Searching for player P21403
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Player ID P21403
Sam McBirney
BBRefID minors: mcbirn000sam
Records: All records for P21403

NameYearSpanGamesTeamLeague Location Record #
McBirney Sam19027/11-8/2+ La Grande BeetpullersInland Empire League La Grande, OR R83946
McBirney Sam19029/20 Tacoma TigersPacific Northwest League Tacoma, WA R83947
McBirney Sam19045/13 Sioux CityWest , R83948
McBirney Sam1904 Stanton SCIndependent , R83949
McBirney Sam1908 TulsaOk-Ks , R83950
McBirney Sam1908 Univ. of TulsaCollege , R83951
McBirney Sam1913 Tulsa High SchoolHighSch , R83952
McBirney Sam1914 Univ. of TulsaCollege , R83953
McBirney Sam1915 Univ. of TulsaCollege , R83954
McBirney Sam1916 Univ. of TulsaCollege , R83955