Searching for records from 1909 Charl
There are 46 matches found
Name | BBrefID | Year | Span | Games | Team | League |
Location |
Abbott Spencer | abbott001spe | 1909 | | 19 g.
| Charleston/Knox | SoAtl |
, |
Bender John | bender002joh | 1909 | |
| Col of Charleston | College |
, |
Blanchfield Walter | | 1909 | | 13 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Boyd James | | 1909 | |
| Charleston/Knox | SoAtl |
, |
Brazell Otis | brazze001oti | 1909 | | 38 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Conway | | 1909 | | 31 g.
| Charl/Parkersb | Pa-WV |
, |
Corbett John | | 1909 | | 15 g.
| Charl/Knoxville | SoAtl |
, |
Cross Lave | cross-001laf | 1909 | | 50 g.
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Derrick Claud | derric001cla | 1909 | |
| Charleston/Knox | SoAtl |
, |
Dobard Claude | | 1909 | | no g.
| Charleston | SoAtl |
, |
Dobard Leonard | | 1909 | | 86 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Ellinor Charles | | 1909 | |
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Finn James | | 1909 | | 15 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Garman James | | 1909 | | 29 g.
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Griffin Steve | griffi001ste | 1909 | |
| Charleston/Knox | SoAtl |
, |
Haidt Louis | haidt-001lou | 1909 | | 11 g.
| Charlest/Knoxville | SoAtl |
, |
Hambacher Otto | | 1909 | | 64 g.
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Harrell Daniel | | 1909 | | 24 g.
| Charleroi/Parkers | Pa-WV |
, |
Hazelton Dwight | | 1909 | | 42 g.
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Hazelton Dwight | | 1909 | | 42 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Hopkins | | 1909 | |
| Charles/Knox | SoAtl |
, |
Kane Harry | kane--001har | 1909 | |
| Charl/Knoxv | SoAtl |
, |
Kiernan John | | 1909 | |
| Charl/Knoxville | SoAtl |
, |
Lewis Earl | lewis-001ear | 1909 | |
| Charl/Knoxville | SoAtl |
, |
Marshall Ray | | 1909 | | 125 g.
| Charleston | SoAtl |
, |
Mathers | | 1909 | +8/6+ |
| Charleroi PA | Valley |
, |
Matthews Wilson | matthe004wil | 1909 | |
| Charl/Knoxv | SoAtl |
, |
May William | may---002wil | 1909 | | 49 g.
| Charl/Knoxv | SoAtl |
, |
McHugh Leo | | 1909 | |
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
McLaughlin Robert | | 1909 | | 35 g.
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Nadeau Phil | nadeau001phi | 1909 | | 125 g.
| Charles/Knoxv | SoAtlCent |
, |
Nally John | | 1909 | | 27 g.
| Charleroi | Pa-WV |
, |
Redfearn James | | 1909 | | 17 g.
| Charle/Knoxv | SoAtl |
, |
Reisinger Phil | reisin001phi | 1909 | | 120 g.
| Charles-Knoxv | SoAtl |
, |
Saillard Harry | sailla001har | 1909 | |
| Charleston/Knox | SoAtl |
, |
Schultz Henry | | 1909 | | 12 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Schumaker William | | 1909 | | 35 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Sharp Thomas | | 1909 | | 12 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Simmons Lester | | 1909 | |
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Sparkman William | | 1909 | |
| Charleston Med. | College |
, |
Stowers Paul | | 1909 | |
| Charl/Knoxville | SoAtl |
, |
Swink Fred | | 1909 | |
| Col. of Charleston | College |
, |
Taxis Frank | | 1909 | | 12 g.
| Charlotte | CarA |
, |
Touhey Joseph | toohey001jos | 1909 | | 24 g.
| Charleroi | Pa-WV |
, |
Wahl Harry | | 1909 | |
| Charlotte | Car |
, |
Womble Louis | | 1909 | | 29 g.
| Charl | SoAtl |
, |