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil1883 New York Mets ReserveIndependent New York, NY
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Hatfield Gilhatfie001gil1883 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Hatton William1883 Washington ManhattanIndependent Washington, DC
Hautz Charliehoutz-001cha188330 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hawes Billhawes-001bil188371 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Hawkins hawkin001---18835/16 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Hayes M.1883no g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Healey Tomhealey001tom1883 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Healey healey001---1883 Providence ReservesIndependent Providence, RI
Heath J.R.heath-001j--18835/5-5/24 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Hellman Tonyhellma001ton1883 Covington KentonsAmer Alli Covington, KY
Henderson Hardiehender004har18835/2-210 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hengel Edhengle001edw18835/24-7/28 UmpireNW ,
Hengel Edhengle001edw18837/31-9/ Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Hengel Edhengle001edw18839/ Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Hengel Moxiehengle001mox188379 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Henry Johnhenry-007joh1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
Henry Johnhenry-007joh18838/14-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Henry henry-002---18835/10 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Hewer Jameshewer-001jam1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Higgins Billhiggin001bil1883 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18835/21-5/24 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Higgins Billhiggin001bil18837/7-8/7 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Hilbert Georgehilber001geo18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Hillery Jameshiller002jam18835/7-5/23 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Hillery Jameshiller002jam18836/18-6/21 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Hilsey Charliehilsey001cha18839/27-9 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Hines Mikehines-001mik18835/1-98 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Hirst S.1883 Cincinnati ShamrockAmerAlli Cincinnati, OH
Hodge Harryhodge-002har1883 JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Hodnett Charliehodnet001cha18835/3-4 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Hofford Chickhoffor001jos1883 Augusta FlowersIndependent Augusta, GA
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor188318 g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Hogan Mortimerhogan-001mor1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Hogan Williamhogan-003wil1883 East BrookfieldIndependent East Brookfield, MA
Hogan Williamhogan-003wil1883 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, CT
Hogan Williamhogan-003wil1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Hoggins Williamhoggin001wil1883 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Holdsworth Jimholdsw001jim18836/20-6/23 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Holland Jackhollan001joh18835/3 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Holland Jackhollan001joh1883 AlertIndependent ,
Holland Jackhollan001joh1883 ArchersIndependent ,
Holland Jackhollan001joh18836/6-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Honan honan-001---1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Honan honan-001---1883 Waterbury Brass CitysIndependent Waterbury, CT
Hoover Williamhoover001bus18835/2-8/14 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Hoover Williamhoover001bus18838/23-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Horan Johnhoran-003joh18835/1-6/20 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Horan Johnhoran-003joh1883+8/7-8/24+ East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Horan Patrickhoran-002joh1883 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Houck Sadiehouck-001sad1883490 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Householder Charliehouseh001cha188369 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Householder Charliehouseh002cha18835/4-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Householder Charliehouseh002cha18837/25-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-1883 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-1883 Co. KCtMilitary ,
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-1883 Merden AthleticIndependent Merden, CT
Hubbard Alhubbar001al-18839/13-9/15 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Hugh 1883 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Humphries Johnhumphr004joh18837/7-29 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Hunt hunt--001---18836/23-8/29 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Hunter Billhunter001bil188340 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Hunter Lemhunter001lem18835/18-8/14? Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Hunter Lemhunter001lem18839/1 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Hurley Michaelhurley001mic1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Hurley Michaelhurley001mic18838/24-10/1 UmpireNW ,
Hutchison Billhutchi001bil18836/6-6/19 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Incell Williamincell001wil18836 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha1883no g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha1883 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha18836/21+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Ingraham Charlieingrah001cha18837/4 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Irwin Johnirwin-001joh18835/1-9/27 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Isaacson Charlesisaacs004cha18835/10-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Jackson jackso016---18835/9 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Jacoby Harryjacoby001har18837/20-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
James Leejames-001lee18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Jandron Johnjandro001joh1883 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Jennings Lesjennin001les18831 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Johnson johnso076---18832 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Johnson johnso156---18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Jones Charleyjones-018cha18835/1-531 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Jones Henryjones-006hen18835/1-10/1 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Jones Billjones-003bil1883 DefianceIndependent Defiance,
Jones Billjones-003bil1883 BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Jones Billjones-003bil1883 RossIndependent Ross,
Jones Jackjones-008jac18838/9 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Jones Jackjones-008jac1883 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Jones Jackjones-008jac18837/9-9/28 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Jones Charliejones-019cha1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Jones Charliejones-019cha1883 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Jones Frankjones-002fra18835/1-6/21+ Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Jones Rijones-009jac18835/1-5/2 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Jones Rijones-009jac18837/2-9/27 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Jones Rijones-009jac18838/13-2 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Jones jones-007---18835/12-5/29 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Jones jones-006---18836/20 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Jones jones-112---1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Jones jones-112---1883 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Joseph Joseph1883 Covington KentonsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Kappel Henrykappel001hei1883 Philadelphia Quaker CityIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kappel Joekappel001joe18838/7-8/31 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Kearns Tomkearns001tom188383 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Keefe Mauricekeefe-001mau1883no g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Keenan Jimkeenan001jim1883 New HavenIndependent New Haven, CT
Keenan Jimkeenan001jim1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Keeney keeney001---1883 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, CT
Kelley Jameskelley007jam1883 Providence ReservesIndependent Providence, RI
Kelley Jameskelley007jam18836/9-6/23 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Kelley Williamkelley010wil18837/4+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Kelley kelley001---18837/5-7/21 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Kelley kelley040---18838/7-9/14 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Kelly Kickkelly-001kic1883442 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Kelly Charliekelly-004cha1883 Philadelphia Solar TipsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kelly Charliekelly-004cha18836/14-2 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Kelly kelly-048---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Kelnar 18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Kennedy Dockenned001doc1883- 7/65 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Kennedy Edkenned001ed-18835/1-293 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Kennedy Patrickkenned002pat1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Kent Edkent--001ed-1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Kent Edkent--001ed-18836/7-9/29 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Kerins Johnkerins001joh18835/1-5/24 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Kerins Johnkerins001joh1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18835/4-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Kienzle Billkienzl001bil18837/26-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Kimber Samkimber001sam18835/7-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Kimber Samkimber001sam18837/25-9/28 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Kinzie Waltkinzie001wal188374 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Kistler kistle001---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Knight Joeknight002jos18835/1-6/15 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Knight Joeknight002jos18837/9-8/9+ East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Knight Joeknight002jos18839/3-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Knodell Jakeknowde001jak18835/1-9/27 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Knowles Jimmyknowle001jim18835/2-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18835/1-7/12 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Krieg Billkrieg-001bil18837/23-8/8 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Kuehne Billkuehne001bil18835/1-1078 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Kugler Ed.kugler001ed-18835/2 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Kugler Ed.kugler001ed-18838/30+ Philadelphia HartvilleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Kunkle kunkle002---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Lake lake--002---18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lamb Edlamb--001ed-18832 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lamb Edlamb--001ed-18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Lambert Stevelamber002ste1883 TerryvilleIndependent Terryville,
Landis Doclandis001doc18835/2-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Lane Chappylane--003cha18835/5-75 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Lane J. Frank18835/1-9/1 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Lang Franklinlang--002fra18836/25-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Larkin Terrylarkin001ter1883 ,
Larkin Henrylarkin001hen18835/2-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Larkins Patricklarkin003---1883 Des MoinesIndependent Des Moines, IA
Larkins Patricklarkin003---1883 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Latham Arlielatham002wal18835/1-1587 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Lauer Chucklauer-001chu18835/19-9/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Laughlin 18835/12-6/16 LowellMassSt Lowell, MA
Lavin Johnnylavin-001joh188376 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Lawrence lawren009---1883 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Lawrence lawren001---18837/20 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Lawrence lawren009---18839/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Lawson 1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Lawton Horatiolawton001hor18837 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lawton Horatiolawton001hor18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Leary Jackleary-001jac18835/1-40 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Leary Jackleary-001jac18833 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Leary Jackleary-001jac18838/9-9/6 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Leary Jackleary-001jac1883 CarlisleIndependent Carlisle, PA
Leary leary-001---18834 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lecher Williamlecher001wil1883 Cincinnati MascotsIndependent Cincinnati, OH
Leman leman-001---18832 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lenhart Jameslenhar001s--18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Leonard John1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Leonard Johnleonar006joh18831 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Leslie leslie002---18839/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Levis Charlielevis-001cha188383 g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Levy Rubelevy--001reu18836 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lewis Fredlewis-003fre1883213 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Lewis Frank1883no g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Lewis Silverlewis-001sil18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lewis lewis-001---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Lillie Jimlillie001jim18835/17-390 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Linnehan Franklinneh001fra1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Linnehan Hughlinneh001hug1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
Livenspise Harrylivens001har18835/26-6/+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Lockshire W.locksh001w--1883 Meriden AthleticsIndependent Meriden, CT
Lockwood Horacelockwo002hor18835/24-8/16 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Lockwood Milolockwo001mil1883+6/26-7/? JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
Loftus Tomloftus002tom18835/1-5/13 St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Lord Charleslord--002cha1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Lotz Benjaminlotz--001ben18838/3-9/27 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Lovett Tomlovett001tom1883 WillimanticIndependent Willimantic, CT
Lucas Williamlucas-005wil1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Ludden ludden001---1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Luff Harryluff--001hen18835/1-5/12 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Luff Harryluff--001hen1883-7/537 g.  LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Lutton Hamlutton001ham18834/10-5/27+ Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Lyman lyman-001---18832 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Lynch Jacklynch-001jac1883200 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom18835/2-5/22 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Lynch Tomlynch-002tom18836/4-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Lynn Georgelyon--002geo1883 StoweIndependent Stowe, VT
MacArthur Macmacart001mac188315 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Mack mack--012---18831 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Macklin Frederickmackli001fre1883 TorontoIndependent Toronto, ON
Madden Frankmadden003fra1883 WestfieldIndependent Westfield, CT
Madden madden007---18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Maddock Williammaddoc001---18837/12 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Magner Johnmagner001joh18834/29-6/30 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Magner Johnmagner001joh18836/29 UmpireIndependent ,
Magner Williammagner001wil1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Malone Fergymalone001fer1883 Philadelphia KeystoneIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Malone Fergymalone001fer18838/11-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Manlove Charliemanlov001cha18835/2-6/1 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Manlove Charliemanlov001cha1883+6/23-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Manning Jackmannin001jac1883-10/4446 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Manning Timmannin001tim18835/1-7/25 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Manning Timmannin001tim1883-7/20179 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Manning Jimmannin001jim188378 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Mansell Mikemansel001mik18835/1-96 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Mansell Tommansel001tom1883-10/15150 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Mansell Johnmansel001joh188381 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Martin Jimmartin002jim18835/19-9/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Marton Lewmarton001---1883 Denver BrownsIndependent Denver, CO
Mason Charliemason-004cha18837/4 PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
McAleer Jimmymcalee001jam18836/21-9/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
McAleer T.mcalee001t--18836/21+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
McAteer mcatee001---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
McCabe Johnmccabe001joh18835/26-5/30 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
McCaffery Harrymccaff001har1883-6/255 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
McCaffrey mccaff006---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
McCal'm mccalm001---18835/26-6/+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
McClellan Billmcclel001bil1883444 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
McCloskey Billmcclos001bil18835/3-9/29 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
McCloskey Johnmcclos001joh1883 Louisville ShamrocksIndependent Louisville, KY
McCord Bobmccord001bob18831 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McCord Tommccord001tom18832 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McCormick Jerrymccorm001jer18835/1-93 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
McCune mccune001---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
McDonald Jimmcdona003jim18837 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McDonald mcdona072---18838/20-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
McDonough Johnmcdono004joh188344 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
McDowell mcdowe002---18836/27-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
McElroy Jimmcelro001jim18833 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McElroy Jimmcelro001jim1883 Newark DomesticIndependent Newark, NJ
McGeachey Jackmcgeac001jac1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
McGill Williammcgill006wil1883 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
McGinley Dennismcginl001den18835/10-6/20 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
McGirr Jamesmcgirr001jam18835/21-5/24 New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
McGrady mcgrad001---18836/15 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
McGuire Deaconmcguir006jam1883 Terre Haute AwkwardsIndependent Terre Haute, IN
McGunnigle Billmcgunn001bil188381  g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
McGurk Jimmiemcgurk001jim1883 ArchersIndependent ,
McGurk Jimmiemcgurk001jim18836/11-6/13 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
McHugh Johnmchugh001joh18836/25-8/10 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
McIntosh mcinto001---18839/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
McIntyre Frankmcinty001fra18835/16-6/20 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
McKee Thomasmckee-001tho18835/?+ YorkIndependent York, PA
McKee Walter1883 Washington WaverlysIndependent Washington, DC
McKelvy Russmckelv001rus1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
McKelvy mckelv003---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
McKenna P.mckenn001p--18833 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
McKenna Edmckenn001ed-1883 Washington NationalsIndependent Washington, DC
McKenna Edmckenn001ed-1883 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
McKenna Edmckenn001ed-1883 Washington BashfulsIndependent Washington, DC
McKeon Larrymckeon001lar1883 New HavenIndependent New Haven, CT
McKeon Larrymckeon001lar1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra18835/1-29 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
McLaughlin Frankmclaug001fra18839/29-10/1+ JohnstownWestern Interstate League Johnstown, PA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar18835/2-9/22 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
McLaughlin Barneymclaug001bar1883 ChambersburgIndependent Chambersburg, PA
McLaughlin Jimmclaug001jim18835/1-5/22 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
McLaughlin Jimmclaug001jim1883 Dayton Dayton, OH
Mclaughlin Joemclaug003joe18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
McLaughlin Tommclaug001tom18837/17-326 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
McManus M.mcmanu001m--18837/12-7/20 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
McNichol Robert18837/22-9/29 MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac18835/1-5/29 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac18836/6-7/28 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
McQuaid Jackmcquai001jac18838/6-9/21 UmpireNW ,
McQuaid mcquai002---18838/31 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
McQuery Moxmcquer001mox1883 Covington KentonsAmer Alli Covington, KY
McSh'ry mcshry001---18839/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
McSorley Trickmcsorl001tri18835/1-10/1 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
McTamany Jimmctama001jim1883 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
McVey Calmcvey-001cal1883 Hanford IrrigationCo Hanford, CA
Meagher Tommeaghe001tom18832 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Meaney Richardmeaney001ric18839/25 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Meegan Petemeegan001pet18836 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Meinke Frankmeinke001fra188384 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Meisel Chrismeisel001chr1883 HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Meister meiste001---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Mellon Williammellon001wil1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Mellon mellon001---18835/1 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Merrill Edmerril001ed-188376 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Meyers Loumeyers001lou1883 Cincinnati ShamrockAmerAlli Cincinnati, OH
Miglavacca miglav001---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Miller Georgemiller005geo18835/3-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Miller Wallymiller008wal1883 MuskegonIndependent Muskegon, MI
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc1883 Pawtucket AetnaIndependent Pawtucket, RI
Miller Cyclonemiller001cyc1883 WebsterIndependent Webster, MA
Miller Henrymiller007hen18835/5-9/20 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Miller Henrymiller007hen18839/25-9/27 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Miller Joemiller005joe18835/5-83 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Miller 18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Miller miller018---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Milligan Johnmillig001joc18835/2-9/28 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Mitchell Bobbymitche001bob18835/2-5/4 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Mitchell Ferdymitche001fer18831 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mitchell mitche001---18836/13-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Moe moe---001---1883+9/10+ AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Moffet Joemoffet001joe1883+9/16+ ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Moffet Lincmoffet000lin1883+9/16+ ButteIndependent Butte, MT
Moffet Sammoffet001sam18835/5-51 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Mohr Harvey1883 Allentown Blue StockingsIndependent Allentown, PA
Monroe Frankmonroe002fra1883 Fresno StarsIndependent Fresno, CA
Montgomery Thomas1883no g. HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Montgomery Williammontgo003wil1883 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Montgomery Williammontgo003wil18838/1-9/24 UmpireNW ,
Mooney Martinmooney001mar18835 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Moore Henrymoore-004hen18835/2-8/4 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Moran Eddiemoran-001edd18836 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Morgan Billmorgan002bil18835/1-7/19 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Morgan Billmorgan002bil18838/6-32 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Morgan Chetmorgan003che18836/17-9/29 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen188349 g. HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Moriarty Genemoriar001gen1883 Meriden ElmsIndependent Meriden, CT
Moriarty Johnmoriar001joh1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Morris Petemorris001p--1883 Milwaukee Maple LeafsIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Morris Edmorris002ed-1883 St. Mary's Univ.College ,
Morris Edmorris002ed-18835 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Morris Edmorris002ed-18836/28-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Morris Jamesmorris021jam1883 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Morrison Jonmorris002jon1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Morrissey Johnmorris017joh18835/7-7/21 UmpireNW ,
Morrissey Tommorris003tom188379 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Morton Charliemorton002cha188367 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Morton Sammorton001sam1883 SecretaryNW ,
Mountjoy Billmountj001bil1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Mountjoy Billmountj001bil18839/29 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Moynahan Mikemoynah001mik18835/1-95 g. PhiladelphiaAmerican Association Philadelphia, PA
Mullen mullen001---18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Mulligan Edward1883 Georgetown U.College ,
Mulvey Joemulvey001joe18835/31-987 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Munce Johnmunce-001joh1883 Philadelphia HillsdaleIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Munrose J.B.munros001j--1883 Oil CityIndependent Oil City, PA
Munyan Johnmunyan001joh1883 West PhiladelphiaIndependent West Philadelphia, PA
Murdock Joemurdoc002joe18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Murphy Williemurphy013wil1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Murphy Williemurphy013wil1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
Murphy Conmurphy001con1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh18834/9-8/30 Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Murphy Johnmurphy017joh1883 Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton1883no g. Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Murphy Tonymurphy001ton18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Murray Miahmurray001mia18835/15-6/25 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Murray Miahmurray001mia18836/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Murray Thomasmurray007tho1883 Denver BrownsIndependent Denver, CO
Mutrie Jimmutrie001jam1883 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Myers Henrymyers-004hen18835/3-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Myers Georgemyers-002geo1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Myrtle myrtle001---18839/28 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Neagle Jackneagle001jac1883-10/468 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Nelson Candynelson001can18835/2-493 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Nettleton Georgenettle001g--1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Newman newman001---18838/13-8/24 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Nichols Trickynichol001tri18835/1-9/22+ East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Nichols E. H.1883-86 Harvard Univ.College ,
Nieman nieman001---18839/26 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the18833 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the1883 Pittsburgh BrownsIndependent Pittsburgh, PA
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the18836/27-7/2+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Nolan The Onlynolan-001the18838/25-9/22 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Noonan Richardnoonan001ric1883 ErieIndependent Erie, PA
Norton norton001---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18838/8-8/23 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
O'Brien Tomobrien001tom18839/10-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
O'Brien obrien020---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
O'Day Hankoday--001han18835/1-5/17 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
O'Day Hankoday--001han18835/22-9/26 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
O'Leary Danoleary002dan1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
O'Loughlin Patrickloughr001bil18835/9 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
O'Neil Danoneill003dan1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
O'Neil Danoneill003dan1883 Meriden ElmIndependent Meriden, CT
O'Neil Edoneil-002ed-18835/30-6/4 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
O'Neill Tiponeill001tip18835/5-943 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
O'Neill Thomasoneill002tho18837/9-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
O'Rourke Johnorourk001joh18835/2-9/10 New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
O'terman 1883 EnterpriseWIntSt ,
Oberbeck Henryoberbe001hen18835/7-2 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Oberbeck Henryoberbe001hen18835/19-5/22 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Oberbeck Henryoberbe001hen18834 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Oberlander Docoberla001doc1883-87 U. SyracuseCollege ,
Odlin Arthur18835/1-5/22 MLB UmpireNational League ,
Oehler C.1883 Cincinnati ShamrockAmerAlli Cincinnati, OH
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav18835/30 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav18836/7 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Oldfield Daveoldfie001dav18836/28 BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Orr Daveorr---002dav18835/17-14 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Orr Daveorr---002dav1883 Newark MetropolitansIndependent Newark, NJ
Orr Daveorr---002dav18838/27- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Orth Dickorth--001dic1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Otterson Billyotters001bil1883 Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Otterson Billyotters001bil18837/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Overrecker Charlesoveroc001cha1883 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Oxley Henryoxley-001hen1883 Beverly StarsIndependent Beverly, MA
Page Joe1883 Hiawatha GraysIndependent Hiawatha, NY
Palsifer palsif001---18835/1 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Parker Frankparker004fra18835/1-7/12 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Parker Frankparker004fra1883 EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Parsons Charlieparson002cha1883no g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Parsons Charlieparson002cha1883 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Parsons John1883no g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Patrick 1883 New HavenIndependent New Haven, CT
Patton patton001---18835/19-9/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Pearce Dickeypearce001dic18836/14-6/20 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Peltz Johnpeltz-001joh1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Pendergrass Johnpender002joh1883 Gloversville Gloversville, NY
Pendleton Edpendle002ed-1883 CovingtonLeagAlli Covington, KY
Perrier Hipperrie001hyp18832 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Perry perry-001---18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Peters Johnpeters008joh188344 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Pettit Bobpettit001bob1883 Meriden ElmsIndependent Meriden, CT
Pettit Bobpettit001bob1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Pettit Bobpettit001bob1883 Hart.-Foot GuardsIndependent ,
Phelan Dickphelan001dic18835/19-10/1 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Phelan Danphelan001dan1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Phelan Fintonphelan001fin1883 WaterburyIndependent Waterbury, CT
Phillips Horacephilli001hor188397 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Phillips Marrphilli003mar188380 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Pierce Graciepierce001gra1883 NewarkIndependent Newark, NJ
Pierce Graciepierce001gra18839/4- HartfordIndependent Hartford, CT
Pierce Georgepierce001mau18839/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Piercy Andypiercy001and18835 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Piercy Andypiercy001and18831 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Pierson Davepierso002dav1883 Newark DomesticIndependent Newark, NJ
Piggott Johnpiggot001joh18836 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Piggott Johnpiggot001joh188316 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Pinkney Georgepinkne001geo188384 g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Pirie Jamespirie-001jam18839/25-9/29 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Polhemus Markpolhem001mar1883-86 Co. G, 7th InfUS Army ,
Pollard Thomaspollar001tho1883 Philadelphia DefianceIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Poorman Tompoorma001tom18835/5-77 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Pope Arthurpope--001art18837 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Porter Henryporter001hen1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Porter Henryporter001hen1883 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Pounds pounds002---18836/21+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Powell Abnerpowell001abn1883 Providence ReservesIndependent Providence, RI
Powell Abnerpowell001abn1883 Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Powell Abnerpowell001abn188318 g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Pratt Alpratt-001al-1883-6/2032 g. PittsburghAmerican Association Pittsburgh, PA
Pratt Alpratt-001al-188317 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Price Samuelprice-002sam18835/17 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Prince Walterprince001wal18838/7 -4 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Purrington Johnpurrin001joh18835/23-5/24 East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha18835/4-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Pyle Harrypyle--001sha1883 Lancaster IronsidesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Quinn M. J.?18836/6+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Quinn Michaelquinn-001mic18839/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Quinn quinn-020---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Quinton Marshallquinto001mar18835/5-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau18835/2-9/5 Merden GymnasiumIndependent Merden, CT
Quirk Mauricequirk-001mau1883 ElmiraIndependent Elmira, NY
Quitzow Vincyquitzo001vin18831 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Radbourn Georgeradbou001geo18835/30-6/6 DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Radford Paulradfor002pau18835/1 -1361 g. BostonNational League Boston, MA
Rafferty Jackraffer001joh1883 LynnIndependent Lynn, MA
Ray Irvray---001irv1883-87 Maine A&MCollege ,
Reardon Jimmyreardo002jam1883 Hamilton Hop BittersIndependent Hamilton, ON
Reardon John1883 Cincinnati ShamrockAmerAlli Cincinnati, OH
Reardon reardo004---18836/21+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Reccius Johnrecciu001joh1883-7/1118 g. LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Reccius Johnrecciu001joh18837/25-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Redigan Michaelrediga001mic1883 Meriden ElmIndependent Meriden, CT
Reed reed--003---1883 New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Reeder Iciclereeder001ici188325 g. SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Reese Jumbo1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
Reid Billyreid--001bil18835/1 -24 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Reid Billyreid--001bil1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Reid Billyreid--001bil18837/21-10/1 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Reilly Johnreilly004joh1883-10/31069 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Reipschlager Charliereipsc001cha18835/2 -296 g. New YorkAmerican Association New York, NY
Reising Charliereisin001cha1883 CovingtonAmerAlli Covington, KY
Remsen Jackremsen001jac1883 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Remsen Jackremsen001jac188378 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Renfro Williamrenfro001wil18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Reynolds Thomasreynol005cha18835/4-7/18 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Reynolds Thomasreynol005cha1883 Chester RossIndependent Chester, PA
Reynolds Thomasreynol005cha18837/25-9/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Rice rice--001---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Richardson Arthurrichar001art1883 Hamilton BaysideIndependent Hamilton, ON
Richardson Harryrichar002har18837/7 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr1883 Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr1883 BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr1883 Atlantic CityIndependent Atlantic City, NJ
Rickley Chrisrickle001chr18839/3-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Riley Williamriley-008wil18835/29-9/27 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Riley riley-001---18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Ringo Frankringo-001fra18835/1 -105 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Riordan Danriorda001dan18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18835/5 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil18835/18-7/7 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil1883 EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Rittenhouse Williamritten001wil1883 Lancaster IronsidesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Roberts robert053---18835/2-6/23 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Roberts robert053---18836/25-6/29 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Roberts robert015---188328 g. Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Robertson Charleyrobert011cha18832 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Robinson Williamrobins001yan188364 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Robinson Wilbertrobins001wil1883 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Robinson robins023---1883 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Roche Williamroche-003wil188327 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Rockwell Billyrockwe001elm1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Rodgers 1883 St. Louis Black StockingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Roecker Cliffordroecke001cli1883 West Chester BrandywineIndependent West Chester, PA
Rose R. S.1883no g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Ross Robertross--007rob1883 Allegheny CityIndependent Allegheny City, PA
Ross Robertross--007rob188342 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Roussey Elmerrousse002elm1883 Baltimore Our BoysIndependent Baltimore, MD
Roxburgh Jimroxbur001jim1883 Leadville BluesIndependent Leadville, CO
Rudderham Johnrudder001joh1883 BraintreeIndependent Braintree, MA
Ruhl Gus1883 Columbus StarsIndependent Columbus, OH
Russell Jamesrussel009jam1883 AndersonIndependent Anderson, IN
Ryan Jimmyryan--003jam1883 MansfieldIndependent Mansfield, OH
Ryan Johnryan--011joh1883 DaytonIndependent Dayton, OH
Ryan Johnryan--011joh1883no g. MuskegonNW Muskegon, MI
Ryan Jamesryan--013jam1883 HudsonIndependent Hudson, MA
Ryder Tomryder-001tom1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Sage Harrysage--001har1883 Rock IslandIndependent Rock Island, IL
Salisbury Harrysalisb001har1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Sanders Bensander002ben1883-85 Roanoke CollegeCollege ,
Sands H.1883no g. Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Sawyer Willsawyer005wil18837/21-9/29 ClevelandNational League Cleveland, OH
Say Jimmysay---001jim18835/3-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Schappert Johnschapp001joh18834/5+ New York AlaskasIndependent New York, NY
Schappert Johnschapp001joh18835/7-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Scharf Nickscharf001nic1883-6/113 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Scharf Nickscharf001nic1883 Baltimore WesternsIndependent Baltimore, MD
Scharf Nickscharf001nic1883 Baltimore PeabodysIndependent Baltimore, MD
Scharringhausen Gussherin001j--1883 St. Louis Peach PiesIndependent St. Louis, MO
Scheffler Tedscheff001ted1883 New York HudsonsIndependent New York, NY
Schenck Billschenc001bil18835/1-8/25 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Schoeneck Jumboschoen001jum18835/30-9/27 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Schwartz Billschwar001bil18835/3-2 g. ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Schwartz Billschwar001bil18837/2-10/1 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Schweitzer Johnschwei001joh18837/2-7/17 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Scott Miltscott-001mil188375 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Selby selby-001---18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Serad Billyserad-001bil1883 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
Sexton Tomsexton001tom18835/3-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Shallix Gusshalli001gus1883preseason Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Shannon Danshanno004dan1883 Bridgeport NationalsIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Sharkey T.sharke001t--18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Shaw Dupeeshaw--001dup18836/18-208 g. DetroitNational League Detroit, MI
Shaw Samuelshaw--004sam1883 Meriden AthleticsIndependent Meriden, CT
Sheehan Patricksheeha001pat1883 WillimanticIndependent Willimantic, CT
Sheridan J.B.sherid002j--18835/16 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18836 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sheridan Jacksherid001jac18832 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18835/3-9/4 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18839/6 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Shetzline Johnshetzl001joh18839/7-10/1 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Simmons Joesimmon001joe1883 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Skelton Frankskelto001fra1883 Hallett&DavisIndependent ,
Smiley Billsmiley001bil18835/1-8/20 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Smiley Billsmiley001bil1883 RichmondIndependent Richmond, VA
Smith Williamsmith-061wil1883 IndianapolisIndependent Indianapolis, IN
Smith Harrysmith-019har188316 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Smith Johnsmith-043joh18832 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Hughsmith-004hug18832 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Smith Edgarsmith-002edg18836/20-9/29 BostonNational League Boston, MA
Smith Edgarsmith-002edg1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Smith Germanysmith-013geo18835/19- AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Smith Germanysmith-013geo1883 BurlingtonIndependent Burlington, NJ
Smith Germanysmith-013geo18839/3-9/22 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Smith Leosmith-007leo1883 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Smith Leosmith-007leo18836/4-10/1 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Smith Lewissmith-003l--1883 YorkIndependent York, PA
Smith Lewissmith-003l--18835/3-9/5 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Smith Big Billsmith-000big1883 St. Louis Black StockingsIndependent St. Louis, MO
Smith Billsmith-007bil1883 East Liverpool Crockery CityIndependent East Liverpool,
Smith Edsmith-002ed-1883 East Liverpool Crockery CityIndependent East Liverpool,
Smith Edgarsmith-003edg18835/25-3 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Smith Edgarsmith-003edg18837/4-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Smith Franksmith-021fra188346 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Smith smith-094---18837/23 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Smith 18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Smith smith-202---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Sneed Johnsneed-002joh1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Snow Charlessnow--003cha1883 Foot GuardsCT-Military ,
Snyder Emanuelsnyder001red18835/1-9/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Snyder Herman?18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Snyder snyder040---18836/6+ Pittsburgh TurneysWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Soher Adolphsoher-001ado18835 g. San Francisco HaverlysCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sommer Benjamin1883-5/3021 g. MLB UmpireAmerican Association ,
Souther Johnsouthe002joh1883-84 Yale UniversityCollege ,
Sowders Lensowder001len18835/3 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Spangler 1883 BradfordIndependent Bradford, PA
Spence Harryspence001har1883 Brooklyn AtlanticIndependent Brooklyn, NY
Spence Harryspence001har18835/15-5/18 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Spence Harryspence001har1883 EastonIndependent Easton, PA
Spence Harryspence001har1883 Lancaster IronsidesIndependent Lancaster, PA
Spill Frankspill-001fra1883 Beverly StarsIndependent Beverly, MA
Sprague spragu001---18837/4+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Sproul Franksproul002fra1883 Chester HoustonIndependent Chester, PA
St. Lawrence Edwardstlawr001edw1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
St. Lawrence Edwardstlawr001edw18838/14-9/22 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Stack 18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Stannard Frankstanna001fra1883 Foot GuardsCTMilitary ,
Stapleton Edwardstaple002edw18835/1-6/20 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Stapleton Edwardstaple002edw18837/16-8/11 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Start start-001---18833 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Steele steele001---18836/13+ LeechburgWestern Interstate League Leechburg, PA
Stein Fredstein-001fre18831 g. San Francisco ReddingtonsCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben18835/19-7/30+ AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Stephens Benjaminstephe002ben1883 New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Stewart Charleystewar014cha18832 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Stockwell Lenstockw001len188357 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Stone stone-002---18835/24-5/25 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Straub Joestraub001joe18835/1-9/22 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Suck Tonysuck--001ton188322 g. Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18838/9-2 g. BuffaloNational League Buffalo, NY
Suck Tonysuck--001ton18839/27 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Sullivan Tedsulliv001tp-18835/1-79 g. St. Louis BrownsAmerican Association St. Louis, MO
Sullivan Patsulliv002pat1883 Milwaukee Maple LeafsIndependent Milwaukee, WI
Sullivan Patsulliv002pat18835/1-9/29 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Sullivan Davesulliv006dav18831 g. MLB UmpireNational League ,
Sullivan Jamessulliv014jam1883 New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Sullivan Jamessulliv014jam18839/10-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Sullivan Charliesulliv003cha18834 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan Charliesulliv003cha18831 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Sullivan E.sulliv002e--18839/29 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Sullivan Fleurysulliv001fle18835/1-9/26 SpringfieldNorthwestern League Springfield, IL
Sullivan Jacksulliv004jac18833 g. SacramentoCalifornia State League Sacramento, CA
Sullivan Johnsulliv024joh18837/2-9/ Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Sullivan Johnsulliv025joh18835/1-5/25 Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
Sullivan Josephsulliv009jos1883 LynnIndependent Lynn, MA
Sullivan Mikesulliv001mik1883 WorcesterIndependent Worcester, MA
Sullivan T.J.sulliv002t--1883 WillimanticIndependent Willimantic, CT
Sullivan sulliv004---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Sunday Billysunday001bil18835/22-499 g. ChicagoNational League Chicago, IL
Sutherland suther001---1883 New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Swanton Billyswanto001bil18833 g. San Francisco WoonsocketCalifornia State League San Francisco, CA
Sweeney Billsweene001bil188360 g. Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Sweeney Rooneysweene001roo18835/4-7/19 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Sweeney Rooneysweene001roo18837/25-73 g. BaltimoreAmerican Association Baltimore, MD
Sweeney Charliesweene004cha1883196 g. ProvidenceNational League Providence, RI
Swift J.A.swift-001ja-18835/19-7/4+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Sylvester Lousylves002lou1883 Springfield Watch FactoryIndependent Springfield, IL
Talley Lewistalley001lew18835/12 Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Taylor Billytaylor001bil1883 Bridgeport RosedalesIndependent Bridgeport, CT
Taylor Billytaylor001bil18836/21-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Taylor Georgetaylor005geo18835/1-10/1 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Tenor tenor-001---18835/30+ Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Terry Adonisterry-001ado18836/21-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Thatcher thatch001---18835/5-5/24 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Thies thies-002---18835/1-6/9 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Thomas A.J.thomas005a--18836/21-9/10+ YoungstownWestern Interstate League Youngstown, OH
Thompson Tugthomps001tug18835/1-5/15 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Thompson Tugthomps001tug1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Thompson Arthurthomps005art18836 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Thompson Samthomps002sam1883 DanvilleIndependent Danville, IN
Tilley Johntilley001joh18835/5-80 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Tomer F.K.tomer-001f--18835/19-9/7+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Tomney Philtomney001phi18836/28 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Tomney Philtomney001phi1883 SiddoIndependent ,
Tomney Philtomney001phi1883 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Tomney Philtomney001phi18838/29-9/28 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Toohey Edwardtoohey001edw1883 Meriden AthleticsIndependent Meriden, CT
Tool S. J.?18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
Traffley Billtraffl001bil1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Traffley Billtraffl001bil188330 g. CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Trask Charlestrask-001cha1883 Beverly StarsIndependent Beverly, MA
Tray Jimtray--001jim18835/5-8/25 Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Tray tray--001---18838/29-8/31 Quincy QuincysNorthwestern League Quincy, IL
Troy Dashertroy--001das1883-7/9237 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY
Trumbull Edtrumbu001ed-1883 SpringfieldIndependent Springfield, MA
Trumbull Edtrumbu001ed-1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Trusty Sheppard1883 Washington ManhattanIndependent Washington, DC
Trusty Sheppard1883+8/3-8/27+ Philadelphia OrionsIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Tucker Tommytucker003tho1883 HolyokeIndependent Holyoke, MA
Turbidy Jerryturbid001jer188322 g. Bay CityNorthwestern League Bay City, MI
Turner turner001---1883 Hart.-Co. KMilitary ,
Tuthill Benjamintuthil001ben18835/15-6/4 UmpireNW ,
Tuttle Charlestuttle003cha18836/28-7/9 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Tyler Roberttyler-002rob1883 New Britain PioneersIndependent New Britain, CT
Tyng Jimtyng--001jim1883 Staten IslandIndependent Staten Island, NY
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen18834/- Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen18837/- Chicago UnionsIndependent Chicago, IL
Vadeboncoeur Genevadebo001gen18838/1-8/6 Peoria RedsNorthwestern League Peoria, IL
Valentine Johnvalent003joh18835/3-8/3 ColumbusAmerican Association Columbus, OH
Valentine Johnvalent003joh18838/10-9/5 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Van Lewen Joevanlew001---18835/26-6/+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Vandevert vandev001---18839/29 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Vinton Billvinton001bil18836/28-9/8 Woonsocket CometsIndependent Woonsocket, RI
Voegtle Philipvoetle001---1883 LebanonIndependent Lebanon, IL
Voelker W.J.voelke001w--1883 Pittsburgh EnterpriseWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Voelker W.J.voelke001w--1883 New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Voltz Williamvoltz-001wil18835/1-5/23 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Voltz Williamvoltz-001wil1883 UmpireNW ,
Voss Alexvoss--001ale1883 DaytonIndependent Dayton, OH
Wadleigh wadlei001---1883+7/4+ AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Wadsworth Georgewadswo001geo1883-84 Brown Univ.College ,
Waitt Charliewaitt-001cha18835/3-9/1 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Waitt Charliewaitt-001cha18839/18 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Walker Oscarwalker002osc18835/1-9/29 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Walker Fleetwalker001fle18835/1-9/21 Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Walker Georgewalker002geo18839/14 Hamilton CentralsIndependent Hamilton, ON
Walker Weldaywalker001wel1883-84 U. of MichiganCollege ,
Wallace wallac002---1883+7/30+ New Castle NeshannockWestern Interstate League New Castle, PA
Walsh Johnwalsh-059---1883 PoughkeepsieIndependent Poughkeepsie, NY
Walsh Johnwalsh-059---1883 KingstonIndependent Kingston, NY
Walsh Johnwalsh-015joh18837/10-7/18 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Walsh Mickeywalsh-005mic1883 Waterbury MonitorsIndependent Waterbury, CT
Ward Johnward--009joh18837/21-7/27 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Ward 18836/12 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Warner Fredwarner003fre18835/4-7/21 Camden MerrittsInterstate Association Camden, NJ
Warner Fredwarner003fre1883-9/11123 g. PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Warning 1883 New HavenIndependent New Haven, CT
Watkins Billwatkin002bil1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Weihe Podgeweihe-001pod18838/6 CincinnatiAmerican Association Cincinnati, OH
Weir Hughweir--001hug18835/19-7/4+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Welch Curtwelch-001cur18835/17-50 g. Toledo Blue StockingsNorthwestern League Toledo, OH
Wells Frankwells-002fra1883 OgdensburgIndependent Ogdensburg, NY
Welsh William1883 Covington KentonsAmerAlli Covington, KY
Welti welti-001---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Werrick Joewerric001joe1883+9/4+ St. Paul Red CapsIndependent St. Paul, MN
West Buckwest--001buc188365 g. Grand RapidsNorthwestern League Grand Rapids, MI
West Buckwest--001buc1883 East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
West west--001---18839/20 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Wetzell Georgewetzel001sho1883+8/28+ Philadelphia August FlowersIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Whalen Timothywhalen002tim18831 g. San Francisco CaliforniasCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Whalen 18836/2+ Pittsburgh WoodsWIntSt Pittsburgh, PA
White Billwhite-003bil18835/2-5/12 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
White Billwhite-003bil18836/1 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
White Billwhite-003bil1883 C. S. BrownIndependent ,
White Billwhite-003bil1883 Port HuronIndependent Port Huron, MI
Whitney Artwhitne002art188382 g. East Saginaw GraysNorthwestern League East Saginaw, MI
Whitney Charleswhitne002cha1883 Union PacificIndependent Omaha, NE
Wier H.18835/19-7/4+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Wiley wiley-002---18835/7-5/12 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Wilkinson C.wilkin001c--1883 Meriden ElmsIndependent Meriden, CT
Wilkinson C.wilkin001c--1883 Meriden GymnasiumIndependent Meriden, CT
Williams Arthurwillia004art1883 Westhol Firemens-p Westhol,
Williams Clarencewillia010cla1883 MiddletonIndependent Middleton, PA
Williams Washwillia001was18835/7-7/19 Brooklyn GreysInterstate Association Brooklyn, NY
Williams Washwillia001was18837/31-8/7 Wilmington QuickstepsInterstate Association Wilmington, DE
Williams Washwillia001was18838/28-9/29 TrentonInterstate Association Trenton, NJ
Williams willia160---18835/5 Reading ActivesInterstate Association Reading, PA
Williams willia002---18831 g. MarysvilleCalifornia State League Marysville, CA
Williams willia016---18831 g. NapaCalifornia State League Napa, CA
Wilson wilson105---18835/19+ Pittsburgh Liberty StarsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Wilson wilson015---18835/26+ Pittsburgh FultonsWestern Interstate League Pittsburgh, PA
Winkleman Georgewinkle002geo1883 Washington BashfulsIndependent Washington, DC
Winkleman Georgewinkle002geo18838/4-8/9 LouisvilleAmerican Association Louisville, KY
Wise Billwise--001bil18835/3-5/25 HarrisburgInterstate Association Harrisburg, PA
Wiseman J.D.wisema001j--18831 g. San Francisco Niantic/WoonsocketCalifornia League San Francisco, CA
Wolstenholme Abewolste001abe18836/4-6/11 PhiladelphiaNational League Philadelphia, PA
Wood Petewood--001pet1883 Western Univ.College ,
Wood Williamwood--012wil18835/26-10/1 AltoonaWestern Interstate League Altoona, PA
Woodbury Lymanwoodbu001lym1883 Beverly StarsIndependent Beverly, MA
Wylie Johnwylie-003joh1883 ChesterIndependent Chester, PA
Yarnell Henryyarnel001hen18836/6-8/4 Pottsville AntharcitesInterstate Association Pottsville, PA
Yott Williamyott--001wil1883 AlbanyIndependent Albany, NY
Yott Williamyott--001wil18835/3-8/8+ Fort Wayne HoosiersNorthwestern League Fort Wayne, IN
Young J.young-005j--1883 Hamilton PrimroseIndependent Hamilton, ON
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi18834/26- Philadelphia ShiebIndependent Philadelphia, PA
Zeiher Henryzeiher001whi1883 Augusta FlowersIndependent Augusta, GA
Zimmer Charleszimmer001cha1883 IrontonIndependent Ironton, OH