Searching for records from 1898 Celoron Acme Colored Giants
There are 28 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Baxter Albaxter001al-1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Blue Frank1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Blue Frank1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Booker Billybooker001bil1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Carter carter002---1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Collins Fredcollin004fre1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Curtis Harry1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Curtis Harry18985/12-7/5 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Day Eddieday---001edd1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Edsall Georgeedsall001geo1898+6/14-7/1+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Edsall Georgeedsall001geo1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Jones Oda1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Jones Oda1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Jupiter jupite001---1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Jupiter jupite001---1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Kelly Williamkelly-019wil1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Mickey Johnmickey001joh1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Mickey Johnmickey001joh1898+5/4-6/6+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Payne Williampayne-005wil18985/13-6/23+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Sheffield 1898+6/13-6/24+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Southall Johnsoutha001joh18985/13-6/30+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Stafford 1898+6/13- Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Toboldt C. W.18987/- Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
White Thomas1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Williams Walterwillia011wal18985/13-6/22+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Wilson Edwardwilson007edw18985/13-7/2+ Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Wright Clarencewright003cla1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY
Wyatt David1898 Celoron Acme Colored GiantsIron and Oil League Jamestown, NY