Searching for records from 1898 Bradford Pirates
There are 17 matches found

NameBBrefIDYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location
Buckley buckle010---1898+5/16-7/11+ Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Cates cates-004---1898+6/9- Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Cleary cleary004---18985/13- Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Frazee frazee005---1898+5/14- Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Goodwin Artgoodwi001art18985/13-7/12+ Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Hoffman Edwardhoffma006edw1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Hunt Harryhunt--001har1898+5/14-6/14+ Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Kennedy kenned047---1898+6/21+ Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Kuhn Jimmykuhn--001jam1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Kuhns Charliekuhns-001cha1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Langevin langev001---1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Luskey Charlieluskey001cha18985/13-7/13+ Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Murphy T.P.murphy002t--1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Redding reddin005---1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Robinson Fredrobins003fre1898+6/22-6/30+ Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Stuart Billstuart001bil1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA
Weaver Buckweaver003buc1898 Bradford PiratesIron and Oil League Bradford, PA