Searching for player P2776
There are 1 matches found

Player ID P2776
Andy Boswell
BBRefID: boswean01
BBRefID minors: boswel001and
Records: All records for P2776

NameYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location Record #
Boswell Andy18934/1- U. of PennCollege , R11000
Boswell Andy1893 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ R11001
Boswell Andy18944/21-6/4 U. of PennCollege , R11002
Boswell Andy18947/7-8/31 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ R11003
Boswell Andy1895 U. of NY Law , R11004
Boswell Andy18955/10-5 g. New YorkNational League New York, NY R11005
Boswell Andy1895+7/20-8/30 Cape MayIndependent Cape May, NJ R11006
Boswell Andy1895-9/307 g. WashingtonNational League Washington, DC R11007
Boswell Andy18965/4-9/23 Columbus Buckeyes/SenatorsWestern League Columbus, OH R11008