Searching for records from 1909 Charl
There are 46 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Abbott Spencerabbott001spe190919 g. Charleston/KnoxSoAtl ,
Bender Johnbender002joh1909 Col of CharlestonCollege ,
Blanchfield Walter190913 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Boyd James1909 Charleston/KnoxSoAtl ,
Brazell Otisbrazze001oti190938 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Conway 190931 g. Charl/ParkersbPa-WV ,
Corbett John190915 g. Charl/KnoxvilleSoAtl ,
Cross Lavecross-001laf190950 g. CharlotteCar ,
Derrick Claudderric001cla1909 Charleston/KnoxSoAtl ,
Dobard Claude1909no g. CharlestonSoAtl ,
Dobard Leonard190986 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Ellinor Charles1909 CharlotteCarA ,
Finn James190915 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Garman James190929 g. CharlotteCar ,
Griffin Stevegriffi001ste1909 Charleston/KnoxSoAtl ,
Haidt Louishaidt-001lou190911 g. Charlest/KnoxvilleSoAtl ,
Hambacher Otto190964 g. CharlotteCar ,
Harrell Daniel190924 g. Charleroi/ParkersPa-WV ,
Hazelton Dwight190942 g. CharlotteCar ,
Hazelton Dwight190942 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Hopkins 1909 Charles/KnoxSoAtl ,
Kane Harrykane--001har1909 Charl/KnoxvSoAtl ,
Kiernan John1909 Charl/KnoxvilleSoAtl ,
Lewis Earllewis-001ear1909 Charl/KnoxvilleSoAtl ,
Marshall Ray1909125 g. CharlestonSoAtl ,
Mathers 1909+8/6+ Charleroi PAValley ,
Matthews Wilsonmatthe004wil1909 Charl/KnoxvSoAtl ,
May Williammay---002wil190949 g. Charl/KnoxvSoAtl ,
McHugh Leo1909 CharlotteCar ,
McLaughlin Robert190935 g. CharlotteCar ,
Nadeau Philnadeau001phi1909125 g. Charles/KnoxvSoAtlCent ,
Nally John190927 g. CharleroiPa-WV ,
Redfearn James190917 g. Charle/KnoxvSoAtl ,
Reisinger Philreisin001phi1909120 g. Charles-KnoxvSoAtl ,
Saillard Harrysailla001har1909 Charleston/KnoxSoAtl ,
Schultz Henry190912 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Schumaker William190935 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Sharp Thomas190912 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Simmons Lester1909 CharlotteCar ,
Sparkman William1909 Charleston Med.College ,
Stowers Paul1909 Charl/KnoxvilleSoAtl ,
Swink Fred1909 Col. of CharlestonCollege ,
Taxis Frank190912 g. CharlotteCarA ,
Touhey Josephtoohey001jos190924 g. CharleroiPa-WV ,
Wahl Harry1909 CharlotteCar ,
Womble Louis190929 g. CharlSoAtl ,